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1.The ancient Egyptians wrote on ______ (草纸).
2.My dad is a _______ (工程师), and he works very hard.
3.How many fingers do we have on one hand?
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7B
4.The __________ (历史的资源) are crucial for research.
5.The _______ (羚羊) is very swift.
6.The grass is ___ (green/brown).
7.The beaver works hard to build a ____.
8. A saturated fatty acid contains only ______ bonds.
9.What is the common name for the disease caused by a lack of vitamin C?
A. Scurvy
B. Rickets
C. Anemia
D. FluA
10.The chemical symbol for calcium is _____.
11.The _______ of an object can be tested with a balance.
12. (Ming) Dynasty is known for its porcelain and trade. The ____
13.Canal connects the Mediterranean Sea with the ________ (红海). The Suez
14.My uncle is a big fan of _______ (运动). 他喜欢 _______ (动词).
15.The _______ can be enjoyed by all.
16.My uncle is a ______. He builds houses.
17.The __________ (文艺复兴) influenced art and science.
18.I love to _______ (做手工艺品).
19.My friend has a pet ______ (兔子) that loves to hop.
20.What is the term for a baby horse?
A. Calf
B. Foal
C. Kid
D. LambB
21.The ____ is a small animal that hops around in the garden.
22.The moon reflects light from the _______.
23.The basic unit of a protein is an ________.
24.The first person to fly around the world was _______.
25.What is the longest river in the world?
A. Amazon
B. Nile
C. Mississippi
D. Yangtze
26.She is wearing a cute ___. (outfit)
27.The _______ can be very large or very small.
28.What is the capital city of the Maldives?
A. Malé
B. Addu City
C. Fuvahmulah
D. Dhidhdhoo
29.My mom enjoys __________ (参加) community events.
30.What do you call a young horse?
A. Calf
B. Foal
C. Kid
D. PupB
31.I like to eat ________ (苹果) every day after school.
32.What is the name of the famous ocean liner that sank in 1912?
A. Queen Mary
B. Titanic
C. Britannic
D. OlympicB
33.I saw a _______ (小蝴蝶) fluttering by.
34.What is the name of the planet we live on?
A. Mars
B. Venus
C. Earth
D. Jupiter
35. A group of lions is called a ______.
36.What is the term for a young tapir?
A. Calf
B. Pup
C. Kit
D. HatchlingA
37.The rabbit has powerful ______ (后腿).
38.What do we call a person who plays soccer?
A. Player
B. Footballer
C. Athlete
D. Referee
39.I have a _____ of stickers in my book. (collection)
40.The Earth's ______ helps protect us from harmful radiation.
41.What do we call the act of inspiring others?
A. Motivation
B. Encouragement
C. Empowerment
D. All of the AboveD
42.She has a ________ (great) sense of humor.
43. A mixture that is not uniform throughout is called a ______ mixture.
44.The ________ is a friendly animal that likes to play.
45.What do we call the protective casing of an egg?
A. Shell
B. Yolk
C. Albumen
D. Membrane
46.The leaves change _______ in the fall, making the world beautiful.
47.What is 9 3?
A. 5
B. 6
C. 4
D. 7A
48.The volunteer helps in the _____ (社区).
49.What is the term for the distance around a circle?
A. Diameter
B. Radius
C. Circumference
D. AreaC
50.What do we call a large body of saltwater?
A. Lake
B. River
C. Ocean
D. PondC
51.I enjoy _______ (和朋友一起玩).
52. A ____(land conservation) strategy protects natural resources.
53.Today is a sunny day, and I am very excited. I wake up early in the morning and look outside my window. The sky is ______ (1) and the birds are singing. I quickly get dressed and have ______ (2) with my family. My mom makes delicious pancakes, and
54.The main component of air is ______.
55.My pet bird sings beautiful ______.
56.The element with atomic number is __________.
57.What is the capital of India?
A. Delhi
B. Mumbai
C. Kolkata
D. BangaloreA
58. A ______ is a small, flying insect that can bite.
59.What is the capital of Egypt?
A. Cairo
B. Luxor
C. Giza
D. AlexandriaA
60.My _______ (猫) loves to climb trees.
61.The _______ can be very tall and strong.
62.What is the name of the fairy tale character who left a glass slipper?
A. Sleeping Beauty
B. Cinderella
C. Rapunzel
D. Belle
63.I enjoy making ______ for my family.
64.I like to _______ (参加) sports teams.
65.What is the name of the fairy tale character who lost her shoe?
A. Snow White
B. Cinderella
C. Little Red Riding Hood
D. Belle
66.What is the capital of Comoros?
A. Moroni
B. Moutsamoudou
C. Domoni
D. MitsamiouliA
67.What is the capital of the Falkland Islands?
A. Stanley
B. Port Stanley
C. Darwin
D. Goose GreenA
68.My grandpa tells __________ (有趣的) jokes.
69.Gravity is weaker on the ______.
70.The chemical symbol for sodium is ______.
71.What is the process of water turning into vapor called?
A. Condensation
B. Evaporation
C. Precipitation
D. SublimationB
72.How do you say "goodbye" in Japanese?
A. Sayonara
B. Konnichiwa
C. Arigato
D. Adiós
73.We will go to the _____ (zoo/museum) this weekend.
74. A ______ plays a key role in the habitat.
75.What is the opposite of 'clean'?
A. Dirty
B. Neat
C. Clear
D. PureA
76.How many days are in a week?
A. Five
B. Six
C. Seven
D. Eight
77.What is the term for the layers of gases surrounding the Earth?
A. Atmosphere
B. Lithosphere
C. Hydrosphere
D. BiosphereA
78.What do you call a person who studies the stars?
A. Astronomer
B. Geologist
C. Chemist
D. PhysicistA
79.The girl loves to ________.
80. A _______ is a state of matter where particles are close together but can slide past each other.
81.What do you call a baby ostrich?
A. Chick
B. Calf
C. Kid
D. Hatchling
82.Basalt is a common type of ______ rock.
83.He is reading a _____ (book/magazine) in the library.
84.I like to _____ (参加) community service.
85.My ________ (玩具名称) is a colorful rainbow.
86.I have a _______ (project) to complete.
87.The ______ is known for his bravery.
88.I enjoy _______ (与朋友聚会).
89. A thermometer measures ______ temperature.
90.What do you call a person who writes poems?
A. Novelist
B. Poet
C. Author
D. PlaywrightB
91.The monkey is ________ in the tree.
92.My friend plays the ____ (trombone) in the band.
93.I like to read about _______ (我喜欢读关于_______的书).
94.sustainable urban design) prioritizes ecological balance. The ____
95.We are going to the __________ tomorrow.
96.An alloy is a mixture of two or more _____, usually metals.
97.She is studying for her ___. (exam)
98. A ______ (海豚) is very playful and friendly.
99.The __________ (历史的激励作用) drive progress.
100.What do we call the branches of a tree?
A. Roots
B. Trunk
C. Leaves
D. LimbsD。
