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1. You are really on fire today! What does “on fire” mean in this sentence?
A. angry
B. excited
C. excellent
D. tired
“on fire”在这里表示“非常出色、优秀”。
2. I heard he is a big cheese in our school. What does “big cheese” mean?
A. important person
B. kind person
C. tall person
D. funny person
“big cheese”表示“重要人物”。
选项B“kind person”是善良的人;选项C“tall person”是高个子的人;选项D“funny person”是有趣的人。
3. She is always in the zone when she studies. What does “in the zone” mean?
A. distracted
B. focused
C. sleepy
D. hungry
“in the zone”表示“专注、全神贯注”。
4. He is a cool cat. What does “cool cat” mean?
A. cold person
B. fashionable person
C. lazy person
D. shy person
“cool cat”表示“时尚的人、酷的人”。
选项A“cold person”是冷漠的人;选项C“lazy person”是懒惰的人;选项D“shy person”是害羞的人。
5. The party was a blast. What does “a blast” mean?
A. boring event
B. dangerous event
C. enjoyable event
D. quiet event
“a blast”表示“愉快的事情、令人开心的活动”。
选项A“boring event”是无聊的活动;选项B“dangerous event”是危险的活动;选项D“quiet event”是安静的活动。
6. “It's raining cats and dogs.” What does this expression mean?
A. It's snowing.
B. It's raining very hard.
C. There are many cats and dogs.
D. The weather is nice.
A 选项是“正在下雪”,不符合;C 选项“有很多猫和狗”也不对;D 选项“天气很好”与题干表达的意思相悖。
7. “He's a bit of a dark horse.” What's the meaning of this phrase?
A. He is very tall.
B. He is very shy.
C. He is unpredictable.
D. He is very angry.
“He's a bit of a dark horse”意思是“他有点出人意料、难以捉摸”。
A 选项“他很高”与俗语意思无关;B 选项“他很害羞”不符合;D 选项“他很生气”也不对。
这句俗语来源于赛马比赛中,那些不被看好却意外获胜的马被称为“dark horse”,后来引申为人让人意想不到。
8. “She's got a green thumb.” What does this mean?
A. She likes green.
B. She is good at gardening.
C. She has a green finger.
D. She is wearing green.
“She's got a green thumb”表示“她擅长园艺”。
A 选项“她喜欢绿色”不对;C 选项表述错误;D 选项“她穿着绿色衣服”不符合。
9. “That's a piece of cake.” What does it mean?
A. That's very difficult.
B. That's very easy.
C. That's a cake.
D. That's delicious.
“That's a piece of cake”意思是“那很容易”。
A 选项“那很难”错误;C 选项“那是一块蛋糕”只是字面意思;D 选项“那很美味”也不对。
这句俗语可能是因为蛋糕通常比较容易吃,所以用“piece of cake”来形容事情很容易。
10. “He's full of beans.” What does this expression mean?
A. He is very tired.
B. He is very hungry.
C. He is very energetic.
D. He is very sad.
“He's full of beans”表示“他充满活力”。
A 选项“他很累”不符合;B 选项“他很饿”错误;D 选项“他很伤心”也不对。
11.In the movie,when the hero is in a difficult situation,he says,"I'm up against the wall."What does "up against the wall" mean?
A.in a good mood
B.in a difficult position
C.very happy
在电影中,“up against the wall”表示处于困境中。
选项A“in a good mood”是心情好;选项C“very happy”是非常高兴;选项D“relaxed”是放松的。
只有选项B“in a difficult position”符合在困境中的意思。
12.In a film,when a character wants to say that someone is very brave,they say,"He's got guts."What does "got guts" mean?
在电影中,“got guts”表示勇敢。
只有选项B 勇敢符合题意。
13.In a movie,when a person is very angry and says,"I'm seeing red."What does "seeing red" mean?
A.very happy
B.very angry
C.very sad
D.very excited
在电影中,“seeing red”表示非常生气。
选项A“very happy”是非常高兴;选项C“very sad”是非常伤心;选项D“very excited”是非常兴奋。
只有选项B 非常生气符合题意。
14.In a film,when someone says,"It's a piece of cake."What does this mean?
A.very difficult
B.very easy
C.very delicious
D.very beautiful
在电影中,“It's a piece of cake.”表示很容易。
选项A“very difficult”是非常困难;选项C“very delicious”是非常美味;选项D“very beautiful”是非常漂亮。
只有选项B 非常容易符合题意。
15.In a movie,when a character says,"Break a leg!"What does this mean?
A.have an accident
B.good luck
C.be careful
D.hurry up
在电影中,“Break a leg!”表示祝你好运。
选项A“have an accident”是发生意外;选项C“be careful”是小心;选项D“hurry up”是快点。
只有选项B 祝你好运符合题意。
16.“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.” What does “You are my sunshine” mean?
A. You are my hope.
B. You are my trouble.
C. You are my enemy.
D. You are my sadness.
“You are my sunshine”在这句歌词中意思是“你是我的希望”。
选项A 符合歌词中的含义;选项B“你是我的麻烦”不符合;选项C“你是我的敌人”不符合;选项D“你是我的悲伤”不符合。
17.“Don't stop believing, hold on to that feeling.” What does “Don't stop believing” mean?
A. Don't give up hope.
B. Don't be happy.
C. Don't be sad.
D. Don't be angry.
“Don't stop believing”在这句歌词中意思是“不要放弃希望”。
选项 A 符合歌词中的含义;选项B“不要开心”不符合;选项
18.“We are the champions, my friends.” What does “We are the champions” mean?
A. We are the losers.
B. We are the winners.
C. We are the spectators.
D. We are the judges.
“We are the champions”在这句歌词中意思是“我们是冠军”,也就是“我们是胜利者”。
选项B 符合歌词中的含义;选项A“我们是失败者”不符合;选项C“我们是观众”不符合;选项D“我们是裁判”不符合。
19.“Hotel California, such a lovely place, such a lovely face.” What does “such a lovely place” mean?
A. Such a terrible place.
B. Such a boring place.
C. Such an ugly place.
D. Such a beautiful place.
“such a lovely place”在这句歌词中意思是“如此美丽的地方”。
选项D 符合歌词中的含义;选项A“如此可怕的地方”不符合;选项B“如此无聊的地方”不符合;选项C“如此丑陋的地方”不符合。
20.“Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away.” What does “all my troubles seemed so far away” mean?
A. All my troubles were very close.
B. All my troubles were very serious.
C. All my troubles were not important.
D. All my troubles were very difficult.
“all my troubles seemed so far away”在这句歌词中意思是“所有的烦恼似乎都很遥远”,也就是“所有的烦恼都不重要了”。
选项C 符合歌词中的含义;选项A“所有的烦恼都很近”不符合;选项B“所有的烦恼都很严重”不符合;选项D“所有的烦恼都很难”不符合。
21.In the basketball game, the team was really on fire. What does “on fire” mean in this context?
B.playing very well
D.losing badly
“on fire”在体育赛事中常表示“表现出色、状态火热”。
A 选项“angry”生气,不符合语境;C 选项“tired”疲惫,也不对;D 选项“losing badly”输得很惨,与“on fire”意思相差甚远。
22.During the football match, the striker was in the zone. What does “in the zone” mean?
B.focused and performing at a high level
“in the zone”在体育中通常指“专注且表现出色”。
A 选项“distracted”分心的,不对;C 选项“injured”受伤的,不符合;D 选项“uninterested”不感兴趣的,错误。
23.In the tennis tournament, she pulled off an upset. What does “pull off an upset” mean?
A.win easily
B.lose unexpectedly
C.win unexpectedly
D.play poorly
“pull off an upset”意思是“爆冷获胜、意外获胜”。
A 选项“win easily”轻松获胜,不准确;B 选项“lose unexpectedly”意外输掉,错误;D 选项“play poorly”表现差,不对。
24.At the track meet, the runner was on a roll. What does “on a roll” mean?
A.having a series of successes
C.losing consistently
“on a roll”在体育场景中表示“连连获胜、势头正旺”。
B 选项“exhausted”疲惫的,不符;
C 选项“losing consistently”持续输,错误;
D 选项“nervous”紧张的,不合适。
25.In the baseball game, the pitcher threw a curveball. What does “throw a curveball” mean?
A.throw a fast ball
B.do something unexpected
C.give up easily
D.play fairly
“throw a curveball”在体育里常表示“做出意想不到的事”。
A 选项“throw a fast ball”扔一个快球,不是这个意思;C 选项“give up easily”轻易放弃,不对;D 选项“play fairly”公平比赛,错误。
26."I just saw a really funny video on social media. It's so hilarious! I had to share it with my friends." What idiom can be used to describe this situation?
A.Hit the nail on the head
B.Be all ears
C.Go viral
D.Spill the beans
本题中,看到有趣的视频分享给朋友,这种情况可以用“Go viral”(迅速传播)来形容。
“Hit the nail on the head”表示一针见血;“Be all ears”表示全神贯注地听;“Spill the beans”表示泄露秘密。
在社交网络中,“Go viral”流行是因为人们喜欢分享有趣、有价值的内容,一旦某个视频或消息被大量分享,就可以说它“Go viral”了。
27."I can't believe how quickly that news spread on social media. It
was everywhere in no time." What idiom can be used to express this?
A.Bite the bullet
B.Spread like wildfire
C.Pull someone's leg
D.Kill two birds with one stone
这里描述新闻在社交网络上迅速传播,“Spread like wildfire”((像野火一样蔓延)很合适。
“Bite the bullet”表示勇敢面对困难;“Pull someone's leg”表示开玩笑;“Kill two birds with one stone”表示一石二鸟。
在社交网络中,“Spread like wildfire”流行是因为信息可以在瞬间被大量用户看到并转发,传播速度非常快。
28."I always follow that popular influencer on social media. She always has great posts." What idiom can be used to describe following someone?
A.Jump on the bandwagon
B.Let the cat out of the bag
C.Add fuel to the fire
D.Cut corners
“Jump on the bandwagon”表示跟风、随大流,在这里可以用来形容跟随流行的影响者。
“Let the cat out of the bag”表示泄露秘密;“Add fuel to the fire”表示火上浇油;“Cut corners”表示走捷径。
在社交网络中,“Jump on the bandwagon”流行是因为人们往往会跟随潮流和热门人物,以获取更多有趣的内容和信息。
29."I posted a photo on social media and got a lot of likes and comments. It made me feel really good." What idiom can be related to this situation?
A.Blow one's own trumpet
B.Put the cart before the horse
C.Take something with a grain of salt
D.Cry over spilt milk
得到很多点赞和评论让人感觉很好,可以用“Blow one's own trumpet”(自吹自擂)来形容这种自我感觉良好的状态。
“Put the cart before the horse”表示本末倒置;“Take something with a grain of salt”表示对某事持怀疑态度;“Cry over spilt milk”表示为不可挽回的事情而懊悔。
在社交网络中,人们有时会通过分享自己的成就或美好瞬间来获得认可,这就有点像“Blow one's own trumpet”。
30."I saw a controversial post on social media and I didn't want to get involved in the argument." What idiom can be used to express this?
A.Sit on the fence
B.Burn the midnight oil
C.Keep one's head above water
D.Make a mountain out of a molehill
不想参与有争议的讨论,可以用“Sit on the fence”(保持中立)来表达。
“Burn the midnight oil”表示熬夜;“Keep one's head above water”表示勉强维持生计;“Make a mountain out of a molehill”表
31.In the novel, "She's as cool as a cucumber in a crisis." The meaning of "cool as a cucumber" is similar to _____.
A.hot as a pepper
B.calm as a pond
C.steady as a rock
D.wild as a wind
“cool as a cucumber”意为冷静沉着,选项A“hot as a pepper”表示像辣椒一样热辣,不符;选项B“calm as a pond”只是平静像池塘,没有突出沉着稳定;选项C“steady as a rock”表示像岩石一样稳定,有沉着稳定之意;选项D“wild as a wind”表示像风一样狂野,不符。
32.From a famous book, "He's a real live wire." The phrase "live wire" is closest in meaning to _____.
A.silent stone
B.active spark
zy cloud
D.dull rock
“live wire”意为充满活力的人,选项A“silent stone”表示沉默的石头,不符;选项B“active spark”表示活跃的火花,有充满活力之意;选项C“lazy cloud”表示懒惰的云,不符;选项D“dull rock”
33.In a literary work, "She's a tough cookie." The expression "tough cookie" is like _____.
A.soft cake
B.strong bread
C.firm candy
D.stubborn rock
“tough cookie”意为坚强的人,选项A“soft cake”表示柔软的蛋糕,不符;选项B“strong bread”表示结实的面包,有坚强之意;选项C“firm candy”表示坚硬的糖果,不符;选项D“stubborn rock”表示固执的岩石,强调固执而非坚强。
34.A sentence in a book says, "He's a smooth operator." The meaning of "smooth operator" is close to _____.
A.rough worker
B.careless driver
C.skillful player
D.clumsy painter
“smooth operator”意为圆滑的人或技艺娴熟的人,选项A“rough worker”表示粗糙的工人,不符;选项B“careless driver”表示粗心的司机,不符;选项C“skillful player”表示技艺娴熟的人;选项D“clumsy painter”表示笨拙的画家,不符。
35.In literature, "She's a sharp shooter." The phrase "sharp shooter" is
similar to _____.
A.blurry archer
B.accurate aimer
C.slow thrower
D.careless hitter
“sharp shooter”意为神枪手,即射击准确的人,选项A“blurry archer”表示模糊的射手,不符;选项B“accurate aimer”表示准确的瞄准者;选项C“slow thrower”表示缓慢的投掷者,不符;选项D“careless hitter”表示粗心的击球手,不符。
36. She's really on top of the world these days. What does "on top of the world" mean?
A. very happy
B. very tired
C. very angry
D. very sad
“on top of the world”表示非常高兴。
选项B“very tired”(非常累)不符合;选项C“very angry”(非常生气)不符合;选项D“very sad”(非常伤心)不符合。
37. He's a bit of a loose cannon. What does "loose cannon" mean?
A. reliable person
B. unpredictable person
C. hardworking person
“loose cannon”表示不可预测的人。
选项A“reliable person”((可靠的人)不符合;选项C“hardworking person”((勤奋的人)不符合;选项D“friendly person”(友好的人)不符合。
38. She's got a chip on her shoulder. What does "chip on her shoulder" mean?
A. be confident
B. be angry
C. be happy
D. be sad
“chip on her shoulder”表示生气。
选项A“be confident”(自信)不符合;选项C“be happy”((高兴)不符合;选项D“be sad”(伤心)不符合。
39. He's a real go-getter. What does "go-getter" mean?
A. lazy person
B. shy person
C. ambitious person
D. timid person
选项A“lazy person”((懒惰的人)不符合;选项B“shy person”((害羞的人)不符合;选项D“timid person”(胆小的人)不符合。
40. She's a straight shooter. What does "straight shooter" mean?
B. dishonest person
C. shy person
D. proud person
“straight shooter”表示诚实的人。
选项B“dishonest person”(不诚实的人)不符合;选项C“shy person”((害羞的人)不符合;选项D“proud person”(骄傲的人)不符合。