



b级计算机试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 在计算机科学中,B树是一种:A. 文件系统B. 数据结构C. 操作系统D. 编程语言答案:B2. 下列哪个选项不是数据库管理系统(DBMS)的特点?A. 数据持久性B. 数据共享C. 数据安全性D. 数据唯一性答案:D3. 在计算机网络中,TCP协议工作在:A. 传输层B. 网络层C. 数据链路层D. 应用层答案:A4. HTML5是用于构建哪种类型网站的标准?A. 静态网站B. 动态网站B. 交互式网站D. 以上都是答案:D5. 下列哪个算法不是排序算法?A. 快速排序B. 归并排序C. 深度优先搜索D. 堆排序答案:C6. 在计算机编程中,什么是“递归”?A. 一种数据存储方式B. 一种编程语言C. 一种编程技术,函数调用自身D. 一种硬件组件答案:C7. 下列哪个选项不是操作系统的五大基本功能之一?A. 进程管理B. 存储管理C. 设备管理D. 用户界面设计答案:D8. 在计算机系统中,RAM代表什么?A. 随机存取存储器B. 读取存储器C. 记录存储器D. 重定向存储器答案:A9. 下列哪个是面向对象编程(OOP)的主要概念?A. 过程抽象B. 数据封装C. 函数重载D. 过程多态答案:B10. 在关系数据库理论中,一个表的主键必须是:A. 唯一标识表中每条记录的字段或字段组B. 可以为空C. 可以被其他表共享D. 必须包含在每个表中答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)11. 在计算机系统中,CPU执行的指令集称为___________。

答案:指令集架构(ISA)12. 数据加密的目的是确保数据的___________、___________和___________。

答案:机密性、完整性、可用性13. 在编程中,___________是一种设计模式,用于创建代表真实世界问题的类和对象。

答案:面向对象分析与设计(OOAD)14. 计算机网络中的DNS代表___________系统。


A. <c:forEach var=”bean” items=”session.arr”/>
B. <c:forEach var=”bean” items=”${session.arr}”/>
A.<jsp:useBean id="address" class="AddressBean" />
B.<jsp:useBean name="address" class="AddressBean"/>
<session - config>
<session - timeout>30</session - timeout>
</session - config>
A. 毫秒B. 秒C. 分钟D. 小时



2012⼭西省全国计算机等级考试⼆级VB笔试试卷及参考答案考试题库1、软件调试的⽬的是(B) 注:与软件测试要对⽐着复习A.发现错误B.改正错误C.改善软件的性能D.挖掘软件的潜能2、程序流程图(PFD)中的箭头代表的是(B)A. 数据流B. 控制流C. 调⽤关系D. 组成关系3、在结构化⽅法中,软件功能分解属于下列软件开发中的阶段是(C) 注:总体设计也就是概要设计A. 详细设计B. 需求分析C. 总体设计D. 编程调试4、以下数据结构中不属于线性数据结构的是(C)A. 队列B. 线性表C. ⼆叉树D. 栈5、关系数据库管理系统能实现的专门关系运算包括(B)A. 排序、索引、统计B. 选择、投影、连接C. 关联、更新、排序D. 显⽰、打印、制表6、在下列选项中,哪个不是⼀个算法⼀般应该具有的基本特征(C)A. 确定性B. 可⾏性C. ⽆穷性D. 拥有⾜够的情报7、下⾯对对象概念描述错误的是(A)A. 任何对象都必须有继承性B. 对象是属性和⽅法的封装体C. 对象间的通讯靠消息传递D. 操作是对象的动态性属性8、关系数据库管理系统能实现的专门关系运算包括(B)A. 排序、索引、统计B. 选择、投影、连接C. 关联、更新、排序D. 显⽰、打印、制表9、结构化程序设计主要强调的是(B)A.程序的规模B.程序的易读性C.程序的执⾏效率D.程序的可移植性10、在深度为5的满⼆叉树中,叶⼦结点的个数为(C)A. 32B. 31C. 16D. 1511、下列模式中,能够给出数据库物理存储结构与物理存取⽅法的是(A)A. 内模式B. 外模式C. 概念模式D. 逻辑模式12、关系数据库管理系统能实现的专门关系运算包括(B)A. 排序、索引、统计B. 选择、投影、连接C. 关联、更新、排序D. 显⽰、打印、制表13、下列叙述中正确的是(C)A.数据库是⼀个独⽴的系统,不需要操作系统的⽀持B.数据库设计是指设计数据库管理系统C.数据库技术的根本⽬标是要解决数据共享的问题D.数据库系统中,数据的物理结构必须与逻辑结构⼀致14、数据库概念设计的过程中,视图设计⼀般有三种设计次序,以下各项中不对的是(D)A. ⾃顶向下B. 由底向上C. 由内向外D. 由整体到局部15、下⾯描述中,符合结构化程序设计风格的是(A)A. 使⽤顺序、选择和重复(循环)三种基本控制结构表⽰程序的控制逻辑B. 模块只有⼀个⼊⼝,可以有多个出⼝C. 注重提⾼程序的执⾏效率D. 不使⽤goto语句16、下列关于队列的叙述中正确的是(C)A. 在队列中只能插⼊数据B. 在队列中只能删除数据C. 队列是先进先出的线性表D. 队列是先进后出的线性表17、下⾯概念中,不属于⾯向对象⽅法的是 (D)A. 对象B. 继承C. 类D. 过程调⽤18、下⾯概念中,不属于⾯向对象⽅法的是 (D)A. 对象B. 继承C. 类D. 过程调⽤19、软件需求分析阶段的⼯作,可以分为四个⽅⾯:需求获取、需求分析、编写需求规格说明书以及(B)A. 阶段性报告B. 需求评审C. 总结D. 都不正确20、算法的时间复杂度是指(C)A. 执⾏算法程序所需要的时间B. 算法程序的长度C. 算法执⾏过程中所需要的基本运算次数D. 算法程序中的指令条数21、信息隐蔽的概念与下述哪⼀种概念直接相关(B)A.软件结构定义B. 模块独⽴性C. 模块类型划分D. 模拟耦合度22、下列⼯具中属于需求分析常⽤⼯具的是(D)A. PADB. PFDC. N-SD. DFD23、下⾯对对象概念描述错误的是(A)A. 任何对象都必须有继承性B. 对象是属性和⽅法的封装体C. 对象间的通讯靠消息传递D. 操作是对象的动态性属性24、下列模式中,能够给出数据库物理存储结构与物理存取⽅法的是(A)A. 内模式B. 外模式C. 概念模式D. 逻辑模式25、结构化程序设计主要强调的是(B)A.程序的规模B.程序的易读性C.程序的执⾏效率D.程序的可移植性26、在数据管理技术的发展过程中,经历了⼈⼯管理阶段、⽂件系统阶段和数据库系统阶段。




以下是一个通用的B级考试试题题库示例,适用于多种专业领域:B级考试试题题库一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 在计算机编程中,以下哪个是正确的循环结构?A. whileB. ifC. switchD. for2. 在经济学中,GDP代表的是:A. 国内生产总值B. 国内生产成本C. 国内生产利润D. 国内生产投资3. 以下哪个不是项目管理的五大过程组?A. 启动B. 规划C. 执行D. 监控和控制E. 结束4. 在化学中,pH值等于7的溶液是:A. 酸性B. 中性C. 碱性D. 强酸5. 在统计学中,标准差是衡量数据集的:A. 中心趋势B. 离散程度C. 偏度D. 峰度二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)6. 在电子学中,电阻的基本单位是______。

7. 项目管理的最终目标是实现______、时间、质量和资源的平衡。

8. 会计中的资产负债表显示了公司的______状况。

9. 根据牛顿第二定律,力等于______乘以加速度。

10. 在市场营销中,SWOT分析包括优势、劣势、机会和______。

三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)11. 描述软件开发生命周期(SDLC)的五个主要阶段。

12. 解释什么是资本预算,并举例说明其在企业决策中的应用。

13. 什么是市场营销组合的4Ps?请简要说明每个P代表的含义。

14. 简述如何使用控制图来监控生产过程的质量。

四、计算题(每题10分,共20分)15. 假设你有一个投资组合,其中股票A的预期收益率为10%,股票B的预期收益率为15%。


16. 给定一个化学反应的平衡常数Kc = 1.2 × 10^-3,反应方程式为:2A + B ⇌ 3C。

如果初始时[A] = 0.1 M,[B] = 0.2 M,[C] = 0 M,计算在平衡状态下各物质的浓度。



全国计算机b级考试最新试题及答案一、选择题1.下列哪个不属于计算机主存储器类型?A. 寄存器B. 缓存C. 硬盘D. 内存答案:C2.在Windows操作系统中,以下哪个是文件夹?A. ExcelB. PowerPointC. WordD. My Documents答案:D3.以下哪个不是网络安全的常见威胁?A. 病毒B. 木马C. 防火墙D. 黑客答案:C4.在Microsoft Excel中,以下哪个函数可以计算一段区间内的数值之和?A. MAXB. COUNTC. SUMD. AVERAGE答案:C5.在计算机网络中,HTTP协议是用于什么目的的?A. 传输网页数据B. 发送电子邮件C. 远程登录D. 文件传输答案:A二、填空题1.计算机中最基本的计量单位是______。







- 输入设备:用于将外界信息传输到计算机中,如键盘、鼠标、扫描仪等。

- 输出设备:用于将计算机处理结果呈现给用户,如显示器、打印机、投影仪等。

- CPU:负责执行计算机程序中的指令,控制和协调各部分的工作。

- 主存储器:用于存储正在运行的程序和数据,如内存条等。

- 辅助存储器:用于长期存储大量数据和程序,如硬盘、光盘等。



- 局域网:通常指覆盖在一个相对较小的范围内(如办公室、学校等)的网络,常用于内网搭建。



大学英语B的六套试题Test 1第一部分:交际用语(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)1・一How are you, Bob?一 ___________ T ed.A.How are you? C ・ How do you do?B.Km fine. Thank you.D. Nice to meet you・2.—Thanks for your help.A.My pie asure.B. N ever mind.C.Quite r ight.D. Do n't thank me.3.—Hel Io, I'm Ha rry Potter.—Hello, m y name is Charles Gr een, but ______________ •A.call my CharlesB. call me at Charle sC・ call m e CharlesD . call Cha rles me4.一Paul, __________ ?一Oh, that's my fathe r! And bes ide him, m y mother.A • what is the person over ther eB. who's talking ov er there C.what are they doing D. which i sthat5・—Hi, Tom, h ow z s every thing with you?一___________ ,and how a re you?A.Dorft ment ion itB. H m, not too badC. Tha nksD. Pret ty fast6.——That's a beautiful dress you have on!A・ Oh, th anks. I go t it yeste rday.B. So rry, it's too cheap.C. You can have itD.See you I ater.7.—W hy didn't you come t o my birth day party yesterday?A.Excu se me, my friend sen t me a flo wer.B.Fin e」never go to bir thday part ies.C.Ha---ha, I dorVt like bir thday part ies.D.Sor ry, but my wife had a car acci dent8.——Hi, welcome back! Had a nice tri p?A・ Oh , fantasti c! Fresh a ir, and su nshine eve ry day.e on, I've got Io ts of fun.C.By the way,Idon 〃t like Sa turdays.D.Well,KI I look for ward to yo ur phone c all.9.一Ha ven't seen you for a ges! What are you bu sy doing n ow?A」hate the weather h ere・B・ My hair is ge tting a bi t Ion ger.C • Yeah, th anks for c oming.D・ I am workin g part tim e in a boo kshop, you know.10.一Marilyn』m afraid lhave to be leavin g now.A • That sou nds wonder ful.B. Oh,so early?C. Not at all.D. Goo d luck!I- 5 BACBB6-10 ADADB第二部分:阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)Passag e 1FranceVersaillesAustriaPrussiaEuropeAustriaPrussiaFranceThe Fre nch Revolu tion broke out in 17 89. At the timewas in a cris is. The go vernment w as badly r un and peo pie's live s were mis erable ・ Ki ng Louis X IV tried t o control the nation al parliam ent and ra ise more t axes. But his effort failed.H e ordered his troops to. The people tho ught that Louis inte nded to pu t down the Revolutio n by force . On July 14,1789, t hey storme d and took the Basti lie, where political prisoners were kept. Ever sin ce that da y, July 14 has been the French National Day. Louis tried to flee the c ountry in 1792 to ge t support fro ma nd . However,he was ca ught and p ut in pris on. In Sep tember 179 2, the mon archy was abolished」n the sa me year, L ouis was e xecuted・ A few month s later hi s wife, Ma rie also h ad her hea d cut off.The Revol ution of F rance had frightened the other kings of . Armies f rom and began to m arch again st・ The F rench rais ed republi can armies to defend the natio n. The Rev olution we nt through a period of terror.Thousands of people lost thei r lives. I n the end,power pas sed to Nap oleon Bona parte. (19 0 words)11.What's t his passag e about?EuropeA.France.B.King Loui s.C. The F rench Revo lution.D・.12.Which did not h appen in 1 789?A・ The French Re volution b roke out.B ・ The nati onal econo my was dev eloping ra pidly.C.T he go ver nm ent wasn't well run.D.King Lo uis XIV wa s in power.13.Where were the political prisoners kept?VersaillesAustriaPrussia A. In . B. In .C . In. D. I n Bastille .14.What does the u nderlined worcTabol ished^mea n?A. Put o ff.B. Esta blished.C.United.D.Ended.15.What was NOT the ef feet of th e Revoluti on?A. July 14 has be come the F rench Nati onal Day.B . It broug ht someimpact on th e other Eu ropean Kin gs.C・ Loui s's wife,Marie was killed・D.The king t ried to co ntrol the national p arliament.II-15 CBDD DPassage 2Un ited StatesU.S.A.U.S.In the ,it is not customary to teleph one some on e very ear ly in the morning. I f youtelephone him early in t he day, wh ile he is shaving or having br eakfast, t he time of the call shows that the matte r is very important and requir es immedia te attenti on. The sa me mea ning isattach ed to tele phone call s made aft er 11:00 p .m. If som eon ereceives a call during si eeping hou rs, he ass umes it's a matter o f life or death. The time chos en for the call comm unicates i ts importa nee. In so cial lifetime play s a very i mportant p art. In th eguests tend to fe el they ar e not high ly regarde d if the i nvitation to a dinne r party is extended only three or four d ays before the party date・ But it is not true in a II countri es. In oth er areas o f theworld , it may be con side redfoolish to make an appoint ment too f ar in adva nee becaus e plans wh ich are ma de for a d ate more t han a week away tend to be for gotten. Th e meaning of time di ffers in d ifferent p arts of th e world. T hus, misunderstaridings arise between people from different cultures that treat time differently. Pro mptness is valued hi ghly in Am erican lif e, for exa mple. If p eople are not prompt, they may be regard ed as impo lite or no t fully re sponsible.In then o one woul d think of keeping a business associate waiting fo r an hour, it would be too imp olite. A p erson who is 5 minut es late, w ill say a few words of explana tion, thou gh perhaps he will n ot complet e the sent ence. (260 words)16.What is t he main id ea of this passage? __________U.S.A. It is n ot customa ry to tele phone some one in the morning a nd in slee ping hours in theB.The role of time in social li fe over th e world・U.S.C.If people are not p rompt, the y may be r egarded as impolite or not ful ly respons ible in th eD. Not e very count ry treats the concep t of time as the sam e.17.What does it m ean in the passage i f you call some one d uring his or her sle eping hour s?A.A ma tter of wo rk.B.A ma tter of li fe or deat h.C.You w ant to see him or he r.D.You w ant to mak e an appoi ntment wit h him or h er.18.Whi ch of the follow!ng time is pr oper if yo u want to make an ap pointment with yourfriend? __________A.at 7: 00 am.B. at 4 :00 pm.C.at the mid night.D. a 14:00 am.19.Which of the fol lowing sta tements is true acco rding to t he passage ? _____________A.In th e U.S.A gu ests tend to feel th ey are hig hly regard ed if the invitation to a dinn erparty i s extended only thre e or four days befor e the part y date・B.There is n o misu nder stan ding a rising bet wee n peopl e from dif fere nt cul tures abou tthe cone ept of tim e.U.S.A.C. It ma y be consi dered fool ish to mak e an appoi ntment wel I in advan ce in the •D. Prompt ness is va lued highl y in Ameri can life.2 0. From th e passage we can saf ely infer that ____________ .A・ i t〃s a matt er of life or death if you cal I someone in day tim eB. the me aning oft ime differ s in diffe rent parts of the wo ridU.S.C. it m akes no di fferenee i n thewhe ther you a re early o r late for a busines s partyD.if a perso n is late for a date , he needn "t make so me explana tion16-20 BBBDBPas sage 3U.S.A fo reigner"s first impr ession of theis li kely to be that ever yone is in a rush-of ten under pressure.City peopl e appear a Iways to b e hurrying to get wh ere they a re going restlessly,seeking a ttention i n a store,a nd elbow ing others as they t ryto comp lete their erra nds(任务)• Racin g through daytime me als is par t of the p ace of lif e in this country・Wo rking time is consid ered preci ous. Other s in publi c eating p laces are waiting fo r you to f inish so t hat they t oo can be served and get back to workwi thin the t ime allowe d. Each pe rson hurri es to make room for the next p erson. If you don z t,waiters w ill hurry you.You al so find dr ivers will be abrupt and that people wil I push pas t you. You will miss smiles, b rief conve rsations,and small courtesies with stra ngers. Don 〃t take it personall y. This is because p eople valu e time hig hly, and t hey rese nt some one e lse"wasti ng〃it bey ond acert aincourte sy point・The v iew of tim e affects the import ance we at tach to pa tience. In the Ameri can system of values , patienee is nota high prior ity. Many of us have what migh t be calle d"a short fuse/We begin to move restl essly abou t if we fe el time is slipping away witho ut some re turnbe thi s in terms of pleasu re, work v alue, or r est. Those comi ng fr om lands w here time is looked upon diffe rently may find this matter of pace to b e one of t heir most difficult adjustment s in both business a nd daily I ife.Many n ewcomers t o the Stat es will mi ss the ope ning court esy of a b usiness ca ll z for ex ample, the y will mis s the ritu al sociali zing that goes with a welcomin g cup of t ea or coff ee they ma y be tradi tional in their own country・ T hey may mi ss leisure ly busines s chats in acafeor coffeehou se. Normal ly, Americ ans do not assess th eir visito rs in such relaxed s urrounding s over pro longedsma Iltalks.We seek ou t evidenee of past p erformanee rather th an evaluat e a busine ss colleag ue through social co urtesies.Sinee we g enerally a ssess and probe prof essionally rather th an sociali y, we star t talking business v ery quickl y. (348 wo rds)21. Wh ich of the following statement s is wrong ? ____________A.Ameri cans seem to be alwa ys under p ressure・B.Americans attach le ss importa nee to pat ience.C.A mericans d on't care much about ritual so cializing.D.America ns are imp olite to t heir busin ess coIlea gues・22.1 n the four th paragra ph/a hig h priority ,z means ____________ .A • a less i mportant t hingB. a f irst conce rnC・ a goo d business D. an attr active gif t23.Ameri cans evalu ate a busi ness colie ague ____________ .A・ t hrough soc ial courte syB. throu gh prolong ed busines s talksC.by establi shing busi ness relat ionsD. by learning a bout their past perf ormanee24.This pass age mainly talks abo ut ___________ •A. how America ns treasure their timeB・ how bus y American s are ever y dayC・ ho w American s do busin ess with f oreignersD ・ what Ame rican way of life is like25.W e can infe r from the passage t hat the au thor's ton e in writi ng is ______________ •A.criticalB • ironical C. appreci ativeD. ob jective21-25 DBDAC第三部分:词汇与结构(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)26.Professor Smith pro mised to I ook _________ m y paper,that is,to read it carefully before th edefe nse.A. afterB.overC. onD. into27.Our house is about a mile fro m the rail way statio n and ther e are not many house s _________ .A .in betwe en B.far a partC. amo ng themD.from each other28.As the bus c ame round the corner, it ran ________ a bi g tree by the roadsi de・A. intoB. onC. ov erD. up29.On averag e, a succe ssful lawy er has to talk to se veral ________ a day.A ・ customer sB. suppor tersC. gue stsD. die ntsBirmingham30. Wha t is the t rain ______ t o?A. fe eB. tipC.fareD. cos t31.The s tudents were all en tertai ned in a Mexica n restaura nt, at Professor Bria rVs _____ •A・ money B・ payC. e xpenseD.丨oss32.Tom , what did you do wi th my docu merits? I h ave never seen such a _________ a nd disorde r!A. massB . messC・ g uessD・ bus33.If she wants to stay thin,she must make a _______ in her diet.A. c hangeB. tu rnC. runD.goUnited States34. ______ the Wa r of Indep endence, t hewas an English c olony.A. B eforeB. AtC. InD. Be tween35.Y ou shouldn z t ______ your time like that,Bob; you have to fi nish your school wor k tonight・A. cutB. d oC. killD.kick36.W hen Lily c ame home a t 5 p.m・ y esterday,her mother ______ di rrner in th e kitchen.A・ cookedB ・ was cook ing C. coo ksD. has c ooked37.D id you not ice the gu y _______ h ead looked like a bi g potato?A • whoB. wh ichC・ whos eD. whom38 • Both the kids and their pare nts_______ E nglishjthink・ I know it f rom their accent・A.is B・ been C. areD. w as39. Neve r before ______ see such a ter rible car accident o n the road !A. IhaveB. havelC .1 didD.didlHarvard University4OJohrfs fat her _______ mathemati cs in this school ev er since h e graduate d from.A.taughtB.teachesC.has taughtD.is teac hing41. Ev ery year t housands o f lives _______ in ro ad acciden ts because of careless driving.A. loseB.lostC. ha ve lostD.are lost42 . The youn g lady com ing over t o us ________ our Engl ish teache r; the way she walks tells us that!A. mu stbeB. ca n beC. wou Id beD. co uld beBirmi ngham43・Had you co me five mi nu tes earlier; you __________ the trai n to.But now y ou missed it.A. woul d catchB.would hav e caught C . could ca tch D.sho uld catch4 4・ Eggs, t hough rich in nouris hments, ha ve ______ of fat・A.a large nu mberB. the large num berC・ a la rge amount D. the lar ge amount4 5. No matt er ________ the littl e sisters man aged to round the sheep up and drive them back home safe I y.A. it wa s snowing hardB.har d it was s nowingC・ h ow it was snowi ng ha rdD. how h a rd it was snowing26 -30 BAADC 31-35 CBA AC 36-40 BCCDC 41-45 DABCD第四部分:完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)51 a52 a55 aTher e were one e three so ns of a we althy busi nessman. 46 thev met, the two eldest, who were twins, 47 to qu arrel abou t which of them shou Id be his father's h eir (继承人).The younge st, who wa s not 48 ambitio us (野心勃勃的),took no part in th eir argume nt. As soo n as they left home,the fathe r arranged for an ad equate inc ome to be provided f or 49 of them, b ut insiste d that apa rt from th is they we re to be f inancially selfsupp orting. Th e 50 t win, who h ad the adv antage of good looks and a str iking pers onality, d ecided tha t he would take up t he stage_career.He_smal I repertor y company,acted in minor part s, was alw ays unpunc tual (不准吋)at rehears als and wa s accordin glv 53 with his fellow-act ors. He ea rned littl e and so h ad to live mainly on his allow ance. He o ccasionall y thought of 54 his profes sion, but always put off_de cision, an d he becam e increasi ngly bored and disil lusioned・4 6・ A. what everB. whe neverC・ wh ereverD・ h owever47.A. are use dB・ ingD. a re using48 • A. at le astB. at m ostC. in t he leastD.in the mo st49.A. e veryB. all C. eachD.none50.A.firstB. o IderC. you ngerD. eld er51A is B. asC. b eD. /52.A.joinedB.attendedC.wentD. jo ined in53・A. popular B. unpopul arC・ welco meD. unwel come54.A.livingB. t urningC. e ndingD. ch anging55.A ・ makingB.makeC・ de cideD. dec iding46-50 BBCCD 51 -55 BABDA第五部分:英翻汉(满分15分)请在20分钟内把下列5句英文翻译成中文,把答案写在答题纸上。







5、Statement接口的__public ResultSet executeQuery(String sql)throws SQLException___方法用来执行用sql参数指定的SQL查询,并返回查询结果。


7、session对象的主要方法有__getAttribute(String name)________________。



12、在JSP中, request 内置对象代表__请求信息________, response 内置对象代表_响应信息_____,session_内置对象代表___会话________。

二、单项选择题(每题1分,共20分)1、在JSP中,( A )动作用于将请求转发给其他JSP页面。

A.forwardB. includeeBeanD.setProperty2、使用表单提交数据时,若未指明数据提交方式时,则默认是AA.GETB.POSTC. doGetD.doPost3、在JSP页面中,正确引入JavaBean的是(C)A. <%jsp: useBean id =”myBean” scope =”page” class=”pkg.MyBean” %>B. <jsp: useBean name =”myBean” scope =”page” class=”pkg.MyBean” >C. <jsp: useBean id =”myBean” scope =”page” class=”pkg.MyBean” />D. <jsp: useBean name =”myBean” scope =”page” class=”pkg.MyBean” />4、在WEB应用程序的目录结构中,在WEB-INF文件夹中的lib目录是放( C )文件的A. .jsp文件B. .class文件C. .jar文件D. web.xml文件5、在JSP中,<%="1+4"%>将输出( A )A. 1+4B. 5C. 14D. 不会输出,因为表达式是错误的6、完整的配置一个Servlet需要( B )标签A. <webapp></webapp>B. <servlet></servlet>和<servlet-mapping></servlet-mapping>C. <servlet-name/>和<servlet-class>D. <servlet-mapping><servlet-name>7、jsp指令不包括(C )A. page指令B. taglib指令C. import指令D. include指令8、request.getRequestDispatcher().forward(request,response)称之为( B )A. 流转B. 转发C. 重定向D. 导航9、下面哪个不是JSP中和javabean相关的标记?(B )A. <jsp:userBean>B. <jsp:include>C. <jsp:setProperty>D. <jsp:getProperty>10、给定一个Servlet的代码片段如下:Public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response)throws ServletException,IOException{ ___B___out.println(“hi kitty!”);out.close();} 运行此Servlet时输出如下:hi kitty!则应在此Servlet下划线处填充如下代码。





多选题:1. 下列哪些是计算机网络的优点?(多选)a) 资源共享b) 高安全性c) 快速传输速度d) 灵活性和可扩展性答案:a) 资源共享 c) 快速传输速度 d) 灵活性和可扩展性2. 在计算机中,RAM代表什么?答案:Random Access Memory(随机存取存储器)3. 下列哪种是常见的计算机病毒类型?(多选)a) 蠕虫病毒b) 恶意软件c) 木马病毒d) 硬盘碎片答案:a) 蠕虫病毒 b) 恶意软件 c) 木马病毒填空题:1. CPU的全称是______________。

答案:Central Processing Unit(中央处理器)2. LAN的全称是______________。

答案:Local Area Network(局域网)3. 字节是计算机中的最小________________。

答案:存储单位判断题:1. 二进制是计算机中使用的唯一进制。

答案:正确2. HTML是一种编程语言。

答案:错误应用题:1. 编写一个程序,要求用户输入三个数字,然后计算并输出它们的和。

答案:```pythonnum1 = int(input("请输入第一个数字:"))num2 = int(input("请输入第二个数字:"))num3 = int(input("请输入第三个数字:"))sum = num1 + num2 + num3print("三个数字的和为:", sum)```2. 简要说明什么是数据库,并提供一个常见的数据库类型的例子。









(1)组件(Components)GIS:Components GIS是是将GIS功能分散制作成Active X Control和Automation,这些标准的Active X Control和Automation可以被任何支持它们的开发环境调用,以便在原有的或新开发的信息系统中加入GIS功能。

(2)基于Internet或Intranet的GIS网络GIS(Web GIS):利用Internet在web上发布和出版空间数据,为用户提供空间数据浏览、查询和分析的功能。
















全国计算机b级考试最新试题及答案全国计算机B级考试最新试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共50分)1. 在计算机系统中,硬件和软件的关系是:A. 硬件独立于软件B. 软件独立于硬件C. 硬件和软件相互依赖D. 硬件和软件可以相互替代答案:C2. 下列哪项不是计算机病毒的特征?A. 传染性B. 破坏性C. 可预防性D. 隐蔽性答案:C3. 在Windows操作系统中,以下哪个快捷键用于打开“开始”菜单?A. Ctrl + CB. Alt + F4C. Ctrl + EscD. Alt + Tab答案:C4. 以下关于计算机网络的描述,错误的是:A. 计算机网络由硬件和软件组成B. 计算机网络可以实现资源共享C. 计算机网络只能用于数据传输D. 计算机网络可以提高工作效率答案:C5. 在Word文档中,以下哪个功能用于插入图片?A. 插入B. 格式C. 视图D. 工具答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 在计算机系统中,CPU的中文名称是______。

答案:中央处理器2. 计算机病毒的主要传播途径包括______、电子邮件和______。

答案:移动存储介质,网络下载3. 在Excel中,使用______函数可以计算一组数据的平均值。

答案:AVERAGE4. 在PowerPoint中,可以通过______视图来编辑幻灯片的布局和设计。

答案:幻灯片设计5. 在Access数据库中,用于创建新表的命令是______。

答案:创建表三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 简述计算机硬件的基本组成。


2. 描述操作系统的主要功能。


3. 什么是数据库管理系统?请举例说明。




大学b级试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪个选项不是计算机的主要组成部分?A. 中央处理器B. 显示器C. 打印机D. 内存答案:C2. 在Word文档中,要将一段文字设置为斜体,应该使用哪个工具?A. 粗体按钮B. 斜体按钮C. 下划线按钮D. 居中按钮答案:B3. 以下哪个选项不是计算机网络的拓扑结构?A. 星型B. 总线型C. 环形D. 线性答案:D4. 在Excel中,要将一列数据求和,应该使用哪个函数?A. AVERAGEB. SUMC. COUNTD. MAX答案:B5. 以下哪个选项是HTML(超文本标记语言)的标签?A. <html>B. <word>C. <excel>D. <powerpoint>答案:A6. 在PowerPoint中,要将一张幻灯片设置为横向布局,应该选择哪个选项?A. 纵向B. 横向C. 垂直D. 水平答案:B7. 以下哪个选项不是操作系统的功能?A. 进程管理B. 文件管理C. 内存管理D. 网络管理答案:D8. 在数据库管理系统中,用于创建新表的SQL语句是?A. CREATE TABLEB. DROP TABLEC. SELECT TABLED. INSERT INTO答案:A9. 以下哪个选项不是计算机病毒的特征?A. 传染性B. 破坏性C. 可预测性D. 隐蔽性答案:C10. 在计算机网络中,用于解析域名的协议是?A. FTPB. HTTPC. DNSD. SMTP答案:C二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 在计算机系统中,CPU是_______的缩写,它负责执行程序中的指令。

答案:中央处理器2. 在Word中,要插入页码,可以使用“插入”菜单中的_______选项。

答案:页码3. 计算机网络中,IP地址由_______位二进制数组成。

答案:324. 在Excel中,要设置单元格的背景颜色,可以使用“开始”选项卡中的_______组。



b类证书考试题库及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 在计算机系统中,CPU指的是:A. 中央处理器B. 存储器C. 输入设备D. 输出设备答案:A2. 下列哪个选项是计算机病毒的特征?A. 可执行性B. 可读性C. 可编程性D. 可复制性答案:D3. 在Excel中,要计算一列数据的总和,可以使用哪个函数?A. AVERAGEB. SUMC. COUNTD. MAX答案:B4. 以下哪个是互联网的缩写?A. WWWB. HTTPC. FTPD. Internet答案:D5. 在Windows操作系统中,哪个键可以快速打开“开始”菜单?A. CtrlB. AltC. ShiftD. Windows答案:D6. 下列哪个选项不是计算机硬件的组成部分?A. 显示器B. 键盘C. 鼠标D. 操作系统答案:D7. 在Word文档中,要设置页边距,应该使用哪个功能?A. 页面布局B. 视图C. 插入D. 引用答案:A8. 在PowerPoint中,要插入一张图片,应该使用哪个选项卡?A. 开始B. 插入C. 设计D. 幻灯片放映答案:B9. 以下哪个选项是计算机存储单位?A. 字节(Byte)B. 比特(Bit)C. 像素(Pixel)D. 赫兹(Hz)答案:A10. 在计算机中,RAM代表什么?A. 随机存取存储器B. 只读存储器C. 可编程只读存储器D. 硬盘存储器答案:A二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 以下哪些是计算机软件的分类?A. 系统软件B. 应用软件C. 硬件D. 网络软件答案:A, B, D2. 在计算机中,哪些设备属于输入设备?A. 键盘B. 鼠标C. 显示器D. 打印机答案:A, B3. 以下哪些是计算机操作系统的功能?A. 进程管理B. 文件管理C. 设备管理D. 网络管理答案:A, B, C, D4. 在Excel中,哪些函数用于数据排序?A. SORTB. RANKC. LARGED. SMALL答案:A, B5. 在PowerPoint中,以下哪些视图模式用于编辑幻灯片?A. 普通视图B. 幻灯片浏览视图C. 幻灯片放映视图D. 大纲视图答案:A, D三、判断题(每题1分,共10分)1. 计算机病毒是一种恶意软件,可以自我复制并传播。



全国计算机b级考试试题及答案全国计算机B级考试试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 在计算机系统中,CPU是指什么?A. 中央处理器B. 内存C. 硬盘D. 显示器答案:A2. 下列哪个选项不属于计算机硬件?A. 键盘B. 鼠标C. 操作系统D. 打印机答案:C3. 计算机病毒主要通过什么途径传播?A. 电子邮件B. 网络下载C. 移动存储设备D. 以上都是答案:D4. 在Windows操作系统中,哪个键可以调出开始菜单?A. CtrlB. AltC. ShiftD. Windows答案:D5. 下列哪个软件不是文字处理软件?A. Microsoft WordB. WPS OfficeC. Adobe PhotoshopD. LibreOffice Writer答案:C6. 计算机的内存主要用来做什么?A. 存储数据B. 处理数据C. 显示数据D. 传输数据答案:B7. 下列哪个选项是正确的IP地址格式?A.答案:B8. 在Excel中,哪个函数可以用来计算一组数据的平均值?A. SUMB. AVERAGEC. MAXD. MIN答案:B9. 在计算机网络中,HTTP协议的作用是什么?A. 传输文件B. 传输电子邮件C. 传输网页D. 传输视频答案:C10. 计算机的二进制数制中,1和0分别代表什么?A. 开和关B. 正和负C. 高和低D. 真和假答案:A二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 下列哪些设备属于计算机的输入设备?A. 键盘B. 鼠标C. 打印机D. 扫描仪答案:A, B, D2. 在计算机系统中,哪些部件属于存储设备?A. 硬盘B. 内存C. 光驱D. 显示器答案:A, C3. 下列哪些是计算机操作系统的功能?A. 管理硬件资源B. 管理软件资源C. 提供用户界面D. 执行应用程序答案:A, B, C, D4. 在Word文档中,下列哪些操作可以用来修改文本格式?A. 字体加粗B. 字体颜色C. 插入图片D. 段落对齐答案:A, B, D5. 在计算机网络中,下列哪些协议用于数据传输?A. FTPB. HTTPC. SMTPD. TCP答案:A, B, D三、判断题(每题1分,共10分)1. 计算机的CPU是计算机的核心部件,负责执行程序指令。




一、选择题1、HTTP哪个请求方式,请求参数会出现在网址列上?(A)GET (B)POST2、Web容器在收到浏览器请求时,会如何处理请求?(A)使用单一执行绪处理所有请求(B)一个请求就建立一个执行绪来处理请求(C)一个请求就建立一个行程来处理请求(D)一个请求就执行一个容器来处理请求3、Java EE中各技术标准最后将由什么文件明订规范?(A)JCP (B)JSR(C)JDK4、在JSP中,要定义一个方法,需要用到以下()写法。

A. <%= %>B. <% %>C. <%! %>D. <%@ %>4、在J2EE中,在web.xml中,有如下代码:<session - config><session - timeout>30</session - timeout></session - config>上述代码定义了默认的会话超时时长,时长为30()。

A. 毫秒B. 秒C. 分钟D. 小时6、JavaWeb 中()类的()方法用于创建对话。

A. HttpServletRequest、getSessionB. HttpServletResponse、newSessionC. HtttpSession、newInstanceD. HttpSession、getSession7、给定一个 Servlet 的doGet方法中的代码片段,如下:request.setAttribute(“name”,”zhang”);response.sendRedirect(“http://localhost:8080/servlet/MyServlt”);那么在Servlet 中可以使用()方法把属性 name的值取出来。

A. String str=request.getAttribute(“name”);B. String str=(String)request.getAttribute(“name”);C. Object str=request.getAttribute(“name”);D. 无法取出来8、下边哪个不是JSP的内置对象?()A. sessionB. requestC. cookieD. out9、关于get和post两种请求,下列说法正确的是?()A. Form表单默认请求是get请求。



Practical English Test for Colleges(2015年6月)Part ⅠListening Comprehension (25 minutes)Directions: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 4 sections.Section ADirections: This section is to test your ability to give proper responses. There are 7 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Example:You will hear:You will read: A. I’m not sure. B. You’re rightC. Yes, certainly.D. That’s interestingFrom the question we learn that the speaker is asking the listener to leave a message. Therefore, C. Yes, certainly is the correct answer. You should mark C on the answer Sheet.Now the test will begin.1. A) You are late. B) My pleasure. C) Fine. Thanks. D) Go ahead, please.2. A) I’m John Smith. B) Thank you. C) Not too bad D) It’s over there.3. A) Pass it to me, please. B) Yes, of course. C) This way, please . D) Don’t worry4. A) All right. B) Not at all. C) I’m fine. D) It doesn’t matter.5. A) Here you are B) Thank you for coming.C) It’s too late. D) Yes, once a month.6. A) Never mind. B) Mind your steps. C) Sure. D) Don’t mention it.7. A) Long time no see. B) Here it is. C) Coffee, please. D) No problem. Section BDirections: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 7 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper.Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Now listen to the dialogue.8. A) He missed the bus. B) He got to the wrong place.C) He forgot the time. D) He was sick.9. A) By a gift card. B) By cheque.C) In cash. D) By credit card.10. A) The man’s foreign language ability. B) The man’s education background.C) The man’s communication skill. D) The man’s work experience.11. A) She doesn’t like her job. B) She has changed her job.C) She is retired. D) She has quit her job.12. A) From its advertisement. B) From its website.C) From its newspaper. D) From its sales people.13. A) In a hospital. B) In a hotel.C) In a restaurant . D) In a supermarket.14. A) Today . B) Next Monday.C) Tomorrow. D) This Friday.Section CDirections:In this section, there are 2 recorded conversations. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. Both the conversations and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Now listen to the conversations.Conversation 115. A) Meet a friend. . B) Visit a patient.C) See a doctor. D) Look for a dentist.16. A) He’s caught cold. . B) He’s got a headache.C) He’s got his leg broken. D) He’s got a fever.Conversation 217. A) Mrs. Green. . B) Mrs. Smith.C) Mr. Kale. D) Mr. Black.18. A) On Friday. . B) On Wednesday.C) On Thursday. D) On Monday.19. A) Write a letter. . B) Arrange the meeting.C) Send an email. D) Pass a message.Section DDirections:In this section you will hear a recorded short passage. The passage is printed in the test paper, but with some words or phrases missing. The passage will be read three times. During the second reading, you are required to put the missing words or phrases on the Answer Sheet in order of the numbered blanks according to what you hear. The third reading is for you to check your writing. Now the passage will begin.Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you very much for coming to our conference this afternoon. I’m Henry Johnson, the 20 of Smart Toys. Now, I’d like to introduce you to a completely 21 of toy manufacture. Firstly, I’ll talk about the market research which led to the 22 of this product. Then I’ll explain the production and our sales plan. Finally, I’ll make some suggestions so that you can make this product a 23 . We are confident this new product will sell well in the 24 . At the end of my speech, we’ll have aquestion-and-answer section.Part ⅡVocabulary and Structure (10 minutes)Directions: This part is to test your ability to construct correct and meaningful sentences. It consists of 2 sections.Section ADirections: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.25. I am very happy to declare that this year’s sales target ahead of time.A) achieved B) has achieved C) has been achieved D) had been achieved26. The new traffic rules will become from the first day of 2016.A) comfortable B) excellent C) challenging D) effective27. The news quickly spread throughout the campus he won the first prize in thecompetition.A) which B) what C) that D) who28. The delivery of the goods was because of the snow storm.A) worked out B) put off C) turned on D) taken in29. When , the project will help to greatly improve the environment in the community.A) finished B) to finish C) finishing D) finish30. The task will not be fulfilled we get help from the other departments.A) if B) unless C) since D) when31. Vitamin B enables the body to full use of the food taken in.A) make B) reach C) put D) bring32. These construction workers are required to participate the safety training program.A) at B) with C) in D) to33. We’ll send the memo in advance all people can have enough time to get prepared.A) in case B) so that C) as if D) ever since34. Congratulations on the great you’ve made since last year.A) progress B) measure C) appointment D) senseSection BDirections: There are 5 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in brackets. Write the word or words in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.35. It is hard (guess) what comments the manager will make on the design.36. Payment can (make) online from your checking or savings account.37. This type of loan is (frequent) used for this purpose.38. It is possible that we reach a long-term (agree) with the company.39. I must admit that the situation is (difficult) than I thought it would be.Part ⅢReading Comprehension (35 minutes)Directions: This part is to test your reading ability. There are 5 tasks for you to fulfill. You should read the reading materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed.Task 1Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 40 to 44. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.It is important for us to know how to stay safe while traveling in foreign countries. We’ve all heard the stories of travelers having their wallets(钱包) stolen or finding themselves in the wrong part of the town. So you have to be more careful than usual, when traveling abroad.Remember to carry a small amount of cash and a copy of your ID with you at all times. There is no need to bring large amounts of cash with you. When shopping, use your credit card instead. Keep your wallet in your front pocket so that there is no way someone's hand could get in there without your noticing it.Travel with a friend, business partner if possible. It is always better to travel in pairs than to go alone. Know where you’re going. Look at the map before you leave the hotel so that you knowwhere you are going and how to get there.Lock your valuables (贵重物品) either in the safe in your hotel room or in the main hotel safe.Be aware of your surroundings. Look around when walking, and avoid keeping your head low.40. When shopping abroad, you are advised to _________.A) use online servicesB) use a credit cardC) pay by checkD) pay in cash41. To keep your wallet safe, you’d better _________________.A) hold it in your keep it in your handB) leave it in the hotel safeC) put it in your front pocketD) keep it in your shoulder bag42. To know where you are going, you are advised to _____________.A) ask the police for detailed informationB) look at the map before leaving the hotelC) always travel with your business partnerD) have a smart phone with you while traveling43. Where should you keep your valuables while staying in a hotel?A) In the hotel safe.B) In your pocketsC) In your traveling bagD) In a bedside container.44. Which of the following can be the title for the passage?A) How to Ask Ways While TravelingB) How to Shop in a Foreign CountryC) Protect Your Personal InformationD) Stay safe While Traveling AbroadTask 2Directions: The following is a notice. After reading it, you will find 3 questions or unfinished sentences numbered 45 to 47. For each question or statements there are 4 choices marked A),B), C) and D). You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.. 45. To apply for a position advertised, you should ____________.A) make a phone call to the organization45.To apply for a position advertised, you should ______________.A) make a phone call to the organization B) visit the organization in personC) send your resume online D) sign up for registration46. When they are selected, the right person will be _________.Maryland Community Connection Proudly PresentsCareers and Opportunities Job FairsMonday, May12, 2014 9:00am –4:00 pm Maryland Community Connection is expandingand we are looking for you.Please send your resumes toinfor@NO PHONE CALLS PLEASEInterviews will be held on site for qualified candidates. Please arrive dressed professionally We are more than willing to train the right personActivity Seeking Entry-level Positions-Working with people with disabilities. Manager of Community Services Transportation Specialist Director of Human Resources Director of Quality Assurance Summer Employment (Duration 8—12 weeks) MCC requires that you be at least 18 years of age and have your own vehicle for the position listed Do you have whagt it takes to help others? Maryland Community Con- nection individuals with disabilities become Extraordinary member in their communities 4401 Nicole Drive Lanham, ME 20706 Phone 301-583-0358 Fax: 301-583-0359 Email: infor@web: Facebook Maryland Community Connection Twitter WMDComConnectionA) shown around the company B) provided with trainingC) given a welcome party D) sent to work abroad.47. Job candidates are advised to be dressed professionally as they are likely to ___________.A) sign a job contract B) give a presentationC) help the disabled people D) attend an interview on siteTask 3Directions: Read the following passage. After reading it, you should complete the information by filling in the blanks marked 48 to 52 (in no more than 3 words)in the table below. You should write your answers on the Answer Sheet correspondingly.ChevronChevron is one off the world’s leading energy companies. Our highly skilled global workforce consists of about 64,500 employees, including more than 3,200 service station employees.In 2013, Chevron’s average net production was nearly 2.6 million oil-equivalent barrels(桶) per day. About 75% of that production occurred outside the United States. Chevron had a global production of 1.96 million barrels of oil per day at the end of 2013.We care about the environment and are proud of the many ways in which our employees work to safeguard(保护) it. Our efforts to improve on our safe work environment continue to pay off. We recognize that the world needs all the energy we can develop, in every potential form.Task 4Directions: The following is a list of column titles used on a company’s website. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to those given in Chinese in the table below. Then you should mark the corresponding letter in order of the numbered blanks. 53 through 57 on the Answer Sheet.A ------- Our BusinessB ------- Our CustomersC ------- Customer TrainingD -------- About UsE -------- Career DevelopmentF -------- Select RegionG -------- Contract InformationH -------- Site MapI -------- Privacy StatementJ -------- Terms of UseK -------- Company HistoryL -------- Campus RecruitingM -------- Career GuideN --------News ConferenceO -------- Social MediaP -------- Personal InvestingQ-------- Financial ReportingTask 5Directions: Read the following letter. After reading it, you are required to complete the answers that follow the questions (No. 58 to No. 62). You should write your answers(in no more than 3 words) on the Answer Sheet correspondingly.Dear Employees:Please join me in welcoming Jim Johnson as our newest team member. Jim has become the General Manager since March 4. He will be in charge of a new project that can take our business to the national level.Jim used to be the Vice President in ABC Company for the years. In that position, he looked for opportunities for improvement, made suggestions and helped make decisions.There will be a staff lunch in the meeting room at 12:30 on March 6. Please come and introduce yourselves. Pizza and soft drinks will be provided. If you can’t attend, stop by Jim’s office any time next week. He will be in the new office on the second floor.Thank you.Best Regards,John Davis CEO58. Who has joined the Company?___________________________________.59. What was his position in ABC Company?___________________________________.60. What will the staff members do at the lunch party?They will meet the new General Manager and________________________ themselves.61. If one can’t come to the lunch party, what might they do?They might visit the General Manager at his office any time _______________.62. Where is Jim Johnson’s new office?It’s on ____________________________.Part ⅣTranslation 〈25 minutes〉Directions: This part, numbered 63 to 67, is to test your ability to translate English into Chinese. Each of the four sentences (No.63 to No.66) is followed by three choices of suggestedtranslation marked A, B, and C. Make the best choice and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. And then write your translation of the paragraph (No.67) in the corresponding space on the Translation/Composition Sheet.63. The VIP customers can take advantage of discounted room rates on a “first-come,first-served” basis.A. 贵宾可以根据“先来先得”的原则,享受折扣房价的优惠。



考b本科一试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列哪项不是计算机硬件的组成部分?A. 中央处理器B. 内存C. 操作系统D. 硬盘答案:C2. 在计算机网络中,HTTP协议通常用于什么?A. 发送电子邮件B. 传输文件C. 浏览网页D. 远程登录答案:C3. 以下哪种数据结构适合于实现数据库索引?A. 链表B. 队列C. 栈D. 树答案:D4. 在关系数据库中,用于从数据库中检索数据的SQL语句是?A. INSERTB. UPDATEC. SELECTD. DELETE答案:C5. 以下哪个选项是面向对象编程中的基本概念?A. 过程B. 函数C. 类D. 变量答案:C6. 在HTML中,用于定义最重要的标题的标签是?A. <h1>B. <h2>C. <h3>D. <h4>答案:A7. 在C语言中,以下哪个关键字用于定义一个函数?A. intB. returnC. voidD. function答案:A8. 以下哪个选项是Python语言的特点?A. 静态类型B. 编译执行C. 动态类型D. 严格的语法答案:C9. 在操作系统中,进程和线程的主要区别是什么?A. 进程是程序的执行,线程是程序的代码B. 进程是程序的代码,线程是程序的执行C. 进程有独立的内存空间,线程共享内存空间D. 进程和线程没有区别答案:C10. 在软件开发中,敏捷开发方法的核心原则是什么?A. 遵循严格的计划和文档B. 强调个人和交互胜过过程和工具C. 优先考虑文档和合同D. 优先考虑工具和自动化答案:B二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 在计算机科学中,______算法是一种用于解决最优化问题的算法,它通过迭代逼近最优解。

答案:梯度下降2. 在数据库设计中,______范式(BCNF)是消除了所有部分函数依赖的范式。

答案:巴斯-科德3. 在Java中,______关键字用于声明一个类可以被其他类继承。



理工B 1 it seemed 选unba
2 Rumars began 选spread
3Make sure 选fixed
4He paused waiting选understand
5These animals migrate 不选exp和inhabit
6As a 选influence
理工B 代码23
1-5adccb 6-10bBAAD 11-15CCAbd 16-20abacc 21-25bcDBC 26-30EFDAC
36-40ABCBB 46-50fcdba
理工B 试卷代号22
1-10 32323 34434 11-20 12331 13213 21-30 31526 35264 31-40 12434 42312 41-50 3312464314 51-65 32132 41234 21141
理工B 试卷代号22 1-10 32323 34434 11-20 12331 13213 21-30 31526 35264 31-40 12434 42312 41-50 33124 64314 51-65 32132 41234 21141
B 代码22到五34212到十42331到十五43221 到20 23321 到二五21242 到三零23322到三五31222到四十22341到四五21321 到五十43322

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

<% String s="";
{FileReader rf=new FileReader("d:\\");
BufferedReader brf=new BufferedReader(rf);
String rs;
while ((rs=())!=null)
(); }
catch (IOException e){
(e); }
2 3 3 3 5
1 9 9 34 55
程序运行结果为:在页面上显示一行字符串“读出文件内容”,在其下边显示2 3 3 3 5 1 9 9 34 55,且数字在同一行显示。

要求:输入页面(),向数据库中添加记录的Servlet为,查看数据库中记录的Servlet 为,显示学生信息的文件,学生信息的Javabean()。




(1) 程序为:
package information;
import .*;
import .*;
import .*;
public class extendsimplements
{private Connection con;
Public AddRecordServlet()
String username=”root”;
String userPasswd=””;
String dbName=”student”;
try {
package score;
import .*;。
