
(听三遍,共5题,每⼩题1分,计5分)()1. A.H e r e a d n e w s p a p e r s. B.S h e h a d a f a s h i o n s h o w C.I t w a s g r e a t f u n.() 2. A. Y e s, I d o.B. N o, I d i d n’t. C. N o, I c a n’t.() 3. A.I t’s M o n d a y. B.I t’s t h e s e c o n d o fF e b r u a r y. C.I t’s r a i n y.() 4. A.H e c o u l d d r a w. B.H e c a nd r a w. C.He l i k e s d r a w i n g.() 5. A.W e c a n s t u d y h a r d. B.W e c a n t h r o w r u b b i s ha n y w h e r e. C.W e c a n’t l i t t e r.四、听录⾳填空。
(共15题,每⼩题1分,计15分)() 1.A n n a n d h e r f r i e n d s a r e t a l k i n g_____t h e i rp l a n s____t h e h o l i d a y.A.t o;a b o u tB.t o;w i t hC.a b o u t;f o r () 2.S h e i s_________h e r g l a s s e s.B u t s h e c a n’t________t h e m.A.l o o k i n g f o r;f i n dB.f i n d i n g,l o o k f o rC.l o o k i n g a t, f i n d() 3.S h e___________t o s c h o o l e v e r y d a y.A.t a k e s a b u sB.b y b u sC.d r i v e() 4.T h e r e__________c o a l o r o i l o n t h e E a r t h.A.i s m u c hB.i s n’t m a n yC.i s n’t m u c h () 5.I t w a s t i m e___________d i n n e r.A.t oB.f o r h a v eC.f o r() 6.T h e s e s i g n s o n t h e w a l l______“N o l i t t e r i n g”.A.m e a nB.m e a n sC.t o m e a n () 7.T h a t b o y w a s l a t e f o r s c h o o l a g a i n. M i s s L i g o t v e r y ___________.A.h a p p yB.a n g r yC.a n g r i l y()8.T h e r e_____a l o t o f f i s h i n t h e l a k e.A.i sB.a r eC.w a s()9.A.u n d e r g r o u n dB.s u b w a yC.t r a i n()10.M y b o o k s a r e o n t h e g r o u n d.C a n y o u_____f o r m e?A.p i c k u p t h e mB.p i c k t h e m u pC.p i c k u p()11.W o r l d E n v i r o n m e n t D a y i s___________.A.o n12t h M a r c hB.o n22n d A p r i lC.o n5t h J u n e ()12.I t’s_____t u r n,B i l l y.A.y o uB.IC.y o u r()13.B l a c k B e a u t y’s m o t h e r w a n t e d h i m t o b e________.A.g e n t l e a n d g o o dB.b a d a n d f o o l i s hC.s a d a n da n g r y() 14. W h e n B l a c k B e a u t y w a s i l l,L i t t l e J o e G r e e nA.p u t a w a r m b l a n k e t o n h i mB.g a v e h i m s o m e c o l dw a t e r C.c l e a n e d h i m()15.M a r y L e n n o x w a s b o r n i n______.A.t h e U KB.t h e U SC.I n d i a六、会话配对,把序号填在题前括号内。

pep人教版2018年六年级上册英语期末试卷及答案2017-2018学年第一学期六年级上册英语期末测试卷Listening Part一、听音,选择你所听到的单词或短语。
slow down。
take a trip4.A。
traffic light。
pen pal。
pay n to。
1.Jim goes to Beijing by train.2.at a red light.3.I’m going to see a film tonight.4.XXX.5.You should。
2017-2018学年第一学期六年级上册英语期末听力测试Part 1:听音,选择正确的单词或短语。
1.Which word did you hear。
street2.Which phrase did you hear。
slow down。
on foot。
by bus3.Which phrase did you hear。
next week。
take a trip。
comic book4.Which word did you hear。
traffic light。
get together。
moon cake5.Which word did you hear。
pen pal6.Which person did you hear。
head teacher。
reporter7.Which feeling did you hear。
afraid8.Which phrase did you hear。

(10分)( )1.A.science B.scientist C.straight( )2.A.subway B.slow C.stop( )3.A.tonight B.tomorrow C.taxi( )4.A.happy B.hospital C.hiking( )5.A.factory B.fisherman C.film( )6.A.worried B.word C.worker( )7.A.What should I do? B.How can I get there? ( )8.A.Don’t be sad. B.Don’t be afraid.( )9.A.Where are you going? B.When are you going? ( )10.A.He goes to the park by bike. B.He goes to the park by bus.二、听录音,选择与录音内容相符的图片。
(10分)( )1.A. B. C.( )2.A. B. C.( )3.A. B. C.( )4.A. B. C.( )5.A. B. C.三、听短文,圈出正确的单词或短语。
(10分)My name is Zhang Peng.I’m a (student;teacher).I go to school(on foot; by bike). I like listening to (music;painting). In the future(将来), I want to be a (singer;cook).I usually(do homework;watch TV) on the weekend.笔试部分(70分)四、根据图片提示补全对话。

(听两遍,共10题,每小题1分,计10分)( )1。
litter ()2. A. smell ( )3. A。
A. sing ( )5。
A. ground ( )6. A。
project ()7. A. told ()8. A。
too much ()9. A. threw ( )10. A。
cut down B。
skinB. signB。
aroundB. protectB。
holdB. so muchB。
put downC。
letterC. spellC. slipC。
songC. playgroundC。
plasticC. coldC。
too manyC. throughC。
sit down二、听录音,给下列图片标上正确的序号。
(听三遍,共5题,每小题1分,计5分)( )1. A。
He read newspapers。
B. She had a fashion showC. It was great fun.( ) 2. A. Yes, I do。
B. No,I didn’t.C。
No,I can’t.() 3. A. It's Monday。
B. It’s the second of February。
It's rainy。
() 4. A。
He could draw。
B. He can draw. C. He likes drawing。
( ) 5. A. We can study hard。
B. We can throw rubbish anywhere。
We can’t litter.四、听录音填空。

2017~2018学年度上期期末质量监测六年级英语试卷(总分50 分)Listening Part 听力部分(30分)一、听音选图画。
( )1. A. B.( )2. A. B.( )3. A. B.( )4. A. B.( )5. A. B.二、听音选句子。
()1. A. Beijing is in the east of China.B. Beijing is in the north of China.()2. A. These postcards are great!B. These stamps are great.()3. A. We eat moon cakes at the Mid-Autumn Festival.B. We eat ZongZi at the Dragon Boat Festival.()4. A. I’ve got a Chinese book and an English book.B. I haven’t got a Chinese book and an English book.()5. A. I can speak English. I like reading and singing songs.B. I can speak English and Chinese. I like dancing.三、听问句选答语。
()1. A. Yes, I do. B. No, I haven’t.()2. A. Yes, I can. B. No, I don’t.()3. A. Yes, I’d love to. B. Not very often.()4. A. Yes, it is. B. No, there isn’t.()5. A. Yes, they do. B. No, they don’t.Writing Part 笔试部分(20分)一、词汇。

试卷内容如下:1.单元测评卷(Unit1)2.单元测评卷(Unit2)3.阶段测评卷(Units1~2)4.单元测评卷(Unit3)5.期中测评卷(一)6.期中测评卷(二)7.期中测评卷(三)8.单元测评卷(Unit4)9.阶段测评卷(Units3~4)10.单元测评卷(Unit5)12.阶段测评卷(Units5^6)13.分类测评卷(一)14.分类测评卷(二)15.分类测评卷(三)16.分类测评卷(四)17.分类测评卷(五)18.期末测评卷(一)19.期末测评卷(二)20.期末测评卷(三)21.期末测评卷(四)11.单元测评卷(Unit6)附:听力材料参考答案(PEP 版)单元测评卷(Unit 1)满分」oo 分时间:40分钟听力部分(共25分)一.听录音・选出你所听到的单词•(每小题1分,共5分)()1.A snence B.enema C museum ()2.A b<M>kstnre R restaurant C. straight ()3. A.turnR streetC. right()4. A.crossing R left C pizza ()5. A.35kK getC. gave二•所录音.给下列图片排序.(共10分)You re welcome.三、听块音•选择合适的应答句.(金小题2分.共I 。
分)A.A. R C.A.A. K C.A.)3. )L )5.SureB l Thanks.lt*s near the post office,h's in the museum.It 's on the desk.YeSt I k is. B l Yes« thrrr is.Go straight and turn left at the hospitalIt S next to the school.It s next to the bookstore.No, there im ’L R Yes, there isC.笔试部分(共75分)四.选出不同类的一项•《每小题1分,矣5分)()1. A.post office acrossingc.hospital()2. A.left -R rightc.sir()3. A.ItalianK ChirwwfQ England ()4. A.ngh< B.askC・萸()S. A.pzzaK streetC.i merest i ng六.五、英汉互详.(每小妣]分.共10分)1. turn left2. go straight3. behind the hospital ___________________4. in from of _________________________________5. follow me6. an kalian restaurani7.在门附近_____________________________ 8.—场右趣的电影______________________9.到达10.与……相*单项选择(车小地】分.共10分)()1. I want _____a postcard.A. buyB. to buyC. byD. Ret< )2.—is the cinema?It's near the parkA. WhereR. Whata WhichD. How()3. How can 1there?A. set ioB. to getC. getD. gets< >4. _________ Can you help me?A. Sorry.B. Hd!aC. Good morning.D. Excuse me.( >S. _________great bookstore!A. Howa What Q What a D. How a(>6. Ifs ________.intcre5nn^ book.A. anR / G a D. the( )7. Turn leftthe science museum A. inR. onC to D・ at( )8.a library?—Yesw there is.A. Is heB. I k there G Are there D. Where is()9. The post office is _________the park.A. next toR to G on D. next( )10. 1 have arobot. Ifs very interesting.A. talkB l to ulk G talkingD. talk 佑七.根据情境.选择合适的句子》(每小题1分.其5分)()1.当你向别人求助时.可以这样说:A. Can I help you? R Can yon help me?<)2.你想知道邮财在嗔儿,可以这样向,A. Where h the cinema?B. Where is the museum?C Where is the poM office?()3.你想告诉朋友医院在书店附近,可以这样说:A. The bospual is near the bookstore.K. Where is the hospital 9 please?C The Ixispiral is next to the bookstore.c.You can help me.2()4.你想表达科学博物话在那儿.可以这样说8A.Excuse me.B Where«the science museum?C.The samce museum is over there.<)5,你想告诉朋友需要在公园那儿右转,可以这样说,A.Turn right on the park.B.Turn left at the park.Q Turn right at the park. .八.从I栏选出I栏的答胃”(冷小题2分,芸10分)I<)1.Where is the museum?()2.On you help me?()3.How can I get there?()4.Is the bookstore near here?()5.Follow me<please.nA.No.it f s far.ft OK.C.Turn left At the cinema.D.It's near the po«t office.E. Sure九.用方框中所给的选项补全对话,(有两个逸项多余)(每安2分,共10分)A:Excuse me.B:It's near the post office.A:21■■B:U on the Shanghai StreetA:3B:土Then you can see itA:Thank you.B:5A.How can1get to the posi office?R You're welcomeC Ifs not far.D.Where is the zoo?E. What is in the zoo?F.And then?G.Finn.〔urn righ i mhe Xinhua Boo k store,1. 2.— 3.4. 5.+,改错■(每小踮2分,芸】0分)()1.I eat pizza in h into心ti*〔esuiuranhA B C()2.The hospital is near to the bookstore.A B C(>3.Turn left in the park.~A B C()4.How a beautiful postcard!F B―c-()5.I want M^nd it.CBWWW*一一一.・一ABC十一•翎读对话.逸择正确答案.(每小题3分,共15分)Jack:Excuse me,where is the post office>please?A man:I'm sorry.I'm new here.You can ask the police officer.Jack:Thank you all the wme.,••Jack:Excuse me.Can you hdp me?Police officer:Sure.Jack:Where is the post office?Pnlke officer:It's near the cinema.Jack:How can I get there?Police officer:Go straight Then turn right at the park.Jack:And then?Police officer:The cinema is next to the parkJack:0h»I see.Thank youPolice officer: You>e welcome.()1.Who can help Jack?A.Nobody.R The man.a The police officer.()2.The post office is the cinema.A.near Bi next to G in front of<)3.Jack can turn right ai the:•A.cinema Bi park C・post office<)4.The rnan the post office.A.knows R.doesn't know c wants to go to<)5.Can Jack find the post office at last?A.Yes. he can.R No.he can't.c1don't know.4(PEP 版)单元测评卷(Unit 2)满分:100分时间:40分钟听力部分(共25分)一、听景音,选出你所听到的单词。

1. 单元测评卷(Unit 1)1
2.阶段测评卷(Units 5~6)
2. 单元测评卷(Unit 2)1
3. 阶段测评卷(Units 1~2)1
4. 单元测评卷(Unit 3)1
5. 期中测评卷(一)1
6. 期中测评卷(二)1
7. 期中测评卷(三)18.期末测评卷(一)
8. 单元测评卷(Unit 4)19.期末测评卷(二)
9. 阶段测评卷(Units 3~4)20.期末测评卷(三)
10.单元测评卷(Unit 5)21.期末测评卷(四)
11.单元测评卷(Unit 6)
六年级上册英语期末试题-2017-2018学年 江西石城县(人教(PEP),含答案)

(10分)( )1.A.happy B.hobby C.heavy( )2.A.taxi B.trip C.ship( )3.A.post office B.postman C.postcard( )4.A.this week B.next week st week( )5.A.doing kung fu B.doing sports C.doing word puzzles二、听录音,判断你所听到的内容是否与图片一致,用“√”或“×”表示。
(10分)1.( )2.( )3.( )4.( )5.( )三、听录音,选择正确的答语,每小题读两遍。
(10分)( )1.A. By bike. B.He is on a bike. C.Sometimes.( )2.A.It’s behind the hospital.B.Turn right at the hospital.C.You can take the No.5 bus.( )3.A.He is a factory worker.B.She is a factory worker.C.No, he isn’t.( )4.A.Yes, he is. B.Yes, he does. C.No, it’s near my home.( )5.A.By bus. B.Shanghai. C.Next weekend.四、听录音,选择正确的答案。
(10分)( )1.Lily is from .A.EnglandB.ChinaC.Canada( )2.Lily is going to tomorrow morning.A.buy some giftsB.send the postcardC.see a film( )3. The comic books are for .A.her parentsB.her friendsC.her teacher( )4.How will Lily go to the post office?A.By bike.B.By car.C.By subway.( )5.What is Lily going to do tomorrow evening?A.Read some books.B.See a film.C.Watch TV.笔试部分(60分)五、单项选项。

(共5分)(1)(4)(5)(2)(3)二. 听音,选出听到的内容。
(共5分)( A) 1. A. famous B. visit C. wonderful( B) 2. A. in B. during C. doing( C) 3. A. some B. house C. holiday( A) 4. A. visited B. waited C. went( A) 5. A. did B. can C. does三.听音在相对应的表格中打√。
(共5分)√√四. 听音判断正误,正确的用“T”表示,错误的用“F”表示。
(共5分) ( T ) 1. Today is 12th March.( T ) 2. The rain can cool the air.( F ) 3. The girl can`t finish her homework first.( F ) 4. Mum is walking with the dog in the garden.( F ) 5. The boy will come back next summer holiday.笔试部分(80分)一、选出发音不同的单词(5分)( B) 1. A. dress B. juice C. dry D. drop( A) 2. A. boats B. beds C. birds D. seeds( C) 3. A. father B. they C. both D. the( D) 4. A. piece B. cinema C. police D. please( B) 5. A. girl B. fire C. first D. shirt二.按要求写单词(10分)1. sandwich (复数) sandwiches2. 4512 (英语表达方法)four thousand five hundred and twelve3. spend (过去式) spent4. I would like (缩写形式) I’d like5. take (过去式) took6. should not (缩写形式) shouldn’t7. healthy (反义词) unhealthy8. cut (现在分词) cutting9. something (对应词) anything10. 制造噪音(翻译) make noise三.单项选择(20分)( C) 1. Did John _____football yesterday?A. playingB. playedC. play( A) 2. Tomorrow I am going to _____many pictures.A. takeB. tookC. taking( A) 3. The water and food keep us _______A.aliveB. livingC. dying( A) 4. Shanghai is in the _______of ChinaA. eastB. southC. north( C) 5. --__________ does it take from Beijing to Shanghai by train?--Two hours.A. How farB. How manyC. How long( A) 6. Did you buy _______ at the car museum?A.anythingB. somethingC. everything( A) 7. --Is there _____milk in the fridge?---Yes,there is _______.A. any ;someB. some ;anyC. a ;any( A) 8. –What does Mary do? Array --She’s a ________. She can dance well.A. dancerB. dancingC. dances( B) 9. –What did you do last Sunday?--I _____ some trees with some friends.A. plantB. plantedC. planting( C) 10. I want _______ a map of China.A. buyB. is buyingC. to buy( A) 11. - What did you do yesterday, Jill?- I ______ at home.A. stayedB. stayC. staying( C) 12. - Did you play with your neighbour last weekend?- Yes, we _____ chess together at home.A. playB. are playingC. played( C) 13. The river ______ clean in the past, but now some parts _____ dirty.A. was, isB. was, wereC. was, are( A) 14. - _______ we go and see a film?- That's a good idea. Let's see the Big Monster.A. ShallB. WillC. Would( B) 15. They went to the Great Wall by_______.A. a busB. busC. the bus( B) 16. I’d like _______ a letter in Australia.A. writeB. to writeC. writing( A) 17. In China, people like eating ___________.A. dumplingsB. sushiC. fish and chips ( A) 18. We should _______ more trees and ______ down less trees.A. plant; cutB. plants; cutC. planting; cutting( B) 19. - _______ was your winter holiday?- It was fun.A. WhatB. HowC. Where ( B) 20. –What should we do to help the Earth?--We should stop ______so many trees.A. to cutB. cuttingC. cut 四.用所给的动词的适当形式填空:(10分)1. In photo 1, Kitty was (be) a cute baby.2. I get (get) up at 6:30 every morning.3. Please stop making (make) noise.4. Tom's mother wants to have (have) a new watch.5. Can you find (find) your way home?6. We should stop using (use) the plastic bags.7. Can you do anything (something) to help you?8. It keeps them high (highly) in the sky.9. What did (do) you do at the museum last Monday?10. I am going to visit(visit) my grandpa tomorrow.五.按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。

Can you speak louder?B。
XXX speak clearer?2.A。
What’s your hobby?B。
What’s your job?C。
What’s your name?3.A。
I’m sorry to hear that.B。
I’m sorry to see that.C。
I’m sorry to know that.4.A。
How do you go to school?B。
How do you go to work?C。
How do you go to the park?5.A。
What’s your favorite color?B。
What’s your favorite food?C。
What’s your favorite animal?Listening Part(听力部分)一、听音,选择你所听到的单词或短语。
slow down B。
on foot C。
by bus3.A。
next week B。
take a trip C。
comic book4.A。
traffic light B。
get XXX cake5.A。
worker B。
head teacher C。
see a doctor B。
count to ten C。
pay n to9.A。
turn B。
country B。
gym C。
1.Jim goes to Beijing by train.2.at a red light.3.I’m going to see a film tonight.4.He is a businessman.5.You should see a doctor.三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。
1. 单元测评卷(Unit 1)1
2.阶段测评卷(Units 5~6)
2. 单元测评卷(Unit 2)1
3. 阶段测评卷(Units 1~2)1
4. 单元测评卷(Unit 3)1
5. 期中测评卷(一)1
6. 期中测评卷(二)1
7. 期中测评卷(三)18.期末测评卷(一)
8. 单元测评卷(Unit 4)19.期末测评卷(二)
9. 阶段测评卷(Units 3~4)20.期末测评卷(三)
10.单元测评卷(Unit 5)21.期末测评卷(四)
11.单元测评卷(Unit 6)

卜店学校六年级英语2017-2018学年第一学期期末试卷(1)(时间:100分钟满分:100分)得分一、选出不同类的单词(10分)()1.A.hospital B.subway C.bookstore()2.A.supermarket B.green C.yellow( )3.A. left B.right C. can()4.A.Munich B.wait C.Germany()5.A.must B.should C.Stop二、选出与所给单词划线部分读音相同的单词。
(10分)( )1、does A. goes B. hobby C. love( )2. bike A. like B. thing C. drink( )3 . pen A. bed B. pal C. cat( )4. teacher A.learn B. near C. eat( )5. bread A. reading B.mean C. head三、按要求填空(20分)1、know(同音词)___________2、I(宾格形式)______________3、have(单三形式)______________4、child(复数形式)___________5、does not (缩写形式)_________6、mouse(复数形式)____________7、left(反义词)_____________ 8、hobby(复数形式)_______________9、get(现在分词)_____________10、dancer(动词形式)_____________四、选出正确的答案。
(10分)1.Turn left ______ the cinema . A、on B、at C、in2.I go to school ___ foot . A. on B. in C. by3.I want __ buy a book . A、too B、to C、in4.__ do you go to the park ? A、What B、Where C、How5.What is____ interesting film ! A、a B、the C、an6.I’m going to learn ___ to swim. A、where B、when C、how7.__ he live in Sydney? A、Does B、Do C、Is8.We must pay ____ to the traffic lights. A. wait B. attention C. stop9.Stop and wait ______ the red light .A. in B. at C. on10.Please ______ ! The light is red now.A. stop B. wait C. go五. 读句子,选出正确的答语。

(20分)1.骑自行车__________________2. read a magazine ________ ______3.集邮______________________4. science museum _____ ______5.漫画书____________________ 5. motor cycle__________________ 7.下周______________________ 8. pen pal ________ ____________9.交通规则__________________ 10. Hong Kong _________________二、按要求写出词语。
(20分)ride (ing形式) swim (ing形式) have(第三人称单数) play(第三人称单数) making (原形) dictionary (复数) their (同音词) right(反义词) doesn’t (完全形式) actor (对应词) 三、.选择正确答案,将序号填在括号内(10分)( ) 1. ________ at a green light.A. StopB. WaitC. Go( ) 2.When are you going?A. I’m going on foot.B. I’m going at 7:30.C. I’m going to school. ( ) 3.Does she watch TV at night?A. Yes, she do.B. Yes, she does.C. No, he doesn’t. ( ) 4. Mary’s uncle is _____ doctor, her aunt is ______ artist.A. a , an,B. a, a C an, a( )5.Where does the rain come from?A. It comes from the clouds.B. It comes from the vapour.C. It comes from the water in the river.四、选择合适的句子,补全对话(10分)A. How about you?B. Where is the cinema?C. Do you go on foot?D. Where are you going this weekend?E. How can you get there?F. Can you go on foot?G. What do you usually do on the weekend? A: ? B: I’m going to the cinema.A: ? B: It’s next to the science museum. A:? B: I can get there by the No. 15 bus.?A: I often go to the bookstore. B: __________________________? A:Yes,I can.五、连词成句。

小学英语六年级(上)期末检测卷 2018.1听力部分(40分)一、听录音,选出正确的选项。
(5%)( ) 1. A. museum B. restaurant C. post office ( ) 2. A. ferry B. planeC. sled( ) 3. A. this week B. next week C. next weekend ( ) 4. A. China B. Scotland C. Germany ( ) 5. A. happy B. sad C. afraid二、听录音,圈出正确的选项。
(5%)1. 2.B 3. 4.5.三、听录音,给图片标号。
(10%)( )四、听问句,选择答句。
(10%)…………………………………………………………………装………………………订………….……………线…………………………………………………………………….……学校________________班级__________姓名____________学号_______( ) 1. A. I come by car. B. I go by car.( ) 2.A. I’m going to read a peom. B. I read a poem with my friend. ( ) 3. A. He likes doing kung fu. B. He is doing kung fu.( ) 4. A. He is a fisherman. B. He works at sea.( ) 5. A. She is ill. B. She should see a doctor.五、听短文,判断句子的正误。
(10%)( ) 1. Mary likes reading stories.( ) 2. Mary is going to visit her grandpa by train.( ) 3. Grandpa’s birthday is on New Year’s Day.( ) 4. They are going to the supermarket tomorrow afternoon.( ) 5. They will have a big dinner, and they will feel happy.笔试部分(60分)六、根据所给例词,给单词分类,填在横线上。
1. 单元测评卷(Unit 1)1
2.阶段测评卷(Units 5~6)
2. 单元测评卷(Unit 2)1
3. 阶段测评卷(Units 1~2)1
4. 单元测评卷(Unit 3)1
5. 期中测评卷(一)1
6. 期中测评卷(二)1
7. 期中测评卷(三)18.期末测评卷(一)
8. 单元测评卷(Unit 4)19.期末测评卷(二)
9. 阶段测评卷(Units 3~4)20.期末测评卷(三)
10.单元测评卷(Unit 5)21.期末测评卷(四)
11.单元测评卷(Unit 6)
1. 单元测评卷(Unit 1)1
2.阶段测评卷(Units 5~6)
2. 单元测评卷(Unit 2)1
3. 阶段测评卷(Units 1~2)1
4. 单元测评卷(Unit 3)1
5. 期中测评卷(一)1
6. 期中测评卷(二)1
7. 期中测评卷(三)18.期末测评卷(一)
8. 单元测评卷(Unit 4)19.期末测评卷(二)
9. 阶段测评卷(Units 3~4)20.期末测评卷(三)
10.单元测评卷(Unit 5)21.期末测评卷(四)
11.单元测评卷(Unit 6)

14.like(ing形式)15.play(ing形式)16.make (ing形式)二、选择(18分)()1.First,put the in the soil.A.sproutB.seedsC.plant()2.Her mother is .A.a cleanerB.a teach.C.an actor()3.My pen pal likes .A.drawing picturesB.rideing a bikeC.collect stamps()4.I want to buy .A.a lookB.a pair of shoesC.some apple()5.The park is the cinema.A.in the front ofB.next toC.near to()6.I usually go to school .A.by footB.by the busC.by bike三、把下面英语单词翻译成汉语。
(15分)1.engineer2.newspaper3. salesperson4. post office5.writer6. right7.collect stamps 8.this eveninge from 10.traffic light 11.seed 12.get to 13.soil 14 next to15.actress四、连词成句(15分)1.rain,does,come,where,from,the,2.brother,bed,goes,10:00,to,at,my3.to,does,go,your,mother,how,work4.he,violin,the,likes,playing5.we,do,should,then,what?五、找朋友(20分)( )1.How can I get to the zoo?( )2.What do you do?( )3.Is she an artist?( )4.What are you going to do this afternoon? ( )5.What does she do?( )6.Does he like diving?( )7.What’s your hobby?( )8.Where does your mother work?( )9.Where does the cloud come from?( )10Are they going to play chess next Sunday?A.It comes from the vapour.B.I’m a teacher.C.I’m going to buy an English book.D.I like collecting stamps.E.No,she isn’t.She’s a TV reporter.F.Yes,they are.G.Yes,she does.H.You can ride a bike there.I.My mother works in a factory.J.He is a driver.六、改错(10分)1.How can he water become vapour?2,What does she likes do?3,he goes to Canada by plane.4,I’m go to the cinema tomorrow.5,She likes watches TV.七.填空(6分)1.Mr White usually (go)to work by car.2.I (visit)my grandpa next week.3.The children like (swim)4.Are you (do)your homework now?5.What does Mike’s father (do)?6.She (live) in Shanghai.。

2017-2018第一学期六年级上册英语期末测试卷Listening Part(听力部分)一、听音,选择你所听到的单词或短语。
( ) 1. A. science B. straight C. street( ) 2. A. slow down B. on foot C. by bus( ) 3. A. next week B. take a trip C. comic book( ) 4. A. traffic light B. get together C. moon cake( ) 5. A. puzzle B. hobby C. pen pal( ) 6. A. worker B. head teacher C. reporter( ) 7. A. angry B. sad C. afraid( ) 8. A. see a doctor B. count to ten C. pay attention to( ) 9. A. turn B. stop C. visit( )10. A. country B. gym C. grass二、选出你所听到句子中含有的单词或短语。
()1. Jim goes to Beijing ________ .A. by shipB. by subwayC. by train()2. _______ at a red light.A. StopB. trafficC. Wait()3.I’m going to see a film _______ .A. tonightB. tomorrowC. next week()4.He is a ________ .A. post manB. factory workerC. businessman( ) 5. You should_____________.A. see a doctorB. do morning exerciseC. wear warm clothes三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。
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2016-2017第一学期六年级上册英语期末测试卷Listening Part(听力部分)一、听音,选择你所听到的单词或短语。
( ) 1. A. science B. straight C. street( ) 2. A. slow down B. on foot C. by bus( ) 3. A. next week B. take a trip C. comic book( ) 4. A. traffic light B. get together C. moon cake( ) 5. A. puzzle B. hobby C. pen pal( ) 6. A. worker B. head teacher C. reporter( ) 7. A. angry B. sad C. afraid( ) 8. A. see a doctor B. count to ten C. pay attention to( ) 9. A. turn B. stop C. visit( )10. A. country B. gym C. grass二、选出你所听到句子中含有的单词或短语。
()1. Jim goes to Beijing ________ .A. by shipB. by subwayC. by train()2. _______ at a red light.A. StopB. trafficC. Wait()3.I’m going to see a film _______ .A. tonightB. tomorrowC. next week()4.He is a ________ .A. post manB. factory workerC. businessman( ) 5. You should_____________.A. see a doctorB. do morning exerciseC. wear warm clothes三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。
()1.A. Where is the museum shop? B. Where are you going?()2.A.Turn left at the bookstore. B. Turn right at the bookstore.()3.A. How do you come to school? B. How does she go to school ?()4.A.I must pay attention to the traffic light. B. I’m going to see a film. ()5.A.When are you going? B. What does he do?()6.A. Does he live in Sydney? B. Does he like doing word puzzles? ()7.A. He like reading stories. B. He works at sea.()8.A.Don’t go at the red light. B. Don’t be sad.()9.A. You should see a doctor. B. You should take a deep breath. ()10.A. They’re afraid of him. B. They’re happy.四、听问题,选答句。
( ) 1. A. Turn left then go straight. B.I go to the museum by car.( ) 2. A. She works at sea. B. She goes to work by subway.( ) 3. A. He likes swimming. B. He is a scientist.( ) 4. A .The cinema. B. Next Wednesday.( ) 5.A. Yes, he does. B. No, he can’t.Writing Part(笔试部分)五、找出下面单词中意思不同类的一个,把序号写到前面的括号里。
()1. A. scientist B. worker C. coach D. count()2. A. next week B. tomorrow C. tonight D. taxi()3. A. cinema B. bookstore C. dictionary D. post office ()4. A. shop B. subway C. train D. plane()5. A. wear B. when C. where D. what六、补全单词。
/()1. c_ nem _ A. o, e B. i, a C. u,k()2.p_ stc _d A. o, ar B.a, ur C.o,or()3.f _ ct _ry A. u, w B. a, o C.e, a()4.p _l _ t A. o, i B. i , o C. a, o()5. c _m _c book A. a,i B.u,o C.o,i七、选词填空。
1.Her father is a fisherman. He _______ at sea.2. I’m going to _______ a doctor.3.The bookstore is ________ the hospital.4.Does Amy go to school _____ bus? Yes, she does.5.My brother likes ______________ a bike.6.Is he ______ postman? No, he isn’t.7. ____________ he like doing word puzzles? Yes, he does.8.The mice is _____________ of the cat.9.They are going to ___________ their homework this afternoon.10.Sarah’s mother goes _________ the park by bike.八、单项选择。
()1. ______can we get there?A. WhatB. HowC. Which()2. What does Miss White do? _______________A.S he likes English.B. She’s a teacher.C. At a school. ()3. Does he teach English? __________A.No , he doesn’t.B. Yes, she doesn’t.C. Yes, he is.()4. I’m going to the ______. I want to buy some books.A. postmanB. bookstoreC. museum()5. She ______ to work by subway every day.A. goB. goesC. going()6. ______ are you going? Next week.A. WhatB. WhenC. How()7. What’s Amy’s hobby?A. He likes dancing.B. She likes danceing.C. She likes dancing.()8. Stop and wait at a ______ light.A. redB. yellowC. green()9. Sarah can’t go to the park. She is ______.A. happyB. sadC. afraid()10.Zhang Peng works in a factory. He is a _______.A. police officerB. businessmanC. factory worker九、用单词的正确形式填空。
1. Mr Black usually _________ (play) football at school.2. I ____________ (take) a trip next week.3. The children like ___________ (swim).4. Amy and I ________ (be) going to the cinema. X k B 1 . c o m5. ----What ________ Mike’s father _______ (do)?----He is a scientist.十、选出正确的答句,把序号填到问句前的括号里。
()1.Where are you going?? A. It’s near the post office.()2.Where is the museum ? B. We are going to the cinema.()3.What’s wrong? C. Yes, he does.()4.What are you going to do? D. My mother is ill.()5.Does he like dancing? E. I’m going to draw some pictures.十一、根据上下文,从所给的七个句子中选择五个句子,将对话补充完整,并将该选项前面的字母编号写在相应的横线上。
Mike: I have a new pen pal. His name is Peter.John: ____________________Mike: He is a postman.John: ____________________Mike: He works in the post office.John: How does he go to work?Mike: He goes to work by bike.John: _____________________John: Really? Me too! _______________________Mike: Yes! _______________________ I often play the pipa to my little puppy. John: Hahaa…That’s interesting!十二、连词成句。