
2.0范围:适用于本公司所有Cable and Connector产品的可靠性测试。
3.0权责:3.1可靠性测试:品保部训练合格之人员执行之.3.2测试计划制定:量产品由品保部负责制定,新产品由工程部负责制定. 3.3测试失败分析及改善:工程部及相关单位进行分析改善.3.4测试失败改善追踪:品保部测试人员.4.0定义:(略)5.0可靠性测试时机:5.1新产品打样阶段之可靠性测试;5.2设计变更之可靠性测试;5.3量产品定期追踪之可靠性测试(至少每一个月执行一次);5.4质量有异常或客户有要求则依客户要求执行.6.0可靠性测试环境:实验室温度:23+/-5℃;湿度:75%RH以下.7.0作业内容:7.1耐久性插拔(Durability)7.1.1测试目的:评估连接器连繨插拔后,其端子电镀层磨耗程度或插拔前后之电气特性与机械特性变化;7.1.2测试对象:SATACABLE/ATA7.1.3测试依据:EIA-364-097.1.4测试方法:a.对插方式以连接器公母实配为测试原则;b.插拔速度除特别规定外,每小时不超过200次;c.插拔次数为:100次7.1.5成品类,每次抽取3pcs试验,每月执行一次.7.1.6成品此项测试在新产品打样时规定要求执行;质量出现异常时执行及客户有要求时执行.7.2摇摆测试(Bending test)7.2.1测试目的:评估线材与连接器连接效果及线材弯曲抵挡疲劳化能力. 7.2.2测试依据:EIA-364-417.2.3测试对象:USB类/其它机外线材7.2.4测试条件:7.2.5线材未能达到以上次数便断裂(open),则这次测试判为失败7.2.6针对线材类,每批抽取5PCS试验;成品类,每次抽取3pcs试验,每月执行一次.7.2.7成品此项测试在新产品打样时规定要求执行;质量出现异常时执行及客户有要求时执行;每月执行一次..7.3盐水喷雾实验(Salt Spray):7.3.1 实验目的:评估连接器金属配件及端子镀层抗盐雾腐蚀的能力﹔7.3.2 实验对象:所有五金件产品部件之来料7.3.3 实验依据:EIA364-267.3.4 实验程序:a.实验条件:*盐水浓度:5%(重量比);*试验仓之温度:35±1℃;*饱和桶温度:47±1℃;*喷雾量:1.0~2.0Ml/80cm2/h;*盐水液的PH值:6.5-7.2;b.时实验间:8H(若有特别要求,则另外规定)c.样品的放置应不互相接触,且测试面与垂直面成150度﹔d.实验完毕后除特别规定外,试样应以清水冲洗5分钟(水温不得超过38℃)必要时以软毛刷洗,洗去试验样品表面盐沉积物,然后在标准的恢复大气条件下恢复1~2H检测其样品外观.7.3.5针对五金类、CONN类,每批抽取5PCS实验。

5台 外观,功能均正常
包装、卡通无受损,主要部件无受 损,其它功能正常。
角度18°至20°,冲击力 2.0至2.8kg.
1台 各部件不能分离。
测试基础:在混凝土地 面,每次四底面,工作状
13.扬声器(系统) b.在额定功率范围内给扬
项目 外观
1.箱体无色差、异 色、划伤、碰伤、 缩水、裂痕、披峰 、脱漆、龟裂、污 痕、变形、裂缝、 松动、漏气等。 在40W的日光灯
有明显的色差、划伤、碰伤、污 痕、变形等 缩水深于0.3mm,或者面积大于1 平方毫米,裂缝大于0.2mm 有裂痕、龟裂、脱漆、变形、棱 角不圆滑易伤手、松动、箱体漏 气等。
a.温度:45℃±2℃,湿 度:60%±2%; b.时间:2小时关机,8小 时开机工作;无包装; c.额定电压±10%
回到正常状态后,样机连续工作无 任何质量异常。
a.温度:2±2℃,湿度: 干燥条件; b.时间:2小时关机,5小 时开机工作,无包装; c.额定电压±10%
5mm小于8mm的不多于3条,深度以 MI
正面:直径在0.25mm-0.5mm之 间,不多于1点。
各侧面:直径在0.5-1mm之间, 不多于1点.
直径在3mm以内,大于1mm小于 3mm不多于1点。
文件名称 文件编号
小音箱质量检验标准 页码

汽车音响指标测试收音部分:一FM 〔MON 1KH Z 22﹒5 KH Z DEV〕之一1、USABLE SENSITIVITY〔S/N:30dB〕30dB有用灵敏度操作:先将被测机器收正90MH Z〔98 MH Z 106 MH Z〕LEVEL 电平打在正常dB数,VOL收小到0 dB,然后去掉信号〔即打ON/OFF〕再钮毫伏表退3下〔即30 dB,退一格为10 dB〕然后调信号发生器的电平〔LEVEL〕,使没信号时的指针与有信号时的指针重复〔假设没重复,不能超过1 dB〕,最后电平〔LEVEL〕显示的dB数确实是30 dB有用灵敏度。
2、I·H·F SENSITIVITV〔75KH Z DEV 3%T.H.D〕3% 失真灵敏度操作:先将被测机收正90MH Z〔98 MH Z 106 MH Z〕打在75KH Z DEV将失真仪打在DIS 10%〔-20 dB〕档,然后钮VOL和发生器的dB数使失真仪指针不要超过3%应在3%内波动,毫伏表应指在2左右,最后发生器电平〔LEVEL〕显示的dB数确实是3%失真度。
3、-3 dB LIMITING SENSITIVTY-3 dB极限灵敏度操作:先将被测机收正98 MH Z电平〔LEVEL〕打在66dB,将VOL收小到0dB,然后减少发生器电平〔LEVEL〕dB数到毫伏表针少3个dB时停,现在,电平〔LEVEL〕所显示的dB数确实是-3dB极限灵敏度。
4、S/N RA TIO〔@1mv INPUT〕1mv=60dB+6dB 衰减=66dB信噪比操作:先将被测机收正98 MH Z电平〔LEVEL〕打在66 dB,将VOL收小到0 dB,去掉信号,然后钮毫伏表,每下10 dB,使毫伏表针不能超过0 dB,然后看指针指数是多少,再将一共打了几下的dB数加上指针指数确实是信噪比的值[例如:一共打5下〔即5档=50 dB〕加上指针指数〔比如指针指在9〕9,那么S/N=50+9=59 dB]5、I·F REJECTION中频抑制操作:先将被测机收正90MH Z,测出它的有用灵敏度dB数,再将90MH Z转为10.7 MH Z〔中频〕,然后调电平〔LEVEL〕的dB数,使波形最正时所显示的dB数减去有用灵敏度的dB数,所得的dB数确实是中频抑制的值。

HARMAN INTERNATIONALRELIABILITY TEST PLANforAUTOMOTIVE AUDIO SPEAKERharman consumer groupCentral Quality GroupRelease Date: 2/1/98 Revision Level: KRevision Level Date: 03/31/051.0 PurposeThe purpose of this test plan is to describe the environmental and functional performancerequirements to which the speaker will undergo in order to be validated. The intent of thevalidation program is to expose the speaker to an accelerated aging process.2.0 Test PlanThis test plan details the type of tests and the number of units required for each. The sample size outlined below may change depending on Reliability Target.2.1 Test ImplementationThe full qualification test program consists of the groups listed below. This is a parallel test sequence such that each group is run independently. This test plan must be performed on at least one member of a “Product Family”. The most complex or highest power model should be chosen.Full Qualification Test SequenceGroupQuantityDV PVTest Name Spec. Sect.No.Functional TestRequirementsA 2 6Life Cycle 5.1 4.4 and 4.5B 2 6Power Test 5.4 4.4 and 4.5UV Exposure Test 5.8Impact Test 5.5C 2 6Humidity Test 5.3 4.4 and 4.5Random Vibration Test 5.6 4.4 and 4.5D 2* 6 Packaging Test (ASTM) 5.7 4.4 and 4.5For Packages up to 150 lbs (ASTM4169)Handling (Drop), First Sequence 5.7.1 4.4 and 4.5Compression Test (Vehicle StackingAssurance Level II)5.7.2 4.4 and 4.5Loose Load Vibration 5.7.3 4.4 and 4.5Vehicle Vibration 5.7.4 4.4 and 4.5Handling (Drop), Second Sequence 5.7.5 4.4 and 4.5Temperature Test 5.2 4.4 and 4.5(1) For Master Pack Shipping Option (ifavailable)5.7.9Humidity Storage Test Load Vibration 5.7.3VehicleVibration 5.7.4* If packaging is available.Note 1: Unless otherwise specified, all units shall be tested in the orientation that unit will be mounted in the car.Note 2: The performance limits of the units under test will be specified in the HCG approved Engineering Test Specification (ETS) [see Section 6].2.2 Abbreviated QualificationThe abbreviated test program consists of the groups listed below. This is a parallel test sequence such that each group is run independently. These tests must be performed on all members of a “Product Family” not subjected to the Full Qualification found in section 2.1.Abbreviated Qualification Test ScheduleGroupDV PV Test Name Spec. Sect.No.Functional TestRequirementsA 2 6Life Cycle 5.1 4.4 and 4.5B 2 6Power Test 5.4 4.4 and 4.5Handling Drop Test 5.5C 2* 6Packaging Test (ASTM) 5.7 4.4 and 4.5For Packages up to 150 lbs (ASTM4169)Handling (Drop), First Sequence 5.7.1 4.4 and 4.5Compression Test (Vehicle StackingAssurance Level II)5.7.2 4.4 and 4.5Loose Load Vibration 5.7.3 4.4 and 4.5Vehicle Vibration 5.7.4 4.4 and 4.5Handling (Drop), Second Sequence 5.7.5 4.4 and 4.5* If packaging is available.Note 1: Unless otherwise specified, all units shall be tested in the normal car mounting orientation.Note 2: The performance limits of the UUT will be specified in the Engineering Test Specification.3.0 Standard Test Conditions3.0.1 Signal SourceUnless otherwise specified, all tests shall be conducted with the Audio SignalGenerator/Amplifier output configured to be balanced, less than or equal to 50-ohm source impedance, and floating. The signal source GND shall be connected to the speaker PWRGND at the speaker.3.0.2 PositionUnless otherwise specified, the speaker shall meet all requirements in the “normal mounting position”. It is defined on the Product Specification as to the horizontal or vertical position of the mounting surface.3.0.3 Room TemperatureUnless otherwise specified, all measurements shall be made at room temperature. Roomtemperature is specified as 23o C +/-3o C.3.0.4 Frequency RangeThe frequency range is specified from the -3dB point at the upper and lower operating range of the driver. This range and the limits with in that range shall specified on the ProductSpecification.3.0.5 NoiseThe products are divided into three groups, full range (multi-element), mid-bass, and sub-woofer. The type of product shall be specified on the Product Specification.Full Range will use track 13 on the Car Audio Test Disc Version 2.0: IEC noise with acrest factor of 9dB.Mid-bass will use track 14 on the Car Audio Test Disc Version 2.0: a decade of pinknoise, 50 to 500Hz (-3dB points) 12dB slopes, with a crest factor of 9dB.Sub-woofer will use track 15 on the Car Audio Test Disc Version 2.0: a decade of pinknoise, 30 to 300Hz (-3dB points), 12dB slopes, with a crest factor of 9dB.3.0.6 Music SignalThe products are divided into two groups: 1) full range (multi-element) and mid-bass, 2) sub-woofer. The type of product shall be specified on the Product Specification.Full Range and Mid-bass – track 16 on the Car Audio Test Disc Version 2.0: “Beat It”by Michael JacksonSub-woofer – track 17 on the Car Audio Test Disc Version 2.0: “Crime Stories” by MCHammer4.0 Functional RequirementsFunctional requirements are to be tested in accordance with an HCG approved product engineering specification (ETS).4.0.1 PolarizationWith the driver face down and the terminal facing toward you the Product Specification shall identify the positive terminal, which shall be labeled Pin 1 or “+”. When a positive potential is applied to the positive terminal, the cone shall move outward from the basket producingpositive pressure.Ref. IEC 268-24.0.2 DC ResistanceEnsure that the test lead resistance is factored out of this measurement. Connect the test leads to the speaker and measure the resistance in ohms with an averaging ohmmeter to ensure that ambient noise levels do not produce an EMF at the meter yielding false resistance readings.The DCR shall be within the limits specified on the Product Specification.4.0.3 ImpedanceRigidly suspend the speaker from the motor structure in free air at least 50 cm from thenearest reflecting surface. Mounting means must be minimal in bulk such that the airmovement during testing is substantially unrestricted.Measure the deviation from the Reference Sample Speaker impedance at each of the definedfrequencies. The deviation at all frequencies shall be within the limits specified on the Product Specification.4.0.4 Frequency ResponseApply a stepped sine wave sweep or a Canetics signal over the specified frequency range,using the specified frequency spacing, with the specified bandwidth smoothing per theProduct Specification, and analyze the microphone output. Calibrate the measurement system to display the 1 Watt 1 Meter equivalent sensitivity based on Z nom as specified on the Product Specification. Display the SPL and the Frequency in ISO standard 25dB/decade aspect ratio.The resultant graph of amplitude vs. frequency is defined as the frequency response. Measure the deviation from the Reference Sample Speaker sound pressure level at each of the definedfrequency bands. The deviation at all frequencies shall be within the limits specified on theProduct Specification.To verify that no damage has occurred to the Reference Sample Speaker and that the testequipment is functioning properly, the first process shall be to test the Reference SampleSpeaker against the stored data from the previous production runs. If there is a change of more than one standard deviation at any frequency, both the Reference Sample Speaker and testequipment shall be re-calibrated.4.0.5 Extraneous NoiseThe speaker assembly shall not produce extraneous noise when a dynamic test is performed.The following types of deficiencies are some typical causes of extraneous noise:Buzz: Any noise produced by a looseness of components vibrating against othercomponents.Rub: Any noise produced by the voice coil sliding or rubbing against other components.Bottoming: The noise produced by the contact of the moving system with the speakerstructure.Rattle: The random noise produced by an object trapped within the speaker strikingmoving components or any intermittent noise caused by loose electrical connections orcontrols.Frozen Coil: Absence of free excursion caused by adhesive in the magnetic gap or anoffset (loose) component of magnetic circuit.Air Noise: The noise produced by high velocity airflow through a small leak.5.0 Qualification TestingThe reliability target for all car speaker products is zero defects at 50,000 miles operation.Successful completion of the test is intended to demonstrate 90% reliability with 90% confidence.5.1 Life CycleEach speaker shall withstand 5 cycles (totaling 215 hours) of the environmental conditionsoutlined below. The speakers should be checked once a day on a regular basis. A full functional test should be performed on all units at the end of the second and fifth cycles.5.1.1 Life Cycle CalibrationThe supplied Car Audio Test Disc Version 2.0 facilitates accurate test level calibration and testing consistency by incorporating sine wave test tones (first three tracks) that are calibrated to the music tracks specified for testing.Using the RMS number from the Product Specification under the “Life Cycle” column, the level will be calibrated with the appropriate test tone (track 1 for subwoofers, track 2 for mid-bass, and track 3 for multi-element full range). Then skip to track 16 “Beat It” for full range and mid-bass or track 17 “Crime Stories” for subwoofer and repeat for the specified duration.The level of the music signal is already calibrated to the test tone.A. Over a 30-minute period, raise the temperature to 40°C with a relative humidity of 95%.B. Stabilize the temperature at 40°C with a relative humidity of 95% for 16 hours. After 6 ½hours, apply the designated music signal at 1/8th the specified RMS voltage (section3.0.6). At the end of the 16-hour period, remove the signal.C. Over a 30-minute period, raise the temperature to 90°C with a relative humidity of <20%.D. Stabilize the temperature at 90°C with a relative humidity of 20% for 8 hours. After 3hours, apply the designated music signal at 1/8th the specified RMS voltage. At the end of the 8-hour period, remove the signal.E. Over a 30-minute period, lower the temperature to 25°C.F. Stabilize the temperature at 25°C for 2 hours.G. Over a 30-minute period, lower the temperature to -35°C.H. Stabilize the temperature at -35°C for 5 hours. After 2 hours, apply the designated musicsignal at 1/8th the specified RMS voltage. At the end of the 5-hour period, remove the signal.I. Over a 1-hour period, raise the temperature to 90°C.J. Stabilize the temperature at 90°C for 5 hours. After 2 hours, apply the designated music signal at 1/8th the specified RMS voltage. At the end of the 5-hour period, remove the signal.K. Over a 30-minute period, lower the temperature to 25°C.L. Stabilize the temperature at 25°C for 3.5 hours.M. This is the end of one cycle.(See graph on next page)5.2 Temperature (Non-Operational) TestEach speaker shall withstand 24 hours of exposure to -35o C and 24 hours to 90o C inside theenvironmental chamber. The test duration should be 24 hours at each temperature with aminimum of 4 hours between temperature conditions. Let the speakers cool down to a normal room temperature before any post-test evaluation is performed. The speaker should be tested at the end of each 24-hour period.Ref. Chrysler PF 9506 Temperature Test5.3 Humidity (Non-Operational) TestEach speaker shall withstand exposure to 40o C at 95% relative humidity for 16 hours, then 90o C at 20% relative humidity for 8 hours with 15 minutes ramp between the two temperature and humidity conditions. This is considered one cycle. The total test is 5 cycles long totaling 122 hours. Leave the speakers for a minimum of 4 hours at room temperature before any post-test evaluation is performed.Ref. Chrysler PF 9506 Damp/Dry Cycling5.4 Operating Power (Noise) TestEach speaker shall withstand 100 hours of application of noise signal specified in section 3.0.5.The noise signal should be calibrated to 100% of the RMS voltage rating as specified on the Product Specification. Leave the speakers for a minimum of 4 hours at room temperature before any post-test evaluation is performed.5.4.1 Power Test Calibration ProcedureThe supplied Car Audio Test Disc Version 2.0facilitates accurate test level calibration andtesting consistency by incorporating sine wave test tones (first three tracks) that are calibrated to the noise tracks specified for testing.Using the RMS number from the Product Specification under the “Power Test” column, the level will be calibrated as follows:Subwoofer – use track 1: 50 Hz 0 dBMid-bass – use track 2: 100 Hz 0 dBFull range (multi-element) – use track 3: 1 kHz 0 dBThen skip to the appropriate noise track (Subwoofer – track 15, Mid-bass – track 14, Fullrange – track 13) and repeat for the designated 100-hour duration of speaker testing. Thelevel of the test signal is already calibrated to the test tone.NOTE: The amplifier used in the test set-up must be capable of slightly higher PEAKvoltage than the level required for testing. An oscilloscope will be used to verify theabsence of a clipped output signal (which could cause damage to the transducer andpremature failure).5.5 Impact (Non-operational) TestEach speaker (without the packaging) shall withstand one (1) drop from a height of 1 meter onto a concrete base. Each speaker shall be dropped once for each side. A total of 6 units are needed to cover all six (6) sides.Each speaker shall be visually inspected for any loose or broken parts and components. Results of the test should be treated for information purposes only and not part of the acceptancecriteria.5.6 Random Vibration (Non-operational) TestEach unit shall withstand 2 hours per axis of the Random Vibration outlined below: Z – AxisBreakpoint (Hz) Magnitude (G2/Hz)0.005550.059100.035602000.00070.000041000Total Spectral Content = 1.8 GrmsY-AxisBreakpoint (Hz) Magnitude (G2/Hz)0.009250.07680.076120.00031000Total Spectral Content = 1.685 GrmsX-AxisBreakpoint (Hz) Magnitude (G2/Hz)0.00545100.05120.00271900.000233700.000231000Total Spectral Content = 1.4 GrmsPost TestTest units shall be visually inspected for any loose or broken parts and components, followed by functional testing.Ref. Chrysler PF 9825 Vibration5.7 Packaging Test (ASTM)5.7.1 Schedule A–Manual Handling, First SequenceFor purposes of this procedure, the bottom of a small parcel is the surface on which the parcel rests in its most stable orientation. Recommended drop heights, the number of drops, thesequence of drops, and the shipping unit orientation at impact are as follows:Shipping Weight, lb (kg) Drop Height, in. (mm)0 to 20 (0 to 9.1) 24 (610)20 to 40 (9.1 to 18.1) 21 (533)40 to 60 (18.1 to 27.2) 18 (457)60 to 80 (27.2 to 36.3) 15 (381)80 to 100 (36.3 to 45.4) 12 (305)100 to 200 (45.4 to 90.7) 10 (254)Number ofImpacts AtSpecified Height Impact Orientation –First Sequence of Distribution CycletopOneTwo adjacent bottom edgesTwo diagonally opposite bottom cornersbottomOneRef: ASTM D 4169 – 99Post TestThe units should be checked for functional performance and external appearance after the test.No impaired function or concealed damage is permitted. End pads may be cracked with no separation. Cartons should have no tearing or de-bonding of the seam edge.5.7.2Compression Test: Vehicle Stacking Assurance Level IISchedule B – Warehouse Stacking and Vehicle StackingThis test is intended to determine the ability of the shipping unit to withstand thecompressive loads that occur during warehouse storage or vehicle transport. Theformula calculates the compressive load over the largest footprint of the package usinga shipping density factor. A safety factor is used to take into effect time in storage,stacking pattern, variables in container strength and atmospheric conditions(temperature, humidity). The test is to be conducted by loading the shipping unit to thecomputed load value, as calculated below. The compressive load is to be uniformlydistributed about its largest footprint. Remove the load within 3 seconds after reachingthe specified value.Formula:L = Mf*J*((l*w*h)/K)*((H-h)/h)*FL = Minimum Required Test Load=lb or NMf = Shipping Cargo Density factor = 10.0 lb/ft3 or 160 kg/m3J = conversion factor = 1 lbf/lb or 9.8 N/kgl = length of shipping unit = in or mw = width of shipping unit = in or mh = height of shipping unit = in or mK = conversion factor = 1728 in3/ft3 or 1 m3/m3H = maximum stack height = 108.0 in or 2.7mF = factor to account for individual factors described above = 7Acceptance Criteria:1. No visible damage2. Product intact internally3. Packaging components able to provide further protection4. Compression test cannot cause the outer shipping container to crease, split or tear at the joint.Test Conditioning: 73.4o F (+/-2o F) [23o C (+/-1o C)] and 50% (+/-2%) relative humidity in accordance with practice D 4332.Ref: ASTM D 41695.7.3 Loose Load Vibration Method A1—Repetitive Shock TestPlace the test specimen on the test machine platform in its normal shipping orientation. Attach restraining devices to the platform to prevent the specimen from moving horizontally off the platform and to prevent excessive rocking without restricting the vertical movement. Adjust the restraining devices to permit free movement of the specimen of approximately 10 mm (0.4 in.) in any horizontal direction from its center position. Start the vibration of the platform at a frequency of about 2 Hz and steadily increase the frequency until some portion of the test specimen repeatedly leaves the test surface. To ensure that the test specimen receives acontinuing series of repetitive shocks, a shim with a 1.6 mm (1 /16 -in.) thickness and a width of 50 mm (2.0 in.) shall be used to determine when the test specimen is leaving the testplatform. The shim should be inserted under the package a minimum of 100 mm (4.0 in.) and moved intermittently along one entire length of the package.Continue the test at this frequency for a period of 1 hour. The test may be stoppedmomentarily to inspect for damage.If the container might possibly be transported in any other orientations, test at least onecontainer in each possible orientation for the full-specified test duration.Inspect the container and its contents and record any damage or deterioration resulting from the test.Ref: ASTM D 4169 – 99, ASTM D 999 – 965.7.4 Schedule E-Vehicle VibrationPerform the test for each possible shipping orientation. Recommended intensities anddurations for the random tests are given below.Random Test:The following power spectral densities (as defined by their mode of transport, frequency and amplitude breakpoints) and test durations are recommended:Air: Assurance Level IFrequency, Hz Power Spectral Density Level, g 2 /Hz0.000420.02120.021000.00002300Overall, g rms 1.49Duration, min B180B For vehicle vibration tests in multiple shipping unit orientations, the total duration should bedistributed evenly between the orientations tested.Ref: ASTM D 4169 - 995.7.5 Schedule A–Manual Handling, Second SequenceFor purposes of this procedure, the bottom of a small parcel is the surface on which the parcel rests in its most stable orientation. Recommended drop heights, the number of drops, the sequence of drops, and the shipping unit orientation at impact are as follows:Shipping Weight, lb. (kg) Drop Height, in. (mm)0 to 20 (0 to 9.1) 24 (610)20 to 40 (9.1 to 18.1) 21 (533)40 to 60 (18.1 to 27.2) 18 (457)60 to 80 (27.2 to 36.3) 15 (381)80 to 100 (36.3 to 45.4) 12 (305)100 to 200 (45.4 to 90.7) 10 (254)Number ofImpacts AtSpecified Height Impact Orientation –Second Sequence of Distribution CycleOne vertical edgeTwo adjacent side facesTwo one top corner and one adjacent top edgeOne the drop should be in the impact orientation most likely for adrop to occur, usually the largest face or the bottom. Fordistribution cycles where any drop orientation is possible (i.e.,small parcel environment), this drop should be in the mostcritical or damage–prone orientation.Ref: ASTM D 4169 – 99Post TestThe units should be checked for functional performance and external appearance after the test.No impaired function or concealed damage is permitted. End pads may be cracked with no separation. Cartons should have no tearing or de-bonding of the seam edge.5.7.9 Master Pack Shipping Option (if available)This test is intended to determine the ability of the individual beauty boxes in a mastershipping carton to withstand the potentially abrasive environment that could occur during vehicle transport following warehouse storage. A master pack is considered to be at least six units in a larger carton. If the product master pack is less than this number, then additional master packs will be tested until the six individual unit requirement is met.The test samples will be repacked in previously untested beauty boxes free of any visibledefects before being packed in the master pack for this test. Samples will complete theHumidity Storage test in the master carton. Humidity Storage TestThe units shall be exposed to the following conditions:ConditionTemperature 40° C (+/-2° C)-2%/+3%Humidity 93%Exposure Time 48 hoursStabilization Time AfterMinimum of 8 hoursTest*Unit Configuration With Packaging*Stabilization Time is referred to as the elapsed time the unit has been out of theenvironmental chamber and allowed to reach ambient temperature and humidityconditions before continuing into the next test.The master pack will complete the Loose Load Vibration test (5.7.3). This will be followed by the Vehicle Vibration test (5.7.4).Post TestAfter the test the individual unit beauty boxes must be checked for appearance. No visiblesurface abrasion or carton degradation is permitted.5.8 Ultraviolet (UV) Exposure TestEach speaker should be place inside the UV test chamber and withstand 20 cycles of UVexposure test outlined below. The type of UV lamp should be 40 watts UV-C lamp as shown: Test Set Up:Environmental conditions as follows:Temperature is 90° C constant.Over a 30-minute period, raise the humidity from ambient to 90%.Maintain at this level for 2 hours.At the end of 2 hours, discontinue the humidity (allow to return to ambient).Continue at 90° C constant for 5 hours 30 minutes.This is one cycle (eight hours). Total test duration is 20 cycles.UV Test Environmental Profile:Int 1Post TestTest units shall be visually inspected for any degradation in parts and components, followed by functional testing. Cone and surround material should not become brittle or crack and there should be no de-bonding cone-to-dust cap or cone-to-surround. Some discoloration or fading is expected.6.0 PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONTEST PARAMETER SECTIONPosition 3.2 Hor/VertFrequency Range 3.4 Range +dB -dBNoise 3.5 Product Type RMSLevelPolarization 4.1 Lt/RtDC Resistance 4.2 Min Max NomOhmsMaxMinImpedance 4.3RangeOhmsOhms Frequency Response 4.4 Range +dB -dB。

17 18 19
样品放入恒温恒湿箱,在45+/-2度,湿度《95%的环境下储存2H,然后降温至-10+/-2度再储存 恒温恒湿箱 2H,此为一个循环,共做6次循环,完成后将主机在常温回温2H,再检查其外观和电性能是否正 常 恒温恒湿箱 恒温恒湿箱 让音箱在温度45+/-2度,湿度《90%的环境下,加电工作5H,然后再常温下回温2H,再检查机器 的外观及电性能是否正常 让音箱在温度-5+/-2度的环境下,加电工作5H,然后再常温下回温3H,再检查机器的外观及电性 能是否正常
按键应用插 接扣疲劳测 试 基本电性能
1.在温度为20~28度 ,湿度20%~80%的室内环境中,音量调制75%左右,查房WAVE MIDI CD等音 电脑/DVD/U 乐,其音质无明显爆音、杂音、失真等不良现象;2.音量控制旋钮,电源开关按钮、音调控制旋 潘/SD卡/IF 钮能正常;左右声道音量大小一致,3.将WINDOWS的混音器和音箱音量调节按钮调至最大,关闭 卡 音乐,是否有明显的交流电声。 1.正确连接音箱之间的音频连接线,插拔与声卡的立体声插头5次,每次间隔5秒以上,音箱工作 需正常。B音箱热插拔时系统应可自动找到音箱(不可在USB音箱播放音乐时进行插拔)。如 电脑 果该机型有前置USB口或者USB\HUB,要求进行音箱与每个USB接口的配合测试,内置音箱不进行插 拔试验。 电脑 1.将计算机至于休眠状态;2.再将系统休眠后唤醒,此时音箱应能正常工作
7 8
休眠测试 振动测试
振动机、电 1.有低到高,再由高到低做一次循环,做一个小时频率范围10~50~10HZ 驱动振幅1.0mm 把频速 脑 度《1 ;2.测试完毕后按照公司外观及功能检查标准进行检查,要求无外观故障和电性能故障。 1.带卡通跌落与彩盒跌落;2.彩盒跌落高度100CM 卡通跌落高度80CM (备注:包装物重小于12公 跌落测试机 斤,跌落高度1米,重量12~30KG 高度0.8米)3.跌落方法,6回1角3棱(角对应的3棱)每次一 、电脑 面,一角一次,三棱各一次,跌落面:钢板。3.跌完后测试音箱电性能,不能出现杂音、异音、 左右声道异常等。 电脑 电脑 电脑 条件:在室内常温下,20%~60%湿度,WINDOWS混音器音量在出场预算状态(大约75%)音量本身 主音量控制到75%,连续播放音乐4H后,音箱工作正常。 改变音箱接受器与发射器的距离,在无遮挡的条件下,有效工作距离不小于10M 发射器与接收器保持正常工作状态,无音源信号输入的情况下。距离无音箱0.5M处,人耳不能明 显听到噪声 模拟实际环境,将3台以上的机器放在同一测试区域,两两相距0.5M左右,每套样品能正常工 作,相互间没有串扰切没有相互干扰 使用WLAN设备、蓝牙设备、无线键鼠等设备进行抗干扰性试验,在正常工作状态下无线音箱应该 能够正常工作,无杂音切有效距离不小于10M 环境测试

检测标准:GB/T 14471-2013《消费音视频设备通用技术要求》
1. 外观检测
2. 电器性能测试
● 额定输入功率:10W
● 额定输出功率:5W
● 频率响应范围:65Hz~20kHz
● 信噪比:≥70dB
3. 功能测试
经检测,品牌ABC音箱功能正常,以下是具体测试数据:● 连接方式:蓝牙、AUX
● 操作方式:按键、APP遥控
● 其他功能:FM收音、闹铃等
4. 安全性能测试
● 绝缘电阻:≥2MΩ
● 耐电压强度:1500V AC/1min
● 耐摔性能:产品从0.5m高度自由落下后,无明显变形和破损
5. 结论
审核人:XXX 批准人:XXX。

1. 目的:明确制订扬声器及耳机受话器产品的可靠性、安全性及其它特殊要求试验项目,以使大家有章可循,并做为产品开发、量产抽测依据。
6 各项试验作业办法电声产品(扬声器及耳机受话器)可靠性测试要求:每项可靠性试验完成,恢复至试验前的条件,在有效频率范围内,频率响应曲线相处于规定的容差范围内。
6.1 基础实验6.1.2 低温存储试验试验对象扬声器、受话器及模组室温-20°C 1 to 10 °C/Min 96H 2H振动试验4. 试验完毕后,恢复 2H ,进行各项指标检测(外观及性能)8长周期最大功率试验试验10次1分钟开 2分钟关6.1. 9 跌落试验试验对象 扬声器、受话器 试验目的 产品抗冲击性试验测试定义. 1.5 米试验高度、 40 次跌落 .试验品装入 100 克跌落工装参考标准 IEC 60068-2-32 Basic environmental testing procedures Part :Test-TestEd:Free fall测试要求.样品数量: 20PCS.工装:扬声器 /受话器跌落工装( 100g ) .测试仪器:电声测试仪、扫频仪 .跌落工作台(大理石台面)试验步骤1.取20PCS 产品(无外观、电气不良),并记录电气参数 (FR/SPL/f0 等)2.将产品装入跌落工装3.将产品在大理石面上进行跌落(按如下图示要求)4. 试验完毕后,恢复 2H ,进行各项指标检测(外观及性能)落地方向(10 6 边+12 棱+8 角)79 7 5落地次数 2X6 边 +1X12 棱+2X8 角 =40 次落地6.1. 10 盐雾测试试验对象 扬声器、受话器、零件及模组 试验目的单体及其零件抗腐蚀能力试验1.边13126113.边4.边5.边2.边6.2.2 低温寿命测试500H1 to 10 ° C/Min6.2.3 弹片疲劳实验6.2.4 耐硝酸实验的硝酸;2.6 烤箱中干燥1 小时后,冷却至室温;2.7 把冷却后的样品放到显微镜下观察斑点大小(不允许碰伤簧片区域);附件1:附着力测试结果评定测试结果附着力结果改善动作0OK PASS-1有任何一片或多片镀金层脱落FAIL电镀质量不能接受。


抗干扰性测 试
16 低温储存试 验 高温储存试 验 高低温冲击 测试 恒温恒湿箱 温度-30℃条件下,带包装冷藏16H。取出后在常温下 搁置2H,然后播放音乐,记录有无失真、杂音、无声 等异常现象 在温度55℃,相对湿度90%的条件下,带包装放置16H 。取出后播放音乐,记录有无失真、杂音、无声等异 常现象 样品放入恒温恒湿箱,在45℃±2℃,湿度≤95%的环 境下储存2小时,然后降温至-10±2℃再储存2H,此为 一个循环,共做6个循环,完成后将主机在常温下回温 2H,再检查其外观和电性能是否正常 让音箱在温度为45±2℃,湿度≤90%的环境下加电工 作5小时,然后在常温下回温2小时,再检查机器的外 观及电性能是否正常 让音箱在温度为-5±2℃的环境下加电工作5小时,然 后在常温下回温2小时,再检查机器的外观及电性能是 否正常
高温工作试 验 低温工作试 验
可 靠 性 测 试 计 划 表
评测机型 评测数量 评测开始日期 评测结束日期 评测人 评测物料处理 关键部件1 关键部件2
序号 测试项目 测试工装与环境 测试方法 评测数量 评测结果 问题点描述
1 辅料验证 / 1、开箱时检查彩盒有无破损、受潮,到货商品名称、 型号等是否与客户订单相符;2、按照机型BOM检查型 号是否正确、附件是否齐全无误,检验连线长度、标 签印刷是否符合要求;3、检查箱体是否出现破损、脏 1、抱起音箱晃动,倾听内部响声,检查是否有异物; 2、音箱的各种连接线与相应的设备连接插拔力适中无 接触不良或插拔力不合适现象,插拔力符合:1Kg‹插 头插拔力‹4Kg(5-30N),如有耳麦,也需要检查以上 各项;3、各种旋钮和按钮及开关安装到位,使用手感 舒适,不卡键、不掉键;4、正常日光灯下,对A\B\C 三面进行小范围检查,检查标准参考见公司外观标 准;5、检查各种丝印、标签是否粘贴到位,有无印 错,印反。 1、抗化学溶剂性:用白色棉质软布(或脱脂棉)捆绑 在端面直径大于6mm、长40mm的圆形木棒的一端。再将 95%浓度的酒精倒于木棒端面的白色棉质软布(或脱脂 棉)上。在常温下对产品丝印文字或图案表面上以1Kg 压力和1秒钟往返一次速度摩擦100次。要求没有严重 失色,没有溶融、脱落等现象;2、附着力(3M测 试):用剥离强度不小于5N/25mm胶带,贴附在丝印 上,沿垂直丝印表面迅速剥离。连续进行五次(胶带 不能重复使用)。要求丝印文字、字符、标志等没有 脱落,胶带没有沾附脱落的油墨; 1、电源开关按键,操作2000次,按键不能出现任何操 作异常;2、其他功能按键、旋钮测试,每个按键各操 作2000次,不能出现任何异常;3、音频口等音箱接口 插接1000次以上,不能出现外观异常,上电后功能保 证无操作异常。

低温存储测试 高温存储测试
功能异常 关闭电源, 把产品放在温度-20度环境下24小时, 最后放在室 温2小时,测试后,不可以有任何功能异常 关闭电源, 把产品放在温度+60度环境下24小时, 最后放在室 温2小时,测试后,不可以有任何功能异常
12.2 蓝牙音响喷油及丝印要求 百格测试 在产品表面10*10mm范围,用刀切成1mm平方的小格子,用至 少25.4mm长的 3M 600型号胶粘贴在百格上面, 压紧, 然后用 135度及45度角度拉胶纸,拉下的时间在1秒内快速拉下, 同一胶件,应选择3-4个点做测试,拉下后,丝印面积需要保 持85%以上面积完好才合格 纸带摩擦测试 使用标准的测试仪器及 #7976 测试带, 测试环境湿度不超过 50%,喷油必须通过15周期 175克力的测试,测试后,表面不 应该有损坏及漏底。 化学测试 用90%的酒精滴在产品表面等2分钟,用白布抹去酒精,表面 不应该有任何掉色。 环境测试 存储测试样品在70度 90%的湿度下72小时表面不应该有任何 掉色或变化 盐雾测试 用5% 盐水,喷雾测试48小时,然后把样品放在室温1小时, 不需要清洁盐水,然后自然风干,查看表面部应该有生锈及 变色 13,安全性要求: 13.1, 产品的电池必须要有基本的安全测试认证报告:UN38.3, 如客户有需要, 需要提供客户的有关电池的安全测试报告, 供应商需要在来料检验时 提交有效的测试报告,这点在电池选料时做要求. 13.2, 在电路设计上,严格按照安全设计要求做, 1.1, 聚合物电池容量小于150mAh的, a, 输入部分串2.2欧姆电阻 b, 如果PCB 够大,再加上LDO电路(LDO电压值DC1.8V,普通封装) 1.2, 聚合物电池容量大于150mAh的, a, 输入部分接二极管保护 b, 如果PCB 够大,再加上LDO电路(LDO电压值DC1.8V,普通封装) 1.3, 对于电容式电池的产品,除了采用1.1 或 1.2的设计外,还要注意: a, 电池引脚加胶水覆盖,防止短路,供应商做好,开发打样机承认时注意 b, 取消滤波电容,防止电容被击穿短路发热 1.4, 头戴连接线及内部多股转接线换用内绝缘线,防止线互相短路导致发热 1.5, 取消Mic USB接副耳机功能

音量电位器处于最大,调整信号器输出使输出在额定输出,断开负载,在输出并上荣性负载(102PF,103 PF,104 PF,224 PF,474 PF,1uF)在100HZ 1KHZ 10KHZ三点均要测试,观看不应有自激现象

1. 目的:为验证我司各机型在不同工作状态、不同环境条件下的可靠性,暴露设计、材料、工艺所存在的缺陷,提高产品可靠性能和确保试验结果的正确性,特建立试验管理规范以保证原材料、成品满足客户品质要求。
2. 范围:凡与在新品开发、进料、成品、量产出货过程中,有关的原材料、半成品及成品处于可靠性测试阶段的相关事项与人员均适用;此规范适用于本公司新产品设计试验、例行性可靠性试验、重大质量问题验证和替代物料、开发工程设计变更验证等需进行可靠性试验的材料及成品。
3. 定义:QRS:品质可靠性系统(Quality Reliability System)3.1产品试验质量保证:产品在设计、试制、量产验证阶段环节,依据产品设计测试方案及试验指导作业文件,对产品正常性能、结构、工艺特性等进行常规例行、可靠性依赖性试验,以确认产品最终出货质量保证。
4.2 技术部:4.2.1提供3.2项所需进行试验以OA正式《产品试验需求单》的形式提出书面申请,并提供各项所需进行试验的产品,同时视情况根据QE验证需求参与试验;4.2.2针对可靠性试验中发现的问题进行分析及拟定改善对策,并于方案导入时,做初步验证,初步验证OK后再按4.2.1项要求进行作业。

3、定义3.1 MTBF:Mean Time Between Failures平均故障间隙时间或平均寿命。
3.3 关联性故障:指受试样品预期会出现,如必须经维修才能排除之故障,通常为产品本身引起,它是在解释实难结果和计算可靠性特征时,必须要计入的。
3.4 非关联性故障:指受试样品非预期出现且不是受试样品本身引起的故障。
5、作业内容5.1 可靠性实验之种类:可靠性实验按其实验目的不同包含:5.1.1环境实验5.1.1.1恒温老化实验;(动态储存)高温负荷实验;(动态储存)恒定湿热实验;(静态储存)高温高湿高压贮存实验;(静态储存)低温负荷实验;(动态储存)高低温循环贮存实验;(静态储存)实验(动态储存)5.2 恒温老化实验 [根据部分特殊客户要求而做]5.2.1实验目的验证产品在接近常温的恒温下之品质状况能符合客户要求。
5.2.3实验条件及方法5.2.3.1实验温度:(35±2)℃实验时间:48h5.2.3.3实验负荷:Play DVD(厚碟)MP35.2.3.4实验方法:在35℃恒温下,循环播放DVD厚碟,MP3碟48小时,中途和试验后检查产品声音、动能、图像是否合符客户要求。
5.3 高温负荷实验(动态、储放)5.3.1实验目的验证产品在高温环境下之品质状况能符合客户需求。

20 蓝牙连接成功 蓝灯常亮 21 TF卡播放音乐 红蓝灯常亮 22 蓝灯模式下充 红蓝灯常亮 电
23 TF卡模式充电 红蓝灯常亮, 24 电脑声卡 红灯常亮
25 关机状态充电 红灯常亮,充满电后红灯灭。 25 工作时,充满 红灯一直亮 电。
1、此样品,电池及外壳,PVC片并非最终板,请先确认音响功能。 2、电池正在打样,500-600MA的电池。 3、外壳待客户确认颜色后,再做样几个。 4、喇叭振膜重新设计打样中,增加振膜的R角,使低音更好点。 备注 5、此样品的PVC片过厚(0.4mm),按键手感不够好,已经安排重新打样0.2mm厚的PVC片,待客户 确认丝印图案后才开钢网丝印。 6、塑胶模除顶盖需要小改,其它基本确认。
待定 OK OK
插入TF卡,开机键拨到右边,即开始播放音乐 播放/上一首/下一首 按键正常 开机键拨到中间,即关机,拨到 左边时间长点就会打开蓝牙,时 间短则不会打开 备注:先开机并在TF卡模式才能 作为声卡,如有打开音乐播放 器,暂停键可以直接开始播放音 乐,上下首可以控制 不能作为声卡用,只能作为充电 用 播放TF卡音乐,不能作为声卡 用,只能作为充电用 音乐暂停,红蓝灯闪烁,按暂停 键免提接听,双方音量合适,
1、蓝牙无线音频播放。 2、TF卡音频播放。 3、USB接入电脑,成为USB声卡。 样品功能描述: 4、内置锂电池,可重复充电。 5、蓝牙模式下,可作电话免提音响,方便接电话及打电话。 6、可同时连接两个蓝牙设备,如同时连接两个手机,交替音频播放。(特色功能) LED显示 18 开机 19 蓝牙搜索 先红蓝灯同时亮,后蓝灯闪烁 蓝灯闪烁 待定 待定 待定 待定 待定 待定 待定 待定 待定 备注: 此样品 仅作功 能确认 用

抽样方案:依据GB2828,IL=II,AQL CR=0、Maj.=0.65、Min.=1.5
3.5 功能检验

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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
跌落测试 (彩盒、卡 通箱)
整机稳定性 测试(老化 )
11 耳机插口测 试 电脑 1、如果音箱上或线控上有耳麦插孔,利用标配耳麦检 验音箱上耳麦插孔是否正常。2、如果音箱上有遥控接 收装置,同样要求对其进行检验,具体请参考遥控器 检验规范;
12 13
有效距离测 试 静噪测试
可 靠 性 测 试 计 划 表
评测机型 评测数量 评测开始日期 评测结束日期 评测人 评测物料处理 关键部件1 关键部件2
序号 测试项目 测试工装与环境 测试方法 评测数量 评测结果 问题点描述
1 辅料验证 / 1、开箱时检查彩盒有无破损、受潮,到货商品名称、 型号等是否与客户订单相符;2、按照机型BOM检查型 号是否正确、附件是否齐全无误,检验连线长度、标 签印刷是否符合要求;3、检查箱体是否出现破损、脏 1、抱起音箱晃动,倾听内部响声,检查是否有异物; 2、音箱的各种连接线与相应的设备连接插拔力适中无 接触不良或插拔力不合适现象,插拔力符合:1Kg‹插 头插拔力‹4Kg(5-30N),如有耳麦,也需要检查以上 各项;3、各种旋钮和按钮及开关安装到位,使用手感 舒适,不卡键、不掉键;4、正常日光灯下,对A\B\C 三面进行小范围检查,检查标准参考见公司外观标 准;5、检查各种丝印、标签是否粘贴到位,有无印 错,印反。 1、抗化学溶剂性:用白色棉质软布(或脱脂棉)捆绑 在端面直径大于6mm、长40mm的圆形木棒的一端。再将 95%浓度的酒精倒于木棒端面的白色棉质软布(或脱脂 棉)上。在常温下对产品丝印文字或图案表面上以1Kg 压力和1秒钟往返一次速度摩擦100次。要求没有严重 失色,没有溶融、脱落等现象;2、附着力(3M测 试):用剥离强度不小于5N/25mm胶带,贴附在丝印 上,沿垂直丝印表面迅速剥离。连续进行五次(胶带 不能重复使用)。要求丝印文字、字符、标志等没有 脱落,胶带没有沾附脱落的油墨; 1、电源开关按键,操作2000次,按键不能出现任何操 作异常;2、其他功能按键、旋钮测试,每个按键各操 作2000次,不能出现任何异常;3、音频口等音箱接口 插接1000次以上,不能出现外观异常,上电后功能保 证无操作异常。
17恒温恒湿箱18源自恒温恒湿箱19高温工作试 验 低温工作试 验
外观结构检 验
按键应用、 插接口疲劳 测试
1、在温度为20℃-28℃、湿度为20%-80%的室内环境 中,,音量调至75%左右位置,播放Wave、MIDI、CD等 音乐,音质应无明显爆音、杂音、失真等不良现象;2 、音量控制旋钮、电源开关按钮、音调控制旋钮应功 基本电性能 电脑/DVD/U盘/SD卡/TF卡 能正常,调节均匀;左右声道音量大小一致,左右声 道位置应正确。(如2.0对箱带音量控制的音箱应该为 右声道)3、将Windows的混音器和音箱音量调节旋钮 放在最大位置,关闭播放程序,应该没有明显的交流 声; 1、正确连接音箱之间的音频连接线,插拔与声卡的立 热插拔测试 电脑 体声插头5次,每次间隔5秒以上,音箱工作需正常。2 、USB音箱热插拔时系统应可自动找到音箱(不可在 USB音箱播放音乐时进行热插拔)。如果该机型有前置 USB口或者USB HUB,要求进行音箱与每个USB接口的配 合测试,内置音箱不进行热插拔试验。
7 休眠测试 电脑 1、将计算机置于休眠状态;2、再将系统休眠后唤 醒,此时音箱应能正常工作
8 振动测试 振动机、电脑 1、由低到高,再由高到低做一次循环,做一个小时, 频率范围10-50-10Hz,驱动振幅1.0mm,扫频速度 oct/min:≤1;2、测试完毕后按照公司外观及功能检 查标准进行检查,要求无外观故障和电性能故障 1、带卡通箱跌落与彩盒跌落;2、彩盒跌落高度为 100cm,卡通箱跌落高度80cm(备注:跌落包装物重量 小于12Kg,跌落高度为1M;重量12Kg-30Kg跌落为 0.8M);3、跌落方法:6面1角3棱(角对应的3棱), 每面一次,一角一次,三棱各一次,跌落面:钢板;3 、跌完后测试音箱电性能,不能出现杂音、异音、左 右声道声音异常等电性能问题 条件:在室内常温下,20%-80%的湿度,Windows混音 器音量在出厂预算状态下(大约75%),音量本身主音 量控制调到75%处,连续播放音乐4H后,音箱工作应该 正常
电脑 电脑
改变音箱接收器与发射器的距离,在无遮挡的条件 下,有效工作距离不小于10M; 发射器与接收器保持正常工作状态,无音源信号输入 的情况下,距离无线音箱0.5M处人耳不能明显的听到 噪声 模拟实际环境,将3台以上的机器放在同一测试区域, 两两相距0.5M左右,每套样品能够正常工作,相互间 没有串扰且没有相互干扰; 使用WLAN设备、蓝牙设备、无线键鼠等设备进行抗干 扰性试验,在正常工作状态下无线音箱应该能够正常 工作、无杂音且有效距离不小于10M
抗干扰性测 试
16 低温储存试 验 高温储存试 验 高低温冲击 测试 恒温恒湿箱 温度-30℃条件下,带包装冷藏16H。取出后在常温下 搁置2H,然后播放音乐,记录有无失真、杂音、无声 等异常现象 在温度55℃,相对湿度90%的条件下,带包装放置16H 。取出后播放音乐,记录有无失真、杂音、无声等异 常现象 样品放入恒温恒湿箱,在45℃±2℃,湿度≤95%的环 境下储存2小时,然后降温至-10±2℃再储存2H,此为 一个循环,共做6个循环,完成后将主机在常温下回温 2H,再检查其外观和电性能是否正常 让音箱在温度为45±2℃,湿度≤90%的环境下加电工 作5小时,然后在常温下回温2小时,再检查机器的外 观及电性能是否正常 让音箱在温度为-5±2℃的环境下加电工作5小时,然 后在常温下回温2小时,再检查机器的外观及电性能是 否正常