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1、When _________ it___________(arrive)? Three hours ago.

2、Shall we go ___________ (swim) this afternoon?

3、She won’t study anymore if she _______(not get) money.

4、They have a lot of work ________(do).

5、The boss often makes Tom ___________(go) to bed late.

6、I helped my parents __________(do) some housework yesterday.

7、Do you think it is good for animals __________(live) in a zoo?

8、She told me ____________(read) more books when I had time.

9、You’ll fail in the exam if you _____________(not work) harder.

10、Kids won’t go to school if they __________(have) computers.

11、We ___________(not leave) until we finish planting the trees.

12、Two people ____________(wait) in line to buy ice cream.

13、My parents want me ___________(stay) at home every night.

14、I _________(argue) with my best friend yesterday.

15、Maybe you should ____________(buy) some new clothes.

16、I need __________(get) some money to pay for summer camp.

17、There are lots of boys ______________(play) football over there.

18、_________(make) a meal at home is very interesting and full of time.

19、I don’t want ____________(have) P.E. classes.

20、Be careful not ___________(hurt) yourself.

21、Mum isn’t at home .She ____________(go) shop ping.

22、If you finish ___________(do) your homework, you may watch TV.

23、While John __________(walk), he saw a cat in the tree.

24、She didn’t think about __________(look) outside the station.

25、It __________(look) like snow, doesn’t it?

26、What____________(happen) at that time?

27、The No. 15 bus stops here, _________(do) it?

28、My plane _____________(take) off at 2:10 p.m. tomorrow.

29、There are many boats for __________(ride) for visitors to the island.

30、I have never been to USA. Neither __________(have) my sister. 31、I don’t need ______(go) back t o school , as we are still on holiday.

32、His job is ____________(sell) computers.

33、The man _______(fall) off his bike and_________(lie) on the ground

34、My brother ______________(wash) his clothes at 8:00 a.m. yesterday.

35、The plane _________(take) off an hour ago.

36、The train ____________(come). Let’s _________(get) on it.

37、There _____________(not be) any bread at home yesterday.

38、I am better at reading than ___________(listen) in English.

39、I____________(go) to London last year with my parents.

40、I was sorry ______________(hear) that she had a cold.

41、Why __________ you ___________ (not get) a camera?

42、How about __________(visit) the museum this afternoon?

43、Why not__________(tell) him ______________(use) his own bike?

44、Where is Mr.Hu? He______________(go) to Japan.

45、How long ____________you ______________(copy) the words?

46、She won’t be able to find anything_______(eat) in a foreign country.

47、You can choose _____________(visit) Singapore.

48、We do well in ___________(skate).

49、My mother _____________(cook) when I got home.

50、Kate told me she ____________(call) me tomorrow.

51、It’s hard ____________(read) the mountain.

52、The police ______________(watch) him for several weeks.

53、____________ (drop) litter is never allowed.

54、I’ll tr y _____________(not be) late again.

55、Please__________(not make) any noise here. We’re having a meeting

56、Would you mind not____ _(cut) in line? --Sorry, I’ll do it right now.

57、If I don’t finish my homework, my mother ________(not let) me out.

58、The teacher (take) away mobile phone because I used it in class.

59、Mrs. Brown enjoys _________(play) ping pong.

60、She _________(buy) a dictionary last week.

61、Li Lei often _________(help) Lucy learn Chinese.

62、What _______you _________(do) since I last saw you?
