
6、进行材料设计时应考虑哪些因素?答:. 材料设计的最终目标是根据最终需求,设计出合理成分,制订最佳生产流程,而后生产出符合要求的材料。

2-6.按照杂化轨道理论,说明下列的键合形式:(1)CO2的分子键合(2)甲烷CH4的分子键合(3)乙烯C2H4的分子键合(4)水H2O的分子键合(5)苯环的分子键合(6)羰基中C、O间的原子键合2-7.影响离子化合物和共价化合物配位数的因素有那些?2-8.试解释表2-3-1中,原子键型与物性的关系?2-9.0℃时,水和冰的密度分别是1.0005 g/cm3和0.95g/cm3,如何解释这一现象?2-10.当CN=6时,K+离子的半径为0.133nm(a)当CN=4时,半径是多少?(b)CN=8时,半径是多少?2-11.(a)利用附录的资料算出一个金原子的质量?(b)每mm3的金有多少个原子?(c)根据金的密度,某颗含有1021个原子的金粒,体积是多少?(d)假设金原子是球形(r Au=0.1441nm),并忽略金原子之间的空隙,则1021个原子占多少体积?(e)这些金原子体积占总体积的多少百分比?2-12.一个CaO的立方体晶胞含有4个Ca2+离子和4个O2-离子,每边的边长是0.478nm,则CaO的密度是多少?2-13.硬球模式广泛的适用于金属原子和离子,但是为何不适用于分子?2-14.计算(a)面心立方金属的原子致密度;(b)面心立方化合物NaCl的离子致密度(离子半径r Na+=0.097,r Cl-=0.181);(C)由计算结果,可以引出什么结论?2-15.铁的单位晶胞为立方体,晶格常数a=0.287nm,请由铁的密度算出每个单位晶胞所含的原子个数。
材料科学与工程基础习题答案 (1)

第一章 原子排列与晶体结构1.[110], (111), ABCABC…, 0.74 , 12 , 4 , a r 42=; [111], (110) , 0.68 , 8 , 2 , a r 43= ;]0211[, (0001) , ABAB , 0.74 , 12 , 6 , 2a r =。
2. 0.01659nm 3 , 4 , 8 。
3. FCC , BCC ,减少 ,降低 ,膨胀 ,收缩 。
4. 解答:见图1-15.解答:设所决定的晶面为(hkl ),晶面指数与面上的直线[uvw]之间有hu+kv+lw=0,故有: h+k-l=0,2h-l=0。
可以求得(hkl )=(112)。
6 解答:Pb 为fcc 结构,原子半径R 与点阵常数a 的关系为ar 42=,故可求得a =0.4949×10-6mm 。
则(100)平面的面积S =a 2=0.244926011×0-12mm 2,每个(100)面上的原子个数为2。
所以1 mm 2上的原子个数s n 1==4.08×1012。
第二章合金相结构一、 填空1) 提高,降低,变差,变大。
2) (1)晶体结构;(2)元素之间电负性差;(3)电子浓度 ;(4)元素之间尺寸差别 3) 存在溶质原子偏聚 和短程有序 。
4) 置换固溶体 和间隙固溶体 。
5) 提高 ,降低 ,降低 。
6) 溶质原子溶入点阵原子溶入溶剂点阵间隙中形成的固溶体,非金属原子与金属原子半径的比值大于0.59时形成的复杂结构的化合物。
二、 问答1、 解答: α-Fe 为bcc 结构,致密度虽然较小,但是它的间隙数目多且分散,间隙半径很小,四面体间隙半径为0.291Ra ,即R =0.0361nm ,八面体间隙半径为0.154Ra ,即R =0.0191nm 。
氢,氮,碳,硼由于与α-Fe 的尺寸差别较大,在α-Fe 中形成间隙固溶体,固溶度很小。

《材料科学与工程基础》英文习题及思考题及答案第二章习题和思考题Questions and Problems2.6 Allowed values for the quantum numbers ofelectrons are as follows:The relationships between n and the shell designationsare noted in Table 2.1.Relative tothe subshells,l =0 corresponds to an s subshelll =1 corresponds to a p subshelll =2 corresponds to a d subshelll =3 corresponds to an f subshellFor the K shell, the four quantum numbersfor each of the two electrons in the 1s state, inthe order of nlmlms , are 100(1/2 ) and 100(-1/2 ).Write the four quantum numbers for allof the electrons inthe L and M shells, and notewhich correspond to the s, p, and d subshells.2.7 Give the electron configurations for the followingions: Fe2+, Fe3+, Cu+, Ba2+,Br-, andS2-.2.17 (a) Briefly cite the main differences betweenionic, covalent, and metallicbonding.(b) State the Pauli exclusion principle.2.18 Offer an explanation as to why covalently bonded materials are generally lessdense than ionically or metallically bonded ones.2.19 Compute the percents ionic character of the interatomic bonds for the followingcompounds: TiO2 , ZnTe, CsCl, InSb, and MgCl2 .2.21 Using Table 2.2, determine the number of covalent bonds that are possible foratoms of the following elements: germanium, phosphorus, selenium, and chlorine.2.24 On the basis of the hydrogen bond, explain the anomalous behavior of waterwhen it freezes. That is, why is there volume expansion upon solidification?3.1 What is the difference between atomic structure and crystal structure?3.2 What is the difference between a crystal structure and a crystal system?3.4Show for the body-centered cubic crystal structure that the unit cell edge lengtha and the atomic radius R are related through a =4R/√3.3.6 Show that the atomic packing factor for BCC is 0.68. .3.27* Show that the minimum cation-to-anion radius ratio for a coordinationnumber of 6 is 0.414. Hint: Use the NaCl crystal structure (Figure 3.5), and assume that anions and cations are just touching along cube edges and across face diagonals.3.48 Draw an orthorhombic unit cell, and within that cell a [121] direction and a(210) plane.3.50 Here are unit cells for two hypothetical metals:(a)What are the indices for the directions indicated by the two vectors in sketch(a)?(b) What are the indices for the two planes drawn in sketch (b)?3.51* Within a cubic unit cell, sketch the following directions:.3.53 Determine the indices for the directions shown in the following cubic unit cell:3.57 Determine the Miller indices for the planesshown in the following unit cell:3.58Determine the Miller indices for the planes shown in the following unit cell: 3.61* Sketch within a cubic unit cell the following planes:3.62 Sketch the atomic packing of (a) the (100)plane for the FCC crystal structure, and (b) the (111) plane for the BCC crystal structure (similar to Figures 3.24b and 3.25b).3.77 Explain why the properties of polycrystalline materials are most oftenisotropic.5.1 Calculate the fraction of atom sites that are vacant for lead at its meltingtemperature of 327_C. Assume an energy for vacancy formation of 0.55eV/atom.5.7 If cupric oxide (CuO) is exposed to reducing atmospheres at elevatedtemperatures, some of the Cu2_ ions will become Cu_.(a) Under these conditions, name one crystalline defect that you would expect toform in order to maintain charge neutrality.(b) How many Cu_ ions are required for the creation of each defect?5.8 Below, atomic radius, crystal structure, electronegativity, and the most commonvalence are tabulated, for several elements; for those that are nonmetals, only atomic radii are indicated.Which of these elements would you expect to form the following with copper:(a) A substitutional solid solution having complete solubility?(b) A substitutional solid solution of incomplete solubility?(c) An interstitial solid solution?5.9 For both FCC and BCC crystal structures, there are two different types ofinterstitial sites. In each case, one site is larger than the other, which site isnormally occupied by impurity atoms. For FCC, this larger one is located at the center of each edge of the unit cell; it is termed an octahedral interstitial site. On the other hand, with BCC the larger site type is found at 0, __, __ positions—that is, lying on _100_ faces, and situated midway between two unit cell edges on this face and one-quarter of the distance between the other two unit cell edges; it is termed a tetrahedral interstitial site. For both FCC and BCC crystalstructures, compute the radius r of an impurity atom that will just fit into one of these sites in terms of the atomic radius R of the host atom.5.10 (a) Suppose that Li2O is added as an impurity to CaO. If the Li_ substitutes forCa2_, what kind of vacancies would you expect to form? How many of thesevacancies are created for every Li_ added?(b) Suppose that CaCl2 is added as an impurity to CaO. If the Cl_ substitutes forO2_, what kind of vacancies would you expect to form? How many of thevacancies are created for every Cl_ added?5.28 Copper and platinum both have the FCC crystal structure and Cu forms asubstitutional solid solution for concentrations up to approximately 6 wt% Cu at room temperature. Compute the unit cell edge length for a 95 wt% Pt-5 wt% Cu alloy.5.29 Cite the relative Burgers vector–dislocation line orientations for edge, screw, andmixed dislocations.6.1 Briefly explain the difference between selfdiffusion and interdiffusion.6.3 (a) Compare interstitial and vacancy atomic mechanisms for diffusion.(b) Cite two reasons why interstitial diffusion is normally more rapid thanvacancy diffusion.6.4 Briefly explain the concept of steady state as it applies to diffusion.6.5 (a) Briefly explain the concept of a driving force.(b) What is the driving force for steadystate diffusion?6.6Compute the number of kilograms of hydrogen that pass per hour through a5-mm thick sheet of palladium having an area of 0.20 m2at 500℃. Assume a diffusion coefficient of 1.0×10- 8 m2/s, that the concentrations at the high- and low-pressure sides of the plate are 2.4 and 0.6 kg of hydrogen per cubic meter of palladium, and that steady-state conditions have been attained.6.7 A sheet of steel 1.5 mm thick has nitrogen atmospheres on both sides at 1200℃and is permitted to achieve a steady-state diffusion condition. The diffusion coefficient for nitrogen in steel at this temperature is 6×10-11m2/s, and the diffusion flux is found to be 1.2×10- 7kg/m2-s. Also, it is known that the concentration of nitrogen in the steel at the high-pressure surface is 4 kg/m3. How far into the sheet from this high-pressure side will the concentration be 2.0 kg/m3?Assume a linear concentration profile.6.24. Carbon is allowed to diffuse through a steel plate 15 mm thick. Theconcentrations of carbon at the two faces are 0.65 and 0.30 kg C/m3 Fe, whichare maintained constant. If the preexponential and activation energy are 6.2 _10_7 m2/s and 80,000 J/mol, respectively, compute the temperature at which the diffusion flux is 1.43 _ 10_9 kg/m2-s.6.25 The steady-state diffusion flux through a metal plate is 5.4_10_10 kg/m2-s at atemperature of 727_C (1000 K) and when the concentration gradient is _350kg/m4. Calculate the diffusion flux at 1027_C (1300 K) for the sameconcentration gradient and assuming an activation energy for diffusion of125,000 J/mol.10.2 What thermodynamic condition must be met for a state of equilibrium to exist? 10.4 What is the difference between the states of phase equilibrium and metastability?10.5 Cite the phases that are present and the phase compositions for the followingalloys:(a) 90 wt% Zn–10 wt% Cu at 400℃(b) 75 wt% Sn–25wt%Pb at 175℃(c) 55 wt% Ag–45 wt% Cu at 900℃(d) 30 wt% Pb–70 wt% Mg at 425℃(e) 2.12 kg Zn and 1.88 kg Cu at 500℃(f ) 37 lbm Pb and 6.5 lbm Mg at 400℃(g) 8.2 mol Ni and 4.3 mol Cu at 1250℃.(h) 4.5 mol Sn and 0.45 mol Pb at 200℃10.6 For an alloy of composition 74 wt% Zn–26 wt% Cu, cite the phases presentand their compositions at the following temperatures: 850℃, 750℃, 680℃, 600℃, and 500℃.10.7 Determine the relative amounts (in terms of mass fractions) of the phases forthe alloys and temperatures given inProblem Determine the relative amounts (interms of volume fractions) of the phases forthe alloys and temperatures given inProblem 10.5a, b, and c. Below are given theapproximate densities of the various metalsat the alloy temperatures:10.18 Is it possible to have a copper–silveralloy that, at equilibrium, consists of a _ phase of composition 92 wt% Ag–8wt% Cu, and also a liquid phase of composition 76 wt% Ag–24 wt% Cu? If so, what will be the approximate temperature of the alloy? If this is not possible,explain why.10.20 A copper–nickel alloy of composition 70 wt% Ni–30 wt% Cu is slowly heatedfrom a temperature of 1300_C .(a) At what temperature does the first liquid phase form?(b) What is the composition of this liquid phase?(c) At what temperature does complete melting of the alloy occur?(d) What is the composition of the last solid remaining prior to completemelting?10.28 .Is it possible to have a copper–silver alloy of composition 50 wt% Ag–50 wt%Cu, which, at equilibrium, consists of _ and _ phases having mass fractions W_ _0.60 and W_ _ 0.40? If so, what will be the approximate temperature of the alloy?If such an alloy is not possible, explain why.10.30 At 700_C , what is the maximum solubility (a) of Cu in Ag? (b) Of Ag in Cu?第三章习题和思考题3.3If the atomic radius of aluminum is 0.143nm, calculate the volume of its unitcell in cubic meters.3.8 Iron has a BCC crystal structure, an atomic radius of 0.124 nm, and an atomicweight of 55.85 g/mol. Compute and compare its density with the experimental value found inside the front cover.3.9 Calculate the radius of an iridium atom given that Ir has an FCC crystal structure,a density of 22.4 g/cm3, and an atomic weight of 192.2 g/mol.3.13 Using atomic weight, crystal structure, and atomic radius data tabulated insidethe front cover, compute the theoretical densities of lead, chromium, copper, and cobalt, and then compare these values with the measured densities listed in this same table. The c/a ratio for cobalt is 1.623.3.15 Below are listed the atomic weight, density, and atomic radius for threehypothetical alloys. For each determine whether its crystal structure is FCC,BCC, or simple cubic and then justify your determination. A simple cubic unitcell is shown in Figure This is a unit cell for a hypotheticalmetal:(a) To which crystal system doesthis unit cell belong?(b) What would this crystal structure be called?(c) Calculate the density of the material, given that its atomic weight is 141g/mol.3.25 For a ceramic compound, what are the two characteristics of the component ionsthat determine the crystal structure?3.29 On the basis of ionic charge and ionic radii, predict the crystal structures for thefollowing materials: (a) CsI, (b) NiO, (c) KI, and (d) NiS. Justify your selections.3.35 Magnesium oxide has the rock salt crystal structure and a density of 3.58 g/cm3.(a) Determine the unit cell edge length. (b) How does this result compare withthe edge length as determined from the radii in Table 3.4, assuming that theMg2_ and O2_ ions just touch each other along the edges?3.36 Compute the theoretical density of diamond given that the CUC distance andbond angle are 0.154 nm and 109.5°, respectively. How does this value compare with the measured density?3.38 Cadmium sulfide (CdS) has a cubic unit cell, and from x-ray diffraction data it isknown that the cell edge length is 0.582 nm. If the measured density is 4.82 g/cm3 , how many Cd 2+ and S 2—ions are there per unit cell?3.41 A hypothetical AX type of ceramic material is known to have a density of 2.65g/cm 3 and a unit cell of cubic symmetry with a cell edge length of 0.43 nm. The atomic weights of the A and X elements are 86.6 and 40.3 g/mol, respectively.On the basis of this information, which of the following crystal structures is (are) possible for this material: rock salt, cesium chloride, or zinc blende? Justify your choice(s).3.42 The unit cell for Mg Fe2O3 (MgO-Fe2O3) has cubic symmetry with a unit celledge length of 0.836 nm. If the density of this material is 4.52 g/cm 3 , compute its atomic packing factor. For this computation, you will need to use ionic radii listed in Table Compute the atomic packing factor for the diamond cubic crystal structure(Figure 3.16). Assume that bonding atoms touch one another, that the angle between adjacent bonds is 109.5°, and that each atom internal to the unit cell is positioned a/4 of the distance away from the two nearest cell faces (a is the unit cell edge length).3.45 Compute the atomic packing factor for cesium chloride using the ionic radii inTable 3.4 and assuming that the ions touch along the cube diagonals.3.46 In terms of bonding, explain why silicate materials have relatively low densities.3.47 Determine the angle between covalent bonds in an SiO44—tetrahedron.3.63 For each of the following crystal structures, represent the indicated plane in themanner of Figures 3.24 and 3.25, showing both anions and cations: (a) (100)plane for the rock salt crystal structure, (b) (110) plane for the cesium chloride crystal structure, (c) (111) plane for the zinc blende crystal structure, and (d) (110) plane for the perovskite crystal structure.3.66 The zinc blende crystal structure is one that may be generated from close-packedplanes of anions.(a) Will the stacking sequence for this structure be FCC or HCP? Why?(b) Will cations fill tetrahedral or octahedral positions? Why?(c) What fraction of the positions will be occupied?3.81* The metal iridium has an FCC crystal structure. If the angle of diffraction forthe (220) set of planes occurs at 69.22°(first-order reflection) when monochromatic x-radiation having a wavelength of 0.1542 nm is used, compute(a) the interplanar spacing for this set of planes, and (b) the atomic radius for aniridium atom.4.10 What is the difference between configuration and conformation in relation topolymer chains? vinyl chloride).4.22 (a) Determine the ratio of butadiene to styrene mers in a copolymer having aweight-average molecular weight of 350,000 g/mol and weight-average degree of polymerization of 4425.(b) Which type(s) of copolymer(s) will this copolymer be, considering thefollowing possibilities: random, alternating, graft, and block? Why?4.23 Crosslinked copolymers consisting of 60 wt% ethylene and 40 wt% propylenemay have elastic properties similar to those for natural rubber. For a copolymer of this composition, determine the fraction of both mer types.4.25 (a) Compare the crystalline state in metals and polymers.(b) Compare thenoncrystalline state as it applies to polymers and ceramic glasses.4.26 Explain briefly why the tendency of a polymer to crystallize decreases withincreasing molecular weight.4.27* For each of the following pairs of polymers, do the following: (1) state whetheror not it is possible to determine if one polymer is more likely to crystallize than the other; (2) if it is possible, note which is the more likely and then cite reason(s) for your choice; and (3) if it is not possible to decide, then state why.(a) Linear and syndiotactic polyvinyl chloride; linear and isotactic polystyrene.(b) Network phenol-formaldehyde; linear and heavily crosslinked ci s-isoprene.(c) Linear polyethylene; lightly branched isotactic polypropylene.(d) Alternating poly(styrene-ethylene) copolymer; randompoly(vinylchloride-tetrafluoroethylene) copolymer.4.28 Compute the density of totally crystalline polyethylene. The orthorhombic unitcell for polyethylene is shown in Figure 4.10; also, the equivalent of two ethylene mer units is contained within each unit cell.5.11 What point defects are possible for MgO as an impurity in Al2O3? How manyMg 2+ ions must be added to form each of these defects?5.13 What is the composition, in weight percent, of an alloy that consists of 6 at% Pband 94 at% Sn?5.14 Calculate the composition, in weight per-cent, of an alloy that contains 218.0 kgtitanium, 14.6 kg of aluminum, and 9.7 kg of vanadium.5.23 Gold forms a substitutional solid solution with silver. Compute the number ofgold atoms per cubic centimeter for a silver-gold alloy that contains 10 wt% Au and 90 wt% Ag. The densities of pure gold and silver are 19.32 and 10.49 g/cm3 , respectively.8.53 In terms of molecular structure, explain why phenol-formaldehyde (Bakelite)will not be an elastomer.10.50 Compute the mass fractions of αferrite and cementite in pearlite. assumingthat pressure is held constant.10.52 (a) What is the distinction between hypoeutectoid and hypereutectoid steels?(b) In a hypoeutectoid steel, both eutectoid and proeutectoid ferrite exist. Explainthe difference between them. What will be the carbon concentration in each?10.56 Consider 1.0 kg of austenite containing 1.15 wt% C, cooled to below 727_C(a) What is the proeutectoid phase?(b) How many kilograms each of total ferrite and cementite form?(c) How many kilograms each of pearlite and the proeutectoid phase form?(d) Schematically sketch and label the resulting microstructure.10.60 The mass fractions of total ferrite and total cementite in an iron–carbon alloyare 0.88 and 0.12, respectively. Is this a hypoeutectoid or hypereutectoid alloy?Why?10.64 Is it possible to have an iron–carbon alloy for which the mass fractions of totalferrite and proeutectoid cementite are 0.846 and 0.049, respectively? Why orwhy not?第四章习题和思考题7.3 A specimen of aluminum having a rectangular cross section 10 mm _ 12.7 mmis pulled in tension with 35,500 N force, producing only elastic deformation. 7.5 A steel bar 100 mm long and having a square cross section 20 mm on an edge ispulled in tension with a load of 89,000 N , and experiences an elongation of 0.10 mm . Assuming that the deformation is entirely elastic, calculate the elasticmodulus of the steel.7.7 For a bronze alloy, the stress at which plastic deformation begins is 275 MPa ,and the modulus of elasticity is 115 Gpa .(a) What is the maximum load that may be applied to a specimen with across-sectional area of 325mm, without plastic deformation?(b) If the original specimen length is 115 mm , what is the maximum length towhich it may be stretched without causing plastic deformation?7.8 A cylindrical rod of copper (E _ 110 GPa, Stress (MPa) ) having a yield strengthof 240Mpa is to be subjected to a load of 6660 N. If the length of the rod is 380 mm, what must be the diameter to allow an elongation of 0.50 mm?7.9 Consider a cylindrical specimen of a steel alloy (Figure 7.33) 10mm in diameterand 75 mm long that is pulled in tension. Determine its elongation when a load of 23,500 N is applied.7.16 A cylindrical specimen of some alloy 8 mm in diameter is stressed elasticallyin tension. A force of 15,700 N produces a reduction in specimen diameter of 5 _ 10_3 mm. Compute Poisson’s ratio for this material if its modulus of elasticity is 140 GPa .7.17 A cylindrical specimen of a hypothetical metal alloy is stressed in compression.If its original and final diameters are 20.000 and 20.025 mm, respectively, and its final length is 74.96 mm, compute its original length if the deformation is totally elastic. The elastic and shear moduli for this alloy are 105 Gpa and 39.7 GPa,respectively.7.19 A brass alloy is known to have a yield strength of 275 MPa, a tensile strength of380 MPa, and an elastic modulus of 103 GPa . A cylindrical specimen of thisalloy 12.7 mm in diameter and 250 mm long is stressed in tension and found to elongate 7.6 mm . On the basis of the information given, is it possible tocompute the magnitude of the load that is necessary to produce this change inlength? If so, calculate the load. If not, explain why.7.20A cylindrical metal specimen 15.0mmin diameter and 150mm long is to besubjected to a tensile stress of 50 Mpa; at this stress level the resulting deformation will be totally elastic.(a)If the elongation must be less than 0.072mm,which of the metals in Tabla7.1are suitable candidates? Why ?(b)If, in addition, the maximum permissible diameter decrease is 2.3×10-3mm,which of the metals in Table 7.1may be used ? Why?7.22 Cite the primary differences between elastic, anelastic, and plastic deformationbehaviors.7.23 diameter of 10.0 mm is to be deformed using a tensile load of 27,500 N. It mustnot experience either plastic deformation or a diameter reduction of more than7.5×10-3 mm. Of the materials listed as follows, which are possible candidates?Justify your choice(s).7.24 A cylindrical rod 380 mm long, having a diameter of 10.0 mm, is to besubjected to a tensile load. If the rod is to experience neither plastic deformationnor an elongation of more than 0.9 mm when the applied load is 24,500 N,which of the four metals or alloys listed below are possible candidates?7.25 Figure 7.33 shows the tensile engineering stress–strain behavior for a steel alloy.(a) What is the modulus of elasticity?(b) What is the proportional limit?(c) What is the yield strength at a strain offset of 0.002?(d) What is the tensile strength?7.27 A load of 44,500 N is applied to a cylindrical specimen of steel (displaying thestress–strain behavior shown in Figure 7.33) that has a cross-sectional diameter of 10 mm .(a) Will the specimen experience elastic or plastic deformation? Why?(b) If the original specimen length is 500 mm), how much will it increase inlength when t his load is applied?7.29 A cylindrical specimen of aluminumhaving a diameter of 12.8 mm and a gaugelength of 50.800 mm is pulled in tension. Usethe load–elongation characteristics tabulatedbelow to complete problems a through f.(a)Plot the data as engineering stressversusengineering strain.(b) Compute the modulus of elasticity.(c) Determine the yield strength at astrainoffset of 0.002.(d) Determine the tensile strength of thisalloy.(e) What is the approximate ductility, in percent elongation?(f ) Compute the modulus of resilience.7.35 (a) Make a schematic plot showing the tensile true stress–strain behavior for atypical metal alloy.(b) Superimpose on this plot a schematic curve for the compressive truestress–strain behavior for the same alloy. Explain any difference between thiscurve and the one in part a.(c) Now superimpose a schematic curve for the compressive engineeringstress–strain behavior for this same alloy, and explain any difference between this curve and the one in part b.7.39 A tensile test is performed on a metal specimen, and it is found that a true plasticstrain of 0.20 is produced when a true stress of 575 MPa is applied; for the same metal, the value of K in Equation 7.19 is 860 MPa. Calculate the true strain that results from the application of a true stress of 600 Mpa.7.40 For some metal alloy, a true stress of 415 MPa produces a plastic true strain of0.475. How much will a specimen of this material elongate when a true stress of325 MPa is applied if the original length is 300 mm ? Assume a value of 0.25 for the strain-hardening exponent n.7.43 Find the toughness (or energy to cause fracture) for a metal that experiences bothelastic and plastic deformation. Assume Equation 7.5 for elastic deformation,that the modulus of elasticity is 172 GPa , and that elastic deformation terminates at a strain of 0.01. For plastic deformation, assume that the relationship between stress and strain is described by Equation 7.19, in which the values for K and n are 6900 Mpa and 0.30, respectively. Furthermore, plastic deformation occurs between strain values of 0.01 and 0.75, at which point fracture occurs.7.47 A steel specimen having a rectangular cross section of dimensions 19 mm×3.2mm (0.75in×0.125in.) has the stress–strain behavior shown in Figure 7.33. If this specimen is subjected to a tensile force of 33,400 N (7,500lbf ), then(a) Determine the elastic and plastic strain values.(b) If its original length is 460 mm (18 in.), what will be its final length after theload in part a is applied and then released?7.50 A three-point bending test was performed on an aluminum oxide specimenhaving a circular cross section of radius 3.5 mm; the specimen fractured at a load of 950 N when the distance between the support points was 50 mm . Another test is to be performed on a specimen of this same material, but one that has a square cross section of 12 mm length on each edge. At what load would you expect this specimen to fracture if the support point separation is 40 mm ?7.51 (a) A three-point transverse bending test is conducted on a cylindrical specimenof aluminum oxide having a reported flexural strength of 390 MPa . If the speci- men radius is 2.5 mm and the support point separation distance is 30 mm ,predict whether or not you would expect the specimen to fracture when a load of 620 N is applied. Justify your prediction.(b) Would you be 100% certain of the prediction in part a? Why or why not?7.57 When citing the ductility as percent elongation for semicrystalline polymers, it isnot necessary to specify the specimen gauge length, as is the case with metals.Why is this so?7.66 Using the data represented in Figure 7.31, specify equations relating tensilestrength and Brinell hardness for brass and nodular cast iron, similar toEquations 7.25a and 7.25b for steels.8.4 For each of edge, screw, and mixed dislocations, cite the relationship between thedirection of the applied shear stress and the direction of dislocation line motion.8.5 (a) Define a slip system.(b) Do all metals have the same slip system? Why or why not?8.7. One slip system for theBCCcrystal structure is _110__111_. In a manner similarto Figure 8.6b sketch a _110_-type plane for the BCC structure, representingatom positions with circles. Now, using arrows, indicate two different _111_ slip directions within this plane.8.15* List four major differences between deformation by twinning and deformationby slip relative to mechanism, conditions of occurrence, and final result.8.18 Describe in your own words the three strengthening mechanisms discussed inthis chapter (i.e., grain size reduction, solid solution strengthening, and strainhardening). Be sure to explain how dislocations are involved in each of thestrengthening techniques.8.19 (a) From the plot of yield strength versus (grain diameter)_1/2 for a 70 Cu–30 Zncartridge brass, Figure 8.15, determine values for the constants _0 and ky inEquation 8.5.(b) Now predict the yield strength of this alloy when the average grain diameteris 1.0 _ 10_3 mm.8.20. The lower yield point for an iron that has an average grain diameter of 5 _ 10_2mm is 135 MPa . At a grain diameter of 8 _ 10_3 mm, the yield point increases to 260MPa. At what grain diameter will the lower yield point be 205 Mpa ?8.24 (a) Show, for a tensile test, thatif there is no change in specimen volume during the deformation process (i.e., A0 l0 _Ad ld).(b) Using the result of part a, compute the percent cold work experienced bynaval brass (the stress–strain behavior of which is shown in Figure 7.12) when a stress of 400 MPa is applied.8.25 Two previously undeformed cylindrical specimens of an alloy are to be strainhardened by reducing their cross-sectional areas (while maintaining their circular cross sections). For one specimen, the initial and deformed radii are 16 mm and11 mm, respectively. The second specimen, with an initial radius of 12 mm, musthave the same deformed hardness as the first specimen; compute the secondspecimen’s radius after deformation.8.26 Two previously undeformed specimens of the same metal are to be plasticallydeformed by reducing their cross-sectional areas. One has a circular cross section, and the other is rectangular is to remain as such. Their original and deformeddimensions are as follows:Which of these specimens will be the hardest after plastic deformation, and why?8.27 A cylindrical specimen of cold-worked copper has a ductility (%EL) of 25%. Ifits coldworked radius is 10 mm (0.40 in.), what was its radius beforedeformation?8.28 (a) What is the approximate ductility (%EL) of a brass that has a yield strengthof 275 MPa ?(b) What is the approximate Brinell hardness of a 1040 steel having a yieldstrength of 690 MPa?8.41 In your own words, describe the mechanisms by which semicrystalline polymers(a) elasticallydeform and (b) plastically deform, and (c) by which elastomerselastically deform.8.42 Briefly explain how each of the following influences the tensile modulus of asemicrystallinepolymer and why:(a) molecular weight;(b) degree of crystallinity;(c) deformation by drawing;(d) annealing of an undeformed material;(e) annealing of a drawn material.8.43* Briefly explain how each of the following influences the tensile or yieldstrength of a semicrystalline polymer and why:(a) molecular weight;。


《材料科学与工程基础》题集大题一:选择题1.下列哪一项是材料的基本属性?A. 密度B. 颜色C. 形状D. 体积2.材料的力学性能主要包括哪一项?A. 导电性B. 耐腐蚀性C. 强度D. 透明度3.下列哪一项不是金属材料的常见类型?A. 钢铁B. 铝合金C. 陶瓷D. 铜合金4.材料的硬度是指其抵抗什么的能力?A. 拉伸B. 压缩C. 弯曲D. 刻划5.下列哪一项是热塑性材料的特性?A. 在加热后不能变形B. 在加热后可以永久变形C. 在冷却后可以恢复原形D. 在任何温度下都不易变形6.材料的韧性是指其在受力时什么的能力?A. 易碎B. 易弯曲C. 吸收能量而不破裂D. 迅速恢复原形7.下列哪一项是陶瓷材料的主要成分?A. 金属B. 塑料C. 无机非金属D. 有机物8.复合材料是由哪两种或多种材料组合而成的?A. 同一种材料的不同形态B. 不同性质的材料C. 相同性质的材料D. 任意两种材料9.下列哪一项不是高分子材料的特性?A. 高强度B. 高韧性C. 低密度D. 低耐温性10.材料的疲劳是指其在什么条件下性能逐渐降低的现象?A. 持续受力B. 持续加热C. 持续冷却D. 持续暴露在潮湿环境中大题二:填空题1.材料的密度是指单位体积内材料的______。

材料科学与工程基础第二章课后习题答案1. 介绍材料科学和工程学的基本概念和发展历程材料科学和工程学是研究材料的组成、结构、性质以及应用的学科。
2. 分析材料的结构和性能之间的关系材料的结构和性能之间存在着密切的关系。
3. 论述材料的性能与应用之间的关系材料的性能决定了材料的应用范围。
4. 解释与定义材料的特性及其测量方法材料的特性是指材料所具有的特定性质或行为。

间的原子键合2.7.影响离子化合物和共价化合物配位数的因素有那些?2-8.试解释表2.3-1中,原子键型与物性的关系?2-9.0°C时,水和冰的密度分别是1.0005 g/cm3和0.95g/cm3,如何解释这一现象?2.10.当CN=6时,K+离子的半径为0.133nm(a)当CN=4时,半径是多少? (b)CN=8时,半径是多少?2-11 .(a)利用附录的资料算出一•个金原子的质量?(b)每mm3的金有多少个原子?(c)根据金的密度,某颗含有10由个原子的金粒,体积是多少?(d)假设金原子是球形(E=0.1441nm), 并忽略金原子之间的空隙,则10刀个原子占多少体积?(e)这些金原子体积占总体积的多少百分比?12.—个CaO的立方体晶胞含有4个Ca*离子和4个O?-离子,每边的边长是0.478nm, 则CaO的密度是多少?-硬球模式广泛的适用于金属原子和离子,但是为何不适用于分子?14.计算(a)面心立方金属的原子致密度;(b)面心立方化合物NaCl的离子致密度(离子半径r Na+=0.097,心=0.181);(C)由计算结果,可以引出什么结论?2-15.铁的单位品胞为立方体,品格常数a=0.287nm,请由铁的密度算出每个单位品胞所含的原子个数。

顾宜《材料科学与工程基础》课后题答案第一章:引言1.1 材料科学与工程基础的重要性材料科学与工程基础是现代工程领域不可或缺的一门基础课程。
1.2 材料科学与工程基础的学习目标材料科学与工程基础的学习目标如下: - 理解材料的基本概念和分类方法; - 掌握材料制备、表征和性能分析的基本技术; - 理解不同材料的特性和应用; - 开发解决材料工程问题的能力。
第二章:晶体结构与晶体缺陷2.1 晶体的结构晶体是由原子、离子或分子按照一定的排列方式组成的长程有序固体结构。
2.2 晶体的缺陷晶体的缺陷指的是在晶体结构中存在的不完整或不规则的区域。
第三章:物理性能与力学性能3.1 物理性能物理性能是指材料的一些基本物理特性,如密度、热导率、电导率等。
3.2 力学性能力学性能是指材料在力学作用下的表现。
第四章:金属材料4.1 金属的结构与特性金属是指电子云密度较大、以金属键连接的材料。
4.2 金属的物理性能与力学性能金属材料具有良好的导电性、导热性和延展性,对磨损和腐蚀有较好的抵抗能力。
第五章:陶瓷材料与玻璃材料5.1 陶瓷材料的分类与特性陶瓷材料是以非金属元素为主要成分的材料,分为晶体陶瓷和非晶态陶瓷两大类。

“材料科学与工程基础”第二章习题1. 铁的单位晶胞为立方体,晶格常数a=0.287nm ,请由铁的密度算出每个单位晶胞所含的原子数。
ρ铁=7.8g/cm3 1mol 铁=6.022×1023 个=55.85g所以, 7.8g/1(cm)3=(55.85/6.022×1023)X /(0.287×10-7)3cm3X =1.99≈2(个)2.在立方晶系单胞中,请画出:(a )[100]方向和[211]方向,并求出他们的交角; (b )(011)晶面和(111)晶面,并求出他们得夹角。
(c )一平面与晶体两轴的截距a=0.5,b=0.75,并且与z 轴平行,求此晶面的密勒指数。
(a )[2 1 1]和[1 0 0]之夹角θ=arctg2=35.26。
或cos θ==, 35.26θ=(b )cos θ==35.26θ= (c ) a=0.5 b=0.75 z = ∞倒数 2 4/3 0 取互质整数(3 2 0)3、请算出能进入fcc 银的填隙位置而不拥挤的最大原子半径。
室温下的原子半径R =1.444A 。
(见教材177页) 点阵常数a=4.086A最大间隙半径R’=(a-2R )/2=0.598A4、碳在r-Fe (fcc )中的最大固溶度为2.11﹪(重量百分数),已知碳占据r-Fe 中的八面体间隙,试计算出八面体间隙被C 原子占据的百分数。
在fcc 晶格的铁中,铁原子和八面体间隙比为1:1,铁的原子量为55.85,碳的原子量为12.01所以 (2.11×12.01)/(97.89×55.85)=0.1002 即 碳占据八面体的10%。
材料科学与工程基础习题答案 (1)

第一章 原子排列与晶体结构1.[110], (111), ABCABC…, 0.74 , 12 , 4 , a r 42=; [111], (110) , 0.68 , 8 , 2 , a r 43= ;]0211[, (0001) , ABAB , 0.74 , 12 , 6 , 2a r =。
2. 0.01659nm 3 , 4 , 8 。
3. FCC , BCC ,减少 ,降低 ,膨胀 ,收缩 。
4. 解答:见图1-15.解答:设所决定的晶面为(hkl ),晶面指数与面上的直线[uvw]之间有hu+kv+lw=0,故有: h+k-l=0,2h-l=0。
可以求得(hkl )=(112)。
6 解答:Pb 为fcc 结构,原子半径R 与点阵常数a 的关系为ar 42=,故可求得a =0.4949×10-6mm 。
则(100)平面的面积S =a 2=0.244926011×0-12mm 2,每个(100)面上的原子个数为2。
所以1 mm 2上的原子个数s n 1==4.08×1012。
第二章合金相结构一、 填空1) 提高,降低,变差,变大。
2) (1)晶体结构;(2)元素之间电负性差;(3)电子浓度 ;(4)元素之间尺寸差别 3) 存在溶质原子偏聚 和短程有序 。
4) 置换固溶体 和间隙固溶体 。
5) 提高 ,降低 ,降低 。
6) 溶质原子溶入点阵原子溶入溶剂点阵间隙中形成的固溶体,非金属原子与金属原子半径的比值大于0.59时形成的复杂结构的化合物。
二、 问答1、 解答: α-Fe 为bcc 结构,致密度虽然较小,但是它的间隙数目多且分散,间隙半径很小,四面体间隙半径为0.291Ra ,即R =0.0361nm ,八面体间隙半径为0.154Ra ,即R =0.0191nm 。
氢,氮,碳,硼由于与α-Fe 的尺寸差别较大,在α-Fe 中形成间隙固溶体,固溶度很小。

《材料科学基础教程》复习题与思考题一、选择与填空1-1下列组织中的哪一个可能不是亚稳态,即平衡态组织?a)马氏体+残余奥氏体b)上贝氏体c)铁素体+珠光体d)奥氏体+贝氏体1-2下列组织中的哪一个可能不是亚稳态?a) 铁碳合金中的马氏体b) 铁碳合金中的珠光体+铁素体c) 铝铜合金中的α+GPZ d) 铁碳合金中的奥氏体+贝氏体1-3单相固溶体在非平衡凝固过程中会形成成分偏析:a)若冷却速度越大,则成分偏析的倾向越大;b)若过冷度越大,则成分偏析的倾向越大;c)若两组元熔点相差越大,则成分偏析的倾向越小;d)若固相线和液相线距离越近,则成分偏析的倾向越小。
a) 2E1b) 0 c) 4E11-13两根具有反向柏氏矢量的刃型位错在一个原子面间隔的两个平行滑移面上相向运动以后,在相遇处。
a) 相互抵消b) 形成一排间隙原子c) 形成一排空位1-15位错运动方向处处垂直于位错线,在运动过程中是可变的,晶体做相对滑动的方向。
a) 随位错线运动方向而改变b) 始终是柏氏矢量方向c) 始终是外力方向1-16位错线张力是以单位长度位错线能量来表示,则一定长度位错的线张力具有量纲。
a) 长度的b) 力的c) 能量的1-17位错线上的割阶一般通过形成。
a) 位错的交割b) 共格界面c) 小角度晶界1-7位错上的割阶一般通过形成。
a) 孪生b) 位错的交滑移c) 位错的交割1-23刃形位错的割阶部分。
a) 为刃形位错b) 为螺形位错c) 为混合位错1-24面心立方晶体中Frank不全位错最通常的运动方式是。
a) 沿{111}面滑移b) 沿垂直于{111}的面滑移c) 沿{111}面攀移1-25位错塞积群的一个重要效应是在它的前端引起。
a) Shcockley分位错可以是刃型、螺型或混合型;b) 刃型Shcockley分位错能滑移和攀移;c) 螺型Shcockley分位错能交滑移。

2-6.按照杂化轨道理论,说明下列的键合形式:(1)CO2的分子键合(2)甲烷CH4的分子键合(3)乙烯C2H4的分子键合(4)水H2O的分子键合(5)苯环的分子键合(6)羰基中C、O间的原子键合2-7.影响离子化合物和共价化合物配位数的因素有那些?2-8.试解释表2-3-1中,原子键型与物性的关系?2-9.0℃时,水和冰的密度分别是1.0005 g/cm3和0.95g/cm3,如何解释这一现象?2-10.当CN=6时,K+离子的半径为0.133nm(a)当CN=4时,半径是多少?(b)CN=8时,半径是多少?2-11.(a)利用附录的资料算出一个金原子的质量?(b)每mm3的金有多少个原子?(c)根据金的密度,某颗含有1021个原子的金粒,体积是多少?(d)假设金原子是球形(r Au=0.1441nm),并忽略金原子之间的空隙,则1021个原子占多少体积?(e)这些金原子体积占总体积的多少百分比?2-12.一个CaO的立方体晶胞含有4个Ca2+离子和4个O2-离子,每边的边长是0.478nm,则CaO的密度是多少?2-13.硬球模式广泛的适用于金属原子和离子,但是为何不适用于分子?2-14.计算(a)面心立方金属的原子致密度;(b)面心立方化合物NaCl的离子致密度(离子半径r Na+=0.097,r Cl-=0.181);(C)由计算结果,可以引出什么结论?2-15.铁的单位晶胞为立方体,晶格常数a=0.287nm,请由铁的密度算出每个单位晶胞所含的原子个数。

2-6.按照杂化轨道理论,说明下列的键合形式:(1)CO2的分子键合(2)甲烷CH4的分子键合(3)乙烯C2H4的分子键合(4)水H2O的分子键合(5)苯环的分子键合(6)羰基中C、O间的原子键合2-7.影响离子化合物和共价化合物配位数的因素有那些?2-8.试解释表2-3-1中,原子键型与物性的关系?2-9.0℃时,水和冰的密度分别是1.0005 g/cm3和0.95g/cm3,如何解释这一现象?2-10.当CN=6时,K+离子的半径为0.133nm(a)当CN=4时,半径是多少?(b)CN=8时,半径是多少?2-11.(a)利用附录的资料算出一个金原子的质量?(b)每mm3的金有多少个原子?(c)根据金的密度,某颗含有1021个原子的金粒,体积是多少?(d)假设金原子是球形(r Au=0.1441nm),并忽略金原子之间的空隙,则1021个原子占多少体积?(e)这些金原子体积占总体积的多少百分比?2-12.一个CaO的立方体晶胞含有4个Ca2+离子和4个O2-离子,每边的边长是0.478nm,则CaO的密度是多少?2-13.硬球模式广泛的适用于金属原子和离子,但是为何不适用于分子?2-14.计算(a)面心立方金属的原子致密度;(b)面心立方化合物NaCl的离子致密度(离子半径r Na+=0.097,r Cl-=0.181);(C)由计算结果,可以引出什么结论?2-15.铁的单位晶胞为立方体,晶格常数a=0.287nm,请由铁的密度算出每个单位晶胞所含的原子个数。

2-2: 12Mg: 25.11172-3: N 壳层: 共32个电子;K 、L 、M 、N 全满时: 70个2-4 O 壳层: 共50个电子K 、L 、M 、N 、O 全满时: 102个2-6: CO 2: C sp 杂化,CH 4: C sp 3杂化,CH 2=CH 2: C sp 2杂化,H 2O : O sp 3杂化,苯环: C sp 2杂化,羰基: C sp 2杂化。
2-10:若(按K +半径不变) 求负离子半径, 则:CN=6 r - = 0.321 nmCN=4 r - = 0.591 nmCN=8 r - = 0.182 nm2-11:(a ): 一个Au 原子: 3.274×10-22(g )(b ) (b ) 5.895×1019(个)(c ) (c ) v = 1.696×10-2(cm 3)(d) v’ = 1.253×10-2 (cm 3)(e) (e) v’/ v = 73.88%2-12 3.41 (g/cm 3)2-14 (a ) PF = 0.74(b ) PF = 0.64结论: (1) 同种原子晶体的致密度只与晶胞类型相关,与原子尺寸无关(2) 化合物晶体的离子致密度与离子大小相关2-15 2-15: x = 2 (个)2-16: V = 35.3 (A 0)32-17 面心立方: 0.74体心立方: 0.68密排六方: 0.742-182-20 (a) 8.07×1020 (个)(b) 1.79×10-22 (g)2-21 (a) 1.5346 ×1019个(b) (b) 0.6845mm(c) (c) 钡属于 体心立方结构(致密度0.68)2-22 x = 4 (4个Mg 2+, 4个O 2-)2-24 过 (0, -1/2 , 0) , (1, 1/2 , 1) 点2-25 (a)θ=35.3°(b)θ=35.3°八面体间隙四面体间隙2-26 (3 2 0)2-27 (2 3 3)2-28 (a) [1 1 1] 和 [1 1 1](b) [1 1 0]2-29 (a) λ= 0.154 (nm)(b) (b) 2θ= 10.24°2-30 d 200= 0.2×10-9m a =0.4nm2-31 0.598 (A 0)2-33 Li:6.94 F:19 Mg:24.31 O:16MgO: 40 (w%)LiF: 60 (w%)(a) Li +: 16 (w%) F -: 44 (w%)Mg 2+: 24.1 (w%) O 2-: 15.9 (w%)2-37 ρ= 5.73 (g/cm 3)2-39 (1) ΔV / V = (0.0486-0.0493)/0.0493 = - 0.014 = - 1.4%(2) (2) 室温至912℃, 体积增大; 912℃, 体积减小;912℃至1000℃, 体积增大2-41 溶入的Sn 重量为 45.25(g)2-42 300 ~ 700℃: α相;800℃: β相;1000℃: 液相2-45 J= 1.05×1019/m 2sJ u C= 84原子/min2-46右螺型 左螺型滑移矢量平行位错线 2-49 D =1.13×10-17 (m 2/s)2-50 x=75%a=5%y=15%正刃型 滑移矢量垂直位错线 负刃型3-6 结晶性:1,2,3,6,7,10非结晶性:5,8,9,11,(12,4)3-19 非桥氧的分数0.2153-21 临界半径比:r/R(1)(1)立方体配位:0.732(2)(2)八面体配位:0.414(3)(3)四面体配位:0.255(4)(4)三角形配位:0.1553-22立方晶系:Ca2+占立方体顶角,O2-占立方体面心,Ti4+占立方体体心配位数:Ca2+为12(12个O2-),Ti4+为6(6个O2-),O2-为(4个Ca2++2个Ti4+)3-25(a):F (铁素体)+ A(奥氏体)(b):F 0.01%C; A 0.4%C.(c): A是48.7%; F是51.3%.3-37 1.01×106g/m3 (1.01g/m3)4.1 V= 0.06638(nm3)4.2 0.37的黄铜大。

“材料科学与工程基础”第二章习题1. 铁的单位晶胞为立方体,晶格常数a=0.287nm ,请由铁的密度算出每个单位晶胞所含的原子数。
ρ铁=7.8g/cm3 1mol 铁=6.022×1023 个=55.85g所以, 7.8g/1(cm)3=(55.85/6.022×1023)X /(0.287×10-7)3cm3X =1.99≈2(个)2.在立方晶系单胞中,请画出:(a )[100]方向和[211]方向,并求出他们的交角; (b )(011)晶面和(111)晶面,并求出他们得夹角。
(c )一平面与晶体两轴的截距a=0.5,b=0.75,并且与z 轴平行,求此晶面的密勒指数。
(a )[2 1 1]和[1 0 0]之夹角θ=arctg2=35.26。
或cos θ==, 35.26θ=(b )cos θ==35.26θ= (c ) a=0.5 b=0.75 z= ∞倒数 2 4/3 0 取互质整数(3 2 0)3、请算出能进入fcc 银的填隙位置而不拥挤的最大原子半径。
室温下的原子半径R =1.444A 。
(见教材177页) 点阵常数a=4.086A最大间隙半径R’=(a-2R )/2=0.598A4、碳在r-Fe (fcc )中的最大固溶度为2.11﹪(重量百分数),已知碳占据r-Fe 中的八面体间隙,试计算出八面体间隙被C 原子占据的百分数。
在fcc 晶格的铁中,铁原子和八面体间隙比为1:1,铁的原子量为55.85,碳的原子量为12.01所以 (2.11×12.01)/(97.89×55.85)=0.1002 即 碳占据八面体的10%。

“材料科学与工程基础”第二章习题1. 铁的单位晶胞为立方体,晶格常数a=0.287nm ,请由铁的密度算出每个单位晶胞所含的原子数。
ρ铁=7.8g/cm3 1mol 铁=6.022×1023 个=55.85g所以, 7.8g/1(cm)3=(55.85/6.022×1023)X /(0.287×10-7)3cm3X =1.99≈2(个)2.在立方晶系单胞中,请画出:(a )[100]方向和[211]方向,并求出他们的交角; (b )(011)晶面和(111)晶面,并求出他们得夹角。
(c )一平面与晶体两轴的截距a=0.5,b=0.75,并且与z 轴平行,求此晶面的密勒指数。
(a )[2 1 1]和[1 0 0]之夹角θ=arctg2=35.26。
或cos θ==, 35.26θ=(b )cos θ==35.26θ= (c ) a=0.5 b=0.75 z= ∞倒数 2 4/3 0 取互质整数(3 2 0)3、请算出能进入fcc 银的填隙位置而不拥挤的最大原子半径。
室温下的原子半径R =1.444A 。
(见教材177页) 点阵常数a=4.086A最大间隙半径R’=(a-2R )/2=0.598A4、碳在r-Fe (fcc )中的最大固溶度为2.11﹪(重量百分数),已知碳占据r-Fe 中的八面体间隙,试计算出八面体间隙被C 原子占据的百分数。
在fcc 晶格的铁中,铁原子和八面体间隙比为1:1,铁的原子量为55.85,碳的原子量为12.01所以 (2.11×12.01)/(97.89×55.85)=0.1002 即 碳占据八面体的10%。
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2-6.按照杂化轨道理论,说明下列的键合形式:(1)CO的分子键合(2)甲烷CH的分子键合 24(3)乙烯CH的分子键合(4)水HO的分子键合 242(5)苯环的分子键合(6)羰基中C、O间的原子键合 2-7.影响离子化合物和共价化合物配位数的因素有那些?2-8.试解释表2-3-1中,原子键型与物性的关系?332-9.0?时,水和冰的密度分别是1.0005 g/cm和0.95g/cm,如何解释这一现象?+2-10.当CN=6时,K离子的半径为0.133nm(a)当CN=4时,半径是多少?(b)CN=8时,半径是多少?32-11.(a)利用附录的资料算出一个金原子的质量?(b)每mm 的金有多少个原子?(c)根据金21的密度,某颗含有10个原子的金粒,体积是多少?(d)假设金原子是球形(r=0.1441nm),Au21并忽略金原子之间的空隙,则10个原子占多少体积?(e)这些金原子体积占总体积的多少百分比?2+2-2-12.一个CaO的立方体晶胞含有4个Ca离子和4个O离子,每边的边长是0.478nm,则CaO的密度是多少?2-13.硬球模式广泛的适用于金属原子和离子,但是为何不适用于分子? 2-14.计算(a)面心立方金属的原子致密度;( b)面心立方化合物NaCl的离子致密度(离子半径r+=0.097,r-=0.181);(C)由计算结果,可以引出什么结论? NaCl 4702-15.铁的单位晶胞为立方体,晶格常数 a=0.287nm,请由铁的密度算出每个单位晶胞所含的原子个数。
2-19.键合类型是怎样影响局部原子堆垛的?2-20.厚度0.08mm、面积670mm2的薄铝片(a)其单位晶胞为立方体,a=0.4049nm,则此薄片3共含多少个单位晶胞?(b)铝的密度2.7Mg/m,则每个单位晶胞的质量是多少?32-21.(a)在每mm的固体钡中含有多少个原子?(b)其原子堆积因子是多少?(c)钡属于哪一种立方体结构?(原子序=56,原子质量=137.3aum,原子半径=0.22nm,离子半径=0.1433nm,密度=3.5Mg/m)32-22.由X射线衍射数据显示,MgO立方体的单位晶胞尺寸是0.412nm,其密度3.83Mg/m,2+2-请问在每单位晶胞中有多少Mg离子和O离子?2-23.钻石结构的晶格常数a为0.357nm,当它转变成石墨时,体积变化的百分比是多少?3(石墨密度2.25Mg/m)2-24.方向为[111]的直线通过1/2,0,1/2点,则在此直线上的另外两点的坐标是什么? 2-25.(a)在立方体系中,[100]方向和[211]方向的夹角是多少?(b)[011]方向和[111]方向的夹角是多少?2-26.一平面与晶体两轴的截距为a=0.5,b=0.75,并且与Z轴平行,则此平面的米勒指标是什么?2-27.一平面与三轴的截距为a=1,b=-2/3,c=2/3, 则此平面的米勒指标是什么? 2-28.(a)方向族<111>的那些)方向是在铁的(101)平面上?(b)方向族<110>的那些)方向是在铁的(110)平面上?2-29.氯化钠晶体被用来测量某些X光的波长,对氯离子的d间距而言,其绕射角2,为 11127?30?(a)X光的波长是多少?(NaCl晶格常数为0.563nm)(b)若X光的波长为0.058nm,则其衍射角2,是多少?2-30.某X光波长0.058nm ,用来计算铝的d, 其衍射角2,为16.47?,求晶格常数为多200少?2-31.请算出能进入fcc银的填隙位置而不拥挤的最大原子半径。
2-32.碳原子能溶入fcc 铁的最大填隙位置:(a)每个单元晶胞中有多少个这样的位置?(b)471在此位置四周有多少铁原子围绕?+2+-2-2-33.一个熔体含30m/o MgO和70m/o LiF: (a) Li,Mg,F和O的w/o 是多少?(b)密度是多少?2-34.请找出能进入bcc铁填隙位置的最大原子的半径(暗示:最大空洞位在1/2,1/4,0位置)。
2-36.fcc间隙位置的配位数是什么?如果每一个间隙位置都被小原子或离子占满,则会产生什么样的结构?2-37.如果Fe3+2+/Fe比为0.14,则FeO的密度是多少?(FeO为NaCl结构;(r+r)平均为0Fe0.215nm)2+2-38.如果在固溶体中每个Zr离子中加入一个Ca离子,就可能形成ZrO的立方体,因此22-2-阳离子形成fcc结构,而O离子位于四重对称位置,(a)每100个阳离子有多少个O离子存在?(b)有多少百分比的四重对称位置被占据?2-39.在温度为912?时,铁从bcc转变到fcc 。
2-41.某熔化的Pb-Sn焊锡具共晶温度,假设此焊锡50g加热到200?,则有多少克的锡能熔进此焊锡中?(参见图2-7-13)2-42.某65Cu-35Zn黄铜(参见图2-6-1)由300?加热到1000?,则每隔100?有哪些相会出现?2-43.为什么金属、金属氧化物、无机化合物(氮化物等)具有高的表面能,而有机物(包括高聚物)表面能很低?2-44.为什么表面能和表面张力具有相同的量纲?影响材料表面能高低的实质是什么?第三章3-1与金属材料和无机非金属材料比较,高分子材料的组成和结构有什么特征? 3-2为什么会出现高分子链聚集态结构?高分子链聚集态结构包含哪些内容? 3-3为什么高分子链具有一定柔性?3-4什么是聚合物共混复合材料?其基本特征是什么?4723-5是否可以通过内旋转将无规立构聚丙烯转变为全同立构聚丙烯?为什么?在全同立构聚丙烯晶体中,分子链是否呈无规线团构象?3-6.下列高聚物中哪些是结晶性的,哪些是非晶性的?(1)聚乙烯;(2)全顺式1.3聚异戊二烯;(3)尼龙6;(4)聚碳酸酯;(5)乙烯和丙烯的无规共聚物;(6)全同立构聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯;(7)间同立构聚氯乙烯;(8)无规立构聚丙烯;(9)固化酚醛塑料;(10)聚对苯二甲酸丁二醇酯;(11)ABS;(12)聚乙烯醇。
3-7.总结一下,与低分子物质相比,高聚物的分子结构和分子聚集态结构有哪些重要特点? 3-8.下列,键的旋转位能均小于HC-CH ,请解释 22 HC-O O=C-CH HC-NH NC-S Si-O HC-CH= 222223-9.简要说明聚合物晶体与金属晶体、离子晶体和无机共价晶体的主要差别。
3-12.高聚物有几种主要结晶形式?其中的高分子链的构象是怎样的? 3-13.从结构分析,为什么PTFE具有极低的表面张力,并说明其粘结性能。
3-19.一玻璃含80%(wt)的SiO和20%(wt)的NaO,问非桥氧的分数为多少? 223-20简述无机非金属材料中不同键合类型对材料性能的影响,并举例进行说明。
3-23黏土、滑石和云母同为层状结构硅酸盐,为什么它们却表现出非常大的机械性能差异? 3-24.简要说明硅酸盐的几种结构单元的主要特点。
3-29总结铁碳合金中渗碳体的形态对合金性能影响的特点?3-30钢和铸铁在成分、组织和性能上的主要区别是什么?3-31什么是再结晶?如何选定再结晶退火温度?钢的再结晶退火温度是多少?3-32试比较各类铸铁之间的性能差别?第四章4-1.铝的弹性模量为70GPa,泊松比为0.34,在83MPa的静水压时,此单位晶胞体积是多少?4-2.下列何者的压缩性比较大?泊松比为0.29的β铁或泊松比为0.37的黄铜? 4-3.直径为12.83mm的试棒,标距长度为50mm,轴向受200KN的作用力后拉长0.456mm,且直径变成12.79mm,(a)此试棒的体积模量是多少?(b)剪切模量是多少? 4-4.一硫化的橡胶球受到1000psi的静水压力,直径减少了1.2%,而相同材质的试棒在受到75psi的拉应力时伸长2.1%,则此橡胶棒的泊松比为多少?4-5.在聚苯乙烯中加入15-20%的丁苯橡胶后抗冲击强度大大提高,请解释原因,并绘出共混前后PS的σ-ε曲线示意图。