Unit 1 Everyday Life Lesson 3 Kenji’s class

新模式英语2练习册参考答案Pre-Unit: Wele to Our Class(p. P2) Challenge 1: 一般现在时: Be (p. P2)C.Answers will vary.E.Answers will vary.F.1. am; I’m2. are; They’re3. are; We’re4. is; He’s5. are; They’re6. is; She’s7. are; You’re8. is; It’sG1. d.2. c.3. e.4. b.5. a.H.1.She’s tired. She needs some rest.2.They’re nervous. They have a testtoday.3.We’re happy. We have a new baby!4.He’s hungry. He wants ahamburger.5.I’m sad. I have no friends.I. Answers will vary.Challenge 2: 所有格形容词(p. P4)B.Name: Smith, JonathonPhone: (714) 555-8989Birth Date: March 3, 1978Street Address: 2356 Orchard Lane City: Pine CityState: CAZip Code: 90638Exercise D.1.My2.Their3.Your4.Our5.His6.His7.ItsE.1. His address is 2274 W. Bayside Dr.2. Their school is Lincoln Adult School.3. Her birth date is June 5, 1975.4. Their state is California. (Note: CA = California)5. His last name is Nakamura.6. ourF.Answers will vary.Challenge 3: Can的问句 (p. P6)C.Answers will vary.E.1.Can you spell that?2.Can you say that again?3.Can you repeat that?4.Can you speak louder?5.Can you help me?6.Can you speak slower?7.Can you teach me English?8.Can you open the door?9.Can you write it?F.1. c.2. e.3. b.4. d.5. a.G.Answers will vary.Sample answers:Student A: Can you help me with a problem? Student B: Sure.Student A: Can you help me spell certain words?Student B: OK.Unit 1 Everyday Life (p. 2)Challenge 1: 一般现在时: Live and Be (p. 2)B.Kenji: single, 22 years old, Los Angeles Anya: married, 68 years old, Los Angeles Gilberto: single, 30 years old, Los Angeles Marie: divorced, 32 years old, Los AngelesD.1.lives2.are3.are4.are5.am6.lives7.live8.live9.is10.l ives11.i s12.a m.F.Answers will vary.Sample answers:Anya: Anya is 68 years old. She lives in Los Angeles. She is a student. She is married. Gilberto: Gilberto is a student. He is 30 years old. He is single. He lives in Los Angeles.G.Answers will vary.Challenge 2: 一般现在时: Have (p. 4)B.1.Three2.One3.Four4.Vietnam5.The United States6.NguyenD.1.I have two sisters.2.I don’t have a wife.3.You don’t have an aunt in Korea.4.Ken doesn’t have a brother.5.My mother has four sisters.6.You don’t have a niece in Poland.7.Maria doesn’t have a husband.8.We don’t have children.9.Jessica and Kate have a brother.F.Sample answers:1.Martha has three brothers.2.Ned has three sisters.3.Both Martha and Ned have brothers.4.Martha and Ned both have fivecousins.5.Martha has three uncles.6.Ned has two brothers.G.Answers will vary.Challenge 3: 形容词的比较级与最高级(p. 6)B.1.Howard is tall.2.He has blonde hair and green eyes.3.Sam is average height.4.He has brown hair and brown eyes.5.Kyle is short.6.He has blue eyes and red hair. D.1.taller2.shorter3.heavier4.thinner5.younger6.older7.thinner, taller8.taller, thinnerE.1.John2.Herbert3.Herbert4.Lien5.Jack6.Frank7.MariaF.Answers will vary.G.Answers will vary.Challenge 4: 一般现在时与频率副词(p. 8)B.1. c.2. a.3. a.D.1.Anya wakes up at 6:00 A.M.2.You get up at 7:00 A.M.3.Ivan goes to work at 8:00 A.M.4.They help with the grandchildren.5.We play soccer.6.Ivan works in Los Angeles.7.I go to school.8.Anya takes the children to the beach.E.1.often wakes up2.always works3.sometimes take4.often play5.sometimes works6.rarely get up7.sometimes wakes up8.rarely takeF.1.Kim works every day at 12:30P.M.2.Kim goes to school on Mondays andWednesdays.3.Kim studies at 9:00 A.M. onThursdays.4.Kim watches the kids in themornings on Tuesdays andThursdays.5.Kim takes a break at 9:00 A.M. onMonday and Wednesday.6.Kim goes to school at 7:00 A.M.G.Answers will vary.Challenge 5: 一般疑问句:Is it? (p. 10)D.1.Is it rainy today?2.Is it snowy in the mountains?3.Is it hot in California today?4.Is it foggy by the ocean everymorning?5.Is it windy at night?6.Is it cloudy and rainy today? F.1.No, it isn’t.2.Yes, it is.3.Yes, it is.4.Yes, it is.5.No, it isn’t.6.Yes, it is.G.Answers will vary.Sample answers:True: It is cloudy today.True: It is windy today.False: It is rainy today.False: It is 90 degrees today.H.Answers will vary.Extension Challenge 1: Be的否定句(p. 12) B.Mario: single; Mexico; short; brown; black Sylvia: single; Peru; average height; brown; blackD.1.am not2.’m not3.’s not4.isn’t5.are not6.aren’t7.’re not8.are not9.is not10.’s notE.1.Mario isn’t from Peru.2.Her name isn’t Maria.3.They aren’t teachers.4.His last name isn’t Ortiz.5.Sylvia isn’t sad in the U.S.6.Mario isn’t tall.7.Sylvia and Mario aren’t married.8.Sylvia isn’t old.F.Answers will vary.Sample answers:1.I’m not a teacher.2. a woman, not a man.3.handsome, he is not ugly.4.nice, They are not mean. Extension Challenge 2: Be的一般疑问句(p.14)B.1.Yes2.No3.Yes4.No5.No6.YesD.1.Is Kenji from Japan?2.Are Anya and Ivan from Russia?3.Are you from Korea?4.Am I late for class?5.Is Marie from Haiti?6.Are Gilberto and Mario tall?7.Is Mario from Mexico?8.Is Kenji at school?F.1.No, he’s not.2.Yes, they are.3.No, she’s not.4.Yes, they are.5.No, they aren’t.6.No, she’s not.7.Yes, she is.G.Answers will vary.Unit 2 Let’s go Shopping! (p. 16) Challenge 1: 一般现在时的否定式与肯定式(p.16)B.Summer Clothes: sandalsshortsswimsuitT-shirtjacketWinter Clothes: a scarfbootsa coatsweaterBoth Winter and Summer: dressa capsunglassesD.1.doesn’t shop2.doesn’t wear3.don’t need4.don’t buy5.don’t like6.doesn’t need7.don’t shop8.never eat9.don’t want10.d on’t workE.1.wear, don’t wear2.likes, doesn’t like3.need, don’t need4.wants, doesn’t want5.wear, don’t wearFAnswers will vary.GAnswers will vary.Challenge 2: 形容词的比较级与最高级(p. 18)B.1.$33.592.$111.883.$52.484.$29.97C.1.socks2.shirt3.shorts4.dress5.jacketE.1.cheaper than2.more expensive than3.more expensive than4.more expensive than5.cheapest6.most expensive7.cheaper8.cheaperF.1.socks2.sandals3.pajamas4.shorts5.shirt6.pants7.shoes8.dress9.sweater10.j acketG.1.the jacket2.The jacket and the sweater3.The socks and the sandals4.The jacket5.The socks, sandals6.The shoes, the sweaterH.Answers will vary.Challenge 3:现在进行时 (p. 20)D.1.ing2.ing3.is4.ing5.are6.are7.are8.is9.ing10.a reE.1.Anya is looking for new summerclothes.2.I am buying sandals.3.You are wearing your new blouse.4.Three men are sitting on a bench.5.We are not eating at the mall today.6.Duong is going to the shoe store.7.The children are talking to theirfriends.8.Irina is not buying the blue skirt.9.You are reading a book at thebookstore.10.W e are taking the bus home. Challenge 4: Because的用法 (p. 22)B.1.Armstrong Clothing2.Armstrong Clothing3.Fashion Express4.Fashion Express5.Armstrong ClothingC.Answers will vary.E.1. c.2. a.3. b.4. f.5. e.6. d. F.1.I like Armstrong’s because theblouses are cheaper then at fashionexpress.2.I want the dress because it is longand beautiful.3.I like the shoes because they arecheap.4.I want the hat because it is perfectwith my dress.5.I like the shirt because it has longsleeves.6.I want the plans because they are mysize.H.1.Kim likes Sally’s Clothing Storebecause it has good prices.2.She also likes the store because ithas good sales people.3.Kim likes it because it also has agreat selection.4.She likes the shoes because they arecheaper than at the other stores. Challenge 5: 指示形容词: This, That, These和Those (p. 24)E.1.Plural, Far2.Plural, Far3.Singular, Far4.Plural, Near5.Singular, Far6.Plural, Near7.Singular, Near8.Plural, FarF.1.this2.these3.Those4.this5.Those6.Those7.this8.Those9.Those10.t heseG.Answers will vary.Extension Challenge 1: 一般现在时: 一般疑问句 (p. 26)B.Sample answers:1.Lien wears boots in the winter.2.Steve wears a T-shirt in the summer.3.Lien wears a scarf in the winter.4.Steve wears sandals in the summer. .D.1.Do they cost $45.00?2.Does the price include tax?3.Do you shop at the mall?4.Does Kenji shop at the mall, too?5.Do we want to buy new clothes?6.Do I need more money?7.Does Mr. Lee have a new raincoat?8.Does Sylvia wear sandals every day? E.1.Yes, I do.2.No, it doesn’t.3.Yes, it does.4.No, they don’t.5.No, we don’t.6.Yes, it does.7.Yes, you do.8.No, she doesn’t.9.No, I don’t.10.Y es, she does.G.Answers will vary..Extension Challenge 2: 现在进行时:一般疑问句 (p. 28)D.1.Are Anna and Ivan buying summerclothes?2.Are you buying the blue pants or thered pants?3.Am I buying the dress with a coupon?4.Is Teresa buying the floweredraincoat?5.Are we buying the extra large T-shirt?6.Are they buying the expensive shoes?7.Is Steve buying the brown boots?8.Is your family buying winter clothestoday?E.1.Yes, they are.2.No, he isn’t.3.Yes, I am.4.No, she isn’t.5.No, you’re not.6.Yes, we are.7.Yes, we are.8.No, I’m not.F.1.Are they wearing suits?2.Is he wearing tennis shoes?3.Are they wearing gym clothes?4.Is he wearing a sweatshirt? Unit 3 Food and Nutrition (p. 30)Challenge 1: Can的问句 (p. 30)B.1.Sirloin steak2.Soda; potato chips3.Answer will vary.4.Answer will vary.5.$12.27D.1.Can I take your dishes?2.Can you help me understand?3.Can you see the server?4.Can you eat faster?5.Can I talk to the Manager?6.Can you pay?7.Can I have the shrimp?8.Can you help?E1. c.2. a.3. b.4. d.F.1.Can I have a soda, please?2.Can I please talk to the manager?3.Can you help me, please?4.Can you please take my dishes?G.Answers will vary.Challenge 2: How much / How many (p. 32)B.Jose: 3 pounds of bananas1 jar of peanut butter2 boxes of cereal3 bags of potato chipsMarie: 2 pounds of oranges1 can of green beans1 carton of ice cream1 bottle of oilBoth: 2 gallons of milk1 loaf of breadD.E.Sample answers:1.pounds of bananas do we need?2.bread do we need?3.oil do we need?4.pounds of oranges do we need?5.bottles do we need?k do we need?7.cans of green beans do we need?8.peanut butter do we need?9.ice cream do we need?10.c ans of chips do we need?F.Answers will vary.Challenge 3: Be的问与答(p. 34)A.Aisle 1: pears, oranges, tomatoesAisle 4: cake mix, flour, sugar, pancake Aisle 8: ham, bacon, steak,Aisle 3: soup, tuna, beansAisle 5: milk, ice cream, butterC.1.are2.is3.is4.is5.is6.are7.is8.are9.is10.i s11.a re12.i sD.1.The potatoes are in the producesection.2.The cake mix is in aisle 4.3.Where is the cheese?4.The pears are in the produce section.5.Where is the milk?6.The flour is in aisle 4.7.Where is the bread?8.Where is the chicken?E.Answers will vary.Challenge 4: Have的用法 (p. 36)A.1.Vegetables2.Meat3.Dairy4.Bread, grains5.Fruit6.Fats, oils, sweetsB.carrots, lotus root, broccolifish, beef, chickenmilk, cheese, butterpasta, bread, riceorange, bananas, applesoda, candy, oilD.1.have2.have3.have4.have5.have6.has7.has8.hasF.S ample answers1.has a donut with milk for breakfast.2.both have a ham sandwich for lunch.3.has a hamburger and fries for lunch.4.both have chicken and rice fordinner.5.Javier, Huyen, and Alexi all havemilk at breakfast.6.Huyen has cereal and milk forbreakfast.7.Javier has a salad and soda fordinner.8.Alexi has fruit and milk for breakfast.G.Answers will vary.Challenge 5:祈使句 (p. 38)B.1. 22.83. 14.75. 46. 57. 38. 6D.1.Ask2.Read3.Don’t use4.Listen5.Don’t cook6.Don’t eat7.Cut8.Write9.Don’t take10.D on’t putE.1.vacuum2.clean3.Don’t eat4.Buy5.Don’t buy6.Go7.Peel8.whip9.Make10.W ash11.d rain12.s et13.D on’t use14.C hoose15.P utF.Answers will vary.Extension Challenge 1: Some / Any (p. 40)A.1.box2.jar3.carton4.can5.bottle6.bagB.1.jars2.cartons3.box4.bottle5.bags6.cansD.1.some2.any/some3.some4.any5.any6.some7.any8.any9.some10.a ny/some11.a ny12.s omeE.1.She needs some green beans, too.2.She doesn’t need any carrots.3.Augustin wants some rice.4.He doesn’t buy any onions.5.They need some fish for therestaurant.6.Augustin buys some beverages everyweek.7.We don’t usually buy any ice cream.8.I don’t want any ice cream.9.Do you want some ice cream now?10.W e are buying any cans of soup?F.1.Does he need any mayonnaise?2.Does he need any sugar?3.Does he need any soup?4.Does he need any carrots?5.Does he need any cereal?6.Does he need any oil?G.Answers will vary.Extension Challenge 2: There is/ There are (p. 42) C.1.fruits and vegetables2.carrots, potatoes, lettuce3.oranges, applesE.1.There are2.There is3.There are4.There is5.There are6.There are7.There is8.There are9.There is10.T here areF.1.Are there ten tables in the restaurant?2.Is there a new cook?3.Are there many people in therestaurant today?4.Are there six main courses on themenu?5.Are there many soups and salads?6.Is there a dinner salad on the menu?7.Are there hamburgers andcheeseburgers?8.Are there many different beverages?9.Are there many special desserts?10.I s there a good chocolate cheesecake?G.Answers will vary.Unit 4 Housing (p. 44)Challenge 1: Be与Do的特殊疑问句(p. 44)B.1. b2. b3. c4. b.D.1.Are2.is3.do you4.cars5.do you6.are7.do you8.isE.1. c.2. a.3. e.4. b.5. d.F.Answers will vary.G.Answers will vary.Challenge 2: Which的特殊疑问句 (p. 46) B.D.1.Which house is near my school?2.Which houses have two bathrooms?3.Which house has a balcony?4.Which houses are big?5.Which apartment has furniture?6.Which condo is expensive?7.Which car is in the garage?8.Which class starts at 10:00 A.M.?E.1.Ads 1, 4, 5, and 6 include twobathrooms.2.Ads 2 and 5 are condominiums.3.Ad 3 has a pool.4.Ads 1 and 3 are cheap.5.Ad 4 is most expensive.6.Ad 6 is $1,200.F.Sample answerse:1.Which homes are houses?2.Which home is an apartment?3.Which homes are near schools?4.Which homes have a pool?5.Which home has a garage?6.Which home has paid utilities?Challenge 3: 特殊疑问句 (p. 48)A.Name: Aguilar, JavierPhone: (408) 555-2234City: Santa ClaraHow long? 2 Years, 6 MonthsPrior Address: 97235 Artesia PlaceState: CAZip: 94801Employer: Anchor MotorsPosition: MechanicC.1.What is your last name?2.What is the name of your bank?3.Where do you go to school?4.How long did you work in SantaClara?5.Who is your supervisor?6.Where did you live?D.1. c.2. d.3. a.4. b.E.Sample answers:Student A: Where did you study English? Student B: I studied English at Palm City Adult School.Student A: How long did you study English? Student B: I studied English for four years. Student A: Who was your teacher?Student B: My teacher was Steve Hampson. Student A: What is the address? Student B: The address is 9977 W. Broadway.Challenge 4: 方位介词 (p. 50)A.Sample answers:clocktoastertablerefrigeratorstoveC.1.next to2.over3.in the corner4.next to5.in6.next to7.between8.on9.under10.i n front of11.i n back of12.b etweenD.1.The house is on Madison Street.2.The swimming pool is behind thehouse.3.The Yard is in front of the house.4.The flowers are in the corner.5.The house is next to the garage.6.The balcony is over the door.7.The fireplace is in the living room.8.The bathroom is between twobedrooms.9.The dishwasher is under the kitchencounter.10.T he cupboard is over the kitchencounter.E.Answers will vary.F.Answers will vary.Challenge 5: 情态动词:May 与Might (p. 52) B.Over (Circled)WaterGasolineEntertainmentOtherUnder (Checked)GaswaterFoodPhoneClothingHousehold repairsFurnitureSavingsD.1.We may move in two weeks.2.They may have a three bedroomhouse.3.She may live in an apartment onMain Street.4.You may need a new job.5.It may be a beautiful house.6.He may spend $300 a month.E.1.Gasoline might be $250.2.They might need money for clothes.3.She might want help with the rent.4.He might earn $6,500 a month.5.We might spend $800 on food.6.I might go to the bank today.F.1.2502.1003.5,4674.1755.4006.100G.Answers will vary.Extension Challenge 1: 用and连句(p. 54)A.1.has, bedrooms, $2,000.2.has, bedrooms, $1,400.3.have one, $1,400.4.has, bathrooms, hasC.1.The rent is $800 a month, and theutilities are included.2.The living room has a fireplace, andthe kitchen is large.3.Nikolai and Andrea need anapartment, and they are looking inthe classified ads.4.His wife wants an apartment withthree bedrooms, and she needs awasher/dryer.5.Our dream house is in a friendlyneighborhood, and it has aswimming pool.6.Peter and I are buying a house inSeptember, and we need newfurniture.D.1.Kyung moved here from Korea lastmonth and he lives in Arcadia,Florida.2.The teller is opening a checkingaccount for him and she is alsoopening a savings account.3.Kyung can get his checksimmediately and he can write checksfrom the checking account.4.Kyung uses checks to pay for foodand he writes the checks in thecheck ledger.5.Nam-young Kim writes the check forthe rent and she also pays for theutilities.6.Mr. and Mrs. Kim buy clothes fromSal’s Clothes and they buy foodfrom Renco Market.7.Mr. and Mrs. Kim pay $850 a monthfor rent and they need $400 a monthfor food.8.Their house has three bedrooms andit is in a quiet neighborhood.E.Answers will vary.Extension Challenge 2: 形容词与名词修饰语(p.56)A.1.Number 2 is the biggest.2.Number 1 is the smallest.3.Numbers 2, 3, and 4 have chimneys.4.Numbers 2 and 3 are two-stories.C.1.The house has a separate garage.2.He’s buying some expensive flowers.3.The balcony has a beautiful view.4.These are fortable chairs.5.I live in a quiet neighborhood.6.The rent for the remodeledapartment is $750.7.We need a good dishwasher.8.What is your prior address?9.She wants to rent a big house.10.Y ou want some small lamps.D.1.bank account2.ATM card3.photo ID4.application forms5.three-story house6.dream house7.two-car garage8.coffee tablesE.Answers will vary.Unit 5: Our munity (p. 58)Challenge 1: When, Where与介词(p. 58)B.1.32 minutes2.37 minutes3. 2 hours and 11 minutes4.5605.6006.625D.1.in2.in3.at4.[none]5.in6.in7.from8. ØE.keview2.Franklin City, 10:02 A.M.3.Jackson, Broadwaykeview5.Pleasantville6.Broadway, JacksonF.Answers will vary.G.Answers will vary.Challenge 2: 一般现在时(p. 60)B.Lincoln High; 555-8336; Fire Department; 911 / 555-8461D.1.needs2.call3.wants4.looks5.call6.like7.prefers8.calls9.eat10.s tops 11.v isit12.e sE.Sample answers:1.Raquel needs money.2.Raquel has a toothache.3.Raquel needs new shoes.4.Raquel and Mario are sick.5.Raquel needs new glasses.6.Raquel and Mario need a doctor.7.Raquel needs a driver’s license.8.Mario’s house is on fire.F.Answers will vary.Challenge 3: 祈使句(p. 62)B.1.the high school2.the City Hall3.Marie’s apartmentD.Here are the ... Go north on Emerson Street. Walk straight … Turn left on Michigan Avenue. Go two blocks … Lincoln Street, turn right. Don’t turn left; that’s … Walk up the stairs. Find apartment #3.E.1.Don’t g o to the post office today.2.Don’t write your address on the form.3.Don’t fill in all the customer forms now.4.Don’t walk from the post office to thepharmacy.5.Don’t turn right at the nextintersection.6.Don’t stop at the corner of Main andRobinson.F.1.Send the package economy class.2.Buy insurance for the package.3.Turn left at the corner.4.Go west on Broadway.G.Sample answers:1.Go south on monwealth. The Universityis on the left after Monroe.2.Go south on Main. Turn right on Lincoln.The Museum is the last building on theright on Lincoln, before monwealth.3.Go east on Lincoln. Turn right on Main.Turn right on Broadway. The CourtHouse is after the Police Station on theright.Challenge 4:一般现在时与现在进行时(p. 64)B.1. b. She wants to get a letter from herfriend.2. c. She wants to see Antonio.D.1.has2.is working3.visits4.go5.am living6.go7.have8.are eatingE. 1.walk2.am taking3.goes4.are waiting5.stops6.take7.are going8.visit9.wait10.a re readingF.Answers will vary.Challenge 5: 一般过去时 (p. 66)A.From: Jennifer Gault895 Main PlaceMiami, FL 33010To: John Gil8246 Wilson St.Bend, OR 97701C.1.wanted2.bought3.went4.walked5.ate6.talkedD.went, talked, wanted, talked, talked, went, ate, sentE.Answers will vary.Extension Challenge 1: 方位介词(p. 68)Exercise B.Service Buy and Sellbus stopmallpolice station pet storehospital (and pharmacy)supermarket museum hardware Storebank bowling alleyschool movie theaterbus stationpharmacyD.1.yes2.no3.yes4.yes5.no6.no7.yes8.yes9.yes10.n oE.1.West Broadway2.8th Avenue3.the supermarket4.the bus station5.the museum, the bank6.the hospital7.the school8.Main Street, Park StreetF. Answers will vary.G.Answers will vary.Extension Challenge 2: 时间介词(p. 70)B.Event Date Timemeeting withmarjorie 9/4/2009 1 P.M. library 9/8/2009 P.M.library 9/9/2009 P.M.library 9/10/2009 P.M.fly to NY 9/14/2009 7 A.M. dentist appt. 9/24/2009 4 P.M.D.1.in2.on3.at4.at5.on6.in7.in8.at9.In10.o n11.i nE.1.in2.At3.on4.at5.in6.in7.on8.in9.in10.a tF.1.She is going to New York on September14 at 7:00 A.M.2.She has a meeting with Marjorie onSeptember 4 at 1:00 P.M.3.Marjorie goes to the library in theafternoon on September 8,9,and 10.4.Marjorie will go to the dentist in 2 hours. Unit 6: Health (p. 72)Challenge 1: Need to的用法 (p. 72)B.1.Gilberto2.Kenji3.LienD.1.likes to2.want3.need to4.likes to5.likes6.work7.need to8.relaxE.1.wants to2.needs to3.eat4.exercises5.want6.drink7.needs to 8.likes toF.Answers will vary.Challenge 2: 形容词的比较级与最高级(p. 74)A.Answers will vary.B.Answers will vary.D.Answers may vary.Sample Answers:1. A cold is more serious than a runnynose.2. A sore throat is the most serious ailment.3. A toothache is more mon than the flu.4. A runny nose is less serious than abackache.5. A bad headache is the most monailment.6. A cold is less serious than a backache.7.The flu is less mon than a cold.8.The flu is the most serious ailment.E.Answers will vary.Sample Answers:1.The flu is more serious than a cold.2. A sore throat is the most serious ailment.3. A backache is the most mon ailment.4. A cold is less serious than a headache.5. A sore throat is less mon than aheadache.6. A cold is the most mon ailment.F.Answers will vary.Challenge 3:一般过去时: 规则与不规则(p. 76)A.1. c. to a doctor.2. d. three times a day.3. a. in the park every week.4. b. cigarettes.B.Anya talked to a doctor. She exercised three times a day. She walked in the park every week. She also smoked cigarettes.D.1.was2.was3.was4.had5.were6.had7.had8.were9.had10.w ereE.1.played2.wanted3.visited4.asked5.needed6.smoked7.talkedF.Last week, Alex exercised every day. He also played tennis on Saturday. He wanted his wife to play tennis, too. On Saturday, she visited the doctor. She asked for medicine for more energy. She needed more exercise and not medicine. She also smoked a pack of cigarettes a day. She talked to her husband about it.Challenge 4:情态动词:Should (p. 78)A.DUDWUWUWDDDUC.1.You should go to the drugstore.2.You should sleep eight hours tonight.3.Ricardo should take some cough syrup.4.You should go to the hospital.5.You should go to bed.6.Luisa should take some aspirin.7.They should stop smoking.8.You should go to the optometrist.D.1.shouldn’t2.should3.shouldn’t4.shouldn’t5.should6.should7.should8.shouldn’t9.should10.s houldn’tE.Answers will vary.Sample Answers:1.You should sleep eight hours tonight.2.You should take cough medicine.3.You shouldn’t smoke cigar ettes.4.You shouldn’t play tennis today.Challenge 5: 一般过去时:不规则动词(p. 80)B.1. b. call the fire department, the police, ora poison control center2. a. his or her name and addressD.1.drove2.woke3.went4.bought5.came6.did7.ate8.slept9.took10.g ot11.s aid 12.d rankE.1.My throat hurt.2.You drove me to the doctor at noon.3.The doctor said to take some medicine.4.I got the medicine from the doctor.5.You read the directions.6.I took two teaspoons of the syrup.7.I slept for ten hours.8.We ate a good breakfast.9.My friends came to see me.10.T hey bought me some flowers.F.Answers will vary.Extension Challenge 1: Should的问句 (p. 82) A.toothache, stomachache, headache, backache, sore throatB.Answers will vary.Sample answers:1.aspirin2.calcium carbonate3.aspirin4.aspirin5.cough syrupD.1.Should I drink coffee?2.Should Eva eat three meals a day?3.Should the medicine reduce the fever?4.Should Mario have a checkup?5.Should you chew the tablets?6.Should they make an appointment?7.Should I call an ambulance?。

新模式英语2练习册参考答案Pre-Unit: Welcome to Our Class (p. P 2) Challenge 1: 一般现在时: Be (p. P2) Exercise A.Read the information.Exercise B.Read the conversation.Exercise C.Answers will vary.Exercise D.Read the chart.Exercise E.Answers will vary.Exercise F.1.am; I’m2.are; They’re3.are; We’re4.is; He’s5.are; They’re6.is; She’s7.are; You’re8.is; It’sExercise G.1. d.2. c.3. e.4. b.5. a.Exercise H.1.She’s tired. She needs some rest.2.They’re nervous. They have a test today.3.We’re happy. We have a new baby!4.He’s hungry. He wants a hamburger.5.I’m sad. I have no friends.Exercise I.Answers will vary.Challenge 2: 所有格形容词(p. P4) Exercise A.Read the chart.Exercise B.Name: Smith, JonathonPhone: (714) 555-8989Birth Date: March 3, 1978Street Address: 2356 Orchard Lane City: Pine CityState: CAZip Code: 90638Exercise C.Read the chart.Exercise D.1.My2.Their3.Your4.Our5.His6.His7.ItsExercise E.1.His address is 2274 W. Bayside Dr.2.Their school is Lincoln Adult School.3.Her birth date is June 5, 1975.4.Their state is California. (Note: CA =California)5.His last name is Nakamura.6.ourExercise F.Answers will vary.Challenge 3: Can的问句 (p. P6)Exercise A.Read the paragraph.Exercise B.Read the sentences.Exercise C.Answers will vary.Exercise D.Read the chart.Exercise E.1.Can you spell that?2.Can you say that again?3.Can you repeat that?4.Can you speak louder?5.Can you help me?6.Can you speak slower?7.Can you teach me English?8.Can you open the door?9.Can you write it down?Exercise F.1. c.2. e.3. b.4. d.5. a.Exercise G.Answers will vary.Sample answers:Student A: Can you help me with a problem? Student B: Sure.Student A: Can you help me spell certain words? Student B: OK.Unit 1 Everyday Life (p. 2)Challenge 1: 一般现在时: Live and Be (p. 2)Exercise A.Read the information.Exercise B.Kenji: single, 22 years old, Los Angeles Anya: married, 68 years old, Los Angeles Gilberto: single, 30 years old, Los Angeles Marie: divorced, 32 years old, Los AngelesExercise C.Read the charts.Exercise D.1.lives2.are3.are4.are5.am6.lives7.live8.live9.is10.lives11.is12.amExercise E.Read the information.Exercise F.Answers will vary.Sample answers:Anya: Anya is 68 years old. She lives in Los Angeles. She is a student. She is married. Gilberto: Gilberto is a student. He is 30 years old. He is single. He lives in Los Angeles.Exercise G.Answers will vary.Challenge 2: 一般现在时: Have (p. 4)Exercise A.Read the information.Exercise B.1.Three2.One3.Four4.Vietnam5.The United States6.NguyenExercise C.Read the charts.Exercise D.1.I have two sisters.2.I don’t have a wife.3.You don’t have an aunt in Korea.4.Ken doesn’t have a broth er.5.My mother has four sisters.6.You don’t have a niece in Poland.7.Maria doesn’t have a husband.8.We don’t have children.9.Jessica and Kate have a brother.Exercise E.Read the chart.Exercise F.Sample answers:1.Martha has three brothers.2.Ned has three sisters.3.Both Martha and Ned have brothers.4.Martha and Ned both have five cousins.5.Martha has three uncles.6.Ned has two brothers.Exercise G.Answers will vary.Challenge 3: 形容词的比较级与最高级(p. 6)Exercise A.Read the information.Exercise B.1.Howard is tall.2.He has blonde hair and green eyes.3.Sam is average height.4.He has brown hair and brown eyes.5.Kyle is short.6.He has blue eyes and red hair. Exercise C.Read the charts.Exercise D.1.taller2.shorter3.heavier4.thinner5.younger6.older7.thinner, taller8.taller, thinnerExercise E.1.John2.Herbert3.Herbert4.Lien5.Jack6.Frank7.Maria Exercise F.Answers will vary.Exercise G.Answers will vary.Challenge 4: 一般现在时与频率副词(p. 8)Exercise A.Read the calendar.Exercise B.1. c.2. a.3. a.Exercise C.Read the charts.Exercise D.1.Anya wakes up at 6:00 A.M.2.You get up at 7:00 A.M.3.Ivan goes to work at 8:00 A.M.4.They help with the grandchildren.5.We play soccer.6.Ivan works in Los Angeles.7.I go to school.8.Anya takes the children to the beach.Exercise E.1.often wakes up2.always works3.sometimes take4.often play5.sometimes works6.rarely get up7.sometimes wakes up8.rarely takeExercise F.1.Kim works every day at 12:30 P.M.2.Kim goes to school on Mondays andWednesdays.3.Kim studies at 9:00 A.M. on Thursdays.4.Kim watches the kids in the mornings onTuesdays and Thursdays.5.Kim takes a break at 9:00 A.M. on Mondayand Wednesday.6. Kim goes to school at 7:00 A.M. Exercise G. Answers will vary.Challenge 5: 一般疑问句: Is it? (p. 10)Exercise A.Read the information.Exercise B.Practice the conversation.Exercise C.Read the chart.Exercise D.1.Is it rainy today?2.Is it snowy in the mountains and a beautifulday?3.Is it hot and 96 degrees in California today?4.Is it foggy by the ocean every morning?5.Is it windy at night?6.Is it cloudy and rainy today?Exercise E.Read the weather f.Exercise F.1.No, it isn’t.2.Yes, it is.3.Yes, it is.4.Yes, it is.5.No, it isn’t.6.Yes, it is.Exercise G.Answers will vary.Sample answers:True: It is cloudy today.True: It is windy today.False: It is rainy today.False: It is 90 degrees today.Exercise H.Answers will vary.Extension Challenge 1: Be的否定句 (p. 12) Exercise A.Read the paragraphs.Exercise B.Mario: single; Mexico; short; brown; black Sylvia: single; Peru; average height; brown; blackExercise C.Read the charts.Exercise D.1.am not2.’m not3.’s not4.isn’t5.are not6.aren’t7.’re not8.are not9.is not10.’s notExercise E.1.Mario isn’t from Peru.2.Her name isn’t Maria.3.They aren’t teachers.4.His l ast name isn’t Ortiz.5.Sylvia isn’t sad in the U.S.6.Mario isn’t tall.7.Sylvia and Mario aren’t married.8.Sylvia isn’t old.Exercise F.Answers will vary.Sample answers:1.I’m not a teacher.2. a woman, not a man.3.handsome, he is not ugly.4.nice, They are not mean.Extension Challenge 2: Be的一般疑问句(p. 14)Exercise A.Read the schedule.Exercise B.1.Yes2.No3.Yes4.No5.No6.YesExercise C.Read the chart.Exercise D.1.Is Kenji from Japan?2.Are Anya and Ivan from Russia?3.Are you from Korea?4.Am I late for class?5.Is Marie from Haiti?6.Are Gilberto and Mario tall?7.Is Mario from Mexico?8.Is Kenji at school?Exercise E.Read the chart.Exercise F.1.No, he’s not.2.Yes, they are.3.No, she’s not.4.Yes, they are.5.No, they aren’t.6.No, she’s not.7.Yes, she is.Exercise G.Answers will vary.Unit 2 Let’s go Shopping! (p. 16)Challenge 1: 一般现在时的否定式与肯定式(p. 16)Exercise A.Read the vocabularies.Exercise B.Summer Clothes: sandalsshortsswimsuitT-shirtjacketWinter Clothes: a scarfbootsa coatsweaterBoth Winter and Summer: dressa capsunglasses Exercise C.Read the charts.Exercise D.1.doesn’t shop2.doesn’t wear3.don’t need4.don’t buy5.don’t like6.doesn’t need7.don’t shop8.do n’t eat9.don’t want10.don’t workExercise E.1.wear, don’t wear2.likes, doesn’t like3.need, don’t need4.wants, doesn’t want5.wear, don’t wearExercise FAnswers will vary.Exercise GAnswers will vary.Challenge 2: 形容词的比较级与最高级(p. 18)Exercise A.Read the prices.Exercise B.1.$33.592.$111.883.$52.484.$29.97Exercise C.1.socks2.shirt3.shoes4.dress5.jacketExercise D.Read the chart.Exercise E.1.cheaper than2.more expensive than3.more expensive than4.more expensive than5.cheapest6.most expensive7.cheaper8.cheaperExercise F.1.socks2.sandals3.pajamas4.shorts5.shirt6.pants7.shoes8.dress9.sweater10.jacketExercise G.1.the jacket2.The jacket and the sweater3.The socks and the sandals4.The jacket5.The socks, sandals6.The shoes, the sweaterExercise H.Answers will vary.Challenge 3: 现在进行时 (p. 20)Exercise A.Read the information.Exercise B.Practice the conversation. Exercise C.Read the charts.Exercise D.1.ing2.ing3.is4.ing5.are6.are7.are8.is9.ing10.areExercise E.1.Anya is looking for new summer clothes.2.I am buying sandals.3.You are wearing your new blouse.4.Three men are sitting on a bench.5.We are not eating at the mall today.6.Duong is going to the shoe store.7.The children are talking to their friends.8.Irina is not buying the blue skirt.9.You are reading a book at the bookstore.10.We are taking the bus home.Challenge 4: Because的用法 (p. 22)Exercise A.Read the chart.Exercise B.1.Armstrong Clothing2.Armstrong Clothing3.Fashion Express4.Fashion Express5.Armstrong ClothingExercise C.Answers will vary.Exercise D.Read the chart.Exercise E.1. c.2. a.3. b.4. f.5. e.6. d.Exercise F.1.I like Armstrong’s because the blouses arecheaper then at fashion express.2.I want the dress because it is long andbeautiful.3.I like the shoes because they are cheap.4.I want the hat because it is perfect with mydress.5.I like the shirt because it has long sleeves.6.I want the plans because they are my size.Exercise G.Read the paragraphs.Exercise H.1.Kim likes Sally’s Clothing Store because ithas good prices.2.She also likes the store because it has goodsales people.3.Kim likes it because it also has a greatselection.4.She likes the shoes because they are cheaperthan at the other stores.Exercise I.Answers will vary.Challenge 5: 指示形容词: This, That, These和Those (p. 24)Exercise A.Read the information.Exercise B.Read the conversation.Exercise C.Practice the conversation.Exercise D.Read the chart.Exercise E.1.Plural, Far2.Plural, Far3.Singular, Far4.Plural, Near5.Singular, Far6.Plural, Near7.Singular, Near8.Plural, FarExercise F.1.this2.these3.Those4.this5.Those6.Those7.this8.Those9.Those10.theseExercise G.Answers will vary.Extension Challenge 1: 一般现在时: 一般疑问句(p. 26)Exercise A.Winter:$19-sweater; $100-jacket; $47-boots; $9-scarf; $22-gloves;Summer:$12-cap; $18-belt; $28-sandals; $10-T-shirt; $8-glasses.Exercise B.Sample answers:1.Lien wears boots in the winter.2.Steve wears a T-shirt in the summer.3.Lien we ars a scarf in the winter.4.Steve wears sandals in the summer. Exercise C.Read the charts.Exercise D.1.Do they cost $45.00?2.Does the price include tax?3.Do you shop at the mall?4.Does Kenji shop at the mall, too?5.Do we want to buy new clothes?6.Do I need more money?7.Does Mr. Lee have a new raincoat?8.Does Sylvia wear sandals every day? Exercise E.1.Yes, I do.2.No, it doesn’t.3.Yes, it does.4.No, they don’t.5.No, we don’t.6.Yes, it does.7.Yes, you do.8.No, she doesn’t.9.No, I don’t.10.Yes, she does.Exercise F.Answers will vary.Exercise G.Answers will vary.Extension Challenge 2: 现在进行时:一般疑问句 (p.28)Exercise A.Read the paragraph.Exercise B.Answers will vary.Exercise C.Read the chart.Exercise D.1.Are Anna and Ivan buying summer clothes?2.Are you buying the blue pants or the redpants?3.Am I buying the dress with a coupon?4.Is Teresa buying the flowered raincoat?5.Are we buying the extra large T-shirt?6.Are they buying the expensive shoes?7.Is Steve buying the brown boots?8.Is your family buying winter clothes today?Exercise E.1.Yes, they are.2.No, he isn’t.3.Yes, I am.4.No, she isn’t.5.No, you’re not.6.Yes, we are.7.Yes, they are.8.No, I’m not.Exercise F.1.Are they wearing suits?2.Is he wearing tennis shoes?3.Are they wearing gym clothes?4.Is he wearing a sweatshirt?Unit 3 Food and Nutrition (p. 30) Challenge 1: Can的问句 (p. 30) Exercise A.Read the menus.Exercise B.1.Sirloin steak2.Soda; potato chips3.Answer will vary.4.Answer will vary.5.$12.27Exercise C.Read the chart.Exercise D.1.Can I take your dishes?2.Can you help me understand?3.Can you see the server?4.Can you eat faster?5.Can I talk to the Manager?6.Can you pay?7.Can I have the shrimp?8.Can you help?Exercise E1. c.2. a.3. b.4. d.Exercise F.1.Can I have a soda, please?2.Can I please talk to the manager?3.Can you help me, please?4.Can you please take my dishes?Exercise G.Answers will vary.Challenge 2: How much / How many (p. 32) Exercise A.Read the lists.Exercise B.Jose: 3 pounds of bananas1 jar of peanut butter2 boxes of cereal3 bags of potato chipsMarie: 2 pounds of oranges1 can of green beans1 carton of ice cream1 bottle of oilBoth: 2 gallons of milk1 loaf of breadExercise C.Read the chart.Exercise D.Exercise E.Sample answers:1.pounds of bananas do we need?2.bread do we need?3.oil do we need?4.pounds of oranges do we need?5.bottles do we need?k do we need?7.cans of green beans do we need?8.peanut butter do we need?9.ice cream do we need?10.cans of chips do we need?Exercise F.Answers will vary. Challenge 3: Be的问与答(p. 34)Exercise A.Answers will vary.Sample answers:Aisle 1: pears, oranges, tomatoesAisle 4: cake mix, flour, sugar, pancakeAisle 8: ham, bacon, steak,Aisle 3: soup, tuna, beansAisle 5: milk, ice cream, butterExercise B.Read the charts.Exercise C.1.are2.is3.is4.is5.is6.are7.is8.are9.is10.is11.are12.isExercise D.1.The potatoes are in the produce section.2.The cake mix is in Aisle 4.3.Where is the cheese?4.The pears are in the produce section.5.Where is the milk?6.The flour is in Aisle 4.7.Where is the bread?8.Where is the chicken?Exercise E.Answers will vary.Challenge 4: Have的用法 (p. 36)Exercise A.1.Vegetables2.Meats3.Dairy4.Breads, grains5.Fruits6.Fats, oils, sweetsExercise B.carrots, lotus root, broccolifish, beef, chickenmilk, cheese, butterpasta, bread, riceorange, bananas, applesoda, candy, oilExercise C.Read the chart.Exercise D.1.have2.have3.have4.have5.have6.has7.has8.hasExercise E.Read the information.Exercise F.S ample answers1.has a donut with milk for breakfast.2.both have a ham sandwich for lunch.3.has a hamburger and fries for lunch.4.both have chicken and rice for dinner.5.Javier, Huyen, and Alexi all have milk atbreakfast.6.Huyen has cereal and milk for breakfast.7.Javier has a salad and soda for dinner.8.Alexi has fruit and milk for breakfast.Exercise G.Answers will vary.Challenge 5:祈使句 (p. 38)Exercise A.Read the recipe.Exercise B.1. 22.83. 14.75. 46. 57. 38. 6Exercise C.Read the chart.Exercise D.1.Ask2.Read3.Don’t use4.Listen5.Don’t cook6.Don’t eat7.Cut8.Write9.Don’t take10.Don’t putExercise E.1.vacuum2.clean3.Don’t eat4.Buy5.Don’t buy6.Go7.Peel8.whip9.Make10.Wash11.drain12.set13.Don’t use14.Choose15.PutExercise F.Answers will vary.Extension Challenge 1: Some / Any (p. 40) Exercise A.1.box2.jar3.carton4.can5.bottle6.bagExercise B.1.jars2.cartons3.box4.bottle5.bags6.cansExercise C.Read the chart.Exercise D.1.some2.any/some3.some4.any5.any6.some7.any8.any9.some10.any/some11.any12.someExercise E.1.She needs some green beans, too.2.She doesn’t need any carrots.3.Augustin wants some rice.4.He doesn’t buy any onions.5.They need some fish for the restaurant.6.Augustin buys some beverages every week.7.We don’t usually buy any ice cream.8.I don’t want any ice cream.9.Do you want some ice cream now?10.We are buying some cans of soup.Exercise F.1.Does he need any mayonnaise?2.Does he need any sugar?3.Does he need any soup?4.Does he need any carrots?5.Does he need any cereal?6.Does he need any oil?Exercise G.Answers will vary.Extension Challenge 2: There is/ There are (p. 42) Exercise A.Read the content.Exercise B.Read the paragraph.Exercise C.1.fruits and vegetables2.carrots, potatoes, lettuce3.oranges, applesExercise D.Read the chart.Exercise E.1.There are2.There is3.There are4.There is5.There are6.There are7.There is8.There are9.There is10.There areExercise F.1.Are there ten tables in the restaurant?2.Is there a new cook?3.Are there many people in the restaurant today?4.Are there six main courses on the menu?5.Are there many soups and salads?6.Is there a dinner salad on the menu?7.Are there hamburgers and cheeseburgers?8.Are there many different beverages?9.Are there many special desserts?10.Is there a good chocolate cheesecake?Exercise G.Answers will vary.Unit 4 Housing (p. 44)Challenge 1: Be与Do的特殊疑问句(p. 44)Exercise A.Read the paragraph.Exercise B.1. b2. b3. c4. bExercise C.Read the chart.Exercise D.1.are2.is3.do you4.cars5.do you6.are7.do you8.isExercise E.1. c.2. a.3. e.4. b.5. d.Exercise F.Answers will vary.Exercise G.Answers will vary.Challenge 2: Which的特殊疑问句 (p. 46)Exercise A.Read the advertisements.Exercise B.Exercise C.Read the chart.Exercise D.1.Which house is near my school?2.Which houses have two bathrooms?3.Which house has a balcony?4.Which houses are big?5.Which apartment has furniture?6.Which condo is expensive?7.Which car is in the garage?8.Which class starts at 10:00 A.M.?Exercise E.1.Ads 1, 4, 5, and 6 include two bathrooms.2.Ads 2 and 5 are condominiums.3.Ad 3 has a pool.4.Ads 1 and 3 are cheap.5.Ad 4 is the most expensive.6.Ad 6 is $1,200.Exercise F.Sample answers:1.Which homes are houses?2.Which home is an apartment?3.Which homes are near schools?4.Which homes have a pool?5.Which home has a garage?6.Which home has paid utilities? Challenge 3: 特殊疑问句 (p. 48)Exercise A.Name: Aguilar, JavierPhone: (408) 555-2234City: Santa ClaraHow long? 2 years, 6 monthsPrior Address: 97235 Artesia PlaceState: CAZip: 94801Employer: Anchor MotorsPosition: MechanicExercise B.Read the chart.Exercise C.1.What is your last name?2.What is the name of your bank?3.Where do you go to school?4.How long did you work in Santa Clara?5.Who is your supervisor?6.Where did you live?Exercise D.1. c.2. d.3. a.4. b.Exercise E.Sample answers:Student A: Where did you study English? Student B: I studied English at Palm City Adult School.Student A: How long did you study English? Student B: I studied English for four years. Student A: Who was your teacher?Student B: My teacher was Steve Hampson. Student A: What is the address?Student B: The address is 9977 W. Broadway.Challenge 4: 方位介词 (p. 50)Exercise A.Answers will vary.Sample answers:clocktoastertablerefrigeratorstoveExercise B.Read the chart.Exercise C.1.next to2.over3.in the corner4.next to5.in6.next to7.between8.on9.under10.in front of11.in back of12.between Exercise D.1.The house is on Madison Street.2.The swimming pool is behind the house.3.The Yard is in front of the house.4.The flowers are in the corner.5.The house is next to the garage.6.The balcony is over the door.7.The fireplace is in the living room.8.The bathroom is between two bedrooms.9.The dishwasher is under the kitchen counter.10.The cupboard is over the kitchen counter.Exercise E.Answers will vary.Exercise F.Answers will vary.Challenge 5: 情态动词: May 与Might (p. 52) Exercise A.Read the list.Exercise B.Over (Circled)WaterGasolineEntertainmentOtherUnder (Checked)GaswaterFoodPhoneClothingHousehold repairsFurnitureSavingsExercise C.Read the chart.Exercise D.1.We may move in two weeks.2.They may have a three-bedroom house.3.She may live in an apartment on Main Street.4.You may need a new job.5.It may be a beautiful house.6.He may spend $300 a month.Exercise E.1.Gasoline might be $250.2.They might need money for clothes.3.She might want help with the rent.4.He might earn $6,500 a month.5.We might spend $800 on food.6.I might go to the bank today.Exercise F.1.2502.1003.5,4674.1755.4006.100Exercise G.Answers will vary.Extension Challenge 1: 用and连句 (p. 54)Exercise A.1.has, bedrooms, $2,000.2.has, bedrooms, $1,400.3.have one, $1,400.4.has, bathrooms, hasExercise B.Read the charts.Exercise C.1.The rent is $800 a month, and the utilities areincluded.2.The living room has a fireplace, and thekitchen is large.3.Nikolai and Andrea need an apartment, andthey are looking in the classified ads.4.His wife wants an apartment with threebedrooms, and she needs a washer/dryer.5.Our dream house is in a friendlyneighborhood, and it has a swimming pool.6.Peter and I are buying a house in September,and we need new furniture.Exercise D.1.Kyung moved here from Korea last monthand he lives in Arcadia, Florida.2.The teller is opening a checking account forhim and she is also opening a savingsaccount.3.Kyung can get his checks immediately andhe can write checks from the checkingaccount.4.Kyung uses checks to pay for food and hewrites the checks in the check ledger.5.Nam-young Kim writes the check for the rentand she also pays for the utilities.6.Mr. and Mrs. Kim buy clothes from Sal’sClothes and they buy food from RencoMarket.7.Mr. and Mrs. Kim pay $850 a month for rentand they need $400 a month for food.8.Their house has three bedrooms and it is in aquiet neighborhood.Exercise E.Answers will vary.Extension Challenge 2: 形容词与名词修饰语(p. 56)Exercise A.1.Number 2 is the biggest.2.Number 1 is the smallest.3.Numbers 2, 3, and 4 have chimneys.4.Numbers 2 and 3 are two-stories.Exercise B.Read the chart.Exercise C.1.The house has a separate garage.2.He’s buying some expensive flowers.3.The balcony has a beautiful view.4.These are comfortable chairs.5.I live in a quiet neighborhood.6.The rent for the remodeled apartment is $750.7.We need a good dishwasher.8.What is your prior address?9.She wants to rent a big house.10.You want some small lamps.Exercise D.1.bank account2.ATM card3.photo ID4.application forms5.three-story house6.dream house7.two-car garage8.coffee tablesExercise E.Answers will vary.Unit 5: Our Community (p. 58) Challenge 1: When, Where与介词(p. 58) Exercise A.Read the chart.Exercise B.1.32 minutes2.37 minutes3.2 hours and 11 minutes4.5605.6006.625Exercise C.Read the chart.Exercise D.1.in2.in3.at4.[none]5.in6.in7.from8. ØExercise E.keview2.Franklin City, 10:02 A.M.3.Jackson, Broadwaykeview5.Pleasantville6.Broadway, JacksonExercise F.Answers will vary.Exercise G.Answers will vary.Exercise H.Answers will vary.Challenge 2: 一般现在时(p. 60) Exercise A. Read the content.Exercise B.Lincoln High; 555-8336; Fire Department; 911 / 555-8461Exercise C.Read the chart.Exercise D.1.needs2.call3.wants4.looks5.call6.like7.prefers8.calls9.eat10.stops11.visitesExercise E.Sample answers:1.Raquel needs money.2.Raquel has a toothache.3.Raquel needs new shoes.4.Raquel and Mario are sick.5.Raquel needs new glasses.6.Raquel and Mario need a doctor.7.Raquel needs a driver’s license.8.Mario’s house is on fire.Exercise F.Answers will vary.Challenge 3: 祈使句(p. 62)Exercise A.Look at the map.Exercise B.1.the high school2.the City Hall3.Marie’s apartmentExercise C.Read the chart.Exercise D.Here are the ... Go north on Emerson Street. Walk straight … Turn left on Michigan Avenue. Go two blocks … Linco ln Street, turn right. Don’t turn left; that’s … Walk up the stairs. Find apartment #3. Exercise E.1.Don’t go to the post office today.2.Don’t write your address on the form.3.Don’t fill in all the customer forms now.4.Don’t walk from the post office to thepharmacy.5.Don’t turn right at the next intersection.6.Don’t stop at the corner of Main and Robinson.Exercise F.1.Send the package economy class.2.Buy insurance for the package.3.Turn left at the corner.4.Go west on Broadway.Exercise G.Sample answers:1.Go south on Commonwealth. The University ison the left after Monroe.2.Go south on Main. Turn right on Lincoln. TheMuseum is the last building on the right onLincoln, before Commonwealth.3.Go east on Lincoln. Turn right on Main. Turnright on Broadway. The Court House is afterthe Police Station on the right.Challenge 4:一般现在时与现在进行时(p. 64) Exercise A.Read the letter.Exercise B.1. b. She wants to get a letter from her friend.2. c. She wants to see Antonio.Exercise C.Read the charts.Exercise D.1.has2.is working3.visits4.go5.am living6.go7.have8.are eatingExercise E.1.walk2.am taking3.goes4.are waiting5.stops6.take7.are going8.visit9.wait10.are readingExercise F.Answers will vary.Challenge 5: 一般过去时 (p. 66)Exercise A.From: Jennifer Gault895 Main PlaceMiami, FL 33010To: John Gil8246 Wilson St.Bend, OR 97701Exercise B.Read the charts.Exercise C.1.wanted2.bought3.went4.walked5.ate6.talkedExercise D.went, talked, wanted, talked, talked, went, ate, sentExercise E.Answers will vary.Extension Challenge 1: 方位介词(p. 68) Exercise A.Read the map.Exercise B.Service Buy and Sell bus stop mallpolice station pet store hospital (and pharmacy) supermarket museum hardware Store bank bowling alley school movie theater bus stationpharmacyExercise C.Read the chart.Exercise D.1.yes2.no3.yes4.yes5.no6.no7.yes8.yes9.yes10.noExercise E.1.West Broadway2.8th Avenue3.the supermarket4.the bus station5.the museum, the bank6.the hospital7.the school8.Main Street, Park StreetExercise F.Answers will vary.Exercise G.Answers will vary. Extension Challenge 2: 时间介词(p. 70) Exercise A.Read the calendar.Exercise B.Event Date Timemeeting with Marjorie 9/4/2009 1 P.M.library 9/8/2009 P.M.library 9/9/2009 P.M.library 9/10/2009 P.M.fly to NY 9/14/2009 7 A.M. dentist appt. 9/24/2009 4 P.M.Exercise C.Read the chart.Exercise D.1.in2.on3.at4.at5.on6.in7.in8.at9.In10.on11.in12.inExercise E.1.in2.At3.on4.at5.in6.in7.on8.in9.in10.atExercise F.1.She is going to New York on September 14 at7:00 A.M.2.She has a meeting with Marjorie on September4 at 1:00 P.M.3.Marjorie goes to the library in the afternoon onSeptember 8,9,and 10.。

新模式英语2习题册答案新模式英语2练习册参考答案Pre-Unit: Welcome to Our Class (p. P 2)Challenge 1: 一般现在时: Be (p. P2)C.Answers will vary.E.Answers will vary.F.1. am; I’m2. are; They’re3. are; We’re4. is; He’s5. are; They’re6. is; She’s7. are; You’re8. is; I t’sG1. d.2. c.3. e.4. b.5. a.H.1.She’s tired. She needs some rest.2.They’re nervous. They have a test today.3.We’re happy. We have a new baby!4.He’s hungry. He wants a hamburger.5.I’m sad. I have no friends.I.Answers will vary.Challenge 2: 所有格形容词(p. P4)B.Name: Smith, JonathonPhone: (714) 555-8989Birth Date: March 3, 1978Street Address: 2356 Orchard LaneCity: Pine CityState: CAZip Code: 90638Exercise D.1.My2.Their3.Your4.Our5.His6.His7.ItsE.1. His address is 2274 W. Bayside Dr.2. Their school is Lincoln Adult School.3. Her birth date is June 5, 1975.4. Their state is California. (Note: CA =California)5. His last name is Nakamura.6. ourF.Answers will vary.Challenge 3: Can的问句(p. P6)C.Answers will vary.E.1.Can you spell that?2.Can you say that again?3.Can you repeat that?4.Can you speak louder?5.Can you help me?6.Can you speak slower?7.Can you teach me English?8.Can you open the door?9.Can you write it?F.1. c.2. e.3. b.4. d.5. a.G.2Answers will vary.Sample answers:Student A: Can you help me with a problem? Student B: Sure.Student A: Can you help me spell certain words? Student B: OK.Unit 1 Everyday Life (p. 2)Challenge 1: 一般现在时: Live and Be (p. 2)B.Kenji: single, 22 years old, Los AngelesAnya: married, 68 years old, Los Angeles Gilberto: single, 30 years old, Los Angeles Marie: divorced, 32 years old, Los AngelesD.1.lives2.are3.are4.are5.am6.lives7.live8.live9.is10.lives11.is12.am.F.Answers will vary.Sample answers:Anya: Anya is 68 years old. She lives in Los Angeles. She is a student. She is married. Gilberto: Gilberto is a student. He is 30 years old. He is single. He lives in Los Angeles.G.Answers will vary.Challenge 2: 一般现在时: Have (p. 4)B.1.Three2.One3.Four4.Vietnam5.The United States6.NguyenD.1.I have two sisters.2.I don’t have a wife.3.You don’t have an aunt in Korea.4.Ken doesn’t have a brother.5.My mother has four sisters.6.You don’t have a niece in Poland.7.Maria doesn’t have a husband.8.We don’t have children.9.Jessica and Kate have a brother.F.Sample answers:1.Martha has three brothers.2.Ned has three sisters.3.Both Martha and Ned have brothers.4.Martha and Ned both have five cousins.5.Martha has three uncles.6.Ned has two brothers.G.Answers will vary.Challenge 3: 形容词的比较级与最高级(p. 6)B.1.Howard is tall.2.He has blonde hair and green eyes.3.Sam is average height.4.He has brown hair and brown eyes.5.Kyle is short.6.He has blue eyes and red hair.D.1.taller2.shorter3.heavier4.thinner5.younger6.older37.thinner, taller8.taller, thinnerE.1.John2.Herbert3.Herbert4.Lien5.Jack6.Frank7.MariaF.Answers will vary.G.Answers will vary.Challenge 4: 一般现在时与频率副词(p. 8)B.1. c.2. a.3. a.D.1.Anya wakes up at 6:00 A.M.2.You get up at 7:00 A.M.3.Ivan goes to work at 8:00 A.M.4.They help with the grandchildren.5.We play soccer.6.Ivan works in Los Angeles.7.I go to school.8.Anya takes the children to the beach.E.1.often wakes up2.always works3.sometimes take4.often play5.sometimes works6.rarely get up7.sometimes wakes up8.rarely takeF.1.Kim works every day at 12:30 P.M.2.Kim goes to school on Mondays andWednesdays.3.Kim studies at 9:00 A.M. on Thursdays.4.Kim watches the kids in the mornings onTuesdays and Thursdays.5.Kim takes a break at 9:00 A.M. onMonday and Wednesday.6. Kim goes to school at 7:00 A.M.G.Answers will vary.Challenge 5: 一般疑问句:Is it? (p. 10)D.1.Is it rainy today?2.Is it snowy in the mountains?3.Is it hot in California today?4.Is it foggy by the ocean every morning?5.Is it windy at night?6.Is it cloudy and rainy today?F.1.No, it isn’t.2.Yes, it is.3.Yes, it is.4.Yes, it is.5.No, it isn’t.6.Yes, it is.G.Answers will vary.Sample answers:True: It is cloudy today.True: It is windy today.False: It is rainy today.False: It is 90 degrees today.H.Answers will vary.Extension Challenge 1: Be的否定句(p. 12)B.Mario: single; Mexico; short; brown; blackSylvia: single; Peru; average height; brown; blackD.1.am not42.’m not3.’s not4.isn’t5.are not6.aren’t7.’re not8.are not9.is not10.’s notE.1.Mario isn’t from Peru.2.Her name isn’t Maria.3.They aren’t teachers.4.His last name isn’t Ortiz.5.Sylvia isn’t sad in the U.S.6.Mario isn’t tall.7.Sylvia and Mario aren’t married.8.Sylvia isn’t old.F.Answers will vary.Sample answers:1.I’m not a teacher.2. a woman, not a man.3.handsome, he is not ugly.4.nice, They are not mean.Extension Challenge 2: Be的一般疑问句(p. 14)B.1.Yes2.No3.Yes4.No5.No6.YesD.1.Is Kenji from Japan?2.Are Anya and Ivan from Russia?3.Are you from Korea?4.Am I late for class?5.Is Marie from Haiti?6.Are Gilberto and Mario tall?7.Is Mario from Mexico?8.Is Kenji at school?F.1.No, he’s not.2.Yes, they are.3.No, she’s not.4.Yes, they are.5.No, they aren’t.6.No, she’s not.7.Yes, she is.G.Answers will vary.Unit 2 Let’s go Shopping! (p. 16)Challenge 1: 一般现在时的否定式与肯定式(p. 16)B.Summer Clothes: sandalsshortsswimsuitT-shirtjacketWinter Clothes: a scarfbootsa coatsweaterBoth Winter and Summer: dressa capsunglassesD.1.doesn’t shop2.doesn’t wear3.don’t need4.don’t buy5.don’t like6.doesn’t need7.don’t shop8.never eat9.don’t want10.don’t workE.1.wear, don’t wear2.likes, doesn’t like3.nee d, don’t need4.wants, doesn’t want5.wear, don’t wear5FAnswers will vary.GAnswers will vary.Challenge 2: 形容词的比较级与最高级(p. 18)B.1.$33.592.$111.883.$52.484.$29.97C.1.socks2.shirt3.shorts4.dress5.jacketE.1.cheaper than2.more expensive than3.more expensive than4.more expensive than5.cheapest6.most expensive7.cheaper8.cheaperF.1.socks2.sandals3.pajamas4.shorts5.shirt6.pants7.shoes8.dress9.sweater10.jacketG.1.the jacket2.The jacket and the sweater3.The socks and the sandals4.The jacket5.The socks, sandals6.The shoes, the sweaterH.Answers will vary.Challenge 3:现在进行时(p. 20)D.1.ing2.ing3.is4.ing5.are6.are7.are8.is9.ing10.areE.1.Anya is looking for new summer clothes.2.I am buying sandals.3.You are wearing your new blouse.4.Three men are sitting on a bench.5.We are not eating at the mall today.6.Duong is going to the shoe store.7.The children are talking to their friends.8.Irina is not buying the blue skirt.9.You are reading a book at the bookstore.10.We are taking the bus home.Challenge 4: Because的用法(p. 22)B.1.Armstrong Clothing2.Armstrong Clothing3.Fashion Express4.Fashion Express5.Armstrong ClothingC.Answers will vary.E.1. c.2. a.3. b.64. f.5. e.6. d.F.1.I like Armstrong’s because the blouses arecheaper then at fashion express.2.I want the dress because it is long andbeautiful.3.I like the shoes because they are cheap.4.I want the hat because it is perfect with mydress.5.I like the shirt because it has long sleeves.6.I want the plans because they are my size.H.1.Kim likes Sally’s Clothing Store because ithas good prices.2.She also likes the store because it has goodsales people.3.Kim likes it because it also has a greatselection.4.She likes the shoes because they arecheaper than at the other stores. Challenge 5: 指示形容词: This, That, These和Those (p. 24)E.1.Plural, Far2.Plural, Far3.Singular, Far4.Plural, Near5.Singular, Far6.Plural, Near7.Singular, Near8.Plural, FarF.1.this2.these3.Those4.this5.Those6.Those7.this8.Those9.Those10.theseG.Answers will vary.Extension Challenge 1: 一般现在时: 一般疑问句(p. 26)B.Sample answers:1.Lien wears boots in the winter.2.Steve wears a T-shirt in the summer.3.Lien wears a scarf in the winter.4.Steve wears sandals in the summer..D.1.Do they cost $45.00?2.Does the price include tax?3.Do you shop at the mall?4.Does Kenji shop at the mall, too?5.Do we want to buy new clothes?6.Do I need more money?7.Does Mr. Lee have a new raincoat?8.Does Sylvia wear sandals every day?E.1.Yes, I do.2.No, it doesn’t.3.Yes, it does.4.No, they don’t.5.No, we don’t.6.Yes, it does.7.Yes, you do.8.No, she doesn’t.9.No, I don’t.10.Yes, she does.G.Answers will vary..Extension Challenge 2: 现在进行时:一般疑问句(p. 28)D.1.Are Anna and Ivan buying summerclothes?72.Are you buying the blue pants or the redpants?3.Am I buying the dress with a coupon?4.Is Teresa buying the flowered raincoat?5.Are we buying the extra large T-shirt?6.Are they buying the expensive shoes?7.Is Steve buying the brown boots?8.Is your family buying winter clothestoday?E.1.Yes, they are.2.No, he isn’t.3.Yes, I am.4.No, she isn’t.5.No, you’re not.6.Yes, we are.7.Yes, we are.8.No, I’m not.F.1.Are they wearing suits?2.Is he wearing tennis shoes?3.Are they wearing gym clothes?4.Is he wearing a sweatshirt?Unit 3 Food and Nutrition (p. 30)Challenge 1: Can的问句(p. 30)B.1.Sirloin steak2.Soda; potato chips3.Answer will vary.4.Answer will vary.5.$12.27D.1.Can I take your dishes?2.Can you help me understand?3.Can you see the server?4.Can you eat faster?5.Can I talk to the Manager?6.Can you pay?7.Can I have the shrimp?8.Can you help?E1. c.2. a.3. b.4. d.F.1.Can I have a soda, please?2.Can I please talk to the manager?3.Can you help me, please?4.Can you please take my dishes?G.Answers will vary.Challenge 2: How much / How many (p. 32)B.Jose: 3 pounds of bananas1 jar of peanut butter2 boxes of cereal3 bags of potato chipsMarie: 2 pounds of oranges1 can of green beans1 carton of ice cream1 bottle of oilBoth: 2 gallons of milk1 loaf of breadD.How much How manywater bottlesoil gallons of milkice cream cans of soupmilk jarssoup pounds of potatoesbread cartonsE.Sample answers:1.pounds of bananas do we need?2.bread do we need?3.oil do we need?4.pounds of oranges do we need?5.bottles do we need?k do we need?7.cans of green beans do we need?88.peanut butter do we need?9.ice cream do we need?10.cans of chips do we need?F.Answers will vary.Challenge 3: Be的问与答(p. 34)A.Aisle 1: pears, oranges, tomatoesAisle 4: cake mix, flour, sugar, pancakeAisle 8: ham, bacon, steak,Aisle 3: soup, tuna, beansAisle 5: milk, ice cream, butterC.1.are2.is3.is4.is5.is6.are7.is8.are9.is10.is11.are12.isD.1.The potatoes are in the produce section.2.The cake mix is in aisle 4.3.Where is the cheese?4.The pears are in the produce section.5.Where is the milk?6.The flour is in aisle 4.7.Where is the bread?8.Where is the chicken?E.Answers will vary.Challenge 4: Have的用法(p. 36)A.1.Vegetables2.Meat3.Dairy4.Bread, grains5.Fruit6.Fats, oils, sweetsB.carrots, lotus root, broccolifish, beef, chickenmilk, cheese, butterpasta, bread, riceorange, bananas, applesoda, candy, oilD.1.have2.have3.have4.have5.have6.has7.has8.hasF.Sample answers1.has a donut with milk for breakfast.2.both have a ham sandwich for lunch.3.has a hamburger and fries for lunch.4.both have chicken and rice for dinner.5.Javier, Huyen, and Alexi all have milk atbreakfast.6.Huyen has cereal and milk for breakfast.7.Javier has a salad and soda for dinner.8.Alexi has fruit and milk for breakfast.G.Answers will vary.Challenge 5:祈使句(p. 38)B.1. 22.83. 14.75. 46. 57. 38. 6D.1.Ask2.Read93.Don’t use4.Listen5.Don’t cook6.Don’t eat7.Cut8.Write9.Don’t take10.Don’t putE.1.vacuum2.clean3.Don’t eat4.Buy5.Don’t buy6.Go7.Peel8.whip9.Make10.Wash11.drain12.set13.Don’t use14.Choose15.PutF.Answers will vary.Extension Challenge 1: Some / Any (p. 40)A.1.box2.jar3.carton4.can5.bottle6.bagB.1.jars2.cartons3.box4.bottle5.bags6.cansD.1.some2.any/some3.some4.any5.any6.some7.any8.any9.some10.any/some11.any12.someE.1.She needs some green beans, too.2.She doesn’t need any carrots.3.Augustin wants some rice.4.He doesn’t buy any onions.5.They need some fish for the restaurant.6.Augustin buys some beverages every week.7.We don’t usually buy any ice cream.8.I don’t want any ice cream.9.Do you want some ice cream now?10.We are buying any cans of soup?F.1.Does he need any mayonnaise?2.Does he need any sugar?3.Does he need any soup?4.Does he need any carrots?5.Does he need any cereal?6.Does he need any oil?G.Answers will vary.Extension Challenge 2: There is/ There are (p. 42)C.1.fruits and vegetables2.carrots, potatoes, lettuce3.oranges, applesE.1.There are2.There is3.There are4.There is5.There are6.There are7.There is108.There are9.There is10.There areF.1.Are there ten tables in the restaurant?2.Is there a new cook?3.Are there many people in the restauranttoday?4.Are there six main courses on the menu?5.Are there many soups and salads?6.Is there a dinner salad on the menu?7.Are there hamburgers and cheeseburgers?8.Are there many different beverages?9.Are there many special desserts?10.Is there a good chocolate cheesecake?G.Answers will vary.Unit 4 Housing (p. 44)Challenge 1: Be与Do的特殊疑问句(p. 44)B.1. b2. b3. c4. b.D.1.Are2.is3.do you4.cars5.do you6.are7.do you8.isE.1. c.2. a.3. e.4. b.5. d.F.Answers will vary. G.Answers will vary.Challenge 2: Which的特殊疑问句(p. 46)B.KindofHomeNumberofbed-roomsNumberofbath-roomsRentalPricePhoneNumberApt. 3 2 $ 1,025 555-9922 Condo1 1 $ 1,400 555-3311Apt. 1 1 $ 900 555-3456 House 4 2 $ 1,800 555-7711 Condo3 2 $ 1,200 555-2311Mobile2 2 $ 1,200 555-9912D.1.Which house is near my school?2.Which houses have two bathrooms?3.Which house has a balcony?4.Which houses are big?5.Which apartment has furniture?6.Which condo is expensive?7.Which car is in the garage?8.Which class starts at 10:00 A.M.?E.1.Ads 1, 4, 5, and 6 include two bathrooms.2.Ads 2 and 5 are condominiums.3.Ad 3 has a pool.4.Ads 1 and 3 are cheap.5.Ad 4 is most expensive.6.Ad 6 is $1,200.F.Sample answerse:1.Which homes are houses?2.Which home is an apartment?3.Which homes are near schools?4.Which homes have a pool?5.Which home has a garage?6.Which home has paid utilities?Challenge 3: 特殊疑问句(p. 48)A.Name: Aguilar, JavierPhone: (408) 555-2234City: Santa ClaraHow long? 2 Years, 6 MonthsPrior Address: 97235 Artesia PlaceState: CAZip: 94801Employer: Anchor MotorsPosition: MechanicC.1.What is your last name?2.What is the name of your bank?3.Where do you go to school?4.How long did you work in Santa Clara?5.Who is your supervisor?6.Where did you live?D.1. c.2. d.3. a.4. b.E.Sample answers:Student A: Where did you study English? Student B: I studied English at Palm City Adult School.Student A: How long did you study English? Student B: I studied English for four years. Student A: Who was your teacher?Student B: My teacher was Steve Hampson. Student A: What is the address?Student B: The address is 9977 W. Broadway.Challenge 4: 方位介词(p. 50)A.Sample answers:clocktoastertablerefrigeratorstoveC.1.next to2.over3.in the corner4.next to5.in6.next to7.between8.on9.under10.in front of11.in back of12.betweenD.1.The house is on Madison Street.2.The swimming pool is behind the house.3.The Yard is in front of the house.4.The flowers are in the corner.5.The house is next to the garage.6.The balcony is over the door.7.The fireplace is in the living room.8.The bathroom is between two bedrooms.9.The dishwasher is under the kitchencounter.10.The cupboard is over the kitchen counter.E.Answers will vary.F.Answers will vary.Challenge 5: 情态动词:May 与Might (p. 52)B.Over (Circled)WaterGasolineEntertainmentOtherUnder (Checked)GaswaterFoodPhoneClothingHousehold repairsFurnitureSavingsD.1.We may move in two weeks.2.They may have a three bedroom house.3.She may live in an apartment on MainStreet.4.You may need a new job.5.It may be a beautiful house.6.He may spend $300 a month.E.1.Gasoline might be $250.2.They might need money for clothes.3.She might want help with the rent.4.He might earn $6,500 a month.5.We might spend $800 on food.6.I might go to the bank today.F.1.2502.1003.5,4674.1755.4006.100G.Answers will vary.Extension Challenge 1: 用and连句(p. 54)A.1.has, bedrooms, $2,000.2.has, bedrooms, $1,400.3.have one, $1,400.4.has, bathrooms, hasC.1.The rent is $800 a month, and the utilitiesare included.2.The living room has a fireplace, and thekitchen is large.3.Nikolai and Andrea need an apartment,and they are looking in the classified ads.4.His wife wants an apartment with threebedrooms, and she needs a washer/dryer.5.Our dream house is in a friendlyneighborhood, and it has a swimmingpool.6.Peter and I are buying a house inSeptember, and we need new furniture. D.1.Kyung moved here from Korea last monthand he lives in Arcadia, Florida.2.The teller is opening a checking accountfor him and she is also opening a savingsaccount.3.Kyung can get his checks immediately andhe can write checks from the checkingaccount.4.Kyung uses checks to pay for food and hewrites the checks in the check ledger.5.Nam-young Kim writes the check for therent and she also pays for the utilities.6.Mr. and Mrs. Kim buy clothes from Sal’sClothes and they buy food from RencoMarket.7.Mr. and Mrs. Kim pay $850 a month forrent and they need $400 a month for food.8.Their house has three bedrooms and it isin a quiet neighborhood.E.Answers will vary.Extension Challenge 2: 形容词与名词修饰语(p.56)A.1.Number 2 is the biggest.2.Number 1 is the smallest.3.Numbers 2, 3, and 4 have chimneys.4.Numbers 2 and 3 are two-stories.C.1.The house has a separate garage.2.He’s buying some expensive flowers.3.The balcony has a beautiful view.4.These are comfortable chairs.5.I live in a quiet neighborhood.6.The rent for the remodeled apartment is$750.7.We need a good dishwasher.8.What is your prior address?9.She wants to rent a big house.10.You want some small lamps.D.1.bank account2.ATM card3.photo ID4.application forms5.three-story house6.dream house7.two-car garage8.coffee tablesE.Answers will vary.Unit 5: Our Community (p. 58)Challenge 1: When, Where与介词(p. 58)B.1.32 minutes2.37 minutes3. 2 hours and 11 minutes4.5605.6006.625D.1.in2.in3.at4.[none]5.in6.in7.from8. ØE.keview2.Franklin City, 10:02 A.M.3.Jackson, Broadwaykeview5.Pleasantville6.Broadway, JacksonF.Answers will vary.G.Answers will vary.Challenge 2: 一般现在时(p. 60)B.Lincoln High; 555-8336; Fire Department; 911 / 555-8461D.1.needs2.call3.wants4.looks5.call6.like7.prefers8.calls9.eat10.stops11.visitesE.Sample answers:1.Raquel needs money.2.Raquel has a toothache.3.Raquel needs new shoes.4.Raquel and Mario are sick.5.Raquel needs new glasses.6.Raquel and Mario need a doctor.7.Raquel needs a driver’s license.8.Mario’s hou se is on fire.F.Answers will vary.Challenge 3: 祈使句(p. 62)B.1.the high school2.the City Hall3.Marie’s apartmentD.Here are the ... Go north on Emerson Street. Walk straight … Turn left on Michigan Avenue. Go two blocks … Lincoln Street, turn right. Do n’t turn left; that’s … Walk up the stairs. Find apartment #3.E.1.Don’t go to the post office today.2.Don’t write your address on the form.3.Don’t fill in all the customer forms now.4.Don’t walk from the post office to thepharmacy.5.Don’t turn right at the n ext intersection.6.Don’t stop at the corner of Main andRobinson.F.1.Send the package economy class.2.Buy insurance for the package.3.Turn left at the corner.4.Go west on Broadway.G.Sample answers:1.Go south on Commonwealth. The Universityis on the left after Monroe.2.Go south on Main. Turn right on Lincoln. TheMuseum is the last building on the right onLincoln, before Commonwealth.3.Go east on Lincoln. Turn right on Main. Turnright on Broadway. The Court House is afterthe Police Station on the right.Challenge 4:一般现在时与现在进行时(p. 64)B.1. b. She wants to get a letter from her friend.2. c. She wants to see Antonio.D.1.has2.is working3.visits4.go5.am living6.go7.have8.are eatingE.1.walk2.am taking3.goes4.are waiting5.stops6.take7.are going8.visit9.wait10.are readingF.Answers will vary.Challenge 5: 一般过去时(p. 66) A.From: Jennifer Gault895 Main PlaceMiami, FL 33010To: John Gil8246 Wilson St.Bend, OR 97701C.1.wanted2.bought3.went4.walked5.ate6.talkedD.went, talked, wanted, talked, talked, went, ate, sentE.Answers will vary.Extension Challenge 1: 方位介词(p. 68)Exercise B.Service Buy and Sell bus stop mall police station pet store hospital (and pharmacy) supermarket museum hardware Storebank bowling alleyschool movie theaterbus stationpharmacyD.1.yes2.no3.yes4.yes5.no6.no7.yes8.yes9.yes10.noE.1.West Broadway2.8th Avenue3.the supermarket4.the bus station5.the museum, the bank6.the hospital7.the school8.Main Street, Park StreetF.Answers will vary.G.Answers will vary.Extension Challenge 2: 时间介词(p. 70)B.Event Date Timemeeting with marjorie 9/4/2009 1 P.M. library 9/8/2009 P.M.library 9/9/2009 P.M.library 9/10/2009 P.M.fly to NY 9/14/2009 7 A.M.dentist appt. 9/24/2009 4 P.M.D.1.in2.on3.at4.at5.on6.in7.in8.at9.In10.on11.inE.1.in2.At3.on4.at5.in6.in7.on8.in9.in10.atF.1.She is going to New York on September 14 at7:00 A.M.2.She has a meeting with Marjorie onSeptember 4 at 1:00 P.M.3.Marjorie goes to the library in the afternoonon September 8,9,and 10.4.Marjorie will go to the dentist in 2 hours. Unit 6: Health (p. 72)Challenge 1: Need to的用法(p. 72)B.1.Gilberto2.Kenji3.LienD.1.likes to2.want3.need to4.likes to5.likes6.work7.need to8.relaxE.1.wants to2.needs to3.eat4.exercises5.want6.drink7.needs to8.likes toF.Answers will vary.Challenge 2: 形容词的比较级与最高级(p. 74)A.Answers will vary.B.Answers will vary.D.Answers may vary.Sample Answers:1. A cold is more serious than a runny nose.2. A sore throat is the most serious ailment.3. A toothache is more common than the flu.4. A runny nose is less serious than a backache.5. A bad headache is the most common ailment.6. A cold is less serious than a backache.7.The flu is less common than a cold.8.The flu is the most serious ailment.E.Answers will vary.Sample Answers:1.The flu is more serious than a cold.2. A sore throat is the most serious ailment.3. A backache is the most common ailment.4. A cold is less serious than a headache.5. A sore throat is less common than a headache.6. A cold is the most common ailment.F.Answers will vary.Challenge 3:一般过去时: 规则与不规则(p. 76)A.1. c. to a doctor.2. d. three times a day.3. a. in the park every week.4. b. cigarettes.B.Anya talked to a doctor. She exercised three times a day. She walked in the park every week. She also smoked cigarettes.D. 1.was2.was3.was4.had5.were6.had7.had8.were9.had10.wereE.1.played2.wanted3.visited4.asked5.needed6.smoked7.talkedF.Last week, Alex exercised every day. He also played tennis on Saturday. He wanted his wife to play tennis, too. On Saturday, she visited the doctor. She asked for medicine for more energy. She needed more exercise and not medicine. She also smoked a pack of cigarettes a day. She talked to her husband about it.Challenge 4:情态动词:Should (p. 78)A.DUDWUWUWDDDUC.1.You should go to the drugstore.2.You should sleep eight hours tonight.3.Ricardo should take some cough syrup.4.You should go to the hospital.5.You should go to bed.6.Luisa should take some aspirin.7.They should stop smoking.8.You should go to the optometrist.D.1.shouldn’t2.should3.shouldn’t4.shouldn’t5.should6.should7.should8.shouldn’t9.should10.shouldn’tE.Answers will vary.Sample Answers:1.You should sleep eight hours tonight.2.You should take cough medicine.3.You shouldn’t smoke cigarettes.4.You shouldn’t play tennis today.Challenge 5: 一般过去时:不规则动词(p. 80)B.1. b. call the fire department, the police, or apoison control center2. a. his or her name and addressD.1.drove2.woke3.went4.bought5.came6.did7.ate8.slept9.took10.got11.said12.drank E.1.My throat hurt.2.You drove me to the doctor at noon.3.The doctor said to take some medicine.4.I got the medicine from the doctor.5.You read the directions.6.I took two teaspoons of the syrup.7.I slept for ten hours.8.We ate a good breakfast.9.My friends came to see me.10.They bought me some flowers.F.Answers will vary.Extension Challenge 1: Should的问句(p. 82)A.toothache, stomachache, headache, backache, sore throatB.Answers will vary.Sample answers:1.aspirin2.calcium carbonate3.aspirin4.aspirin5.cough syrupD.1.Should I drink coffee?2.Should Eva eat three meals a day?3.Should the medicine reduce the fever?4.Should Mario have a checkup?5.Should you chew the tablets?6.Should they make an appointment?7.Should I call an ambulance?8.Should your parents stop smoking?E.1.How should your mother lose weight?2.When should Rosa take her medicine?3.Why should you run every day?4.Where should the children play soccer?5.Who should we visit today?6.When should Tan and Diem go to the dentist?7.Why should Vladimir take aspirin?8.What should I eat tonight?9.Who should you call in the morning?。
新模式英语 2-unit1 Everyday Life

Kenji’s family
GOAL ➢ Identify family relationships
A Read and listen to Kenji’s story.
My name is Kenji Nakamura. I have a wonderful family. We live in the United States. I have one sister and two brothers. I also have uncles and an aunt here. My father has two brothers and no sisters. My mother has one brother and one sister. My grandparents are in Japan. I’m sad because they are not here with my family.
B Complete the sentences.
1. Kenji has ___o_n_e__ sister. 2. Kenji has __t_w__o__ brothers. 3. Kenji’s father has __t_w__o__ brothers and ___n_o___ sisters. 4. Kenji’s mother has ___o_n_e__ sister and ___o_n_e__ brother. 5. Kenji has __o_n_e___ aunt and __th__r_e_e_ uncles.
初中英语北师大版七年级下册《Unit 1 Daily Life Lesson3》课件

3.Why do fires sometimes start in bedrooms? Because some people smoke in bed.
4. How do you keep safe when you talk to
other kids online?
Don’t give them your address or phone number. Don’t meet an Internet friend.
Discussion: Safety first! Can you give some advice about safety ?
1st Reading:
Read(1~3) fast and match (1~3) with (a~c).
2nd reading: True or False questions
1. Don’t take a shower or bath during bad lighting
Over half
5. Talking to other kids online is dangerous. T
(Why?) Maybe they’re not kids!
3rd Reading:
Read and answer the questions.
1.What should(应当) we do during bad lightning storms?
your address or phone
2. Don’t meet an Internet friend.
电子课件-《新模式英语(2)》-A01-7633 book 2-unit1

Study the charts with your classmates and teacher.
Listen to the information about Mario and Lien. Complete the sentences.
1. Lien ____is____ from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Look at the words in the box. Then, complete the chart below with the words.
25 years old city country
divorced married old
single state young
Marital status Age
Kenji's class
➢ Describe people
My schedule
➢ Interpret and write schedules
How is the weather today?
➢ Interpret information about weather
Team Project
two sisters.
1._J__u_a_n_h__a_s_t_h_r_e_e__b_r_o_t_h_e_r_s__a_n_d__t_w_o__s_is_t_e_r_s_._ 2. ________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________ 5. ________________________________________

Unit 1 Daily LifeLesson 3 Safety FirstThis is the third lesson in this unit. The main topic is about safety problems, so improving the students’ abilities of speaking and thinking on safety problems is very important.【知识与能力目标】Key phrases: stay at home, walk in a storm, stay away from windows, play on fire…Key grammar: simple present tensegeneral questionspecial question【能力目标】1.To understand the passage involving safety problems2.To give advice according to the dangerous activities.【情感态度价值观目标】1. Learn to consider yourself and others’ safety.2. Learn how to give advice in a correct way.【教学重点】Learn to obtain information about daily life safety through reading the passage. 【教学难点】Learn how to give different advice according to different safety problems.PPT, blackboard, chalkStep 1. Warm-up1. Imagine Jim is a fireman, students need to think if his job is dangerous or not and give their reasons.Eg. I think it’s a dangerous job because he might be hurt by the fire.I don’t think it’s a dangerous job because he can be protected by his uniform.2. Students think about their daily life and list daily activities as many as they can. The teacher will ask some students to share their activities.Eg. I ride bike to school.I play basketball with my friends after school.I like eating vegetables at dinner.I need to drink hot water everyday.Step 2. Pre-reading1. The teacher will show some pictures on the screen, and students need to answer questions“ what are they doing”.Eg. They are riding bicycles.They are walking in a storm.2. Discuss in pairs and students rate six activities from very dangerous(6)to not dangerous(1) and give their reasons.Eg. I think walking in storm is dangerous, and going online is not. Because people might be hurt by lightning but they won’t be hurt by the computer.Step 3: Reading1. Read passage (a-c) quickly and match the texts with the correct pictures.c a b2. Read passage (a-c) again and match (1-3) with (a-c) and fill in the chart.3. Read passage again and finish true or false questions.We should open the windows during bad lightning storms.×We can’t go out during bad lightning storms.√We should tell our phone number to online friends.×Fires can’t start in the bedroom.×Fires usually start in the kitchen.√Step 4: Post-readingDiscuss and add more facts or advice for 3 different situations. Eg. What should we do during bad lightning?How do we stop fire at home?What should we do when we talk to other kids on line?Step 5: Homework1. Read the passage aloud.2. Make a poster for the school Safety Week.略。
Unit 1 Daily Life Lesson 3 Safety First-一般现在时讲解2-优质公开课-北师大7下精品

我们存在的问题: 1.Who _________ (sing) over there? 2.Who _________ (sing) best in our class? 我们存在的问题: 1. 在具体做题的时候不会判断使用什么时态。 2. 不知道动词使用什么形式。 3. 不会使用be动词和助动词。 学习目标: I. 掌握动词时态中一般现在时态的用法。
一加:即在句首加助动词Do或Does; 二改:1、把谓语动词改为原形; 2、改换主语称谓; 三问号:句末的句号改为问号。 切忌:含有行为动词的一般疑问句和否定句不能外加be动词
1.含be或情态动词的否定句,在其后加not,或者与之缩写。 2.含行为动词(或称为实义动词)的否定句,在动词前加助动 词don’t, doesn’t(主语为第三人称单数). 八、牛刀小试: 1. Listen! Joan __________(sing) is singing in the classroom. She often __________ (sing) there . sings 2. ________your brother __________(speak) Chinese? Does speak 3. Where __________ you __________ (have) lunch Do have every day? doesn’t like 4. The girl _____________(not like) wearing a skirt. have (have) PE three times a week. 5. We ______ 6. There ______ are (be) twelve months a year.
初中英语北师大版七年级下册《Unit 1 Daily Life yLesson3》课件

close the windows,
stay away from the windows and
don’t take a shower or bath
the TV
Read the letter b with its reply and complete the passage.
Next week is __F_ir_e___ _S_a_f_et_y__ Week at school. Fire safety is very _i_m_p__o_rt_a_n_t__. More than _5_0_%___ of fires start in the kitchen. Some people s_m__o_k_ein bed, sometimes fires start in _b_e_d_r_o_o_m__s__.
an online shopping centre. 一个在线购物中心 You can chat with other people who are online. 你可以与其他在线的人谈天。
2. We usually stay at home, …
stay v.停留;逗留;保持 I stayed late at the party last night. 昨晚我在晚会上呆到很晚。 You can stay at home and watch TV. 你可以待在家里并且看电视。 You may stay here if you like. 如果你爱好的话,你可以留在这里。 The temperature has stayed hot this week. 本周气温一直都很热。
point v.指;指向 The hands of the clock point to five o'clock. 时钟的针指向五点钟。
北师大初中英语七下《Unit 1 Daily LifeLesson 3 Safety First》PPT课件 (2)

Complete the questions with do, does, don’t or doesn’t.
7. _____ Do they jump rope ? don’t No, they ______. 8. _____your dog walk in the zoo? Does Yes, it ______ does 9. ____ Do I have a big nose? No, you ______. don’t 10. ____ Do your cats eat fish? Yes, they _____. do 11. _____ Do their mothers go shopping? No, they _______. don’t 12. I ______speak Japanese. _____you speak don’t Do Japanese?
Write questions with the words in the box. You’ve got five minutes!
Question words: what, where, when Verbs: do, does, use, stay, play Nouns: home, a car, the Internet, sports People: your mum/dad, your friend, you Times: every day, on weekends
Lesson 3 Safety First
Reading Period 2
Complete and group பைடு நூலகம்he phrases
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. stay ___ home walk ___ a storm stay away _____ the windows stay away _____ the TV start _____ the kitchen give address ____ Internet friends give phone numbers ____ Internet friends
北师大初中英语七年级下册《Unit 1 Daily LifeLesson 3 Safety First》教案 (1)

Step 5
Introducethe things your familiesห้องสมุดไป่ตู้and you often doin groups.
Write a short passage to introduce.
Finish and check the writing.
Step 2
Free talk: Weather these activities dangerous or not.
Step 3
Read passage a to c and tick the general ideas of the three passages.
Step 4
1.Read the passages aloud.
2.Discuss and add more facts or advice to the table.
3.Pair work
Step 5
Group work
Make a poster for the school Safety Week.
1.Read passage a~c and find the students’questions about the three situations.
《U1 Daily LifeL 3 Safety First》 (2)》精品优质课件

• 特殊疑问句 Where __D_o__ I/you/we/they start? What _D__o_e_s_ he/she/(it) want?
Complete the questions with do or does.
1. __D_o__ your friends go online every day? 2. Which sports _d_o_e_s_ she play? 3. What __d_o__ we do during storms? 4. _D__o__ your mum and dad often use the
Example: Does your dad use his car on weekends?
• Can you introduce the things your families and you often do?
My father works in a school.
Internet? 5. When _d_o_e_s_ he usually ride his bike?
Complete the questions with do, does, don’t or doesn’t.
1. _D_o__e_s_ he watch TV at night? Yes, he _d_o_e_s__. 2. _D__o___ you go to school everyday?
Storms: __________________________________ Fires: ____________________________________ Chatting on line: ___________________________
北师大版英语七年级下册Unit 1 Daily Life Lesson 3 Safety First

Unit 1 Daily Life Lesson 3 Safety First教学设计一、教学目标在本课学习完毕时,学生能够:1. 分类归纳有关雷雨天气、火灾、在线聊天的事实和建议等信息;2.在语境中体会、归纳一般现在时的一般疑问句及答复和特殊疑问句的用法;3. 介绍自己和家人常做的事。
二、教学重难点1.词汇和短语:riding a bicycle, walking in a storm , playing basketball, travelling in a car , playing with fire, stay at home, walk in a storm, stay away from windows2.用英语表达雷雨天气、火灾、在线聊天等应该考前须知3.语法知识:一般现在时态,以及一般疑问句和特殊疑问句。
三、教学用具ppt, textbook四、教学过程ReviewStep 1plete and group the phrases.Make sentences with the phrases.设计意图:复习课文中的信息和语言GrammarStep 2Read the sentences and try to get to know the usage of “do〞and “does〞.设计意图:在句子中观察do和does的用法Step 3plete the sentences with “do〞or “does〞plete the sentences with “do〞, “does〞, “don’t〞or “doesn’t〞3.Read the sentences aloud.设计意图:在句子中正确使用do, does, don’t 和doesn’t SpeakingStep 4Write questions with the words in the box, then ask and answer in pairs. 设计意图:在语境中体会一般现在时的用法。
大学英语1 Unit 1 Everyday Life课堂笔记及练习题

大学英语1Unit 1 Everyday Life课堂笔记及练习题主题:Unit 1 Everyday Life学习时间:2015年9月28日-10月4日内容:我们这周主要学习与初次见面的人交际时如何进行简短的自我介绍,掌握高频率使用的日常生活用语,了解动词的总体特点和不同种类。
常用的问候语包括:Nice to meet you!How are you?Glad to meet you!Pleased to meet you!Welcome to the class/our company.⑵介绍时不要涉及个人隐私,如工资、年龄、家庭等,也不要询问涉及对方隐私的内容。
2.重点词汇和短语⑴ bath 盆浴•bath是名词,其对应的动词形式是bathe(洗澡)。
•常用的说法是take a bath(洗盆浴)。
注意它和take a shower (洗淋浴)是不同的。
⑵ play with sth. 玩某种东西(如玩具等)e.g. The child is playing with some toys.•也可说play with sb. 与某人玩e.g. He likes playing with his good friends.⑶ be different from 与……不同•这个短语应用的比较频繁,用于两者之间的比较。
e.g. My job is quite different from yours. 注意这里的yours 指的是your job.Life in the USA will be different from what you expect.•表达与此相反的意思与……相同的短语为:the same ase.g. Mary doesn’t look the same as before.⑷ rinse off 冲洗,漂洗掉e.g. I rinse off the soap with warm water.•rinse sth. out 冲洗,洗刷干净e.g. Rinse the cup out before use.⑸ soothing舒缓的e.g. Music is soothing and relaxing to the mind.It is so soothing to enjoy the beautiful garden.⑹ stress 压力既可作名词也可作动词,给……压力。
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Today we will describe people.
4.Who is the youngest I the class?
5.Who is older than the teacher?
Comparative and superlative adjectives:
tall----taller-----the tallest
thin----thinner-----the thinnest
2.Students will be able to ask for personal information.
3. Enablestudents to describe people.
Make Students can describe people with different actives.
Look at the pictures on page 7 and answer the following questions:
1.How many students are in Kenji’s class?
2.Who is tall?
3.Who has blond hair?
Step 1
Step 2
Ask students to make a family tree if they didn’t do so in the previous lesson. Then ask them to shareit with other students or come to the blackboard to read it loudly to other students.
Unit 1 Everyday Life
Lesson 3 Kenji’s class
1.How many students are in Kenji’s class?
2.Who is tall?
3.Who has blond hair?
(page 8)
Ask three students to come to the front of the room. Ask them to line up left to right by height.
Black red brown gray
Write sentences about the students in the picture. Describle their hair, eyes, height, and weight. Use the words from the boxes above.
Then write tall, taller, tallest and short, shorter, shortest on the board.
long longer longest t
Students discuss the picures with each other and then write down the words that they use to describle people as possible as they can.
Tall short thin fat
教案纸首页பைடு நூலகம்
Unit 1 Everyday Life
Lesson 3 Kenji’s class
Multimedia, computer, chalk, picture
1.Students will be able to read and grasp some new words .
Students will be able to write a paragraph to describe different people.
No more materials needed.
Fill in the bar graphs about Kenji’s class on Page8.
large larger largest
big bigger biggest
④以“辅音字母+ y”结尾的形容词=变y为i,再加er或est
easy easier easiest
Write a pagragraph about your class.