OpenFlow系统操作手册第四篇 第十八章考勤管理

目录第一节系统概述 (2)1.1、系统功能 (2)1.2、业务流程图 (3)第二节基本资料 (4)第三节日常处理 (11)3.1、排班处理 (11)3.2、卡机数据 (15)3.3、加班单 (16)3.4、请假单 (17)3.5、放假单 (18)3.6、出差单 (19)3.7、员工签卡 (20)3.8、考勤处理 (21)第四节查询报表 (24)4.1、资料查询 (24)第一节系统概述1.1、系统功能考勤系统主要是管理员工日常考勤业务,计算员工出勤情况,并统计,为员工薪资计算提供考勤数据。

目录第一节系统概述 ..................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
1.1、系统功效 ................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
第二节基础资料 ..................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
第三节日常处理 ..................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
第四节查询.............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

目录第一节登录系统 (3)第二节按键、图标说明 (6)第三节系统操作 (7)3.1、新增 (7)3.2、插入 (7)3.3、重制 (8)3.4、删除 (8)3.5、恢复删除 (8)3.6、保存 (8)3.7、剪切 (8)3.8、复制 (9)3.9、粘贴 (9)3.10、样式 (9)3.11、分组 (9)3.12、排序 (10)3.13、查询 (10)3.14、刷新记录 (12)3.15、查找 (12)3.16、替换 (13)3.17、窗口风格 (13)3.18、最小化所有窗口与撤销 (14)3.19、添加工具 (14)3.20、自定义校验 (15)第四节系统功能 (16)4.1、切换用户 (16)4.2、修改口令 (16)4.3、刷新 (17)4.4、目录 (17)4.5、文件柜 (18)4.6、工作流 (24)4.7、装饰图 (26)4.8、批注 (27)4.9、注册 (27)4.10、添加工具 (27)4.11、F4查询 (29)4.13、继承 (42)4.14、打印格式 (42)4.15、打印预览 (43)4.16、自定义显示格式 (45)4.17、注销在线用户 (47)4.18、抛单参数 (48)第五节表单的建立 (49)第一节登录系统1、双击桌面上的“傲鹏协同管理平台”图标或“开始 / 程序 / opensoft / 傲鹏协同管理平台”启动系统(见图1),在图1中输入以下信息后,点击“Y”进入系统(见图3)第一次使用系统时,点击“Y”会出现注册窗口(见图2),在图2中正确填写本公司提供的序列号,点击“注册”后才能使用系统栏位说明(图1)帐套:在第一节中建立的套帐,本案例为“开发套帐”语言:本系统支持多种语言,各公司可根据情况选择适合自己公司的语言。
OpenFlow系统操作手册第四篇 第二十一章邮件预警

目录第一节邮件服务 (2)1.1、邮件服务 (2)第二节在线会话 (9)2.1、在线会话 (9)第一节 邮件服务1.1、邮件服务登录系统后,在左边的树型图中,找到“邮件预警/邮件服务”后双击它,进入“邮件服务”窗口 (见图1),此文件柜可发送邮件、可建立预警邮件、可查看接收的对话记录栏位说明(图1)左树型窗口:显示了收发邮件、预警设置、对话邮件三个功能。
收发邮件:包含收件箱、未发邮件、已发邮件、废件箱 收件箱指已接收的邮件未发邮件指已建立的但还未发送的邮件 已发邮件指已经发送的邮件 废件箱指从收件箱中删除的邮件 预警设置:包含未发预警、已发预警、正发预警未发预警指已经建立了的但还未发送的预警邮件 已发预警指已经发送了的预警邮件正发预警指已发送过一次或多次且还需发送的预警邮件 对话记录:包含未读记录、已读记录。
未读记录指其他用户发送给本用户的但本用户还未读的对话记录 已读记录指其他用户发送给本用户的,本用户已经读过了的对话记录右窗口:显示左树型窗口中任一功能的内容,每一功能对应的栏位内容都不同图1功能1. 收发邮件此功能包含发邮件、收邮件、转发、回复、删除、清空六项具体功能 a. “发邮件”具体操作: 步骤一:建立发送帐号开启“邮件服务”文件柜后,点击左树型窗口中的“收发邮件”,再通过点击菜单项“编辑/帐号”、F9、图标“”开启帐号窗口(见图2),在图2中通过点击“增加”按钮新增发送帐号,左树型窗口右窗口点击“保存”将新建的帐号或修改的结果进行保存栏位说明(图2)帐号:帐号的代码邮件地址:邮件的地址用户名:用户的名称POP3 :此邮件的POP3地址SMTP :此邮件的SMTP地址默认:此帐号是否为发送邮件的默认帐号激活:此帐号是否有效组织:此帐号属于哪个组织创建人:创建此帐号的人员创建时间:创建此帐号的时间按钮说明(图2)增加:增加新帐号保存:对新建的帐号或修改结果进行保存删除:删除已建立的帐号确定:对选择的帐号进行确定取消:取消操作图2步骤二:新增邮件开启“邮件服务”文件柜后,点击左树型窗口中的“收发邮件/未发邮件”,先通过点击菜单项“编辑/新增邮件”、或同时按Ctrl键和Ins键新增邮件(见图3)步骤三:选择发送帐号开启图3后,再通过点击菜单项“编辑/帐号”、F9、图标“”开启帐号窗口(见图2),在图2中选择发送的帐号后,点击“确认”回到图3中注意:若已设置默认发送帐号且不需更改发送帐号时,则可跳过此步骤步骤四:书写邮件内容在图3中选择收件人,输入主题、附件、正文后,点击菜单项“编辑/保存”、F2、图标“”将邮件内容保存栏位说明(图3)收件人:可通过点击“”开启“选择收件人”窗口(见图4)来选择收件人帐号主题:邮件的主题紧急:是否为紧急邮件附件:若需发送附件,则可通过点击“”选择附件正文:邮件的正文内容图3栏位说明(图4)类别:收件人分为六类:操作员,个人,供应商,客户,生产厂家,委外商。

优点:可以将流程归属到不同的 分类中,便于管理。建议分类名 称按部门创建。
流程启动后,任务就按预先定义被分配给正确的经办。经办仅有一个时可直接处理,当多于一个时 采用竞办机制,先到先得,后续人员无法接收此任务。 优点:避免同一任务有多人同时处理的情况发生。
流程管理员可随时查看自己管理的流程定义下所有活动的流程。 优点:可监控和调整流程的运行状态,调整优先级、挂起流程、发出催办等。

OpenFlow TutorialJun, 2014N S E - C r e a t e d b y t h e S c r o l l P D F E x p o r t e r . D o y o u f i n d S c r o l l P D F E x p o r t e r u s e f u l ? C o n s i d e r p u r c h a s i n g i t t o d a y : h t t p :// l u g i n s /s e r v l e t /u p m ?f r a g m e n t =m a n a g e /c o m .k 15t .s c r o l l.s c r o l l -p d fj a s on .y a n g @p i c a mN S E - C r e a t e d b y t h e S c r o l l P D F E x p o r t e r . D o y o u f i n d S c r o l l P D F E x p o r t e r u s e f u l ? C o n s i d e r p u r c h a s i n g i t t o d a y : h t t p :// l u g i n s /s e r v l e t /u p m ?f r a g m e n t =m a n a g e /c o m .k 15t .s c r o l l.s c r o l l -p d fj a s on .y a n g @p i c a mContents01 Basic Bridge Configuration 5Basic Bridge Introduction 5Power on Configuration 6Configure Switch 8Configure Bridge 9Configure port 11Default Bridge Behavior 11OVS commands reference 1302 Basic Flows Configurations 14Flows Introduction 14Modify default flow 15Uni-directional Flow 161-to-Many Multicasting 19Many-to-One Aggregation 21OVS commands Used in this Tutorial 23Packet address file 2403 Connection to a Ryu Controller 25Ryu Introduction 25Introduce RYU Open Flow Controller 26Configure OVS for RYU Open Flow Controller 27Controller-OVS Interaction 29RYU Simple Switch Application 31Open flow message type 33Ryu Guide OVS commands reference 34N S E - C r e a t e d b y t h e S c r o l l P D F E x p o r t e r . D o y o u f i n d S c r o l l P D F E x p o r t e r u s e f u l ? C o n s i d e r p u r c h a s i n g i t t o d a y : h t t p :// l u g i n s /s e r v l e t /u p m ?f r a g m e n t =m a n a g e /c o m .k 15t .s c r o l l.s c r o l l -p d fj as on .y an g@pi ca m04 Connection to Opendaylight controller 35OpenDaylight introduction 35Introduce OpenDaylight Open Flow Controller 36Configure OVS for OpenDaylight Open Flow Controller 37Opendaylight Controller-OVS Interaction 38OpenDaylight Simple Switch Application 40message type of open flow 42OVS commands reference04 4305 Connection to a Floodlight Controller 43Floodlight controller Introduction 43Floodlight Open Flow Controller 43Why Make Changes 44Changes to Floodlight 44Build Floodlight 45Test Topology 46Configure OVS 47Launch Floodlight 49Floodlight REST Interface 52curl 52Add Flows 53Delete Flows 53N S E - C r e a t e d b y t h e S c r o l l P D F E x p o r t e r . D o y o u f i n d S c r o l l P D F E x p o r t e r u s e f u l ? C o n s i d e r p u r c h a s i n g i t t o d a y : h t t p :// l u g i n s /s e r v l e t /u p m ?f r a g m e n t =m a n a g e /c o m .k 15t .s c r o l l.s c r o l l -p d fj as on .y an g@pi ca 8.c o mOpenFlow Tutorial01 Basic Bridge ConfigurationBasic Bridge IntroductionThis document provides instructions on how to configure Pica8's open switches to work in various application scenarios. This document assumes the reader with minimal to no knowledge of the Open Virtual Switch (OVS) implementation defined by or the OpenFlow protocol,/defined by https:///.After studying this guide, you will have the tools you need to configure Pica8's open switches as anOpenFlow switch. You will also gain insights on how to optimize the configuration to work in your application environment while also learning about OVS and the OpenFlow protocol.This starter kit provides screen shots, and a list of off the shelf applications needed to complete the configuration, as well as highlighting the problems you may encounter during the setup. More documents or cookbooks on other subjects will be published periodically. This document provides a tutorial on how to:Configure Pica 8 as an OVS OpenFlow switchCreate bridges, add ports, show bridge and port statistics, status, as well as the OVS database Configure flow tables for uni-directional, bi-directional, traffic switching, one-to-many multi-casting,mirroring, filtering, many-to-one aggregation, etc.,Configure Pica 8 OVS OpenFlow switches to interface with the RYU OpenFlow ControllerFigure 1 – Test bed configuration In this document, the system configuration depicted in Figure 1 includes:N S E - C r e a t e d b y t h e S c r o l l P D F E x p o r t e r . D o y o u f i n d S c r o l l P D F E x p o r t e r u s e f u l ? C o n s i d e r p u r c h a s i n g i t t o d a y : h t t p :// l u g i n s /s e r v l e t /u p m ?f r a g m e n t =m a n a g e /c o m .k 15t .s c r o l l.s c r o l l -p d fj as on .y an g@pi ca mOpenFlow Tutorial5 Linux PCs running Ubuntu 12.4.1 LTS, one is connected to the management LAN port (RJ45)and console port (RJ45F); this PC is referred to the controller PC. The OpenFlow controller will be running on this PC. Four PCs are connected to 1GbE port 1 to 4 and serve as a data terminal for generating and monitoring trafficTools from installed on all the PCs are listed below. They can be installed through Linux installation utility apt-getTerminal emulator minicom Traffic monitoring tool Wireshark Packet generator Packeth ftp and ftpd telnet and telnetdPower on ConfigurationTo start, configure your terminal emulator to the following configuration:115200 8N1No hardware flow control No software flow controlTo start the switch, a console cable is required to connect the switch console port to the serial port on the controller PC. Run the terminal emulator on the console port from the controller PC, then power on the switch.Figure 2 shows the console output; do not hit any keys until you have seen the booting choice menu.Enter to boot into Open vSwitch mode. Next, the switch asks if the switch configuration should be done 2manually, enter to enter the automatic mode. In this mode, the OVS processes will start automatically no with default configuration such as log file etc.Next, the switch static IP address is entered, in this configuration, subnet 200.16.1.x is used. You canchoose your own subnet address at this point. After the static IP address, a gateway IP address is entered.Next, an Open vSwitch configuration database name is required to store all the configuration information.In this example, database name is used. If the database name does not exist from ovs-vswitchd.conf.db previous configuration, it will be created in the default /ovs directory based on a database schemadefined in /ovs/share/openvswitch/vswitch.ovsschema. Multiple databases can be created to provide different configurations; but only one database can be entered during this start up sequence. The OVS processes can be stopped and restarted manually once the system is running. They can also be configured as cron processes. The database is persistent; the configuration stored in the database will be restored once the OVS processes starts.N S E - C r e a t e d b y t h e S c r o l l P D F E x p o r t e r . D o y o u f i n d S c r o l l P D F E x p o r t e r u s e f u l ? C o n s i d e r p u r c h a s i n g i t t o d a y : h t t p :// l u g i n s /s e r v l e t /u p m ?f r a g m e n t =m a n a g e /c o m .k 15t .s c r o l l.s c r o l l -p d fj as on .y an g@pi ca mOpenFlow TutorialFigure 2 – Power on console outputIn this example, the was used in a previous configuration, therefore the systemovs-vswitchd.conf.db found the database and created the initial configuration which will be shown later. In Figure 1, the management LAN port on the switch is , is connected to the in the controller PC to allow eth0eth0eth0the controller PC to into the switch without the limitation of the console. In this configuration, all telnet PCs are configured with static IP addresses to form an isolated environment for testing.Next, the switch continues the boot sequence, pay attention to the console messages regarding theand . They are the ovsdb server and ovs switch daemons. The IP address isovsdb-server ovs-vswitchd the switch IP address and the 6633 is the default port number used to communicate with the ovs switch database server process. A different port number can be set through the manual configuration steps.You can reference the picos-2.0.4-ovs-configuration-guide.pd at {_}{+} for manual configuration steps./portal/trial.php+_N S E - C r e a t e d b y t h e S c r o l l P D F E x p o r t e r . D o y o u f i n d S c r o l l P D F E x p o r t e r u s e f u l ? C o n s i d e r p u r c h a s i n g i t t o d a y : h t t p :// l u g i n s /s e r v l e t /u p m ?f r a g m e n t =m a n a g e /c o m .k 15t .s c r o l l.s c r o l l -p d fj as on .y an g@pi ca 8.c o mOpenFlow TutorialFigure 3 – Switch processes and bridge informationThe IP address and the port number is often used in the and commands discussed inovs-vsctl ovs-ofctl later sections. The was used in a previous configuration, which contains a bridgeovs-vswitchd.conf.db with 4 1GbE ports. After the process started, a message on is shown to br0ovs-vswitchd device br0indicate the bridge has been created. At this point, the switch is up and running. The root level shell prompt is shown and ready for user input. Multiple telnet windows can beroot@PicOS-OVS#started from the controller PC to login to the switch, the user id is and the default password is root pica8.Configure SwitchNext, use linux command to show the running processes. The and are ps -A ovsdb-server ovs-vswitchd there to indicate the ovs switch is ready for operation. Next, print the content of the switch database by using the command to dump the switch configuration, it shows the database id and a ovs-vsctl show bridge named with four 1GbE ports, plus an internal port.br0N S E - C r e a t e d b y t h e S c r o l l P D F E x p o r t e r . D o y o u f i n d S c r o l l P D F E x p o r t e r u s e f u l ? C o n s i d e r p u r c h a s i n g i t t o d a y : h t t p :// l u g i n s /s e r v l e t /u p m ?f r a g m e n t =m a n a g e /c o m .k 15t .s c r o l l.s c r o l l -p d fj as on .y an g@pi ca 8.c o mOpenFlow TutorialIn most start up cases, a new database name at administrator's choice will be entered. As a result, an empty database is created. The show command will just show the database id. If a new database is created, the next step should be skipped and move on to the command. In this example, we will add-br delete the old bridge by issuing command. Check the database content by usingovs-vsctl del-br br0the show command which should just show the database id.The following is to create bridge and add ports for bridge.Configure BridgeTo create a new bridge, issue command.ovs-vsctl add-br br0 – set bridge br0 datapath_type=pica8In our configuration, the bridge needs four 1GbE ports for our exercise. To add each 1GbE port to the bridge, we will issue command 4ovs-vsctl add-port br0 ge-1/1/1 – set interface ge-1/1/1 type=pica8times to add ge-1/1/1 to ge1/1/4 to the bridge. To verify the configuration use to show the ovs-vsctl show database content. As shown in the screen shot, the bridge should have four 1GbE ports and an internal port.N S E - C r e a t e d b y t h e S c r o l l P D F E x p o r t e r . D o y o u f i n d S c r o l l P D F E x p o r t e r u s e f u l ? C o n s i d e r p u r c h a s i n g i t t o d a y : h t t p :// l u g i n s /s e r v l e t /u p m ?f r a g m e n t =m a n a g e /c o m .k 15t .s c r o l l.s c r o l l -p d fjOpenFlow TutorialN S E - C r e a t e d b y t h e S c r o l l P D F E x p o r t e r . D o y o u f i n d S c r o l l P D F E x p o r t e r u s e f u l ? C o n s i d e r p u r c h a s i n g i t t o d a y : h t t p :// l u g i n s /s e r v l e t /u p m ?f r a g m e n t =m a n a g e /c o m .k 15t .s c r o l l.s c r o l l -p d fIn the example provided, port state is LINKDOWN because in the example set up, the cable has notbeen connected yet. The Pica8 1GbE port supports RJ45 copper connector and auto negotiation from 10MB to 1 GB speed range. Next, let us examine the port statistics using the _ovs-ofctl dump-ports br0command. It shows the RX and TX statistics, since the link is down, no packets are sent or received, and all counters should be zeros.Configure portA port can be added, deleted, turned up, or turned down dynamically. We have tested the add-port command, to delete a port, use . Port state can also be modified with theovs-vsctl del-port br0 ge-1/1/1 command The keyword can be one of the modport action.ovs-ofctl mod-port br0 ge-1/1/1action following parameters:Up or downEnable or disable the interface. This is equivalent to ifconfig up or ifconfig down on a Linux system.Stp or nostpEnable or disable 802.1D spanning tree protocol (STP) on the interface. OpenFlow implementations that don't support STP will refuse to enable it.Receive or noreceive/receivestp or noreceivestpEnable or disable OpenFlow processing of packets received on this interface. When packet processing is disabled, packets will be dropped instead of being processed through the OpenFlow table. The receive or noreceive setting applies to all packets except 802.1D spanning tree packets, which are separatelycontrolled by receivestp or noreceivestp.Forward or noforwardAllow or disallow forwarding of traffic to this interface. By default, forwarding is enabled.Flood or nofloodControls whether an OpenFlow flood action will send traffic out this interface. By default, flooding isenabled. Disabling flooding is primarily useful to prevent loops when a spanning tree protocol is not in use.packetin or nopacketinControls whether packets received on this interface that do not match a flow table entry generate a ''packet in'' message to the OpenFlow controller. By default, ''packet in'' messages are enabled.Again, the show command displays (among other information) the configuration that changes.modport Default Bridge BehaviorN S E - C r e a t e d b y t h e S c r o l l P D F E x p o r t e r . D o y o u f i n d S c r o l l P D F E x p o r t e r u s e f u l ? C o n s i d e r p u r c h a s i n g i t t o d a y : h t t p :// l u g i n s /s e r v l e t /u p m ?f r a g m e n t =m a n a g e /c o m .k 15t .s c r o l l.s c r o l l -p d fj as on .y an g@pi ca 8.c o mIf the newly created bridge does not connect to the OpenFlow controller, it will behave as a simple L2switch which floods l packets received from a port to all other ports. This behavior is implemented with a default low priority flow added at bridge creation time. The flow can be shown by using the ovs-ofctl command. The flow will be shown as priority 0 and actions=NORMAL. Action NORMALdump-flows br0means the packet is subject to the device's normal L2/L3 processing. This action is not implemented by all OpenFlow switches.Now, let us connect 2 PCs to switch port 1 and port 2 with an Ethernet cable.Once the PCs are connected, the port state should be changed to LINK_UP soon after the cable is connected. Once both links are up, use ping to test the connectivity.Figure 4 – Ping testIn this example, another Linux tool wireshark is also used to capture the packets sent and received on eth0. On the wireshark screen, a total of 4 pairs ping requests/replies are captured along with some arppackets. We can connect other PCs to the switch now and ping should work for all PCs. In our set up,telnetd and ftpd are installed in our linux PC; reader can try the telnet and ftp sessions to test the connectivity and bridge functionalities.N S E - C r e a t e d b y t h e S c r o l l P D F E x p o r t e r . D o y o u f i n d S c r o l l P D F E x p o r t e r u s e f u l ? C o n s i d e r p u r c h a s i n g i t t o d a y : h t t p :// l u g i n s /s e r v l e t /u p m ?f r a g m e n t =m a n a g e /c o m .k 15t .s c r o l l.s c r o l l -p d fj as on .y an g@pi ca mFigure 5 – ICMP request/reply At this point, the switch is powered on and the initial switch configuration without an open flow controller is completed. Proceed to Open SDN: Started Kit – Configure flows for flow manipulation.OVS commands referenceN S E - C r e a t e d b y t h e S c r o l l P D F E x p o r t e r . D o y o u f i n d S c r o l l P D F E x p o r t e r u s e f u l ? C o n s i d e r p u r c h a s i n g i t t o d a y : h t t p :// l u g i n s /s e r v l e t /u p m ?f r a g m e n t =m a n a g e /c o m .k 15t .s c r o l l.s c r o l l -p d fn g@pi ca 8.c o m02 Basic Flows ConfigurationsFlows IntroductionThis document provides instructions on how to configure Pica8's open switches to work in various application scenarios. This document assumes the reader with minimal to no knowledge of the Open Virtual Switch (OVS) implementation defined by or the OpenFlow protocol,/defined by . https:///After studying this guide, you will have the tools you need to configure Pica8's open switches as an OpenFlow switch. You will also gain insights on how to optimize the configuration to work in your application environment while also learning about OVS and the OpenFlow protocol.This starter kit provides screen shots, and a list of off the shelf applications needed to complete theconfiguration, as well as highlighting the problems you may encounter during the setup. More documents or cookbooks on other subjects will be published periodically. This document provides a tutorial on how to:Configure Pica 8 as an OVS OpenFlow switchCreate bridges, add ports, show bridge and port statistics, status, as well as the OVS database Configure flow tables for uni-directional, bi-directional, traffic switching, one-to-many multi-casting,mirroring, filtering, many-to-one aggregation, etc.,Configure Pica 8 OVS OpenFlow switches to interface with the RYU OpenFlow ControllerFigure 1 – Test bed configuration In this document, the system configuration depicted in Figure 1 includes:N S E - C r e a t e d b y t h e S c r o l l P D F E x p o r t e r . D o y o u f i n d S c r o l l P D F E x p o r t e r u s e f u l ? C o n s i d e r p u r c h a s i n g i t t o d a y : h t t p :// l u g i n s /s e r v l e t /u p m ?f r a g m e n t =m a n a g e /c o m .k 15t .s c r o l l.s c r o l l -p d fj as on .y an g@pi ca m5 Linux PCs running Ubuntu 12.4.1 LTS, one is connected to the management LAN port (RJ45)and console port (RJ45F); this PC is referred to the controller PC. The OpenFlow controller will be running on this PC. Four PCs are connected to 1GbE port 1 to 4 and serve as a data terminal for generating and monitoring trafficTools from installed on all the PCs are listed below. They can be installed through Linux installation utility apt-getTerminal emulator minicom Traffic monitoring tool Wireshark Packet generator Packeth ftp and ftpd telnet and telnetdModify default flowNext, we will disable the flooding behavior and start to configure the flow table and manipulate packet flows. Use the command to delete the default flow. Dump the flow table and noovs-ofctl del-flows br0flow entry is shown.Figure 2 – Delete flows and dump flowsAt this point, the ping should stop working, because the flooding has been disabled. If interested, you can delete the bridge and re-create the bridge with four ports, then the ping should work again.Figure 3 – PingsN S E - C r e a t e d b y t h e S c r o l l P D F E x p o r t e r . D o y o u f i n d S c r o l l P D F E x p o r t e r u s e f u l ? C o n s i d e r p u r c h a s i n g i t t o d a y : h t t p :// l u g i n s /s e r v l e t /u p m ?f r a g m e n t =m a n a g e /c o m .k 15t .s c r o l l.s c r o l l -p d fj as on .y an g@pi ca mUni-directional FlowBefore running uni-directional flow, we need a packet generator to work with for packetwireshark generation and capturing. In this starter kit, a linux tool is used for packet generation. Thepacketh can be installed via the linux command . To use the , an packeth sudo apt-get install packeth packeth address file needs to be created as the address database for packet creation. The format is <IP address>:<MAC address>:<Names>, a sample address file is provided in the appendix.Next, let us create some packets to be used in the later test scenarios. Start the , click thepacketh button to enter the tab for creating a packet. The next screen shows the test packet we built for builder this test. Fill in each field using the button or entering the value. Each packet includes information select in link layer, IP layer, and TCP payload. Once the packet is built, click the button then select interface as the interface.eth0Next, let us create an uni-directional flow from port 1 to port 2 using ovs-ofctl add-flow br0command; then use the dump flow command to show the flow. Thein_port=1,actions=output:2command added a flow into to forward all packets come in from to . Next, start br0in_port=1out_port=2the wireshark to capture all packets on for both PC1 and PC2.eth0Next, return to the screen and click the button. At the bottom of the screen, itpacketh send packeth should show a time stamp and number of bytes sent to eth0. You can verify the packet content onon both sending and receiving PCs. This verifies the flow entry entered via the wireshark add-flowcommand works as expected. To test this flow further, follow the next screen to create another packeth packet with different information and send it through the .eth0N S E - C r e a t e d b y t h e S c r o l l P D F E x p o r t e r . D o y o u f i n d S c r o l l P D F E x p o r t e r u s e f u l ? C o n s i d e r p u r c h a s i n g i t t o d a y : h t t p :// l u g i n s /s e r v l e t /u p m ?f r a g m e n t =m a n a g e /c o m .k 15t .s c r o l l.s c r o l l -p d fj as on .y an g@pi ca 8.c o mFigure 3 – PackethNext, uses command to delete the flow, then use ovs-ofctl del-flows br0ovs-ofctl add-flow br0to add a new flow that filter on allin_port=1,dl_type=0x0800,nw_src=,actions=output:2packets received from port 1 and only forward the packet with the matching IP address to port2.N S E - C r e a t e d b y t h e S c r o l l P D F E x p o r t e r . D o y o u f i n d S c r o l l P D F E x p o r t e r u s e f u l ? C o n s i d e r p u r c h a s i n g i t t o d a y : h t t p :// l u g i n s /s e r v l e t /u p m ?f r a g m e n t =m a n a g e /c o m .k 15t .s c r o l l.s c r o l l -p d fj as on .y an g@pi ca 8.c o mFigure 4 – Add flow with source IP matching fieldOn the menu, click the button to mix packets into one output stream. Select different packeth gen-s packets built with different IP addresses to form one packet stream. Specify the delay and number ofiteration then select the manual operation to send the stream. Use to examine the result.wireshark Figure 5 – Use packeth generate mixed packet streamAs shown in the screen shot, the packet stream sent using with 3 different types of the packet packeth and 3 different source IP addresses is filtered by the flow and only the packet with source IP address is forwarded to output port 2. With the and , many of the fields can be packeth wireshark N S E - C r e a t e d b y t h e S c r o l l P D F E x p o r t e r . D o y o u f i n d S c r o l l P D F E x p o r t e r u s e f u l ? C o n s i d e r p u r c h a s i n g i t t o d a y : h t t p :// l u g i n s /s e r v l e t /u p m ?f r a g m e n t =m a n a g e /c o m .k 15t .s c r o l l.s c r o l l -p d fj as on .y an g@pi ca mFigure 6 – Packet filtering for uni-directional traffic1-to-Many MulticastingAfter the unidirectional flow from one port to another, we will modify the flow entry to configure a 1-to-3ports multicasting scenario where packets match the flow entry are duplicated and forwarded to 3 outputports. This time, we will use the command mod-flows ovs-ofctl mod-flows br0then use the dump flow,in_port=1,dl_type=0x0800,nw_src=,actions=output:2,3,4command to verify the flow is set up correctly.Figure 7 – 1 to 3 port packet duplication and multicastingConfigure the and on all PCs, then send the packets into port 1 then examine the packeth wireshark packets received on port 2, 3, and 4 to see if the action matches the flow specification.N S E - C r e a t e d b y t h e S c r o l l P D F E x p o r t e r . D o y o u f i n d S c r o l l P D F E x p o r t e r u s e f u l ? C o n s i d e r p u r c h a s i n g i t t o d a y : h t t p :// l u g i n s /s e r v l e t /u p m ?f r a g m e n t =m a n a g e /c o m .k 15t .s c r o l l.s c r o l l -p d fj as on .y an g@pi ca 8.c o mFigure 8 – 1 to 3 port packet filtering, duplication and multicastingNext, use the to build packet with VLAN, priority, ARP, TCP, UDP, and ICMP packets to packeth exercise various flow packet matching fields and use the to verify the output.wireshark In addition to using filter in multicasting, port level duplication and multicasting is also supported. To configure this scenario, first clean up the flows in using . Then use br0ovs-ofctl del-flows br0ovs-ofctlto add a new multicasting flow.add-flow br0 in_port=1,actions=output:2,3,4Figure 9 – 1 to 3 port level multicastingThe same traffic with source IP is sent to port 1, the received traffic on port 4 is captured using . With the tools described in this document, various traffic patterns combined with wireshark different filters can be configured to test application scenarios.N S E - C r e a t e d b y t h e S c r o l l P D F E x p o r t e r . D o y o u f i n d S c r o l l P D F E x p o r t e r u s e f u l ? C o n s i d e r p u r c h a s i n g i t t o d a y : h t t p :// l u g i n s /s e r v l e t /u p m ?f r a g m e n t =m a n a g e /c o m .k 15t .s c r o l l.s c r o l l -p d fj as on .y an g@pi ca mFigure 10 – 1 to 3 port level multicastingMany-to-One AggregationIn this section, flow aggregation from multiple ports is examined. 2 scenarios will be configured. The first scenario is to aggregate traffic from port 1, 2, and 3 without any filtering to port 4. The second scenario is to apply packet matching filter on each port to select specific traffic based on source IP address from each port for aggregation. For the first scenario, let us delete the existing flows using the ovs-ofctlcommand. Then use the following commands to add 3 flows to the flow table:del-flows br0ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 in_port=1,actions=output:4ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 in_port=2,actions=output:4ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 in_port=3,actions=output:4Figure 11 – Many to 1 port level aggregationConfigure on each PC to send packets from port 1 to 3, with source IP from port1,packeth source IP from port 2, and from port 3. All the packets should be forwarded to port 4.N S E - C r e a t e d b y t h e S c r o l l P D F E x p o r t e r . D o y o u f i n d S c r o l l P D F E x p o r t e r u s e f u l ? C o n s i d e r p u r c h a s i n g i t t o d a y : h t t p :// l u g i n s /s e r v l e t /u p m ?f r a g m e n t =m a n a g e /c o m .k 15t .s c r o l l.s c r o l l -p d fj as on .y an g@pi ca m。
OpenFlow标准 中文版

第 2 章 Openflow...................................................................... 3
第 2.1 节 第 2.2 节 第 2.3 节
2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4 第 2.4 节 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.4.4 2.4.5 2.4.6 2.4.7 第 2.5 节 2.5.1 2.5.2 2.5.3 2.5.4 2.5.5 第 2.6 节
概述......................................................................................................................... 3 交换机组成............................................................................................................. 3 流表......................................................................................................................... 3 包头域..................................................................................................................... 4 计数器(counter) ................................................................................................ 5 行动(action)....................................................................................................... 6 匹配......................................................................................................................... 8 安全通道................................................................................................................. 9 of 协议 .................................................................................................................... 9 连接建立............................................................................................................... 10 连接中断............................................................................................................... 10 加密....................................................................................................................... 10 生成树................................................................................................................... 10 流表修改............................................................................................................... 11 流超时................................................................................................................... 12 of 协议 .................................................................................................................. 12 of 协议头 ............................................................................................................. 12 常用数据结构....................................................................................................... 14 Controller‐to‐Switch 消息 .................................................................................... 23 Asynchronous 消息 ............................................................................................... 35 Symmetric 消息 .................................................................................................... 40 规范 1.1 更新内容....................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
openflow协议1.3.0中文版 - 完整版


OpenFlow实验床介绍本文档介绍在多种应用场景中如何配置pica8 交换机。
此文档适用于初次接触OpenFlow协议及OVS 实施方案的用户。
(注:Pica8交换机提供OVS GUI配置界面,本文档内容以命令行配置为主)本实验手册将分别介绍如何配置openflow交换机并完成基本实验,步骤包括:●将Pica8 交换机配置为OVS OpenFlow 交换机;●创建bridge,添加port,显示bridge 和端口统计信息、状态及OVS数据库;●配置单向流表、双向流表、流量切换、一到多组播、镜像、过滤器、多到一聚合等等;●通过OpenFlow 控制器RYU/Opendaylight/Floodlight配置Pica8 OpenFlow交换机的端口;图1 测试平台配置图1所示的网络为测试平台拓扑,配置如下:●一台P-3295交换机,有48个1G的接口和4个10Gb的上行接口;●5台PC机,运行Ubuntu12.4.1 Linux系统。
其中一台PC机连接到交换机的管理口(RJ45)和串口(RJ45F),上面运行OpenFlow控制器,称为Controller PC;其余四台PC机分别连接到交换机的四个端口上,用来监控流量或产生流量;●PC机上需要安装的工具如下所示。
通过Linux安装工具apt-get可完成安装●终端模拟器minicom●流量监控工具Wireshark●包产生器Packeth●ftp和ftpd●远程终端telnet和telnetd01 交换机上电及基本配置交换机的上电配置启动交换机前,用网线连接交换机的控制端口和Controller PC的串口(如图1所示),然后在该PC上运行终端模拟器Minicom。

H3C S5130-HI 系列以太网交换机OpenFlow 配置指导前言H3C S5130-HI 系列以太网交换机配置指导介绍了S5130-HI 系列交换机各软件特性的原理及其配置方法,包含原理简介、配置任务描述和配置举例。
《OpenFlow 配置指导》主要介绍了OpenFlow 相关技术的原理及配置方法。
前言部分包含如下内容:∙读者对象∙本书约定∙产品配套资料∙资料获取方式∙技术支持∙资料意见反馈读者对象本手册主要适用于如下工程师:∙网络规划人员∙现场技术支持与维护人员∙负责网络配置和维护的网络管理员本书约定1. 命令行格式约定2. 图形界面格式约定3. 各类标志本书还采用各种醒目标志来表示在操作过程中应该特别注意的地方,这些标志的意义如下:4. 图标约定本书使用的图标及其含义如下:5. 端口编号示例约定本手册中出现的端口编号仅作示例,并不代表设备上实际具有此编号的端口,实际使用中请以设备上存在的端口编号为准。
产品配套资料H3C S5130-HI 系列以太网交换机的配套资料包括如下部分:目录1 OpenFlow ···················································································································· 1-11.1 OpenFlow概述···································1-11.1.1 OpenFlow背景·································1-11.1.2 OpenFlow介绍·································1-11.1.3 OpenFlow Switch类型·····························1-11.1.4 OpenFlow接口·································1-21.1.5 OpenFlow实例·································1-21.1.6 OpenFlow流表·································1-31.1.7 Group Table ·····································································································1-51.1.8 Meter Table ······································································································1-51.1.9 OpenFlow channel ·····························································································1-61.1.10 协议规范···································1-71.2 OpenFlow配置任务简介·······························1-71.3 配置OpenFlow实例·································1-81.3.1 创建OpenFlow实例·······························1-81.3.2 配置OpenFlow实例的基本能力·························1-81.3.3 激活OpenFlow实例······························1-121.4 配置连接控制器··································1-121.4.1 配置主连接·································1-131.4.2 配置连接中断模式······························1-131.5 配置OpenFlow定时器·······························1-141.6 配置支持动态MAC地址·······························1-141.7 开启OpenFlow的无丢包模式····························1-151.8 关闭流表项变化成功后打印日志的开关························1-151.9 刷新OpenFlow实例下所有MAC-IP表的三层表项····················1-151.10 OpenFlow显示和维护·······························1-161.11 OpenFlow典型配置举例······························1-161.12 附录A 应用限制·································1-181.12.1 流表项限制·································1-181.12.2 Action List和Action Set整合的限制······················1-191.12.3 Packet Out的处理限制····························1-191.12.4 Packet in的处理限制····························1-201.12.5 匹配LLDP报文的限制····························1-201.12.6 Flow Mod的限制······························1-20 1.13 附录B MAC-IP流表································1-211.13.1 MAC-IP流表支持能力····························1-211.13.2 MAC-IP流表的限制·····························1-211.13.3 MAC-IP流表的Table Miss ················································································ 1-221.13.4 Dynamic aware ······························································································ 1-221.13.5 MAC-IP Table与Extensibility Table的配合···················1-221OpenFlow1.1 OpenFlow概述1.1.1 OpenFlow背景随着虚拟化技术的大规模应用,传统的网络架构和网络设备的不足越来越多的被暴露出来,如控制平面与转发平面相集成,扩展性低,不易定制,技术更新周期长,过于依赖网络设备商。

这是我在学习中做的一个笔记文档,仅供大家参考目录目录 (1)第一章背景 (2)第二章理论基础 (3)2.1软件定义网络SDN (3)2.2 openflow网络架构 (4)2.2.1 openflow交换机 (4)2.2.2 openflow 控制器 (8)2.2.3 openflow 虚拟化 (8)2.3 安全通道 (9)2.3.1 OF协议 (9)2.3.2 建立连接 (10)2.3.3 连接中断 (11)2.3.4 加密 (11)2.3.5 生成树 (11)第三章实验环境搭建 (11)3.1 安装open vswitch (12)3.1.1 安装KVM (12)3.1.2 安装Openvswitch (13)3.1.3 配置网桥 (14)3.2 安装NOX网络操作系统及GUI (15)3.2.1 安装NOX (15)3.2.2 安装NOX-GUI (16)3.3 环境测试 (16)3.1.1 总体拓扑图展示 (16)3.3.2 运行controller (16)3.3.3 配置open vswitch (17)3.3.4 测试open switch 与controller 是否连通 (18)3.3.5 启动GUI监测 (19)第四章Open Flow分析 (19)4.1 重要的数据结构 (19)4.1.1 of协议头 (19)4.1.2交换机端口状态 (21)4.1.3 流匹配结构 (21)4.1.4 行为结构 (22)4.1.5流表操作 (22)4.1.6 表统计信息 (23)4.1.7 端口统计 (23)4.1.8 数据包进入 (24)4.1.9 发送数据包 (24)4.1.10 流表删除 (25)4.2 openflow设备定义以及基本操作 (25)4.3 OpenFow数据通路分析 (28)第五章NOX分析 (30)5.1 事件 (30)5.1.1 事件概念 (30)5.1.2 核心事件列表 (30)5.2 组件 (31)5.2.1 组件的概念 (31)5.2.2 基于python的组件实现原理 (31)5.2.3 流表创建实现原理 (32)5.2.4 组件的基本架构 (32)第六章python组件实例 (33)6.1 实例一解析packet_in 数据包 (33)6.2实例二数据通路重定向 (33)第七章GUI 组件实例 (36)7.1 GUI 简介 (36)7.2 NOX-GUI实现原理 (36)7.2.1 SNMP协议简介 (36)7.2.2 open vswitch SNMP实现 (36)7.2.3 NOX SNMP 实现 (39)第一章背景斯坦福大学的研究者于2008 年提出OpenFlow 技术,并逐渐推广SDN 概念。

Hub • 工作原理:基于物理端口转发 • 策略:Flood
L2Switch • 工作原理:基于MAC地址表转发 • 策略:STP+MAC地址学习
Router • 工作原理:基于路由表转发 • 策略:静态路由+动态路由协议
dst port)
数据包处理方法: • 转发 • 修改包头
22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ‐ 31
计算机网络包括网络设备(节点)和链路(边) 任意两台计算机之间有信号的物理通路
以上每一种操作称为一个动作(Action),流表中的数据包处理方法是一个动 作列表(Action List),动作列表由以上各种动作组合合成。
Action头,包括Type和len字段 Type为一下类型之一

目录第一节系统简介 (2)1.1、系统功能 (2)1.2、业务流程图 (2)第二节前置作业 (4)2.1、上线前准备 (4)2.2、单据类型设置 (4)第三节日常处理 (5)3.1、制造单管理 (5)3.2、制造发料控制 (12)3.3、制造退料检验 (15)3.4、齐套分析 (18)第四节查询报表 (20)4.1制造单执行状况查询 (20)4.2制造单综合查询 (20)4.3制造物控欠料查询 (21)第六章物控管理第一节系统简介1.1、系统功能物控管理系统主要功能包括制造单管理、制造发料控制、制造单退料检验、委外发料控制、委外退料检验,在物控环节可实时的追踪到发料、领料、送检等物料/半成品在企业各环节的物流“状态”。
具体功能包括:λ制造工单,根据制造计划在物控管理系统自动抛单生成制造工单,主要约定开工日期、计划完工日期、产品型号、规格、开单数量、采用哪个版本的BOM、区别码等;λ制造/委外发料控制,系统根据工单指定的半成品/成品型号、数量,自动搜索对应的BOM 版本,展开后产生本工单的发料清单控制档(包括损耗率);λ发料控制逻辑,主要包括对委外发料、制造工单发料的控制参数,如是否允许超额发料、发料单上物料的汇总方式(如以车间为单位、以工序为单位、以仓库为单位、以物料类别为单位产生领料单),是否发替代料、替代逻辑及替代标准等;λ物料备料、齐套分析,对应企业实际生产发料流程,系统提供在正式发料之前由物控/仓库管理部门对近期需要投产的成品/半成品进行备料、齐套分析处理,系统支持多种模式的模拟齐套运算,有效帮助企业的计划、物控部门在生产/委外任务开工之前快速全面的分析现有库存欠料、在途、送检、暂收、待出库物料、可用库存、安全库存、决定是否挪用其它工单待出库物料、生产线工单余料等分析,让物控、计划人员在正式生产之前“一切尽在掌握之中”,真正发挥“计划”、“物控”的各项职能,尽可能的规避生产风险;λ退/补料控制逻辑,包括委外订单、制造工单涉及的所有控制参数,如委外/制造退料控制,系统将根据实际检验、使用情况,将退料申请定性为生产损坏、来料不良、换料、借料、挪用、报废等,并根据相关规定产生补料单;λ发料完成情况跟踪,系统根据制造、委外发料、退料/补料的物流流动情况,自动的跟踪记录相关物流信息变化数据,如制造发料/退料/补料信息跟踪包括:应发数量、单位不良率、侍领料数量、实际领料数量、欠发料数量、退料数量、损耗率、生产领土完整料数量、承上工单挪用数量、换料数、借料数、生产退好料、来料不良退、制造不良退、在制数量、待完工入库数量、已完工入库数量等跟踪数据。

OpenFlow技术白皮书-V1.0神州数码网络有限公司目录1. 概述 (1)2. 缩写和术语 (2)3. 技术介绍 (2)3.1 O PEN F LOW交换机架构 (2)3.2 O PEN F LOW连接维护 (3)3.3 O PEN F LOW控制VLAN (3)3.4 规则处理 (3)3.4.1 规则匹配字段 (3)3.4.2 规则动作 (4)3.4.3 规则维护 (4)3.4.4 规则老化 (4)3.5 报文转发 (4)3.6 二层GRE隧道(L2OVERGRE) (4)3.7 Q O S (5)3.8 交换机信息收集 (5)3.8.1 端口信息 (5)3.8.2 统计信息 (5)4. 主要特性 (5)5. 技术特色与优势 (5)6. 典型应用指南 (5)6.1 OPENFLOW交换机基本配置举例 (5)6.1.1 组网需求 (6)6.1.2 配置思路 (6)6.1.3 配置步骤 .............................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
6.2 OPENFLOW IP V4L2OVERGRE隧道配置举例 (7)6.2.1 组网需求 (7)6.2.2 配置思路 (7)6.2.3 配置步骤 .............................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
1.概述OpenFlow是由斯坦福大学的Nick McKeown教授在2008年4月ACM Communications Review上发表的一篇论文OpenFlow: enabling innovation in campus networks首先详细论述了OpenFlow的原理。
OpenFlow 的流表

单元名称1:openflow的流表学时 2 班级授课时间学习目标1、了解流表的结构2、了解openflow流表的匹配任务描述OpenFlow是一种新型的网络协议,它是控制器和交换机之间的标准协议。
知识讲授首先交换机解析进入设备的数据分组,然后从table 0开始匹配,按照优先级高低依次匹配该流表中的流表项,一个数据分组在一个流表中只会匹配上一条流表项。
数据分组匹配按照现有的数据分组字段进行,比如前一个流表通过apply actions改变了该数据分组的某个字段,则下一个表项按修改后的字段进行匹配。
当数据分组匹配失败了,如果存在无匹配流表项(table miss)就按照该表项执行指令。
如果没有table miss表项则默认丢弃该数据分组。
任务分配1.制定学习计划2.确定实施方案教师检查方案的可行性任务实施1.讲解流的定义2.讲解流表的匹配成果评价规定时间内完成任务,评80分;对重点和难点知识点理解深入,加评10分;作业布置本书全面、系统地介绍Photoshop CC 2019的基本操作方法和图形图像处理技巧,并对Photoshop 在设计领域的应用进行细致的讲解,具体内容包括图像制作基础、软件基础操作、插画设计、Banner 设计、App设计、H5设计、海报设计、网页设计、包装设计、综合设计实训等。
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
目录第一节登录系统 (3)第二节按键、图标说明 (6)第三节系统操作 (7)3.1、新增 (7)3.2、插入 (7)3.3、重制 (8)3.4、删除 (8)3.5、恢复删除 (8)3.6、保存 (8)3.7、剪切 (8)3.8、复制 (9)3.9、粘贴 (9)3.10、样式 (9)3.11、分组 (9)3.12、排序 (10)3.13、查询 (10)3.14、刷新记录 (12)3.15、查找 (12)3.16、替换 (13)3.17、窗口风格 (13)3.18、最小化所有窗口与撤销 (14)3.19、添加工具 (14)3.20、自定义校验 (15)第四节系统功能 (16)4.1、切换用户 (16)4.2、修改口令 (16)4.3、刷新 (17)4.4、目录 (17)4.5、文件柜 (18)4.6、工作流 (24)4.7、装饰图 (26)4.8、批注 (27)4.9、注册 (27)4.10、添加工具 (27)4.11、F4查询 (29)4.13、继承 (42)4.14、打印格式 (42)4.15、打印预览 (43)4.16、自定义显示格式 (45)4.17、注销在线用户 (47)4.18、抛单参数 (48)第五节表单的建立 (49)第一节登录系统1、双击桌面上的“傲鹏协同管理平台”图标或“开始 / 程序 / opensoft / 傲鹏协同管理平台”启动系统(见图1),在图1中输入以下信息后,点击“Y”进入系统(见图3)第一次使用系统时,点击“Y”会出现注册窗口(见图2),在图2中正确填写本公司提供的序列号,点击“注册”后才能使用系统栏位说明(图1)帐套:在第一节中建立的套帐,本案例为“开发套帐”语言:本系统支持多种语言,各公司可根据情况选择适合自己公司的语言。
系统默认为“中文简体”用户:在第一节中建立的管理员的帐号ADM密码:登录用户ADM的密码图1图32、界面介绍在图3中,我们可以看到在图3的顶部有菜单栏、工具栏、预警、邮件服务、在线会话、快捷框、 提示框;在图3的中部有菜单区/分组区、工作区、信息区、收藏夹、我的应用、我的邮件、我的论坛、系统流程;在图3的底部显示了登录用户、套帐信息及当前时间 1) 在线会话当用户有新的对话记录时,在线会话标志便会闪烁(前提是预警服务已开启),并会显示发件人,收件时间及主题信息,若有多条记录,则可通过拖动滚动条来查看。
图4就是一个由cxg 发送,对话信息为“请检查客户001的币别资料”的对话案例登录用户套帐信息收藏夹信息区工作区菜单区/分组区在线会话菜单栏工具栏当前时间2)状态框提示框显示的是:1. 当前文件柜的代码,名称(正常模式下)图53)菜单区/分组区菜单区/分组区显示的是树型菜单栏或分组信息4)工作区工作区顾名思义就是工作的区域,在工作区中我们可对文件柜进行操作,可以新建工作流5)收藏夹收藏夹显示的是本用户常用的文件柜名称,其作用是可以快速地进入文件柜(可以不必再通过菜单区展开菜单,查找后再打开文件柜)。
具体操作:打开某一文件柜,并选定一条要被复制记录后,可通过点击菜单栏“编辑/重制”、点击图标“”、同时按Ctrl 键和D键、在工作区中点右键,在弹出菜单(见图1)中点击“重制”四种方式来复制当前记录注意:对于单据鼠标在上表时重制整张单据,鼠标在下表时重制下表的鼠标选中的单笔明细3.4、删除删除是删除一行或多行记录。
具体操作:当删除某行或某些行记录后,在工作区中点右键,在弹出菜单(见图1)中点击“恢复删除”,并在打开的窗口(见图2)中选择好要恢复的记录后,点击“确认”即可注意:1. 对于单据只能恢复删除的下表明细项,并不能恢复删除的单据2. 恢复删除只有在删除记录后未保存的情况下才能操作按钮说明(图2)确定:选定要恢复的记录后,点击“确定”即可恢复取消:取消恢复删除动作全选:选定全部的记录,可通过同时按Alt键和A键来操作反向选择:对选定的记录进行反向选择,可通过同时按Alt键和I键来操作图23.6、保存保存是对操作的结果进行保存。
例:地区编码有如下四条记录编码名称上级编码01 深圳0101 福田 010102 罗湖 010103 南山 01此时对其文件柜分组字段为“编码”,显示字段为“名称”,递归设置为“√”,递归字段为“上级编码”,此时查看分组区的信息则为图4所示,分组信息为层次关系;若对递归不打“√”,则分组区信息为图5所示,分组信息为同级关系。
图5 图5过滤:是否按此分组字段过滤。