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General Notes on Structural Design & Construction
1.1Indoor structural floor level ±0.000 of this project equals to Y ellow Sea elevation 3.700m.
Level difference between indoor floor and outdoor ground is 300mm.
1.2Structural type: framed structure.
1.3Unless otherwise indicated, all dimensions are in millimeter (mm) and levels in meter
1.4Natural conditions:
1.4.1Basic wind load: 0.45KN/m2
Basic snow load: 0.40KN/m2
1.4.2Underground water has no corrosion to concrete. Liquefied soil do not exist in
foundation bed. Ground roughness is of Category B.
1.4.3Basic earthquake intensity: Grade 6.
Building anti-seismic design: based on Category C, Grade 6.
Basis acceleration: 0.05g
Anti-seismic design: based on 1st group
Site category: Category III.
Design characteristic interval: 0.45 sec.
1.5The structural design is based on service life of 50 year, structural safety grade 3,
structure importance factor γ0= 1.0 and foundation design Grade C.
1.6Masonry construction quality control grade is Grade B.
1.7Fire resistance rating of the building is Grade
1.8Frozen soil depth: not considered.
2.Design Basis
2.1Environment category: Category I, II(a) and II (b).
2.2Codes, regulations and standards
- “Building Structure Loading Codes” GB50009-2001
- “Concrete Structure Design Codes” GB50010-2002
- “Building Anti-seismic Design Codes” GB50011-2001
- “Building Foundation Design Codes” GB50007-2002
- “Masonry Structure Design Codes” GB50003-2001
- “Technical Regulation for Pile Foundation” JGJ94-94
- “Construction Structure Construction Quality Acceptance Codes” GB50204-2002
- “Foundation Construction Quality Acceptance Codes” GB50202-2002
- “Building Structure Reliability Design Standards” GB50068-2001
- “Technical Regulation for Rebar Mesh Concrete” JGJ/T114-97
- “Integral Plane Drafting Rules and Details for Structure Construction Drawings”
- “Anti-seismic Construction Detail”03G329-1
2.3“Soil Survey Report”A-2004-014 dated Feb., 2004 prepared by South-west Survey
Design institute.
2.4Input and requirement from other disciplines and minutes of design liaison meetings and
communications with the Client.
2.5Software: PKPM new codes version. EDRI’ user codes is S621.
3.Design Loads
3.1Live load 1st floor architectural floor, : 10.0KN/m2
3.2Live load 2nd floor : 2.0 KN/m2 (Office area)
Roof : 0.5 KN/m2; 2.0 KN/m2
3.3Live load staircase : 3.5KN/m2
Toilet : 8.0KN/m2
4.1.1Strength design value of grade HPB235 Bar (indicated as φ): f y = f y'= 210N/mm2
4.1.2Strength design value of grade HRB335 Bar (indicated as φ): f y = f y'= 300N/mm2
4.1.3Strength design value of grade HRB400 Bar (indicated as φ): f y = f y'= 360N/mm2
4.1.4Welded mesh: GradeLL550 cold rolled ribbed bar (indicated as R), to be fabricated
according to “Technical Regulations for Welded Bar Mesh Concrete”.
4.1.5Welding rod: E43xx type welding rod will be used for welding between no. Q235
bard and between HPB235 bars, and between HPB235 bar and HRB335 bar and
HRB400 bar; E50xx type welding rod will be used for lap electric arc welding
between HRB335 bars.
4.1.6Hooks for each pre-fabricated members and hanging hooks shall be fabricated with
HPB235 bar without cold-treatment.
4.1.7Physical features and chemical composition of steel bars, steel plates, shaped steel
and welding rod must meet national standards.
4.2Concrete (unless otherwise indicated)
4.2.1Concrete C10: for bedding course
4.2.2Concrete C35: for tie-column, lintel, coping beam.
4.2.3Concrete C25: for isolated foundation;
Concrete C30: for strip foundation
4.2.4Concrete C30: for column, beam, slab.
4.3Masonry (unless otherwise indicated)
4.3.1Unless otherwise indicated on drawing, sintered solid brick will be used below
±0.000 and sintered porous brick used above ±0.000. Strength grade ≥MU10.
4.3.2Mortar for wall masonry (unless otherwise indicated):
Cement mortar with strength of M7.5 will be used below damp proof course of
Mixed mortar with strength of M5 will be used above damp proof course of
4.3.3Damp proof course for wall: use 20mm thick 1:2 cement mortar (mixed with
inorganic aluminum salt waterproof agent weighing 3% of the cement) at level of
–0.060m. When the top level of RC foundation beam or ring beam is above
–0.100m, the damp proof course could be cancelled. When it is below –0.100m, the
damp proof course is required.
4.3.4Refer to relevant drawings for specification of anti-corrosion materials.
5.1Foundation type adopted in this project:
独立基础:Isolated foundation
桩承台:Pile cap
桩筏:Pile raft
筏基:Raft foundation
砼条基:Strip foundation
5.2Isolated foundation: support stratum for the foundation is stratum 2 clay soil, which have
a bearing capacity of 200Kpa. The foundation bottom shall be extended to support
stratum by no less than 200mm. If the support stratum is not found at designed
excavation level, the excavation shall be continued at 1:2 slope till 200mm below support
stratum and foundation shall be deepened accordingly. If the pit for isolated foundation is
deepened by ≤500mm, backfill the pit with C15 rubble concrete to designed level. If it is
deepened by >500mm, the designer shall be consulted for appropriate solution.
5.3During foundation construction measures shall be taken to drain pit water and lower
underground water level and prevent rainwater or ground water from entering the pit.
Unless otherwise indicated, upon foundation completion, soil shall be back filled and
rammed layer by layer.
5.4For cast-in-situ foundation without side forms, effective measures shall be taken to avoid
concrete running-away.
5.5Slag course with width of 100~150mm and width of 1.5 times beam width shall be filled
at bottom of foundation beam.
5.6Footing for non-bearing brick wall not indicated on structural plan shall be in accordance
with architectural drawings and as the following details show. When the footing bottom
level is at the backfilling layer, the pit backfilling shall be rammed carefully with
compaction factor of no less than 0.94.
防潮层Damp proof course
120非承重墙基础120 non-bearing wall footing0
6.1Wall masonry shall follow “Building Anti-seismic Details” 03G329.
6.2Opening on wall (including brick footing): RC lintel to be provided on opening top when
opening width is ≥600mm. And Flat course brick lintel as indicated to be provided on
opening top when opening width is <600mm and no concentrated load present on top.
水泥砂浆Cement mortar
7.Reinforced Concrete Member
7.1Thickness of concrete covering for stressed rebar (unless otherwise indicated):
7.1.1Normal indoor environment:
Slab, wall : 15mm
Beam : 25mm
Column : 30mm.
7.1.2Foundation (including equipment pad): 40mm (with bedding), or 70mm (without
7.1.3In conformity with the minimum thickness as specified in page 33, 03G101-1
unless otherwise indicated.
7.2Size of hoop bar and S-shaped bar is based on inner diameter and that of bent bar based
on outer diameter.
7.3135︒ hook shall be provided for the hoop bars of frame column and beam for anti-seismic
purpose. Straight section of the hook end shall have a length of 10d (d is hoop bar
diameter) or 75mm, whichever is the bigger, as indicated below:
梁、柱封闭箍筋Closed hoop bar of beam/column
较大值Bigger value
拉筋Tie bar
Tie bar abutting upon vertical bar and hooking hoop bar
7.4Unless otherwise indicated, first hoop bar in beam shall be located 50mm away from the
bearer edge and bending end point of bent bar shall be 50mm from the bearer edge as
弯起终点Bending end point
第一箍筋First hoop bar
图中α角度当梁高300~800mmo 45︒, 当梁高>800mm 为60︒
α = 45︒ when beam height is 300~800mm and α = 60︒ when beam height is > 800mm 8.Miscellaneous
8.1Unless otherwise indicated on drawing, all exposed iron members shall be applied with
red lead primer and two coats of gray mixed paint. Non-exposed parts (except that buried
in concrete) shall be applied with two coats of red lead paint.
8.2Unless otherwise indicated on drawing, all wooden members which contact with brick
wall or concrete shall be coated with asphalt for anti-corrosion purpose.
8.3Practical anti-tip measures shall be taken during construction for relevant members such
as canopy, cantilever beam, cantilever eaves, etc.. Bottom of cantilever members can not be removed until concrete strength of hanging members reaches 80%. All bottom forms can not be removed if above members such as canopy, cantilever beam, etc. are used as supporting of upper forms. And efficient measures shall be taken for foundation of support form of ground floor in order to prevent against foundation sinking.
8.4Construction during winter or special climate or other conditions shall be executed
according to relevant standards, regulations and codes.
8.5Penetration in the floor slab shall be made in accurate position and without cutting rebar
of the slab rib.
8.6The current national construction and acceptance codes as listed below shall be strictly
followed. Acceptance and quality appraisal standards shall be also be strictly followed and examination and acceptance recodes of hidden works shall be well kept.
- “Building Construction Quality Acceptance Standards”GB500300-2001
- “Construction and Acceptance Codes for Ground Base and Foundation”
- “Construction Quality Acceptance Codes for Brickwork“GB50203-2002
- “Construction Quality Acceptance Codes for Concrete Structure” GB50204-2002
- “Construction Quality Acceptance Codes for Steel Structure” GB50205-2002
- “Construction Quality Acceptance Codes for Wooden Structure” GB50206-2002
- “Construction Quality Acceptance Codes for Roof Works” GB50207-2002
- “Construction Quality Acceptance Codes for Underground Waterproof Works”
8.7Structure construction shall be in close coordination with architectural (A), HVAC (H),
water supply & drainage (W), gas utility (G), electrical (E) drawings for penetrations in floor slab or shear walls and special attention shall be paid to accurate position of embedded parts in members and preformed penetrations. Avoid to make penetration in beam or column.,
8.8Lightning Protection (see electrical drawings for details)
8.8.1Two whole length bars in diagonal in every column will be used as electrical bars,
which will be welded to reinforcement in foundation slab with 100mm long
welding seam. For floor equipotential connection, steel plate embedded in the
column (see electrical drawings for location) shall be welded to the electrical bars
in the column. Embedded bolts in steel column, steel roof beam shall be welded to
the bars in column or beam.
8.8.2All foundation beams and upper frame beams shall have two upper corner bars as
electrical bars and welded to electrical bars in column with 100mm long welding
seam. Mesh reinforcement in cast-in-situ roof slab shall be welded to electrical bars
in peripheral columns. Refer to electrical drawings for welding details.
8.8.3Each pile shall have two bars as electrical bars welded to mesh reinforcement in
foundation slab with 00mm long welding seam.
8.8.4See architectural and electrical drawings for lightning protection details of roof
8.9If any conflicts between this General Notes and Notes on individual drawings, the notes
on the drawings shall prevail.
9.Anti-seismic Details and Construction Requirement
9.1V ertical bars of in the top of side frame column and corner column shall be in accordance
with details (anti-seismic)on page 37 and details (non-anti-seismic) on page 43,
9.2See following details for vertical construct bar and tie bar in beam side:
1. Provide vertical construct bar along the length at both sides of beam (a ≤200) when
2. When hw≥450, vertical construct bar is 14mm in diameter, with same strength grade as
main bar in the beam, unless otherwise indicated on drawings.
3. Spacing of tie bars is two time of spacing of hoop bars in non-densified area. In case of
more than one rows of tie bars, the upper row and lower row shall be staggered.
4. Construct bar is 16mm in diameter when beam width is 550≤b≤750.
5. Notes on individual drawings shall prevail.
构造配筋Construct bar
9.3梁附加吊(箍)筋构造Additional hanger bar (hoop bar) of beam
1. Within “S” scope imposed by concentrated load, regular hoop bars or hoop bars for
densified area shall be provided as normal.
2. Refer to detail (1) when”⎤⎣⎦⎡ is indicated and refer to detail (2) when “ ” is
3. Notes on individual drawings shall prevail.
主梁Main beam
次梁Sub beam
边支座Side bearer
中间支座Middle bearer
直径同主梁箍筋Diameter same as hoop bar of main beam
附加箍筋构造(一) Additional Hoop Bar Detail (I)
一级次梁Grade 1 sub beam
二级次梁Grade 2 sub beam
直径同主梁箍筋Diameter same as hoop bar of main beam
附加箍筋构造(二) Additional Hoop Bar Detail (II)
附加吊筋Additional hanging bar
附加箍筋每侧4组Additional hoop bars 4 pairs each side
直径同主梁箍筋Diameter same as hoop bar of main beam
主梁Main beam
梁上柱下梁加筋节点大样Detail of Additional Bars in Beam at connection with Column
9.4Detail drawings of beam/column reinforcement for this project are based on national
standards 03G101-1 “Integral Plane Drafting Rules and Details for Structure
Construction Drawings”. Unless otherwise indicated in General Notes or notes on
individual drawings, reinforcement details for beam, column, etc.. shall follow 03G101-1
according to anti-seismic intensity and grade of this project.
9.5Strengthen belt: Use JM-III modified cement to substitute 12% normal cement by weight
in the concrete. Construction and curing of the strength belt must be in strict accordance
with JM-III modified cement manufacturer’s instruction.
10.Wall Details
10.1墙与钢筋混凝土柱连接Connection between Wall and RC Column
砖块高Brick height
框架柱Frame column
且不小于墙长的1/5 And no less than 1/5 of wall length
混凝土墙Concrete wall
When frame filler wall is longer than 4m, tie column shall be provided in the middle of
the wall as the following details indicates:
梁中预留钢筋或埋钢板Embedded rebar or steel plate in beam
搭接或与钢板焊接Lapped or welded to steel plate
梁中预留Embedded in beam
构造柱示意图Tie column sketch
当构造柱为角柱In case of corner column
上、下部伸入梁、板内各30d Top and bottom extended into beam, slab by 30d
墙厚Wall thickness
且不小于墙长的1/5 And no less than 1/5 of wall length
砖块高Brick height
隔墙和构造柱做法Connection between partition wall and tie column
10.3Tie column as above indicated shall be provided for roof parapet, both sides of door &
window with width ≥3000mm, wall under continuous window or wall under metal stud wall. Spacing of the tie columns shall be ≤3000mm.
Connection between frame filler wall top and frame beam (or slab) is as follows:
墙长度>5米Wall Width >5m
墙长度≤5米Wall Width ≤5m
砖墙顶部与梁连接做法(一) Connection Detail between Brick Wall Top and Beam(1)梁或板Beam or slab
75% sloped brickwork with full mortar, to be masoned upon settlement (for at least 7 days) of flat brickwork.
10.5For framed filler wall with length between 5m and 7m or no less than 4m, horizontal wall
beam with whole length rebar connected to column shall be provided at door lintel. The wall beam shall be constructed with C20 concrete and with following section sizes and reinforcement:
用于拐角首跨For first span at turning
通长Whole length
2φ14 additional rebar for lintel when opening width ≤1800 过梁加筋当门窗洞口宽度>1800时为2φ20
2φ20 additional rebar for lintel when opening width >1800 墙厚Wall thickness
水平墙梁Horizontal wall beam
11.其他构造Other Details
主梁Main beam
一级次梁Primary sub-beam
锚固长度Anchorage length
二级次梁Secondary sub-beam
梁相同高度时构造大样Detail of Beams with Same Height
楼板Floor slab
砼梁Concrete beam
板面高低差处板面钢筋锚固 Slab Rebar Anchorage at Level Deviation Location
附加钢筋每侧2Φ14(2Φ16) Additional rebar 2Φ14(2Φ16) each side
位于下部At bottom
板洞口加筋大样(洞口靠梁一侧不加筋) Additional Rebar at Slab Opening (without
additional rebar at the side adjacent to beam)
金属止水带Metal water stop
钢板厚Steel plate thickness
砼底板Concrete bottom slab
砼墙与底板止水带做法Water Stop Belt for Concrete Wall and Bottom Slab
砼垫层Concrete bedding
防潮层V apor barrier
120厚砖120 brick
夯实土层Rammed soil
地面梁板模板大样图Grade Beam/slab Formwork Detail
注:防潮层见建筑做法See architectural drawings for vapor barrier details
框架梁或次梁主筋Frame beam or main rebar of sub-beam
箍筋Hoop bar
附加钢筋Additional rebar
后浇施工带Post-cast belt
Post-cast belt shall be poured with concrete two grades higher in strength than concrete used for superstructure and micro-expansion cement shall be used. The belt shall be poured 40 days
General Notes on Structural Design & Construction
after superstructure completion and under temperature similar to superstructure construction.
12.Steel Rebar Anchorage Length Schedule
钢筋直径Rebar diameter
砼标号Concrete grade
HPB 235级钢筋HPB 235 rebar
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