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Module 7 Unit 1Happy birthday!
单词: happy, birthday, here, cake.
句型: Happy birthday!Here's your present.
1.能听会说: happy, birthday, here, cake.
2.会用: Happy birthday! Thank you.
3.会用: Here's your present!
培育学生认真聆听 ,认真察看 ,擅长模拟和合作学习的精神。
() Warm--up
1. Greeting
T:Good morning, boys and girls!
S:Good morning, Ms Zhou!
T: How are you?
S:I'm fine, thank you. And how are you?
T:I'm fine, too. Thank you.
2. Sing the song“Ten little fingers.”
3. Game: Take out a box with some pencils, pens and pictures in it. Ask
threestudents to touch the objects. Then the teacher asks“What's this? shouldanswer “ It's a/an”
( ) Present task
1. Show some pictures which are covered some parts on CAI. Let the
studentswatch and guess“What's in each picture?”Then practice:
T:What's this?
S1: It's a pen.
T:What's this?
S2: It's a black cat.
2.Showapictureofabirthdaycakeandask“What'sthis?”Thestudentscananswer inese “
”,Thentheteacherrepeats“It'sacake.It'sabirthdaycake.”Write“birthdayandcak heblackboard,teachthetwowordsseveraltimes.
( ) Learn mew knowledge.
1.Tellthe students“Thisbirthdaycakeis for Huang Huilanand Huang Yalan.Today is their birthday.Then”ask“What should we say when somebody has abirthday?
Help the students say“Happy birthday!”Write the sentence on theblackboard a teach “ happy ”“ Happy birthday!”
2. Tell the students when somebody says“Happy birthday to us, we should saythank you!”Write the sentence on the blackboard.
3.Letthestudentssay“ Happybirthday!”tothetwins.Thenthetwinsshouldanswer
“ Thank you! ”
4. Ask “ What should we give when somebody has a birthday?”The studen mayanswerinChinese “”
“ Yes,present”Write“present”ontheblackboardandteachit.Thensay“Wesho /herapresent,andsay“ Here ’ syourpresents.”Writethissentenceontheblackboard.S gain,studentsrepeatseveraltimes.
5. Game“Lost and found”
Collectsomeobjectsfromthestudents,putthemontheteacher'sdesk.Asktwoorthre estudentstobeakeeper,andreturntheobjectstotheowners“ Here'syourpen/pencil/book ” The owners should answer“Thank you!”
6.SB. Activity One. Play the tape, ask the students to look and listen, thenanswerquestions “ Whoishavingabirthday?HowoldisSam?What'sSam'spresent?
7.Play the tape again. The students repeat.
1.Ask the students to practice the text in pairs. Then ask some pairs to actit out.
2.Have a birthday party for the twins.
Finish the task.
1. AB Exercises 1, 2, 3, 4.
2.Learn the song“ Happy birthday to you!”
3.Game: Share the cake.
六、 Homework
1.Make a birthday card. Write some prays in English.
2.Review the new words and the drills.
Module 7
Unit 1 Happy birthday!
A:Happy birthday!
B:Thank you.
A:Here ’ s your presents.
B:Thank you.。