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There are such a group of people. They all have such a dream to take the package and see the world. They listen to their hearts. They are always moving on and preparing.
It was a Valentine's Day gift. The Chinese-American boy, Kyle Johnson (中名:谷岳),covered more than 16,000 kilometers and went through 13 countries to Berlin to see his girl friend. In the way , he took 88 lifts.
Something that isn't done now will not be done either in the future.
பைடு நூலகம்
Are you tired of travelling by train, ship or plane?
Are you feeling boring of just making a short stop at some place of interest? Do you want a change?
----from blog
If you have a dream and are ready for it, move on.
Once you start off, you will be within reach.
当你想要某种东西时,整个宇宙都会助你实现。神能照着运 行在我们心里的大力,充充足足地成就一切,超过我们所求 所想。说白了这就是梦想的力量,有时候生活确实需要这样 的偏执。在站在布达拉宫前的一刻,深刻的体会到,现实的 种种在梦想实现的一刻都特么是扯淡。在追求幸福的路上摸 索了很久之后,我想也许我找到方向了。
If you don’t do it by yourself, you would never know.
From Chengdu To Tibet by bike
They are strangers.
But they have the same dream.
生命自有定数,也许在不知道什么时候我就那么扯淡的挂掉 了。把最美的画面定格在最美的年华,定格在前往梦想的路 上,这也算是幸福吧。在芒康的时候一个天葬师告诉我,死 在路上的人,躯体不回家,直接送去天葬,这样灵魂就能更 快的抵达天堂。
Hungary Germany Czech Republic
It’s a journey you have no idea of what’s the next destination and what kind of people you will meet. The only thing you can do is to movefantastic. It is on ignoring language barrier, bad weather or