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• Some Ideas of Sigmund Freud
人格结构理论: Id, Ego, Superego (自我、本我、超我) 精神层次理论 : Conscious, Preconscious , Unconscious (意识、前意识、潜意识) 心理治疗法: Free Association, Dream Interpretation, Transference (自由联想、释梦、移情)
Instinct pleasure principle 本能做的
Id 本我
人格 Ego 自我 Super-ego
Morality principle 不能做的
Reality principle 现实做的

what you’re aware of
ordinary memory
Freud is best known for his theories of the unconscious mind and the defense mechanism of repression.
Freud is also renowned for his redefinition of sexual desire as the primary motivational energy of human life.
The Interpretation of Dreams
《梦的解析》 《性学三论》
Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality
On Narcissism 《论自恋》 Beyond the Pleasure Principle
The Ego and the Id
Repressed desires This is where most of the work of the Id, Ego, and Superego take place.
Psychotherapy 心理治疗法
自由联想 Free Association 释梦 Dream Interpretation 显梦Manifest Dream-content 隐梦Latent Dream-thought
Sigmund Freud
By 103966 Fiona
Sigmund Freud ( 6 May 1856 23 September 1939 )was a Jewish Austrian neurologist who founded the psychoanalytic school of psychiatry.(精神分析 学) He smoked cigars almost everyday and died of oral cavity cancer in 1939 Signature
移情 Transference 正移情 Positive 负移情 Negative
• Some Other Ideas
• Oedipus complex 恋母情结 (认为人类男性天生具有弑父娶母的欲望) • Electra complex 恋父情结 (女性天生具有弑母嫁父的欲望)
• Major works by Freud