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%Objective To explore relevant factors of drinking relapse after alcohol withdrawal for patients with alcohol dependence. Methods 130 patients with pure alcohol dependence who were admitted from January 2012 to February 2013 were selected. They received withdrawal treatment and were followed-up after discharge. They were assigned to relapse group and non-relapse group.
The relations between drinking relapse and clinical characteristics, socio-demographic data, family environment and cognitive functions during withdrawal period in the two groups were analyzed. Results Excepted for 21 patients who were out of touch, there were 67 patients in the relapse group and 42 patients in the non-relapse group. Amount of drinking, frequency of drinking, personality changes, emotional symptoms, being single/divorced, finan-cial situation, education years, and family history of alcoholism before the treatment between the two groups were signifi-cantly different (P<0.05). Intimacy, emotional expression, independence, entertainment, organization, controlling and con-tradictoriness in the family environment between the two groups were significantly different (P<0.05). During withdrawal pe-riod, total response number, number of completed classification and correct response rate of attention (DST and CPT-IP), memory (S/VM, SS and DS) and execution (WCST) between the two groups were significantly different (P<0.05). Amount of drinking, emotional symptoms, family intimacy, family organization, family independence, attention and execu-tion were independent influencing factors of drinking relapse for patients with alcohol dependence after withdrawal (P<0.05). Conclusion Patients with alcohol dependence have a large capacity for alcohol previously, and patients with emo-tional symptoms, in lack of intimacy, organization and independence in family environment, or in lack of attention and ex-ecution during withdrawal period are highly likely to relapse. Management of family environment and
psychological thera-py should be attached great importance so as to improve patients' cognitive function during withdrawal period.
【作者单位】浙江省温州市第七人民医院精神科,浙江温州 325005;浙江省温州市第七人民医院精神科,浙江温州 325005;浙江省温州市第七人民医院精神科,浙江温州 325005;上海市精神卫生中心精神科,上海 200030
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