事变:Incident重大事件,像“……事变”,英文多用Incident表示,如:九一八事变September 18th Incident七七事变(卢沟桥事变)July 7th Incident (Lugou Bridge Incident)会战:Battle of...“……会战”,这类术语用Battle of...或者Campaign表示, 另外,“大捷”也用battle of...,如:淞沪会战:Battle of Shanghai武汉会战:Battle of Wuhan百团大战:Hundred-Regiment Campaign平型关大捷Battle of Pingxingguan; victory atPingxingguan台儿庄大捷Battle of Tai’ erzhuang;victory at Tai’erzhuang战术:warfare表示战术的,像“持久战、游击战”等,使用warfare,如:持久战:protracted war游击战:guerrilla warfare运动战:mobile warfare地道战:tunnel warfare地雷战:landmine warfare细菌战:germ warfare化学战:chemical warfare“……区”:area“解放区”、“游击区”这类,则用area,很简单啦,如:解放区:liberated area游击区:guerrilla area敌占区(沦陷区)enemy-occupied area; occupied area“三光”政策:policy“三光”政策,即烧光、杀光、抢光。
翻译为:”Three Alls”policy (kill all, burn all, loot all)扫荡、蚕食,清乡:operation抗日战争中,日军对中国实施了扫荡、蚕食,清乡政策,这三个表达均为...operation,具体表达如下:“扫荡”:“mopping-up”operation“蚕食”:“gnawing-away”operation “清乡”:“pacification” operation。
军事英语口语系列:军事训练414. Every one knows the term of military training.每个人知道军事训练这个词。
415. Who can make it clear in one word?谁能用一句话把军事训练说清楚呢?416. Generals have their missions.将军们有他们的使命。
417. Soldiers have their duties.士兵们有他们的职责。
418. The Navy has its tactics and training items.海军有自己的战术和训练项目。
419. Have you taken part in the naval exercises?你参加过海军演习吗?420. If not, you should have seen some films involved.如果没有的话,你应该看过有关电影。
421. "Surprise Attack on Pearl Harbor" is a well-known sea battle.《奇袭珍珠港》是一个著名的海战战例。
422. You can learn more from the book "Sea Fight".你可以从《大海战》这部书中了解更多的东西。
423. From TV, we often see a few aircraft carriers cruising the oceans.从电视上我们常看到几艘航母在各大洋游弋。
424. A Russian submarine sank to the seabed in an exercise.俄国一艘潜艇在一次演习中沉入海底。
425. A U.S. destroyer was heavily damaged in the Middle East.美国的一艘驱逐舰在中东遭到重创。
军事英语高空轰炸561.A Tomahawk flew into the sky, heading north towards Baghdad."战斧"式巡航导弹腾空而起,向北朝巴格达飞去。
562.The first missile hit the communication building in the center of Baghdad.第一枚导弹击中了位于巴格达市中心的通讯大楼。
563.Pilots were in their cockpits, ready to be launched for action.飞行员已坐进驾驶舱,一切准备就绪,正待命出发。
564.The first planes to go were the F-117A stealth bombers and the electronic countermeasure aircraft.最先起飞的是F-177A隐形轰炸机和电子对抗飞机。
565.The Air Force and Navy planes took off to neutralize the Iraqi air defense system.空军、海军的飞机起飞压制伊军防空系统。
566. They were EF-111 Ravens, F-4G Wild Weasels, FA-6B Prowlers.他们分别是EF-111"渡鸦" 飞机,F-4G"野鼬" 飞机和FA-6B"徘徊者飞机。
567.All the planes could jam the high-powered signal sent by radar.这些飞机都能干扰雷达发出的大功率信号。
568.The Iraqi radar couldn't find where the aircraft were flying.伊军雷达无法发现飞机飞行的方位。
军事英语口语系列:城市作战 716. Policy-makers must consider military operations on urban terrain strategically. 决策者必须从战略上考虑城市地形上军事作战的问题。
717. Generals should focus on operational level study of urban battles. 将军们应该注重从战役高度研究城市战斗。
718. Joint urban operation is an alternative to direct urban assault. 联合城市作战是直接实施对城市突击的一种选择。
719. In 1995, NATO launched air attacks mainly against outside targets of Sarajevo. 1995年,北约主要对萨拉热窝外围目标实施了空中打击。
720. The city of Sarajevo was relieved. 萨拉热窝市免遭其害。
721. Tactically, urban combat is primarily a small unit infantry intensive operation. 从战术上讲,城市作战主要是小股步兵部队的密集作战行动。
722. Infantry tactics include penetration, thrust, close combat and so on. 步兵战术包括渗透,穿插,近战等。
723. If time is not pressing, sieges or neutralization will be likely options of choice. 如果时间不紧迫,也可以选择围攻或火力压制。
724. In urban combat areas, street fighting can not be avoided. 在城区作战,巷战是不可避免的。
军事英语口语系列:进攻作战515.Now the offensive operations are almost combined arms operations.现在的进攻作战几乎都是诸军兵种联合作战。
516.British recapture of the Malvinas was a case in point.英军重占马尔维纳斯群岛就是一个例子。
517.Before the Malvinas War, the Wartime Cabinet was set up in Britain马岛战争前英国成立了战时内阁。
518.It dispatched a large task force to enemy-held islands 8000 miles away.英国向8000英里以外的敌占岛屿派遣了一支大规模特谴部队。
519. There were many difficulties in supply, terrain and weather.后勤补给困难,地形不详,气候恶劣。
520.British forces succeeded in landing the islands.英国军队登岛成功。
521. The Argentine troops were bombed every day by the British heavy air and sea weapons.驻马岛阿军每天遭到英国空军和海军的空袭和炮击。
522. The Argentine second biggest cruiser was sunk by British torpedoes.阿军的第二大巡洋舰被英军鱼雷击沉。
523. The task force bombed the Argentine positions day and night.英军特混舰队昼夜对阿军阵地实施轰炸。
524. Meanwhile the British fought psychological warfare against the Argentine soldiers.同时,英国人向阿士兵展开心理战。
一、战争相关词汇1. War(战争): 一种由政治目的引起的冲突状态。
2. Conflict(冲突): 一种由不同利益或观点引起的争端。
3. Battle(战斗): 战争中的一个小规模战斗行动。
4. Siege(包围): 军队对城市或要塞进行的包围行动。
5. Invasion(入侵): 一国军队进入另一个国家领土的行动。
6. Retreat(撤退): 军队为了躲避敌人的攻击而离开战场的行动。
7. Victory(胜利): 在战争或战斗中取得的成功。
8. Defeat(失败): 在战争或战斗中遭受的损失或失败。
9. Armistice(停战): 双方军队暂时停止敌对行动的协议。
10. Ceasefire(停火): 暂停火力开展的行动。
二、军事力量相关词汇1. Army(陆军): 一国的主要地面部队。
2. Navy(海军): 负责保卫海上领土和海军作战的军事组织。
3. Air Force(空军): 主要负责空中作战的军事组织。
4. Marine Corps(海军陆战队): 一支专门从事水陆两栖作战的部队。
5. Special Forces(特种部队): 由精锐人员组成的特殊部队,执行特殊任务和战术。
6. Troops(部队): 军事组织中的士兵或军人。
7. Commander(指挥官): 领导军队并负责军事行动的高级指挥官。
8. Officer(军官): 军队中的高级官员,负责指挥和管理部队。
9. Soldier(士兵): 在军队中服役的普通士兵。
10. Recruit(新兵): 进入军队的新兵。
三、军事装备相关词汇1. Weapon(武器): 用于攻击或防御的工具或装置。
2. Rifle(步枪): 一种常见的火器,用于长距离射击。
1. "Take cover!" 寻找掩体!
2. "Fire at will!" 自由开火!
3. "Man down!" 有人倒下!
4. "Medic!" 医务兵!
5. "Fall back!" 撤退!
6. "Hold the line!" 坚守阵地!
7. "Grenade!" 手榴弹!
8. "Enemy spotted!" 发现敌人!
9. "Cease fire!" 停止开火!
10. "Cover me!" 给我掩护!
Then how could you confront it and what possible measures would you take to settle it?L: If you think the conflict can not be resolved, then let it be. If you and someone else can't get along, then simply speak only when necessary, and only on topics that you need to speak about. So I think the best and easiest way to deal with conflict is simply to walk away from it. Walking away not only allows both parties time to think but it allows tempers to cool down as well. And what’s you opinion about it?C: In my view, we should know that not all the conflict is bad, and figure out how to differentiate good conflict from bad conflict. We can handle it in a healthy way by talking it out and coming to a mutual decision instead of complaining about. Sometimes the change of thought is very important when getting along with others.杰克: What do you think are the main causes of war today?你认为如今引起战争的主要原因有哪些?凯西: I`d say the main reason is poverty. Countries and their people get frustrated because they have so little. If their neighbors have some resources, they try to steal them by military force.我得说主要是贫穷。
军事英语基本用语军事基本用语1. Military Units 军事单位中国人民解放军The People’s Liberation Army总参谋部The Headquarters of General Staff总政治部The General Political Department总后勤部The General Logistic Department总装备部The General Equipment Department南京(济南/广州/成都)军区Nanjing Military Area Command 北海(东海/南海)舰队The North Sea fleet2. Services and Arms of the PLA 军种和兵种陆军army海军navy空军air force第二炮兵the second artillery force步兵infantry炮兵artillery通信兵signal corps装甲兵armoured force工程兵corps of engineers航空兵aviation空降兵airborne forces海军陆战队marine corps潜艇部队submarine troops3. Ranks in the Chinese Army Forces 中国陆军军衔上将general中将lieutenant general少将major general大校senior colonel上校colonel中校lieutenant colonel少校major上尉captain中尉first lieutenant少尉second lieutenant列兵private士官petty officer4. Establishment 编制军army师division旅brigade团regiment营battalion连company排platoon班squad5. Post in the PLA 职务中央军委主席The chairman of the Central Military Commission 军长army commander师长division commander旅长brigade commander团长regiment commander营长battalion commander连长company commander排长platoon leader班长squad leader模拟--- simulated—6. Military Uniform 军装徽章insignia帽徽/领章cap/collar insignia肩章epaulet硬/软肩章hard/soft epaulet饰带aiguillet te /eigwi’let/臂章armband大檐帽peak hat贝雷帽beret /’berei/春秋常服spring/autumn (military service) uniform 夏常服summer (military service) uniform作训服battle dress uniform作训帽battle cap作训鞋battle shoes作战靴combat boot体能训练服physical training dress防弹背心bullet-proof vest旗帜,横幅banner皮带leather belt挎包satchel7. Weapons and Equipment 武器装备航空母舰aircraft carrier步枪rifle机枪machine gun冲锋枪sub-machine gun信号枪signal pistol头盔helmet弹药ammunition手榴弹hand grenade火炮cannon望远镜field glasses坦克tank装甲车armored car舰艇naval vessels飞机aircraft直升机helicopter地雷mine军车military vehicle8. Drill 口令起床Get up.上操attention drill快点儿Be quick.集合fall in.立正attention.稍息/(还原) (stand) at ease. /as you were.向右看齐eyes right./ right dress./ right and face.向左看齐eyes left./ left dress./ left and face.向中看齐eyes centre./ centre dress./ centre and face. 向前看front. / eyes front.以右(左)翼为基准guide right (left).以中间为基准guide centre.以我为基准guide on me.靠拢close.散开extend.报数count off.重报again.现在点名Now, let's call the roll.到Here.报告report .全到all correct ./all present .除……外都到了。
low on ammo 快没弹药了
Scout / Recon 侦察
Clear 安全
Engaged / In coming 接敌/敌方炮火来袭
Friendly 自己人(提醒看不到自己的战友或友军)
Take one out when the other's not looking. 另个不注意的时候干掉一个。
There's more cover if we go around. 我们过去,那有更多掩体。
Four tangos inside.Don't even think about it. 屋内4个敌兵,不要想点子了。
Fire 开火
Cease fire 停火
Hold your position / Hold 在原位坚持住 / 留在原位
Hold the line 保持防线 / 队形
Take cover 找掩体
Cover me / him 掩护我 / 他
Cover fire 火力压制
Fall back 撤退Fire in the hole/Grenade 前方有爆炸; 有手榴弹(在附近)
Stay in ther shadows.he's circling back around .don't move.呆在阴影里别动!它正在上空盘旋。
They are on to us.open fire!他们发现我们了,开火!
Get down.now.趴下
Easy lad....there's too many of them,let them go.keep a low profile and hold your fire.
军事类英语词汇101st Airborne Division 第一零一空降师173rd Airborne Regiment 第一七三空降团1st Marines Expeditionary Force 海军陆战队第一远征军2nd Brigade of the 3rd Infantry Division 第三步兵师第二装甲旅2nd Brigade 第二旅3rd Infantry Division 第三步兵师50-caliber machine guns .50口径机枪/12.7mm 机枪(自动步枪是automatic rifle或auto rifle。
)50-caliber machine guns 五十口径自动步枪70th Armoned Division 第七十装甲师7th Armoned Brigade, or the Desert Rats 第七装甲旅, 又称沙漠之鼠军事类英语词汇:a开头a revolutionary left 革命派左翼分子a team of deminers 扫雷小组A-10 Thunderbolt planes (Warthog) A-10 "雷霆"对地攻击机(昵称疣猪)Abrams tank M1 "艾布拉姆斯"坦克Abrams tank 艾布兰坦克Abu Ghurayb Palace 阿布古拉卜宫advance 推进aerial bombardment 空袭aerial bombs 航弹/航空炸弹aerial bombs 空投炸弹aid workers 救援人员air assault/attack/barrage/raid/strike 空袭air attack alarm/air-raid siren 空袭警号air base 空军基地air defense system 防空系统Air Force 空军Airborne Brigade 空降旅Airborne Division 空降师Airborne Division’s Aviation Brigade 空降师空中旅air-defense unit 防空部队airfield 军用机场air-to-air missile (AAM) 空空导弹air-to-ground attack 空对地袭击air-to-ground missile (AGM) 空地导弹Al Jazeera Broadcast 半岛电视台 (卡塔尔)Al Kut 库特Al-Azimiyah Palace 阿宰米耶宫Albanian leader Hashim Thaci 阿族领袖特哈契Ali Hassan al-Majid 亚里马基德Al-Jazeera Satellite Channel 卡塔尔半岛电视台卫星频道allegiance 效忠allied troops / Coalition troops/forces 联军al-Qaeda leaders "基地"组织领袖al-Qaeda leaders 亚盖达领袖ambush 埋伏Amman 安曼ammunitions 弹药amphibious assault vehicle 两栖突击车amphibious light tank 两栖作战轻型坦克amphibious. assault vehicle 两栖战车an axis of evil 邪恶轴心anarchy 无政府状态anti-aircraft artillery/ fire 防空高射炮anti-chemical suit 防生化战衣anti-tank missiles 反坦克飞弹anti-U.S. sentiment 反美情绪Apache Attack Helicopter 阿帕奇攻击型直升机Apache Longbow "长弓"阿帕奇直升机Apache Longbow (Advanced Attack Helicopter) 阿帕奇长弓先进攻击型直升机Arab guerilla fighter 阿拉伯游击队员armed blockades 武装封锁线armor 装甲armored column 装甲队伍Armored Division 装甲师armored forces 装甲部队armored Humvee all-terrain vehicles 悍马多用途装甲运输车armored personnel carrier 装甲运兵车armored vehicle 装甲车arms control 武器管制artillery fire 炮火artillery rockets 火箭炮artillery shell 大炮的炮弹artillery 大炮assault rifle 突击步枪attack jet 战斗机authoritarianism and extremism 极权主义和极端主义军事类英语词汇:b开头B-1 bomber B-1轰炸机B-52 bomber B-52轰炸机Ba’ath Party 社会复兴党Baghdad 巴格达ballistic missile 弹道导弹barrack 军营Basra 巴士拉 (伊拉克首都巴格达以南第二大城市) battalion 营beacon 烽火besiege 包围besieged cities 被攻占的城市biochemical suit /biohazard suit 防毒衣biological and chemical weapons 生物武器Black Hawk helicopter 黑鹰直升机Bomb Impact Assessment 轰炸评估bombardment 轰炸Bradley armored vehicle 布雷德利装甲车Bradley Fighting Vehicles = M2“布雷德利”步兵战车Bradley Fighting Vehicles 布雷德利战车British 3rd Battalion Parachute Regiment 英军伞兵团第三营British 7th Cavalry 英军第七装甲旅British army's Royal Logistic Corps 英军皇家后勤军团British Royal Marines 英国皇家海军陆战队British Special Air Service 英国皇家特种空勤队bunker/ underground bunkers 地堡bunker-buster bomb 地堡炸弹。
军事测绘map reading and map using are the basic skills of soldiers识图用图是士兵的基本技能。
without military maps you don't know where you are sometimes没有军用地图有时候不知自己处在什么地方。
the us military started desert shield with very poor maps of the region美军开始沙漠盾牌行动时使用的当地地图很差。
these maps were improved a lot with the help of the civilian satellites在民用卫星的帮助下这些地图有了很大改进。
later, they used computers to convert remote sensing data into colour maps of the theater后来他们用计算机把该战区的遥感数据转换成彩色地图。
a total of million maps were distributed to the forces总共向部队下发了万份地图。
the number was estimated to be ten times the amount done during the korean war这个数量约为朝鲜战争中的十倍。
services and arms need their own maps各军兵种需要他们自己的地图。
precision weapons have precise coordinates with them精确制导武器都装有精确坐标。
FM 21-75APPENDIX D Urban AreasGENERALSuccessful combat operations in urban areas require skills that are unique to this type of fighting.This appendix discusses some of those skills. For a more detailed discussion, see FM 90-10-1.HOW TO MOVEskill sure Movement in urban areas is a fundamental that you must master. To minimize expo-to enemy fire while moving:Do not silhouette yourself, stay low,avoid open areas such as streets,alleys, and parks.Select your next covered position be-fore moving.Conceal your movements by using smoke, buildings, rubble, or foliage.Move rapidly from one position to another.Do not mask your overwatching/covering fire when you move; and stay alert and ready.CONTENTSGENERAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. D-1HOW TO MOVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..D-1HOW TO ENTERA BUILDING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. D-7HOW TO USEHAND GRENADES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..D-10HOW TO USEFIGHTING POSITIONS . . . . . . . D-10D-lFM 21-75HOW TO CROSS A WALLAlways cross a wall rapidly. But first, finda low spot to cross and visually reconnoiterthe other side of the wall to see if it is clear ofobstacles and the enemy. Next, quickly rollover the wall, keeping a low silhouette. Therapid movement and low silhouette keep theenemy from getting a good shot at you.HOW TO MOVE AROUNDA CORNERBefore moving around a corner, check outthe area beyond it to see if it is clear of obstaclesand the enemy. Do not expose yourself whenchecking out that area. Lie flat on the groundand do not expose your weapon beyond the cor-ner. With your steel helmet on, look around thecorner at ground level only enough to see aroundit. Do not expose your head any more thannecessary. If there are no obstacles or enemypresent, stay low and move around the corner. D-2FM 21-75HOW TO MOVE PAST A WINDOWWhen moving past a window on the firstfloor of a building, stay below the window level.Take care not to silhouette yourself in the win-dow, and stay close to the side of the building.D-3FM 21-75When moving past a window in a base-ment, use the same basic techniques used inpassing a window on the first floor. However,instead of staying below the window, step orjump over it without exposing your legs.HOW TO MOVE PARALLEL TOA BUILDINGWhen you must move parallel to a building,use smoke for concealment and have someoneto overwatch your move. Stay close to the sideof the building. Use shadows if possible, andstay low. Move quickly from covered positionto covered position.HOW TO CROSS OPEN AREASWhenever possible, you should avoid killzones such as streets, alleys, and parks. Theyare natural kill zones for enemy machine guns.When you must cross an open area, do it quickly.Use the shortest route across the area. Usesmoke to conceal your move and have someoneoverwatch you.If you must go from point A to point C,as depicted in the illustration, do not movefrom point A straight to point C. This is thelongest route across the open area and givesthe enemy more time to track and hit you.D-4FM 21-75Instead of going from point A straight Once on the other side of the open area, to point C, select a place (point B) to move to,move to point C using the techniques already using the shortest route across the open area.discussed.D-5FM 21-75HOW TO MOVE IN A BUILDINGWhen moving in a building, do not sil-houette yourself in doors and windows. Movepast them as discussed for outside movement.If forced to use a hallway, do not presenta large target to the enemy. Hug the wall andget out of the hallway quickly.D-6FM 21-75HOW TO ENTER A BUILDINGWhen entering a building, take every pre-caution to get into it with minimum exposureto enemy fire and observation. Some basicrules are:Select an entry point before moving.Avoid windows and doors.Use smoke for concealment.Make new entry points by usingdemolitions or tank rounds.Quickly follow the explosion of thehand grenade.Have your buddy overwatch you asyou enter the building.Enter at the highest level possible.HIGH LEVEL ENTRIESThe preferred way to clear a building is toclear from the top down. That is why you shouldenter at the highest level possible. If a defendingenemy is forced down to the ground level, he Throw a hand grenade through the may leave the building, thus exposing himself entry point before entering.to the fires outside the building.D-7FM 21-75If the enemy is forced up to the top floor,he may fight even harder than normal or escape over the roofs of other buildings.You can use ropes, ladders, drain pipes,vines, helicopters, or the roofs and windows of adjoining buildings to reach the top floor or roof of a building. In some cases, you can climb onto another soldier’s shoulders and pull your-self up. You can attach a grappling hook to one end of a rope and where it can snag in place.throw the hook to the roof,something to hold the rope D-8FM 21-75LOW LEVEL ENTRIESThere will be times when you can’t enterfrom an upper level or the roof. In such cases,entry at the ground floor may be your only wayto get into the building. When making low levelentries, avoid entries through windows anddoors as much as possible. They are oftenbooby trapped and are probably covered byenemy fire.When making low level entries, use demo-litions, artillery, tanks, antitank weapons,or similar means to make an entry point in awall. Before entering the entry point, throwa cooked-off hand grenade through the entrypoint to reinforce the effects of the first blast.D-9FM 21-75HOW TO USE HANDGRENADESWhen fighting in built-up areas, use hand grenades to clear rooms, hallways, and buildings. Throw a hand grenade before enter-ing a door, window, room, hall, stairwell, or any other entry point. Before throwing a hand grenade, let it cook off for 2 seconds. That keeps the enemy from throwing it back before it explodes.To cook off a hand grenade remove your thumb from the safety lever; allow the lever to rotate out and away from the grenade; then count one thousand one, one thousand two, and throw it.The best way to put a grenade into an upper-story opening is to use a grenade launcher.When you throw a hand grenade into an opening, stay close to the building, using it for cover. Before you throw the hand grenade, select a safe place to move to in case the hand grenade does not go into the opening or in case the enemy throws it back. Once you throw the hand grenade, take cover. After the hand grenade explodes, move into the building quickly.HOW TO USE FIGHTINGPOSITIONSFighting positions in urban areas are different from those in other types of terrain.They are not always prepared as discussed in chapter 2. In some cases, you must use hasty fighting positions which are no more than what-ever cover is available.CORNERS OF BUILDINGSWhen using a corner of a building as a fighting position, you must be able to fire from either shoulder. Fire from the shoulder that lets you keep your body close to the wall of the build-ing and expose as little of yourself as possible.If possible, fire from the prone position.D-10WALLSWhen firing from behind a wall, fire aroundit if possible, not over it. Firing around it re-duces the chance of being seen by the enemy.Always stay low, close to the wall, and fire fromthe shoulder that lets you stay behind cover.WINDOWSWhen using a window as a fighting posi-tion, do not use a standing position, as it exposesmost of your body. Standing may also silhou-ette you against a light-colored interior wall ora window on the other side of the building. Donot let the muzzle of your rifle extend beyondthe window, as that may give away your posi-tion. The enemy may see the muzzle or theflash of the rifle.D-11The best way to fire from a window is to get well back into the room. That prevents the muzzle or flash from being seen. Kneel to reduce exposure.To improve the cover provided by a win-dow, barricade the window but leave a small hole to fire through. Also barricade other windows around your position. That keeps the enemy from knowing which windows are being used for fighting positions. Use boards from the interior walls of the building or any other material to barricade the window. The barricade material should be put on in an irregular pattern so that the enemy cannot determine which window is being used.Place sandbags below and on the sides of the window to reinforce it and to add cover. Remove all the glass in the window to prevent injury from flying glass.D-12PEAKS OF ROOFSA peak of a roof can provide a vantage point and cover for a fighting position. It is especially good for a sniper position. When firing from a rooftop, stay low and do not sil-houette yourself.A chimney, smokestack, or any otherstructure extending from a roof can provide abase behind which you can prepare a position.If possible, remove some of the roofing materialso that you can stand inside the building ona beam or platform with only your head andshoulders above the roof. Use sandbags to pro-vide extra cover.D-13If there are no structures extending froma roof, prepare the position from underneaththe roof and on the enemy side. Remove enoughof the roofing material to let you see and coveryour sector through it. Use sandbags to addcover. Stand back from the opening and donot let the muzzle or flash of your rifle showthrough the hole. The only thing that should benoticeable to the enemy is the missing roofingmaterial.D-14LOOPHOLESA loophole blown or cut in a wall provides cover for a fighting position. Using loopholes reduces the number of windows that have to be used. Cut or blow several loopholes in a wall so the enemy cannot tell which one you are using. When using a loophole, stay back from it. Do not let the muzzle or flash of your rifle show through it.To reinforce a loophole and add cover, put sandbags around it. If you will be firing from a prone position on the second floor, put sand-bags on the floor to lie on. That will protect you from explosions on the first floor. Use a table with sandbags on it or some other sturdy structure to provide overhead cover. That will protect you from falling debris.D-15。
军事英语口语系列:登陆(岛)作战662. There have been many examples in landing operations.登陆(岛)作战的战例很多。
663. Facing the current situations, we must study the Invasion of Normandy.面对当前形势,我们必须研究诺曼底战役。
664. At that time, the war in Europe was about to turn in the Allies' favor.当时,欧洲的战争逐渐有利于盟军。
665. The British and American forces were just to carry out landings on Normandy.英美军队准备实施诺曼底登陆。
666. The Germans tried all their efforts to find out when and where, but failed.尽管德军千方百计想搞清楚何时何地实施登陆,但没有成功。
667. Actually, the whole D-Day operation was just round the corner.事实上,整个登陆行动已近在眼前。
668. Eleven Allied nations took part in the operation.有11个盟国参加了这次行动。
669.The total strength of the army, navy and air force was over 2.87 million.盟国三军总兵力达287万之多。
670. The Americans were up to 1.53million.美军多达1.53万。
671. Over 5,000 ships and 13,000 planes were put into the Battle.他们动用了5,000艘舰只,13,000架飞机。
最新PLA 战场英语50句
战场用语(五十句)1、缴枪不杀!---Lay down your arms, or we will fire!2、我们优待俘虏!---We are kind to captives!3、你们被包围了,出来投降吧!---You are surrounded! Come out and surrender!4、我们不杀俘虏!---We do not kill our captives!5、不要受战争贩子的欺骗!---Do not be deceived by the warmongers!6、不要做无谓的牺牲!---Do not die for nothing!7、赶快出来投降,保证你们生命安全!---Come out and surrender right away security of life will be guaranteed!8、谁迫使你们离开幸福的家庭、漂亮的妻子和可爱的孩子?----Who had you leave your happy home,your charming wife and your loving children?9、你们在打一场无指望的仗!----You are fighting a hopeless battle!10、我们保证你们:生命安全!You are to be guaranteed security of life!11、我们保证你们:不没收私人财物!You are to be guaranteed confiscate of person belongings!12、我们保证你们不被虐待!You are to be guaranteed freedom from maltreatment!13、我们保证你们受伤者将予治疗!---You are to be guaranteed medical care if wounded!14、举起手来!---Hands up!15、举起手出来!---Come out with your hands up!16、一个一个地出来!---Come out one by one!17、不许动!---Don't move!18、站住,否则我们开枪了!---Stop or we'll shoot!19、别耍花招!---Don't any tricks!20、别害怕!---Don't be afraid!21、站队!---Line up!22、走---Go!23、跟着那个人走!----Follow that man!24、我们尊重你们的人格!---We'll respect your personality!25、我们不搜你们的腰包!---We'll never search your pocket!26、我们将释放你们!---We'll set you free!27、长官,快命令你的人员投降!---Commanding officer, Order your soldiers to surrender!28、这是给你们的最后一次机会!---This is the last chance to you!29、顽抗到底,死路一条!---If you don't listen to our advice, you will turn into dead road!30、请珍惜你们的生命!---Please treasure your life!31、别误会。
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716. Policy-makers must consider military operations on urban terrain strategically. 决策者必须从战略上考虑城市地形上军事作战的问题。
717. Generals should focus on operational level study of urban battles.
718. Joint urban operation is an alternative to direct urban assault.
719. In 1995, NATO launched air attacks mainly against outside targets of Sarajevo. 1995年,北约主要对萨拉热窝外围目标实施了空中打击。
720. The city of Sarajevo was relieved.
721. Tactically, urban combat is primarily a small unit infantry intensive operation. 从战术上讲,城市作战主要是小股步兵部队的密集作战行动。
722. Infantry tactics include penetration, thrust, close combat and so on.
723. If time is not pressing, sieges or neutralization will be likely options of choice. 如果时间不紧迫,也可以选择围攻或火力压制。
724. In urban combat areas, street fighting can not be avoided.
725. Infantry will dominate in urban warfare.
726. Small weapons include sniper rifles, flamethrowers, cell phones, etc.
727. We should allow civilians to get off the urban battlefield.
728. It is imperative to conduct psychological warfare.
729. Attackers can restrict the flow of personnel, material and information.
730. Fortified positions, heavy weapons, communication facilities are the key targets.
731. Infantry may function as the pointer for aircraft and artillery.
732. Only infantry has the "precision" to conduct effective urban operations.
733. Soldiers can perform all urban tactical tasks with their small weapons.
734. Joint commanders adopt the right operating patterns to cross from rural into urban terrain.
735. Training preparations should offer joint commanders as many options as possible.
Words and Expressions单词和短语
sniper n. 狙击手
flamethrower n. 喷火器imperative a. 必要的;极重要的fortify vt. 筑防御工事于facilities n. 设施,设备
option n. 选择;选择权。