跑酷运动介绍I. 引言:A.跑酷的定义跑酷(Parkour),源自法语单词“parcours”,最初指的是障碍赛跑。
它融合了多种运动技巧,包括但不限于跑步、跳跃、翻滚、攀爬和平衡,这些技巧在跑酷中被称为“动作语言”(movement vocabulary)。
这项运动的创始人是大卫·贝尔(David Belle),他受到了父亲雷蒙德·贝尔(Raymond Belle)的影响,雷蒙德是一位在越南接受过军事训练的消防员。
大卫·贝尔将这种训练方式带回法国,并与其他几位朋友一起,如塞巴斯蒂安·福康(Sébastien Foucan)和查尔斯·佩雷斯(Charles Perrière),共同创立了跑酷。
The Philosophy of Parkour
• “free your mind”,trying not to think of the situation you are in, but merely trying to 'feel' your way through it, is fundamental to Parkour.
The Definition of Parkour The Origin of Parkour The Philosophy of Parkour The Impacts of Parkour on people
Parkour is a kind of extreme sport emphasizing to show and challenge personal potential in body and mind. Parkour is the art of moving through your environment,using only your body and the surroundings to propel yourself. It includes running, jumping, climbing, even crawling .
In the beginning, parkour is played in western countries, such as France, Britain, America and so on. It got its popularity in the Britain in 2002.
In 2004, David belle directed a movie named The District 13. Through this movie,people all around know what the parkour is.
• It initiated from the French soldiers during Vietnam War, and became popular in England in 2002. Finally, David Berry carried forward it.
• 它最初由越战中的法国士兵们发起,2002年在英国开始盛行,后来大卫·贝利把它发 扬光大。
• 总之,无论跑酷(或自由奔跑)究竟为何,它都要求运动能力。参与者必 须具有良好的身体状况——而且还要有胆识。不难想象,大多数参与者都 是男性,而且大多是十几岁或二十几岁的年轻人。
• Originator • David Belle(大卫·贝利) • 主演 暴力街区
VIP想 跑酷王子达米恩简介 • 达米恩沃尔特兹绰号“变态光头”,原英国体操队成员,最好 成绩貌似拿过世界蹦床第四,后来改行玩FREE RUNNING,和 酷跑(PARKOUR)还是有些区别的,拍了些视频放到网上被成家 班看中并参与了一些动作片的替身工作,他也是成家班里第一 个非华裔成员,很多人把他当作企业战士里的主角,其实那个 是法国人大卫贝里。大卫、迪米恩和3RUN被认为是现在世界 上最顶尖的酷跑高手。
Made by Frank
What’s Parkour? • Parkour is the art of moving through your environment using only your body and the surroundings to propel yourself. It can include running, jumping, climbing, even crawling, if that is the most suitable movement for the situation. Parkour could be grasped by imagining a race through an obstacle course, the goal is to overcome obstacles quickly and efficiently, without using extraneous movement.
Parkour---Stephen Brief introductionParkour is a sport combines a variety of movementslike running, climbing, swinging, vaulting,leaping, and rolling together. Parkour usesalmost no equipment and is non-competitive. Amale practitioner is often called a "traceur", afemale a "traceuse".HISTORYIn Western Europe, the forerunner of parkour was French naval officer Georges Hébert, who before World War I promoted athletic skill based on the models of indigenous tribes he ha d met in Africa. Hébert set up a natural method session consisting of ten fundamental groups: walking, running, jumping, quadrupedal movement, climbing, balancing, throwing, lifting, self-defense and swimming. Before World War II, Hébert's teaching became the standard system of French military education and training.PLACEParkour is practiced in not widely used publicfacilities such as skate parks. Although efforts arebeing made to create places for it, some traceurs donot like the idea as it is contradictory to thephilosophy of freedom. Traceurs practice parkour inurban areas such as gyms, parks, playgrounds,offices, and abandoned structures.EQUIPMENT1, Light clothing such as T-shirt, sleeveless shirt ,sweatpants, shorts …2, Comfortable running shoes, which are generallylight, with good grip and flexibility areencouraged.3, Thin athletic gloves to protect the hands。
Parkour is the art of moving through your environment using only your body and the surroundings to propel yourself. It can include running, jumping, climbing, even crawling, if that is the most suitable movement for the situation. Parkour could be grasped by imagining a race through an obstacle course; the goal is to overcome obstacles quickly and efficiently, without using extraneous movement. Apply this line of thought to an urban environment, or even a run through the woods, and you're on the right path. Because individual movements could vary so greatly by the situation, it is better to consider Parkour as defined by the intention instead of the movements themselves. If the intention is to get somewhere using the most effective movements with the least loss of momentum, then it could probably be considered Parkour.What isn't Parkour?Parkour is not acrobatics, tricking, stunts, recklessness, or jumping off high objects for no reason. It is not any movement or activity that doesn't fit in the above description "What Parkour Is". It is also not "What you make of it" ... it is predefined and has a purpose, if something doesn't suit that purpose, it is not Parkour.What is Free Running?Free running was meant to start out an anglicized term for Parkour. It was first suggested to Sebastien Foucan during the filming of Jump London. Free Running has grown to be descriptive of a sort of "cousin" activity to Parkour - Free Running is more expressive and creative in nature, with moves such as acrobatics, flips, and spins added for flair, creativity, or just because someone wants to. The main difference then between Parkour and Free Running is that Parkour is defined by purpose "get somewhere quickly and efficiently using the human body", and Free Running is defined by the activity or art of moving through your environment however you want, moving your way, following your own path.跑酷亦称作“城市疾走”,即Parkour,常简称为PK,诞生于80年代的法国,有“超越障碍训练场”的意思。
• 勇气是一个人自身 的本质,自身内在 目标的肯定。勇气 是不顾一切的自我 肯定,不顾一切阻 碍它完成自我肯定 。是一个人超越自 己的必要条件
登墙跳(tic tac) 登墙跳
猴 跳
懒人跳( 懒人跳(lazy vault) )
墙转(wall spin)
倒立,凌空倒立(hand stand)
• 学 Parkour会让人明白, 怎么克服自己的 恐惧(Fear),和加强克服困难的能力。 人是不断提升自己和突破障碍的 • 生命就是危险。不管我们怎样努力……都 逃不过这无情的事实:危险绝不会消失。 风险无处不在,而我们无处可逃。但我们 可以学着去正确地控制危险,并把它减到 最小。
• 跑酷运动是由法国 (David Belle)所创 ) 立的, 立的,它能使人通过 敏捷的运动来增强身 心对紧急情况的应变 能力, 能力,这点和武术近 不同之处, 似。不同之处,武术 格斗反击, 格斗反击,而跑酷紧 急脱逃。 急脱逃。
跑酷亦称作“城市疾走” 跑酷亦称作“城市疾走”或Parkour。 。 它诞生于80年代的法国 年代的法国, 它诞生于 年代的法国,意思就是 到处跑” 此外它还含有“ “到处跑”,此外它还含有“超越障 碍训练场”的意思。 碍训练场”的意思。Parkour把整个 把整个 城市当作一个大训练场,一切围墙、 城市当作一个大训练场,一切围墙、 屋顶都成为可以攀爬、穿越的对象, 屋顶都成为可以攀爬、穿越的对象, 特别是废弃的房屋这项街头疾走极动, 特别是废弃的房屋这项街头疾走极动, 非常具有观赏性。 非常具有观赏性。
Parkour is an art, it can bring us good visual effects, but it’s not enough. Through a period of training, you can become stronger and stronger, good flexibility, good balance, good bounce, and can do some movements which you couldn’t do before. And you know how to cope with the dangerous situation.
Thank you~
In the beginning, parkour is played in western countries, such as France, Britain, America and so on. It got its popularity in the Britain in 2002. In 2004, David belle directed a movie named The District 13. Through this movie , people all around know what the parkour is.
The first people, who introduce the parkour to China in 2006, is Hong Zhou, He also founded the China parkour official website. Yize Du is regarded as the first people to organize the first parkour team named China parkour in China.
勇气场 (Courage field)
Courage is a man's own nature, and certainly its own internal goals. Courage is desperate selfaffirmation, in spite of all obstacles to complete its self-affirmation. Is a necessary condition for people beyond their own
2.力量是不可或缺的东西。 3.弹跳不是一定必需的素质,但对跑酷有很大帮助。 4.其实最重要的是,勇气!每个人都有恐惧心理,但 事实往往是,越紧张,身子越放不开,越容易受伤。
• 勇气是一个人自身的本质, 自身内在目标的肯定。勇气 是不顾一切的自我肯定,不 顾一切阻碍它完成自我肯定。 是一个人超越自己的必要条 件
Parkour is often classified as an extreme sport to everyday life environment for sports venues. It was not established rules, people just do the sport as an obstacle to a variety of everyday facilities or auxiliary, running and jumping in the meantime crossed
倒立,凌空倒立(hand stand)
墙转(wall spin)
懒人跳(lazy vault)
• Two:
• Many people don't understand the real meaning of parkour, to a beautiful leap or jumping from a high place brings the effect of grandstanding or draw a look, so that her body hurt。
• TOM (us) a common parkour students, New York, in private practice parkour falling incidents.
• Buzan (Britain) parkour player, downhill when broken glass cut arteries.
1, Light clothing such as T-shirt, sleeveless shirt , sweatpants, shorts … 2, Comfortable running shoes, which are generally light, with good grip and flexibility are encouraged. 3, Thin athletic gloves to protect the hand
• •
练习前的热是避免受伤,提高练习质量的重要一环。 千万不要一上来就拉伸肌肉,而要先做一些简单的动作来预热,如跑跑跳 跳。关节是最易受伤的部位,一定要认真活动,特别是肩关节,腕关节,髋 关节。 拉伸小腿,大腿,臀部,肩部,背部,颈部胸部,臂部的肌肉和韧带。 注意正确的姿势,如果感到痛,说明姿势不正确,需要调整。胸,颈,头一 定要保持一条直线,避免驼背姿势。均匀呼吸,不要憋气。各种拉伸姿势保 持20-30秒。 完成训练后不要立即停止下来,而要做一些动作,慢慢调整一下。
• 一般性的锻炼方法:
• •
(1) 通过各种机械等锻炼腕部,臂部,肩部力量。
(2) 当力量足够支撑身体时,要注意两只手臂均衡练习。 (3) 通过俯卧撑,倒立俯卧撑等来提高上支力量。
量。 • • •
(4) 通过躺卧起坐,鲤鱼打挺,引体向上等来联系腰部力
(5) 通过蛙跳,纵身上跳等练习下肢弹跳力。 (6) 通过握拳,抓硬物练习手指握力。 (7) 另外可以适当练习长跑,跳绳增加肺活量。
• 记住:受伤后的补救如果延迟一分钟,就会增多一天的痛苦。 • 降温永远是处理伤情的第一步,最好使用冰袋来回在受伤部位冷敷, 如果没有冰袋,使用冷水冲也可以。 • 如果受伤部位产生疼痛,而且疼痛在伤处降温的时候加重,不降 温的时候轻,就证明发炎了。如果疼痛不太剧烈,你仍然可以继续冷 敷。接下来你需要上药,药膏或喷雾剂都可以,比较好的急救药有 “好得快”,云南白药气雾剂等。这些药剂通常有镇痛作用,千万不 要因此认为疼痛已经结束或减轻而带伤继续训练。带伤训练可能引起 慢性炎症,从而导致骨折,所以一定要小心才是。当受伤部位在正常 情况下不再疼痛了,说明伤处已经痊愈,你就可以继续训练了。 • 肌腱拉伤往往突然发生,并以剧烈疼痛。急救措施与发炎相同, 注意不要对伤处进行按摩,否则辉造成进一步损伤。3至4天以后,对 伤处热敷,而且可以使用药膏轻微按摩。治疗挫伤比较简单,只要热 敷上药,防止伤口感染就行了。挫伤不影响训练。
Parkour is an art, it can bring us good visual effects, but it’s not enough. Through a period of training, you can become stronger and stronger, good flexibility, good balance, good bounce, and can do some movements which you couldn’t do before. And you know how to cope with the dangerous situation.
Thank you~
我们在考评中存在的问题 绩效考评是什么 为什么要进行绩效考评 绩效考评的内容 绩效考评的程序 绩效考核的条件 绩效考评的结果运用 绩效考评的方法-KPI指标评价 KPI指标分解 员工KPI体系建设 考评结果与薪酬重组
Influenced by these factors, David Belle finally created the parkour sport. After that , he and his frieganization called Yamakasi at the suburb of Lessees in Paris in 1988.
The Definition of Parkour The Origin of Parkour The Philosophy of Parkour The Impacts of Parkour on people
David Belle, the founder of the parkour, was trained to play as ninja when he was very young, jumping, running on the roofs of the school buildings. At the same time, David Belle was influenced by his father who was ever a soldier deeply.
In China
• Du Yi ze(杜易泽) is the trendsetter of parkour in China . Still being a university student, he developed the first parkour group of the country with his efforts. He also founded the China Parkour Club, which is the most influential group in the mainland.
• Reason three:Wow Factor When you see somebody doing a flip off of a building, jumping over and through obstacles like they’re walking in a park, and leaping from point to point with the grace of a squirrel, you get inspired. Too people who have never heard of Parkour, a Parkour video appears to be a bunch of super humans jumping from building to building like Spider Man. This factor makes people research it more and look up tutorials, practice, and learn it.
Basic movements
Landing :Bending the knees when toes make contact with ground (never land flat footed; always land on toes and ball of your foot, or whole footed). Balance :Walking along the crest of an obstacle; literally "balance." Cat Crawl :Quadrupedal(四足着地的) movement along the crest of an obstacle.
The origin of Parkour
Originated in France 1980s Development
Georges Hébert Raymond Belle David Belle
Parkour come from the French word ‘parcourir’.
Georges Hébert
Modem Parkour
The 1st organization of Parkour is Yamaksi , consists of 9 Parisian teenagers. More recently they have gone their separate ways. David calls his art Parkour and stresses utility, while Foucan uses the term "Free Running" and
stresses freedom of movement and finding your own way.
Like any sport, Parkour can be dangerous if proper safety precautions are not taken. If you are not an expert, the things you’ve seen in the movies and online are extremely dangerous. They are also not what most traceurs do when they practice Parkour.
Raymond Belle
Parkour---Stephen Brief introductionParkour is a sport combines a variety of movementslike running, climbing, swinging, vaulting,leaping, and rolling together. Parkour usesalmost no equipment and is non-competitive. Amale practitioner is often called a "traceur", afemale a "traceuse".HISTORYIn Western Europe, the forerunner of parkour was French naval officer Georges Hébert, who before World War I promoted athletic skill based on the models of indigenous tribes he ha d met in Africa. Hébert set up a natural method session consisting of ten fundamental groups: walking, running, jumping, quadrupedal movement, climbing, balancing, throwing, lifting, self-defense and swimming. Before World War II, Hébert's teaching became the standard system of French military education and training.PLACEParkour is practiced in not widely used publicfacilities such as skate parks. Although efforts arebeing made to create places for it, some traceurs donot like the idea as it is contradictory to thephilosophy of freedom. Traceurs practice parkour inurban areas such as gyms, parks, playgrounds,offices, and abandoned structures.EQUIPMENT1, Light clothing such as T-shirt, sleeveless shirt ,sweatpants, shorts …2, Comfortable running shoes, which are generallylight, with good grip and flexibility areencouraged.3, Thin athletic gloves to protect the hands。
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Influenced by these factors, David Belle finally created the parkour sport. After that , he and his friends created a first parkour organization called Yamakasi at the suburb of Lessees in Paris in 1988.
• “Life is danger”, no matter how hard we try, we cannot escape from this cruel fact. But we can do something right to control and decrease the danger.
In 2004, David belle directed a movie named The District 13. Through this movie , people all around know what the parkour is.
The first people, who introduce the parkour to China in 2006, is Hong Zhou, He also founded the China parkour official website.
In the beginning, parkour is played in western countries, such as France, Britain, America and so on. It got its popularity in the Britain in 2002.
Parkour does not only exercise the body, but also exercise the mental ,it has an influence on one's thought process. It improves one's critical thinking skills and help him overcome physical and mental obstacles in everyday life.
David Belle, the founder of the parkour, was trained to play as ninja when he was very young, jumping, running on the roofs of the school buildings. At the same time, David Belle was influenced by his father who was ever a soldier deeply.
• "hesitation causes fear" ,the moment when you are hesitating, you are thinking unnecessarily. You are assessing the situation, comparing and relating it to previous situations. This is the last thing you should do in Parkour.
Thank you~
Yize Du is regarded as the first people to organize the first parkour team named China parkour in Chphy of Parkour
• “free your mind”,trying not to think of the situation you are in, but merely trying to 'feel' your way through it, is fundamental to Parkour.
Parkour is an art, it can bring us good visual effects, but it’s not enough. Through a period of training, you can become stronger and stronger, good flexibility, good balance, good bounce, and can do some movements which you couldn’t do before. And you know how to cope with the dangerous situation.
The Definition of Parkour The Origin of Parkour The Philosophy of Parkour The Impacts of Parkour on people
Parkour is a kind of extreme sport emphasizing to show and challenge personal potential in body and mind. Parkour is the art of moving through your environment, using only your body and the surroundings to propel yourself. It includes running, jumping, climbing, even crawling .