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2018年春七年级英语下册Unit 7 Abilities词汇语法素材(新版)牛津版
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本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快业绩进步,以下为2018年春七年级英语下册 Unit 7Abilities词汇语法素材 (新版)牛津版的全部内容。

7B Unit7 Abilities
信不信由你 believer it or not留神 look out
植树plant trees打扫公园clean up the park
让座给车上的人 give a seat to someone on the bus
参观老人之家visit an old people’s home
在贫困地区 in the poorarea
送一些衣服给他们send someclothes to them
甚至不能 be noteven able to
最需要衣服和鞋 need clothes and shoes most
募集一些资金raisesome money
收集一些书 collect some books 足够的勇敢brave enough
救他的邻居于火灾之中savehis neighbour from a fire
独自在家 be at home alone
听到某人大叫hearsomeone shouting
跑出去 run outside 很快地跑进quickly run to
把水倒在衣服上pour water over his clothes
保护自己protect oneself
冲进rushinto浓烟heavy smoke
把她救出来help her out 扑灭火 put outthe fire
烧伤了林涛的胳膊、脖子和脸burn Lin Tao’sarms, neck and face 住院in hospital 给他礼物give him presents
有时间思考have time tothink about 正在那时 at that moment 需要我的帮助 need my help小心火be careful with fire 没有某人的帮助without any other people’s help
阻止某物燃烧stopsomething from burning
听到关于林涛的新闻hear the news about Lin Tao
好转 get better 玩火柴 play withmatches
把热的东西放进垃圾桶 put something hot into the rubbish bin
让某物远离火keep… away from fire
骑车到那儿 getthere by bike 没问题no problem
一个开心的好去处a good place to have fun
看穿墙 see through walls
用眼睛烧东西burnthings withhis eyes
听到远处的东西hear things far away
用手拦住火车stop a train withhis hands
飞得和光一样快fly as fastas light
需要说得更多need to speak more
努力学习这个学科workhard on the subject
写好文章 write good articles
尽力训练打排球practise hardplaying volleyball
在周一和周on Monday andWednesday
需要在……做得更好need to do better in
小提琴拉得很好play the violin well
进入校队get into the school team
非常喜欢她like her very much
在六岁时at the age of six
开始听音乐start to listen to music
展示给我看如何拉小提琴 show me how to play the violin
使用一个图书馆 use a library
一个找到信息的有用的地方auseful place to find information
寻找信息 look for information
不同的科目 differentsubjects
有任何的问题 have any questions想要做某事 would like to do sth 推荐…当…recommend … for… 学东西很快learnthings quickly
电脑用得好 use computers well 空闲be free
仔细思考 think carefully 很好地计划一切 plan everything well
参加take part in一个五岁的男孩 a five-year—old boy
迷路lose one’s way 将他带到警察局takehim to thepolice station
得到这个奖get theaward
期望着收到你的来信look forwardto hearing from you
不同能力different abilities
当心becareful / look out / take care
帮助别人help others 给某人颁奖givesb。

an award
推荐某人获奖recommend sb for an award
给……让座give a seat to sb. 浓烟a lot ofsmoke
把公园打扫干净clean up apark 出去get out
敬老院a home forthe elderly 跑到外面run outside
勇敢奖an award for bravery
帮助某人逃出火海helpsb out of afire
独自在家at homealone 隔壁next door
79岁的邻居a 79-year—old neighbour
伤了腿hurt legs 扑灭火put out a fire
救人save sb。

用毯子with a blanket
帮助某人出去help sb out 在左边/右边onthe left / right
烧伤某人的脖子burn one’s neck使生命无虞keep life from danger独自做某事do sth byoneself/alone
加入我们join us 你自身的安全your own safety
住院(be) in hospital
发生在某人身上happen tosb 呼救call for help 好转get better
防火安全fire safety 一条忠告a piece of advice
使火炉烧着leave the stove on
远离……keep away from垃圾箱rubbish bin
先想着别人think of others first
擅长跑步be good at running
掉进水里fallinto the water 获奖havean award
听见某人在做某事hear sb. doing sth. 划船 row a boat
钢琴弹得好 play thepiano well 跳得高jump high
迷路get lost/ lose one’s way
收到某人的来信get/receive a letter from sb。

家长会 parents’ meeting 尽力try/ do one’s best
因某事感激某人 be grateful to sb。

for sth。

1. What can we do for the children in poorareas?
2. Some families arenot even able topay for pens and notebooks. 3。

They sent some clothesto them and raised some money for them.
4. What a brave young man!

He was brave enough to save his neighbourfrom a fire.

He heard someone calling for help and saw a lot of smoke from next door。

7. He poured water over his clothesto protect himself.
8. He was in hospital for two weeks because the fire burned his arm b adly.
9. How long was heinhospital?

Were you afraid at that moment?

We shouldbe careful with fire because it is dangerous。


By the way, can you take your camera with you?

She was careless and didn’t doher best this term。

14. She will do better in theschool term next term.

Did he start to play the violin at the age ofsix?

Can you show me how to playthe piano?
17. I would like to recommend Daniel for this year’s Young Star Award?18。

Does he often take partin activities like collecting clothes
forchildren in need?

A 5-year-old boy lost his way and was crying in the street。

20.We lookforward tohearing from yousoon.

Herleft leg was badly hurt and she could not get out.

I didn’thave time to think about it.

Did you hear the news about Lin Tao?
24. I’m veryhappy that he’s well now。

1.◆ 情态动词can 表示现在的能力,could 表示过去的能力,后跟动词原形, candosth.=is/ am/ are able to do sth. could do sth。

= was/were able to dosth。

不能做某事can/couldnot do sth.= be not able todo sth。

= be unable to do sth.

g: 他们英语说的很好.They canspeak good English.=They are ableto speak English well.
◆情态动词could 表示委婉语气,比用can 更加有礼貌,may 比较正式。

一般疑问句回答,通常情况问什么,答什么CanI …? Yes, you can.No, youcan’t。

请注意下列特殊情况:CouldI …? Yes, you can。

No, you can’t。

May I …?Yes, you may. No, you can’t。

(坚决拒绝No, you mustn’t.)Must I…? Yes,you must. No, youneedn’t.
◆ 表示可能性may be也许是,(50%) must be一定是,(100%) can’t be 不可能是(0%)
2. 感叹句表达高兴、愤怒、伤心等感情,常用What, How来引导
◆What +名词短语+S +V!
名词短语三种构成形式:①a/an+形容词+可数名词单数a beautiful lake/ aninterestingbook② 形容词+ 可数名词复数amazing animals③ 形容词+不可数名词surprising news/ nice weather/ great fun)
Whatan exciting match it is!这场比赛真刺激!
What nice flowers they are!这些花多漂亮啊!
What interesting film we saw yesterday! 我们昨天看的电影真有趣!
What great fun they had flying kites in the park!他们在公园放风筝放得多开心啊!
◆How+形容词/副词 +S +V!
How tallthetree is!这棵树真高啊!
How carefully the little boy is doing his homework!那个小男孩做作业做得多认真啊!






The above isthe whole content of this article, Gorky said: "the book is the ladder of human progress." I hope you can make p
rogress with the help of this ladder. Material life is extr emely rich, science and technology are developing rapidly, a ll of which gradually change the way ofpeople's study andleisure. Many people are no longer eager to pursue a document, but as long as you still have such asmall persistence, you will continue to grow and progress.When the complex world leads us to chase out, reading an article or doing a pro blem makes us calmdown and returntoourselves. With lear ning, we can activate ourimagination and thinking, establish our belief, keep our pure spiritual worldand resist the attack ofthe external world.。
