XYZ-25稀油润滑设备 使 用 说 明 书南通市南方润滑液压设备有限公司目录1.概述及用途---------------------------------------------------------------------------P12.技术参数------------------------------------------------------------------------------P13.设备组成及工作原理---------------------------------------------------------------P14.系统原理图及控制功能------------------------------------------------------------P35.系统控制元件出厂参数整定值---------------------------------------------------P36.设备安装------------------------------------------------------------------------------P47.系统调试------------------------------------------------------------------------------P48.维护与保养---------------------------------------------------------------------------P71 1 概述及用途概述及用途XYZ 类稀油润滑设备是指与重型机械行业JB/ZQ/T4147-1991标准规定的XYZ 系列(电加热)稀油站具有相同系统原理图和功能的一类稀油润滑设备的总称,不论其结构型式如何,它们都符合本使用说明书。
XYZ 类稀油站润滑设备是循环供送稀油润滑介质的设备,该设备将介质供送到设备的润滑点(具有相对运动的磨檫副),对润滑点进行润滑和冷却后,再返回到该设备的油箱进行下一个循环。
驱动采用YD160M-8/4 V1型双速电动机,其功率为5.0/7.5kW,对应转速为720/1450 r/min。
驱动采用YD160M-8/4 V1型双速电动机,其功率为5.0/7.5kW,对应转速为720/1450 r/min。
其他技术参数:冷却水压力:0.2—0.3MPa 换热器进油温度:50℃温降:7—8℃三、工作原理本油站由油箱、油泵装置、双筒网式过滤器和磁性过滤网装置、列管式油冷却器以及电器仪表控制装置、管道、阀门等组成。
6.0、向油箱内加注清洁的润滑油。加油量为油箱有效容积的4/5,加注时必须进行过 滤(建议用LUC系列滤油车),否则将严重影响油站和轴承的寿命。
6.1、按系统工作压力及工作油温将供油管路上的电接点压力表(或压力开关)的动 作压力及一只电接点双金属温度计(或温度控制仪表)的动作温度调节到设定值或工况所 需要求值的相应位置,打开稀油站相应的油、水阀门和压力表开关;。
PLC 运行 指示灯不亮 (仅 P 型稀油站)
1.控制电源开关未合上; 2.PLC 上的电源开关未合上; 3.PLC 的 运 行 方 式 未 置 于
RUN; 4.PLC 故障(ERR)指示灯亮。
1.合上控制电源开关; 2.合上 PLC 电源开关; 3.将 PLC 运行方式置于 4.更换 PLC。
操作功能,并具有与中控室连接的 DCS 接口和与主机实现连锁的油站故障停主机接口。
本稀油站安装时,只要平稳地放在地面上,可不需要地脚螺栓固定。 本稀油站在出厂前已进行过模拟工况性能试验,故在现场安放平稳后,即可连接供油 管、回油管、水管和电控柜,调试正常后,就可投入正常运行。 电控柜由用户自行决定安装位置和固定方式。
3.5 回油口设有磁性过滤器,可吸附油液中铁质微粒,保证油液清洁度要求;
目录1 概述 22 主要技术参数 23 工作原理与结构特点 24 主要控制要求 45 吊运与储存 56 安装、调整和试运转 57 操作规程 68 维护与保养 6特别注意:用户在使用和操作前,应认真阅读本说明书。
联系地址:河南省洛阳市邮编:471039电话(Tel): 1一、概述本稀油润滑站主要用于减速器的润滑,对于延长设备使用寿命,降低磨损、减少功率消耗起到良好的效果。
二、主要技术参数最大工作油压最大供油量63L/min供油温度 <40℃油箱容积 750L滤油器过滤精度 50μm滤油器额定流量 100L/min电动机参数 Y100L1-4B5电加热器功率 3X2 KW冷却面积 3 m2冷却水耗量 3 m3/h冷却器进水压力—冷却器进水温度 <30℃外形尺寸(长X宽X高) 1705X975X1300mm重量 600kg三工作原理及结构特点1. 工作原理:齿轮泵从油箱中吸出润滑油,经滤油器,单向阀,冷却器,及截止阀后,再经中间配管被直接送到设备的润滑点,经过润滑点的润滑油经中间配管,再通过油箱内安装的回油过滤器,过滤后流回油箱。
系统的最高工作压力为,最底工作压力为—,根据润滑点的情况,通过调节安全阀确定使用压力.系统的过压保护由安全阀来完成,工作中当润滑站的工作压力超过安全阀调定压力时,安全阀将自动打开,多余的油液流回油箱,使油压保原理图 主要元件:1.数显压力表白 2。
电接点温度计 3。
压力表 4.温度控制器 5。
压力控制器 6。
安全阀 7.回油过滤器材 8。
油箱 9。
电加热器 10.浮球式液位控制器 11。
二、技术性能工作压力:0.4MPa 公称流量:8L/min供油温度:40+3℃油箱容积:0.15m3过滤面积:0.13㎡冷却面积:0.6㎡三、结构特点与工作原理XYZ-25G它主要由油箱、齿轮油泵装置,过滤器(双筒网片式油滤器和磁性过滤器)、列管式油冷却器以及电器、仪表控制装置,管道、阀门等组成。
XYZ-6S125G稀油润滑站使用说明书启东市开隆冶金机械设备有限公司一设备的用途XYZ-6G- 125G型稀油站主要用于冶金、矿山、能源、建材、轻工、交通、运输等机械设备的稀油循环润滑系统中,向减速器、齿轮座、主电动机轴承等摩擦部位供送润滑油。
磨煤机稀油站说明书电子版Document serial number【KKGB-LBS98YT-BS8CB-BSUT-BST108】GDY系列稀油润滑装置说明书河南焦矿机器有些公司1、简介GDY系列稀油润滑油装置(以下简称稀油站)主要用于冶金、矿石、建材、石化和电力等机械设备的稀油循环润滑系统中,向球磨机静压轴承和静压启动面、减速机和电机轴承等(以下简称主机)摩擦部位供送润滑油。
二、技术参数:1. 公称流量:63 L/min2. 油箱容积:1.0 m33. 过滤精度:0.12 mm4. 换热面积:5 m25. 冷却水耗量:6 m3/h6. 电加热器:4Kw×3 = 12Kw7. 电动机功率:3.0Kw×2 = 3Kw8. 重量:870 Kg三、原理与结构特征:XYZ型稀油站由油箱、油泵装置、过滤器、板式换热器、仪表箱、电控箱、管道、阀门等组成。
不通油 双通
720 r/min
720 r/min
加热 加热
XYZ200-L 稀油站使用和维护说明
通过过滤器条件为保持 压差在允许范围内,随温 度升高,逐步减少节流, 节流的油从泵内溢流阀 溢流。
主控室进行自动程序控 正常循环 单筒工作 制
720 r/min
5.2 油温>25℃时,操作方式为主控室进行自动程序控制。循环方法为正常循环。螺杆泵(≥ 28℃转速为 1440r/min)将润滑油从磨煤机减速机下箱体中吸出,输入到电加热器;此时若温 度≥35℃,电加热器不必加热,油经管道进入双室过滤器的一个滤筒,经过滤后再沿管道进入 冷却器;若温度≥50℃,需打开冷却器的进出水阀门,对油液进行冷却;若油温≤40℃,可关 闭冷却水。油经过冷却器后被送入减速机各润滑点,然后汇集于减速机下箱体内,再经螺杆泵
检查油液粘度,必要时加注正确的 油液 换向到备用泵,修理或者更换有毛 病的泵 稍等
补救措施 校正限压阀的压力 修理或者更换限压阀
去往减速箱或者是减速箱内的润 找出阻塞的管路并进行清理
7. 维护保养 7.1 稀油站安装前应作好防潮、防热、防雨工作。
XYZ200-L 稀油站使用和维护说明
7.2 安装时应轻放,以免损坏设备。 7.3 稀油站正常运行时,应有专人管理、专人操作,严禁无关人员随意拧动手柄、手轮和揿压 按钮等,以免发生事故。 7.4 稀油站运行时应注意定时记录仪表上反映的温度、压力、压差等指示值的变化,以便及时 发现问题,随后应及时处理和检修,并记录。 7.5 与稀油站相关的各种仪表,应定期进行校正,保持仪表指示数值的正确可靠。 7.6 过滤器前后压差达到 0.1Mpa 时,及时切换过滤器,将堵塞的滤筒滤网拆下,并及时清洗 后回装。清洗时将滤网放入清洗筒内,用清洗枪喷射,清洗液的流向应与滤网工作时的油液流 向相反,同时打开清洗滤筒底部的旋塞,放尽积存在筒底的污油。(推荐使用:苏州黑猫(集 团)有限公司生产的 CC7010 清洗机和大连三达奥克化学有限公司生产的 MK-21 因特 A 清洗 液,用户自备。) 7.7 若发现系统压力与正常值相差较大时,应及时检查系统有无堵塞或其他故障,并及时排除 故障。 7.8 若油温超出正常工作油温时,应检查水量、进出水管道有无堵塞,冷却器是否结垢过厚, 针对问题及时处理。 7.9 只有符合要求的油才可以使用,不同生产厂家的混合油及新旧混合油均禁止使用。 7.10 应定期化验润滑油的油质,如水分过多应检查冷却器是否内漏,使水压小于油压,或者重 新胀管。当油质老化时,应及时更换新油。 7.11 冷却水最好使用软化水,以免结垢过快造成冷却水管堵塞,冷却器性能下降。 7.12 稀油站的运行必须与主机联锁,只有当稀油站正常运行且供油压力和温度符合要求时,主 机才能投入运行;若稀油站需停止运行,应先让主机停车,以免零件干摩擦造成设备损坏。 7.13 若稀油站暂时不工作时,应始终注满油,每 4 个星期必须运行 1 小时。 7.14 稀油站其他主要部件的维护保养详见有关使用说明书。
驱动采用YD160M-8/4 V1型双速电动机,其功率为5.0/7.5kW,对应转速为720/1450 r/min。
High-low Oil Lubricating StationOperating ManualCompiled ByChecked ByStandardApproved ByCITIC Heavy Machinery Company, LtdOct. 2005Catalogue1. Summary2. Product Specification and Performance Pedigree3. Operation Principle4. Structural Features5. Main Control Function6. Debug and Operating Regulations7. Daily Operation and Maintenance8. Swing and Setting9. Storage Conditions and Time10.System Schematic Diagram11.Spare Parts List12.Excursus1. Summary:This high and low pressure thin oil lubritory is used for the principal axletree of the ball mill. Each ball mill equips such a lubritory. The high and low pressure oil lubritory is made up of high and low pressure oil supply systems. The high-pressure oil supply system provides static pressure support to the principal axletree at both ends of the ball mill separately while the low one is split in two after effusing the oil to provide the dynamic pressure lubrication.The high pressure oil supply system: the ball mill has to transport the high pressure oil before starting or stopping so that the principal axletree of it floats and the oil film at a certain thickness is formed between the principal axletree and the spherical tile. With the aim to debase the starting moment, otherwise the tile kilning accident, caused by the direct tangency of the principal axletree and the spherical tile, will occur when the ball mill stops if the rotate speed of it is too low to form the required oil filmThe low pressure oil supply system: when the ball mill runs normally, the dynamic pressure lubrication will form between the principal axletree and the spherical tile, which debases the wearing, reduces the power consumption, carries away the generating heat, refrigerates the principal axletree and lengthens the service life of the equipments.The operating environment of this lubritory requires indoor, dry air, no damp, lustration, no noxious gases, no explosivity gases, no aggressive gases wrecking metal and insulation, no conducting dust, no more than 1500 meters altitude and around the 5-40 Celsius degrees.2. Product Specification and Performance Pedigree:The viscosity trademarks used by the working medium of this high and low pressure thin oil lubritory are shown in the operating specification of the main frame.Performance Pedigree:High-pressure oil supply system Normal mode voltage31.5 Mpa (The operating oil pressure is determined by load.)Norminal flow rate 6.0×2 1/minElectromotor Power 5.5×2 KWLow-pressure oil supply system Normal mode voltage0.6 Mpa (The operating oil pressure is determined by load.)Norminal flow rate 63.0 1/minElectromotor Power 3.0×2 KWCooler Cooling water capacity 95-130.0 1/minPressure of the cooling water 0.2-0.3 MPaArea of cooling surface 6.0 ㎡Latus rectum of water intake and water outlet 32.0 mmOil filter Filter precision 80.0Electrical heater Power 2.0×3 KWOil product Viscosity rangeN46-N150 Industrial gear lubrication or antiwear hydraulic oilRecommend N100 antiwear hydraulic oilOil tank Cubage 2.15 Weight2100 Kg3. Operation Principle:The high and low pressure thin oil lubritory is mainly made of oil tank, high-pressure oil pump, high-pressure relief valve, high backpressure valve, electromagnetical diversion valve, high-pressure valve; low-pressure oil pump, low-pressure safety valve, low backpressure valve, oil filter, cooler; pressure controller, humidity controller, electrical crunode thermometer, pressure instrument, pipeline, low-pressure valve and so on.The low-pressure oil pump electromotor has to be started first when the ball mill starts or stops. Then the low-pressure oil pump will draw out the dubbing from the oil tank through diversion valve, oil filter, cooler, low-pressure valve, intermediate piping and flow control device sending to the oil site of the principal axletree at both ends of the ball mill. At the same time, the dubbing drawn out is sent to the input port of the high-pressure oil pump. After the low oil pressure achieves the normal value, the high-pressure oil pump electromotor has to be started. Then the high-pressure oil pump will draw out the high-pressure dubbing changed from the low-pressure one through high backpressure valve and high-pressure valve to the principal axletree of the ball mill. Effusing from the oil site, the lubrication will pass through the oil return port at the principal axletree of the ball mill, the intermediate piping, the oil return filter setted in the oil tank and reflow the oil tank after filtration.This cycle process will ensure the lubricating system work normally.The over-oil-pressure protection to the high and low pressure of the system isfinished by the relief valve and safety valve. When the oil pressure exceeds the setup oil pressure value at the working condition, the relief valve and safety valve will automatically open to step down the pressure in order to realize the overload protection.The operating pressure value of the low pressure system depends on the factors of the opening level of the oil site, the difference of elevation between the lubritory outlet and the oil site, the length of pipeline, the quantity of elbow, and the valve opening and so on.The operating pressure value of the high pressure system is mainly determined by the load and depends on the weight of the ball mill itself and the load, the clearance between the spherical tile and the journal of the principal axletree. The other influential factors are the same as that of the low pressure system.The drain contamination valve on the lubritory is used for quickly eliminating the waste oil which reaches the renewal date and can’t be used ever in the oil tank.Two high-pressure gauges are used for directly observing the oil pressure of the high pressure system. Four high-pressure controllers are used for controlling the oil pressure of the high pressure system. Two low-pressure gauges are used for directly observing the maximum oil temperature warning of low-pressure oilout.One electrical crunode thermometer is used for high oil temperature warning in the oil tank. Two temperature controllers are used for controlling the operation of the electrical heater and electromagnetical gate valve.The oil tank of the lubritory is enclosed type. The supercharged air cleanser setted on it will meet the working condition that the altitude difference from the oilout to the oil site is less than 6.0 meters.If some accident occurs and the oil supply has to be stopped to fix, the main generating room or the designing institute don’t allow the U type of pipeline for connection when doing the design of tubing and the users’construction. The connected caliber should be greater than or equal to that of oilout. The valve on one side of the oil tank must be closed when fixing in order to ensure the maintenance work under no oil condition.4. Structural Features:4.1 The lubritory has three high-pressure oil pumps, the two of which work at thesame time and supply the oil to one principal axletree of the ball mill separately while the rest one is for standby. It also has two low-pressure oil pumps, one of which is for working and the other one is for standby too.4.2 The oil filter of the low pressure system is setted on the front of columnwisecooler. The filtration effects will be good if filtrating first and then cooling. (The oil’s through capacity represented in the oil filter has something to do with the viscosity temperature characteristic. When the temperature is high, the oil viscosity is low and the through capacity is great. Contrariwise, the through capacity is low.)4.3 The oil filter of the low pressure system adopts twin-cylinder network-pattern oilfilter and one filter element is for working while the other one is for standby.When the working filter element is jammed and warning, we should let the standby one to work by moving the switching hand onto it. The jammed filter element can be taken out to cleanout or replacement when doing the normal maintaining but not to stop the host.4.4 The oil filter of the low pressure system adopts the GLC type of shell-and tube oilcooler, which adopts finned tube. The water side channel adopts double monitor framework, which puts up the advanced technology and distinct heat exchange effect.4.5 The oil return magnetism filter is setted at the back of the oil return port in the oiltank, which will adsorb the scrap iron from the oil return and filter the oil return.4.6 The meter is to be setted on the pipeline at the observed-tend position, whichlooks beautiful.4.7 A by-path valve connected to the oil return tank is setted at the outlet piping on thelow pressure system, which is used for the low-pressure oilout distributary and filtering circularly.4.8 The lubritory has the electric cabinet which can be ordered with the lubritory bythe users if required. And the electric cabinet has its individual operating specification.5. Main Control Function:5.1 Oil Pressure ControlEach high-pressure oilout has two pressure controllers and four ones in total. The pressure controller is used for monitoring the oil pressure and separately controlling the standby oil pump electromotor whether to be electrified, over high-pressure warning and the starting of the ball mill.The first group of the second high-pressure oilout port:After the high-pressure oil pump works, when the oil pressure achieves to the first setting value (the setting value is determined by the actual oil pressure when the ball mill is lifted.) of the pressure controller (the range of it is 2.5-25MPa), the system will enter the normal operating condition. The indicator light shows the high pressure normally. After the pressure stabilizes, the ball mill can be started.When the oil pressure can’t achieve the setting value, the sound-light warning signature will represent that the high-pressure oil-pressure is low, which is used the switching difference of the pressure controller. The electromagnetical diversion valve will be electrified first and then will the standby high-pressure oil pump after 1-2s. The operating high-pressure pump electromotor is cut. When the oil pressure is achieving or over the normal value, the ball mill can be started. If the oil pressure can’t achieve the normal value yet, the electronic control cabinet will send the sound-light warning signature representing that the high pressure is failure and the ball mill can’t be started.When the oil pressure achieves the second setting value (the range of it is4.0-40MPa) of the pressure controller, the electronic control cabinet will send thesound-light warning signature representing that high-pressure oil-pressure is high or the ball mill is forced to stop.The second group of the first high-pressure oilout port:After the high-pressure oil pump works, when the oil pressure achieves to the first setting value (the setting value is determined by the actual oil pressure when the ball mill is lifted.) of the pressure controller (the range of it is 2.5-25MPa), the system will enter the normal operating condition. The indicator light shows the high pressure normally. After the pressure stabilizes, the ball mill can be started. When the oil pressure can’t achieve the setting value, the indicator light will send the sound-light warning signature representing that high-pressure oil-pressure is low, which is used the switching difference of the pressure controller. The electromagnetical diversion valve will be cut first and then the standby high-pressure oil pump will be electrified after 1-2s. The operating high-pressure pump electromotor is cut. When the oil pressure is achieving or over the normal value, the ball mill can be started. If the oil pressure can’t achieve the normal value yet, the electronic control cabinet will send the sound-light warning signature representing that the high pressure is failure and the ball mill can’t be started.When the oil pressure achieves the second setting value (the range of it is 4.0-40MPa) of the pressure controller, the electronic control cabinet will send the sound-light warning signature representing that high-pressure oil-pressure is high or the ball mill is forced to stop.When the ball mill is started normally and after a period of time delay, the high pressure system will stop automatically.When the ball mill stops, the high-pressure oil supply system will start automatically at the same time. When the temperature of the principal axletree of the ball mill falls to the room temperature or achieves to the appropriate one, the high-pressure oil supply system should stop first and then will the low-pressure oil supply system.When the ball mill is in the slow-drive operation, high and low pressure oil supply system should always be in the normal operation until achieving the meet of the operator. The high-pressure oil supply system will be stopped first and then will the low-pressure oil supply system.Generally, in the normal stop situation, the high and low pressure system should last working for another 15-30min and then stop supplying oil.The low-pressure oil supply system has two pressure controllers which are used for monitoring the oil pressure of the oilout. The oil pressure of the oilout reduces to the first setting value (the recommendation value is 0.08-0.15MPa) of the pressure controller (the range of it is 0.02-0.2MPa) in the operation, the sound-light warning signature will represent that the low-pressure oil-pressure is low and the standby oil pump at the same time will be started and the operating one will be stopped. When the pressure of the system renews the normal value, that sound-light warning signature should be cancelled by use of the switching difference of the pressure controller. As the standby oil pump is in the operationand the oil pressure still can’t achieve the required value, the sound-light warning signature will represent that low-pressure oil-pressure is failure and the ball mill will be stopped at the same time.When the pressure is achieving or over the setting value (the recommendation value is 0.6MPa) of the other pressure controller (the range of it is 0.05-0.8MPa), the sound-light warning signature will represent that low pressure is high or the ball mill will be stopped.5.2 Flow ControlOn the oil supply pipeline close to the principal axletree at both ends in the low-pressure oil supply system, each flow switch is set actinically which is used for monitoring the flow change in the pipeline. When the flow in the pipeline reduces to its setting value, the sound-light warning signature will represent that the oil flow is cut or the ball mill will be stopped.5.3 Oil Temperature ControlThe oil tank has two temperature controllers and one electrical crunode thermometer which are used for monitoring the temperature change in the oil tank and controlling the electrical heater and oil valve. When the oil temperature in the oil tank is under the setting value (the recommendation value is 10 Celsius degrees) of the first temperature controller (the range of it is 10-40 Celsius degrees), the electrical heater will be electrified automatically and take the operation of heating dubbing, while the oil pump for operating can’t be started.When the oil temperature is higher the setting value (above the 10 Celsius degrees and the switching difference is 3-5 Celsius degrees), the electrical heater will be cut automatically and the oil pump for operating will be allowed to start.The electrical heater can be also controlled electrified and cut manually on the control cabinet.The other temperature controller’s temperature probe is set nearby the high-pressure oil pump. When the oil temperature here achieves to the setting value, the electromagnetical gate valve used for controlling the water intake of the cooler will be electrified and opened automatically. The cooling water enters into the cooler. When the oil temperature here is under the setting value, the electromagnetical gate valve will be cut and closed automatically. The cooling water can’t enter into the cooler.The one electrical crunode thermometer on the oil tank is used for monitoring the oil temperature in the oil tank. When the temperature in the oil tank achieves to the maximum setting value, the sound-light warning signature will represent that the oil temperature is high in the oil tank and the corresponding indicator light on the control cabinet will show it.An electrical crunode thermometer is set on the low-pressure oilout. When the oil temperature achieves to the maximum setting value, the sound-light warning signature will represent that the oil temperature is over-high or the ball mill is forced to stop.5.4 Liquid Level ControlThe oil tank has a liquid level controller which is used for monitoring the liquid level in the oil tank. When the liquid level reaches to the maximum level, there isa light represented it. When the liquid reaches to the minimum level, thesound-light warning signature will represent that the liquid level in the oil tank is low.5.5 The Control to the Differential Pressure of Oil FilterThere are two differential-pressure switches on the twin-cylinder network-pattern oil filter. When the differential pressure between the filter’s oilin and oilout is over the setting value, the sound-light warning signature will represent that the filter element is jammed. We should let the standby one to work manually. The jammed filter element should be cleaned out or replaced in time.6. Debug and Operating Regulations:The debug to the lubricating system should be affirmed by the engineering departments such as civil engineering, machinery, electricity, heat, instrument and safetyguard that the qualifications of the trial run is prepared and then can be carried. Make sure that the connection to the electricity and heat instrument is absolutely right. The system to supply cooling water can work normally. The connection to the intermediate piping between the ball mill and the lubritory should be finished, cleaned out and achieve the standard requirement.Debug is to regulate the operating oil-pressure to the normal operation range and to adjust out the setting values of every control elements.6.1 The Operation before DebugCharging up the lubrication:The ordered lubrication will be filled by the oil filter vehicle from the lubrication hole on the oil tank into the oil tank at the maximum liquid level. The oil filter vehicle can repeat filtering the lubrication and examine the cleanliness of the lubrication. Indeed, the oil filter vehicle can keep on filtering for 60min, so there will be no solid pollutant viewed on the oil filter and the oil filter vehicle will examine whether the cleanliness of the dubbing has reached the standard requirement.Open the stopcock on the cover board of the oil tank. Let the top of the oil tank connect to the atmosphere. When opening the lubritory for the first time and there is lubrication flowed from the oil site to the oil tank, and then the lubritory can be closed. The liquid level in the oil tank will fall down after starting the lubritory at the first time, so the oil should be added to the required maximum level in time 6.2 The Debug to the Oil Pressure Control Value:The high and low pressure oil pumps are operating normally. The high and low pressure oil-pressure should operate in the normal range by regulating the relief valve and safety valve which are adjusted well before leaving the factory.According to the operating pressure, the setting value of the pressure controllerwill be adjusted on the appropriate position. The detailed elements are as below:There are two setting value of the high-pressure pressure controller (the range of it is 2.5-25MPa). Generally, it is the actual oil-pressure value when the ball mill is lifted.There are two setting value of the high-pressure pressure controller (the range of it is 4.0-40MPa).The setting value of the low-pressure pressure controller (the range of it is0.02-0.2MPa) is 0.2MPa. (It is generally a little lower the normal operatingpressure.)The setting value of the low-pressure pressure controller (the range of it is0.05-0.8MPa) is 0.6MPa.6.3 The Debug to the Temperature Control Value:The setting value of the temperature controller and the electrical crunode thermometer should be adjusted on the appropriate position. The detailed setting values are as below:The setting value of the temperature controller (the range of it is 10-40 Celsius degrees) is 10 Celsius degrees. The differential value of it is 3-5 Celsius degrees.The setting value of the temperature controller (the range of it is 40-80 Celsius degrees) is 10 Celsius degrees. The differential value of it is 3-5 Celsius degrees.The setting value of the electrical crunode thermometer on the oil tank:The minimum value is 10 Celsius degrees and the maximum one is 55 Celsius degrees.The setting value of the electrical crunode thermometer on the low-pressure oilout:The minimum value is 10 Celsius degrees and the maximum one is 60 Celsius degrees.6.4 Adjustment Method:The adjustment to the electrical crunode thermometer:Insert the small key or screwdriver on the electrical crunode thermometer to the dial hole in the middle.Dial the driving lever in the meter to make the upper or lower pointer at the required value.The adjustment to the temperature controller:Unbolt the lock nut on the regulating lever of the setting value at the left-upside. Use screwdriver to rotate the regulating lever. Make the pointer at the temperature setting value required to be controlled. Then screw down the lock nut. Rotate the switching differential knob to make some value between one and three aiming at the red dot in the middle, which is to get the required switching differential value.Notice:Don’t allow to rotate the switching differential knob. The lock nut on the regulating lever of the setting value at the left-upside must be screwed down, because any looseness will cause the setting value changed and affect the control function.The adjustment to the low-pressure pressure controller:Connect one end of the wire to the plug, while the other end is connected to the multimeter. Open the oil pump electromotor and keep the oil pressure at 0.15/0.6MPa. Loose the lock nutof the pressure controller. Use the 5mm socket head screw spanner to rotate clockwise the setting value in order to adjust the hexagon groove. The setting value is from small to big until the contact is switch here. Screw down the lock screw. The oil pressure of the system will change around there values. Examine whether the switching difference of the contact will be at some value when the oil pressure reduces. The value is to be set.The adjustment to the high-pressure pressure controller:Connect one end of the wire to the plug, while the other end is connected to the multimeter. Open the oil pump electromotor and keep the oil pressure at ……. Loose the lock nut of the pressure controller. Use the 5mm socket head screw spanner to rotate clockwise the setting value in order to adjust the hexagon groove. The setting value is from small to big until the contact is switch here. Screw the lock screw. The oil pressure of the system will change around there values. Examine whether the switching difference of the contact will be at some value when the oil pressure reduces. The value is to be set.Notice:Don’t be allowed to loose the lock screw which is screwed down, because any looseness will cause the setting value changed and affect the control function.6.5 The debug process should be followed as below:The oil pressure should be kept above 10 Celsius degrees. Switch the reversing handle of the twin-cylinder network-pattern oil filter to one of the filter elements.Debug the low-pressure system:Shut the discharge hole and oilout valve. Open the switches of the other valves and pressure gauge. Turn each shaft coupling set on the electromotor pump manually separately. No emphraxis feeling. Inch examination. The turning of the electromotor should be right.Open two low-pressure oil pump electromotor separately. Shut the by-path valve on the exit piping slowly. Observe the two pressure gauges that represent the oil pressure climbing slowly. When the valve is shut totally, the oil pressure should be kept at the 0.6MPa which is adjusted by safety valve. Run for 10min and the low-pressure oil pump electromotor should be with no exceptional sound. No oil leaks and other phenomenon on each jointing and interface.Open the oilout valve. The dubbing through the intermediate piping flows into each oil site of the ball mill and back to the oil tank. Observe the two pressure gauges that represent the oil pressure falling correspondingly and keep at a certain value which is the normal operating oil-pressure (Generally, it is 0.2-0.4MPa.).The low-pressure system enters into the normal operating situation at this time.Debug the high-pressure system:(Now the low-pressure should be in the normal operating situation, otherwise the high-pressure oil pump will be broken.)Shut the oilout valve. Open the switch of the pressure gauge. Turn each shaft coupling set on the electromotor pump manually separately. No emphraxis feeling.Inch examination. The turning of the electromotor should be right. Open the No.one and two high-pressure oil pump electromotor separately. The oil pressure should be kept at 31.5MPa which is adjusted by the relief valve. Run for 10minand the low-pressure oil pump electromotor should be with no exceptional sound.No oil leaks and other phenomenon on each jointing and interface.Open the oilout valve. No one and two high-pressure oil pump electromotor is electrified. Observe the two high-pressure pressure gauge. The oil pressure will ascend and fall back at a steady value which is the normal operating oil-pressure (Generally, it is at the range of 6.0-20.2MPa.). Run for 10min and use the meter to measure the lifted value of the principal axletree at the ball mill. The high-pressure system enters into the normal operating situation at this time.Debug the standby high-pressure oil pump:(Now the low-pressure should be in the normal operating situation, otherwise the high-pressure oil pump will be broken.)No. 3 high-pressure oil pump electromotor is electrified while No. 1 is cut. The electromagnetically diversion valve is cut too. Observe the high-pressure pressure gauge at the oilout. The oil pressure will ascend and fall back at a steady value.Run for 10min.No. 3 high-pressure oil pump electromotor is electrified while No. 2 is cut. The electromagnetically diversion valve is cut too. Observe the high-pressure pressure gauge at the oilout. The oil pressure will ascend and fall back at a steady value.Run for 10min.The lifted oil-pressure of the ball mill will be higher at the heavy-duty situation than the empty-duty. That of the principal axletree is low.6.6 After the low and high pressure system all enter into the normal operatingsituation, the ball mill can be started. The electricity and heat instrument personnel can take the analogue interlocking experiment. When finishing the analogue interlocking experiment, the ball mill will enter the test run.7. Daily Operation and Maintenance:7.1 All the lubrication should be assayed and examined at a particular time. It shouldbe replaced in time if disqualification. The process of changing oil should repeat the 6.1 operation.7.2 After finishing the debug, any valve can’t be rotate optionally.7.3 When the lubritory is working, if the oil pressure, temperature and liquid level areabnormal, there will be the corresponding signature lighted and some of them have sound warning. Turn off the warning first and mend according to the position represented by the signature.7.4 The seal ring at the oil pump axletree should be examined frequently and replacedimmediately when occuring the oil seepage or broken phenomenon.7.5 According to the situation of the water qualification, the columnwise coolershould be taken an inner examination and cleanout every six to twelve months.And replace the inner seal ring when necessary.7.6 The oil filter should be unpicked and washed every three months in order to wipeoff the accumulated filth in it. Clean out or replace the filter element in time。
(见附图1) 本稀油润滑站的最高工作压力为0.63MPa,最低工作压力为0.1MPa,根据润滑点的要求,可通过调节系统安全阀方便地设定润滑系统的工作压力。
TE342J SMG高低压稀油润滑站使用说明书洛阳精海仪机电设备有限公司目录1、概述 (2)2、产品规格及性能参数 (2)3、工作原理 (3)4、结构特点 (3)5、主要控制功能 (3)6、操作规格 (4)7、维护与保养 (6)8、吊装与安装 (6)9、储存条件与储存期限 (7)共7页第1页1、概述本高低压润滑站主要用于磨机主轴承的稀油润滑,对于延长设备使用寿命,降低磨损、减少功率消耗起到良好的效果。
1.1 高压供油系统:磨机启动前或停止的同时向主轴承底部油腔输入高压油,使主轴与轴瓦间形成具有一定厚度、一定强度的油膜,以减少启动力矩、降低启动电流,避免轴和轴瓦的直接接触,延长轴瓦寿命,起静压润滑作用。
1.2 低压供油系统:磨机正常运转时,润滑和冷却主轴承,起动压润滑作用。
2、产品规格及性能参数性能参数表:序号名称项目单位参数附注额定油压MPa 201 高压油系统公称流量l/min 6×2电机功率KW 2.2×2额定油压MPa 0.62 低压油系统公称油量l/min 63电机功率KW 1.5×2冷却水量l/min 603 冷却器冷却面积m2 5进出水口通径mm 324 滤油器过滤精度μm 805 电加热器功率KW 56 油品粘度范围N22-N1207 油箱容积m3 18 重量kg 930润滑站工作介质粘度等级根据主机工况决定,一般使用N90—N100机械油,具体参见主机使用说明书,其它参数见附表。
二产品规格和性能工作流量:63 L/Min工作压力:0.63 MPa电机功率:2.2 Kw冷却面积:5 M²加热器功率:2×3=6 Kw油箱容积:1000 L供油温度:<50 ℃过滤精度:80微米列管式油冷却器进水温度≤30℃,进水压力0.2-0.3MP a.三工作原理及结构特点:(1)原理图(2)给油系统油液由齿轮泵从油箱吸出,经单向阀,双桶网式滤油器,列管式油冷却器,及截止阀被直接送到设备的润滑点,润滑站的最高压力为0.63MPa,最低工作压力为0.1-0.2MPa。
(4)结构特点A 、该润滑站有两台油泵,一台工作,一台备用。
B 、网式滤油器放在列管式冷却器之前,油在过滤器中的通过能力与其粘度有关,粘度大,通过能力差,反之通用能力好,温度高,则粘度下降,通过能力好,过滤效果也较好,先过滤后冷却即达到此目的。
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SO VG22~VG320)的各种工业润滑油。
图2-1-1 GXYZ 型A 系列稀油站外形图
GXYZ 型A 系列稀油站外形尺寸
型号DN1 DN2 DN3 DN4 L B H L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 GXYZ-A2.5/16 25 10 50 25 1250 1000 1000 1490 925 185 18 140
32 10 65 32 1400 1200 1050 1620 720 200 20 120 GXYZ-A2.5/63
型号L6 L7 B1 B2 B3 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7
100 208 1230 360 420 1500 1132 853 150 350 70 78 GXYZ-A2.5/25
100 276 1430 400 500 1550 1182 890 200 350 120 110 GXYZ-A2.5/63
图2-1-2 GXYZ 型A 系列稀油站原理图
1 出口油温13 2#泵起动
2 1#泵工作14 高压泵起动
3 2#泵工作15 加热器起动
4 高压泵工作16 备用
5 加热器工作17 1#泵停止
6 低压压力低18 2#泵停止
7 高压压力低19 高压泵停止
8 油位高20 加热器停止
9 油位低21 消除报警
10 压差过高22
11 出口油温高23 中控/机旁
12 1#泵起动
图2-1-4 GXYZ 型A 系列稀油站仪表盘