inffnity 975X G User s Manual
附录 A - 错误信息解读
开机自我测试(POST)警告哔声................... 142 错误信息...................................... 142
1.产品因不当使用,自行拆解或更换零件,或是任意变更 规格所造成的故障与损坏,不在保修范围内。
2.产品的不当使用与安装,或已经过任意更改与修改,产 品保修即告无效。
3.除非使用手册提出特别说明,否则在任何情形下均不得 对产品任意调整或修改,若有商或已获认可之服务单位提供 所需服务。
responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. 2. Shielded interface cables must be used in order to comply with the emission limits.
Intel®975X Express 芯片组: 北桥:Intel®975X 南桥:Intel®ICH7R
四组 240-pin DDR2 DIMM 插槽 支持DDR2 533与DDR2 667内存 支持双通 道 (128位) 内存接口 支持8GB 系统内存 支持10.7GB/S带宽 支持ECC/non-ECC x8与 x16 DIMM
第一章 - 简介
规格.......................................... 9 功能/特色..................................... 12
1. All 0ohm SHORT PAD (包包0402,0603,0805,8P4R) 2. Vcore 第都第各 --> 另第另另另mask? 3. Remove BIOS_PH 4. Update "NGFF-M-75P-8CM-1" & "C0402-2" 5. Add "SER11" for M2 control circuit 6. Fix Audio pop noise 7. 2_5LEVEL control , NR205 改R0402-2 , 改都AP431 8. 背背超故mask (包包CPU & PCH) 9. DFM check
1. ADD PCH_HS & MOS_HS散散 2. HR2/3/18/19 28K/4/1 --> 2.2K/4/1
1. All 0ohm SHORT PAD (包包0402,0603,0805,8P4R)
3.N_GPIO73 NR134 Change to NR253 4.ADD SER11 5.背背超故要要 6. M2螺螺 M2_80A M2_80B
PCIE 2-4 gen2
SWITCH M2 SLOT X1 PCH (Lynx Point) (Z97/H97)
SPI Dual BIOS (64M)
PCIE-1 gen2
USB 2.0
USB 3.0
PCIE-1 gen2
硬干货!技嘉GA-Z97M-DS3H_R10时序详细分析(原创申请加精)附电路图待机阶段1.VCCRTC装入2032纽扣电池,电池正极经过一个电阻(NRB 1k)限流,经过一个双二极管(ND1)命名为N_RTCVDD,进入桥的AP33脚,为桥的实时时钟电路提供工作电压,保存CMOS设置。
8.3VDUAL_PCH(待机主供电,插入ATX后产生)当插入ATX电源后,5VSB通过一个三端线性降压器(NQ9 L1117)降压为3VDUAL_PCH,为桥以及IO待机时提供供电。
经过一个电阻(OR8 0欧)更名为IT_VCCH,为IO提供待机电压。
ARM8060嵌入式主板说明书北京阿尔泰科技发展有限公司Beijing Art Technology Development Co.,Ltd.!安全须知电气方面安全性➢为避免可能的电击造成严重损害,在移动主板之前,请先将主板的电源切断。
目录目录11.产品简介11.1产品概述11.2 产品特点错误!未定义书签。
2产品特性72.1跳线说明72.2 外围设备接口连接82.3 软件特性错误!未定义书签。
3.电气参数及机械特性14附录A 订购信息15附录B 应用程序开发环境151.产品简介1.1产品概述ARM8060是北京阿尔泰科技发展有限公司基于Atmel公司ARM926EJ-S内核的AT91SAM9261处理器,结合PC104总线规范设计的一款具有极高性价比、结构和尺寸极其紧凑并且功耗极低的工业级嵌入式主板,其上运行嵌入式Linux 或WinCE操作系统,可以处理多种计算任务。
主板采用超低功耗嵌入式处理器,无风扇设计,超宽工作温度-20°C ~+70°C,低温工作性能优良,高温工作彻底解决了由于风扇可靠性而引起的故障。
AC97和HD 规范简介和前置音频接口的连接(不会搞前置音频的仔细看看,我转的累死了,麻烦不看也顶一下~绝对好贴!)引用地址:/b186090/d3*******.htm [复制│超文本复制]返回《AMDfans 》 关闭窗口01165694 U-boat发表于:06-07-06 00:20 [只看该作者]英特尔在AC97音频标准之后,又推出了HD(高保真)音频标准。
微软的新操作系统Vista 推出UAA 音频。
本文就AC97和HD 的前置音频/麦克的接线方式作详细说明,供各位参考。
一、英特尔AC97前置音频接口的规范要点英特尔在《Front Panel I/O Connectivity Design Guide 》中规范了主板和机箱的前置音频接口插座、连接线、针脚名称。
2、 电气连接两个前面板音频输出(AUD_FPOUT_L 和 AUD_FPOUT_R)和两个前面板音频返回 (AUD_RET_L 和 AUD_RET_R)连接到一个安装在前面板上的开关型的3.5毫米微型插座。
音频信号传送路径是:当前面板插座没有使用时,主板输出的音频信号由AUD_FPOUT_L 和AUD_FPOUT_R 送给前面板插座。
经过前面板插座再由AUD_FPOUT_L 和 AUD_FPOUT_R 返回主板的后置音频插座。
当前置音频插座插入耳机时,插座里连接(AUD_FPOUT_L 和AUD_RET_L ,AUD_FPOUT_R 和AUD_RET_R )的开关断开,返回主板的音频信号就断开,后置插座无音频信号,只有前置的有无音频信号。
華擎 X79 Extreme3 主板 说明书
1.2 主板規格
架构 處理器
芯片組 系統內存
音效 板載 LAN 功能
Rear Panel I/O ( 后面板輸入 / 輸出接口 )
- ATX 規格 : 12.0 英吋 X 8.8 英吋 , 30.5 厘米 X 22.4 厘米 - 优質鍍金電容設計(100% 日制高品質高傳導性固態電容) - 支持 LGA2011 插槽的 Intel® CoreTM i7 處理器家族 - Digi 電源設計 - 高級 5 + 1 電源相位設計 - 支持 Intel® Turbo Boost 2.0 技術 - 支持 Hyper-Threading 超線程技術(詳見警告 1) - 支持異步超頻技術 - Intel® X79 - 支持四通道 DDR3 內存技術(見警告 2) - 配備四個 DDR3 DIMM 插槽 - 支持 DDR3 2400+( 超頻 )/1600/1333/1066/800 non-ECC、
4、 目前 Intel® 2011 接口 Sandy Bridge-E 處理器不支持 PCIE 3.0,但此 主板已做好支持 PCIE 3.0 硬件的准備。是否能啟用 PCIE 3.0 取決于 Intel 的 CPU。有關未來 CPU 更新和發布情況的信息,請訪問 Intel 网 站。
5、 在麥克風輸入方面,這款主板支持立體聲和單聲道這兩種模式。在音頻輸 出方面,這款主板支持 2 聲道、4 聲道、6 聲道以及 8 聲道模式。請查閱 第 3 頁的表格瞭解正確的連接方式。
un-buffered 內存 - Intel® Workstation 1S Xeon® 處理器 E5 2xxx 和 4xxx 系
ASUS Z97-Deluxe USB 3.1 合格VENDOR列表 - 设备说明书
1. Power Supplies
AcBel Aero Cool
AYWUN Be quiet Comstars CoolerMaster
Delux EnerMAX Enertronix
FSP Geil GoldenField GreatWall HAMER Huntkey JPower LEPA OCZ Power Man Rosewill
Model HDS721050CLA362 ST3750528AS ST95005620AS HDP725050GLA360 WD10EADS MK5061SYN
Copyright 2015 ASUSTeK Computer Inc. PAGE 2
Z97-Deluxe/USB 3.1
2.2. SSD Devices
*When the plugged M.2 PCIe SSDs are used as the OS drive and IRST cache at the same time, ensure the “Launch CSM” is set to [Disabled] in BIOS. Meanwhile, for the M.2 SSDs that contained OPROM, contact the SSDs’ vendors for Microsoft signed UEFI drivers. Otherwise, they will be only available for the data drive usage. Check the manual of Intel Desktop Responsiveness Technologies for the details of IRST setup.
在主菜单中短按“+/-”键选择“音乐播放” 菜单,短按MENU键进入媒体库。在媒体界面中可 选择“所有音乐,艺术家,专集,流派,我的收藏 夹,录音文件,目录列表,更新媒体库”。可按 “+/-”键选择,按MENU键进入所选择的项目。 1、在音乐播放界面中,短按ESC键,设置A-B 复读起始-结束区间。 2、在音乐播放界面中,短按MENU键,进入 音乐设置界面,设置菜单下有“重复设置、播放设置、微软音效、音效选择、我的音效设 置、屏幕显示”等选项。 3、在音乐设置界面,可短按ESC键返回到音乐播放界面。 4、长按MENU键将返回主菜单界面。 5、在“音乐播放”的“所有音乐”选项中,可显示歌曲文件列表,短按“ ”将歌 曲收录到"我的收藏夹中"。
用时间。播放器可根据用户设置“定时关机”或“关屏时间”来节约电池。 充电
充电时,请先将播放器的开关键置于ON的位置,再将播放器与电脑USB端口或充电器 相连。
如连接电脑USB端口充电,当电池电量图标显示满格时,表明充电已满。 如使用随机附带的充电器,充电时充电器的指示灯红色,当充电器的指示灯变为绿色 即表示电池电量已满。 友情提示:使用原厂配件可享受充分安全保证维修服务。 电源适配器是便携式播放器的关键组成部分,它们在保障便携式播放器的正常工作和您 的安全方面,起着至关重要的作用。通过长期的客户调查和售后服务实践表明,便携式播 放器故障是在很多情况下由于使用了不合格的配件,特别是电源适配器。 使用不合格的电源适配器,会大大缩短便携式播放器的使用寿命;不稳定的电压会严重 影响便携式播放器电路的正常工作,带来永久的损害影响播放器的性能和可靠性,播放音 质下降,容易死机可能发生燃烧爆炸,危害消费者人身安全。 ※建议充电器规格:输出电流 300mA 输出电压 5V 。
环境安全性须知 z 灰尘、潮湿以及剧烈的温度变化都会影响主板的使用寿命,请尽量避免在这些恶劣环
境地方放置和使用。 z 本产品的标准使用环境温度为 0 度~40 度 (数据来自于主芯片要求)。 z 一般情况下,当环境温度变化过大, 可能导致接插件 (CONNECTOR) 之间产生接触性
- II -
1. 请仔细阅读这些安全指导。 2. 请保留这份用户手册以便日后参考。 3. 在您开始安装之前请将设备放置于稳定可靠的平台上面。 4. 在您将设备连接电源供应器之前请确保电源电压合乎标准。 5. 设备上所有的警告,警示您都应该注意。 6. 在安装附加的接口与模块之前请将设备与连接器间的连接断开。 7. 决不能让任何液体流入机箱的开口处,这样的行为有可能会引起火灾或电击。 8. 不正确的电池替换可能会引起爆炸.请使用制造厂商建议的电池类型作替换。 9. 如果发生下列情形,请专职的服务人员为您检查您的设备:
商标布告 (按字母表的顺序排列)
所有的品牌,产品,徽标,商标和公司名称都是属于商标或注册商标各自的拥有者。 AMD, Phenom™ II x 4;Phenom™ II x 3;Phenom™ II x2;Athlon II™ x4;Athlon II™ x3;Athlon II™ x2;Sempron™是AMD有限公司的注册商标。 AMI ® 是American Megatrend, Inc.的注册商标。 Kensington 和 MicroSaver 是Kensington 科技集团的注册商标。 Microsoft 是Microsoft有限公司的注册商标。 Netware® 是Novell, Inc的注册商标。 AMD, AMD徽标是AMD有限公司在美国和其它国家的注册商标。 PS/2 和 OS®/2 是International Business Machines有限公司的注册商标。 PCMCIA 和 CardBus 是个人电脑存储卡国际联合会的注册商标。 Windows® 98/2000/ /XP/Vista/7 是Microsoft有限公司的注册商标。
EVGA Z97 Classified用户指南说明书
User GuideEVGA Z97 Classified Specs and Initial Installation(Part 1)- 1 -Table of ContentsBefore you Begin (3)Parts Not in the kit (4)Intentions of the kit (4)Motherboard Specifications (5)Unpacking and Parts Descriptions (7)Equipment (7)Hardware Installation (8)Component legend (8)PCI-E Slot Breakdown (9)Rear I/O Panel legend (10)Preparing the Motherboard (11)Installing the CPU (11)Installing the Cooling Device (12)Installing System Memory (DIMMs) (13)Compliance Information (14)- 2 -Before You Begin… Welcome to a new class of high performance motherboards that boast 4th and 5th Generation Intel® Core™ Processor compatibility. The Z97 platform takes you to anew level of performance and efficiency. We have refined the GUI BIOS interface, reimagined power VRM that focuses on efficiency, added MPCIE support and loadedwith features like 4-Way SLI, Creative Sound Core3D quad-core audio processor, Intel Gigabit LAN, native SATA 6G/USB 3.0 and more. All sitting on an 8 layer PCB to improve performance and efficiency.Did we also mention that this motherboard is designed for the overclocker? Built fromthe ground up to give you all the essentials that you need for overclocking, with a GUIBIOS that is focused on functionality, ultra high quality components and robust PCI-E3.0 and memory trace layout.With these features and more, it is clear that the EVGA Z97 motherboards areengineered to exceed the best.- 3 -Parts NOT in the KitThis kit contains all the hardware necessary to install and connect your newEVGA Z97 Classified Motherboard. However, it does NOT contain thefollowing items that must be purchased separately in order to make the systemfully functional and install an Operating System:Intel Socket 1150 ProcessorDDR3 System MemoryCPU Cooling DevicePCI Express Graphics CardPower SupplyHard Drive or SSDKeyboard / MouseMonitor(Optional) Optical DriveEVGA assumes you have purchased all the necessary parts needed to allow forproper system functionality. For a full list of supported CPUs on thismotherboard, please visit /support/motherboardIntentions of the KitThis kit provides you with the motherboard and all connecting cables necessaryto install the motherboard into a PC case.When replacing a motherboard in a PC case, you will need to reinstall anoperating system even though the current storage drive may already have oneinstalled.- 4 -MotherboardMotherboard SpecificationsSize:EATX form factor of 12 inches x 10.3 inchesMicroprocessor support:Intel Socket 1150 ProcessorOperating Systems:Supports Windows 8 / 7Contains Intel Z97 chipsetSystem Memory support:Supports Dual channel DDR3 up to 2666MHz+.Officially supports up to 32GB of DDR3 memory.USB 2.0 Ports:6x from Intel Z97 PCH – 4x external, 2x internalSupports hot plugSupports wake-up from S1 and S3 modeSupports USB 2.0 protocol up to a 480 Mbps transmission rateUSB 3.0 Ports:6x from Intel Z97 PCH – 4x external, 2x internalSupports transfer speeds up to 5GbpsBackwards compatible USB 2.0 and USB 1.1 supportSATA Ports:Intel Z97 PCH Controller6x SATA 3/6G (600 MB/s) data transfer rate- Support for RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 0+1, RAID 5, AND RAID 10- Supports hot plug2x SATA3/6G Marvell 88E9182Onboard LAN:1x Intel i217 Gigabit Ethernet PHY1x Intel i210 Gigabit Ethernet MACSupports 10/100/1000 Mb/sec Ethernet- 5 -Onboard Audio:Creative Core3D Quad-Core Audio Processor (CA0132)Supports 6-channel (5.1) audioSupports Optical OutputPCI-E 3.0 Support:Low power consumption and power management featuresPower Functions:Supports ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface)Supports S0 (normal), S1 (power on suspend), S3 (suspend to RAM), S4 (Suspend to disk - depends on OS), and S5 (soft - off)Expansion Slots:5x PCI-E 16x slot 2x16/8, 1x8, 1x8/4, 1x81x PCI-E 1x slot1x Mini PCI-E/mSATA2x Mini Display Ports (on I/O Panel)- 6 -- 7 -Unpacking and Parts DescriptionsEquipmentThe following accessories are included with the EVGA Z97 Classified Motherboard:The EVGA Z97 Classified MotherboardThis PCI-E motherboard contains the Intel Z97 chipset.I/O ShieldInstalls in the system case to block radio frequencytransmissions, protect internal components from dust, foreign objects, and aids in proper airflow within the chassis.4x SATA 3G/6G Data CablesUsed to support the SATA protocol and each one connects a single drive to the motherboard.I/O CoverThis optional cover attaches to the PCB and covers the I/O areaInstallation CDContains drivers and software needed to setup the motherboard.User ManualThe user manual you are reading right now!Intel Z97 Classified MotherboardThe EVGA Z97 Classified Motherboard with the Intel Z97 and PCH Chipset. Figure 1 shows the motherboard and Figure 2 shows the back panel connectorsFIGURE 1. Z97 Classified Motherboard Layout- 8 -1. CPU Socket 1150 12. Debug LED / CPU Temp Monitor 23. Mini PCI-E/mSATA2. Intel Z97 Southbridge 13. CMOS Battery 24. Front Panel Audio Connector3. CPU Fan Header (1 amp PWM) 14. USB 3.0 Headers 25. EVGauge4. DDR3 Memory DIMM Slots 1-4 15. USB 2.0 Headers 26. Back Panel Connectors (Figure 2)5. 24-pin ATX power connector 16. CMOS Reset Button 27. 8 pin EPS Connector6. Fan Headers (1 amp DC) 17. Power Button 28. Supplemental PCI-E 6pin Power7. PCI-E Disable Dipswitches 18. Reset Button 29. GPU Link8. Intel Sata 6G Ports 19. PC Speaker 30. Probe It Header9. Marvell Sata 6G Ports 20. PCI-E Slot 16x/8x 31. BIOS Selector Switch10. ECP Header 21. PCI-E Slot 8x 32. Removable BIOS Chip11. Front Panel Connectors 22. PCI-E Slot 1xPCI-E Slot BreakdownPCI-E Lane DistributionPE1 – x16 (x8 if PE2 is used)PE2 – x16 (x8 if PE3 is used)PE3 – x8PE4 – x16 (x8 if PE6 is used)PE5 – x1PE6 – x8- 9 -- 10 -Figure 2. Chassis Rear Panel Connectors1. USB2.0 4. Intel i210 NIC 7. Optical Out2. USB3.05. Intel i217 NIC 8. Analog Audio Output Jacks3. BIOS/CMOS Reset6. Mini Display PortAnalog Audio Port Breakdown2/2.1 (Channel) 4.0/4.1 (Channel) 5.1 (6 Channel) Blue Line in Line In Line in Green Line Out/ Front Speaker/ Front Speaker/ Speaker Out Speaker+Sub Out Speaker+Sub Out Pink Mic InMic InMic InBlack Rear Speaker OutRear Speaker Out OrangeCenter/Voice channel- 11 -Preparing the MotherboardInstalling the CPUBe very careful when handling the CPU. Hold the processoronly by the edges and do not touch the bottom of theprocessor. Note: Use extreme caution when working with the CPU,not to damage any pins in the CPU socket on themotherboard!Use the following procedure to install the CPU onto the motherboard:Remove the plastic protective socket cover by pulling it straight up. Be sure not to damage any of the pinsinside the socket.Unhook the socket lever by pushing down and away from the socket.Pull the socket lever back and the load plate will lift. Open the load plate and make sure not to damage any of the pins inside the socket.Note:After removing the CPU socket cover, it is recommended to store it incase you ever need to transport your motherboard. If you ever remove theCPU, it is highly recommended to reinstall the socket cover.socket.Lower the processor straight down into the socket.Note: Make sure the CPU is fully seated and level inthe socket.Carefully lock the lever back into place.Installing the CPU Cooling DeviceThere are many different cooling devices that can be used with thismotherboard. Follow the instructions that come with your cooling assembly.- 12 -Installing System Memory (DIMMs)Your Z97 Classified has (4) 240-pin slots for DDR3 memory. These slotssupport 2GB, 4GB and 8GB DDR3 DIMMs. There must be at least onememory slot populated to ensure normal operation.maximum of 32GB of DDR3 and up to 2666MHz+ in dual channelconfiguration. It is required to populate slot 1 first. The board will notboot if slot 1 is not populated.Use the following procedure to install DIMMs. Note that there isonly one gap near the center of the DIMM slots. This slot matchesthe slot on the DIMM to ensure the component is installed properly.Unlock a DIMM slot by pressing the module clips on both sidesoutward.Align the memory module to the DIMM slot, and insert the modulevertically into the DIMM slot, pressing straight down to seat themodule. The plastic clips at top side of the DIMM slot automaticallylock the DIMM into the connector.Note: The memory controller on most Haswell and Broadwell CPUs runs at adefault frequency of 1600MHz. To achieve memory speeds above 1600+may require manual setting of the memory timings, frequency and voltagesand/or overclocking of the CPU.Refer to the memory manufacturer specifications for the recommendedmemory timings. For overclocking support you can visit our forums:/- 13 -Compliance InformationFCC Compliance InformationThis device complies with FCC Rules Part 15. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may notcause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that maycause undesired operation. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, ifnot installed and used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:(1) Increase the separation between the equipment and signal source, or (2) connect the equipment to an outlet on acircuit different from that to which the signal source is connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced computer technician for help. The use of shielded cables for connection of peripheral devices to the PC systems is required toensure compliance with FCC regulations. Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.CE Compliance InformationGeneric Radiation Interference Standard for Information Technology Equipment. (EN 55022: 2006, Class B), (EN 61000-3-2: 2006), (EN 61000-3-3: 1995 + A1: 2001 + A2: 2005). Warning: This is a Class B product. In a domestic environmentthis product may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measure. GenericImmunity Standard for Information Technology Equipment. (EN 55024: 1998 + A1: 2001 + A2: 2003).Trademark & Copyright Information2001-2014 EVGA Corp. EVGA, the EVGA logo and combinations thereof are trademarks of EVGA Corp. All brand names, company names, service marks, logos, and trademarks of the company, or its affiliates or licensors are trademarks or registered trademarks of the company or its subsidiaries, affiliates or licensors in the US and other countries. Other company, products and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. EVGA reserves the right to terminate this license if there is a violation of its terms or default by the Original Purchaser. Upon termination, for any reason, all copies of Software and materials must be immediately returned to EVGA and the Original Purchaser shall beliable to CORP for any and all damages suffered as a result of the violation or default.Legal InformationAll material including but not limited to, text, data, design specifications, diagnostics, graphics, logos, reference boards,files, images, drawings, and software including this document and the software itself (together and separately) is owned, controlled by, licensed to, or used with permission by EVGA Corporation and is protected by copyright, trademark, andother intellectual property rights. All is being provided “as is”, EVGA Corporation makes no warranties, whether expressor implied, statutory or otherwise with respect to the materials and expressly disclaims all implied warranties of non-infringement, merchantability, and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall the liability of EVGA Corporation forclaims arising from the use of the materials by anyone exceed the original purchase price of the materials (or replacementof the materials at EVGA Corporation’s option). All information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However,EVGA Corporation assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information or for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use, or use of the Software. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of EVGA Corporation except as expressly provided herein. All specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice.Ver. 2- 14 -。
1 红外线光束发射窗2 zoom(t/w)键记录期间:拉近/推远播放期间:音量调高/调低暂停期间:拉近/推远3 调高键旋转键(逆时针)4 后跳键5 左按键6 后退键7 playlist键8 start/stop键9 snapshot键10 info键11 前跳键12 play/pause键13 右按键14 下一步键15 调低键旋转键(顺时针)16 index键17 date键将芯线过滤器安装到音频电缆和直流电源线将芯线过滤器安装到音频电缆,该电缆用于将选购外部麦克风连接到摄像机上。
液晶监视器上的指示记录视频和静像时1 选定的记录模式指示2 近拍模式指示3 近似变焦比4 抑制指示5 变焦指示6 聚焦辅助指示7 快门速度8 亮度/锐度控制指示9 电池指示10 日期/时间11 手动聚焦调整指示12 选定的记录媒体指示13 防摔保护指示([防摔保护]设为[关]时出现。
)14 效果模式指示16 白平衡指示17 光圈值(f值)18 led灯指示19 ±0:曝光调节指示20 光圈锁定指示仅记录视频时1 模式指示2 风声消除指示3 图像质量4 剩余时间5 计数器外部麦克风输入音量指示8 事件指示9 手振补偿指示([手振补偿]设为[关]时出现。
)仅在记录静像时1 模式指示2 iso 感光度(增益):设为[自动]时无指示。
3 聚焦指示4 图像像素5 图像质量剩余拍摄张数8 拍摄指示9 自拍定时指示仅在视频播放时1 模式指示2 p:播放列表播放指示(仅在播放播放列表时出现。
)3 图像质量4 播放模式5 计数器6 音量指示7 电池指示8 日期/时间9 选择媒体指示10 防摔保护指示([防摔保护]设为[关]时出现。
)11 效果模式指示12 画面切换效果指示在播放静像时1 模式指示2 文件夹/文件号码3 幻灯片放映指示4 电池指示5 日期/时间选择媒体指示防摔保护指示([防摔保护]设为[关]时出现。
GA-G41MT-D3P GA-G41MT-S2PLGA775主板支持Intel® Core™ 系列处理器/ Intel® Pentium®系列处理器/ Intel® Celeron®系列处理器使用手册Rev. 130112MSC-41MTS2P-1301RDec. 31, 2010Motherboard GA-G41MT-D3P/GA-G41MT-S2P Dec. 31, 2010Motherboard GA-G41MT-D3P/GA-G41MT-S2P版权责任声明产品版本辨识目录GA-G41MT-D3P/GA-G41MT-S2P主板配置图 (5)第一章硬件安装 (6)1-1 安装前的注意须知 (6)1-2 产品规格 (7)1-3 安装中央处理器及散热风扇 (9)1-3-1 安装中央处理器(CPU) (9)1-4 安装内存条 (10)1-4-1 双通道内存技术 (10)1-5 安装适配卡 (10)1-6 后方设备插座介绍 (11)1-7 插座及跳线介绍 (12)第二章BIOS 程序设定 (19)2-1 开机画面 (19)2-2 BIOS设定程序主画面 (19)2-3 MB Intelligent Tweaker(M.I.T.) (频率/电压控制) (20)2-4 Standard CMOS Features (标准CMOS设定) (26)2-5 Advanced BIOS Features (高级BIOS功能设定) (27)2-6 Advanced Chipset Features (高级芯片组功能设定) (28)2-7 Integrated Peripherals (集成外设) (29)2-8 Power Management Setup (省电功能设定) (31)2-9 PnP/PCI Configurations (即插即用与PCI程序设定) (32)2-10 PC Health Status (电脑健康状态) (33)2-11 Load Fail-Safe Defaults (载入最安全预设值) (34)2-12 Load Optimized Defaults (载入最佳化预设值) (34)2-13 Set Supervisor/User Password (设定管理员/用户密码) (35)2-14 Save & Exit Setup (储存设定值并结束设定程序) (35)2-15 Exit Without Saving (结束设定程序但不储存设定值) (36)第三章驱动程序安装 (36)3-1 芯片组驱动程序 (36)管理声明 (37)- 4 -LGA775 CPU插槽LGA775 CPU凹角CPU - 9 -SATA硬盘。
TCP/IP是一个字节流协议,它并不提供消息边界。HL7作为上层协议是基于消息的,但它也没有提供消息终止机制。为了确定消息边界,我们使用最小的底层协议(HL7 Interface Standards Version2.3.1.对此也有相应的描述)。
Field Name
Observation Date/Time
OBX Observation
相比于X79到X99的升级力度,8系列主板升级到9系列的改动可谓坑爹:除了新增了PCIe M.2 SSD支持和BootGuard启动保护外,两者规格基本一致。
虽说如此,但就像Haswell-Refresh系列处理器的全面铺货一样,作为9系列主板旗舰芯片组的Z97主板还是备受DIY 用户青睐,迅速占领了中高端主板市场,各大主板厂商都争先恐后的推出Z97不同规格主板,五花八门的型号,竞争尤为激烈。
技嘉Gaming系列、华硕Deluxe、微星XPOWER都冠以Z97旗舰板之名,售价自然也不低——比GTX 780等高端显卡的价格还要贵,一个主板就能组建一个主流级主机了。
产品:Z97-A 华硕主板2销量第一:华硕Z97-A超值不足千元华硕Z97-A就是这样一款主板,该板同时板载M.2以及SATA-E 接口的同时,在音频部分更是进行了较大进步,美音大师音效部分的引入让传统的Channel系列主板声音输出素质得到提升。
门级超频的m ATX紧凑型小板,MOSFET和南桥芯片上覆盖的黄色散热片给沉稳
1.入门级小板技嘉H110M-DS2 DDR3 [J],
2.纯粹超频经典再现——技嘉超频玩家系列GA-Z87X-OC FORCE主板实测 [J], PCFAN评测室
3.超频在云端技嘉云超频技术详解 [J], Rock
4.超频在云端技嘉Cloud O.C云超频技术体验 [J], Rock
5.极限超频入门攻略——极限超频入门第一步用万用表测量主板电压 [J], lanwellon
致谢! 方正科技集团股份有限公司
目 次
1 使用前请先阅读 ................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 特别提示........................................................................................................................ 1 1.2 笔记本使用重要提示—请务必阅读 ............................................................................ 1 1.3 安全须知........................................................................................................................ 2 1.4 使用需知........................................................................................................................ 5 2 轻松入门 ............................................................................................................................... 7 2.1 部件介绍..............
HD声卡主板前置面板音频接口连接方法优秀doc资料ZOL论坛 > 硬件论坛 > 斯巴达克论坛 > 斯巴达克黑潮BI-100论坛 > 黑潮前置面板连接方法(也适用于所有的HD声卡主板)(铁老虎:) 黑潮前置面板连接方法(也适用于所有的HD声卡主板)英特尔的AC’97声卡标准在PC全面实施后,让计算机用户享受到了集成声卡的经济实惠和优美的音质。
于是Intel与杜比(Dolby)公司合力推出新一代的High Definition Audio(HD Audio 高保真音频)音频规范。
HD Audio比AC’97作了那些技术革新?从下面的对比表可以看出有9项重大的革新。
一、Azalia Link总线HD Audio与AC’97相比,最根本技术革新是总线方式的改变。
HD Audio采用全新的Azalia-Link与外部的Codec连接。
如下图:HD Audio控制器也整合在ICH(南桥)内,通过Azalia-Link总线与外部的Codec 芯片连接。
这样就实现了HD Audio 的带宽动态分配。
HD Audio的单通道输入带宽达到24MB/s,输出通道带宽达到48MB/s。