



根多多微生‎物菌剂安全‎技术说明(MSDS)第一部分:产品名称及‎企业标志(Produ‎c t name and logo)产品中文名‎称:5%周天生态有‎机肥俗名或商品‎名:5%生态有机肥‎产品英文名‎称:企业名称:河北新世纪‎周天生物科‎技有限公司‎(Hebei‎new centu‎r y Sunda‎y Biote‎c hnol‎o gy Co. Ltd.)地址:石家庄市中‎山西路28‎8号技术说明书‎编码:无企业应急电‎话:0311-83038‎976 87102‎558 83010‎568第二部分:主要成分及‎功效(The main compo‎n ents‎and funct‎i ons)1、外观及色泽‎:本产品为本‎产品为颗黑‎色粒状,颗粒直径为‎2~5 mm .2、产品指标:有效活菌数‎≥0.2亿/ml;有机质≥45%,NPK总养‎分≥5%,中微量元素‎≥6%,腐植酸≥10%,特别添加:抗重茬剂、生根壮苗剂‎、土壤激活素‎等。










H3C WX无线控制器配置宁盾WIFI认证指南

H3C WX无线控制器配置宁盾WIFI认证指南

宁盾WIFI认证平台结合H3C无线认证配置指南V2.0版20149目录一、宁盾WIFI认证平台简介 (2)1、平台构架 (2)2、平台登录方式 (2)二、认证配置 (3)1、Portal认证配置流程 (3)2、新增商户 (4)3、添加设备 (5)4、H3C WX无线控制器设备配置 (7)5、认证方式配置 (8)5.1、短信认证 (8)5.2、微信认证 (8)5.3、用户名 (11)三、页面管理 (13)四、调查问卷配置 (16)五、策略控制 (17)一、宁盾WIFI认证平台简介1、平台构架2、平台登录方式浏览器登录WIFI个性化平台http://X.X.X.X:8080(X.X.X.X为服务器IP,默认端口8080),平台管理员admin,默认密码为admin,商户自助管理平台帐号密码为热点管理员,由WIFI集中接入平台统一配置分配。

(浏览器建议IE9+,或Firefox、Chrome等)IE下载链接:/china/windows/IE/upgrade/index.aspxMozilla Firefox下载链接:/zh-CN/firefox/new/Google Chrome下载链接:/intl/zh-CN/chrome/browser/二、认证配置1、Portal认证配置流程新增商户—>添加设备(—>添加SSID或AP Group)并分配给商户—>设备配置—>选择并配置认证方式2、新增商户在集中接入管控平台【商户列表】点击【新增商户+】,编辑商户名称、缩写选择商户类型。


3、添加设备添加BRAS/AC/胖AP设备:添加SSID或AP Group并分配给商户,如添加SSID:添加AP Group(胖AP不支持AP Group):说明:AP Group的配置就是将位于不同位置的AP按区域分组,AP Group可包含一个或若干个AP,即添加AP分组后在AP分组下可以添加一个或若干个AP的MAC关联AP。





1. 农业防治措施1轮作轮作对消减蔬菜连作障碍效果显著,如采用水稻—蔬菜、玉米—蔬菜轮作模式,也可采用不同类型的蔬菜轮作。

例如,宿城区埠子镇蔬菜种植大户王恒在种植2年茄果类蔬菜后种植1茬大蒜,大蒜茬后再种植茄子,茄子黄萎病发病率为2.1%,不需用药防治,人工拔除病株即可;而不进行大蒜轮作连续种植茄果类蔬菜,即使用药防治,茄子黄萎病发病率也只能控制在20% 左右。


2间作与伴生▲西瓜、大蒜间作经江苏省农业科学院宿迁农科所试验研究,早春大棚西瓜于10月上中旬整好土地后先全畦面(畦宽2.3~3.0m)栽植大蒜,翌年2月上中旬沿定植行将宽1m 左右的大蒜作青蒜采收,留出的空地整地施肥后于3月上中旬栽培西瓜,畦面剩余的大蒜不影响西瓜定植与生长,可等蒜头完熟后再收获。


















4.注意事项1. 本产品使用前请摇匀。

2. 使用本剂前10天内以及使用本剂后10天期间内,请勿使用杀菌剂和毒性化学农药处理土壤,否则本剂将失效。


3. 防治重茬病,请务必在移栽当天或移栽之前使用。










2.2 试验方法2.2.1姜瘟病病因的调查从不同地块选取发病初期的姜块,每地3块。




2.2.2 使用宁盾进行田间姜瘟病防治示范1.浸种处理本试验设宁盾处理组、对照组。




需要掌握的信息:化学试剂用量使用方法2. 灌根处理待姜出苗后,采用灌根处理。




An Unstructured Grid, Finite-Volume Coastal Ocean Model(无规则网格的有限体积海岸海洋模型)FVCOM User Manual(FVCOM用户手册)FVCOM软件用户许可协议 (3)第一章序言 (4)第二章:模型公式 (6)2.1 直角坐标系下的原始方程 (7)2.2 -坐标下的控制方程 (12)2.3 二维(垂直积分)方程 (13)2.4 湍流闭合模型 (15)2.4.1 水平扩散系数 (15)2.4.2 垂直旋转粘性和热扩散系数 (16)2.5 球面坐标系下的原始方程 (24)第三章有限体积离散法 (27)3.1 不规则三角网格的设计 (27)3.2 笛卡尔坐标下的离散方法 (29)3.2.1 二维外部模式 (29)3.2.2 三维内模式 (37)3.3 外部与内部模式的输运一致性 (44)3.4 干/湿处理方法 (46)3.4.1 标准 (48)3.4.2 Isplit的上限 (52)3.5 球坐标系下的有限体积离散方法 (57)3.6 岸边界条件的微元处理 (63)第四章:外部强迫 (66)4.1 风应力、热通量和降水/蒸发 (66)4.2 潮汐强迫 (67)4.3 增加海岸或江河流量的方法 (69)4.3.1 TCE方法 (69)4.3.2 MCE方法 (72)4.4 水平分辨率和时间步长的规范 (74)4.5 通过底部输入地下水 (77)4.5.1 简单盐平衡地下水通量形式 (77)4.5.2 地下水输入的完全格式 (78)第五章:开边界处理 (79)5.1 开边界处理的初始设定 (79)5.2 普遍辐射开边界条件 (82)5.3 新的有限体积开边界条件模块 (87)第六章:数据同化方法 (97)6.1 推导方法 (100)6.2 OI方法 (102)6.3 Kalman筛选 (104)6.3.1减小序列Kalman筛选(RRKF) (106)6.3.2 集合Kalman筛选(EnKF) (109)6.3.3 集合平方根Kalman过滤(EnSRF) (111)6.3.4. 集合变换 Kalman筛选 (ETKF) (113)6.3.5确认实验 (114)第七章:FVCOM沉积模块 (120)7.1 控制方程 (121)7.2 简单测试情况 (122)第八章:FVCOM生物模块 (123)8.1灵活生物模块(FBM) (124)8.1.1 FBM流程图 (124)8.1.2 FBM中的方程和函数 (126)8.2 提前选择生物模块 (157)8.2.1 养分-浮游植物-浮游动物(NPZ模型) (158)8.2.2 磷限制低养分层食物网模型 (160)8.2.3. The Multi-Species NPZD Model (168)8.2.3 多物种NPZD模型 (168)8.2.4 水质量模型 (171)第九章:示踪-追踪模型 (174)第十章:三维拉格朗日粒子追踪 (175)第十二章:代码平行 (193)12.1 区域分解 (194)12.2 区域设置 (195)12.3 数据交换 (196)12.4数据收集 (197)12.5 执行 (198)第十三章:模型代码描述和总说明 (199)13.1 在使用FVCOM前的用户应知 (199)13.3 数值稳定的标准 (206)13.4子程序和函数描述 (207)第14章模式安装,编译和运行 (231)14.1 获得FVCOM (232)14.2a 编译METIS库 (233)14.2b 编译FVCOM (233)14.3a 运行FVCOM(连续) (238)14.3b 运行FVCOM(平行) (239)第十五章:模型设置 (240)15.1 FVCOM运行时间控制变量文件casename_run.dat (240)15.2 FVCOM输入文件 (253)15.3特殊设置的必需输入文件 (256)15.4 原始输入文件的输入文件格式 (257)15.5 建立和使用FVCOM模块 (268)第十六章:FVCOM测试例子 (292)第十七章:不规则三角形网格产生 (319)17.1数据准备 (320)17.2 网格产生 (324)感谢 (347)参考文献 (348)FVCOM Software Users’ License AgreementFVCOM软件用户许可协议All users should read this agreement carefully. A user, who receives any version of the source code of FVCOM, must accept all the terms and conditions of this agreement and also agree that this agreement is like any written negotiated agreement signed by you. You may be required to have another written agreement directly with Dr. Changsheng Chen at SMAST/UMASS-D and Dr. Robert C. Beardsley at WHOI 所有用户须仔细阅读此协议。

NITON 5.0 简易操作手册

NITON 5.0 简易操作手册

II. 规则设
(Element Display Options)
1. Sort Element Display-设 显
IV. -«·s 开启测试资 显 ¦p¤U 图.
2. Set Element Threshold-设 pass/fail ¤¸¯À-È
- 19 -
- 20 -
(2) àD±«Ì¹õ®Õ¥¿ 键
III. ¤Ä 选 Always load hidden readings ¤Î ¤è®Ø¡A Language 则 选 Other¡C Display ” < LOD ”
为开启状 钮设 设
3. Hardware Setup-«e¦Z«ö 测试时间设 为 36000 ¬í ) 4. Source Config-(³q±`¥¼ ¯à ) 5. Return-ªð¦^

4. «ö ”Industrial bulk Cu/Zn/Pb” 进 矿 石 自 动 测 试 画面
7. 测试

”Return” © Î ¥ ª ¯à 画

5. «ö ”Start”进

6. 矿
动测试检测时画 测试 图
3. ¦Û 动 动

4. ¦Û 动

e«¿¥Õ® 开
须 让仪 间
约 5~10 ¤À¡A§Y
5~10 ¤À


5. ¦Û 动 ¥\¯à 画

6. ¥D¥\¯à



(19)中华人民共和国国家知识产权局(12)发明专利申请(10)申请公布号 (43)申请公布日 (21)申请号 201910189634.9(22)申请日 2019.03.13(71)申请人 云南旺众农业开发有限公司地址 650500 云南省昆明市呈贡区实力锦城B02幢4号商铺(72)发明人 张军元 (74)专利代理机构 北京联瑞联丰知识产权代理事务所(普通合伙) 11411代理人 郑自群(51)Int.Cl.C05G 3/00(2006.01)C05G 3/04(2006.01)C05F 17/00(2006.01)(54)发明名称一种微生物菌肥及其制作方法(57)摘要本发明公开了一种微生物菌肥及其制备方法,它包括以下原料组分的重量份:黄粉虫屎粉30-50份、腐殖土5-10份、畜禽粪便5-15份、玉米秸秆5-10份、烟叶秸秆5-10份、南瓜皮粉5-10份、菜籽饼5-8份、豆腐渣5-8份、活性菌1-3份、微量元素1-2份、黄腐酸钾1-3份、麦饭石1-3份、木醋液1-2份。


权利要求书1页 说明书3页CN 109809917 A 2019.05.28C N 109809917A权 利 要 求 书1/1页CN 109809917 A1.一种微生物菌肥,其特征在于,包括以下原料组分的重量份:黄粉虫屎粉30-50份、腐殖土5-10份、畜禽粪便5-15份、玉米秸秆5-10份、烟叶秸秆5-10份、南瓜皮粉5-10份、菜籽饼5-8份、豆腐渣5-8份、活性菌1-3份、微量元素1-2份、黄腐酸钾1-3份、麦饭石1-3份、木醋液1-2份。




Updating VE.Bus firmware, using VEFlash VEFlash is deprecated in favour of VictronConnectBeing both faster and easier to use, we now recommend to use VictronConnect for firmware updates. Instructions in the VictronConnect VE.Bus manual.Use VEFlash only for (older) models not supported by VictronConnect.Instructions for the old (deprecated) methodWarning: This operation must only be carried out by Victron-trained Engineers, Installers and Dealers, and must not be attempted by system Owners and Users.Updating firmware on a VE.Bus product (Inverters, Multis and Quattros) has system-critical implications:All settings will be lost - Save your settings first!Assistants and parallel or three-phase configuration will be lost.Setting up a VE.Bus system requires both training and experience. We offer no direct support for un-trained individuals carrying-out reconfiguration.These instructions are for the VEFlash firmware update method, it is also possible to update VE.Bus firmware with VictronConnect, which is available for Windows, macOS, and Android.NotesUpdating a VE.bus product can be done using VEFlash.exe which you will find in VE Configure Tools, available for download on our software page.New firmware files are available from Victron Professional (a free account is required).To select the right file, check the firmware version which is in the product now. Look for a seven digit number (eg. 2654153) which you'll find printed on a sticker on the control board. The first four digits indicate the model, and must match the first four digits of the file you intend toupload.There are different firmware types available. Read our PDF VE.Bus firmware versions explained carefully to select the best firmware for your system. For recent products, use the latest 400 version.Always use the latest version of VEFlash. It will automatically check online for updates onstartupWhen updating parallel or three-phase installation, update each unit separatelyAfter updating firmware, all settings will be reset to their factory defaults. The unit will be in stand-alone mode, and any Assistant settings will be removed.It is not required to keep your Victron equipment updated to the latest firmware version. Stable systems should be left with their current firmware. Firmware updates should only be done when it is recommended to fix an issue you are experiencing, or add a new feature that is required byupdate:updating_firmware:updating_ve.bus_products https:///live/updating_firmware:updating_ve.bus_products 2023-06-2910:48the installation.Step by step instructionsFollow the on screen steps.Save the Firmware file in an easy to find folder.update:updating_firmware:updating_ve.bus_products https:///live/updating_firmware:updating_ve.bus_products 2023-06-2910:48Follow these steps carefully.update:updating_firmware:updating_ve.bus_products https:///live/updating_firmware:updating_ve.bus_products 2023-06-2910:48Once finished and OK is selected the Inverter/Charger will reset itself.Note that all settings will be reset to defaults. Also that the unit will be reset to stand alone mode and any Assistant settings will be removed.DISQUSView the discussion thread.。


































4、“宁盾”一号的作用效果图1 宁盾一号对辣椒的促生效果(移栽当天浇灌后20天,李宏伟江苏淮安 2014秋季,2014年8月23号摄)图2 宁盾一号对辣椒的促生效果(移栽当天浇灌后30天,李咏梅,江苏淮安 2014秋季,2014年9月2号摄)图3 “宁盾一号”对辣椒混合病害的防治效果(庄振国江苏淮安2009)图 4 “宁盾一号”对番茄混合型病害的效果(掌家根、掌家银江苏连云港东海县前营蔬菜专业合作社 2013 年秋)图5 “宁盾一号”促进黄瓜生长(周冬梅、曹静,上海,2012年春)图6 微生物肥料促进黄瓜生长并提高对枯萎病的抗性(于侦云,山东苍山,2014年春)注:苍山农户老杨未留空白对照,据称其自选的微生物肥对重茬病防效不错,宁盾的防病、促生效果更为明显。




本标准适用于本企业在中华人民共和国境内生产和销售的,以大豆发酵副产料浆 (发酵大豆蛋白料浆) 为主要原料,喷浆造粒而成的蛋白肥料。




GB/T 8170 数值修约规则与极限数值的表示和判定GB/T 19524.1 肥料中粪大肠菌群的测定GB/T 19524.2 肥料中蛔虫卵死亡率的测定HG/T 2843 化肥产品化学分析常用标准滴定溶液、标准溶液、试剂溶液和指示剂溶液NY 525 有机肥料GB/T 6432 粗蛋白的测定NY/T 1971 腐植酸含量的测定GB/T 18246 氨基酸的测定NY/T 1113 微生物肥料术语NY/T 1978 肥料汞、砷、镉、铅、铬含量的测定NY/T 2321 微生物肥料产品检验规程使用的微生物菌种应安全、有效。




本标准所用试剂、水和溶液的配制,在未注明规格和配制方法时,均应按照 HG/T 2843 的规定执行。

本标准中产品技术指标的数字修约及产品质量合格判定,应符合GB/T 8170 的规定。

按照NY/T 2321的规定执行。

按照NY 525的规定执行。

5按照NY 525 的规定执行。

按照NY/T 2321的规定执行。

按照NY 525 的规定执行。

按照GB/T 6432的规定执行。

按照NY/T 1971的规定执行。

按照GB/T 18246的规定执行。

按照GB/T 19524.1的规定执行。

粪大肠菌群数测定流程及最可能数(MPN)检索表参见NY/T 2321附录D。

按照GB/T 19524.2的规定执行。

按照NY/T 1978的规定执行。



郑 丽,桂 颖,王路遥,等.生防菌剂“宁盾”对中药材茅苍术防病促生的大田剂量研究[J].江苏农业科学,2020,48(12):80-84.doi:10.15889/j.issn.1002-1302.2020.12.017生防菌剂“宁盾”对中药材茅苍术防病促生的大田剂量研究郑 丽1,2,桂 颖1,王路遥1,郭坚华1(1.南京农业大学植物保护学院,江苏南京210095;2.仲恺农业工程学院植物健康创新研究院,广东广州510225) 摘要:茅苍术软腐病是一种维管束病害,对菊科中药材茅苍术的产量有严重影响。





关键词:茅苍术;生防菌剂“宁盾”;软腐病;防治效果;出苗率 中图分类号:S435.672 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-1302(2020)12-0080-04收稿日期:2019-06-27基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号:31672075)。

作者简介:郑 丽(1984—),女,湖北麻城人,博士,助理研究员,主要从事植物病害生物防治研究。




Nozomi Networks Guardian 产品说明书

Nozomi Networks Guardian 产品说明书

DATA SHEET GuardianIndustrial Strength OT and IoT Security and VisibilityNozomi Networks Guardian™ unlocks visibility across OT, IoT, and IT for accelerated security and digital transformation.Guardian reduces OT risks for the largest critical infrastructure, energy, manufacturing, mining, transportation, building automation and other OT sites around the world.SeeWhat’s on your network and howit’s behaving DetectCyber threats, risks and anomalies for faster response UnifySecurity, visibility and monitoring across all your assetsEnhances cyber resiliency and saves time with automated asset inventory Identifies all communicating devices Provides extensive node information including name, type, serial number, firmware version and componentsPresents risk information including security and reliability alerts, missing patches and vulnerabilitiesReduced Risk Through Network VisualizationProvides instant awareness of your OT/IoT network and its activity patternsPresents key data such as traffic throughput, TCP connections, and protocolsImproves your understanding of ‘normal’ operationsExpands Guardian’s built-in passive asset discovery with low-volume active polling, see: /smart-pollingIntuitive Dashboards and ReportsExplore macro views as well as detailed information on endpoints and connections Filter by subnets, type, role, zone and topologiesGroup assets visually, in lists and detailed single asset viewsand IoT AssetsImmediately Visualize Your NetworksSUBSCRIPTIONAsset IntelligenceAccelerates the asset learning process and keeps asset profiles and behavior data up-to-date, see:/asset-intelligenceSingle Asset View with extensive information.Portion of interactive Network Visualization Graph .standardized naming, descriptionand scoringComprehensive Cybersecurity and Reliability Monitoring Monitors assets from all vendors and network communicationsDisplays summarized data relatedto alerts, incidents, vulnerabilities, compliance, etc.Highlights indicators of reliability issues, such as unusual process valuesvulnerable firmware?”• “Are assets from Vendor X vulnerable?”Easy Access to OT DataSummarizes OT and IoT risk information for customizable date and time rangesSupports drilldown on visual indicators for more detailed informationQueries any aspect of your network or control system performance, reducing data collection and spreadsheet workContinuouslyMonitor YourNetwork andAutomationSystemsPortion of customizable Guardian Dashboard.Up-to-the-Minute ThreatDetectionIdentifies cybersecurity and processreliability threatsDetects early stage and late stageadvanced threats and cyber risksBlocks attacks when integrated withcompatible firewalls and endpoint securityproductsSUBSCRIPTIONThreat IntelligenceEnsures up-to-date threat detectionand vulnerability identification usingindicators created and curated by NozomiNetworks LabsDelivers ongoing OT, IoT and IT threat andvulnerability intelligenceSuperior OT and IoT ThreatDetectionCombines behavior-based anomalydetection with signature-based threatdetection for comprehensive riskmonitoringProvides detailed threat information as Yararules, packet rules, STIX indicators, threatdefinitions, a threat knowledgebase andvulnerability signaturesSUBSCRIPTIONAsset IntelligencePowers breakthrough anomaly detectionfor OT and IoT that filters out alerts forbenign behavior, accelerating incidentresponseDelivers ongoing OT and IoT asset profileand behavior dataQuickly Detectand DisruptThreats andAnomalousBehaviorEffectivelyMonitor MixedEnvironmentsDetectAdvanced Anomaly and Threat DetectionAnswers vital questions like:• "What IoT assets do we have?”• “What are they doing?”• “What risks do they pose to my organization?”Accelerated Incident ResponseCombines Guardian’s breakthrough anomaly detection for OT and IoT with the Asset Intelligence™ service for focused, actionable alertsUnderstands normal behavior for devices with frequent behavior changes, eliminating alerts for benign anomaliesImproves response time and productivity with precise alerts that are easy to prioritize Groups alerts into incidents, providing security and operations staff with a simple, clear, consolidated view of what’s happening on their networkFast Forensic AnalysisFocuses effort with Smart Incidents™ that:• Correlate and consolidate alerts• Provide operational and security context • Supply automatic packet capturesDecodes incidents with Time Machine™ before and after system snapshotsProvides answers fast with a powerfulad hoc query toolGreatly ReduceTroubleshootingand ForensicEffortsSmart Incident showing related alerts and security context.Report summarizing alerts for a site.Processes data for up to 500,000 assetsin real-timeGenerates network visualizations, dashboardsand reports quicklySpeeds up threat detection and responsewith local processing of threat and assetintelligenceDeploys quickly at multiple sitesIntegrated Security InfrastructureStreamlines security processes across IT/OTMakes it easy to harmonize security datafor cohesive responseIncludes built-in integrations for asset,ticket and identity managementsystems, as well as SIEMs/integrationsAggregates data from multiplesites when used with the CentralManagement Console™Enables centralized security riskmanagement for all sitesProvides visibility into all OT/ IoTenvironmentsBroad Protocol SupportSupports hundreds of OT, IoT and IT protocolsUtilizes Nozomi Networks’ deep expertise inOT protocols for accurate analysisIncludes Protocol SDK and on-demandengineering services for new protocolsupport/techspecswith OptimalPerformanceEasily Integratewith SOC/ITEnvironmentsBuilt-in integrations make it easy to streamline security processes.GUARDIAN ADD-ONSmart PollingAdds low-volume active polling to Guardian’s passive asset discoveryIdentifies non-communicating assets and rogue devicesDelivers accurate vulnerability assessment for fast and efficient response Complete details available at: /smart-pollingGUARDIAN ADD-ONRemote CollectorsSupplement Guardian data via low-resource appliances for distant and distributed locationsCollect data and send it to Guardian for further analysis Reduce deployment costs for wilderness, off-shore or desert locations Complete details available at: /techspecsDelivers ongoing OT and IoT asset intelligence for rapid asset identification and precise anomaly detection Updates Guardian's anomaly detection technology withdevice profiles and behavior data based on analysis of millions of devices in use at sites around the world Complete details available at:/asset-intelligenceComplete details available at:/threat-intelligenceCentral ManagementConsoleThreat Intelligence GuardianAsset IntelligenceOT Integrated SystemsFlexible Deployment and LicensingYou can deploy the Nozomi Networks solution in a wide variety of mixed environments for rapid asset discovery, network visualization and accelerated security.Nozomi Networks offers a range of licensing options to fit your organization's preferences, including:• Subscription licenses• Enterprise license agreements (ELAs)• Perpetual licensesPlease contact your Nozomi Networks Sales Director for more information.Multiple Licensing OptionsIndustrial Strength OT and IoT Security and VisibilitySample Deployment ArchitectureSITE #2SITE #NLevel 0Field NetworkLevel 1Control NetworkLevel 2Process NetworkLevel 3Operations (ICT/DMZ)HMIENGINEERING WORKSTATIONDNSHISTORIANLevel 4Enterprise ITPLCs/RTUsCentral Management ConsoleHIGH AVAILABILITY CONFIGURATIONThreat IntelligenceSUBSCRIPTIONGuardian+Smart PollingO P T I O N A LAsset IntelligenceSUBSCRIPTIONSITE #1REMOTE ACCESSINTEGRATED SYSTEMS SOC / CONTROL CENTERBUSINESSCOMPUTERCAMERA TABLETNozomi Networks partners deeply with the IT/OT services and technology companies you trust. These include:• Strategic alliances with enterprise IT and managed security providers • Technology integrations with leading IT/OT solutions• SI/VAR relationships with 250+ prominent organizations around the world Visit /partners for more information.World Class PartnersYou can tailor the Nozomi Networks solution to meet your needs by utilizing its flexible architecture, extensive range of appliances, and integrations with other systems.Purdue Model ExampleGuardian Appliancesfor the Large EnterpriseRack-mounted appliances forreal-time OT/IoT visibility, cybersecurity and monitoringRack-mounted appliances forreal-time OT/IoT visibility, cybersecurity and monitoring300,000 - 500,000 Nodes 100,000 - 200,000 Nodes 6 Gbps Max. Throughput3 Gbps Max. ThroughputNSG-HS SeriesNSG-H Series* Virtual RTUs can either be subRTUs or smart meters reachable through direct or serial communication. ** See Remote Collector tech specs for more details.For complete and current tech specs, visit: /techspecs , or contact us.for the Mid-EnterpriseRack-mounted appliances forreal-time OT/IoT visibility, cybersecurity and monitoringRack-mounted appliances forreal-time OT/IoT visibility, cybersecurity and monitoring10,000 - 40,000 Nodes 1,000 - 5,000 Nodes1 Gbps Max. Throughput250 - 500 Mbps Max. ThroughputNSG-M SeriesNSG-L Series* See Remote Collector tech specs for more details. | For complete and current tech specs, visit: /techspecs , or contact us.for Specialized RequirementsRuggedized appliances for real-time OT/IoT visibility, cybersecurity and monitoringPortable appliance for real-time OT/IoT visibility, cybersecurity and monitoring500 - 1,000 Nodes2,500 Nodes100 - 250 Mbps Max. Throughput200 Mbps Max. ThroughputNSG-R SeriesPortable* See Remote Collector tech specs for more details. | For complete and current tech specs, visit: /techspecs , or contact us.for Remote SitesLow-resource appliances that collect asset and network data in remote locations and send it to Guardian for further analysisUp to 15 Mbps ThroughputRemote CollectorFor complete and current tech specs, visit: /techspecs , or contact us.Available for Guardian with the Smart Polling add-on module only.for Virtual Environments and ContainersVirtual appliances for real-time OT/IoT visibility, cybersecurity and monitoring1,000 - 40,000 Nodes1 Gbps Max. ThroughputVirtual SeriesEmbedded container appliance for switches, routers and other security infrastructure. Fast, flexible deployment option that leverage your existing devices.Container Edition* Performance is dependent upon hardware configuration and resource allocation. ** See Remote Collector tech specs for details.Here are several options for deployment and support assistance:• Nozomi Networks Global Strategic Alliance Partners • Nozomi Networks SI/VARs• Nozomi Networks Professional Services • Nozomi Networks Global Customer SupportMultipleDeployment and Support OptionsFor complete and current tech specs, visit: /techspecs , or contact us.GUARDIAN ADD-ONRemote CollectorsRemote Collectors capture data in remote,distributed locations and send it to Guardianfor analysis, improving visibility while reducingdeployment costs.accurate anomaly detection. It helps you focusefforts and reduce your mean-time-to-response(MTTR).GUARDIAN ADD-ONSmart PollingSmart Polling adds low-volume active polling toGuardian’s passive asset discovery for enhancedasset tracking, vulnerability assessment andsecurity monitoring.© 2020 Nozomi Networks, Inc. All Rights Reserved.DS-G-8.5x11-012Nozomi NetworksThe Leading Solution for OT and IoT Security and VisibilityNozomi Networks is the leader in OT and IoT security and visibility. We accelerate digital transformation by unifying cybersecurity visibility for the largest critical infrastructure, energy, manufacturing, mining, transportation, building automation and other OT sites around the world. Our innovation and research make it possible to tackle escalating cyber risks through exceptional network visibility, threat detection and operational insight.。

Routeur sans fil N600 WNDR3400v3 用户手册说明书

Routeur sans fil N600 WNDR3400v3 用户手册说明书

Connectez votre ordinateur au ROUTEUR ( ).Branchez une extrémité du câble Ethernet jaune ( ) à votre modem, et l'autre extrémité dans le port Internet de votre ROUTEUR.Connectez l'adaptateur secteur au ROUTEUR et branchez-le dans une prise. Attendez que le voyant de 2,4 GHz ( ) s'allume. ModemDSL ou câbleInternetRouteur sans fil N600 (avec socle fixé)Contenu de la boîte :Routeur bibande sans fil N600WNDR3400v3Guide d'installationAdaptateur secteurCâble EthernetFixation du SOCLE au ROUTEUR :2.4GHzSocle du routeur (deux parties)1. Placez le routeur de sorte que le bouton d'alimentation se trouve en bas et le port USB en haut.2. Installez les deux parties du socle sur les coins inférieurs du routeur.Etape 1 :Débranchez le cordon d'alimentation pour éteindre votre MODEM.Etape 2 :Branchez le MODEM et mettez-le sous tension.Etape 3 :Etape 4 :Si aucun des voyants ne s'allume, vérifiez que le bouton d'alimentation (On/Off) est en position allumée (bouton enfoncé).Etape 5 :Utilisez un autre câble Ethernet afin d'établir une connexion câblée, comme illustré sur ce schéma.Vous pouvez également vous connecter en mode sans fil en utilisant les paramètres de sécurité sans fil prédéfinis situés sur l'étiquette du dessous.Ouvrez un navigateur.Etape 6 :Attendez que votre modem démarre (environ 2 minutes).Si votre modem est équipé d'une batterie de secours, retirez puis réinsérez d'abord la batterie avant de brancher votre modem.Voyantd'alimentationRouteur sans fil N600Ordinateur portable ou de bureau(non fourni)Si la page Web ne s'affiche pas, fermez votre navigateur, rouvrez-le, puis saisissez dans la barre d'adresse. Le nom d'utilisateur et le mot de passe figurent sur l'étiquette du produit. Vous pouvez également consulter la section « Dépannage » au dos de ce guide d'installation.Décembre 2012Pour consulter la déclaration de conformité complète pour l'UE rendez-vous sur le site /app/answers/detail/a_id/11621/NETGEAR, le logo NETGEAR et Connect with Innovation sont des marques commerciales et/ou des marques déposées de NETGEAR, Inc. et/ou des filiales de NETGEAR aux Etats-Unis et/ou dans d'autres pays. Les informations sont sujettes à changement sans préavis. Les autres marques et noms de produits sont desmarques commerciales ou des marques déposées de leurs détenteurs respectifs. © NETGEAR, Inc. Tous droits réservés.Destiné à une utilisation en intérieur uniquement dans tous les états membres de l'UE, les états de l'AELE et la Suisse.Sécurité sans fil prédéfinieCe produit possède un nom de réseau Wi-Fi (SSID) et une clé réseau (mot de passe)uniques. Le SSID et la clé réseau (mot de passe) par défaut sont générés pour chaque périphérique (à l'image d'un numéro de série), afin de protéger et d'optimiser votre sécurité sans fil. Ces informations sont disponibles sur l'étiquette située en dessous du produit. NETGEAR vous recommande de ne pas modifier le nom de réseau Wi-Fi (SSID) et la cléréseau (mot de passe) prédéfinis. Si vous modifiez ces paramètres, les informations indiquées en dessous du produit ne sont plus valables.Identifiez les paramètres de réseau sans fil prédéfinis sur votre routeur et inscrivez-les ici :Wi-Fi Network Name (SSID)(Nom de réseau Wi-Fi [SSID]) ______________________________________ Network Key (Password)(Clé réseau [mot de passe]) ________________________________________Si vous modifiez les paramètres de réseau sans fil prédéfinis, inscrivez les nouveaux paramètres ici :Wireless Network Name (SSID)(Nom de réseau sans fil [SSID]) ______________________________________ Network Key (Password)(Clé réseau [mot de passe]) _________________________________________Si vous avez besoin de récupérer ou de mettre à jour votre mot de passe, saisissez dans un navigateur Web et connectez-vous en utilisant le nom d'utilisateur par défaut (admin ) et le mot de passe par défaut (password ). Sélectionnez Wireless Settings (Paramètres réseau sans fil) pour localiser votre mot de passe sans fil.Connexion des périphériques sans fil àvotre routeurChoisissez la méthode manuelle ou la méthode WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) pour ajouter des ordinateurs portables et divers périphériques à votre réseau sans fil.Méthode manuelle1.Lancez l'utilitaire qui gère vos connexions sans fil sur le périphérique sans fil que vous souhaitez connecter à votre routeur (iPhone, ordinateur portable, ordinateur, console de jeu). Cet utilitaire recherche l'ensemble des réseaux sans fil disponibles.2.Recherchez le nom de réseau sans fil (SSID) NETGEAR prédéfini et sélectionnez-le. Le nom de réseau Wi-Fi (SSID) prédéfini est indiqué sur l'étiquette du produit, située en dessous du routeur.Remarque :si vous avez modifié le nom de votre réseau lors du processus d'installation, recherchez ce nouveau nom de réseau. 3.Saisissez le mot de passe prédéfini (ou votre mot de passe personnalisé si vous l'avez modifié) et cliquez sur Connect (Connecter).4.Répétez les étapes 1 à 3 pour ajouter des périphériques sans fil supplémentaires.Méthode WPSSi votre périphérique sans fil prend en charge la fonctionnalité WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup), que NETGEAR appelle la méthode Push 'N' Connect, il vous sera peut-être demandé d'appuyer sur un bouton WPS situé sur le routeur au lieu de saisir un mot de passe. Le cas échéant :1.Appuyez sur le bouton WPS du routeur.2.Dans un délai de 2 minutes, appuyez sur le bouton WPS situé sur le périphérique client ou suivez les instructions relatives à la fonctionnalité WPS accompagnant votre périphérique sans fil pour terminer la procédure WPS. Le périphérique est alors connecté à votre routeur.3.Répétez cette procédure pour ajouter des périphériques sans fil WPS supplémentaires.Remarque :le WPS ne prend pas en charge la sécurité WEP. Si vous tentez de connecter un client WEP à votre réseau à l'aide de la fonctionnalité WPS, cela ne fonctionnera pas.DépannageLe navigateur ne peut pas afficher la page Web.•Assurez-vous que votre ordinateur est connecté au routeur par l'un des quatreports de réseau local Ethernet ou en mode sans fil.•Assurez-vous que le routeur est sous tension et que le voyant WiFi est allumé.Son voyant sans fil doit être allumé.•Fermez puis rouvrez le navigateur afin de vérifier que ce dernier ne conservepas la page précédente en mémoire cache.•Accédez à .•Si l'ordinateur est configuré avec une adresse IP fixe ou statique (ce qui estrare), modifiez ce paramètre afin d'obtenir automatiquement une adresse IP auprès du routeur.Après l'installation de votre périphérique, notez le numéro de série inscrit surl'étiquette de votre produit. Il vous sera nécessaire pour enregistrer votre produit à l'adresse https:// . Vous devez enregistrer votre produit avant de pouvoir utiliser l'assistance téléphonique de NETGEAR. NETGEAR vousrecommande d'enregistrer votre produit sur le site Web de NETGEAR. Pour obtenir des mises à jour de produits et accéder au support Web, rendez-vous à l'adresse . NETGEAR vous recommande d'utiliser uniquement les ressources d'assistance officielles NETGEAR.Vous pouvez télécharger gratuitement le logiciel de filtrage de sites Internet centralisé Live Parental Controls pour votre routeur à l'adresse suivante : /lpc .Pour accéder aux fonctionnalités supplémentaires, notamment le compteur de trafic, ReadySHARE, l'accès invité, etc., connectez-vous à l'adresse suivante : .Vous pouvez obtenir le manuel de l'utilisateur en ligne à l'adresse ou via un lien dans l'interface utilisateur du produit..。



SAFETY DATA SHEET1. IdentificationProduct identifierMonterey Herbicide Helper Other means of identificationProduct code 05004LAG003Recommended use Agricultural/ Horticultural Use- Adjuvant- Refer to product label.Recommended restrictionsRefer to product label.Manufacturer/Importer/Supplier/Distributor information Manufacturer Lawn and Garden Products, Inc.AddressPO Box 35000Company name Website Telephone Emergency Contact Number 1-559-994-9144Emergency phone numberCHEMTREC (24 hours):USA, Canada, Puerto Rico 1-800-424-9300Virgin Islands 1-800-424-9300International Maritime +1 (703) 527-3887E-mail Fresno, CA 937452. Hazard(s) identificationNot classified.Physical hazards Category 4Acute toxicity, inhalation Health hazardsCategory 2Skin corrosion/irritationCategory 2A Serious eye damage/eye irritationCategory 3Hazardous to the aquatic environment, acute hazardEnvironmental hazardsCategory 3Hazardous to the aquatic environment,long-term hazardNot classified.OSHA defined hazardsLabel elementsSignal word WarningHazard statement Causes skin irritation. Causes serious eye irritation. Harmful if inhaled. Harmful to aquatic life.Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects.Precautionary statementPreventionAvoid breathing vapors. Wash thoroughly after handling. Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. Wear protective gloves. Avoid release to the environment. Wear eye/face protection.ResponseIf on skin: Wash with plenty of water. If inhaled: Remove person to fresh air and keep comfortable for breathing. If in eyes: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses,if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Call a poison center/doctor if you feel unwell. Specific treatment (see this label). If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention. If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention. Take off contaminated clothing and wash before reuse.Storage Store away from incompatible materials.DisposalDispose of contents/container in accordance with local/regional/national/international regulations.Hazard(s) not otherwise classified (HNOC)None known.Supplemental informationNone.3. Composition/information on ingredientsMixturesCAS number% Chemical name Common name and synonyms64742-55-8Petroleum Oil, Paraffinic79.9995646368131-40-8Alcohols, C11-15-secondary,EthoxylatedOther components below reportable levels< 0.110 - < 20**Designates that a specific chemical identity and/or percentage of composition has been withheld as a trade secret.4. First-aid measuresInhalation Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Oxygen orartificial respiration if needed. Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician if you feel unwell. Skin contact Remove contaminated clothing. Wash with plenty of soap and water. If skin irritation occurs: Getmedical advice/attention. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse.Eye contact Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Remove contact lenses, ifpresent and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Get medical attention if irritation develops and persists. Ingestion Rinse mouth. Get medical attention if symptoms occur.Most importantsymptoms/effects, acute and delayed Symptoms may include stinging, tearing, redness, swelling, and blurred vision. May cause redness and pain. Severe eye irritation.Indication of immediate medical attention and special treatment needed Provide general supportive measures and treat symptomatically. Keep victim warm. Keep victim under observation. Symptoms may be delayed.General information Ensure that medical personnel are aware of the material(s) involved, and take precautions toprotect themselves.5. Fire-fighting measuresSuitable extinguishing media Water fog. Foam. Dry chemical powder. Carbon dioxide (CO2).Unsuitable extinguishingmediaDo not use water jet as an extinguisher, as this will spread the fire.Specific hazards arising fromthe chemicalDuring fire, gases hazardous to health may be formed.Special protective equipmentand precautions for firefightersSelf-contained breathing apparatus and full protective clothing must be worn in case of fire.Fire-fightingequipment/instructionsMove containers from fire area if you can do so without risk.Specific methods Use standard firefighting procedures and consider the hazards of other involved materials. General fire hazards No unusual fire or explosion hazards noted.6. Accidental release measuresPersonal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures Keep unnecessary personnel away. Keep people away from and upwind of spill/leak. Keep out of low areas. Wear appropriate protective equipment and clothing during clean-up. Do not touch damaged containers or spilled material unless wearing appropriate protective clothing. Avoid inhalation of vapors and spray mists. Ensure adequate ventilation. Local authorities should be advised if significant spillages cannot be contained. For personal protection, see section 8 of the SDS.Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up This product is miscible in water.Large Spills: Stop the flow of material, if this is without risk. Dike the spilled material, where this is possible. Cover with plastic sheet to prevent spreading. Absorb in vermiculite, dry sand or earth and place into containers. Following product recovery, flush area with water.Small Spills: Wipe up with absorbent material (e.g. cloth, fleece). Clean surface thoroughly to remove residual contamination.Never return spills to original containers for re-use. Prevent entry into waterways, sewer, basements or confined areas. For waste disposal, see section 13 of the SDS.Environmental precautions Avoid release to the environment. Inform appropriate managerial or supervisory personnel of allenvironmental releases. Contact local authorities in case of spillage to drain/aquatic environment.Prevent further leakage or spillage if safe to do so. Avoid discharge into drains, water courses oronto the ground.7. Handling and storagePrecautions for safe handling Avoid inhalation of vapors and spray mists. Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Avoidcontact with eyes. Avoid prolonged exposure. Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. Wearappropriate personal protective equipment. Avoid release to the environment. Observe goodindustrial hygiene practices.Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities Store in original tightly closed container. Keep container tightly closed. Store in a well-ventilated place. Store away from incompatible materials (see Section 10 of the SDS).8. Exposure controls/personal protectionOccupational exposure limitsUS. OSHA Table Z-1 Limits for Air Contaminants (29 CFR 1910.1000)ValueComponents FormTypePEL 5 mg/m3Mist.Petroleum Oil, Paraffinic(CAS 64742-55-8)US. ACGIH Threshold Limit ValuesValueComponents FormTypeTWA 5 mg/m3Inhalable fraction.Petroleum Oil, Paraffinic(CAS 64742-55-8)US. NIOSH: Pocket Guide to Chemical HazardsValueComponents FormTypeSTEL10 mg/m3Mist.Petroleum Oil, Paraffinic(CAS 64742-55-8)TWA 5 mg/m3Mist.Biological limit values No biological exposure limits noted for the ingredient(s).Appropriate engineering controls Good general ventilation (typically 10 air changes per hour) should be used. Ventilation rates should be matched to conditions. If applicable, use process enclosures, local exhaust ventilation, or other engineering controls to maintain airborne levels below recommended exposure limits. If exposure limits have not been established, maintain airborne levels to an acceptable level. Eye wash facilities and emergency shower must be available when handling this product.Individual protection measures, such as personal protective equipmentEye/face protection Chemical respirator with organic vapor cartridge and full facepiece.Skin protectionHand protection Wear appropriate chemical resistant gloves.Other Wear appropriate chemical resistant clothing.Respiratory protection Chemical respirator with organic vapor cartridge and full facepiece.Thermal hazards Wear appropriate thermal protective clothing, when necessary.General hygiene considerations Always observe good personal hygiene measures, such as washing after handling the material and before eating, drinking, and/or smoking. Routinely wash work clothing and protective equipment to remove contaminants.9. Physical and chemical properties Appearance Viscous. Liquid.Physical state Liquid.Form Viscous. Liquid.Color AmberOdor Slight. Soapy; Petroleum Odor threshold Not available.pH7Salt-Out / Crystallization Temp Not available.Melting point/freezing point Not available.Initial boiling point and boiling range > 302 °F (> 150 °C)Flash point Not available.Evaporation rate Not available.Flammability (solid, gas)Not available.Upper/lower flammability or explosive limitsFlammability limit - lower(%)Not available.Flammability limit - upper (%)Not available.Explosive limit - lower (%)Not available.Explosive limit - upper (%)Not available.Vapor pressure 0.05 kPa Vapor density < 1Relative density 0.88 g/cm3 (typical)Solubility(ies)Solubility (water)Emulsifiable Partition coefficient (n-octanol/water)Not available.Auto-ignition temperature Not available.Decomposition temperature Not available.ViscosityNot available.Other informationPounds per gallon7.35 lb/gal (typical)VOC (Weight %)80 %10. Stability and reactivityReactivity The product is stable and non-reactive under normal conditions of use, storage and transport.Chemical stability Material is stable under normal conditions.Possibility of hazardous reactionsHazardous polymerization does not occur.Conditions to avoid Contact with incompatible materials.Incompatible materials Strong oxidizing agents.Hazardous decomposition productsNo hazardous decomposition products are known.11. Toxicological informationInformation on likely routes of exposureIngestionExpected to be a low ingestion hazard.Inhalation Harmful if inhaled.Skin contact Causes skin irritation.Eye contactCauses serious eye irritation.Symptoms related to thephysical, chemical andtoxicological characteristics Symptoms may include stinging, tearing, redness, swelling, and blurred vision. Skin irritation.Severe eye irritation. May cause redness and pain.Information on toxicological effectsAcute toxicity Harmful if inhaled.Test ResultsProductSpeciesMonterey Herbicide Helper (CAS Mixture)LD50Rabbit Dermal Acute 2500.0125 mg/kg estimatedTest ResultsProductSpecies LC50Rat Inhalation 6.9125 mg/l, 4 hours estimated LD50Rat Oral > 5000 mg/kg Test ResultsComponentsSpeciesPetroleum Oil, Paraffinic (CAS 64742-55-8)LD50Rabbit Dermal Acute > 2000 mg/kg LC50Rat Inhalation > 5.53 mg/l, 4 hours LD50RatOral > 5000 mg/kg* Estimates for product may be based on additional component data not shown.Skin corrosion/irritation Causes skin irritation.Serious eye damage/eyeirritationCauses serious eye irritation.Respiratory or skin sensitizationRespiratory sensitizationNot available.Skin sensitization This product is not expected to cause skin sensitization.Germ cell mutagenicity No data available to indicate product or any components present at greater than 0.1% are mutagenic or genotoxic.CarcinogenicityThis product is not considered to be a carcinogen by IARC, ACGIH, NTP, or OSHA.OSHA Specifically Regulated Substances (29 CFR 1910.1001-1050)Not listed.Reproductive toxicityThis product is not expected to cause reproductive or developmental effects.Specific target organ toxicity -single exposureNot classified.Specific target organ toxicity -repeated exposure Not classified.Aspiration hazard Not available.Chronic effectsProlonged inhalation may be harmful.12. Ecological informationEcotoxicityHarmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects.ProductTest ResultsSpeciesMonterey Herbicide Helper (CAS Mixture)AquaticLC50Fish 16.8334 mg/l, 96 hours estimated Fish Acute EC50Crustacea 125.0006 mg/l, 48 hours estimated Daphnia ComponentsTest ResultsSpeciesAlcohols, C11-15-secondary, Ethoxylated (CAS 68131-40-8)Aquatic LC50Fish 3.2 - 7.2 mg/l, 96 hoursBluegill (Lepomis macrochirus)Petroleum Oil, Paraffinic (CAS 64742-55-8)Aquatic Acute EC50Crustacea> 100 mg/l, 48 hoursDaphniaComponentsTest Results Species * Estimates for product may be based on additional component data not shown.LC50Fish> 100 mg/l, 96 hoursFishPersistence and degradability No data is available on the degradability of this product.Bioaccumulative potential Not available.Mobility in soil No data available.Other adverse effectsNo other adverse environmental effects (e.g. ozone depletion, photochemical ozone creation potential, endocrine disruption, global warming potential) are expected from this component.13. Disposal considerationsDisposal instructionsCollect and reclaim or dispose in sealed containers at licensed waste disposal site. Do not allow this material to drain into sewers/water supplies. Do not contaminate ponds, waterways or ditches with chemical or used container. Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local/regional/national/international regulations.Local disposal regulations Dispose in accordance with all applicable regulations.Hazardous waste code The waste code should be assigned in discussion between the user, the producer and the waste disposal company.Waste from residues / unused productsDispose of in accordance with local regulations. Empty containers or liners may retain some product residues. This material and its container must be disposed of in a safe manner (see:Disposal instructions).Contaminated packagingEmpty containers should be taken to an approved waste handling site for recycling or disposal.Since emptied containers may retain product residue, follow label warnings even after container is emptied.14. Transport informationDOTNot regulated as dangerous goods.IATANot regulated as dangerous goods.IMDGNot regulated as dangerous goods.15. Regulatory informationUS federal regulationsThis product is a "Hazardous Chemical" as defined by the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200.TSCA Section 12(b) Export Notification (40 CFR 707, Subpt. D)Not regulated.CERCLA Hazardous Substance List (40 CFR 302.4)Not listed.SARA 304 Emergency release notificationNot regulated.OSHA Specifically Regulated Substances (29 CFR 1910.1001-1050)Not listed.Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA)Hazard categoriesImmediate Hazard - Yes Delayed Hazard - No Fire Hazard - NoPressure Hazard - No Reactivity Hazard - NoSARA 302 Extremely hazardous substanceNot listed.SARA 311/312 Hazardous chemicalNoSARA 313 (TRI reporting)Not regulated.Other federal regulationsClean Air Act (CAA) Section 112 Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) ListNot regulated.Clean Air Act (CAA) Section 112(r) Accidental Release Prevention (40 CFR 68.130)Not regulated.Not regulated.Safe Drinking Water Act(SDWA)US state regulationsUS. Massachusetts RTK - Substance ListPetroleum Oil, Paraffinic (CAS 64742-55-8)US. New Jersey Worker and Community Right-to-Know ActNot listed.US. Pennsylvania Worker and Community Right-to-Know LawPetroleum Oil, Paraffinic (CAS 64742-55-8)US. Rhode Island RTKNot regulated.US. California Proposition 65California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (Proposition 65): This material is not known to containany chemicals currently listed as carcinogens or reproductive toxins.International InventoriesCountry(s) or region Inventory name On inventory (yes/no)* Australia Australian Inventory of Chemical Substances (AICS)Yes Canada Domestic Substances List (DSL)Yes Canada Non-Domestic Substances List (NDSL)No China Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances in China (IECSC)Yes Europe European Inventory of Existing Commercial ChemicalNoSubstances (EINECS)Europe European List of Notified Chemical Substances (ELINCS)NoNo Japan Inventory of Existing and New Chemical Substances (ENCS)Korea Existing Chemicals List (ECL)Yes New Zealand New Zealand InventoryYes Philippines Philippine Inventory of Chemicals and Chemical SubstancesYes(PICCS)United States & Puerto Rico Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) InventoryYes *A "Yes" indicates that all components of this product comply with the inventory requirements administered by the governing country(s)A "No" indicates that one or more components of the product are not listed or exempt from listing on the inventory administered by the governingcountry(s).16. Other information, including date of preparation or last revisionIssue date08-11-2015Revision date01-12-2016Version #05Disclaimer The information provided in this Safety Data Sheet is correct to the best of Manufacturer’sknowledge, information and belief at the date of its publication; however, it is provided only as aguidance for safe handling, use, processing, storage, transportation, disposal and release of theProduct. No warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, including warranties ofmerchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, are made with respect to the Product or theinformation provided herein, or that the Product or information herein may be used withoutinfringing the intellectual property rights of others. The information provided in this Safety DataSheet relates only to the specific Product designated and may not be valid if the Product is used incombination with other materials or in any other process, unless specified herein. The userassumes all risk and liability for loss, injury, damage or expense due to any use, handling, storageor disposal of the Product, and Manufacturer recommends that the user conducts its owns tests ofthe Product to determine suitability of the Product for user’s particular use.Revision Information Hazard(s) identification: Supplemental informationToxicological Information: Toxicological Data。

CommScope 微型外部植物可插可玩解决方案白皮书说明书

CommScope 微型外部植物可插可玩解决方案白皮书说明书

White paper Miniature outside plant plug-and-play solutionsA new class of miniature fiber optic connectors provides a plug and play interface between fiber optic cables and consumers in FTTP applications.These miniature connectors are hardened to protect against extreme temperature, moisture, UV, chemical exposure and other harsh conditions typically found in the outside plant. Key advantages over previous generations of hardened connectors include the following:•Their smaller size facilitates the installation of drops through smaller holes in structures.•Their smaller size also allows for smaller terminals, which take up less space on a pole, hand-hole, sideof a building, or wherever else they are installed.•Backward compatibility with existing hardened and nonhardened connector/adapter systems.The miniature fiber optic connectors may be used to connect Multiport Service T erminals located at the street with Optical Network T erminals (ONTs) located at the premises. The miniature hardened connectors are mounted on the external surface of the enclosures so that connections can be completed without opening the enclosure. The overall impact of this connectorized solution is to allow economic and rapid interconnection of optical networks once customers request service.Advantages of hardened connectors Hardened fiber optic connectors provide a cost effective solutionfor connecting Outside Plant (OSP) fiber networks. The hardened connectors improve the speed and ROI for connecting residential services. Connectors are strategically located in the distribution network to facilitate service connection and maintenance of subscriber services. Hardened connectors are typically installed in terminals at the street outside a residence to facilitate easy access and connection to the residence once the subscriber requests service. Hardened connectors provide a watertight seal which protects the fiber optic cables and strands against moisture while still providing easy access.Hardened connectors may also be installed in the Optical NetworkT erminal (ONT) equipment located at the premises. This enables a technician, who need not be an expert in fiber splicing to complete connections at both the street and the residence. The hardened connector system includes preconnectorized drop cable assemblies and terminals. This provides a plug-and-play solution for connecting between terminals at the street and at the residence. However,first-generation hardened connectors have some drawbacks, chief among them being size and compatibility. First generation connectors require larger profiles to provide adequate strength and sealing. The larger profiles for first generation connectors and adapters require more space for terminals and drops. In addition the larger size of previous generation connectors may create problems with duct access and in some cases rule out the use of hardened drops because they won’t fit in available ducts. In cases where hardened drops are routed just inside a dwelling, first generation connectors require a large hole to be drilled in the side of the structure—often larger than necessary. Finally, when a drop is routed inside a structure, early generation hardened connectors are not compatible with standard SC adapters found on many ONT units. The next generation of hardened connectors address these shortfalls.Next generation connector attributesNew innovative next generation hardened connectors are available that offer a smaller size profile and improved compatibility overfirst generation connectors. The next generation system includes connectors, adapters, converters, terminals and preconnectorized cable assemblies. The next generation adapter offers a significantlysmaller footprint. This enables the construction of smaller closuresand smaller multiport service terminals making it easier to mount terminals at the street. Smaller terminals result in the reduction of space required on poles, in hand holes and in an ONT. The smaller size of the connectors also allows for drop installation in smaller ducts. The connectors require a much smaller hole for passing drops through walls, thus the next generation connector in much less intrusive when routing through walls in structures. The next generation connectors are also backward compatible with previous generation hardened and non-hardened connector systems.Connectors are available with a variety of cable options allowing the user to easily specify the appropriate cable for aerial, underground or indoor/outdoor application.When combined with rugged yet flexible indoor/outdoor cable, the next generation connectors offer a complete solution for situations that call for a transition from outdoor to indoor environments. The cable can withstand the outdoor environment and also handle the tight turns of an indoor environment. The same connector can be used to connect to the terminal outdoors, with connector at the other end of the drop able to pass through the smaller spaces often found indoors and connect to an SC adapter in an indoor ONT. This saves substantial installation time and money by eliminating the need for a junction or transition point. Key attributes and benefits of next generation connectors are listed in table 1.Miniature hardened connectorThe next generation connector system consists of a new miniature hardened connector and adapter designed to mate with standard SC connectors in hardened adapters. In addition the miniature connector can plug into any standard SC adapter to provide a low loss optical connection. The connector design is based on a standard SC/APC singlemode ferrule and spring assembly in a miniature rugged body. The connector is designed with a dual-locking feature that includes push-pull detent engagement and twist-lock secure retention. The connector has a keying feature to allow it to be fully seated in the adapter in only one orientation therefore ensuring proper alignment and mating of APC ferrules. Once the connector is pushed inside the adapter and past the detent latch the user will feel a distinctive latching engagement within the adapter. Screwing the coupling nut to the adapter provides a firm and long term secure connection. The connector contains an O-ring to provide a water tight seal when engaged with the adapter. The connector is supplied with a protective cap with integrated pulling eye to protect the end face during installation. The connector design is offered with a choice of cables providing the user with flexibility in selecting the appropriate cable for the application, and is readily adaptable to a wide range of additional cable types to support users’ requirements.Miniature hardened adapterThe next generation hardened connector system also includes a new miniature hardened adapter. The adapter design is a heavy duty plastic case environmentally sealed for extreme weatherconditions. One side of the adapter receives the hardened miniature connector and the other end receives a standard SC connector plug. The SC side of the adapter provides a rugged stationary SCMiniature hardened connectorto SC adapter converterMiniature hardened adapterSC connector to miniature hardenedadapter converterMiniature hardened connector Miniature hardened connector to full sizedhardened adapter converterTable 1SCSCSCFull SizedHardened AdapterMiniature Hardened ConnectorMiniature Hardened AdapterNext generation connector system –compatibilityreceptacle per standard industry specifications. The hardened sideof the adapter has an opening designed specifically to receive the miniature hardened connector and to provide a sealing surface for the connector O-ring. The adapter inner body holds two retainers and a split sleeve using snap latches to provide the plug with both push-pull and twist-lock engagement. The inner body also contains a detent latch and alignment features that guide and hold the hardened connector inside the adapter. A jam nut and O-ring are used to mount the adapter onto a panel or bulkhead. Keying features on the outside of the adapter keep it from rotating in a panel. Compatibility and intermateabilityThe next generation connector system is compatible and intermateable with previous generation hardened connector systems and with the SC non-hardened connector system. Intermateabilityis achieved through the use of simple converters that may easily be installed in the field. The hardened converter housing is threaded onto the miniature connector to secure it in the proper position for interface to the previous generation hardened adapter. The next generation system also includes a converter housing that easily allows a miniature hardened connector assembly to be connected to a standard SC adapter.Miniature terminalsThe next generation connector system is supported by terminals that take advantage of the small size of the miniature hardened adapters. New next generation terminals incorporating miniature hardened adapters are much smaller than those using previous generation adapters. Miniature terminals are environmentally sealed terminals that withstand the rigorous OSP environment. The terminals are factory-terminated with individual connectors and provided with a stub cable for splicing in the field. The terminal connector ports are clearly marked with numbers for quick drop cable connections, and the miniature hardened adapters are factory cleaned and compatiblewith miniature hardened connectors.Table 2Visit our website or contact your local CommScope representative for more information.© 2017 CommScope, Inc. All rights reserved.All trademarks identified by ® or ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks, respectively, of CommScope, Inc. This document is for planning purposes only and is not intended to modify or supplement any specifications or warranties relating to CommScope products or services. CommScope is committed to the highest standards of business integrity and environmentalsustainability, with a number of CommScope’s facilities across the globe certified in accordance with international standards, including ISO 9001, TL 9000, and ISO 14001. Further information regarding CommScope’s commitment can be found at /About-Us/Corporate-Responsibility-and-Sustainability .Everyone communicates. It’s the essence of the human experience. How we communicate is evolving. T echnology is reshaping the way we live, learn and thrive. The epicenter of this transformation is the network—our passion. Our experts are rethinking the purpose, role and usage of networks to help our customers increase bandwidth, expand capacity, enhance efficiency, speed deployment and simplify migration. From remote cell sites to massive sports arenas, from busy airports to state-of-the-art data centers—we provide the essential expertise and vital infrastructure your business needs to succeed. The world’s most advanced networks rely on CommScope connectivity.。














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