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【摘要】目的探讨PD-L1Ig对诱导大鼠肝移植免疫耐受的影响.方法采用雄性大鼠构建Wistar→SD大鼠肝移植模型20例后,将大鼠随机分为两组:空白对照组和PD-L1Ig组,每组数量为10只,其中空白对照组不给予任何药物,PD-L1Ig组给予PD-L1Ig腹腔内注射,分别在手术当天、第2天、第4天及第6天重复给予腹腔内注射,术后观察动物生存情况、精神、食欲,术后1周处死部分动物取肝脏及血标本.血清酶学检测血肝功、流式细胞仪检测CD4+CD25+Treg比例分析,肝脏病理检测排斥反应情况.结果血清肝功能测定谷丙转氨酶、谷草转氨酶及总胆红素指标,PD-L1Ig腹腔内注射组要低于对照组(P<0.05);肝脏病理检测发现空白对照组大鼠肝脏汇管区大量单核细胞积聚,并波及汇管周正常肝细胞,注射PD-L1Ig组大鼠肝脏汇管区炎症则相对较轻,只有少量炎症细胞积聚,参照Baff评分标准,肝脏排斥反应注射PD-L1Ig组为中度,空白对照组为重度;流式分析CD4+CD25+Treg比例显示,PD-L1Ig组外周血中CD4+CD25Treg细胞的比例较对照组高(P<0.05).结论 PD-L1Ig提高大鼠受损的肝功能,可减轻肝移大鼠肝损伤程度;可引起肝移植后大鼠外周血中CD4 CD25+Treg比例升高,具有诱导肝移植免疫耐受作
用.%Objective To explore the effert of PD-Lllg on the immune ioieranre in rats wild liver transplantation. Methods Twenty ROLT models were established by Kamada two-tuft technique, with inbred male Wistar rats and male SI) rats served as donor and recipient respeclive.lv. The ivcipienls
were randonib devided into 2 groups according to different treatments: no treatment A (Wistar->SD n -- 10) and B treated with Pl)-Lllg (Wistar→SD n = 10) after the day of operation, the following day, the lourlh day and sixth day. The clinical characters, the animal survival, mental and appelite were observed. The liver and blood samples were taken form rals after one week for delecting liver function and proportions of CD4~CD25 Treg and observing ihe rejection of liver pathology. Results In the. treatment group, the liver function tesi, including serum alaniue anunotrausferase, aspartate aminotransferase and total bilirnbin, was superior to control group (P < 0.05 ). Pathoiog of liver revealed there were a large number of mononuelear cells around the portal tract area in blank control group. The inflammation of PD-Lllg group was relatively less serious, only a little accumulation of mflaimnalorv cells, flic liver rejection of blank control was more serious than PD-Lllg group. Referencing Baff marking, the rejection was moderate andsevere in group of PD-Lllg and blank control, respectively. The group of PD-Lllg showed a lower immune response and lighter rejection of liver than the control group. Flow cytometry analysis of CD4+ CD25+ Treg showed that the proportion of peripheral blood
CD4+CD25TYeg cells in PD-Lllg group was significantly higher than control group ( P <0.05). Therefore, PD-Lllg group rats showed better negative regulator activity of immune cell. Conclusions The liver functions of PD-Lllg treated rats are better. A low immune response can be induced in the rats of ROLT by PD-Lllg treatment. The proportion of
peripheral blood CD4+CD25Treg increases after liver transplantation in rats, which might be a mechanism of immune tolerance.
【作者单位】云南省第三人民医院腹部外科,云南昆明 650101;昆明医学院第二附属医院肝胆外科,云南昆明 650032;云南省第三人民医院腹部外科,云南昆明650101;昆明医学院第二附属医院肝胆外科,云南昆明 650032;昆明医学院第二附属医院肝胆外科,云南昆明 650032
1.泡状棘球蚴感染纯系大鼠肝移植免疫耐受的实验研究 [J], 李涛;赵晋明;排组拉·阿当;曹峻;张琰;张巍;温浩
2.联合阻断CD28/B7和ICOS对大鼠肝移植免疫耐受的实验研究 [J], 钟鑫平;赵国华;刘永锋
3.IL-1O基因修饰的树突状细胞诱导大鼠肝移植免疫耐受的实验研究 [J], 方航荣;邱明链;刘景丰;陈丽红;黄爱民
4.(动物模型)肝移植免疫耐受的研究以及三维重建技术在肝泡状棘球蚴治疗中的应用:泡状棘球蚴感染对大鼠肝移植物存活的影响及机制探讨 [J], 李涛;卡米力·吾拉木;王晓嵘;李瑾;白磊;温浩;赵晋明
5.低剂量西罗莫司协同CD4^+CD25^+ T-reg诱导大鼠肝移植免疫耐受的实验研究 [J], 肖江卫;刘紫麟;叶鹏程;罗雅军;符致明;魏寿江
