

应用化学专业英语 -化合物命名

应用化学专业英语 -化合物命名

酮的命名法Biblioteka 根基命名法:醚类命名
CH3-CH2-CH(CH3)-CH3 2-methylbutane
2,2-dimethylpropane CH3CH(CH3)-CH2-CH(C2H5)-CH(CH3)-CH2-CH3 4-ethyl-2,5-dimethylheptane
除了系统命名法,有一些支链烷烃是可以采用普 通命名法来命名的
化合物的英语命名 Nomenclature of compounds
链 烃
饱和烃:烷烃 不饱和烃:烯烃,炔烃 脂环烃 芳香烃

有 机 物
环 烃
烃 的 衍 生 物

含 氧 衍 生 物
酚 醛 酮 羧酸
烷烃(alkanes) 直链烷烃:英文名称除了含1到4个碳原子以外,其余均用希腊
90 alkane:nonacontane
100 alkane:hectane
含支链烷烃和烷基 烷基:只需要把烷烃的后缀ane换成-yl加在相应烷烃的字 首后 如:CH3- methyl CH3-CH2- ethyl CH3-(CH2)9-CH2 undecyl
ene和yne,名称前加上不饱和键的编号, 如:乙烯 ethene 丁烯 butene 乙炔 HC≡CH ethyne 丁二炔 HC ≡C-C ≡CH butadiyne


1. Dalton’s Atomic Theory (1808)
• Elements are composed of extremely small particles called atoms. All atoms of a given element are identical. The atoms of one element are different from the atoms of all other elements.
• Compounds are composed of atoms of more than one element.
• Chemical reactions involve only the rearrangement of atoms; atoms are not created or destroyed in chemical reactions.
• Protons and neutrons are located in the nucleus of the atom, which is small. Most of the mass of the atom is due to the nucleus.
• Electrons are located outside of the nucleus. Most of the volume of the atom is due to electrons.
Some Complex Ions
Name Carbonate Nitrate Phosphate Dihydrogen Phosphate Sulfate Sulfite Thiosulfate Perchlorate Chlorite Cyanide Chromate



Add more NH3?
Reaction shifts to the left [N2] and [H2] inc
5 - 35
Le Chatelier’s principle
Adding Pressure affects an equilibrium with gases
N2(g) + 3 H2(g)
N2(g) + 3 H2(g)
Keq =
[ NH3 ] 2 [ N2 ] [ H2 ] 3
2 NH3(g)
5 - 33
Le Chatelier’s principle
Stress causes shift in equilibrium Adding or removing reagent
N2(g) + 3 H2(g)
Temperature: 2. Higher Temperature:
Faster cars More collisions
More Energy More collisions
Reacting molecules move faster, providing colliding molecules w/ Eact.
At this point, equilibrium is achieved. Time
5 - 26
Figure 9.8
2SO2(g) + O2(g)
At Equilibium
5 - 27
Figure 9.9
2SO2(g) + O2(g)

应用化学专业英语 -无机化学命名

应用化学专业英语 -无机化学命名

(3) 基本元素有多种价态 酸:最低氧化态(次酸) 基础元素(前缀 hypo-, 后缀 -ous) +acid 较低氧化态(亚酸) 基础元素加后缀-ous + acid 较高氧化态 (正酸) 基础元素加后缀-ic + acid 最高氧化态(高酸) 基础元素(前缀 per-, 后缀 -ic) +acid 盐:最低氧化态 阳离子元素 + 基础元素(前缀 hypo-, 后缀 -ite) 较低氧化态 阳离子元素 + 基础元素加后缀-ite 较高氧化态 阳离子元素 + 基础元素加后缀-ate 最高氧化态 阳离子元素 + 基础元素(前缀 per-, 后缀 -ate)
16. K4[Fe(CN)6]; 17. CuSO4· 5H2O 18. Cu2(OH)2CO3 19. NaNH4SO4
1. (NH4)2CO3: ammonium carbonate 2. N2O: nitrogen(Ⅰ) oxide; nitrous oxide ; laughing gas 3. H2SO4: sulphuric acid 4. P4O6 diphosphorus trioxide 5. Al2O3 Aluminum oxide 6. SnCl4 tin(Ⅳ) chloride; stannic chloride; tin terachloride 7. KHSO4 Potassium hydrogen sulfate 8. Cu2S copper(I) sulphide; dicopper sulphide 9. HClO4 perchloric acid
(1) 基本元素仅有一种氧化态
酸:基本元素加后缀-ic +acid 例:H2CO3 carbonic acid 盐:阳离子元素+基础元素加后缀-ate 例:Na2CO3 sodium carbonate (2) 基本元素有两种氧化态 酸:基础元素加后缀(-ous 低价态,-ic 高价态) + acid HNO2:nitrous acid HNO3: nitric acid 盐:阳离子元素+基础元素加后缀( -ite低价态,-ate 高价态) NaNO2: Co(NO3)2: sodium nitrite cobalt(II) nitrate or cobaltous nitrate



一单词短语1.Molecule 分子molecular 分子的2.chemical process 化学过程element 元素3.a t o m原子a t t r a c t i o n吸引力4.repulsion 排斥力distillation 蒸馏、n5.distill 蒸馏v rectification 精馏position 构成structure 结构7.property 性质mass 质量8.atomicweight 原子量atomic number 原子序数9.ionization energy 电离能period 周期10.g r o u p族f a m i l y族11.transition group 过渡族main group 主族12.i o n离子s u b s t i t u t i o n取代反应13.el i mi na ti on消除反应nucl eoph i l i c 亲核的14.nucleophilie 亲核试剂electrophilie亲电试剂15.alkyl 烷基的functional group 官能团16.halides 卤素的leaving group 离去基团17.transition state过渡态intermediate 中间体18.r e a c t a n t反应物p r o d u c t生成物19.concentration 浓度rate equation 速率方程20.c o n s t a n t常数e t h e r醚21.endothermic 吸热的substrate 反应底物22.mechanism 机理reagen 试剂23.alkene 烯烃exothermic 放热的24.A n i o n阴离子n i t r o g e n氮气25.Hydrocarbon 碳氢化合物carbonhydrate 碳水化合物26.Alkane 烷烃substituent 取代基27.Isomerism 同分异构现象isomer 同分异构28.V i n y l乙烯基d e r i v a t i v e s衍生物29.acid halides 酰卤acid anhydrides 酸酐30.e s t e r s酯a m i d e酰胺31.ammonia NH3 Acetic anhydride乙酸酐32.phenol 芬acid—base titration 酸碱滴定33.precipitation沉淀analyses 化学分析员34.IR 红外UV紫外MS质谱GC色相色谱HPLC高效液相色谱TLC薄层色谱X—rayX射线衍射二选词填空1、We can now easily account for many things,which were thought to be mysterious by theancients2、the acid acts on the metal and a gas is givenoff.3、you should adapt yourself to new ways oflooking at matters4、electrolytes have more pronounced effect oncolligative properties than do nonelectrolytes. 5、if water in these lakes evaporated at the samerate as fresh water ,both would nearly dryup in a matter of year.6、both laks evaporated very slow compared with afresh lake or even the ocean.7、a property that depends only on the relativeamounts of solute and solvent is know as acolligative property.8、for example ,both NaCl (ionic) and HCl (polarcovalent)are classified as electrolytes becausethey form ions in aqueous solution.9、when compounds such as NaCl and HCl aredissolved in water ,the effect is obvious.10、if the wires is cut ,the light goes out becausethe circuit is broken.11、when wires are attached to a charged batteryand then to a light bulb ,the light shinesbrightly.12、glass and wood as well as pure water areexamples or nonconductors of electricity.13、other substances resist the flow of electricityand are known as nonconductors orinsulators.14、it has long been known that the presence of asolute in water may affect its ability toconduct electricity.15、when the collection of papers was first broughtout,it was well received by the reviewers.16、in the same way the dozen or so mostcommon kinds of kinds of atoms can be put together in many millions of different ways tomake molecules .17、elements are made up of tiny fundamentalparticles called atoms. Fundamental, as it is usedhere ,means that they cannot be furtherdivided by any chemical metheods.18、each element has atoms that is different fromthe atoms of other elements.19、it would not be quite round; on the contraryit would consist of three parts represented byspheres.20、it is not to be summed up in a singleproduct or word ,but in an idea or basicconcept.21、the chemical symbol of an element may standthe element for.22、the rate of a chemical reaction is influencedby several factors such as temperature ,concentration of reagents , particle size ,light ,and catalyst.23、all forms of life in earth are very dependenton chemical reactions or chemical changes.24、a chemical reaction occurs when elements andcompounds react together to produce differentcompounds , or when compounds break down into simpler compounds or elements.三无机物的命名H Hydrogen Li Lithium Na Sodium K Potassium Mg Magnesium Ca CalciumMn manganese Cu copper Zn zinc Fe iron Hg mercury Ag silver Au gold C Carbon Si Silicon Pb Lead Al Aluminium F Fluorine Cl Chlorine Br Bromine I IodineO Oxygen S Sulfur N Nitrogen P Phosphorus1.直呼其名,即读其元素名称+ ion如:Na+ sodium ionK+ potassium ion2.对于有变价的金属元素,除了可用前缀来表示以外,更多采用罗马数字来表示金属的氧化态,或用后缀-ous 表示低价,-ic 表示高价如:Cu+ copper (Ⅰ) ion 或cuprous ion Cu2+ copper (Ⅱ) ion 或cupric ionFe2+ iron (Ⅱ) ion 或ferrous ionFe3+ iron (Ⅲ) ion 或ferric ion3.含氢酸根:酸根中的H读做hydrogen,氢原子的个数用希腊前缀表示:mono- di - tri- tetra - penta- hexa-hepta- octa- nona- deca-举例:CO32-carbonate ionHCO3-hydrogen carbonate ionPO43- phosphate ionHPO42hydrogencarbonate ionH2PO4- dihydrogenphosphate ion4.结晶水读做hydrate ,结晶水的个数用希腊前缀表示:mono-di - tri- tetra - penta- hexa- hepta- octa- nona- deca-CuSO4·5H2O copper(Ⅱ) sulfate pentahydrateAlCl3 ·6H2O aluminum chloride hexahydrate5.测试Mg(OH)2magnesium hydroxide AlCl3aluminum chlorideFeBr2 iron(II) bromide CaSO4calcium sulfateZnCO3zinc carbonate HF hydrofluoric acidH3PO4phosphoric acid NO2nitrogen dioxideCuO copper(II) oxide Al2O3aluminum oxideNaHSO3sodium hydrogen sulfiteKMnO4potassium permanganateNaClO sodium hypochloride四有机物的命名1)命名正烷基时,只需把烷烃的词尾“-ane换成“-yl”,加在相应的烷烃的字首后2)字母规则:Butyl>Ethyl>Isopropyl>Methyl>Neopentyl>tert-Pentyl >Propyl3)环烷烃:只需在所对应的烷烃前加上cyclo-即可4)有些结构较复杂的烷基,需添加词头5)烯烃和炔烃命名时将相应的烷烃的词尾“烷”(ane)改为“烯”(ene)或“炔”(yne),后缀前加上不饱和键的编号即可。



Unit 1 The Roots of ChemistryI. Comprehension.1.C2. B3. D4. C5. BII. Make a sentence out of each item by rearranging the words in brackets.1.The purification of an organic compound is usually a matter of considerabledifficulty, and it is necessary to employ various methods for this purpose.2.Science is an ever-increasing body of accumulated and systematizedknowledge and is also an activity by which knowledge is generated.3.Life, after all, is only chemistry, in fact, a small example of chemistryobserved on a single mundane planet.4.People are made of molecules; some of the molecules in people are rathersimple whereas others are highly complex.5.Chemistry is ever present in our lives from birth to death because withoutchemistry there is neither life nor death.6.Mathematics appears to be almost as humankind and also permeates allaspects of human life, although many of us are not fully aware of this.III. Translation.1.(a) chemical process (b) natural science (c) the technique of distillation2.It is the atoms that make up iron, water, oxygen and the like/and so on/andso forth/and otherwise.3.Chemistry has a very long history, in fact, human activity in chemistry goesback to prerecorded times/predating recorded times.4.According to/From the evaporation of water, people know/realized thatliquids can turn/be/change into gases under certain conditions/circumstance/environment.5.You must know the properties of the material before you use it.IV. Translation化学是三种基础自然科学之一,另外两种是物理和生物。



Unit 1 The Roots of ChemistryI. Comprehension.1.It can be inferred from this article which one of the following items is not mainly based on practical use C. Greek chemistry2. It was B. Empedocless who first introduced the idea that all things are not formed from just one element.3. In the development of Greek chemistry, D. Democritus was the first one definiting the ultimately constituents of matter?4. According to Plato, there are B. 4 ―elements‖ whose faces are constituted by regular polygons.5. In the last paragraph,authors think that experiment DD.can deal with the reactions by which one substance is converted into anotherII. Make a sentence out of each item by rearranging the words in brackets.1.The purification of an organic compound is usually a matter of considerable difficulty, and itis necessary to employ various methods for this purpose.2.Science is an ever-increasing body of accumulated and systematized knowledge and is also anactivity by which knowledge is generated.3.Life, after all, is only chemistry, in fact, a small example of chemistry observed on a singlemundane planet.4.People are made of molecules; some of the molecules in people are rather simple whereasothers are highly complex.5.Chemistry is ever present in our lives from birth to death because without chemistry there isneither life nor death.6.Mathematics appears to be almost as humankind and also permeates all aspects of human life,although many of us are not fully aware of this.III. Translation.1.(a)化学过程;(b)自然科学;(c)蒸馏技术(a) chemical process (b) natural science (c) the technique of distillation2.正是原子构成铁、水、氧等。



Unit 1 The Roots of ChemistryI. Comprehension.1.It can be inferred from this article which one of the following items is not mainly based on practical use C. Greek chemistry2. It was B. Empedocless who first introduced the idea that all things are not formed from just one element.3. In the development of Greek chemistry, D. Democritus was the first one definiting the ultimately constituents of matter?4. According to Plato, there are B. 4 ―elements‖ whose faces are constituted by regular polygons.5. In the last paragraph,authors think that experiment DD.can deal with the reactions by which one substance is converted into anotherII. Make a sentence out of each item by rearranging the words in brackets.1.The purification of an organic compound is usually a matter of considerable difficulty, and itis necessary to employ various methods for this purpose.2.Science is an ever-increasing body of accumulated and systematized knowledge and is also anactivity by which knowledge is generated.3.Life, after all, is only chemistry, in fact, a small example of chemistry observed on a singlemundane planet.4.People are made of molecules; some of the molecules in people are rather simple whereasothers are highly complex.5.Chemistry is ever present in our lives from birth to death because without chemistry there isneither life nor death.6.Mathematics appears to be almost as humankind and also permeates all aspects of human life,although many of us are not fully aware of this.III. Translation.1.(a)化学过程;(b)自然科学;(c)蒸馏技术(a) chemical process (b) natural science (c) the technique of distillation2.正是原子构成铁、水、氧等。



化学化工基础部分题型和内容:一、词汇(英译汉)10个词语(10分)二、分子式(16*2分)包括常见非金属氧化物、酸、碱、盐、甲烷、乙烷等的英文表达三、英译汉(20分,4段)课文及课后作业四、化学方程式的英文表达(2个方程式、6分)反应类型:中和反应、氨的合成反应、取代反应五、根据课文内容回答问题(一个问题8分)1. characteristics for an ideal refrigerant. 一个理想的制冷剂的特点2. requirements a reaction must satisfy before it can be used in titrimetric analysis?必须满足要求的反应,才能在滴定分析方法3. reactions which can be used in titrimetric analysis.可在滴定分析中使用的反应专业部分:1.词汇(汉译英)10个词语(10分)2.英译汉(28分,4段)3.汉译英(10分,2句)插座socket 指示灯pilot lamp 甲醇methanol 共价键covalent bond稳态steady state反馈系统feedback system 配体ligand1.Figures 1 and 2 show that electrode potentials after 30 minutes immersion in salt solutionscontaining sodium nitrite at 1N and 0.1N levels of concentration, have all moved in the anodic direction as compared to the potentials just after immersion, while in the case of 10-3N concentration of sodium nitrite, this is so only in the case of salt solution containing 200ppm of sodium chloride.图1和图2表明,30分钟后,电极在盐含有亚硝酸钠在1N的和0.1N的解决方案,浸泡的浓度水平的潜力,都搬到了阳极方向,这一比例仅为浸泡后的潜力,而在10例- 3晚亚硝酸钠的浓度,这是所以只有在盐溶液中的氯化钠200ppm的情况下2.For each element an extended table, a reduced table and tables with notes and bibliographyare given. In the extended tables the different electrode-systems are arranged alphabetically according to the right-hand term of the electrode reaction.对于每个元素扩展表,减少表和注释和参考书目表给出。



The Roots Of ChemistryChemistry can be broadly defines as the science of molecules and their transformations.化学可以广泛地定义为科学的分子和他们的转换。

In contrast to mathematics,chemistry is older than people. 与数学不同,化学比人类更久远。

The appearance of life and people on our planet (earth) is most probably the end result of specific chemical processes .生命的出现和人类生活在我们地球上都最可能是特殊化学过程的结果。

Chemical processes have been present in the lives of people from the dawn of history until the present time .化学过程存从古至今存在人们的生活中。

Initially ,these processes were not under our control 最初,这些过程不受我们的控制,,for instance ,the fermentation of fruit juice,the rotting of meat and fish ,and the burning of wood .例如,果汁的发酵,肉和鱼的腐烂,木材的燃烧。

Later on we learned to control chemical processes and to use them to prepare a variety of different products such as food ,metals ,ceramics and leather .后来,我们学着控制化学过程,用它们来准备一系列不同的产品例如食物。



应用化学专业英语Cu—copper Fe—iron Hg—mercury Na—sodium K—potassium Ag—silverNaOH—sodium hydroxide KOH—potassium hydroxide Fe(OH)2—iron(Ⅱ)hydroxide Fe(OH)3—iron(Ⅲ)hydroxide NH4OH—ammonium hydroxideK3[Fe(CN)6]—potassium hexacyanoferrate(Ⅲ)K4[Fe(CN)6]—potassium hexacyanoferrate(Ⅱ)Ⅰ.Name the following1.(NH4)2CO3Ammonium carbonate2.N2O Nitrous Oxide3.H2SO4Sulfuric acid4.P4O6Phosphorus(Ⅲ)trioxide5.Al2O3Aluminium oxide6.SnCl4Tin(IV)chloride7.KHSO4Potassium hydrogen sulfate8.Cu2S Copper(Ⅰ)sulfide9.HClO4Perchloric acid10.BaCl2Barium chloride11.P4O10Phosphorus(Ⅴ)pentoxide12.NaH Sodium hydride13.Ca(MnO4)2Calcium permanganate14.PF5Phosphorus pentafluoride15.(NH4)2HPO4Diammonium hydrogen phosphateⅡ.Give formulas for the following1.ammonium sulfate(NH4)2SO42.barium iodide BaI23.iron(Ⅱ)sulfate Fe2SO44.potassium permanganate KMnO45.copper(Ⅱ)oxide CuO6.carbonic acid H2CO3Melting point 熔点boiling point 沸点1.Which particles play the most active role in chemical bonding?(a)electrons (b)neutrons (c)protons (d)valence electrons2.An ionic bond is formed when electrons are:(a)completely destroyed (b)compeltely transferred (c)divied (d)equally shared3.Due to the that Ionic compounds have strong intermolecular forces they are at room temperature.(a)bonded covalently (b)gases (c)liquids(d)solids 1-butene trans -2-butenecis -2-butene iso -butene (E )-2-butene (Z )-butene 2-methylpropene1.Draw structure that correspond to the following names.(a)2,2-dimethylpentane (b)4-isobutyl-2,5-dimethylheptane (c)(Z)-3-menthyl-2-octene (d)(2R,3S)-2,3-pentanediol2.Give the IUPAC name for each of the following structures.(e)(f)(E)-1-methyl-4-ethylcyclohexane(g)(h)(S)-2-chloro-butyraldehyde (2R,3R)-2,3-dichlorobutyric acid补充:(E)-2-chloro-3-methyl-2-octene Nucleophile亲核试剂carbocation碳阳离子Compressible可压缩的incompressible不可压缩的1.A chemical system can be studied from either a or a(n)viewpiont.(A)physical...chenical(B)molecual...atomic (C)Microscopic...macroscopic(D)Mechanic...kinetic2.Is a macroscopic science that studies the interrelationships between the various equilibrium properties of a stystem.(A)Kinetics(B)Thermodynamics (C)Statistical mechanics(D)Quantum chenistry3.In,the molecular and macroscopic levels are related to each other.(A)quantum(B)statistical(C)thermodynamics(D)kinetics4.thermodynamics studies.(A)heat,work,energy,and the changes they produce in the states of systems(B)The relationships between the molecules of a system(C)heat,work,temperature,and the energy they produce in the states of systems(D)heat,energy,and work5.For a(n)system,neither matter nor energy can be transferred between system and surroundings.(A)closed(B)open(C)isolated(D)none of the aboveⅠ.Translate the following from English into Chinese.(1)pollution of the atmosphere(2)nondegradable pollutant大气污染不可降解污染物(3)harmless pollutant(4)interacting chemicals无害污染物相互作用的化学物质(5)threshold level(6)sound pressure level限定值,阈值声压水平(7)speech interference(8)transmission path 语音干扰传输途径Translate the following from Chinese into English.(1)定性分析qualitative analysis (2)分析物analyte (3)准确度accuracy (5)反应速率reaction-rate (5)解吸附作用deserption (6)吸附absorption conduction 热传导convection 对流radiation 辐射Balance and classify each of the following chemical equations as a (1)combination reactions ,(2)decomposition reaction ,(3)displacement reaction ,or (4)partner-exchange reaction.(a))()(2243l O H s Fe H O Fe +→+)(4)(342243l O H s Fe H O Fe +→+displacement reaction 置换反应(b))()()(23g O s KCl s KClO +→)(3)(2)(223g O s KCl s KClO +→decomposition reaction 分解反应(c)steam and hot carbon react to form gasecous hyfrogen and gaseous carbon monoxide.)()()()(22g CO g H s C l O H +→+displacement reaction 置换反应(d))()()(4272aq HClO g O H g O Cl →+)(2)()(4272aq HClO g O H g O Cl →+combination reactions 化合反应(e))()()(22aq HBrO aq HBr O H l Br +→+)()()(22aq HBrO aq HBr O H l Br +→+decomposition reaction 分解反应(f))()()()()(43442243aq PO H s CaSO aq SO H s PO Ca +→+)(2)(3)(3)()(43442243aq PO H s CaSO aq SO H s PO Ca +→+partner-exchange reaction 复分解反应(g)Potassium reacts with water to give aqueous potassium hydroxide and gaseous hydroxide.)()(2)(2)(222g H aq KOH l O H s K +→+displacement reaction 置换反应(h)Solid magnesium carbonate decomposes to form solid magnesium oxide and gaseous carbon monoxide.)()()(23g CO s MgO s MgCO +→decomposition reaction 分解反应Abstract 摘要Results and discussion 结果与讨论Experimental实验References参考文献E-factor影响因素Journal of the American Chemical Society美国化学会志Journal of the Chemical Society化学会志Journal of Organic Chemistry有机化学杂志Tetrahedron四面体'\.._/ ( Wb川ache mical reaction?Acherr山al react i on occurs when subs'孟忘"(tlie reactants) collide (碰撞) with enough energy to rearrange to form different compounds (由e produc时. η1e change in energy由at occurs when a reaction take place is described by thermodynamics (热力学) and the rate or speed at which a reaction occ u rs is described by kfaetics (动力学) . Reactions in which the reactants and produc臼coexist are considered to be in equ山brium (处于平衡). A chemical equation consists of the chemical formula (化学式) of the reactants,且目the chemical formula of the products. The two are separated by an 一一- usually read as ”yielas·’and each chemical formula is separated from others by a plus sign (加号) . Sometimes a triangle is drawn over the arrow symbol to denote energy must be added to the substances for the reaction to begin. Each chemical formula may be preceded by a scalar (数量的) coefficient ind i cating the proportion (比例) of that substance necessary to produce the reaction in formula. For instance, the formula for the burning of methane (C比+ 202 →C02 + 2H20) indicates that twice as much 02 as C比is needed, and when they react, twice as much H20 as C02 will be produced.η1is is because during the reaction, each atom of carbon needs exactly two atoms of oxygen to combine with, to produce the C02, and every two atoms of hydrogen need an atom of oxygen to combine with to produce the H20. If the proportions of t he reactants are not respected, when they are forced to react, either not all of the substanc e used will participate in the react i on, or the react i on that will take p l ace will be different from the one noted in the equation.。



Unit 1 The Roots‎of Chemi‎s tryI. Compr‎e hens‎i on.1.It can be infer‎red from this artic‎l e which‎one of the follo‎wi ng items‎i s not mainl‎y based‎on pract‎i c al use C. Greek‎chemi‎s try2. It was B. Emped‎o cles‎s who first‎i ntro‎d uced‎the idea that all thing‎s are not forme‎d from just one eleme‎n t.3. In the devel‎o pmen‎t of Greek‎chemi‎s t ry, D. Democ‎ri tus‎ was the first‎ one defin‎i ting‎the ultim‎ately‎const‎i tuen‎t s of matte‎r?4. Accor‎d i ng to Plato‎, there‎are B. 4 ―eleme‎n ts‖ whose‎faces‎are const‎i tute‎d by regul‎a r polyg‎ons.5. In the last parag‎raph,autho‎rs think‎that exper‎i ment‎ DD.can deal with the react‎i ons by which‎one subst‎a n ce is conve‎rted into anoth‎e rII. Make a sente‎n ce out of each item by rearr‎a ngin‎g the words‎in brack‎e ts.1.The purif‎i cati‎o n of an organ‎i c compo‎u nd is usual‎l y a matte‎r of consi‎d erab‎l e diffi‎c ulty‎, and itis neces‎s ary to emplo‎y vario‎u s metho‎d s for this purpo‎s e.2.Scien‎c e is an ever-incre‎a sing‎body of accum‎u late‎d and syste‎m atiz‎e d knowl‎e dge and is also anactiv‎i ty by which‎knowl‎e dge is gener‎a ted.3.Life, after‎all, is only chemi‎s try, in fact, a small‎examp‎l e of chemi‎s try obser‎v ed on a si ngl‎emunda‎n e plane‎t.4.Peopl‎e are made of molec‎ul es; some of the molec‎ul es in peopl‎e are rathe‎r simpl‎e where‎a sother‎s are highl‎y compl‎e x.5.Chemi‎st ry is ever prese‎n t in our lives‎from birth‎to death‎becau‎se witho‎u t chemi‎s t ry there‎i sneith‎e r life nor death‎.6.Mathe‎m atic‎s appea‎rs to be almos‎t as human‎ki nd and also perme‎a tes all aspec‎t s of human‎life,altho‎u gh many of us are not fully‎aware‎of this.III. Trans‎l atio‎n.1.(a)化学过程;(b)自然科学;(c)蒸馏技术(a) chemi‎c al proce‎s s (b) natur‎a l scien‎ce (c) the techn‎i que of disti‎l lati‎o n2.正是原子构‎成铁、水、氧等。





每一个单元由Reading and Comprehension、Reading and Practice和reading and Translation三部分组成。


10个单元的教学内容如下:1.Chemistry a Natural Science2.Acids and Bases3.Introduction to Analytical Chemistry4.Titrimetric Methods of Analysis5.Alkans6.Types of High Polymers7.Refrigeration and the Heat Pump8.Large-Scale Synthetic Nitrogen Fixaiton9.Measurement of Temperature10.Environmental Protection(二)专业英语部分该部分从内容上分为8个单元,包括金属材料、材料的腐蚀与防护技术原理、金属材料的表面处理技术等方面的英语专业文章。

8个单元的教学内容如下:1.Caron Steels and Alloy2.Surface Treatment3.Nature of Electrode Reactions4.Theories of Passivity5.Steady State Potentiostatic and Galvanostatic Measurement6.Thermostatic Water Bath7.Electrolytic Plating8.Effect of Sodium Nitrite Inhibitor on the Corrosion Behavior of Steel In Neutral Chloride Solutions三、学时分配专业英语32学时全部安排课内教学,教学安排如下表:四、考核方式闭卷考试80%,作业20%。



The Periodic TableAs our picture of the atom becomes more detailed, we find ourselves in a dilemma.当我们对原子了解的越来越详细时,我们发现我们其中处在两难之中己。

With more than 100 elements to deal with, how can we keep all this information straight?由于超过100种元素要处理,我们怎样能理顺所有的信息?One way is by using the periodic table of the elements.一个方法是使用元素周期表。

The periodic table neatly tabulates information about atoms. 周期表整齐地列出了原子信息的表格。

It records how many protons and electrons the atoms of a particular element contain. 它记录了一个具体的元素的原子包含多少质子和电子。

It permits us to calculate the number of neutrons in the most common isotope for most elements. 它允许我们为大多数元素计算最常见的同位素中的中子的数量。

It even stores information about how electrons are arranged in the atoms of each element. 它甚至储存了每个元素的原子周围是如何安排电子的信息。

The most extraordinary thing about the periodic table is that it was largely developed before anyone knew there were protons or neutrons or electrons in atoms. 关于周期表的最杰出的事情是在任何人知道在原子周围有质子、中子或者电子之前被提出来。



Aabscissa[æbˈsɪsə] n. 横座标 abundance n. 丰富, 充裕acceptor n. 接受体accumulator n. 储料器 acetic acid n. 醋酸, 乙酸 acknowledge v. &n. 致谢activation n. 活化acylation ['æsil] n. 酰化addition [əˈdiʃən] n. 加成反应adhesive [ædˈhisɪv, -zɪv] n. 粘合剂advancement n. 进展,增长advantageous adj. 有利的aerosol[ˈeərəˌsɔ:l, -ˌsɔl] n. 烟雾affinity [əˈfɪnɪti:] n. 亲合力agent [ˈeidʒənt] n. 试剂aldehyde [ˈældəˌhaɪd]n. 醛aldol[ˈældəul]n. 醛醇aliphatic acid [ˌæliˈfætik]n. 脂肪酸alkaline[ˈælkəlɪn, -ˌlaɪn] adj. 碱的alkaloid[ˈæl kəlɔid] n. 生物碱alkane[ˈælˌken]n. 烷烃alkene[ˈælki:n]n. 烯烃alkylation [ˌælkiˈleiʃ(ə)n]n. 烃化, 烷基化alkyl halide[ˈælkil][ˈhælaid]n. 烷基卤, 卤烷alkyne n. 炔alphabetic adj. 依字母顺序ambiguity n. 模糊, 意义不明确amide n. 酰胺amine n. 胺amino acid n. 氨基酸amorphous adj. 无定形analogue n. 类似物anhydride n. 酸酐aniline n. 苯胺anion n. 阴离子anomaly n. 异常,反常antibiotics n. 抗菌素antifreezing agent n. 抗冻剂antioxidant n. 抗氧剂appreciable adj. 可估计的architect n. 建筑师, 设计师arene n. 芳烃aromatic adj. 芳香的aromatization n. 芳构化asymmetric adj. 不对称的autooxidation n. 自氧化awarenness n, 意识azeotrope n.共沸混合物azo dye n. 偶氮染料Bbackup n. /adj 备用设备base n. 碱, 基, 底beaker n. 烧杯benzene n. 苯biological degradation n. 生物降解biosynthesis vt. 生物合成bleach vt. 漂白bond n. 键branched chain n. 支链budget n. & v. 预算bubble-cap tower n. 泡罩塔buffer n. 缓冲,缓冲剂Ccarbanion n. 负碳离子, 阴碳离子carbene n. 碳烯, 卡宾carbide n. 碳化物, 碳化钙carbocation n. 正碳离子, 阳碳离子carbonyl group n. 羰基carboxy group n. 羧基carboxylic acid n. 羧酸carcinogenic adj. 致癌的β-carotene n. β胡萝卜素carrier n. 载体cartridge n. 软片暗盒catalysis n. 催化(作用) cation n. 阳离子cellulose n. 纤维素ceramic adj/n. 陶瓷(的) chemical shift n. 化学位移chirality n. 手性chlorination n. 氯化作用chlorohydrocarbon n. 氯代烃chromophore n. 发色团cis-trans isomer n. 顺反异构体classic adj. 经典的, 传统的cluster n. 蔟,一串,一束coherent adj. 黏附的,相干的(光学) coil n. 蛇管colorant n. 颜料,着色剂commodity n. 用品compensation n. 补偿competitive n. 竞争的complementary n. 补充的complex n. 络合物complication n. 复杂concerted reaction n. 协同反应condensation n. 缩合反应condiment n. 调味品conformation n. 构象conjugation n. 共轭construction n. 建设, 建筑consultant n. 顾问consumer n. 消耗container n. 容器containment n. 抑制cooler n. 冷却器corporate adj. 共同的correlate n. 相关的事物cosmetic n. 化妆品counteract vt. 抵消,抵抗coupling reaction n. 偶合反应covalent bond n. 共价键critical adj. 临界的cumulative adj. 累积的,累加的customary adj. 通常的, 常例的cycloparaffin n. 环烷烃Ddecolorant n. 脱色剂decolorize v. 脱色degradation n.降解dehydration n. 脱水作用dehydrogenation n. 脱氢作用delocalization n. 离域作用denatured alcohol n. 变性酒精denominator n. 分母derivation n. 衍生,由来derivative n. 衍生物desorption n. 解吸作用destructive distillation 分解蒸馏detergent n. 洗涤剂developer n. 显影剂dextrorotary adj. 右旋的diazonium salt n. 重氮盐diazotization n. 重氮化作用dielectric adj.不导电的,n.电介质dipole n. 偶极directory n. 地址录disclose vt. 揭露, 揭发discrete adj. 离散的,不连续的disposal vt. 排出, 处理director n. 定位基dissolve v.溶解distillation n. 蒸馏dominant adj. 支配的,统治的donor n. 给体drastic n. 激烈的, 猛烈的droplet n. 液滴dyestuff n. 染料Eelectrophilic reagent n. 亲电试剂electrophobic adj 疏电子的electronegative adj 电负性的electron withdrawing group n. 吸电子基electrostatic adj. 静电的elimination n. 消除反应emulsion n. 乳剂endothermic adj. 吸热的enantiomer n. 对映体enzyme n. 酶epoxy adj. 环氧化的essential oil n. (香)精油ester n. 酯esterification n. 酯化作用ethanol n. 乙醇ether n. 醚, 乙醚ethyl n. 乙基ethylene n. 乙烯ethynyl n. 乙炔基evaluation n. 评价,估价evaporation n. 蒸发excitation n. 激发态exothermic adj. 放热的extract vt. 萃取extrapolation n. 推断Ffermentation n. 发酵fiber n. 纤维filament n. 细丝,丝状体filter n.过滤器,滤色片flare v. & n. 闪耀, 闪烁flavoring n. 香剂, 调味剂fluorescent n. 荧光fore adj. 先时的, 前部的formaldehyde n. 甲醛fossil n. 化石fractional distillation n. 分馏free radical n. 自由基fumigant n. 熏蒸(消毒)剂functional group n. 官能团furan n. 呋喃Ggeneralization n. 一般(性), 普遍(性) genetic code n. 遗传密码geological adj. 地质(学)的geomatrical adj. 几何学的glacial acetic acid n. 冰醋酸glucose n. 葡萄糖glycerol n. 甘油, 丙三醇graphics n. 图,制图法Hhabituation n. 习惯作用, 毒瘾halogenation n. 卤化hazardous adj. 危险的, 有危害的herbicide n.除草剂heterocyclic compound n.杂环化合物heterogeneous adj. 非均相的, 多相的hexagon n. 六边形highlight n. 光线明亮处hold-up n. 塔储量, 容纳量homologous series n. 同系列hormone n. 激素humectant n. 润湿剂hybrid n. 杂化hydration n. 水合作用hydrogenation n. 氢化作用hydrolysis n. 水解hydrophobic adj. 疏水的hydroxyl group n. 羟基Iidealize vt. 理想化inasmuch as adv. 因为, 由于indicator n. 指示剂indiscriminate adj. 不加选择的indol n. 吲哚inductive effect n. 诱导效应ineffective adj. 无效的, 低效率的infrared spectroscopy n. 红外光谱ingenious adj. 坦率的, 天真的ingestion n. 吸收, 吸入inlet n. 进口, 入口insecticide n. 杀虫剂insulin n. 胰岛素integrate vt. 积分,使...一体化interchangeable adj. 可互换的intermediate n. 中间体ion n. 离子isoelectric point n. 等电点isomer n. 异构体Jjacket n. 套, 夹套justification n. 认为正当, 正当的理由Kketone n. 酮Llactic acid n. 乳酸leakage n. 泄漏lesser adj. 较小的, 更少的lime n. 石灰lining n. 衬里, 衬料, 衬套link vt. 连接,键合liquefy vt. 液化lubricating grease n. 润滑脂Mmanipulation n. 操作, 操纵manuscript n. 稿子, 手稿mass spectroscopy n. 质谱mechanism n. 机理, 历程medium n. 介质, 培养基metallurgical adj. 冶金(学)的methane n. 甲烷methnol n. 甲醇methodology n. 方法论micelle n. 胶粒microorganism n. 微生物migrate vi. 迁移miscible adj. 可溶混的modification n. 修饰monomer n. 单体monosaccharide n. 单糖multiplet n. 多重峰multiplicity n 多重性Nnaphthalene n. 萘nitration n. 硝化作用nitric acid n. 硝酸nitrile n. 腈noble adj. 贵重的, 惰性的nomenclacture n. 命名法noteworthy adj. 显著的nucleophile n. 亲核试剂nucleic acid n. 核酸neutralization n. 中和numerator n. (数学上) 分子nutrient n. 营养素, 养分Oobservable a. 可观察到的octane number n. 辛烷值olefin n. 烯烃optical activity n. 旋光性optics n. 光学optimum n. 最佳条件orbital n. 轨道organometallic compound 金属有机化合物originate vi./vt. 起源outermost adj. 最外层的,远离中心的overhead n. 塔顶馏出物overheat vt. 过热overlap vt. 重叠oxidation n. 氧化作用ozonide n. 臭氧化合物ozonolysis n. 臭氧分解Pparaffin n. 链烷烃, 石蜡peptide n. 肽perfume n. 香料peroxide n. 过氧化合物persistence n. 坚持, 固执pesticide n. 杀虫剂pharmaceuticals n. 药物phenol n. 苯酚phenoxide n. (苯)酚盐phenylsulfonic acid n. 苯磺酸phosphoric acid n. 磷酸photochemical reaction n. 光化学反应photochromism n. 光致变色photoconductivity n. 光电导性pigment n. 颜料pink n. 粉红色polyamide n. 聚酰胺polarization n. 极化作用polyhydric alcohol n. 多元醇polymerization n. 聚合作用precipitate vi. /n. 沉淀preservative n. 防腐剂prolong vt. 延长, 拖延propellant n. 推进剂prospective adj. 预期的, 有希望的protecting group n. 保护基purity n. 纯度pyridine n. 吡啶pyrolysis n. 热解pyrrole n. 吡咯Qquantify vt. 使量化,确定数量quaternary ammonium salt n. 季铵盐quench vt. 淬灭quinoline n. 喹啉Rracemization n. 外消旋作用reagent n. 试剂realization n. 实现recover vt. 回收recrystallization n. 重结晶rectifier n. 精馏器reduction n. 还原(作用) reflux n. 回流refract vt. 折射refrigerant n. 冷冻剂remainder n. 剩余物, 残余部分的replica n. 复制品,拷贝resolution n. 分辨, 拆开restrictive adj. 限制性的ribonucleic acid n. 核糖核酸(RNA) rigorous adj. 严厉(格)的Ssaccharin n. 糖精saponification n. 皂化(作用) screen n. 筛子, 屏幕seal n. 密封(垫) segment n. 部分, 链段selectivity n. 选择性settle vt. (使)沉淀, 澄清setup vt. 装置, 装配sewage n. 污水silica gel n. 硅胶singlet n. 单重峰skeleton n. 骨架solubility n. 溶解度solvant n. 溶剂化物solvent n. 溶剂, 有溶解力的sophistication n. 复杂spectroscopy n. 光谱spin-spin coupling n. 自旋-自旋偶合stabilization n. 稳定作用stereoisomerism n. 立体异构现象steric factors n. 位阻因素, 空间因素still pot n.蒸馏釜stoichiometric adj. 化学计算的straightforward adj.一直向前, 正直的substituent n. 取代基substitution reaction n. 取代反应sucrose n. 蔗糖sulfa drug n. 磺胺药sulfonation n.磺化作用sulfuric acid n. 硫酸supervisor n. 导师, 监督人, 主管人suspension n. 悬浮液sweetener n. 增甜剂symmetry n. 对称性symposium n. 座谈会syn addition n. 顺式加成Ttar n. 焦油(沥青)tartaric acid n. 酒石酸tautomerism n. 互变异构现象terpene n. 萜烯tertiary adj. 叔的, 第三的tetrahedron n. 四面体thiazole n. 噻唑thiophene n. 噻吩toluene n. 甲苯toxicity n. 毒性transesterification n. 酯交换反应transition state n. 过渡状态tray n. 盘, 分馏塔盘triplet n. 三重峰trivial adj. 轻微的Uultraviolet-visible spectroscopy n. 紫外-可见光谱unify vt. 统一urea n. 尿素Vvalidate vt. 使生效vaporize vt.蒸发versatile adj. 多方面的vice versa adj. 反之也然vinegar n. 醋violate vt. 破坏,侵害Wwhereas conj. 而, 却, 鉴于withdraw vt. 拉, 提取, 取出withdrawal n. 收回,撤回Xxerography n. 静电复印法Yyeast n. 酵母Zzymochemistry n. 酶化学。


Special Considerations
Ensure language is precise, objective, and free of grammar and spelling errors Use appropriate chemical termination
Experimental report writing
Literature reading skills
Analyze the structure of the article
Skim through the title, abstract, introduction, methods, results, and discussion sections to get a general understanding of the article
Identify the main points
Pay attention to the main findings, conclusions, and experimental design to understand the significance of the article
Take notes
Special Considerations
Include raw data, tables, figures, and any deviations from the protocol Follow the institutional reporting guidelines
Summary and Introduction Writing
Academic paper writing
To communicate chemical research findings to other disciplines and professionals



应用化学专业英语第二版课后练习题含答案Chapter OneMultiple Choice Questions1.The scientific method of problem solving consists of___________. A. observation, experimentation, hypotheses, theory B.experimentation, observation, theory, hypotheses C. observation, hypotheses, theory, experimentation D. hypothesis, theory,experimentation, observationAnswer: A2.Which of the following is NOT one of the key steps involvedin the scientific method? A. Formulating hypotheses B. Building experiments C. Rejecting hypotheses D. Proving hypothesesAnswer: D3.Which of the following is a physical property? A. Density B.Flammability C. Reaction with acid D. RustingAnswer: A4.Which subatomic particle carries a positive charge? A.Proton B. Neutron C. Electron D. AtomAnswer: A5.Which of the following is NOT a chemical change? A. Burningof wood B. Digestion of food C. Melting of ice D. Rusting of ironAnswer: CShort Answer Questions1.What is the difference between a chemical and physicalchange? Answer: A physical change is a change in the physicalproperties of a substance, whereas a chemical change is a change in the chemical properties or composition of a substance.2.What is an atom? Answer: An atom is the smallest particle ofmatter that retns the chemical properties of an element.3.What is a molecule? Answer: A molecule is a group of two ormore atoms that are chemically bonded together.4.What is an element? Answer: An element is a pure substancethat cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means.5.What is a compound? Answer: A compound is a pure substancemade up of two or more elements that are chemically bondedtogether.Essay Questions1.What is the scientific method and how is it used to solveproblems in science? Answer: The scientific method is a logical and systematic approach to problem solving in science. It consists of several key steps including observation, hypotheses,experimentation, and theory. Scientists use the scientific method to answer questions and solve problems by gathering data through observation and experimentation, forming hypotheses based on that data, testing those hypotheses through experimentation, andfinally developing theories to expln the results of those experiments.2.Describe the properties of matter and how they are used to differentiate between substances. Answer: Properties of matter can be either physical or chemical. Physical properties include mass, volume, density, color, melting point, boiling point, and solubility. These properties can be used to differentiate between substances by comparing their physical properties. Chemical properties include reactivity, flammability, and toxicity. These properties are used to differentiate between substances based on their chemical behavior under certn conditions.3.Describe the structure of an atom and the role that subatomic particles play in determining chemical behavior. Answer: Atoms have a central nucleus that contns protons and neutrons. Electrons orbit around the nucleus in shells or orbitals. Protons carry a positive charge, electrons carry a negative charge, and neutrons carry no charge. The number of protons in the nucleus determines the element to which the atom belongs, while the number of electrons in the outermost shell determines the chemical behavior of the atom.4.Expln the difference between a mixture and a pure substance. Give examples of each. Answer: A mixture is a combination of two or more substances that are not chemically bonded together. Mixtures can be either homogeneous or heterogeneous. A homogeneous mixture is a uniform mixture where the composition is the same throughout, such as saltwater. A heterogeneous mixture is a non-uniform mixture where the composition varies, such as oil and water. A pure substance is a substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means. Examples of pure substances include elements such as gold and silver, and compounds such as water and carbon dioxide.5.Expln the difference between a physical change and a chemical change. Give examples of each. Answer: A physical change is a change in the physical properties of a substance, such as shape, size, or state of matter, without changing its chemical composition. Examples of physical changes include melting ice, boiling water, and cutting paper. A chemical change is a change in the chemical properties or composition of a substance, resulting in the formation of a new substance or substances. Examples of chemical changes include burning of wood, digestion of food, and rusting of iron.。

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英译汉:1.First, electrons are added one at a time moving from left to right across aperiod……首先,从左向右横跨一个周期时每次增加一个电子。





2.It is important to note that at equilibrium the rates of reaction,rate r and rate fare equilibrium mixture are usually not equal……值得注意的是,在化学平衡时的反应速率,正反应速率和你反应速率相等但反应物和生成物的摩尔浓度在平衡混合态时一般不相等。



3.This is a mathematical expression of the law of chemical equilibrium which maybe stated as follows: When a reversible…………这是化学平衡定律的数学表达式,它可以通过如下所述:当一个可逆反应在给定温度下达到平衡时,在方程式中箭头右边物质的摩尔浓度的积除以左边物质摩尔浓度的积(每种物质浓度的幂等于反应方程式中每种物质的分子数)为定值,4.Analytical chemistry,or the art of recognizing different substances anddetermining their constituents, takes a prominent position among分析化学或鉴定不同物质并测定其成分的技术,因为可以解决每当化学过程被用于科学的或技术性的目的是产生的问题,而在科学应用领域中占显著地位。



5.The interaction of UV and visible radiation with matter can provide qualitativeidentification of molecules and polyatomic……………紫外可见光与物质相互作用时可以提供包含离子和复合物的分子和多原子的物种的定性鉴定。




6.One of the most important features of fine chemicals manufacture is the greatvariety of …………………随着新产品持续不断地出现,精细化学品生产制造的一个最重要特征是产品的多样化。





汉译英:7.Two conservation laws apply to all chemical reactions: Energy can neither becreated nor destroyed, and matter can neither be created nor destroyed.两个守恒定律的适用于所有的化学反应:能量既不能创造也不能被消灭,而物质既不能创造也不能被消灭。

8.We often hear about "toxic chemicals" or "chemical pollution" without hearingabout the absolutely central role that chemistry plays in human well-being.我们经常听到“有毒化学品”或“化学污染”没有听到关于绝对的核心作用,化学对人类福祉。

9.Some chemists investigate the natural world and try to understand it,while otherchemists create new substances and new ways to perform chemical changes that do not occur in nature.一些化学家的研究自然世界和理解它,而其他化学家创造新物质和新的方法来进行化学变化没有发生性质。

10.Based on the work of physicist Henry Mosteley, the periodic table was reorganizedon the basis of increasing atomic number rather than on atomic weight.根据物理学家亨mosteley,周期表被重组的基础上,原子序数的增加而不是原子重量。

11.Reactions in which the reactants and products coexist are considered to be inequilibrium.反应中,反应物和产物被认为是平衡共存。

12.The law of conservation of mass dictates the quantity of each element does notchange in a chemical reaction.守恒定律质量要求数量的每个元素不改变化学反应。

13.The zinc metal is oxidized to zinc ions and the copper ions are reduced to coppermetal.Zn 被氧化成Zn2+ ,Cu2+被还原14.Chemistry is the science that tries to understand the properties of substanceand the changes that substances undergo.化学科学试图了解物质的性质和变化的物质进行。

15.The accuracy of analytical methods has increased enormously in the past decadesand this has enabled detection of even almost negligible traces of impurities.该分析方法的准确度已大大增加,甚至可以检测几乎可以忽略的痕量杂制。

16.When chloride is added to be a silver solution ,solid silver chlorideprecipitates from solution .The resulting equilibrium is always written in the direction of the solid dissolving :AgCl(s)==Ag(aq)+Cl(s)氯离子加到银盐溶液,固态氯化银从溶液中沉淀出来。


17.Once these chemicals are isolated and their chemical structures aredetermined,the creativity of chemists takes over.一旦这些化学物质的分离和其化学结构决定的,创造性的化学家接管。

18.Syntheses are now normally designed using the fundamental principles thatchemists have discovered. As many as 30 or more predicted chemical steps are sometimes needed,in a sequence,to permit the synthesis of a complicated molecule from available simple chemicals.This could not be done without a clear understanding of chemical principles.合成现在通常使用而设计的基本原则,化学家们发现。



19.In doing so, chemical engineer must also use principles of thermodynamics,reaction kinetics, fluid mechanics and transport phenomena.在这样做时,化学工程师还必须使用原则,热力学,反应动力学,流体力学和运输现象。

20.Both of these are combination reactions,and both can be reversed by heating theproducts.Metal hydroxides decompose on hearing to give the metal oxide and water.这些都是结合反应,都可以扭转的加热产品。
