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Acoustic Working principlesensors(声敏传感器)
The sensor is sensitive to a built-in to sound capacitive [kə'pæsɪtɪv] electret microphone(电容式驻极话筒). Sound waves make the microphone electret film (驻极体膜) vibration [vaɪ'breɪʃ(ə)n], result in the change of capacitance [kə'pæsɪt(ə)ns], and produce with the corresponding change of tiny voltage ['vəʊltɪdʒ; 'vɒltɪdʒ]. Then this voltage is converted into 0 to 5 voltage, and transmitted to the computer, after A/D conversion was accepted by the data collector.
Working principle
Light sensors can converts light signals into electrical signals with photosensitive element sensor , its sensitive wavelengths is close to the visible light wavelength, including infrared wavelengthand ultraviolet wavelengths. Light sensor is not limited to light detection, it also can be used as a detection device of other sensors to test many non-electrical, as long as the nonelectric can be converted into optical signal changes.
● The linearity is better than 0.5%;
● High reliability. Small size, light wei ght, easy to install and it will not bring any loss to the system. In view of the a bove high performance characteristics, the Hall current sensors gain the wide applications.
A. the sensor does not need to check it again, the
an important role in automatic control(自动控 制) and non-electricity measurement [‘meʒəm(ə)nt] technology(非电量电测技 术). The simplest photosensitive sensor is photosensitive resistance(光敏电阻), it will create electric current when photons(光子) hit joint(结合处).
H​a​l​l​ ​e​f​f​e​c​t​ ​s​e​n​s​o​r​
H​a​l​l​ ​e​f​f​e​c​t​ ​s​e​n​s​o​r​
● Measure the arbitrary waveform cu rrent, such as DC, AC, and even to tra nsient peak parameters measurement;
传感器 制作人:XXX
Living in a rapidly developing society,we have the chance to enjoy many things people who has died can not.
But every machine can not work without many special devices in it. These special devices are called “transducer” or“sensor”,which are widely used in everywhere. Sensors to machine is what sense organs to a people .Lots sensors make up the nervous system of the machine ,then the machine can be controlled by people to do what they want .
● High precision. General Hall current sensor module’s precision in the work area is higher than 1%, and the precis ion is suitable for any waveform meas urement;
定义: 能感受规定的被测量并按照一定的 规律转换成可 用输出信号的器件或装置。 作用:
探测、感受外界的信号、物理条件(如光、 热、 湿度)或化学组成(如烟雾),并将 探知的信息传递给 其他装置或器官。
Light sensor
Light sensor is the most current production, one of the most widely usቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱd sensors, it plays