3.Have you ever
(做梦)of flying to school like Harry
答案 dreamed/dreamt 句意:你曾经梦到过像哈利·波特一
4.Missing her mother so much, the little girl
“and our company is
(期待)an increase of 30% in
smartphone shipments(出货量).”
答案 expecting 句意:余承东说:“智能手机的数量仍然在
4.When she got home, Sally
8.The little girl k
her mom good night before she goes to
bed every day. 答案 kisses 句意:这个小女孩每天睡觉前都亲吻妈妈道晚 安。
1.The Blacks don’t live here any longer. They
many more new buildings in
the countryside to improve people’s living conditions.
C.will build
D.has built
答案 C 句意:在未来几年为了提高人们的生活条件,中国政府将会在农村
2.Although Tim is only three years old, he takes good care of
前言首先祝贺可爱、聪明的你即将进入人生又一个充满挑战和快乐的新阶段——中学!Congratulations!进入中学,就意味着你将要学习更多的科目;进入中学,就意味着你将看到人类文明中更多更精彩的画面;进入中学,就意味着你将面临更大的挑战与竞争;进入中学,英语学习的要求也将更高、更严格,听、说、读、写、译各个方面的能力都要严格训练和考试!这个暑假,我们将帮助你提前知晓初中英语的学习要求,掌握初中英语学习的高效学习方法,品尝初中英语学习的快乐与充实!我们为优秀、上进的你精心编排了容知识性、趣味性、实用应考性于一体的资料,精心打造了与众不同、轻松实在的课堂,就让我们带着梦想和热情,一起快乐出发吧!Come on! Let’s go!本资料将帮助你全面深入地了解初一英语,从词汇\语法\句型\口语等各方面入手,内容紧扣教材,紧扣中考,让你扬起自信的风帆,赢在起点!轻松度暑假,快乐学英语!目录第一次Starters +小升初衔接内容1第二次Unit 1 My name’s Gina.第三次Un it 1 My name’s Gina. +小升初衔接内容2第四次Unit 2 Is this your pencil? +小升初衔接内容3第五次Unit 2 Is this your pencil? +小升初衔接内容4第六次Unit 3 This is my sister. +小升初衔接内容5第七次Unit 3 This is my sister. +小升初衔接内容6第八次Unit 4 Where’s my backpack?+名校分班考试试卷一第九次Unit 4 Where’s my backpack? +名校分班考试试卷二第十次Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball? +名校分班考试试卷三第十一次Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?第十二次Unit 6 Do you like bananas?第十三次复习40 分钟Review Unit 1—Unit 6 40分钟期末测试第十四次20分钟分析试卷60分钟Unit 6 Do you like bananas?(教师可根据学生实际情况调节教学进度,结业考试以1-5单元为主)Part 1 小升初衔接英语知识第1节口语交际知识网络小学阶段涉及到的日常交际话题主要有:问候,介绍,告别,感谢,道歉,邀请,请求允许,祝愿和祝贺,提供帮助,约会,打电话,就餐,就医,购物,问路,谈论天气,提醒注意,劝告、建议,兴趣爱好,时间、日期、假日和打算。
英语小升初暑期衔接材料一、字母与音标:1.字母的分类:元音字母(5个):a e i o u 字母( 26)个辅音字母(21个)2.音标:初中英语国际标准音标练习结识几个定义:1、音素英语语音中最小的发音单位。
一个可认为单个元音(如I/aɪ/),或者一个元音加上一个或多个辅音(如tree /tri:/)。
5、开音节以读音为元音的字母结尾的音节,即辅音+元音(如me, he等);或以不发音字母e结尾(如name, come等)。
6、闭音节以一个或几个辅音字母结尾且中间只有一个元音,即元音+辅音(如it, pen, pick等)。
元音1. 长短:/i:/ /ɪ/ /ɜ:/ /ə/ /ɔ:/ /ɔ/ /U:/ /ʊ/2. 大小:/e/ /æ/ /ɑ:/ /ʌ/3. I组:/eɪ/ /aɪ/ /ɔɪ/4. U组:/əʊ/ /aʊ/5. ə组:/ɪə/ /eə/ /ʊə//i:/ bee/bi:/ feet/fi:t/ keep/ki:p/ key/ki:/ team/ti:m/ meet/mi:t//i/it /it/ big/big/ city/siti/ give/giv/ sick/sik//e/ get/get/ best/best/ text/tekst/ help/help//æ/fat/fæt/ have/hæv/ cat/kæt/ back/bæk/ hat/hæt//a:/ laugh/la:f/ glass/gla:s/ half/ha:f/ farm/fa:m/ park/pa:k//ɔ:/ horse/hɔ: s/ saw/sɔ:/ corn/kɔ:n/ course/kɔ:s/ salt/sɔ:t//ɔ / dog/dɔg/ pot/pɔt/ cost/kɔst/ what/wɔt/ honest/′ɔnist//u:/ food/fu:d/ moon/mu:n/ rule/ru:l/ loose/lu:s/ noon/nu:n//u/ book/buk/ put/put/ good/gud/ would/wud/ could/kud//ʌ / must/mʌst/ does/dʌz/ money/′mʌni/ ugly/′ʌgli/ come/kʌm//ə:/ nurse/nə:s/ bird/bə:d/ burn/bə:n/ turn/tə:n/ girl/gə:l//ə / better/betə/ never/nevə/ worker/wə:kə/ welcome/welkəm//ei/ may/mei/ name/neim/ game/geim/ eight/eit/ age/ei dʒ//əu/no/nəu/ home/həum/ hope/həup/ wrote/rəut/ note/nəut/ pose/pəuz//ai/eye/ai/ time/taim/ buy/bai/ right/rait/ bike/baik/ kite/kait//au/ now/nau/ out/aut/ how/hau/ about/ ə′b au t/ south/s auθ/ house/h aus//ɔi/ boy/bɔi/ toy/tɔi/ noise/nɔiz/ voice/vɔis/ point/pɔint/ coin/kɔin/ /iə/ ear/iə/ near/niə/ idea/ai′diə/ hear/hiə/ mere/miə/ spear/spiə//εə/ air/εə/ tear/tεə/ care/kεə/ dare/dεə/ fair/fεə/ there/ðεə//uə/ tour/tuə/ poor/puə/ sure/ʃuə/ moor/muə/(停泊) your/juə//p/ pea/pi:/ pie/pai/ top/tɔp/ cap/kæp/ people/pi:pl/ pride/praid//b/bee/bi:/ by/bai/ buy/bai/ black/blæk/ bear/bεə//t/ let/let/ sat/sæt/ feet/fi:t/ team/ti:m/ tide/taid//d/ led/led/ sad/sæd/ feed/fi:d/ do/du:/ dear/diə//k/ lack/læk/ take/teik/ clock/klɔk/ class/kla:s/ weekend/′wi:kend//g/ big/big/ lag/læg/ glass/gla:s/ gum/gʌm/ good/gud/ guest/gest//f/face/feis/ fast/fa:st/ leaf/li:f/ surf/sə:f/ favorite/′feivərit//v/ very/′veri/ five/faiv/ fever/′fi:və/ serve/sə:v/ never/′nevə//θ/ bath/ba:θ/(v洗澡) thick/θik/ mouth/mauθ/ breath/breθ/(n呼吸) thought/θɔ:t/ author/´ɔθə/ truth/tru:θ//ð/the/ ðə/ they/ðei/ that/ðæt/ mother/′mʌðə/ thus/ ðʌs/ then/ðen/ /s/ face/feis/ mouse/maus/ cakes/keiks/ caps/kæps/ likes/laiks/ stops/stɔps//z/ close/kləuz/ keys/ki:z/ boys/bɔi z/ pens/penz/ halves/ha:vz//tʃ/ catch/kætʃ/ cheep/tʃi:p/ rich/ri tʃ/ watch/w tʃ/ child/tʃaild/ question/kwes tʃən/ teach/ti:tʃ/ challenge/tʃlin dʒ//dʒ/orange/′ɔri dʒ/ large/la:dʒ/ juice/dʒu:s/ job/dʒɔb//tr/tree/tri:/ try/trai/ true/tru:/ trouble/traubl/ track/træk//dr/ dry/drai/ dream/dri:m/ dress/dres/ drink/driŋk/ hundred/′hʌndrid//ʃ/ she/ʃi:/ sharp/ʃa:p/ fish/fiʃ/ shock/ʃɔk/ shoe/ʃu://ʒ/pleasure/′pleʒə/ measure/′meʒə/ television/′teliviʒən//ts/let′s/lets/ sports/spɔ:ts/ puts/puts/ writes/raits/ seats/si:ts//dz/ hands/hændz/ birds/bə:dz/ friends/freindz/ beds/bedz/ stands/stændz//h/ he/ hi:/ hard/ha:d/ him/him/ heard/hə:d/ half/ha:f//l/like/laik/ late/leit/ learn/lə:n/ lead/li:d/ light/lait//m/ my/mai/ more/mɔ:/ seem/si:m/ meat/mi:t/ mind/maind/ men/men//n/nice/nais/ wind/waind/ mind/maind/ rain/rein/ fine/fain//ŋ/ sing/siŋ/ wing/wiŋ/ ring/riŋ/ long/lɔŋ/ beautiful/bju:təfl//j/you/ju:/ few/fju:/ yard/ja:d/ music/′mju:zik/ student/′stju:dnt/ excuse/ik′skju:z//w/ work/wə:k/ way/wei/ well/wel/ what/wɔt/ twelve/twelv/twin/twin//r/ red/red/ road/rəud/ write/rait/ wrong/rɔŋ/ problem/′prɔbləm/音标综合练习1./i:/ /i/ /e/ /æ//bit/ /wi:k/ /di:l/ /riəl/ /kid/ /dig/ /kwik/ /tip/ /zip/ /rid/ /wil/ /fil/bit week deal real kid dig quick tip zip rid will fill/pet/ /pæk/ /gæp/ /kæg/ /næg/ /ræm/ /bætl/ /sed/ /′hæpi/ /ten/ /red/ pet pack gap cap nag ram battle said happy ten red/′setl/ /træʃ/ /di′pend/settle trash depend2./a:/ /ɔ:/ /ɔ / /u:/ /u//a:sk/ /ma:sk/ /pa:st/ /fra:ns/ /ɔd/ /lɔ:n/ /nɔ:t/ /pɔ:z/ /fɔks/ /sɔk/ask mask past France odd lawn naught pause fox sock/fa:/ /la:dʒ / /ma:k/ /lɔ:d/ /tɔ:/ /stɔ:m/ /pɔt/ /krɔp/ /θɔt/ /prɔmis/ far large mark Lord torch storm pot crop thought promise/huk/ /lu:s/ /sut/ /tuk/ /mud/ /θru:/ /pul/ /wud/hook loose soot took mood through pull wood3./ʌ/ /ə/ /ə//mʌnθ/ /θi:f/ /ðæt/ /ðæn/ /feiθ/ /tə′geðə/ /θæŋk/ /ðəm′selvz/month thief that than faith together thank themselves注:6个爆破音有3对/p/,/b/,/t/,/d/,/k/,/g/失去爆破,又叫不完全爆破,就是在某些情况下,只须做出发音的准备,但并不发音,稍稍停顿后就发后面的音。
人教版七年级英语上册暑假衔接 Unit1-3词汇、句子讲解
7. and and意为“和”,是并列连词,用来连接两个对等关系的单词、 短语或句子。 例如:father and son 父与子 war and peace 战争与和平
8. in in 是介词,意为“在……里,在……中”。用于表示地点、 范围和部位之内,还用于表示用某种材料和语言等。 例如:E is in evening. E在evening里。 The pen is in the box. 笔在盒子里。 What’s this in English? 这个用英语怎么说?
10. orange (1)orange意为“桔子”时是可数名词,它的复数形式是oranges。 例如:This is an orange. 这是个橘子。 (2)当orange表示“橘子汁/桔子汁”的意思时,它是不可数名词,它的前面 不用冠词,也没有复数形式。例如: Can you give me a glass of orange? 你能给我一杯橘子汁吗? (3)orange还可以作形容词用来表示“橙色的”意思,它的后面可以用名词。 例如: The orange is orange. 橘子是橙色的。
5. a / an a/ an 是不定冠词,表示“一个(支,把……)”。表示泛指,可以用于第一次 提到某人或者某事。 例如:a book 一本书 an old man 一个老人 a ruler 一把尺子 a pen 一支钢笔 I have a bike。The bike is yellow. 我有一辆自行车。那辆自行车是黄色的。 a/an只能用在单数可数名词前面。a 用于辅音音素开头的词前,an用于元音音 素开头的词前。 例如:a bike 一辆自行车 a desk 一张桌子 (/b/ /d/均是辅音音素,故前面用 a) an egg 一个鸡蛋 an orange 一个桔子 (/е/ /ɔ/ 均是元音音素,故前面用an)
我都没听我会个⽑?往讲台上⾛,他在看我课本~我⼼⾥那个纠结啊!突然灵光⼀闪……⼀会⼉,我下来拍拍他的肩膀:⽼师,⿊板擦完了……全班那个笑啊,剩下他在风中凌乱……我们⼀起唱唱吧!⼀.英⽂字母歌A B C D E F GH I J K L M NO P QR S T还要会写才⾏!”先看看其他同学是怎样写的⼆.字母书写需注意:1.字母要写满格,顶格写。
你来试试吧三.字母的分类:元⾳字母(5个):a e i o u字母()个辅⾳字母(21个)四.注意啦1.26个字母中读⾳易错的。
eg: Cc , Hh , Gg , Jj , Ll , Nn , Pp , Qq , Vv , Ww , Zz 2.看看这些⼤写字母的奥妙吧!eg: UFO CCTV RMB英语字母题(课堂练习)1、写出下列字母的⼩写形式。
A D C L M N E F G J I K B2、写出下列字母的⼤写形式。
f hg i m n o z y a c e p d b3、写出“五个元⾳字母”的⼤⼩写形式。
C b f E I A c a F BD G h i d e g H三、默写Aa---Zz 。
1 ____ F_____ 2. _____ G ______ 3. _____k_____4. ____ o ____5. ____m _____6. _____v_____7 ____ Hh_____ 8. _____ Ll _____ 8. _____Rr ____☆专题2:国际⾳标国际⾳标(1)想⼀想这些字你都认识吗?Eg:⾮共⾥红跳这些单词你会读吗?Eg: see sheep apple we big“ 不会?不⽤怕,国际⾳标都能帮你解答!还在等什么,让我们⼀起⾛进国际⾳标的世界吧。
小升初衔接班英语教案3篇小升初衔接班英语教案篇1教学目标:1,知识与能力目标熟练掌握单词与短语:blind, show,special,clever熟练掌握重点语句:This dog can help him.Can Fifi help the blind people?No, he can’t .He only wants to play.使学生能够灵活运用can ,can’t 描述动物具有的能力,并且能用can对动物是否具有某种能力进行提问。
教学策略:简笔画,小组讨论,教学过程:(请写清每一教学环节的设计意图)Step 1 Warming upDraw an animal on the blackboard. Let the students guess what animal it is .It’s a dog.(通过逐步画出的小狗既引起学生的兴趣,又引出本课关于导盲犬的话题)Step 2 Presentation and practice1. Draw a man beside a dog. Then draw the man to blind. Talk about it then teachthe word“blind”.Watch a TV show and answer a question“Who can help the blind man ?”2. Listen to the passage and repeat it. Try to be the TV presenter.1)跟读一遍刚刚观看过的盲人与导盲犬的电视节目的文章。
3.Listen to CDROM and answer the question “Can Fifi help the blind people? ”Write down the sentence on the blackboard and repeat it.4.Listen again and answer the question “What does he want to do?”5. Listen and circle the sentences with “can or can’t”.6. Memorizing game. Guess what the special animals can do .7. Listen the passage and repeat it.8. Do some exercises on AB p26 1: Read the text and circle.(通过听读和练习使学生对课文有基本的掌握,并能基本流利朗读、初步记忆)Step 4 Consolidation and extension1. Talk about pictures about some special animals. Then the students talk about them in group using "This…can … . This …can’t … . "3. Give each group a picture of an animal, let each group watch and discuss. For example, “It’s white. It’s fat. It can catch the mouse. It can’t swim.”Then show it.(通过练习使学生既掌握住can和can’t的用法并复习形容词的用法,又学会对动物能力的描述)Step 5 Summary1,引导学生自主回顾本节课所学知识,引导学生发现生活中动物对人类的帮助,培养学生热爱动物,热爱大自然的意识。
小升初暑假班课英语课后作业让我们一起为了孩子的进步而努力!纳思书院 Nice Education小升初暑假衔接(英语)课后作业第一课—数字与时间一、用 many 和 much 填空1.How _____ is that skirt?2. How ______ people are there in your family?3. How _______ rice do you need?4. I have _____toys in my house.5. How ______ bread is there in the box?二、完成表格一月二月九月十一月星期三星期四星期六8:1512:309:006:455:05秋天冬天1让我们一起为了孩子的进步而努力!纳思书院 Nice Education第二课—天气与节日一、选择题( ( )1、It ______hot. )2、——Happy birthday!A. areB. amC. is——________. A. Thank you. B. That’s ok. C. You are welcome. ()3、——What do you have_____dinner_____ Mid-autumn Festival? ——Dumplings. A. at; on B. for; in C. for; on()4、What is the weather in Singapore?A. lookB. likeC. /()5、Is it cold in Shenzhen ?A. Yes, it is.B. Yes, it isn’t.C. No, it is.二、连词成句1、today is warm It (.)2、the weather WhatinislikeShaoxing ( ?)3、doyouWhatonSpringdoFestival(?)4、isthereportweatherThis(.)5、I Can make snowman a(?)2第三课—食品与服饰一、中英文互译米饭_______ 面包_______ 西红柿_______ 鸡肉_______ 衬衫_______ 连衣裙_______ 半身裙_______ he 的宾格_______ 牛肉_______ 羊肉_______ 咖啡_______ 蔬菜_______ 夹克衫_______ 长裤_______ 鞋子_______ she 的形容词性物主代词_______they 的名词性物主代词_______me 的主格_______ you 的形容词性物主代词_______it 的名词性物主代词_______二、填空1. These are ______ ( he ) brothers.2. That is _______( she ) sister.3. He ____________ his coat and went out.4. Mr Black often ____________ white trousers.5. Is there __________(some) eggs on the table?3第四课—名词一、选择题( )1. The __ in our yard are very beautiful. A. cloth ( B. water C. flowers)2. A cat has four ____ , doesn't it? A. foots B. feet C. feets()3. Can you see nine ____ in the picture? A. fish B. book C. horse()4.I saw many _____ in the street. A. peoples B.peopleC.people’s()5.The green sweater is his _________.A.brotherB.brothersC.brother’s二、填入所给名词的正确形式1. I have two____________ (knife)2. There are many ___________ here. (box)3. Do you want some _________? (milk)4. Please take two _______________ for me. (photo)5. The ______________ are playing football now. (child)6. There are ten ___________________in our school. (woman teacher)4第五课—形容词与副词一、用形容词的适当形式填空1. Fred is the __________(short ) in his class .2. My book is ________( new ) than my sister’s .3. That piece of chicken is the ___________( heavy )in the fridge .4. Her rule is ______(long), and it’s the _______(long)of ours all .5. Is a fish _________(thin) than a bird ?6. A rose tree isn’t _______( short ) than a pear tree .7. The leopard can run _______( fast), but the cheetah can run _____( fast) than it . It can run ________( fast ) in the world .8. Is she the ________(old ) woman in the world ?9. Which is _______( big ), a dinosaur or a blue whale ? 10.The blue whale is _________( big ) than a dinosaur , it is the _______(big) animal in the world . And elephant is the ________(big) animal on land .二、短文填空Sarah is 12 years ________ (old,older).She is one year ________(older ,oldest) than me. But I am 0.1 meter ________ (taller, tallest) than her. She studies in Guangzhou International School. She studies ________ (harder,hardest) in her class. Everyone likes her.Yesterday, she was ill .She took some medicine and she feels ________ (good, better) now.5第六课—句子的种类一、选择题( )1. Are there any maps on the wall? ___ C. Yes, there is one. D. No, there are.A. There are some.B. Yes, there is. ()2. How many ____ are there in the picture?A. womanB. womenC. buyD. milk ( )3. There aren’t ___ trees near the house. There is only one.A. anyB. someC. manyD. much ( )4. There ___ two bowls of rice on the table. A. is B. have C. has D. are ( )5. Are there ___ houses near the river? Yes, there are___. B. any, some C. any, any D. some, anyA. some, some二、对划线部分提问1. They are sheep. (作肯定和否定回答)_____________________________________________________________________ 2. The library is on the first floor._____________________________________________________________________ 3. There are fifty-five students in our school._____________________________________________________________________ 4. The dress is eighty dollars._____________________________________________________________________ 6第七课—句子的时态一、选择题1. He often _________ supper at 6:00 in the evening. A. have B. has C. is having D. is eating2. It’s 6 o’clock in the morning. He ___________. A. get up B. gets upC. is geting upD. is getting up3. What are you doing? I’m _____TV. A. watch B. watches C. to watch D. watching4. Tom _______ an English class now. A. is having B. has C. having D. have5. Are you playing basketball? A. isn’t B. aren’tNo, we ___________. D. don’t ’t havingC. not二、填空1. We often _____ (play) in the playground.2. He ______ (get) up at six o’clock.3. What ______he usually______(do) after school?4.Danny________(study) English, Chinese, Math, Science and Art at school.5. Mike sometimes _____(go) to the park with his sister.6. At eight at night, she ____ (watch) TV with his parents.7. _____ Mike ____(read) English every day?8. How many lessons _____ your classmate ______(have) on Monday?7第八课时 Starter Unit 1-3 一、在下列横线上填入合适的 be 动词1. I__________ a Chinese teacher.2. She __________ not very tall.3. We __________from the U.S.A.4.Linda and Jean __________American.5. My mom and dad __________ at home.6. Larry __________ a funny boy.二、选择题( ) 1. I have ______ apple. ______apple is red. A. a, The ( B. an, The C. an, / D. a, /) 2. ―What color ________?‖―_______________.‖ A. is it, They are brown C. are they, They are red B. are they, They are cats D. is it, It is an apple.() 3. I _______ a student, and they ______ my parents. A. am, are B. is, are C. am, is D. are, are() 4. Jane is a good girl. She helps _______ a lot. B. I C. he D. theyA. me () 5. Can you open _________ door please? A. a B.an C. the8D. /第九课时 Unit1 (section A) 一、选择题1. ( A. How2. ( A. am3. ( A. she4. ( A. on5. ( A. an )--_______is your mother? B. What )–What is your phone number? B. is )--What’s _______name?B. his )--What’s this______English? B. under --It’s a cell phone.C. in --She’s Anna. C. her --She’s fine. Thanks C. How old --My phone number _______ 218555221. C. are)--Can you lend(借)me _______ umbrella(雨伞)? --Yes. B. a C. 不填二、连词成句1. telephone,is,what,number ,your _________________________?2. are, you, today, how_________________________? 3. color, the eraser, is, what_________________________? 4. his, this, not, father, is_________________________. 5. name, is, what, her, English_________________________?9第十课时 Unit1 (section B) 一、句型转换1. That is her sister. (改为疑问句) _________ _________ her ________?2. His father and mother are both workers.(改为同义句) His _________ are ________ workers.3. Are those your friends?(改为单数句) _________ _________ your _________?4. She’s Bob’s grandmother.(对画线部分提问) __________ she?二、改错1. Thisishebrother. A BC D2. Thesearemygrandparent. A B C D3. Tom and Iamgoodfriends. A B C D4. Is Alice your sister? No, he isn’t. A B C D5. This is Bill. Her mother is my aunt. A B C D10第十一课时 Unit2 (section A) 一、选择题1. (2. ( A. of3. ( A. am4. (5. ( A He6. ( A. This7. ( A. a8. (9. ( 10. ( A. Have A. What is it A. Me, too A. She; Her ) Sally is my aunt. Her daughter is my ________. B. cousin B. at B. is B. He; His C. mother C. in C. are C.She; His D. grandma D. to D. be D. He; Her ) This is a photo ________ my family. ) Here _________ two yellow jackets. ) ________ is my daughter. ________ name is Linda. )—Are those your parents? B She B. That B. an )—___________? C.You C.Those C. the —They are Jim’s grandparents. C. Who are they --_____ . C. Why C. What D. What is it? --_____ a good day. D. Who is this D. They D. These D. 不填 A. sister—No. ________are my uncle and aunt. ) _____ girls over there are my friends Jane and Linda. ) I have _______ sister. Her name is Grace.B. What are they B. Yes B. Find) --I like this family photo. ) --I will go out with my friend!11第十二课时 Unit2 (section B) 选择题1. ( )—Is this your ruler? B. it isn’t ——No, ______. C. it’s not _____. C. No, I’m not A. this isn’t2. ()—Hello! Are you Amy?A. Yes, I’m 3. (B. No, I’m)_______ a ruler ? Yes, ____ . B. Is that , it’s C. this is , it’sA. Is this , it is 4. ()—Is that _______ pencil ? —Yes, it’s my pencil. B. your C. hisA. you 5. ()_______Mary. _______ name is Bob. B. I’m, My C. His ,MyA. I’m, His 6. ()—Here is your ID card. — ________. B. Sorry C. ThanksA.OK 7. ()This is my brother. His name is _______. _______you John’s brother?B.Gina; AmC.Jane; AreD.Allan; BeA.Anna; Is 8. ()Tom isn’t my brother. _______my cousin. B.He’s C.I’m D.You’reA.she’s 9. () She is ________friend. B.a my good C.my a good D.my goodA.good my 10. ()--Who _______ she? B. is; her--_________my friend. C.is; she’s D. are herA. are; she’s12第十三课时 Unit3(section A) 一、填空1. Look at the________ (橡皮) on the desk. They are very nice. 1. My book is new. What about ________ (you), Gina?2. Help________ (I), Alan. I’m very afraid(害怕). 5. The pencil box isn’t his. It’s ________ (she).3. My father and mother are English________ (老师) of a middle school.二、根据要求改写句子,每空一词。
小升初衔接班收费及课程安排摘要:一、引言二、小升初衔接班收费标准1.课程费用2.课时安排3.优惠政策4.付款方式三、小升初衔接课程安排1.学科内容1) 语文2) 数学3) 英语4) 科学2.教学模式1) 课堂教学2) 课后辅导3) 实践活动3.课程设置1) 常规课程2) 专题课程3) 个性化辅导四、结语正文:【引言】随着小升初阶段的来临,许多家长和学生都在为顺利过渡到初中生活做准备。
一般来说,课程费用分为以下几个档次:- 基础班:每课时费用约为50-80元- 提高班:每课时费用约为80-120元- 尖子班:每课时费用约为120-180元2.课时安排小升初衔接班通常每周安排2-3次课程,每次课程时长为1.5-2小时。
3.优惠政策为了鼓励学生提前报名,许多培训机构会提供一定的优惠政策,如:- 早鸟优惠:提前报名可享受5%-10%的折扣- 团体优惠:三人及以上团报可享受5%-10%的折扣- 推荐优惠:推荐亲友报名可获得一定金额的优惠券4.付款方式小升初衔接班通常采用一次性付款、分期付款或按课时付款等方式。
【小升初衔接课程安排】1.学科内容小升初衔接课程主要包括以下学科:- 语文:重点培养阅读理解、写作和古文能力- 数学:重点巩固基础知识,提高解题技巧- 英语:提高词汇量,学习语法和句型结构- 科学:提前接触初中科学课程,培养科学素养2.教学模式小升初衔接班采用多种教学模式,旨在提高学生的学习兴趣和效果:- 课堂教学:教师以讲解、互动、讨论等形式进行授课- 课后辅导:教师针对学生作业进行批改和讲解- 实践活动:组织户外活动、实验操作等,提高学生的实践能力3.课程设置小升初衔接班课程设置丰富多样,满足不同学生的需求:- 常规课程:按学期或学年进行,系统性地讲解各科知识点- 专题课程:针对某一学科或知识点进行深入讲解- 个性化辅导:根据学生实际情况,制定个性化学习计划【结语】小升初衔接班作为一种有效的过渡方式,可以帮助学生提前适应初中生活。
衔接小学到初中,顺利过渡;培养良好学习习惯, 指导灵活学习方法;学会音标, 掌握记忆单词诀窍;扩大词汇, 学会初中阶段基本句型及相关语法知识, 为今后的英语学习夯实基础。
音标: 48个音素认读写;学会看音标拼读;熟练掌握读音规则并根据读音拼写单词, 每日一练。
词汇: 日常常用单词及短语, 至少每日记10个, 扩充词汇达150个。
语法:初中阶段基本句型, 包括肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、反义疑问句、感叹句、一般现在时、现在进行时、现在完成时、一般过去时、过去进行时、过去完成时、将来时 & 情态动词、名词的复数、人称代词/物主代词/反身代词。
16.阅读训练/将来时 & 情态动词。
小升初衔接班英语教材 第七讲 学习辅音音标 破擦辅音
展示“破擦辅音: [tʃ] [dʒ] [tr] [dr] [ts] [dz] (6)鼻辅音: [m] [n] [ŋ] (3)II.破擦音。
1. 破擦音破擦音由一个爆破音和一个摩擦音组成。
2. 学习破擦音。
1)/ tʃ / / dʒ /英式读音符号/ tʃ /是ch的发音,/ dʒ /是dge的发音。
/ tʃ /是清辅音,声带不振动;/dʒ/是浊辅音,声带振动。
2) /tr/ /dr/传统的国际音标读音符号。
/tr/、/dr/分别是tr、dr 的发音。
3) /ts/ /dz/传统的国际音标读音符号,新课本中美式、英式读音都没将其包括在内,破擦音/ts/、/dz/分别是字母组合ts 和ds 的读音。
3. 练习 听读音,找出彩色部分辅音发音与音标对应的单词。
1)/ t ʃ / ch eap ch at ch urch J une2) / d ʒ / j eep wa tch j oke g em3) /tr/ tr ip tr ee dr ug tr y 4) /dr/ d og dr y dr aw dr ink 5) /ts/ ca ts coa ts hu ts be ds 6) /dz/ bir ds wor d s th ree hea ds III. 鼻辅音: [m] [n] [ŋ]1. /m/英式读音符号 /m/是m 的发音。
21.Tim betrayed me!I will never f______him.
Part I:
1.Do you have a blog / QQ zone /micro blog/ WeChat?
9.Germany__________10.a go-better__________
Part II:Words Learning
17.Miss Lu is a kind teacherand a good friend of mine.She is my m________.
18.Lucyis an o_______ girlso she can make friends easily.
19.Some young e_______ designed(设计) this building last year.
本套教材是根据上海教育出版社出版的《英语(七年级上册) A》进行编写的,主要是帮助学生在12天的时间里预习课本中的核心词汇、课文和基本的语法知识,旨在提高学生学习英语的效率并增加学生学习英语的兴趣,同时挖掘、培养有潜力的学生进入卓越68期的尖子体系。考虑到对学生来讲,在12天的时间里预习完《英语(七年级上册) A》的核心内容实属不易,因此本套教材在编写过程中对知识点并未进行深入的讲解,而是在广度上铺得更广,以扩大学生的知识面,而关于知识点的深入讲解将会在68期的教材中体现。希望教师在授课过程中要注重课堂内容的广度,弱化深度,适时提醒学生相关知识的延续性,让学生在12天的学习过程中接触到更多的新知识,课程结束时有满载而归的感觉。
牛津版七年级英语暑假衔接---Unit 1 Making friends预习知识点
1. German [ˈdʒɜːmən]adj.&n.德国(人)的,德语 2. blog [blɒɡ] n.博客 3. grammar[ˈɡræmə] n.语法 4. sound[saʊnd] n.声音 5. complete [kəmˈpliːt] v.完成 6. hobby[ˈhɒbi] n.爱好 7. country['kʌntri] n.国家 8. age[eɪdʒ] n.年龄 9. dream[driːm] n.梦想 10. everyone['evrɪwʌn] pron.人人,所有人 11. Germany['dʒɜːməni] n.德国 12. mountain['maʊntɪn] n.山,山脉 13. elder[ˈeldə] adj.年长的 14. friendly['frendli] adj.友爱的,友好的
二.课文学习 Reading
Anna’s blog Hello everyone. Welcome to my blog
About me My name is Anna. ①I’m from ②Germany. I’m 11 years old. I’m tall and thin. I have long hair. I live ③with my family in a house ④close to some mountains. My mum is an Art teacher. My dad is a doctor. I have an elder⑤ sister and an elder brother.
⑪hope to do wish to do wish that hopeful hopeless ⑫hear from=receive/get a letter from 收信 hear of 听说 ⑬as soon as 一…就…
第06讲Unit 3 My school!模块一思维导图串知识模块二基础知识全梳理(吃透教材)模块三教材习题学解题模块四核心考点精准练模块五小试牛刀过关测1.Listening:Conversations about places in the new school.2.Speaking:Talk about the classroom.3.Reading:An email to a friend about the new school.4.Writing:Email a friend to describe your school.Grammar: There be structure.Prepositions of position( in front of, behind, between ,next to,across from)1、It's in front of the art building. 它在艺术楼的前面.(教材第36页1a) 考频:★★★in front of 意思是“在......前面”。
如:I sit in front of him. 我坐在他的前面。
拓展:in front of 与in the front ofin front of 表示“在.......(外部)前面”,反义词:behindI sit in front of him. 我坐在他的前面。
= He sits behind me. 他坐在我的后面。
in the front of 表示“在......(内部)前部”,反义词:at the back ofI sit in the front of the classroom. 我坐在教室的前部。
2、The teachers’building is across from the school hall. 教师办公楼在学校礼堂的对面。
(教材第36页1a) 考频:★★★across from 表示“在.......对面”,相当于opposite。
(每小题1分,共8分)1.—Did you go to the park yesterday?No。
I XXX't。
I visited my aunt.A。
I didB。
I doC。
I didn'tD。
I don't2.I was XXX。
but I XXX.3.—How often do you watch TV?Once a week。
only on Sunday evenings.A。
How longB。
How muchC。
How oftenD。
How many days4.—What does Betty do on weekends?She often reads at home.A。
XXX5.He is old enough。
I think he can look after himself.6.—Excuse me。
may I keep the book a little longer?Sorry。
You must return it today.A。
XXX't7.XXX.8.Doing sports is good for our health.教学重点】1、单元单词精讲,词汇练;2、单元句式讲解及句式练。
9.What makes you laugh all the way。
The man over there is wearing such a dirty shirt!10.She speaks English as well as her XXX.11.Tom does his XXX class.12.Can you speak French。
but only a few French words.13.Don't et to close the door when you leave.14.How long will the fog and haze last。
---课程名称:小升初英语衔接班授课年级:小学六年级授课时间: 40分钟教学目标:1. 帮助学生适应初中英语学习节奏,提升听、说、读、写能力。
2. 扩大词汇量,掌握基础语法知识。
3. 培养学生的英语学习兴趣,提高学习自信心。
教学重难点:1. 词汇的记忆和运用。
2. 基础语法知识的理解和应用。
3. 阅读理解和写作能力的提升。
教学准备:1. 教学PPT或黑板。
2. 英语单词卡片、练习册。
3. 英语听力材料、朗读材料。
教学过程:一、导入(5分钟)1. 通过简单的英语歌曲或游戏,活跃课堂气氛,吸引学生注意力。
2. 回顾小学英语学习内容,引导学生思考初中英语学习的特点。
二、词汇学习(15分钟)1. 教授新词汇,如:popular, interesting, important, difficult 等。
2. 通过实物或图片展示,帮助学生理解词汇含义。
3. 引导学生通过音标拼读单词,提高发音准确性。
4. 分组练习,让学生运用新词汇进行简单对话。
三、语法学习(10分钟)1. 介绍初中英语基础语法知识,如:时态、语态、冠词等。
2. 通过例句讲解语法规则,强调语法在实际语境中的应用。
3. 学生练习填空、改错等语法练习题。
四、阅读理解(10分钟)1. 阅读一段简短的英语文章,引导学生关注文章大意。
2. 提问引导学生分析文章结构、主题和细节。
3. 练习阅读理解题,如:选择题、判断题等。
五、写作训练(5分钟)1. 引导学生思考写作主题,如:我的家庭、我的学校等。
2. 分组讨论,互相交流写作思路。
3. 学生进行写作练习,教师巡视指导。
六、总结与反馈(5分钟)1. 总结本节课所学内容,强调重点知识。
2. 学生分享学习心得,教师给予反馈和鼓励。
课后作业:1. 复习本节课所学词汇和语法知识。
2. 阅读一篇英语文章,完成阅读理解题。
3. 按照写作主题,完成一篇英语短文。
---教学反思:1. 教师应关注学生的学习进度,及时调整教学方法和内容。
苏州西浦附校新初一分班英语试卷含答案一、单项选择1.To be a good swimmer, I must have _____ lessons. ( )A.swim B.swimming C.to swim D.swims 2.You can use a pencil _____ pictures. ( )A.to draw B.draw C.draws3.—What ________ your bedroom messy? ( )—The ________ make my bedroom messy.A.makes; toys B.make; toy C.make; toys4.—_________ will you stay in Baoding? ( )—For three weeks.A.How many B.How long C.When5.—I’m sick. I get the flu. ( )—__________A.Hooray! B.Help! C.I’m sorry to hear that. 6.The canteen is on the ________ floor. ( )A.one B.second C.three7.I had ______ cold and stayed at home all weekend. ( )A.the B.an C.a8.The boys are _____ about the _____ running race. ( )A.exciting; excited B.exciting; exciting C.excited; exciting 9.Where _____ your sister _____ last summer holiday? ( )A.did; go B.did; do C.does; go10.She likes ______ to music. ( )A.listens B.listening C.listen11.The brown cat is as ______ as the black cat. ( )A.fat B.fatter C.thinner12.He has _____ orange T-shirt. It is on _____ chair in his bedroom. ( )A.an; / B.an; the C.a; a D.the; the 13.You must __________ run _______ play on the road.A.not, or B.to, and C.not, and 14.—What did you do? ( )—I stayed at home ________ your grandma.A.in B.to C.with15.It's ________ than both of us together. ( )A.tall B.taller C.tallest16.There are four _________ in a year. ( )A.days B.seasons C.weeks17.Both of us did sports yesterday. I _______ a bike and she _______ swimming. ( )A.rode; went B.went; went C.ride; goes18.There were ______ buses ______ subways in the Tang dynasty. ( )A.not; and B.no; and C.no; or19.—______ ( )—I fell off the horse.A.How was your weekend? B.What happened? C.Where did you go? 20.This is an English book.下列单词中画线字母组合的发音与book 画线字母组合的发音不同的是哪个?( )A.foot B.food C.good二、用单词的适当形式填空21.—Could you _______ (see) stars at night? —Yes, I liked the stars.22.Did you _________ (read) books yesterday?23.Listen! The boys _____ (sing) in the next room.24.—How heavy are you?—I’m 45 _______ (kilogram).25.Tom wanted to watch TV but the TV set ________ (not) work last night.26.That's the ____ (tall) dinosaur in this hall.27.In the garden, there are many ____ (tomato).28.All the people are ________ (excite) about the shows in the zoo.29.She would like ________ (drive) the car on the left side of the road.30.The ______ (drive) are talking about the traffic rules.三、完成句子31.People mustn’t _______ (浪费) water.32.Mike always goes to school e______.33.—_____ _____ your birthday? (根据答句补全问句)—It is on July 15th.34.I went c_____ with my friends last summer holiday.35.The eighth month of the year is _________________.36.Lily is taller and ______ (更重的) than her sister.37.I ______ (拜访) my grandparents last weekend.38.Tom was ill. He s_________ all day at home.39.Tom s_____ in the lake yesterday.40.It’s twelve o'clock. Let’s go to the d____ hall to have lunch.四、完形填空41.Tony is a very clever boy. He is three years old but he learns quickly. His mom teaches him manythings, and he remembers all of them. One day, while he was reading a cartoon book in the living room, his mother came and said, “ Tony, there is an important _41__. That’s 41、 You_42__remember it. If anything happens and you need _43__, this is the number of all.”One morning, Tony and his mother were at home. His mother was _44__, so she took some medicine, but the medicine didn’t go _45__ and made it difficult for her to breathe(呼吸). When Tony saw this, he _46__ the telephone to call 911 at once. “ Hello. Mom is dying. Please help us,” Tony cried into the telephone. “_47__ be afraid, little boy. Tell me your name and your address,” the woman on _48__ end of the line asked. Tony did so and in ten minutes a car came to Tony’s house. It took Tony’s mother to the _49__.Now you see how important it is to make a telephone call when you need help. _50__ please keep some important telephone numbers in mind.41、A.bus number B.telephone number C.room number D.taxi number42、A.can’t B.can C.must D.mustn’t43、A.clothes B.food C.money D.help44、A.thirsty B.fine C.tired D.ill45、A.down B.away C.up D.along46、A.gave away B.put up C.picked up D.took off47、A.Doesn’t B.Don’t C.Didn’t D.Isn’t48、A.the other B.another C.other D.others49、A.bus station B.police station C.hotel D.hospital50、A.When B.But C.Or D.So五、阅读判断42.When George was thirty-five, he bought a small plane and learned to fly it. He soon became very good and made his plane do all kinds of tricks. George had a friend. His name was Mark. One day George offered to take Ma rk up in his plane. Mark thought, "I’ve travelled in a big plane many times, but I've never been in a small one, so I'll go. " They went up, and George flew around for half an hour and did all kinds of tricks in the air. When they came down again Mark was very glad to be back safely, and he said to his friend in a shaking voice (颤抖的声音), "Well, George, thank you very much for those two trips in your plane. "George was very surprised and said, "Two trips? ""Yes, my first and my last, " answered Mark.51、George made a plane when he was thirty-five. ( )52、Mark didn't want to travel in George's small plane. ( )53、Mark was glad to fly around for half an hour in the air. ( )54、“Trick” has the same meaning with “trip”. ( )55、Mark won't take George's plane next time. ( )六、阅读理解43.Title: ______________Hello! I’m Mike. Last weekend our family went camping. We went by car. I took a lot of pictures.“Time to eat,” said Dad. We made a fire(火)to cook hamburgers and hot dogs. Click! I took a picture.“Time for bed,” said Mum. We got into our sleeping bags. We looked at stars. Click! I took a picture.In the morning, we saw a sheep near the lake. It was eating grass. Click! I took a picture.“Time for fishing,” said Dad. Mum caught(抓)three fish. And Dad caught a big hat. Haha! Click!I took a picture.“Our camping trip is over, and it’s time to go home,” Dad said. Click! I took a picture.56、Mike’s family went camping _______. ( )A.by bus B.by car C.on foot57、They saw a sheep _______ in the morning. ( )A.in the forest B.near the car C.near the lake58、Which picture did Mike take? ( )A.B.C.59、What does “click” mean in Chinese? It means _______.A.“咔嚓”B.“轰隆”C.“吱吱"60、The best title for the story is “_______”. ( )A.Our Camping Trip B.A Visit to a Mountain C.Welcome to Our Village 44.Many people like to watch TV. Watching TV is one of the most important activities of the day, TV brings the outside closer to people's homes. Some people say the world is smaller than before because of TV.What's going on in the other countries? How do people live in places faraway? Is there a good sports game somewhere? What's the life like in the deepest part of the sea?If you want to answer these and other kinds of questions, just turn on the TV, Turn it on and watch. You can see a lot and learn a lot. Of course, people can also learn through reading or listening to the radio. But with TV they can learn better and more easily. Why? Because they can hear and watch, too.TV helps to open our eyes. TV also helps to open our minds(思想). TV often gives us new ideas. We learn newer and better ways of doing something.56、Some people say the world is smaller than before because ___________. ( )A.TV makes the earth smaller and smallerB.all people like to watch TVC.watching TV is one of the most important activities of the dayD.TV brings the outside world closer to people.57、We can __________ when we watch TV. ( )A.go to live in the other countries B.answer many questionsC.get a lot of information D.ask TV some questions58、People learn better through TV than through radio because ___________. ( )A.TV sets are bigger than radios B.people can not only hear but also watch C.without TV people can't open their eyes D.it's easier to turn on TV than to turn on radio59、The sentence “TV also helps to open our minds” means? ( )A.our minds can only be opened by TVB.something is wrong with our mindsC.it can help us to increase(增长) our knowledge (知识)D.TV is new to us60、This article(文章) tells us ___________. ( )A.it's good to watch TV B.not to watch TV any moreC.students shouldn't watch TV at any time D.to stop reading to watch TV【参考答案】一、单项选择1.B解析:B【详解】略2.A解析:A【详解】句意:你可以用铅笔_____画。
(30分)()1. My uncle likes . He now.A. fishing; fishesB. fishing; is fishingC. fishes; fishes()2. It's cold outside. You should your coat.A. get onB. take offC. put on()3. You will find in Canada.A. Niagara FallsB. StonehengeC. the Great Barrier Reef()4. The lion the net with his teeth, but that didn't .A. bites;helpB. bit; help C bite; helped()5. Sally,I want a poster.Would you please a picture for me--Sure.A. to make;drawB. make;to drawC. to make; to draw()6. Jack TV every evening, but he a Science book yesterday evening.A. watched; looksB. watches; readC. watches; looked()7. To cross the road ,we should know something about the road .A. safe; safetyB. safely;safeC. safely; safety( )8. Don't use plastic bags.A. too manyB. too muchC. much too()9. Mr Wu brought bags of rice and meat to the old man yesterday.A. a little;a fewB. a lot;a littleC. a few;a little()10. You can find story The Lion and the Mouse in Aesop's Fables.A. a B, an C. the D. 不填()11.-I watch TV -No. You go to bed now.A.Can;canB. Can;mustC. Must;canD. Must ;must()12. Mike does well in his study, but he's not very careful.A. alwaysB. sometimesC. usuallyD. often()13.-your sister at home yesterday -No,she went to the cinemawith my mother.A. WereB. DidC. WasD. Does()14. When you go to a Western party, you can .arrive too early B. arrive too late C. arrive a little lateD. arrive thirty minutes early()15. -What time they home tomorrow -Let's find it out.will;go B. are;going to C. did;go D. do;come二、完型填空(10分)Country Mouse and Town Mouse were good 1 . One day, Country Mouseinvited Town Mouse to 2 . So Town Mouse went to Country Mouse's house for avisit. But Town Mouse 3 satisfied(满意的) with the 4 and the 5 .So he asked Country Mouse 6 his house. At the beginning, Country Mouse was excited because this was his 7 time to be in a town. He saw plenty of 8food on the table. He 9 Town Mouse. But at last,he found that he'd ratherlive a 10 life in the country.( ) 1. A. cooks B. students C. brothers D. friends ( ) 2. A. the park B. his house C.the town D. the zoo( ) 3. A. was B. didn't C. wasn't D. did ( ) 4. A. road B. kitchen C. food D. cook ( ) 5. A. bed B. place C.air D. work( ) 6. A. to B. for C.at D. on( ) 7. A. first B. second C.third D. last ( ) 8. A. delicious B. cold C. dirty D. hot ( ) 9. A. envied(羡慕) B. laughed C. liked D. helped ( ) 10. A. bad B. rich C. poor D. peaceful( 平静的)三、阅读理解。
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苏州小升初暑假衔接班(新初一暑假衔接班)英语教材第1讲英语人称代词和物主代词人称单数复数主格宾格主格宾格第一人称I me we us 第二人称you you you you第三人称he himthey them she herit it人称代词主格:作主语,表示谁怎么样了、干什么了。
I am a teacher. You are student.He is a student, too. We/You/They are students. 人称代词宾格作宾语,表示动作行为的对象。
Give it to me. Let’s go (let’s =let us)数人称类别单数复数第一人称第二人称第三人称第一人称第二人称第三人称形容词性物主代词my your his her its our your their 名词性物主代词mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs汉语我的你的他的她的它的我们的你们的他(她、它)们的形容词性物主代词(my/your/his/her/its/our/their)+名词而名词性物主代词(mine/yours/his/hers/its/ours/theirs则相单于形容词性物主代词+名词,故其后不必加名词。
如:Is this your book? No,,it isn’t,it’s hers(her book)(Jim’s ,Tom’s,Maria’s )代词练习一、选出括号中正确的词,在正确的词上打勾。
1. This is(my / I)mother.2. Nice to meet (your / you).3. (He / His)name is Mark.4. What’s(she / her)name?5. Excuse(me / my / I).6. Are(your / you)Miss Li?7.(I/ My)am Ben.8.(She / Her)is my sister.9. Fine , thank (your / you). 10. How old is (he / his)二、用所给代词的正确形式填空。
1. These are ______ ( he ) brothers.2. That is _______( she ) sister.3. Lily is _______ ( Lucy ) sister.4. Tom, this is _____ ( me ) cousin, Mary.5. Now _____________(her parent) are in America.6. Those __________ ( child ) are _____ ( I ) father’s students.7. Do you know ______ ( it ) name?8. Mike and Tom __________ ( be ) friends.9. Thanks for helping ________( I ).10. ______(Ann安)mother is ______(we) teacher.三、单项选择。
()1. My family ____ a big family. My family ____all here.A. is, isB. are, areC. is, areD. are, is()2. This is __________.A. a picture of familyB. a picture of my familyC. a family’s pictureD. a family of my picture()3. Let’s __________ good friends.A. beB. areC. isD. am()4. Is she your aunt? Yes, __________.A. she’sB. her isC. she isD. he is ()5. Are __________ coats yours? Yes, they are .A. theyB. theseC. thisD. there()6. Is that __________ uncle? No, it isn’tA. heB. sheC. herD. hers()7. Mrs. Green is __________ grandmother.A. Jim and KateB. Jim and Kate’sC. Jim’s and Kate’sD. Jim and Kates’()8. Do you know the name _____Mr. Green’s son?A. inB. ofC. onD. or()9. __________ the great photo of your family.A. thank forB. Thanks forC. Thank forD. thanks for ()10. Are those your friends? __________.A. Yes, they’reB. No, they areC. Yes, they areD. Yes, those are一.用所给词的适当形式填空1. That is not _________ kite. That kite is very small, but _________ is very big. ( I )2. The dress is _________. Give it to _________. ( she )3. Is this _________ watch? (you) No, it’s not _________ . ( I )4. _________ is my brother. _________ name is Jack. Look! Those stamps are _________. ( he )5. _________ dresses are red. (we) What colour are _________? ( you )6. Here are many dolls, which one is _________ ? ( she )7. I can find my toy, but where’s _________? ( you )8. Show _________ your kite, OK? (they)9. I have a beautiful cat. _________name is Mimi. These cakes are _________. ( it )10. Are these _________ tickets? No, _________ are not _________. _________ aren’t here. ( they )11. Shall _________ have a look at that classroom? That is _________ classroom. ( we )12. _________ is my aunt. Do you know _________ job? _________ a nurse. ( she )13. That is not _________ camera. _________is at home. ( he )14. Where are _________? I can’t find _________. Let’s call _________ parents. ( they )15. Don’t touch _________. _________ not a cat, _________ a tiger!16. _________ sister is ill. Please go and get _________. ( she )17. _________ don’t know her name. Would you please tell _________. ( we )18. So many dogs. Let’s count _________. ( they )19. I have a lovely brother. _________ is only 3. I like _________ very much. ( he )20. May I sit beside _________? ( you )21. Look at that desk. Those book are on _________. ( it )22. The girl behind _________ is our friend. (she )二、用am, is, are 填空1. I ______ a boy. ______ you a boy? No, I _____ not.2. The girl______ Jack's sister.3. The dog _______ tall and fat.4. The man with big eyes _______ a teacher.5. ______ your brother in the classroom?6. Where _____ your mother? She ______ at home.7. How _______ your father?8. Mike and Liu Tao ______ at school.9. Whose dress ______ this?10. Whose socks ______ they?11. That ______ my red skirt.12. Who ______ I?13. The jeans ______ on the desk.14. Here ______ a scarf for you.15. Here ______ some sweaters for you.16. The black gloves ______ for Su Yang.17. This pair of gloves ______ for Yang Ling.18. The two cups of milk _____ for me.19. Some tea ______ in the glass.20. Gao shan's shirt _______ over there.21. My sister's name ______Nancy.22. This ______ not Wang Fang's pencil.23. ______ David and Helen from England?24. There ______ a girl in the room.25. There ______ some apples on the tree.26. _______ there any kites in the classroom?27. _______ there any apple juice in the bottle?28. There _______ some bread on the plate.29. There _______ a boy, two girls, three men and ten women in the park.30. You, he and I ______ from China.三、改错1.My father and mother are busy. He are cooking now.2.This is my book. They is on the table.3.Those apples are red. They is lovely.4.Tom is a tall boy. She can play basketball very well.5.Lily is a nice girl. He has breakfast at home every day.6.My father’s friends are busy. He are running now.7.Running is interesting. I like he.8.This is I book.9.Is this you pen? Yes, it’s my pen.10.This is my friend. She name is Lily.。