2023-2024学年-高考英语复习 专题自然-基础知识
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of common dolphins from the western Mediterranean in recent years.
•6.Vietnam is suffering from foosdho_r_t_a_g____(sho考rt)点. :名词修饰名词
•7. Such a diet is widely believeed to opffreort_e_c_ti_o_n_____(protect)
5.自然资源 Natural Resources naturally, water resources, mineral(矿物质), botanical (植物的), species, abundant (丰富的), ample (充足的), shade (暗处、阴凉处), rare, shadow, numerous, etc.
Step 2 单句填空
• 1.We should pay more attention to the rare wild animals that are ___________(endanger) .
• 2.The world's ________ (resource) are finite(有限的).
•6.Vietnam is suffering from food ________(short) .
•7. Such a diet is widely believed to offer __________(protect) against a number of cancers.
•8.Accurate____________(measure) is very important in science.
• 3.The level of ________ (pollute) in the river was falling.
• 4.Life in the forest has become a struggle for _______(survive).
• 5.We should pay attention to the obvious _____________(disappear) of common dolphins from the western Mediterranean in recent years.
11.节约与循环利用 Recycle&Reuse
reduce, recycle, reuse, circulate (循环), renewable (可更新的、可再 生的), economize (节约), eco-friendly (环境友好的), low-carbon, alternative energy (新能源), environmental-friendly,
against a number of cancers.
•8.Accuratem__e_a_s_u_re_m__e___(measure) is very importan考t i点n :sc词ien形c变e.化
•9.They disnctussed the statistsiciganl_i_fi_c_a_n______(signifi考ca点nt:) o词f t形he变化
• 3.该是我们人类采取适当的措施来维护生态平衡的时候了。
• It is high time that we human beings took/should take proper measures to keep the balance of nature.
• 4.更重要的是,每个公民都应该意识到问题的严重性,共同努力保 护我们的环境。
storm, stormy, thunder, thunderstorm, wet, rainbow, chilly, freezing, freeze(froze, frozen), frost, frosty, hail(冰雹), ice, icy, snowy, sleet(雨夹雪), blizzard(暴风雪), snowfall, snowflake, cold, 2m.气elt候, m/季is节t(薄C雾lim),aftoeg&,Sfoeagsgoyn, haze(霾),changeable, forecast,etc.
话题11:自然 第1课时: 基础知识
Learning Objectives:
• 1.通过对话题词汇归类,理解并识记自然话题词汇。 • 2. 掌握重点词汇的用法。
Step 1 话题词汇
1.天气 Weather
clear, cloudless, light, fine, mild, bright, shine, sunshiny, hot, high, solar, tropical(热带的), cloud, cloudy, warm, warmth, dark, gloomy (阴暗的), decline, reduce, blow, breeze, cool, strong, wind, windy, lightning, damp/humid (潮湿的), pour, downpour/rain cats and dogs (倾盆大雨), mud, muddy, rainfall,
1ex0p.动loi植tat物ion保(过护度与开环发境), e保tc护. Protection
protect, sort, absorb, balance, measure, rescue, reserve (保留), advocate (提倡), overcome, alarm, urgent, attitude, meaningful, reward, benefit, significance, fade (逐渐消失), evolution (进化), survive, survival, conservation, irrigation(灌溉), punish, punishment, harmony, garbage classification (垃圾分类), etc.
健康十分有害。 • 2. Nowadays, with the development of economy, many cities are
faced with serious environmental problems, which do great harm to people’s health.
•10._s_________ (poison) chemicals can get into the w考a点te:r s词up形p变ly化
and do harm to our health.
Step 3 句子翻译
• 1.这次展览的主题是环境保护。(2016年全国II卷) • 2.如今,随着经济的发展,许多城市面临着严重的环境问题,这对人们的
4.自然灾害 Natural Disaster disaster/catastrophe(灾难), desertification (荒漠化), drought (干旱), flood, hurricane, landslide (山体滑坡), sandstorm, tsunami (海啸), tornado (龙卷风), typhoon, erupt (喷发、爆发), violence, violent,etc.
健康十分有害。 • 3.该是我们人类采取适当的措施来维护生态平衡的时候了。 • 4.更重要的是,每个公民都应该意识到问题的严重性,共同努力保护我们
的环境。 • 5. 众所周知,因为各种原因越来越多的动物处于极大的危险中。
Step 3 句子翻译
• 1.这次展览的主题是环境保护。(2016年全国II卷) • The theme of the show is environmental protection. • 2.如今,随着经济的发展,许多城市面临着严重的环境问题,这对人们的
Step 2 单句填空
• 1.We should pay more attention to the rare wild animals that are
_e_n_d_a_n_g_e_r_e_d_(endanger) .
• 2.The world'sre_s_o__u_rc_e_s_ (resource) are finite(有限的).考点:名词复数
• 3.The level ofp_o_ll_u_ti_o_n__ (pollute) in the river was fall考ing点. :词形变化 • 4.Life in the forest has become a strugdgisleaspufoprvreia_vr_aa_ln_c___(su考rv点iv:e)词. 形变化 • 5.We should pay attention to the obvioeus _____________(disappear)
8et.c垃. 圾和各种废物 Waste
trash, litter, garbage, rubbish, plastic, landfill (垃圾填埋场), greenhouse gases, smog, etc.
9.缺乏与过度开发 Shortage
lack, worsen, overdevelop, lessen, disappear, disappearance, endanger, short, shortage, extinct, extinction, excessive
•9.They discussed the statistical___________(significant) of the results.
•10.__________ (poison) chemicals can get into the water supply and do harm to our health.
6.地球环境 Environment
jungle (丛林), habitat(栖息地), horizon, desert, ecosystem(生态 系统), mountain range (山脉), ecological balance, surroundings, e7t.环c. 境污染与破坏 Pollution & Damage
atmosphere, climate, season, spring, summer, autumn (fall), winter, etc.
3.天气影响 Influence affect, influence, have an effge, end up, strike, shock, ruin, etc.
pollute, waste, radiate, poison, expose, exposure, disturb, disturbing, abuse (滥用), violate (违反), smelly, severe, severely, pest (害虫), disastrous (灾难性的), emission (排放物), consumption (消费), deforestation (毁林), acid rain(酸雨), global warming, greenhouse effect, carbon-dioxide, soil loss, climate change, energy crisis, population explosion (人口激增), due to,
• More importantly, every citizen should realize the seriousness of the problem and make joint efforts to protect our environment.
•6.Vietnam is suffering from foosdho_r_t_a_g____(sho考rt)点. :名词修饰名词
•7. Such a diet is widely believeed to opffreort_e_c_ti_o_n_____(protect)
5.自然资源 Natural Resources naturally, water resources, mineral(矿物质), botanical (植物的), species, abundant (丰富的), ample (充足的), shade (暗处、阴凉处), rare, shadow, numerous, etc.
Step 2 单句填空
• 1.We should pay more attention to the rare wild animals that are ___________(endanger) .
• 2.The world's ________ (resource) are finite(有限的).
•6.Vietnam is suffering from food ________(short) .
•7. Such a diet is widely believed to offer __________(protect) against a number of cancers.
•8.Accurate____________(measure) is very important in science.
• 3.The level of ________ (pollute) in the river was falling.
• 4.Life in the forest has become a struggle for _______(survive).
• 5.We should pay attention to the obvious _____________(disappear) of common dolphins from the western Mediterranean in recent years.
11.节约与循环利用 Recycle&Reuse
reduce, recycle, reuse, circulate (循环), renewable (可更新的、可再 生的), economize (节约), eco-friendly (环境友好的), low-carbon, alternative energy (新能源), environmental-friendly,
against a number of cancers.
•8.Accuratem__e_a_s_u_re_m__e___(measure) is very importan考t i点n :sc词ien形c变e.化
•9.They disnctussed the statistsiciganl_i_fi_c_a_n______(signifi考ca点nt:) o词f t形he变化
• 3.该是我们人类采取适当的措施来维护生态平衡的时候了。
• It is high time that we human beings took/should take proper measures to keep the balance of nature.
• 4.更重要的是,每个公民都应该意识到问题的严重性,共同努力保 护我们的环境。
storm, stormy, thunder, thunderstorm, wet, rainbow, chilly, freezing, freeze(froze, frozen), frost, frosty, hail(冰雹), ice, icy, snowy, sleet(雨夹雪), blizzard(暴风雪), snowfall, snowflake, cold, 2m.气elt候, m/季is节t(薄C雾lim),aftoeg&,Sfoeagsgoyn, haze(霾),changeable, forecast,etc.
话题11:自然 第1课时: 基础知识
Learning Objectives:
• 1.通过对话题词汇归类,理解并识记自然话题词汇。 • 2. 掌握重点词汇的用法。
Step 1 话题词汇
1.天气 Weather
clear, cloudless, light, fine, mild, bright, shine, sunshiny, hot, high, solar, tropical(热带的), cloud, cloudy, warm, warmth, dark, gloomy (阴暗的), decline, reduce, blow, breeze, cool, strong, wind, windy, lightning, damp/humid (潮湿的), pour, downpour/rain cats and dogs (倾盆大雨), mud, muddy, rainfall,
1ex0p.动loi植tat物ion保(过护度与开环发境), e保tc护. Protection
protect, sort, absorb, balance, measure, rescue, reserve (保留), advocate (提倡), overcome, alarm, urgent, attitude, meaningful, reward, benefit, significance, fade (逐渐消失), evolution (进化), survive, survival, conservation, irrigation(灌溉), punish, punishment, harmony, garbage classification (垃圾分类), etc.
健康十分有害。 • 2. Nowadays, with the development of economy, many cities are
faced with serious environmental problems, which do great harm to people’s health.
•10._s_________ (poison) chemicals can get into the w考a点te:r s词up形p变ly化
and do harm to our health.
Step 3 句子翻译
• 1.这次展览的主题是环境保护。(2016年全国II卷) • 2.如今,随着经济的发展,许多城市面临着严重的环境问题,这对人们的
4.自然灾害 Natural Disaster disaster/catastrophe(灾难), desertification (荒漠化), drought (干旱), flood, hurricane, landslide (山体滑坡), sandstorm, tsunami (海啸), tornado (龙卷风), typhoon, erupt (喷发、爆发), violence, violent,etc.
健康十分有害。 • 3.该是我们人类采取适当的措施来维护生态平衡的时候了。 • 4.更重要的是,每个公民都应该意识到问题的严重性,共同努力保护我们
的环境。 • 5. 众所周知,因为各种原因越来越多的动物处于极大的危险中。
Step 3 句子翻译
• 1.这次展览的主题是环境保护。(2016年全国II卷) • The theme of the show is environmental protection. • 2.如今,随着经济的发展,许多城市面临着严重的环境问题,这对人们的
Step 2 单句填空
• 1.We should pay more attention to the rare wild animals that are
_e_n_d_a_n_g_e_r_e_d_(endanger) .
• 2.The world'sre_s_o__u_rc_e_s_ (resource) are finite(有限的).考点:名词复数
• 3.The level ofp_o_ll_u_ti_o_n__ (pollute) in the river was fall考ing点. :词形变化 • 4.Life in the forest has become a strugdgisleaspufoprvreia_vr_aa_ln_c___(su考rv点iv:e)词. 形变化 • 5.We should pay attention to the obvioeus _____________(disappear)
8et.c垃. 圾和各种废物 Waste
trash, litter, garbage, rubbish, plastic, landfill (垃圾填埋场), greenhouse gases, smog, etc.
9.缺乏与过度开发 Shortage
lack, worsen, overdevelop, lessen, disappear, disappearance, endanger, short, shortage, extinct, extinction, excessive
•9.They discussed the statistical___________(significant) of the results.
•10.__________ (poison) chemicals can get into the water supply and do harm to our health.
6.地球环境 Environment
jungle (丛林), habitat(栖息地), horizon, desert, ecosystem(生态 系统), mountain range (山脉), ecological balance, surroundings, e7t.环c. 境污染与破坏 Pollution & Damage
atmosphere, climate, season, spring, summer, autumn (fall), winter, etc.
3.天气影响 Influence affect, influence, have an effge, end up, strike, shock, ruin, etc.
pollute, waste, radiate, poison, expose, exposure, disturb, disturbing, abuse (滥用), violate (违反), smelly, severe, severely, pest (害虫), disastrous (灾难性的), emission (排放物), consumption (消费), deforestation (毁林), acid rain(酸雨), global warming, greenhouse effect, carbon-dioxide, soil loss, climate change, energy crisis, population explosion (人口激增), due to,
• More importantly, every citizen should realize the seriousness of the problem and make joint efforts to protect our environment.