







1. 996"996"是中国互联网行业中的一个热词,指的是工作制度中的加班文化。

"996"指的是每周工作 6 天,每天工作 9 小时以上,通常是从早上 9 点工作到晚上 9 点或更晚。


英文表达可以是"996 work culture"或"996 work schedule"。

2. 小而美"小而美"是中国近年来流行的一种发展理念和商业模式,指的是注重精细化、品质化和差异化的经营策略。


在英文中可表达为"Small is beautiful"。

3. 民宿"民宿"是指由居民将自己的住房改造成特色客栈,提供住宿、餐饮和休闲娱乐等服务的经营模式。


"民宿"在英文中译为"homestay"或"bed and breakfast"。

4. 风口"风口"是指社会经济中出现的机遇和有利的时机。



重要的事情说三遍 颜值爆表 吓死宝宝了 也是蛮拼的
Again and again and again
Scared to death
Give it one’s best shot.
约吗? 你行你上啊! 那么问题来了
Wanna date me?
You can you up a!
Here’s the question
Love you,my darling
我读书少,表骗我:Don’t take advantage of
my illiteracy.
安静的做个美男子:I just want be a ladykiller quietly.
小清新:Like a breath of fresh air 小鲜肉:Fresh meat
富二代:Rich second generation
傻白甜:Dumb blonde
秒 杀
山 寨
宅 男
忐 忑
1980 1990 2000
世界那么大 我想去看看:The world is so big , I want to see it.
羡慕嫉妒恨:envious , jealous and hateful.



100个时政热词翻译1. 中国梦the Chinese Dream2. 不忘初心stay true to the mission3.两个一百年two centenary goals4.新常态new normal5. 中国制造2025Made in China20256. “双一.流”"Double First Class"initiative7.工匠精神craftsmanship spirit8.中国天眼:500米口径球面射电望远镜China's Eye of Heaven:The Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope(FAST)9.歼20隐形战机J-20stealth fighter10.国产航母domestically built aircraft carrier11.国产客机homemade passenger jet12.可燃冰试采sampling of combustible ice12.量子卫星“墨子号”quantum satellite“Micius”14.北斗卫星导航系统Beidou navigation system15.风云四号A星卫星Fengyun-4A satellite16.重型运载火箭heavy-lift carrier rocket17.沪港通Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect18.深港通Shenzhen Hong Kong Stock Connect19.京津冀一体化Beiing Tianjin Hebei integration20.雄安新区Xiong’an New Area21.自贸试验区pilot free trade zones22.医疗改革medical reform23.供给侧改革supply side reform23.扫脸支付face scan payment25.二维码支付two -dimensional barcode payment26.人工智能(A.I.) artificial intelligence27.虚拟现实(VR.)virtual reality28.5G时代5G era29.分享经济sharing economy30.互联网金融online finance31.亚投行Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank32.低碳城市low carbon cities33.一小时通勤圈one hour commuting circle34.蓝色经济blue economy35.纵向横向经济轴带north-south and east-west intersecting economic belts36.众创、众包、众扶、众筹crowd innovation,crowdsourcing,crowd support and crowdfunding37.战略性新兴产业emerging sectors of:strategic importance38.香港回归祖国20周年the20th anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to China.39.点赞give a like40.自媒体We-Media41.实名认证real-name authentication41.精准扶贫targeted poverty reduction42.精准医疗precision medicine44.利益共同体community of shared interests45.轨道交通rail traffic46.动车bullet train47.城际列车inter city train48.“带一路”倡议Belt and Road Initiative49.“丝绸之路经济带”the Silk Road Eco-nomic Belt。





1. 脑洞大开(nǎo dòng dà kāi)这个热词源自于网络小说和百度贴吧,用来形容一个人的想象力非常丰富、创造性非常高,有很多奇思妙想,通常与一些不切实际的、超出常规思维的想法相关。

它的英文翻译可以是 "mind-blowing" 或 "thinking out of the box"。


2. 拍砖(pāi zhuān)这个词来源于网络论坛,用来形容对某人的言论或创作进行批评和指责。

它的英文翻译可以是 "throw shade" 或 "shoot down".例句:他发了一篇文章,结果被网友们拍砖得体无完肤。

3. 尬聊(gà liáo)这个词用来形容一种尴尬的交谈气氛,通常是指同事或朋友之间的交流出现了尴尬的沉默或话题谈不到一起。

它的英文翻译可以是 "awkward chat" 或 "cringy conversation"。


4. 加鸡腿(jiā jī tuǐ)这个词源自王者荣耀游戏,在游戏中代表为队友加速、帮助其获得更多的金币和经验。


它的英文翻译可以是"give a thumbs up"。

例句:你的创意太棒了,我一定要给你加鸡腿!5. 小鲜肉(xiǎo xiān ròu)这个词用来形容那些年轻、俊美的男性明星,通常指年龄在20到30岁之间,具有清新、阳光的外表和形象。



100个常用成语汉英对照翻译哀鸿遍野 disaster victims moaning everywhere挨家挨户 go from house to house唉声叹气 heave deep signs (of grief, worry oranguish)爱不释手 be so fond of sth. that one will not letit out of one’s hand爱莫能助 be willing to help but unable to do so爱屋及乌 love me, love my dog爱憎分明 understand what to love and what tohate碍手碍脚 be in the way安邦定国 bring peace and stability to the country安步当车 stroll over instead of riding in acarriage安居乐业 live and work in peace and contentment安如泰山 as solid as Mount Tai安之若素 bear with equanimity按兵不动 take no action网课代上按部就班 keep to conventional ways of doing things按劳分配 distribution according to work按图索骥 deal with a matter in a mechanicalway按需分配 distribution according to need暗渡陈仓 enter into a secret liaison暗送秋波 make eyes at sb.昂首阔步 stride proudly ahead八九不离十 pretty close八面玲珑 be smooth and slick八面威风 an aura of awesome might八仙过海各显神通like the Eight Immortals crossing the sea,each one showing his or her special people拔刀相助 take up the cudgels against aninjustice拔苗助长 spoil things by excessive enthusiasm跋山涉水 scale mountains and ford streams白璧微瑕 a slight defect in a person of integrity白驹过隙 the time is fleeting白日做梦 build castles in the air白手起家 start from scratch百尺竿头更进一步further improve one’s work百发百中 shoot with unfailing accuracy百废俱兴 all that was left undone is now beingundertaken百花齐放百家争鸣let a hundred flowers blossom and ahundred schools of thoughts contend百里挑一 one in a hundred; cream of the crop百闻不如一见seeing for oneself is better than hearingfrom others百折不挠 keep on fighting in spite of all setbacks稗官野史 books of anecdotes班门弄斧display one’s slight skill before anexpert半斤八两 two of a kind半老徐娘 woman of fading charms半路出家 switch to a job one was not trained for宝刀不老 he is still at the height of his powers饱经风霜having had one’s fill of hardships抱残守缺 be an anachronism抱佛脚 make a hasty last-minute effort抱头痛哭cry on each other’s shoulders暴殄天物 a reckless waste of the products of nature暴跳如雷 fly into a rage爆冷门 a dark horse bobbing up背道而驰 run counter to背水一战 fight to win or die背信弃义 break faith with sb.笨鸟先飞 the slow need to start early比比皆是 such is the case everywhere彼一时此一时 times have changed敝帚自珍 cherish sth. of little value simplybec ause it is one’s own避重就轻 avoid the important and dwell on thetrivial鞭长莫及beyond the reach of one’s power遍体鳞伤 be beaten black and blue标新立异 create sth. new and original别出心裁 try to be different别具一格have a style of one’s own别有用心 have an axe to grind宾至如归 a home from home兵败如山倒 an army in flight is like a landslide秉烛夜游 make merry while one may并驾齐驱 keep abreast of sb. ; keep pace with sb.拨乱反正 restore things to order博闻强记 have encyclopaedic knowledge捕风捉影 speak or act on hearsay evidence不卑不亢 neither overbearing nor servile不出所料 as expected不辞而别 leave without saying goodbye不打不相识 no discord, no concord不打自招 give oneself away不到黄河心不死 refuse to give up until all rope is gone不二法门 the one and only way不费吹灰之力 as easy as falling off a log不分青红皂白 make no distinction between right andwrong不寒而栗 tremble with fear不即不离keep sb. at arm’s length不胫而走 spread like wildfire不可名状 be beyond description不可同日而语 there is no comparison between them声势汹汹不可一世 bluster and swagger like a conquering hero 不了了之 end up with nothing definite不期而遇 have a chance encounter不入虎穴焉得虎子 nothing venture, nothing gain不三不四 neither fish nor fowl不速之客 gate-crasher不同凡响 out of the common run不闻不问 be indifferent to sth.不相上下 almost on a par不遗余力do one’s utmost不择手段 by hook or by crook不折不扣 out-and-out不知所措 be at a loss步入后尘follow in sb.’s footsteps残花败柳 fallen women沧海一粟 a drop in the ocean察言观色watch a person’s every mood长吁短叹 moan and groan陈词滥调clichés乘风破浪 brave the wind and the waves趁人之危take advantage of sb.’s precariousposition吃喝玩乐idle away one’s time in pleasure-seeking吃一堑长一智 a fall into the pit, a gain in your wit出尔反尔 contradict oneself出类拔萃 be out of the common run出其不意 catch sb. unawares出人头地stand out among one’s fellows出人意料 beyond all expectations初生牛犊不怕虎 young people are fearless唇枪舌剑 engage in a battle of words唇亡齿寒 if one falls, the other is in danger词不达意 the words fails to convey the idea此地无银三百两 a clumsy denial resulting in self-exposure从长计议take one’s time in reaching a decision寸步不让 not budge an inch打肿脸充胖子puff oneself up to one’s own cost大吹大擂 make a big noise大红大紫 be very much in the spotlight大惊小怪 make a fuss about nothing大器晚成 great minds mature slowly大失所望to one’s great disappointment大同小异 alike except for slight differences大显身手 give full play to one’s abilities大言不惭 talk big大有文章there’s more to this than meet theeye单刀直入 speak out without beating about the bush殚精竭虑rack one’s brains当机立断 make a prompt decision当局者迷旁观者清 the onlooker sees most of the game当之无愧 be worthy of倒打一耙 put the blame on on e’s victim道高一尺魔高一丈 the more illumination, the more temptation 得不偿失 the game is not worth the candle得寸进尺give him an inch and he’ll take a yard颠来倒去 over and over对牛弹琴 address the wrong audience自食恶果 sow the wind and reap the whirlwind恩威并施 use the carrot and the sticksimultaneously尔虞我诈 each trying to cheat the other发人深省stir up one’s soul反败为胜 turn the tide返璞归真 go back to nature防微杜渐 check at the outset飞蛾扑火seekone’s own doom纷至沓来 keeppouring in焚膏继晷 stayup late and work hard风靡一时 be allthe rage at the time釜底抽薪 takedrastic measures to deal with an emergency俯拾即是 befound everywhere腹背受敌 beattacked front and rear覆水难收 whatis done can not be undone改邪归正 turnover a new leaf改头换面 dishup the same old stuff in a new form干打雷不下雨 muchnoise but no action纲举目张oncethe key link is grasped, everything falls into place格格不入 like asquare peg in a round hole各得其所 eachhas a role to play各有千秋 eachhas his own strong points狗急跳墙 acornered beast will do sth. desperate狗拿耗子多管闲事poke one’s nose into other people’s business孤掌难鸣it’shard to succeed without support孤注一掷putall one’s eggs in one basket骨瘦如柴 a bagof bones故伎重演 playthe same old trick故作姿态 put onairs顾名思义 justas its name implies; as the term suggests 拐弯抹角 beatabout the bush归根结底 in thefinal analysis裹足不前hesitate to move forward过河拆桥 kickdown the ladder海底捞针 lookfor a needle in a haystack害群之马 ablack sheep好事多磨 theroad to happiness is strewn with setbacks 好为人师 begiven to laying down the law恨之入骨 bear abitter hatred for sb.横七竖八higgledy-piggledy红光满面 in thepink虎头蛇尾 inlike a lion, out like a lamb哗众取宠 try toplease the public with claptrap化干戈为玉帛 burythe hatchet化为乌有 cometo naught化险为夷 headoff a disaster画蛇添足 ruinthe effect by adding sth. superfluous换汤不换药 thesame old stuff with a different label焕然一新 lookbrand-new患得患失 be swayedby considerations of loss and gain 挥金如土 spendmoney like water回心转意 have achange of heart毁于一旦 bedestroyed in a moment浑然一体 anintegral whole混水摸鱼 fishin troubled waters魂不守舍havelost one’s mind火中取栗be acat’s paw货真价实dyed-in-the-wool祸不单行 it neverrains but it pours机不可失失不再来opportunity knocks but once积少成多 many alittle makes a mickle积重难返ingrained habits are hard to change以其人之道还治其人之身pay a person back in his own coin集思广益 poolthe wisdom of the masses几次三番 timeand again己所不欲勿施于人 donot unto others as you would not have them do unto you计日程功 havethe completion of a project in sight既往不咎 notcensure sb. for his past misdeeds家家有本难念的经every family has its own hard nut to crack 家喻户晓 widelyknown戛然而止 cometo an abrupt end简而言之 to putit in a nutshell见仁见智different people, different views箭在弦上不得不发one has reached the point of no return江河日下 be onthe decline将计就计 beatsb. at his own game将心比心putoneself in sb.’s shoes姜还是老的辣veterans are abler than recruits绞尽脑汁rackone’s brains脚踏两只船 siton the fence矫枉过正over-correct街谈巷议 streetgossip结党营私 bandtogether for selfish purposes捷足先登 theearly bird catches the worm涸泽而渔 killthe goose that lays the golden eggs金口玉言utterances that carry great weight金玉其外败絮其中fair without, foul within井水不犯河水I’ll mind my own business, you mind yours 敬而远之 stayat a respectful distance from sb.九牛一毛 a dropin the ocean九死一生survival after many hazards就事论事 dealwith a matter on its merits具体而微miniature据理力争 arguestrongly on just grounds聚精会神concentrate one’s attention卷土重来 stagea comeback开诚相见 befrank and open见风使舵trimone’s sails慷慨就义die amartyr’s death孔孟之道 thedoctrine of Confucius and Mencius口蜜腹剑honeyon one’s lips and murder in one’s heart哭丧着脸 goaround with a long face苦不堪言 themisery or hardship is beyond words快刀斩乱麻 cutthe Gordian knot快马加鞭 whipand spur脍炙人口 enjoygreat popularity喟然长叹 heavea deep sigh困兽犹斗 beastsat bay will fight back老奸巨猾 an oldhand at trickery and deception老马识途 an oldhand is a good guide乐极生悲extreme joy begets sorrow雷声大雨点小 muchtalk, little action累死累活 workoneself to death冷若冰霜 havean icy manner冷眼旁观 lookon with a cold eye礼轻情意重it’snothing much, but it’s the thought thatcounts理所当然 as amatter of course力挽狂澜 makevigorous efforts to turn the tide力争上游 strivefor first place利欲熏心 beblinded by greed量入为出cutone’s coat according to one’s cloth了如指掌havesth. at one’s fingertips临渴掘井 makean eleventh-hour attempt临渊羡鱼oneshould take practical steps to achieve one’s aims琳琅满目 afeast for the eyes令人发指 makeone bristle with anger溜须拍马licksb.’s boots溜之大吉 makeoneself scarce露马脚 let thecat out of the bag碌碌无为 lead avain and humdrum life戮力同心 makeconcerted efforts每况愈下 gofrom bad to worse美中不足 ablemish in a thing of beauty蒙在鼓里 bekept in the dark明媒正娶 belegally and formally married冥思苦想rackone’s brains墨守成规 stayin a rut漠不关心 indifferent;unconcerned囊中羞涩 beshort of money恼羞成怒 flyinto a rage from shame能者多劳 theabler one is, the more one should do呕心沥血workone’s heart out拍马屁lick sb’sboots攀龙附凤 putoneself under the patronage of a bigwig旁征博引 bewell documented赔了夫人又折兵instead of making a gain, suffer a double loss 疲于奔命 bekept constantly on the run平步青云 have ameteoric rise平起平坐 be onan equal footing破釜沉舟burnone’s boats起死回生 snatcha patient from the jaws of death牵肠挂肚 be ontenterhooks前事不忘后事之师lessons learned from the past can guide one in the future青出于蓝而胜于蓝the pupil surpasses the master晴天霹雳 a boltfrom the blue穷途末路 havecome to a dead end趋炎附势 curryfavour with the powerful曲高和寡 toohighbrow to be popular全心全意 heartand soul热锅上的蚂蚁 acat on a hot tin roof热火朝天 infull swing人定胜天 manwill triumph over nature仁者见仁智者见智different people have different views如坐针毡 be onpins and needles乳臭未干 be wetbehind the ears入不敷出 unableto make ends meet入乡随俗 whenin Rome do as the Romans do三寸不烂之舌 asilver tongue三句话不离本行canhardly open one’s mouth without talk ing shop三思而行 lookbefore you leap三心二意shilly-shally丧家之犬 astray cur搔首弄姿posture and preen oneself杀鸡取卵 killthe goose that lays the golden eggs山穷水尽at theend of one’s rope煽风点火 stirup trouble少壮不努力老大徒伤悲laziness in youth spells regret in old age 舍本逐末 attendto trifles and neglect essentials舍生取义laydown one’s life for a just cause神气十足putting on grand airs生米煮成熟饭what’sdone can’t be undone盛极一时 be allthe rage识时务者为俊杰 awise man submits to circumstances时不待我 timeand tide wait for no man势如破竹 like ahot knife cutting through butter事实胜于雄辩facts speak louder than words视死如归 lookdeath calmly in the face首屈一指 besecond to none熟视无睹 turn ablind eye to鼠目寸光seeonly what is under one’s nose水滴石穿 littlestrokes fell great oaks水泄不通 bewatertight说曹操曹操到speak of the devil and he will appear说到做到matchone’s deeds to one’s words说一不二standby one’s word说时迟那时快 inthe twinkling of an eye死里逃生escapeby the skin of one’s teeth;have a narrow escape死心塌地 behellbent四脚朝天fallon one’s back搜肠刮肚rackone’s brain追本溯源 traceback to the source随声附和 chimein with others所向披靡 sweepaway all obstacles贪生怕死carefor nothing but saving one’s skin贪小失大 seek smallgains but incur big losses探囊取物 aseasy as falling off a log逃之夭夭 show aclean pair of heels特立独行independent in mind and action提心吊胆haveone’s heart in one’s mouth天方夜谭 acock-and-bull story条分缕析 make acareful and detailed analysis听而不闻 turn adeaf ear to铤而走险 make areckless move同归于尽 end upin common ruin同呼吸共命运throw in one’s lot with sb.捅马蜂窝bringa hornet’s nest about one’s ears偷鸡不成蚀把米 gofor wool and come back shorn头面人物 a bigshot突飞猛进advance with seven-league strides徒费唇舌wasteone’s breath推波助澜 addfuel to the flames唾手可得extremely easy to obtain万变不离其宗change time and again, yet stay much the same 玩世不恭thumbone’s nose at the world万金油 Jack ofall trades and master of none望梅止渴 feedon fancies文过饰非 glossover wrongs文如其人 thestyle is the man稳住阵脚holdone’s ground我行我素stickto one’s old way of doing things无风不起浪there’sno smoke without fire无毒不丈夫 allgreat men are ruthless无地自容 lookfor a hole to crawl into无所事事idleaway one’s time无米之炊 makebricks without straw无隙可乘nochink in one’s armour五十步笑百步 thepot calls the kettle black物以类聚人以群分birds of a feather flock together洗心革面 turnover a new leaf习惯成自然 habitbecomes second nature先声夺人overawe people by displaying one’s strength 相形见绌 beoutshone相提并论 placeon a par想入非非daydream销声匿迹disappear from the scene逍遥法外 be atlarge笑掉大牙laughone’s head off心有余而力不足 thespirit is willing, but the flesh is weak 心绪不宁 in aflutter休戚与共 sharethe same fate雄心壮志 loftyaspirations and high ideals秀色可餐beautyto feast one’s eyes on虚张声势 bluffand bluster虚怀若谷 beopen-minded喧宾夺主anoisy guest steals the host’s thunder雪泥鸿爪 tracesof bygone days学无止境there’sno limit to knowledge言为心声 whatthe heart thinks the tongue speaks言而无信goback on one’s word言不由衷speakwith one’s tongue in one’s cheek揠苗助长 spoilthings by excessive enthusiasm掩耳盗铃buryone’s head in the sand眼中钉肉中刺athorn in one’s flesh扬眉吐气 feelproud and elated养尊处优 livein clover夜以继日 roundthe clock一不做二不休 infor a penny, in for a pound一触即发 be onthe verge of breaking out一分钱一分货 whatprice, what goods一个萝卜一个坑each has his own task, and nobody is despensable一鼓作气 getsth. done in one sustained effort一哄而散 breakup in a hubbub一回生二回熟difficult the first time, easy the second一见如故 hit itoff well right from the start一见钟情 fallin love at first sight一刻千金 timeis gold一箭双雕 killtwo birds with one stone一模一样 aslike as two peas一鸣惊人 setthe world on fire一丘之貉 birdsof a feather一失足成千古恨 asingle slip may cause lasting sorrow一手交钱一手交货cash on delivery一往情深 behead over heels in love一网打尽 roundup the whole gang at one fell swoop一厢情愿one’sown wishful thinking一物降一物everything has its superior一无所有nothave a thing to one’s name一言不发keepone’s mouth shut一言难尽it’s along story一衣带水 anarrow strip of water一跃而起jumpto one’s feet一针见血 hit thenail on the head衣不蔽体havenothing but rags on one’s back以权谋私 abusepower for personal gain以其人之道还治其人之身pay sb. back in his own coin以德报怨 repayevil with good疑神疑鬼beeven afraid of one’s own shadow因材施教suitthe instruction to the student’s level因小失大 pennywise and pound foolish引以为荣 takeit as an honor应运而生 emergeas the times demand优胜劣汰 selectthe superior and eliminate the inferior有碍观瞻 be aneyesore有福同享有难同当share weal and woe有机可乘there’sa loophole that can be used有其父必有其子like father, like son有眼不识泰山entertain an angel unawares有志者事竟成where there’s a will there’s a way与时俱进 keeppace with the times与世无争 holdoneself aloof from the world与众不同different from the common run欲壑难填avarice knows no bounds欲擒故纵 allowsb. more latitude first to keep a tighter rein on him afterwards欲速则不达 morehaste, less speed远走高飞 fleeto faraway places怨天尤人 blameeveryone and everything but oneself跃跃欲试 itchto have a go越俎代庖takesb. else’sjob into one’s own hands砸锅卖铁 giveaway all one has再接再厉continue to exert oneself责无旁贷 beduty-bound债台高筑be upto one’s ears in debt沾亲带故 haveties of kinship or friendship张口结舌 be ata loss for words张三李四 anyTom, Dick or Harry仗势欺人abuseone’s power and bully people照本宣科 repeatwhat the book says这山望着那山高always think the grass is greener on the other side of the hill真知灼见penetrating judgement正中下怀fit inexactly with one’s wishes只争朝夕 seizethe day, seize the hour指日可待 bejust round the corner趾高气昂 beswollen with arrogance智穷才尽at one’swits’ end智者千虑必有一失even the wise are not free from error装模作样 put onan act自卖自夸blowone’s own trumpet自食其力earnone’s own living自讨没趣 courta rebuff自投罗网 bitethe hook自作自受stewin one’s own juice罪有应得 thepunishment fits the crime左右为难 in adilemma坐吃山空 sitidle and eat, and in time your whole fortune will be used up坐收渔人之利 reapthe spoils of victory without lifting a finger 坐享其成 reapwhere one has not sown坐以待毙awaitone’s doom作壁上观 be anonlooker作茧自缚getenmeshed in a web of one’s own spinning 作威作福 actlike a tyrant。



202X时政热词英文202X年的时政热词英文:1. COVID-19 pandemic - 新冠疫情2. Vaccine distribution - 疫苗分发3. Lockdown - 封锁4. Social distancing - 社交距离5. Contact tracing - 接触追踪6. Home quarantine - 居家隔离7. Travel restrictions - 旅行限制8. Economic recovery - 经济复苏9. Remote learning - 远程学习10. Work from home - 在家办公11. Mask mandate - 强制佩戴口罩12. Frontline workers - 前线工作人员13. Digital transformation - 数字化转型14. Cybersecurity - 网络安全15. Remote healthcare - 远程医疗16. Global vaccination drive - 全球疫苗接种运动17. Climate change - 气候变化18. Carbon neutrality - 碳中和19. Renewable energy - 可再生能源20. Green economy - 绿色经济21. Sustainable development - 可持续发展22. Artificial intelligence - 人工智能23. Big data - 大数据24. Internet of Things - 物联网第1页/共4页25. 5G technology - 5G技术26. Cyberwarfare - 网络战争27. Privacy concerns - 隐私问题28. Online censorship - 网络审查29. Digital divide - 数字鸿沟30. Trade war - 贸易战争31. Tariffs - 关税32. Protectionism - 保护主义33. Globalization - 全球化34. Belt and Road Initiative - 一带一路倡议35. Economic stimulus package - 经济刺激计划36. Inflation - 通货膨胀37. Unemployment rate - 失业率38. Income inequality - 收入不平等39. Poverty alleviation - 扶贫40. Universal basic income - 全民基本收入41. Social justice - 社会公正42. Racial equality - 种族平等43. Gender pay gap - 性别薪酬差距44. Me Too movement - #MeToo运动45. Black Lives Matter - 黑人的命也是命46. LGBTQ+ rights - 同性恋权益47. Women's empowerment - 女性赋权48. Sustainable agriculture - 可持续农业49. Food security - 食品安全50. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) - 转基因生物51. Biodiversity - 生物多样性52. Conservation - 保护53. Deforestation - 森林砍伐54. Wildlife trafficking - 野生动物贩卖55. Natural disasters - 自然灾害56. Earthquake - 地震57. Hurricane - 飓风58. Typhoon - 台风59. Drought - 干旱60. Flood - 洪水61. Refugee crisis - 难民危机62. Immigration policy - 移民政策63. Border security - 边境安全64. Human rights abuses - 侵犯人权65. Freedom of speech - 言论自由66. Democracy - 民主67. Authoritarianism - 专制主义68. Political polarization - 政治两极化69. Populism - 民粹主义70. Social media influence - 社交媒体影响力71. Disinformation - 假信息72. Fake news - 假新闻73. Online activism - 网络行动主义74. Nuclear disarmament - 核裁军75. Arms control - 军备控制76. International cooperation - 国际合作77. United Nations - 联合国78. World Health Organization (WHO) - 世界卫生组织79. European Union - 欧洲联盟80. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) - 北大西洋公约组织81. African Union - 非洲联盟82. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) - 亚太经合组织83. G7/G20 - 七国集团/二十国集团第3页/共4页84. BRICS - 金砖五国85. Space exploration - 太空探索86. Mars colonization - 火星殖民87. Lunar exploration - 月球探测88. Space tourism - 太空旅游89. Cyberattacks - 网络攻击90. National security - 国家安全91. Humanitarian aid - 人道援助92. Nuclear energy - 核能93. Artificial intelligence ethics - 人工智能伦理94. E-commerce - 电子商务95. Cryptocurrency - 加密货币96. Blockchain technology - 区块链技术97. Social credit system - 社会信用体系98. 3D printing - 三维打印99. Drone technology - 无人机技术100. Biosecurity - 生物安全这是一个关于202X年时政热词的英文列表,可以用于报道、翻译或者对时事新闻进行评论。



1.table banking(饭桌金融):你可以在和大伙儿出去吃饭时替大家付账,然后其他人把现金给你,这就叫table banking(饭桌金融).2.selfie addict(自拍瘾君子):自拍不但会上瘾,而且自拍瘾还是一种病。

一名19岁男孩就因为自拍成瘾而试图自杀,原因是拍不出完美的自拍照,所以,喜欢自拍的姑娘或小伙子们要小心成为selfie addict(自拍瘾君子)3.Fat talk(肥胖谈话):指女同胞之间以抱怨身材不好为话题的闲聊,虽然她们本身都并不算胖。



6.web shy(网络羞涩):很多现代人都喜欢在网上晒自己的个人生活,但是也有例外——就是那些只看不评论、不分享个人图片和信息,总是默默飘过的“潜水一族”,英文表达称之为web shy(网络羞涩)。

7.Desk potato(译为“桌边神游族”):指整天坐在书桌边,却不见有任何事情完成的人,通常都是因为他们成天都在上网闲逛或玩游戏。

Gossip magnet指引发大量八卦传闻的人或物,即“八卦焦点”。

8.Budget wife/husband 经济适用女/男经济适用女(budget wife)是经济适用男(budget husband)的对照版。



9.Bromeo 男闺蜜男闺蜜就是因为共处时间甚至长于你的女性朋友而遭到嫉妒的男性朋友。




• 101. 飚车drag-racing 减重短程高速汽车赛• 102.路面塌陷road cave-in• 103.玻璃幕墙跌落falling glass curtain walls• 104.广告牌跌落falling advertising billboards ['bilbɔ:d】]布告板105.老旧落后排水系统导致的积水洪灾flooding caused by antiquated['æntɪkweɪtɪd]过时的;陈旧的;年老的and underdeveloped drainage systems•106. 桥梁垮塌bridge collapse [kə'læps]. 倒塌;瓦解•107.矿难coalmine mishap['mishæp]灾祸;不幸事故/accident•108)地质灾害geology [dʒi'ɔlədʒi]disaster•109)豆腐渣工程 a jerry-built ['dʒeribilt]偷工减料的project; shoddy['ʃɔdi]赝品;假冒的;劣质的construction• 110)无证馒头作坊an unlicensed steamed bun workshop•111)恶搞Spoof [spu:f]哄骗;戏弄(The show was a spoof of college life. Some students like to spoof the teachers )•112)炫富to flaunt [flɔ:nt]炫耀;飘扬wealth•113) 拼车car pooling 联营,合并,池化/sharing, ride sharing,•114)跳槽jump ship/job hopping ['hɔpiŋ] n. 跳跃•115)逃学to play hooky['hʊkɪ]n. 逃学adj. 多钩的•装病不上班to play hooky from work•116)学历造假•to fabricate['fæbrikeit]制造;伪造academic credentials [kri'denʃəlz]证书;文凭•121)农家乐agritainment / agri-tourism122)招牌菜signature 署名;签名;信号dishes• 123)保健食品•dietary ['daiətəri] adj. 饮食的supplementn. 补充,补充物或food supplement,•蛋白质营养品•protein ['prəuti:n ] adj. 蛋白质的supplement•124)平板电脑•tablet [‘tæblit] n. 碑;药片;写字板PC(Personal Computer )• 125)剔除垃圾邮件•to eliminate spam [spæm] n. 垃圾邮件;罐头猪肉•126)网络盗窃和欺诈•Internet theft and fraud [frɔ:d]n. 欺骗;骗子•127)电子邮件欺骗•email spoofing n. 电子欺骗;哄骗•128)假烟假酒fake liquor['likə]and cigarette•129)抢购风• a wave of panic buying; panic purchasing (spree [spri:]狂欢;无节制的狂热行为)• 130)反倾销anti-dumping•131)限价房•capped v. 给…戴帽-price housing• 132)住房公积金housing funds•133)廉租房low rent housing•134)经适房•affordable adj. 负担得起的housing•135)期房forward delivery housing•136)保障性住房•indemnificatory[,indem'nifikətəri]adj. 赔偿的housing• 137)节能高效的fuel-efficient•138)安居工程•the housing project for low-income urban residents• 139)菜篮子工程•the non-staple adj. 非主要的food project• 140)面子工程• a face job/vanity n. 虚荣心project•141)拼车专用道carpool lane•也叫高上座率机动车道•high-occupancy ['ɔkjupənsi]n. 居住;占有vehicle lane,HOV lane•钻石车道diamond lane•或快速车道transit lane• 142)镉污染cadmium ['kædmɪəm]pollution•147)城市垃圾无害化处理率•decontamination['di:kən,tæmi'neiʃən]n. 净化;排除污染rate of urban refuse•148)小排量汽车small-displacement (engine) vehicles• 149)电动汽车•cell-driven n. 细胞;电池vehicles;•battery cars•150)美化环境•landscaping['lænd,skeipiŋ]n. 景观美化design for environmental purposes •143)污染水体contaminated water• 144)污染排放pollution discharge•145)沙漠化desertification [de,zɜːtɪfɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n]•146)可降解一次性塑料袋•throwaway bio-degradable可降解;生物降解plastic bags•151) 交通指数•traffic performance n. 性能;绩效;表演;执行index• 152) 交通流量traffic flow• 153) 交通拥堵•traffic jam/traffic congestion [kən'dʒestʃən] n. 拥挤;拥塞;充血/heavy traffic •154)七座及以下小型客车•passenger cars with seven seats or less•155) 免收通行费•be exempted from road tolls•go toll-free•scrap adj. 废弃的toll n. 通行费charge•give free passage,•156) 应急方案•contingency [kən'tindʒənsi]意外事故plans• 157) 实名购票制ID-based ticket booking system•158) 坐高铁/动车旅游to travel by high-speed rail/bullet train•159) 车牌摇号•license-plate lottery n. 彩票;碰运气的事•160) 尾号限行•traffic restrictions based on the last digit of license plate numbers •161)山寨版的假名牌 a knockoff ['nɒkɒf]n. 名牌仿制品•162)山寨明星脸 a lookalike• 163)有点恶搞的山寨版艺术作品 a spoof•164) 过劳模 a clockless worker•(An employee who is willing to work at any time, day or night.)•165)无主见的“羊人”•sheeple 墙头草•(It refers to people who are meek, easily persuaded, and tend to follow the crowd.) •166)版权属左,反版权•copyleft ['kɔpi,left]n. 非盈利版权;公共版权•167)沙发社交sofalizing,•离线社交offline socializing•168)沙发漫游•couch [kautʃ]surfing 即免费交换住宿•169)社交控,聚会控•FOMO(fear of missing out),•品牌控•brand dropping• 170)微博控•twuilt (来自twitter和guilt两个字,指不发微博心里就内疚)•邮件控•digitally freshen up梳洗一番,使变得焕然一新•(I’ll digitally freshen up. 我得快速查下邮件)•171) 爆冷•an upset (重音在前面) =a giant-killer•172)赛前被看好的一方• a favorite•173)赛前不被看好的一方•an underdog ['ʌndədɔɡ]n. 失败者;斗败了的狗•174)啤酒肚•beer belly/keg n. 小桶•175)六块腹肌•six-pack abs 腹肌[非正式]•176)仰卧起坐•sit-up• 177)有氧健身操•hi/low aerobics[,eiə‘rəubiks]n.高低冲击有氧健身操•178)街舞hip hop•179)动感单车•spinning ['spiniŋ]v. 旋转,纺织•180)腹部塑形•abdominal [æb'dɔminəl]腹部的crunches [krʌntʃiz]n. 仰卧起坐•181) 书呆子• a nerd [nə:d]n. 呆子;讨厌的人•182) 帅男生• a jock[dʒɔk]n. [美俚](大学)运动员•183) 累赘/电灯泡•the third wheel• 184) 想怎么做就怎么做的人 a free-wheeler•185) 普通人an average Joe•186) 愚蠢无用的人• a turkey['tə:ki]n. 火鸡;笨蛋;失败之作• 187) 性格暴躁脾气很坏的人• a crab [kræb]n. 螃蟹;脾气乖戾的人•188) 年轻人,缺乏经验的人• a spring chicken•189) 不中用的人• a lame duckn.跛脚鸭;投机者;无用的人•190) 没事儿老喜欢到mall(大商场)里去逛的人• a mall rat•191)人才外流brain drain•192)腐败和受贿corruption and bribery• 193)浮夸风•tendency toward boasting and exaggeration•194)青少年犯罪•juvenile['dʒu:vənail ] delinquency [dɪ'lɪŋkw(ə)nsɪ] n. 行为不良,违法犯罪•195)可持续发展•sustainable [sə'steinəbl]adj. 可以忍受的;足可支撑的;养得起的development•196)拜金主•money worship• 197)打假•to crack down on counterfeitvt. 伪造,仿造goods•/fake products•198)盗印本 a pirated edition•199)恶性循环• a vicious ['viʃəs] adj. 恶毒的;恶意的;堕落的circle•200)知识产权intellectual property rights。



2023年100个必考社会热点词汇1. 数字经济(Digital Economy):指以数字技术为基础,通过数字化和网络化手段来推动经济增长和创新的经济模式。

2. 人工智能(Artificial Intelligence,AI):利用计算机科学和机器研究等技术,使机器能够模拟和执行人类智能活动的领域。

3. 区块链(Blockchain):一种去中心化的分布式账本技术,能够确保交易的透明性和安全性。

4. 5G技术(5G Technology):第五代移动通信技术,具备更高的数据传输速度和更低的延迟。

5. 绿色发展(Green Development):以环境保护和可持续发展为核心,促进经济增长和生态平衡。

6. 网络安全(Cybersecurity):保护网络和计算机系统免受网络攻击、数据泄露和信息损害的措施和技术。

7. 可再生能源(Renewable Energy):指能够不断补充和利用的能源,如太阳能、风能和水能等。

8. 人口老龄化(Population Aging):指人口中老年人口比例增加的趋势,带来对养老、医疗等社会问题的挑战。

9. 环境污染(Environmental Pollution):指由于人类活动引起的大气、水体和土地等环境受到破坏和污染的问题。

10. 人类基因编辑(Human Gene Editing):利用基因编辑技术对人类基因进行改变和修复,用于疾病治疗和基因改良等领域。

...100. 多元文化(Multiculturalism):指不同文化、宗教和民族之间相互交流、融合和共存的社会现象和理念。





plagiarize/plagiarism 抄袭,剽窃postdoctoral fellow 博士后研究员preschool class 学前班schooling suspension 休学straight A student 成绩全优生student aid 助学金student cafeteria/canteen 学生餐厅student union 学生会take attendance 查点考勤teaching assistant 助教teaching faculty 全体教师top student 头等生track out of schools 被逐出校门transcript 成绩单transmission of civilization 传播文明valedictory address/speech 毕业献辞virtual university 虚拟大学working graduate 在职研究生work-study program 勤工助学cramming system; spoon-feeding pedagogy 填鸭式教学法crash course 速成班credit hour 学时drop out (中途)退学educational expenditure 教育开支educational innovation 教育革新educational network 网络教育education in patriotism 爱国主义教育elective course 选修课exemption from examination 免考exit qualification 结业资格fellowship 研究生奖学金financial aid 财政资助(泛指向学生提供的各种资金、贷款、非全日工作等)average student 中等生award/confer degree 授予学位basic literacy 基本读写能力campus medical center; school clinic 校内诊所CA T (computer adaptive test) 机考cheating in exams 考试作弊check roll 考勤children with learning disability 无学习能力的儿童class rank 年级名次coeducation 男女同校commencement ceremony 毕业典礼compulsory course 必修课core curriculum 核心课程cost of education 教育费用course leader 课代表academic achievements 学业成绩陪读be companion to sb in study听课attend a class or lecture走读生nonresident student博士后post-doctoral进修班class for further studies特困生the most needy student学杂费tuition fee and miscellaneous charges毕业设计graduation project大专学历 a college graduate德才兼备combine political integrity with professionalcompetence定向培养provide training to selected students定向招生recruit students from selected organizations or regions;enroll students who are pre-assigned to specific posts or areas动手能力the ability of practice岗位培训in-service/on-the-job training高等教育higher/postsecondary education国情教育education abou t China’s conditions积累知识accumulate knowledge基础教育basic/elementary education寄宿学校boarding school家庭教育education in the home综合治理comprehensive treatment安居工程housing project for low-income urbanresidents信息化information-based;智力密集型concentration of brain power;knowledge-intensive外资企业overseas-funded enterprises下岗职工laid-off workers分流reposition of redundant personnel三角债chain debts素质教育education for all-round development豆腐渣工程jerry-built projects社会治安情况law-and-order situation西部大开发Development of the West Regions可持续性发展sustainable development风险投资risk investment通货紧缩deflation扩大内需to expand domestic demand计算机辅助教学computer-assisted instruction(CAI)网络空间cyberspace虚拟现实virtual reality网民netizen(net citizen)电脑犯罪computer crime电子商务the e-business网上购物shopping online应试教育exam-oriented education学生减负to reduce study load下岗laid-off workers下海plunge into the commercial sea下网off line小康之家well-off family ;comfortably-off family新秀up-and-coming star,rising star新新人类New Human Being;X Generation信息港info port形象小姐/先生image representative of a product or a brand虚拟网virtual net学生处students’affairs division研究生毕业证/学位证graduate diploma/graudate degree’sdiploma摇钱树cash cow以人为本people oriented;people foremost义务教育compulsory education易拉罐pop can应试教育examination-oriented education system舆论导向direction of public opinion运球dribble在职博士生on-job doctorate早恋puppy love招生就业指导办公室enrolment and vocation guidance office证券营业部stock exchange;security exchange知识产权intellectual property rights中专生secondary specialized or technical school student中流砥柱mainstay,chief corner stone专卖店exclusive agency;franchised store自我保护意识self-protection awareness综合国力comprehensive national strength综合业务数字网integrated service digital network (ISDN) 公正、公平、公开just,fair and open好莱坞大片Hollywood blockbuster黄金时段prime time假唱lip-synch劲射power shot拉拉队cheering squad来电显示电话机caller ID telephone论文答辩(thesis)oral defense泡沫经济bubble economy票贩子scalper,ticket tout拳头产品competitive products;knock-out products;blockbuster三角恋爱love triangle三维动画片three-dimensional animation"扫黄"、"打非"eliminate pornography andillegal publications申办奥运会bid for the Olympic Games实现中华民伟大复兴bring about a great rejuvenationof the Chinese nation市场疲软sluggish market素质教育education for all-around development筒子楼:tube-shaped apartment脱贫致富cast(shake,throw)off poverty and setout on a road to prosperity网吧Internet bar网恋online love affair网上冲浪surf the Internet网上交易平台online trading platform网友net friend入学考试||entrance examination入学资格||admission requirement十二年国民义务教育||twelve-year compulsory education大专校院||institutes of higher education大学分部||branch campus公费待遇||government sponsorship公费留学考试the examination of government sponsorship foroverseas study公费留学奖学金||the scholarship of government sponsorship foroverseas study公费奖学金||government sponsorship scholarship启发式elicitation method (of teaching); heuristic method填鸭式教学法cramming/forced-feeding method of teachingbasic course基础课specialized course专业课required course必修课optional/selective course选修课literature文学philosophy哲学history历史art艺术banking银行学biochemistry生物化学sociology社会学linguistics语言学psychology心理学engineering工程学architecture建筑学business商务law法学economics经济学fiancé金融学accounting会计学elementary education初等教育secondary education中等教育higher education高等教育adult education成人教育open admission免试入学制teaching facilities教学设施assistantship助学金scholarship奖学金room and board食宿auditorium礼堂vidiploma=graduation certificate毕业证书drop out辍学quit school退学attend a lecture上课miss a class缺课cut a class旷课expel sb from school开除tuition学费miscellaneous expenses杂费a grant-aided student领助学金的学生report card成绩单final-examination期末考核quiz小测验oral test口试最常考的学类场景词汇1)分数类grade (mark 、score)分数perfect grade 优异成绩low grade 低分high mark 高分passing grade 及格分failing grade 不及格分full marks 满分straight A's 全Abe all A's and B's 全是A和BB plus B加A minus A减pass the exam with flying colors 以优异成绩通过考试graduate with honors 以荣誉毕业2)图书馆类library图书馆librarian图书管理员publication 出版物periodical 期刊magazine 杂志book catalogue 图书目录classified catalogue 分类目录bibliography 参考书目title index 书目索引alphabetic index 按字母顺序排列的索引loan desk 借书处circulation 流通reserved books 馆藏书(只能在图书馆内借阅)library card 借书证overdue fine 过期罚金periodical reading room 期刊阅览室back issue 过期杂志current issue 近期杂志non-fiction 非小说类文学作品science-fiction 科幻小说copier 复印机check out 办理(借、还)手续renew 续借overdue过期3)作业类thesis/essay/dissertation 论文assignment 作业homework = coursework = schoolwork = studies 作业lab report 实验报告book report 读书报告presentation 发言term paper 学期论文project 作业broad (论文等)内容宽泛的narrow down (论文等)缩小范围4)学科类Mathematics 数学physics 物理chemistry 化学biology 生物学geography 地理学electronics 电子学computer science 计算机科学astronomy 天文学electronics engineering 电子工程学botany 植物学psychology 心理学zoology 动物学architecture 建筑学oceanography 海洋学ecology 生态学medical science 医学archaeology 考古学history 历史学linguistics 语言学pedagogics 教育学,教学法anthropology 人类学economics 经济学statistics 统计学accounting 会计学philosophy 哲学5)教师评价类教师称号professor 教授lecturer = instructor 讲师teaching assistant = TA 助教research assistant = RA 助研counselor, adviser 咨询者,顾问B.A. (Bachelor of Arts)文学士M.A (degree of Master of Arts)文学硕士M.S. (Master of Science)理硕士M.D. (Doctor of Medicine)医学博士Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy)(哲学)博士president 大学校长teacher/faculty 教师student's advisor 学生顾问physicist 物理学家mathematician 数学家chemist 化学家historian 历史学家statistician 统计学家正评价fascinating = fantastic 精彩的thought provoking 发人深思的stimulating 令人兴奋的sense of humor 幽默感负评价boring 无聊的drop off to sleep 睡着了doze off 打瞌睡drowsy 昏昏欲睡的clock watcher 不断看表的人make no sense 毫无意义6)课程考试类tuition 学费credit system 学分制semester/term 学期course guideline 课程纲要required course 必修课elective course 选修课seminar 高级研讨性课mid-term exam 期中考final exams = finals 期末考subjective test 主观性测试objective test 客观性测试pop quiz 抽查式测验major 主修minor 副修exemption 免修syllabus 教学大纲diploma, degree, certificate 文凭,学位,证书course, coursework 课程text, textbook 课文,教科书class, classroom 班,课exercise, practice 练习handout(s)分发的教材enrollment/registration 注册registrar 注册主任7)学习用品类stationery 文具book bag 书包backpack = knapsack 背包stapler 订书机(staples 订书钉)clips 夹子;回形针glue 胶水scotch tape 透明胶带scissors 剪刀brown paper 牛皮纸battery 电池bookmark 书签flashlight 手电筒lined paper 横格纸notebook 笔记本notepad 记事本projector 幻灯放映机typewriter 打字机printer 打印机printer ribbon打印机的色带word processor 文字处理器laptop 笔记本电脑desktop 台式机typing paper 打印纸record 唱片8)其它education 教育educational 教育的students' union 学生会students' council = government = association 学生会quit school 休学drop out of school 退学transfer to another school 转学educational board 教育董事会admissions office 招生办公室scholarship 奖学金assistantship 助研金fellowship 研究奖学金graduation commencement 毕业典礼diploma 毕业文凭admission 录取freshman (大学)一年级学生sophomore (大学)二年级学生junior (大学)三年级学生senior (大学)四年级学生a graduate, graduation 毕业生,毕业tuition, fee 费用subject 主题,专业academic 学术的excellent 出色的average 平均的,一般的below average 低于平均水平的,差的,advanced 先进的,高级的remedial 补习的9)电器类electronic appliance(instrument; equipment)电器heater, furnace 加热器,炉子heating unit 暖气片air conditioner 空调设备stove 炉子microwave oven 微波炉washer / dryer 洗衣机/烘干机(laundry 洗衣店)utensil 器皿;用具kitchen utensil 炊具oven 烤箱;烤炉range 煤气灶dishwasher 洗碟机washing machine 洗衣机(hot-water)heater 热水器coffeepot 咖啡壶refrigerator (freezer)冰箱vacuum cleaner 吸尘器tape player 录音机CD player CD机Laundromat 自动洗衣店maintenance 维修,保养10)家具类furniture 家具bookshelf 书架bookcase 书柜couch 沙发chest 柜子;橱;箱子dresser (bureau)梳妆台cabinet (电视机等)机箱;储藏柜;陈列柜cupboard (closet)碗橱storage wall 壁橱rug 小地毯carpet 地毯curtain 窗帘bathtub 浴缸fixture (房屋)固定装置furnishings 室内陈设天文学astronomy,astronomer,astronomical object,illusiveobject,cosmos,space,solar system,Brown Dwarf,gaseousbodies,planet,massive,ignite,star,heaven,celestial,faint,universe,comet,meteor,obserbatory,telescope,image,remote,feeble,origin,gravitational force,molten,Mars听力必备习语1. boil down to 很明显是,很明显会……2. make up 补考,补做3. put up with 忍受4. by and by 很快5. give sb. a hand 帮某人一把6. ring a bell 听起来熟悉7. snap out of it 重新振作起来8. raise the roof 吵翻天9. get away with 逃避惩罚10. on business 因公,出公差11. look up 查找(单词)12. let up 减少,减小13. in any case (或event )无论如何14. come out 出版15. look into 调查,考查16. spell out 清楚地说出,解释清楚17. fall back on 求助于,依赖18. wrap up 圆满完成19. save one's breath 免开尊口,不要浪费口舌20. hold up 阻碍;经久,持久21. have one's hands full 忙得不可开交22. How come? 怎么会这样?为什么?23. stick around 在附近逗留24. make out 了解,明白25. turn up 出现出席列场26. hold off 推迟,拖延27. over one's head 超过某人的理解力28. stock up 买进储存起来29. stay put 待在原地30. keep up 继续31. tie up 占用32. in and out 进进出出,来来去去33. make ends meet量入为出,收支相抵34. on and on 继续不断,不直不停35. out of this world非常好,不同凡响36. in a row连续不断37. wait around 空等38. cool off 息怒,平静下来39. hold the grudge 怀恨在心40. come a long way 有长足的进步41. straighten out 纠正错误42. once and for all 坚决地43. put … away 把…收起来把…放好44. out of it 闷闷不乐45. bump into 偶然遇见46. out of stock 没有库存47. per se 本身48. keep to oneself 不与他人交往49. go out of one's way 特意地,不怕麻烦地50. put up 提供食宿51. under the weather 身体不舒服(因天气不佳)52. come in handy 迟早有用,派得上用场53. talk one out of it劝说某人不要做某事54. wait on 伺候55. go all out 全力以赴,尽全力56. on sale 廉价出售,大减价57. try out 参加竞争,选拔58. pass up 放弃59. on behalf of 代表60. stay up 熬夜61. Their odds are very poor 他们成功的可能性很小62. hold over 推迟,拖延63. out of order 损坏64. be booked up 预定满了65. fit in 找时间做66. in one ear and out the other 不听,当耳旁风,左耳进,右耳出67. measure up 符合标准68. change of pace 变换活动,换口味69. run out of go by 用完70. go by 遵守,遵循71. take it out on sb. 拿某人出气72. get around to 找时间做73. put out 使不安,使不高兴74. on top of 对…一清二楚75. in the long run 终究76. can't for the life of me 无论如何也不能77. your guess is as good as mine 我也不知道78. out of date 过时79. plough through 费力的阅读80. be through 完成81. search me! 我不知道sports bums 吃闲饭的球员square deal 公平交易stab-in-the-back business 暗箭伤人stand a change 有机会嬴stand on one's own feet 独立自主stand one up 失约而使人白等stand one's ground 一步也不退让stand sb up 让某人空等一场stand up for sth 支持;拥护standing ovation 站起来热烈鼓掌stay away from 滚开stay out o.p.b (other people's business)不要管别人的闲事stay up late 熬夜steamed up 怒火中烧step on one's toes 触怒某人step out 出外约会;暂时离开工作sth must be done 非马上采取点行动sth tells me 我好象感觉stick around 在附近等着stick your nose into 让你忙着stick-up 抢劫stomach's growling 肚子咕噜咕噜地响stop by 过来一会stop pulling my leg 不要开玩笑了storm in a teacup 大惊小怪straight from the horse's mouth 据可靠消息strike out 删去;想出string sb along 常常戏弄某人stuffed shirt 自命不凡的讨厌鬼sugar daddy 老色狼sugar report 情书suit one's taste 合某人的胃口Sunday dress 最好的衣服swelled head 骄傲自大switch off 关掉swith majors 转系take a back seat 处于默默无闻的地位take a break 休息一下take a good look at 仔细看take a hand in 插手某事take a look 瞧一瞧take a rain check 改天吧.take advantage of 欺负;占便宜take care of sb later 迟些对付你take down 记下take for 误认为take for granted 想当然take French leave 不辞而别take in a movie 看一场电影take it easy 放松;别紧张take it easy. 不要紧张take it or leave it. 别讨价还价take it out to sb 拿别人出气take no for an answer 不许回答“不”字take notes in outline form 记大纲式的笔记take offense 生气take one's hat off to 表示尊敬佩服take one's time doing sth 从容不迫;不慌不忙做某事take orders from 听命于take sb for a ride 绑架某人take sth for granted 视为当然take sth up 重提某事take sth upon oneself 承担一切责任take the lead in sth 在某方面领先take the load off one's feet 坐下休息take the words out of one's mouth 说出心里话take things as they come 既来之则安之take to 养成喜好;专心于take to one's heels 溜之大吉take up 开始;继续;吸收take your time. 慢慢来.take your word for it 相信你的话talk big 讲大话talk of the town 非常流行的东西talk one into 说服talk one's head off 说得天花乱坠talk sb into sth 说服某人做某事talk sb out of sth 说服某人不要做某事talk sense 讲得合情合理talk through one's hat 说话瞎扯不负责任talk through one's neck 说话瞎扯不负责任talk through one's nose 骄傲自大tall story 难以置信的故事teach sb a lesson 教训某人team up with sb 和某人分为一组tear down 拆毁ten bucks 十美元That dame! 那个女人!that depends. 那要看情况.that has a familiar ring. 那话听起来很熟悉. that I can't say 这个我不敢肯定That is so! 是这样吗?that makes two of us. 英雄所见略同that settles that 已经安排了,那就算了that should be fun. 那一定会好玩.that sounds better. 这样说才是.that what you say. 这是你说的.(表怀疑)that won't answer. 这解决不了问题that's a good one. 无稽之谈that's a promise i'll hold you to. 是你许下的诺言,我会叫你兑现that's a trade secret. 这是生意人的秘密.that's great. 好极了that's it. 就这样that's more like it. 这才象话.that's more than i can say. 一言难尽that's my…… you're making cracks about. 那是我……,请别拿他开玩笑.that's nothing. 不要紧;小意思that's right down my alley. 那是我最拿手的.that's runs my electric bill up. 使电费增加.that's something. 真是了不起.that's the boy. 好小子(赞美).that's the spirit. 真有道理.that's the way it is. 事情就是这样的.that's the way it with us. 我们就是这样.that's the whole damned trouble. 这就是所有的麻烦.that's what i came for. 我就是为这个来的.that's what i'm here for. 这是我应该做的.that's what you think. 只有你自己这么想吧.that's your funeral. 此乃阁下之事.thaw out 融化the big time 了不起的事;梦想the crack of down 破晓the dead of winter 严冬the devil in her eye 她眼神具有魅力the die is cast. 一切已成定局.the God's truth 说真的the hustle and bustle 喧嚣气氛the line is busy 通话中;占线the price isn't bad. 不贵.the whole world knows it. 全世界都知道.there goes your phone. 你有电话.there is nothing to it. 太容易了there you are. 这是你要的.there you go again. 你又来这一套了.there's nothing i can do. 爱莫能助there's nothing wrong with me. 我精神很好.they will be very put out. 他们会很生气.they're a drag. 那多讨厌,烦死了.think nothing of it. 不要放在心上.this is a small something for you. 小小礼物,不成敬意this is serious. 我是当真的.this will be my treat. 这顿饭我请客.thorn in one's side. 眼中钉肉中刺thousand and one way 许多办法three sheets in the wind 酒醉threw a party 举行一个宴会thrilled with, be 深受感动;非常高兴throw cold water on 泼冷水throw the bull 胡言乱语tie the knot 结婚till the cows come home 很久times have changed. 时代不同了.to a T 恰好地to and fro 到处to doctor it up with 用……作料拌起来to one's face 当面to the best of my knowledge 据我所知today just isn't my day. 今天运气不佳.Tom, Dick and Harry 一般的人;普通的人too much for sb 使某人承受不了trade in 以旧换新treat sb 请客,招待某人You see what I mean? 你明白我的意思了吗?you should be smart enough. 你应该聪明一点.you stay out of this. 不要插手这件事.you're all mixed up. 你全搞混了.you're confusing your days. 你把日子弄混了.you're putting me on. 你在和我开玩笑.you're ribbing me. 你开我玩笑.you're thoughtful. 你想得真周到.you're way ahead of me. 你讲得那么快,我还没听清呢.your timing is just right. 你来得正好.have ones hands full;be swamped with 表示“很忙”pin sb. down 逼迫某人说出senitation department 卫生部门at no charge 免费big,light 表示饭的“丰盛;多”(big)“清淡;少”(light)pickout truck 货车put aside 储存slip表示分数下滑,dip表示气温下降make time 挤出时间Not if结构You ve got me.你把我难住了。





1. 爱豆(Ài dòu) – Idol“爱豆”一词在中国年轻人中非常流行,指的是自己所喜爱的偶像。




2. 摸鱼(Mō yú) – Slack off“摸鱼”一词最初是用来指代渔民摸鱼捕鱼,在网络用语中则指的是在工作或学习时间中偷懒、混时间。


将“摸鱼”翻译为“slack off”是最合适的。

3. 吃土(Chī tǔ) – Eating dirt“吃土”一词是近年来流行起来的网络用语,用来形容生活贫困、生活困难的人。



但是将其翻译为“eating dirt”能够表达其意思。

4. 脑洞大开(Nǎo dòng dà kāi) – Mind blown“脑洞大开”是一个非常有趣的网络用语,形容某个想法或者创意非常的独特、非常的惊艳。


将“脑洞大开”翻译为“mind blown”是最符合其意思的。

5. 心动(Xīn dòng) – Heartbeat“心动”一词流行于青少年之间,指的是因为人或事物而感到激动或者激动。




英语100个必背热词翻译1.新思想new thought2.新常态new normal3.新增长目标new growth target4.新反腐模式new anti-corruption model5.民生people's livelihood6.扶贫poverty alleviation7.国防national defense8.改革开放40周年40 years of reform and opening up9.中国梦the Chinese Dream10.人类命运共同体a community with shared future forhumanity11.五位一体economic, political, cultural, social, and ecological progress 12.四个全面the four-pronged comprehensive strategy13.一带一路the Belt and Road Initiative14.文化自信cultural confidence15.获得感sense of benefit16.成就感sense of achievement17.城市群city cluster18.低碳城市low-carbon cities19.智能制造intelligent manufacturing20.中国制造2025Made in China 202521.工匠精神craftsmanship spirit22.中国天眼: 500米口径球面射电望远镜(FAST )China's Eye of Heaven: The Five -hundred-meter Aperture SphericalTelescope ( FAST )23.国产航母domestically built aircraft carrier24.国产客机homemade passenger jet25.数字家庭digital homes26.数字经济digital economy27.人工智能artificial intelligence28.第五代移动通信5G mobile communications29.自媒体We-Media30.自贸试验区pilot free trade zones31.医疗改革medical reform32.国内生产总值Gross Domestic Product (GDP)33.居民消费价格Consumer Price Index (CPI)34.税收减免tax reduction and exemption35.去产能reducing excess capacity36.房地产去库存reducing real estate inventory37.供给侧结构性改革supply- side structural reform38.补短板strengthening areas of weakness39.生态保护红线ecological weath40.蓝色经济blue economy41.绿色发展green development42.纵向横向经济轴带north-south and east-west intersectingeconomic belts 43.全球1伙伴关系网global partnership network44.利益共同体community of shared interests 45.无现金支付cashless payment46.扫脸支付face scan payment47.二维码支付two-dimensional barcode payment 48.点赞give a like49.虚拟现实virtual reality50.宜居城市habitable city51.分享经济sharing economy52.互联网金融online finance53.提现cash withdrawal54.金融科技fintech55.一小时通勤圈one -hour commuting circle56.智能制造smart manufacturing57.需求侧管理demand-side regulation58.逆全球网deglobalization59.网络直播live streaming60.薪酬改革salary reform61.副中心subcenter62.网红经济internet celebrity economy63.网络空间命运共同体community of shared future incyberspace 64.网络侵权internet copyright infringement65.养老服务elderly care service66.人道主义救援humanitarian relief67.可载人无人机passenger-carrying drone68.可替代能源汽车alternative energy vehicle69.京津冀一体化Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integration 70.清洁能源clean energy71.带薪休假paid leave72.非物质文化遗产intangible cultural heritage 73.城际高铁inter-city high-speed rail74.城市住房公积金urban housing fund75.城乡一体化rural-urban integration76.创新型政府pro-innovation government77.出口关税export duty78.互联网+Internet Plus79.冬奥会Olympic Winter Games80.二孩经济second-child economy81.房产税property tax82.分级医疗制度hierarchical medical system83.跨越式发展leapfrog development84.个人信用记录personal credit records85.过度包装excessive packaging86.互联网保险online insurance87.互联网从业者internet professional88.饥饿营销hunger marketing89.积分落户制度points-based hukou system 90.基层社区grassroots community 91.实名认证real-name authentication 92.年度考核annual assessment93.企业文化corporate culture94.创新型人才innovative talent95.人脸识别facial identification96.代驾服务业designated driver business 97.交易费transaction fee98.跟团游package tour99.自由行independent travel100.免税店duty-free store。



100个词语与英文对照1. 举世瞩目:attract worldwide attention2. 井喷式发展:explosive growth3. 贵族气节:aristocratic spirit4. 瞬息万变:ever-changing5. 劳动最光荣:work is the noblest virtue6. 安如泰山:as steady as Mount Tai7. 口是心非:say one thing and mean another8. 金鸡独立:stand on one's own feet9. 水落石出:the truth comes to light10. 人性的扭曲:human nature is twisted11. 心安理得:feel justified in one's heart12. 前途光明:bright future13. 不畏艰苦:unafraid of hardship14. 手足之情:brotherly affection15. 动如脱兔:quick as a rabbit16. 狭路相逢勇者胜:when a difficult encounter is met, the brave will win17. 包容万物:tolerance for all things18. 一衣带水:only a strip of water separates us19. 有方有义:logical and justified20. 点滴之间:in the details21. 茫茫人海:an ocean of people22. 顺其自然:let nature take its course23. 以德报怨:return kindness for anger24. 四面八方:from all directions25. 潜移默化:unconsciously influenced26. 一丝不苟:meticulous27. 安然无恙:safe and sound28. 三分天注定,七分靠打拼:fate is determined by 30 percent, and 70 percent is up to hard work29. 明争暗斗:open and secret struggle30. 朝气蓬勃:full of youthful vigor31. 难得糊涂:sometimes it's better to be confused32. 名不虚传:well-deserved reputation33. 手舞足蹈:dance with excitement34. 心灵手巧: skilled and resourceful35. 日新月异:change rapidly36. 心如止水:calm as still water37. 物以类聚:birds of a feather flock together38. 玩世不恭:indifferent to the world39. 步步为营:make a meticulous plan40. 神似慈祥:kindly appearance41. 神采奕奕:radiant and full of energy42. 有脚就走,有路就走: run as far as possible, wherever paths lead43. 左右逢源: find a favorable way at every turn44. 迫不及待:can't wait45. 披荆斩棘:conquer all kinds of difficulties and obstacles46. 文韬武略:excellent strategic skills47. 水到渠成:everything falls into place48. 千军万马:a great number of troops49. 克己奉公:dedication and self-discipline50. 群策群力:joint efforts51. 日薄西山:the setting sun52. 对牛弹琴:speak to the wrong audience53. 心事重重: heavy-hearted54. 心有灵犀:one heart and one mind55. 逆境中成长:grow in adversity56. 言归正传:to get back to the point57. 十年树木,百年树人:it takes ten years to grow a tree, but a hundred years to cultivate a person58. 夜长梦多:long nights lead to many dreams59. 百折不挠:firm and unyielding60. 前事不忘后事之师: learn from past mistakes to avoid future ones61. 冰雪聪明: quick-witted and sharp-minded62. 废寝忘食:work hard and neglect rest and food63. 洞若观火:able to see through things like live fire64. 富有创意:creative and innovative65. 先发制人:offense is the best defense66. 知人善用,用人善待: use talents effectively and treat them well67. 众口铄金:public opinion is powerful68. 有始有终:start with a plan and finish with it69. 口诛笔伐:resort to verbal and written attacks70. 乘胜追击:seize the opportunity and pursue victory71. 敬人者,人恒敬之:he who respects others is respected72. 苟延残喘:hanging on by a thread73. 止于至善:aim for the best74. 临渊羡鱼:look down on fish in the pond75. 左右为难:caught in a dilemma76. 珠联璧合:match perfectly77. 画蛇添足:unnecessary addition78. 画龙点睛:adding the finishing touch79. 千里之堤毁于蚁穴:the Great Wall may be broken down by a single ant80. 放飞自我:express oneself81. 勇往直前:bravely forward82. 九牛一毛:a drop in the bucket83. 长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海:sometimes determination can overcome all difficulties84. 知耻而后勇:knowledge of shame leads to courage85. 笑脸相迎: greet with a smile86. 不怕慢,就怕站: it's ok to move slowly, but not to stop87. 磨刀不误砍柴工: sharpen your tools before starting work88. 明枪暗箭: open and secret attacks89. 塞翁失马,焉知非福:a blessing in disguise90. 目擊者:eyewitness91. 一网打尽: catch them all together92. 酒足饭饱:full of food and drink93. 同舟共济:help each other in difficult times94. 睡眼惺忪: sleepy eyes95. 恬淡寡欲:contentment with little96. 快马加鞭:hurry up97. 满腹经纶:knowledge and wisdom98. 有恒心就有出息:persistence pays99. 举一反三:apply what you have learned to new situations 100. 败者为寇,胜者为王: the losers are the rebels, and the winners are the kings.。







1.神马都是浮云It’s all fleeting cloud。

2.山寨fake, counterfeit, copycat3.宅男Otaku (“homebody” in English);geek4.被雷倒(到)了in shock5.纠结ambivalent6.忐忑anxious7.悲催a tear-inducingmisery8.坑爹the reverse of one’s expectation9.哥只是传说Brother is only a legend。

10.伤不起vulnerable; be prone to getting hurt11.你懂的It goes without saying that…12.吐槽disclose one’s secret13.小清新like [好似] a breath of fresh air14.穿越剧time-travel TV drama15.至于你信不信,反正我是信了。

Whether you believe it or not, I am convinced。

16.拼爹daddy-is-the-key; parents privilege competition17.做人呢,最重要是开心。

Happiness is theway。

18.卖萌act cute19.腹黑scheming20.折翼的天使an angelwith brokenwings21.淡定calm; unruffled22.羡慕嫉妒恨envious, jealous and hateful23.团购group purchasing24.微博Microblog25.富二代rich second generation26.林来疯Linsanity27.凡客体Vanclize/Vancl Style28.微博控twuilt (来自于twitter和guilt两个字,表示不发微博心里就内疚)29.海归(海龟) overseas returnee30.搏出位seek attention。





1. 尬聊尬聊(gàliáo)是一种互相不熟悉或无话可说的聊天方式,一般指在社交场合中为了自我保护而进行的表面聊天。

英文翻译为awkward chat,意为尴尬的聊天。

2. 玻璃心玻璃心(bōlíxīn)形容一个人非常脆弱,稍微一点刺激就会受伤或生气。

英文翻译为fragile heart,意为脆弱的心。

3. 吃瓜群众吃瓜群众(chīguāqúnzhòng)指观看热闹而事不关己的群众。


4. 恶俗恶俗(èsú)指的是一种与道德伦理和社会风尚相违背的艺术表达方式,常用黑色幽默、离经叛道、恶搞等手法。

英文翻译为vulgar, 意为低俗的。

5. 拍马屁拍马屁(pāimǎpì)是指一种讨好上司或者权威,通过捧场或者阿谀奉承换取好处的行为。


6. 躺平躺平(tǎngpíng)是指年轻人在经济、社交等方面压力过大时,放弃追求高收入、高社交圈,选择压缩生活、心态,避免经济和心理上的打击。

英文翻译为lie flat,意为平躺。

7. 大妈大妈(dàmā)是指年纪较大的妇女,常用于形容街头巷尾卖菜、扫地等工作的中年女性。


8. 吃土吃土(chītǔ)是指生活压力过大,生活条件恶劣,生活可能出现拮据甚至无法生存,成为最底层的贫穷人。

英文翻译为eat soil,意为吃泥土。

9. 狗粮狗粮(gǒuliáng)是指男女之间的感情活动中的甜言蜜语、浪漫情话等,多见于情侣之间的表白。

英文翻译为pet food,意为宠物食品。

10. 饭圈饭圈(fànquān)指的是某个偶像/明星/团体的粉丝们自发形成的一个组织或圈子,由一些拥有共同喜好的年轻人组成。



当代汉语热词英语翻译1. 萌cute and adorable2. 卖萌act cute3. 顶bravo4.雷人startling/shocking5. 囧embarrassed/dumbfounded6. 百搭all-match7. 彪悍tough8. 淡定calm down/chill out9. 吃货foodaholic(shopaholic, workaholic, alcoholic, chocoholic ) 10. 显摆show off11. 不是我的菜not my cup of tea12. 底线minimum standard13. 媒体炒作press hype14. 蹭车scrounge a car15. 蹭饭scrounge a free meal16. 低调keep it down17. 美人计a sex trap18. 坑爹cheat your papa/ a rip-off19. 团购group buying/ team buying20. 黄牛党ticket scalper21. 过气a has-been22. 秒杀sec-kill23. 养眼花瓶eye candy 24. 裸婚down-to-earth marriage/ bare-handed marriage25. 一夜情one-night stand/affair 26. 水货smuggled goods27.外遇have an affair28. 性价比cost-performance (ratio)29.走光wardrobe malfunction30. 艳照门sex photo gate/ sexually explicit picture gate 31. 自拍take a selfie32. 异地恋long-distance relationship33. 发飙freak out / have a cow34.海选auditions35. 正能量positive energy36. 蚁族antizen37. 重口味pretty hardcore38. 小清新energetic and simple39. 一夜成名overnight success40.吐槽trash talk41. 豆腐渣工程jerry-built projects42. 硬实力hard power 43. 驴友tour pal44. 选秀talent show/ talent-search show45. 学霸scholar-tyrant46. 高端,大气,上档次executive, distinguished and VIP47. 翘课play hooky48. 相亲blind date49. 闪婚flash marriage50.回头率head-turning rate。






1. “霸王餐”(Chinese internet slang)“霸王餐”通常指的是餐馆或商家为了宣传推广而提供的免费餐饮服务,顾客在不知情的情况下被邀请前往消费。


在英文中,可以翻译为“free meal”或“freebie”。


“FOMO”是“fear of missing out”的缩写,意思是“害怕错过”,形容一种因害怕错过有趣的活动或事物而产生的焦虑情绪。




在英文中,可以翻译为“corporate slave”。


“TBH”是“to be honest”的缩写,用于表达直率的言辞或坦诚的评论。




在英文中,可以翻译为“keep it up”或“go for it”。

例句:考试加油,相信你一定能取得好成绩!“LOL”是“laughing out loud”的缩写,用于表示大笑的情绪。


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1、中国梦 the Chinese Dream
2、不忘初心 stay true to the mission
3、两个一百年 two centenary goals
4、新常态 new normal
5、中国制造 2025 Made in China 2015
6、“双一流”“ Double First-Class” initiative
7、工匠精神 craftsmanship spirit
China’s Eye of Heaven: The Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Tel escope (FAST)
9、歼 20隐形战机 J-20 stealth fighter
10、国产航母 domestically built aircraft carrier
11、国产客机 homemade passenger jet
12、可燃冰试采 sampling of combustible ice
13、量子卫星“墨子号” quantum satellite “Micius”
14、北斗卫星导航系统 Beidou navigation system
15、风云四号 A 星卫星 Fengyun-4A satellite
16、重型运载火箭 heavy-lift carrier rocket
17、沪港通 Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect
18、深港通 Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect
19、京津冀一体化 Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integration
20、雄安新区 Xiongan New Area
21、自贸试验区 pilot free trade zones
22、医疗改革 medical reform
23、供给侧改革 supply side reform
24、扫脸支付 face scan payment
25、二维码支付 two-dimensional barcode payment
26、人工智能 artificial intelligence
27、虚拟现实 virtual reality
28、 5G 时代 5G era
29、分享经济 sharing economy
30、互联网金融 online economy
31、亚投行 Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank
32、低碳城市 low-carbon cities
33、一小时通勤圈 one-hour commuting circle
34、蓝色经济 blue economy
35、纵向横向经济轴带 north-south east-west intersecting
crowd innovation, crowdsourcing, crowd support and crowdfunding
37、战略性新兴产业 emerging sectors of strategic importance
38、香港回归祖国 20周年
the 20th anniversary of Hong Kong’ s return to China
39、点赞 give a like
40、自媒体 We-Media
41、实名认证 real-name authentication
43、精准医疗 precision medicine
44、利益共同体 community of shared interests
45、轨道交通 rail traffic
46、动车 bullet train
47、城际列车 inter-city train
48、“一带一路”倡议 Belt and Economic Initiative
49、“丝绸之路经济带” the Silk Road Economic Belt
50、 21世纪海上丝绸之路 21st -Century Maritime Silk Road
51、古丝绸之路 the ancient Silk Road
52、互联互通 establish and strengthen partnerships/ connectivity
53、文化自信 cultural confidence
54、新型大国关系 new type of major-power relationship
55、可替代能源汽车 alternative energy vehicle
56、可载人无人机 passenger-carrying drone
57、空中上网服务 in-flight WIFI services
58、海外代购 overseas shopping representative
59、海淘 cross-border online shopping
60、多次往返签证 multiple-entry visa
61、散客 individual traveler
62、自由行 independent travel
63、跟团游 package tour
64、深度游 in-depth travel
65、自驾游 self-driving tours
66、免税店 duty-free store
67、无现金支付 cashless payment
68、旺季 peak season
69、淡季 off season
70、反腐剧 anti-corruption TV series
71、合拍片 co-production
72、打车软件 taxi-hailing app
73、代驾服务业 designated driver business
traffic restrictions based on even-and-odd-numbered license plates
75、共享汽车 car-sharing
pilot zones for green finance reform and innovation
77、超国民待遇 super-national treatment
78、现代医院管理制度 modern hospital management system
79、机遇之城 cities of opportunity
80、直播经济 live stream economy
81、互联网 +政务服务 Internet Plus government services
82、创新型政府 pro-innovation government
UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) emergency rescue team
84、二孩经济 second-child economy
85、父亲假 /陪产假 paternity leave
87、低头族 phubber
88、副中心 subcenter
89、用了洪荒之力 give one’ s full play
90、营改增 replace business tax with value-add tax /VAT
91、创新型人才 innovative talent
92、积分落户制度 points-based hukou system
93、混合所有制改革 mixed-ownership reform
94、税收减免 tax reduced and exemption
95、生态保护红线 ecological wealth
96、网约车 online car-hailing
97、宜居城市 habitable city
98、移动支付 mobile payment
99、电子竞技 e-sports
100、双创人才 innovative and entrepreneurial talent。
