计量经济学试题(Econometrics questions)A glossary (a total of 20 points, 4 points for each item)1 Econometrics2 least square method3 dummy variables4 instrumental variable methodIdentification of 5 simultaneous equationsTwo short answer questions (30 points, 6 points for each item)1 the classical assumption that the least square method should be satisfied2 steps to solve problems in EconometricsThe reason for the existence of 3 sequence correlation Steps of economic structure test in 4 regression analysis Characteristics of 5 stochastic perturbationsThree calculation analysis (30 points)1., according to the following information, study the income and consumption of farmers in Hebei province.Requirements: (1) to establish regression model (list and calculation formula, test only for economic significance and goodness of fit test);(2) if the per capita net income of farmers in Hebei in 2008 is 3200 yuan, 2008 of the per capita living expenses of farmers in Hebei should be predicted.Particular yearItem 1994199519961997 1998199920002001 20022003Per capita net income of farmers (100 yuan) 111721232424252627 29Living expenses (100 yuan) 811141413131414151Four discussion questions (20 points)1 briefly describe the meaning, sources and consequences of heteroscedasticity, and write the test steps combined with the G-Q test method.Econometrics entry final exam questions B answerFirst, noun interpretation1 econometrics is the integration of mathematics, statistics and economic theory, combined with the theory and practice of economic behavior and phenomenon.2 least square method: the least square method for minimizing the sum of residuals of all observations is the least square method.3 dummy variables: there are some temporary factors in the study of economic life. Such as war, natural disasters, man-made disasters, these factors do not occur frequently in the economy, but with the same characteristics, these economists do not occur frequently, and temporary effect called virtual variables.4 instrumental variable method: instrumental variable method takes the predetermined variable as instrumental variable instead of the endogenous variable in structural equation as explanatory variable, in order to reduce the correlation between random item and explanatory variable.Identification of 5 simultaneous equations: a single equation that constitutes a simultaneous equation has only a statistical form in its simultaneous equations, and this equation is known to be identifiable, otherwise it is called non recognizable. If every equation in the simultaneous equation can be identified, this simultaneous equation is called identity, otherwise it is called non recognizable.Two, simple answer1 the classical assumption that the least square method should be satisfiedAnswer: (1) the mean of random items is zero;(2) random sequence non correlation and heteroscedasticity;(3) explanatory variables are non random, and if random, they are not related to random items;(4) there is no multicollinearity between explanatory variables.2 the steps of applying econometrics to solve economic problemsAnswer: 1) building models;2) estimation parameters;3) verification theory;4) use modelThe reason for the existence of 3 sequence correlationSequence correlation: that is, the random term U is related to other previous terms. It is called sequence correlation or autocorrelation.The cause of existence:First of all, with the continuous problem in economic life and time, namely the repetition time repeated, therefore, the explanatory variables associated with.Secondly, the error of model selection is established, which makes the explanatory variables relevant.Finally, when the model is established, the random term has autocorrelation, and the sequence has autocorrelation.The method of economic structure test in 4 regression analysisChow puts forward the following test method:Firstly, two samples were merged to form the sample of the number of observation value +, and the model (4.25) was regressed, and the regression equation was obtained:(4.28)The sum of squares of residuals is obtained, and the degree of freedom is + -k-1,Here K is the number of variables explained.Secondly, the use of two small sample given above, respectively (4.25) of the regression analysis, the regression equation respectively (4.26) and (4.27), calculated the sum of squared residuals, respectively, the degree of freedom for -k-1 and -k-1 respectively.Then, according to the sum of squares of residuals, the following statistic is constructed:~ F (k+1, + -2k-2) (4.29)Using statistical (4.29) test (4.26), (4.27) the significant similarities and differences, that is, test hypothesis: (j=0, 1,2,... K).Given the significant level (such as =0.05, =0.01), the F distribution table with the first degree of freedom as k+1 and the second degree of freedom as the + -2k-2 is obtained, and the critical value is obtained.If rejected, that (4.26), (4.27) there is a significant difference, the economic relations of the two or two samples reflect different, we say that the changes in the economic structure; on the contrary, we believe that the economic structure is relatively stable.Some properties of the 5 random perturbation term:1. the complex represented by many factors on the explanatory variable Y;2., the influence direction of Y should be different, there are positive and negative;3. as a secondary factor, the total average impact on Y may be zero;The effect of 4. on Y is non trending and stochastic.Three computational analysis1., according to the following information, study the income and consumption of farmers in Hebei province.Particular yearItem 1994199519961997 1998199920002001 20022003Per capita net income of farmers (100 yuan) 111721232424252627 29Living expenses (100 yuan) 811141413131414151According to economic theory, there is a correlation between farmers' living expenditure and their net income. The basic source of farmers' consumption expenditure lies in their net income, so the increase of per capita net income of farmers is the reason for the increase of their living expenses. In addition, farmers' living expenses are also affected by savings, psychological preferences and other factors, so the model is regression model.If Ct is the farmer's consumption expenditure, and Y is the net income per capita of farmers, the following regression model can be establishedCt=c+aYtDependent Variable: CTMethod: Least SquaresDate: 12/15/97 Time: 16:44Sample: 19942003Included observations: 10Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.YT 0.406238 0.046500 8.736250 0C 3.978409 1.080867 3.680755 0.0062R-squared 0.905126 Mean dependent var 13.20000Adjusted R-squared 0.893266 S.D. dependent var 2.250926 S.E. of regression 0.735380 Akaike info criterion 2.399998 Sum squared resid 4.326269 Schwarz criterion 2.460515Log likelihood -9.999988 F-statistic 76.32207Durbin-Watson stat 1.329130 Prob (F-statistic) 0.000023 The regression equation was Ct=3.9784+0.4062Yt(3.6801) (8.7363)Because T (a) =8.7363>T0.025 (8) =2.306F=76.3221>F0.05 (1,8) =5.32So the regression equation and its coefficients are significantR2=0.9051, which shows that the regression equation and the sample observation value have good goodness of fitFour topics1. answers:Meaning: for the random perturbation of the UI regression model, if the other assumption, the second assumption is not established, that is to say in the variance of random UI different observation value is not equal to a constant, Var (UI) = constant (i=1, 2,... (n), or Var (U) Var (U) (I J), then we call the random perturbation term UI has heteroscedasticity.Source: 1. model omitted economic variables, the measurement error of 2.The consequence of heteroscedasticity: the 1. parameter estimator is still linear unbiased, but not valid. 2. test failure based on t distribution and F distribution. The variance of 3. estimator increases, and the prediction accuracy decreases.Inspection: Inspection (Goldfeld - Quart Goldfield - Quandt G - Q test) test in 1965 by S.M.Goldfeld and R.E.Quandt proposed. This test method is applicable to large samples, usually require the capacity of n should be 30 or the number of observations is to estimate the parameters of more than 2 times(i.e., sample size is much larger than the N model included explanatory variables two times large numbers above). To test heteroscedasticity should meet the following conditions: first, using the method of random perturbation UI obey the normal distribution, and the variance of UI increased with a certain explanatory variables; second, random perturbation UI no serial correlation, namely E (uiuj) =0 (I J). The test method is mainly F test.The test hypothesis H0: UI is equal variance, and the alternative assumption is that H1: UI is heteroscedastic, and the specific steps of G - Q test are as follows:1. will explain the observed value of the variable Xi in absolute ascending order, be interpreted correspond to the variables of Xi Yi.2. the Xi are arranged in C values by deleting the centre of the remaining N-C observations is divided into two sub samples of the same capacity, the capacity of each sub sample respectively, a sub sample which is the larger part of the corresponding observation value, the other is a relatively small part of the observed value. It should be noted that the determination of the C value is not arbitrary, and it is determined by experiments by Goldfeld and Quandt. For the sample size when n is greater than 30, the number of C for the entire sample number 1/4 by deleting observations (e.g., sample size is 48, c=, n=12, removal of the observation value is 12, then the two sub sample volume respectively =18).3. the least squares method is used to calculate the regressionequation of the two sub samples, and then the corresponding residual sum of squares is calculated respectively. The sum of squares of residuals is the sum of the residuals of the sub samples with larger sample value, and their degree of freedom is -k, where k is the number of explanatory variables in the econometric model.4. establish statistics:F= can prove that F=RSS2/RSS1 ~ F (), that is, it follows the F distribution of degrees of freedom respectively. Obviously, if the two sub sample variance is equal, the value of F is close to 1, show that UI has equal variance; if the variance is not equal, according to the pre condition of RSS2 is greater than RSS1, F-measure should be greater than 1, then UI has heteroscedasticity, so we can use the F test to verify whether UI has heteroscedasticity of. That is, for the given significance level, the F distribution table is obtained corresponding critical value, if F>, reject H0, accept H1, that is, UI has heteroscedasticity; if F<, then accept H0, UI has equal variance.。
第1篇一、基础理论部分1. 请简述凯恩斯主义经济学的核心观点,并举例说明其在实际经济中的应用。
2. 什么是通货膨胀?简述通货膨胀的原因及其对经济的影响。
3. 请解释什么是供需关系,并分析供需关系如何影响价格。
4. 什么是边际效用递减规律?请举例说明其在实际生活中的应用。
5. 请简述货币政策的三大工具,并分析其在调控经济中的作用。
6. 什么是外部效应?请举例说明外部效应在现实生活中的表现。
7. 请解释什么是经济周期,并分析其形成的原因。
8. 什么是市场失灵?请举例说明市场失灵在现实生活中的表现。
9. 什么是宏观经济政策?请简述其主要目标及其在调控经济中的作用。
10. 请解释什么是产业结构调整,并分析其在经济发展中的重要性。
二、应用分析部分1. 当前我国经济增长放缓,请分析原因并提出相应的对策。
2. 请分析我国房地产市场泡沫的形成原因及其对经济的影响。
3. 请分析我国制造业转型升级的必要性及其面临的挑战。
4. 请分析我国农村经济发展的现状、问题及对策。
5. 请分析我国环境保护政策的实施效果及其存在的问题。
6. 请分析我国企业“走出去”战略的意义及面临的挑战。
7. 请分析我国财政政策的调整方向及其对经济的影响。
8. 请分析我国货币政策在应对金融危机中的作用。
9. 请分析我国区域发展战略的调整及其对区域经济发展的推动作用。
10. 请分析我国供给侧结构性改革的意义及其在经济发展中的作用。
三、案例分析部分1. 请分析我国某地区产业结构调整的成功案例,并总结其经验。
2. 请分析我国某地区环境保护政策的实施效果,并探讨其存在的问题。
3. 请分析我国某地区农村经济发展的成功案例,并总结其经验。
4. 请分析我国某地区房地产市场的调控政策及其效果。
5. 请分析我国某地区制造业转型升级的成功案例,并总结其经验。
6. 请分析我国某地区企业“走出去”战略的成功案例,并总结其经验。
7. 请分析我国某地区供给侧结构性改革的实施效果,并探讨其存在的问题。
CHAPTER 3SOURCES OF COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGEMULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS1. Which of the following suggests that a nation will export the commodity in the productionof which a great deal of its relatively abundant and cheap factor is used?a. The Linder theoryb. The product life cycle theoryc. The MacDougall theoryd. The Heckscher-Ohlin theory2. According to Staffan Linder, trade between two countries tends to be most pronouncedwhen the countries:a. Find their tastes and preferences to be quite harmoniousb. Experience economies of large-scale production over large output levelsc. Face dissimilar relative abundances of the factors of productiond. Find their per-capita income levels to be approximately the same3. Which of the following is a long-run theory, emphasizing changes in the trading position ofa nation over a number of years?a. Theory of factor endowmentsb. Comparative advantage theoryc. Theory of the product cycled. Overlapping demand theory4. The Leontief paradox questioned the validity of the theory of:a. Comparative advantageb. Factor endowmentsc. Overlapping demandsd. Absolute advantage5. Which of the following would least likely apply to the product life cycle theory?a. Calculators and computersb. Coal and crude oilc. Home movie camerasd. Office machinery6. Classical trade theory emphasized which of the following as an underlying explanation ofthe basis for trade?a. Productivities of labor inputsb. Tastes and preferences among nationsc. Changes in technologies over timed. Quantities of economic resources7. Concerning the influence that transportation costs have on the location of industry, which ofthe following industries has generally attempted to locate production facilities close to resource supplies?a. Autosb. Steelc. Soft drinksd. Valuable electronics goods8. Assume that Country A, in the absence of trade, finds itself relatively abundant in labor andrelatively scarce in land. The factor endowment theory reasons that with free trade, the internal distribution of national income in Country A will change in favor of:a. Laborb. Landc. Both labor and landd. Neither labor nor land9. When considering the effects of transportation costs, the conclusions of our trade modelmust be modified. This is because transportation costs result in:a. Lower trade volume, higher import prices, smaller gains from tradeb. Lower trade volume, lower import prices, smaller gains from tradec. Higher trade volume, higher import prices, smaller gains from traded. Higher trade volume, lower import prices, greater gains from trade10. Most economists maintain that the major factor underlying wage stagnation in the UnitedStates in the 1990s has been:a. Import competitionb. Technological changec. Rising real value of the minimum waged. Increasing union membership11. Assume the cost of transporting autos from Japan to Canada exceeds the pretrade pricedifference for autos between Japan and Canada. Trade in autos is:a. Impossibleb. Possiblec. Highly profitabled. Moderately profitable12. Eli Heckscher and Bertil Ohlin are associated with the theory of comparative advantage thatstresses differences in:a. Income levels among countriesb. Tastes and preferences among countriesc. Resource endowments among countriesd. Labor productivities among countries13. Hong Kong is relatively abundant in labor, while Canada is relatively abundant in capital. Inboth countries the production of shirts is relatively more labor intensive than the production of computers. According to the factor endowment theory, Hong Kong will have a(n):a. Absolute advantage in the production of shirts and computersb. Absolute advantage in the production of computersc. Comparative advantage in the production of shirtsd. Comparative advantage in the production of computers75 / 1214. If Japanese workers receive lower wages in the production of autos than do Americanworkers:a. Japan will have a comparative advantage in the production of autosb. Japan will have an absolute advantage in the production of autosc. Production costs will be lower in Japan than in the U.S.d. Production costs could be lower in the U.S. if American labor productivity is higherthan the Japanese15. Which trade theory suggests that a newly produced good, once exported, could ultimatelyend up being imported as the technology is transferred to lower-cost nations?a. Factor endowment theoryb. Product life cycle theoryc. Overlapping demand theoryd. Comparative advantage theory16. A firm is said to enjoy economies of scale over the range of output for which the long-runaverage cost is:a. Increasingb. Constantc. Decreasingd. None of the above17. A product will be internationally traded as long as the pretrade price differential between thetrading partners is:a. Greater than the cost of transporting it between themb. Equal to the cost of transporting it between themc. Less than the cost of transporting it between themd. None of the above18. Which of the following suggests that by widening the market’s size, internati onal trade canpermit longer production runs for manufacturers, which leads to increasing efficiency?a. Economies of scaleb. Diseconomies of scalec. Comparative cost theoryd. Absolute cost theory19. The Leontief paradox:a. Was applied to the product life cycle theoryb. Suggested that the U.S. exports labor-intensive goodsc. Found that national income differences underlie world trade patternsd. Implied that diseconomies of scale occur at low output levels20. Which of the following best applies to the theory of overlapping demands?a. Manufactured goodsb. Servicesc. Primary productsd. None of the above21. The Heckscher-Ohlin theory explains comparative advantage as the result of differences incountries’:a. Economies of large-scale productionb. Relative abundance of various resourcesc. Relative costs of labord. Research and development22. Boeing aircraft company was able to cover its production costs of the first “jumbo jet” in the1970s because Boeing could market it to several foreign airlines in addition to domestic airlines. This illustrates:a. How economies of scale make possible a larger variety of products in internationaltradeb. A transfer of wealth from domestic consumers to domestic producers as the result oftradec. How a natural monopoly is forced to behave more competitively with internationaltraded. How a natural monopoly is forced to behave less competitively with international trade23. Which trade theory contends that a country that initially develops and exports a new productmay eventually become an importer of it and may no longer manufacture the product?a. Theory of factor endowmentsb. Theory of overlapping demandsc. Economies of scale theoryd. Product life cycle theory24. The theory of overlapping demands predicts that trade in manufactured goods is unimpor-tant for countries with very different:a. Tastes and preferencesb. Expectations of future interest rate levelsc. Per-capita income levelsd. Labor productivities25. The trade model of the Swedish economists Heckscher and Ohlin maintains that:a. Absolute advantage determines the distribution of the gains from tradeb. Comparative advantage determines the distribution of the gains from tradec. The division of labor is limited by the size of the world marketd. A country exports goods for which its resource endowments are most suited26. According to the factor endowment model, countries heavily endowed with land will:a. Devote excessive amounts of resources to agricultural productionb. Devote insufficient amounts of resources to agricultural productionc. Export products that are land-intensived. Import products that are land-intensive27. For the United States, empirical studies indicate that over the past two decades the cost ofinternational transportation relative to the value of U.S. imports has:a. Increasedb. Decreasedc. Not changedd. None of the above77 / 1228. Should international transportation costs decrease, the effect on international trade wouldinclude a(n):a. Increase in the volume of tradeb. Smaller gain from tradec. Decline in the income of home producersd. Decrease in the level of specialization in production.29. That the division of labor is limited by the size of the market best applies to which explana-tion of trade?a. Factor endowment theoryb. Product life cycle theoryc. Economies of scale theoryd. Overlapping demand theory30. A larger variety of products results from international trade especially if:a. International trade affords producers monopoly powerb. National governments levy import tariffs and quotasc. Producing goods entails increasing costsd. Economies of scale exist for producers31. With economies of scale and decreasing unit costs, a country has the incentive to:a. Specialize completely in the product of its comparative advantageb. Specialize partially in the product of its comparative advantagec. Specialize completely in the product of its comparative disadvantaged. Specialize partially in the product of its comparative disadvantage32. Proponents of ________ maintain that government should enact policies that encourage thedevelopment of emerging, “sunrise” industries.a. Product life cycle policyb. Static comparative advantage policyc. Intraindustry trade policyd. Industrial policy33. Legislation requiring domestic manufacturers to install pollution abatement equipment tendsto promote:a. Higher production costs and an increase in outputb. Higher production costs and a decrease in outputc. Lower production costs and an increase in outputd. Lower production costs and a decrease in output34. Stringent governmental regulations (e.g., air quality standards) imposed on domestic steelmanufacturers tend to:a. Enhance their competitiveness in the international marketb. Detract from their competitiveness in the international marketc. Increase the profitability and productivity of domestic manufacturersd. Reduce the market share of foreign firms selling steel in the domestic market35. Among the determinants underlying a country’s internatio nal competitiveness in businessservices (e.g., construction) are:a. The potential scale economies afforded by a market’s sizeb. Abundance of equipment including data processing facilities and computersc. Skills and capabilities of employees and their wage ratesd. All of the above36. The simultaneous import and export of computers by Germany is an example of:a. Intraindustry tradeb. Interindustry tradec. Perfect competitiond. Imperfect competition37. Linder’s theory of overlapping demand provide s an explanation of:a. Product life cycle theoryb. Factor endowment modelc. Economies of large-scale productiond. Intraindustry trade38. Intraindustry trade can be explained in part by:a. Adam Smith’s principle of absolute advantageb. Perfect competition in product marketsc. Diseconomies of large scale productiond. Transportation costs between and within nations39. The Leontief paradox provided:a. Support for the principle of absolute advantageb. Support for the factor endowment modelc. Evidence against the factor endowment modeld. Evidence against the principle of absolute advantage40. Which trade theory suggests that comparative advantage tends to shift from one nation toanother as a product matures?a. Interindustry trade theoryb. Intraindustry trade theoryc. Product life cycle theoryd. Overlapping demand theory41. Which trade theory is tantamount to a short-run version of the factor price equalizationtheory?a. Specific factors theoryb. Product life cycle theoryc. Economies of scale theoryd. Overlapping demand theory79 / 1242. According to the specific factors trade theory:a. Owners of factors specific to export industries suffer from trade, while owners offactors specific to import-competing industries gainb. Owners of factors specific to export industries gain from trade, while owners of factorsspecific to import-competing industries sufferc. Both owners of factors specific to export industries and owners of factors specific toimport-competing industries gain from traded. Both owners of factors specific to export industries and owners of factors specific toimport-competing industries suffer from trade43. Which nation has sometimes been characterized as being a “pollution haven” due to itslenient environmental standards that encourage the production of pollution-intensive goods?a. Japanb. Canadac. Germanyd. Mexico44. Boeing Inc. has criticized The Airbus Company’s competitiveness on the grounds thatAirbus benefits from:a. Import tariffs protecting Airbus in the European marketb. Import quotas protecting Airbus in the European marketc. Lenient environmental standards of European governmentsd. Production subsidies supplied by European governments45. To justify the subsidies it has received from European governments, The Airbus Companyhas used all of the following arguments except:a. Its subsidies have prevented U.S. aircraft firms from holding a worldwide monopolyb. U.S. aircraft firms have benefitted from military-sponsored programs of the U.S.governmentc. Air bus’ subsidies were totally repaid as the firm realized profits on its aircraft salesd. Without subsidies to Airbus, Europe would be dependent on the United States as asupplier of aircraft46. Expanding trade or technological improvements:a. Increases the demand for skilled workers in the U.S.b. Decreases the demand for unskilled workers in the U.S.c. Increases the demand for unskilled workers in the U.S.d. Both a and b.47. Economists agree that wages of unskilled workers are being held down by:a. International tradeb. Technology improvementsc. Lack of educationd. A combination of a, b, and c48. The factor endowment theory states that comparative advantage is explained:a. Exclusively by differences in relative supply conditionsb. Exclusively by differences in relative national demand conditionsc. Both supply and demand conditionsd. None of the above49. The factor endowment theory assumes:a. Same tastes and preferencesb. Factor inputs of uniform qualityc. Same technologyd. All of the above50. In explaining international trade, the product life cycle theory focuses on:a. Tastes and preferencesb. The role of technological innovationc. Per-capita income levels of nationsd. Both b and c.TRUE-FALSE QUESTIONST F 1. According to Ricardian theory, comparative advantage depends on relative dif-ferences in labor productivity.T F 2. The Heckscher-Ohlin theory asserts that relative differences in labor productivity underlie comparative advantage.T F 3. The factor-endowment theory highlight s the relative abundance of a nation’s resources as the key factor underlying comparative advantage.T F 4. According to the factor-endowment theory, a nation will export that good for which a large amount of the relatively scarce resource is used.T F 5. According to the factor-endowment theory, a nation will import that good for which a large amount of the relatively abundant resource is used.T F 6. The Heckscher-Ohlin theory suggests that land-abundant nations will export land-intensive goods while labor-abundant nations will export labor-intensivegoods.T F 7. The Heckscher-Ohlin theory contends that over a period of years a country that initially is an exporter of a product will become an importer of that product.T F 8. The Heckscher-Ohlin theory emphasizes the role that demand plays in the crea-tion of comparative advantage.T F 9. The factor-endowment theory asserts that with specialization and trade there tends to occur an equalization in the relative resource prices of trading partners. T F 10. According to the factor-endowment theory, international specialization and trade cause a nation’s cheap resource to become cheaper and a nation’s expensiveresource to become more expensive.T F 11. Fears about the downward pressure that cheap foreign workers place on U.S.wages have led U.S. labor unions to lobby for import restrictions such as tariffsand quotas.81 / 12T F 12. According to the factor-price-equalization theory, international trade results in the relative differences in resource prices between nations being eliminated.T F 13. Empirical testing by Wassily Leontief gave support to the Heckscher-Ohlin theory of trade.T F 14. The Leontief Paradox was the first major challenge to the product-life-cycle theory of trade.T F 15. The Leontief Paradox suggested that, in contrast to the predictions of the factor-endowment theory, U.S. exports were less capital-intensive than U.S. import-competing goods.T F 16. The specific-factors theory analyzes the income distribution effects of trade in the short run when resources are immobile among industries.T F 17. Owners of resources specific to export industries tend to lose from international trade, while owners of factors specific to import-competing industries tend togain.T F 18. The factor-price-equalization theory is a short-run version of the specific-factors theory.T F 19. With economies of scale, specialization in a few products allows a manufacturer to benefit from longer production runs which lead to decreasing average cost.T F 20. With decreasing costs, a country has an incentive to partially specialize in the product of its comparative advantage.T F 21. By widening the size of the domestic market, international trade permits compa-nies to take advantage of longer production runs and increasing efficiencies suchas mass production.T F 22. The theory of overlapping demands applies best to trade in manufactured goods. T F 23. Decreasing cost conditions lead to complete specialization in the production of the commodity of comparative advantage.T F 24. According to Staffan Linder, the factor endowment theory is useful in explaining trade patterns in manufactured goods, but not primary products.T F 25. The theory of overlapping demands asserts that trade in manufactured goods is stronger the less similar the demand structures of two countries.T F 26. The theory of overlapping demands contends that international trade in manufac-tured products is strongest among nations with similar income levels.T F 27. According to the theory of overlapping demands, trade in manufactured goods would be greater among two wealthy countries than among a wealthy countryand a poor country.T F 28. Recent studies of U.S. resource endowments indicate that the United States is most abundant in unskilled labor, followed by semiskilled labor and skilled labor.T F 29. Intraindustry trade would occur if computers manufactured in the United States by IBM are exported to Japan while the United States imports computers manu-factured by Hitachi of Japan.T F 30. Because seasons in the Southern Hemisphere are opposite those in the Northern Hemisphere, one would expect intraindustry trade to occur in agricultural products.T F 31. Intraindustry trade can be explained by product differentiation, economies of scale, seasons of the year, and transportation costs.T F 32. According to the theory of intraindustry trade, many manufactured goods undergoa trade cycle in which the home country initially is an exporter and eventuallybecomes an importer of a product.T F 33. The product-life-cycle theory applies best to trade in primary products in the short run.T F 34. According to the product-life-cycle theory, the first stage of a product’s trade cycle is when it is introduced to the home market.T F 35. According to the product life cycle theor y, the last stage of a product’s trade cycle is when it becomes an import-competing good.T F 36. Ricardo’s theory of comparative advantage is a static theory that does not con-sider changes in international competitiveness over the long run.T F 37. Dynamic comparative advantage refers to the creation of comparative advantage through the mobilization of skilled labor, technology, and capital.T F 38. Industrial policy seeks to direct resources to declining industries in which pro-ductivity is low, linkages to the rest of the economy are weak, and future com-petitiveness is remote.T F 39. Europe’s jumbo-jet manufacturer, Airbus, has justified receiving governmental subsidies on the grounds that the subsidies prevent the United States from becom-ing a monopoly in the jumbo-jet market.T F 40. The imposition of pollution-control regulations on domestic steel manufacturers leads to decreases in production costs and an improvement in the steel manufac-turers’ competitiveness.T F 41. Empirical studies conclude that U.S. environmental policies are a more important determinant of trade performance than capital, raw materials, labor skills, andwages.T F 42. Most developing countries have pollution-control laws and enforcement policies that are more stringent than those of the major industrial countries.83 / 12T F 43. Although the theory of comparative advantage explains trade in manufactured goods, it has no explanatory value for trade in business services.T F 44. When transportation costs are added to our trade model, the low-cost exporting country produces less, consumes more, and exports less than that which occurs inthe absence of transportation costs.T F 45. When transportation costs are added to our trade model, the degree of specializa-tion in production between two countries increases as do the gains from trade.T F 46. In the absence of transportation costs, free trade results in the equalization of the prices of traded goods, as well as resource prices, in the trading nations.T F 47. In industries where the final product is much less weighty or bulky than the materials from which it is made, firms tend to locate production near resourcesupplies.T F 48. Industrial processes that add weight or bulk to a commodity are likely to be located near the resource market to minimize transportation costs.T F 49. A product will be traded only if the cost of transporting it between nations is less than the pretrade difference between their relative product prices.T F 50. Generally speaking, transportation costs are more important than production costs as a source of comparative advantage.T F 51. The product-life-cycle model contends that when a new product is introduced to the home market, it generally requires low-skilled labor to produce it.T F 52. According to the product life cycle model, comparative advantage shifts from cheap-labor countries to high-technology countries after a manufactured goodbecomes standardized.ANSWERSAnswers to Multiple-Choice Questions1. d2. d3. c4. b5. b6. a7. b8. a9. a10. b 11. a12. c13. c14. d15. b16. c17. a18. a19. b20. a21. b22. a23. d24. c25. d26. c27. b28. a29. c30. d31. a32. d33. b34. b35. d36. a37. d38. d39. c40. c41. a42. b43. d44. d45. c46. d47. d48. a49. d50. bAnswers to True-False Questions1. T2. F3. T4. F5. F6. T7. F8. F9. T10. F11. T 12. T13. F14. F15. T16. T17. F18. F19. T20. F21. T22. T23. T24. F25. F26. T27. T28. F29. T30. T31. T32. F33. F34. T35. T36. T37. T38. F39. T40. F41. F42. F43. F44. T45. F46. T47. T48. F49. T50. F51. F52. FSHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS1. Does factor price equalization occur in the real world?Answer: In the real world, differences in factor prices tend to exist. Different technologies, imperfect markets, transportation costs, and trade barriers may prevent factor prices from equalizing among nations.2. What is the focus of the product life cycle theory, and where is it applicable?Answer: The product life cycle theory focuses on the role of technological innovation as a key determinant of trade patterns. It applies to manufactured goods.ESSAY QUESTIONS1. Explain how immigration and trade may worsen wage inequality, and how college educa-tion may mitigate against that.Answer: Trade tends to increase the demand for skilled workers relative to unskilled workers, thus worsening wage inequality. Immigration of unskilled workers decreases the supply of skilled workers relative to unskilled workers, thus worsening wage inequality. Alternatively, college education increases the supply of skilled workers relative to unskilled workers, thus reducing wage inequality.2. How does Staffan Linder explain world trade patterns?Answer: Linder offers two explanations of world trade patterns. Trade in primary products conforms well to the factor-endowment theory. However, trade in manufactured goods is best explained by overlapping demand structures among nations. For manufactured goods, the basis for trade is stronger when the structure of demand in two nations is more similar, due to similar per-capita incomes.85 / 12。
经济学Question 1
Candidates should explain clearly what free trade is. An explanation would explain that traders make transactions without interference from governments, ie without barriers. Candidates may include examples of free trade agreements and free trade talks to illustrate their explanation. Scottish Qualifications Authority 8 HN Assessment Exemplar/ F86E 35/AEX001 V1.0 Title: Economics 2: The World Economy September 2010Candidates should explain clearly what is meant by absolute and comparative advantage. A worked example of absolute and comparative advantage could be incorporated to support the explanation. Alternatively discussing how the UK’s absolute and comparative advantage has changed over time could be used to support the explanation.Question 3Candidates should identify three gains from engaging in international trade. The gains might be from the perspective of the firms engaged in free trade, or from a consumer or a government’s point of view. Gains might include:it allows goods to be imported that cannot be produced in the countryit improves consumer choiceprices may be lowerit allows economies of scale to be gainednew markets can be found for existing productsit allows specialisationit provides employmentoutput is stimulatedQuestion 4Candidates must explain clearly what the terms ‘protectionism’ and ‘barriers to trade’ mean. Reasons should be given for governments’ use of trade barriers which might include:protecting an important industry, eg ship buildingprotecting domestic employmentpreventing the dumping of low priced goodson political grounds for goods such as weapons, uranium, antiquities, ivory, etc or where sanctions are imposedretaliationhealth/safety groundsExamples of different types of trade barrier and reference to real examples of their use would enhance responses.Question 5The role of the World Trade Organisation should be described. Answers must focus on how the WTO has helped develop free trade. Candidates are likely to refer to examples of work undertaken by the WTO. Scottish Qualifications Authority 9 HN Assessment Exemplar/ F86E 35/AEX001 V1.0 Title: Economics 2: The World Economy September 2010Explain the role of one of the following trade blocs:The European Union (EU)The North American free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)The explanation should cover the reasons for the existence of the chosen trade bloc and the role that it plays. Examples of the work undertaken by the chosen trade bloc are desirable.Question 7Candidates should explain the composition of the UK balance of payments covering the main sections:current accountcapital accountfinancial accountCandidates should refer to UK trade figures from recent years in their explanation. Question 8Examination of the main trends in UK trade should track the current balance over the last 30 years.General trends should be identified such as the surpluses in the late 1990s and the deficits in the 1980s and 2000+. In examining the trends such as the surpluses, possible causes such as the improvement in the trade in services may be identified. The deficits may also be explored and possible reasons given such as the trend for UK consumers to buy more imported goods, lack of competitiveness of UK firms, the decline in UK comparative advantage, etc.Question 9Candidates should investigate the relationship between sterling prices and the balance of trade. This allows candidates to examine export and import preferences. Candidates could provide a theoretical worked example, or a recent case showing the link between exports, imports and the pound. Scottish Qualifications Authority 10 HN Assessment Exemplar/ F86E 35/AEX001 V1.0 Title: Economics 2: The World Economy September 2010Three relevant advantages and disadvantages should be given for each of two of the following:fixed exchange ratesfloating exchange ratesthe single currency for the UKAdvantages for fixed exchange rates might include:reduces currency speculationa reduction in the risk involved in international tradegreater economic disciplineAdvantages for floating exchange rates might include:automatic adjustment of the balance of paymentsless foreign exchange reserves are requiredit is more flexible than a fixed or pegged systemAdvantages for the UK as a result from adopting the Euro might include:lower transactions costtransparency of prices across the Euro Zonegreater economic stabilityincreased trade within EuropeDisadvantages for fixed exchange rates might include:fixed rates may require large foreign currency reserveseconomic policy can become dominated by the fixed rate policyspeculators can place immense pressure upon the fixed ratesDisadvantages for floating exchange rates might include:can be open to speculationmay lead to uncertainty about future currency valuesit can lead to greater inflationDisadvantages for the UK as a result from adopting the Euro might include:loss of control over monetary policyloss of sovereigntyeconomic problems when another member state has an economic crisislack of convergence of EU economiesScottish Qualifications Authority 11 HN Assessment Exemplar/ F86E 35/AEX001 V1.0 Title: Economics 2: The World Economy September 2010Candidates should outline three effects on individuals and three effects on businesses for each of the two items selected in question 10, ie two items from: fixed exchange ratesfloating exchange ratesthe single currency for the UKThe table below contains some of thepossible effects: Effect onbusinessesEffect on individualsFixed exchange rates1 A business may be able to plan with greater certainty over prices for exports/imports.2 May be set at too higha rate thus damaging exports.3 Government may ignore business needs in maintaining the policy. 1 Greater certainty over exchange rates.2 Easier to make price comparisons.3 Interest rates may rise to maintain the exchange rate.Floating exchangerates 1 Uncertainty overprices.2 Can make eitherexports or importscheaper depending onthe movement of thecurrency.3 A need for hedging andfutures transactions. 1 The cost of going abroad can change.2 Essential products such as gas can soar in cost.3 Costs in changing currency may be greater than under a fixed exchange regime.The single currency forthe UK 1 Greater businessopportunities.2 Transaction costs arereduced.3 The need for hedgingand futures is reduced. 1 No currency conversion costs for holiday makers.2 Ease of making price comparisons.3 No need to physically change currency.1 Explain what is meant by the term, ‘free trade’?2 Explain absolute and comparative advantage using either a worked example, or an analysis of the changes in the United Kingdom’s (UK) absolute and comparative advantage.3 Identify three gains from trading internationally.4 Explain the terms ‘protectionism’ and ‘barriers to trade’. In your explanation identify why governments might wish to use trade barriers to protect their respective economies.5 Describe the role of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in the development of free trade.6 Explain the role of one of the following trade blocs:The European Union (EU)The North American free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)7 Referring to UK trade figures from recent years explain the composition of the UK balance of payments.8 What are the general trends in UK trade over the last 30 years? You should refer to the current balance over this period in your response.9 How is the balance of payments affected by exchange rates? You may provide a basic theoretical example or recent case to illustrate this. Scottish10 Identify three advantages and three disadvantages for each of two of the following:fixed exchange ratesfloating exchange ratesthe single currency for the UK11 Outline three effects on individuals and three effects on businesses for each of the two exchange rate regimes selected in question 10.12 Explain two characteristics of either Newly Industrialised Countries (NICs), or Less Developed Countries (LDCs).13 Using specific examples provide an analysis of one issue facing NICs, and one issue facing LDCs.14 Explain the impact of transnational firms on NICs or LDCs.。
面试中的经济知识问答1. 介绍经济知识是面试中常见的考察点之一。
2. 问答内容2.1 什么是市场经济?市场经济是一种以市场为基础,通过供求关系和价格机制来分配资源、决定产品和服务的生产和消费的经济体制。
2.2 什么是需求和供给?需求是指消费者愿意购买某种产品或服务的意愿和能力。
2.3 什么是通货膨胀?通货膨胀是指货币供应量持续增加,引起物价普遍上涨的经济现象。
2.4 什么是GDP?GDP(国内生产总值)是衡量一个国家或地区一定时期内所有最终产品和服务的市场价值的总和。
2.5 什么是利率?利率是借贷资金的价格,表示借款人需要支付给贷款人的一定比例的利息。
2.6 什么是贸易顺差和贸易逆差?贸易顺差是指一个国家出口商品和服务的价值大于进口的价值,即出口超过进口,这意味着该国在贸易方面盈余。
2.7 什么是经济周期?经济周期是指经济活动在一定时期内出现的起伏波动。
2.8 什么是投资?投资是指将资金或其他资源用于购买资产、项目或企业,以期获得一定的回报或利润。
经济学Question 1
Candidates should explain clearly what free trade is. An explanation would explain that traders make transactions without interference from governments, ie without barriers. Candidates may include examples of free trade agreements and free trade talks to illustrate their explanation. Scottish Qualifications Authority 8 HN Assessment Exemplar/ F86E 35/AEX001 V1.0 Title: Economics 2: The World Economy September 2010Candidates should explain clearly what is meant by absolute and comparative advantage. A worked example of absolute and comparative advantage could be incorporated to support the explanation. Alternatively discussing how the UK’s absolute and comparative advantage has changed over time could be used to support the explanation.Question 3Candidates should identify three gains from engaging in international trade. The gains might be from the perspective of the firms engaged in free trade, or from a consumer or a government’s point of view. Gains might include:it allows goods to be imported that cannot be produced in the countryit improves consumer choiceprices may be lowerit allows economies of scale to be gainednew markets can be found for existing productsit allows specialisationit provides employmentoutput is stimulatedQuestion 4Candidates must explain clearly what the terms ‘protectionism’ and ‘barriers to trade’ mean. Reasons should be given for governments’ use of trade barriers which might include:protecting an important industry, eg ship buildingprotecting domestic employmentpreventing the dumping of low priced goodson political grounds for goods such as weapons, uranium, antiquities, ivory, etc or where sanctions are imposedretaliationhealth/safety groundsExamples of different types of trade barrier and reference to real examples of their use would enhance responses.Question 5The role of the World Trade Organisation should be described. Answers must focus on how the WTO has helped develop free trade. Candidates are likely to refer to examples of work undertaken by the WTO. Scottish Qualifications Authority 9 HN Assessment Exemplar/ F86E 35/AEX001 V1.0 Title: Economics 2: The World Economy September 2010Explain the role of one of the following trade blocs:The European Union (EU)The North American free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)The explanation should cover the reasons for the existence of the chosen trade bloc and the role that it plays. Examples of the work undertaken by the chosen trade bloc are desirable.Question 7Candidates should explain the composition of the UK balance of payments covering the main sections:current accountcapital accountfinancial accountCandidates should refer to UK trade figures from recent years in their explanation. Question 8Examination of the main trends in UK trade should track the current balance over the last 30 years.General trends should be identified such as the surpluses in the late 1990s and the deficits in the 1980s and 2000+. In examining the trends such as the surpluses, possible causes such as the improvement in the trade in services may be identified. The deficits may also be explored and possible reasons given such as the trend for UK consumers to buy more imported goods, lack of competitiveness of UK firms, the decline in UK comparative advantage, etc.Question 9Candidates should investigate the relationship between sterling prices and the balance of trade. This allows candidates to examine export and import preferences. Candidates could provide a theoretical worked example, or a recent case showing the link between exports, imports and the pound. Scottish Qualifications Authority 10 HN Assessment Exemplar/ F86E 35/AEX001 V1.0 Title: Economics 2: The World Economy September 2010Three relevant advantages and disadvantages should be given for each of two of the following:fixed exchange ratesfloating exchange ratesthe single currency for the UKAdvantages for fixed exchange rates might include:reduces currency speculationa reduction in the risk involved in international tradegreater economic disciplineAdvantages for floating exchange rates might include:automatic adjustment of the balance of paymentsless foreign exchange reserves are requiredit is more flexible than a fixed or pegged systemAdvantages for the UK as a result from adopting the Euro might include:lower transactions costtransparency of prices across the Euro Zonegreater economic stabilityincreased trade within EuropeDisadvantages for fixed exchange rates might include:fixed rates may require large foreign currency reserveseconomic policy can become dominated by the fixed rate policyspeculators can place immense pressure upon the fixed ratesDisadvantages for floating exchange rates might include:can be open to speculationmay lead to uncertainty about future currency valuesit can lead to greater inflationDisadvantages for the UK as a result from adopting the Euro might include:loss of control over monetary policyloss of sovereigntyeconomic problems when another member state has an economic crisislack of convergence of EU economiesScottish Qualifications Authority 11 HN Assessment Exemplar/ F86E 35/AEX001 V1.0 Title: Economics 2: The World Economy September 2010Candidates should outline three effects on individuals and three effects on businesses for each of the two items selected in question 10, ie two items from: fixed exchange ratesfloating exchange ratesthe single currency for the UKThe table below contains some of thepossible effects: Effect onbusinessesEffect on individualsFixed exchange rates1 A business may be able to plan with greater certainty over prices for exports/imports.2 May be set at too higha rate thus damaging exports.3 Government may ignore business needs in maintaining the policy. 1 Greater certainty over exchange rates.2 Easier to make price comparisons.3 Interest rates may rise to maintain the exchange rate.Floating exchangerates 1 Uncertainty overprices.2 Can make eitherexports or importscheaper depending onthe movement of thecurrency.3 A need for hedging andfutures transactions. 1 The cost of going abroad can change.2 Essential products such as gas can soar in cost.3 Costs in changing currency may be greater than under a fixed exchange regime.The single currency forthe UK 1 Greater businessopportunities.2 Transaction costs arereduced.3 The need for hedgingand futures is reduced. 1 No currency conversion costs for holiday makers.2 Ease of making price comparisons.3 No need to physically change currency.1 Explain what is meant by the term, ‘free trade’?2 Explain absolute and comparative advantage using either a worked example, or an analysis of the changes in the United Kingdom’s (UK) absolute and comparative advantage.3 Identify three gains from trading internationally.4 Explain the terms ‘protectionism’ and ‘barriers to trade’. In your explanation identify why governments might wish to use trade barriers to protect their respective economies.5 Describe the role of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in the development of free trade.6 Explain the role of one of the following trade blocs:The European Union (EU)The North American free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)7 Referring to UK trade figures from recent years explain the composition of the UK balance of payments.8 What are the general trends in UK trade over the last 30 years? You should refer to the current balance over this period in your response.9 How is the balance of payments affected by exchange rates? You may provide a basic theoretical example or recent case to illustrate this. Scottish10 Identify three advantages and three disadvantages for each of two of the following:fixed exchange ratesfloating exchange ratesthe single currency for the UK11 Outline three effects on individuals and three effects on businesses for each of the two exchange rate regimes selected in question 10.12 Explain two characteristics of either Newly Industrialised Countries (NICs), or Less Developed Countries (LDCs).13 Using specific examples provide an analysis of one issue facing NICs, and one issue facing LDCs.14 Explain the impact of transnational firms on NICs or LDCs.。
23章6. Consider the following data on US GDP:Nominal GDP GDP DeflatorYear (in billions) (base year 1996)2000 9873 1181999 9269 113a. What was the growth rate of nominal GDP between 1999 and 2000 ?(Note:The growth rate is the percentage change from one period to the next .)b. What was the growth rate of the GDP deflator between 1999 and 2000?c. What was real GDP in 1999 measured in 1996 prices?d. What was real GDP in 2000 measured in 1996 prices?e. What was the growth rate of real GDP between 1999and 2000?f. Was the growth rate of nominal GDP higher or lower than the growth rate of real GDP ?Explain.8. One day Barry the Barber ,Inc.,collect $400 for haircuts .Over this day ,his equipment depreciates in value by $50 .Of the remaining $350 ,Barry sends $30 to the government in sales taxes ,takes home $220in wages ,and retains $100 in his business to add new equipment in the future . from the $220 that Barry takes home , he pays $70 in income taxes .Based on this information ,compute Barry’s contribution to the following measure of income .a. gross domestic productb. net national productc. personal incomed. disposable personal income24章6. The New York Times cost $0.15 in 1970 and $0.75 in 2000.The average wage in manufacturing was $3.36 per hour in 1970 and $14.26 in 1999.a. By what percentage did the price of a newspaper rise?b. By what percentage did the wage rise ?c. In each year , how many minutes does a worker have to work to earn enough to buy a newspaper?d. Did workers’ purchasing power in terms of newspapers rise or fall?10. Suppose that a borrower and a lender agree on the nominal interest rate to be paid on the loan .Then inflation turns out to be higher than they both expected .a. Is the real interest rate on this loan higher or lower than expected ?b. Does the lender gain or lose from this unexpectedly high inflation ? Does the borrower gain or lose ?c. Inflation during the 1970s was higher than most people had expected when the dacade began .How did this affect homowners who obtained fixed-rate mortgages during the 1960s?How did affect the banks who lent the money ?25 章FDI foreign direct investment5.Suppose that an auto company owned entirely by German citizens opens a new factory in south Carolina .a. What sort of foreign investment would this represent ?b. What would be the effect of this investment on US GDP ? Would the effect on US GNP be larger or smaller ?26 章5. Explain the difference between saving and investment as defined by a macroeconomist. Which of the following situations represent investment ? Saving ? Explain.a. Your family takes out a mortgage and buys a new house .b. You use your $200 paycheck to buy stock in AT&T.c. Your roommate earns $100 and deposits it in her account at a bank .d. You borrow $1000from a bank to buy a car to use in your pizza delivery business.8.Suppose GDP is $8 trillion ,taxes are $1.5 trillion , private saving is $0.5 trillion ,and public saving is $0.2 trillion . Assuming this economy is closed ,calculate consumption , government purchases , national saving ,and investment .27 章3. For each of the following kinds of insurance ,give an example of behavior that can be called moral hazard and another example of behavior that can be called adverse selection .a. health insuranceb. car insurance28 章Frictional unemployment efficiency wages6.Are the following workers more likely to experience short-term or long-term unemployment ?Explain.a. a construction worker laid off because of bad weatherb. a manufacturing worker who loses her job at a plant in an isolated areac. a stagecoach-industry worker laid off because of competition from railroadsd. a short-order cook who loses his job when a new restaurant opens across the streete.an expert welder with little formal education who loses her job when the company installs automatic welding machinery29 章Reserves money multiplier11. The economy of Elmendyn contains 2000 $1 bills .a. If people hold all money as currency , what is the quantity of money ?b. If people hold all money as demand deposits and banks maintain 100 percent reserves , what is the quantity of money ?c. If people hold equal amounts of currency and demand deposit and banks maintain 100 percent reserves , what is the quantity of money ?d. If people hold all money as demand deposits and banks maintain a reserve ratio of 10 percent ,what is the quantity of money ?e. If people hold equal amounts of currency and demand deposit and banks maintain a reserve ratio of 10 percent , what is the quantity of money ?30 章6.let’s consider the effects of inflation in an economy composed only of two people :Bob , a bean farmer ,and Rita , a rice farmer . Bob and Rita both always consume equal amounts of rice and beans . In year 2000, the price of beans was $1 ,and the price of rice was $3.a.Suppose that in 2001 the price of beans was $2 and the price of rice was $6 . What was inflation ?Was Bob better off, worse off,or unaffected by the changes in prices ?What about Rita ?b. Now suppose that in 2001 the price of beans was $2 and the price of rice was $4 .What was inflation ?Was Bob better off ,worse off ,or unaffected by the changes in prices ?What about Rita ?c.Finally ,suppose that in 2001 the price of beans was $2 and the price of rice was $1.5 . What was inflation ?Was Bob better off , worse off, or unaffected by the changes in prices ?What about Rita ?d. What matters more to Bob and Rita –the overall inflation rate or the relative price of rice and beans?7. If the tax rate is 40 percent , compute the beforetax real interest rate and the after-tax real interest rate in each of the following cases.a. The nominal interest rate is 10 percent and the inflation rate is 5 percent .b. The nominal interest rate is 6percent and the inflation rate is 2 percent.c. The nominal interest rate is 4percent and the inflation rate is 1percent .31 章Trade deficit purchasing-power parity5. How would the following transactions affect US net capital outflow ?Also , state whether each involves direct investment or portfolio investment .a. An American cellular phone company establishes an office in the Czech Republic.b. Harrod’s of London sells stock to the General Electric pension fund .c. Honda expands its factory in Marysville ,Ohio .d. A Fidelity mutual fund sells its V olkswagen stock to French investor.32 章6. Suppose the French suddenly develop a strong taste for California wines. Answer the following questions in words and using a diagram .a.What happens to the demand for dollars in the market for foreign-currency exchange ?b. What happens to the value of dallars in the market for foreign-currency exchange?c. What happens to the quantity of net exports?10.Over the past decade , some of Japanese saving has been used to finance American investment . That is ,the Japanese have been buying American capital assets .a. If the Japanese decided they no longer wanted to buy US assets ,what would happen in the US market for loanable funds ?In particular, what would happen to US interest rates ,US saving ,and US investment ?b.What would happen in the market for foreign-currency exchange ?In particular , what would happen to the value of the dollar and the US trade balance ?33章这章题目没有(改版)34章1.Explain how each of the following developments would affect the supply of money , the demand for money ,and the interest rate . Illustrate youranswers with diagrams.a. The Fed’s bond traders buy bonds in openmarket operations.b. An increase in credit card availabity reduce the cash people hold .c.The Federal Reserve reduces banks’reserve requirements.d. Households decide to hold more money to use for holiday shopping .e. A wave of optimism boosts business investment and expands aggregate demand .f. An increase in oil prices shifts the short-run aggregate-supply curve to the left.3.Suppose banks install automatic teller machines on every block and ,by making cash readily available , reduce the amount of money people want to hold .a.Assume the Fed dose not change the money supply .According to the theory of liquity preference ,what happens to the interest rate ?What happens to aggregate demand ?b. If the Fed wants to stabilize aggregate demand ,how should it respond?35章Phillips curve7.The price of oil fell sharply in 1986 and again in 1998 .a.Show the impact of such a change in both the aggregate-demand /aggregate-supply diagram and in Phillips-curve diagram .What happens to inflation and unemployment in the short run ?b. Do the effects of this event mean there is no short-run tradeoff between inflation and unemployment ? Why or why not ?。
说明规模报酬递增与规模经济的关系规模报酬递增是指厂商产量的增加的比例大于生产要素投入增加的比例,设生产函数Q=F (L,K)如果Q(ML,MK)大于MQ(L,K),其实M大于0,则我们称该生产函数具有规模报酬递增的性质。
微观经济学试题及答案英文版Microeconomics Exam Questions and Answers (English Version)Question 1:Define the law of demand and explain how it relates to the concept of elasticity.Answer 1:The law of demand states that, all else being equal, the quantity demanded of a good or service will decrease as its price increases, and vice versa. Elasticity, specifically price elasticity of demand, measures the responsiveness of the quantity demanded to a change in price. It is calculated as the percentage change in quantity demanded divided by the percentage change in price. If the absolute value of the elasticity coefficient is greater than one, the demand is elastic; if it is less than one, the demand is inelastic; and if it equals one, the demand is unit elastic.Question 2:Explain the concept of marginal utility and how it relates to consumer behavior.Answer 2:Marginal utility is the additional satisfaction or utility derived from consuming one more unit of a good or service. It is the first derivative of the total utility function with respect to the quantity consumed. As consumers consume moreof a good, the marginal utility typically decreases, a phenomenon known as the law of diminishing marginal utility. This concept is fundamental to understanding consumer behavior and the decision-making process when allocating a limited budget among various goods and services.Question 3:What is the difference between a perfectly competitive market and a monopoly?Answer 3:A perfectly competitive market is characterized by a large number of buyers and sellers, homogeneous products, free entry and exit, and the absence of barriers to entry. Prices are determined by the market and individual firms are price takers. In contrast, a monopoly is a market structure where there is only one seller of a unique product with no close substitutes. The monopolist has market power and can set prices above marginal cost, leading to deadweight loss and inefficiency.Question 4:Explain the concept of opportunity cost and give an example.Answer 4:Opportunity cost is the value of the next best alternative that is forgone when making a choice. It represents the benefits an individual, investor, or business misses out on when choosing one alternative over another. For example, if a farmer has a choice between growing wheat or corn on a piece of land, the opportunity cost of choosing to grow wheat isthe profit that could have been earned from growing corn.Question 5:What are the factors that determine the shape of a firm's supply curve?Answer 5:The shape of a firm's supply curve is determined by the relationship between the cost of production and the quantity supplied. If the marginal cost of production is constant, the supply curve will be perfectly elastic (horizontal). If the marginal cost increases as production increases, the supply curve will be upward sloping. Factors such as technology, input costs, and the availability of resources can influence the shape of the supply curve.End of ExamPlease note that this is a sample exam and the questions and answers provided are for illustrative purposes only.。
100、边际效用(Marginal utility)边际效用是指(当所有其他的商品的消费水平保持不变时)从额外一单位商品中所获得额外满足(即效用)。
102、市场需求曲线(Market demand curve)市场需求曲线表示在整个市场中产品的价格和它的需求量之间的关系。
103、市场周期(Market period)市场周期是指一种商品的供给量保持不变的一段时期。
104、市场结构(Market structure)四种一般的市场类型是完全竞争、垄断、垄断竞争和寡头垄断。
105、市场供给表(Market supply schedule)市场供给表表示在各种价格下一种商品所能够供给的数量。
106、加成定价(Markup pricing)加成定价是指,为了确定一种产品的价格而把一个百分比(或绝对的)数量加到所估计的产品平均(或边际的)成本上,这就意味着该数量要计入某些无法化归任何具体产品中去的成本,并且旨在维持厂商的某一投资回报率。
107、最大最小策略(Maximin strategy)最大最小策略是指局中人使得能够获得的最小收益最大化的策略。
109、工厂的最小有效规模(Minimum efficient size of plant)在长期中平均成本处于或接近其最小值的最小的工厂规模。
111、货币收人(Money income)货币收入是指用每个时期的实际美元数量度量的消费者的收入。
economicessayquestion7经济学基础Unit 7 Exam Essay Questions1) Discuss real and nominal GDP. Explain how they are similar and how they differ. Explain the challenge with using nominal GDP to measure the growth of the economy.Nominal GDP is GDP of current price of products during the year. Real GDP is corrected for changes in prices from year to year. Nominal GDP is measured in recent prices. The real GDP in gross domestic product expressed in prices adjusted for inflation. If only calculated the nominal GDP, you correct for inflation, the real GDP adjusts for increase for inflation because the price are changing for inflation not GDP increase.2) Describe the types of information economists use to forecast the business cycle and how they use this information to make predictions about the business cycle.First, economists focus on the stock market. When a recession occurs, the stock market will take a quick decease. Next they review the rates of interest to see if they are going up or down. When the interest rates are growing up, it means economy is in its expansion, and the government is trying to maintain stable growth.Another factor is looking at huge purchases made by companies. If companies purchase lots of money for expenditure, it is means economy looks good and businesses feel it will keep growing.3) Describe two types of unemployment and provide an original example of each.There are two typical kinds of unemployment called seasonal and cyclical. Take teachers for an example, during the summervacation or any other holidays, teachers do not have to work at school. That`s called seasonal. About cyclical, just as workers in the factory, when an economy recession occur, companies decide to reduce the production and ensure the interest, they will fire some workers, which called cyclical unemployment.4) Define Gross Domestic Product and explain the two approaches used to measure it. Provide original examples that represent both approaches.One is called expenditure approach it calculates by estimating the annual spent in 4 areas of products. For example, in a country, the consumption of the country is 3000. The investment is 6900. Government spent 4700 this year. And the net export is -1142. So the GDP is the sum of the consumption, investment, government spending and net export, which are 13,458.Another called income approach by just adding up all the income earned in the economy. For an instance, a company produces tools individuals used in school daily life just as notebooks, pens and papers. The notebook book sales person makes 500 per week, the pen sales man makes 300 per week and the paper sales guy makes 600 per week, so the GDP per week is 1400 using the income approach.5) Describe the four phases of the business cycle, and describe three situations that can happen during a contraction In the business cycle, when economy increases and GDP figures grow up, it called expansion. At the peak, there is no increasing on the economy and no change in real GDP. The contraction is a decrease in the economy after a expansion. After the contraction, we are having the trough which is the bottom of the business cycle. The GDP figures stops decreasing and theeconomy in the trough which is the lowest point at economy.During a contraction, there will be recession which means economy goes down for at least 6 month, depression that means the economy recession for a long time and stagflation which is the GDP goes down but price rise.6) Explain how the government calculates the unemployment rate. Give an original example to aid your explanation.Unemployment rate is the people looking for jobs divided by the total number of workers then times 100%. The people looking for work must be over 16 years old and trying to find jobs not like the university students who are focused on higher education. For example, in one country, all numbers of workers is 300,000 and 16,400 of them are looking for jobs. So the unemployment rate is 16,400/300,000*100%=5.5%.7) Define the term inflation and explain how it is used as a measure of economic performance. Use an original example that shows how prices might rise over time to aid your explanation.Inflation is an increase in prices and reducing purchasing power of money. When inflation occurs, the value of dollar is decreasing; interest rates increase and real return and savings are reducing.When the inflation occurs, people will spend less to buy productions. Government will spend less and increase the interest rates to pull money back of the circulation.For example, 10 years ago, using 3¥can by 6 ice creams, but now we only can have 3 for the same price. So the price is increasing but we are getting the same thing this is caused by inflation。
经济学 课堂提问
2、历史上用来解释商品价值的经济学理论有哪 几种?
3、在品牌经济时代,马克思的劳动价值论是否 已经过时?能否作为资产评估实践的理论指导?
1、您怎样看待使用价值与交换价值的关系?请结合您 的所见所闻举例论证。
2、正确认识与把握使用价值与交换价值之间的关系, 对于资产评估有何意义?
4、残余价值、清算价值 、特殊价值、合并价值
1、如何从历史演变的视角理解“资产价值是一个动态 的概念”?
2、在不同的经济形态下,资产价值来源于各要素资本 的贡献有何不同?
提问4: 1、什么是决定需求量的因素? 2:什么是决定供给量的因素?
1、如何描述市场价值的基本特征? 2、在资产评估中,如何选择评估结论价值类型? 3、资产评估价值基础是由哪些要素构成?
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Assessment task 2Assessment task instructionsThe UK economy is made up of millions of people and billions of economic activities. Within these activities, goods and services are created and exchanged. It can be complicated at times but a simple model explaining in general terms how an economy is organised and how those involved interact is a good start.Question 1Draw a diagram showing the participants of the Circular Flow of Income and explain how it operates.The simple model is sufficient for a beginning, but an economy is more complex and involves external influences, which can raise or lower economic activity.Question 2Identify three injections and three withdrawals from the Circular Flow of Income; give examples of each, and how they affect levels of economic activity.In the following table, there are examples of the growth rate of various countries over nine years 。
Question 3Choose any two of the following questions:(a) Explain at least three difficulties encountered in measuring the National Income of a country.(b) Explain (using at least three reasons) why it is difficult to compare the growth rates of the countries in the table above.(c) Explain how the multiplier effect could substantially raise the level of National Income.(d) Explain the difference between real and nominal growth using the table above.评估任务2英国的经济评估任务指令是由数以计的人们、数十亿的经济活动。
在下面的表格,有例子的增长率的各国国家过去的9年中,英国美国保加利亚瑞士1994 4.7 - 4.0 1.8 - 0.3 1995 2.9 - 2.7 2.1 - 0.6 1996 2.6 - 3.6 -9.4 - 0.3 1997 3.4 - 4.4 -5.6 - 1.7 1998 3.0 - 4.3 4.0 - 2.4 1999 2.1 - 4.1 2.3 - 1.6 2000 3.1 - 3.8 5.4 - 3.0 2001 1.9 - 0.3 4.0 - 1.3 2002 1.6 - 2.4 3.5 ~ 0.6问题3任意选择2个下列问题:(一)解释至少三卫教困难的测量对一个国家国民收入。
Assessment task 2Outcome(s) covered 2Suggested solution and making an assessment decisionQuestion 1A circular flow diagram clearly identifying the following in their correct places: Firms: Households:Markets for factors of production:Land, labour, capital and wages, rent, profit and income.Question 2Injections: Investment Government spending ExportsWithdrawals: Savings Taxation ImportsAppropriate examples:Investments: New factory being built 【built a new private enterprise (grow)】Government spending: New hospital being built (not PFI or PPP)【built public schools (grow)】Exports: Firm wins order to supply new computers to foreign firm 【In cooperation with foreign sales (grow)】Savings: High interest rates result in more savings【a country saves too much of its income (decline)】任务2结果评估(s)覆盖解决方案,使2建议一个评估决定问题1循环流程图清楚地识别下列在正确的地方:公司:家庭:市场对生产要素:土地、劳动力、资本和工资、租金、利润和收入。
出售商品和服务的收入支出商品和服务公司生产投入买家庭土地、劳动力、资本工资、租金、利润收入问题2注射:投资取款:储蓄政府开支的进口税收出口适当的例子:投资:新工厂建建了一个新兴的民营企业【(成长)】政府开支:新正在建的医院(不是PFI和PPP)【建立公立学校(成长)】出口:公司为了供给新电脑赢得外国公司在海外销售合作【(成长)】储蓄:高利率导致更多的储蓄【一个国家节省太多的收入(下降)】Taxation: Imports: Government raise level of income tax 【government raise income tax (decline)】Imports: Record numbers of holidaymakers go on overseas holidays 【spending on foreign goods by more national】Question 3(a) Any three from the following:Errors/omissions from the data gathered.Black economy.Non-recorded items, eg DIY, housework, barter.Transfer income.Double counting.(b) Methods may change over time.Accuracy of figures.Inflation adjustments.Social conditions.Work conditions.Unequal distribution of income.Spending patterns, eg defence.(c) Explanation of multiplier either in words or through use of algebra.Explanation should show that an initial injection to National Income results in a larger level of NI than the original injection.Propensity to save and consume.(d) An explanation of the difference between real and nominal growth, identifying that in real terms inflation is taken into account. In 1998 the growth rate is shown as 3%. If this figure is the nominal rate and inflation is measured at 3.1%, then there is no real growth in the economy. Any similar example will suffice.【GDP=Consumption +Capital investment spending +General Government spending +Exports +Imports of Goods(Services)GNP=GDP+NPIA(Net property income from abroad)National Income=GNP-Capital ConsumptionReal Growth Rate=Nominal Growth Rate-Inflation Rate (Real Growth is the grow adjusted for inflation, Nominal Growth is the grow in the current value of money, Inflation Rate is measure of rate of change in price index)2000: 3.1-3.2=-0.1 no real growth 】税收:进口:政府水平的提高【政府增加收入所得税税(下降)】破纪录的度假者去海外度假花在外国货物【多国家】问题3(一)任何三从以下:错误或遗漏从收集的数据。