旅游专业英语教案3 Task 2 Journey to the Hotel

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C. 练习:To check up while in class
D. 辅导答疑:Collective or individual for questions and answers E. 布置作业: Use the useful expressions on P12 to make sentences
and political integrity.
教学方法 Lecturing and practice; Discussion
教Fra Baidu bibliotek内容摘要:
A. 任务学习:Talking about a journey to the hotel
B. 归纳小结:To sum up this learning content and the situation in attending a lecture
By learning this period, to train the students’ interest; to train rigorous, realistic spirit
and the best quality of constantly enterprising, blazing the new trails; Students must have both ability
Section 4:Enforcing your guiding skills
4.1 Role-play: Dub the slide in groups of four: acts the tour guide, the tour leader, the tourist, and
the bus driver. 4.2 Special terms (1) Put the following into Chinese
1.2 Discuss the following questions.
(1) On the way to the hotel, what information about the city and the hotel should be given to the
tour group?
(2) What main points should be included in a welcome speech?
a. square kilometer 平方公里
b. world cultural heritage 世界文化遗产
c. airport tax 机场税
d. business hours 营业时间
e. drinking water 饮用水 f. gathering place 集合地点 (2) Put the following into English a. 风景点 scenic spot b. 民俗风情 local conditions and customs c. 建筑风格 architectural style d. 人情味 human-sensitive abilities e. 步行街 pedestrian mall f. 收费厕所 pay toilet 4.3 Translate the following sentences into Chinese. (1) I know you’ll have a wonderful and rewarding experience during your stay in China. 我相信您的这次中国之行将会是愉快而有意义的。 (2) What a joy it is when our friends from afar away. 有朋自远方来不亦乐乎! (3) A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near. 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。 (4) It’s my sincere hope that you will enjoy your visit. 我衷心希望您旅行愉快。 (5) Please write down the license plate number of the coach. 请记下客车牌号。 4.4 Translate the following passage into English orally. 先生们,女士们,下午好!欢迎来到中国,欢迎来到北京!我国伟大的思想家孔子说: “有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?”今天,怀着无比的喜悦,我代表中国青年旅行社员工及我本 人,向我们来自太平洋彼岸的贵客表示热烈的欢迎。我们希望,在游览北京的日子里,大家 不仅可欣赏秀丽的风景,品尝可口的菜肴,还能进一步领略中国的文化与风情,感受中国人 民的热忱好客。现在,请允许我做一个简单的自我介绍。我叫丁芸芸,您可以简称我为小丁。 这是我们的司机何先生,接下来在北京游览的几天中,我们将一直乘坐这辆汽车。因此,为 了方便,请大家记下车牌号:91626。我再重复一遍:9-1-6-2-6,记下了吗?
(1) license plate __B____
(2) Beijing Ape Man _D___
(3) Palace Museum __E____
(4) metropolis ____A_____
(5) time difference ___F___
(6) outskirt _____C_______
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to China, welcome to Beijing! The great thinker of China Confucius says: “ What a joy it is when our friends from afar away.” Today, cherishing incomparable happiness, I’m on behalf of the staff of China Youth Travel Agency and myself, to express warm welcome to our honored guests from other shore of the Pacific Ocean. I hope, during the following days in Beijing, everybody not only can enjoy the beautiful scenery, taste the delicious food, but also can have a taste of the culture, conditions and customs of China, and enjoy Chinese people's hearty hospitability. Now, please allow me to make a brief self-introduction. my name is Ding Yunyun, you can just call me Xiao Ding. This is our driver, Mr. He, in the next few days in Beijing, we will take this coach all the time. So, for being convenient, please write down the license plate number: 91626. I will repeat: 9-1- 6-2-6, do you remember? Assignment Use the useful expressions on P12 to make sentences
课程名称 授课班级 授课日期
旅游英语 旅游
教学目的 和技能要求
Task 2 Journey to the Hotel Objectives Background Task table Warming-up • Introduction; showing directions in welcome speech • How to introduce people • Delivering a welcome speech; introducing the scenery along the way
参 考 《旅游英语》南凡 高等教育出版社 资 《导游英语》朱华 高等教育出版社 料 教 学 后 记 大庆职业学院备课用纸
The Main Teaching Process and Arrangement
Section 1: Warming-up
1.1 Match each picture below with its word or phrase..
课次 3
重点、难点 To acquire vocabulary, sentence structures and ways of expression used in a journey to
the Hotel;
能力培养 Train students’ skills in a journey to the hotel.