初中英语作文:中国的教育Chinese Education

初中英语作文:中国的教育Chinese Education

初中英语作文:中国的教育Chinese Education

Different countries have different teaching aims and teaching ways. It’s well-known that Chinese education is exam-oriented education in the past. Obviously, exam-oriented education has some disadvantages, like the disconnection between theory and practice that renders students with high scores have low abilities. So, our country decide to change exam-oriented education to quality education. Quality education is focus on the development in an all-around way. Under this kind of education system, students will study easier and get improvement for all sides.



初中英语作文:中国的教育Chinese Education

初中英语作文:中国的教育Chinese Education Different countries have different teaching aims and teaching ways. It’s well-known that Chinese education is exam-oriented education in the past. Obviously, exam-oriented education has some disadvantages, like the disconnection between theory and practice that renders students with high scores have low abilities. So, our country decide to change exam-oriented education to quality education. Quality education is focus on the development in an all-around way. Under this kind of education system, students will study easier and get improvement for all sides. 不同的国家有不同的教学目标和教学方法。众所周知,过去中国的教育是应试教育。显然,应试教育存在一些弊端,如理论



浅谈初中英语写作教学 摘要】初中英语写作能力的培养应以学生学习兴趣为前提,语法为基础,背诵 为途径,朗读、勤练、勤批为基本方法,长抓不懈。 【关键词】兴趣;语法;背诵;朗读;勤练;勤批;反馈On the junior high school teaching of English writing Li Yu 【Abstract】Junior high school English writing ability should be based on the premise of student interest in learning, grammar, based on memorization as ways to read, practice ground, ground approved the basic approach, long unremitting efforts. 【Key words】interest; syntax; recitation; read; ground handling practice; ground lease; feedback初中英语写作体现中学生综合运用英语的能力,是大多数学生学 习英语的难点之一。根据我的英语教学经验,我认为初中英语写作应重点从以下 几个方面进行教学。 1以教材话题为主线,抓住学生心理、兴趣先行中学生的心理特点之一是好奇心 特别强,善于形象思维,乐于表现自我。因此,我们在进行最初的写作引导时, 应紧紧抓住这一特点入手。例如,在仁爱版教材七年级上册Unit 1 Getting to know You中,课本上呈现给学生的主要句型有:My name is …;I am a …; I am…years old;I am from…等。根据这些句型,学生可以在口头上表达关于自己 的一些信息,在学生学会口头介绍自己后,我们可以让学生把他们的语言材料以 书面形式写出来,这就是我们教给学生的第一篇英语作文,这样的开头,学生都 会认为简单,以致于他们对英语写作有好感,没有惧怕心理。Unit 2 Looking Different 中,主要学习怎样描述人的外貌,其主要句型:I have…,让 学生用I have对自己的外貌特征进行口头描述,最后把这些语言材料组织成一段 外貌特征的介绍。Unit 3 和Unit 4中,主要谈论的是关于性格爱好的话题,可以 让学生用I l ike…及My favorite…写出自己的性格爱好。这样,七年级上册完,把 四个话题的重点句型形成书面材料就有了一篇内容充实,层次清晰的 Introduce Myself。对于写作能力较强的学生,可适当要求他们增加一些关于爸爸、妈妈的信息。这样,学生对第一篇英语作文从内容到结构上便有了清楚地认识, 从而为下一步的英语写作奠定基础。 2语法知识是英语写作的基础近几年来,谈到英语教学,许多报刊、杂志上都声 称要淡化语法教学。但从实际教学来看,没有语法规则,英语语言就像失去骨架。语法就像一条条绳索把所学词汇串连成句子,再由句子组成了文章。例如:学生 常犯这样的错误:My am a student. I mother is a teacher。这就是学生对人称代词 和物主代词在句子中的成份不会用造成的,句子成份无论在汉语还是在英语中都 是难点,需要作补充。其次,八大时态极为重要,我们必须以清晰的脉络把各个 时态教授给学生,让他们从概念到结构熟练掌握。如一般现在时态,我们应掌握 它的系表结构及实义动词结构及每个结构的运用范围。如在写My hobby时,有 学生这样写:I am like playing basketball。这是由于学生对系表结构和实义动词结 构分不清造成的。此外,八年级下册及九年级上册中五种简单句的基本结构,复 合句中三大从句,主动语态及被动语态也很重要,他们关系到学生在写作文时语 序的放置。如:I am every day get up eurly. I very like English。因此,我们应把词性及其在句子中的成份作为重点教学内容,复合句中时态呼应作为教学难点。有了 这些语言结构,写出的文章才会锦上添花,充满活力。因此,我们应该重视语法 教学,只有对语法规则掌握了,学生才能对所要表达的句子应用自如,而不是生


1.沉迷网络游戏 题目:李华沉迷于电脑游戏中,影响了学习。作为他的好朋友,你打算怎么帮他呢?请用下面所给的提示词写一篇不少于80字的短文。字迹工整,语言流畅。 提示词:give up, concentrate on, be (become)interested in ★范文Li Hua spent too much time playing computer games and he fell behind others. As a good friend of his, I must do something to help him. Firstly, I think it’s very important for him to learn lessons well. He should spend most of his time on his study instead of computer games. Secondly, I must tell him that playing computer games too much is bad for his health, especially for his eyes. So he must give it up. I can play more sports with him after school. Maybe he will become more interested in sports than computer games. And then I'll ask him to concentrate more on his study. Of course, I will try my best to help him with all his subjects. I think I can do it in many fun ways and let him find much fun in studying. At the same time, I'll ask both his parents and our teachers to help him, too. If I try these, I'm sure he will make great progress soon.


中考英语满分作文精选大汇总 你于"五一"前夕 ----4 月 28 日上午九点钟,与全班同学一起到学校附近的公园参加一次公益劳动( voluntary labour ),全班分成了三组。你在第三组。请你用日记的形式写一篇短文。 劳动任务安排 参考词汇: litter 果皮纸屑等废弃物 注意: 1. 短文必须写出提示及表格所列出的全部内容。 2. 词数 100 左右。 3. 日记的格式已为你写好。 参考范文: April 28th Saturday Fine It was Saturday, just before May Day. My classmates and I went to the park nearby, we didn't go there for amusement but took part in voluntary l abor. We got there at 9:00. We were divided into three groups and then bega n working. The students in Group One planted trees and watered flowers. The task for Group Two was collecting the litter left about by tourists and cleani ng the benches. The group I was in got to the Children's Playground and wipe d all the equipment clean. We worked very hard. At 11:00, when all the wo rk was finished up, all my classmates met again. Although everyone was in a sweat, yet we felt happy because we had done good job. 以"My Chinese Teacher"为标题写一篇字数为80-100之间的英语短文。提示内容如下: 1、孙老师今年36岁,中等身材。 2、她关心。热爱学生,工作认真负责。 3、她语文课讲得生动。有趣。 參考范文: My Chinese Teacher Of all the subjects, I like Chinese best because I have a good Chinese te acher. Though she has been teaching us for only three years, I respect and l ove her very much. My Chinese teacher is thirty-six years old and she is neither tall nor sho rt.


初中英语作文 一、考点简介 中考作文分值占15分。从近三年广东英语中考试题中书面表达的考查来看,其写作的题体裁多以议论性的文章为主;本题型涉及的内容比较贴近学生的生活,词数上是保持一致性的,都是80个左右。 二、写作技巧 “一审”即审题。主要是看清楚题目要求,读懂题目所表达的含义,抓住要点,注意文体是什么,准备写作的人称和时态:如果是日记和故事,宜采用过去时态;如是简介之类的,宜采用现在时态。“二写”即列纲。主要是列个提纲,考虑所要选用的单词、词组、句型,要能根据自己的英语水平,尽量扬长避短,避难就易。遇到想不起的词、句时,就用同(近)义词或同义句代替,不要使用没有把握的词句,并且要综合考虑所涉及到的情景、场合,语言要地道。 “三连”即连句成文。根据短文的内容要求,确定先写什么,后写什么,按照表述内容的情节发展和实际需要,重新排列组合已写成的句子,划分必要的段落,一般分成三段。但要注意句式的灵活运用,长、短句,简单句,复合句要搭配运用。 “四改”即修改润色全文。主要是看全文符不符合题目要求,行文是否流畅,有没有遗漏要点;语法是不是正确,包括单词的拼写、大小写、标点符号、时态、语态、单复数、主谓一致、冠词等。 *总之做到 —> 短语—> 句式;

文章分3段: (1)综述:概括性强,最多2句话引入主题; (2)正文——主要内容:层次性强,一定要有过渡型连接词。最多展开3个方面,每个方面最多2句话; (3)结尾:紧扣主题,2句话内结束,尽量升华。常见连词: 三、高级句式替换: 1.too...to... He is very young. he can’t go to school. He is too young to go to school. 2.so...that... He is very clever. He can work out the problem. He is so clever that he can work it out the problem. He is clever enough to work out the problem. 3.not only...but also... She not only plays well, but also writes music. 她不仅很会演奏,而且还会作曲。 Not only the students but also their teacher is enjoying the film. 不仅学生们在欣赏这部影片,他们的老师也在欣赏这部影片。 4.It has many advantages . First, 优点1… Besides, 优点2… 5.However, every coin has two sides. It also brings us bad influences. On the one hand, 缺点1… On the other hand, 缺点2… 6. It is important(easy,hard,possible,good,bad…)for sb. to do sth.


浅谈英语写作教学 一、面临写作的问题 培养学生的口、笔头交际能力是整个初中阶段教学的目的之一。其中“写”又是较高层次的信息系统,它要求学生具有较高的书面语言表达能力。然而,目前初中教学的书面表达相对滞后,学生的写作水平提高甚微,形成了“听到写作学生心烦,见到习作教师不愿”的现象,究其原因是多方面的。学生方面:(1)汉语影响、生词造句;(2)词汇贫乏、搭配不当;(3)句型误用、语法不通;(4)信息不全、条理紊乱。教师方面在教学中缺乏科学和系统的写作教学方法,表现为:(1)散—缺乏条理性、分散;(2)乱—各层次写作杂乱相间、影响写作能力的提高。 纵观近几年的中考书面表达作,题目越来越活,给出的信息越来越少,学生要根据少量的已知信息写出80多字的一篇完整习作,是很困难的。因此,如何提高学生的书面表达能力就成了初中教师在写作教学中亟待解决的问题。为了提高写作教学效果,笔者依照循序渐进的教学原则,尝试了“词、句、篇”三步曲的写作教学: 1.巧记单词 按照语言学习规律,写作教学的次序应是:词—句—篇。“词”是基础,“句”是过度或桥梁,“篇”是目的。整个训练遵循“词不离句,句不离篇”的原则,由易到难,由简到繁,循序渐进,不断提高。这三个阶段彼此衔接,教会学生在大量的语言实践中学会运用词句,从而达到在书面表达教学中“教、学、用”三者的统一。

书面表达需要一定的词汇量,学生书面表达时容易忘记单词或把汉英词汇等同起来。因此,要求学生坚持每天听写、默写、循环记忆单词,掌握巩固词汇。还要求学生给出与单词有关的同义、近义、反义和词形相似的词,使词汇量得到最大限度的复现。 2.用词造句、连词成句 写作应从词句练起,记忆所学的词和词组的最好方法是在使用中记忆。通过口、笔头造句练习,模仿课本例句或做替换练习是巩固记忆的好方法。例如:若以“Talking about School Subjects”为话题进行书面表达,教师可将词组套入以下句型,并让学生掌握:“I am good at…/ I enjoy…/ I prefer…to…/ I am interested…/ I am goin g to…this term.”教师应重视教材中的单句练习,引导学生从对单个句型的掌握,逐渐过渡到多种句型的混用,直到学生能连贯自如地表达思想。 一句多译,句型转换,是书面表达能力的关键,如: 我最喜欢英语。 —I like English best. My favourite subject is English. —I like English better than any other subjects. 教师应注意英汉结构比较,减少汉语式表达错误,教师可通过错误句型之辨析、归纳和总结,帮助学生提高遣词造句的能力。 3.连句成意、线面融合


中考英语作文一直是热点,该如何的去开展呢?下面看看小编带来的中考英语作文范文,供大家参考阅读! 最好的旅游方式 People travel by plane, by train, by ship, by bus. To me, the best way of traveling on a summer vacation is to go on foot. 人们会乘坐飞机、火车、轮船、公交车去旅游。对于我来说,最好的旅游方式是暑假期间徒步旅游。 On a summer vacation I travel to refresh myself and to see the countryside. When I use my feet and walk on a grass covered path or among the hills I feel detached from the noise of the city and closer to the nature. And when I travel on foot I get more freedom. I can plan my own schedule. I can choose my own route. I can stop where I like. And I can see things and people that I might miss if I travel on a train or on a bus. 暑假的时候,我通过旅游去释放自己和游览乡间。当我用双脚走在铺满小草的小径或山间时,我感觉(自己)远离城市的喧嚣,并且更亲近大自然。当我徒步旅行时我可以得到更多的自由。我可以自己选择行程。我可以自己选择路线。只要喜欢,我就可以停下来。而且我可以看到很多人和事,那些我可能乘坐火车或公车旅行而错失的。 When faster and more convenient ways for travel are becoming available, I still favor using my own feet. I get much pleasure from it. 当更快、更方便的旅游方式变成通用的,我仍然支持用自己的双脚(旅行),我从中得到了许多乐趣。 白色的世界The White World As I live in the south, I never have the chance to see snow. I wish I could witness it once in my life. My wish came true this year, because my parents flied to the north city to spend the holiday. We bought a lot of clothes. When we took off the flight, it was so cold for me, because I never experienced such coldness. The world was white for me. The trees were covered with white snow, and it was amazing. I felt like I was in the story world. But in the house, it was so warm because of the central heating. It was even warmer than the south. The most exciting thing was to play snow. I built snow men with all kinds of shapes. It was so funny. My father and I played in the snow for a long time. It is so unforgettable for me. 由于我生活在南方,所以我从未有机会看到过雪。我希望我能见一次雪。今年我的愿望实现了,因为我的父母飞到北方度假.我们买了很多衣服,当我们航班落地时,对我来说是非常的冷,因为我从未经历过这样的寒意。整个世界对我来说都是白色的,白雪覆盖着树,真是很神奇,我觉得自己就好像在童话世界里一样。但在家里,却是非常的温暖,因为有中央供暖系统,甚至比南方还暖和。最令人兴奋的事情就是玩雪了。我做了各种形状


午饭英文 2019各地中考英语满分作文精选江西省本卷完形填空A)文章讨论了许多年轻人很在意自己外貌的问题,文章的最后指出:“ We need to judge people by what they do, not what they look like.”你同意文章最后提出的观点吗?对此观点你有何看法?请根据下面提示写一篇英语短文谈谈你的看法,阐述理由,并举例说明。写作要点: I. Your opinion (agree/ disagree /…); 2. Reasons (looks, personality品性, ability …); 3. An example (yourself/ a person around you/ a famous person/…). 要求: 1.短文应包括提示中所有的写作要点,条理清楚,行文连贯,可适当发挥; 2.如举自己或身边的人作为例子,不能出现真实的人名和地名; 3.词数不少于80。满分作文1 I agree with the opinion. Compared with looks, personality and ability are more important. Because we can’t change our looks easily, but we can decide and control what we do. Thnaks to the kind and hard-working people, our society is becoming better and better. For example, Ma Yun, a well-known businessman, doesn’t look handsome, but he created Alibaba which has changed our lifestyle and made our life more convenient. He has been doing so much for our society that we all admire him. Because of his contribution to our society, we even think he looks so cool. So let’s try our best to do more useful things for our society and pay less attention to our looks. 满分作文2 In my opinion, I think we need to judge people by both what they do and what they look like. 1 A person's personality and ability are very important, but for some jobs, looks are also important, such as an actor or an actress, a waiter or a waitress, or even a teacher Because it's enjoyable to see a good-looking person For example, my teachers in my class all teach very well, and they are kind and helpful. All of us like them. But the most popular teacher is my English teacher, because she looks really beautiful. She dresses herself up every day and always has a smile on her face So let's try our best to improve our ability, personality and looks. 福建省假定你是李华,收到英国笔友 Harry 的邮件,获悉他在机器人制作比赛中获奖。请根据邮件内容给他回复。词数 80 左右。参考词汇:congratulation 祝贺注意事项: 1.回复邮件时可适当发挥,邮件格式已给出,不计入总词数; 2.意思清楚,表达通顺,行文连贯,书写规范; 3.请勿在文中使用真实的姓名、校名及地名。 Dear Harry, ____________________ Yours, Li Hua 满分作文 Dear Harry, Congratulations! How glad I am to share your good news! I think robots are helpful in many ways. And in the future they’ll play more important roles in our daily life. Plus, I’m dying to have a robot of my own. I can have it take care of my grandparents when we are not at home. You see, my grandparents are old and cannot move easily. It can help them do some housework such as cooking, cleaning the house and so on. Hoping you’ll make greater progress. Yours, Li Hua 2 山西省阅读是同学们未来参与社会应具备的关键能力,无论你喜欢哪种阅读方式,它都能让你增长知识,开阔眼界。最近,某出版社在两万人中,针对人们喜欢的阅读方式做了一项调查,下图是相关的统计结果,其中包括电子阅读和纸质阅读的人数。请你用两段话写一篇短文,第一段用百分比简要说明图表内容,第二段从图表中选出一项你喜欢的阅读方式,结合自己的经历,谈谈这种阅读方式的好处。要求: 1.词数不少于80词; 2.首句已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇仅供参考; 3.文中不得出现真实的人名、校名。 WORD BANK reading on mobile phones,others,reading paper books 满分作文 Recently, a survey was done among 20,000


初中英语作文教学 【摘要】初中阶段的英语作文教学历来是个难题,特别是对我们农村中学的学生来说,更是困难,因为大多学生都是在上了初中以后才开始真正意义上的英语学习,才开始英语写作。所以,要教会他们用英语写作并且写好,这是我们初中英语教师一直不懈探索的课题之一。 【关键词】听读词汇和语法三部曲花样与技巧持之以恒 英语写作技能的培养与运用是一个循序渐进的过程,对于英语学科尤为如此。我们农村学生多数上初中才真正接触英语教材,如果要求他们用英语写文章,肯定有一定困难:因为“写”属于较高层次的信息系统,是语言输出的重要途径,是学生综合能力最集中最客观的体现方式。更何况,当今中考英语题型中书面表达更已达到25分。这对那些基础知识相当的学生而言,得书面表达者得中考!因此,我们教师任重而道远。我们需要通过各种途径,创造各种环境为学生搭建各式写作平台,帮助学生写好作文。 我们心里应该很明确,要做好这项工作,必须让学生明白以下几点: 一、多读多听是英语写作的前提 今年的《初级中学英语课程标准》中要求初中学生应达到15万字以上的课外阅读量,重点锻炼学生用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力;并逐步培养学生用英语进行思维和表达。而在英语实际教学中,我们可以知道,学生只有通过读和听才能真正触摸英语,也只有在获得大量语言输入的前提下才能进行语言输出。学生要通过听读保证充分的语言输入,没有这样的先决条件,他们是无论如何也写不出内容详实、触人深省,意思连贯、结构完整、语言规范的英语作文的。只有通过阅读倾听,学生们的原始知识积累才能形成,才能使得其背景知识得到强化。当学生的知识面得到拓宽,意识层次得到深华,那么无论出现怎样的命题作文或者非命题作文,只要学生看到,就能迅速反应,在潜意识当中搜寻相关知识内容,体味相关思想深意,为他(她)的作文取材提供一个丰富的资源库,所谓“手中有粮,心中不慌”,为开始写作打好坚实的基础。So,从初一依始,就要对学生说:let’s start reading and listening now! 二、词汇和语法是英语写作的基础 每一位初中英语教师都必须要做好词汇和语法的教学工作,为学生写作垫好基石,搭好桥梁。有老师打比方说,英语写作就像建造一座精心设计的高楼大厦,


2016高考英语作文热点话题作文 1、低碳生活现在全世界都在倡导“低碳生活”(low-carbon life),即:降低二氧化碳的排放,采取低能量、低消耗、低开支的生活方式。低碳生活对我们大家都有好处,请你写一篇短文向一家英文报社投稿。内容包括:你的具体做法、你的感受以及建议。 提示词语:be good for, everyone, ride a bike, think, make a difference, environment, suggest, reuse ★范文 Low-carbon life is good for everyone. To help with the environment, I always walk or ride a bike to school instead of taking a car. Besides, I will try to use things that can be recycled and I never forget to turn off the lights when I leave the classroom. I think it’s my duty to live a low-carbon life. And even the simplest activities can make a real difference to the environment. So I suggest we should reuse books as long as possible. And we’d better not spend much money on expensive clothes. If everyone does something for the environment, I believe the earth will be a better place。 2. 假如你是Li Lin,你的英国笔友Eric来信询问你家乡是否有雾霾(thick haze),情况如何。请按提示写一封不少于60词的电子邮件回复他。要求卷面整洁书写工整;内容可在包含要点的基础上适当发挥。 提示:1. 感谢他的关心; 2. 介绍:(1)去年冬天有多次雾霾; (2)空气被严重污,危害:车祸,生病等; 3. 正采取各种举措减少其发生。 Dear Erik, I’m glad to receive your letter. You asked if there is thick haze in my hometown. Thank you for your caring for the weather and my health. There was heavy haze last winter. The air is badly polluted. Many traffic accidents happened and more and more people have to go to see the doctor because of the smog. People have realized the great harm caused by the smog and the importance of protecting the environment. The government suggests people to go to work or school with the public traffic, such as the bus and the underground. Also we should plant more trees. According to me, I will go to school by bike or on foot, and I won’t throw the waste anywhere. Would you like to tell me some good ideas? I’m looking forward to your reply.


浅谈初中英语写作教学教法 英语写作教学是一项循序渐进的过程,而不是一蹴而就的。往往有些教师对新课程标准中初 中阶段的写作要求不了解,甚至头脑里觉得英语写作只是九年级的事情,理解为是中考的最 后一道考题,在低年级教学中不训练和渗透,造成对学生的英语写作指导出现严重脱节现象。我所任教过的几所农村学校这种现象更为突出。写作技能是学生的综合语言运用能力,写作 教学应贯穿于英语教学的全过程。现就如何有效地提高中学生的英语写作能力提出几点见解。 1 激发学生爱好写作的动机 兴趣是学生最好的老师。在教学过程中,要善于发现学生的兴趣点,以此来激发学生的写作 动机。如你最喜欢哪个体坛明星?哪个教师、学生、学科?为什么?中学生上网有何利与弊?或创设情境,捕捉学生感兴趣的话题,从而使学生产生写作的动机,帮助他们走上愿写、乐写、善写的良性循环的轨道。 2 注重英语基本功训练,为写作打好基础 2.1 “词”是基础,是说话、写作的必需材料,衡量一个学生英语水平及交际能力的高低,词 汇量的多少是一个关键。听写是课堂中常见而简便的写作训练形式之一,它不仅可以使学生 把听和写紧密地结合起来,而且可以检查学生对知识的理解程度,使学生的理解能力、记忆 能力和传递信息能力不断提高,以达到逐渐增加学生词汇量的目的。 2.2 “句”是过渡或桥梁,是表达一个完整思想的基本语言单位,任何语言的写作都是以写句 子为基础的。同时,造句是写作的基础,我在教学过程中结合课文教学,把课文中所学过的 常用词、词组或句型选出来,让学生在理解其意思、掌握其用法的基础上,重新造句,表达 自己的思想,课下布置扩句训练题,为今后的写作打下坚实的基础。 3 传授学生写作的基本方法,从而达到事半功倍的效果 3.1 教会学生审题,明确要求。无论哪一篇话题作文,都会有一定的要求。有的是通过文字 给予说明,有的是通过图画表情达意,有的则是通过表格的形式出现。因此,学生在着手作 文时应仔细审题,对所写作文的体裁、格式、主用的基本时态等方面做到心中有数。 3.2 教会学生抓住要点,叙述流畅。不论何种体裁的写作题,都会有相应的几个要点,若忽 视其中任何一点,都会使整篇文章不完整。因此,要从以下几方面对学生进行有针对性的指点:淤紧扣文章主题,明确要求叙述的内容。于用自己擅长的、熟悉的词汇和句型进行写作,保证全文的组织结构。盂学会分析句与句之间的并列、转折、因果等关系,适当运用and,or,but 这些连接词,使时间或空间等关系都能得到巧妙合理的设计。 4 不断创新,在英语课堂教学中要进行阅读与写作的综合训练 4.1 设计情境,借鉴阅读材料中的重要词汇句型,深层次地运用语块。阅读就是在真实的语 言情境中感知新的语言现象,学习和运用这些新内容,经历感知———体验———操练——— 运用的过程,丰富语言知识,提高综合语言运用能力。其中,感知———体验是在阅读中完 成的,操练———运用是在阅读后完成的。教师要根据课文内容创造情景,指导学生熟练掌 握新的语言知识。 4.2 阅读欣赏,借鉴阅读文本的语篇模式,学习谋篇、拓展、衔接等技能。阅读就是获取作 者所要给予的信息以及表达的思想,同时发现和学习表达本主题内容所涉及的语言现象。学 生应能模仿作者,使自己就这一主题内容进行表达的能力有所提高。 5 有效“背诵”做好写作积累


中考英语作文范文30篇文章 Model Writings (以下30篇文章仅供同学对不同题材的参考) 句型:下划线 词组短语:黑体 精美句子:方框 1. How to Make Friends It’s hard to make friends if you stay alone all the time. It’s easier to make friends when you have similar interests. Look at people in the eyes when you ta lk to them. Don’t be afraid to show people what you are really good at. Talk about the things you like and do best. Be a good listener. Let people talk about themselves before talking about yourself. Be friendly to a lot of people. Try to help your friends when they are in trouble because to choose from and have more chances to make friends. 2. My View on Television Television has been in our life for many years. We can’t live happily without television. It can give us the latest information and news. It can from the plays on television. We’ll be bored all day if there is no television. Television programs are attractive. After a whole day’s hard work, we can sit before the television and drink a cup of tea. How wonderful it is! Television is also bad for people’s health. It’s not good for you to watch TV for too long, especially bad for your eyes. It is true that watching TV can influence our behavior and achievement. However, it depends on what we do. 3. Talk about Internet Today,I’ll talk about going online. We know that there are too many net-bars (网吧) around us. The Internet can make our lives interesting and enjoyable. Many of us like going online very much because we can learn how to use the computer and get more information from the Internet. We can learn English. We can read some good newspapers and magazines. It can make us clever through playing computer games. I can send e-mails to our friends quickly. We can chat online with our friends. It can help us get in touch with (取得联系)


中考英语满分作文 1. 中考英语满分作文——适当方式放松自己 Recently I have had a discussion about The Ways for Students to Relax 。In someone’s opinion, the best ways are watching TV and playing computer games.However, I'm not quite agree with him. In my opinion, watching TV or playing computer games is not a good way to help us relax. I think listening to music and playing sports are good ways because they can help us keep healthy. I often play basketball after class and I find it really helpful to both my health and my study. Besides, I think chatting with our friends isn't a bad way. I think it can help me get on better with my friends. 2. 中考英语作文预测——烦恼 这类作文难度较大,掌握基本句式,背诵范文非常必要。 典型例句 1.I am sorry to hear that…… 2. You should learn to fo rget…… 3.you had better…… 4 you should learn to relax 5.you can ask your teacher for help 例文 (陕西省卷)假如你是Han Mei, 下面是一封你的笔友Alice 给你发来的e-mail,请你根据e-mail 的内容给她写一封回信,与她交流看法,并帮她排忧解难。 提示词语:listen to, mother’s love, care about, communicate with, get along with, smile 写作要求:1.语句通顺,书写工整;2.可用所给提示词语,也可以适当发挥;3.词数在60-80左右Dear Han Mei, I’m afraid I’ve got a big problem recently. My mother talks too much to me. She always tells me, "Be careful while crossing the street." "Put on more clothes." "Did you do a good job at school?" and so on. I’m annoyed(烦恼)。What shall I do? Alice Dear Alice, As a teenager, I met the same problem as you. But now I can get along better with my mother. Here are some ideas for you. Your mother talks much, because she cares about you. Maybe it’s not a good way, but it shows your mother’s love. So I think you should listen to her. If your opinions are different from your mother’s, you can communicate with her, and tell her what you are thinking about. If your mother doesn’t take your advice, just keep silent and give her a smile. I hope what I say here can help you a lot. 3. 英语作文:The Way to Keep Healthy It's important for us to be healthy all our life. We can't study or work well without healthy body. There're many ways to keep healthy. First of all, we should keep taking exercises every day. We can walk to school instead of taking a bus. After school, we can spend an hour playing ball games. If we live in a high-rise, we can walk upstairs or downstairs. Second, we should have a balanced diet. Finally, we must remember: "Early to bed, early to rise is the way to keep healthy, wealthy and wise."
