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鉴的经验和依据. 京津冀水源涵养相关研究一直是
[1 ̄3]
. 随着经济的发展和人口的增加ꎬ水资源
[4 ̄8]
. 京津冀作为我国北方经济
规模最大、最具活力的地区ꎬ 水资源供需矛盾突出.
Beijing ̄Tianjin ̄Hebei Region from 2000 to 2010ꎬ and delineated the donor and receptor areas of water conservation respectively. The
results showed that: (1) The Yanshan Mountain in northern Hebei Province has the highest capacity of net water conservationꎬ with an
游之间的生态联系ꎬ促进区域生态公平ꎬ实现区域社会持续健康发展. 利用降水储量法、水量平衡法及水源涵养生态服务供体区
与受体区划分方法ꎬ分析 2000—2010 年京津冀净水源涵养量空间格局ꎬ划分研究区水源涵养生态服务供体区和受体区范围. 结
果表明: ①冀北燕山山区净水源涵养量最高ꎬ年均值为 65 24 ~ 81 35 mmꎬ其次是冀西太行山山区ꎬ年均值为 46 47 ~ 61 28 mmꎻ
the eastern coastal areas and cities are the main receptor areas. The entire study area is seriously imbalanced on the donor ̄receptor
Keywords: water conservationꎻ ecological serviceꎻ donor areaꎻ receptor areaꎻ Beijing ̄Tianjin ̄Hebei Region
1 10 0
环 境 科 学 研 究
第 32 卷
0 03 ̄0 07 m3 . The balanced area accounts for 25 01% of the total area. The receptor area accounts for 33 57%ꎬ and the average net
第 32 卷 第 7 期
环 境 科 学 研 究
2019 年 7 月
Research of Environmental Sciences
翟月鹏1 ꎬ 陈艳梅1∗ ꎬ 高吉喜2 ꎬ 宋 婷3 ꎬ 冯朝阳3 ꎬ 年 蔚1
净水源涵养量负值区主要分布在东部沿海和大中小城市ꎬ年均值为-130 46 ~ -152 39 mm. ②水源涵养生态服务供体区占研究
区面积的 41 42%ꎬ单位面积( m2 ꎬ下同) 平均净供水量为 0 03 ~ 0 07 m3 ꎻ水源涵养生态服务平衡区面积占 25 01%ꎻ水源涵养生态
自 20 世纪 80 年代以来ꎬ京津冀水资源呈现随年代衰
减的趋势ꎬ年均水资源总量由 1956—1979 年的 291 ×
10 m 减至 1980—2000 年的 219 × 10 m ꎬ2001—2010
年进一步减至 166 × 10 8 m 3 ꎬ而同期的水资源需求量为
249 × 10 ~ 273 × 10 m ꎬ水资源供需矛盾越来越突出.
Hebei Normal Universityꎬ Shijiazhuang 050024ꎬ China
2.Ministry of Ecology and Environment Center for Satellite Application on Ecology and Environmentꎬ Beijing 100094ꎬ China
water demand is 0 18 ̄0 41 m3 . For per unit area of the water demandꎬ the receptor area is about 6 times of the donor area. (3) For the
individual basinꎬ Chengde City in the Luanhe River Basin provides water resources for Tianjin Cityꎬ Qinhuangdao City and Tangshan Cityꎬ
中图分类号: X143ꎻ K903 文章编号: 1001 ̄6929(2019)07 ̄1099 ̄09
文献标志码: A
DOI: 10 13198∕j issn 1001 ̄6929 2018 12 04
Division of Donor and Receptor Areas of Ecological Services of Water
3.State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Regional Eco ̄Process and Function Assessmentꎬ Chinese Research Academy of
Environmental Sciencesꎬ Beijing 100012ꎬ China
服务受体区面积占 33 57%ꎬ单位面积平均净需水量为 0 18 ~ 0 41 m3 ꎬ是供体区供水能力的 6 倍左右. ③从流域来看ꎬ滦河流域
的承德市为天津市、秦皇岛市及唐山市供应水资源ꎬ年均供水总量为 23 7×108 m3 ꎻ永定河流域的张家口市为北京市供应水资源ꎬ
年均供水总量为 5 3×108 m3 ꎻ大清河流域的保定市为北京市及天津市西南部供应水资源ꎬ年均供水总量为 8 2×108 m3 ꎻ但子牙河
水资源的急剧减少ꎬ使得京津冀年超采地下水约 68 ×
10 m ꎬ地下水累计超采量已超过 1 550 × 108 m3 ꎬ地下
水超采面积占平原区的 90%以上ꎬ已形成 33 个降落漏
斗ꎬ是全球最Βιβλιοθήκη 的地下水漏斗区.差异、寻找水资源管理和调配的方向提供了许多可借
Conservation in Beijing ̄Tianjin ̄Hebei Region
ZHAI Yuepeng 1 ꎬ CHEN Yanmei 1∗ ꎬ GAO Jixi 2 ꎬ SONG Ting 3 ꎬ FENG Chaoyang 3 ꎬ NIAN Wei 1
1.Laboratory of Environment Evolution and Ecological Construction of Hebei Provinceꎬ College of Resources and Environmental Sciencesꎬ
southwestern Tianjin Cityꎬ with an average annual supply of 8 2× 108 m3 . The water supply capacities in the Ziya River Basin and the
Zhangwei River Basin are seriously insufficient. The Yanshan Mountain and Taihang Mountain are the donor areas of water conservationꎬ
annual average of 65 24 ̄81 35 mmꎬ followed by the Taihang Mountain in western Hebei Provinceꎬ with an annual average of 46 47 ̄
61 28 mmꎻ the negative net water conservation is mainly in the eastern coastal areas and citiesꎬ with an annual average of - 130 46  ̄
Abstract: The economy of the Beijing ̄Tianjin ̄Hebei Region has been seriously restricted by water resources. Quantitative analysis of the
donor ̄receptor relationship of water conservation is helpful for the understanding of the upper ̄lower ecological connectionꎬ promoting
作者简介: 翟月鹏(1993 ̄) ꎬ男ꎬ河北沧州人ꎬ1401113912@ qq.com.
∗责任作者ꎬ陈艳梅(1970 ̄) ꎬ女ꎬ河北邢台人ꎬ教授ꎬ博士ꎬ主要从事环境生态学研究ꎬ330896729@ qq.com
基金项目: 国家社会科学基金项目( No.15BJY026)
Supported by National Social Science Fund of China ( No.15BJY026)
流域和漳卫河流域供水能力严重不足. 研究显示ꎬ燕山山区和太行山山区为水源涵养生态服务供体区ꎬ东部沿海和大中小城市为
关键词: 水源涵养ꎻ 生态服务ꎻ 供体区ꎻ 受体区ꎻ 京津冀
regional ecological equity and realizing sustainable and healthy development. Based on the precipitation reserve methodꎬ water balance
method and the division of ecological donor area and receptor areaꎬ we analyzed the spatial pattern of the net water conservation in the
-152 39 mm. (2) The water conservation ecological donor area accounts for 41 42% of the study area. The average net water supply is
收稿日期: 2018 ̄06 ̄07 修订日期: 2018 ̄09 ̄10
with an average annual supply of 23 7×108 m3 ꎻ Zhangjiakou City in the Yongding River Basin provides water resources for Beijing Cityꎬ
with an average annual water supply of 5 3×108 m3 ꎻ Baoding City in the Daqing River Basin provides water resources for Beijing City and
1.河北师范大学资源与环境科学学院ꎬ 河北省环境演变与生态建设重点实验室ꎬ 河北 石家庄 050024
2.生态环境部卫星环境应用中心ꎬ 北京 100094
3.中国环境科学研究院ꎬ 国家环境保护区域生态过程与功能评估重点实验室ꎬ 北京 100012
摘要: 京津冀水资源问题已经严重制约区域经济发展ꎬ定量分析研究区水源涵养生态服务供受关系ꎬ有助于深刻理解区域上下