
例如: titanic-《泰坦尼克号》 jane eyre-《简爱》。
2.2直译(literal translation)。

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二、原创论文参考题目1、(英语毕业论文)春晚流行语的社会语言学和修辞学研究(开题报告+论)2、(英语毕业论文)从奈达的动态对等理论比较研究《德伯家的苔丝》的两个中文译本(开题报告+论文+文献综述)3、(英语毕业论文)浅析《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中黑奴的命运4、(英语毕业论文)归化和异化策略在《红楼梦》文化负载词翻译中的应用(开题报告+论文+文献综述)5、(英语毕业论文)人性的苏醒—《香蕉鱼的好日子》主题研究6、(英语毕业论文)A Study of Cultural Differences Reflected in Chinese and English Proverbs(开题报告+论文+文献综述)7、(英语毕业论文)《喜宴》中反映出的中西文化差异8、(英语毕业论文)平行文本比较模式指导下的公司简介翻译(开题报告+论文+文献综述+外文翻译)9、(英语毕业论文)主位推进模式在语篇翻译中的应用(开题报告+论文)10、(英语毕业论文)诸神形象折射中西方价值观不同(开题报告+论文+文献综述)11、(英语毕业论文)从合作原则和礼貌原则的角度分析赵丽蓉的小品(开题报告+论文)12、(英语毕业论文)Communicative Functions of Silence in Conversations13、(英语毕业论文)从女性主义分析《红字》与《傲慢与偏见》14、(英语毕业论文)英语谚语重复修辞格的翻译15、(英语毕业论文)从《百舌鸟之死》探析美国种族冲突16、(英语毕业论文)英语词汇在日常生活中对现代汉语词汇的影响17、(英语毕业论文)高中英语“后进生”产生的原因以及补差方法研究18、(英语毕业论文)英汉习语翻译中文化意象的转换(开题报告+论文+文献综述)19、(英语毕业论文)Judy’s Double Character in Daddy-Long-Legs20、(英语毕业论文)浅析《乞力马扎罗的雪》的现代主义特征(开题报告+论文+文献综述)21、(英语毕业论文)从《厄舍古屋的倒塌》看爱伦坡写作的哥特式风格(开题报告+论文)22、(英语毕业论文)从动态对等角度分析中国旅游景点名称英译——以中国庐山网为例23、(英语毕业论文)“金玉良缘”与“幸福终点”——浅析中西婚姻差异24、(英语毕业论文)The Application of Cooperative Learning in High 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Credit92、(英语毕业论文)对比分析中美可乐广告中的文化差异(开题报告+论文)93、(英语毕业论文)论功能对等原则下的商标翻译94、(英语毕业论文)从关联理论看《阿甘正传》的字幕翻译95、(英语毕业论文)从电影《姐姐的守护者》分析人的自私性(开题报告+论文)96、(英语毕业论文)The Interpretation to Captain Ahab in Moby Dick through Abnormal Psychology97、(英语毕业论文)礼貌原则框架下化妆品广告语篇研究(开题报告+论文)98、(英语毕业论文)Application of Foregrounding Theory to Translation of Simile and Metaphor99、(英语毕业论文)现代人对超人的需求--超人形象演变综述100、(英语毕业论文)基督教及《圣经》对西方文化的影响101、(英语毕业论文)由女性“奴性”潜意识解析玛利娅姆多舛命运(开题报告+论文)102、(英语毕业论文)浅谈《当幸福来敲门》中的美国个人主义103、(英语毕业论文)浅析《飘》中斯嘉丽的婚姻观(开题报告+论文)104、(英语毕业论文)高级英语课堂中教师角色研究(开题报告+论文+文献综述)105、(英语毕业论文)英语新词的发展研究(开题报告+论文)106、(英语毕业论文)从女性主义视角分析《纯真年代》中两位女主人公的不同爱情观(开题报告+论文+文献综述)107、(英语毕业论文)基本数字词在中西文化中的差异与翻译(开题报告+论文)108、(英语毕业论文)《劝导》中安妮•艾略特的道德判断(开题报告+论文+文献综述)109、(英语毕业论文)中介语对二语习得的影响探究(开题报告+论文+文献综述)110、(英语毕业论文)中餐菜谱翻译的错误分析111、(英语毕业论文)Culture Teaching in College English Listening Classrooms112、(英语毕业论文)商务英语翻译中的隐喻研究(开题报告+论文)113、(英语毕业论文)文化交际视野下的语用失误分析(开题报告+论文+文献综述)114、(英语毕业论文)希腊神话对英语语言的影响(开题报告+论文)115、(英语毕业论文)希拉里退选演讲积极话语分析116、(英语毕业论文)从中美高校的课堂教学模式看两国的文化差异(开题报告+论文+文献综述)117、(英语毕业论文)从传递文化信息视角探讨《红楼梦》翻译中“异化”与“归化”策略(开题报告+论文)118、(英语毕业论文)The Name Translation in A Dream of Red Mansions119、(英语毕业论文)初中英语课堂教学的任务型活动设计(开题报告+论文+文献综述)120、(英语毕业论文)A Feminist Reading of The Portrait of a Lady(开题报告+论文+文献综述)121、(英语毕业论文)特洛伊战争电影改编的语境探析(开题报告+论文+文献综述)122、(英语毕业论文)从玛氏公司看英美文化对广告的影响123、(英语毕业论文)从电视相亲节目看当代中美女性婚恋观差异(开题报告+论文+文献综述)124、(英语毕业论文)The Application of TBLT to Reading-teaching in Junior Middle School(开题报告+论文+文献综述)125、(英语毕业论文)英语指示词This和That的功能研究126、(英语毕业论文)On the Chinese Loanwords from English127、(英语毕业论文)Beowulf: A Christianity Guided Pagan Epic128、(英语毕业论文)浅析《紫色》中西丽的成长蜕变对当今女性的启示(开题报告+论文)129、(英语毕业论文)目的论视角下的幽默性语言翻译研究—以刘炳善汉译《伊利亚随笔》为例130、(英语毕业论文)英汉谚语互译中的归化与异化策略分析(开题报告+论文+文献综述)131、(英语毕业论文)《隐形人》(混战)中的象征手法分析(开题报告+论文)132、(英语毕业论文)英语词汇的文化内涵及词汇教学133、(英语毕业论文)On Subtitle Translation in “The Big Bang Theory”from the Perspective of Functional Equivalence Theory(开题报告+论文+文献综述)134、(英语毕业论文)浅析《最蓝的眼睛》中的创伤和治愈(开题报告+论文)135、(英语毕业论文)Advertising and Its Application136、(英语毕业论文)中国皮钦语的产生和发展137、(英语系经贸英语)解读国际知名度假村产业创新模式—以地中海俱乐部为例138、(英语毕业论文)对罗伯特•弗罗斯特自然诗的尝试性研究(开题报告+论文)139、(英语毕业论文)音意兼译—外来词中译之首选法(开题报告+论文)140、(英语毕业论文)The Differences of Beauty Standards Between China and America 141、(英语毕业论文)论伊恩•麦克尤恩作品《赎罪》中的道德观142、(英语毕业论文)盖茨比的人物形象分析(开题报告+论文)143、(英语毕业论文)浅析《了不起的盖茨比》的主要人物性格(开题报告+论文+文献综述)144、(英语毕业论文)英语国家姓氏文化研究145、(英语毕业论文)浅析《七个尖角阁的房子》中象征手法的运用146、(英语毕业论文)Pragmatic Empathy and Chinese-English Translation(开题报告+论文+文献综述)147、(英语毕业论文)关联理论视角下《生活大爆炸》中言语幽默的汉译(开题报告+论文)148、(英语毕业论文)中西方跨文化交际中非语言行为的文化差异149、(英语毕业论文)General Principles and Features of Legal English Translation150、(英语毕业论文)麦都思眼中的中国宗教形象(开题报告+论文+文献综述)151、(英语毕业论文)从《简•爱》的多译本看中国两性关系的变化(开题报告+论文+文献综述)152、(英语毕业论文)威廉·戈尔丁《蝇王》中的写作艺术(开题报告+论文)153、(英语毕业论文)经贸英语中的缩略语现象及其应用154、(英语毕业论文)女性主义家园乌托邦思想的构建--论夏洛特•吉尔曼在《戴安莎的作为》155、(英语毕业论文)《老人与海》中的孤独(开题报告+论文+文献综述)156、(英语毕业论文)《好人难寻》中体现出的弗洛伊德人格结构理论157、(英语毕业论文)关键词法在英语词汇学习中的效果研究(开题报告+论文+文献综述+外文翻译)158、(英语毕业论文)从文化翻译学行为论看汉语国俗语的英译过程——对林语堂和《吾国吾民》的个案考察(开题报告+论文+文献综述+外文翻译)159、(英语毕业论文)功能对等翻译理论指导下的汽车商标名的汉英互译160、(英语毕业论文)探析《愤怒的葡萄》中人性的力量(开题报告+论文)161、(英语毕业论文)Status Quo of C-E Translation of Public Signs in Shanghai and Strategies for Improvement162、(英语毕业论文)唐诗中比喻修辞格的翻译——以许渊冲英译本为例(开题报告+论文)163、(英语毕业论文)电影《死亡诗社》中的教育意义164、(英语毕业论文)从跨文化交际中的语用失误看中西文化差异(开题报告+论文)165、(英语毕业论文)探究中西方委婉语产生的文化背景166、(英语毕业论文)跨文化交际中的中美幽默的比较(开题报告+论文+文献综述)167、(英语毕业论文)浅析欧•亨利小说中恶棍骗子形象塑造--以《双料骗子》,《提线木偶》为例168、(英语毕业论文)《德伯家的苔丝》苔丝和《红字》海斯特的悲剧命运的比较(开题报告+论文+文献综述)169、(英语毕业论文)英汉产品简介的对比分析(开题报告+论文+文献综述)170、(英语毕业论文)从跨文化角度对商标翻译的研究(开题报告+论文)171、(英语毕业论文)英语X-ful词的形态与认知构建(开题报告+论文+文献综述+外文翻译)172、(英语毕业论文)简与林黛玉性格及命运对比173、(英语毕业论文)从审美视角分析中国古典诗词的英译174、(英语毕业论文)浅析跨映射视角下的歇后语意义构建(开题报告+论文)175、(英语毕业论文)欧•亨利短篇小说中的美式幽默风格的翻译(开题报告+论文)176、(英语毕业论文)中美商务英语信函的对比研究(开题报告+论文+文献综述)177、(英语毕业论文)《论语》中“仁”的翻译研究(开题报告+论)178、(英语毕业论文)英汉“拉”类动词的语义成分和词化模式的对比分析(开题报告+论文+文献综述+外文翻译)179、(英语毕业论文)交际法在中学英语的应用180、(英语毕业论文)凯瑟琳•曼斯菲尔德短篇小说中的意识流技巧研究181、(英语毕业论文)从电视相亲节目看当代中美女性婚恋观差异(开题报告+论文+文献综述)182、(英语毕业论文)中西文化对红颜色的理解及翻译(开题报告+论文)183、(英语毕业论文)中世纪的典雅爱情:本质、渊源和影响184、(英语毕业论文)Translation Strategies of Chinese-specific Idioms185、(英语毕业论文)简析《呼啸山庄》中男女主人公爱情悲剧的原因186、(英语毕业论文)从目的论看《红楼梦》中成语的翻译(开题报告+论文)187、(英语毕业论文)The Study of Chinese Body Language188、(英语毕业论文)从弗洛伊德解读《好人难寻》(开题报告+论文+文献综述)189、(英语毕业论文)英汉关于“愤怒”隐喻的分析(开题报告+论文)190、(英语毕业论文)论英语教学中交际法应用的困境及其解决之道191、(英语毕业论文)从传统消费观念看中美文化差异(开题报告+论文)192、(英语毕业论文)透过《德伯家的苔丝》看哈代托马斯的宗教观(开题报告+论文)193、(英语毕业论文)归化与异化策略在字幕翻译中的运用(开题报告+论文+文献综述)194、(英语毕业论文)论罗伯特•佩恩•沃伦《国王的人马》中对真理与自我认知的追求195、(英语毕业论文)高中英语听、说、读教学活动中写作融入模式的初探(开题报告+论文+文献综述)196、(英语毕业论文)从《老人与海》看海明威小说中的英雄式人物的刻画197、(英语毕业论文)浅析《献给艾米莉的玫瑰》中渐渐消失的玫瑰(开题报告+论文)198、(英语毕业论文)《傲慢与偏见》和《简爱》中的爱情观对比究(开题报告+论文) 199、(英语毕业论文)商务英语中的缩略词研究(开题报告+论文)200、(英语毕业论文)A Comparative Study of Oedipus Complex in Sons and Lovers and Thunderstorm(开题报告+论文+文献综述)。

毕业论文题目英语电影片名的翻译TITLE the Translation of English Film Titles 专业姓名学号指导老师中文摘要经过一个多世纪的发展,电影如今已经成为了一种常见的娱乐方式。
关健词: 电影片名翻译,功能翻译,目的论,翻译策略IAbstractHaving developed for over a century, film has become one of the most popular ways of entertainment for people. People have much more chances to appreciate the elaborate and excell ent films. In order to enable the Chinese audience to understand the film's content, thewhole film should be translated, including its title. As an indispensable part of a film, the title has its unique linguistic feature and culture connotation.Film title translation belongs to general English-Chinese translation. Its function is to push the audience to go to the cinema after seeing the title, which is also the skopos of film title translation.In this thesis, the author makes an analysis of the film title translation from the functional perspective. And the application of translation strategies, namely, transliteration, literal translation, liberal translation and adaption, is also analyzed with rich examples under the guidance of the functionalist approach.Keywords: film title translation; functionalist approach; Skopos theory; translation strategiesII中文文摘电影是一种集艺术性和商业性于一体的艺术形式,是最具有影响力的媒体之一。

(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!)2011届本科毕业论文英文电影片名的翻译*名:**系别:外语学院专业:英语指导教师:***2011年5月Translation of the English Movie TitlebyXu KunShangqiu Normal UniversityMay 2011摘要电影,是当今社会最具影响力的文化传播形式之一。
关键词: 英文电影;片名;翻译;原则;方法AbstractMovie is the most influential contemporary forms of cultural transmission. Movie titles translation is an important part of the movie, and must be an important and creative work. Chinese movie titles translation in promoting the success of Chinese movies to the world, and promote the exchange of Chinese and Western culture plays a significant role. By analyzing a large number of movie titles translation, we should follow the three principles, and summarizes the six translation method while translation. Further more, the example from the culture, religion and culture, living environment, be best to elaborate the process of translation, the effect of translation and the translation notices.This article is divided into four parts, namely, translation of movie titles from theoverview of the status of translation, translation principles to be followed, as well as methods of translation and the relationship between translation and culture to be described. Therefore, the English translation of movie titles is an important and creative work, to follow certain principles and methods of translation and make it consistent with characteristics of Chinese language, to become the beautiful vivid teaser text.Key words: English movies; title; translation; principle; methodContents摘要 (I)Abstract (II)Contents (III)1Introduction (1)2Techniques of English Movie Title Translation (2)2.1Translation Principle (2)2.1.1Information Principle (3)2.1.2Culture Principle (3)2.1.3Aesthetic Principle (4)2.2Translation Method (5)2.2.1Literal Translation (5)2.2.2Transliteration (6)2.2.3Liberal Translation (6)2.2.4Other Methods (7)3Culture Differences and Movie Title Translation (9)3.1Humanities (9)3.2Religious Culture (9)3.3Living Environment (10)3.4Historical Allusions (10)4Conclusion (11)References (11)1IntroductionMovie can convey information and feelings, is a popular form of artistic expression. However, movie is different from other categories of works of the art, it does not like books, newspapers listed on file to attract the audience, so the movie’s title of a movie plays an important role in its success. With the continuous development of the world economy, since the reform and opening up policy, China movies, more and more English movies dubbed into China’s cinema, television, and networks; the same thing as raising the level of Chinese movie, there are more and more Chinese movies are go abroad to attract the world’s peoples attention and began to impact the world awards. This means that more and more Chinese, foreigners will use the movie as a propaganda tool to know the western culture, Chinese culture, and culture exchange. In the course of this particular culture exchange movie translation is a very important role to play, and the translation of movie titles is one of the unique and critical things to attract audience’s attention. Many foreign movies, especially British and American movies widely circulated in China, , to further promote the movie industry development and promote cultural exchange are significant important.So of the movie titles, the brief summary of the text should not only to express the movie themes, but also to meet the target countries and cultural background to attract audience and cultural exchange purposes. Therefore, the translation of the movie titles is not a pure, simple language conversion work, it need the translator know the movie itself, the implication of the culture background, and cultural background between the two languages. There are details are as follow.However, in recent years, the movie title translation was not perfect, the present situation of movie title translation mainly reflect as follow. First, inadequate understanding the story, the title for the movie, do not rush to translate, to understand the contents of the entire movie, story, and the story content, so as to make an accurate translation. Second, misunderstanding the culture information,movie title usually not make accurate translation.Movie titles are always the first thing that the audiences come to know about new movies. Thus a right choice of movie title translation is of great importance to the successful release of a movie. A properly-translated English movie title should fulfill the following functions:First: Providing information about the story for the audience by summarizing the main plot, revealing the theme, or offering some clue.Second: Adding attraction to the mov ie and stimulating the audience’s interest in and desire for viewing the movie.Third: Saving trouble for the cinema, the audience, movie reviewers and other research workers in their publicity, choice of viewing, comments and studies.2Techniques of English Movie Title TranslationTechniques of English movie title translation mainly fall into two categories: showing respect for the original title and discarding the original one “No matter what technique is employed, one fundamental and vital principle that should never be forgotten is that the translation must be related to the story in one way or another.”(Eugene A, 2001, p.214).2.1Translation PrincipleThe translation makes the audience feel the movies deep flavor, while some people think the movie is incomprehensible translation. This shows that the translation of the movie titles need to meet certain principles.Translation of the movie titles, as Bauhinia point out, “it is necessary to meet the language specification and artistic charm, not only to be faithful to the original title of the content, but also reflect the original name of the language features, striving toachieve the artistic re-creation.”2.1.1Information PrincipleThe primary function of language is to transmit information. The information should not only accuracy in meaning but also faithful to the original material.American movie One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest Taiwan is translated as dujuanwo people feel very confused. In fact the whole movie does not matter with the cuckoo’s nest, it talking about a man in a mental the story, “cuckoo”is indeed a “cuckoo”means, but better summarize the content of the movie and the audience in the West . Another example is such a movie Ghost, the mainland literally translated as youling the name could not fact, the movie is about a romantic love story. It told that after the death of a young man whose ghost is still unable to suppress the deep thoughts of love, will try to meet . Translated as “ghost” will mislead the audience, but translated as renguiqingweiliao was convey the exact intent of the movie, and more close to the video content.Therefore, whether in literal or meaning translation, to convey precise information is the first principle of the translation the movie titles.2.1.2Culture PrincipleLanguage is culture. As Eugene Nita translation theorists pointed out: “For the truly successful translation, the familiar of the two cultures even more important than master of the two languages, because words only in the context of its role in the culture make sense.” Movie as a part of culture inevitably reflects of a movie, we need to understand the cultural background of different languages. Seven movies by United States, for example, literally it seems, should be translated as “seven” but what the seven is? Refers to the seven, seven items, or seven things? In fact, the Western religious often use “seven”to regulate moral behavior or religious ceremonies; the number “seven”languages. It is a sins listed in Scripture, Seven Sins is shorthandfor the movie translated as qizongzui so cleverly converted the culture which the Chinese audience are not familiar and make the theme easy to understand.In 1995 Oscar-winning classic movie Forrest Gump does not use transliteration, but translated as aganzhengzhuan is a classic combination of Chinese and Western translation. Borrow Lexus’s“True Story of Ah Q”to point out that this is a biographical subject and “gan” points out the story is a kind of Chinese-style title, enjoys popular support.As can be seen, the purpose of the English translation of the movie titles is to make it easier for Chinese audiences to understand and accept these movies. Translation process, cleverly combined with Chinese culture, local conditions, effect is often surprising.2.1.3Aesthetic PrincipleChinese visitors look forward to the movie title of the aesthetic is reflected in both form and content. Formally, the Western United States advocating the simplicity of the language, and the Chinese pay attention to the language of the symmetrical sweet four-character phrase. Large number of Western movies popular among the Chinese audience by using four-character Chinese translation, such as: Fugitive“Fugitive”Eraser“Evaporation secret order”, Happiness“Happiness childhood”, Beautiful “Pretty as a fairy”. And reflected in the content, the audience accustomed to those with a rich cultural flavor and associative meaning of words such as “ladies, gentleman, loving”and so on. Following examples reflect it well. Classical music comedy Bathing Beauty in China Chinese folk used to describe mannered woman, and “water” reflected the “bathing” in the true meaning of the movie. Magnificent music sounded, dozens of girls dancing in the water. Suddenly music became softer, and the crowd scattered off, anew star rising from the water, the body full of crystal clear water drops. Suddenly, “Watery lotus” the full meaning unfolded. For another example, movie The Bodyguard translated as baobiao can only lead people to thinkof a bodyguard, and the content is about to fight and killing. To translated as . This translation .2.2Translation MethodAlthough movie titles only fragmentary, but let the audience never forget, and the translation of the movie title put forward English Translation.2.2.1Literal TranslationLiteral translation is on the basis of language generality in the line with the case of translations, while maintaining the original ideological content, but also as far as possible correspond with the original form of language translation. Formerly known as literal translation to maximize the information conveyed, is a simple and effective translation method. We can easily find many uses literal translation of the movie, for example, describes the encounter on the train after the war a young couple fall in love in the vineyards movie A Walk in the Clouds, literally translated as yuzhongmanbu in the movie, the vineyard is know as “cloud”, shade a cloud and fog, the is not only faithful to the original title, but also romantic in line with the characteristics of the love movie. Literal translation of the movie titles are:Rain Man yurenPearl Harbor zhenzhugangThe Graduate biyeshengLove Story aiqinggushiThe Brave Heart yonggandexinDance with the Wolves yulanggongwu2.2.2TransliterationEnglish movies often use some places, people’s name and things as movie titles, they can be as large as well known to the Chinese audience, so we can use transliteration. For example:Tory teluoyiJane Eyre jian’aiCasablanca kasabulanka2.2.3Harry PotterThere are differences between different languages, when the original forms of expression and translation form become contradictory, sometimes we . In fact liberal translation is not “disorder Translation”or “chaos translation”and can be summarized as “bloat” that correctly g rasp the content, to seize the meaning of the original, changing the original form, in order to make the original name and functions similar to the translation requirements. For example:The movie use the mane of the protagonist as the movie title Somersby is translated as sishigurenlai. Only these five words is enough to , the story talk about the of this approach:French kiss qingdingbaliThe Wizard of OZ lüyexianzongMusic of the Heart xiandongwoxinThe legend of the fall jiqingsuoyueMy best Friend’s wedding xinniangbushiwoGone with the Wind luanshijiaren2.2.4Other MethodsWe can also use two translation methods at the same time. Although some movie titles can be basically translated directly, some of the translations appear to be improper, then free translation can be used literally, that is based on the original intent to make some appropriate adjustments, according to the original movie content and style by add words or by move away words, in order to achieve better results.Speed is the United States shooting action thriller in 1994, the mainland, literally translated as sudu it is about a bus full of passengers was fitted with a bomb automatic and remote control by terrorist, so the car can not be driving slow or stopped, special police team Jack resolutely get on the train and together with innocent passengers to fight the bandits. HK translated as shengsisudi on the base of the literal translation and add free translation, fully embodies the movie content, clear and vivid, is a wonderful translation. For example:E.T. E.T.waixingrenInterpreter fanyifengboIn the use of people’s name, places, things, etc. as the case titles, the name which the audience familiar with is the first translation, combined with the video content by the appropriate words transliteration plus free translation is more appropriate reflection of the video content.Such as the American cartoon Tarzan was translated as renyuantaishan the translation not only retains the character transliteration but also prominent its identity, can be described as vivid. For example:Patton badunjiangjunTitanic taitannikehaoTranslation, transliteration, free translation were not appropriately reflect thecontents of the original movie, and even loss of the original movie’s charm and character, it can be the basis of the original movie, a separate translation. For example, Pinocchio is a European and American people familiar fairy tale characters, but directly translated as “Pinocchio”, many Chinese audience may not know, and translated as “Puppet adventure”let Chinese audience concentrate on the story characters. Obviously, “puppet”is not an ordinary person, naturally zhuangzhilingyunTranslation of title is a re-creation process. Through the re-creation, language conveys information of the original movie, requires the translator with translation.3Culture Differences and Movie Title TranslationFor movie titles produced by the process of translation and cultural differences in the phenomenon, with examples of cultural differences, religious and cultural differences, differences in living environment, the translation process of the title translation method, the effect of translation and translation points to note.3.1HumanitiesFeatures are not anything produced out of thin air, but the culture the past. Chinese culture is culture, and the vast majority of Chinese people, modest and restrained, Chinese is the same, suggesting culture, Chinese culture is more than provocative, Western pay more attention to science description of subtle, more logical, concise language. These differences in the movie are reflected on the naming. Focus on the name of Chinese movie aesthetic, full of poetic or symbolic, such as “ sunny days”, “The Banquet”, “In the Mood for Love”, “Curse of the Golden Flower”, etc., and Western movie are like to use relatively simple words to summarize, such as “Speed”, “Taxi”, “Shooter”, “The interpreter”, “Saw”, “Next” and so on.3.2Religious CultureReligious culture is an important part of culture, broad and profound impact on people beliefs and social life and because of different religious beliefs, people of different religion and culture do not quite understand, and sometimes even conflict. Just as mentioned the movie seven above. Therefore, religious and cultural classes during the translation of the movie name should be thought, and you need to add some further clarification or to enhance the audience’s understanding.3.3Living EnvironmentDifferences in living conditions led to social and cultural differences, for most there is no cross-cultural life experience of people are very . Therefore, some features in the translation impact of environmental factors and cultural background of the movie, be sure to pay special attention to a profound understanding of the specific cultural background of the movie, and then in the translation efforts.Very classic movie “Top Gun”was originally called “Top Gun”, literal translation, then it is easy to mistakenly translated as “the most powerful gun”, and in fact if you are in the U.S., you are a little on the military interested to know “Top gun”is actually the U.S. Navy F-14 fighter fleet training school code.3.4Historical AllusionsCultural differences . Chinese , language to martial arts, rivers and lakes, but most of Western curious, the real needs to be done in a lot of discretion, for example:Just as mentioned above "Pinocchio" is the United States and Europe, a fairy tale characters familiar to ordinary people, but if directly translated as "Pinocchio" is difficult to accept the Chinese audience, but translated as mu’oqiyuji is the Chinese audience to accept and make the story fully understand. Bauhinia says that the movie title translation is necessary to meet the language specification, but also full of artisticcharm, only to be faithful to the original titles of the content, but also reflect the original name of the language features, and strive to achieve the artistic re-creation.4ConclusionSo do in titles translation, we must pay attention to language and cultural differences between East and West, based on the faithful translation to the movie, select the appropriate translation method, combined with cultural background, crafted to be translated to cultural gap, creating emotions and can attract an audience both video translation.ReferencesBao, Huinan. 2001. Wenhua yujing yu yuyan fanyi [Culture content and language translation]. Beijing: Zhongguo Duiwai Fanyi Chuban Gongsi.Baker, Mona. 2004. Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.Cameron and Graham. 2001. Researching and Appling Metaphor. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.Gentzler, Edwin. 2004. Contemporary Translation Theories. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.Hickey, Leo. 2001. The Pragmatics of Translation. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.Kelly and Nathan. 2003. Fortress Besieged. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.Liu, dianying pianming de fanyi [Translation of the movie titles]. Yuyan Tiandi.12-15.Ruan, Hongmei. Dianying pianming fanyi de wenhua shiying [Culture adaptation of movie title translation]. Qianxi Wenhua. 26-32.Nida, Eugene A. 2001. Language and Culture. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.Zhang, Xiaoke. 2005. Dongxifang wenhua chayi xiade dianying pianming fanyi [Culture differences between east and west under movie title translation].Changsha: Yuyan Yanjiu Chubanshe.。

例如:《Pearl Harbor》《珍珠港》从片名便可获悉,影片是以第二次世界大战期间的日本偷袭美国珍珠港事件为时代背景的。

科技视界Science&Technology VisionScience&Technology Vision科技视界●0引言电影电视剧是各国文化的重要组成部分,能够反映各个民族文化的特征;也是人们了解不同文化的一个非常有效的途径。
以一部非常有名的香港电影《唐伯虎点秋香》为例,该片翻译成英语是The Firlting Scholar。
例如,经典电影My Fair Lady译为《窈窕淑女》。

最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作1 中西神话中的创世神话2 译前准备对交替传译效果的影响3 论《老人与海》中圣地亚哥性格的双重性4 从“老人与海”译本比较研究看理解在翻译中的重要性5 从构式视野下对英语图式习语的解读6 中西社交礼仪差异的历史文化原因探析7 中介语石化现象成因及应对策略8 融合与碰撞:李安家庭系列体现的中美文化差异9 文档所公布均英语专业全英原创毕业论文。
原创Q 805 990 74 910 《了不起的盖茨比》中黛西的人物性格分析11 《嘉莉妹妹》的自然主义解读12 论《女巫》中的成人形象13 合作学习在初中英语写作教学中应用的可行性研究14 《麦琪的礼物》和《傲慢与偏见》中的婚姻观对比研究15 浅析公告标识中出现的中式英语及其纠正16 文化视角下的英汉习语对译(开题报告+论文+)17 译员主体性在歌曲《我有个梦》歌词翻译中的体现18 A Comparative Study on the Pro tagonists’ Growth in Native Son and Invisible Man19 Application of Cooperative Learning in English Reading Class of Senior High School20 《荒原》中的神话溯源21 评《河湾》主人公-萨林姆的非洲观22 试论国际商务谈判中的跨文化问题及对策23 中国菜单的英译24 从后殖民女性主义视角分析《他们眼望上苍》25 《了不起的盖茨比》中乔丹•贝克的人物分析26 从合作原则角度解读《成长的烦恼》中的言语幽默27 Oscar Wilde’s Aestheticism on The Picture of Dorian Gray28 论田纳西•威廉斯戏剧中的象征主义手法—以《玻璃动物园》为例29 《希腊古瓮颂》中的艺术和永恒之美30 忠实与变通策略在科技翻译中的运用31 合作原则在《傲慢与偏见》中的运用32 从《红字》看霍桑对清教主义的批判与妥协33 现代爱情的另类表述—解读《暮光之城》主人公爱德华和贝拉的爱情34 从等效理论视角看汉英外宣翻译35 关联理论在中餐菜单英译中的应用36 成语翻译中的文化缺省与翻译补偿37 从女主人公蓓基的人物塑造看《名利场》的社会意义38 从女性主义视角解读《了不起的盖茨比》中的黛西39 论中美两国的现代中年女性观念之差——以美剧《欲望都市》为例40 美国梦的迷失—解析《了不起的盖茨比》41 《少年派的奇幻漂流》电影中隐喻的分析42 商标名的英译汉目的论研究——以洗护用品为例43 高中学生英语课堂口语交际活动的错误分析44 从《京华烟云》探析林语堂的女性观45 英语体育新闻标题的特点及翻译对策46 论《进入黑夜的漫长旅程》的悲剧成因47 对《名利场》中女主人公的性格特征分析48 试析《啊,拓荒者》中的生态伦理观49 设计中国际主义风格与民族主义风格的平衡50 从翻译角度浅析英语写作中的中式英语问题51 浅谈体态语及其在跨文化交际中的作用52 商务英语的语用特点及翻译53 男权制度下的悲剧——论《德伯家的苔丝》54 浅析《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中黑奴的命运55 Coincidences and Images in The Mayor of Casterbridge, Tess of the D’Urbervilles56 Politeness and Its Manifestation in Business Correspondence57 A Contrastive Analysis of Chinese and English Address Terms58 公示语翻译失当分析——以电影票等的顾客分析为例( )59 从原型批评理论角度分析威利•洛曼的悲剧60 虽不起眼,但不可或缺:从《洛丽塔》中的小人物看亨伯特悲剧的必然性61 商标翻译的本土化研究62 美国主流文化形成探析63 从目的论角度比较研究《彼得•潘》两个中文译本64 浅析英汉宗教死亡委婉语的异同65 Culture-oriented Strategies in Publicity Material Translation for Yangzhou City: a Perspective of Functionalism66 论中西方零售业企业文化的对比67 On the Pursuit of Ideal Home in Cold Mountain68 《围城》英译本衔接研究69 “邪恶的心灵”——剖析希斯克厉夫复仇的心理动机70 《野性的呼唤》中的人性和野性71 An Analysis of Symbolic Metaphor in To the Lighthouse72 英汉礼貌用语及交际策略的对比分析73 从传播美学分析国内畅销知名化妆品广告中的译文74 An Imitation of the Primitive Society: Evil of Human Nature in Lord of the Flies75 从《麦琪的礼物》看欧亨利的写作手法76 对美国总统就职演说的文体分析77 论国际商务非礼貌言语行为78 浅析《最蓝的眼睛》中的叙事艺术79 [毕业论文](经贸英语系毕业论文)以海尔集团为例浅析售后服务在企业营销中的作用80 从痛苦中顿悟—《麦田里的守望者》成长主题解读81 浅析跨文化交际中的中英社交称谓82 丘吉尔《就希特勒入侵苏联发表的讲话》的修辞赏析83 《月下独酌》两种英文译本之对比研究84 从合作原则谈影视翻译策略——以《功夫熊猫》为例85 伦敦英语在英语标准化过程中的作用86 从女性主义视角解读《飘》中斯嘉丽•奥哈拉的性格特征87 浅析文化差异对中美商务谈判的影响88 网络英语交际对会话合作原则的影响89 Problems Occured in the Process of the Chinese Learning English and Its Possible Solution90 美国宗教文化及价值观在其外交政策中的体现91 新课标下初中英语教师角色转变的研究92 从《河东狮吼》与《套礼服》的对比中分析中美婚礼的差异93 论英语小说中俚语的汉译94 The Influence of Cross-Cultural Communication on Translation95 安吉尔的精神悲剧—分析哈代笔下人物的心理发展过程96 女性主义视角下《白象似的群山》与《莳萝泡菜》中男性形象的对比研究97 浅析爱德华·摩根·福斯特《霍华德庄园》中的语言特色98 从广交会现场洽谈角度论英语委婉语在国际商务谈判中的功能与应用99 论《简爱》中的经济意识100 浅谈英汉人体部位的隐喻101 A comparison of values of money between Scarlett and Gatsby102 从女权主义视角分析《红字》中海斯特白兰的形象103 《人鼠之间》中两主人公乔治和雷尼的对比分析104 The Growth Topic in The Catcher in the Rye105 从关联理论看家庭会话冲突106 中美企业并购中的文化整合分析107 春节与圣诞节的对比研究108 从好莱坞电影中的中国元素看美国对中国意识观念的转变109 A Tentative Study of Affective Factors in Second Language Acquisition110 从爱伦·坡《黑猫》探讨人性的善良与邪恶111 从弗洛伊德的精神分析理论浅析《道林格雷的画像》中的主要人物112 从语义翻译与交际翻译看《红楼梦》中诗词的汉译英113 Passion & Religion — A Comparison between The Scarlet Letter and The Thorn Birds114 汉语句型习惯对英文写作的负迁移作用115 论《天路历程》的批判精神116 动物词在中英文化中的喻义及其翻译117 A Linguistic Analysis o f Barack Obama’s Inauguration Speech118 论密西西比河对马克吐温和《哈克贝利费恩历险记》的影响119 论“看,易,写”方法在旅游翻译中的应用120 从小说人物分析简•奥斯汀的情感智慧121 论自然主义在《野性的呼唤》中的体现122 等效理论框架下的中国菜肴英译研究123 弗吉尼亚•伍尔夫《海浪》的叙事技巧分析124 从跨文化传播角度论中国饮食文化资料的英译125 公示语的功能、语言特点及翻译126 《道连·格雷的画像》中意识与潜意识的对抗与结合127 An Analysis of Feminism in The Scarlet Letter128 从古至今的吸血鬼文化129 中世纪的典雅爱情:本质、渊源和影响130 从弗吉尼亚伍尔夫到多丽丝莱辛:论女性主义的发展——对比两位作家笔下塑造的女性形象131 商标翻译及商标翻译中的文化禁忌132 An Analysis of David’ s Dual Personality in David Copperfield133 中美商务英语信函的对比研究134 The Use of Symbols in A Farewell to Arms135 The Exploration of Black Female Characters in Toni Morrison’s Novels136 英语中源于希腊罗马神话主要神祇姓名词汇的认知探索137 从文化差异角度研究英文新闻标题翻译的策略138 论爱伦坡小说中的哥特式风格139 On the Female Initiation Theme in Little Women140 浅谈中美文化差异对商务谈判的影响141 论《儿子与情人》中保罗的爱情悲剧142 《呼唤》中倒装句汉译策略研究143 浅析广告发展现状及其未来发展趋势144 The Application of Corpus in Teaching English Writing145 A Comparison of the English Color Terms146 《荆棘鸟》中女性主义及女性意识觉醒的解读147 目的论视角下新闻标题汉译英研究148 英语X-ful词的形态与认知构建149 《到灯塔去》中的两性主义—抵达人类和谐的完美道路150 《三国演义》中带数字的词语翻译研究151 中英植物习语中的文化差异分析152 从女性主义视角看《蝴蝶梦》153 如果不复仇——论呼啸山庄中的爱与恨154 以学生为主体的教学在初中英语写作教学中的应用155 高中英语互动式课堂教学模式研究156 分析露丝的觉醒《接骨师之女》157 英语X-ful词的形态与认知构建158 从关联理论角度看英语广告语的修辞159 On Misreading in Reading Comprehension from the Perspective of Discourse Analysis160 从跨文化角度论谚语中的比喻与翻译161 论约翰•多恩诗歌中的张力162 中西方饮食文化比较研究163 英语委婉语的语用分析164 论反语的语用功能165 中英花卉隐喻下的情感叙事对比研究166 网上英语聊天的会话结构特征167 叶芝:无望的爱情,多变的风格168 英汉思维方式差异对英译汉结构处理的影响169 从成长小说角度解读《马丁•伊登》170 Pragmatic Failures in Translation of C-E Advertisements171 从跨文化交际层面谈口译译者能力的提高172 交际法在中学英语词汇教学的应用173 在幻想中回归童年──评析《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》174 《贵妇的画像》的过渡性特征的分析研究175 探究哈利波特的英雄成长之路176 The differences on advertising translations under the Chinese and Western cultures 177 不做房间里的天使——解读《爱玛》中的女性主体意识178 影响中学生英语学习的心理因素分析179 《高级英语》中某些修辞手法赏析180 从十字军东征看中世纪宗教冲突181 从校园流行语看中美学生思维方式的差异182 从文化差异角度看英汉习语的翻译183 从中西婚礼文化看中西方文化差异184 《动物庄园》中的黑色幽默分析185186 《野性的呼唤》中的自然主义187 试析《假如明天来临》的叙事艺术188 从《海狼》看杰克•伦敦的女性观189 The Loneliness in Far From the Madding Crowd190 论《外婆的家什》中的象征意义191 从文化差异角度谈国际商务谈判中的语言技巧192 A Study of Hawthorne’s Criticism on Puritanism in The Scarlet Letter193 王尔德唯美主义对现代消费文化的启示--以《道林格雷的画像》为例194 Scarlett O'Hara and Feminism195 英语介词的翻译196 合作原则在动画中的应用197 海明威“冰山原理”在《永别了,武器》中的应用及对写作的指导意义198 中医在英语世界的翻译与传播:过去与现在199 英文电影字幕翻译的原则和技巧。

”[3]英国的泰特勒也总结出三大翻译原则,“ 他在《论翻译的原则》一书提出的“翻译三原则”更是被译学论者和翻译工作者广泛引用和阐释。

Analysis on the Picaresque Elements in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 美国人对枪支管制的态度的文化根源试析《傲慢与偏见》中的书信《呼啸山庄》和《远离尘嚣》中女主人公的女性意识的对比埃德娜:一个孤独的女战士——解读凯特肖邦的《觉醒》英语委婉语的内涵《双城记》中的人道主义凯特肖邦小说《觉醒》中的超验主义思想分析《老人与海》的生态批评分析李清照词英译研究对《德伯家的苔丝》苔丝的悲剧分析中文标语翻译的语用学视角Harmony is Everything: an Ecological Analysis of The Grapes of Wrath浅析哈克贝利的叛逆精神从跨文化角度看文化空缺翻译中英文旅游广告语言特点对比研究中英文化差异与翻译策略中式菜谱的翻译论小说《看不见的人》中的象征主义从存在主义的角度分析怀特的《夏洛的网》中美企业并购中的文化整合分析浅谈马克吐温《哈克贝利费恩历险记》中的地方特色哈利·波特系列成功的原因功能对等理论透视下的影视片名翻译汉语公示语的英译图式理论在高中英语阅读课堂的运用对《儿子与情人》中女性形象的分析从言语拒绝策略看中西方面子简奥斯汀作品中的讽刺和说教主义《哈姆雷特》中奥菲利亚的悲剧——悲剧分析及造成悲剧命运的原因浅析新闻英语中模糊语言的运用从《嘉莉妹妹》看现代女性的自我实现目的论指导下的广告意译从英汉动物成语比较中英文化差异“In”与“Out”的认知解读An Analysis of the Religious Elements in Robinson Crusoe对《别对我说谎》中非言语因素的分析中西广告语言中的文化差异从功能对等理论看字幕翻译《瓦尔登湖》中寂寞观的超验主义分析觉醒的女性意识:《嘉莉妹妹》中女性主义分析莎士比亚电影和爱情阻力:以《罗密欧与朱丽叶》为例《玻璃动物园》中的逃避主义解读体态语在英语课堂教学中的运用研究浅析《儿子与情人》中的象征意蕴谈英语文学作品名称的汉译从叶芝的诗歌看象征主义的发展The Proper Application of Body Language in Middle-School English Teaching英汉关于“愤怒”隐喻的分析从《老友记》探究美国的个人主义价值观Sexism in English Language中美文学作品中乌鸦意象的对比——以爱伦坡“乌鸦”与唐诗宋词为例英语专业学生词汇学习策略特点研究浅析《巴黎圣母院》中的美与丑伊恩麦克尤恩《时间中的孩子》中斯蒂芬的心理创伤和恢复分析英语国家姓氏文化研究汉语中叠词的英译策略海明威短篇小说的叙述艺术--以《一个明亮干净的地方》为例《呼啸山庄》和《暮色》系列的对比研究:《呼啸山庄》再次热销引发的思考英语基本味觉词“甜/苦”的隐喻机制浅析“欧亨利式结尾”在其小说中的主题揭示《诗经》中隐喻翻译的研究从文体学角度分析《海狼》两个译本A Study on Cultural Shock in Intercultural Communication商务英语函电的语言和文体特征及其翻译浅析哈代的悲观主义哲学对徐志摩诗歌创作之影响《缅湖重游》之语义分析浅析《最蓝的眼睛》中的创伤和治愈暗喻的英汉对比翻译游戏在初中英语教学中的作用交际法在大学英语教学中的现状探究跨文化视域中的英汉动物隐喻比较研究英汉白色词的文化象征意义及翻译礼貌策略的英汉对比研究—以《傲慢与偏见》及其译本为例跨文化交际中的移情及其能力的培养伍尔夫的悲剧—电影《时时刻刻》观后Sister Carrie:a Girl with Ascending but Unfulfilled Desires大学英语课堂教学师生互动建构浅析从《嘉莉妹妹》看本性与理性的斗争浅析隐藏在“面纱”之后的伯莎梅森跨文化视角视阈下英语电影片名的翻译研究试析英汉颜色习语折射出的中西文化异同从女性主义视角分析《贵妇画像》中女主人公伊莎贝尔的选择威廉福克纳小说中的女性形象分析--以《献给艾米丽的一朵玫瑰花》和《夕阳》为例试论金融英语词汇的特点与翻译A Comparison of the English Color TermsOn Virginia Woolf’s Feminism in A Room of One’s Own建构主义学习理论在中学英语教学中的应用澳洲土著语言的演变及原因模糊数词在英语习语中的构成形式及其修辞功能当代中美青年恭维言语行为对比研究《傲慢与偏见》中金钱与婚姻的关系从《推手》看中美文化差异对家庭关系的影响欧亨利《最后一片叶子》解读从自然主义视角审视《嘉莉妹妹》中小人物嘉莉的命运抗争与幻灭从生态女性主义的角度解读《喜福会》分析《威尼斯商人》中的女性形象《玻璃动物园》中的逃避主义解读Growing Pains: An Analysis of the Hero in Catcher in the Rye英语新闻标题的语言特点分析Application of Cooperative Principles in the Study of Intercultural Business Negotiation论劳伦斯《儿子与情人》中瓦尔特莫雷尔悲剧的成因Cultural Conno tation of ―Red‖ in Chinese and English《人鼠之间》中两主人公乔治和雷尼的对比分析概念隐喻视角下看莎士比亚十四行诗An Analysis of Communicative Language Teaching Method in Teaching Spoken English in China 从《肖申克的救赎》看美国的个人英雄主义姚木兰和郝思嘉的女性意识对比分析翻译腔成因浅探《荆棘鸟》中主要女主人公爱情观比较The Symbolic Meanings of Colours in The Great Gatsby国际商务函电的礼貌原则研究电影《阿甘正传》影视分析中美家庭教育文化对比及其根源分析浅析礼貌原则在跨文化交际中的体现Comparison and Translation of Chinese and English Tourism Texts浅析《傲慢与偏见》中的几种婚姻模式跨文化交际中恭维语的语用失误及其文化透视从《生活大爆炸》分析幽默字幕的翻译功能对等理论在英语习语翻译中的应用The differences on advertising translations under the Chinese and Western cultures元认知策略对英语写作的影响从精神分析角度看《宠儿》中塞斯的内心世界——黑人民族精神重塑《玻璃动物园》中的逃避主义解读毛姆《月亮与六便士》中斯特里克兰德的梦想A Comparison of the English Color Terms英语专业听力课程教学效率的调查与分析论爱伦坡的恐怖小说创作及其特点解析《诺桑觉寺》中凯瑟琳的自我成长杰克伦敦《野性的呼唤》中的自然主义分析浅析美国俚语及其折射出的美国亚文化现象《宠儿》中黑人女性的自我意识《厄舍古屋之倒塌》的主题及其象征意义的分析浅谈简奥斯丁《劝导》的反讽艺术大学英语电影教学现状及对策分析论《第二十二条军规》中漫画式的艺术魅力中英谚语体现的东西方价值观的差异如何降低英语专业学生课堂焦虑从文化差异透视女性的不同命运—薛宝钗与韩美兰对比研究从成长小说角度解读《马丁伊登》英文电影片名汉译的创造性叛逆原则英语中的汉语词汇《红楼梦》中文化词的翻译通过政治和日常生活看邪恶的慈禧太后Current Status of Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring System in China从文化差异角度论商标词的翻译从功能对等角度看英语动物习语的翻译作者菲茨杰拉德在《了不起的盖茨比》中所表现的双重人格相似的母爱,不同的表达——对比研究《黑孩子》和《宠儿》中的母亲形象《梁山伯与祝英台》和《罗密欧与朱丽叶》之东西方爱情比较On House’s Model for Translation Quality Assessment——A Case Study of Li Mi’s Chen Q ing BiaoSaussure’s Five Contributions to Linguistic Study and Its Modern Applications如何培养大学生英语阅读理解技能How to Arouse the Students’Interests in English Learning从语言的角度分析《麦田里的守望者》中霍尔顿的儿童形象浅析《麦田守望者》主人公霍尔顿A Tentative Analysis of the Reasons for McDonald’s S uccess做最好的自己—论斯佳丽形象对现代女性的教育意义中西方酒类广告的文化互文性研究苔丝悲剧原因探究商务谈判中幽默语的运用《鲁滨逊漂流记》中鲁滨逊的资产阶级特征从接受美学角度看中英旅游文本的翻译商务英语谈判的翻译技巧《宠儿》中塞丝的性格特征分析从跨文化角度看中西方商务交际的差异论翻译的艺术论《永别了,武器》中战争对人物的影响提高初中生阅读能力的研究浅析英语歧义句的成因及消除浅析小学汉英双语教学简爱性格研究《苔丝》与《嘉莉妹妹》中女主角的对比分析从认知隐喻角度看英语商标翻译从归化异化角度浅析《三字经》两个英译版本观春潮:浅析“戏仿”背后海明威性格阴暗面从商业性角度论电影名称的翻译孤独的神秘与永恒的自由追求——解读《法国中尉的女人》从功能对等视角分析诗歌中动物文化负载词的英译策略浅析英语委婉语功能存在主义与海明威的“硬汉形象”Thackeray’s Ambivalent Attitude towards the Women in V anity Fair汽车广告中的双关研究:关联理论视角浅析托尔金在《魔戒》中的创作特色《女勇士》中的华裔女性形象浅析女性社会价值的深情呼唤—小说《到灯塔去》中拉姆齐夫人和莉丽人物形象的对比研究论AIDA模式在大众汽车英文广告中的语言体现中英新闻标题的差异及翻译方法从关联理论视角看美国动画电影的字幕翻译--以《冰河世纪》系列为例To Obey or Rebel –A Study of Female Characters in Moment in Peking从模糊语分析广告语从托妮莫里森透析世纪黑人民族意识演变浅谈导游词翻译中英谚语的文化差异与翻译浅析《远大前程》中皮普的个人抱负与自我完善浅谈《圣经》故事与英语学习。


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论《少奶奶的扇子》中的扇子26 从文化角度研究中英礼仪模式差异27 自救或被救: 小说《红字》分析28 试析《啊,拓荒者》中的生态伦理观29 从男性角色解读《简爱》中的女性反抗意识30 Application of Cooperative Learning in English Reading Class of Senior High School31 解读《金色笔记》中的女性主义32 浅析奥斯丁的女性意识33 浅谈《鲁滨逊漂流记》中现实主义元素34 《老人与海》的主题解析35 侠客精神和骑士精神折射出的文化差异—《七侠五义》和《亚瑟王之死》之比较36 走出迷茫,寻回丢失的信念——富兰克林给毕业者的条忠告37 翻译中的性别--《简•爱》几个中译本的女性主义解读38 艾米丽•狄金斯诗歌死亡主题分析39 从《没有国家的人》看一个无政府主义者对人性的呼唤40 对大学课程中“旅游英语”的教材分析41 论《紫色》的叙事现代性分析42 On C-E Translation of Neologisms from the Perspective of Nida’s Functional Eq uivalence Theory43 Improving Senior High School Students’ Oral English by Applying English Songs44 An Analysis of Angel's Ambivalent Personality In Tess of the D'Urbervilles45 善,还是恶――《我弥留之际》中安斯性格分析46 论文化对国际市场营销的重要性--以迪斯尼乐园为例47 从《老人与海》看海明威小说中的英雄式人物的刻画48 浅析《儿子与情人》中扭曲的人物关系49 佩克拉的忧伤--解读《最蓝的眼睛》50 伏尼契小说《牛虻》中主人公性格分析51 哈克贝利•费恩对“文明世界”的适应52 商务英语广告中比喻的翻译53 情态人际意义的跨文化研究54 Tradition and Beyond—Reading The Diviners as a Bildungsroman55 《彼得•潘》中的“成长”主题56 小学英语学习策略及研究57 《暮色》两中译本中文化缺省重构的对比研究58 浅析《最蓝的眼睛》中的创伤和治愈59 论科技英语翻译中科学性与艺术性的和谐统一60 从功能对等理论来看委婉语翻译61 英语广告语篇中名物化的研究62 对《大地》中女性人物的生态女性主义解读63 山寨文化的反思——发展与创新64 接受美学理论在广告翻译中的运用65 论《进入黑夜的漫长旅程》的悲剧成因66 论《蝇王》中戈尔丁对人性之恶的解析67 海明威“冰山原理”在《永别了,武器》中的应用及对写作的指导意义68 双关语在日常生活中的应用69 透过中西谚语的对比分析中西文化异同70 从文化视角看汉英翻译中的语篇连贯性71 The Poet’s Identity in Keats’s Six Odes72 以“三美论”对比《登高》两个英译版本的“意美”与“音美”73 女性哥特视角下的《蝴蝶梦》研究74 论例句在中学英语课堂中的应用75 德伯家的苔丝中苔丝的悲剧成因分析76 英文征婚广告和中文征婚广告所体现的文化差异77 Mother Tongue Influence on the Learning of a Foreign Language78 试论《武林外传》与《老友记》中的中美文化差异79 商业英语广告的劝说功能与修辞分析80 The Conflict between Desire and Surroundings:an Analysis of Clyde in An American Tragedy81 高级英语课堂中教师角色研究82 论奥斯丁女性主义观点在《爱玛》中的体现83 大学英语课堂教学中师生互动的重要性84 论商务名片英译——以功能对等为指导85 交际翻译视角下的公示语汉英翻译86 A Study on Developing Autonomous Learning Ability of Junior High School Students87 译者主体性视角下的翻译策略—杨氏夫妇《聊斋志异》英译本个案研究88 Cultural Differences on West-Eastern Business Negotiations89 口译中的简化与增补90 Cultural Influences on Business Negotiation between China and Japan91 On the Death of Francis Macomber92 论《看得见风景的房间》中女性自我意识的觉醒93 英语新闻标题:特点及翻译94 “误译”现象的合理性探析95 空间介词在英汉时间表达中的隐喻性用法对比研究96 超越和世俗——对《月亮和六便士》中Strickland和Stroeve的对比分析97 目的论下的修辞手法翻译:以《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》两个汉语译本为例98 从文化适应角度看中外广告翻译99 科技英语长句的结构分析与翻译100 跨文化交际中的肢体语言101 《飘》—斯嘉丽女性主义意识的成长历程解读102 王尔德家庭道德观在《认真的重要性》中的体现103 从关联理论看鲁迅作品《孔乙己》中的反讽104 英汉语广告的词汇比较研究105 《吉姆老爷》中吉姆的性格分析106 言语行为理论在意识流作品中的应用——以弗吉尼亚•伍尔夫的作品为例107 Inheritance and Development of Gothic Literary Tradition in Jane Eyre108 以超验主义视角对瓦尔登湖中寂寞观的分析109 基于学习共同体的自主学习模式研究110 《呼啸山庄》中女主人公人物分析111 奥巴马演讲词中的委婉语研究112 英语高尔夫新闻中隐喻的认知分析113 A Diachronic Study on Sexism in English Lexicon114 从《徳伯家的苔丝》看哈代的贞操观和道德观115 玛丽•巴顿的女性意识116 论福克纳《八月之光》中的耶稣形象117 影响英语阅读理解效率的非语言因素118 追求女性自我意识的孤独灵魂——评《觉醒》中的爱德娜119 从中西文化对比看英文电影字幕翻译120 浅析《道林·格雷的画像》中的享乐主义121 Application of Constructivism to Task-based Reading Teaching in Senior High School 122 从女性主义翻译理论比较《名利场》两种中译本的翻译123 浅析爱尔兰诗人叶芝作品中的象征主义124 中国旅游指南的中译英研究125 (日语系毕业论文)浅谈中日饮酒艺术126 从凯鲁亚克的《在路上》看“垮掉的一代”127 中美大学课堂文化比较研究128 浅论中文商标的翻译129 对《红字》中完美人性的求索--浅析海斯特与丁梅斯代尔的自我思想较量与精神升华130 Influence of Western Food Culture upon Chinese People131 盖茨比的人物形象分析132 中外服装品牌英文标签语言的跨文化研究133 消极浪漫主义和积极浪漫主义——华兹华斯和雪莱的比较研究134 论中西文化中家庭观念的差异135 从历届美国总统访华演说探讨其对中国所传递的价值观136 Task-based Language Teaching: Group Work in Oral English Classes in Junior Middle School137 A Comparison between Emily Dickinson’s and Walt Whitman’s Poems on Their Modernity 138 An Analysis on the Differences of Dietetic Culture between the East and the West from English Translation of Chinese Menu139 Female Characters in The Lord of the Rings140 浅析英汉基本颜色词之文化内涵--以“白”与“黑”为例141 On Metaphor Translation Strategies from Cultural Perspective142 《一位女士的画像》伊莎贝尔婚姻悲剧的原因分析143 形名组合Deep+Noun之认知研究144 政论文的英译特点145 中国高校名的英译146 从交际翻译理论看幽默对话翻译——以《老友记》第一季为例147 从女性主义视角分析《飘》中斯佳丽人物形象148 The Death of Willy Loman and the destruction of the American Dream149 A Study on the Cross-Cultural Management in the Sino-American Joint-Venture Enterprises --With Special Reference to Changan & Ford Motor Company150 Translation Strategies about Vacant Words in Dreams of the Red Mansion151 On the Disillusion of Gatsby's American Dream152 中美面子观比较及其对商务谈判策略的启示153 Communicative Functions of Silence in Conversations154 以目的论为指导的化妆品商标翻译155 解析马克•吐温《竞选州长》中的幽默讽刺艺术156 A Study of Narrative V oice in Jodi Picoult’s My Sister’s K eeper157 《汤姆•索亚历险记》的艺术魅力158 对《呼啸山庄》中凯瑟琳的悲剧性分析159 《麦田里的守望者》的文体特色分析160 The Embodiment of Xu Yuanchong’s“Beauty in Three Aspects”in the English Translation of Poetry of the Tang Dynasty161 希腊罗马神话典故成语英汉翻译评析162 从文化的角度看颜色词在英汉两种语言中差异163 从美学角度浅析许渊冲《汉英对照唐诗三首》——“意音形”三美论164 虽不起眼,但不可或缺:从《洛丽塔》中的小人物看亨伯特悲剧的必然性165 An Analysis of Female Characters in Uncle Tom’s Cabin166 从文化角度看中美家庭教育的差异167 试析《珍妮姑娘》中女主人公的悲剧根源168 从语言角度看中英广告翻译中的文化差异169 A Feminist Perspective to Pygmalion170 《弗兰肯斯坦》的主题解读171 永恒的精神追求—《天使,望故乡》的精神主题分析172 文化视阈下英汉数字“九”的对比研究173 英文电影片名汉译的创造性叛逆原则174 托马斯•哈代《无名的裘德》中的书信研究175 中国人和美国人特征的比较176 论中西饮食文化的差异177 Analysis of the Reasons Why Jo Rejects Laurie’s Proposal of Marriage in Little Women 178 中国跨文化交际学研究存在的不足与建议179 论《了不起的盖茨比》中爵士乐时代的新潮女郎180 关键词法在英语词汇学习中的效果研究181 《紫色》后殖民语境中耐蒂的觉醒182 从接受美学浅谈英文电影片名的汉译183 英语动物习语的研究及翻译184 《荒原》中的神话溯源185 功能对等理论透视下的影视片名翻译186 商务英语书面语语言特色的语用分析187 功能对等理论下汉语新词英译研究188 跨文化交际中的母语文化研究189 EFL Learning Strategies on Web-based Autonomous Learning190 从认知语言学的视角下浅析隐喻和换喻的异同191 A Study of the Human Relations in Sons and Lovers192 《简爱》与《名利场》中家庭女教师形象与命运的对比研究193 从礼貌原则看英语委婉语的构成和社会功能194 An Analysis of Life and Death in Mrs. Dalloway195 阿法——《多芬的海》中的加勒比人196 浅谈中美饮食文化差异197 从《看得见风景的房间》看女性身份的遗失和找寻198 合作原则在《红楼梦》习语英译中的应用199 “白+动词”的语义及其英译200 The Pursuit of Freedom and Love in E.M. Forster’s A Room with a View。

的。但 从 历 时 角 度 来 看 ,任 何 语 言 系 统 的 语 音 部 分 都 在 变 。以 英 语 为 例 。英 语 的 语 音变化包括:词尾音脱落(a p o c o p e ) 、辅 音消失(c o n s o n a n t l o s s ) 、插音(e penthesis) 语音变位 、 (metathesis) 等形式 (何兆熊, 梅德明,2 0 0 5 :1 3 3) 。就孩子的 语 音 习 得 情 况 来 看 ,有 些 音 比 另 外 一 些 音 先 习 得 ,并 且 具 有 一 定 的 共 性 。跨 语 言 的 研 究 表 明 ,在 儿 童 的 语 言 习 得 中 ,双 唇 辅 音先于其它辅音,元音先于辅音。因此,在 孩子的语音习得中先出现如爸爸、妈妈、 d a d 、m u m 之类的词汇。从语音的角度来 看,语 言 也 是 人 类 发 展 的 结 果 ,是 在 人 类 成 长 的 过 程 中 出 现 的 ,并 不 断 发 展 、完善 自身。 4 . 当代主要的语言观回顾 从古希腊的先哲们开始讨论语言起, 在人类的历史上曾经出现过无数的形形色 色 的 语 言 观 。在 索 绪 尔 创 立 现 代 结 构 主 义 语 言 学 之 后 ,针 对 儿 童 母 语 的 习 得 ,产生 了 激 烈 的 争 论 ,并 因 此 创 立 了 许 多 理 论 和 学说。这些理论学说 成为后世人们解释 语 言 现 象 的 理 论 来 源 。下 面 就 主 要 的 理 论 作以简单的回顾和评析。 4 . 1 行为主义的刺激——反应观 行为主义是学习方面的心理学理论。 该 理 论 认 为 语 言 学 习 是 模 仿 、练 习 、成功 反 馈 和 习 惯 养 成 的 结 果 ,孩 子 模 仿 周 围 听 到 的 声 音 和 模 式 ,并 从 成 人 那 里 得 到 积 极 的 强 化 ,因 此 ,在 周 围 环 境 的 鼓 励 下 ,不 断的模仿练习直到他们养成正确的语言运 用习惯(Lightbown & Spada,2002:9) 。 行为主义的语言学习观有直观的吸引力, 它可以部分的解释儿童母语的习得和成人 对外语及二语的习得,有它自身的合理 性。但 它 对 孩 子 在 语 言 运 用 中 的 各 种 创 造 性、语 言 运 用 中 的 各 种 错 误 等 问 题 无 法 作 出 有 说 服 力 的 解 释 ,显 示 出 其 理 论 的 不 足 和 弱 点 。行 为 主 义 的 学 习 理 论 尽 管 有 其 广 泛的应用( 曾建国,2 0 0 6 :1 0 0 ) ,但因其解 释 的 机 械 性 和 直 观 性( 缺 少 思 辩 性 )而受 到 后 人 的 质 疑 ,在 后 人 对 行 为 主 义 的 批 判 中 产 生 了 其 他 的 理 论 ,这 也 可 以 说 是 行 为 主义对语言学的贡献吧!行为主义把语言 看 成 是 习 惯 的 养 成 ,语 言 和 习 惯 都 是 在 人 类 成 长 的 过 程 中 获 得 的 ,是 人 类 不 断 与 外 界 互 动( 刺 激 — — 反 应 )的 结 果 。行 为 主 义把语言也看成人自身成长过程中出现 ( 上接 1 9 4 页) 微不足道》以上的翻译充分 《 考虑到汉语语言的特点以及一定的商业目 的。如果将以上片名分别译为《香味》 《怎 、 样 偷 一 百 万 》 《 大 ,没 什 么 了 不 起 》 就显 、 得平淡乏味,吸引不了观众的眼光。 三、结论 综上所述,我们可以看出,那些脍炙 人口的英语影视片名的翻译,大多是在遵 循基本的翻译原则基础上,巧妙灵活通过 直译、意译、或偏商业化等译法等来处理 的。当然,片名的翻译首先要能反映原片 的、类似于行为习惯之类的东西,从这个 角度来看,语言也是人类成长的副产品。 4 . 2 乔姆斯基(C h o m s k y )的语 法生成观 1957 年,斯金纳(Skinner)发表了《言 语行为》 (Verval Behaviour) ,认为儿童语 言的习得主要是刺激——反应的结果。通 过大量的有意识的刺激——反应和正确的 反复强化,孩子逐渐习得了自己的语言。 乔姆斯基对此理论非常不满。针对这一理 论,与同年他发表了《句法结够》 (Syntactic Structure)一书(Stern,1997: 1 0 5 ) ,批 判 了 行 为 主 义 理 论 的 缺 点 和 不 足,提出了语言的生成性假说。乔氏的理 论自问世以后,反复修改,直到现在还在 不断的完善和修改中,体现了乔氏及同一 学派成员的彻底性、进取性和科学精神, 并自称为“最科学的理论” ,在语言学界产 生了巨大的影响,成为目前最巨影响力的 主流的语言学理论(石毓智,2 0 0 6 :6 0 ) 。 乔氏理论认为孩子之所以在那样短的时间 内习得如此复杂的语言系统,是因为人类 天生具有一个特殊的、功能强大的语言装 置(石毓智,2 0 0 6 :2 ) 。这种语言装置为 人类运用语言提供普遍性和规则性的东 西,据此可以理解和生成无数的新的、合 乎语法的句子(石毓智,2 0 0 6 :1 6 ) 。不同 的语言仅仅是参数的不同而已。生成语言 学自从介绍到中国,遇到中国学界的普遍 欢迎和青睐,但同时也遇到不少学者的批 评和抨击。8 0 年代王宗炎先生撰文评论乔 氏理论(王宗炎,2 0 0 3 :4 8 ) ,对乔氏理论 的许多不足之处提出了质疑。后来又有好 多学者对乔氏理论提出不足和批评。近年 来,对乔氏理论致命性的批评主要来自于 石毓智博士所著的《语法的概念基础》 。该 文对乔氏理论进行了颠覆性的批判。经过 多位学界高人的较为公允和客观的评介, 我们进一步认识到乔氏语法生成观的不足 之处,从而从反面验证了本文的假设:语 言不是先天的、是人类发展的结果,是人 类成长的副产品。 4 . 3 皮亚杰的语言发展观 瑞士心理学家皮亚杰(J e a n P i a g e t ) 设计出人类通过搜集和组织信息来理解世 界的模式。这种模式可以解释人从婴儿到 成人思维发展的原因。他认为在思维的发 展过程中,人的成熟起着重要的因素。他 名的意思,也就是说要首先忠于原意,然 后恰当地通过文化的对等转化意译,或偏 商业化等处理法进行巧妙的加工和润色, 这样的片名翻译才能赢得观众的认可和喜 爱。 我们的翻译工作者在进行影视作品名 称翻译的过程中,如果能本着为观众负责 的态度,在影视名称的翻译上肯下功夫, 多花心思,那么就能为我们广大的电影爱 好者和英语学习者翻译出贴切传神的影视 名称来。这样,就不仅能够向观众准确地

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English and Chinese Idioms145 优秀小学英语教师课堂词汇互动教学的运用分析146 商务电子邮件中礼貌用语的运用147 论《紫色》中的性别暴力148 从《大卫科波菲尔》的女性人物塑造看现实主义与浪漫主义的结合149 The Comparison of Word Order between the Report at the th National Congress and Its English Version150 A Semantic Analysis of the Written Errors Committed by Chinese English Majors151 论口译的原则与技巧152 The Positive Impact of English Movies on Oral English153 英语委婉语的表达模式和应用154 中美幼儿教育对比研究155 On Symbolism in Hemingway's Cat in the Rain156 艾米莉狄金森诗歌中的动物意象研究157 解读《嘉莉妹妹》中的新女性形象158 广告翻译159 《了不起的盖茨比》中的象征艺术160 论汉语缩略语的英译161 从《奥兰多》看伍尔夫的双性同体162 《女勇士》中的华裔女性形象浅析163 从跨文化交际角度看电影片名翻译164 英汉爱情隐喻对比研究165 析《狮子和宝石》中拉昆来失败的原因166 反思任务型教学在高中教学中的应用167 《老人与海》中马洛林形象的不可或缺性168 《飘》与《倾城之恋》中的女性形象对比研究169 从《西风颂》初析雪莱的反传统人格特征170 Effects of First Person Narration on Thematic Expression in Araby171 从文化价值的角度解读歌王迈克尔•杰克逊的艺术影响172 从数字看中西方文化差异173 中西方餐桌礼仪文化对比174 在仙境中成长——《爱丽丝梦游仙境》的主题研究175 班德瑞曲名汉译策略之解析176 《小王子》的存在主义维度分析177 从礼仪角度谈中西文化的差异性178 约翰逊词典编纂特色探析179 The Language Features of Advertising English180 论英汉恭维语的差异181 从合作原则和礼貌原则的角度分析外贸函电中否定信息的传递182 从模糊性看古典诗词英译183 民族文化差异与广告语言创意184 译员主体性在歌曲《我有个梦》歌词翻译中的体现185 目的论在英文电影片名翻译中的应用186 英汉化妆品说明书对比及汉译策略187 Comparison between High and Low-context Culture in Language Expression 188 论《睡谷传奇》中的幽默元素189 克林顿总统就职演说之体裁分析190 浅析伍尔夫意识流小说中的叙事时间191 从文化视角看部分英汉习语的异同192 浅析造成盖茨比悲剧的因素193 罪与同情—论齐林沃斯的悲剧194 An Analysis of Vanity Fair from the Perspective of Interpersonal Function 195 顺应论视角中电影字幕汉英翻译研究——以李安电影作品字幕翻译为例196 浅析《傲慢与偏见》中伊丽莎白的性格和婚姻观197 唯美主义在道连格雷变化中的体现198 目的论指导下的英文影视名称的翻译199 互文性理论指导下的公示语汉英翻译200 中英颜色词的比较。

毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料中文题目:英文电影片名的汉译研究文献、资料英文题目:文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:商务英语专业班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期: 2017.02.14本科生毕业论文(设计)英文电影片名的汉译研究摘要在全球化的背景下,传统文化与现代文明的交融和相互影响,人们用电影陶醉他们自己。
越来越多的外国电影进入中国市场,这些电影被翻译成中国电影 ,后来已经成为老少皆宜、雅俗共赏的艺术形式,是最具影响力的媒体之一。
[关键词] 重要性三种功能影响AbstractIn the background of globalization, traditional culture and modern civilization are affected influence with each other, people are addicted to them.a growing number of foreign films enter chinese market , these films have been translated Chinese movies , films have been now become a form of art, is one of the most influential media. The movie title, the film's brand names, directly play the role of "guides". Good title films become commercial value, it`s becomeming aesthetic value, The success of the title translation is related to the spread and depth of the film directly. Good title films are very important with spreading .it included exspression function ,informationfunction ,communication funtion ..[Key words] importance three functions affection目录一、前言 (1)二、电影对全球文化的影响 (3)(一)传统文化与现代文化的交融 (3)(二)英汉电影片名产生的双文化影响 (5)(三)中国文化对电影的影响 (8)三、中国文化对外国电影翻译的重要性 (10)(一)现阶段中国电影译名的特点以及重要性 (10)1.以国内传统的翻译标准为指导 (11)2、借用诗词成语对译名的重要性 (11)(二)中国电影译名的发展阶段及其特点 (12)四、英语电影片名的翻译功能技巧及未来发展 (14)(一)英语电影片名的翻译功能及未来的发展 (16)五、结论 (17)主要参考文献 (19)致谢 (20)英文电影片名的汉译研究一、前言在全球化的背景下,传统文化与现代文明的交融和相互影响,使得语言与文化这些原本带有很强地域色彩的精神产品也随之流动起来。

【关键词】影视作品片名;翻译技巧;意译式翻译中图分类号:H159 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1007-0125(2019)24-0115-01一部影视作品如何能够脱颖而出,不单单是依靠自身出色的内容,一个能吸引人眼球,引发观众兴趣的影视作品名称也是至关重要的。
像我国观众最早所接触的好莱坞大片《真实的谎言》(True Lies),采取的就是直译法。
例如风靡全球的一部影视作品 House of Cards,该片名在英语中暗指看上去宏伟,但其实脆弱、不牢靠。

英语专业全英原创毕业论文,是近期写作,公布的题目可以用于免费参考(贡献者ID 有提示)最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作1《看不见的人》主题分析2 A Probe into the Chinese and English Neologisms3以超验主义视角对瓦尔登湖中寂寞观的分析4从凯特肖邦的“觉醒”中映射出的女性自由5An Analysis of the Characters in the Call of the Wild from the Perspective of Social Darwinism6合作学习理论在中学英语课堂中的应用7浅析《儿子与情人》中扭曲的人物关系8浅析《墓园挽歌》中意象的变化9《榆树下的欲望》埃本悲剧命运探析10英语语言中性别歧视的社会语言学视角11《哈姆雷特》中的女性人物分析12论《紫颜色》中黑人妇女的反抗13国际贸易往来电子邮件写作原则14Analysis of the New Female Scarlett in Gone with the Wind15 A Contrastive Study of English and Chinese Gratitude Expressions16从电影《姐姐的守护者》分析人的自私性17[税务管理]我国开征遗产税国际借鉴和政策选择研究18论广告与文化19浅谈“白色”在英汉语言中的文化差异及其翻译策略20论《白鲸》主角的悲剧实质21一位坚强独立的女性——简爱22从《简爱》两个译本看女性与男性语言使用的差别23 A Comparative Study of “Two Roses” in Wuthering Heights--Catherine Earnshaw and Catherine Linton24英语委婉语的认知分析25《灿烂千阳》中女性人物的忍耐,斗争和重生26《天路历程》与《西游记》的精神共鸣27新经济原则在商品买卖会话中的运用28简析狄更斯《远大前程》中的浪漫主义特征29Hawthorne’s Feminism Consciousness in The Scarlet Letter30彼得潘--孩子和成人共同的童话31《哈利.波特》的成功销售及其对中国儿童文学营销的启示32解读《喜福会》的中国式母爱33从原型批评理论角度分析威利.洛曼的悲剧34《哈姆雷特》中奥菲利亚的悲剧——悲剧分析及造成悲剧命运的原因35中英道歉策略对比研究36在归隐中相遇—论梭罗与陶渊明的诗意人生37《威尼斯商人》中夏洛克与《失乐园》中的撒旦的反叛者形象比较38从语境角度谈文学作品翻译中人物描写的语用对等问题39On Hybridization in Translation of Culture-loaded Lexemes in Moment in PekingThe Duality of Life and Death——An Analysis on Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway英语专业全英原创毕业论文,是近期写作,公布的题目可以用于免费参考(贡献者ID 有提示)40From Dormancy to Revival—A Feminist Study on Kate Chopin’s Awakening41论中西婚姻观的差异42词汇和背景知识对英语阅读理解的重要影响及应对策略43分析戴珍珠耳环的少女44文本分类理论与广告翻译45高中生英语阅读教学中合作学习理论的运用46Cultural Differences on West-Eastern Business Negotiations47Study of the Translation of Flower Image in Chinese Classical Poetry48从接受美学浅谈英文电影片名的汉译49从《嘉莉妹妹》看美国梦与道德观50从文体学角度分析《海狼》两个译本51解析《简爱》的帝国主义意识52重复在儿童英语教学中的重要性53从《红字》和《荆棘鸟》看宗教禁欲主义下的爱情54从态度系统分析小说《简.爱》的女主人公的性格特征55英汉习语文化差异之原由56从《男孩们女孩们》看身份问题对艾丽斯.门罗文学创作的影响57从目的论看《红楼梦》中“狗”习语的翻译58以赫索格为代表的索尔贝娄作品中知识分子的困境与出路59文化差异对中美商务谈判的影响60文化导入与英语阅读能力的提高61从引进好莱坞大片看中国意识形态转型: 从集体主义到个人主义(开题报告+论)62Comparaison entre l’Histoire d’A Q et l’Etranger63母语正迁移在初中英语教学中的研究与应用64功能对等视角下英汉颜色词的对比与翻译65游戏在初中英语教学中的作用66中英姓名文化内涵的探究67浅析《觉醒》中艾德娜自杀的必然性68《红字》中丁梅斯代尔的灵魂救赎69归化与异化在文学翻译中的融合应用——评《红楼梦》两英译本中的习语70从语言功能考察汉语公示语英译71从饮食角度透析中西方文化差异72The Implication and Application of Body Languages in English and Chinese73Differences Between English and Chinese Euphemisms and Influences on Cross-cultural Communication74目的论在英语儿歌翻译中的应用75中美家庭价值观差异浅析76数字口译及其训练策略77从《爱玛》看简.奥斯丁的爱情观78霍桑清教观的矛盾性在《红字》中的体现79从《悲悼三部曲》看尤金.奥尼尔对古希腊悲剧的继承性超越80丘吉尔《就希特勒入侵苏联发表的讲话》的修辞赏析81以马斯洛需求层次理论分析《傲慢与偏见》中的爱情婚姻观82中美跨文化交际中的高低语境文化对比研究英语专业全英原创毕业论文,是近期写作,公布的题目可以用于免费参考(贡献者ID 有提示)83浅析美国俚语及其折射出的美国亚文化现象84Problems in the Oral Class and Solutions to Them85用陌生化理论阐述《红色手推车》的悲剧色彩86分析《华伦夫人的职业》中母女矛盾所折射出的社会问题87埃兹拉.庞德和意象主义88应用学习动机理论优化高中英语学困生89英语写作中的母语迁移作用及教学启示90从自然主义视角解读德莱赛《珍妮姑娘》中珍妮的形象91英语使用中展示的性别语言差异92浅析中西价值观差异对跨文化交际的影响及其解决方法93从莎翁作品透视伊丽莎白时期女性社会地位94相同的追求,不同的命运——《红楼梦》中的林黛玉和《傲慢与偏见》中的伊丽莎白比较95论中英商标翻译中的文化差异96浅析英语谚语的文化内涵及其汉译97傲慢与偏见的电影与原著比较98言语行为理论在意识流作品中的应用——以弗吉尼亚.伍尔夫的作品为例99日用品广告语言中中西方价值观差异比较研究100On Self-destruction of Laura in Flowering Judas101探讨星巴克多样化顾客关怀及其推广性102从宴客角度探究中西方文化理念的差异103海明威的女性主义思想104论《简爱》中的经济意识105情景教学法在中学英语写作教学中的应用106论西尔维娅.普拉斯诗歌中的死亡意象107英雄还是魔鬼-论亚哈船长的双重性格108浅析英语粘着词素及其在词汇教学中的实用价值109别样的美丽——析《厄舍古屋的倒塌》中无处不在的哥特式风格110圣诞节对大学生的影响的调查研究111On the Progressive Awakening of Feminine Consciousness in The Hours112A Comparative Analysis Between Pride and Prejudice and The Portrait of a Lady from the Perspective of Feminism113中美两国女性在家庭和社会中地位的比较114从心理学的角度论《儿子与情人》中保罗的恋爱模式115从《简爱》看电影对名著的改编116试比较中美中学历史教育中历史思维的培养117浅析中英恭维语118企业英文简介中的概念语法隐喻分析119灵魂的真实——《达洛卫夫人》意识流剖析120英汉语言颜色与文化的差异121汉英亲属称谓词的文化差异及翻译122海明威小说硬汉形象的悲剧色彩123从英式桌球斯诺克看英国的绅士文化及其对中国的影响124Study on Dietetic Cultures in Different Regions in China英语专业全英原创毕业论文,是近期写作,公布的题目可以用于免费参考(贡献者ID 有提示)125126中西民间鬼神形象中体现的宗教世俗化的研究127A Lost New Woman in Patriarchal Society–Esther Greenwood’s Madness in Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar128Robert Frost’s Man and Nature129英汉委婉语对比研究130涉外商函的特点及其翻译131《愤怒的葡萄》中的圣经原型132《女勇士》中美国华裔身份危机的探寻133中西方寒暄语简要对比研究134浅析造成盖茨比悲剧的因素135中美企业招聘广告文化对比分析136谈日常用品广告英译汉的特色137《了不起的盖茨比》中颜色词的蕴义138On the Application of Polysystem Theory In the Two Versions of Hamlet139顺句驱动原则下英汉同声传译中英语非动词转换为汉语动词的研究140功能对等理论视角下的英文歌曲汉译探究141论风格的可译性142解读《最蓝的眼睛》中的姐妹情谊143从《瓦尔登湖》看梭罗的自然观144On Symbolism in Fitzgerald’s “Winter Dreams”(开题报告+论文+文献综述)145浅析卡夫卡小说中的荒诞意识146论英语自然地理术语的汉译147汽车商标词的翻译特征和方法148英式英语与美式英语的拼写差异149商务英语中的颜色词浅析150浅析《儿子与情人》中的象征意蕴151英文电影对英语专业学生词汇附带习得的影响152A Contrastive Study on Language Features of Chinese and English Proverbs153论苏珊.桑塔格《在美国》的身份危机154论奥巴马就职演讲词的排比修辞155《了不起的盖茨比》中色彩的象征意义(开题报告+论)156商务英语的特点及翻译准则157合作学习模式在高中英语口语教学中的应用158作家的病态心理对文学创作的影响159解析《喧哗与骚动》中凯蒂悲剧的必然性160《飘》的成长主题解读161目的论指导下的英语字幕翻译策略162试究中国古诗词英译中的常用技巧—以《发如雪》为例163女性哥特视角下的《蝴蝶梦》164论《黄墙纸》中女主人公女性主义思想的局限性(开题报告+论)165A Comparative Study of A Wordsworth’s Nature Poem and One by Tao Yuanming166“适者生存”在《野性的呼唤》中的释义167初中英语教学中的角色扮演英语专业全英原创毕业论文,是近期写作,公布的题目可以用于免费参考(贡献者ID 有提示)168交替传译中的记忆机制及记忆训练研究169Consistence and Differences between Gone with the Wind and Its Sequel Scarlett:A Study of the Protagonist Scarlett170A Discussion on the Accuracy of Language in Diplomatic Translation171On Relationship Between Mothers-and-Daughters-in-Law in China and the West172英汉工具类名转动词实时构建的整合分析--基于网络论坛语料173从文化角度论英汉语中的性别歧视174A Brief Study of British Women’s Rising Status175战争对美国文学的影响176析《苔丝》中的象征意义177法律英语的特点178“垮掉的一代”形成的背景探析179浅析英文电影片名的翻译技巧180从许渊冲的“三美论”看唐诗中的典故翻译181英汉爱情隐喻比较研究182从价值观系统角度浅析中美商务谈判中的文化冲突183论美国垮掉的一代和中国后184英语动词时态的认知及隐喻概念研究185小学英语课堂中教学反馈的调查与反思186An Analysis of Ecological Ideas in Walden187从三美原则看中国古诗词中酒意象的英译188从《喜福会》母女冲突看中美家庭教育差异189功能对等理论透视下的影视片名翻译190论《傲慢与偏见》中的性别语言差异191模糊语在商务英语谈判中的语用研究192从个人英雄主义角度解读《肖申克的救赎》193浅析初中生英语写作问题及对策194极限环境中的善与恶——浅析《蝇王》中的主要人物人格结构195旅游标语英语翻译标准研究196论罗伯特.佩恩.沃伦《国王的人马》中对真理与自我认知的追求197中英颜色词的比较198中英文动物俗语的感情差异研究--以“狗”为例199控制学对英语家教影响的实证分析200如何激发初中生的英语学习兴趣。

关键词:英文电影片名;特点;翻译方法IAbstractThe movie, a popular art with both artistic and commercial values, is one of the most influential mass media nowadays. With the success of China’s Reform and Opening up Policy and the strengthened economic and cultural communication between China and English-speaking countries, recent years we have seen a large flow of English movies into Chinese movie market. English movies are being continuously trans lated to meet Chinese audience’s growing needs. The translation of movies is not only a simple and direct way to introduce the exotic culture, but also an important channel to transfer our own culture. While the translation of the title of a movie is the top priority in translation movies, therefore, we study the way that the translation of movies deeply, using different ways to translate movies. As the titles of the English movies always carry the special cultural senses, when they translated into the Chinese, many factors should be considered and different methods of translation should be taken accordingly. The paper explores the general analysis of English movie titles, discusses the features and the function of the movie titles, and puts forward the relevant theories and methods, then gives the four translation methods: transliteration, literal translation, free translation and adapted translation.Key words: English movie title; feature; translation methodsIIContents Abstract (II)1 Introduction (1)2 A General Review of English Movie Title s (2)2.1 Categories of English Movies (2)2.1.1 Adventure Movies (2)2.1.2 Fantasy Movies (2)2.1.3 Comedy Movies (3)2.1.4 Lyric Movies (3)2.2 Features of English Movie Titles (3)2.2.1 Linguistic Features (3)2.2.2 Aesthetic Features (4)2.2.3 Cultural Features (4)2.2.4 Commercial Features (4)2.3 Functions of English Movie Titles (5)2.3.1 Informative Function (5)2.3.2 Aesthetic Function (5)2.3.3 Commercial Function (6)3 Methods of English Movie Title Translation (7)3.1 Principles of English Movie Title Translation (7)3.2 Methods of English Movie Title Translation (8)3.2.1 Transliteration (8)3.2.2 Literal Translation (9)3.2.3 Free Translation (9)3.2.4 Adapted translation (11)Conclusion (13)Bibliography (15)Acknowledgments (16)III1 IntroductionAs an audiovisual art, a product of a particular culture, movie is one of the most influential mass media reflecting people’s life. Although movie was born in the west, it is gaining prosperous popularity and has now become a global art. During the past decades since 1978 when China began to conduct its Reform and Opening-up Policy to the outside world, communication between China and the rest of the world, has been becoming increasingly frequent, resulting in the plunging of many foreign movies into China’s movie market. Since very few people can understand original English movies, all the original works have to be translated to reach the vast Chinese audience. Translating foreign audiovisual art works has become a significant activity in promoting cultural exchanges. However, movie translation is far from being explored. It is true to movie title translation in particular. The movie title, being short in form but rich in meaning, has its own linguistic, aesthetic and cultural features, which deserve careful investigation and consideration from the translator. Movie’s titles translation is the translation across cultural boundaries. A good translation of the movie title would unquestionably contribute a lot to the charm and success of the movie. On the contrary, a poor translation may not only fail to attract audience or even mislead the audience, but degrades the value and beauty of the original movie on the whole. Thus the translation of movie titles is an interesting, meaningful and demanding activity. A properly translated movie title should be concise, condensed and compact, which can grip the attention of the audience at their first sight and stimulate their association with the plot, reveal the theme or offer some clue. In this paper, we will introduce the categories of English movies, the general features, and functions of English movie titles, then set out four methods of translation, and a set of principles followed by the translation, then sum up movie title’s t ranslation should be combined with the translation practice, and continually improve in the practice.12 A General Review of English Movie TitlesIt is not difficult to see that movie, as a special art form, is different from other forms such as books or magazines, which could be laid on bookshelves for readers to appreciate first and decide whether to buy or not later. Movie differentiates itself from books, magazine and TV series in that it is able to achieve the effect of aesthetic, artistic and sensual pleasures at a very fast speed. Particularly in this hustle and bustle world, movie title is destined to be very attractive in the first place, so as to arouse people’s desire to watch before they walk into the cinema, and achieve its commercial goal, that is more box office as well. Whether the movie is attracting or not, the name is one important deciding factor, for it is often the first that comes into the potential viewer’s attention. If the title is eye-catching and curiosity-stimulating, the movie is half successful. As has been stated above, a good translation of movie titles may add charm to the movie and contribute a lot to the box-office value. Before we come to the core of the thesis, it is quite necessary to make a general analysis of English movie titles in order that it will provide a better understanding of the research subject.2.1 Categories of English MoviesAccording to He Ying, movies usually fall into three categories based on different contents: documentary movies, science and educational movies, and feature movies. Feature movies are most popular in Chinese movie market, they not only cater for people of all walks of life, but also convey the most cultural information, hence the present paper focuses specially on the Chinese translation of English feature films, which are further divided into four sub-categories, namely, adventure movies, fantasy movies, comedy movies and lyric movies.2.1.1 Adventure MoviesAdventure movies include action movies, horror movies, western movies,disaster movies, spy movies and crime movies. Titles of this kind of movies normally feature emotion-stirring effect. Examples are The Godfather《教父》,Once Upon A Time in the West《西部往事》, Rebecca《蝴蝶梦》.2.1.2 Fantasy MoviesFantasy movies are usually scientific, visionary and imaginative, with science fiction2movie as the main component. Titles of this kind aim to reveal new and strange things to the audience. A host of movies belong to this group, such as, Star War《星球大战》, Alien《异形》, Jurassic Park《侏罗纪公园》.2.1.3 Comedy MoviesComedy movies are designed to arouse laughter from the audience. Comedies are light-hearted dramas, crafted to amuse, entertain, and provoke enjoyment. Being rich in humorous flavor is the feature of titles of this type of movies. Movies such as Hot Shots! 《反斗神鹰》, It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World《疯狂世界》belong to this category.2.1.4 Lyric MoviesA large number of movies can be categorized into this type, including love story movies, family movies, drama movies and musical/dance movies. Movie titles of this kind are plain in wording but rich in romantic lyric and emotional flavor. Examples are Gone with the Wind《乱世佳人》, Golden Pond《金色池塘》, Love Story《爱情故事》, etc.2.2 Features of English Movie TitlesAlthough movies, as a kind of literary form, have something in common with other literary forms, they also possess some unique features, which make them different from others. The same is true of the case of movies titles. In the following part the overall features of English movies titles will be expounded from the linguistic, aesthetic, cultural and commercial perspectives.2.2.1 Linguistic FeaturesGenerally speaking, although English movie titles are very short, concise and compact with regard to the structure, yet rich in meaning. Lots of movie titles only contain one word, which may be the name of the hero or heroine, the place, or the time where or when the story happens or the theme of the whole story. For instance, Ali《拳王阿里》, Jaw《大白鲨》, Crash《冲撞》and Munich《慕尼黑》. Sometimes, they adopt various kinds of phrases as titles, namely, noun phrases, verb phrases and prepositional phrases, which are exemplified in the following titles: The Silence of the Lamb《沉默的羔羊》,consisting of a modifier and the word it modifies; Dance3With Wolves《与狼共舞》,using the structure of a verb-object phrase; On Golden Pond《金色池塘》,employing the prepositional phrase. In addition, some movies employ highly concise sentences as the titles. For instance,It’s a Wonderful Life《美好生活》,The Superman Returns《超人归来》.2.2.2 Aesthetic FeaturesAs mentioned before, movie is a typical form of the modern art, which has its own aesthetic values and features. Being the part which first greets the audience’s eyes, the title of a movie can well reflect such aesthetic features. Generally speaking, the aesthetic characteristics of movie titles are closely related to the application of rhetorical devices, such as simile, metaphor, irony, personification, alliteration, and so on. For example: The Elephant Man《象人》(metaphor), Crystal Heart《心如水晶》(simile), True Lies《真实的谎言》(oxymoron), What Price Glory《光荣何价》(rhetoric question), The Science of the Lambs《沉默的羔羊》(allusion).2.2.3 Cultural FeaturesMovie titles are closely related to various aspects of societies, such as religion, history, philosophy and so on. More often than not, cultural features are closely related to the quotation of idioms and allusions, which convey rich cultural meanings.For example, movies such as Seven《七宗罪》, Original Sin《原罪》are enveloped in strong Western color, and clearly show the great influence upon English movie titles exerted by western religious culture. A movie is a mirror and conveyer of a specific culture as the social context, cultural phenomena and ideology are shown and implied in it. This feature of movies can be reflected at the level of movie titles, which are inevitably branded by the typical national characteristics and cultural values. Chinese people can gradually get familiar with western cultures by getting in touch with English movies and fully understanding the titles with cultural-loaded words.2.2.4 Commercial FeaturesAs a popular artistic form, movies are products of commercialization. To some extent, it is justified in saying that a movie will be meaningless if it cannot attract the public attention and bring large profit. Therefore, film titles should always be4eye-catching and be tinged with commercial color. In a sense, such characteristic can help to boom the movie industry. However, this does not mean that one can merely pursue large commercial profit by providing some queer titles with no regard to the connotation of the original.2.3 Functions of English Movie TitlesWhat on earth is the function of a movie title? Simply speaking, its primary function is to identify the film. In other words, a film title is a guide and interpreter of a film, which is firstly able to promote sal es of the film and cause people’s interest, viewers’ discussion, researchers’analysis etc. Therefore, a good title can be regarded as a kind of catalyst for the audience so that they have already had an emotional resonance with the film before the actual appreciation of it. Generally, movie titles have three basic functions: the informative function, the aesthetic function and the commercial function.2.3.1 Informative FunctionThe informative function is the basic function that any movie titles should possess. As the word “informative”reveals, this function provides basic or relevant information to the target reader. The core of informative function is the facts of the topic, the reality outside the language and the idea. As for a film title, it is supposed to give hint to the audience about what is going on in the story, thus help the audience decide whether they are interested in the movie or not.2.3.2 Aesthetic FunctionThis is the language designed to please the senses, firstly through its actual or imagined sound and secondly through its figures of speech. The rhythm, balance and contrasts of sentences, clauses and words also play their part. An excellent movie title can also perform aesthetic function in terms of providing the audience aesthetic enjoyment through colorful words with sound effects and the application of rhetorical devices. Movie titles with aesthetic function please the feelings of audiences through their unevenness in intonation, smoothness in sound and vividness in image presentation.52.3.3 Commercial FunctionNowadays, it is very common that a movie costs hundreds of millions of dollars, especially the hot hit made by Hollywood. The commercial function proposed in this thesis is, to some extent, similar to the vocative function, the core of which is the readership, the addressee.Taking this explanation as reference, it can be concluded that a good movie title can also “call upon” the audience to see the movie, or to react in the way intended by the producer-buying tickets so that great box office will be generated.63 Methods of English Movie Title TranslationThe title is the head of the movie, and it serves at least three functions, as afore-stated, that is the informative function, the aesthetic function and the commercial function. A movie title usually embodies more than one function; nonetheless it inevitably will put emphasis on one of them. It is also the case with translation methods. Various translation methods or techniques exist and can be employed by the translator. Yet, none of them can solve all of the problems, so in movie titles translation, there must be one or more methods that are favored and are relied on by a translator. This chapter is devoted to the demonstration of the main techniques and methods enjoying the most popularity in this field, and when necessary, examples are cited to further elaborate the demonstration.3.1 Principles of English Movie Title TranslationThe so-called principles and criteria of translation are actually the two aspects of the same thing. The former lays emphasis on the translator, who should follow these principles while translating; while the latter on the reader or critic, who may use the criteria to evaluate translation works. Whenever principles or criteria of translation are under discussion in China, Yan Fu’s “three-character guide”, which was first proposed in 1898, would be mentioned, namely, the principle of “信,达,雅” (faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance). In the past decades, Mr. Yan’s principle of translation has been generally regarded as a yardstick to measure the professional level of translation and a goal for translators to strive after. However, some scholars maintain the original three characters, and in the meantime add some new concepts to the character “elegance”. Despite the variety of opinions, two criteria are unanimously accepted, namely, the criterion of faithfulness/accuracy and that of smoothness, we may also take these two criteria as the principles of translation in general.A movie title is the foremost window through which the audience may get a rough idea of the content of the movie at first sight. Therefore, how to translate English movie titles successfully into Chinese has become an exceedingly important issue for the introduction of English movies to China. However, adopting what translation methods for translating English movie titles first needs a set of scientific principles, under the guide of which the translated film titles would be attractive,7easy to be accepted and can fulfill the functions the original ones have. At the same time, English movie title translation is a cross-cultural communication process. In order to achieve the expected effect, in the translation of English movie titles, the translators need to pay attention to the above principles.3.2 Methods of English Movie Title TranslationAs we all know, there exist many translation methods and no one single method can solve all problems of translation. This is especially true with English movie title translation. Techniques and methods are applied in English movie title translation. There are four types of translation strategies altogether in the present thesis, namely, transliteration, literal translation, free translation and adapted translation.3.2.1 TransliterationTransliteration means to write words or letters in or as the letters of a different alphabet and to preserve the sounds of the original to the largest extent, is an indispensable translation method when there is no semantic equivalence between two texts. In movie titles translation, it is characterized by phonetic correspondence, that is, to describe the English syllables through the corresponding Chinese characters carrying similar sounds. Transliteration is usually used in the translation of proper names, names of persons and places in movie titles. The translator needs to find the corresponding Chinese characters carrying similar pronunciation and acceptable to Chinese audience. Although this approach is not widely used in English movie title translation, it is indispensable. A few examples are given below: Casablanca《卡萨布兰卡》, Chicago《芝加哥》. Many movies adapted from famous literary works just follow the transliterated names of the original, such as Romeo and Juliet is translated into《罗密欧与朱丽叶》, Sister Carrie into《嘉莉妹妹》and Jane Eyre《简爱》. It is also true with the name of celebrities, historic figures, well-known places, historic events like Gandhi《甘地》, Harry Potter《哈利波特》.Just as every coin has two sides, transliteration has both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, it keeps the rhythm and forms of the original title and attracts the audience’s attention by its strong foreign flavor. The foreignness may arouse the audience’s curiosity to explore what is exotic and unknown to them. What’s more, as the movie title is already of cognitive value and significance to the audience, the audience will feel easier to get access to the movie. On the other hand,transliteration is to write the foreign words in Chinese characters carrying similar sounds, which may make no much sense to the audience since the title gives little information or hint about the movie to the audience but an unfamiliar name.3.2.2 Literal TranslationLiteral translation is applied frequently in English movie title translation. It can reproduce both form and content of the original in most cases. This method proves very simple, feasible and effective when the title reflects almost exactly the original content of the film. Such titles can be directly translated into Chinese without much second thought. Some examples are listed below: Around the World in 80 Days 《环游地球八十天》, Schindler’s List《辛德勒的名单》, Pearl Harbor《珍珠港》, Lion King《狮子王》, The Princess Diaries《公主日记》, Roman Holiday《罗马假日》.Sometimes the adjustments of word order prove necessary and deserve due attention when the technique of literal translation is used. That is when the literal approach is applied in titles translation. The translator needs to pay attention to the wording of the translated version, to be specific, to make the version concise, compact, vivid, appropriate and comprehensible to the audience. For instance,“云中漫步”is a better version than “漫步在云端” for the romance film A Walk in the Clouds. Other examples involving change of word order are as follows: Man in Black《黑衣人》, A Cry in the Dark《在黑暗中哭泣》and so on.The above demonstration is all about advantages and the applicability of the literal approach to English movie titles translation. It retains a unity of the form and information between the translated version and the original. It also keeps the exotic flavor of the source text and generally well serves the vocative function of the title to attract eyeballs. However, it can also cause problems. Sometimes literal translation may confuse the reader because there are differences between languages. And incompatibility between the form of the translated version and the original content may appear, especially when cultural elements are involved. To solve the problem, other methods or techniques need to be employed so that connotations of the original title can be preserved and the basic functions of the film title be fulfilled completely.3.2.3 Free TranslationIn any translation, translators have to remind themselves of not expecting to findequivalent expressions in the target language all the time. In this situation, they may often need to adopt free translation, which is an alternative approach that is used mainly to convey the meaning and the spirit of the original title without sticking to the form mechanically.Some movie titles convey strong cultural flavor, like the use of cultural-loaded words, phrases and id ioms. In such occasions it’s difficult to reserve the original form and meanwhile make the target audiences understand the inner meaning of the title. Free translation is applicable in these cases. For example: One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest《飞越疯人院》, Seven《七宗罪》, etc.Free translation need not pay attention to the form of the original, including the construction of the original sentences, meaning of the original works, and metaphor in the original and so on. By free translation, people are able to render the brief message of the original title in a more free and flexible way. But free translation does not mean to delete or add content to the original and translators must consider the original carefully, know its stress, translate it naturally, and express the meaning of the original.A typical example is the translation of Waterloo Bridge《魂断蓝桥》,which tells a tragic love story. The word “bridge” is kept and translated literally, for it plays a considerably important part in the movie where the story takes place and the heroine eventually commits suicide. Taking the cultural connotation into consideration, the translator skillfully resorts to the Chinese folktale of Blue Bridge“蓝桥相会”, a Chinese allusion going like this: a young man named Wei Sheng fell in love with a beautiful girl and they pledged to get married, but the girl’s parents didn’t agree, so they made an appointment to meet at the “blue bridge” outside the town to run away. It rained heavily that night. Wei Sheng waited for the girl’s coming who had been detained by her parents. Wei Sheng did not want to betray their oath and kept waiting, as a result, he was drowned by the flood; when the girl escaped from home and arrived at the bridge, she felt so sad when she saw Wei Sheng’s dead body; without hesitation, she jumped into the river embracing Wei Sheng. After that, Chinese people used the “blue bridge” to stand for the lovers’ meeting place.The translation“魂断蓝桥”implies an emotion of departure, which may easily arouse resonance among the Chinese audience. Considering the mood of the story, the two Chinese character“魂断”are added to conform to the tragic atmosphere of the film, which can easily kindle the audience’s curiosity about a heart-stirring lovestory hidden between the lines. In addition, the selection of the Chinese four-character structure well suits the taste of the Chinese audience and is in accordance with the Chinese aesthetic standard, thus having a great attraction to the audience. If it is literally translated as “滑铁卢桥”,the Chinese audience might easily associate this film with the defeat of Napoleon in the Battle of Waterloo,and take it as a war movie. However, this is a romantic and sad love story and Waterloo Bridge in the movie merely serves as a background scene. For these reasons, compared with the slavishly translated version“滑铁卢桥”,which sounds lifeless and tasteless and which may cause the Chinese audience to associate it with a historical movie about Napoleon, the version“魂断蓝桥”surpasses in successfully achie ving the informative, aesthetic as well as the appellative functions.More successful cases could be found in movie title translation practice, such as Speed《生死时速》, County Bridge《廊桥遗梦》, Ghost《人鬼情未了》, Forrest Gump《阿甘正传》, The Devil Wears Prada《时尚女魔头》and so on.However, translators should distinguish free translation from random translation. A good free translation is not the unrestrained imagination of the translator, but should be created by a thorough understanding of the movie content, theme and spirit, so as to retain and better express the original meanings and artistic features of the movie title.3.2.4 Adapted translationAdapted translation is the last resort in translating English movie titles. It occurs sometimes to the translator that neither literal nor liberal translation works in some cases. Even if handled by the virtue of the two methods, some renderings still become obscure and hard to understand,or tend to be pedestrian and flat, or ambiguous and misleading. Faced with such dilemma, the translator has to develop his initiative and creativity to crack the hard nut. The choice would be adapted translation. Adapted translation is to shake off the original title and makes a fresh one based on the content of th e movie. This approach lies in “betr aying” the original title so as to be loyal to the latent meaning, the theme and the style of the movie. To a large extent, adapted translation is a process of generalization of the content of the movie. Therefore, the translator must first understand the content and theme of the original movie thoroughly, and then correctly and creatively reproduce a title.In the practice of English movie title translation, many successful creative andappropriate Chi nese versions meet the audience’s eyes, in which the diction is carefully weighted, the thematic meaning deeply explored, the artistic effect vividly reproduced and great interest and desire from the audience conjured up accordingly. The American science fiction film The Day After Tomorrow tells a story of the relation between human beings and the natural environment. Global warming melts the polar ice caps, which makes the oceans rise and disrupts the Gulf Stream. A climate shift occurs, sending the Earth into an ice age. Millions die and the world is changed forever, but the planet has “cleansed” itself. The translators give the version 《后天》and《明天过后》respectively, both of which are literal translations. The version《末日浩劫》is an example of adapted translation. For such a grand scene and a shocking and alarming movie, the latter version is apparently preferable than the slavishly translated versions. In《后天》and《明天过后》,the real meaning of the title has gone, the panic atmosphere and alarm bell effect have been ignored and the artistic appeal has been reduced to a large extent. Here are more examples of successful adapted translation: Volcano《地火危城》You Can’t Take It with You《浮生如梦》, Sideways《杯酒人生》.In summary, taking all translation methods into consideration, which one gets the upper hand and thus is preferable in English movie titles translation? As demonstrated above that each one has two sides. It is unrealistic to advocate literal translation or liberal translation or even adaptation as the sole recommended method of titles translation. It can be found from the previous analysis and examples that there is no definite contradiction among the methods. For many versions, it is hard to tell exactly what specific method is employed.Actually, all the methods are indispensable and supplementary to each other. No single method can always solve all the problems in titles translation. Whenever one method does not work well for linguistic, customary, and cultural or other factors, naturally the translator should turn to the supplementary methods for help so that he/she can accomplish his/her task. The most important requirement for English movie titles translation is that the translator must have a comprehensive understanding of the whole film including plot, theme, and cultural background and so on. To read a title needs only a few seconds, whereas to understand the entire film takes at least tens of minutes. Again it proves that movie titles translation is not an easy task. In addition, the translator should have a deep understanding of the essence of each method and make the best use of them in a flexible and appropriate way.。

关键词:翻译;片名;方法;英文电影目录1.前言 (4)2. 英文电影片名翻译的特点与标准 (4)2.1 电影片名的特点 (4)2.1.1信息传递性 (4)2.1.2 文化特殊性 (4)2.1.3 艺术审美性 (4)2.2 翻译的标准 (5)3.英文电影片名的翻译方法 (5)3.1 直译 (5)3.2 意译 (5)3.3 音译 (6)3.4结合法 (6)3.4.1直译加意译 (6)3.4.2 音译加意译 (6)3.5 言简意赅法 (7)3.6 归化法 (7)4.结论 (7)参考文献 (7)致谢 (8)1.前言如今电影成为新时代的大众媒体,由多种艺术传播组合。
因此, 电影片名比较更为重要。
2. 英文电影片名翻译的特点与标准2.1电影片名的特点电影片名是由全影片的主题内容浓缩而成的,而且基本上电影片名都是第一时间展现给观众的,就是为了用片名来吸引观众,因此,对影片起到了做广告推广的作用。

如美国动画片Hotel Transylvania在内地译为《精灵旅社》,其他中文名有《特兰西瓦尼亚酒店》或《怪物酒店》,香港译名是《鬼灵精怪大酒店》,台湾译名是《尖叫旅社》。
中文译名中也较多使用“大”字,如Space Jam-Hit Em High(《空中大灌篮》),Monsters vs.Aliens(《怪兽大战外星人》)。
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最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作1《看不见的人》主题分析2 A Probe into the Chinese and English Neologisms3以超验主义视角对瓦尔登湖中寂寞观的分析4从凯特肖邦的“觉醒”中映射出的女性自由5An Analysis of the Characters in the Call of the Wild from the Perspective of Social Darwinism6合作学习理论在中学英语课堂中的应用7浅析《儿子与情人》中扭曲的人物关系8浅析《墓园挽歌》中意象的变化9《榆树下的欲望》埃本悲剧命运探析10英语语言中性别歧视的社会语言学视角11《哈姆雷特》中的女性人物分析12论《紫颜色》中黑人妇女的反抗13国际贸易往来电子邮件写作原则14Analysis of the New Female Scarlett in Gone with the Wind15 A Contrastive Study of English and Chinese Gratitude Expressions16从电影《姐姐的守护者》分析人的自私性17[税务管理]我国开征遗产税国际借鉴和政策选择研究18论广告与文化19浅谈“白色”在英汉语言中的文化差异及其翻译策略20论《白鲸》主角的悲剧实质21一位坚强独立的女性——简爱22从《简爱》两个译本看女性与男性语言使用的差别23 A Comparative Study of “Two Roses” in Wuthering Heights--Catherine Earnshaw and Catherine Linton24英语委婉语的认知分析25《灿烂千阳》中女性人物的忍耐,斗争和重生26《天路历程》与《西游记》的精神共鸣27新经济原则在商品买卖会话中的运用28简析狄更斯《远大前程》中的浪漫主义特征29Hawthorne’s Feminism Consciousness in The Scarlet 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Theory In the Two Versions of Hamlet139顺句驱动原则下英汉同声传译中英语非动词转换为汉语动词的研究140功能对等理论视角下的英文歌曲汉译探究141论风格的可译性142解读《最蓝的眼睛》中的姐妹情谊143从《瓦尔登湖》看梭罗的自然观144On Symbolism in Fitzgerald’s “Winter Dreams”(开题报告+论文+文献综述)145浅析卡夫卡小说中的荒诞意识146论英语自然地理术语的汉译147汽车商标词的翻译特征和方法148英式英语与美式英语的拼写差异149商务英语中的颜色词浅析150浅析《儿子与情人》中的象征意蕴151英文电影对英语专业学生词汇附带习得的影响152A Contrastive Study on Language Features of Chinese and English Proverbs153论苏珊.桑塔格《在美国》的身份危机154论奥巴马就职演讲词的排比修辞155《了不起的盖茨比》中色彩的象征意义(开题报告+论)156商务英语的特点及翻译准则157合作学习模式在高中英语口语教学中的应用158作家的病态心理对文学创作的影响159解析《喧哗与骚动》中凯蒂悲剧的必然性160《飘》的成长主题解读161目的论指导下的英语字幕翻译策略162试究中国古诗词英译中的常用技巧—以《发如雪》为例163女性哥特视角下的《蝴蝶梦》164论《黄墙纸》中女主人公女性主义思想的局限性(开题报告+论)165A Comparative Study of A Wordsworth’s Nature Poem and One by Tao Yuanming166“适者生存”在《野性的呼唤》中的释义167初中英语教学中的角色扮演168交替传译中的记忆机制及记忆训练研究169Consistence and Differences between Gone with the Wind and Its Sequel Scarlett:A Study of the Protagonist Scarlett170A Discussion on the Accuracy of Language in Diplomatic Translation171On Relationship Between Mothers-and-Daughters-in-Law in China and the West172英汉工具类名转动词实时构建的整合分析--基于网络论坛语料173从文化角度论英汉语中的性别歧视174A Brief Study of British Women’s Rising Status175战争对美国文学的影响176析《苔丝》中的象征意义177法律英语的特点178“垮掉的一代”形成的背景探析179浅析英文电影片名的翻译技巧180从许渊冲的“三美论”看唐诗中的典故翻译181英汉爱情隐喻比较研究182从价值观系统角度浅析中美商务谈判中的文化冲突183论美国垮掉的一代和中国后184英语动词时态的认知及隐喻概念研究185小学英语课堂中教学反馈的调查与反思186An Analysis of Ecological Ideas in Walden187从三美原则看中国古诗词中酒意象的英译188从《喜福会》母女冲突看中美家庭教育差异189功能对等理论透视下的影视片名翻译190论《傲慢与偏见》中的性别语言差异191模糊语在商务英语谈判中的语用研究192从个人英雄主义角度解读《肖申克的救赎》193浅析初中生英语写作问题及对策194极限环境中的善与恶——浅析《蝇王》中的主要人物人格结构195旅游标语英语翻译标准研究196论罗伯特.佩恩.沃伦《国王的人马》中对真理与自我认知的追求197中英颜色词的比较198中英文动物俗语的感情差异研究--以“狗”为例199控制学对英语家教影响的实证分析200如何激发初中生的英语学习兴趣。