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• For this is the highest rule of translation: that the shape of the original text should be kept as closely as possible, so that understanding does not lose the words any more than the words themselves lose brilliance and craftsmanship. (Lefevere)
• 英语的句子概念清楚,每句都有一个主语一个谓语 动词,一致关系,支配关系,修饰关系,各种标点 符号用法都有明确的规定,大写字母开头,小圆点 儿结束等等,这就使英语句子形式化格式化了。汉 语句子没有这些形式化格式化的东西,很难确定句 子的界限。
• 汉语句子的定义不能是语法的,只能是语义的,语 义分话题和说明两部分。话题可长可短,说明也是 可长可短。短的可以是一个字,长的可以是几十个 字。所以汉语中的标点符号,很大程度上是停顿的 意思,仍然是古人所说的句读。英语中的标点符号 则是结构上的完整与否。
• 翻译的最高规则是:原作的形态应当尽可能 彻底保留,以便理解失缺词语的涵义,一如 词语本身不失缺灵气与独运之匠心。
• 英汉两种语言在行文结构上存在极大的差 别,在翻译过程中通常需要对句子结构和 语序进行转换和调整。但也有的时候能保 留原文的结构形态或语序,或者不在结构 上做大动,或者可以采用原来的结构,按 照原句的意群或停顿群顺序顺势进行翻译, 称为“顺句操作”翻译法。
country to the capital.
• 英语句子结构特点:主谓搭架,枝叶上挂, 叠床架屋,都有语法。这就说英语是形合的 语言,结构严谨。
• 汉语句子结构特点:话题说明,叙述分层, 可断可续,意尽为界。这是说汉语是意合的 语言,结构松散,形散而神聚,用词简洁。
• 因此,英译汉的技巧是:形合变意合,显性 变隐性,去掉关联词语。汉译英的技巧是: 意合变形合,隐性变显性,增加关联词语。
翻译的句法策略精要 ——顺句操作
• 英语句子的定义:a group of words that forms a statement, command, exclamation, or question, usu. contains a subject and a verb, and (in writing) begins with a capital letter and ends with one of the marks . !? (Longman Dictionary of American English)
• Even with the effort to limit the demands upon his time, // there were fears that Mandela would be overtaxed. // His crowded American itinerary // would test the stamina of a presidential campaigner, // much less a frail-looking 71-year old // recovering from surgery to remove a benign cyst from his bladder.
• 原译:那城堡的坚固城墙充当了抵御进攻者的良好防御物。 • 改译:那座城堡的城墙很坚固,在敌人的进攻中起了很好的
• 汉译英:汉译英就是把汉语两分句子的完整意义,变为英语 三分句子的完整结构。其关键是在英语里寻找主要动词作谓 语动词,SVO齐全了,就是一个合格的句子。
• 原文:我从乡下跑到京城里,一转眼已经六年了。 • 译文:Six years have slipped by since I came from the
• The US and China on Wednesday agreed to resolve a series of economic disputes in a deal that the Bush administration hopes will shrink the trade deficit and deflect charges that Chinese competition is hurting US workers.
• 汉语句子的定义:用词和词组构成的、能够表达完 整的意思的语言单位。每个句子都有一定的语调, 表示陈述、疑问、祁使或感叹的语气。在连续说话 时,句子和句子之间有一个较大的停顿。在书面上 每个句子的末尾用句号、问号或叹号。(《现代汉 语词典》)
• 英语的句子定义比较具体,可操作性强。汉语的句 子定义比较笼统、模糊,难于操作。
• 三分与二分:从英汉对比的角度看,英汉两种语言 的句子结构常式不同,英语句子结构常式为三分, 即SVO,汉语句子结构常式为两分,即TC(话题 和说明)。
• 现代英语有五种基本句型,即SVP,SV,SVO, SVoO, SVOC。这五种基本句型都可以分为三部分。
• 汉语句子结构只有两个部分,话题和说明。它的基 础不是形式逻辑,而是阴阳辩证。《诗经》的诗篇 大多都是四字一顿,八字一句,前边四个字是话题, 后边四个字是说明。如“关关雎鸠,在河之洲”。
• 译文:美国与中国于周三达成协议来解决 一系列的经济争端。布什政府希望该协议 将缩小贸易逆差,并挡掉这样的指责,即 中国的竞争正在伤害美国工人。
• 从操作上说,“顺句操作”即是将原来的句子先 作有序的切割,翻译时实际上又要将原来断开的 各个成份有机地串联起来。在具体翻译的过程中, 或许要改换原文的某些表述形式,或许要增添一 些字,但是只要是无妨宏观语义,都是完全应当 许可的。例如:
• 外国企业越来越多地转向中国,或提供部件,或 制造产品。而这类交易成了美国总统竞选前期的 一个热门话题,因为一些行业担心在中国低成本 的竞争者面前处于下风。
• 为了减少译文的夹缠现象,在断句之后还是允许 译者根据具体情况对原文进行某种程度的词序微 调。例如:
• Modern bus shelters began to appear on the pavements, complementing the 21st century appearance of the surrounding glass and chrome skyscrapers.
• 富有现代化气息的公交车候车亭开始在街头出现, 这给周围体现21世纪风貌的玻璃和铬合金包装的 一栋栋摩天大楼的景观平添了几分色彩。
• complementing the 21st century appearance
of the surrounding glass and chrome
• 只要条件基本允许,这可成为翻译操作的 第一考虑,因为这样做毕竟比较省力、经 济。
• “顺句操作”中的“顺句”,除了指按句子行文顺 序处理句子的各种成分外,还提示译者要把握好 全句的结构,理顺全句各部分之间的关系,“断 句”则是这个操作的关键。
• “断句”即是将原句依顺序切成若干部分,成为 独立的意群或停顿群。例如:
• ……,更何况是曼德拉呢?他已71岁高龄, 做了膀胱良性囊肿切除手术后,尚未痊愈, 看上去很虚弱。
• “顺句操作”这一翻译方式不仅允许局部小 范围的词序变动,也不排除紧密相连的两 个断句成份相互换位的可能性。
• President Mikhail Gorbachev of the Soviet Union, capitalizing on the modern phenomenon of the “instant book”, will publish a memoir this week in which he pledges abiding allegiance to the “socialist idea” and tries to explain the tactical blunders that led to the coup against him this summer.
• Foreign firms have increasingly turned to China // to supply parts or make products, // and such deals have been a hot political topic in the run-up to the US presidential elections // as industry groups worry about losing ground to low-cost Chinese competitors.
• The US and China on Wednesday agreed to resolve a series of economic disputes in a deal // that the Bush administration hopes will shrink the trade deficit // and deflect charges // that Chinese competition is hurting US workers.
• 富有现代化气息的公交车候车亭开始在街 头出现,与周围体现21世纪风貌的摩天大 楼相映成趣,这些大楼外层包装都是玻璃 和铬合金。
• “顺句操作”的词序调整现象有时可能不止 牵涉到一个词,还可能出现显著的顺序调整, 以使译文在逻辑上更贴近汉语的行文习惯。
• Even with the effort to limit the demands upon his time, there were fears that Mandela would be overtaxed. His crowded American itinerary would test the stamina of a presidential campaigner, much less a fraillooking 71-year old recovering from surgery to remove a benign cyst from his bladder.
• Foreign firms have increasingly turned to China to supply parts or make products, and such deals have been a hot political topic in the run-up to the US presidential elections as industry groups worry about losing ground to low-cost Chinese competitors.
• 断句:Modern bus shelters began to appear on the pavements, // complementing the 21st century appearance of the surrounding glass and chro互译
• 英译汉:英译汉就是把英语句子的三分变为汉语的两分。有 些英语句子译为汉语总感到不通顺,实际上就是直译原文句 子结构为三分的结果。如果改为两分,就通顺了。
• 原文:The strong walls of the castle served as a good defense against the attackers.