医学英语 如何翻译修饰语

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27. I’m looking for a flat. I’d really like one with a garden.
[例句2] Few people consider her justifiably wrong.
1. Liquids contract in freezing; water is an important exception to this rule.
9. The medical workers first applied acupuncture analgesia in dental operations.
10. Tempers flare easily.
11. Trust your instincts in this matter.
12. Drugs used in the treatment of heart diseases can produce heart block.
is not impossible. [译文]如果我们把眼光放得远些,我们可知将来前
往火星旅行不无可能。 [例句2] Further delay would cause greater losses. [译文]我们如果再耽搁,将会蒙受更大的损失。
[例句3] The year 1871 witnessed the heroic uprising of the Paris Commune.
[译文] 刚步入成人阶段的年轻人必须做出的 第一个决定就是选择一个应付这个成人世 界的战略。
③ 英语形容词在矛盾修饰中的译法。
[例句1] This is an open secret. [译文]这是一个公开的秘密。 [例句2] It (New York) has the poorest
millionaires, the smallest great men, the haughtiest beggars, the plainest beauties, the lowest skyscrapers, the dolefulest pleasures of any town I ever saw.
13. Diseases may be classified into the following categories.
14. There are complex problems in medicine, and it takes much time to solve them.
15. The heart is slightly bigger than a fist, and lies between the lungs.
[译文]这座城市(纽约)有的是心灵最空虚 的百万富翁,人格最渺小的伟人,最目空 一切的草包,最使人瞧不上眼的美女,最 卑鄙龌龊的摩天大楼,和最令人悲哀的娱 乐,比我所见到过的任何城市都有过之而 无不及。
2. 英语副词的译法
英语有少数副词意义载量较大,翻译成汉语时 宜转换成独立的语言单位,以便保证基本 的“可读性”。
2. With your eyes shut you can recognize hundreds of things by their sound or their touch.
3. With all his achievements he remains modest and prudent.
4. The goals of our research are to examine the curative effect of the medicine and its side effect.
7. The American and the Russian have undergone series of secret consultation.
8. The action of any anesthetic within the body is due to two facts; its physical property of solubility in fats and water and its chemical characteristic of combining with nerve tissue.
[译文]她自从呱呱坠地,就一直受到万般的 宠爱,是一位用钱堆起来的“千金”。
3. 英语副词修饰形容词时的译法。
有些副词修饰形容词时可以表达比较丰富的 信息,汉译时有多种译法。原则是(1) 尽量多传达信息;(2)尽量表达得自然 流畅。
[例句1] His story is unchallenged true.
25. Mr. White put his pipe down, crossed his hands behind his neck, and turned his face towards the window.
26. If one wishes to make oneself thoroughly unpopular, one has merely to tell people exactly what one has on one’s mind.
[分析] everydayness通常译成平淡无奇,这 里将其化“虚”为“实”。类似的有: mindlessness 思想上的混浊状态; togetherness 不分彼此的亲近感;
oneness 溶为一体的状态
4. 化“实”为“虚”。
[例句1] War in Lebanon has become an institution.
21. It has been estimated that forty percent of human diseases are the result of infection by bacteria.
22. The disease occurs most frequently in the winter months and is often epidemic.
5. However, in spite of all these similarities between the diseases, there are also important differences.
6. The chief effects of electric 源自文库urrents are magnetic, heating and chemical ones.
1. 英语形容词的译法。 ① 意义载量较大形容词的译法。
[例句1] He is a dapper sixty-three. [译文]他今年已63岁,但身子骨却很硬朗。 [例句2] Dawn met him well along the way. It was
a pleasant uneventful ride. [译文]黎明破晓之间,他已在路上了。这次骑马旅
23. If prompt and proper treatment is given, the patient will recover in a week.
24. In the other two cases, operation was refused and it was impossible to decide whether cancer was the causes of death.
16. The ventricles make up the greater part of the heart.
17. To make the most of our brain, we need to increase the communication between the hemispheres and get them working together.
② 起“重心修饰”作用的形容词的译法。
[例句1] The chapter ensuing treats of the comparative application in predicting plot runoff.
[译文]下面一章叙述推算径流场径流的应用比 较。
[例句2] Choosing a strategy to cope with the grown-up world, then, is the first decision young adults have to make.
[译文]在黎巴嫩,打仗交火已经成了司空见 惯的事。
[例句2] Electric power became the servant of man only after the motor was invented.
[译文] 电动机发明之后,电才开始造福于人 类。
2. How to Translate Modifiers (如何翻译修饰语)
[例句1] An outsider’s success could even curiously help the two parties to get the agreement they want.
[译文]说来奇怪,一个局外人取得的成功竟然 能够促使双方达成一项他们希望取得的协 议。
[例句2] She was expensively spoiled from the moment of birth.
18. Our transmitter is sending out a series of short pulses.
19. The high-altitude plane was and still is a remarkable bird.
20. It is usual for attack to become less frequent and severe during middle and late adolescence, and they may disappear completely.
[例句2] There is more to their life than political and social and economic problems; more than transient everydayness.
[译文]他们的生活远不止那些政治的、社会的 和经济的问题, 远不止一时的柴米油盐问 题。
Chapter III Guidelines for English-Chinese Translation
Unit Two
Techniques of How to Translate Nouns and Modifiers
1. How to Translate Nouns (如何翻译名词)
1. 译为条件句或时间状语。 [例句1] Foresight now tells us that travel to Mars
[译文]人们期望,不要把公共礼貌之沦丧仅仅 看成是礼仪的问题。社会首先关注的当然 还是重大犯罪,但休斯顿的不文明现象已 经使这座城市预感到这一问题的严重性了。
3. 化“虚”为“实”。
[例句1 ]What they wanted most was an end of uncertainties.
那时他们最渴望的就是结束这 摇摆不定的局 面。
2. 译成短句或短语。
[例句1] The prospect of the collapse of the public manners is not merely a matter of etiquette. Society’s first concern will remain major crime, but a foretaste of the seriousness of incivility (粗野) is suggested by what has been happening in Houston.