
Damon‘s younger brother.He was transformed(转化
) by Katherine Pierce in 1864.He turned his brother into a vampire because he was afraid he would be lonely.He loves Elena very much.He once left Elena because he didn't want to hurt her and her family. It shows that he loves her deeply.
Damon 达蒙
Compared with his brother Stephen , he is evil. He is humorous, charming but he is lonely. Elena changed him into a good man.
• He has a cool look but a kind heart.He loves Elena but he doesn't let her know,because he doesn't want to worry her .He ofen does some crazy things,but he is very care about Stefan and his friends.He always appears when they are in danger.
• stronger and faster than human
• won’t get old
• special skills :read and change

第四季的剧情会围绕变成吸血鬼的Elena展开,她之前被 Damon抹去的记忆都会想起来,Stefan,Damon与Elena之 间的关系又会发生什么意想不到的转变呢,还有附身到 Tyler身上的Klaus,他和Caroline之间到底有怎样的进展, Klaus的肉身真的毁了,我们还能看见真身吗?真正的 Tyler又去哪了呢?Elijah和Ric一定会知道Klaus没死,又会 有怎样的举动,而Jeremy面对变成吸血鬼的姐姐会有什 么反应,Elena自己又如何接受这样的事实呢。第四季的 开始,一切就已经变的不同了,Elena和她的朋友们进入 了最后一段高中生活,毕业后她们将完全走上不同的道 路。而Elena将面对一个更加邪恶的吸血鬼,被迫转换的 她将如何面对?而这个新出现的吸血鬼又将给他们带来 什么样的麻烦?
The Vampire Diaries
2013级化工1班卢棒 学号:20131404068
剧情简介 第一季
17岁的Elena Gilbert和她15岁的弟弟Jeremy至今仍惊魂未定,努力从四个月 前那场夺走了他们双亲的车祸中恢复过来。Elena一直以来都是美丽、受欢迎 的明星学生,和同学以及朋友们处的很融洽,却竭力在世人面前掩饰内心的 悲痛。Elena和Jeremy和照顾他们的阿姨Jenna生活在一起,Jenna努力做一 个好的监护人。Elena从她的家庭社交圈子里成功获得了一些慰藉,她最好的 朋友Bonnie,朋友兼对手Caroline,还有前男友Matt,然而Jeremy的道路要 凶险的多,他和吸毒的人在一起,并用毒品来麻痹内心的伤痛。Jeremy还试 着弄明白为什么Matt 的妹妹Vicki突然与他分手,然后和他的情敌Tyler走到了 一起。 Mystic Falls高中的新学期开始了,平静的小镇里的普通高中,新来了一个英 俊神秘的新学生Stefan,Stefan和Elena彼此一见倾心,尽管Elena对Stefan 愈发怪异的举动感到很迷惑,因为他突然出现在了 Elena父母的公墓,有时 眼睛也变成血红色的。Elena不知道Stefan埋藏着一个黑暗的惊天秘密,他其 实是个吸血鬼。Stefan前脚刚来,怀揣着不知道什么邪恶目的的哥哥Damon 也如鬼如魅般卷入了平静的小镇生活。Damon同样是吸血鬼,并且兄弟俩有 一段漫长的辛酸史。Damon嘲笑Stefan放弃了他们暴力和凶残的传统,但他 理解弟弟对Elena的痴情,因为Elena和一个半世纪前让他们兄弟俩终身难忘 的一个女子长得几乎一模一样(Katherine),这对一正一邪的兄弟,为了 Elena和她的朋友,家人和小镇上所有人的生命而爆发了战斗。

第一季第二集Previously on The Vampire Diaries一个多世纪以来For over a century我都秘密地活着直到此刻 I have lived in secret until now.我明白这很冒险但我别无选择I know the risk but I had no choice.我必需要熟悉她I have to know her.我叫埃琳娜I'm Elena.我叫斯特凡I'm Stefan.我明白咱们一路上历史课的I know. We have history together.去年春天我父母的车Last spring my parents'car从桥上坠下掉到湖里Drove off of a bridge into the lake.悲伤可不能永久伴随你的埃琳娜You won't be sad forever Elena.我和我叔叔住在一路I live with my uncle.有兄弟姐妹吗Any siblings?都好久不联系了None that I talk to.-你好弟弟 -达蒙- Hello brother. - Damon.埃琳娜和凯瑟琳长得一模一样Elena. She's a dead ringer for Katherine.你所到的地方就有人丧生Wherever you go people die.天呐是薇姬My god. It's Vicki!什么东西咬了她她正大量失血Something bit her. She's losing a lot of blood.谁来帮帮忙Somebody help!吸血鬼Vampire.-你一点也不期望吗 -够了- Don't you crave a little? - Stop.咱们一路吸血吧直接去吸干埃琳娜Let's do it. Let's just go straight for Elena.想象一下她的血尝起来什么味道Imagine what her blood tastes like!够了Stop!离埃琳娜远一点Stay away from Elena.我就当你这是在邀请咯I'll take that as an invitation.-你听见了吗 -听见什么- Hey. Did you hear that? - Hear what?打雷声I heard thunder.没有打雷声There's no thunder.你确信吗Are you sure?若是下雨了Because if it rains咱们就看不成彗星了Then we won't be able to see the comet.可不能下雨的It's not gonna rain.听着我Listen. I...要送你个小礼物Got you a little something.我放在车里了It's back in the car.躺着别动哦Don't you move.别淋湿了Stay dry.可不能下雨的It's not gonna rain.我就明白I knew it!我和你说了要下雨吧I told you it was gonna rain!快开啊Open!不No!求你了Please!亲爱的日记本Dear diary今天早上不同寻常This morning is...different.有些改变我能发觉到There is change. I can sense it感觉到Feel it.我醒了I'm awake.长时刻以来我第一次For the first time in a long time感觉到完全的清醒I feel completely and undeniably wide awake.我第一次没有在一天开始前就失望For once I don't regret the day before it begins.我迎接这新的一天I welcome the day...因为我明白Because I know...我会和她再次相见I will see her again.我会和他再次相见I will see him again.长时刻以来我第一次For the first time in a long time感觉不错I feel good.我看起来够成熟吗Do I look adult?像个为人父母的样子吗As in respectfully parental?这要看你去哪里了Depends where you're going.去见杰里米的教师Jeremy's parent-teacher conference.头发盘起来仍是放下来好呢Hair up or down?性感空姐Sexy stewardess.嗜酒主妇Boozy housewife.那就盘起来好Up it is.你今天很活跃啊You're feisty today.我感觉很不错少见哦I feel good which is rare.因此我想维持这感觉So I've decided to go with it.随意逛逛在阳光下走走诸如此类的Fly free walk on sunshine and all that stuff.杰里米在哪里Where is Jeremy?他很早就走了He left early.他说他要早点去木工工厂Something about getting to wood shop early去完成个鸟笼To finish a birdhouse.没有什么木工工厂是吧There is no wood shop is there?-没有 -是啊- No. - Yeah.你不能在那个地址亲爱的九点以后才能够探视You can't be in here. Hon. Visiting hours don't start till :.我只是I just...她怎么样了How is she?她失血过量She's lost a lot of blood.对啊可是她专门快就会好是不是Yeah. But she's gonna be ok right?她需要休息She needs her rest.因此你一会儿再来吧So you come back later.走吧Come on.人们最初发觉它是在五个世纪前Originally discovered nearly centuries ago已有年未光临神秘瀑布镇的上空了It hasn't been over mystic falls in over years.黄昏后将是此彗星最闪亮的时期Now the comet will be its brightest right after dusk正好是在明晚的庆典时刻During tomorrow's celebration.咱们打搅到你们了吗塞尔瓦托先生Are we bothering you Mr. Salvatore?吉尔伯特小姐Ms. Gilbert?我把书带来了I brought it.就说我有的吧Told you.艾力斯·贝尔著的《咆哮山庄》Wuthering Heights by Ellis Bell.我简直不敢相信她没有效真名You know I can't believe she didn't use her real name.勃朗特姐妹都利用笔名All the Bronte sisters used pseudonyms.那个年代确实是如此It was the time.公众不认可女作家Female writers weren't very accepted then.你从哪里找到的Where did you get it?是家里长辈传下来的Uh... It was passed down through the family.我有很多书这本送你拿着吧I have lots of books. Go ahead. Keep it.不行我Oh no. I...可是我很想再读一遍But I would like to read it again.我保证必然会还给你的I promise I'll give it back.好吧Ok.我糊涂了I'm confused.你是巫师仍是灵媒Are you psychic or clairvoyant?我外婆说我是个女巫Technically gran says I'm a witch.我的先人昔时都是My ancestors were these really cool很厉害的塞勒姆女巫什么的Salem witch chicks or something.外婆想要给我说明清楚Gran tried to explain it all可是她醉得太厉害了But she was looped on the liquor因此我也没当回事 So I kinda tuned out.荒唐的家族没错但女巫我不相信Crazy family? Yes. Witches? I don't think so.是啊若是能用魔力算出Yeah. Well. Feel free to conjure up the name and number 昨天那家伙的名字和号码该多好Of that guy from last night.我没看见他是你看见他的I didn't see him. You did.什么缘故你不和他聊聊Why didn't you just talk to him?我不明白我喝醉了I don't know. I was drunk.泰勒抱歉打断你们Hey Tyler. Hey I'm sorry to interrupt.我想问问薇姬怎么样了I was just wondering how Vickie's doing既然你们那么亲热那你必然明白Since you guys are so close.她还好吗Is she ok?她专门好你能够走了She's fine. Now get out of here.她伤得厉害吗How bad is she?明白是谁攻击她了吗Do they know what attacked her?她会痊愈吗Is she going to make a full recovery?她见到你快乐吗Was she happy to see you?她住哪间病房What room number was she in?我此刻很想揍你一顿I'm going to kick your ass.你一直就口头说说Yeah you keep saying that到底何时才真动手呢But when are you actually going to do it?此刻就来干一架吧'Cause I vote for right here and right now.滚蛋吉尔伯特Walk away Gilbert.这是对你的最后警告It's your final warning.不是对你的最后警告混蛋No this is your final warning dick.我受够你一直耍薇姬了I'm sick of watching you play Vickie.你若是敢再损害她You hurt her one more time.我立誓我会杀了你I swear to god. I will kill you.妈的真像是死亡要挟Damn that was like a death threat.你听到了吗Did you hear that?医生们让她留院观看一晚They're keeping her overnight to make sure确保她不受感染There's no infection明天应该就能够出院回家了But she should be able to come home tomorrow.真是太好了That's good news.跟你妈妈联系了吗Did you get in touch with your mom?给她打留言了Called and left a message.她跟男友在弗吉尼亚海滩She's in Virginia Beach with her boyfriend因此咱们能够看看她多久以后才赶回家So...we'll see how long it takes her to come rushing home.薇姬没事真是太幸运了Vickie's lucky that she's ok.是啊此刻还传言有野营者失踪I know and now there's talk of some missing campers.她有说是遭什么动物攻击吗Did she say what kind of animal it was that attacked her?她说是吸血鬼She said it was a vampire.什么What?昨晚她醒来后就不断地咕哝着吸血鬼Yeah she wakes up last night and mutters "vampire"然后又昏过去了And then passes out.真是奇怪了Ok that is weird.我想她确信喝醉了I think she was drunk.你跟那个新来的是怎么一回事So what's up with you and the new guy?马特我最不想做的确实是损害你Matt the last thing that I want to do is hurt you.我此刻要回医院去了You know I'm actually gonna go back to the hospital.我希望薇姬醒来能看到我在身旁I want to be there when Vickie wakes up弄清楚昨晚到底发生了什么Get the real story about last night.好吧OK.作为杰里米的教师我很担忧他As Jeremy's teacher I'm concerned.开学才三天It's the third day of school他就翘了六节课And he's skipped of his classes.泰纳教师Mr. Tanner你明白杰里米和埃琳娜的父母过世了吗Are you aware that Jeremy and Elena's parents died?四个月前的一次悲剧 months ago a great loss.车祸Car accident.若是我没记错的话是在维克利大桥Wickery Bridge if I remember correctly.你跟他们家什么关系And you're related to the family how?你是他们妈妈的小妹妹吗The uh mother's kid sister?妹妹没错Younger sister.Yes.翘了六节课你确信吗 classes? Are you sure?我的意思是有点不太可能I mean that's kind of hard to do.若是嗑药的话就有可能Not when you're on drugs.他以此来逃避现实萨默斯女士It's his attempt at coping. Ms. Summers.各类迹象都能够证明And the signs are there.他喜怒无常孤僻常与他人起冲突宿醉He's moody withdrawn argumentative hungover.还有其他关系紧密的亲人吗Are there any other relatives in the picture?我是他们的唯一监护人I'm their sole guardian.还有其他亲人吗Could there be?你到底想说什么What are you suggesting exactly?简直是不可能完成的事吧It's an impossible job isn't it?抚育两个正处青春期的小孩Raising two teens?是很难It's been tough但并非不可能But no it's not.你在敷衍Wrong answer.做监护人是极度困难的事It is an extremely impossible job若是你感觉不是那确实是你没尽到责任And anything less and you're not doing it properly.薇Vick.薇姬Vickie薇我是马特你怎么了Vick it's Matt. What's wrong?不要不要No! no!放开我Get off!不要No!不要No!不要No!护士Nurse:..攻击你的是野兽It was an animal that attacked you..:.它从暗处跳出来扑到你身上It came out of the night and jumped you.你被吓晕了You blacked out.-你就记得这些 -我就记得这些- It's all you remember. - It's all I remember.野兽攻击了你你吓晕了An animal attacked you. You blacked out.-你就记得这些 -我就记得这些- It's all you remember. - It's all I remember.护士快来帮忙Nurse! I need help!我妹妹出事了It's my sister.她专门好啊She seems fine.我之前和外婆谈天的时候Well I was talking to Grams她说彗星是恶运的征兆And she said the comet is a sign of impending doom.上次彗星通过神秘瀑布的时候The last time it passed over Mystic Falls死了许多人血流成河尸横遍野There was lots of death. So much blood and carnage 因此造成了很多超自然现象It created a bed of paranormal activity.是啊然后你给她倒了杯酒Yeah and then you poured Grams another shot她就跟你说了外星人的事And she told you about the aliens.然后怎么了So then what?什么事都没有So then nothing.你跟斯特凡谈了一整晚You and Stefan talked all night?竟然没有激情的初吻There was no sloppy first kiss或其他亲热接触吗Or touchy feely of any kind?没有Nope.没到那个时期We didn't go there.连握手都没有吗Not even a handshake?得了埃琳娜咱们是你的朋友I mean Elena we are your friends.把你的艳遇说给咱们听听Ok? You are supposed to share the smut.咱们只是聊了好久We just talked for hours.还有什么好遮遮掩掩的Ok what is with the blockage?直接开 "干" 就这么简单Just jump his bones already! Ok it's easy.郎情妾意干柴烈火Boy likes girl girl likes boy上床Sex.真深奥啊Profound.你要去哪儿Where are you going?卡罗琳说得对是很简单Caroline's right. It is easy.若是再坐一会If I sit here long enough我就会打消那个念头I'll end up talking myself out of it此刻我就去做自己一直想要做的事Instead of doing what I started the day saying I was going to do.我买了晚餐墨西哥薄脆饼I picked up dinner. Tacos.我特想蘸鳄梨色拉酱I had an urge for guacamole.不吃了谢谢No I'm good thanks.随你吃不吃终归只是是幌子Eat anyway. It's a ruse.我想跟你谈谈I want to talk.你过来Hey you! Come.坐这儿Sit.我上学那会高一的时候Back in school freshman year能吃下跟我一样重的墨西哥玉米片I could eat my weight in nachos配奶酪With extra cheese.我磕完药饿了的时候就吃那个It was my munchie food whenever I got stoned.你嗑药You get high?以前Did.过去的事了Past tense.是啊沉迷过嗑药But yeah. Loved it.借此逃避生活逃避现实Anything to get a little distraction from life... reality.也确实能And it worked.管一阵子For a while.只是都持续不了Never lasts though.我不是不肯意回到过去从头振作Hey I'm not saying I wouldn't love to rail back and kick it但随着论文截稿日的逼近But with a thesis looming加上腰身慢慢膨胀...And a waistline expanding...什么...What the...你终于醒了Finally you're awake.你感觉如何Hey. How are you feeling?你看上去好点了You look better.我之前好担忧I was worried before.你之前那个惨叫把我吓坏了You really had me freaked out with all that screaming.等等你说什么呢Wait what are you talking about?你不记得了吗You don't remember?我没事啊I feel fine.好好Good good.医生说你明天能出院了Doctor said you could come home tomorrow.薇在丛林里是什么攻击的你Vick what attacked you in the woods?一种动物An animal.不然还能是什么What else could it have been?感觉好点了吗Hey. How do you feel?我挺好的I'm ok.我...我去...I...I'm gonna...我去拿杯咖啡I'm gonna go grab a coffee.好哦杰里Hey Jer.你来这儿干什么Why are you here?我只是想来看看你怎么样了I just wanted to see how you were doing.你方才看见马特的表情了吗Did you see that look on Matt's face?他在疑心什么 That was suspicion.我不想他人发觉咱们俩的事杰里米I don't want people to find out about us Jeremy.你别那么在意Well you gotta get over that.泰勒终于开始对我有点爱好Tyler is finally showing some interest.你得把那个也忘掉You have to get over that too."体贴" 先生来看你了吗Do you see Mr. Concerned?泰勒你在下面吗Tyler? Are you under there?没有No.被人明白咱们的事不行It's not cool for people to know.明白吗我比你大Ok? I'm older than you而且马特和埃琳娜会抓狂的And Matt and Elena would freak.没人会疑心什么No one's going to suspect anything.我怎么不能来看看你Why wouldn't I check on you?是我先发觉你出事的I mean I'm the one who found you.是你吗You are?是啊我把你从林子里背出来的Yeah I carried you out of the woods.谢谢你Thank you.不客气Yeah you're welcome.斯特凡Stefan?斯特凡Stefan?很抱歉擅自闯入我看门是...I..I'm sorry for barging in. The door was...开着的Open.你必然是埃琳娜You must be Elena.我是达蒙斯特凡的哥哥I'm Damon Stefan's brother.他没跟我提过他有个哥哥He didn't tell me he had a brother.斯特凡向来就不爱多话Well Stefan's not one to brag.这边请Please come.我想斯特凡随时都可能回来I'm sure Stefan will be along any second.这是你们的客厅吗This is your living room?客厅会客室苏富比拍卖行拍的物品Living room parlor sotheby's auction.对我来讲这屋子有点没品位It's a little kitschy for my taste.我明白我弟弟为何如此着迷了I see why my brother's so smitten.也该向前看了 It's about time.曾经我一度以为他永久也忘不了前女友For a while there I never thought he'd get over the last one.差点毁了他Nearly destroyed him.前女友The last one?对啊Yeah.凯瑟琳他的女友Katherine his girlfriend?你们俩还没谈到Oh you two haven't had为难的"前任话题"上the awkward exes conversation yet.没有Nope.我确信这下你们会谈了Oops. Well I'm sure it'll come up now.或可能他不想告知你这事Or maybe he didn't want to tell you因为他不想让你感觉Because he didn't want you他还在为前段情感悲伤to think he was on the rebound.咱们都明白此类情感的结局We all know how those relationships end.你说得仿佛You say it like每段情感都注定会完蛋Every relationship is doomed to end.我是个宿命论者I'm a fatalist.好啊斯特凡Hello Stefan.埃琳娜Elena.我不明白你要来I didn't know you were coming over.我明白我本该打个的我...I know. I should have called I just...别傻了咱们家随时欢迎你Oh don't be silly. You're welcome any time.对吧斯特凡Isn't she Stefan?我该把家庭相册拿出来You know I should break out the family photo albums 或一些家庭录像Or some home movies.可是...我得提示你But...I have to warn you.他可不是一直都这么帅气He wasn't always such a looker.谢谢你来访埃琳娜Thank you for stopping by Elena.很快乐见到你Nice to see you.我想我该走了Yeah I should probably go.很快乐熟悉你达蒙It was nice to meet you Damon.也超级快乐见到你埃琳娜Great meeting you too Elena.斯特凡Stefan?斯特凡Stefan?正点Great gal.她真是青春洋溢啊She's got spunk.相反你却是显得萎靡不振了You on the other hand look pooped.你今天过度消耗能力了吗Did you over-exert yourself today?我猜猜...医院Let me guess... hospital.总得有人整理你的烂摊子Someone had to clean up your mess.那你成功了吗Well were you successful?操纵住那女孩了吗Did the powers of persuasion work?记住若是你不吸人血的话Remember if you don't feed properly那些小把戏可不能有效的None of those little tricks work right.埃琳娜来了多久How long was Elena here?你担忧了吗斯特凡Were you worried Stefan?可怕咱们之间又历史重演吗Scared we may be doomed to repeat the past?这确实是你为何玩Isn't that why you play"我是个高中生" 的游戏吗Your little game "I'm a high school human"?-我没有玩游戏 -你确实是- I'm not playing any game. - Of course you are.咱们都很清楚We both know你和人类距离最近的时候The closest you'll ever get to humanity确实是撕裂他们吸干他们血的时候Is when you rip it open and feed on it.你到底在玩什么游戏What kind of game are you playing...达蒙Damien?你只能拭目以待不是吗Guess you'll just have to wait and see won't you?他尚在恢复情伤且有严峻的家庭问题He's on the rebound and has raging family issues.至少只是前女友Well at least it's an ex-girlfriend.跟那些"恋母情结男"相较全然算不了什么Wait till you date a guy with mommy issues 或"偷腥男"or cheating issues.或"嗑药男"Or amphetamine issues.杰里米Jeremy.杰里米你到哪去了Jeremy where were you?又要给我讲嗑药的故事吗More stoner stories?珍娜我明白你以前很酷Look Jenna I get it you were cool.那很酷And so that's... that's cool.喂你等会Oh no no no!到底怎么了啊Ow! why?-为何你要那样做 -你听着- Why...why did you do that? - Listen up!不要再逃课了要不然就禁足Quit ditching class or you're grounded.:..没得商量No discussion.玩家长的威信吗我喜爱Parental authority I like it.好好睡吧Sleep tight.马特Matt.马特Mattie?今夜彗星之夜Tonight night of the comet.过来一路看吧Would you like a program?他没有打吗He didn't call huh?也没发短信Or text.我发觉咱们从没发太短信But I realized we never even exchanged that stuff.咱们还没到发短信那步We've never gotten to the texting part.短信交流在恋爱中相当重要啊That's an important milestone in any relationship.是吗终归机会不到Isn't it? the timing is wrong anyway.那何时是正确的机会When is it ever right?我还没预备好邦妮I'm not ready Bonnie.谁又预备好了呢Who is?至少我尽力争取了啊At least I put myself out there.你以为是如此吗Is that what you're calling it?什么意思What do you mean?我听到的都是你不能谈恋爱的缘故All I'm hearing is reasons why you can't.达蒙回来做什么他什么缘故回来What is Damon doing here? Why did he come home?因为我回来了Cause I came home.他想让我的生活变得凄惨非常He wants to make my life miserable.然后他才能过得高兴That's how he enjoys his.他使咱们都处于险境Well he's putting us all at risk.那个在医院的女孩会说出去的This girl in the hospital could talk.她可不能She won't.我把她经历删除I took care of her.你确信You're sure?不确信扎克I'm not sure Zach.我不明白做的怎么样I don't know how well it worked.毕竟我不如达蒙壮大I'm not as strong as Damon.若是你没能删掉经历会如何So what happens if it doesn't work?不明白I don't know.我会处置好的I'll deal with it.为她值得吗Is she worth it?斯特凡叔叔为了那个女孩值吗Uncle Stefan this girl you came back for.薇姬你怎么来了Vickie what are you doing here?找罗伯特请假Fighting with Robert about my schedule.你感觉以被猛兽攻击的理由You'd think getting ripped up by a rabid animal 能够再请一天病假吗Would merit an extra sick day.你感觉好吗Are you feeling ok?痛啊I hurt.医生给你开了些药对吧Well the doctor gave you something right?小儿科的东西The kid stuff.无法让人飘飘然的药Nothing with an "o" in it.我感觉我是离不开那玩意儿了I think they were onto me.给好好享受去吧Here. Knock yourself out literally.谢谢杰里Thanks Jer.你晚上来看慧星吗So you gonna uh watch the comet later?我还没想这事I hadn't really thought about it.只是若是你邀请我会去的But I could be talked into it.咱们一会儿在那见面I'll meet you out there in a few.薇感觉好点了吗Hey Vick. How you feeling?别假惺惺了Like you care.你看什么看吉尔伯特What are you looking at Gilbert?我拿了一些蜡烛Hey I got some candles.谢谢Thank you.不用谢You're welcome.谢谢Thank you.你明白吗那颗彗星You know that comet...在太空中旅行了数千年了It's been traveling across space for thousands of years.孤单单的All alone.邦妮说那是灾难的预兆Yeah Bonnie says it's a harbinger of evil.我感觉它只是一个球I think it's just a ball of...冰雪球Snow and ice困在轨道里出不来了Trapped on a path that it can't escape.每一年一次And once every years得以回家It gets to come home.昨天的事对不起了I'm sorry about yesterday.那时我状态不对I wasn't myself.你仿佛总在道歉You seem to spend a lot of time apologizing.我有很多事都要道歉Well I have a lot to apologize for.昨天的事和你无关Yesterday that wasn't about you ok?你没告知我你有个哥哥You didn't tell me that you had a brother.咱们并非亲热We're not close.有些...It's...复杂It's complicated.向来如此Always.他跟我说了你的前女友凯瑟琳He told me about your ex Katherine?他怎么说的What did he say?她伤了你的心That she broke your heart.那是好久以前的事了That was a long time ago.当你失去了某个人那种感觉如影随形When you lose someone it stays with you总在提示你自己是何等容易受伤Always reminding you of how easy it is to get hurt.埃琳娜Elena...没事斯特凡It's ok Stefan.我了解I get it.你不明白我有多了解这种感觉You have no idea how much I get it.关系复杂的兄弟我也是Complicated brother? Check.关系复杂的前任我也是Complicated ex? Check.太复杂以致不敢考虑再谈恋爱完全感同身受Too complicated to even contemplate dating double check.没关系的It's ok.咱们相识相知We met and we talked像诗一样浪漫And it was epic but...但太阳出来真实的生活又开始了Then the sun came up and reality set in因此So...我认得你I know you.那太不幸了Well that's unfortunate.说不出什么缘故I don't...I don't know how可是But...你的脸Your face.抱歉失陪了Excuse me. Sorry.有人看见薇姬了吗Hey has anyone seen Vickie?你不是一直随着她的吗你不明白吗You're her stalker. You tell us.我找不到她I can't find her.或许她和其他人玩去了She probably found somebody else to party with.看来有人代替药贩子的位置了Sorry pill pusher I guess you've been replaced."药贩子"是什么意思What's with the pill pusher?-问他 -此刻能不说那个吗- Ask him. - Will you do this right now?你在贩毒吗Are you dealing?她永久可不能喜爱你的She's never gonna go for you.咱们已经做过了She already did.很多很多很多次Over and over and over again.嗯对Yeah right.你睡了薇姬·多诺万You slept with Vickie Donovan?噢不是薇姬·多诺万睡了你I mean Vickie Donovan slept with you?不可能There's no way.而且都是她志愿的And I didn't even have to force her into it.他在乱说些什么呢泰What the hell is he talking about Ty?没什么别理那个废物Nothing man just ignore him he's a punk.你们都闭嘴You know what how about all of you shut up-去帮我找我的妹妹 -咱们去后面看看- And help me find my sister? - We'll check the back.-我去广场 -我和你一路- I'll check the square. - I'll come with you.噢不不Oh no no no.你跟我来You are coming with me.你此刻在贩毒吗So that's your game now dealing?我没贩毒 I'm not dealing.听着我不想再苦口婆心地说教了杰里Look I'm sick of the tough love speech Jer.明显对你没有成效It's really having no impact.你和珍娜阿姨...You and Jenna between the two of you...你不肯意听咱们能够不说We can stop if you want.能够送你去医治师那里强行医治Send you to a therapist where you'll be forced to deal with it.或围坐在戒毒所里Or to rehab where you'll sit in group和生疏人一路互诉自己慢慢四分五裂的人一辈子And tell some stranger how you let your life fall apart.或你也能够跟我谈谈Or you could talk to me.我一个都不选I vote for none of the above.你看到我妹妹了吗Have you seen my sister?-没有 -我找不到她- No sorry. - I can't find her.她失踪了She's missing.我会帮你留意她的I'll keep an eye out for her.昨天我在医院看到你了Hey I saw you at the hospital yesterday.是吗Did you?你在那里做什么What were you doing there?看望病人Visiting.看望Visiting?我和埃琳娜已经熟悉很长时刻了Elena and I we've known each other for a long time.咱们此刻是不在一路We might not be together right now但我仍会护着她But I look out for her.而且我永久都会爱惜着她And I'll always look out for her.不准再叫了You really have to stop screaming.求你了不要如此...No please stop don't...抓到你了Shh. I got you.失陪Excuse me.不不要No! No!我要放手了哦我不放了I gotta do it. I'm not gonna drop you.不错哦Not bad.最近你都吃兔子吗Have you been eating bunnies?放开她Let her go.真的吗Shh. Really?好吧Ok.不不要No! No no no!放松点Relax.到底怎么回事What's happening?我不需要她死可是...I don't need her to be dead but...你可能会需要You might.那天晚上是什么攻击的你What attacked you the other night?我不明白一只动物I don't know. An animal.你确信Are you sure about that?再想一想Think.再认真使劲想Think about it think really hard.什么攻击你的What attacked you?吸血鬼A vampire.-是谁做的 -是你- Who did this to you? - You did!-错 -不要- Wrong! - Don't.-是斯特凡 -不要- It was Stefan. - Don't.过来Come here.是斯特凡·塞尔瓦托做的Stefan Salvatore did this to you.是斯特凡·塞尔瓦托做的Stefan salvatore did this to me.他是吸血鬼He's a vampire.恐怖的杀人恶魔A vicious murderous monster.求你达蒙别如此Please Damon. Please don't do this.你之前弄不定If you couldn't fix it before我看你此刻如何办I don't know what you can do now.你自己选的生活方式Your choice of lifestyle让你十分虚弱Has made you weak.你耍的那些魅惑小把戏A couple of vampire parlor tricks全然无法和你本来能够拥有的力量相较Is nothing compared to the power that you could have你此刻就需要力量That you now need.可是你能够改变这一切But you can change that.人类的血液给予你改变的机遇Human blood gives you that.不要No!你有两个选择You have two choices.吸她的血然后让她什么都不记得You can feed and make her forget.或让她大叫着"吸血鬼"Or you can let her run screaming "vampire"在镇子的广场上疯跑Through the town square.你的目的确实是那个吗That's what this is about?你想暴露我的身份You want to expose me?错我要你记起真实的自己No! I want you to remember who you are!什么缘故为了让我吸血吗Why? So what so I'll feed?杀人吗So I'll kill?记得咱们曾经是好兄弟的时候吗So I'll remember what it's like to be brothers again?放她走You know what let her go.让她告知每一个人吸血鬼又重返瀑布镇了Let her tell everyone that vampires have returned to mystic falls.让他们把我锁起来Let them chain me up让他们把木头插进我的心脏And let them drive a stake through my heart那样至少我就能够够摆脱你了Because at least I'll be free of you.过来亲爱的Come here sweetheart.-不 -没事的- No! - It's OK.发生什么事了What happened?我在哪里Where am I?我伤口开线了I ripped my stitches open.你还好吗You ok?我吃了些药罢了老兄I took some pills man.我专门好I'm good.回家真好It's good to be home.我想我要待一段时刻了Think I might stay a while.瀑布镇需要被唤醒This town could use a bit of a wake-up call.你不感觉吗Don't you think?你到底想干什么达蒙What are you up to Damon?我也正在想呢而你就要...That's for me to know and for you to...dot dot dot.替我向埃琳娜问好Give Elena my best.她说你发觉她处处乱逛She said you found her wandering around.是的Yeah.那么So谢谢Thanks.太戏剧性了It's just so much drama.注意到瘾君子Ever notice how the druggies才是最能吸引注意力的婊子吗Are the biggest attention whores?你们好打搅一下Excuse me. Hi.。

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You need more blood.咬我的手腕你需要血I have this hunger inside of me that I've never...那种发自深处的饥饿感我从没I've never felt before in my entire life,我以前从未有过那样的感受I don't want you to see me like this.我不希望你看到这样的我I don't want you to know that this side of me exists.我不想让你知道阴暗面的我Nice car.好车啊I thought it was a waste to leave it sitting in the garage.我想来想去还是觉得停在车库太浪费I didn't know you were coming back today.没听说你今天回来上学啊You know, I woke up this morning话说我今早一醒and I was feeling great,感觉棒极了and I figured it was time for me to get back into things.觉得是时候恢复正常了Does that mean you're ok now?那你没事了对吧With all the cravings?欲望都克制住啦Yeah. I mean, the worst part is over.嗯我是说最糟的阶段过去了So...now all I want to do所以我现在的首要任务是is just spend as much time with you as possible.尽量多跟你待在一起I'm ok with that.我同意啦Hey, thank you.谢谢你for helping me get through the ...帮我度过the rough patch.难关You're welcome.别客气We're going to be late.咱们快迟到了Ok, um, you know what,好吧那I'll catch up with you. I'm gonna grab my stuff.我先拿点东西过会儿赶上你I'll be right behind you.我很快就来神秘瀑布镇创立者会堂There was a disturbance at the hospital blood bank last night.医院血库昨晚发生事故Some of the supply was compromised.部分库存血液受到影响Compromised? You mean stolen.受到影响的意思是被偷了We almost missed it.我们差点就没发现The inventory records were altered,存货记录被改动过But when the night manager was questioned,但质问值班经理时he had no recollection of changing them.他表示没有改记录的印象Meaning the vampire who stole the blood那说明吸血鬼盗血时used mind control to hide the theft.利用意念控制掩盖了盗窃痕迹I know what she meant.我明白不用你提醒We wouldn't have noticed if John not alerted us多亏约翰通知我们to recent discrepancies at other hospital blood banks in the county.附近医院血库近期都出了问题我们才发现的情况How lucky for us, we have John.能有约翰相助我们真够幸运啊We're stepping up security at the hospital,我们在医院加强了警戒giving the guards vervain给保安分发马鞭草to prevent this from happening again.来防止此类事件再次发生Sheriff, might I offer a suggestion?介意我提些建议吗警长Why don't Damon and I put our heads together?我和达蒙联手处理这事怎么样We can track down whoever's doing this.我们来追查到底是谁干的Truthfully, I could use the extra hands.说实话我确实需要人手Is that something you'd be willing to do?你愿意帮忙吗Well, of course, I mean, if it'll help.如果我能帮上忙的话当然了I think we'll make a good team.我们会成为好搭档的Don't you, Damon?你觉得呢达蒙John, whatever I can do to help keep this town safe,约翰为保证小镇安全我在所不辞even if it means spending time with you.就算不得不跟你合作我也干This week we're going to set aside our鉴于创立日即将到来regular curriculum for a lesson in local history本周我们临时调整一下课程安排as we approach Founder's Day.用一节课时间讲讲本镇历史Apparently the community leaders显然镇里领导认为feel that's more important than World War ii,那比第二次世界大战重要得多But hey, what do I know?可是拜托我又知道什么呢Sorry I'm late.抱歉我迟到了Looks like we will be at full occupancy today.看来今天全班都到齐了Welcome home, Bonnie.欢迎回来邦妮Right, Founder's Day.好了接着讲创立日What does it mean to have a Founder's Day?创立日意味着什么呢Well, if you'll turn your attention to this大家注意看看这幅exquisite diorama over here that I spent all night...我连夜准备的精致立体画I suppose I should be grateful you learned how to use the bell.你竟然学会按门铃了我是不是该感谢你啊I'm here on behalf of my mother.我是代表我妈妈来的On behalf of or in spite of?代表她还是背着她呀I'm sorry about what the other vampires did to Stefan.那些吸血鬼那样对待斯特凡我很抱歉Abducting him, torturing him.绑架他折磨他It wasn't supposed to go down like that.那原本不该发生的You were playing house with half of a tomb你们居然跟墓穴出来的那群of really pissed off vampires.怨气冲天的吸血鬼玩过家家What did you think was going to happen?还能指望有什么好事My mom is devastated. They tried to overthrow her.我妈妈非常震惊他们企图推翻她Why isn't she here telling me this?她为什么不亲自过来跟我说She doesn't really do apologies.她从不向人道歉Well, that's a coincidence,那可真是巧了'cause I don't do forgiveness,我也从不接受道歉So just run along.所以你还是趁早走吧And if you're going to continue不过你们要是打算继续playing house with your little vampire pets,跟那些吸血鬼喽啰们玩过家家you might want to stop robbing the blood bank dry,最好别把血库抢空because they're onto it.因为镇上人开始调查了I haven't been to the local blood bank in at least a week.我至少有一周没去过本镇血库了Then it's one of your others.那就是你们当中其他人干的The other ones are gone, Damon.其他人都走了达蒙Well, where'd they go?那他们去哪儿了呢They weren't cut out for this town.反正不在镇上了After what happened with your brother,自从你弟弟那事发生my mom kicked them out and they took off.我妈就把他们撵走了他们都离开了It's just us and Harper now.现在就剩我们和哈柏了Bonnie.邦妮Hey, I, um, I tried to grab you after class我本来打算下课找你的But you'd already taken off.可你走得太快了How are you? How's your family?你怎么样了家里人还好吗We're dealing. It's been hard.我们在调整情绪呢挺痛苦的Everyone here really missed you.我们大家都很想你Yeah, I just had so much to deal with嗯只是外婆的葬礼过后after grams' funeral,好多事情都等着我去处理And honestly而且说实话after you told me that the tomb's spell failed,你告诉我封墓室的咒语没起作用之后I just didn't really want to come back.我实在是没心情回来I hope you understand why I called.我希望你理解为什么给你打电话I wanted you to know before you came home.我不想让你回来才得知消息Yeah, I understand why. I just shouldn't know.是的我理解可我真不想听这事I know it's been really hard...我知道最近很艰难...Bonnie!邦妮Bonnie! Thank god you're home!邦妮谢天谢地你回来了I know we talked every day,我知道我们天天都聊天but I missed you!可我还是想死你了How are you doing?你怎么样了Better. Just better. You know,好一些好些了就是Glad to be back,很高兴回来and try to keep myself busy.尽量让自己忙一点Well, I can help with that.这个我能帮上忙Major wardrobe confab needed ASAP.急需你的搭配建议越快越好You need to help me pick the perfect dress for the Founder's Court.你得帮我挑创立日舞会上要穿的衣服The Founder's Court? Did I miss something?创立日舞会你们在说什么呀The Founder's Court.创立日舞会You know, Miss Mystic Falls.就是神秘瀑布小姐啊They announced it today, and, um,他们今天宣布的you and are both on it.而且你和我都入选了Oh, my God, we signed up for that so long ago.天呐报名是好久之前的事了I completely forgot.我完全忘了So are you dropping out, then?那你要退出吗I can't.我不能No?不能Her mom is the one who wanted her to enter.让她参选是她妈妈的愿望How was school?今天课上的怎么样Fine.挺好Yeah? Same old, same old?是吗还是老样子Nothing new?没什么新事情No stories to bring home?没带回来什么消息You're making small talk, why?你也会拉家常了为什么You seem awfully chipper lately.你最近看起来精神不错Less doom and gloom, a little more pep in your step.没有抑郁和无望反而还充满活力And you think it's because I drank human blood again.你认为是我又开始喝人血的原因I mean, I don't want to brag, but我不想自夸但是I would definitely take responsibility for this new and improved you.眼前全新改进的你绝对有我一份功劳Well, I hate to burst your bubble,我不想伤你的心but I'm clean.但我没喝Yeah, not possible.才怪不可能Not only is it possible, but it is quite true.不仅是有可能而且绝对是实情Stefan, let's be serious for a second.斯特凡我们严肃点儿You spent the last century and a half你做了一个半世纪的being a poster child for prozac,百忧解形象代言人[抗抑郁药]And now you expect me to believe that让我怎么能相信this new you has nothing to do with human blood, nothing.你突然的改变与喝人血毫无干系I'm clean.我没喝You're lying!你在撒谎Believe what you want.信不信由你I'm sorry for the short notice.很抱歉现在才通知你I didn't even know that the contest was coming up,我都不知道比赛就要开始了much less that I would be in it.更不知道自己居然还入选了Well, I'll be happy to escort you anywhere.你去哪里我都乐意奉陪My mom was really into this Founder's Day stuff.我妈妈很看重这个创立日的She was even Miss Mystic in her day.她还做过瀑布镇小姐呢I kinda wanted to do it for her.我想我该为她参赛Well, it'll be great.一定会很棒的We'll have fun.我们会很开心的Ok. I'll see tomorrow. I love you.好明天见爱你Love you, too.我也爱你He's a liar and a thief.不仅撒谎还偷东西When were you going to share?你准备什么时候才分享Go ahead.来吧- Help yourself. - No, no, I'm talking about -别客气 -不我是说the fact that you're a closet blood junky.你变成一个偷偷摸摸"饮"君子的事So I'm drinking blood again.我又开始喝血了You're the one that shoved it on me.当初想让我这样的就是你What's your problem?有什么意见吗- I have it under control. - Under control?-我能控制自己 -能控制自己You robbed the hospital.你抢了医院So what's your point?你到底想说什么Fine. Whatever, man. Drink up.好吧管他呢老弟喝吧Just remember we're trying to keep a low profile.别忘了我们要保持低调Why don't you just walk up to sheriff Forbes,你干嘛不直接到福布斯警长那ask her to tap a vein.去吸她的血Have my actions negatively impacted you?我的行为对你产生了消极影响Ooh. I can't imagine what that must feel like.我简直没法想象那是什么感觉Yeah, what's Elena think about the new...you?那埃琳娜对这个全新的你什么想法Noing's changed. I'm still the same person.一切都没变我还是以前的我Clearly.显然嘛Elena doesn't need to know anything yet.埃琳娜不需要知道You've been off the human stuff for years, Stefan.你已经很多年没碰过人血了斯特凡If you're having trouble controlling...如果你觉得难以控制I'm not having any trouble.我没有任何问题Who do you think you're talking to?你以为你在跟谁说话I know what it's like.我知道那是什么感觉That jekyll and hyde feeling.那种双重人格的感觉There's that switch, sometimes it goes off and you snap.一不小心失控你就万劫不复Right now is not a good time for me我现在可没空to be worried about you snapping.整天担心你失控I know that it pains you to see this.我知道你看到这些很痛苦But I'm fine, ok?但是我没事I'm fine.真的没事So please, do me a favor.所以拜托帮个忙And back off.离我远点This year's queen will have今年的冠军将会成为The special honor of taking center stage150周年创立日舞会上at the 150th Founders' Day Gala.万众瞩目的焦点Before we crown our winner,在选出冠军之前We'd like to get to know a bit more about each of you.我们想更多地了解你们每一个人I'm on the M.F. Beautification committee.我是神秘瀑布镇选城市美化会的一员I volunteer at the rec center soup kitchen.也在娱乐中心的流动厨房做志愿者I recognize that I haven't been我知道我今年参加的as involved this year as I used to be.社区活动不够多I implemented this year's go green campaign at school.我策划执行了今年学校的环保活动I've been distracted, and I let a lot of things slide.我心烦意乱过对很多事都听之任之I don't think it's wrong for me to win 2 years in a row.我认为我蝉联桂冠是很可能的I was surprised to have been selected.能被选上让我很惊喜Since I'm not from one of the founding families.因为我不是创始家族的一员But I'm aware of what an honor this is,但是我深知这份荣誉的分量And I want you to know that I take it seriously.我希望你们明白我是认真对待这次比赛Worked with the county's recycling program为镇上的再循环工程工作And was in charge of the policemen's yearly raffle.以及负责警局每年的抽奖活动Just because my DUI made my community service mandatory,因为我酒后驾车被要求参加强制社区服务doesn't mean I was any less committed.不意味着我就是个缺乏责任感的人This was really important to my mother.这对我妈妈来说意义重大She believed in community,她信奉社区Family, honor and loyalty.家庭荣誉和忠诚It's the legacy she left for me.这是她留给我的遗训Hey, partner.你好拍档What do you want?你来干什么You haven't returned any of my calls.你都不回我的电话Most people take that as a hint.正常人会理解成我不想搭理你Why don't we start looking for vampires?为什么我们不开始寻找吸血鬼Why the act, John?约翰你的动机是什么I mean, you obviously don't care about catching vampires,你显然不关心捕捉吸血鬼的事Since you're here talking to me.因为你都跑来跟我说话Actually, I care very much.事实上我很关心What did Isobel say about that?伊泽贝尔对此有何看法I mean, considering that she is one.我是指考虑到她就是一个Isobel and I share a mutual interest.伊泽贝尔和我都对一件事感兴趣The original Johnathan Gilbert had an invention老乔纳森·吉尔伯特有一项发明That was stolen by a vampire.但被一个吸血鬼偷走了That vampire was then burned alive那个吸血鬼被烧死在费尔教堂里In Fell's Church, or so Johnathan thought.至少乔纳森是这么想的And the invention was lost forever.之后这个发明就永远消失了But then the vampires weren't killed, were they?但是吸血鬼们并没有死对吧They were trapped.只是被困住了And now they're free, thanks to you,而且拜你所赐他们现在重获自由Which means the invention is retrievable.这就意味着那个发明有处可寻Well, what is it?是什么东西The only thing that matters is that I want it back,唯一要紧的是我想找回它And you're going to help me if you want your secret safe.你要想保住秘密就必须帮我I mean, why bring me into it, John?约翰为什么把我扯进来I mean, I don't even know what you're talking about,我是说我都不知道那是什么东西Much less who has it.更不知道在谁手里Oh, come on, Damon.得了吧达蒙You were around back then.那时候你在镇上You know who these people are, what they look like.你知道他们是谁长什么样子He was friendly with a woman乔纳森曾和一位女士走的很近Who turned out to be a vampire.可结果她却是个吸血鬼Her name was Pearl.她叫珍珠Does that ring a bell?想起点什么了吗I'm not playing anymore.老子不玩了Get out.出去Get out.出去I beg your pardon?你说什么You know, I only entertain this whole blackmail scheme thing of yours 要知道我之所以接受你的敲诈和摆布Because I thought that you and Isobel是因为我以为你和伊泽贝尔could lead me to Katherine.可以帮我找到凯瑟琳But see, now I know you have no idea where Katherine is,可我发现你根本不知道凯瑟琳身在何处Because if you did, you would know因为如果你知道你就该清楚That Katherine and Pearl珍珠和凯瑟琳were best friends.曾是最好的朋友See, you don't know everything,看来你并不知道所有的事情Do you, John?不是吗约翰I'll tell the entire council what you are.我要向整个理事会透露你的真实身份Go for it. I'll kill every last one of them.去吧我会把他们全都干掉Then I'll sever your hand, pull your ring off,然后再扭断你的手取下戒指And I'll kill you, too.再杀掉你Do you understand that?你明白了吗Honor your partner.请向舞伴行礼Let's focus. Right hand around.集中精神伸出右手Flirt with your eyes.用眼神来传递情意Left hand around.伸出左手This is ridiculous.太可笑了- Both hands. - You're only saying that-两只手 -你觉得可笑是因为Because you don't know how to do it.你不知道要怎么跳Sorry only one of us was around when the dance was invented.真遗憾当年此舞蹈问世时我尚未出生Oh, no, no, no, no.停停停There's no touching during this part.这部分不可以有身体接触It's about the simple intimacy of the near-touch.体现的是似触非触的亲昵Very nice, Amber.很好安波尔Thank you, Mrs. Lockwood!多谢洛克伍德夫人If you ask me, the near touch is overrated.要我看似触非触可没那么美好You seem to be in a good mood.你今天心情不错嘛Is that a bad thing?这不好吗Would you prefer me to be brooding and tortured?你更喜欢我阴沉痛苦的样子吗Hey, I'm not complaining.我可没抱怨Oh, no touching.不准接触The Fell cousins don't have a shot.费尔堂姊妹不可能赢And Amber Bradley is only on the court安波尔·布雷德利之所以会获得提名So the pageant doesn't look like是为了让选美看上去不至于it's founding families only.像是创始家族的专属游戏Which, of course, it is.实际上赢家肯定是创始家族的后裔So that leaves Elena.那就只剩下埃琳娜了She totally has the sympathy vote since her parents died.她父母过世赚足了同情票How can I compete with that?要我怎么比得过她Very nice.很好Very sensitive.很有同情心Oh, I'm sorry. This must sound抱歉比起那些事really unimportant in light of everything.选美真的不值一提It's ok. I get it.没关系我明白You want to win.你想赢Well, my grandmother was Miss Mystic.我外婆是神秘瀑布小姐And both of my aunts.我的两个姨妈也是My mom's the only one who didn't get the gene,只有我妈基因差长的逊And I want this.我想要赢I mean, I actually deserve this.我是说我配得上这个称号Bonnie.邦妮How are you?你好吗I begged bonnie to fill in for Matt.我拜托邦妮做我的舞伴He had to work today.马特今天要工作Bonnie, do you have a minute?邦妮能借一步说话吗We only have 30 minutes for rehearsal.我们只有三十分钟的排练时间It'll only take a minute.用不了多久Please?拜托Bonnie, you have to tell me what's wrong.邦妮你得告诉我怎么回事It's not worth talking about.没什么好说的What do you mean, not worth it?什么叫没什么好说的You've barely said 10 words to me,你对我说了连十个字都不到And you won't even look at Stefan.你甚至都不想看到斯特凡Is that what it is, is it Stefan?是因为斯特凡吗Listen.听着Elena, I can't just pretend埃琳娜我不能假装Like everything is okey.好像一切都很正常Everything my gram did was to protect us 我外婆所做的一切都是为了保护我们from those vampires in the tomb.免受墓穴里那些吸血鬼的伤害And now they're out,而现在他们都出来了which means she died for nothing.也就是说她白白地牺牲了自己I'm so sorry, Bonnie.我很抱歉邦妮What can I do to make it better?我能做些什么来弥补吗That's just it.事已至此There's nothing you can do.你也无能为力了I blame him, Elena.我怨他埃琳娜Him and Damon.他和达蒙And I'm not going to put you in a situation 但我不会为难你where you have to choose sides.让你选择立场的I was having a hard time with it.我只是内心难以接受Okey?懂吗Dude, are you ok? You're bleeding.伙计你没事吧你在流血Ahh, Stefan!斯特凡Are you ok?你还好吧Yes. I'm sorry.嗯不好意思I was just...我只是I was feeling a little sick.我有点儿不舒服I'll be fine.我会没事的- I heard you're driving. - Yeah, I am. -听说你要开车送我们 -没错Let me get that for you.我来帮你拿吧Thanks.谢谢Yeah.没事Um, how, uh...斯特凡how is Stefan?斯特凡怎么样了What do you mean?什么意思You know, he seems on edge.他看起来紧张不安He went through a lot,他经历了很多he was in bad shape for a while.他之前状态很糟糕But he's bouncing back now.但现在他恢复了Alaric.阿拉里克Hey, buddy. What are you doing here?老兄你在这里做什么Well, I'm the chauffer.我是司机Oh, I thought I was driving.我以为由我开车呢Oh, no need.不用了We're going with Rick.我们和里克一起走Are we ready?准备好了吗Jeremy can ride with you.杰里米可以坐你的车In the running for Miss Mystic Falls?参加神秘瀑布小姐竞选吗Sometimes you have to wear uncomfortable heels to blend in.有时为了融入氛围就得穿上别扭的高跟鞋I remember this event from 1864.我记得1864年的那届活动I was supposed to enter,我本来要参选的before everything happened.当然是在一切发生之前Ahh, nostalgia's a bitch.此情可待成追忆呀If you're just going to mock me,如果你要嘲笑我then you move along, please.那请你闪开吧John Gilbert thinks your mom stole an artifact 约翰·吉尔伯特认为1864年那会儿from Johnathan Sr. Sr. Back in 1864.你妈妈偷了老老乔纳森一件手工品What are you, his errand boy?你成什么了他的狗腿子I don't know what it is,我不知道是件什么东西but I don't want him to have it.但我不想让他得到I could ask her.我可以去问问她But, you know, you've made it pretty clear可是你已经表过态了that you don't trust us,你根本不信任我们so why should I even bother?那我又何必操心呢Because you want to stay in Mystic Falls,因为你们想留在神秘瀑布镇and John Gilbert's in town,而约翰·吉尔伯特在镇上一天making that impossible.你们就待不安稳Find out where it is.找到它He leaves, you can buy a welcome mat.只要他一走你们就高枕无忧了Thanks for helping me.谢谢你帮我Don't thank me别谢得那么早until you're sure your hair isn't going to burn off.等你确定我没把你头发烧掉再说You know, I remember你知道我记得when my mom and I were first applying for this.我妈妈和我最初申请参赛时She was so excited.她非常激动So were you, if I recall.你也一样如果我没记错的话I was.是的She just made it sound like so much fun.她在世时让我觉得这活动那么有趣Lots has changed since then.可此后就物是人非了Well, I hate to break it to you,我不想告诉你but it's a little late for cold feet.但现在打退堂鼓可来不及了I don't have cold feet. I just...我没有退缩我只是I think I'd be enjoying it a lot more if she was here.我觉得如果她能在我会更开心I'll tell you one thing,有一件事是肯定的your hair would have a better chance if she was.如果她在你的发型会更漂亮Ok, I should go put my dress on.好了我该换礼服了Be careful with that thing.小心一点哦Don't hurt anybody.别烫伤了别人You look miserable.你看起来很不开心啊Are there really a whole month of these events难道这一整个月的活动that I'm supposed to show up at?我都必须得参加吗You can fight it if you want,你不愿意的话可以不参加but it's part of being a Gilbert.但这是吉尔伯特家族的惯例Yeah, you, uh, you mentioned you know a lot about the family.是啊你上次说你非常了解我们家族Do you know anything你知道我们的祖辈about our ancestor Johnathan Gilbert?乔纳森·吉尔伯特的事儿吗Prolific writer, crazy inventor.多产作家狂热发明家Why do you ask?怎么问这个呢Well, I read his journal.我看了他的日记Is that right?是吗Yeah.是啊I actually found it in all dad's stuff.其实我是在爸爸的遗物里找到的Well, that's surprising.真让人意外啊Most of them are locked away.大部分日记都被藏起来了There's more of them?日记有好多本吗Johnathan Gilbert journaled his whole life.乔纳森·吉尔伯特一生都在写日记right down to the bitter, insane drunken end.直到他痛苦疯狂地在酗酒中结束生命The guy had a lot of demons.他记录了很多鬼怪恶魔And did you read 'em?你读过了I browsed, yeah.我浏览了一下What'd you think about what he wrote?你对他所写的有什么看法Crazy ramblings of a mad man, of course.疯子漫无边际的疯话呗Well, she's very pretty.她真漂亮Yeah, yeah, she's a, uh,是啊她是a friend of mine. Excuse me.我的一个朋友失陪一下Are you ok, Amber?你还好吧安波尔I hate being the center of attention.我讨厌成为瞩目的焦点I get panic attacks.我有点惊恐Do you need some privacy so you can change?你需要一点私人空间换衣服吗Actually, I'm just...I'm just going to go get some air.其实我正打算出去透透气You can't be back here.你不能来这里We need to talk.我们得谈谈Does it have to be right now?非现在不可吗Normally I would have a completely different outlook通常的话我肯定是一副截然不同的表情on what I'm about to tell you,来告诉你这件事but since it could really inconvenience me,但考虑到那事会对我不利I'll squeal.只好告密了What are you talking about?你想说什么Stefan's still drinking human blood.斯特凡还在喝人血- What? - Yeah.-什么 -没错A month ago, I would have rejoiced.一个月前我定会深感欣慰But with the council back on the alert,但鉴于理事会再度警觉it is not a good time for Stefan to fly off the handle.斯特凡此时无法自制实在不妙I know he's been a little edgy,我知道他近来有些焦躁but he said that was normal.但他说纯属正常He has a fridge full of stolen blood bank contraband in the house.他在家里藏了一冰箱从血库偷来的血液Oh, my God.天呐He has no idea what normal is.斯特凡不懂何谓正常His entire existence isn't normal.他的生存方式就不正常Normal to a vampire is drinking human blood.吸血鬼喝人血才是正常But he spent all this time fighting it但他长期以来一直刻意压制自己when he should have been learning how to control it.实际上他本该学会控制自己And now it's controlling him instead.现在他反受其害了I can't believe this.我不敢相信这是真的I mean, it's Stefan that we're talking about here.我们说的可是斯特凡Stefan on human blood, Elena.是饮君子斯特凡埃琳娜He'll do anything, he'll say anything,他会不择手段瞒天过海because he's not going to want to stop.因为他欲罢不能Trust me.相信我Anna!安娜What is it?干嘛Come on, don't be like that.拜托别这样Why not?为何不呢You're basically using me to turn you into a vampire 你完全就是利用我把你变成吸血鬼so you could be with someone else.好和别人长相厮守No, I wasn't using you.没有我没利用你Really?是吗Then how would you like to define it?那你把自己的行为定义为什么Look, I don't think it's any worse听着我觉得你比我更过分吧than becoming friends with me你之前跟我交好so you could give your mother my blood.就是为了把我的血献给你的母亲How do you know that?你怎么知道的That's not important.那不重要Seriously, Jeremy.老实说杰里米What do you know?你知道些什么Everything. I know everything.全部我知道一切This is all my fault.都是我的错I'm the one who fed him the blood in the first place.是我先喂他喝血的What's going on in here?你们在干嘛Just filling Elena in只是向埃琳娜汇报on your extracurricular activities.你的课余活动What are you talking about?你指的是什么。



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吸血鬼杀死,警方却发布揭晓她是自杀。夏末传统会上,塞拉斯杀了邦妮的爸爸,他意 念控制所有人寻找凯瑟琳
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《吸血鬼日影网 / 相关阅读: /show/show28258.html
全集剧情Tyler是谁?Caroline早把他忘了……当第五季匹面劈脸的时辰,Caroline在 Whitmore大黉舍园里碰着了性感、聪明、自满、时兴、心爱、令人毫无戒心的高年级男 生Jesse。如果Caroline想和Jesse生长爱情联系,她有必要慎重慎重。Matt和Rebekah 仍然在欧洲观赏,他们在一家布拉格酒吧里碰着了东欧佳丽Nadia——她对他们两人一起 产生了趣味!不过Nadia的来头不小——最少她有一些关于初代吸血鬼的动态要通知 Stefan。《吸血鬼日志第五季》全集剧情分集介绍(1-23)分集介绍第1集埃琳娜和卡罗琳 上大学了,新舍友梅根身份激起卡罗琳思疑。邦妮隐瞒了自己已死的动态,其魂灵常伴 在伴侣身边。塞拉斯扮成斯特凡的姿态容貌面庞,却被杰米拆穿。凯瑟琳来到达蒙家遁 藏仇人追杀,却险被塞拉斯杀死。大学会议上梅根被奥秘

主要情节围绕着两个吸血鬼兄弟Damon和Stefan Salvatore以及他们与人类女孩Elena Gilbert之间的三角恋爱展开。
故事发生在美国一个名为Mystic Falls的小镇上。
在这个小镇上,有着一对吸血鬼兄弟Damon和Stefan Salvatore,他们之间有着一段悠久的恩怨情仇。
两百多年前,他们就因为对同一个女孩Katherine Pierce的爱而产生了矛盾。
而现在,当Elena Gilbert出现在Mystic Falls时,她的容貌与Katherine惊人的相似,再次引发了两兄弟之间的恩怨。
Elena是一个普通的人类女孩,她是Mystic Falls高中的学生,性格善良、聪明,深受同学和老师的喜爱。

The series start at 8 p.m. for those in Eastern Time zone. If you are a fan of a twilight saga, then you will probably be hooked in this TV series as it stalks about love, friendship and hardship. You will also learn more about the life of these blood sucking individuals through this series.
17岁的Elena Gilbert (Nina Dobrev饰, 出演过美剧《迪格拉丝中学的下一代》)和她15岁的弟弟Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen饰, 出演过美剧《雪山镇》)至今仍惊魂甫定,努力从四个月前的那场夺走了他们双亲的车祸中恢复过来。Elena一直以来都是美丽,受欢迎的明星学生,和同学以及朋友们处的很融洽,然而现在她却发现自己竭力在世人面前掩饰内心的悲痛。Elena和Jeremy现在和他们曾是不良少女而又迷途知返渴望照顾他们的阿姨Jenna (Sara Canning饰,出演过《超人前传》)生活在一起,Jenna努力想做一个好的监护人。 Elena从她的家庭社交圈子里成功获得了一些慰藉--她最好的朋友Bonnie (Katerina Graham饰, 出演过电影《重返17岁》),朋友兼对手Caroline (Candice Accola饰, 出演过电影《朱诺》), 还有前男友Matt (Zach Roerig饰, 出演过美剧《胜利之光》),然而Jeremy的道路要凶险的多,他和吸毒的人在一起,并用毒品来麻痹内心的伤痛。Jeremy还试着弄明白为什么Matt 的妹妹Vicki( Kayla Ewell饰, 出演过电影《The Bold and The Beautiful》)突然与他分手,然后和他的死对头Tyler (Michael Trevino饰, 出演过电影《公民凯恩》)走到了一起。 Mystic Falls高中的新学期开始了,Elena和她的朋友们迷上了一个英俊神秘的新学生Stefan Salvatore (PaulWesley饰, 出演过电影《Fallen》)。Stefan和Elena彼此一见倾心,尽管Elena对Stefan愈发怪异的举动感到很迷惑,因为他突然出现在了 Elena父母的公墓。Elena不知道Stefan埋藏着一个黑暗的惊天秘密--他其实是个吸血鬼。在第二天的一个营火晚会上,Elena和 Stefan刚开始了解对方,突然晚会陷入一片混乱之中,因为Vicki的脖子被咬成重伤并且一直在流血。 Stefan知道谁是这起袭击的凶手,他很害怕,于是他回到家并找到了他15年未曾谋面的哥哥Damon (Ian Somerhalder饰, 出演过美剧《迷失》)。Damon同样是吸血鬼,并且兄弟俩有一段漫长的辛酸史。Damon嘲笑Stefan放弃了他们暴力和凶残的传统,但他理解他弟弟对Elena的痴情,因为他和Stefan100年前爱上的一个女子长得几乎一模一样,Damon曾经想把那个女子占为己有。现在这对一正一邪的兄弟,为了Elena和她的朋友,家人和Mystic Falls(位于弗吉尼亚州)所有人的生命而爆发了战斗。 经历一番周折,Damon也被善良勇敢的Elena所吸引开始走向正道,但此时,潜伏最深的危险出现了---Katherine又回来了,并且杀死了Elena的生父John...... 新一集《吸血鬼日记 The Vampire Diaries》的小小剧透。在这一集中Elena参加了一个叫做“神秘瀑布镇小姐”的比赛。比赛内容包括跳一段传统舞蹈,从图片中可以看到在最后Damon成为了Elena的舞伴。官方公布的内容如下:(剧透……)在创建者节日中,Elena和Caroline在一个叫做“神秘瀑布镇小姐”的比赛上从其他参赛者中脱颖而出。Bonnie回到镇上让Elena很高兴,但是Bonnie仍然还有没解决的问题。John Gilbert试图恐吓Damon,而结果却没有达到他预期的效果。Damon发现Stefan隐藏了一个足以危害全镇人的危险秘密。 在22集中(第一季最后一集)回到神秘瀑布小镇的吸血鬼、Damon和Anna都由于Jhon启动了那件发明而被关到地下室,又因为Bonnie的帮忙,Stefan救出了Damon。Damon在门口遇到了Katherine假扮的Elena。Katherine杀了Jhon,而Jermmy得知Anna的死后,伤心欲绝,吃了大把药片,想要变为吸血鬼。 《吸血鬼日记The Vampire Diaries》改编自畅销作家L.J. Smith同名系列小说。由Alloy Entertainment ,Bonanza Productions Inc和Warner Bros联合制作,Television和CBS Television Studios联合执导,执行制片人包括Kevin Williamson 电影《Scream》美剧《Dawson's Creek》, Julie Plec (美剧《天赐》 电影《Wasteland》, Leslie Morgenstein 美剧《八卦天后》, 电影《Private》和Bob Levy (美剧《八卦天后》,《调教富家女》。导演是Marcos Siega 《嗜血法医》。One of the most popular TV show nowadays is The Vampire Diaries. It has been toping all over the world. The series is very popular mostly for teenagers. As the introduction of Twilight, vampire diaries have been one of the most wanted TV series today. Thus TV series is actually written by L.J Smith, just like the Twilight saga, it is also begun as a novel. This popular TV series about vampire also can be seen in DVD’s very soon. Fans can watch all episodes whenever they want. Vampire’s fast and furious behaviors make them very popular for younger generation.

故事的主人公是女孩艾莉娅·吉博(Elena Gilbert),她是一位普通的高中生,因为悲惨的家庭生活而害怕陷入爱情,并与她的初恋男友马特·多诺万(Matt Donovan)分手。

Jeremy hunter
Elena Gilbert‘s younger brother. He was able to see and communicate with the ghosts after Bonnie brought him back to life. After Elena kills Connor (a hunter), Jeremy becomes part of the five a group of vampire hunters and so he kills one of Klaus's hybrids to complete his transformation into a hunter and to save Elena's from her visions.
Bonnie witch
Elena’s best friend. In the beginning of the series, Bonnie discovers that she is born from a line of witches and that she is also a witch. she keeps training and as the series develops she becomes more and more powerful.
Compared with his brother Stephen , he is evil. Killing people without repentance, flirting with all kinds of ladies. Elena changed him into a good man.

过去的一个多世纪我都秘密地活着For over a century I have lived in secret 藏身暗处Hiding in the shadows独自一人Alone in the world.直到现在Until now.我是个吸血鬼I am a vampire.这就是我的故事And this is my story.居然开一小时的车去听那种垃圾音乐An hour's drive to hear that crap.根本都算不上是乐队You know it wasn't even a band.一人抱一把吉他A guy with a guitar.每人一小时An hour each way.他没你说的那么差He wasn't that bad.风格还挺像詹姆士·布朗特He sounded like James Blunt.那有什么不好呢What's wrong with that?问题是已经有一个詹姆士·布朗特了We already have a James Blunt.一个就够了One's all we need.那你为什么还要来So why did you come?因为我爱你Because I love you.答得不错Nicely done.哪来这么大的雾What's with all the fog?刚才还没有的It'll clear in a second.小心Watch out!你没事吧Are you ok?!我们撞到人了上帝啊We just hit someone! Ohmy god!快打电话叫救护车Call for help.快接电话快啊Come on come on!千万别出人命啊Please be alive!哦上帝啊Oh my god.这里没信号There's no signal!达伦Darren!达伦Darren?《吸血鬼日记》第一季第一集我不该回家来的I shouldn't have come home.我知道这很冒险I know the risk.但我别无选择But I had no choice.我必须去认识她I have to know her.亲爱的日记Dear diary今天将会不同以往Today will be different.必须要It has to be.我会微笑让别人相信I will smile and it will be believable.告诉他们"我很好谢谢关心"My smile was "I'm fine thank you.""是的我好多了""Yes I feel much better."我不再是失去双亲的悲伤女孩I will no longer be the sad little girl who lost her parents. 我要重新开始做不同的自己I will start fresh be someone new.这是我能挺过去的唯一办法It's the only way I'll make it through.吐司面包怎么样我可以做Toast. I can make toast.只要咖啡就行珍娜姑妈It's all about the coffee Aunt Jenna.有咖啡吗Is there coffee?你们开学第一天Your first day of school我却毫无准备And I'm totally unprepared.要午餐钱吗Lunch money?我不用了I'm good.还有什么别的吗Anything else?一支两号铅笔我还漏了什么没A number two pencil? What am I missing?你今天不是有个重要报告会吗Don't you have a big presentation today?我要和论文导师见面就是现在I'm meeting with my thesis advisor at...now. 糟糕Crap!那走吧我们自己能行Then go. We'll be fine.你还好吧You ok?别这么跟我说Don't start.祖母说我是个灵媒So gram’s telling me I'm psychic.我们祖先就是从耶路撒冷来的Our ancestors were from Salem我知道听起来有点不靠谱Which isn't all that I know crazy但是她不停地说啊说But she's going on and on about it我就在想快让我离开这儿And I'm like put this woman in a home already! 但是我开始想But then I started thinking奥巴马和希斯·莱杰我都预言到了I predicted Obama and I predicted Heath Ledger 而且我还认为佛罗里达将有大事发生And I still think Florida will break off今后就不再是度假胜地了And turn into little resort islands.埃琳娜Elena!注意力回到车里Back in the car.我又犯病了是吗I did it again didn't I?对不起邦妮I--I'm sorry Bonnie.你在跟我说You were telling me that...我是个灵媒That I'm psychic now.对那么预言点什么Right. Ok then predict something.关于我的About me.我想想I see...那是什么东西What was that?!哦上帝啊Oh my god!埃琳娜你没事吧Elena are you ok?没事我很好It's ok. I'm fine.好像是鸟之类的东西不知从哪飞出来的It was like a bird or something. It came out of nowhere.说真的看来我下半辈子都不想碰车了Really I can't be freaked out by cars for the rest of my life. 我预言今年是不得了的一年I predict this year is going to be kick ass.我预言所有悲伤和不幸都已经结束And I predict all the sad and dark times are over你会过得快乐至极And you are going to be beyond happy.房地产行业里男性匮乏Major lack of male real estate.快看凯丽泳滩的浴帘Look at the shower curtain on Kelly Beach.她看上去挺辣的She looks a hot你还是以前那个"悲伤小姐"嘛Can I still say "tranny mess"?不是都已经过去了No that's over.就该这样找个男人起个新绰号Ahh find a man coin a phrase.又是忙碌的一年It's a busy year.他恨我He hates me.那不是恨That's not hate.是说"你甩了我我不屑于表现出来"That's "you dumped me but I'm too cool to show it"但暗地里却听空气补给乐队的热门歌曲""But secretly I'm listening to Air Supply's greatest hits." 埃琳娜我的天哪Elena. Oh my god.你怎么样How are you?见到你真好Oh it's so good to see you.她怎么样她好吗How is she? Is she good?卡罗琳我就站在这里Caroline I'm right here.而且我很好谢谢And I'm fine. Thank you.真的吗Really?对好多了Yes. Much better.我的小可怜Oh you poor thing.够了卡罗琳Ok Caroline.那么待会儿见Ok see you guys later?-好的 -拜拜- Ok! - Bye.不予置评No comment.我什么都不想说I'm not going to say anything.六个小时内最多吃粒Don't take more than two in a six-hour window. 薇姬Hey Vicki.我就知道你和这个瘾君子在一起I knew I'd find you here with the crackheads. 皮特·温兹打电话[美国乐团Fall Out Boy主唱] Hey Pete Wentz called.他想要回他的指甲油He wants his nail polish back.皮特·温兹你活在啥年代啊Pete Wentzhuh? How old school T.R.L of you.不会是卡森·戴利的粉丝吧Carson Daly fan?泰冷静点冷静点Oh Ty be nice. Be nice.他是埃琳娜的弟弟That's Elena's little brother.我知道I know who he is.那我也要给他好看I'll still kick his ass.等等这人是谁Hold up. Who's this?我只看到个背影All I see is back.很帅的背影It's a hot back.你的档案还不齐全Your records are incomplete.没有免疫证You're missing immunization records而且我们必须要看成绩单And we do insist on transcripts.请您再看一下Please look again.我确定您要的都在这了I'm sure everything you need is there.你是对的Wellyou're right.的确如此So it is.我感知到了西雅图还有他会弹吉他I'm sensing Seattle and he plays the guitar.看来你真是把那种灵媒技能You're really going to run this whole psychic thing -发挥到极致了 -差不多- Into the groundhuh? - Pretty much.我马上回来I'll be right back.千万要长帅点啊Please be hot.裤子掉啦小妞Whoa! Pants down chick!很好Great.第一天上课你就喝多了It's the first day of school and you're stoned.-我没有 -放哪了- NoI'm not. - Where is it?-藏身上了吗 -别翻了- Is it on you? - Stopall right?!你得冷静点行不行You need to chill yourselfall right?-我冷静点 -这算什么- Chill myself? - What is that酒鬼的演讲吗Stoner talk?老弟算你狠Dudeyou are so cool.停我身上什么也没有你疯了吗Lookstop! I don't have anything on me. Are you crazy? 你还没见识过我发疯呢杰里米You haven't seen crazy Jeremy!我一个暑假没管你I gave you a summer pass可我不能再看着你毁了你自己了But I am done watching you destroy yourself.别别别知道我怎么想吗Nononoyou know what?你走吧爱干嘛干嘛不过记住了Go ahead. Keep it up. But just know只要我发现你喝酒That I am going to be there见一次摔一次明白没To ruin your buzz every timeyou got it?杰里米我知道你是什么样的人Jeremy I know who you are.不是现在这样的And it's not this person.别这样下去了So don't be this person.不用你来说教I don't need this.谢谢Thank you.不客气You're welcome.对不起Uh pardon me.这里是男士洗手间吗Is this the men's room?是的我只是Yes. um I was just只是...Um... I was just...说来话长了It's a long story.谢谢Thank you.我们的家乡弗吉尼亚州Once our home state of Virginia曾于年加入南部的联盟国Joined confederacy in这使得州际内部极度紧张起来It created a tremendous amount of tension within the state.弗吉尼亚的西北派人士People in Virginia's northwest region与南方腹地的传统派意见相左Had different ideals than those from the traditional deep south. 终于弗吉尼亚于年分裂Then virginia divided in西北部加入了合众国With the northwest region joining the union.[帅哥在看你]亲爱的日记Dear diary我熬过了一整天I made it through the day.我肯定至少说了次I must have said "I'm fine thanks""我很好谢谢"At least times.但没有一次是真心的And I didn't mean it once.不过没人发现But no one noticed.纪念亲爱的双亲年月日当有人问起"你好吗"时When someone asks "How are you?"他们其实并不想知道答案They really don't want an answer.小鸟你好Hi bird.没什么可怕的That's not creepy or anything.这才是我想说的That's what I thought.你没事吧You ok?你在跟踪我吗Were you following me?没有我只是看到你跌到了No I uh I just... I saw you fall.是啊你只是碰巧Uh-huh and you just happened to be在墓地闲逛Hanging out in a cemetery.我是来祭拜家人的I'm visiting. I have family here.太失礼了Wow. Tactless.对不起都怪那雾气I'm sorry. It's the fog把我身上都弄得雾蒙蒙的It's making me foggy.而且那边还有只鸟And then back therethere was this bird有一霎那一切都非常的"希区柯克"And it was all very Hitchcock for a second. 很像希区柯克的电影《鸟》对吧That is the bird movie right the Hitchcock? 我叫埃琳娜I'm Elena.我叫斯特凡I'm Stefan.我知道I know.我们是一起上历史课的We have history together.还有英语和法语课And English and French.没错Right.谢谢Thanks.很漂亮的戒指Nice ring.是家传的It's a family ring yeah.我永远不会跟它分开有点诡异对吗I'm kinda stuck with it. It's weirdhuh? 不会戒指到处都有No no. It's just I mean there are rings 这枚却是独一无二的And then there's that.你是不是受伤了Did you hurt yourself?刚才是不是摔伤了Did you hurt yourself?不知道I don't know.看啊Oh! Look at that.这可不好看That is not pretty.你没事吧You ok?你该走了You should go.好好处理下伤口Take care of that.真的没什么Really it's nothing.今天我失控了I lost control today.我已经深埋内心的一切Everything I've kept buried inside都冲破了束缚Came rushing to the surface.我只是无法抗拒她I'm simply not able to resist her.我在干活Working.谢谢薇姬ThanksVick.还要续杯吗Do you need another refill?求之不得I'd love one.摆脱告诉我你没有勾搭我妹妹Please tell me you're not hooking up with my sister.我没有勾搭你妹妹I'm not hooking up with your sister.你真是个混蛋You're such a dick.你怎么回事Hey what's your deal?夏天的时候你还好好的I meansummer you act one way开学后看到我就那么不耐烦吗And then school starts and you can't be bothered.杰里米我真的很感谢你的药Look Jeremy I really appreciate all the pharmaceuticals但你也不能像条迷路的小狗一样死缠着我But you can't keep following me around like a lost puppy.你上次和"小狗"上床是什么时候When's the last time you had sex with a puppy?小声点我不想让整个世界知道Hey keep it down. I don't want to tell the whole world我让埃琳娜的小弟失贞了I deflowered Elena's kid brother.没错而且是一次次的Yeah and deflowered and deflowered.以前几次都是药物作怪现在结束了We hooked up a few times in a drug haze. It's over.趁你没破坏我和泰勒关系前快走吧You gotta back off before you ruin things between me and Tyler. 得了吧那家伙完全就是个傻逼Oh come on the guy's a total douche.他要你只是为了想和你上床He only wants you for your ass.是吗Yeah?你要我什么呢What do you want me for?他名叫斯特凡·塞尔瓦托His name is Stefan Salvatore.他和叔叔住在塞尔瓦托的旧公寓He lives with uncle up at the old Salvatore boarding house. 他孩提时就离开这里了He hasn't lived here since he was a kid.典型的军人家庭所以他们四处迁徙Military family so they moved around a lot.他是双子座的最喜欢的颜色是蓝色He's a gemini and his favorite color is blue.你一天之内就知道这些了You got all of that in one day?摆脱我在三四节课之间就知道了Oh please I got all that between third and fourth period. 我们将会举行一个六月婚礼We're planning a June wedding.我和邦妮约好去烧烤I'm meeting Bonnie at the grill.好吧玩得愉快等等我得说Ok have fun. WaitI got this.别待得太久明天还要上课Don't stay out late it's a school night.干得不错珍娜姑妈Well done aunt Jenna.抱歉我正想敲门Sorry I was about to knock.我想为先前无故消失的行为道歉I wanted to apologize for my disappearing act earlier.我知道那有点...I know it was...奇怪strange.别放在心上了No worries.我懂你晕血I get it blood makes you squeamish.差不多吧Um something like that.你的脚怎么样How's your leg?哦没事了Oh it's fine.只是皮外伤Just a scratch barely.你怎么知道我住哪How did you know where I lived?这可是个小镇It's a small town.我问了遇到的第一个人I asked the first person I saw.我觉得你应该想要回这个Um I thought you might want this back.哦我一定是把它弄丢了Oh I must have dropped it.谢谢你I...thank you.别担心我没看Don't worry I didn't...read it.没有吗No?为什么不看大多数人都会的Why not? Most people would have.正如我不想让别人看我的Well I wouldn't want anyone to read mine. 你写日记You keep a journal?是的如果我不写下来Yeah if I don't write it down我就会忘I forget it.记忆弥足珍贵Memories are too important.是的Yeah.我得去I'm just gonna你没必要站在外面Um you don't have to stay out there.我没事I'm fine.对不起你是不是要出去Sorry were you going somewhere?是的我要见个朋友Yeah I'm meeting a friend.一起来吗Do you want to come?埃琳娜怎么样How's Elena doing?她的双亲亡故了你觉得会怎么样Her mom and dad died. How do you think?她假装满面笑容She's putting on a good face但才过了个月But it's only been four months.-她有提到我吗 -没有- Has she said anything about me? - Oh no. 所以别故作姿态了So not getting in the middle.直接打电话给她吧You pick up the phone and call her.我觉得打电话怪怪的I feel weird calling her.她和我分手了She broke up with me.多给点时间马特Give it more time Matt.这就叫多给点时间吗More time huh?我是马特见到你很高兴Hey I'm Matt nice to meet you.你好斯特凡Hi. Stefan.你是在神秘瀑布镇出生的吗So you were born in Mystic Falls?对不过我小时候就搬走了Mm-hmm and moved when I was still young. 你父母呢Parents?我父母过世了My parents passed away.抱歉I'm sorry.有兄弟姐妹吗Any siblings?都很久不联系了None that I talk to.我和我叔叔住一起I live with my uncle.那么斯特凡So Stefan你是新来的应该还不知道明天的聚会吧If you're new then you don't know about the party tomorrow.这是瀑布镇开学后的惯例It's a back to school thing at the Falls.你要去吗Are you going?她当然去Of course she is.你答应过的You promised.这是一起野兽袭击This was an animal attack.别给我借口我知道事实Don't give me that. I know the game.你毁尸灭迹他们一直怀疑是野兽袭击You tear them up enough they always suspect an animal attack.你说过你抑制住自己了You said you had it under control.我是做到了And I do.求你了斯特凡叔叔Please uncle Stefan.神秘瀑布镇现在已经今非昔比了Mystic Falls is a different place now.虽然这几年挺平静但还是有人记得的It's been quiet for years but there are people who still remember. 而你的到来And you being here这只会激起往事It's just going to stir things up.-这不是我来的本意 -那是什么- It's not my intention. - Then what is?为什么你要回来Why did you come back?过去这么久了为什么偏偏现在After all this time why now?我不需要为自己作解释I don't have to explain myself.我知道你本性难移I know that you can't change what you are.但你再也不属于这里了But you don't belong here anymore.那我属于哪里Where do I belong?我无法告诉你该怎么做I can't tell you what to do.但回到这里是个错误But coming back here was a mistake.柳树溪战役The battle of Willow Creek战争末期在我们took place right at the end of the war神秘瀑布镇打响in our very own mystic falls.这场战役有多少人员伤亡How many casualties resulted in this battle?贝内特小姐Ms. Bennett?很多Um...a lot?我不确定I'm not sure.就是很多Like a whole lot.贝内特小姐可爱和傻气只有一步之遥Cute becomes dumb in an instantMs. Bennett.多诺万先生Mr. Donovan.你能否借这个机会Would you like to take this opportunity一改玩世不恭的形象To overcome your embedded jock stereotype?算了泰纳老师不必了It's okMr. TannerI'm cool with it.埃琳娜呢Hmm. Elena?你一定可以给我们Surely you can enlighten us about讲讲发生在本镇最重要的历史事件吧One of the town's most significantly historical events? 抱歉我不知道I'm sorryI... I don't know.埃琳娜你的情况大家都很清楚I was willing to be lenient last year如果是去年我完全能通融For obvious reasonsElena但私人情感应该在开学前做个了结But the personal excuses ended with summer break.有人遇难There were casualties除去本地居民Unless you're counting local civilians.正确That's correct.你叫...Mister...赛尔瓦多Salvatore.塞尔瓦多在神秘瀑布镇Salvatore. any relation to有原始定居在这里的亲戚吗The original settlers here at mystic falls?远亲Distant.很好Wellvery good.当然除次之外战争中没有Exceptof coursethere were no civilian casualties本地居民遇难In this battle.其实有名老师Actuallythere were sir.联邦士兵在教堂开火Confederate soldiersthey fired on the church以为那里藏有武器Believing it to be housing weapons.他们错了They were wrong.当晚伤亡惨重It was a night of great loss.市政厅存有发起人的档案The founder's archives areuh你可以去那里温习一下Stored in civil hall if you'd like to brush up on your facts. 泰纳老师Mr. Tanner.什么意思你从不钓凯子What do you meanyou never hooked up?大家都People look up to me.我得保持形象I have to set an example.承认吧埃琳娜Just admit itElena.好吧他是挺帅的Ohokso he's a little pretty.他的眼神很深邃He has that romance novel stare. 斯特凡深情注视她的双眸Stefan looked deep into her eyes 洞悉她的灵魂Piercing her very soul.你来啦Hey! you made it!是的I did.去喝一杯吧Welllet's get you a drink.-我 -来吧- WellI'm... - Ohcome on.他在哪So where is he?我不知道I don't know.我还问你呢你才是通灵人You tell meyou're the psychic one. 我差点忘了稍待RightI forgot. Okso give me a sec. 祖母说我得集中精神Grams says I have to concentrate. 等等你要拿个水晶球Waityou need a crystal ball.来了Ta da.怎么了What?好奇怪That was weird.我一碰你就看到一只乌鸦When I touched youI saw a crow.什么What?一只乌鸦A crow.浓雾密布There was fog有个人A man.我醉了I'm drunk.酒精作用跟通灵无关It's the drinking. There's nothing psychic about it. 好了我得再去添点酒了Yeah? okI'm gonna get a refill.好吧Ok.邦妮Bonnie!我又吓着你了?I did it againdidn't it?对Yeah.抱歉I'm sorry.你有点不高兴啊You're upset about something.不是邦妮她...Noit's Bonnie. she's...知道吗You know what?算了你来了就好Never mind. You're...here.我来了I'm here.知道吗你是全镇的话题人物You knowyou're kind of the talk of the town.-是吗 -嗯- Am I? - Mm-hmm.神秘新人Mysterious new guyohyeah.你也挺神秘的Wellyou have the mysterious thing goingtoo.满脸哀伤Twinged in sadness.为什么觉得我哀伤What makes you think that I'm sad?我是在墓地遇见你的Wellwe did meet in a graveyard.对Right.不准确来说应该是在男厕Wellnotechnically we met in the men's room.还是不说了You don't want to knowit's...不是派对的聊天话题It's not exactly party chit-chat.我一直都不太擅长WellI've never really been very good atuh聊天Chit-chat.去年春天Last spring...我父母的车从桥上坠下My parents' car drove off of a bridge掉进湖里Into the lake.我当时在后座And I was in the backseat捡回一命And I survivedbut...他们却没这么幸运They didn't.这就是我的故事So that's my story.埃琳娜悲伤不会永远存在的You won't be sad foreverElena.不行泰NoTy.我不要靠着树做爱I'm not having sex against a tree.-别啊多性感 --Ohcome onit would be hot. - For who?不不行Noit's not going to happen.不行特别是这样的时间地点It's not going to happennot herenot like this. 不行我说不行No. I said no.不行好痛I said no! owthat hurts!放开她Heyleave her alone.你让我有点反感吉尔伯特You knowyou're starting to get on my nervesGilbert. 快滚泰勒离我远点Just goTylerget the hell away from me.薇姬·多诺万居然会说不Wow. Vicki Donovan says no.第一次见That's a first.我不需要你帮忙I didn't need your help.我看未必It seems like you did.-他只是醉了 -我才醉了- He was just drunk. - I'm drunk.但我会这样对你吗Am I throwing myself at you?不你更坏Noyou're worse.你想跟我搭讪了解我You want to talk to meget to know me看穿我不断搞我See into my soul and screw and screw and screw直到厌倦我Until you're done with me.你这么想吗Is that what you think?我就是这样想的That's what I know.我喜欢邦妮像是个好朋友I like Bonnieshe seems like a good friend.-世上最好的朋友 -而马特- Best friend in the world. - And Matt他好像不能把眼睛从我们身上移开He can't seem touhtake his eyes off of us.马特是我的青梅竹马Matt's that friend since childhood与他拍拖That you start dating是因为感觉欠了自己什么Because you owe it to yourselves想看看能否往下发展To see if you can be more.然后呢And?然后我父母去世了And then my parents died一切都变了And everything changes.不论如何马特和我Anyway Matt and I在一起我不知道Together we justI don't know不够It wasn'tum...没有It wasn't...激情Passionate.对No.没有一点激情Noit wasn't passionate.你还好吗Heyumare you ok?你的眼睛刚才Your eyeit justit's--不没事Yeahno. It'sumit's nothing.你渴了吗Umare you thirsty?我去拿点喝的I'm gonna get us a drink.杰里米Jeremy?是你吗Is that you?杰里米Jeremy?在找谁吗Looking for someone?当你跟我分手的时候When you broke up with me你说是因为你想独自一人过一段时间You said it was because you needed some time alone. 你看上去并不是孤身一人You don't look so alone to me.马特你不明白的这Matt you don't understand. It's--没关系埃琳娜That's ok Elena.你做任何你想做的You do what you have to do.我只想让你知道I just want to let you know that...我依旧相信我们会相爱的I still believe in us.我不会放弃的And I'm not giving up on that.马特Matt.你在这里啊Hey! There you are.你去看过瀑布了吗Have you been down to the falls yet? 那里的夜晚非常漂亮Because they are really cool at night. 如果你愿意And I can show you.我可以带你去If you want.我觉得你喝多了I think you've had too much to drink. 那是当然的Well of course I have.所以卡罗琳So-- Caroline.你和我You and me是不可能的It's not gonna happen.对不起Sorry.我还在想是谁绑架你了I was wondering who abducted you现在我知道了But now I know.他对所有男生都这样吗Is she like that withuhall the guys? 当然不是No.你是新的猎物You're fresh meat.她最终会甩了你的She'll back off eventually.天呐开玩笑的吧God you gotta be kidding me!怎么了What is it?-我弟弟 -喝醉的那个吗- My brother. - The drunk one?就是那个That would be the one.-失陪一下 -需要帮忙吗- Excuse me. - Need some help?相信我你不会想看这个的Trust meyou're not going to want to witness this. 杰里米Jeremy!杰里米Jeremy!杰里米你要去哪儿Jeremy where the hell are you going?我不想听I don't want to hear it!薇姬不Vicki? No!天呐是薇姬上帝啊Oh my god it's Vicki! Ohmy god!不No!谁来帮一下Somebody help!薇姬吗薇姬这怎么回事Vicki? Vickiwhat the hell?!她怎么了What happened to her?谁能叫下救护车Somebodycall an ambulance!所有人后退给她点空间Everybody back upgive her some space!看她脖子什么东西咬了她It's her neck. Something bit her.她正大量失血She's losing a lot of blood.把这个盖在她脖子上Put this on her neck.薇姬振作睁开眼睛看着我Vicki Vicki come on open your eyes look at me.发生什么了What's going on?有人今晚被袭击了扎克Someone else was attacked tonight Zach但不是我干的And it wasn't me.达蒙Damon.你好弟弟Hello brother.周围人有点多你不觉得吗Crow's a bit muchdon't you think?看我能用迷雾做什么的时候就明白了Wait till you see what I can do with the fog.你什么时候到的When'd you get here?我怎么能错过你在学校的第一天呢Well I couldn't miss your first day at school.你发型变了Your hair's different.我喜欢I like it.已经年了达蒙It's been years Damon.感谢上帝Thank god.我可不能再忍受九十年代了I couldn't take another day of the Nineties.那个可怕的蹩脚形象That horrible grunge look?一点都不适合你Did not suit you.记住斯特凡远离时尚很重要Remember Stefan it's important to stay away from fads. 为什么你会在这儿Why are you here?我想念我亲爱的弟弟了I miss my little brother.你讨厌小镇的You hate small towns.枯燥乏味无事可做It's boring. There's nothing for you to do.我想办法让自己忙碌起来了I've managed to keep myself busy.你知道的你让那女孩今晚幸免于难了You know you left that girl alive tonight.你真是笨手笨脚的That's very clumsy of you.对你来说这会是个大问题That can be a problem...for you.你现在来这做什么Why are you here now?我也可以问你相同的问题I could ask you the same question.然而我想当确定However I'm fairly certain你的回答能总结为Your answer can be summed up all into一个词One little word...埃琳娜Elena.我们现在去主流咖啡厅等消息We're gonna go Mainline Coffee wait for news. 我要带杰里米回家I gotta take Jeremy home.埃琳娜我不可能有超能力的Elena there's no way I'm psychic.我确定I know that.但不论如何我所看到的But whatever I saw或者我以为我看到的Or I think I saw我有预感I have this feeling...邦妮是什么Bonnie what?这只是开始That it's just the beginning.她把我的魂都吸引住了She took my breath away.埃琳娜Elena.她和凯瑟琳长得一模一样She's a dead ringer for Katherine.这样做很有意思吗斯特凡Is it workingStefan?在她身旁进入她的世界Being around herbeing in her world?让你觉得自己还活着是么Does it make you feel alive?她不是凯瑟琳She's not Katherine.好吧但愿不是Welllet's hope not.我们都记得结局是怎样的We both know how that ended.告诉我你最后一次吃Tell me somethingwhen's the last time比松鼠大的东西是什么时候You had something stronger than a squirrel?我明白你的用意达蒙没用的I know what you're doingDamon. It's not gonna work. 是吗得了你一点也不渴望么Yeah? Come on. Don't you crave a little?算了吧来吧我们一起做Stop it. Let's do it. Together.我看外面有不少姑娘I saw a couple girls out there.或者我们直截了当Or justlet's just cut to the chase去找埃琳娜Let's just go straight for Elena!够了Stop it!想象一下她的血尝起来什么味道Imagine what her blood tastes like!我能想象到有多鲜美I can.我说够了I said stop!真令我印象深刻I was impressed.我给你打个分I give it a six.姿势不好看但还是给了我很大的惊喜Missing stylebut i was pleasantly surprised.你的表情太棒了Very good with the whole face--真不错Thing.It was good.对你来说这些都是娱乐达蒙是吧You knowit's all fun and gamesDamonhuh?你去过的地方就有人死去But wherever you gopeople die.-这是宿命安排 -不要在这- That's a given. - Not here.我不允许I won't allow it.我想你这是在邀请我I take that as an invitation.达蒙求你了Damonplease.过了这么多年难道不能收手吗After all these yearscan't we just give it a rest?我答应过让你永远痛苦I promised you an eternity of misery所以我只是信守诺言而已So I'm just keeping my word.离埃琳娜远一点Just stay away from Elena.你的戒指哪里去了Where's your ring?几个小时后就要出太阳了Ohyeahsun's coming up in a couple of hours看来你要灰飞烟灭了Andpoofashes to ashes.放松Relax.它在这里It's right here.在你觉得自己比我强之前应该考虑清楚You should know better than to think you're stronger than me. 当你决定不再袭击人类时You lost that fight when you stopped你已经输了Feeding on people.我绝不会再试第二次I wouldn't try it again.我想我们把扎克吵醒了I think we woke Zach up. hmm.抱歉扎克SorryZach.你还好吧You ok?我打给珍娜了她在来这里的路上I called Jennashe's on her way.那些穿制服的人Those people in uniforms上次我发现他们是警察Last time I checkedthey're the police.人们总是针锋相对杰里米People are going to stop giving you breaksJer.他们不再彼此相互关心They just don't care anymore.他们不关心我们的父母是否死了They don't remember that our parents are dead因为他们要过自己的日子Because they've got their own lives to deal with.我们得抛下这些往前看The rest of the world has moved on.你得努力改变You should trytoo.我看见你在墓地写日记了I've seen you in the cemetery writing in your diary. 这就是你说的往前看吗Is that--is that supposed to be you moving on?爸妈不会想看到我们这样的Mom and dad wouldn't have wanted this.你冷静下来了么Are you sober yet?没有No.再喝点我送你回家Keep drinking. I gotta get you home.我再送我自己回家I gotta get me home.为什么他不喜欢我Why didn't he go for me?怎么会这样You knowhow come我喜欢的男孩都不喜欢我The guys that I want never want me?我没觉得I'm not touching that.我是个不合时宜的人I'm inappropriate.我总是说错话。

《吸血鬼日记》第一季剧本(中英文对照)1-5集Vampire Diary 第一季 01-Stefan: For over a century, I have lived in secret;century: 世纪 secret: 秘密一个多世纪以来,我都秘密地生活。
Hiding in the shadows, alone in the world.hiding: 隐匿 shadows: 有阴影的藏身暗处,独自一人。
Until now, I am a vampire.vampire: 吸血鬼直到现在,我是一个吸血鬼。
And this is my story.这是我的故事。
-Darren: An hour's drive to hear that crap.crap: 屎;垃圾一小时的车程都听这种垃圾。
You know, it wasn't even a band. A guy with a guitar.连乐队都称不上,只是一个家伙抱了把吉他。
An hour each way.还有回来的一个小时。
-Darren’ wife: He wasn't that bad.没你说的那么糟。
-Darren: He sounded like James Blunt.听着像James Blunt。
-Darren’ wife: What's wrong with that?不是很好么?-Darren: We already have a James Blunt. One's all we need.我们已经有一个James Blunt,一个就够了。
-Darren’ wife: So why did you come?那你为什么要来?-Darren: Because I love you.因为我爱你。
-Darren’ wife: Nicely done.nicely: 漂亮的嘴真甜。

The Vampire Diaries----Script---S01 EP09-teacher: Today we're going to talk about shadow is a method of measuring heights by the sun's shadow. method: 方法 measure: 测量Let's say, for example, that we're going to measure the distance of the shadow. We're gonna take this measurement here, measure the length, andwe're going to multiply that by the height of the source.length: 长度 multiply: 乘 source: 原型-Bonnie: Hello?-Emily: Please help me.-Bonnie: Who are you?-Emily: I'm Emily. You know that. We're family.-Bonnie: Where am I?-Emily: This is where it started. And this is where it has to end.-Bonnie: No. This isn't real.-Emily: Help me.-Bonnie: What are you looking at? Turn around.-Elena: Have you even talked to Bonnie?-Caroline: No. I'm mad at her. She needs to make the first move.她要先来跟我说话才对。

Damon Salvatore(达
蒙· 萨尔瓦托 ) is Stefan's older,
stronger and malevolent vampire brother. When he was still human, he fell in love with Katherine Pierce, an evil vampire who seduced both him and his brother Stefan in 1864.Finally,he also loves Elena.
Vampire brothers
Best friend s
Love triangleΒιβλιοθήκη Relationships
he girl is Elena Gilbert(艾 娜· 吉尔伯特 -human) and she s also Katherine(凯瑟琳ampire ) in The Vampire iaries .She is so beautiful and lovely that the two vampire brothers all love her.But he loves
• They are stronger and faster than human • They won’t get old • They have special skills :read and change human’s mind,hear sound farway,heal themselves… • They could walk outside in the daytime wearing mystic rings, without getting hurt from the sunshine . Therefore, inhabitants of the town don’t belive there are vampires living around.
[吸血鬼日记第三季剧情介绍]吸血鬼日记第三季剧情介绍/分集介绍篇一: 吸血鬼日记第三季剧情介绍/分集介绍吸血鬼日记第三季剧情介绍:《吸血鬼日记》是由美国CW电视台播出的青春魔幻大剧,第三季于美国时间2011年9月15日,中国时间9月16日强势回归。
Tyler和Caroline 有了爱情因素,Elena和Damon的感情将会如何进展,都是这一季即将揭示的内容。
随着第三季开始,Tyler和Caronline 之间的友谊就会开花结果,迸发出爱情。
Bonnie会经常梦见,在郊外的一所破屋中,被Stefan偷走的棺材,而当Bonnie打开其中一具棺材时看到了Elena 的项链在棺材中沉睡的Kluas的手中。
吸血鬼日记第一季 具体剧情简介

吸血鬼日记第一季分集剧情介绍第1集搜视网片名:Pilot 日期:2009-9-10〖剧情梗概〗带着失去双亲的苦痛,Elena G ilbert和弟弟Jeremy开始了新学期。
E len a 在同学中间很受欢迎,又是模范生,但始终不能从悲痛中重新振作起来。
新同学Stefan Salvatore的到来,让Elena看到了重拾浪漫的可能。
〖故事回放〗Elena G ilbert和Jer emy G ilbert姐弟俩不久前失去双亲成了孤儿,现在和姑妈Jenna一起生活在弗吉尼亚州神秘瀑布镇(Mys tic Falls)。
Elen a在墓地对着日记诉说心声,和好朋友Bonnie Bennett、Caroline Forbes一起玩,借此适应失去父母后不一样的生活。
相反,弟弟Jeremy选择了用药物逃避,麻醉自己,他一心追求着Vick i Donovan,而Vick i却更倾向于Ty lerLockwood。
Stefan Salvatore刚刚来到小镇与叔叔Zach同住,Zach一直叫他少惹麻烦。
他渐渐喜欢上了Elena,因她与他1864年的女朋友Kather ine长得一模一样。
他在树林里袭击了Vick i,而且还和Stefan大打出手。
Stefan和Elena互生好感并试着正式交往,同时Damon盯上了Elen a的朋友Carolin e。
吸血鬼日记第一季分集剧情介绍第2集搜视网 片名:The Night of the Comet日期:2009-9-17〖剧情梗概〗神秘瀑布镇开始筹备庆祝彗星掠过。
遭Damon袭击的Vick i惊魂甫定,仍在医院调养。

过去的一个多世纪我都秘密地活着For over a century I have lived in secret 藏身暗处Hiding in the shadows独自一人Alone in the world.直到现在Until now.我是个吸血鬼I am a vampire.这就是我的故事And this is my story.居然开一小时的车去听那种垃圾音乐An hour's drive to hear that crap.根本都算不上是乐队You know it wasn't even a band.一人抱一把吉他A guy with a guitar.每人一小时An hour each way.他没你说的那么差He wasn't that bad.风格还挺像詹姆士·布朗特He sounded like James Blunt.那有什么不好呢What's wrong with that?问题是已经有一个詹姆士·布朗特了We already have a James Blunt.一个就够了One's all we need.那你为什么还要来So why did you come?因为我爱你Because I love you.答得不错Nicely done.哪来这么大的雾What's with all the fog?刚才还没有的It'll clear in a second.小心Watch out!你没事吧Are you ok?!我们撞到人了上帝啊We just hit someone! Ohmy god!快打电话叫救护车Call for help.快接电话快啊Come on come on!千万别出人命啊Please be alive!哦上帝啊Oh my god.这里没信号There's no signal!达伦Darren!达伦Darren?《吸血鬼日记》第一季第一集我不该回家来的I shouldn't have come home.我知道这很冒险I know the risk.但我别无选择But I had no choice.我必须去认识她I have to know her.亲爱的日记Dear diary今天将会不同以往Today will be different.必须要It has to be.我会微笑让别人相信I will smile and it will be believable.告诉他们 " 我很好谢谢关心"My smile was "I'm fine thank you."" 是的我好多了""Yes I feel much better."我不再是失去双亲的悲伤女孩I will no longer be the sad little girl who lost her parents.我要重新开始做不同的自己I will start fresh be someone new.这是我能挺过去的唯一办法It's the only way I'll make it through.吐司面包怎么样我可以做Toast. I can make toast.只要咖啡就行珍娜姑妈It's all about the coffee Aunt Jenna.有咖啡吗Is there coffee?你们开学第一天Your first day of school我却毫无准备And I'm totally unprepared.要午餐钱吗Lunch money?我不用了I'm good.还有什么别的吗Anything else?一支两号铅笔我还漏了什么没A number two pencil? What am I missing?你今天不是有个重要报告会吗Don't you have a big presentation today?我要和论文导师见面就是现在I'm meeting with my thesis advisor at...now.糟糕Crap!那走吧我们自己能行Then go. We'll be fine.你还好吧You ok?别这么跟我说Don't start.祖母说我是个灵媒So gram’s telling me I'm psychic.我们祖先就是从耶路撒冷来的Our ancestors were from Salem我知道听起来有点不靠谱Which isn't all that I know crazy但是她不停地说啊说But she's going on and on about it我就在想快让我离开这儿And I'm like put this woman in a home already!但是我开始想But then I started thinking奥巴马和希斯·莱杰我都预言到了I predicted Obama and I predicted Heath Ledger 而且我还认为佛罗里达将有大事发生And I still think Florida will break off今后就不再是度假胜地了And turn into little resort islands.埃琳娜Elena!注意力回到车里Back in the car.我又犯病了是吗I did it again didn't I?对不起邦妮I--I'm sorry Bonnie.你在跟我说You were telling me that...我是个灵媒That I'm psychic now.对那么预言点什么Right. Ok then predict something.关于我的About me.我想想I see...那是什么东西What was that?!哦上帝啊Oh my god!埃琳娜你没事吧Elena are you ok?没事我很好It's ok. I'm fine.好像是鸟之类的东西不知从哪飞出来的It was like a bird or something. It came out of nowhere.说真的看来我下半辈子都不想碰车了Really I can't be freaked out by cars for the rest of my life.我预言今年是不得了的一年I predict this year is going to be kick ass.我预言所有悲伤和不幸都已经结束And I predict all the sad and dark times are over你会过得快乐至极And you are going to be beyond happy.房地产行业里男性匮乏Major lack of male real estate.快看凯丽泳滩的浴帘Look at the shower curtain on Kelly Beach.她看上去挺辣的She looks a hot你还是以前那个 " 悲伤小姐 " 嘛Can I still say "tranny mess"?不是都已经过去了No that's over.就该这样找个男人起个新绰号Ahh find a man coin a phrase.又是忙碌的一年It's a busy year.他恨我He hates me.那不是恨That's not hate.是说 " 你甩了我我不屑于表现出来"That's "you dumped me but I'm too cool to show it " 但暗地里却听空气补给乐队的热门歌曲""But secretly I'm listening to Air Supply's greatest hits."埃琳娜我的天哪Elena. Oh my god.你怎么样How are you?见到你真好Oh it's so good to see you.她怎么样她好吗How is she? Is she good?卡罗琳我就站在这里Caroline I'm right here.而且我很好谢谢And I'm fine. Thank you.真的吗Really?对好多了Yes. Much better.我的小可怜Oh you poor thing.够了卡罗琳Ok Caroline.那么待会儿见Ok see you guys later?-好的 - 拜拜-Ok! - Bye.不予置评No comment.我什么都不想说I'm not going to say anything.六个小时内最多吃粒Don't take more than two in a six-hour window.薇姬Hey Vicki.我就知道你和这个瘾君子在一起I knew I'd find you here with the crackheads.皮特·温兹打电话 [ 美国乐团 Fall Out Boy主唱 ] Hey Pete Wentz called.他想要回他的指甲油He wants his nail polish back.皮特·温兹你活在啥年代啊Pete Wentzhuh? How old school T.R.L of you.不会是卡森·戴利的粉丝吧Carson Daly fan?泰冷静点冷静点Oh Ty be nice. Be nice.他是埃琳娜的弟弟That's Elena's little brother.我知道I know who he is.那我也要给他好看I'll still kick his ass.等等这人是谁Hold up. Who's this?我只看到个背影All I see is back.很帅的背影It's a hot back.你的档案还不齐全Your records are incomplete.没有免疫证You're missing immunization records而且我们必须要看成绩单And we do insist on transcripts.请您再看一下Please look again.我确定您要的都在这了I'm sure everything you need is there.你是对的Wellyou're right.的确如此So it is.我感知到了西雅图还有他会弹吉他I'm sensing Seattle and he plays the guitar.看来你真是把那种灵媒技能You're really going to run this whole psychic thing-发挥到极致了 - 差不多-Into the groundhuh? - Pretty much.我马上回来I'll be right back.千万要长帅点啊Please be hot.裤子掉啦小妞Whoa! Pants down chick!很好Great.第一天上课你就喝多了It's the first day of school and you're stoned.-我没有 - 放哪了-NoI'm not. - Where is it?-藏身上了吗 - 别翻了-Is it on you? - Stopall right?!你得冷静点行不行You need to chill yourselfall right?-我冷静点 - 这算什么-Chill myself? - What is that酒鬼的演讲吗Stoner talk?老弟算你狠Dudeyou are so cool.停我身上什么也没有你疯了吗Lookstop! I don't have anything on me. Are you crazy? 你还没见识过我发疯呢杰里米You haven't seen crazy Jeremy!我一个暑假没管你I gave you a summer pass可我不能再看着你毁了你自己了But I am done watching you destroy yourself.别别别知道我怎么想吗Nononoyou know what?你走吧爱干嘛干嘛不过记住了Go ahead. Keep it up. But just know只要我发现你喝酒That I am going to be there见一次摔一次明白没To ruin your buzz every timeyou got it?杰里米我知道你是什么样的人Jeremy I know who you are.不是现在这样的And it's not this person.别这样下去了So don't be this person.不用你来说教I don't need this.谢谢Thank you.不客气You're welcome.对不起Uh pardon me.这里是男士洗手间吗Is this the men's room?是的我只是Yes. um I was just只是 ...Um... I was just...说来话长了It's a long story.谢谢Thank you.我们的家乡弗吉尼亚州Once our home state of Virginia曾于年加入南部的联盟国Joined confederacy in这使得州际内部极度紧张起来It created a tremendous amount of tension within the state.弗吉尼亚的西北派人士People in Virginia's northwest region与南方腹地的传统派意见相左Had different ideals than those from the traditional deep south.终于弗吉尼亚于年分裂Then virginia divided in西北部加入了合众国With the northwest region joining the union.[ 帅哥在看你 ]亲爱的日记Dear diary我熬过了一整天I made it through the day.我肯定至少说了次I must have said "I'm fine thanks"" 我很好谢谢"At least times.但没有一次是真心的And I didn't mean it once.不过没人发现But no one noticed.纪念亲爱的双亲年月日当有人问起 " 你好吗 " 时When someone asks "How are you?"他们其实并不想知道答案They really don't want an answer.小鸟你好Hi bird.没什么可怕的That's not creepy or anything.这才是我想说的That's what I thought.你没事吧You ok?你在跟踪我吗Were you following me?没有我只是看到你跌到了No I uh I just... I saw you fall.是啊你只是碰巧Uh-huh and you just happened to be在墓地闲逛Hanging out in a cemetery.我是来祭拜家人的I'm visiting. I have family here.太失礼了Wow. Tactless.对不起都怪那雾气I'm sorry. It's the fog把我身上都弄得雾蒙蒙的It's making me foggy.而且那边还有只鸟And then back therethere was this bird有一霎那一切都非常的 " 希区柯克 " And it was all very Hitchcock for a second.很像希区柯克的电影《鸟》对吧That is the bird movie right the Hitchcock?我叫埃琳娜I'm Elena.我叫斯特凡I'm Stefan.我知道I know.我们是一起上历史课的We have history together.还有英语和法语课And English and French.没错Right.谢谢Thanks.很漂亮的戒指Nice ring.是家传的It's a family ring yeah.我永远不会跟它分开有点诡异对吗I'm kinda stuck with it. It's weirdhuh?不会戒指到处都有No no. It's just I mean there are rings 这枚却是独一无二的And then there's that.你是不是受伤了Did you hurt yourself?刚才是不是摔伤了Did you hurt yourself?不知道I don't know.看啊Oh! Look at that.这可不好看That is not pretty.你没事吧You ok?你该走了You should go.好好处理下伤口Take care of that.真的没什么Really it's nothing.今天我失控了I lost control today.我已经深埋内心的一切Everything I've kept buried inside都冲破了束缚Came rushing to the surface.我只是无法抗拒她I'm simply not able to resist her.我在干活Working.谢谢薇姬ThanksVick.还要续杯吗Do you need another refill?求之不得I'd love one.摆脱告诉我你没有勾搭我妹妹Please tell me you're not hooking up with my sister.我没有勾搭你妹妹I'm not hooking up with your sister.你真是个混蛋You're such a dick.你怎么回事Hey what's your deal?夏天的时候你还好好的I meansummer you act one way开学后看到我就那么不耐烦吗And then school starts and you can't be bothered.杰里米我真的很感谢你的药Look Jeremy I really appreciate all the pharmaceuticals但你也不能像条迷路的小狗一样死缠着我But you can't keep following me around like a lost puppy.你上次和 " 小狗 " 上床是什么时候When's the last time you had sex with a puppy?小声点我不想让整个世界知道Hey keep it down. I don't want to tell the whole world我让埃琳娜的小弟失贞了I deflowered Elena's kid brother.没错而且是一次次的Yeah and deflowered and deflowered.以前几次都是药物作怪现在结束了We hooked up a few times in a drug haze. It's over.趁你没破坏我和泰勒关系前快走吧You gotta back off before you ruin things between me and Tyler.得了吧那家伙完全就是个傻逼Oh come on the guy's a total douche.他要你只是为了想和你上床He only wants you for your ass.是吗Yeah?你要我什么呢What do you want me for?他名叫斯特凡·塞尔瓦托His name is Stefan Salvatore.他和叔叔住在塞尔瓦托的旧公寓He lives with uncle up at the old Salvatore boarding house.他孩提时就离开这里了He hasn't lived here since he was a kid.典型的军人家庭所以他们四处迁徙Military family so they moved around a lot.他是双子座的最喜欢的颜色是蓝色He's a gemini and his favorite color is blue.你一天之内就知道这些了You got all of that in one day?摆脱我在三四节课之间就知道了Oh please I got all that between third and fourth period.我们将会举行一个六月婚礼We're planning a June wedding.我和邦妮约好去烧烤I'm meeting Bonnie at the grill.好吧玩得愉快等等我得说Ok have fun. WaitI got this.别待得太久明天还要上课Don't stay out late it's a school night.干得不错珍娜姑妈Well done aunt Jenna.抱歉我正想敲门Sorry I was about to knock.我想为先前无故消失的行为道歉I wanted to apologize for my disappearing act earlier.我知道那有点 ...I know it was...奇怪strange.别放在心上了No worries.我懂你晕血I get it blood makes you squeamish.差不多吧Um something like that.你的脚怎么样How's your leg?哦没事了Oh it's fine.只是皮外伤Just a scratch barely.你怎么知道我住哪How did you know where I lived?这可是个小镇It's a small town.我问了遇到的第一个人I asked the first person I saw.我觉得你应该想要回这个Um I thought you might want this back.哦我一定是把它弄丢了Oh I must have dropped it.谢谢你I...thank you.别担心我没看Don't worry I didn't...read it.没有吗No?为什么不看大多数人都会的Why not? Most people would have.正如我不想让别人看我的Well I wouldn't want anyone to read mine.你写日记You keep a journal?是的如果我不写下来Yeah if I don't write it down我就会忘I forget it.记忆弥足珍贵Memories are too important.是的Yeah.我得去I'm just gonna你没必要站在外面Um you don't have to stay out there.我没事I'm fine.对不起你是不是要出去Sorry were you going somewhere?是的我要见个朋友Yeah I'm meeting a friend.一起来吗Do you want to come?埃琳娜怎么样How's Elena doing?她的双亲亡故了你觉得会怎么样Her mom and dad died. How do you think?她假装满面笑容She's putting on a good face但才过了个月But it's only been four months.-她有提到我吗 - 没有-Has she said anything about me? - Oh no. 所以别故作姿态了So not getting in the middle.直接打电话给她吧You pick up the phone and call her.我觉得打电话怪怪的I feel weird calling her.她和我分手了She broke up with me.多给点时间马特Give it more time Matt.这就叫多给点时间吗More time huh?我是马特见到你很高兴Hey I'm Matt nice to meet you.你好斯特凡Hi. Stefan.你是在神秘瀑布镇出生的吗So you were born in Mystic Falls?对不过我小时候就搬走了Mm-hmm and moved when I was still young.你父母呢Parents?我父母过世了My parents passed away.抱歉I'm sorry.有兄弟姐妹吗Any siblings?都很久不联系了None that I talk to.我和我叔叔住一起I live with my uncle.那么斯特凡So Stefan你是新来的应该还不知道明天的聚会吧If you're new then you don't know about the party tomorrow.这是瀑布镇开学后的惯例It's a back to school thing at the Falls.你要去吗Are you going?她当然去Of course she is.你答应过的You promised.这是一起野兽袭击This was an animal attack.别给我借口我知道事实Don't give me that. I know the game.你毁尸灭迹他们一直怀疑是野兽袭击You tear them up enough they always suspect an animal attack.你说过你抑制住自己了You said you had it under control.我是做到了And I do.求你了斯特凡叔叔Please uncle Stefan.神秘瀑布镇现在已经今非昔比了Mystic Falls is a different place now.虽然这几年挺平静但还是有人记得的It's been quiet for years but there are people who still remember.而你的到来And you being here这只会激起往事It's just going to stir things up.-这不是我来的本意 - 那是什么-It's not my intention. - Then what is?为什么你要回来Why did you come back?过去这么久了为什么偏偏现在After all this time why now?我不需要为自己作解释I don't have to explain myself.我知道你本性难移I know that you can't change what you are.但你再也不属于这里了But you don't belong here anymore.那我属于哪里Where do I belong?我无法告诉你该怎么做I can't tell you what to do.但回到这里是个错误But coming back here was a mistake.柳树溪战役The battle of Willow Creek战争末期在我们took place right at the end of the war神秘瀑布镇打响in our very own mystic falls.这场战役有多少人员伤亡How many casualties resulted in this battle?贝内特小姐Ms. Bennett?很多Um...a lot?我不确定I'm not sure.就是很多Like a whole lot.贝内特小姐可爱和傻气只有一步之遥Cute becomes dumb in an instantMs. Bennett.多诺万先生Mr. Donovan.你能否借这个机会Would you like to take this opportunity一改玩世不恭的形象To overcome your embedded jock stereotype?算了泰纳老师不必了It's okMr. TannerI'm cool with it.埃琳娜呢Hmm. Elena?你一定可以给我们Surely you can enlighten us about讲讲发生在本镇最重要的历史事件吧One of the town's most significantly historical events?抱歉我不知道I'm sorryI... I don't know.埃琳娜你的情况大家都很清楚I was willing to be lenient last year如果是去年我完全能通融For obvious reasonsElena但私人情感应该在开学前做个了结But the personal excuses ended with summer break.有人遇难There were casualties除去本地居民Unless you're counting local civilians.正确That's correct.你叫 ...Mister...赛尔瓦多Salvatore.塞尔瓦多在神秘瀑布镇Salvatore. any relation to有原始定居在这里的亲戚吗The original settlers here at mystic falls?远亲Distant.很好Wellvery good.当然除次之外战争中没有Exceptof coursethere were no civilian casualties本地居民遇难In this battle.其实有名老师Actuallythere were sir.联邦士兵在教堂开火Confederate soldiersthey fired on the church以为那里藏有武器Believing it to be housing weapons.他们错了They were wrong.当晚伤亡惨重It was a night of great loss.市政厅存有发起人的档案The founder's archives areuh你可以去那里温习一下Stored in civil hall if you'd like to brush up on your facts.泰纳老师Mr. Tanner.什么意思你从不钓凯子What do you meanyou never hooked up?大家都People look up to me.我得保持形象I have to set an example.承认吧埃琳娜Just admit itElena.好吧他是挺帅的Ohokso he's a little pretty.他的眼神很深邃He has that romance novel stare.斯特凡深情注视她的双眸Stefan looked deep into her eyes 洞悉她的灵魂Piercing her very soul.你来啦Hey! you made it!是的I did.去喝一杯吧Welllet's get you a drink.-我 - 来吧-WellI'm... - Ohcome on.他在哪So where is he?我不知道I don't know.我还问你呢你才是通灵人You tell meyou're the psychic one.我差点忘了稍待RightI forgot. Okso give me a sec.祖母说我得集中精神Grams says I have to concentrate.等等你要拿个水晶球Waityou need a crystal ball.来了Ta da.怎么了What?好奇怪That was weird.我一碰你就看到一只乌鸦When I touched youI saw a crow.什么What?一只乌鸦A crow.浓雾密布There was fog有个人A man.我醉了I'm drunk.酒精作用跟通灵无关It's the drinking. There's nothing psychic about it.好了我得再去添点酒了Yeah? okI'm gonna get a refill.好吧Ok.邦妮Bonnie!我又吓着你了 ?I did it againdidn't it?对Yeah.抱歉I'm sorry.你有点不高兴啊You're upset about something.不是邦妮她...Noit's Bonnie. she's...知道吗You know what?算了你来了就好Never mind. You're...here.我来了I'm here.知道吗你是全镇的话题人物You knowyou're kind of the talk of the town.-是吗 - 嗯-Am I? - Mm-hmm.神秘新人Mysterious new guyohyeah.你也挺神秘的Wellyou have the mysterious thing goingtoo.满脸哀伤Twinged in sadness.为什么觉得我哀伤What makes you think that I'm sad?我是在墓地遇见你的Wellwe did meet in a graveyard.对Right.不准确来说应该是在男厕Wellnotechnically we met in the men's room.还是不说了You don't want to knowit's...不是派对的聊天话题It's not exactly party chit-chat.我一直都不太擅长WellI've never really been very good atuh聊天Chit-chat.去年春天Last spring...我父母的车从桥上坠下My parents' car drove off of a bridge掉进湖里Into the lake.我当时在后座And I was in the backseat捡回一命And I survivedbut...他们却没这么幸运They didn't.这就是我的故事So that's my story.埃琳娜悲伤不会永远存在的You won't be sad foreverElena.不行泰NoTy.我不要靠着树做爱I'm not having sex against a tree.- 别啊多性感--Ohcome onit would be hot. - For who?不不行Noit's not going to happen.不行特别是这样的时间地点It's not going to happennot herenot like this.不行我说不行No. I said no.不行好痛I said no! owthat hurts!放开她Heyleave her alone.你让我有点反感吉尔伯特You knowyou're starting to get on my nervesGilbert.快滚泰勒离我远点Just goTylerget the hell away from me.薇姬·多诺万居然会说不Wow. Vicki Donovan says no.第一次见That's a first.我不需要你帮忙I didn't need your help.我看未必It seems like you did.-他只是醉了 - 我才醉了-He was just drunk. - I'm drunk.但我会这样对你吗Am I throwing myself at you?不你更坏Noyou're worse.你想跟我搭讪了解我You want to talk to meget to know me看穿我不断搞我See into my soul and screw and screw and screw 直到厌倦我Until you're done with me.你这么想吗Is that what you think?我就是这样想的That's what I know.我喜欢邦妮像是个好朋友I like Bonnieshe seems like a good friend.-世上最好的朋友 - 而马特-Best friend in the world. - And Matt他好像不能把眼睛从我们身上移开He can't seem touhtake his eyes off of us.马特是我的青梅竹马Matt's that friend since childhood与他拍拖That you start dating是因为感觉欠了自己什么Because you owe it to yourselves想看看能否往下发展To see if you can be more.然后呢And?然后我父母去世了And then my parents died一切都变了And everything changes.不论如何马特和我Anyway Matt and I在一起我不知道Together we justI don't know不够It wasn'tum...没有It wasn't...激情Passionate.对No.没有一点激情Noit wasn't passionate.你还好吗Heyumare you ok?你的眼睛刚才Your eyeit justit's--不没事Yeahno. It'sumit's nothing.你渴了吗Umare you thirsty?我去拿点喝的I'm gonna get us a drink.杰里米Jeremy?是你吗Is that you?杰里米Jeremy?在找谁吗Looking for someone?当你跟我分手的时候When you broke up with me你说是因为你想独自一人过一段时间You said it was because you needed some time alone.你看上去并不是孤身一人You don't look so alone to me.马特你不明白的这Matt you don't understand. It's--没关系埃琳娜That's ok Elena.你做任何你想做的You do what you have to do.我只想让你知道I just want to let you know that...我依旧相信我们会相爱的I still believe in us.我不会放弃的And I'm not giving up on that.马特Matt.你在这里啊Hey! There you are.你去看过瀑布了吗Have you been down to the falls yet?那里的夜晚非常漂亮Because they are really cool at night.如果你愿意And I can show you.我可以带你去If you want.我觉得你喝多了I think you've had too much to drink.那是当然的Well of course I have.所以卡罗琳So-- Caroline.你和我You and me是不可能的It's not gonna happen.对不起Sorry.我还在想是谁绑架你了I was wondering who abducted you 现在我知道了But now I know.他对所有男生都这样吗Is she like that withuhall the guys?当然不是No.你是新的猎物You're fresh meat.她最终会甩了你的She'll back off eventually.天呐开玩笑的吧God you gotta be kidding me!怎么了What is it?-我弟弟 - 喝醉的那个吗-My brother. - The drunk one?就是那个That would be the one.-失陪一下 - 需要帮忙吗-Excuse me. - Need some help?相信我你不会想看这个的Trust meyou're not going to want to witness this. 杰里米Jeremy!杰里米Jeremy!杰里米你要去哪儿Jeremy where the hell are you going?我不想听I don't want to hear it!薇姬不Vicki? No!天呐是薇姬上帝啊Oh my god it's Vicki! Ohmy god!不No!谁来帮一下Somebody help!薇姬吗薇姬这怎么回事Vicki? Vickiwhat the hell?!她怎么了What happened to her?谁能叫下救护车Somebodycall an ambulance!所有人后退给她点空间Everybody back upgive her some space!看她脖子什么东西咬了她It's her neck. Something bit her.她正大量失血She's losing a lot of blood.把这个盖在她脖子上Put this on her neck.薇姬振作睁开眼睛看着我Vicki Vicki come on open your eyes look at me.发生什么了What's going on?有人今晚被袭击了扎克Someone else was attacked tonight Zach但不是我干的And it wasn't me.达蒙Damon.你好弟弟Hello brother.周围人有点多你不觉得吗Crow's a bit muchdon't you think?看我能用迷雾做什么的时候就明白了Wait till you see what I can do with the fog.你什么时候到的When'd you get here?我怎么能错过你在学校的第一天呢Well I couldn't miss your first day at school.你发型变了Your hair's different.我喜欢I like it.已经年了达蒙It's been years Damon.感谢上帝Thank god.我可不能再忍受九十年代了I couldn't take another day of the Nineties.那个可怕的蹩脚形象That horrible grunge look?一点都不适合你Did not suit you.记住斯特凡远离时尚很重要Remember Stefan it's important to stay away from fads.为什么你会在这儿Why are you here?我想念我亲爱的弟弟了I miss my little brother.你讨厌小镇的You hate small towns.枯燥乏味无事可做It's boring. There's nothing for you to do.我想办法让自己忙碌起来了I've managed to keep myself busy.你知道的你让那女孩今晚幸免于难了You know you left that girl alive tonight.你真是笨手笨脚的That's very clumsy of you.对你来说这会是个大问题That can be a problem...for you.你现在来这做什么Why are you here now?我也可以问你相同的问题I could ask you the same question.然而我想当确定However I'm fairly certain你的回答能总结为Your answer can be summed up all into一个词One little word...埃琳娜Elena.我们现在去主流咖啡厅等消息We're gonna go Mainline Coffee wait for news.我要带杰里米回家I gotta take Jeremy home.埃琳娜我不可能有超能力的Elena there's no way I'm psychic.我确定I know that.但不论如何我所看到的But whatever I saw或者我以为我看到的Or I think I saw我有预感I have this feeling...邦妮是什么Bonnie what?这只是开始That it's just the beginning.她把我的魂都吸引住了She took my breath away.埃琳娜Elena.她和凯瑟琳长得一模一样She's a dead ringer for Katherine.这样做很有意思吗斯特凡Is it workingStefan?在她身旁进入她的世界Being around herbeing in her world?让你觉得自己还活着是么Does it make you feel alive?她不是凯瑟琳She's not Katherine.好吧但愿不是Welllet's hope not.我们都记得结局是怎样的We both know how that ended.告诉我你最后一次吃Tell me somethingwhen's the last time比松鼠大的东西是什么时候You had something stronger than a squirrel?我明白你的用意达蒙没用的I know what you're doingDamon. It's not gonna work.是吗得了你一点也不渴望么Yeah? Come on. Don't you crave a little?算了吧来吧我们一起做Stop it. Let's do it. Together.我看外面有不少姑娘I saw a couple girls out there.或者我们直截了当Or justlet's just cut to the chase去找埃琳娜Let's just go straight for Elena!够了Stop it!想象一下她的血尝起来什么味道Imagine what her blood tastes like!我能想象到有多鲜美I can.我说够了I said stop!真令我印象深刻I was impressed.我给你打个分I give it a six.姿势不好看但还是给了我很大的惊喜Missing stylebut i was pleasantly surprised.你的表情太棒了Very good with the whole face--真不错Thing.It was good.对你来说这些都是娱乐达蒙是吧You knowit's all fun and gamesDamonhuh?你去过的地方就有人死去But wherever you gopeople die.-这是宿命安排 - 不要在这-That's a given. - Not here.我不允许I won't allow it.我想你这是在邀请我I take that as an invitation.达蒙求你了Damonplease.过了这么多年难道不能收手吗After all these yearscan't we just give it a rest?我答应过让你永远痛苦I promised you an eternity of misery所以我只是信守诺言而已So I'm just keeping my word.离埃琳娜远一点Just stay away from Elena.你的戒指哪里去了Where's your ring?几个小时后就要出太阳了Ohyeahsun's coming up in a couple of hours看来你要灰飞烟灭了Andpoofashes to ashes.放松Relax.它在这里It's right here.在你觉得自己比我强之前应该考虑清楚You should know better than to think you're stronger than me.当你决定不再袭击人类时You lost that fight when you stopped你已经输了Feeding on people.我绝不会再试第二次I wouldn't try it again.我想我们把扎克吵醒了I think we woke Zach up. hmm.抱歉扎克SorryZach.你还好吧You ok?我打给珍娜了她在来这里的路上I called Jennashe's on her way.那些穿制服的人Those people in uniforms上次我发现他们是警察Last time I checkedthey're the police.人们总是针锋相对杰里米People are going to stop giving you breaksJer.他们不再彼此相互关心They just don't care anymore.他们不关心我们的父母是否死了They don't remember that our parents are dead因为他们要过自己的日子Because they've got their own lives to deal with.我们得抛下这些往前看The rest of the world has moved on.你得努力改变You should trytoo.我看见你在墓地写日记了I've seen you in the cemetery writing in your diary.这就是你说的往前看吗Is that--is that supposed to be you moving on?爸妈不会想看到我们这样的Mom and dad wouldn't have wanted this.你冷静下来了么Are you sober yet?没有No.再喝点我送你回家Keep drinking. I gotta get you home.我再送我自己回家I gotta get me home.为什么他不喜欢我Why didn't he go for me?怎么会这样You knowhow come我喜欢的男孩都不喜欢我The guys that I want never want me?我没觉得I'm not touching that.我是个不合时宜的人I'm inappropriate.我总是说错话。

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• Ian Somerhalder as Damon Salvatore
• The elder and far more dangerous
• Nomination
• Paul Wesley as Stefen Salvatore
• Live at peace with human beings
Stefen: I shouldn‘t have come home. I know the risk. But I had no choice. I have to know her.
Elana: I will no longer be the sad little girl who lost her parents. I will start fresh, be someone new. It's the only way I'll make it through.
Gorgeous [ 'gɔrdʒəs ] In good shape
• pretty beautiful attractive good looking
• comely lovely
cute sweet
• fascinating charming
• elegant exquisite
ruthless hit nominate at peace with
1.The President _______ him Ambassador to Russia.
2.Don't be taken in by his charming manner; he's completely _______.
Stephen Damon Elana Katherine
• Nina Dobrev
• A double role starring Elena and Katherine
• Kind-hearted, considerate & ruthless
Adj. =Cold-Blooded
• shouldn‘t have done sth. 本不该做还是做了
• You shouldn’t have trusted him.
• You shouldn’t twitted her about her looks.
• start fresh=start over
• All I want is to finish high school in peace and find a place with a lot of people don’t know who I am, and just start over.
3.The death of her son has ______ her hard.
ruthless hit nominate at peace with
4.She's never _______ herself.
5.The new play is the ______ of the season
ruthless hit nominate at peace with
1.The President __n_o_mi_na_te_d __him
Ambassador to Russia.
2.Don‘t be taken in by his charming manner;
he’s completely r_ut_hl_es_s __.
• make it through =get through
• A:It's a tough day. B:Yeah, but we will get through er for Katheria.
Video---Trailer of the second season
The End
3.The death of her son has _h_it _her hard.
ruthless hit nominate at peace with
4.She‘s never _at_pe_a_ce_w_ith__herself.
5. The new play is the _h_it_of the season.