
小学英语教师资格证面试真题考点:小学英语1题目:2.内容:chicken, lunch, fish, sheep3基本要求:(1)讲授sh, ch的发音规律(2)全英10分钟试讲(3)适当板书答辩题目1.如何让学生掌握所学的发音?2.上课时,你的学生不能集中注意力听课,你会怎么办?考题解析【教案】Teaching aims:Knowledge aim:Students will master the meaning and pronunciation of the words.Ability aim:Students will know how to pronounce “ch”and “sh”in words. Emotional aim:Students will be interested in learning English.Key and difficult point:Key Point:Students will master the meaning and pronunciation of the words. Students will know how to pronounce “ch”and “sh”in words. Difficult Point:Students will be interested in learning English.Teaching procedure:Step 1: Warming-up1. Greetings. Talk about the weather.2. Chant with the studentsTomato tomato wash wash washTomato tomato cut cut cutTomato tomato cook cook cookTomato tomato eat eat eatAsk them if they remember the first step in the chant. They may say that it is to “wash”the tomato. Then tell them that today we are going to learn some pronunciation in it.Step 2: Presentation1. Draw some pictures according to different words, and then explain the meanings to the students.2. Play the finger show with the students to consolidate the words. For example, finger 1 refers to “chicken”, and finger 2 refers to “lunch”. When the teacher points finger 1, the students should read “chicken”loudly. The rest could be done in the same manner.3. Ask students to find similarities and differences among the words. They may say that in the first two words, there is “ch”in the words, while in the last two words, there is “sh”in the words. And they pronounce similarly.4. Conclude the rules of “ch”and “sh”. Tell them that when they see “ch”, they should pronounce [t?], and when they see “sh”, they should pronounce [?]. They may sound similar, but they are different. Please be notice that.Step 3: Practice1. Ask a few students if there are other words containing “ch”or “sh”. They may answer “chopsticks”, “ship”or “shop”.2. Read the words in a different order, and ask students to rank the words according to the listening. At the same time, invite one students to come to the front and write the words down on the blackboard. Check answers later.Step4: ProductionAsk students to make up dialogues with their deskmates. 5 minutes will be given. After that, invite 2 pairs to share their dialogues. Give encouragement.Step5: Summary and HomeworkSummary: Ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson and summarize with the whole class.Homework: Read the words to their parents.Blackboard design:【答辩题目解析】1. What will you do to help students master the pronunciation of what we need to learn?【参考答案】First, they should know how to pronounce the syllables. So I will pronounce them in a clear way to make sure that they notice the place of articulation. I will correct their pronunciations if they make some mistakes. Then, I ask them if they know other words sharing the same syllables. Also, few activities were arranged to make them really use the rules. So I believe they will master the rules of the pronunciations.【答辩题目解析】2. What will you do if the students can’t focus on your class?【参考答案】There are some options to deal with the problem. First, I could arrange some interestingactivities to stimulate their interest. Second, when imparting some knowledge, I could show some examples closely related to their daily lives. They will be interested in familiar things. Third, I could ask some students to answer my questions from time to time, so they will be more focused in case of being asked. So I will try to use the most appropriate method to attract their attention.。

一、个人基本信息及教育背景1. 请简要介绍您的个人基本信息,包括姓名、年龄、籍贯、毕业院校及专业。
2. 请简要介绍您的教育背景,包括学历、所学课程、毕业论文题目等。
二、英语教学理论知识1. 请简述小学英语教学的基本原则和目标。
2. 请阐述如何在小学英语教学中贯彻“以人为本”的教育理念。
3. 请简述小学英语课堂教学的五大环节及其重要性。
三、英语教学设计与实施1. 请根据以下教学材料,设计一节小学英语课的教学方案。
教学材料:《My Family》教学目标:(1)知识目标:学生能够熟练掌握本节课的词汇和句型。
2. 请根据以下教学情境,进行模拟教学。
四、英语教学评价与反思1. 请简述小学英语教学评价的原则和方法。
2. 请结合您的教学实践,谈谈如何进行有效的教学反思。
五、英语教学创新与拓展1. 请简述您对小学英语教学创新的看法。

2023上半年教师资格证考试《小学英语专业面试》真题及答案解析1. 【试讲】1.题目:口语教学试讲2.内容: Tastes3(江南博哥).基本要求:(1)采用全英语授课;(2)创设相关的生活情境,引导学生在情境中学习和理解;(3)注意学生多感官参与学习;(4)配合教学内容适当板书;(5)试讲时间约10分钟。
【答辩】1. The core competencies are the concentrated reflection of theeducational value of the curriculum. Then what are the core competencies made up of?2.根据《义务教育英语课程标准(2022年版)》,在小学教学中,应该如何帮助学生习得词汇和语法知识?参考解析:【试讲参考解析】Teaching Procedures:I. Lead-inGreeting.Show students some pictures about different fruit and food and students review the names of them.Ⅱ. Presentation1. Students listen to the tape and confirm their predictions. Get familiar with the topic of tastes.2.Students listen again and learn the sentence patterns "How is it?"and"It's..." to ask and answer the tastes.3.Students read after the tape and imitate the pronunciation and intonation.Ⅲ. Practice1.Students work in pairs to role play the conversation2.Students role play the conversation and then try to make short conversation with the given food on the screen according to the text. IV. ProductionCreate a scene: You are the taste tester in a first-class hotel. You are going to test all the food there. Work in groups to make a short play according to the situation and act it out in the front.V. SummaryStudents summarize the lesson and the teacher makes supplements. VI. HomeworkStudents will share the short play with their parents after school. Blackboard Design:略【答辩及解析】1. The core competencies are the concentrated reflection of the educational value of the curriculum. Then what are the core competencies made up of?【参考答案】The core competencies are the concentrated reflection of the educational value of the curriculum, which consists of the values and attitudes, indispensable qualities and key abilities.The core competencies achieved through the English curriculum include language ability, cultural awareness, thinking capacity and learning ability.2.根据《义务教育英语课程标准(2022年版)》,在小学教学中,应该如何帮助学生习得词汇和语法知识?【参考答案】根据《义务教育英语课程标准(2022年版)》课程内容中的要求,在教学中应创设丰富的语境,在理解和表达活动中帮助学生习得词汇和语法知识。

小学英语教师资格证面试真题考点:小学英语1.题目: Let's chant2.内容:One, two, tree, four, five,Once I caught a fish alive.Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,Then I let it go againWhy did you let it go?3.基本要求:(1)示范朗读文本,关注学生双元音的发音,通过儿歌的韵律训练增强学生的语感,辅助体态语帮助学生理解,体现过程性评价;(2)体现良好的师生互动和板书设计。
答辩题目1.As an English teacher, what do you think of the usage of multimedia in class?2. Do you think that singing English songs or playing chant are useful for cultivating students' interest in English learning?考题解析【教案】Teaching aims:Knowledge aim:Students will master the sound /ai/ in the words “five”, “alive”and so on.Ability aim:Students will apply the sound correctly in real communication.Emotional aim:Students will be more interest in speaking English.Key and difficult point:Key Point: Students will master the sound /ai/ in the words “five”, “alive”and so on. Difficult Point: Students will apply the sound correctly in real communication.Teaching procedure:Step 1: Warming-up1.Greetings.2.Play a chant they have learned “tomato, tomato, wash, wash, wash”and lead them to learn another chant this class..Step 2: Presentation1. Students watch the picture and tell the teacher what they can see in the picture, and the teacher guide them to present the first part of the chant. Then students watch the picture carefully and predict what’s wrong with the boy, then the teacher guide them to present the last part of the chant.2. Students observe the sentences and find out what common letters they can find.3. The teacher teaches them correct pronunciation of the letter “i”in “five”, “right”and so on.Step 3: Practice1. Read the pronunciation /ai/ and the words that includes “i”repeatedly.2. Listen to the tape and follow the tape, paying attention to the intonation of the chant.3. Students work in pairs to make a chant in 5 minutes.Step4: Production1. The teacher writes more words that includes the sound /ai/and students try to read them.2. Students work in groups to make a story using the picture and the words with the sound /ai/ on the blackboard.Step5: Summary and HomeworkSummary: ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson and summarize with the whole class.Homework: ask students to search other pronunciation of the letter “i”and list those words accordingly.Blackboard design:Let's chantOne, two, tree, four, five,Once I caught a fish alive.Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,Then I let it go againWhy did you let it go?Because it bit my fingerSo which finger did it bite?This little finger on my right“i”says【答辩解析】1. As an English teacher, do you think multimedia is useful?【参考答案】Multimedia is a powerful tool in the modern class, as it helps students to understand our class more vividly and enhance their processing of the new knowledge. With images, audios and videos, knowledge that is difficult to understand in English is well presented. The students can have a deeper understanding of the content of the text, which is helpful to solve difficulties. In the environment of multimedia students can also develop abstract thinking and divergent thinking.2. Do you think that English songs or chants are helpful for cultivating students' interest in English learning?【参考答案】Class activities, such as singing or chants are actually a good way to arouse students attention in the class. As we know these activities are very interesting. Most students, especially young kids of elementary schools, they could not concentrate on class for a very long time, so these songs and chants are necessary. If you add such activities as some songs and chants that students like, you can not only attract students' attention, but also cultivate their interest in learning. Therefore, combining knowledge and activities in the classroom allows students to learn while playing and even achieve better effects.。

2022下半年教师资格证考试《小学英语专业面试》真题及答案1 [简答题]1.题目:语音课教学(江南博哥)2.内容3.基本要求(1)试讲时间约10分钟,采用英语授课(2)帮助学生掌握字母的发音(3)学生能够在日常中灵活运用(4)配合教学内容适当板书参考解析:Teaching ProceduresI.Lead-inGreetings.Teacher creates a situation that today is Xiongda’s birthday, and he willgo to the zoo to celebrate it.Il. Presentation1.Students watch the video and answer the following questions:What animals does he see?Can you use a word to describe the whale?When does he go back to home?What does he drink at the zoo?2. The teacher leads in big, pig, six, milk through the questions. And guides students to read them one by one.3. Students find letter “i” in every word through Sharp Eyes game, and find the pronunciation of“i”.Ⅲ. Practice1.Train gameShow different pictures for reference on the PPT. Students work in groups and the teacher points different pictures.Students will read them one by one.2.True or FalseThe teacher some different cards. In these cards, there are some words with “i’ and the pronunciation of “is /l/. The teacher reads them one by one. But the pronunciation can be true or false. Students will use gestures to judge them.IV.ProductionTask: Grow an apple treeStudents draw an apple tree by themselves. The teacher will let them draw some apples on the tree, but they must write a letter with “i”on the apple, and the pronunciation of“is /l/. The more, the better.V.SummaryStudents summarize what they have learnt in the lesson.VI.HomeworkStudents will try to find more words with "i".五、Blackboard Design略2 [简答题]1.题目:How many fish do you see?2.内容3.基本要求(1)讲解数字11-15(2)试讲过程突出趣味性(3)授课时间10分钟,全英文授课参考解析:Teaching Procedure:I. Lead-inGreetings.Il.Presentation1. Create a scene of going to the park to have a picnic and go fishing by showing a picture of the pool, among which there are something else such as five apples, seven trees and so on.2.Encourage students to count the number of strees, apples and so on to review the knowledge about numbers one to ten learned before.3.Ask the questions: how many fish do you see? Students count fish one by one and finally use the sentence: I see eleven/twelve...fish, leading in the key sentences.4. Write down the key sentences and numbers and guide students to read the words. students read one by one.5. Teacher announces the picnic is over and school buses are coming to take them back to school. Teacher asks how many cars they could see and keep asking whether they could find the different between two sentences on the blackboard to teach students distinguish among countable nouns and uncountable nouns behind “how many?Ⅲ. Practice1.Teacher shows some pictures and all the sentences on PPT. Students readthe phrases one by one.2.Teacher plays a game called “fly a kite’ which rule is teacher takesa kite and students’voice would change according to the hand height of the teacher with students.3.Teacher claps hands randomly a time and students count carefully and speak out the true number as quickly as they can.Ⅳ.ProductionPresent photos of the zoo on PPT, including many kinds of animals, trees, flowers and so on. And students use the new words and sentences structures to make a dialogue in pairs. Students discuss for 2 minutes, and then teacher asks some volunteers to make dialogues.V.SummaryStudents summarize what they have learnt in this lesson.VI.HomeworkStudents go back home to count the number of furniture and make a dialogue with parents by using the new sentences and words of“How many...do you see?”“I see ...”Blackboard Design:略3 [简答题]1.题目:阅读课教学2.内容:3.基本要求(1)试讲时间约 10分钟,采用英语授课(2)帮助学生巩固一般将来时的表达(3)学生掌握描述节日的文章国(4)配合教学内容适当板书。

2023年教资小学英语面试考试真题全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇12023 Primary School English Interview Exam QuestionsSection 1: Self-introduction (10 marks)1. Please introduce yourself, including your name, educational background, teaching experience, and why you chose to become a primary school English teacher. (10 marks)Section 2: Teaching Philosophy (20 marks)2. What is your teaching philosophy? How do you approach teaching English to young learners at the primary level? (10 marks)3. How do you integrate technology into your English lessons? Provide an example of a successful use of technology in your teaching practice. (10 marks)Section 3: Classroom Management (20 marks)4. How do you handle discipline issues in your classroom? Can you describe a specific situation and how you resolved it effectively? (10 marks)5. How do you create a positive and inclusive learning environment for all students, including those with special needs or different learning styles? (10 marks)Section 4: Lesson Planning and Assessment (20 marks)6. How do you plan your English lessons to cater to the diverse needs of your students? Provide an example of a differentiated lesson you have taught. (10 marks)7. How do you assess student learning in English? What types of assessments do you use, and how do you ensure that they are fair and accurate? (10 marks)Section 5: Professional Development (10 marks)8. How do you stay current with developments in English language teaching and continue to grow as a teacher? Provide examples of professional development activities you have engaged in. (10 marks)Section 6: Closing Remarks (10 marks)9. Is there anything else you would like to add to your interview? Why do you believe you are the best candidate for this position? (10 marks)Good luck with your interview preparation! Remember to showcase your passion for teaching and your dedication to helping young learners succeed in English.篇22023 Primary School English Teacher Qualification Interview ExamPart 1: IntroductionThe year 2023 marks a significant milestone for education in China as the primary school English teacher qualification exam enters a new phase of development. With a growing emphasis on the importance of English language proficiency for students, the role of English teachers in primary schools has become increasingly crucial. As such, the 2023 exam seeks to assess candidates' knowledge and skills in teaching English to young learners.Part 2: Exam FormatThe 2023 primary school English teacher qualification exam consists of three parts: written test, teaching demonstration, and interview. The written test covers a wide range of topics related to English language teaching and pedagogy, including grammar,vocabulary, pronunciation, listening, speaking, reading, writing, and classroom management. The teaching demonstration requires candidates to prepare a 15-minute lesson plan and deliver it to a group of students. The interview assesses candidates' understanding of English teaching principles and their ability to effectively communicate with students, parents, and colleagues.Part 3: Sample Questions1. What strategies would you use to encourage primary school students to speak English in the classroom?2. How do you differentiate instruction to accommodate the diverse needs of students in your classroom?3. Describe a lesson you taught that successfully integrated technology to enhance student learning.4. How do you assess student learning and provide feedback to promote further improvement?5. What are your views on the importance of cultural awareness in teaching English to young learners?Part 4: Preparation TipsTo succeed in the 2023 primary school English teacher qualification exam, candidates should focus on developing a solid understanding of English language teaching principles, effective classroom management techniques, and innovative teaching strategies. They should also hone their communication skills and demonstrate a passion for helping young learners develop their English proficiency. Additionally, candidates should practice delivering engaging and interactive lessons that cater to students' individual needs and interests.Part 5: ConclusionThe 2023 primary school English teacher qualification exam presents a unique opportunity for candidates to showcase their skills and knowledge in English language teaching. By preparing thoroughly and demonstrating their passion for helping students learn and grow, candidates can stand out as exceptional educators who are dedicated to making a positive impact on the lives of young learners. Good luck to all candidates participating in the exam!篇32023 Elementary School English Teacher Qualification Interview ExamSection I: Listening ComprehensionPart A: Listen to the audio clip and answer the following questions.1. What is the main topic of the conversation?2. Who are the speakers?3. Why is the woman calling?Part B: Listen to the audio clip and fill in the missing words.1. Please remember to bring your _____ to the exam.2. The exam will start at _____ and end at _____.3. Make sure to _____ your answers clearly.Section II: SpeakingPart A: Role PlayYou are a teacher talking to a parent about their child's progress in English class. Discuss the child's strengths and areas for improvement.Part B: Topic DiscussionDiscuss the importance of teaching phonics to young learners and how you would integrate phonics instruction into your English lessons.Section III: Reading ComprehensionRead the following passage and answer the questions below.The Benefits of Bilingual EducationBilingual education has been shown to have numerous benefits, including improving cognitive skills, increasing cultural awareness, and enhancing job prospects. By learning a second language, students can improve their focus, problem-solving abilities, and creativity. Additionally, bilingualism can help individuals better understand and appreciate other cultures, leading to increased tolerance and empathy. In the globalized job market, being bilingual can also open up more employment opportunities and lead to higher salaries.1. What are some benefits of bilingual education?2. How can bilingualism impact job prospects?3. How can bilingualism contribute to cultural awareness?Section IV: WritingPart A: EssayWrite an essay discussing the use of technology in the English classroom. How can technology enhance language learning and improve student engagement? Provide examples of specific technologies you would use and explain how you would integrate them into your lessons.Part B: Lesson PlanDesign a lesson plan for teaching a grammar concept to elementary students. Include the learning objectives, activities, assessment methods, and materials needed for the lesson.Good luck on your exam! Make sure to study diligently and practice your English skills. Best wishes for success in your teaching career!。

1.真题展示(1)题目:My happy family(2)内容:I am Coco. I am from America. I am a new student in class two, and grade five. Here I have a picture of my family. This is my father, he is a teacher. This is my mother, she is a doctor. This is my sister. This is me. We love our father and mother, they love me, too. We are a happy family.(3)基本要求:①全英试讲;②创设情境进行教学;③使用一定阅读策略教学;④试讲时间为10分钟。
2.教案范例(1)Subject: My happy family(2)Teaching aims:Knowledge aim: Students can know the sentence pattern “this is…” to introduce other people.Ability aim: Students can develop their ability of reading, speaking and listening.Emotional aim: Students can feel the love of family.(3)Key point and difficult point:Key point: How to help students master the sentence pattern “this is…” to introduce other people.Difficult point: How to help students develop their ability of reading, speaking and listening.(4)Teaching stepsStep1. GreetingStep2. Pre-readingPlay a guessing game. Ask students to predict what they will learn today.Step3. While-readingRead the passage for the first time to conclude the main idea of the passage.Read the passage for the second time to ask the following questions.What do you know about Coco?How many family members are there in Coco’s family? What are they? What do they do?Step4. Post-readingDraw a picture of your family and talk about it.Step5. SummaryStep6. HomeworkTask one: Finish the exercises on the textbook.Task two: Make a survey to know how many family members are there in your group members’ familyBlackboard design:。

小学英语教师资格证面试真题考点:小学英语1.题目: Last weekend2.内容:Cleaned my room; washed my clothes; stayed at home; watched TV Mike: How was your weekend?Chen Jie: It was fine, thanks.Mike: What did you do?Chen Je: I stayed at home and watched TV.3.基本要求:(1)朗读内容(2)设计语法课(3)设计相关的教学活动答辩题目1.你认为板书应该呈现什么?2.你认为小学英语老师应该具备什么样的特质?考题解析【教案】Teaching aims:Knowledge aims:1. Students can master the meaning of the words such as “cleaned my room”, “washed my clothes”, “stayed at home”and “watched TV”.2. Students can grasp the grammar-simple past tense in key sentence patterns such as “What didyou do?”and “I stayed at home”.Ability aim:Students can express their feelings by using simple past tense in daily communication.Emotional aim:Students can develop their interest in learning English.Key and difficult points:Key Points:Words: cleaned my room, washed my clothes, stayed at home, watched TV;Sentence patterns: What did you do?, I stayed at home.Difficult Point:Students can master the usage of simple past tense and use it in their daily communication.Teaching procedures:Step 1: Warming-up1. Greetings. Talk about the weather.2. Free talk.Tell students I went shopping and bought a new dress last weekend. Ask students questions “What about you”or “What did you do last weekend?”. Then invite some of them to share. Some students may give the answer with wrong tense such as “I play basketball last weekend.”. Therefore, I will correct it and let them pay attention to it and tell them today we are going to learn the grammar simple past tense.Step 2: Presentation1. Show some pictures on the screen and present some words such as “cleaned my room”, “washed my clothes”, “stayed at home”and “watched TV”on the blackboard. Let students learn the words.2. Ask students to observe these words carefully to find if there are some similarities. Then invite some of them to give answers.3. Explain simple past tense to students and summarize the rules of it. Write down the rules on the blackboard.4. Ask students to listen to the tape and find out how to ask other’s activities in the last week. Write the sentences on the blackboard.Step 3: Practice1. Do an exerciseAsk students to write down the past tense of the verbs given on the blackboard.wash stay play is are do2. Role playAsk students to work in pair to practice the conversation. Then act the conversation out. 5minutes is given. Then invite some pairs to show their performance.Step4: ProductionAsk students to do a survey about what they did last weekend. Let them work in group of 6 and one of them acts as the group leader to collect their group members’activities and make a list for us. 10 minutes will be given. After that, invite one group to share their report. Tell students they should report like this. For example, “Last weekend, Lily washed the clothes.”Then give encouragement for them.Step5: Summary and HomeworkSummary: Ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson and summarize with the whole class.Homework: Talk about what they did in the last weekend with their parents.Blackboard design:Last weekendcleaned my room washed my clothes stayed at home watched TVrules: verb+ed do-did is/am-was are-were-What dd you do?-I stayed at home and watched TV.wash___ stay___ play___ is___ are___ do___【答辩题目解析】1.What does the blackboard design should present?【参考答案】Blackboard design is an important part of our teaching because a good blackboard design can show the key points of lesson clearly. Also, it is very helpful for students to understand the content of this lesson. As for me, this lesson is a grammar class. So I think the content of blackboard design should contain the following aspects, including title of this lesson, key words and sentence patterns, key grammar points or rules, and exercises. By writing these on the blackboard, I believe students can grasp the main content of this lesson.【答辩题目解析】2.What qualities do you think you should have as a primary school English teacher?【参考答案】I think as a primary school English teacher, I should have the quality of innocence. Primary school students like lively and relaxed classes, as well as kind and friendly teachers. The teacher’s smile and friendly face often makes the students feel warm and be willing to communicate, so that the teaching atmosphere will be very relaxed, and the teaching effect will be better.。

第1篇一、题目一:My Birthday【题目解析】本题目要求考生设计一节以"My Birthday"为主题的英语课堂,旨在考查考生对小学英语教学内容的把握、教学设计能力以及对学生的引导和启发能力。
【教学目标】1. 知识目标:学生能够听懂并说出关于生日的基本词汇和句型,如:Happy birthday! When is your birthday? How old are you? 等。
2. 能力目标:通过听、说、读、写的实践活动,提高学生的英语综合运用能力。
3. 情感目标:激发学生对英语学习的兴趣,培养学生的合作意识和团队精神。
【教学重难点】1. 教学重点:掌握关于生日的基本词汇和句型,能够用英语进行简单的交流。
2. 教学难点:正确运用句型,进行角色扮演,提高学生的口语表达能力。
【教学过程】一、导入1. 老师出示一张生日贺卡,让学生猜一猜这是什么。
2. 引导学生说出生日相关词汇,如:birthday, cake, gift等。
二、呈现新知1. 老师用PPT展示生日场景,如:生日蛋糕、礼物等,让学生说出对应的英文单词。
2. 教师引导学生学习关于生日的句型,如:Happy birthday! When is your birthday? How old are you? 等。
三、操练1. 老师带领学生进行句型练习,如:Happy birthday to you! You are five years old. 等等。
2. 学生两人一组,互相询问对方的生日,并用英语回答。
四、拓展1. 老师出示一张生日派对的照片,让学生用英语描述派对场景。
2. 学生进行角色扮演,模拟生日派对。
五、总结1. 老师带领学生回顾本节课所学内容,强调重点词汇和句型。
2. 学生分享自己的生日经历,并用英语表达。
六、作业1. 学生回家后,向父母询问他们的生日,并用英语进行交流。
2. 学生制作一张生日贺卡,送给父母。

answer, then exchange. 2. Students talk about the topic at several aspects above to their partners. 3. Survey and report. One student makes a survey about the event in a young age of other group members, and take down notes. Step4: Post-speaking 1. self—report: talk about the event that they started doing in a young age. 2. peer—report: ask some students in different groups to have a repot of other students’ events in a young age. Step 5: Summary and Homework Tell students we should start doing things as soon as possible. Homework: students think about more events they’d like to start. Blackboard design:
考点:小学英语 1、题目:《口语课》 2、内容:
3、基本要求 (பைடு நூலகம்)朗读所给段落 (2)配合教学内容,适当板书 (3)针对该段落的内容,进行相应的口语教学活动
《口语课》教学设计 Teaching aims: Knowledge aim: students will know the topic of “you are never too young to start doing things that you don’t know how to do before”. Ability aim: students can increase the speaking ability through talking the topic. Emotional aim: students will develop their awareness of starting doing things as soon as possible. Key and difficult point: Key point: students can increase the speaking ability through talking the topic. Difficult point: students will develop their awareness of starting doing things as soon as possible. Teaching procedure: Step 1: Warming-up Greet the students. Show several pictures of the famous golf player Tiger Woods, the musician Mozart, and the great Brazilian soccer player Ronaldo when they are young, and let students guess who they are, then the teacher tells students that they started doing their interest in a young age. Then lead the topic of the class. Step 2: Pre-speaking Firstly, read the passage then conclude and make clear the topic of the speaking class— you are never too young to start doing things that you don’t know to do before. Secondly, the teacher gives several aspects of the topic, including what the event is they have experienced in a young age, when they started doing it, how they did it and what achievements they have got through it. Thirdly, the teacher gives an example. students talk about topic at several aspects above in groups. Step 3: While-speaking 1. One student ask the questions about the topic at every single aspect above, the other student

小学英语《A butterfly》一、考题回顾二、考题解析《A butterfly》主要教学过程及板书设计教学过程Step1 Warming-up and lead-inAfter greeting the students, I will play the song “The bear”, whose lyrics use the simple past tense, to the students. I will write down a segment of the lyrics on the blackboard and review the past form of some verbs, such as “look-looked”, “meet-met” and “say-said”, with the whole class.Step2 PresentationI will enjoy the strip pictures of butterfly growth with the whole class to introduce the simple past tense. I will ask students questions while watching the pictures. The questions are: “what was the color of the egg?”, “what did a caterpillar eat?” and “how long did the caterpillar live in the small cocoon?” By orders of strip pictures, the growth a butterfly is showed clearly, and time sequences are showed by “the first”, “then” and “finally”.As the students answer these questions, answers are written down on the blackboard. I will invite students to work out the rule of the simple past tense. Simple past tense is usually used to talk about a completed action or state that occurred in the past, and to form this tense, one needs to add -ed to the end of a regular verb and remember the past forms of some irregular verbs.Step3 Practice1. Conversion task: students are required to converse the following simple present tense simple past tense to better understand the new structure:I usually eat an egg for breakfast.I _____ an egg for breakfast yesterday morning.People often live in houses.John _____ in the small village for about two years.Do you come to your grandma’s twice a week?He _____ to see his grandma last week.There are three people in my family.There _____ many butterflies here 5 years ago.2. Translation task: students are expected to translate the following Chinese the corresponding English.我妹妹早餐吃了一个橙子和一片面包。

教师资格面试小学英语试讲真题一、试讲题一1.题目:My favorite season2.内容:spring, summer, autumn, winter——Which season do you like best?——Summer, I can swim every day.3.要求:(1)10分钟内完成试讲。
二、试讲题二1.题目:What would you like to eat?2.内容:词汇:Ice-cream, tea, hamburger, sandwich, salad.句型:——What would you like to eat?——I'd like a sandwich, please.3.基本要求:(1)全英授课。
(2)上词汇课,重点讲授ice ceam, tea, hamburger, sandwich, salad。
三、试讲题三1.题目:What time is it?2.内容:Conversation OneA:What time is it now?B:It's 12 o'clock.A:It's time for lunch.B:Let's go.Conversation TwoA:What time is it now?B:It's twenty past four.A:School is over. Let's go to the playground.3.基本要求:(1)朗读对话内容。

小学英语教师资格证面试真题考点:小学英语考题解析【教案】Teaching aims:Knowledge aims:1. Students can master the meaning of the words such as “reading stories”, “doing kung fu”,“swimming”and “singing”.2. Students can grasp the key sentence structures “What are Peter’s hobbies?”and “He likessinging”.Ability aim:Students can improve their ability of listening and speaking.Emotional aim:Students can build up their confidence in speaking English.Key and difficult point:Key Point:Words: reading stories, swimming, doing kung fu, singing;Sentence structures: What are Peter’s hobbies?, He likes doing ....Difficult Point:Students can master the usage of the words and sentences and use them in their daily life.Teaching procedures:Step 1: Warming-up1. Greetings. Talk about the weather.2. Sing a song with the students.If you care happyIf you 're happy and you know it Clap your handsIf you 're happy and you know it Clap you hands.If you're happy and you know itNever be afraid to show itIf you 're happy and you know it Clap your handsAsk them two questions “Are you happy now?”and “Do you like singing?”. They may say yes and then tell them singing is our hobby. Then tell them today we are going to learn about our old friend Peter’s hobbies.Step 2: Pre-listening1. Draw some paintings on the blackboard and present some words such as “reading stories”, “doing kung fu”, “swimming”, and “singing”. Let them understand the meaning.2. Read the words together.Step 3: While-listening1. Extensive listeningAsk students to listen to the tape for the first time and answer two questions “How many people are there in this conversation and who are they?, “Which sentence is used to ask other’s hobbies and what is its answer?”. Then write down the names and sentences on the blackboard.2. Intensive listeningListen to the tape for the second time and ask students to fill in the chart on the blackboard. Then invite some of them to finish the chart and check it.Step4: Post-listeningAsk students to do a survey about what their hobbies are. Lead them to work in group of 4 and one of them acts as the group leader to collect their group members’hobbies and make a list for us. 10 minutes will be given. After that, invite one group to share their report. Give encouragement.Step5: Summary and HomeworkSummary: Ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson and summarize with the wholeclass.Homework: Talk about their hobbies with their parents and ask what their parents’hobbies are.【答辩题目解析】1. Talk about your homework.【参考答案】Homework is a continuation of teaching. Through their independent thinking, it aims to help students use knowledge, analyze problems flexibly and solve the problem, consolidate the language knowledge and format English ability. In this class, my homework is to ask students to talk about their hobbies with their parents and ask what their parents’hobbies are. This homework, on the one hand, can effectively help students to consolidate the words and sentence pattern we have learned before. On the other hand, it can also let their parents knowtheir children’s learning condition and enhance the understanding of both parents and children.【答辩题目解析】2. What will you do if the students can’t focus on your class?【参考答案】There are some options to deal with the problem. First, I could arrange some interesting activities to stimulate their interest. Second, when imparting some knowledge, I could show some examples closely related to their daily lives. They will be interested in familiar things. Third, I could ask some students to answer my questions from time to time, so they will be more focused in case of being asked. So I will try to use the most appropriate method to attract their attention.。

小学英语教师资格证面试真题考点:小学英语1.题目:Different ways to go to school2.内容:3.基本要求:(1)英文试讲10分钟(2)设计成语篇教学答辩题目1. 你怎么理解比较级?2. 在讲课中运用了什么阅读技巧?二、考题解析【教案】Teaching aims:Knowledge aims:Students can master the meaning the comparative degree of some words: “taller, longer, lower”.2. Students can get the main idea of the reading material.Ability aims:Students can exercise and improve their reading ability, including scanning and skimming.Students will be able to predict their changes in the future.Emotional aims:Students can be interested in learning English and science.Students can understand the scientific reason for the shadow’s change with the help of the science teacher.Key and difficult point:Key Point:Students can master the comparative degree of the adjective words.Students can understand the meaning of the passage and know the scientific explanation about the little duck’s shadow.Difficult Point:Students can exercise and improve their ability of reading, including scanning and skimming.Students can improve the interest of learning English and cultivate the spirit of science.Teaching procedures:Step 1: Warming-up1. Greetings. Talk about the weather.2. Guess a riddle with students together.I can swim.My body’s color is yellow.I can say quack, quack, quack.Who am I?Ask them the answer of the riddle, and they may say “duck”. Then tell them that today we are going to learn the story of a little duck.Step 2: Pre-readingShow some pictures about the shadows of the tree in the morning, afternoon and evening. Ask them the difference among the shadows in the picture. Then ask students to predict the topic in today’s reading. And students may answer the topic is the shadow and little duck. And then start reading and check the students’prediction.Step 3:While-reading1. Global readingAsk students to open books and read the whole passage quickly for the first time. Show them two questions before the reading. The first question: what do you think is the proper title, the little duck’s shadow or the old tree’s shadow? Show them two questions before the reading. The second question: What kind of things are mentioned in the passage? 3 minutes will be given. After reading, students may answer the right title and they may tell the teacher there are little duck, old tree, sun and shadow in the passage.2. Detailed readingAsk students to read for the second time. Ask them what changes happen to the little duck, sun and little duck’s shadow and finish the chart. Ask students why the little duck’s shadow changes. 8 minutes will be given. Then teacher invites one student to finish the chart down on the blackboard and explain the comparative degree. And teacher will play the video of the science teacher to explain the reason why the little duck’s shadow becomes longer is because the sun angle changes.Step4: Post-readingAsk students to make a discussion to predict their changes in the future. 5 minutes will be given. Then invite some students to share their ideas and give encouragement.Step5: Summary and HomeworkSummary: Teacher summarizes the class content.Homework: Ask students to observe the shadow’s change in different time and make a record with timeline. Share their findings next class.Blackboard design:【答辩题目解析】1. What is your understanding of the comparative degree?【参考答案】The comparative degree of adjective and adverb are used when we compare one with the another. There are three kinds of rules of the comparative form. First, add “-er”to the almost all one-syllable adjectives, such as taller, older. Second, change the letter “y”into “i”plus “-er”to the words ending with “y”, such as quicker, earlier. Third, add the word “more”or “less”before the muti-syllable base, such as more beautiful, less important.【答辩题目解析】2. What reading skills did you use in your lesson?【参考答案】The reading skill like skimming, scanning and detailed reading were used in the lesson. When one have a specific question to answer or information to collect, one needs to be able to skim a page quickly to find the section by scanning a text. In the lesson, students read the passage for the first time to answer two questions for three minutes, and they would use scanning the keywords. And in the second reading, students read the passage in detail for eight minutes to find the detailed information and deep thinking about two questions.。

(3)设计相应的教学活动(4)具有互动性答辩题目1. Do you think it is important to teach students the phenomenon or not?2. How to improve students speaking ability?考题解析【教案】Teaching aims:Knowledge aim: Students will understand the story and know the meaning of “pull...out of”and “be stuck in”.Ability aim: Students can be able to collect the main idea and the details.Emotional aim: Students will develop the interest in learning English.Teaching key and difficult points:Key point: Students will know the meaning of “pull...out of”and “be stuck in”.Students can be able to collect the main idea and the details.Difficult point: Students will develop the interest in learning English. Teaching Aids:Teaching procedures:Step 1: Warming-up1. Greeting: Ask “how are you today?”.2. Sing a song named Little Ant for studentsThe ants go marching one by one, hurrah,hurrah!The ants go marching two by two, hurrah,hurrah!The ants go marching three by three.The little one stops to climb a tree.And they all go marching down to the groundTo get out of the rain,BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!Ask them “are you happy now?”and “do you find some ants in this song?”. Then tell them we will learn a small interesting story about the ant.Step 2: Pre-reading1. Briefly explain the meaning of “pull...out of”and “be stuck in”with pictures.Step 3: While-reading1. Ask students to read the short story for the first time. After that, ask them to tell me what the main idea of the story is.2. Ask students to read it for the second time. This time, students need to find what the weather is like today and the next day.3. Let them read it for the third time, and answer the questions: how they feel and what’s wrong with them?Step 4: Post-readingAsk students to work in a group of four, and try to retell the short story in their own words according to the clues on the black board.Step 5: Summary and homeworkSummary: Conclude the content of the lesson and summarize with whole class. Homework: Think about what will happen to them in the third day, share with us next lesson. Blackboard design:Robin and the AntMain idea:time weathertoday sunnythe next day rainyname feeling problemRobinthe ant【答辩题目解析】1.Do you think it is important to teach students the phenomenon or not?【参考答案】I think it is very important. There are several reasons as following. First, some knowledge is too abstract or general to understand. Teaching the phenomenon to students can help them quickly understand what they are learning. Second, after doing that, students can remember theknowledge according to the logic or other aspects, which is conducive to consolidating and memorizing the knowledge they have learned as solid as possible.【答辩题目解析】2.How to improve students speaking ability?【参考答案】First, the teacher should create a relaxing learning atmosphere and stimulate students’learning interest. Introducing activities, such as games and competitions that students like into the classroom can fully mobilize the enthusiasm of students, and turn "speaking English" into a pleasant experience. Second, the teacher also needs to create the real situation. Their interest can be inspired in the process of using in the situation. Third, the teacher needs to strengthen oral training with various forms, such as role-play, telling a story.。

小学英语教师资格证面试真题小学英语《Welcome to Africa 》小学英语《Welcome to Africa 》:题目:V/e-leome to Aiiici上內笞;Idcoine to Africa, m\ EmdThink vouWho are ihese people?' VSlat are they doing" rhev are fumers Ihev are planting com J JF 1U.W'ow ?tr affe:Look 21 ii±: womm. dcrs sE?She's as”et She helps mtmalsLook, that is mv father. He ts an i?? mnn 111211Oh no uvic^ cream二甚本要求:(1)鼻育适当的板书;(2)主英隈課;(“体现师生互动:1 A bunerilyl内咨:“找盂 a ezg. 7h^u n teiame 負Caietpillar. It ate 釜.it b\ tc m the ±null cccocn it?ut bvo 犠亡士Fmallv it came out from ±e cocoon and btcant 1 buttnflv There were so niznv butterflies< 1)用英语试讲;<2)教8!语法情累化!<3)学生会描逹甕化过程。
三、学段:小学科目:英语年级:五年级上册试讲题目:What can you do?Section A(Let ' s Talk)AmyJohn试讲要求:(1) 试讲时间约10分钟,采用英语授课;(2) 突出重点词汇与句型的教学,训练学生的口语表达能力;(3) 引导学生形成一定的文化意识;(4) 配合教学内容适当板书。
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小学英语《A butterfly》一、考题回顾二、考题解析《A butterfly》主要教学过程及板书设计教学过程Step1 Warming-up and lead-inAfter greeting the students, I will play the song “The bear”, whose lyrics use the simple past tense, to the students. I will write down a segment of the lyrics on the blackboard and review the past form of some verbs, such as “look-looked”, “meet-met” and “say-said”, with the whole class.Step2 PresentationI will enjoy the strip pictures of butterfly growth with the whole class to introduce the simple past tense. I will ask students questions while watching the pictures. The questions are: “what was the color of the egg?”, “what did a caterpillar eat?” and “how long did the caterpillar live in the small cocoon?” By orders of strip pictures, the growth a butterfly is showed clearly, and time sequences are showed by “the first”, “then” and “finally”.As the students answer these questions, answers are written down on the blackboard. I will invite students to work out the rule of the simple past tense. Simple past tense is usually used to talk about a completed action or state that occurred in the past, and to form this tense, one needs to add -ed to the end of a regular verb and remember the past forms of some irregular verbs.Step3 Practice1. Conversion task: students are required to converse the following simple present tense simple past tense to better understand the new structure:I usually eat an egg for breakfast.I _____ an egg for breakfast yesterday morning.People often live in houses.John _____ in the small village for about two years.Do you come to your grandma’s twice a week?He _____ to see his grandma last week.There are three people in my family.There _____ many butterflies here 5 years ago.2. Translation task: students are expected to translate the following Chinese the corresponding English.我妹妹早餐吃了一个橙子和一片面包。
Step4 Production1. Group discussion: divide the whole class groups of 6 and require them to describe the growth of a tree, at the same time, draw it strip pictures. Three groups will be asked to have a presentation.Filling blanks: students try to fill in the blanks below independently:It _____ a small seed. Then it _____ a sapling after two weeks. Finally it _____ tall and _____ a large tree. There _____ so many big trees.Step5 Summary and homeworkSummary: invite two students to retell the growth of a butterfly with the help of strip pictures.Homework: ask students to select pictures of their childhood and make a comparison between the present selves and the old selves.板书设计答辩题目解析1.请谈谈什么是语法教学中的归纳法?【参考答案】先让外语学习者接触包含语法规则的真实上下文,通过学习大量例句,使学生形成一定程度的感性认识,进而对材料进行加工,最后再总结归纳出语法规则。
小学英语《What time is it?》一、考题回顾二、考题解析小学英语《What time is it?》主要教学过程及板书设计教学过程Step 1: Warming up(1)Greeting with the students.(2)Do the warming up with students and review the numbers:One finger one finger turn turn turn, turn to a toothbrush, shua shua shua~ Two fingers two fingers turn turn turn,turn to a rabbit, jump jump jump~ Three fingers Three fingers turn turn turn, turn to a cat, miao miao miao…Step 2: Presentation:(1) Show the picture of a clock, then ask the students the question what time is it? Help the students answer the question with the sentence “It’s…o’clock”. In this time, the teacher will only point on the hour.(2) Show some pictures of the daily life and there is a clock in every picture and ask the students to describe the time in with their deskmates.(3) The students may have doubt with the last picture, the time in the last picture is 10:17and the teacher will ask the students to give the question “what time is it” to the teacher. The teacher will answer the question and guide the students learn the time expression.Step 3: PracticeThe teacher will play the game Touch and Say with the students. The teacher will hold two different clock on his/her hand and invite the students to ask ”what time is it”. When the teacher answers the question the students should touch the right picture.Step 4: Production(1) Ask students make a clock by themselves and ask their partner what time is it by changing the time.(2) The teacher will ask four students in a group and have a competition. The representatives from every group write down the time they hear. Who get more right answers, who will be the winner.Step 5: Summary and homework.(1) Ask two or three students to give a summary of the class.(2) Ask students to describe the time when they go to school, when they have lunch and when they go to bed.板书设计答辩题目解析1.你现在做什么工作?【参考答案】大学毕业后,我在一家课外辅导机构做一名英语老师,虽然工作时间不长,但是我十分喜欢这份职业,并且学到了很多东西。