
The four types of sustainability include human, economic, social, andenvironmental. All four are required to maintain the entirety of life on Earth. Althoughinterconnected, itis importanttonotethedifferences of eachinterms ofits nature and requirements.The very basic need of humansustainability is good reproductive healthandsafe childbearing.Those that reproduce have the responsibility of caring for their children, giving them access to proper education, and promoting their health and wellness. At some point, the childrenshould have enoughskills and knowledge suchthatthey cansustaintheir ownway of life. Itis atthatpointthatthey becomeconsidered as productive human capital as well as individuals that can go through the process of reproduction and rearing. As long as this process is maintained at a rate that all human systems can support, human sustainability should be no cause for concern.Insimple terms, economic sustainability is havinga set amount of capital for acertain period. Those who consume that capital must also conserve it so that they will continue to enjoy it towards the end of the specified period. This means thatwe must preserve all our resources as we consume them so that human beings inthe future can enjoy them as well. To achieve this, we must regenerate our resources at a rate that is equal to or faster than our consumption.Social capital is an important aspect of sustainability because it is through communities and civil societies that humankind can easily and inexpensively work together. Without proper levels of social capital, it can easily deplete and violence as well as mistrustcantake over. Whenthathappens, societies andeverythingelsethat depends on them will be destroyed. Through proper maintenance of and adherencetolaws, rules, andvalues thatsocieties havedevelopedfor thecommongood, social sustainability can be achieved.Environmental sustainability is important because it involves natural resources that humanbeings need for economic or manufactured capital. Materials takenfromnature are usedfor solutions that address humanneeds. If nature is depletedfaster than it can regenerate, human beings will be left without raw materials.Furthermore,environmental sustainability also involves ensuring that waste emissions areatvolumes thatnaturecanhandle. If not, all humans andother livingthings on Earth can be harmed to the point of extinction.可持续性分类四种可持续性包括人类可持续性,经济可持续性,社会可持续性和环境可持续性。

Unit1(1)Ozone is a gas that occurs both in the Earth's upper atmosphere and at ground level.Ozone can be"good"or "bad"for your health and the environment,depending on its location in the atmosphere.臭氧是一种发生在地球的上层大气和地面之间的一种气体.臭氧对人们的健康和环境是好还是坏的,这取决于它在大气中的位置。
(2)Ozone occurs in two layers of the atmosphere. The layer closest to the EEarth's surface is the troposphere. Here, ground-level or"bad" ozone is an air pollutant that is harmful to breathe and it damages crops,trees and other vegetation. lt is a main ingredient of urban smog. The troposphere generally extends to a level about 6 miles up,where it meets the second layer,the stratosphere. The stratosphere or"good" ozone layer extends upward from about 6 to 30 miles and protects life on Earth from the ssun's harmful ultraviolet(UV)rays.臭氧发生在大气的两层.离地表最近的是对流层.在这里,地面或“坏的”臭氧是一种有害呼吸的空气污染物,它会损害农作物,树林和其他植被.它的主要成分是城市烟雾.烟雾通常延伸到6英里的高空,在那里与第二层平流层相遇.平流层或“良好”臭氧向上延伸6到30英里,保护地球上的生命免受太阳有害紫外线的危害。

A diret current is a current flowing always in the same direction.2、阿基米德最先发现固体排水的原理.Archimedes first discovered the principle of displacement of water by solid bodies.3、地球绕轴自转,引起昼夜变化.The earth rotates on its own axis, which causes the change from day to night.4、极化产生的异常会远远大于地形引起的异常。
Anomalies due to polarization can be so much larger than those resulting from topography.5、娱乐用水标准的发展是一个棘手的问题。
Development of standards for recreational water is therefore a complicated issue.6、结构材料的选择应使其在外界条件中保持弹性。
Materials to be used for structural purposes are chosen so that they hehave elastically in the environmental conditions.7、柔性转子动平衡一直是现代工业中一项很实用的关键技术。
Flexible rotor balancing is a practical and key technique in modern industry.8、你可以采取手动的方法将此服务添加到本地连接里。
You can manually add the service to the local area connection.9、他们特别强调提高电子设备的质量。

【科技英语翻译】考题整理1、The waster radiation is revolutionizing X-ray science, enabling researchers to see things on an atomic level with eyes that are a million times more powerful than ever before,这种被视为废物的辐射使 X 射线科学发声了一场革命:它使科研工作者能用眼睛看到原子级的东西,这一放大率比以往提高了 100 万倍。
2、If we had known the properties of the material, we should have made full use of it. 要是当时了解这种材料的特性的话,我们就会充分利用它了。
3 、Moving parts of a machine would wear much more rapidly without being oiled. 机器的运动部件如果不加油就会磨损的非常快。
4 、Cool slowly to minimize cracking. 要慢慢冷却,以最大限度的减少开裂。
5、Don`t let the stresses inside the material exceed the elastic limit, or else permanent deformation will result.不要使材料的应力超过弹性极限,否则会产生永久变形。
6 、Attention must be paid to the working temperature of the machine.应当注意机器的工作温度。
7 、Television is the transmission and reception of images of moving objects by radio waves. 电视通过无线电波发射和接受各种活动物体的图像。

mobile and cellular radio移动和细胞广播in comparison to the relative stability and modest technical developments which are occurring in long haul wideband microwave communication systems there is rapid development and expanding deployment of new mobile personal communication system. These rang from wide coverage area pagers,for simple data message transmission,which employ common standards and hence achieve contiguous coverage over large geographical areas,such as all the major urban centres and transport routes in Europe,Asia or the continental USA.This chapter discusses the special channel characteristics of mobile systems and examines the typical cellular clusters adopted to achieve continuous communication with the mobile user.It then highlights the important properties of current,and emerging,TDMA and code division multiple access(CDMA), mobile digital cellular communication systems.Private mobile radioTerrestrial mobile radio works best at around 250 MHz as lower frequencies than this suffer from noise and interference while higher frequencies experience multipath propagation from buildings,etc,section 15.2.In practice modest frequency bands are allocated between 60MHz and 2GHz. Private mobile radio(PMR) is the system which is used by taxi companies,county councils,health authorities,ambulance services,fire services,the utility industries,etc,for mobile communications.PMR has three spectral at VHF,one just below the 88 to 108 MHz FM broadcast band and one just above this band with another allocation at approximately 170MHz.There are also two allocations at UHF around 450MHz. all these spectral allocations provide a total of just over 1000 radio channels with the channels placed at 12KHz channel spacings or centre frequency offsets. Within the 12khz wide channal the analogue modulation in PMR typically allows 7khz of bandwidth for the signal transmission.when further allowance is made for the frequency drift in the oscillators of these systems a peak deviation of only 2 to 3 khz is available for the speech traffic. Traffic is normally impressed on these systems by amplitude modulation or frequency modulation and again the receiver is of the ubiquitous superheterodyne design,Figure 1.4. A double conversion receiver with two separate local oscillator stages is usually required to achieve the required gain and rejection of adjacent channel signals.One of the problems with PMR receiver is that they are requiredto detect very small signals,typically—120dBm at the antenna output,corresponding to 0.2 uV,and,after demodulating this signal,produce ann output with perhaps 1W of audio equipment, the first IF is normally at10.7MHz and the second IF is very orten at 455KHz . unfortunately,with just over 1000 available channels for the whole of the UK and between 20000and30000issued licences for these systems,it is inevitable that the average busuness user will have to share the allocated channel with other companies in their same geographical area.There are various modes of operation for mobile radio communications networks, the simplest of which is singal frequency simplex. In simplex communication, traffic is broadcast, or one way. PMR uses half duplex(see later Table 15.3) where, at the end of each transmission period, there is a handover of the single channel to the user previously receiving, in order to permit them to reply over the same channel. This is efficient in that it requires only one frequency allocation for the communication link but it has the disadvantage that all units canhear all transmissions provided they are within rage of the mobile and frequencies are allocated for the transmissions. One frequency is used for the forward or downlink, namely base-to-mobile communications. This permits simultaneous two-way communication and greatly reduces the level of interference, but it halves other’s transmissions, which can lead to contention with two mobiles attempting to initiate a call, at the same time, on the uplink in a busy syetem.Although PMR employs relatively simple techniques with analogue speech transmission there have been many enhancements to these systems over the years . Data transmission is now in widespread use in PMR systems using FSK modulation. Data transmission also allows the possibility of hard copy graphics output and it gives direct access to computer services such as databases, etc. Data prembles can also be used, in a selective calling mode, when initiating a transmission to address a special receiver and thus obtain more privacy within the system.15.4.5 Trunked radio for paramilitary use集群无线电的军事使用Another related TDMA mobile radio standard is the European trunked radio(TETRA)network which has been developed as part of the public safety radio communications service(PSRCS) for use by police, utilities, customs office, etc. TETRA in fact is part of wider international collaborations for paramilitary radio use.In these portable radios there is a need for frequency hopping (FH) to give an antieavesdropping capability and encryption for security of transmission to extend military mobile radio capabilities to paramilitary use, i.e. for police, customs and excise offices, etc. these capabilities are included in the multiband interteam radio for the associated public safety communications office in the USA while Europe has adopted the TETRA standard.TETRA is essentially the digital TDMA replacement of the analogue PMR systems. The TETRA standard has spectrum allocations of 380 to 400 and 410 to 430MHz, with the lower band used for mobile transmissions and the upper band for base station use. TETRA mobile have 1 W output power and the base stations 25 W using error with the data throughput rate varying, to meet the required quality of service. TETRA can accommodate up to four users each with a basic speech or data rate of 7.2kbit/s. with coding and signaling overheads, the final transmission rate for the four-user slot is 36 kbit/s. this equipment is large and more sophisticated than a commercial cell phone, and it sells for a very much higher price becase the production runs are much small. However, its advanced capabilities are essential for achieving paramilitary communications which are secure from eavesdropping.15.5 Code division multiple accessAnalogue communication systems predominantly adopt frequency division multiple access (FDMA), where each subscriber is allocated a narrow frequency slot within the available channel. The alternative TDMA(GSM) technique allocates the entire channel bandwidth to a subscriber but constrains the subscriber but constrains the subscriber to transmit only regular short bursts of wideband signal. Both these accessing techniques are well established for long haulterrestrial, satellite and mobile communications as they offer very good utilization of the available bandwidth.15.5.1The inflexibility of these coordinated accessing techniques has resulted in the development of new systems based on the uncoordinated spread spectrum concept. In these systems the bits of slow speed data traffic from each subscriber are deliberately multiplied by a high chip rate spreading code, forcing the low rate (narrowband data signal) to fill a wide channel bandwidth.15.7.2 3G systemsThe evolution of the third generation (3G)system began when the ITU produce the initial recommendations for a new universal mobile telecommunications system(UMTS)[www.] The 3G mobile radio service provides higher data rate services ,with a maximum data rate in excess of 2Mbit/s, but the achievable bit rate is linked to mobility. Multimedia applications encompass services such as voice, audio/video, graphics, data, Internet access and e-mail. These packet and circuit switched services have to be supported by the radio interface and the network subsystem.Several radio transmission technologies(RTT) were evaluated by the ITU and adopted into the new standard, IMT-2000. the European standardization body for 3G, the ETSI Special Mobile Group, agreed on a radio access scheme for 3G UMTS universal terrestrial radio access(UTRA) as an evolution of GSM. UTRA consists of two modes : frequency division duplex(FDD) where the uplink and downlink are transmitted on different frequencies; and time division duplex(TDD) where the uplink and downlink are time multiplexed onto the same carrier frequency. The agreement assigned the unpaired bands (i.e. for UTRA TDD ). TD-CDMA is a pure CDMA based system. Both modes of UTRA have been harmonised with respect to basic system parameters such as carrier spacing, chip rate and frame length to ensure the interworking of UTRA with GSM.The 3G proposal were predominantly based wideband CDMA(WCDMA) and a mix of FDD and TDD access techniques. WCDMA is favoured for 3G in poor propagation environments with a mix of high modest speed data traffic. It is generally accepted that CDMA is the preferred accesstechnique and, with the increase in the data rate, then the spreading modulation needs to increase to wideband transmission.WCDMA is based on 3.84Mchip/s spreading codes with spreading ratio, i.e. , K values, of 4-256 giving corresponging data ratas of 960-15 kbit/s. the upper FDD uplink band I from 1920-1980 MHz is paired with a 2110-2170 MHz downlink. In addition uplink bands II & III at 1850-1910 MHz and 1710-1785 MHz are also paired, respectively, with 1930-1990 MHz and 1805-1880 MHz allocations. the system is configured on a 10 ms frame with 15 individual slots to facilitate TDD as well as FDD transmissions. TDD is more flexible as time-slots can be dynamically reassigned to uplink and downlink functions, as required for asymmetric transfer of large files or video on demand traffic. 3G WCDMA systems use an adaptive multirate speech coder with encoded rates of 4.75-12.2 kbit/s. receivers commonly use the easily integrated direct conversion design, in place of the superheterodyne design . receiver sensitivities are typically -155dBm.The 3GPP2 standard aims to achieve a wide area mobile wireless packet switched capability with CDMA2000 1×EV DO revision A (sometimes called IS-856A). Here 1×refers to the single carrier 1.25 Mchip/s system. It achieves a 3.1 Mbit/s downlink and a delay sensitive services. The 3GPP standard has gone through many release with R4 in 2001 which introduced packet data services and R6 in 2005 to further increase the available data transmission rate . R6 pioneers the use of high-speed downlink packet access and multimedia broadcast multicast services which offer reduced delays and increased uplink data rates approaching 6 Mbit/s.In parallel with the European activities extensive work on 3G mobile radio was also performed in Japan. The Japanese standardisation body also chose WCDMA, so that the Japanese and European proposals for the FDD mode were already aligned closely. Very similar concepts have also been adopted by the North American standardization body.In order to work towards a global 3G mobile radio standard, the third generation partnership project(3GPP), consisting of members of the standardization bodies in Europe, the USA, Japan, Korea and China, was formed. It has merged the already well harmonized proposals of the regional standardization bodies to work on a common 3G international mobile radio standard, still called UTRA. The 3GPP Project 2(3GPP2), on the other hand, works towards a 3G mobile radio standard based on cdmaOne/IS-95 evolution, originally called CDMA2000.比起相对稳定、适度的技术发展是发生在宽带微波通信系统,有长期快速发展和扩大部署的新的移动个人通讯系统。

科技英语翻译练习3---转换法puters can provide analyses of every operation in a factory.计算机可以为工厂里的每一步操作进行数据分析。
2.We must place stress on the prevention of diseases.我们必须更加强调疾病的预防。
3.The test piece shall be of length suitable for the apparatus being used.试样应该满足使用仪器的长度。
4.Heat is a form of energy into which all other forms are convertible.热能是其他形式能可以转化的一种能。
5.The force due to the motion of molecules tends to keep them apart.由于分子运动产生的力试图让它们分离。
6.An electric current varies directly as the electromotive force and inversely as the resistance.电流的大小与电动势成正比,与电阻成反比。
7.The electrolytic process for producing hydrogen is not so efficient as the thermochemicalprocess.由电解产氢的过程没有由热化学产氢来的高效。
8.The different production cost is closely associated with the sources of power.生产成本的不同和能源有密切的关系。
9.At constant temperature, the pressure of a gas is inversely proportional to its volume.在恒定温度下,气体的压强和它的体积成反比。

科技英语翻译 1.1 翻译的标准第1节翻译练习1 The power plant is the heart of a ship. The power unit for driving the machines is a 50-hp induc tion motor. 动力装置是船舶的心脏。
第1节翻译练习2 Semiconductor devices, called transistors, are replacing tubes in many applications. Cramped co nditions means that passengers’ legs cannot move around freely. All bodies are known to posse ss weight and occupy space. 半导体装置也称为晶体管 在许多场合替代电子管。
我们知道 所有的物体都有重量并占据空间。
第1节翻译练习3 The removal of minerals from water is called softening. A typical foliage leaf of a plant belonging to the dicotyledons is composed of two principal parts: blade and petiole. 去除水中的矿物质叫做软化。
双子叶植物典型的营养叶由两个主要部分组成 叶片和叶柄。
1.2 对译者的要求第4节翻译练习1 Einstein’s relativity theory is the only one which can explain such phenomena. All four (outer planets) pro bably have cores of metals, silicates, and water. 爱因斯坦的相对论是能解释这种现象的唯一理论。

科技英语阅读与翻译全文Humanitarian Aid in SpaceSpace exploration technology will benefit developing countries in a variety of ways. Whether it's information about climate change or communication technologies that give remote areas access to the world outside, space science can come to the aid of vulnerable people in many countries.For the past two decades, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) has been sending humanitarian aid dispatched from its space platform. This ambitious project has proved successful, and it’s been praised for its achievements in various aspects.The two strategic areas set forth for JAXA’s humanitarian aid effort are science and education. JAXA’s donations of books and puzzle sets are enabling elementary and junior high school kids in India to study science and math. There are plans to utilize remote sensing data to map out natural resources in Nepalese countryside and expand education related to environmental issues in Vietnam. In addition the agency is sending educational videos to the island nation of Palau tobetter understand their own local wildlife.JAXA is considered to be a pioneer in this area since the launch of their humanitarian aid initiative in 1997. The organization strives to make use of space applications for social welfare and reduce disparities in the world through a number of practical endeavors. The effort currently has a global reach, with projects taking place in seven continent, from Latin America to Africa.JAXA’s humanitarian aid programs will continue to grow with better technology and increased resources. The ongoing work reinforces the concept that space science and technology have the potential to contribute to enhancing the lives of people on Earth.人道主义援助在太空太空探索技术将在各个方面受益于发展中国家。

【26.As such,every new version of the product requires a redesign and trips through the foundry,an expensive proposition,and an impediment to rapid time-to-market.而且,每次推出一个新产品都需要重新设计并经历所有制造流程。
【2.Because of the very high open -loop voltage gain of the op-amp,the output is driven into positive saturation(close to+V)when the sample voltage goes slightly above the reference voltage ,and driven into negative saturation (close to -V)when the sample voltage goes slightly below the reference voltage .由于运放的开环电压增益很高,当取样电压略高于参考电压时,输出趋向于正向饱和状态(接近+V)。
【8.Both N-type and P-type semiconductors are made by treated materials,such as germanium and silicon with impurities such as arsenic and indium.N型半导体和P型半导体是利用杂质掺入纯净半导体而形成的,如将杂质砷和铟掺入锗和硅中。
【18.By comparison,most other forms of transmission systems convey the message information using the shape,or level of the transmitted signal;parameters that are most easily affected by the noise and attenuation introduced by the transmission path.相比之下,许多其他形式的传输系统是利用被传信号的波形或电平的高低来传送信息的,而这些参数又极易受到传输路径中的噪声和衰耗的影响。

Part I: Translate the Chinese in the brackets into English. (15%)1. ____________________(爱因斯坦相对论)is the only one which can explain such phenomena.2. Rate of penetration was found to ____________________ (与……成正比) the net pressure applied by the tool.3. Being a ______________(非良导体/绝缘体), rubber is often used in cables.4. Properly speaking, ___________(并非所有的物质) exist in three states.5. An electric current produces ______________(磁场) around it.6. With the result of automation, productivity has ______________ (增加了5倍) in that factory.7. Copper and aluminum are the best conductors of electric current ______________(仅次于银).8. The neutron has __________________(既不带正电荷,也不带负电荷).9. When the water temperature is increased, it vaporized more quickly until it reaches ________(沸点).10. A __________(变压器) is a very useful device, even though it can be sued only with alternating current.Part Ⅱ: Choose the better rendition for each of the following sentences.(20%)1.由于我在会上发表论文,如蒙介绍有关会议的详细情况,不胜感激。

科技英语考试题型与分值Part I Match the words with their definition. Fill the number of the word in the bracket. (5%) 10个小题,每题0.5分。
Part II Translate English phrases to Chinese or Chinese ones to English.(30%)30个小题,每题1分。
Part III. Translate the following sentences. (40%)10个句子,每个句子4分。
Part IV. Reading comprehension (25%)A. Answer the following questions according to the articles in the textbook.(15%)5个问题,每题3分。
B.Choose the best answer from the four choices given. (10%)5个选择题,每题2分。
Unit 1 练习答案及课文译文Part 2 Reading AI1 F2 T3F 4T5T 6.F 7.T 8.T 9.F 10.TII1. Reducing the time and cost of product development and production.2. The product cycle is composed of two main processes:the design process and the manufacturing process.3. The activities involved in the design process can be classified largely as two types:synthesis and analysis.4. Rapid prototyping is becoming popular because this technology enables the construction of a prototype by deposition layers from the bottom to the top.5. This includes the preparation of drawings,reports,and bills of materials.III1.d2.e3.b4.j5.i6.c7.f8.h9.g 10.aIV1.处理速度2.用户友好的交互图形3. 产品周期4. 设计规格5. 设计评价6.CAD7.CAM8.CAE9.design process 10.production processV1. 除非能以较低的价格提供更好的质量及更短的交货时间提供新产品,否则任何企业都无法在当今的国际竞争中立足。

【科技英语翻译】考题整理1、The waster radiation is revolutionizing X-ray science, enabling researchers to see things on an atomic level with eyes that are a million times more powerful than ever before,这种被视为废物的辐射使X射线科学发声了一场革命:它使科研工作者能用眼睛看到原子级的东西,这一放大率比以往提高了100万倍。
2、If we had known the properties of the material, we should have made full use of it. 要是当时了解这种材料的特性的话,我们就会充分利用它了。
3、Moving parts of a machine would wear much more rapidly without being oiled.机器的运动部件如果不加油就会磨损的非常快。
4、Cool slowly to minimize cracking. 要慢慢冷却,以最大限度的减少开裂。
5、Don`t let the stresses inside the material exceed the elastic limit, or else permanent deformation will result.不要使材料的应力超过弹性极限,否则会产生永久变形。
6、Attention must be paid to the working temperature of the machine.应当注意机器的工作温度。
7、Television is the transmission and reception of images of moving objects by radio waves. 电视通过无线电波发射和接受各种活动物体的图像。

Unlocking the Climate Puzzle解开气候之谜(1)Life has prospered on this planet for nearly four billion years. In that time, climate had fluctuated drastically, from ice ages lasting tens of thousands of years to epochs of steamy heat. With each change, sundry species have benefited and flourished.Others adapted, faltered, or died. Now, many experts believe, humans are imperiling their own ecological niche with the threat of global warming. The vaporous by—products of civilization, in the form of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (C0₂), have trapped enough heat in the atmosphere to raise Earth's average surface air temperature a half degree Celsius (one degree Fahrenheit) during this century. If the trend continues, it could alter climate patterns worldwide-thawing glaciers, boosting sea level, scorching plains into deserts, and shifting vegetation zones。

• 目前,中国的宽带接入技术主要有四种。一是有 线电话的同轴电缆光纤混合网技术,二是利用传 统电话线不对称数字用户环路技术,三是小区以 太技术,四是直接卫星连接技术。
• 例如: • 例1. The testing of machines by this method
entails some loss of power.
• 译文∶用这种方法测试机器会浪费一定的 能量。
• 例2. Today the electronic computer is widely used in solving mathematical problems having to do with weather forecasting and putting satellites into orbit.
• 译文:对小于米的单位,十进制是这样应用的: 米被分成分米(dm)、厘米(cm)、毫米 (mm)等等,使测量变得非常简单。此外, 1000米合成一公里(km),作为用来测量长 距离的单位。
• 以上篇章中共出现了四个句子,其中前三个句子 采用了被动语态(算上第三句中的which引导的 非限定性定于从句)。在翻译成汉语时需要作必 要的调整,一般情况下要用主动语态结ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ进行翻 译。该译文如下:
The explosion of the device’s three 30-kiloton atomic mechanism went smoothly.
It was the largest nuclear blast so far in the Atomic Energy Commission project to stimulate massive stores of natural gas locked in rock formations.

An exoplanet,called W ASP-12b which is about1,200light years from Earth and1.4 times the mass of Jupiter has been considered suitable for life existence,although a little hot.And its sibling planets could even be made of diamonds,according to new research findings.一颗名为W ASP-12b的系外行星, 距地球约1200光年、质量为木星的1.4倍,温度略高, 却适合生命存在。
最新研究发现, 其同星系行星甚至可能由钻石构成。
A team led by researcher Nikku Madhusudhan of Princeton University and scientist Joe Harrington of the University of Central Florida monitor WASP-12b during one of its orbits,particularly in the instants before it passed behind its home star.In those brief moments,the light from the star would flow through the planet's atmosphere,allowing astronomers to study the wavelengths produced and infer the atmosphere's chemical composition.普林斯顿大学研究员尼库·马杜苏丹和中佛罗里达大学科学家乔·哈林顿领导的研究团队监测了W ASP-12b的一次绕轨运行,特别是从其恒星后面经过的瞬间。

考试日期:05 年12 月31 日1.为此,必须对电路(circuit)的基本内容有一个很好的了解。
For this purpose, it is necessary to have a good understanding of the fundamentals of the circuit.2.这个系数(coefficient)有待确定。
This coefficient remains to be determined.3.现有的教科书均没有提这一点。
None of the textbook available mentions this point.4.由于反馈(feedback)在电子线路(electronic circuit)中起着重要作用,所以对它的研究极为重要。
Since feedback plays an important role in the electronic circuit, its study is very important.5.有迹象表明,计算机的价格将进一步下跌。
There is an indication that the price of computers will fall further.6.这个方法的确管用,不过到底该在什么情况下使用它尚不清楚。
This method does work, but it is not clear in what condition it is that it should be used.7.十年前该厂的产量比现在高五倍。
The output of this factory 10 years ago is 6 times what it is now.8.激光(laser)是二十世纪六十年代引入的一项新技术,它能穿透(pierce)特别硬的物质。
A new technology introduced in the 1960s, laser can pierce very hard substances.9.为使晶体管(transistor)正常工作,必须给其电极(electrode)加(apply)上合适的电压(voltage)。

7.Radio waves are similar to visible light waves except that their wavelength is much greater.
• 无线电波与可见光波相似,只不过无线电波 的波长要长一些
8.Automatic machines ,having many advantages ,can only do the jobs they have been told to do.
• 由于分子运动而引起的力倾向于使分子保持 分开。
5.It is clear that numerical control is the operation of machine tools by numbers.
• 很清楚,数控就是机床采用数字操纵
6.An electric current varies directly as the electromotive force and inversely as the resistance.
• 结果表明,在相当长的时间内,全 球平均气温都是相当稳定的,可极 小的温度变化却意味着环境的巨大
• But according to a pair of studies published in the journal Science recently, biofuels may not fulfill that promise — and in fact, may be worse for the climate than the fossil fuels they're meant to supplement. • 但是,最近发表在科学杂志的一对研 究报告并没有验证生物燃料的这种作 用。并且,事实上,相对于要被取而 代之的化石燃料来说,生物燃料对气
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考试日期:05 年12 月31 日1.为此,必须对电路(circuit)的基本内容有一个很好的了解。
For this purpose, it is necessary to have a good understanding of the fundamentals of the circuit.2.这个系数(coefficient)有待确定。
This coefficient remains to be determined.3.现有的教科书均没有提这一点。
None of the textbook available mentions this point.4.由于反馈(feedback)在电子线路(electronic circuit)中起着重要作用,所以对它的研究极为重要。
Since feedback plays an important role in the electronic circuit, its study is very important.5.有迹象表明,计算机的价格将进一步下跌。
There is an indication that the price of computers will fall further.6.这个方法的确管用,不过到底该在什么情况下使用它尚不清楚。
This method does work, but it is not clear in what condition it is that it should be used.7.十年前该厂的产量比现在高五倍。
The output of this factory 10 years ago is 6 times what it is now.8.激光(laser)是二十世纪六十年代引入的一项新技术,它能穿透(pierce)特别硬的物质。
A new technology introduced in the 1960s, laser can pierce very hard substances.9.为使晶体管(transistor)正常工作,必须给其电极(electrode)加(apply)上合适的电压(voltage)。
For the transistor to work normally, it is necessary to apply a proper voltage across the electrode.10.代表磁场(magnetic field)的磁力线(magnetic line of force)是一些围绕该导线的同心圆(concentric circle)。
The magnetic lines of force representing the magnetic field are some concentric circles surrounding the wire.11.我们所谓的机器人(robot)实际上是能为人类做工的一种工具。
What is called a robot is a tool which can do work for the human being.12.这类天线(antenna)和那类天线相比的优点是结构简单,效率高。
This type of antenna has the advantages over that one of simple structure and high efficiency.13.半导体(semiconductor)对光和热都很敏感(sensitive),这两者都对导电率(conductivity)影响很大。
Semiconductors are sensitive to light and hear, both of which have a great impact on conductivity.14.只有通过对系统性能进行研究我们才能了解其优缺点。
15.Only through a study of the system’s performance is it p ossible to know itsadvantages and disadvantages.16.本书既讲了实际的设计方法,同时也讲述了理论问题,而重点放在一般概念上。
This book discusses both practical design method and theoretical problems with emphasis on the basic concept.考试日期:06 年9 月23 日考试时间:100 分钟1.学术界和商界的人们都越来越意识到有些社会已经发展成为信息社会。
There is an increasing recognition within the academic and business circle that some nations have evolved into information societies.2.并非所有的要素一定同时起作用(act),它们也并不需要来自外界的相似信息。
All elements do not necessarily function simultaneously, nor do they require similar information from the environment.3.当时最引人注目的成就之一是人们认识到了光是由电磁(electromagnetic)波构成的。
Among the most noteworthy achievements at that time was the realization that light consists of electromagnetic waves.4.阳光到达地球需要大约八分钟的时间。
It takes about eight minutes for sunlight to reach the earth.5.这个信号太大了,以致于该晶体管(transistor)无法处理。
This signal is too large for the transistor to handle.6.只需给机器加点油,它就会象新的一样。
A drop of oil and the machine will be as good as new.7.我们得确定为移动这张桌子需要一个多大的力。
We have to determine how large a force is required to move this table.8.为了解这道题,我们必须将各种因素考虑进去,这一步骤(procedure)是很复杂的(complicated)。
To solve this problem, we must take everything into account, a complicated procedure.9.虽然原子很小,它们是由更小的单元构成的。
Small as they are, atoms are made up of still smaller units.10.完全有可能取得理想的结果。
There is every possibility that satisfactory results will be obtained.11.这里我们使用相距两米的两个金属球。
Here we use two metal balls two meters apart.12.预计到这台设备运抵(arrive at)该研究所时,那里的技术人员对其工作原理(principleof operation)已学过了。
It is expected that, by the time the device arrives at that research institute, the technical personnel there will have studied its principle of operation.13.这些实验得出了这样的结果:若外力(applied force)不变,加速度(acceleration)与质量(mass)成反比(be inversely proportional to)。
These experiments lead to the result that with/for a constant force, the acceleration is inversely proportional to the mass.14.把哪一点选作为原点(origin)是没有区别的。
It makes no difference which point is chosen as the origin.15.你使用的结构应尽可能的简单。
You should use as simple a structure as possible.考试日期:08 年月日考试时间:100 分钟1.这个信号太大了,以至于该晶体管(transistor)无法处理。
This is too large a signal for the transistor to handle.2.常用的方法均不能解这样(so)一个复杂的方程(equation)。
Used properly, this book is of great help to readers.3.他们不清楚到底如何使用这个公式(formula)。
They are not clear how it is that the formula can be used.4.电流被定义为电荷的流动为大家所熟悉。
The definition of an electric current as a flow of charge(s) is familiar to us all.5.物体越热,它所释放(radiate)的能量就越多,这一事实在工程学中具有重要作用。
This book discusses both practical design method and theoretical problems with emphasis on the basic concept.6.这样做了以后,电子拥有更多能量,从而增加光区(light spot)亮度(brightness)。
This done, electrons possess more energy, thus/thereby increasing the brightness of the light spot.7.所谓力的三要素在我们学习力学(mechanics)中起很重要作用。