跨文化交际导论(英文版)(第二版) Chapter 1 Introduction to Intercultural Communication

(1) Intercultural communication (2) Cross-cultural communication (跨文 化传播) (3) International communication (4) Comparative mass communication (比较大众传播)
Core Content of ICC
(Rich and Gudykunst)
Intercultural Communication
(Gudykunst and Hammer, 1987)
Four Categories of ICC
Question for Discussion:
1. Can you distinguish intercultural and crosscultural communication? Please give specific examples to illustrate international, interethnic, interracial communication. 2. Compare the core content of intercultural communication study as proposed by Rich and Gudykunst. 3. Please try to come up with at least 3 cases in your daily life to illustrate the features of intercultural communication phenomenon.
跨文化交际英文版8 Understanding Culture

What is Culture
That complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom and any otheired by man as a member of society. ---Edward B. Tylor
Define culture from different perspectives
From Intellectual Perspective From Anthropological Perspective From Social Perspective From Intercultural Communication Perspective
From Social Perspective
Culture is what a society does and thinks.
Culture covers everything of a society.
From Intercultural Communication Perspective
Culture is a learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs, values, and norms, which affect the behavior of a relatively large group of people.
Movie to Watch
Mexican American Culture vs. Anglo-Saxon Culture
Self-check List

munication is a dynamic, systematic process in which meanings are created and reflected in human interaction with symbols.2.Culture: The deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, actions, attitudes, meanings,hierarchies, religion, notions of time, roles, spatial relations, concepts of universe, and artifacts acquired by a group of people in the course of generations through individual and group striving.3.Acculturations: occurs when a society undergoes drastic culture change under the influence of a moredominant culture and society with which it has come in contact.4.Intercultural communication:It is communication between people whose cultural perceptions andsymbols are distinct enough to alter the communication event.5.co-culture: when talking about groups or social communities exhibiting communication characteristics,perceptions, values, beliefs, and practices that are significantly different enough to distinguish them from the other groups, communities, and the dominant culture.nguage is an organized, generally agreed on, learned symbol system used to represent theexperiences within a cultural community.7.Perception: the process by which an individual selects, organizes, and information to create ameaningful picture of the world.8.Value: is an enduring belief that a specific mode of conduct or end-state of existence is personally orsocially preferable to another.9.Culture patterns: refers to both the conditions that contribute to the way in which a people perceiveand think about the world, and the manner in which they live that world.10.Collectivism:is characterized by a rigid social framework that distinguishes between in-groups andout-groups.11.Masculinity: is the extent to which the dominant values in a society are male oriented and associatedwith ambitions, differentiated sex roles, achievements, acquisition of money and signs of manliness. 12.A high-context (HC) communication or message is one in which most of the information is either inthe physical context or internalized in the person, while very little is in the coded, explicit, transmitted part of the massage. A low-context (LC) communication is just the opposite; i.e., the mass of information is vested in the explicit code.13.Context: the information that surrounds an event; it is inextricably bound up with the meaning of thatevent.14.World view is a culture’s orientation toward God, humanity, nature, questions of existence, theuniverse and cosmos, life, moral and ethical reasoning, suffering, death, and other philosophical issues that influence how its members perceive their world.15.Argot is a more or less private vocabulary peculiar to a co-cultural group, and a group must have anargot if it is to be considered a co-culture.16.Nonverbal communication involves all those nonverbal stimuli in a communication setting that aregenerated by both the source and his or her use of the environment and that have potential message value for the source or receiver.17.A learning style is a particular way that an individual receives and processes information.18.Stereotyping is a complex form of categorization that mentally organizes our experiences and guidesour behavior toward a group of people.19.Culture shock: when we are thrust into another culture and experience psychological and physicaldiscomfort from this contact we have become victims of culture shock.20.Ethnocentrism: the belief that one’s culture is primary to all explanations of reality.21.Seven characteristics of culture affect communication: learned, transmitted from generation togeneration, based on symbols, dynamic, integrated, ethnocentric, adaptive.22.Belief: our conviction in the truth of something. Learned and subject to cultural interpretation andcultural diversity.23.Individualism:refers to the doctrine, spelled out in detail by the seventeenth. The single mostimportant pattern in the US.24.Hofstede’s Value Dimensions:four parts: individualism-collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, powerdistance, and masculinity and femininity.25.Culture differs in their attitudes toward: individualism and collectivism, uncertainty avoidance,power distance, masculinity and femininity, human nature, the perception of nature, time, activity, relationships, context, formality and informality, assertiveness and interpersonal harmony.26.Religious Similarities: sacred writings, authority, traditional rituals, speculation, ethics.27.Five religious orientations: Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism.28.the family we are born into the family of orientation and take a spouse the family of procreation.29.problems of translation and equivalence:vocabulary or lexical equivalence, idiomatic and slangequivalence, grammatical-syntactical equivalence, experiential-cultural equivalence, conceptual equivalence.30.The use of argot reflects a co-culture’s need to have a language that permits them to 1.sharemembership,2. participate in their social and cultural communities,3. identify themselves and their place in the universe, 4. communicate with one another about their own social realities.31.Functions of communication: repeating, complementing, substituting, regulating, contradicting.32.The study of how movement communicates is called kinesics. Kinesic cues are those visible bodyshifts and movements that can send messages about 1.our attitude toward the other person 2. our emotional state 3. our desire to control our environment.33.Eyes serve six communication functions: 1. indicates degree of attentiveness, interest, and arousal 2.help intiate and sustain intimate relationships 3. influence attitude change and persuasion 4. regulate interaction 5. communicate emotions 6. define power and status relationships 7. assume a central role in impression management.34.kinds of vocalizations: vocal characterizers, vocal qualifiers, vocal segregates.。
跨文化交际 英文作文

跨文化交际英文作文英文:Cross-cultural communication is a crucial skill intoday's globalized world. As someone who has lived in both China and the United States, I have experienced firsthandthe challenges and rewards of communicating across cultures.One of the biggest challenges is language. Even if both parties speak the same language, there can still be misunderstandings due to different idioms, slang, and accents. For example, in American English, the phrase"let's touch base" means to check in or catch up, but in Chinese, there is no equivalent phrase. This can lead to confusion and miscommunication.Another challenge is nonverbal communication. Different cultures have different norms for body language, eye contact, and personal space. For example, in China, it is common to stand very close to someone when speaking, whilein the United States, people tend to maintain more distance. This can make people from different cultures feel uncomfortable or even offended.However, when cross-cultural communication is done well, it can be incredibly rewarding. It can lead to new friendships, business opportunities, and a deeper understanding of different cultures. For example, when Iwas living in China, I made friends with a local family who invited me to their home for dinner. They taught me about Chinese customs and traditions, and I was able to share my own culture with them. It was a wonderful experience that would not have been possible without cross-cultural communication.中文:跨文化交际是当今全球化世界中至关重要的技能。

Case:In July of this year, the American CNN announced that, the preserved egg is the most lousy food. That made the Chinese people very angry, because the preserved egg is good food for most of Chinese people. Then Chinese people made a survey and declared that cheese is the most lousy food. Chinese people can't accept that the preserved egg is regarded as the most lousy food, on the other hand, the cheese is the food which is favoured by most of American people. But Chinese people think that cheese is too irritative. Both side cannot accept the food they selected. At the end of this case, the CNN reporters said sorry to Chinese people, but he said he would not eat the preserved egg.Analyses:This is a typical case reflects that different culture influences different people, and when they have to communicate, they have conflict.As we all know, different food depends on different place,different habits, different climate, and some other factors.For western people, eating is a kind of rational concept, they should getenough nutrition from the food they eat every day. They don't care the taste too much. From Los Angeles to New York, the beefsteak has only one kind of taste. But for perceptual Chinese people, eating is not only a process to get nutrition, but also is a kind of art to get satisfaction. They would make the food not only beautiful, but also very delicious.For Chinese people, maybe they can accept the taste of the cheese, but they can't like it, because they don't like this kind of food in their deep heart. Also, they can't accept that foreign people said the preserved egg is the most lousy food. In their mind, the preserved egg, like other foods they like, has nutrition and beautiful image together. For western people, the cheese, is also this kind of good food for them. So, this case happened in their communications. This conflict showed that, different countries have different culture. We should try to accept these differences, do our favours.By susan。
跨文化交际 英文作文

跨文化交际英文作文1. Wow, I remember the first time I traveled to a different country and experienced a completely new culture. It was so exciting and eye-opening to see how people lived their lives in such a different way.2. One thing that really stood out to me was the way people communicated. It was fascinating to see how language and gestures varied from one culture to another, and how important it was to be aware of these differences in order to avoid misunderstandings.3. Another aspect that I found interesting was the different customs and traditions that people followed. From the way they greeted each other to the way they celebrated special occasions, it was clear that culture played a huge role in shaping people's behaviors and beliefs.4. I also noticed how food played a significant role in cross-cultural communication. Sharing a meal with someonefrom a different culture was a great way to connect and learn more about their background and values.5. Overall, my experiences with cross-cultural communication have taught me to be more open-minded and respectful of others' differences. It's important to approach new cultures with curiosity and a willingness to learn, rather than judgment or preconceived notions.。

Case 1 Girl-nessAs a visiting professor in an American university, Zhang Hua was invited togive a lecture to a group of American students. He talked about universitystudents in China. During the question-and-answer period after the lecture, onefemale student asked a question that surprised Zhang Hua.“ When you talked about female students, you referred to them as girls. Why?”“ Because they are girls. That’ s what they are called,” Zhang Hua tried to answer, but he knew he did not really understand the tentin of the question.“ Idon’ t quite understand your question, I’ m afraid.”“ In the States, we call ourselves‘ women’ if we’ re old enough to go to the university. Calling us‘ girls’ is insulting.”Do Chinese female college students prefer to be called women?Case 2Many years ago, a Chinese man showed a photo of his wife to some Americanvisitors. Out of courtesy, they all said,” She is very beautiful.” Also out of courtesy, the man replied with what he would have done in Chinese under the circumstance,” Where! Where! ” Quite taken aback, nobody said anything for amoment, until the most ingenious one among the visitors, taking another look atthe photo, said,“ Oh, everywhere!”What did the Chinese intend to mean by replying with“ Where! Where!”?Case 1 Girl-nessAs a visiting professor in an American university, Zhang Hua was invited to give alecture to a group of American students. He talked about university students in China.During the question-and-answer period after the lecture, one female student asked aquestion that surprised Zhang Hua.“ When you talked about female students, you referredto them as girls. Why?”“ Because they are girls. That’ s what they are called,”Zhang Hua tried to answer, but he knew he did not really understand the intent of the question.“I don’ t quite understand your question, I’ m afraid.”“ In the States, we call ourselves‘women’ if we’ reold enough to go to the university.Calling us‘ girls’ is insulting.”Do Chinese female college students prefer to be called women?Case 2Many years ago, a Chinese man showed a photo of his wife to some American visitors. Out ofcourtesy, they all said, ”She is very beautiful.” Alsoout of courtesy, the man replied withwhat he would have done in Chinese under the circumstance,” Where! Where!”Quite taken aback, nobody said anything for a moment, until the most ingenious one among the visitors,taking another look at the photo, said,“ Oh, everywhere!”What did the Chinese intend to mean by replying with“ Where! Where!”?Case 3“I Just Wanted to Talk” .Wu tong was a graduate student in a Chinese university. Like many students these days,he was very keen on learning English. He would talk with English speakers as often as hecould.One day, he saw a new foreigner on campus, Leonard Ramsay, and overheard himspeaking English. When Mr. Ramsay finished speaking with the other person, he turned togo, but Wu Tong stopped him. He went up and said,“ You speak English, is that right?”“ Yes, why?”“ I’ d like to practise my English withyou, if you don’ t mind.”Mr. Ramsay looked a little annoyed.“ I prefer not to, if you don’ t mind.”Case 4 An Unwanted Food ServiceDuring a lunch buffet at a conference in China, Wu Fa, the interpreter of the conference,sat with four foreign participants. They were having a good time talking. When Wu Fa stoodup for more food, she asked whether she could bring anything back for them.Everyone thanked her and said“ no” . A while later, Wu Fa came back with a plate full of food, and asked whether the others would like to have something from her plate.Again, the four others said ,“ No”.“Oh, please take something, I can’ t eat this much food myself.”The foreigners shrugged and one or two of them even frowned a little.Case 5 Simple Can Be SpecialWen Hong had an American professor in her economics class in China. She had given the professor a lot of help during the course. At the end of the semester , the professor and hiswife invited her to their home for dinner. They said they were going to cook her an American meal.Wen Hong felt very flattered and excited,since McDonald, KFC and PizzaHut had been her only exposure to Western cooking.They had salad to start with,then steak with potatoes,followed by ice cream. Wen Hong had expected more courses but the meal came to an end. Sheknew the professor and his wife were being kind to her,but somehow shewas a little disappointed. She wondered whether Americans do eat like that at home. Case 6 Chinese Coffee CustomsWhile studying in the United States, Lin Jun made a few American friends.One day he invited two of them to his apartment and cooked them a meal.When his friends said they would like some coffee, he started boiling somewater. Without asking them any questions, he made three cups of 3-in-1 coffee,the way he usually took it.Both friends tasted the coffee and frowned. One said she always took coffeeblack, the other said he preferred to have less sugar in his coffee. They also toldhim that the spoon is for stirring the coffee, not to drink from like he did. LinJun was embarrassed. He had thought that everyone drank coffee the sameway as he did.Case 7 Noise from NoodlesJane and Peter were Chen Dong’ s landlord and landlady when he was in the States. They had become good friends by the end of his one-year stay. Theykept in touch with each other after Chen Dong returned to China. Jane and Peter decided to visit China soon after Chen Dong left the States.They made a special stop in Guangzhou where Chen Dong lives. Chen Donghad promised to show them around the city and let them try some authenticCantonese food. One thing,in particular ,he wanted them to try was noodles.He knew several restaurants that served good noodles and took the couple toone of them for lunch one day.Noodles typically come in soup in Cantonese cooking. Chen Dongstarted eating the noodles with chopsticks,while Jane and Peter exchanged a look at the noise that came with his eating. After a little hesitation,they asked for forks. A waitress told them that they did not have forks, and Chen Dong explained that noodle restaurants do not usually keep forks because no one would think ofusing forks for noodles.In the next half an hour, Jane and Peter had a hard time trying to roll thelong noodles onto their chopsticks. Chen Dong said,“ that ’ s not the way we eat noodles. You put the noodles directly tooury mouth with your chopsticks.”“ But that ’ s not the way we eat noodles,”Jane and Peter said, frowning. Case 8 Dinner in a Chinese HomeBesides taking Peter and Jane to restaurants, Dong Chen also invited themto his home for dinner once. Dong henC ‘ s mother is a nice wife, and madeeight courses for four of them.“ I'm sorry there isn’ t much for dinner, she said.”“ God this is much more than enough food,” Jane said. Peter was too overwhelmed to even respond to Dong Chen‘ motherDong Chen was a little embarrassed.“ This is whatusuallywe say to guests,even though there’ s plenty of foodheexplained”.What bewildered Jane and Peter most was that thoughDong Chen’ s motherkept saying that the food was not good,she constantly served helpings to Janeand Peter.Peter did not like two of the courses very much,and felt bad that hisplate was full with whatever he would not be able to eat. At seeing Dong Chen'smother’ s next move to serve him food,he said in a begging voice,“ Please don ’ tgive me any more food.Let me do it myself.Case 9A Not-sociable DrinkMartin was sent by an American company to work in a special economicdevelopment zone in China for a year. He became very friendly with a few Chinese colleagues. Soon, he started to go out with them. He noticed that Chinese like tohave something , such as peanuts, when they have beer, instead of just drinkingbeer without anything to eat as many North Americans do.One day he was invited to a dinner party to celebrate a colleague’ s birthday. They ordered alcoholic beverages and toasted the guest of honor frequently.Soon Martin realized that the plan was to get their friend drunk. Each colleaguewould offer a toast, concluding with a cheery“ gan bei!”and tried to get Martin to join in, even though he was unwilling to do it. Martin didn’ t think it a good idea, and tried to talk them out of the game. However, he was accused ofnot being a good friend for not co-operating.Martin remained an outsider during the rest of the dinner. He wasgetting increasingly worried as he watched the poor guest becomeincreasingly inebriated.Case 10 A Misunderstanding at a Dinner TableRoger was a student majoring in East Asia Studies in an Americanuniversity. He started an e-mail correspondence with Zhang Li, a sociologymajor in China, who was introduced to him through a mutual friend.Upon graduation, Roger got a big gift from his grandfather. Grandpa wouldpay for a round-trip ticket to China. He told Zhang Li the good news, and thetwo decided to meet.Zhang Li decided to give Roger a very special welcome: she and the threewomen students in her dormitory would cook him an authentic Chinese meal,as Roger had told her that he loved Chinese food.However, when Roger was presented the dinner, he was almost terrified by someof the food: pork stomach soup, pig liver with ginger and spring onion, chickenwith mushrooms in which the chicken had been cut to pieces with bonesattached to the meal.Fortunately , there were courses like tofu, stirred fried beef, steamed fish andvegetables that Roger loved. He tried to stick to them but Zhang Li kept puttingfood he did not like on his plate. When she asked how he liked the liver, Rogersaid, “ It ’ s very unusual⋯and interesting.“ This seemed to make Zhang Li happy. And she gave him more liver. Roger tried to stop her, but she would notbe stopped. Roger was so frustrated that he told her that he did not really like itthat much.“ But you said it was unusual and interesting!” Zhang Li said.“ Wethey both mean something less than positive,”Roger said carefully, trying not to hurt their feelings.Zhang Li and her friends became concerned at this.”“ So you don’ t like the food?” I ’ m not used to eating liver, that’ s all. But I do like the chicken, the beef, the tofu, and the vegetables. I have had more than enough to eat. I never makethis much food at home,” Roger was eager to let them know how much heappreciated their effort.“ Trust me, I’ m enjoying the food. I know what I like.Having said that, he found a piece of chicken that was less bony, held it inhis hand to eat it, and then licked his fingers. Zhang Li and her friends looked ateach other in shock.It was not a perfect first meeting for either Zhang Li or Roger.Case 11 Over-dressed TouristsAs a van stopped in front of Niagara Falls, a group of Chinese officials streamedout. They were dressed in suits and ties, wearing leather shoes. Manyof the men also had left the manufacture’ s tag on the sleeve of their suit jacket.As they wandered around Niagara Falls, some of them started to smoke. Theirattire drew the stares of North American tourists, some of whom quietly laughedwith their friends and pointed at the Chinese visitors. Others frowned atseeing the smoking and shook their heads in disapproval. Case 12 Tie CultureJane was a tourist and spent some time staying with a Chinese friend at herhome. They watched a children’ s porgram while having breakfast one morning.A young man, the host of the program, gave instructions of a game to afew children, and then joined them running in a circle.(圆满word版)跨文化交际英文案例“ My, he ’ s wearing a tie and running crazy with the children!”Jane exclaimed.The Chinese friend shrugged,” Is this very unusual?”Case 13 An American in ChinaProfessor Smith and his assistant, Chen Ming,were doing fieldwork in asmall city in China. It was hot and humid, and both were casually dressed. Oneevening as they were leaving for dinner, a local administrator told them that the mayor of the city, who was interested in the type of research they were doing,would like to say hello to Professor Smith. As luck would have,itthe Mayorwas dining in the same restaurant as Smith and Chen Ming.Professor Smith said he had to go back to his room to change.“ You look fine,Come on,the mayor is waiting,” the administrator said.“ No, I can’ t meet the mayor in my shorts”Case 14 The Generosity of a Chinese StudentMatt was invited to a Chinese university to give a few lectures. Duringhis short stay there, a graduate student volunteered to show him around thecity. Matt accepted the offer gratefully. It was summer and soon both Mattand the graduate student began to get quite hot. While Matt took somepictures, the graduate student went to buy some drinks.“ Thank you. How much do I owe you? ” Matt asked.“ Nothing. ” The student smiled.“ Are you sure? ”“ Yes. ”At lunchtime, Matt suggested they have a quick meal. They stopped bya McDonald. Again, the graduate student tried to pay for Matt.“ No, this is my treat. You’ re a student, I’ m a professor. You’ ve given me t time to show me around. You already paid for my drink. Ican’ t let you pay formy lunch again.”Case 15 A Gift from a Chinese StudentXie Dong did his graduate study in an American university. He cameback to China for summer vacation. When he went back to his program, hepaid his supervisor a visit and presented him a gift.The professor opened the gift. It was a ginseng with its many tiny rootsspreading out in a very artistic pattern. It clearly was an expensive gift.The professor ’ s eyes shone at the ginseng, but he then began to feel uneasy.“ Xie Dong, I appreciate your kindness, but I can’ t take this as a gift.”“ Why? Don’ t you like it?” It was Xie Dong’ s turn to be uneasy now.“ Oh, sure, I love it. But I can’ t accept it.”“ Why?”“ Because I didn’ t do anything to deserve such a gift.”Case 16 Telephone CourtesyKathy and David, a couple from the US, signed a one-year contract towork in China. Both were extroverted and soon made some Chinese friends.Before long, people started calling them at home. David was sometimesaway on business trips for a few days, and if someone looked for him, Kathyoften would find the conversation awkward.“ Where did he go?” The caller typically would ask.“ Can I pass on any message?” Kathy asked politely, trying to avoid thequestion.“ Is he out of town?”callerThe was usually very persistent.“ Yes, can I help you in any way?” Kathy tried to be polite, but she could not help feeling uncomfortable.Case 17 “ Not So Close, Please ”He Jia had lived in the United States for 7 years before she came back towork in China. She found that she had become accustomed to social habits inNorth America and that some Chinese behaviours now caused her somediscomfort. For example, one day, back in China, she was in a queue to use anATM. She had noticed that people were standing very close to each other. In fact,the person behind her could, if she or he wanted, to see her enter the PIN of herATM card. He Jia wanted to make people aware of the discomfort of the user bykeeping her distance from the person in front of her. However, the people behindher pushed her to move forward.Case 18 The Privacy of the PageSimon and Cheng Feng often studied together to prepare for exams. Oneday, in the middle of a study session, Simon said he wanted to get a coffee. Heasked Cheng Feng ifhe wanted any, but he said,“ No” . When he came back, he’ t say found Cheng Feng reading his notes. He was upset and, although he didnanything at the time, he never studied with Cheng Feng again. ChengFeng noticed the change and wondered what had happened.Case19The Privacy of PhotographsRose invited Lili to her home one day. While they were having coffee, Roseshowed Lili a few pictures of her boyfriend in a photo album. Lilicasually turned to other pages after that.Rose stopped her,“ I’ d rather you not look at other pictures.”Lili was embarrassed, and apologized,“ I’ m sorry.”Case 20 The Privacy of PriceAfter living in the States for some time, Ping Li observed that Americanslike to comment on each other ’ s looks and clothesn. sheSowhesaw a fellowgraduate student wearing a nice dress at a party, she complimented her bysaying.“ This is a very beautiful dress.” “ Oh thank you , I bought it last year before Christmas ,” the student very pleased.“ How much was it?”Ping Li asked.“ Well I don ’ t quite remember, ” the student seemed unprepared for thequestion, and answered a little hesitatingly.Case 21 The Privacy of the PersonZou Qing and Nancy became friends after they met in a course theyboth took.Nancy had had gray hair much earlier than people of the sameage,and had been dyeing her hair for several years.While they were having a break one day in between two classes, and ZouQing noticed that Nancy had some invisible gray hair on her. She told her so,but Nancy changed the topic right away.When everyone else left,Nancy said to Zou Qing,“ Please don ’ t mention my grayhair while there were men around.”Case 22 Unacceptable CuriosityMr and Mrs Peterson came to China with a tour group. One evening, theydecided to take a walk outside their hotel. They soon noticed that quite a fewpeople stared at them. One man even quickly walked past them and thenturned back to look at them several times. Both Mr and Mrs Peterson feltuncomfortable about the staring and went back to the hotel sooner than theyhad planned.Case 23 Confusion in Communicating LoveLe, a Chinese woman, and Bill, an American man, were very much in love. Their relationship started with their shared interest in photography. As time went on, however, Le became dependent on Bill whenever she wanted to take a picture,because she felt that Bill was a much better photographer than she was.Whenever she noticed a scene that would make a good image, she would askBill to take the picture for her.Bill was not very pleased but did not say anything for a while. However, Lesoon got to a point where she began to ask Bill to load and unload the film. Billdecided that it was too much for him to bear. He exploded,“ What’ s the matter with you? Don ’ t you know how to load and unload a film? Can’ t you take a picture any more?”Le was so shocked that she burst into tears.“ I ask you to do things only because’ s wrong with that?”you do it better than me. WhatCase24 Unwanted AttentionTeresa is a Chinese American teaching English temporarily at a Chineseuniversity. She is very easy going, and soon the students got to know herwell enough to invite her out regularly.Crossing the very busy and wide streets in the city was a scary experiencefor Teresa, and she complained of it repeatedly. As a result, the femalestudents began to try to help her by taking her hand or grasping her arm whilethe male students seemed to be shy about protecting her.Teresa was uncomfortable with her female students touching her, and toldthe women they did not need to do it. Her female students thought she was beingpolite and continued to take care of her the same way. Teresa became souncomfortable that she tried to move away from her female studentswhenever they had to cross the road.Case 25 Holding HandsChris was a visiting professor in China. On one day, one of his students,Sun Hui, showed him around the city. Sun Hui soon noticed that Chris wasinterested in taking pictures of men that were walking arm-in-arm or touchingeach other when they talked.“ I don’ t see anything special about those men,”Sun Hui said curiously.“ Well, we don’ t see much of that in men in the States,” Chris said,“Th gay, aren’ t they?”Case 26 Friendship MisunderstoodYan Hong was a Chinese painter who immigrated to the United States. Shemet Jenny, an American physician in a club one day. They soon became friends,and sometimes went out for coffee and lunch together.One day, Jenny gave Yan Hong a very beautiful vase. Yan Hong loved thevase very much, and felt she should give Jenny something in return. So shegave Jenny a painting she brought from China. Jenny was very pleased.A few days later, Jenny invited Yan Hong to her home for the first time.They made dinner together and enjoyed the meal a lot. Then they sat down towatch TV. When Jenny tentatively held Yan Hong ’ s hand, Yan Hong was notaware of anything unusual. However, when Jenny sat closer to her and kissedher, Yan Hong was terrified. She pushed Jenny away and cried,“I’ m not a lesbian!”Jenny was in shock, and asked accusingly,“ Then why didn’ t you tell me earlier?”Case 27 Learning about FlirtingChen Qing was a visiting scholar in an American university. He had madesome friends with professors and students there. One day he went to a partywhere the atmosphere became less and less inhibited. Chen Qing noticed thatmen and women touched each other a lot more than he was used to. At the endof the party, most people hugged each other good-bye. One woman came to hugChen Qing, but he stiffened as she attempted to give him a hug. He had neverhugged any women except his wife in his life. Other women noticed this, and noone else tried to hug him.However, Chen Qing felt left out when people hugged each other but nothim. He found himself in a very awkward situation: he didn’ t want to be hugged, neither did he want to be left out. He did not know what he wanted or how toresolve his conflicting emotions.Case28 Lost in LoveLi Ying fell in love with an American man in her second year in the UnitedStates. They spent a lot of time together. After they had been to all the places ofinterest in the city, they had to decide where to go or what to do for the next date.John typically would ask Li Ying,“ What do you want to do today?” , or“ Where shall we go?” Li Ying would sometimes tell what she wanted, but moreoften than not, she would say“ It’ s up to you” , or“ Whatever you want to do “ Wherever you want to go.”John frowned at such responses several times until one day when Li Ying said“ up to you” again.“ For God’ s sake, tell me what you want to do!”He cried o loud.Li Ying was shocked at his reaction.“Isn’ t it clear to you? I’ ll do what want to do.”“ No, it isn’ t clear at all. I want to know what you want to do!” John wa almost angry.“ Don’ t you realize that sometimes I want to do what you want todo, too? ”Case 29 Lovers Become StrangersXiao Xin and Peter are newly-weds. Though they spent a lot of time witheach other before getting married, they never really lived together. Notsurprisingly, their marriage was followed by a series of minor problems whilethey tried to adjust to each other’ s ways of life. One difficult issue came up abouttwo months after their new life, when Peter came home from worklooking unhappy.“ What happened?” Xiao Xin asked.“ Nothing much, I’ m just very tired,” Peter said.“ I can tell that it’ s more than that.”Peter gave Xiao Xin a quiet look, went into the bedroom, and threwhimself to bed.Xiao Xin followed him in.“ Don’ t you want to talk about it?”“ No, I don’ t.”“ Perhaps I can help?” Xiao Xin suggested.“ Xiao Xin, sometimes you just have to give me some space. All I need now issome privacy! ” Peter yelled.Xiao Xin was in shock.“ Don’ t you trust me?”“ Geez, it’ s not a matter of trust! Can’ t you accept the fact that talking to you” Peter was becoming frustratedisn ’ t the solution to every one of my problems?and impatient.Xiao Xin was in tears. Her husband seemed to have become a stranger to her.Case 30 A Gift of SelfZhang Ge and Simon were head over heels in love with each other. Theydecided to go away to spend a major holiday somewhere. It was winter time,so they flew south in search of sunshine and warm water.However, Simon developed diarrhea soon after they settled in a hotel. He feltweak and had to lie down for a rest. Zhang Ge was worried and stayed him inthe room. Outside the window, the sun was shining, and they could hear the surf.The sun and beach is what they had dreamed about for months during thewinter back home.“ Go and have some fun,” Simon said to Zhang Ge.“ How can I go and have fun while you’ re sick in bed?”“ Why not, it’ s not your fault that I’ m sick. Besides, there’ s nothing you can here.”“ Nonsense! I can keep your company, and you’ ll feel better with me aroundyou. ”“ Are you sure you want to do this instead of going out?”“ Yes, I’ m sure. I won’ t go without you.”“ Oh, you’ re so special. I love you so much!”Simon drew Zhang Ge near and kissed her.Case 31 A Close GirlfriendLiu Hong and Wu Xin have been good friends since they were young girls.Both eventually had the opportunity to study in the United States, although theyended up in two different cities. After their first year of hard work, they decided todo some traveling together. Liu Hong went to stay with Wu Xin for two daysbefore they set off. Then they visited three cities over the next 10 days.Liu Hong came back from the trip and told her American friends aboutthe trip. She casually mentioned that they had to share one bed in oneparticular motel.“ Oh, did you?” , said one of the friends in a tone that made Liu Hong feel uncomfortable.Case 32 Interpreting a Smile. Peter is the general manager of an American company in China. Recently,Chen Jun, one of the Chinese managers made a mistake at work that causedsome difficulties that required a lot of effort to fix. Chen Jun was very upsetabout what had happened, and came to Peter’ s office to make a formal apology.Chen Jun went into Peter’ s office after being told to, smiling before he spoke.“ Peter, I’ ve been feeling very upset about the trouble I’ ve caused for the company. I’ m here to apologize for the mistake. I’ m terribly sorry about it and I want you to know that it will never happen again.” Chen Jun said, looking atPeter with the smile he had been wearing since he walked into the office. Peterfound it hard to accept the apology. He looked at Chen Jun, and asked,“ are you sure?”“ Yes, I’ m very sorry and I promise this won’ t happen again,”Chen Jun said with a smile even broader than before.“ I ’ m sorry I just can’ t take your apology. You don’ t look sorry at all!”Pet angrily.Chen Jun’ s face turned very red. He did not in the least expect Peter to takeit negatively. He was desperate to make himself understood.“ Peter,” he managed to smile again,“ trust me, no one can feel any more sorry than I doabout it.”Peter was almost furious by now,“ if you’ re that sorry, how can you still smile? ”Case33 Interpreting a LaughHuihua, a Chinese student, and Mary , an American student studyingChinese in China, were on their way to a bookstore. As they got to the bookstore,they saw a young man walking down a flight of stairs. In his hurry, he missed thelast two steps, and fell on the ground. He struggled to get back to his feet whilepeople around him laughed. Fortunately, he seemed to be O.K.Mary was worried. She found Huihua smiling a little and was notcomfortable about it. Tell me, Huihua, how could people laugh when someonefell like that? Do they care at all? Shouldn’ t they go up and ask the young man whether he was hurt?”Huihua said,“ they knew he wasn’ t hurt too much.”“ But I still don ’ t understand. A fall is a fall. In my culture, peopledo wouldanything but laugh! ”Case 34 Different Lunch BoxesPeter was one of the American technicians who came to China to help set upa coffee plant. He was in China for six months.Before leaving for home,oneof his Chinese colleagues took him out to dinner. Peter decided to ask him aquestion that had puzzled him for as long as he worked in the plant.。

Case:In July of this year, the American CNN announced that, the preserved egg is the most lousy food. That made the Chinese people very angry, because the preserved egg is good food for most of Chinese people. Then Chinese people made a survey and declared that cheese is the most lousy food. Chinese people can't accept that the preserved egg is regarded as the most lousy food, on the other hand, the cheese is the food which is favoured by most of American people. But Chinese people think that cheese is too irritative. Both side cannot accept the food they selected. At the end of this case, the CNN reporters said sorry to Chinese people, but he said he would not eat the preserved egg.Analyses:This is a typical case reflects that different culture influences different people, and when they have to communicate, they have conflict.As we all know, different food depends on different place,different habits, different climate, and some other factors.For western people, eating is a kind of rational concept, they should get enough nutrition from the food they eat every day. They don't care the taste too much. From Los Angeles to New York, the beefsteak has only one kind of taste. But for perceptual Chinese people, eating is not only a process to get nutrition, but also is a kind of art to get satisfaction. Theywould make the food not only beautiful, but also very delicious.For Chinese people, maybe they can accept the taste of the cheese, but they can't like it, because they don't like this kind of food in their deep heart. Also, they can't accept that foreign people said the preserved egg is the most lousy food. In their mind, the preserved egg, like other foods they like, has nutrition and beautiful image together. For western people, the cheese, is also this kind of good food for them. So, this case happened in their communications. This conflict showed that, different countries have different culture. We should try to accept these differences, do our favours.By susan。

III. Plan.
1.Required Textbook :Communication Between Cultures (Third Edition)By Larry A. Samovar Richard E. Porter Lisa A. Stefani 2000 2. Time schedule: 36 periods in one term. 1).Introduction to Intercultural Communication ;4periods 2).Part I Communication and Culture; 8 periods 3).Part II The Influence of Culture ; 8 periods 4).Part III From Theory of Practice; 8 periods 5).Part IV Knowledge into Action; 8 periods 3. Evaluation will be based on: 1)Attendance and participation. 2)Project presentation and handout (the required essay ). 3)Final examination.
The book is divided into four interrelated parts, including 10 chapters: (Look at P.F28)
Part I introduces the study of communication and culture(Chapter1-2);

Cross –cultural communicationThesis statement:This paper is mainly talking about the culture differences between several countries.Outline:Chapter 1:Language and culture in communicationChapter2:Culture shockChapter3:What’s in a name?Chapter4:Social interactionChapter 5:Roles and relationsChapter6:Non—verbal communicationChapter7: In other words。
Chapter 8: From a primitive Tribe to a Global VillageConclusionChapter 1:Language and culture in communicationThere is no denying the fact that out daily lives depend largely on communication,without it we can’t know each other. So,we should come to realize that communication is of great importance.What is communication?In total,communication can be divided into two parts;they are verbal communication and non-verbal communication. However, different people hold different opinions about communication。

1. Communication is a dynamic, systematic process in which meanings are created and reflected in human interaction with symbols.2.Culture : The deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, actions, attitudes, meanings, hierarchies,religion, notions of time, roles, spatial relations, concepts of universe, and artifacts acquired by a group of people in the course of generations through individual and group striving.3.Acculturations: occurs when a society undergoes drastic culture change under the influence of a moredominant culture and society with which it has come in contact.4. Intercultural communication: It is communication between people whose cultural perceptions and symbolsare distinct enough to alter the communication event.5.co-culture: when talking about groups or social communities exhibiting communication characteristics,perceptions, values, beliefs, and practices that are significantly different enough to distinguish them from the other groups, communities, and the dominant culture.nguage is an organized, generally agreed on, learned symbol system used to represent theexperiences within a cultural community.7.Perception : the process by which an individual selects, organizes, and information to create a meaningfulpicture of the world.8.Value : is an enduring belief that a specific mode of conduct or end-state of existence is personallyor socially preferable to another.9. Culture patterns : refers to both the conditions that contribute to the way in which a people perceiveand think about the world, and the manner in which they live that world.10.Collectivism: is characterized by a rigid social framework that distinguishes between in-groups and out-groups.11.Masculinity: is the extent to which the dominant values in a society are male oriented and associatedwith ambitions, differentiated sex roles, achievements, acquisition of money and signs of manliness.12. A high-context (HC) communication or message is one in which most of the information is either inthe physical context or internalized in the person, while very little is in the coded, explicit, transmitted part of the massage. A low-context (LC) communication is just the opposite; i.e., the mass of information is vested in the explicit code.13.Context: the information that surrounds an event; it is inextricably bound up with the meaning of thatevent.14. World view is a culture ’s orientation toward God, humanity, nature, questions of existence, the universeand cosmos, life, moral and ethical reasoning, suffering, death, and other philosophical issues thatinfluence how its members perceive their world.15.Argot is a more or less private vocabulary peculiar to a co-cultural group, and a group must have anargot if it is to be considered a co-culture.16.Nonverbal communication involves all those nonverbal stimuli in a communication setting that aregenerated by both the source and his or her use of the environment and that have potential message value for the source or receiver.17.A learning style is a particular way that an individual receives and processes information.18.Stereotyping is a complex form of categorization that mentally organizes our experiences and guidesour behavior toward a group of people.19.Culture shock: when we are thrust into another culture and experience psychological and physicaldiscomfort from this contact we have become victims of culture shock.20.Ethnocentrism:the belief that one ’s culture is primary to all explanations of reality.21.Seven characteristics of culture affect communication: learned, transmitted from generation to generation,based on symbols, dynamic, integrated, ethnocentric, adaptive.22.Belief: our conviction in the truth of something. Learned and subject to cultural interpretation and culturaldiversity.23.Individualism: refers to the doctrine, spelled out in detail by the seventeenth. The single mostimportant pattern in the US.24. Hofstede s’Value Dimensions: four parts: individualism-collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, powerdistance, and masculinity and femininity.25.Culture differs in their attitudes toward: individualism and collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, powerdistance, masculinity and femininity, human nature, the perception of nature, time, activity, relationships, context, formality and informality, assertiveness and interpersonal harmony.26.Religious Similarities: sacred writings, authority, traditional rituals, speculation, ethics.27.Five religious orientations: Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism.28.the family we are born into the family of orientation and take a spouse the family of procreation.29.problems of translation and equivalence : vocabulary or lexical equivalence, idiomatic and slangequivalence,grammatical-syntactical equivalence,experiential-cultural equivalence,conceptual equivalence.30.The use of argot reflects a co-culture ’s need to have a language that permits them to 1.sharemembership,2. participate in their social and cultural communities,3. identify themselves and their place in the universe, 4. communicate with one another about their own social realities.31. Functions of communication:repeating, complementing, substituting, regulating, contradicting.32.The study of how movement communicates is called kinesics . Kinesic cues are those visible body shiftsand movements that can send messages about 1.our attitude toward the other person 2. ouremotional state 3. our desire to control our environment.33. Eyes serve six communication functions: 1. indicates degree of attentiveness, interest, and arousal 2.help intiate and sustain intimate relationships 3. influence attitude change and persuasion 4. regulate interaction 5. communicate emotions 6. define power and status relationships 7. assume a central role in impression management.34. kinds of vocalizations: vocal characterizers, vocal qualifiers, vocal segregates.。

This is the American way to open gifts, they usually opened directly after dinner received a gift. Directly express their own joy.
wedding vows in the
church.Couples pay worship to be
虽然每一种文化都有自己的社会做法。但是每一个 人都是独特的不同的,每个人都可以选择自己喜欢 的做法。
wedding ceremony
• 东西方文化中不同的婚礼以仪式。西方文化中婚礼要在教堂中许下誓 言。在中国要进行夫妻交拜。
• Eastern and Western cultures,
different wedding
ceremony.Western culture in the
But, in China, gifts are never opened in front of giver, and doing so is considered
bad manners. So people had to hide his feelings .
这是社会做法的外在表现的一方面。 This is the the outward manifestations aspect of social practices

A. What is Cultural Diversity?
Cultural diversity is the variety of human societies or cultures in a specific region, or in the world as a whole.
Joke appreciation for cultural diversity A young lady’s miniskirt was accidentally torn open by a young man.
Please decide where they come from according to their responses to this incident. 1. Before the man saying sorry, the woman bowed down and said in a tender voice: sorry, it is all my fault. It is all the bad quality of my skirt. I am sorry for the trouble I have brought to you. Japan: Over-courtesy and male-dominated 2. Before the man saying sorry, the woman gave him a name-card and said: “This is my lawyer’s phone number. He will talk with you about your sex harassment. See you in the court.” America: A place where law talks! 3. Before the man saying sorry, the woman covered the torn part of the skirt with a newspaper in hand and shyly said: “Sir, can you send me home? It is not very far from here.” Then the young man put his coat on the girl and called a taxi to send her home. England: Gentle and conservative 4. Before the man saying sorry, the woman gurgled and put her hand on the man’s shoulder: “Sir, if you do not mind, you can buy me a red rose to show your apology.” Then the man bought her a rose and they went to a hotel together to study more about the skirt. France: Friendly and romantic
跨文化交际 (英文版)

The differences in body language between China and the United Stateslike verbal language, is also a part of culture .Different culture shavedifferent body languages except some world known ones. And in inter cultural communication, the same body language may mean different things.There I will introduce some basic examples, emphasizes the significance of body languages in interculturalcommunication by comparing the body la nguages in the United States and China.Ⅰ.Action is the same, Meaning is different⑴Index finger banging on the templesChinese meaning:Said people are trying to think, meditate.American meaning:Said the man crazy, spirit is not normal.⑵Prick up middlMiddle finger upChinese meaning: Don't have any special meaning.e fingerAmerican meaning: Is a very rude behavior⑶Make a fistChinese meaning: Show power or to try to do something.American meaning:Said Angry⑷Stamping feetChinese meaning: Angry; Angry; Lose heart; regretAmerican meaning: ImpatientⅡ. Meaning is the same, Action is different⑴Come hereChina's body language: Reach out to called people,and Palm down, a few fingers bend several times at the same time.Body language in the u.s. : To called people, palm up, clench fist with the index finger back and forth. (Chinese antipathy to this).⑵"A shame" ,“unabashed” (a joke)China's body language: Stretched out index finger, with your fingertips on his face a few strokes, like itching, but the fingers are straight Body language in the u.s. : Stretched out his hands index finger, palms down, wipe with a forefinger index finger on the back of another.⑶"I'm full." (after dinner)China's body language: With one hand or both hands gently patted his belly Body language in the u.s. : Place one hand on your throat, palms down, often say "here" at the same time.Not all of the examples here, but can explain the difference of body language, also understand the importance of body language in another language. In a sense, all body language should be put in specific situations to understand, otherwise,Ignoring the whole situation will happen misunderstanding.。
跨文化交际导论(英文版)(第二版) chapter 8 Culture and Business Etiquette

Rank and title
time names
Gift giving
Commu nication s
2 Creating a Powerful First Impression
First impressions are made only once but are remembered forever.
3. Business Scheduling
3.1Appointing Making The ways in which you make initial contact and an appointment can range from a brief telephone call to writing a formal letter of request or the use of a “go-between” or emissary.
职业便装Business Casual:
两件套裙装或裤装(休闲款式)或连身裙或针织衫 Suit(casual type) or one-piece dress 长袖衬衫shirt with long sleeves 皮鞋shoes
Business Dress for Lady
Female in Iran (Arabic world)
Punctuality Make appointments in advance. Intermediary Emotional ties
3.2 Recognizing Rules and Customs
When scheduling business, you need to take into consideration various rules of engagement with people from different cultural backgrounds. The first thing you should know is their typical hours of work, lunch, and break time so as to make appointments at a proper time.

A. What is Cultural Diversity?
Cultural diversity is the variety of human societies or cultures in a specific region, or in the world as a whole.
Joke appreciation for cultural diversity
1. Before the man saying sorry, the woman bowed down and said in a tender voice: sorry, it is all my fault. It is all the bad quality of my skirt. I am sorry for the trouble I have brought to you.
Japan: Over-courtesy and male-dominated
2. Before the man saying sorry, the woman gave him a name-card and said: “This is my lawyer’s phone number. He will talk with you about your sex harassment. See you in the court.”
Independence Self-reliance Self-esteem egalitarianism
Case SΒιβλιοθήκη udy 2An American couple came to Beijing to work as foreign teachers for the first time in their lives. They had a three-year-old son. Since both of them worked, they hired a Chinese housemaid, who was in her late 40s. One of her jobs was to take their son to a kindergarten in the morning and pick him up and bring him home again in the afternoon. She found this the most difficult among all her tasks. Every day when it was time to take the boy to kindergarten there was bound to be a fight with the boy because she insisted on carrying the boy in her arms or at least holding his hand; but the boy never liked it. He preferred to walk by himself. After a few days, she quit the job.

The Status Que of InterculturalCommunicationDirectory1.Digest………………………………………………P22.The key word………………………………………P23.The main body………………………………………P24.The conclusion………………………………………P45.Acknowledgment……………………………………P4Digest :Economic globalization has brought more opportunities for Chinese to encounter and communicate with foreigners.However,there are upsetting problems arising,with the intercultural communication gaining its own popularity.Not just ranging from the background of culture to the stereotype of thinking,but the patriotism and the ethnocentrism in individual mind,are all obstacles,in the sake for building effective and precise communication between different culture.Therefore,we are supposed to utilize the scientist methods to handle a series of typical problems.The key words : intercultural communication;the stereotype of thinking;cultural exchangeThe main body :Even if the individuals talk with each other in the same language,we still cannot make sure that the can catch the correct and precise meanings form others.It’s because the way they think is distinct,the background of culture they live in is different and the method they use to handle trouble differs from ones.Moreover,due to the cultural conflicts and obstacles,the communications tend to be accompanied by misunderstandings and distortions in the current conditions.So when it comes to communication dilemma, people tend to judge the behaviors and words of others in their own cultural acknowledgment,which makes intercultural communication with obvious patriotism and ethnocentrism.With the degree of intercultural communication growing, between different cultures will have a certain degree of mutual penetration. For example,common words, such as vitamin, the Internet and radar are the direct transliteration of English. Words such as Kung Fu,the paper tiger and lose face had joined into the Oxford Dictionary. Obviously, with the process of cultural exchange, cultural representation in the property reached a stage of mutual understanding, then followed must be deeper cultural integration.We need to break the stereotype of intercultural communication,.For example,majority of Chinese think Americans may be in favor of individualism but Asian prefer collectivism.Actually, facts is not so.In Oyserman’s researches, Americans in many field more prefer the model of collectivism, like the grade system, and maintaining groups’pared with that,Japanese just like such collectivism like working in the group. Also,people usually think Arab talking with others will sit nearly,which means they can smell personal odor and frequently touch others body show their enthusiasm. However, according to descriptions of people who lived in Arab countries, this is not the case. They say Arab do not sit nearly any more when talking.Obviously, if we intend to clear up the obstacles of intercultural communication, understanding the status quo is the top priority. Otherwise, the efforts of establishing on previous concepts and ideas are in vain.The conclusion:Overall, intercultural communication is inevitable in the global economic environment.Then, how to communicate in a efficient and accurate way, it still needs explore and practice. We must make clear that reducing barriers in intercultural communication is not that one submits to the other ,but the people entirely understand their own culture and then look for cultural common and attributes between two cultures.Initial communication is based on the common thing,then with the talk deeper,the attributes would make the conversation go on.Acknowledgment :[1]Oyserman, D. Coon, H. M. & Kemmelmeier, M. Rethinking individualism and collectivism:Evaluation of theoretical assumptions and meta-analyses[J].Psychological Bulletin,2002,128:3-72.。
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Cross –cultural communicationThesis statement: This paper is mainly talking about the culture differences between several countries.Outline:Chapter 1: Language and culture in communicationChapter2: Culture shockChapter3: What’s in a name?Chapter4: Social interactionChapter 5: Roles and relationsChapter6: Non-verbal communicationChapter 7: In other words.Chapter 8: From a primitive Tribe to a Global VillageConclusionChapter 1: Language and culture in communicationThere is no denying the fact that out daily lives depend largely on communication, without it we can’t know each other. So, we should come to realize that communication is of great importance.What is communication?In total, communication can be divided into two parts; they are verbal communication and non-verbal communication. However, different people hold different opinions about communication. In general, if there is communication, there must have 4 cases: there are at least two or more people, some contact between communicators, a language shared by communicators, an exchange of information has taken place. I just take the fist one for example. Suppose there is one person, there can’t be communication. Otherwise, he may talk to himself.Communication not just exist in human-beingsThere are five kinds of communications they are human communication, animal communication, human-animal communication, human machine communication, machine communication. So, Animals and machines can also communicate with each other.For human beings, how can we communicate with each other?Experts say that there are various kinds of communication. Nowadays, there are different kinds of tools for us to communicate .For people we can use telephone and computer to communicate with each other. By them, finally we can receive message.What is social situation?When there are two or more people gather to do a job or an activity, then it creates a social situation. That is to say, an individual working alone can not constitute a social sA social situation may have two definitions. One is given by the community, and the other by the participants. Finally, we should notice that being polite plays a crucial role insocial situation.Chapter2: Culture shockWe should not only know what communication is but we should know what culture shock is.In contemporary society, as our country is developing faster and faster, more and more foreigners will come to our country. Communicating with foreigners is an interesting thing. However, there is no doubt that it can easily cause misunderstanding which is called culture shock. There are several kinds of culture shock.Hospitality: First of all, in Britain, hospitality can not be judged by whether hosts put the food into your dishes, in there, everyone has own dishes, everyone helps themselves. By contrast, in our country, when we have guests, hosts may put the food into guest’s dishes to show their hospitality, so this is different.Politeness: When it comes to this word, in many case, foreigners were described as being polite than Chinese. For example, when we finish work, foreigners may say thank you to us, although it is out duties. However, for Chinese, they seldom say thank you because they think someone who serves them are their duties.What’s more, when we get along with foreigners, we should avoid asking their salaries, jobs and religious and so on. For the young, it’s all right to ask their ages, for the adults, this question is not allowed, especially for the females. But in china, these questions are allowed.In conclusion, when we face these culture shocks, it is better to keep a cool head, and then make an adjustment toward it, finally, we can cope with it. As time goes by, we can adapt it. For example, American Jewish and Israel, the two groups are equal and integration. Both groups have positive attitudes toward one another. So I am sure that after learning this unit, we can know a lot about culture shock and can easily communicate with foreigners.Chapter 3: What’s in a name?The topic of unit three is “what’s in a name?” As is known to all, the English name is different from the Chinese name .The Chinese name consists of family name and given name ,with family name put first. But in contrast, the family name of English name is coming last. Most English people have three names. The last name , or surname is the family name .This is the family name of the father and is given to all his children. And the first name is given to the child at birth, which is called “given name”. And another name used to refer to them is Christian name.However, Chinese name can give all sorts of information about a Chinese people .they may give the address, the birthday ,and also tell us about the family relationship, ethic groups, sex and the parents’expectation for their children. At the same time, in Chinese the use of kin terms is closely related to age politeness, such as that children are expected to call an old lady, Granny and call a male adult who is older than their fathers, elder uncle. The appropriate and extend use of kin term according to age is taken as reflecting good manners.Chapter4: Social interactionWhat is “social interaction”. It is the topic of unit four. Social interaction is an important way of human existence, and it is different from other animals’communication. And it’s meaningful. Different countries have different social interactions. Many Chinese people tend to ask age, marital status, and even salary when they meet each other first.To the Chinese people, these are open conversational topic. and Chinese people pay much attention to family life. So in their spare time, they will talk about the family member features as a common topic. It is so natural. And the salary is not a secret .and when a Chinese offers refreshments or drinks to his colleague, his colleague often declines the offer politely, because he don’t want to trouble the person who offers. And it also shows his politeness. But in western countries, if you ask the person who meet you first about these, they will feel so bad. They think it is not polite.Do you know how English native negotiate a time to meet .from the text I know that you may find their way of settling on a time is quite similar to our own, that is , normally one gives or suggests a time, then the other may find it is not suitable and suggest another time, and finally a time is fixed which suits both.Consequently, you can know from above, different countries have different habits.Chapter 7: In other words.Different languages cause some misunderstandings There are many countries that their language is the same. such as America , British, Canada, Australia,and so on, they all speak English, people from America and British speak different varieties of English. They usually find little difficulty in understanding each other. However, there are some differences which may cause some misunderstanding, because of profusion of synonyms that they use different words to refer to the same thing. But for other countries which do not speak English they hardly understand the idioms, for example “face the music” in America it means to accept the criticisms, unpleasant consequences, etc . it probably comes from the custom in some Western armies of punishing soldiers to the sound of beating drums, if a person who is come from China may comprehend that enjoy himself by listening to music. on the contrary,they can not understand the meaning of Chinese idioms.There are some similar in languagesWith the exception, both English and Chinese have many such idioms that refer to animals, and some animals have similar associations in both cultures: deer, for example , are bloodthirsty and cruel, ect . But some other animals have rather different associations, like dogs, in the eyes of English-speaking people,dog is loyal ,but in the eyes of Chinese it aways contains derogatory sense are seen rather differently from the way appear to us. About proverb, since human experiences and observations of the world are in many respect similar. in spit of the dissimilar cultural backgrounds of the Chinese and the English-speaking peoples, the number of proverbs or saying in two language that are equivalent or closely approximate is rather surprising.Swearwords is the taboo for every countriesEvery language contains a special group of taboo words which people avoid using because they find them embarrassing or offensive. In many languages, swearwords are taboo, this is generally true of both English and Chinese. In English, certain swearwords seem to be more offensive than others and consequently the social prohibition against their use is stricter.Chapter 8: From a primitive Tribe to a Global VillageAnimals might have astonishing ways of showing their emotions andfeelings.This unit takes us back in to history, inviting us to reflect upon how man has extended his limbs and senses by using new technologies. Nowadays, the technologies are so advanced that communication over long distance can be done in a split of a second. People all over the world are living, quite literally, in a global village. In the textbook, we have learned that animals might have astonishing ways of showing their emotions and feelings. The way different kinds of animals behave, have fascinated great minds since Plato and AristotleCommunication is covering everywhereOne point that is beyond doubt is that our ancestors were extremely handicapped --- in comparison with us now --- in communication. From the Stone Age, to the present day, over 2,000,000 years, man has done his best to extend himself in order to improve his way of communication. Writing, printing technology, postal services, telegraph, telephone, radio, picture communication, television, computer and laser technology, internet --- these have extended man’s mouth, eyes, ears, hands, legs, in short the whole body beyond a house, a village, a county, a province, a country, an ocean, a continent, and even beyond the mother earth to the moon and the Mars. Going global is great, but an entirely different tone was heard: Globalization is a menace to mankind. Globalization will make the powers more powerful but the weak is weaker and the poor is poorer.ConclusionDifferent countries have their own cultures, so it causes the different cultures .Consequently, sometimes the people come from different places may cause some misunderstandings. After learning this textbook we can get along well with people all over the world.Finally, through this paper, we can learn more knowledge.(注:文档可能无法思考全面,请浏览后下载,供参考。