




店铺整理了关于梦想的英文诗,欢迎阅读!关于梦想的英文诗篇一Dreams梦想Langston Hughes兰斯顿·休斯Hold fast to dreams. For if dreams die. Life is a broken-winged bird.紧紧抓住梦想。


That can never fly. Hold fast to dreams. For when dreams go.生命就像一只断翼之鸟. 它就不能飞翔。



Life is a barren field. Frozen only with snow.生命就像贫瘠的荒野。


关于梦想的英文诗篇二The pure, the bright, the beautiful,一切纯洁的,辉煌的,美丽的,That stirred our hearts in youth,强烈地震撼着我们年轻的心灵的,The impulses to wordless prayer,推动着我们做无言的祷告的,The dreams of love and truth; 让我们梦想着爱与真理的;The longing after something's lost,在失去后为之感到珍惜的,The spirit's yearning cry,使灵魂深切地呼喊着的,The striving after better hopes- 为了更美好的梦想而奋斗着的- These things can never die。


The timid hand stretched forth to aid 羞怯地伸出援助的手,A brother in his need,在你的弟兄需要的时候,A kindly word in grief's dark hour 伤恸、困难的时候,一句亲切的话That proves a friend indeed; 就足以证明朋友的真心;The plea for mercy softly breathed,轻声地乞求怜悯,When justice threatens nigh,在审判临近的时候,The sorrow of a contrite heart- 懊悔的心有一种伤感--These things shall never die。



蓝天下的梦想——小学生英语演讲稿Dreams Under the Blue Sky - Primary School English SpeechAs the clear blue sky stretches out above us, our dreams also soar high. For many of us, these dreams are what keep us motivated, giving us a sense of purpose and direction in life. As a primary school student, I believe it is essential to have dreams and work towards achieving them. Today, I stand before you, eager to share my thoughts on dreams and how they can shape our lives.Firstly, dreams provide us with inspiration. When we dream, whether it be about becoming an astronaut, a scientist, or a famous singer, we are inspired to chase after our goals. These dreams ignite a fire within us, propelling us forward. In the face of adversity, dreams remind us that there is always a reason to keep pushing forward. They give us the courage to overcome obstacles, no matter how daunting they may seem.Moreover, dreams give us a purpose in life. When we have a dream, we have something to strive for, something that gives our lives meaning. Without dreams, our lives can become monotonous and lackluster. Dreams provide us with a reason to wake up each morning, eager to take another step towards our aspirations. They give us a sense of direction, guiding us on our journey towards success.Additionally, dreams foster determination and resilience. In the pursuit of our dreams, we often face setbacks and challenges. However, it is through these difficulties that we grow stronger and more resilient. Dreams teach us to persevere, to never give up when faced with adversity. They teach us torise above failures and continue pushing towards our goals. In this way, dreams help develop our character and equip us with the necessary skills to tackle any obstacles we may encounter along the way.Furthermore, dreams allow us to explore our potential. Often, we underestimate our capabilities and settle for mediocrity. However, dreams have the power to unlock our hidden talents and push us beyond our comfort zones. By pursuing our dreams, we discover new strengths and talents we never knew we possessed. Dreams push us to break free from limitations and explore the vast possibilities that life has to offer.Lastly, dreams can lead to personal fulfillment and happiness. When we actively pursue our dreams, we feel a deep sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. Even if the path to achieving our dreams is challenging, the journey itself is often filled with joy and excitement. The fulfillment we experience from realizing our dreams surpasses any temporary happiness that may come from mere material possessions. Dreams allow us to create a life that aligns with our passions and values, leading to a genuine and lasting sense of happiness.In conclusion, dreams are the fuel that propels us towards success. They inspire us, provide us with a purpose, foster determination, help us explore our potential, and lead to personal fulfillment and happiness. As primary school students, let us never stop dreaming. Let us believe in the power of our dreams and work tirelessly towards achieving them. Remember, under the boundless blue sky, our dreams take flight, carrying us to heights we never thought possible. So, dream big, work hard, and let your dreams guide you to a future full of endless possibilities.。



梦想之地英文作文英文:Dreamland, a place where all your dreams come true. For me, my dreamland is a beautiful beach with crystal-clear water and white sandy beaches. I can imagine myself lying on the beach, feeling the warmth of the sun on my skin and listening to the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. It's a place where I can escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and just relax and unwind.In my dreamland, I would also love to have a cozylittle cottage surrounded by lush greenery. It would be a peaceful and serene place where I can find solace and tranquility. I would spend my days reading my favorite books, taking long walks in nature, and just enjoying the simple pleasures of life.I also imagine that in my dreamland, I would have the opportunity to travel and explore the world. I would loveto visit exotic and far-off places, experience different cultures, and try new and exciting things. It's a place where I can fulfill my wanderlust and satisfy my curiosity about the world.In my dreamland, I would be surrounded by the people I love and care about. We would share laughter, good food,and create precious memories together. It's a place where I can feel loved, supported, and truly happy.中文:梦想之地,一个让你所有梦想成真的地方。





A troupe of little vagrants of the world,leave your footprints in my words.世界上的一队小小的漂流者呀,请留下你们的足印在我的文字里。

Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away.and yellow leaves of autumn,which have no songs,flutter and fall there with a sign.夏天的飞鸟,飞到我的窗前唱歌,又飞去了,秋天的黄叶,它们没有什么可唱,只叹息一声,飞落在那里。

Some unseen fingers,like an idle breeze,are playing upon my heart the music of the ripples.有些看不见的手,如懒懒的微(风思)的,正在我的心头奏着潺潺的乐声。

Sorrow is hushed into peace in my heart like the evening among the silent trees.忧思在我的心里平静下去,正如暮色降临在寂静的山林中。

Once we dreamt that we were strangers.We wake up to find that we were dear to each other.有一次,我们梦见大家都是不相识的。


Her wishful face haunts my dreams like the rain at night.她的热切的脸,如夜雨似的,搅扰着我的梦魂。



This is my half-brother's story. 这是我同母异父哥哥的故事This is my half-brother's story. 梦乡I tell it because it's all I can do 我讲述这个故事是因为事已至此with the way things turned out. 讲述是我唯一能做的了Eugene left me with something more important than 尤金给我留下了一些比任何事实 any of the facts. 都更重要的东西Now, first thing people get wrong about his story 第一个人们弄错的地方is the beginning. 是他故事的开端It didn't start with the Wells lady. 故事并不是从那位威尔斯女士开始的It didn't start with the Wells lady. 1862年《宅地法》规定美国公民前往西部定居五年即可获得土地所有权It started with the first train full of homesteaders. 而是始于第一列载满定居移民的火车 Amongst the heartbroken fearful 在那天抵达俾斯麦的who arrived in Bismark on that day 伤心忧虑的人们中were John, Olivia and Eugene Baker. 就有贝克家的约翰奥莉维亚和尤金The Bakers had moved their lives West 贝克一家是因为当初美好前景的许诺into the Great Plains, on a promise. 才迁往西部来到大平原地区的A promise that now looked as rotten as the dirt they stood on.如今那许诺已如这片土地一样破烂They prayed for rain 他们祈祷下雨and began to build a new life up from scratch. 从零开始建立新生活But John wasn't convinced. 但约翰始终心存疑虑He believed there was something cursed about this land. 他觉得这是一片受诅咒的土地 Over the next years, John's drinking worsened... 接下来的几年里约翰的酗酒愈发严重 ...and he became paranoid. 他陷入了妄想His mind filled with visions of some other life... 他的脑中充斥着另一种生活的幻象where he could live in God's grace again. 在那里他又可以生活在上帝的荣光之下And just like that, when Eugene was five years old, 就这样在尤金五岁时he lost his father. 他失去了他的父亲"You're just leaving?" "你就这么走了吗"An absence was created 父亲的缺失that would haunt him for the rest of his life. 将困扰他的余生Eugene only ever got one postcard from his father. 尤金只收到过一张他父亲寄来的明信片 In it, John claimed he had found the eye of God 约翰在上面说他已经在世上最美丽的地方 in the most beautiful place on Earth, 找到了上帝之眼the Gulf Coast of Mexico. 墨西哥湾海岸Olivia quickly tried to fill that absence in Eugene's life,奥莉维亚很快试图填补尤金生命里的空缺and a year later she married George Evans, 一年后她嫁给了乔治·埃文斯a county deputy, farmer and my father. 他是县警局副警长农民也是我的父亲But John Baker and the world he wrote about 但约翰·贝克和他描述的世界were never far from my brother's mind. 一直盘旋在我哥哥的脑海里He wondered what his father had really found out there.他想知道他的父亲到底在外面找到了什么Then, when Eugene was 17, 然后在尤金十七岁时something else took his attention. 有其他的事情引起了他的注意All of ours, for that matter. 其实是我们所有人的注意Just like the curse John had spoken of, 就和约翰念叨过的诅咒一样the land turned on us. 这片土地背弃了我们"My fellow Americans, I have been on a journey to nine states." "我的美国同胞们我去过九个州"Fourteen storms hit Bismark in the first year. 在第一年十四场沙暴袭击了俾斯麦"I saw a group of families who had lost their wheat crops, "我看到了许多麦田和玉米地lost their corn crops, 被破坏的人家basically withered without food." 庄稼几乎颗粒无收"The more we tried to start over, 我们越是努力重来the worse they got. 事情就变得越糟And the banks came for Bismark. 银行也派人到俾斯麦来催债Crazy preachers would scream about God and salvation, 疯狂的传教士叫嚷着上帝和救赎 while families did the only thing they still could... 大家能做的也唯有祈祷...until they couldn't even do that anymore. 直到大家连祈祷都做不到了Eugene hid away in the abandoned family barn. 尤金躲在家里的废弃谷仓中He would daydream about his destiny, 做着自己命运的白日梦fantasizing about a life like his heroes... 幻想着过上和他读到的那些...the outlaws and adventurers he read about. 法外之徒和冒险家一样的生活Phoebe! 菲比I suppose no one warned Eugene about what can happen我想没人警告过尤金若是梦想一件事太过when you dream about something so much. 最后会发生什么That's how Allison Wells entered this story... 艾莉森·威尔斯就是那样闯进这个故事的 ...like a bat out of hell... 像一只来自地狱的蝙蝠headed straight... 一头撞向for my brother. 我的哥哥Roadblock for me, would you? 掩护我好吗Look at this cold bastard. 看看这个冷血杂种Look at this cold bastard. 小说周刊《侦探》封面为无面人I bet he'd be in bed with a different broad 要是真有他这么个人every night if he were real. 我赌他每晚睡的都是不同的婆娘I bet he knows exactly the right thing to say to a girl 他肯定知道该和女孩说什么话to make her crazy. 能让她们疯狂That's all it takes really... words. 真的就只需几句话Unless you live in a dead old town like this... 除非你是住在这种死气沉沉的老镇子上Amen to that. 真是上帝保佑了Hey, what's going on? 前面怎么了Harold, he'll tell you all about it. 哈洛德他会告诉你所有情况的Check it out? 去看看吗All right, folks, we got some things need to be said. 好了各位我们有重要的事要说So, y'all quiet down now so that they can be heard. 所以现在请大家安静这样才能听清楚 Ma'am? 夫人During their raid on a Missouri bank, 在他们抢劫密苏里的一家银行时the thief and murderer, Allison Wells, 劫匪杀人犯艾莉森·威尔斯sent a nine-year-old little girl to heaven. 让一个九岁小女孩上了天堂Nine years old. 九岁啊And that was just one of five human souls 而那只是那天失去性命的that were taken on that day. 五个人之一If you see this woman, 如果见到这个女人do not confront her. 不要和她正面交锋She will not hesitate to take another life. 她绝不会犹豫再取走另一条人命Now, all and all, she's just one little lady 总而言之她不过是个身后追着with half the Texas law enforcement trying to find her. 德州一半警力的小女人And find her we shall. 而我们一定会找到她的Is this real, this reward? 是真的吗这个赏金Ten thousand dollars if we find her? 若我们找到她就能拿到一万美元吗You're Deputy Evans' boy, ain't you? 你是埃文斯副警长的儿子对吧Yes, sir. He's my stepfather. 是的先生他是我继父Well, I appreciate your interest, son, 感谢你的关注孩子but we've already got all the help we need 但我们已从埃文斯家得到了from the Evans family, so just run on home. 足够的帮助所以快回家吧Search party meeting at church after the service. 礼拜之后搜捕队在教堂集合God and coincidence cannot occupy the same Earth. 上帝和巧合不会出现在同一片土地上 We know this, ladies and gentlemen, 我们都知道女士们先生们for where there is a sign, there is the hand of God. 有预兆的地方就有上帝的手And our community is under his palm now. 而我们的社区此刻就在祂的掌下And now we see why... 现在我们就明白了为什么women like Allison Wells 像艾莉森·威尔斯这种女人Eugene. 尤金What a drag. 真够闷了Ready to go? 准备好走了吗Eugene? 尤金Hey, Joe. 嘿乔- I want you at home today. - Why? -我要你今天待在家里 -为什么With that Wells lady on the loose, 那个威尔斯女士还没抓到it's not safe around these parts. 现在附近不安全We're going with the search party, Ma. 我们是和搜查队一起行动的妈We'll be safe. 很安全的We'll look after each other, all right? 我们会互相照顾的好吗You have my word. 我向你保证Home by dark. 天黑前回来- Yes, ma'am. - And stick together. -是夫人 -不要单独行动Give me that. 给我- Can I come? - No, you cannot. -我能去吗 -不你不行- By dark. - Yeah. -天黑前 -好Can you even imagine having that much money? 你能想像拥有那么大一笔钱吗I sure as hell can. Can't you? 我当然能了你不能吗No, not really. 不想像不来I bet you actually can't neither. 我赌你也想像不来Fighting words, Evans. 你在挑衅埃文斯Hell, you best give me your share so as I don't whup ya. 你最好把你那份也给我不然看我不抽你I will die of laughing before you whip me, boy. 在你抽我之前我早笑死了小子Think we'll find her dead? 你觉得会不会我们找到她时她已经死了I don't know. Probably. 不知道可能吧You okay? 你没事吧- Hey? What's the matter? - Nothing. -怎么了 -没事Come on, tell me. What's up? 好了告诉我出什么事了We're going to California. 我们要去加州了They told us this morning. 他们今早告诉我的Said we are giving up on Texas. 说是我们放弃德州了Shit, man. 干How long you going for? 你要去多久Well, forever. 永远不回来了I mean, when you think about it, why would we come back? 你想想啊我们为什么要回来 Yeah. 是啊Guess you'll have to find someone else to bitch to. 我想你得去找别人发牢骚了Ain't no one I'd rather bitch to than you, Garza. 比起别人我还是更喜欢和你说加扎- Can you handle that? - Let go, you jackass! -这招怎么样 -放开我混蛋No. I gotta get it in before you go. 不趁你没走我得好好整整你Yeah. 好啊Come get me! Come get me! 来抓我啊来抓我I'm gonna miss you, buddy. 我会想你的兄弟Come on! Come on! 来啊来啊Let's go! 快来What you gonna do? 你要干什么I'm faster than you, boy. 我比你快小子I always have been. 我一直比你快You really think we're going to find her in all this? 你真觉得我们这样就能找到她吗 It's worth a try. 值得一试I said "before dark." 我说了"天黑之前"George wants to talk to you. 乔治想跟你谈谈You're in trouble. 你有麻烦了You wanted to see me? 你要见我吗A mother's word... is law. 母亲的话就是铁律When a mother tells a son to do something, he does it. 当一位母亲让她儿子做什么时他要照做Always. 一直都要That's how families work. 这就是家庭Good times and bad. 不管生活是好还是坏We understand each other? 听明白了吗Yeah. Yes, sir. 是是的先生What you got there? 你拿的是什么Nothing. 没什么Do us both a favor. 帮我们俩一个忙Don't act like you think I'm stupid. 别表现得你觉得我很蠢一样What money from what job 你是用干什么工作挣的钱did you pay for that garbage? 买的那本垃圾See, your mother may let you off easy, but I can't. 你妈可能会轻易放过你但我不能 There's no room for boys in this family anymore. 这个家里再没有男孩的位置了Think about that. 你想想吧Wash up. 去洗漱吧Lights out. 熄灯了Don't make a sound. 不要出声Don't! 不要It's yours if you want it. 如果你想要的话它就是你的了What's your name? 你叫什么- I'm Allison. - I know who you are. -我是艾莉森 -我知道你是谁Well, then it's only fair that I know who you are. 那我得知道你是谁才算公平Eugene. 尤金Eugene. 尤金That's a smart name. 名字不错Ain't that you? Huh? 这上面的人是你对吧They said you was a killer. 他们说你是个杀人犯I'm not a killer. 我不是杀人犯Eugene... 尤金I'm gonna be real frank with you. 我坦白跟你说吧I'm trying to maintain composure, 我也想保持镇定but this hole in my leg is hurting like a motherfucker right now.但我腿上的这个洞现在痛得要死So, if you help me, I'll tell you everything. 所以如果你帮我我就告诉你所有的事 Listen to me. Eugene, listen to me. 听我说尤金听我说I'm not a killer. 我不是杀人犯You still wouldn't believe my story. 你不会相信我的故事的Just like one of these books. 就像那些书里的一样Except I'm the man in the hat. 不过我是那个戴着帽子的人Not bad. 不错啊Oh, Jesus. 噢天呐Looks worse than it is. 没有看起来那么糟All right. 好了Got steady hands, kid? 你的手很稳吧小子I think you should see a doctor or something. 我觉得你应该去看医生或者什么的 No, no, no. You're my doctor now, okay? 不不不你现在就是我的医生好吗Dr. Eugene. 尤金医生Okay? 好吗Okay. 好Okay. Clean your hands with that. 好用那个把你的手消一下毒Okay. 好Everything's gonna be fine, all right? 一切都会没事的好吗Okay. 好Get the tweezers. Clean them. 现在拿起镊子清理伤口Okay. 没事的You sure you didn't kill nobody? 你确定你没有杀任何人吗No. 我没有- Okay. - All right. -好吧 -好了Get the, uh... 用那个rinse the alcohol on 用酒冲洗一下right smack on it. Just pour it all on. 直接倒上去吧Holy shit! 靠Holy shit! 靠Okay. 好了Give me the flashlight. 把手电筒给我Okay. 好Can you see the bullet? 你能看见子弹吗Yeah, yeah. I think so. 能我觉得我看到了Okay, take it out. 好把它取出来吧It's okay. 没事的Okay. 好吧Uh, think of something nice. 想些美好的事Okay. Okay. 好了好了Okay. 好了Okay. 好了Okay. Bandage it up. 好了把它包扎起来吧- Okay, I'll hold it on. - Yeah.Hold it. -我来按着吧 -按着它Okay. 好了You okay? 你还好吗Yeah. 嗯It feels good. 感觉不错That was amazing. 你太棒了Uh, you thirsty? 你渴了吗And he's a mind reader too. 而且他还会读心术呢I'll be right back. 我马上回来As fate would have it, 如同命中注定一般Allison had lost her own 艾莉森在一年前失去了她family and farm in Missouri one year previous. 在密苏里州的家和农场Her mother and father had both succumbed to pneumonia. 她的父母都死于肺炎 Now, I have no intention of painting Allison Wells as a liar,我无意将艾莉森·威尔斯描述成个骗子as others have, 像别人口中那样but I will say 但是我得说she understood who her audience was 她很懂怎么见人说人话and told her story accordingly. 见鬼说鬼话How old are you? 你多大了Uh, 25. 二十五岁You got a girlfriend, Mr. 25? 你有女朋友吗二十五岁先生Well... 好了Park yourself. 坐下吧I guess I should explain things. 我想我应该解释一下了I appreciate your caution, kid, but... 我很欣赏你的谨慎但是right now, if you wanted, you could break me in two.现在若你想的话你随时可以把我劈成两半It's true I robbed that bank. 我确实抢了那家银行And it wasn't the first. 而且那不是第一次I never killed anybody. 但我从没杀过任何人Well, if you didn't, then who did? 如果不是你杀的那是谁呢According to the story Allison told Eugene that night, 根据艾莉森那晚对尤金讲的she was the victim of this whole affair. 她是这整件事的受害者After her land was taken 在她的土地被夺走and her family passed, 她的家人也纷纷离世后she became an outlaw. 她成为了法外之徒It was her only way of taking something back. 只有这样做她才能夺回些东西It was her only way of taking something back. 格思里平原银行Which brought her 所以她就to the Guthrie Plains bank robbery. 抢劫了格思里平原银行It had been her fourth robbery that month, 那已是她那个月的第四次抢劫了but it was the first with any loss of life. 但那是第一次有人丧命The fact, she insisted, was solely the police's fault. 她坚持说真相是都是警察们的错 Those cops, they got scared. 那些警察他们胆怯了The second we came out of that bank, they started firing. 我们一从那家银行出来他们就开枪了Didn't matter that there was 他们根本不管still people on the street 街上和人行道上and in the sidewalk. 还有无辜的平民Her claim was a stray bullet from the police 她声称是警察的一颗流弹ended the life of that innocent little girl. 结果了那个无辜小女孩的性命It was straight out of one of Eugene's stories. 这是尤金直接告诉我的故事之一 They are hunting me. 他们在追杀我Her... 她stealing back memory from a world 这段偷回记忆的故事从这个that had taken everything... 夺走了她的一切...and left her with nothing... 什么都没给她留下...and no one. 什么人都没剩给她的世界That's why I need you, 'cause I don't have anyone else. 所以我需要你因为我没有别人能依靠了You can stay here as long as you need a room. 只要你需要你可以一直待在这里 - As long as you want. - Thank you. -你想待多久都可以 -谢谢你I'm sorry. 对不起It's okay. 没事Afraid I'm gonna have to ask you for more than I know is fair.恐怕我要向你提出更不合理的要求了How much would it be worth to you to help me get to Mexico?你觉得帮我去墨西哥对你来说值多少钱Mexico? 墨西哥How does $20,000 sound? 两万美元听起来怎么样That's double your bounty. 那是你的赏金的两倍That's the point. 那就对了You got that much on you? 你有那么多钱吗I don't have a nickel. 我一分钱都没有But I know my way around a bank, even a Mexican one. 但我懂怎么抢银行即使是墨西哥的银行And I can have you that money before you even know I'm gone. 在你知道我离开了之前我就能把钱给你All you need to do is get me a car. 你只用帮我找辆车Well, that ain't an easy thing to get around here. 在这附近那可不是好搞到的东西Especially with an empty wallet. 尤其是我们没有钱Maybe I'm wrong, but you seem like a pretty capable fella. 也许我错了但你看上去是个有办法的人I need a few days to rest up. 我需要几天时间休养一下And if you apply yourself to our problem between now and then,如果你在这期间解决了车的问题well, then, I'd say we're in business, wouldn't you? 那我们的交易就达成了你说呢I've seen your fields, Eugene. 我看到你们家的田地了I know your family's in trouble, same as mine was. 我知道你家有麻烦了就像当初我家一样 I mean, if there's a simpler way to fix things for you, 我是说如果有更简单的办法能帮到你 I don't have the faintest what that would be. 我实在想像不出那是什么I could turn you in. 我可以去告发你Sure. You could. 当然你可以去But, Eugene, and I say this with all seriousness and sincerity. 但是尤金我在很严肃认真的和你说If that's the choice you make, and it is your choice to make, 如果你选择那么做当然这都是你的选择have no illusions of the consequences. 不要对结果抱有幻想I won't be another victim of their lies. 我不会当另一个他们谎言的受害者I'd rather die by my own hand. 我宁愿死在自己的手中Or yours. 或者是你的This is a land of burden, kid. 这是片负担之地小子Right now, you get to pick yours. 现在你能选择你的Makes you one of the lucky ones. 你已经很幸运了- Why are you naked? - Shh! -你为什么光着身子 -嘘Okay, but... what the hell? 好但这是什么鬼Don't worry about it, okay? And don't swear. 不用担心这个好吗还有不要说脏话 I ain't worried. I'm curious. 我不是担心我是好奇Don't be. 不要好奇All right, just go back to sleep. Come on. 好了回去睡觉吧快You're heading into town today. 你今天要去镇里Look for some work. 找点事情做Take your sister with you. 带上你妹一起Yes, sir, okay. 是先生好的And gear up. 还有带好装备They're saying it's a windy one. 他们说今天风沙很大I thought you might want to change. 我想你可能想换件衣服It's perfect. 完美I hope it fits okay. It's my mother's. 我希望你穿起来合身这是我妈的She don't wear it much, so she shouldn't notice it's gone. 她不太穿这件应该注意不到它不见了She'll notice. 她会发现的Maybe she'll come in here looking for it. 也许她会到这来找它What, in here? 什么这里吗No, no. 不会的They ain't got much use for this since the drought started. 在干旱开始后他们就很少用到这里了Okay. 好吧Thank you. 谢谢你Oh, excuse me. 噢对不起What are you looking at? 你在看什么呢Uh, nothing. 没什么You're supposed to take me to town. 你应该带我去镇上的- Yeah, well, I'm busy. - You ain't. -对但是我很忙 -你没有I am. 我有What were you looking at? 你刚刚在看什么呢Nothing. I was just seeing how it looked in there, that's all. 没什么我只是看看里面怎么样而已I ain't dumb. What's in there? 我又不傻那里面有什么Ain't nothing in there. Christ! 里面什么都没有天呐Okay, I'll tell you if you promise me 好吧我可以告诉你但你得答应我 you ain't gonna go in there and look for yourself. 你不会自己进去看I don't want Mama or George going in there 我不想妈妈和乔治进去until I clean it up. 在我打扫干净之前Clean up what? 打扫什么You promise? 你能答应我吗Yeah, tell me. 好告诉我吧Two dead dogs. 两条死狗Lying there with their blood and their guts 躺在那血和内脏all in the dirt. 流得到处都是Flies all around. 苍蝇乱飞Dogs? Whose dogs? 狗吗谁的狗Nobody's. 流浪狗The blue yonder's. 远处来的What killed 'em? 谁杀了它们Coyotes or something. How should I know? 野狼或者什么吧我怎么知道That's sad. 太可悲了That's life. 生活就是如此Wait, where you going now? 等一下你现在要去哪Going to meet Joe Garza. 去见乔·加扎What about? Can I come? 去干什么我能去吗Nothing and no. 不干什么你不能去Hey, Eugene 嘿尤金Why the hell you drag me out here, Evans? 你为什么把我拽到这里来埃文斯I got some private words for you, Garza. 我有些话要单独和你说加扎You know, I thought 你知道么我以为we was gonna look for that woman today. 我们今天是要去找那女人的So I got up butt-crack of dawn. 所以我一大清早就起来了And then you don't even show. 但你根本没有出现Now this. 现在你又给我来这出How long have I known you? 我认识你多久了- Years and years, by my count. - You stand by me. -我数着好多年了 -你一直在我身边 And in those years, I've gone and trusted you. 在这些年里我一直信任着你Okay? And that's why what I'm about to ask 好吗所以我要让你做的事might seem unfair, 可能听上去对你不太公平but it could save both our necks. 但是它或许能拯救我们俩Spit it out. 说吧I need your family's truck... 我要用你家的货车for good. 不还的那种I'll send you the money as soon as I get to Mexico. 等我到了墨西哥我会立即把钱寄给你 You getting stupid on me, Eugene? 你特么在逗我玩吧尤金We are leaving in it next week. 我们下周就要离开了What the hell's going on? 到底发生了什么I can't tell you everything right now, but I've met somebody. 我现在还不能告诉你但我认识了些人And they're gonna pay me 20,000 to get them to Mexico. 若我把他们送到墨西哥他们将给我两万Twenty-thousand! Do you believe it? 两万你能相信吗No, Evans, I don't. 不埃文斯我不能And even if I did, shit, I'd tell you to eat a toad. 就算我信靠我也会让你丫去吃蛤蟆 If you're saying what I think you're saying, 如果我没理解错你说的话的话then me just saying it could wind me dead. 我只那样说就可能会要了我的命No, no, no. No one's gonna wind up dead. 不不不没人会死的They're chasing me out of town enough as it is. 他们现在都已经够排挤我了Imagine. 想像一下A murdering white lady too? 再加上那个白人女杀手Two dead dogs. 两条死狗Dinnertime. 该吃晚饭了What's wrong? 怎么了Any luck with the automobile? 搞到车了么No, not yet. I'm still trying. 还没再给我点时间Are you gonna tell me what's eating you? 你要告诉我什么在困扰你吗I need to get out of here, Eugene! 我得从这里离开尤金Yeah, I know that. 嗯我知道- Did something happen? - No. -发生什么事了吗 -没有Something could. 但可能会发生It's not safe, me being here. 我待在这里一点都不安全It's not safe for anyone. 对所有人而言都不安全Yeah, I know. 是啊我知道Just... 只是I'm going crazy in here. I'm cooped up. 我在这里简直要疯了我像是被关起来了I'm hurt. I'm dirty. 我受了伤身上还脏兮兮的- Yeah. - I'm sorry, I didn't -我知道 -抱歉我不是I didn't mean to yell at you. 我不是故意吼你的Sorry. 对不起I may have just thought of something that will cheer you up.我可能刚想到了可以让你高兴点的事What's that? 什么You can wash here. 你可以在这里洗澡This is a clean swimming lake. 这是一个干净的能游泳的湖Property's abandoned, so, we're safe. 这里是被废弃的所以我们很安全We can clean your leg and then dress it after. 我们可以清洗一下你的腿然后再包扎好 How about that? 你觉得怎么样All right then. 那好吧We're leaving in five minutes. 我们5分钟后出发Hey, that's for later. 别动那是一会儿要吃的I couldn't resist. 我忍不住嘛Sit down. 坐下Where is Eugene? 尤金去哪了I'm missing my blue dress. Have you seen it anywhere? 我找不到我的蓝裙子了你有在哪看到吗Um, no, Mama. 没有妈妈Hello? 有人睬我一下吗Anyone hear me? I said, "Where is the boy"? 有人听到我的话了么我问"男孩人呢" Him and Joe was out looking for work. 他跟乔在外面找活干呢He said you told him to. 他说你让他去的Said he's going to meet us there. 他说一会和我们在那里碰头Where are your shoes? 你鞋呢Do I have to wear them? 我一定要穿鞋吗Yes. Come on. 是啊快穿好Hello. 你好啊Evening. 晚上好What are you staring at? 你在盯着什么呢Oh, nothing. I was, uh... 哦没什么我在I was just thinking about my father. 我只是在想我父亲He took me swimming here once when I was real little. 在我很小的时候他带我来游过一次 I'd forgotten about it until just now. 我一直都忘了直到刚刚才想起He ain't around anymore. 他已经不在我身边了You must miss him pretty bad, huh? 你一定很想念他吧Yeah, I suppose so. 嗯我想应该是吧When I wonder what I miss about him, 但当我问自己到底想他什么时I can't think of nothin'. 我什么也想不出You know, I just can't remember. 你知道么就是记不起来了It's funny. 真是好笑Do you ever get that? 你有过这种感觉么You know what the worst part of dying is, kid? 小子你知道死亡最糟糕的部分是什么吗 I didn't say he was dead. 我没说他死了But... 但when you quit it with all this "kid" crap, 你要是不再称我为小子的话you can tell me. 我倒是可以听听You don't like it when I call you kid? 你不喜欢我叫你小子吗No. 不喜欢I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. 对不起我不是那个意思I didn't mean it like you're a kid. 我不是说你还是个孩子I meant it like... Billy the Kid. 我意思是像比利小子那种You know him? 你知道他吗The outlaw. The myth. 那个法外之徒那个传说Yeah, I know him, but I... 嗯我知道他但我I don't like it either way. 我还是不喜欢你那么叫And why is that? 为什么呢Well, 'cause what's the big hoopla about some dummy因为一个让自己在30岁之前就被杀了的that got himself killed before the age of 30, huh? 笨蛋有什么可大说特说的This ain't about when he died. 重点不在于他是何时死的It's about how long he'll live. 而是在于他的事迹将流传多久You see, the worst part of dying... 死亡最糟糕的部分is being forgotten. 是被人遗忘That's why I like Billy. 这就是为何我喜欢比利'Cause even though he died before 30, 因为即使他在30岁之前就死了every couple of years someone claims to have seen him. 但每过几年就会有人声称看到过他 You know, at the groceries 你知道的啊在杂货店的时候or riding a freight train. 或是搭货车的时候He's like a ghost out of time. 他就好像时间之外的鬼魂一样You see, you can't really die 你看你很难真的死去if people still want you to live. 如果人们还希望你活着Not in any meaningful way, at least. 至少不会真正意义上的死去Hey! You! 喂那边的I thought you said this place was safe. 我记得你说过这个地方是安全的- Damn it! - He was supposed to be off this land by now. -该死 -他现在本该已经离开这里了 This is still my land until the first of next month! 直到下月一号这里仍然是我的地盘Shit. 该死Go, go, go. Go! 快走快走I don't think he saw. We got to 我觉得他应该没看到我们应该Have you seen my brother? 你看到我哥了吗Can I pinch a smoke, please, sir? 我能问你要支烟么先生- You got a light? - Yeah. -你有火吗 -好的Thank you,sir 谢谢你先生I'm telling you, 我给你说they should be sending out 他们应该继续派出search parties still. 搜捕队Damn sure she's still here with a wound like that. 她受了那么重的伤肯定还在这附近I hope so. 希望是吧A little excitement never hurt no one. 让大家兴奋一点伤不到谁的never hurt no one, huh? 伤不到谁吗You seen the evidence, Ernie? 你看过证据吗厄尼Nah, I'm just saying. 没我就是说说嘛Well, I have. 我看过证据All of it. 所有的And let me tell you something. 让我告诉你She don't tend to leave no witnesses. 她一般不会留下任何目击者的活口All kinds of horrors in that evidence locker. 那个证据柜里的东西太可怕了You hear Hartwell talking in there? 你听到刚刚哈特维尔在里面说的话了么He said he saw her just a couple hours ago. 他说他刚在几个小时前看到她Swimming in that lake of his. 在他的湖里游泳。



梦想之地英文作文My dream destination is a place where the sun always shines, the ocean is crystal clear, and the sand is soft and white. I want to feel the warmth of the sun on my skin as I relax on the beach, listening to the sound of the waves crashing against the shore.I dream of exploring vibrant and bustling cities, immersing myself in the culture, and tasting the local cuisine. I want to wander through colorful markets, try street food, and dance to the rhythm of live music. 。

I long to hike through lush rainforests, marvel at breathtaking waterfalls, and spot exotic wildlife in their natural habitats. I want to feel the thrill of adventure as I zip-line through the treetops and explore hidden caves.My dream destination is a place where I can learn about different traditions and customs, meet new people, and make lifelong memories. I want to connect with locals, heartheir stories, and gain a deeper understanding of the world.I yearn to visit historical landmarks, ancient ruins, and architectural wonders. I want to stand in awe of towering monuments, walk through centuries-old buildings, and imagine the lives of those who came before me.In my dream destination, I can bask in the beauty of nature, explore the depths of the ocean, and witness the wonders of the world. I want to be captivated by the sights, sounds, and experiences that only this place can offer.。



我有一个梦的英语诗歌作文In the realm of slumber, where dreams take flight,。

A symphony of images danced in the night.A tapestry of thoughts, both ethereal and profound,。

Unveiling secrets that in the waking world are never found.Amidst the swirling vortex of sleep's embrace,。

A dream emerged, leaving an indelible trace.Like a celestial ballet, it unfolded with grace,。

A narrative that whispered mysteries to its waking face.In the labyrinthine depths of my subconscious mind,。

A forgotten memory flickered like a fading ember, refined.Long-buried emotions surged forth, like waves upon the shore,。

Crashing against the barriers that had held them in store.The scene unfolded before me like a forgotten scroll,。

A forgotten chapter in the chronicle of my soul.A garden bathed in the golden hues of dawn,。

Where vibrant flowers bloomed, their petals unfurled and withdrawn.A gentle breeze whispered secrets among the leaves,。



神奇的梦境之旅英语作文650字英文回答:A Journey to a Phantasmagorical Dreamland.In the ethereal embrace of the night, I embarked on an extraordinary odyssey into the enigmatic realm of dreams. As my eyelids fluttered closed, a kaleidoscope of visions danced before my mind's eye, each more surreal and captivating than the last.The first vignette unfolded in a verdant forest, its towering trees casting ethereal shadows upon a babbling brook. As I wandered through this sylvan paradise, I encountered a talking squirrel perched upon a mossy branch, its beady eyes twinkling with amusement. In its tiny voice, it whispered secrets of the hidden paths that lay ahead.As I continued my meanderings, the forest transformed into an underwater wonderland. Coral reefs of vibrant huesblossomed on the ocean floor, teeming with exotic creatures that darted and shimmered through the crystal-clear waters.A wise old jellyfish, floating effortlessly by, sharedtales of ancient shipwrecks and the mysteries that lurked beneath the waves.My dream then soared to celestial heights, carrying me to a distant planet where towering mountains reached up to the starry sky. The air here was crisp and invigorating, and the landscape was awash in otherworldly colors. As I climbed a spiraling path carved into the mountainside, I met a benevolent alien being, its ethereal form emitting a gentle glow. It spoke to me of the wonders of the universe and the interconnectedness of all things.Finally, my dream culminated in a breathtaking ethereal realm. Clouds of iridescent mist swirled through the air, casting an ethereal glow upon the surroundings. In the midst of this celestial symphony, I encountered a wise and enigmatic mentor, who guided me through the labyrinth of my own mind and revealed the hidden truths within.As the first rays of dawn pierced through the darkness, I awoke with a sense of awe and wonder. The dream had been an extraordinary journey, filled with surreal encountersand profound insights. It had taken me to the depths of my own consciousness and beyond, leaving me forever changed.中文回答:梦境奇遇记。



六年级英语演讲稿我的梦想诗歌2022(精选4篇)六年级英语演讲稿我的梦想诗歌2022 篇1Different people have different dreams. Some people dream of making a lotof money. Some people dream of living a happy life. Some people dream of beingfamous. Some people dream of going abroad, and so on. But my dream is different.Maybe you will get a surprise after you know my dream.I have a wonderful dreamin my heart. Its to speak English very well. Since English is everything for me.English is my best friend. English is my soul. English is my power. WithoutEnglish, Im nothing at all. Nothing. Now, I can think in English, speak inEnglish, and write in English. Some people think Im an Indian. Some peopleregard Im a Pakistan. And some people even consider that Im an Egyptian. But ifI could speak English as good as an American, my future would be brilliant. So Iwork very hard.Dreams are beautiful, they keep us going forward.It is because the dreams of our teachers that we are here today.Everyone can dream:Adults and Kids, males and females, captives and free men.Even the blind can see through dreams. So allow kids like me to dream. Ihave a dream.That one day, people will stop polluting the Earth.That one day, I can become what I want to become.That one day, I can take very good care of my parents.I have a dream that you will have these same dreams, just like I do.A life without dreams is not worth living.So don't be afraid to dream.Let’s dream big….. Thank you.六年级英语演讲稿我的梦想诗歌2I have many dreams.For example, I want to be rich in thefuture. Therefore I can buy all what I want.But my greatest dream is that Iwant to be an football player.And I want to lead the Chinese team won the WorldCup Our country develops fast and our sport make great progress in the lastseveral decades. It has great achievements. All of our country are proud of it.Therefore I want to be one of this amazing area.In order to make my dream cometrue I must study hard now. I hope my dream can come true oneday.Different people have different dreams. Some people dream of making a lotof money. Some people dream of living a happy life. Some people dream of beingfamous. Some people dream of going abroad and so on. I have a dream,too.When Iwas in school my teacher asked me what I want to be in the future I had no ideaat the time because I didn’t think about the question before now I have my dreamI have figured out what I want to be in the future I want to be a teacher. Thisis my future ideal career being a teacher not only fulfills myself I also canimplant my knowledge to my students. When I look at my teachers I adore them somuch they learn so much knowledge they can help us learn better whenever we havequestions they can answer us immediately. I want to be one of them when I growup so I must study hard now.Everyone has a dream.I also have a dream.I want to be a computerprogrammer.Because I like playing computer games,and then I want to make my owngames.Of courseI know it is difficult to be a good computer programmer.SoI haveto learn more the knowledges about the computer.For exampleI'll have somecomputer lessons when I have time.And I will read more computer bookseveryday.What'sI'll join the computer club in high school.In conclusionI willdo some things to improve my computer operation.I am sure my dream will cometrue one day.。



六年级英语演讲稿我的梦想诗歌2022(精选4篇)六班级英语演讲稿我的幻想诗歌2022(精选4篇)六班级英语演讲稿我的幻想诗歌2022 篇1Different people have different dreams. Some people dream of making a lotof money. Some people dream of living a happy life. Some people dream of beingfamous. Some people dream of going abroad, and so on. But my dream is different.Maybe you will get a surprise after you know my dream.I have a wonderful dreamin my heart. Its to speak English very well. Since English is everything for me.English is my best friend. English is my soul. English is my power. WithoutEnglish, Im nothing at all. Nothing. Now, I can think in English, speak inEnglish, and write in English. Some people think Im an Indian. Some peopleregard Im a Pakistan. And some people even consider that Im an Egyptian. But ifI could speak English as good as an American, my future would be brilliant. So Iwork very hard.六班级英语演讲稿我的幻想诗歌2022 篇2Dreams are beautiful, they keep us going forward.It is because the dreams of our teachers that we are here today. Everyone can dream:Adults and Kids, males and females, captives and free men.Even the blind can see through dreams. So allow kids like me to dream. Ihave a dream.That one day, people will stop polluting the Earth.That one day, I can become what I want to become.That one day, I can take very good care of my parents.I have a dream that you will have these same dreams, just like I do.A life without dreams is not worth living.So dont be afraid to dream.Let’s dream big….. Thank you.六班级英语演讲稿我的幻想诗歌2I have many dreams.For example, I want to be rich in thefuture. Therefore I can buy all what I want.But my greatest dream is that Iwant to be an football player.And I want to lead the Chinese team won the WorldCup Our country develops fast and our sport make great progress in the lastseveral decades. It has great achievements. All of our country are proud of it.Therefore I want to be one of this amazing area.In order to make my dream cometrue I must study hard now. I hope my dream can come true oneday.六班级英语演讲稿我的幻想诗歌2022 篇3Different people have different dreams. Some people dream of making a lotof money. Some people dream of living a happy life. Some people dream of beingfamous. Some people dream of going abroad and so on. I have a dream,too.When Iwas in school my teacher asked me what I want to be in the future I had no ideaat the time because I didn’t think about the question before now I have my dreamI have figured out what I want to be in the future I want to be a teacher. Thisis my future ideal career being a teacher not only fulfills myself I also canimplant my knowledge to my students. When I look at my teachers I adore them somuch they learn so much knowledge they can help us learn better whenever we havequestions they can answer us immediately. I want to be one of them when I growup so I must study hard now.六班级英语演讲稿我的幻想诗歌2022 篇4Everyone has a dream.I also have a dream.I want to be a computerprogrammer.Because I like playing computergames,and then I want to make my owngames.Of courseI know it is difficult to be a good computer programmer.SoI haveto learn more the knowledges about the computer.For exampleIll have somecomputer lessons when I have time.And I will read more computer bookseveryday.WhatsIll join the computer club in high school.In conclusionI willdo some things to improve my computer operation.I am sure my dream will cometrue one day.。



In a small town, there is a magical place called the English Dreamland. This enchanting world is filled with colorful books,friendly teachers, and exciting adventures. Every day, children from all over the town come to the English Dreamland to unlock theirforeign language dreams.As the sun rises, the gate to the English Dreamland opens wide,inviting the eager children inside. They step into a world wherewords come alive, where imagination knows no boundaries, and where learning becomes an exciting journey.Inside the Dreamland, the walls are covered with posters of famous English-speaking countries. The air is filled with laughter and the sound of children speaking in English. It feels like a small pieceof England has been magically transported to this little town.In the center of the Dreamland stands a magnificent library. Shelves are stacked high with books of different genres and levels. From picture books to novels, from fairy tales to science fiction, thereis something for everyone. The children eagerly browse through the shelves, looking for their next adventure.The teachers in the Dreamland are like guardian angels, guiding the children through their language journey. They are patient and kind, always ready to lend a helping hand. They organize fun activities to make learning English enjoyable. From role-playing games tostorytelling sessions, the children are fully immersed in the language, gaining confidence with every word spoken.One of the most exciting features of the Dreamland is the language exchange program. Children from different backgrounds and cultures gather here to learn from one another. They share stories, songs,and games from their respective countries, making the learning experience even more enriching. Through these interactions, they not only learn English but also develop a deep appreciation fordifferent cultures.Outside the library, there are various themed classrooms. In the art room, children learn to express themselves through painting and drawing. In the music room, they sing along to popular English songs, tapping their feet to the rhythm. In the science room, they conduct experiments using English as the language of instruction. Thesehands-on activities make learning English not only educational but also fun and engaging.The English Dreamland is not just a place for learning; it is aplace where dreams take flight. Every year, the Dreamland organizesa talent show, where children showcase their English skills through singing, dancing, and acting. The stage becomes a magical platform where their dreams come true. The applause from the audience fills their hearts with joy and boosts their confidence to reach for the stars.As the day draws to a close, the children leave the Dreamland with smiles on their faces and a newfound love for the English languagein their hearts. They know that this magical place has ignited their foreign language dreams and opened doors to endless possibilities. With the English Dreamland as their guide, they are ready to embarkon a lifelong journey of language learning.In this small town, the English Dreamland is more than just a place. It is a symbol of hope, passion, and dreams. It is a testament tothe power of education and the magic of language. With each passingday, the children's English skills improve, their confidence soars, and their dreams become bigger and brighter.So let us all step into this enchanting world, where our foreign language dreams come alive. Let us embrace the power of words and unlock the doors to a world full of opportunities. Together, we can make our dreams come true in the English Dreamland!。

dreamland 诗歌

dreamland 诗歌























Dreams take me to another place and time when my life had reason and rhyme.
I was so happy and in love...
God sent me a gentle “dove”
He loved me so, more than anyone...
I will ever again know.
The talks we had while lying in bed...
he gently caressed my face and head.
I could “feel”the love without
a word being said...
I miss those times, those precious days
but no one can take the memories away
“My Angel ”he will always be...
from now until eternity...






我的乐园是梦的作文400字英文回答:My dreamland is a place filled with endless joy and excitement. It is a vibrant and magical world where all my fantasies come true. In this dreamland, I can fly like a bird, swim like a fish, and run as fast as a cheetah. The possibilities are endless, and the only limit is my imagination.In my dreamland, there are breathtaking landscapes that take my breath away. I can explore lush green forests,climb towering mountains, and dive into crystal-clear lakes. The beauty of nature is magnified, and every moment is a feast for the eyes.Moreover, my dreamland is also a paradise for foodlovers like me. There are countless food stalls and restaurants offering a wide variety of delicious cuisines from all around the world. I can indulge in mouth-wateringpizzas, savory sushi, and delectable desserts. The aroma of freshly cooked food fills the air, making my taste buds dance with delight.In addition to the incredible scenery and mouth-watering food, my dreamland is also a place where I canmeet and interact with fascinating people from different cultures and backgrounds. I can engage in meaningful conversations, learn about their traditions and customs,and forge lifelong friendships. It is a melting pot of diversity and a celebration of the human spirit.中文回答:我的乐园是一个充满无尽快乐和刺激的地方。



Dreamland of English LearningOnce upon a time, in a faraway land, there was a young girl named Alice. Alice had a special gift: she couldtravel to a magical world through the pages of her English books. This magical world was called "Dreamland."One sunny afternoon, Alice opened her English textbook and was immediately transported to Dreamland. She found herself standing in a vast, green field with flowers blooming everywhere. The air smelled sweet, and the sunshine felt warm on her face.As Alice looked around, she noticed that the flowers and trees had English words written on them. She walked up to a tree labeled "hello" and smiled. Suddenly, the tree came to life and spoke to her in a friendly voice, "Welcome to Dreamland, Alice! Here, everything is connected to English."Excited, Alice explored further and came across a stream labeled "river." She followed the stream and soon found a village. The houses were decorated with colorfulEnglish phrases, and the people spoke fluent English with a twinkle in their eyes.Alice decided to join the villagers and learn English with them. She attended classes where she learned new vocabulary, practiced grammar, and even sang English songs. Every day was an adventure in Dreamland, and Alice'sEnglish skills improved rapidly.After some time, Alice realized that she had become fluent in English. She could read books, write stories, and speak confidently with anyone. She was grateful to Dreamland for giving her this opportunity to learn and grow. One day, Alice closed her book and woke up from her dream. She smiled to herself, knowing that although Dreamland was just a dream, the knowledge and confidenceshe gained there would stay with her forever.From then on, Alice became a passionate learner of English. She read books, watched movies, and even traveledto countries where English was spoken to immerse herself in the language. She knew that Dreamland was always there in her heart, guiding her on her journey of English learning.And so, the story of Alice's adventures in Dreamland came to an end, but her journey of English learning continued on. She hoped to inspire other children toexplore the magical world of English and find their own Dreamland.**英语梦境之旅**很久很久以前,在一个遥远的国度,有个名叫爱丽丝的小女孩。



oneofmydream(我的一个梦)第一篇:one of my dream(我的一个梦)One of My DreamYesterday afternoon,I hurt my foot when I played football.But I didn’t care about it.After treating the wound, I went back to the dormitory.At night,I had a dream of a trip.During the trip,I didn’t know why I choose an old parkwith my friends for place.As long as I went into the park,I could feel that a bad omen would happen.Soon we chose a lawn to take our picnic.For a while,I found a toad staying behind me.The toads are one of my most feared animals,I was so fearful that I want to leave there.Strangely, my body didn't move a muscle.I helplessly look at the toad walked over to me, step by step.Suddenly,it jumped to my feet.Oh......what a bad thing it is.All of a sudden,I woke up.It turned out that my injured foot bumped into a wall,a terrible pain stimulated my nerve.Luckily,it is just a dream,I need to cheer up to start a day.第二篇:我有一个梦我有一个梦,一个龙的梦。




小编精心收集了关于梦想的英语小诗歌,供大家欣赏学习!关于梦想的英语小诗歌篇1DreamsHold fast to dreams 紧紧抓住梦想,For if dreams die 梦想若是消亡Life is a broken-winged bird 生命就象鸟儿折了翅膀That can never fly. 再也不能飞翔Hold fast to dreams 紧紧抓住梦想,For when dreams go 梦想若是消丧Life is a barren field 生命就象贫瘠的荒野,Frozen only with snow 雪覆冰封,万物不再生长关于梦想的英语小诗歌篇2ALWAYS HAVE A DREAM永不放弃梦想Forget about the days when it's been cloudy,忘掉你的失意日子,But don't forget your hours in the sun.但不要忘记黄金的时光。

Forget about the times you've been defeated,忘掉你的一次次失败,But don't forget the victories you've won.但不要忘记你夺取的胜利。

Forget about the misfortunes you've encountered,忘掉你遭遇的不幸,But don't forget the times your luck has turned.但不要忘记你的时来运转。

Forget about the days when you've been lonely,忘掉你的孤独日子,But don't forget the friendly smiles you've seen.但不要忘记你得到的友善的微笑。



英语经典美文夜读精选Dreams梦It is said that "a virtuous man seldom dreams". Fortunately, I am but an ordinary man.据说“至人无梦”。


I dream my own dreams, in which I often meet you.我有我的梦中世界,在那里我常常见到你。

Last night I again saw your kindly smiling face.昨夜我又见到你那慈祥的笑颜了。

It was the same old home of ours. You talked to me cordially now in your room, now in my room. You smiled and I also smiled.还是在我们的老家,在你的房间里,在我的房间里,你亲切地对我讲话。


巴金《梦 Dreams》It was the same old streets of Chengdu. I followed you step by step on the smooth flagstones. Looking at you from behind, I inwardly consoled myself with the thought that father was stillhale and hearty. A sensation of blissfulness warmed me up all over.还是成都的那些旧街道,我跟着你一步一步地走过平坦的石板路,我望着你的背影,心里安慰地想:父亲还很康健呢。


I was unaware that I was in a dream. I also forgot the hardships I had gone through during the past 25 years.我那时不会知道我是在梦中,也忘记了二十五年来艰苦的日子。

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Where sunless rivers weep
Their waves into the deep,
She sleeps a charmed sleep:
Awake her not.
Led by a single star,
She came from very far
To seek where shadows are
Her pleasant lot.


She left the rosy morn,
She left the fields of corn,
For twilight cold and lorn
And water springs.
Through sleep, as through a veil, She sees the sky look pale,
And hears the nightingale
That sadly sings.


Rest, rest, a perfect rest
Shed over brow and breast;
Her face is toward the west,
The purple land.
She cannot see the grain
Ripening on hill and plain;
She cannot feel the rain
Upon her hand.


Rest, rest, for evermore
Upon a mossy shore;
Rest, rest at the heart's core Till time shall cease:
Sleep that no pain shall wake; Night that no morn shall break Till joy shall overtake
Her perfect peace.
