
风机维护手册1.基本原则风机维护工作属于高空作业,应特别注意人身及设备安全,运行人员与检修技术人员无论何时在进行风机作业时,必须认真遵守下列安全规则:1.1 在风速≥12m/s时,请勿在叶轮上工作。
1.2 雷雨天气,请勿在机舱内工作。
1.3 在风机上工作时,应确保此期间无人在塔架周围滞留。
1.4 工作区内不允许无关人员停留。
1.5 在吊车工作期间,任何人不得站在吊臂下。
1.6 在塔架及机舱内不能单独工作。
1.7 平台窗口在通过后应当立即关闭。
1.8 工作过程中应注意用电安全,防止触电。
警告有人工作严禁合闸1.9 不允许带电作业:如果某项工作必须带电作业,只能使用特殊设计的并经批准可使用的工具工作,并将裸露的导线作绝缘处理。
1.10 塔架内梯子最大载重300kg。
1.11 地面与机舱内同时有人工作时,应通过对讲机相互联系。
1.12 使用提升机吊运物品时,勿站在吊运物品的正下方。
2.爬升塔架注意事项2.1 打开塔架及机舱内的照明灯。
2.2 爬塔架前,必须通过键盘手动停机(如图1示),若某些操作必须在机舱内进行,如测噪声、测振动、测试刹车等,须先确定平台上无人,塔架周围无人后,才能进行机舱内手动停机(控制面板如图2示)。
2.3 系安全带,并把防坠落安全锁扣安装在钢丝绳上。
2.4 佩带安全帽。
2.5 应穿一双结实的橡胶底鞋,不要穿凉鞋、木底鞋等。
2.6 把工具、润滑油等放进书包里,并把它挂在安全带上,这样可以双手攀登。
2.7 在攀登时,应确保工具已放好,背包无破损,因为一个小扳手从高空落下都是致命的。
2.8 爬升塔架时,可以在二层平台稍加休息后,继续攀登。
2.9 爬升塔架时,不要过急,要匀速而平稳地爬升。
2.10 停机后,将计算机柜上的“service”开关打在“1”的位置(维护状态)。
2.11 若某些操作须断主开关,可以留一人在塔架内,待工作人员全部登至机顶时,再断主开关。


风力发电机维护手册1208 风力发电机维护手册12081. 引言1.1 目的1.2 背景1.3 读者对象2. 风力发电机概述2.1 工作原理2.2 主要组成部件2.3 机组运行参数3. 维护计划3.1 检查和维护频率3.2 维护计划制定3.3 维护记录4. 维护指南4.1 安全注意事项4.2 维护工具和设备4.3 维护步骤4.3.1 检查叶片和塔筒4.3.2 检查发电机和变速器4.3.3 检查电力系统4.3.4 检查控制系统4.3.5 清洁和润滑4.3.6 故障排除5. 附件5.1 维护记录表5.2 维护工具清单5.3 故障排除指南附件:1. 维护记录表:记录每次维护操作的日期、维护人员姓名、维护内容、发现的问题、解决方案以及维护结果等信息。
2. 维护工具清单:列出了进行风力发电机维护所需的工具和设备清单。
3. 故障排除指南:提供常见故障的识别和解决方法,如发电机停止转动、发电机噪音过大等。
本文所涉及的法律名词及注释:1. 风力发电机:根据国家关于新能源的发展政策,风力发电机是一种可再生能源设备,用于通过风力转动发电机以产生电能。
2. 叶片:风力发电机的主要组成部件之一,负责将风的动能转化为机械能。
3. 塔筒:风力发电机的主要组成部件之一,用于支撑发电机和叶片,通常由钢材制成。
4. 变速器:风力发电机的主要组成部件之一,用于将叶片转动的低速运动转化为发电机的高速运动。
5. 发电机:风力发电机的主要组成部件之一,用于将机械能转化为电能。

1. 定期检查:按照规定时间对风机进行定期检查,检查内容包括电机运行情况、轴承磨损情况、传动系统运转情况等。
2. 清洁除尘:定期清洁除尘,确保风机内部和外部无积尘和杂物,防止风机叶片和传动系统因积尘而减少工作效率,切勿用水直接清洗风机。
3. 润滑保养:根据风机的使用情况,定期对润滑部分进行加油或更换润滑剂,确保风机轴承和齿轮的正常工作。
4. 温度监测:定期检测风机内部温度,确保风机正常工作温度范围内。
5. 停机维护:风机停机时,需要断开电源,清理风机表面和内部,检查和维修风机零部件。
6. 安全保护:风机维护过程中,必须戴防护用品,严禁在设备运行时进行维护工作,确保人员的安全。
7. 维护记录:每次维护保养都要做好详细记录,包括维护项目、时间、维护人员等信息,便于追溯和查阅。
第 1 页共 1 页。

一、定期设立维护保养计划1. 根据风机的使用情况,制定维护保养计划,确定每个月的维护保养时间。
2. 维护保养计划应包括风机的清洁、润滑、紧固件的检查、动静平衡的检测等内容。
二、风机的清洁1. 定期清除风机外表面的尘土,可以使用软刷或者吹气枪进行清洁。
2. 清洁风机内部的积尘时,首先断电,然后打开风机的盖板,用软刷清洁风轮和风叶。
三、风机的润滑1. 根据风机的使用手册,选择适当的润滑油进行润滑。
2. 风机的轴承需要定期注油,具体的注油量和注油周期应根据风机的使用情况进行调整。
四、风机的紧固件检查1. 检查风机的紧固螺栓是否松动,如有松动应及时进行紧固。
2. 风机的传动部分也需要进行定期检查,检查皮带、链条、齿轮等是否磨损,如有磨损应及时更换。
五、风机的动静平衡检测1. 风机在长时间运行后,可能会出现动静平衡失调的情况,造成振动和噪音。
2. 动静平衡检测可以使用专业的平衡仪进行,如检测到不平衡情况,需要调整配重或更换不平衡部件。
六、注意事项1. 在进行风机维护保养时,务必断电,并确保电源已切断。
2. 必须使用合适的维护工具和设备,确保安全操作。
3. 风机的维护保养工作应由专业人员进行,如有必要,可以请厂家派专业技术人员进行指导。
4. 对于大型风机,可能需要搭设脚手架或使用起重设备来进行维护保养,必须严格遵守相关安全操作规程。

二、维护保养责任1. 设备管理部门负责编制并执行维护保养计划,明确维护保养责任;2. 设备操作人员负责日常维护保养工作,并定期检查设备运行情况;3. 维修人员负责设备故障排查和维修,并及时上报上级主管部门。
三、维护保养计划1. 设备管理部门应按照实际情况制定维护保养计划,确保设备能够按时进行维护保养;2. 维护保养计划应包括每日、每周、每月、每年的维护保养内容,并明确责任人;3. 维护保养计划需经设备管理部门审核后执行,并在执行中及时调整。
四、维护保养内容1. 设备操作人员应按时进行设备的润滑工作,确保设备的正常运行;2. 定期检查设备的电气系统,如发现异常情况及时排查并上报维修人员;3. 检查设备的传动部分,如皮带张紧、链条润滑等,确保传动系统的正常运转;4. 定期检查设备的轴承状况,如发现异常应及时更换;5. 清理设备周围的积尘,保持设备通风良好;6. 定期检查风机的叶轮状况,如有破损应及时更换;7. 定期清洗设备的滤网,确保风机的正常吸风和排风功能;8. 对于长期停用的风机,应进行定期检查和保养,确保设备在重新启用时能够正常运行;9. 使用过程中如有异常声音或其他异常情况,应立即停机检查并上报维修人员;10. 每年对设备进行全面保养和维修,包括清洗设备内部、更换易损件等。
五、维护保养记录1. 设备操作人员应按维护保养计划执行工作,并详细记录每次维护保养的具体内容;2. 维修人员应及时记录设备故障排查和维修情况,并与设备管理部门进行沟通和确认;3. 设备管理部门负责整理和归档维护保养记录,并定期进行综合分析和评估。
六、维护保养培训1. 设备操作人员应接受相关的维护保养培训,了解维护保养的基本知识和操作技能;2. 设备管理部门应组织定期的维护保养培训,提高员工的维护保养意识。

1. 定期清洁:定期检查风机的内部和外部,清除各种杂物和粉尘,确保通风畅通。
2. 润滑部件:定期检查风机的润滑系统,保证润滑油的充足和质量,必要时更换润滑油。
3. 轴承检查:定期检查轴承的运转情况和润滑状态,必要时进行润滑、更换。
4. 风叶平衡:定期检查风叶的平衡情况,如有不平衡现象,及时整理、修复或更换。
5. 电机检查:定期检查风机的电机运行情况,如有异常应及时检修或更换。
6. 传动系统:定期检查风机的传动系统,保证传动带的张紧度和轴联接的紧固情况。
7. 电气系统:定期检查风机的电气系统,保证电路的正常运行,确保电气设备的安全性。
8. 定期保养:定期进行全面的维护保养,包括清洁、润滑、紧固螺栓、检查电路等。

上海电气风电设备有限公司——SEC-W01风机维护介绍安全指南一、 安全是一切工作的根本,负责风电场运行维护的管理人员有责任和义务指导并督促所有工作人员和能够接触到风机的其他人员执行风机的安全工作要求。
二、 注意事项1、以下情况应停止维护工作1)在风速>=10m/s时,请勿在叶轮上工作;2)在风速>=15m/s时,请勿在机舱内工作;3)雷雨天气,请勿在机舱内工作;2、以下情况,进行维护时应注意:1)工作区内不允许无关人员停留;2)在风机上工作时,应确保此间无人在塔架周围滞留;3)不要单独在塔架及机舱内进行维护工作;4)平台盖板及窗口通过后应当立即关闭;5)使用提升机吊运物品时,勿站在运物品的正下方。

一、维护保养前的准备工作1. 建立维护保养台账,记录风机的基本信息、使用情况、维护保养记录等。
2. 确定维护保养的周期,按照规定的时间进行定期检查和维护保养。
3. 保证维护保养人员具备相关的知识和技能,可以进行风机的维护保养工作。
4. 准备必要的维护保养工具和设备,包括常用的维护工具、测量设备等。
二、定期检查和维护保养1. 外观检查:检查风机外观的整体情况,包括风机的支撑结构、机械部件、电气设备等是否存在问题。
2. 清洁维护:定期对风机进行清洁,包括清理风机周围的杂物、清洗风机叶轮、清理风机内部的积尘等。
3. 润滑维护:定期检查风机的润滑情况,根据需要添加或更换润滑油,保证风机的摩擦副可正常工作。
4. 电气检查:定期检查风机的电气设备,包括电源连接、继电器、保护装置等,确保电气系统的正常运行。
5. 机械检查:定期进行机械部件的检查,包括轴承、传动装置、叶轮等的检查和维护,确保机械部件的正常工作。
6. 噪音检测:定期进行风机噪音的检测,发现异常的噪音要及时进行处理,避免噪音对周围环境和工作人员的影响。
三、故障处理和维修1. 风机故障的诊断:对于风机出现的故障,要进行详细的故障诊断,确定故障的原因和范围。
2. 故障处理:根据故障的原因,采取相应的措施进行处理,包括修复、更换损坏部件、调整等。
3. 维修记录:对于进行维修的风机,要及时记录维修情况,包括维修日期、维修内容、维修人员等,以便后续的跟踪和分析。
四、安全注意事项1. 在进行维护保养工作时,要戴上防护设备,包括安全帽、护目镜、口罩等,确保工作人员的安全。
2. 维护保养前要确保风机处于停机状态,并切断电源,避免误操作导致的安全事故。
3. 监测风机运行时,要保持足够的安全距离,避免因风机突发故障而对周围人员造成伤害。

CCWE1500/77、82、87、93.DF风力发电机组运行维护手册沈阳华创风能有限公司2015年5月十一、高速轴刹车系统及联轴器检查十四、滑环的检查(二、安全规范2.5(e3.2(i)所有涂抹螺纹锁固胶及使用自锁螺母的螺栓,检修时首先查看防松标记,如防松标记(b(b5.3所需工具:液压扳手,记号笔,60套筒,50 套筒。
(a所需工具:200 N.m 力矩扳手,16mm,18mm套筒,活动扳手。
风机维修保养手册 Spencer Blower Operating and Maintenance Manual

Spencer ®Multistage Fabricated Centrifugal Blowers –SOH,4BOH &4BOBImportantRead and become familiar with this manual prior to installing your Spencer blower.Following the instructions detailed here will help you realize its full potential of efficient service and extended lifespan.Damage resulting from failure to follow correct procedure will void the warranty.The Spencer Turbine CompanyWindsor,Connecticut 06095FormAA16Serial No:ModelNo:SOH Standard Overhung4BOB Four-Bearing Outboard4BOH Four-Bearing OverhungOperating andMaintenanceManualContents PageI Introduction (2)Product Description (3)II Limited Warranty (3)III Safety Precautions&Operating Guidelines (3)IV Handling and Storage (4)Lifting and Moving (4)Storage (4)Unpacking (4)V Installation (4)Location (4)Foundation (4)Blower Setup (4)1.Piping (4)2.Flexible Connectors (4)3.Butterfly Valve (5)4.Filters,Silencers and Filter Silencers (5)5.Check Valve (5)6.Electrical (5)7.Coupling Alignment (5)8.Shaft Seals (7)9.Motor Rotation (7)VI Operation and Adjustments (7)Startup Precautions (7)Blower Startup (7)Surge (8)Normal Operating Limits (8)Periodic Operation (8)Parallel Installation (8)VII Lubrication (8)Motor Bearings (8)Blower Bearings,4BOH&4BOB (8)Flexible Couplings,4BOH&4BOB (9)VIII Maintenance (9)Replacement Parts (9)Equipment Service (9)Material Safety Data Sheets (9)Emergency Service (9)Service and Operating Assistance (9)SOH Diagram and Recommended Spare Parts (10)SOH Disassembly/Reassembly Instructions (11)4BOH Diagram and Recommended Spare Parts..124BOH Disassembly/Reassembly Instructions (13)4BOB Diagram and Recommended Spare Parts (14)4BOB Disassembly/Reassembly Instructions (15)IX Troubleshooting Guide (16)Insufficient Air or Gas (16)Excessive Machine Noise (17)Machine Vibrating (17)Motor Hot.................................18I.IntroductionWelcome as a Spencer customer and owner of a new centrifugal blower.Your blower incorporates exclusive Spencer engineering technology,based on more than a century of leadership in blower design and manufacture.This manual contains the information you need for handling, installing,operating and maintaining your new equipment correctly, to ensure trouble-free operation and long service life.Please read it thoroughly.Illustrations and instructions contained here apply to three series of blowers;Standard Overhung(SOH), Four Bearing Overhung(4BOH)and Four Bearing Outboard (4BOB).If you need assistance in determining which model you have,please consult your Spencer Representative. Your Spencer Representative will also answer any questions you may have about the procedures or recommendations presented in this manual.The Spencer Service and Engineering Departments can provide assistance as well.Be sure the machine model number and serial number are cor-rectly recorded in the boxes on the front cover of this manual. These numbers may be found on the nameplate(see samples below)located on the machine housing. Having this information easily accessible will expedite parts orders and other communication with the factory.To serve your maintenance and repair needs promptly,Spencer maintains a large inventory of parts for all blower models.2Product DescriptionThese Spencer blowers are multistage centrifugal units which handle air and other gases,working either as blowers or exhausters.They increase the pressure of the incoming air or gas by guiding it from one stage to the next through diffusers. They are centrifugal because the flow through the blower is turned perpendicular to the axis of rotation.The most prevalent Spencer blower configuration is the stan-dard overhung type which has all the impellers mounted directly on an extended motor shaft.The four-bearing overhung blower uses a standard shaft motor and an overhung impeller design.The rotating blower assembly is supported by a rigid ball bearing bracket and shaft,which is connected to the motor via a flexible coupling.In four-bearing outboard blowers,the impellers are mounted on a shaft supported between two outboard bearings and driven by a standard shaft motor through a flexible coupling. II.Limited Warranty We warrant that this product will be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of18months from date of ship-ment or12months from date of startup,whichever comes first. Within the warranty period,we shall repair or replace,F.O.B. our Factory,such products that are determined by us to be defective.This warranty will not apply to any product which has been sub-jected to misuse,negligence or accident,or misapplied or improperly installed.This warranty will not apply to any product which has been disassembled,repaired or otherwise altered by any persons not authorized by the Spencer Service Department. The guarantees of the motor,control and component manufac-turers govern the extent of our guarantee on such equipment. Warranty work on motors,controls and components must be authorized by Spencer and must be performed in an authorized shop as designated by the motor,control and component man-ufacturers.The Spencer Turbine Company reserves the right to invoice all expenses incurred when repairs are made in the field at the specific request of a customer.For complete warranty information,refer to Form706,“Spencer's T erms and Conditions of Sales.”Ill.Safety Precautions and Operating Guidelines•Read and follow all instructions in this manual.If you have any questions,consult your Spencer Representative.•Use appropriately rated lifting equipment for installation, removal or disassembly of heavy components.•Remove inlet and discharge covers,silica gel bags and crat-ing materials prior to blower installation.•Inspect all openings for tools and foreign matter before con-necting accessories or piping.•Perform all installing and operating procedures with care, following sound practices to avoid accidents and damage.•Avoid climbing on or over the blower;use proper staging and ladders for exterior machine access.•Be sure isolation pads are placed beneath the blower.See page4.•Install flexible connectors on inlet and discharge flanges to isolate piping loads from the blower.•Ensure that piping,machine guards and accessories such as filters or valves are properly installed and fastened.•Install a filter on the inlet when the blower is used in pressure service and keep it clean.•Allow only qualified electricians to work on electrical equipment.•Lock electrical circuits open and tag them during servicing of equipment.•Align the coupling as instructed on page5(4BOH and4BOB blowers only).Then remove alignment tools and replace coupling guard before restarting blower.•Turn the blower shaft by hand to verify free rotation without rubbing or noise.•Check motor rotation as instructed on page7.•Do not operate the blower where there is an ambient temper-ature above104°F(40°C),unless it has been designed for such conditions.•Operate blower with sufficient restriction at all times(via con-nected piping system or throttled butterfly valve)to avoid motor overloading.•Do not allow blower operation in surge(unstable low flow)or damage may result.•Rotate shaft of stored or inactive blowers a few times by hand every week.•Use only genuine Spencer parts for repairs and service.3Standard Overhung DesignIV.Handling and StorageEach Spencer blower is carefully balanced and tested at the factory.For optimum performance,it must be handled with care during unloading and installation.Check the shipment for damage upon arrival;file any claims with the shipper and notify Spencer. Lifting and MovingMoving of this equipment is the customerʼs responsibility and should be performed or directed by experienced riggers using accepted rigging practices and safety precautions.The blower/ motor assembly can be lifted and relocated with a forklift,over-head crane or hoist.Always use lifting equipment rated for the loads involved.CAUTION:Do not lift the blower by its shaft or bearing housing;use the furnished lifting eyes or slots in the blower base.StorageIf a blower is stored for an extended period before use or between uses,protect it from dampness,dirt and vibration. Suspend bags of silica gel desiccant in the inlet and discharge. Cover the entire blower if possible or at least cover the inlet and discharge openings to keep out foreign matter.Rotate the blow-er shaft a few times by hand every week,keeping a log. CAUTION:Failure to comply with the required storage provisions,including weekly shaft rotations,will void the warranty. Unpacking1.Uncrate the blower,saving all literature,boxes and parts.2.Remove inlet and discharge protective caps and all packing materials.e the packing slip to check off and confirm the presence of all ordered components.4.Read any instructional and warning labels on the machine before installation and operation. V.InstallationNOTE:If any problems are encountered during installation or startup,consult your local Spencer Representative. LocationCAUTION:Do not locate blower or controls where they will be subject to ambient temperatures above104°F(40°C) during operation,unless specially equipped for higher temperatures.Spencer blowers may be installed outdoors,preferably under cover,or indoors.When choosing an indoor location,be sure there is sufficient ventilation to allow unrestricted airflow to the blower.In addition,it is advisable to leave several feet of space around the blower and motor for ease of servicing.Inaccessibility can prove costly.Consideration should be given to the noise generated by this equipment and its contribution to the ambient noise level. Optional noise reduction accessories include blower housing sound attenuation jackets,filter silencers or silencers for the blower inlet and/or discharge,and silencers for the motor. NOTE:Duct noise attenuation is a customer responsibility. FoundationA level concrete pad is recommended,although any flat level surface that can support the machine weight is satisfactory.The blower base should be placed level on the furnished isolation pads or equivalent.Each pad must be shimmed,if necessary, to ensure that it is carrying its share of the load.If lag bolts and nuts are used to restrain the blower,hand-tighten only. NOTE:Spencer does not recommend grouting of machines.Blower SetupCAUTION:Make sure blower inlet and discharge ports are unobstructed before connecting piping to blower. 1.PipingAll piping connected to the blower should be of ample size to minimize frictional loss.All system joints must be airtight;leaky pipes waste air and power.All piping must be properly aligned and supported to avoid stress on the blower and restrained to prevent movement away from the blower caused by air pressure.Flexible connectors must be used to connect piping to the blower. NOTE:The diagram above shows the proper orientation of a piping elbow in-line with the blower shaft.The butterfly valve should have its shaft at right angles to the blower shaft and the valve should open as indicated(counterclockwise in this exam-ple).These steps will assure uniform loading of the blowerʼs first stage.1"Isolation Pad(shim if necessary)InletDischargeCheck ValveFlexibleConnectorsButterflyValve42.Flexible ConnectorsCAUTION:Connected piping must not touch the blower. Use flexible connectors(expansion joints or rubber sleeves) on both the inlet and discharge to create an isolating gap between blower and piping.3.Butterfly ValveTo regulate(throttle)blower volume and/or pressure,a butterfly valve may be installed—preferably on the inlet.A valve may also be installed on the discharge as an isolation valve. 4.Filters,Silencers and Filter SilencersSpencer blowers will accept a filter or filter silencer,typically on the inlet,and a silencer,typically on the discharge.Inlet filtration is recommended for pressure applications.5.Check ValveCAUTION:A check valve must be installed in the discharge line(downstream of any blow-off line)of each blower oper-ating in parallel,or in the inlet line(upstream of any bleed line)of each vacuum producer operating in parallel to prevent reverse flow through idle units. Orient the check valve during installation to equalize loading on the valve ually,the hinge post of the check valve should be installed perpendicular to the blower shaft.If the check valve is installed in a horizontal piping line,position the valve shaft vertically.Make sure the internal moving parts can move freely.6.ElectricalNOTE:All wiring and electrical adjustments or installations must be done by a qualified electrician in accordance with the National Electrical Code and local codes. CAUTION:The electrical service at the installation site must supply the voltage stamped on the motor nameplate. Operation at an incorrect voltage may damage the motor and void its warranty.In making electrical connections,follow the wiring instructions furnished.Wire and fuses should be of ample capacity to ensure that proper voltage is maintained at the motor terminals while starting and running.It is important that proper starting equipment is used.The starters should have thermal overload protection as well as true low-voltage protection. Electrical Accessories.The following optional safety acces-sories are available from Spencer.For copies of the product bulletins listed,contact your Spencer Representative or .•Load Control Safety Switch(LCSS)—Bult.No.TDS-223•Electronic Modulating Bleed Control(EMBC)—Bult.No. TDS-224•Bearing Temperature Monitor Control(BTMC)—Bult.No. TDS-222•Standard Blower Safety Control Panels(LCSS,BTMC and VM,Vibration Monitor)—Bult.No.TDS-237and TDS-236 NOTE:Use of a BTMC,vibration monitor and an LCSS or EMBC may be advisable in crucial or unattended applications, anywhere there are wide load fluctuations or where machines are operating at high pressure or vacuum.Both the LCSS and EMBC are designed to prevent a blower or vacuum producer from operating in a low load(surge)condition.7.Coupling Alignment,4BOH&4BOBThe coupling on this machine was carefully aligned at the factory and the coupling halves and shell(s)marked to indicate opti-mum relative position.However,transportation may have caused coupling misalignment. CAUTION:Check the motor and blower shafts for misalign-ment and carefully realign them if necessary after installa-tion and before startup,as misalignment can cause destructive vibration.Coupling alignment should be rechecked again after an hourʼs operation.Final alignment should be made at average operating temperature.After each alignment check,add lubricant per instructions and replace coupling guard. WARNING:DISCONNECT AND LOCK OUT ELECTRICAL POWER BEFORE PERFORMING ALIGNMENT.On certain blowers,the coupling is disassembled after factory alignment and marking.The coupling halves are specially pro-tected against the elements during shipping.Prior to startup, assemble the coupling,align keyways using factory markings and lubricate as instructed.Coupling alignment lines up the motor shaft and blower shaft in horizontal and vertical planes.It also ensures an adequate clearance(gap)between the two coupling halves.Only quali-fied personnel should attempt to align a coupling.If problems arise,contact Spencer or your Spencer Representative. Sier Bath Gear-Type Couplings,manufactured to our rigid specifications,are most commonly supplied with Spencer equipment.Sier Bath Hub to HubCoupling Size,in.Gap,in.7/81/81-1/21/821/82-1/21/431/43-1/21/441/44-1/21/451/4 Remove one snap ring and slide the sleeve off the hub halves. Using a feeler gage,verify that the gap between the coupling halves agrees with this table. CAUTION:Some motor shafts are spring-loaded axially.Be careful when using the feeler gage to avoid compressing the shaft and disturbing the normal at-rest position. Machinery Soft Foot Imperfections or unevenness between the machine base and any foot of the motor or blower creates a condition known as soft foot,which may be parallel or angular.If uncorrected,soft foot leads to increased stress and high vibration.Although both the motor and blower feet were preset at the factory,each foot must be checked for soft foot prior to alignment.Any vertical or angular soft foot that exceeds.003”is excessive and must be corrected.5Coupling Alignment with Sleeve Bearing Motors Array CAUTION:Complete the following procedures beforeattempting coupling alignment with sleeve bearing motors.Use a flange-type gear coupling for both1800and3600RPMmotors.Do not use a sleeve-type coupling.Sleeve bearing motors have a specified end play.End play limitsand the magnetic center(where motor will run)should bescribed on the shaft by the manufacturer.Use the following procedure to align a sleeve bearing motorwith a blower.1.Make sure the motor shaft is level.2.Position the motor so that when the rotor is pushed towardthe blower as far as it will go,there will0.030"clearancebetween the ends of the motor and blower shafts(or thealignment faces on the coupling hubs).3.Proceed with coupling alignment using the appropriateinstructions.Alignment Tips•Make sure the blower is level before alignment.•Mark the axial location of the motor before alignment as areference point to be sure it does not move.•Avoid disturbing any factory-installed shims unless they areto be replaced.•Do soft foot corrections first;loosen all mounting bolts beforecorrecting any foot.•During the final vertical adjustment of the motor,work onone side at a time,loosening the jack bolts first so the motordoes not move laterally as mounting bolts are loosened.•Use the smallest shim that will slide over the mounting bolts.•Minimize the number of shims.One thick shim and2-3thinshims are usually satisfactory.•Remove all traces of dirt or contaminants from shims andmachine parts.•Use stainless steel shims only.•Never reuse shims.CAUTION:After each alignment check,add coupling lubri-cant if required.WARNING:REPLACE THE COUPLING GUARD BEFORERESTARTING THE BLOWER.6Motor Rotationmotor must be wired correctly to rotate the blower direction.A rotation arrow is located on the blower VI.Operation and Adjustments Startup PrecautionsBefore operating a new blower for the first time,review its installation and setup to be sure that no steps have been over-looked.1.Installation Check List•Is there any damage from transportation or installation?•Is the machine level?•Have all packing,shipping materials and tools been removed?•Is the inlet filter in place?•Are isolation pads in place?•Is the piping connected and supported?•Are flexible connectors in place between blower and piping?•Are safety guards in place?2.Adjustment Checks•Is the coupling aligned within tolerances and lubricated? (4BOB&4BOH blowers only)3.Operational Checks•Is the throttling valve closed or properly positioned?•Do the blower shaft and driver spin freely?•Is the isolation valve(if any)open?•Is the system ready for air or gas delivery?•Has motor rotation been checked?•Are motor and electrical accessories properly wired?•Is the control panel energized?•Have maintenance and operations personnel been notified? CAUTION:This blower must have adequate system resis-tance at all times to avoid operation at or near free delivery (wide open).It is typically imposed by the process and supplemented with a throttling valve.Running the blower overloaded will damage the motor. Blower StartupWith the system connected and the throttling valve closed,turn the blower on.Quickly assess the current draw of the motor. Adjust the system load or throttling valve until the desired flow is reached,being careful not to operate in surge or to exceed the full-rated motor capacity.Initially,blowers will temporarily develop more differential pressure and take more power.Check final settings after operating temperature is achieved,typically after one-half hour.If the throttling valve is not fully open when the motor capacity has been reached,it should be fixed at this point to prevent further opening and possible overloading of the motor.7Surge Array CAUTION:Do not operate blower in surge(unstable low flow range).Damage to blower caused by operating in surge is not covered by Spencer warranty.A blower in surge produces a rush or pulsating rhythmic air sound caused when airflow into or out of the blower is restricted. In addition to its characteristic noise,surge may be detected by power or pressure fluctuations.Surge is destructive because it is accompanied by excessive temperatures and aerodynamic forces that will ultimately cause mechanical failure.A surge condi-tion is simply eliminated by increasing the airflow either into the system or to a bypass or vent.Various surge control devices are also available from Spencer—see page5. NOTE:If a blower surges violently at startup,avoid recurrences by leaving the throttling valve open at or near its normal operating position.Normal Operating LimitsNOTE:Use of a Spencer bearing temperature monitor and vibration monitor is recommended to alert personnel to blower operation outside the following limits.•Vibration should not exceed1.5mils@3500rpm,1.8mils@ 2900rpm or3.0mils@1750rpm at each bearing housing. All of these speeds have a velocity limit of0.275in/sec.•Follow the motor manufacturerʼs recommendations for maxi-mum motor bearing and winding temperatures.•Blower bearing temperatures should not exceed the following values at the bearing housing surface.Series Inlet End Discharge End°F(°C)°F(°C)4BOH150(66)150(66)4BOB165(74)150(66)If abnormal operation is detected,shut the blower down and refer to the Troubleshooting Guide in the back of this manual or contact Spencer.Periodic Operation CAUTION:All blowers should be operated periodically. In multiple blower installations,periodically rotate each blower from standby to operating status. Parallel Installation CAUTION:A check valve must be installed in the discharge line of each blower or inlet of each vacuum producer oper-ating in parallel to prevent reverse flow through idle units. CAUTION:Do not operate centrifugal blowers in parallel with positive displacement blowers.Such operation may damage the centrifugal blowers and will void the warranty. When operating two or more blowers in parallel(typically identical blowers),each must carry its share of the load.The current readings of all motors should be approximately the same.It may be necessary to adjust the individual throttling valve stopsto attain similar readings.8Lubrication ProcedureCAUTION:Keep the grease clean and maintain cleanliness to avoid bearing contamination and damage. NOTE:More bearing failures are caused by overgreasing than lack of lubricant.Always add grease sparingly. CAUTION:Use Chevron SRI#2grease.Intermixing incompat-ible greases or using any other type may result in bearing failure which is not covered under the Spencer warranty.Chevron SRI#2Grease Specifications Grade or consistency...............................................................#2 Thickener.......................................................................polyurea ASTM Dropping Point........................................................480°F Work Penetration. (270)Base Oil Viscosity..........................................600SUS@100°F Color..........................................................................Blue-GreenTo lubricate blower bearings,use the following procedure:1.Shut down the machine.2.Remove guards as necessary.3.Inject the recommended grease using a grease gun.The proper amount of grease will vary with bearing size.4.Reinstall guards and restart blower. Lubrication of replacement bearings(4BOH&4BOB). Before installing,“butter”both sides of replacement bearings by forcing grease into each side until it is flush with the race.For outboard tandem bearing installation,follow procedures packed with each new bearing set. Flexible Couplings,4BOH&4BOBGear-type couplings must contain lubricant at all times.They are lubricated at the factory with Texaco Code1912coupling grease and should be relubricated with identical or compatible grease every six months.Two coupling lubrication ports are located180°apart.Remove the setscrew lube plugs from both ports.Install a grease fitting in one port and rotate the coupling until the grease fitting is angled upward45°.Pump grease in until clean grease flows out of the opposite port.Remove the grease fitting,wipe off excess grease,then replace and tighten the lube plugs. Coupling Half RemovalGear-type couplings generally require application of heat and use of a puller to remove. VIII.MaintenanceWARNING:DISCONNECT AND LOCK OUT ELECTRICAL POWER BEFORE PERFORMING MAINTENANCE. Replacement PartsRefer to the appropriate blower diagram in this manual for replacement part names and numbers.When ordering parts, provide full information about your Spencer equipment.Be sure when reading nameplates that you obtain the correct information and record it on the cover of this manual for reference when ordering parts.Remember,the more complete your information,the quicker your order will be processed.Incomplete information will result in unnecessary delays and expense through callbacks.When in doubt,consult the Spencer Parts Department for further infor-mation.When ordering parts,furnish the following:•Serial number and model number.•Motor horsepower.•Blower housing diameter.•Part nomenclature—refer to the applicable diagram and locate the needed item by its number and name.•(When ordering impellers and deflectors)Letter designation for the specific components,obtained from the diagram.•Form number of this manual—AA15. Equipment ServiceSpencer provides prompt,courteous factory and field service for all its machines.To determine the nature of the disorder and the best way to correct it,service personnel will be dispatched to your location.We typically request a Purchase Order prior to sending service personnel;however we will proceed on verbal orders in an emergency.Once a full evaluation of the equipment has been performed by our service personnel,you will be advised if the service work is covered by the Spencer warranty.For out-of-warranty services, please note that we accept Visa and MasterCard charges as well as other forms of payment.NOTE:Spencer products returned to the factory must be sent freight prepaid and accompanied by a Return Service Order (RSO)issued by the Spencer Service Department after we receive your Purchase Order.Service costs will be quoted after inspection and the work will be performed upon written accep-tance of the quotation. Material Safety Data Sheets Spencer is committed to ensuring the safety of its employees.If Spencer equipment has been exposed to potentially hazardous contaminants or if Spencer service personnel could be exposed to a potentially hazardous field environment,a Material Safety Data Sheet(MSDS)is required(a)prior to dispatching Spencer service personnel or(b)before receipt of any equipment for factory service.If special precautions are necessary to work on the equipment,contact the Spencer Service Manager. Emergency ServiceEmergency service calls after normal working hours are routed through our voice mail system at1-800-232-4321and a Spencer service representative will return your call promptly. Service and Operating Assistance Spencer Representatives are always available to help cus-tomers achieve maximum equipment performance and reliability. Likewise,Spencer service personnel will provide onsite instruction during field service calls in the proper procedures to avoid a recurrence of the problem encountered.9。

2 塔基控制柜...................................................................................................................................5 2.1 检查干式变压器一次侧各端子........................................................................................5 2.2 检查干式变压器二次侧各端子........................................................................................6 2.3 检查电缆、导线................................................................................................................6 2.4 柜内接线端子....................................................................................................................7 2.5 检查控制柜内加热器........................................................................................................7 2.6 检查通讯电缆接头各输入、输出信号 ............................................................................ 8 2.7 紧急停机按钮测试............................................................................................................8 2.8 塔基柜风扇........................................................................................................................9 2.9 塔基柜百叶窗....................................................................................................................9 2.10 塔基控制柜 UPS ............................................................................................................10 2.11 安装部件........................................................................................................................ 10


Q/CHDOC-XCH XXXXX-2007风机维护手册第一章安全要求1.1 安全基本要求1.1.1 在针对风电机组进行维护工作过程中必须正确使用工作设备和防护性设备。
1.1.2 存在危险时不允许进行维护工作,当出现安全事故时必须及时报告至相关部门。
1.1.3 在对风电机组进行维护工作时,必须在维护设备周围设置明显的警告标志,避免在不知情的情况下启动设备造成人员伤亡。
1.1.4 当出现环境温度低于-20℃、风速大于18m/s(连续5分钟平均风速)、雷雨天、沙尘暴及地震等任何一种气象状态下禁止进行机舱内的维护工作,当在进行维护工作过程中出现上述情况时应立即停止工作并撤离风电机。
1.1.5 在风速大于12m/s(连续5分钟平均风速)时,严禁进行机舱外的维护工作。
1.1.6 风电机定期维护工作、缺陷消除必须使用工作票,事故情况下维护工作可不用工作票,但必须通知当值的值班长,在做好安全措施、记入操作记录本并得到当值值班长允许后方可执行。
1.1.7 进行风力发电机组维护工作实行监护制,必须至少两人同时执行。
1.1.8 进行维护工作前必须对使用的工器具进行检查,不完整的工器具不准使用,特别是安全工器具。
1.1.9 在进入风电机机舱进行维护工作时,风电机必须停止运行。
1.1.11 进行风电机维护工作时,风电机的零部件、维护工具进行上下传递时,不得空中抛接。
1.1.12 吊运零件、工具应绑扎牢固,需要时宜加导向绳。
1.2 人员基本要求1.2.1 必须经过有关风电的技术培训,具备一定的风电知识,了解进行维护工作可能存在的危险、产生的后果及预防措施。
1.2.2 必须经过安全方面的专项培训,能够正确使用防护设备和安全设备。

第三章:常见故障排查与维修1. 风轮叶片故障:包括破损、腐蚀、变形等情况。
2. 发电机故障:如发电机湿润、线圈短路、轴承损坏等。
3. 控制系统故障:包括电子元件损坏、连接线路故障等。
第四章:定期保养与维护1. 润滑与密封:风力发电机的轴承和齿轮等部件需要定期进行润滑和密封的保养。
2. 清洁与检查:风力发电机的表面和内部需要定期清洁和检查,以防止灰尘和腐蚀物对设备的损害。
3. 安全防护检查:风力发电机的各个部件需要经常检查其安全防护装置的完好性和有效性。
第五章:常用工具和备件介绍1. 维修工具:列举维修风力发电机常用的工具和仪器设备,并提供使用说明和注意事项。
2. 备件配件:介绍常见的风力发电机备件和配件,包括风轮叶片、轴承、电子元件等,并提供选型和更换的指南。

贰、排风机操作及保养手册目录安装:一.一般说明 (1)二.检查 (1)三.存放 (1)四.搬运 (1)五.风机安装.................................... 1~2 六.马达安装 (2)启动装置:一.安全说明.................................... 2~3 二.一般说明 (3)三.问题解决方法 (4)保养:一.安全指示 (5)二.一般说明 (5)三.培林 (5)四.皮带轮...................................... 5~6 五.皮带. (6)六.马达........................................ 6~7 七.叶轮. (7)八.外壳 (7)九.排风机定期检查及保养 (7)安装一.一般说明由T制造的风机因产品质量优良,效果好及寿命长而闻名。

作业人员需持有有效的海上作业许可证 作业前进行安全检查,确保设备完好无损 遵守海上作业安全规定,穿戴好防护用品 遇到恶劣天气或海况,应立即停止作业并采取相应措施
遇到台风、暴 雨等恶劣天气 时的应对措施
设备故障时的 紧急处理流程
人员受伤或发 生事故时的救 援措施
海上风电运维安全 管理手册
01 02 03 04 05 06
添 理海 理海 险海 作海 训海
加 概上 体上 评上 规上 与上
目 述风 系风 估风 程风 演风
电 与电
电 练电
运 控运
维 制维
单击此处添加章节 标题内容
海上风电运维安全管理 概述
遵守法律法规:确保海上风电运 维活动符合国家和地方的法律法 规要求。
人员培训:对从事海上风电运维 的人员进行专业培训,提高其技
设备管理:对海上风电设备进行 定期检查、维护和保养,确保设
海上风电运维安全管理 体系
确定安全管理目标:确保海上风电运维过程的安全和稳定,降低事故风险。 制定安全管理计划:包括安全规章制度、操作规程、应急预案等内容。 建立安全管理体系:包括组织架构、职责分工、监控与评估机制等。 培训与教育:提高员工的安全意识和技能水平,确保员工能够遵守安全规章制度。

风机维护保养规程 Final revision by standardization team on December 10, 2020.风机日常保养维护1.运转时的维护检查润滑系统是否正常工作检查风机是否存在超振现象检查固定螺栓和连接螺栓的紧固性2静止时的维护叶轮在风机运转初期,如果遇到全面定期检修的机会,就应对叶轮进行检修,保证叶轮牢固地固定在轴肩上。

一、风机维护保养计划的制定制定风机维护保养计划需要考虑以下几个方面:1. 风机的使用环境和工作条件:包括风机的使用频率、工作负荷、运转时间等因素,以及风机所处的环境温度、湿度、粉尘等因素。
2. 风机的结构和特点:包括风机的型号、规格、材质、转速、功率等参数,以及风机的工作原理、结构特点、易损部件等方面。
3. 风机的维护保养要求:包括风机的日常维护、定期保养、故障排除等方面,以及维护保养的具体方法、步骤、注意事项等方面。
二、风机维护保养计划的内容1. 日常维护:包括风机的清洁、润滑、检查等方面。
2. 定期保养:包括风机的更换易损部件、调整、校准等方面。
3. 故障排除:包括风机的故障诊断、维修、更换等方面。
三、风机维护保养计划的实施实施风机维护保养计划需要注意以下几个方面:1. 制定计划时要充分考虑风机的使用环境和工作条件,以及风机的结构和特点,制定出科学合理的维护保养计划。
2. 实施计划时要按照计划的要求进行,严格按照维护保养的步骤和方法进行操作,确保维护保养的质量和效果。
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中 船 重 工 (重 庆 )海 装 风 电 设 备 有 限 公 司
CSIC (Chongqing) Haizhuang Windpower Equipment Co., Ltd.
2.0MW 风力发电机组
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2010-08 2010-08 2010-08 2010-08 2010-08
中 船 重 工 (重 庆 )海 装 风 电 设 备 有 限 公 司
CSIC (Chongqing) Haizhuang Windpower Equipment Co.Ltd.
CSIC (Chongqing) Haizhuang Windpower Equipment Co., Ltd.
中 船 重 工 (重 庆 )海 装 风 电 设 备 有 限 公 司
CSIC (Chongqing) Haizhuang Windpower Equipment Co.Ltd.
版本号 A B C D
出版日期 2008-09-18 2009-10-02 2010-03-15 2010-08-20
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中 船 重 工 (重 庆 )海 装 风 电 设 备 有 限 公 司
CSIC (Chongqing) Haizhuang Windpower Equipment Co.Ltd.
目 录................................................................................................................................................................I 前言................................................................................................................................................................ V 第一章 安全指导 ........................................................................................................................................... 1 1 基本信息..................................................................................................................................................... 1 2 惯例............................................................................................................................................................. 1 3 攀爬塔架..................................................................................................................................................... 1 4 维修场地人员要求 ..................................................................................................................................... 2 5 劳保用品..................................................................................................................................................... 2 6 工作行为安全规范 ..................................................................................................................................... 2 7 吊装作业..................................................................................................................................................... 3 8 中断风电机组吊装作业 ............................................................................................................................. 3 9 消防措施..................................................................................................................................................... 3 10 风轮超速时的行为规范 ........................................................................................................................... 4 11 机舱人员疏散 ........................................................................................................................................... 4 12 风电机组附近区域安全须知 ................................................................................................................... 4 13 雷暴天气的行为规范 ............................................................................................................................... 4 14 叶片锁定机构和风轮锁定机构 ............................................................................................................... 5 15 维修结束工作 ........................................................................................................................................... 5 16 建议........................................................................................................................................................... 6 第二章 2.0MW 型风电机组介绍................................................................................................................ 7 1 概述............................................................................................................................................................. 7 2 机组机械部件............................................................................................................................................. 8 2.1 叶片.......................................................................................................................................................... 8 2.2 变桨系统.................................................................................................................................................. 9 2.3 主传动链.................................................................................................................................................. 9 2.3.1 齿轮箱................................................................................................................................................... 9 2.3.2 高速轴制动器 ..................................................................................................................................... 10 2.3.3 联轴器................................................................................................................................................. 11 2.3.4 发电机................................................................................................................................................. 11 2.3.5 变频器、控制系统 ............................................................................................................................. 12 2.4 偏航系统................................................................................................................................................ 13 2.5 液压制动系统 ........................................................................................................................................ 14 2.6 冷却系统................................................................................................................................................ 16 2.7 安全设施................................................................................................................................................ 16 2.7.1 机舱内安全设施 ................................................................................................................................. 16 2.7.2 塔筒内安全设施 ................................................................................................................................. 17 第三章 机械部件维护项目 ......................................................................................................................... 18 1 主传动链................................................................................................................................................... 18 1.1 主传动链须检查项目 ............................................................................................................................ 18 1.2 主传动链维护 ........................................................................................................................................ 18 1.2.1 主轴..................................................................................................................................................... 19