神秘博士 演讲(课堂PPT)
![神秘博士 演讲(课堂PPT)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a9a3cc585022aaea998f0f92.png)
第1任博士【威廉·哈特内尔(William Hartnell)(1908-1975)】 [1963-1966](
【Richard Hurndall(1983年代替已经去世的哈特内尔出演20周年特别篇《五个博士》)】
• 表面看上去,1st是一个颤颤巍巍的 老头,但是他闪烁着笑意的狡黠的 眼睛已经出卖了他,1st对探索未知 如饥似渴。他和天体玩具制造商大 玩死亡游戏,尽情愚弄罗马皇帝、 蒙古军阀和法国革命者,并一次又 一次地和邪恶的机器人戴立克玩起 猫鼠游戏,在“第十行星”中,赛 博人企图窃取地球的能量来补充母 星“Mondas”,虽然最后因为能量 过载而导致赛博人和Mondas的毁灭 ,但是同样也严重损害了博士的健 康,将他的生命力降低到不得不重 生的地步,最后博士设法回到 TARDIS,开始了他的第一次重生。
1974年,英国《Radio Times》的3/4月读者来信专 栏刊登了三位《神秘博士》观众的来信,一位
批评如今剧中出现的怪兽太假,另一位抱怨 Dalek登场次数太多已经看厌,但是第三位的来 信却充满了乐观精神。
由于这个节目的观众数量很多,迅速成为英国的国家传统。在 多个故事中,很多著名演员要求或接受了邀请,客串该节目。 包括《哈利波特》和《梅林》里面的许多角色。这个节目广泛 吸引了儿童、家庭以及科幻迷观众。21世纪的复活版成为了 BBC One星期六的核心,并且“定义了频道”复活以后,《神秘 博士》始终获得了很高的评价,无论是收视率还是评价指数。 导演斯蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格评价说,“如果没有《神秘博士》,世 界将是个更逊的地方。” 在英国,Doctor Who现已成为英国流行文化不可分割的一部分。当 人们看到警察亭的时候,首先想到的是the TARDIS,而不是其显 示作用。 《神秘博士》至2013年已有50年的历史,下面有一个例子很好地体 现了《神秘博士》的源远流长 1974年,英国《Radio Times》的3/4月读者来信专栏刊登了三位 《神秘博士》观众的来信,一位批评如今剧中出现的怪兽太假, 另一位抱怨Dalek登场次数太多已经看厌,但是第三位的来信却 充满了乐观精神。 这位15岁男孩显然对上一期杂志给出的Dalek手动DIY小妙招很感兴 趣,“‘Dalek建构计划’无疑会去启发很多学校建设自己的 Dalek,”,少年兴致勃勃地写到,“谁知道呢,也许整个国家 可能会被一队学校Dalek侵略!” “不过不用怕,我们会有神秘博士来保护!”而那位男孩的名字叫: 彼得·卡帕尔蒂(Peter Capaldi)——巧合的是,39年之后,他成 为了第12任“神秘博士”的饰演者。
《神秘博士》前情提要......709集前外边北极风暴刮得厉害Quite an Arctic storm blowing out there.走吧波莉好孩子带上我的外套Come along, Polly, my child, with my cloak.-博士你的衣柜真是太棒了 -确实- Doctor, you've got the most fantastic wardrobe. - Yes. 我们不知道会在外边遇见什么We don't know what we're in for outside there.我想很快就会有人来拜访我们了Pretty soon we shall be having visitors.你不一样你没有情感You're different. You've got no feelings.我不懂"情感"这个词I do not understand that word.情绪爱自尊恨恐惧Emotions. Love, pride, hate, fear.你没有情感吗先生Have you no emotions, sir?你怎么了博士What's happened to you, Doctor?我想我这副年迈的身子不太行了I guess this old body of mine is wearing a bit thin.博士醒醒都结束了Doctor! Wakey, wakey, it's all over now.不No.还没有结束It isn't all over.离结束还早着呢It's far from being all over.你在说什么What are you talking about?我必须回到塔迪斯上I must get back to the TARDIS.很久以前在南极博士拒绝重生我不能这样我要和它抗争I can't go through with it. I will fight it.我不要改变I will not change.有人吗那边有人吗Hello? Is someone there?有人吗Hello?两次拒绝重生谁呀Who is that?我是博士I'm the Doctor.我可不这么认为Oh, I don't think so.不肯定不是No, dear me, no.你可能是一位博士You may be A Doctor,但我才叫博士but I am THE Doctor.最原版的你可以这样说The original, you might say.是你You!怎么会...是你How can it... Be you?我认识你吗先生Do I know you, sir?这里是南极我们在南极This is the South Pole! We're at the South Pole! 我们当然在你不知道吗Of course we are. Don't you know that?这里曾经发生了那件事This is where it happened.哪里发生了什么Where what happened?就是这里了...This is it...这是我第一次...The very first time that I...也是你是我们重生了Well, you, WE regenerated.你正处于重生过程中对吧You're mid-regeneration, aren't you?你的脸已经快撑不住了Your face, it's all over the place,但你还在努力撑下去but you're trying to hold it back.你怎么知道重生的你是时间领主吗What do you know of regeneration? Are you a Time Lord? 你知道我是谁你一定知道You know who I am. You must.你是来要回飞船的吗Have you come to take the ship back?飞船你还在叫她飞船The ship? You still call it a ship!天啊你对它做了什么Oh, dear, what have you done to it?-什么也没做啊 -这窗户...- Nothing. - The windows...-我不记得这事... -窗户没这么大- I don't remember this... - They're the wrong size!-我不记得抗拒过改变 -还有颜色...- I don't remember trying not to change. - The colour...-一定改了 -当时没有的- I'm sure it's changed! - Not back then.看看它它似乎扩大了Look at it. It seems to have... Expanded!这么多年它都是里面比外面大Well, it's all those years of bigger on the inside -你自己收腹个几十年试试you try sucking your tummy in that long.为什么你要抗拒重生Why are you trying not to regenerate?我有勇气且有权利I have the courage and the right以自己的身份活着与死去to live and die as myself.太晚了重生已经开始Too late, it's started.几分钟前你还虚弱得如同小猫不是吗A few minutes ago, you were weak as a kitten, right?现在你很健康我们两人都好得很Now you're fine. We're in a state of grace, both of us...但不会好多久我们要做出选择But it won't last long. We have a choice.要么我们变身活下去要么我们原样死去Either we change and go on - or we die as we are...但如果你如果你死在这里But if you, if you die here...如果你的未来从未发生If your future never happens,如果你不去完成你该做的事情if you don't do the things that you are supposed to do,后果就会是...the consequences could be...-雪 -雪怎么了- The snow? - The snow?你自己看Look at it!太奇特了How extraordinary.万物停止了Everything's stopped.但为什么But why?可能是因为我们也可能是因为别的Maybe it's us. Maybe it's something else...但不知怎的这次时间出了大问题But somehow, something has gone very wrong with time. 有人吗Hello?抱歉Sorry.真对不起So sorry.我想你们当中该不会有人是医生[博士]吧I don't suppose either of you is a doctor?你逗我呢You trying to be funny?神秘博士2017 圣诞特辑神秘博士二如往昔伊珀尔 1914年此时此刻我想说There is something I should like to say.我想说的是我此刻That is, there is something万分希望你能听懂我的话I should very much like you to understand.我一丁点都不想杀你I do not have the slightest desire to kill you.我之所以会杀你也是为了自卫The only reason I would do so is self-defence.然而你知道我可能因自卫杀你However, since you are aware I might kill you in self-defence, 那么你也有很大的可能会因为自卫杀了我there is the strong possibility you will kill me in self-defence. 我多么希望你能听懂英语Does rather make me wish you understood English.走吧放过我Lass mich einfach hier.我不想杀你求你走吧Ich will dich nicht toten, bitte geh.或者我会说德语Or that I spoke German.战争即地狱War is hell, eh?时间线错误出现时间线错误Timeline error. There is a timeline error.时间线错误出现时间线错误Timeline error. There is a timeline error.万物停止了Everything's stopped.但为什么But why?可能是因为我们也可能是因为别的Maybe it's us. Maybe it's something else...但不知怎的这次时间出了大问题But somehow, something has gone very wrong with time.有人吗Hello?抱歉真对不起Sorry. So sorry.我想你们当中该不会有人是医生[博士]吧I don't suppose either of you is a doctor?Are you trying to be funny?她来了她来了She's coming! She's coming!那是她It's her.我觉得不是人类Not human, I think.报上你的出生星球和你的目的State your planet of origin and your intentions. 这里是地球文明等级五级This is Earth. A level five civilisation.-这里有人保护 -这里什么- And it is protected. - It's what?好吧这话平时不管用的OK. That doesn't usually work.地球被谁保护Protected by whom?你年纪还小是吧Oh, it is early days, isn't it?容我提议为了你的安全May I suggest, for your own safety,你登上我的飞船吧you step on board my ship?什么船What ship?他是说进到那个盒子里去He means, get inside the box.从外面看有些小A little snug from this angle,但进去后你可能会大吃...but you might be in for a sur...我的塔迪斯看看我的塔迪斯My TARDIS! Look at my TARDIS!这不可能This is impossible!我被抢了吗Have I been burgled?它...可它...It's... But it's...太丑了里面比外面大Bigger on the inside than it is on the outside!我就觉得可能是这样...You know, I thought it probably was...很庆幸不光我这么想I'm glad it's not just me.这里是哪What is this place?这里是This place is,或说本该是我的塔迪斯or ought to be, my TARDIS.严格来说那才是你的塔迪斯Technically, that is your TARDIS.在那边20米外看见没It's about 70 feet that way, see?永远记住你停在哪儿了以后这事还多着呢Always remember where you parked, it's going to come up a lot. 这太疯狂了我疯了吗Is this madness? Am I going mad?疯Madness?你是第一次世界大战的军官身处南极Well, you're an officer from World War I, at the South Pole,被一位外星人以冻结时间的方式追赶being pursued by an alien through frozen time.再怎么疯狂也没这个爽Madness was never this good.第一次世界大战World War I?从你制♥服♥判断的没错Judging by the uniform, yes.是但为什么叫... 第一次Yes, but what do you mean... One?抱歉剧透了Oh, sorry. Spoilers.闲聊够了你是谁Enough of this! Who are you?你知道我是谁你看见我的那刻就知道了You know who I am. You knew the moment you saw me.我想让你别装傻了但我知道你要说什么I'd say stop being an idiot, but I kind of know what's coming. 我向你保证I assure you我完全不知道你是谁I do not have the faintest idea who you are!我知道你是谁Well, I know who you are.有人想解释一下到底发生了什么吗Is anyone going to explain what's going on?看吧Snap.你是我You are me?不不No! No!是的恐怕我就是你Yes, yes, I'm very much afraid so.我变成了你吗Do I become you?之前还跑偏了几次但最终你会变成我Well, there's a few false starts, but you get there in the end. 但我以为...But I thought...-什么 -我以为我会变...- What? - Well. I assumed, I'd get...年轻Younger.我比你年轻啊I am younger!那啥我觉得我没太跟上你们You know, I really don't think I'm completely following.天Oh, dear.你还在震惊中我来帮你Oh, you're in shock - let me help you.白兰地给他杯白兰地你有吧Brandy, get him brandy, do you have any?我在哪里留了一些I had some somewhere.-等下 -坐在这里孩子冷静下来- Hang on! - Sit down here, my boy, collect your wits.你们是谁Who are you people?我是博士[医生] 这位是我的...I am the Doctor, and this is my, um...这很复杂其实我也是一位...It's complicated, actually - I am also...我的护士My nurse.你说啥Excuse me?我知道这看着不太可能...I realise that seems a little improbable...-那当然 -因为他是个男人- Well, yes... - Because he's a man.-什么 -老男人同女人一样- What?! - Older gentlemen, like women,要物尽其用can be put to use.你不能你不能说这样的话You can't... You can't say things like that.我不能吗谁说不能的Can't I? Says who?你未来一生中Just about everyone you're遇到的所有人都说不能going to meet for the rest of your life.给你Here.你喝了我的白兰地吗Have you had some of this?我可能悄悄喝过一杯Well, you know, I may have snuck a glass在过去1500年的某一刻喝的at some point in the last 1,500 years -这些年太刺♥激♥了it's been rock and roll.给你这杯喝下去你会感觉好很多There you are, get this down you. You'll feel a lot better. 谢谢好的Thank you, yes.我真是一丁点都不明白I... I don't understand any of this.你当然明白我是未来的你Of course you understand. I am your future self.你真的是吗Are you, indeed?我想这里该是我的塔迪斯And I suppose this is meant to be my TARDIS?我们的塔迪斯Our TARDIS.这灯是怎么回事What's wrong with the lights?它就该这样It's supposed to be like this.-为什么 -营造氛围- Why? - It's atmospheric.营造氛围Atmospheric?这里是全宇宙最强大的时间空间穿梭机的This is the flight deck of the most powerful space-time machine 驾驶舱不是什么法国馆子in the known universe, not a restaurant for the French.我的天那是什么Good Lord, what is that?看看谁不小心把东西留在这里了呀Oh, look what someone has accidentally left here.我觉得这是某种吉他吧I say, it's some sort of guitar, isn't it?这是你的吗Oh, is it yours?它看着像是最近常常有人♥弹♥It appears to have been played quite recently.它是这里唯一干净的东西It's the only thing here that's been cleaned.实际上这里整个需要好好清扫一下In fact, this whole place could do with a good dusting.显然波莉不在了就没人打扫了Obviously Polly isn't around any more.求你了别再说这种言论了Please, please, please stop saying things like that.无法启动引擎Can't get the engines to start.有某种信♥号♥♥阻断了命令路径There's some kind of signal blocking the command path. 离开你的机舱Exit your capsule,亡者室恭候你们the Chamber of the Dead awaits you.我会修好引擎你让她继续说话I'll fix the engines, while you keep her talking.力场已开启Fields up.看看你周围Look around you.你站在亡者室中You stand in the Chamber of the Dead.这里的所有人都认识你You are known to all here,因为你是战争博士for you are the Doctor of War.博士没错但战争博士The Doctor, yes - but the Doctor of War?不可能从不是Never, ma'am, never.我们愿意给你一份礼物We offer you a gift.把在你塔迪斯上的人类还给我们Return to us the human on your TARDIS作为交换你可以再次同她交谈and in exchange, you may speak with her again.同谁交谈Speak with whom?年轻的女士你是谁Young lady, who are you?他在吗博士在吗Is he here? Is the Doctor here?博士Doctor!我就知道I knew it!我就知道I did, I knew it.我就知道你不会死你从没懂过专心I knew you couldn't be dead, you don't have the concentration. 博士Doctor?你在做什么What are you doing?站着别动拜托Just keep still, please.-比尔·伯茨 -是我- Bill Potts. - Yeah.我的朋友比尔·伯茨被改造成了赛博人My friend Bill Potts was turned into a Cyberman.她为让几乎不认识的人活下来献出了生命She gave her life so that people she barely knew could live.所以我要说清So, let's be clear.谁都不可装成比尔·伯茨Nobody imitates Bill Potts.谁都不可嘲弄比尔·伯茨Nobody mocks Bill Potts.比尔·伯茨就站在你面前Bill Potts is standing right in front of you.这怎么可能How is that even possible?简而言之我跟人亲亲了Long story short - I totally pulled.你...你什么You... You did what?海瑟你记得吗水洼女孩Heather - do you remember, the girl in the puddle?她出现了她来找我了She showed up, she came for me.多浪漫她在哪How romantic. Where is she?她在...Well, she's...她在...She's...你怎么过来的And how did you get here?我我记不...I... I... I can't...你记不起来了我猜你是记不起来了You can't remember. No, I bet you can't.那个装置是什么That device, what is it?音速起子A sonic screwdriver.什么起子A... A what screwdriver?你仿得真是非常逼真It's really a very good job.一个音频起子An audio screwdriver?只有三个低端记号♥There are only three low-key markers意味着她是个复♥制♥人indicating that she's a duplicate.我才不是I'm not a duplicate!那么是谁在偷走死者的面容呢So, who has been stealing the faces of the dead? 时间旅行技术显然Time travel technology, obviously.来自遥远的未来From the far future.我知道I know.墨镜Sunglasses?这可是音速墨镜They're sonic!在室内Indoors?那你到底是什么So, What are you?我们在每个生命的尽头等待We are what awaits at the end of every life.当每个活着的灵魂死去我们就会出现As every living soul dies, so we will appear.我们从你那里拿走需要的东西We take from you what we need然后送你回到你死去的那一刻and return you to the moment of your death.我们是证人We are...Testimony.你来自遥远的未来吗You come from the distant future?你回到过去You travel back in time,在人们死亡的那一刻找到他们然后呢find people on the exact point of death, and what?你从他们那里获得什么吗You harvest something from them?是的Yes.代表将死之人On behalf of the dying,我们有什么让未来如此渴求what is it that we have that the future needs so badly?这些又和一个一战上尉And what has any of this to do with a War World I captain在错误的时间点落地于南极有什么关联landing at the South Pole, in the wrong decade?我们正在将他送回他死亡的We were returning him to the appointed time指定时间和地点and place of his death.一个时间线错误将他抛进了错误的时间区An error in the timeline ejected him into the wrong time zone. 现在他必须按照历史进程死去Now his death must proceed as history demands.如果我可以的话If I may.你是谁Who were you?她什么人都不是She wasn't anyone.她是电脑生成的界面She's a computer-generated interface,与一个多平台多相数据库connected to a multiform, inter-phasing data-bank...老天Oh, for heaven's sake,你能把那个嗡嗡乱响的玩具拿开will you put that ridiculous buzzing toy away,仔细看看这个女子吗and look at the woman!你看出来了吗You see?她的脸有些许不对称Her face, it's very slightly asymmetrical.如果这是电脑生成的就不会有这种效果If it were computer-generated, it wouldn't produce that effect. 对你说的没错我早该注意到这点Yes. You're absolutely right. I should have noticed that.如果你不戴墨镜可能可以看的更清楚呢Well, it might help if you could see properly!抱歉博士Er...excuse me... Doctor!回去Get back inside!我不太确定但我觉得I'm not quite sure, but it seemed to me用我的命好像可以换来that this young lady's life was being offered这位年轻女士的命in exchange for my own.既然如此As it happens,我觉得反正我寿数将尽了I think my number is pretty much up anyway.-你在说什么呢 -博士他在说什么- What are you talking about? - Doctor, what's he talking about? 这样可能让这条命更有意义一点对吧So, might as well make it count for something, eh?我很高兴代替你I should be happy to take your place,如果这样能解决问题的话if that would resolve this situation.接受Accepted.不可能这绝不会发生的That is not happening. That's totally not happening.同意吗Agreed?那你告诉我该怎么做Tell me what to do, then.比尔·伯茨就会告诉我该怎么做Bill Potts would tell me what to do.坚持你一直在做的就好Do what you always do.为人类的幸福而服务Serve at the pleasure of the human race.那么马上要发生的是...Here's what's going to happen.首先我需要逃走First, I'm going to escape!你们跟着我You, with me!我们去哪儿Where are we going?逃跑是不可能的Escape is not possible.可能而且我们正在逃It is possible, and it is happening,我还要带上比尔和上尉and I'm taking Bill and the Captain with me.为什么你把意图公之于众Why are you advertising your intentions?你能消停一会吗Can't you stop boasting for a moment?也能带上糕点先生都是小意思Mr Pastry, too, I could do with a laugh.逃跑是不可能的Escape is not possible.我要做的可不只是逃跑Oh, I'm going to do way more than escape.我要查出你是谁你在做什么I'm going to find out who you are and what you're doing, 如果答案我不喜欢我会回来and if I don't like it, I will come back阻止你阻止你们所有人and I will stop you. I will stop all of you!你觉得你到底是什么大人物Who the hell do you think you are?博士The Doctor.我是博士I am the Doctor.至于你到底是哪个我无法想象Who you are, I cannot begin to imagine.那就让你看看博士看看你会变成谁Then let us show you, Doctor. See who you will become.博士消灭Doctor! Exterminate!你将被同化You will be assimilated.不不这不是个好主意No. No, that's not a good idea!他们都死了They all died.在所有的时空里博士都历经血战The Doctor has walked in blood through all of time and space. 博士有许多名字The Doctor has many names....世界的毁灭者...the destroyer of the world...潘多拉盒里的恶魔The Imp of the Pandorica,维利亚德的暗影the Shadow of the Valeyard,特兰泽罗的怪兽the Beast of Trenzalore,骷髅之月的屠夫the Butcher of Skull Moon,加森农最后的树the Last Tree of Garsennon,斯卡洛星的毁灭者the Destroyer of Skaro.他就是战争博士He is the Doctor of War.那...那是什么What... what was that?凭良心说他们把有趣的事都剪掉了To be fair, they cut out all the jokes.我做什么你们就立马学我做Do what I do when I do it.跳Jump!决不能让他们逃跑They are not escaping.跳Jump!我们现在怎么办What do we do now?跑Run!跑哪儿去他们抢走了塔迪斯Where? They've got the TARDIS.没错他们肯定会这么以为的Yes, that's exactly what they're supposed to think. 不过他们真的抢走了塔迪斯看啊But they do, though, look!他们抢走的是我的塔迪斯They've got my TARDIS.交给你了老家伙Over to you, Mary Berry.来吧Come on.博士那是不是...另一台塔迪斯Doctor, is that...another TARDIS?不不是这是同一台塔迪斯的另一版本No, no. It's another of the same TARDIS.等会儿窗户的尺寸不对Hang on, the windows are the wrong size!进去快点Inside, quickly!马上起飞到深空去哪里都行Take off, now! Deep space, anywhere!我跟你说这些个警亭I tell you what, these police boxes -真是棒极了是不是they're ever so good, aren't they?导航系统无法♥正♥常工作The navigation systems don't function properly. 我无法精确地控制我们的航线I'm unable to program our flight with any accuracy. 那么亲爱的你是跟他一起旅行的吧So, my dear, I presume you travel with him.以前是还真有点怀念Used to. Kind of miss it.他可是真的很想念你啊Well, he clearly misses you.他那艘船可是急需来一场大扫除啊That ship of his is in dire need of a good spring clean. 不不不闭嘴住口别说了No, no, no, stop, stop, stop talking.看看看看这张星图Look, look, look, look at the astral map!这些小亮点一闪一闪真可爱啊快看Look at all the lovely blinking lights, look at that.他是你He's you!对不对他就是你He is, isn't he? He's you.他是你过去的一张脸孔He's one of your old faces.我好像又有点跟不上节奏了你们...I'm find I'm lagging behind a tiny bit again. You...怎么又来了我禁止你戴墨镜Not those again, I forbid it!就是这个我猜对了不对称There you go, I was right. Asymmetrical.那是我说的I said that.有什么区别Same difference.如果她的面孔是以某个人类为原型的If her face was based on a human original,或许找出这人的身份perhaps identifying who that was能让我们了解证人是怎么回事will tell us what we need to know about Testimony. 我为什么要戴这个Why am I wearing these?因为我喜欢戴上就摘不下来Because I love it. Never take those off."浏览器历史记录"是什么What's "Browser history"?我试着在塔迪斯的数据库里寻找与她匹配的脸I'm trying to match her face in the TARDIS data bank, 但你这库里几乎啥也没有but there's hardly anything in it yet.我们需要个更大的数据库We need a bigger database.伽里弗雷的矩阵或许可以Possibly the Matrix on Gallifrey.不我们需要比矩阵还大的数据库No. We need something bigger than the Matrix.所以我们基本就是要追查那位玻璃女士是吗So basically, we're trying to track the glass lady, yes? 基本上是Basically.长相醒目的生物A striking looking creature.她还挺漂亮的不是吗Quite beautiful, really, isn't she?是如果你喜欢玻璃做的女人的话Yeah, if you like ladies made of glass.所有的女人不都是玻璃做的吗Well, aren't all ladies made of glass, in a way?说得好先生说得好Very good, sir, very good.好吗Are we now?亲爱的Oh, my dear.希望没有冒犯到你不过I hope it doesn't offend you to know我对女人可是有些经验的that I have some experience of the fairer sex.我也是Me too.老天爷啊Good Lord.我们在哪儿Where are we?然而你掌好了舵你完美地驾驶了塔迪斯But you steered the ship, you piloted her perfectly. 我们正处在宇宙的正中心We are at the very centre of the universe.外面是宇宙中的所有生命中Out there is the most comprehensive database最全面的数据库of all life anywhere.现在只有一个小问题There is just one little problem.是什么Which is?这数据库想杀了我It wants to kill me.维勒佳德的武器铸造厂The Weapon Forges of Villengard.曾经是七大星系的噩梦Once the nightmare of the seven galaxies.现在是被驱逐者的家园Now home to the dispossessed.我感觉那边有什么东西在动I say, I think there's something moving over here. 请让开Step away, please.应该只是老鼠我都已经习惯了Probably just rats, I'm used to rats.深呼吸深呼吸Deep breaths, deep breaths.呼吸上尉没事了Just breathe, captain, you'll be fine.那个生物看起来很眼熟That creature, it looked familiar.它有一点变异但你应该很熟悉It's mutated a bit, but, yes, I should think it did.来吧小伙子没事了Come along, my dear chap, you'll be fine.送他回到塔迪斯里去Get him into the TARDIS.那些是什么东西What are those things?他们就是我们来这里的原因What we came here for.宇宙中最大的数据库The biggest database in the galaxy.他们一会就会平静下来They'll settle down in a moment.我们是要和他们直接对话吗So, do we talk to them?问他们问题吗我们该怎么做Ask them questions, how does it work?"我们"什么都不做而是我去"We" don't do anything. I do.不不不不Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no!-你去塔迪斯里面等着 -为什么- You're going to wait in the TARDIS. - Why?因为我需要你去照顾上尉Because you need to look after the captain.你骗人你觉得我是复♥制♥的是个骗局You're lying. You think I'm a duplicate, a trick.我不知道我该怎么想I don't know what I think.但是哪怕有一点点可能比尔·伯茨还活着But if there is the slightest chance that Bill Potts is alive并且站在我面前and standing in front of me,那么无论在什么情况下then I will not, under any circumstances,我都不会再让她去冒险put her life in danger again.真的吗Seriously?你这样看着我却不知道我就在这里You're looking right at me and you don't even know I'm here. 是的Correct.我希望你能尊重这一点并且尊重我...I ask you to respect that, and respect me...你是个混♥蛋♥ 你知道吗You're an arse. Do you know that?你是个...你就是个该死的混♥蛋♥You're a... You're a stupid bloody arse....就像我永远都尊重你一样..As I have always respected you.如果再让我听见你说脏话小姑娘If I hear any more language like that from you, young lady, 你就要被打屁屁了you're in for a jolly good smacked bottom.我们能假装刚刚什么都没有发生吗Can we just pretend that that never happened?我是个思想开放的女生I'm a broad-minded girl我知道我们有一种I mean, I know we have教授和学生之间的暧昧this whole professor/student thing going on...我们能不能永远不要再提这个了Can we never, ever talk about this again?我倒是希望能经常聊起这事I hope we talk about it loads.我希望这件事能让我们笑很多年I hope we spend years laughing about it.活着回来Come back alive.希望我回来后还能见到你Be here when I do.再来一杯白兰地吗Perhaps another nip of brandy?原来酒就是这么少掉的So that's where it went.我来照顾他I'll look after him.好姑娘交给你了Good girl, quite right.小姑娘我不希望同样的话说第二遍Now, young lady, I don't want to have to repeat myself.我和你想法一致I don't think any of us want that.我们一会见I'll see you both presently.要喝白兰地吗Brandy?谢谢Please.这些生物他们是什么These creatures, what are they?是我们的老朋友他们现在没有在壳里Old friends of ours, but they've really come out of their shell. 没有在壳里...Out of their shell...你还好吗Are you all right?我一会就没事了I'll be fine in a moment.你怎么了What's the matter?我几个小时前死了但是我拒绝重生I died a few hours ago, then I refused to regenerate.它总会缠上你就像是午饭吃多了一样It catches up with you, you know, it's like a big lunch.我也是这么做的I did exactly the same.我知道你也这么做了但为什么I know you did, but why?我不记得了为什么你拒绝重生I don't remember this, why are you refusing the regeneration? 恐惧Fear.我很害怕非常非常害怕I'm afraid. Very, very afraid.我通常不会把这个告诉别人I don't normally admit that to anyone else.别担心理论上你并没有告诉别人Don't worry, technically, you still haven't.你为什么拒绝重生Why are you?那个塔里面有什么东西There's something in that tower!肯定是我的朋友Must be my friend.你为什么说他是你的朋友Why are you calling him your friend?他有厉害的武器难道你觉得我应该骂他吗He's got a great big gun, are you suggesting I insult him?扫描我来吧扫描我Scan me, go on. Scan me.因为我给你带来了大新闻Because I've got big news for you.我要死了I'm dying.你看是真的You see, it's true.要死了Dying.诚实点Now. Be honest with yourself.难道你不想近距离围观我的死亡吗Wouldn't you like to see that up close?来吧我们走琼斯下士Come on, up and at 'em, Corporal Jones.有趣在战壕里面我一点都不怕死Funny thing. I wasn't afraid in the crater.我当然不想死One doesn't want to die, of course,但我已经调整好心态but one gets in a certain frame of mind,做好了准备可以去面对死亡了one pulls oneself together, and gets on with the matter in hand. 当然这会令克罗默的所有人都很无法接受Big shock for everyone back in Cromer, of course.你有家人You have family?我的妻子会想念我很正常My wife will miss me, that's perfectly natural...不过她是个坚强的女人非常坚强..But she's a solid woman. Remarkably solid.我的孩子们And my boys...孩子早晚要离开父亲独自生活的Well, sons are supposed to move on from their fathers,这是正常成长it's the proper way.当然了Of course.问题是我觉得自己被救了Trouble is, I thought I'd been rescued.。
Ladies and Gentlemen,Good morning/afternoon/evening. It is a great honor to stand before you today and share my thoughts on the crucial role that PhD students play in advancing science and society. As we navigate through an era of rapid technological advancements and global challenges, the contribution of PhD students is more significant than ever. I would like to explore the various aspects of their contributions and how we can foster an environment that encourages their growth and innovation.Introduction:(100 words)In today's rapidly evolving world, the pursuit of knowledge and discovery is paramount. PhD students, as the backbone of academic research, are at the forefront of this quest. Their dedication, perseverance, and innovative thinking have the potential to shape the future of science and society. In this speech, I will discuss the significance of PhD students in advancing science, their contributions to society, and the challenges they face. Additionally, I will propose some strategies to support and empower these future leaders in research.The Significance of PhD Students in Advancing Science:(400 words)1. Bridging the Gap between Theoretical Knowledge and Practical Application:PhD students are the bridge between the theoretical knowledge developed in classrooms and the practical applications that benefit society. Their research often addresses complex problems that require innovative solutions. By conducting rigorous experiments and analyses, they contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge and the development of new technologies.2. Generating New Discoveries and Innovations:PhD students are at the forefront of scientific discovery. Through their research, they uncover new phenomena, validate existing theories, and contribute to the development of groundbreaking technologies. Their work has the potential to revolutionize various fields, from medicine to engineering, and from environmental science to physics.3. Fostering Interdisciplinary Collaboration:The interdisciplinary nature of modern research requires PhD students to collaborate across different disciplines. This collaboration leads to the integration of diverse perspectives and expertise, which isessential for tackling complex problems and fostering innovation.The Contributions of PhD Students to Society:(400 words)1. Improving Public Health:PhD students in the field of medicine and public health are instrumental in developing new treatments, vaccines, and diagnostic tools. Their research has the potential to save millions of lives and improve the quality of life for individuals worldwide.2. Addressing Environmental Challenges:PhD students in environmental science and engineering are crucial in finding sustainable solutions to environmental challenges, such as climate change, pollution, and resource depletion. Their research can lead to the development of cleaner technologies and more sustainable practices.3. Advancing Technology and Innovation:PhD students in engineering, computer science, and other technological fields are responsible for developing new technologies that can improve our daily lives. From artificial intelligence to renewable energy, their work has the potential to revolutionize various industries and create new job opportunities.Challenges Faced by PhD Students:(200 words)Despite the significant contributions of PhD students, they face several challenges that can hinder their growth and success. These challenges include:1. Funding and Financial Stability: Many PhD students struggle with financial stability due to limited funding opportunities and the high cost of education.2. Work-Life Balance: The demanding nature of PhD studies often leads toa lack of work-life balance, which can negatively impact mental and physical health.3. Academic Pressure: The pressure to publish, obtain grants, and excel in research can lead to stress and burnout.Strategies to Support and Empower PhD Students:(200 words)To ensure that PhD students can fully contribute to science and society, we must address the challenges they face. Here are some strategies to support and empower them:1. Increase Funding and Financial Aid: Governments, universities, and private organizations should provide more funding and financial aid to PhD students to alleviate financial stress.2. Promote Work-Life Balance: Institutions should create a supportive environment that encourages PhD students to maintain a healthy work-life balance.3. Provide Mentorship and Career Development Opportunities: Establishing mentorship programs and offering career development workshops can help PhD students navigate their academic and professional journeys.Conclusion:(100 words)In conclusion, PhD students play a vital role in advancing science and society. Their dedication, perseverance, and innovative thinking are essential for addressing the challenges we face today. By supporting and empowering PhD students, we can ensure that they continue to make significant contributions to the betterment of our world.Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to a lively discussion on this important topic.[Your Name]。
神秘博士 Doctor Who S4 E10
![神秘博士 Doctor Who S4 E10](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e42820768e9951e79b89275e.png)
DW S04×10Gentle music plays, as there is an exterior view of the glistening, luxurious planet Midnight. Zooms into a sunbathing lounge with a pool, Donna lying lazily on the chair. A butler brings the ringing phone over to Donna, who answers it as the butler walks away.DONNA I said, no!Cuts to the Doctor on the other end of a public phone.DOCTOR Sapphire waterfall - it’s a waterfall made of sapphires! (cuts back to Donna who is smiling cheekily) This enormous jewel, size of a glacier, reaches the Cliffs of Oblivion, and then shatters into sapphires at the edge - they fall 100,000 feet into a crystal ravine.DONNA I bet you say that to all the girls.DOCTOR Oh, come on! They’re boarding now! It’s no fun if I see it on my own. Four hours, that’s all it takes.DONNA No, that’s four hours there and four hours back, it’s like a school trip. I’d rather go sunbathing. DOCTOR You be careful, that’s Xtonic sunlight.DONNA Oh, I’m safe. It says in the brochure this glass is fifteen feet thick.DOCTOR All right, I give up. I’ll be back for dinner, we’ll try that anti-gravity restaurant. With bibs. DONNA That's a date. Well, not a date. Oh, you know what I mean. Oh get off!DOCTOR See you later.DONNA Oi! You be careful, all right?DOCTOR Nah. Taking a big space truck with a bunch of strangers across a diamond planet called Midnight - what could possibly go wrong?He hangs the phone up.***OPENING CREDITS***The Doctor is on the shuttle, watching the last passengers board. The Hostess is talking to a woman, Sky, who sits near the Doctor.HOSTESS Complimentary juice pack and complimentary...SKY Just the headphones, please.HOSTESS There you go.She moves to the Doctor and starts to hand him things.HOSTESS That's the headphones for Channels 1 to 36; modem link for 3D vidgames; complimentary earplugs; complimentary slippers; complimentary juice pack; and complimentary peanuts. I must warn you some products may contain nuts.DOCTOR That'll be the peanuts.HOSTESS Enjoy your trip.DOCTOR Oh, I can't wait! Allons-y!HOSTESS I'm sorry?DOCTOR It's French, for let's go!HOSTESS Fascinating.She moves to the people sitting in the row behind the Doctor: Professor Hobbes and his young assistant Dee Dee.HOSTESS Headphones for channels 1-36...PROFESSOR HOBBES Oh no, thank you, not for us!DEE DEE Earplugs, please.HOSTESS There you go.PROFESSOR HOBBES(to Dee Dee) They call it a sapphire waterfall, but it's no such thing, sapphire's an aluminium oxide, but the glacier is just a compound silica with iron pigmentation!Camera shifts to the Hostess talking to a middle-aged couple, Biff and Val.HOSTESS plimentary juice pack and complimentary peanuts.VAL Thank you.PROFESSOR HOBBES Have you got that pillow for my neck?DEE DEE Yes, sir.PROFESSOR HOBBES And the pills?The camera returns to the Professor and Dee Dee.DEE DEE Yes, all measured out for you, there you go.The Doctor looks at the Professor and Dee Dee over the back of his seat.PROFESSOR HOBBES Hobbes! Professor Winfold Hobbes!DOCTOR I'm the Doctor, hello!They shake hands.PROFESSOR HOBBES It's my 14th time!DOCTOR Oh! My first.DEE DEE And I'm Dee Dee, Dee Dee Blasco.She shakes the Doctor's hand too.PROFESSOR HOBBES Now don't bother the man! Where's my water bottle?HOSTESS(talking to Jethro, a young man who sits away from his parents Biff and Val) ... complimentary slippers, complimentary juice pack, and complimentary peanuts, I must warn you some products may contain nuts.VAL Don't be silly, come and sit with us. Look! We get slippers!BIFF Jethro! Do what your mother says.JETHRO I'm sitting here.BIFF Oh, he's ashamed of us. But he doesn't mind us paying, does he?VAL Oh, don't you two start. Should I save the juice pack or have it now? Look, peach and clementine! The Hostess walks to the front of the shuttle to address all passengers.HOSTESS Ladies and gentlemen and variations thereupon, welcome on board the Crusader 50, if you would fasten your seatbelts, we'll be leaving any moment. Doors!Doors seal automatically.HOSTESS Shields down!Shields descend in front of the windows.HOSTESS I'm afraid the view is shielded until we reach the Waterfall Palace. Also, a reminder, Midnight has no air, so please don't touch the exterior door seals. Fire exit at the rear, and should we need to use it... you first.She laughs at the absurd idea.HOSTESS Now I will hand you over to Driver Joe.DRIVER JOE(over intercom) Driver Joe at the wheel! There's been a diamondfall at the Winter Witch Canyon, so we'll be taking a slight detour, as you'll see on the map. (a map is shown on a screen) The journey covers 500 kliks to the Multifaceted Coast, duration is estimated at four hours. Thank you for travelling with us, and as they used to say in the olden days, wagons roll!Engines accelerate and the shuttle starts to move.HOSTESS For your entertainment, we have the Music Channel playing retrovids of Earth Classics. She pushes a key on her remote, screens appear in front of each passenger, they show Raffaello Cara singing "Do It Do It Again".HOSTESS Also, the latest artistic installation from Ludovico Klein.She pushes another key to start a hologram show.HOSTESS Plus, for the youngsters, a rare treat - the Animation Archives.She turns on a projector that shows old cartoons.HOSTESS Four hours of funtime! Enjoy!Everything going simultaneously, it all ends up as a terrible cacophony that nobody but Val and Biff enjoy. The Doctor uses the sonic screwdriver to stop it.PROFESSOR HOBBES Well, that's a mercy!HOSTESS I do apologise, ladies and gentlemen and variations thereupon. We seem to had a failure of the Entertainment System...DOCTOR Ooh.VAL But what do we do?!BIFF We've got four hours of this! Four hours of just... sitting here?DOCTOR Tell you what! We'll have to talk to each other instead!He grins at the passengers who seem to find this a weird idea.***98 KLIKS LATER...People are laughing, having a great time telling stories, except Sky who sits apart from the rest reading a book, and Jethro who seems rather embarrassed by his parents.VAL So Biff said, "I'm going swimming".BIFF Oh, I was all ready, trunks and everything! Nose plug!VAL He had this little nose plug, you should've seen him.BIFF And I went marching up to the lifeguard, and he was a Shamboni, you know, those big foreheads?VAL Great big forehead!BIFF And I said, where's the pool? And he said...BIFF & VAL "The pool is abstract!"VAL It wasn't a real pool!BIFF It was a concept!DOCTOR And you wore a nose plug!BIFF I was like this! (pinching his nose) Mmm...where's the pool?Everyone burst out laughing again.***150 KLIKS LATER...The Doctor and Dee Dee are in the galley.DEE DEE I'm just a second-year student, but I wrote a paper on the Lost Moon of Poosh, Professor Hobbes read it, liked it, took me on as a researcher. Just for the holidays. Well, I say researcher, most of the time he's got me fetching and carrying. But it's all good experience!DOCTOR And did they ever find it?DEE DEE Find what?DOCTOR The Lost Moon of Poosh!DEE DEE(laughing) Oh no! Not yet!DOCTOR Well, maybe that'll be your great discovery, one day. Here's to Poosh!He lifts his coffee cup.DEE DEE Poosh!***209 KLIKS LATERThe Doctor is sitting beside Sky, just having had their meals served.DOCTOR No, no, I'm with this friend of mine, Donna, she stayed behind in the Leisure Palace. You? SKY No, it's just me.DOCTOR Oh, I've done plenty of that. Travelling on my own. I love it. Do what you want! Go anywhere! SKY No, I'm still getting used to it. I've... found myself single rather recently, not by choice.DOCTOR What happened?SKY Oh, the usual. She needed her own space, as they say. A different galaxy, in fact. I reckon that's enough space, don't you?DOCTOR Yeah... I had a friend who went to a different universe.SKY Oh, what's this, chicken or beef?DOCTOR(examining a piece on his fork) I think it's both.***251 KLIKS LATER...Professor Hobbes is showing his slides to the other passengers.PROFESSOR HOBBES So, this is Midnight, d'you see? Bombarded by the sun! Xtonic rays, raw galvanic radiation. Dee Dee, next slide! (she switches to the next slide) It's my pet project. Actually, I'm the first person to research this. Because you see... the history is fascinating, because there is no history. There's no life in this entire system, there couldn't be. Before the Leisure Palace Company moved in, no-one had come here in all eternity. No living thing.JETHRO But how d'you know? I mean, if no-one can go outside...VAL Oh, his imagination! Here we go!DOCTOR He's got a point, though.PROFESSOR HOBBES Exactly! We look upon this world through glass. Safe inside our metal box. Even the Leisure Palace was lowered down from orbit. And here we are now, crossing Midnight, but never touching it.There's a rattling then the engines go silent.VAL We've stopped. Have we stopped?BIFF Are we there?DEE DEE We can't be, it's too soon.PROFESSOR HOBBES They don't stop, Crusader vehicles never stop.HOSTESS If you could just... return to your seats, it's... just a small delay.Just as confused as her passengers, she goes to the intercom to talk with the driver.BIFF Maybe just a pit stop.HOSTESS (talking to the driver via intercom) What's going on?PROFESSOR HOBBES There's no pit to stop in, I've been on this expedition 14 times, they never stop.SKY Well evidently, we have stopped, so there's no point in denying it.JETHRO(laughing) We've broken down!VAL Thanks, Jethro.JETHRO In the middle of nowhere!BIFF That's enough, now stop it!HOSTESS Ladies and gentlemen and variations thereupon, we're just experiencing a short... delay, the driver needs to stabilise the engine feeds. It's perfectly routine, so if you could just stay in your seats... The Doctor walks towards the driver's cabin.HOSTESS No, I'm sorry sir, I... could you please...DOCTOR There you go, engine expert! Two ticks!He opens the door and enters the cockpit.HOSTESS Sorry sir, if you could just sit down! You're not supposed to be in there...The doors closes behind the Doctor.DRIVER JOE Sorry, if you could return to your seat, sir...DOCTOR Company insurance, let's see if we can get an early assessment. So, what's the problem, Driver Joe?DRIVER JOE We're stabilising the engine feeds, won't take long.DOCTOR Um, no, cos that's the engine feed, that light there, and it's fine, and it's a micropetrol engine, so stabilising doesn't really make sense, does it? Sorry! I'm the Doctor, I'm very clever. So, what's wrong?MECHANIC CLAUDE We just stopped, look, all systems fine and everything's working, but we're not moving.DOCTOR(checking with the sonic) Yeah you're right. No faults. And who are you?MECHANIC CLAUDE Claude, I'm the mechanic. Trainee.DOCTOR Nice to meet you.DRIVER JOE I've sent a distress signal. They should dispatch a rescue truck, top speed.DOCTOR How long till they get here?DRIVER JOE About an hour.DOCTOR Well, since we're waiting... shall we take a look outside? Just... lift the screens a bit? DRIVER JOE It's 100% Xtonic out there, we'd be vaporised.DOCTOR No, those windows are Finitoglass, they'd give you a couple of minutes. Go on! Live a little! Driver Joe gives in and raises the shields. The three of them look the landscape in awe.DOCTOR Ohhh, that is beautiful...MECHANIC CLAUDE Look at all those diamonds! Poisoned by the sun. No-one can ever touch them. DOCTOR Joe, you said we took a detour?DRIVER JOE Just about 40 kliks to the west.DOCTOR Is that a recognised path?DRIVER JOE No, it's a new one, the computer worked it out, on automatic.DOCTOR So we're the first? This piece of ground. No-one's ever been here before. Not in the whole of recorded history.MECHANIC CLAUDE Did you just...? No, sorry, it's... nothing.DOCTOR What did you see?MECHANIC CLAUDE Just there. That ridge. Like... like a shadow. Just, just for a second.DOCTOR What sort of shadow?An alarm sounds.DRIVER JOE Xtonic rising! Shields down.MECHANIC CLAUDE Look, look, there it is, there it is, look, there!DOCTOR Where?! What was it?MECHANIC CLAUDE Like, just, something... shifting, something sort of... dark. Like it was...running. DOCTOR Running which way?MECHANIC CLAUDE Towards us...DRIVER JOE Right, Doctor, back to your seat and not a word, rescue's on its way. If you could close the door, thank you.The Doctor returns to the passenger cabin.SKY What did they say? Did they tell you? What is it, what's wrong?DOCTOR Oh, just stabilising, happens all the time.SKY I don't need this. I'm on a schedule. This is completely unnecessary!HOSTESS Back to your seats, thank you.She goes to the cockpit while the Doctor and Sky return to their seats.DEE DEE(low voice) Excuse me, Doctor, but they're micropetrol engines, aren't they? PROFESSOR HOBBES Now, don't bother the man.DEE DEE My father was a mechanic. Micropetrol doesn't stabilise, what does 'stabilise' mean? DOCTOR Well. Bit of flim-flam. Don't worry, they're sorting it out.PROFESSOR HOBBES So it's not the engines?DOCTOR It's just a little pause, that's all.PROFESSOR HOBBES How much air have we got?DEE DEE Professor, it's fine.VAL What did he say?DOCTOR Nothing!VAL Are we running out of air?PROFESSOR HOBBES I was just speculating...The Hostess returns from the driver's cabin.BIFF Is that right, miss? Are we running out of air?VAL Is that what the Captain said?HOSTESS If you could all just remain calm...VAL How much air have we got?JETHRO Mum, just stop it.HOSTESS I assure you, everything is under control.BIFF Well, doesn't look like it to me!VAL Well, he said it.DEE DEE ... it's fine, the air is on a circular filter...VAL ... he started it...All talk at once, panicked.DOCTOR Everyone...They keep shouting.DOCTOR Shhh shhh shhh... QUIET!Silence falls.DOCTOR Thank you. Now, if you'd care to listen to my good friend Dee Dee...DEE DEE Oh! Um... it's just that... well, the air's on a circular filter so... we could stay breathing for ten years.DOCTOR There you go! And I've spoken to the Captain, I can guarantee you, everything's fine.They hear two loud knocks on the wall of the shuttle.VAL What was that?PROFESSOR HOBBES It must be the metal. We're cooling down, it's just settling...DEE DEE Rocks. Could be rocks falling.BIFF What I want to know is, how long do we have to sit here.The double knocking is repeated on a different part of the shuttle.SKY What is that?VAL Is someone out there?PROFESSOR HOBBES Now, don't be ridiculous!DEE DEE Like I said, it could be rocks.HOSTESS We're out in the open. Nothing could fall against the sides.Again, two knocks on the wall.DOCTOR Knock knock.JETHRO Who is there?SKY Is there something out there? Well? Anyone?Knocking again.SKY What the hell is making that noise?PROFESSOR HOBBES I'm sorry, but the light out there is Xtonic, that means it would destroy any living thing, in a split-second. It is impossible for someone to be outside.The knocking is repeated again - always two knocks.SKY Well, what the hell is that, then?!The Doctor goes to the wall where they heard the last knocks from, and uses a stethoscope to hear what's outside.HOSTESS Sir! You really should get back to your seat.DOCTOR Hello?Now, the knocking comes from the fire exit at the rear.JETHRO It's moving...There's a rattling from the door, like something is trying to get it open.VAL It's trying the door!PROFESSOR HOBBES There is no 'it', there's nothing out there. Can't be.The thing tries again with the door, then it goes around - always double knocks, from the roof then from the side door.VAL That's the entrance. Can it get in?DEE DEE No, that door's on two hundred weight of hydraulics.PROFESSOR HOBBES Stop it. Don't encourage them.DEE DEE What do you think it is?Biff goes to the door.VAL Biff, don't...DOCTOR Mr Cane, better not...BIFF Nah, it's cast iron, that door...Biff knocks on the door three times - and the thing outside repeats with three knocks.VAL Three times! Did you hear that, it did it three times?!JETHRO It answered!VAL It did it three times!DOCTOR All right, all right, all right, everyone, calm down.SKY No, but it answered, it... answered, don't tell me that thing's not alive, it answered him!Three knocks again.HOSTESS I really must insist, you get back to your seats!SKY No! Don't just stand there telling us the rules! You're the hostess, you're supposed to do something!The Doctor goes to the door and knocks four times - and in repeat, the thing knocks four times too. SKY(yelling in total panic) What is it, what the hell's making that noise? She said she'd get me. Stop it, make it stop, somebody make it stop! Don't just stand there looking at me, it's not my fault, he started it with his stories...DEE DEE Calm down!SKY ... and he made it worse...VAL You're not helping!SKY ...why couldn't you leave it alone? Stop staring at me! Just tell me what the hell it is!DEE DEE Calm down!The knocking becomes continuous. In panic, Sky backs towards the cockpit door.SKY It's coming for me, ohh it's coming for me, it's coming for me... It's coming for me! It's coming for me!She screams. The Doctor moves towards her, warning.DOCTOR Get out of there!The whole shuttle rocks, lights go out and sparkles fly. The people fall over screaming, then gasp and groan in the darkness as the shuttle stops moving.BIFF(holding Val tight) All right? OK.DOCTOR Argh... Arms. Legs. Neck. Head. Nose. I'm fine... Everyone else?On a screen behind the Doctor, Raffaella Cara continues singing. Then for a few seconds she is replaced by Rose, mouthing "Doctor!". But her voice can't be heard and she disappears again, unnoticed.DOCTOR How are we, everyone all right?PROFESSOR HOBBES Earthquake, must be...DEE DEE But that's impossible, the ground is fixed, it's solid.HOSTESS We've got torches, everyone, take a torch, they're in the back of the seats.They find the torches and start looking around.VAL Oh, Jethro, sweetheart, come here...JETHRO Never mind me, what about her?In the front of the shuttle, Sky is sitting motionless among ruined seats, her back to the others.VAL What happened to the seats?BIFF Who did that?VAL They've been ripped up.DOCTOR(soothing, to Sky) It's all right, it's all right, it's all right, it's over. We're still alive... Look, the wall's still intact. D'you see?He points his torch at the wall in front of Sky - there's a dent in it but it's not broken. The Hostess is trying to reach the driver via intercom.HOSTESS Joe, Claude?DOCTOR (to Sky) We're safe.HOSTESS Driver Joe, can you hear me? I'm not getting any response, the intercom must be down. She opens the cockpit door and bright light blinds everyone. They scream until the Hostess closes the door.VAL What happened? What was that?BIFF Is it the driver? Have we lost the driver?HOSTESS The cabin's gone.PROFESSOR HOBBES Don't be ridiculous. It can't be gone, how can it be gone?DEE DEE Well, but you saw it!HOSTESS There was nothing there, like it was ripped away.The Doctor is fiddling on a panel in the front wall with the sonic.BIFF What are you doing?He points his torch at the Doctor.DOCTOR That's better, bit of light, thank you. Molto bene!VAL D'you know what you're doing?BIFF The cabin's gone, you'd better leave that wall alone.PROFESSOR HOBBES The cabin can't be gone!DOCTOR No, it's safe, any rupture would automatically seal itself... (taking off the panel) But something sliced it off. You're right. The cabin's gone.HOSTESS But if it gets separated...DOCTOR It loses integrity. I'm sorry, they've been reduced to dust. The driver and the mechanic. But they sent a distress signal. Help is on its way. They saved our lives! We're gonna get out of here, I promise. We're still alive, and they're gonna find us.JETHRO Doctor. Look at her.He is watching Sky who still sits in the same position, her back to the others.DOCTOR Right, yes, sorry... Have we got a medical kit?JETHRO Why won't she turn around?DOCTOR What's her name?HOSTESS Silvestry. Mrs Sky Silvestry.DOCTOR Sky? Can you hear me? (he crouches down to her) Are you all right? Can you move, Sky? Just look at me.JETHRO That noise, from the outside...VAL What of it?JETHRO It's stopped.VAL Well, thank God for that.JETHRO But what if it's not outside anymore? What if it's inside?VAL Inside? Where?JETHRO(looking at Sky) It was heading for her.DOCTOR Sky...it's all right, Sky. I just want you to turn around, face me.Slowly, she turns around and stares at the Doctor with wide eyes, looking like a wild animal caught in torchlight.DOCTOR Sky?SKY Sky?DOCTOR Are you all right?SKY Are you all right?DOCTOR Are you hurt?SKY Are you hurt?DOCTOR You don't have to talk.SKY You don't have to talk.DOCTOR I'm trying to help.SKY I'm trying to help.DOCTOR My name's the Doctor.SKY My name's the Doctor.DOCTOR OK, can you stop?SKY OK, can you stop?DOCTOR I'd like you to stop.SKY I'd like you to stop.PROFESSOR HOBBES Why's she doing that?SKY(turning towards him) Why's she doing that?BIFF She's gone mad.SKY She's gone mad.VAL Stop it.SKY Stop it.VAL I said stop it!SKY I said stop it!DEE DEE I don't think she can.SKY I don't think she can.PROFESSOR HOBBES All right, now stop it, this isn't funny.SKY All right, now stop it, this isn't funny.DOCTOR Sh, sh, sh, all of you.SKY Sh, sh, sh, all of you.JETHRO(looking amused) My name's Jethro!SKY My name's Jethro!DOCTOR Jethro, leave it, just shut up!SKY Jethro, leave it, just shut up!DOCTOR Why are you repeating?SKY Why are you repeating?DOCTOR What is that, learning?SKY What is that, learning?DOCTOR Copying?SKY Copying?DOCTOR Absorbing?SKY Absorbing?DOCTOR The square root of pi is 1.77245385090551602729816748... SKY The square root of pi is 1.77245385090551602729816748... DOCTOR ...3341. Wow!SKY ...3341. Wow!PROFESSOR HOBBES But that's impossible.SKY But that's impossible.DEE DEE She couldn't repeat all that.SKY She couldn't repeat all that.VAL Tell her to stop!SKY Tell her to stop!VAL She's driving me mad.SKY She's driving me mad.VAL Just make her stop!SKY Just make her stop!They start talking all at once, but Sky still repeats every single word he hears, copying also tone and rhythm.VAL ...stop her staring at me, shut her up...SKY ...stop her staring at me, shut her up...HOSTESS ...a trick...SKY ...a trick...DEE DEE ...that's impossible...SKY ...that's impossible...BIFF ...I'm telling you, whatever your name is...SKY ...I'm telling you, whatever your name is...DOCTOR Now, just stop it, all of...SKY Now, just stop it all of...PROFESSOR HOBBES ...her eyes, what's wrong with her eyes?SKY ...her eyes, what's wrong with her eyes?JETHRO ...copy anything...SKY ...copy anything...VAL ...Biff don't just stand her, do something, make her stop...SKY ...Biff don't just stand her, do something, make her stop...BIFF ...you're scaring my wife...SKY ...you're scaring my wife...HOSTESS ...Mrs Silvestry...SKY ...Mrs Silvestry...JETHRO Six, six, six.SKY Six, six, six.VAL ...make her stop...SKY ...make her stop...They hear a high-pitched noise as the lights come back and that finally stops them shouting. HOSTESS Well then, that's the back-up system.BIFF Well! That's a bit better.VAL What about the rescue, how long's it gonna take?HOSTESS About 60 minutes, that's all.PROFESSOR HOBBES Then I suggest we all calm down. This panic isn't helping. That poor woman is evidently in a state of...PROFESSOR HOBBES & SKY ...self-induced hysteria, we should leave her alone.JETHRO(noticing what's happening) Doctor...DOCTOR I know.Sky is copying words Professor Hobbes says - but no more repeating, now she talks simultaneously with him.PROFESSOR HOBBES & SKY Doctor, now step back, I think you should leave her... Alone. (he notices that Sky talks simultaneously with him) What's she doing?VAL & SKY How can she do that? She's talking with you... and with me! Oh, my God! Biff, what's she doing?JETHRO & SKY She's repeating... At exactly the same time.DEE DEE & SKY That's impossible.PROFESSOR HOBBES & SKY There's not even a delay.JETHRO & SKY Ohh man, that is weird.DOCTOR & SKY I think you should all be very, very quiet, have you got that?VAL & SKY How's she doing it?DOCTOR& SKY Mrs Cane, please, be quiet.VAL & SKY But how can she do that? She's got my voice, she's got my words!BIFF & SKY Sweetheart, be quiet, just... hush now. Hush. She's doing it to me!DOCTOR & SKY Just stop it, all of you. Stop it. Please.He crouches down to look into Sky's eyes.DOCTOR & SKY Now then, Sky. Are you Sky? Is Sky still in there? Mrs Silvestry? (pause) You know exactly what I'm going to say, how are you doing that? (pause) Roast beef! Bananas! The Medusa Cascade. Bang! Rose Tyler Martha Jones Donna Noble TARDIS! Shamble bobble dibble dooble. Oh, Doctor, you're so handsome. Yes I am, thank you. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O...The Doctor rises.DOCTOR & SKY First she repeats. Then she catches up. What's the next stage?DEE DEE & SKY Next stage of what?JETHRO & SKY But that's not her, is it? That's not Mrs Silvestry any more.DOCTOR & SKY I don't think so, no. I think... the more we talk, the more she learns. Now, I'm all for education, but in this case... maybe not. Let's just... move back. Come on. Come with me. Everyone, get back, all of you, as far as you can.They walk to the galley.VAL & SKY Doctor, make her stop.DOCTOR & SKY Val, come on, come to the back, stop looking at her, come on, Jethro, you too. Everyone, come on... 50 minutes. That's all we need. 50 minutes till the rescue arrives. And she's not exactly strong, look at her, all she's got is our voices.VAL & SKY I can't look at her. It's those eyes.DEE DEE & SKY "We must not look at goblin men."All look at her, confused.BIFF & SKY What's that supposed to mean?DOCTOR & SKY It's a poem. Christina Rossetti.DEE DEE & SKY "We must not look at goblin men/ We must not buy their fruits/ Who knows upon what soil they fed/ Their hungry, thirsty roots?"DOCTOR & SKY Actually, I don't think that's helping.PROFESSOR HOBBES & SKY She's not a goblin, or a monster, she's just a very sick woman. JETHRO & SKY Maybe that's why it went for her.PROFESSOR HOBBES & SKY There is no 'it'!JETHRO & SKY Think about it though. That knocking, it went all the way round the bus until it found her. And she was the most scared, out of all of us. Maybe that's what it needed. That's how it got in. PROFESSOR HOBBES & SKY For the last time! Nothing can live on the surface of Midnight. DOCTOR & SKY Professor, I'm glad you've got an absolute definition of life in the universe, but perhaps the universe has got ideas of its own, mmm? Now trust me, I've got previous! I think there might well be some... consciousness inside Mrs Silvestry, but maybe she's still in there. And it's our job to help her.BIFF & SKY Well, you can help her, I'm not going near.DOCTOR & SKY No, I've got to stay back. If she's copying us, maybe the final stage is becoming us. I don't want her becoming me, or things could get a lot worse.VAL & SKY Oh, like you're so special.DOCTOR & SKY As it happens, yes I am. So that's decided. We stay back, and we wait. When the rescue ship comes, we can get her to hospital.HOSTESS & SKY We should throw her out.PROFESSOR HOBBES & SKY I beg your pardon?VAL & SKY Can we do that?DOCTOR & SKY Don't be ridiculous.HOSTESS & SKY That thing, whatever it is, killed the driver, and the mechanic, and I don't think she's finished yet.DOCTOR & SKY She can't even move!。
IntroductionLadies and Gentlemen of the Examination Committee,Good morning. I am honored to stand before you today to present the findings of my doctoral research, which has been a journey of exploration and discovery into the complex interplay between climate change and biodiversity. My research has focused on a comparative study of two distinct ecosystems—tropical rainforests and temperate grasslands—and their response to changing climatic conditions. I am grateful for the opportunity to share my findings with you and to defend my dissertation.Background and SignificanceThe world is currently facing a critical environmental challenge: climate change. Its impacts on ecosystems and biodiversity are profound and far-reaching. Understanding how different ecosystems respond to climate change is crucial for developing effective conservation strategies and mitigating the adverse effects of climate change on our planet.My research aims to contribute to this understanding by examining the following key questions:1. How do climate change-induced changes in temperature andprecipitation affect biodiversity in tropical rainforests and temperate grasslands?2. What are the differences in the adaptive responses of these ecosystems to climate change?3. How can we integrate our findings into conservation policies to protect biodiversity in the face of climate change?MethodologyTo address these questions, I employed a multidisciplinary approach, combining fieldwork, laboratory experiments, and data analysis. My research involved the following methods:1. Field Surveys: I conducted extensive field surveys in both tropical rainforests and temperate grasslands to collect data on species composition, habitat structure, and climate variables.2. Laboratory Experiments: I conducted controlled experiments in the laboratory to assess the physiological responses of plant species to temperature and precipitation changes.3. Data Analysis: I used statistical models to analyze the datacollected from the field and laboratory experiments, and to compare the responses of the two ecosystems.FindingsThe results of my research revealed several significant findings:1. Temperature and Precipitation: Both ecosystems exhibited a strong response to changes in temperature and precipitation. Tropical rainforests, with their higher biodiversity, were more resilient to temperature changes but sensitive to altered precipitation patterns. In contrast, temperate grasslands showed a higher vulnerability to temperature extremes.2. Adaptive Responses: Tropical rainforests demonstrated greater adaptability through a higher rate of species turnover and the emergence of new species. Temperate grasslands, on the other hand, relied more on physiological adaptations and habitat modification.3. Conservation Implications: My findings suggest that conservation strategies should be tailored to the specific vulnerabilities of each ecosystem. For tropical rainforests, preserving habitat connectivity and managing water resources are critical. For temperate grasslands, focusing on climate-resilient species and managing grazing patterns is essential.Conclusion and Future WorkIn conclusion, my research has provided valuable insights into the impact of climate change on biodiversity in two distinct ecosystems. Thefindings highlight the need for a comprehensive and ecosystem-specific approach to conservation in the face of climate change.For future work, I propose the following directions:1. Long-term monitoring of ecosystem responses to climate change to assess the effectiveness of conservation measures.2. Integrating genetic data to understand the evolutionary responses of species to climate change.3. Developing integrated models that can predict the future distribution of biodiversity under different climate scenarios.Thank you for your attention and consideration. I am now prepared to answer any questions you may have regarding my research.AcknowledgmentsI would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisors, [Supervisor's Name], for their invaluable guidance and support throughout my doctoral journey. I also thank the faculty, staff, and students of [University Name] for their contributions to my research. Finally, I extend my thanks to my family and friends for their unwavering support and encouragement.Thank you.。
神秘博士作文600字观后感英文回答:Doctor Who is a British science fiction television series that has gained a cult following around the world. As a fan of the show, I have been captivated by its unique blend of adventure, humor, and thought-provoking storytelling.One of the things that I love about Doctor Who is its ability to transport the viewer to different times and places. The Doctor, a time-traveling alien, takes his companions on thrilling journeys through space and time. Whether they are exploring ancient civilizations,futuristic worlds, or alternate realities, each episode offers a new and exciting adventure.Another aspect of the show that I find intriguing is the character of the Doctor himself. The Doctor is a complex and enigmatic figure who constantly reinventshimself. He is portrayed by different actors, each bringing their own interpretation to the role. This allows the character to evolve and grow over time, creating a sense of continuity while also keeping things fresh and exciting.In addition to the Doctor, the show also features a wide range of memorable characters. From the Doctor's companions to his enemies, each character brings something unique to the story. One of my favorite characters is the Doctor's arch-nemesis, the Master. The Master is a cunning and manipulative villain who always manages to stay one step ahead of the Doctor.The writing in Doctor Who is also top-notch. The show tackles a variety of themes, from the nature of identity and morality to the consequences of time travel. The dialogue is sharp and witty, with memorable one-liners and clever wordplay. The writers also excel at craftingintricate story arcs that keep viewers hooked from episode to episode.中文回答:《神秘博士》是一部英国科幻电视剧,已经在全球范围内赢得了一大批忠实粉丝。
博士英文介绍发言稿范文Good morning everyone,My name is [Your Name] and I hold a Ph.D. in [Your Field of Study]. I am honored to have the opportunity to speak to you today.As a doctoral candidate, I have dedicated years to conducting research in the field of [Your Field of Study]. Throughout my studies, I have focused on [Briefly discuss your research focus and findings]. My work has been published in several reputable academic journals and I have presented my research at various national and international conferences.In addition to my research, I have also served as a teaching assistant at [University Name], where I have had the privilege of instructing and mentoring undergraduate students in [Your Field of Study]. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and fostering a love for learning in others.I am grateful for the support of my professors, colleagues, and friends who have helped me along the way. With their guidance and encouragement, I have been able to achieve my academic goals and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in my field. Thank you for allowing me to share a little bit about myself. I look forward to engaging in insightful discussions and exchange of ideas with all of you.Thank you.。
有关霍金的演讲稿英语作文Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. It's an honor to be here today to share my thoughts with all of you. As we all know, the universe is full of mysteries waiting to be unraveled. It's our duty as human beings to seek the truth and expand our knowledge.Life is full of challenges, and it's important to never give up. Despite my physical limitations, I have never let my disability hold me back. I have always believed in the power of the human mind and the potential for scientific discovery.The future of humanity lies in space exploration. We must continue to invest in space research and technology in order to ensure the survival of our species. It's crucial that we look beyond our own planet and strive to colonize other worlds.Science has the power to change the world for thebetter. Through scientific advancements, we can find solutions to the pressing issues facing our planet, such as climate change and environmental degradation. It's up to us to use our knowledge for the greater good.I urge all of you to never stop questioning the world around you. Curiosity is the driving force behindscientific progress, and we must never lose sight of that. The quest for knowledge is a never-ending journey, and it's what makes life truly meaningful.In conclusion, I believe that the pursuit of knowledge is the most noble endeavor. We must continue to push the boundaries of what is possible and never be afraid to dream big. Thank you for listening, and may we all continue to explore the wonders of the universe.。
博士演讲稿英语Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, and fellow scholars,。
It is my great honor to stand before you today and share my thoughts on the topic of "The Importance of Education in the 21st Century". As a doctoral student in education, I have dedicated my life to understanding and promoting the value of education, and I am excited to have this opportunity to speak to you all.Education is the cornerstone of human development and progress. In today's rapidly changing world, the need for a strong and comprehensive education has never been more critical. The 21st century is characterized by technological advancements, globalization, and complex societal challenges. In order to thrive in this environment, individuals must possess a wide range of knowledge, skills, and competencies.One of the key aspects of education in the 21st century is the emphasis on critical thinking and problem-solving. The ability to analyze information, think creatively, and develop innovative solutions is essential for success in the modern world. As educators, it is our responsibility to foster these skills in our students and prepare them to tackle the challenges they will face in their personal and professional lives.Furthermore, education plays a crucial role in promoting social justice and equality. Access to quality education should be a fundamental right for all individuals, regardless of their background or circumstances. By providing equal opportunities for learning and growth, we can create a more equitable society and empower individuals to reach their full potential.In addition to academic knowledge, education in the 21st century must also focus on the development of emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills. The ability to communicate effectively, work collaboratively, and demonstrate empathy and compassion is essential for building strong relationships and navigating the complexities of the modern world.As we look to the future, it is clear that the role of education will continue to evolve. It is essential for educators and policymakers to stay abreast of the latest research and best practices in the field of education, and to adapt our approaches to meet the needs of a rapidly changing world.In conclusion, education is the key to unlocking the potential of individuals and societies in the 21st century. By providing a strong foundation of knowledge, skills, and values, we can empower individuals to lead fulfilling lives and contribute to the betterment of the world. I urge all of us to continue to prioritize and invest in education, as it is the foundation upon which our future depends.Thank you for your attention.。
Today, standing before you, I am filled with a sense of accomplishment, gratitude, and emotion. As I prepare to graduate with a doctorate degree, I want to take this opportunity to share my thoughts and feelings with you all.First and foremost, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my parents. They have been my rock throughout my academic journey. Their unwavering support, love, and encouragement have propelled me to overcome numerous challenges and strive for excellence. Without their sacrifices, I would not be here today.To my mentors and professors, I owe a debt of gratitude that can neverbe fully repaid. You have been my guides, my confidants, and my friends. Your knowledge, wisdom, and passion for research have inspired me to push the boundaries of my own capabilities. Your dedication to nurturing young minds has not gone unnoticed. Thank you for believing in me andfor challenging me to be the best version of myself.I would also like to extend my appreciation to my fellow classmates and colleagues. This journey has been a shared experience, filled with laughter, tears, and countless sleepless nights. We have learned from each other, supported each other, and grown together. Our camaraderiehas been one of the most rewarding aspects of this journey. I will cherish the memories we have created and the friendships we have forged.As I reflect on my time in the doctoral program, I am reminded of the many obstacles I have faced. The pressure to publish, the stress of research, and the constant pursuit of knowledge have been demanding. However, it is through these challenges that I have grown as a scholar and as a person. I have learned to persevere, to adapt, and to embrace the unknown.The research I have conducted during my doctoral studies has been a testament to the power of curiosity and perseverance. It has allowed me to delve into the depths of my field and contribute to the existing body of knowledge. I am proud of the work I have produced and the impact it may have on future generations of researchers.Today, as I stand on the brink of a new chapter in my life, I am filled with excitement and anticipation. The knowledge and skills I have acquired during my doctoral journey have prepared me for the challenges that lie ahead. I am ready to face the world with confidence and determination.In closing, I would like to leave you with a quote that has been a source of inspiration for me throughout this journey: "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." I believe in the beauty of my dreams, and I am committed to pursuing them with unwavering passion and dedication.Thank you all for being a part of this incredible journey. I am truly grateful for the opportunities and experiences that have shaped me into the person I am today. As I embark on this new chapter, I carry with me the lessons learned, the memories made, and the love and support of all those who have walked alongside me.Congratulations to us all!Thank you.。
Good morning/afternoon. It is an honor to stand before you today as a doctoral candidate, to share with you some insights from my academic journey and to reflect on the significance of our collective efforts in the pursuit of knowledge.Title: "Charting New Horizons: The Role of Research in Advancing Our Understanding of the Human Condition"Introduction:As we gather here today, we are part of a long-standing tradition of scholars who have dedicated their lives to expanding the boundaries of human understanding. My research, which has spanned several years,delves into the complex interactions between culture, psychology, and social behavior. In this speech, I will outline the key findings of my doctoral thesis and discuss how these findings contribute to the broader discourse on the human condition.Body:1. The Significance of Interdisciplinary ResearchMy research has emphasized the importance of interdisciplinary approaches in understanding the human condition. By combining insights from psychology, sociology, and anthropology, I have been able to shed light on the intricate ways in which culture shapes our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. This interdisciplinary perspective has allowed me to explore the multifaceted nature of human experience and has provided a more comprehensive understanding of the social world.2. The Impact of Cultural Factors on Human BehaviorOne of the central themes of my research is the profound influence of cultural factors on human behavior. Through my studies, I havediscovered that cultural norms, values, and beliefs play a crucial rolein shaping our perceptions, motivations, and decision-making processes. This realization has important implications for fields such as education, healthcare, and international relations, as it highlights the need for culturally sensitive approaches in these domains.3. The Role of Psychology in Exploring Human ExperienceIn addition to cultural factors, my research has delved into the role of psychology in understanding human experience. By examining psychological theories and models, I have been able to gain deeper insights into the cognitive and emotional processes that underpin human behavior. This has enabled me to propose new frameworks for studying the human condition, which can be applied across various contexts.4. The Potential of Technology in Advancing ResearchThe rapid advancement of technology has revolutionized the way we conduct research. In my own work, I have leveraged digital tools and methodologies to analyze large datasets and gain new insights into human behavior. This technological innovation has not only facilitated the progress of my research but has also opened up new avenues for future exploration.Conclusion:In conclusion, my doctoral research has contributed to the ongoing dialogue on the human condition by highlighting the importance of interdisciplinary research, the impact of cultural factors on human behavior, and the potential of technology in advancing our understanding of the social world. As we move forward, it is essential that we continue to embrace these interdisciplinary approaches and explore the intricate connections between culture, psychology, and social behavior.Let us not underestimate the power of knowledge and its transformative potential. By fostering a culture of curiosity and collaboration, we can chart new horizons and unlock the secrets of the human experience. Thank you for your attention, and I welcome any questions you may have.Thank you.。
博学者发言稿范文英文Ladies and gentlemen, it is a great honor for me to have the opportunity to speak to you today. As a scholar, I have devoted my life to the pursuit of knowledge and understanding. I firmly believe that education is the key to unlocking the potential of individuals and communities. Through the dissemination of information and the critical examination of ideas, we can work towards a more enlightened and just society.In today’s rapidly changing world, it is more important than ever to be open-minded and adaptable. As a scholar, I am constantly seeking out new information and perspectives in order to expand my own understanding of the world. I believe that we must all strive to be lifelong learners, always willing to challenge our own assumptions and learn from the experiences of others.I also believe that as scholars, we have a responsibility to use our knowledge and expertise for the betterment of society. Whether it is through teaching, research, or public engagement, we have the opportunity to make a positive impact on the world around us. By sharing our knowledge and insights, we can help to create a more informed and empathetic society.In conclusion, I urge you all to embrace the spirit of curiosity and inquiry that lies at the heart of scholarship. Let us continue to seek out new knowledge, challenge our own assumptions, and work towards a more enlightened and just society. Thank you.。
colinstokes演讲稿My favorite part of being a dad is the movies i get to watch i love sharing my favorite movies with my kids and when mysay dorothy you are thethat 's not how it happensmecharacters are femaleto my daughter which was years later and the situation was different at that point i also had a sonhe was only three at the time he was not invited to thescreening he was too young for that but he was the secondand it imprinted on him like a mommy duck does to its ducklingand i don 't think he understands what 's going on but he is sure soaking in it and i wonder what he 's soaking in is heloyaltyis he picking up on the fact that luke joins an armythere are only boys in theby the magic that he was born withcompare this to one thousand nine hundred and thirty nineby making friends with everybody and being a leaderthat 's kind of the world i 'd rather raise my kids in oz right and not the world of dudes fightingwhich is where we kind of have to be why is there so much force capital f force in the movies we have for our kids and soimpactin navigating the adult world that is co edrelationships and other journeysit 's almost as though if you 're a boy you are a dopey animal and if you are a girl you should bringdefendthe disney princesses in front of any you but they do send a message to boys that they are not the boys are not really thegirlshow to defend against the patriarchy but they aredefend against the patriarchy there 's no models for them andstories for our kidskatniss are these are still war moviesaboutthe journey of a boy or a man or two men who are friends or a man and his son or two men who are raising a little girl until as many of you are thinking this year when they finally camenowit 's very good don 't let that stop you now almost none of these movies pass the bechdel test i don 't know if you 've heard of this it has not yet caught on and caught fire butcomic book artist and back in the mid eighty s she recorded this conversation she 'd had with a friend about assessing the movies that they saw and it 's very simple there 's just three questions you should ask is there more thanand do these women talk to each other at any point in the movieand is their conversation about something other than the guy that they both likemovies that we know and love in fact this week i went to see and i don 't think it should because a lot of the movie i don 'tknow if you 've seen it but a lot of the movie takes place inand the great moment for one of the actresses is to peek through the door and say are you coming to bed honeythousand and eleven of the one hundred most popular movies how many of them do youeleven it 's not bad it 's not as many percent as the number of women we 've just elected to congress so that 's good but there is a number that is greater than thisthat 's going to bring this room downsay that they have been sexually assaulted some time in their lifedon 't thinkkids movies have anything to do with thati don 't even think that music videos or pornography are reallyand when i hear that statistic one of the things i think of is thatthe story that a male hero 's job is to defeata woman who has no friends and doesn 't speakare we soaking up that story you knowlike all of you who are doing the same thingwe find this world and this statistic very alarming and we wantand we hope that that will help but i gotta wonder is girl poweri mean i think the netflix queueis one way that we can do something very important and i 'mmanhoodearner they 're throwing it up in the air so our sons are going to have to find some way of adapting to this someshow them and model for themhow a real manis someone who trusts his sisters and respects them and wants to be on their team and stands up against the real bad guys who are the men who want to abuse the womenand i think our job in the netflix queue is to look out for those movies that pass the bechdel test if we can find them and to seek out the heroines who are therewho show real courage who bring people together and toand to say i want to be on their team because they 're going to be on their teammaybe it 's not just the sparkly dress i think these people with other people to help them reach their potentialnow they are leadersi like that kind of quest for my daughter and i like that kind of quest for my son i want more quests like thati want fewer quests where my son is told go out and fight it aloneand more quests where he sees that it 's his job to join a team maybe a team led by women to help other peoplethank you。
神秘博士英语观后感英文回答:Doctor Who is a British science fiction television series produced by the BBC. It depicts the adventures of the Doctor, an enigmatic and eccentric Time Lord, who travels through time and space in his TARDIS, a sentient spaceship that appears from the outside to be a blue police box.The Doctor is often accompanied by companions, who are usually human beings from Earth. The companions help the Doctor to explore the universe and to fight against evil. The Doctor has also had several recurring enemies,including the Daleks, the Cybermen, and the Master.Doctor Who has been praised for its imaginative storytelling, its well-developed characters, and its exploration of social and political issues. It has also been credited with inspiring a number of other popularscience fiction franchises, including Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica.Doctor Who has been running for over 50 years, and it has become one of the most popular and enduring television shows in the world. It has been translated into over 40 languages and has been broadcast in over 200 countries. Doctor Who has also been adapted into a number of other media, including books, comics, and video games.中文回答:《神秘博士》是一部英国科幻电视剧,由英国广播公司(BBC)制作。
神秘博士的英文作文The mysterious doctor is a man of many talents. He can heal the sick with just a touch of his hand, and his knowledge of ancient remedies is unparalleled. Some say he has mystical powers, while others believe he is simply a gifted healer.His appearance is as enigmatic as his abilities. He is tall and lean, with piercing blue eyes that seem to see right through you. His long, flowing hair and dark, flowing cloak give him an air of mystery and intrigue.People travel from far and wide to seek his help. They come with all sorts of ailments, from common colds to mysterious illnesses that no one else can cure. The doctor listens intently to their stories, and then sets to work with his potions and herbs, always with a calm and confident demeanor.Some say the doctor lives in a hidden cave deep in themountains, while others claim he roams the countryside, appearing when he is most needed. No one knows for sure where he comes from or where he goes when his work is done. He is a true enigma.Despite his mysterious nature, the doctor is beloved by all who have been touched by his healing hands. He asks for nothing in return for his services, only the satisfactionof knowing he has helped those in need. He is a trueselfless soul, dedicated to easing the suffering of others.The mysterious doctor will forever remain a figure of fascination and wonder. His legend will live on, passed down through generations as a symbol of hope and compassion. And though his origins and true nature may never be fully known, his legacy as a healer and a savior will endure for all time.。
English Oral PresentationGood morning, welcome! My name is John. I am a Master student at the Nanjing University. My major is atmospheric sciences.I am very happy to be here and to share my presentation with you today!My topic today is weather forecast. This topic is important because weather forecast has been a part of our lives. My presentation will take about 5 minutes, followed by a two-minute question and answer session. I will be glad to answer your questions and take your comments then.Let’s get started.As I mentioned earlier, my topic today is weather forecast. I have divided my presentation into three parts. In the first part, I will give you an introduction to meteorology and weather forecast. Next, I will talk about numerical weather prediction and finally, I will end my presentation by talking about AI weather forecasting.First and foremost, meteorology is the study of the atmosphere and its motions on short time scales. Meteorology, also known as 'weather,' is the study of atmospheric factors that affect current or near-future conditions, as well as atmospheric processes and energy interactions with the surface. Meteorology has evolved into a strong physics based on discipline with multiple specification areas and increasingly rigorous professional qualifications. Weather is essentially the behavior of the atmosphere during the present time and predicting future atmospheric conditions, particularly with reference to human comfort and activities. Nowadays, we are able to predict the weather through application of the meteorology.The next of part of my presentation is numerical weather prediction. Today has easy access to getting weather forecast information through the Internet, newspapers and broadcast. However, is anyone aware of how the weather forecast is created? At first, meteorologists used the manual computation approach to make weather forecasts. However, this method was time intensive and the accuracy of prediction was low. In the late 1940s, the Weather Bureau and scientists at Princeton University began to investigate the possibility of utilizing computers to predict the weather. Eventually, scientists managed to create four 24-hour forecasts using the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) machine at the Aberdeen Proving Grounds inMaryland. The application of mathematical equations of the atmosphere to predict the weather is at the heart of numerical weather prediction. Models can calculate the weather on a large scale, or can provide much higher detail at a smaller scale. The accuracy of weather prediction has steadily improved with the advancement of high-performance computing.The final part of my presentation today is AI weather forecasting. Traditional weather forecasting models are based on numerical models and do not provide binary results. The accuracy of the projections may fluctuate with an ever-growing data collection and changing atmospheric conditions, especially over longer periods. The AI models, on the other hand, are primarily based on machine learning algorithms and have a dramatic impact on many domains by discovering intricate structures with large datasets. Meteorologists can make more accurate predictions with the help of AI, saving time and money. Recently, meteorologists managed to improve the accuracy of multi-year ENSO prediction with the application of AI.I am almost done with my presentation today. I talked about weather forecast, I gave you an Introduction to meteorology, weather forecast, numerical weather prediction and AI weather forecasting. Thank you for your attention. Next, I would like to have is a 2-minute question and answer period. Does anyone have any comments or questions?。
神秘博士英语演讲稿篇一:英语演讲多看一些欧美电影,一定要看中英双字幕的,对学习口语很有用,不仅看内容,同样注意口语表达,会觉得很有趣的……我推荐几部,是我觉得好看的:1.《Knight & Day 》(危情谍战)……很俗套的剧情,但打斗场面很值得看。
2.《Fame》(名扬四海)3.《Hannah Montana》(乖乖女是大明星),推荐,超爱Miley Cyrus,《The Climb》超好听,歌词很励志。
4.《Marley and Me》(马利和我),讲狗狗的。
5.《Resident Evil Afterlife》(生化危机4-来生),今年的,比较喜欢这个系列。
7.《The Godfather》(教父),有三部。
8.《The Last Song》(最后一支歌),又有Miley Cyrus,纯爱电影。
9.《Mean Girls》(贱女孩),必看。
10.《Step Up》(舞出我人生),有3部。
11.《High School Musical》(歌舞青春),已有四部了,我觉得看一部就行了,内容差不多……12.《Legally Blonde》(律政俏佳人),蛮好看的,有三部。
13.《The Devil Wears Prada》(穿PRADA的恶魔),必看。
14.《Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen 》(高校天后)15.《The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants》(牛仔裤的夏天)16.《Sydney White》(大学新生),蛮好看的。
17.《Changeling》(换子疑云)18.《A Cinderella Story》(灰姑娘的玻璃手机)大部分是校园剧,也还有很多好看的其他的,你自己也可搜下……学英语的好电影Bridget Jone’s Diary/BJ单身日记Love Actually/真爱至上Millions/百万小富翁Notting Hill/诺丁山About a boy/很适合学英语的电影单亲插班生Sense and Sensibility/理智与情感Four Weddings and a funeral/四个婚礼一个葬礼Trainspotting/猜火车(苏格兰口音)Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels /看电影学英语不可多得两杆大烟枪This is England/这就是英格兰Starter for Ten/恋爱学分Penelope / 一部情感大片很适合学英语的好电影真爱之吻Imagine Me&You/四角关系Brave Heart/勇敢的心The Queen/女王Harry Potter/哈利波特The Lord of the Rings/指环王A Room with a View/看得见风景的房间Kate and Leopold/穿越时空爱上你IF Only/爱再来一次My Fair Lady/窈窕淑女Hilary and Jackie/她比烟花寂寞Shaspeare in Love/莎翁情史French Kiss/情定巴黎The English Patient/英国病人Northanger Abbey/诺桑觉寺Mansfield Park/曼斯菲尔德庄园Hot Fuzz/热血警探Corpse Bride/僵尸新娘Shaun of the Dead/僵尸肖恩History Boys/历史男孩I Want Candy/推荐很搞怪的一部适合学英语的电影我想要凯蒂Possession/很不错的一部看电影学英语的好片无可救药爱上你Becoming Jane/成为简奥斯汀Music and Lyrics/K歌情人The Holiday/恋爱假期Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events /这是一部值得一看的学英语的好电影雷蒙斯尼奇的不幸历险Jane Eyre/简爱Love and other Disasters/相思成灾The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy / 银河系漫游指南Cash Back/超市夜未眠The Chronicles of Narnia/纳尼亚传奇Snatch/偷蒙拐骗电视剧Pride and Prejudice/傲慢与偏见Skins/皮囊The Tudors / 都铎王朝Little Britain/小不列颠Yes, Minister/是,大臣Black Books/布莱克书店Hustle/飞天大盗Doctor Who / 神秘博士Ugly Duckling/丑小鸭Coupling / 冤家成双对Not Going Out / 别出去Finger Smith篇二:神秘博士XX年的第一季【克里斯托弗·埃克斯顿】9thXX年圣诞特别篇圣诞入侵XX年的第二季【大卫·田纳特】10thXX年圣诞特别篇逃跑新娘XX年的第三季XX年圣诞特别篇诅咒之旅XX年的第四季XX年圣诞特别篇又一个博士XX年,没有正式剧集,只有10th的四个特别集,全程可谓10th的告别之旅:《死亡星球》《火星之水》《时之终结》上、下。
Ladies and Gentlemen,Good morning/afternoon/evening. It is a great honor to stand before you today to share my thoughts on a topic that is not only of paramount importance but also deeply personal to me: the role of innovation in shaping our future. As we gather here today, we are all part of a global community that is rapidly evolving, and it is innovation that will undoubtedly be the driving force behind our progress.Innovation, as defined by the Oxford Dictionary, is the introduction of something new. In the context of our rapidly changing world, innovationis not just about creating new products or technologies; it is about transforming the way we think, live, and work. It is about finding solutions to the challenges that we face and pushing the boundaries of what is possible.Let us consider the current landscape of innovation. The digital revolution has changed the way we communicate, access information, and conduct business. The rise of artificial intelligence and machine learning has the potential to revolutionize industries ranging from healthcare to transportation. Renewable energy sources are increasingly becoming viable alternatives to fossil fuels, and biotechnology is offering new ways to combat diseases and improve agricultural productivity.As we look to the future, it is clear that innovation will play apivotal role in addressing some of the most pressing issues of our time. Climate change, global health crises, and economic disparities are just a few of the challenges that require innovative solutions. Here are afew key areas where innovation can make a significant impact:1. Sustainable Development: The world is facing a critical need for sustainable development. Innovations in renewable energy, green building, and sustainable agriculture can help us reduce our ecological footprint and ensure a livable planet for future generations.2. Education and Skill Development: As technology advances, the demandfor new skills continues to grow. Innovations in educational technologyand lifelong learning platforms can empower individuals to adapt to the changing job market and contribute to the global economy.3. Healthcare: Innovations in medical technology, telemedicine, and personalized medicine are transforming the healthcare industry. These advancements can lead to earlier disease detection, more effective treatments, and improved patient outcomes.4. Economic Inequality: Innovation has the potential to bridge the gap between the haves and the have-nots. By fostering entrepreneurship, providing access to technology, and promoting digital literacy, we can create opportunities for economic growth and reduce poverty.5. Social Inclusion: Technology has the power to connect people across the globe. Innovations in social media, online platforms, and mobile applications can promote inclusivity, facilitate social change, and give a voice to the marginalized.As we embrace the future, it is essential that we foster a culture of innovation. This involves:- Encouraging curiosity and creativity in education.- Investing in research and development.- Promoting collaboration between academia, industry, and government.- Creating an environment that rewards risk-taking and experimentation.In conclusion, innovation is not just a buzzword; it is the key to our future. It is through innovation that we can overcome the challengesthat lie ahead and build a better world for all. Let us all commit to being innovators, to pushing the boundaries of what we believe is possible, and to making a positive impact on our world.Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to a future where innovation continues to shape our destiny.[Your Name]。
神秘博士英文作文Title: The Mysterious Doctor。
In the realm of science fiction, there exists a character revered for his enigmatic persona and unparalleled intellect – the Doctor. This timeless figure, known across various dimensions as the Time Lord, traverses the cosmos in a vessel known as the TARDIS, a blue police box that is much more than it appears. Throughout the universe, the Doctor is celebrated for his/her ability to thwart evil, unravel mysteries, and champion justice. In this essay, we will delve into the essence of the mysterious Doctor, exploring the elements that contribute to his enduring allure.First and foremost, the Doctor is characterized by an aura of mystery that surrounds his identity and origins. While it is known that he hails from the planet Gallifrey and belongs to the ancient and advanced race of Time Lords, much of his past remains shrouded in secrecy. Thisambiguity lends an air of intrigue to the character,inviting speculation and imagination from fans eager to uncover the truth behind the enigmatic Time Lord.Furthermore, the Doctor is defined by his insatiable thirst for adventure and exploration. With his trusty companions by his side, he embarks on daring escapades across time and space, encountering a myriad of alien species, historical figures, and alternate realities. This boundless curiosity and sense of wanderlust resonate with audiences, inspiring them to embark on their own journeysof discovery and self-discovery.Another captivating aspect of the Doctor is his unwavering commitment to justice and compassion. Despitehis often aloof demeanor and eccentric behavior, he possesses a profound sense of empathy and morality, always striving to help those in need and stand up against oppression and tyranny. This noble sense of purposeelevates the Doctor beyond a mere adventurer, casting himas a symbol of hope and resilience in the face of adversity.Moreover, the Doctor is a master of adaptation and reinvention, constantly evolving with each regeneration. This unique ability to change appearance and personality allows the character to remain fresh and relevant across generations, ensuring that each incarnation brings something new and exciting to the table. Whether portrayed by William Hartnell, Tom Baker, David Tennant, or Jodie Whittaker, the Doctor continues to captivate audiences with his ever-changing identity and timeless appeal.In addition to his individual characteristics, the Doctor is also defined by his iconic companions, who serve as both friends and foils to his larger-than-life persona. From the courageous Sarah Jane Smith to the loyal Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, these companions play a crucial role in shaping the Doctor's adventures and worldview, offering unique perspectives and insights that enrich the narrative and deepen our understanding of the character.In conclusion, the Doctor stands as a timeless symbol of adventure, justice, and compassion in the realm of science fiction. With his mysterious origins, insatiablecuriosity, unwavering morality, and ever-changing identity, he continues to inspire and enchant audiences across the globe. As we journey alongside the Doctor through time and space, we are reminded of the boundless possibilities of the universe and the enduring power of hope and resilience in the face of darkness. Long live the Doctor – the ultimate embodiment of mystery and heroism.。
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1.《Knight & Day 》(危情谍战)……很俗套的剧情,但打斗场面很值得看。
3.《Hannah Montana》(乖乖女是大明星),推荐,超爱Miley Cyrus,《The Climb》超好听,歌词很励志。
4.《Marley and Me》(马利和我),讲狗狗的。
5.《Resident Evil Afterlife》(生化危机4-来生),今年的,比较喜欢这个系列。
7.《The Godfather》(教父),有三部。
8.《The Last Song》(最后一支歌),又有Miley Cyrus,纯爱电影。
9.《Mean Girls》(贱女孩),必看。
10.《Step Up》(舞出我人生),有3部。
11.《High School Musical》(歌舞青春),已有四部了,我觉得看一部就行了,内容差不多……
12.《Legally Blonde》(律政俏佳人),蛮好看的,有
13.《The Devil Wears Prada》(穿PRADA的恶魔),必看。
14.《Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen 》(高校天后)
15.《The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants》(牛仔裤的夏天)
16.《Sydney White》(大学新生),蛮好看的。
18.《A Cinderella Story》(灰姑娘的玻璃手机)大部分是校园剧,也还有很多好看的其他的,你自己也可搜下……
Bridget Jone’s Diary/BJ单身日记
Love Actually/真爱至上
Notting Hill/诺丁山
About a boy/很适合学英语的电影单亲插班生
Sense and Sensibility/理智与情感
Four Weddings and a funeral/四个婚礼一个葬礼
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels /看电影学英
This is England/这就是英格兰
Starter for Ten/恋爱学分
Penelope / 一部情感大片很适合学英语的好电影真爱之吻
Imagine Me&You/四角关系
Brave Heart/勇敢的心
The Queen/女王
Harry Potter/哈利波特
The Lord of the Rings/指环王
A Room with a View/看得见风景的房间
Kate and Leopold/穿越时空爱上你
IF Only/爱再来一次
My Fair Lady/窈窕淑女
Hilary and Jackie/她比烟花寂寞
Shaspeare in Love/莎翁情史
French Kiss/情定巴黎
The English Patient/英国病人
Northanger Abbey/诺桑觉寺
Mansfield Park/曼斯菲尔德庄园
Hot Fuzz/热血警探
Corpse Bride/僵尸新娘
Shaun of the Dead/僵尸肖恩
History Boys/历史男孩
I Want Candy/推荐很搞怪的一部适合学英语的电影我想要凯蒂
Becoming Jane/成为简奥斯汀
Music and Lyrics/K歌情人
The Holiday/恋爱假期
Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events /这是一部值得一看的学英语的好电影雷蒙斯尼奇的不幸历险
Jane Eyre/简爱
Love and other Disasters/相思成灾
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy / 银河系漫游指南
Cash Back/超市夜未眠
The Chronicles of Narnia/纳尼亚传奇
Pride and Prejudice/傲慢与偏见
The Tudors / 都铎王朝
Little Britain/小不列颠
Yes, Minister/是,大臣
Black Books/布莱克书店
Doctor Who / 神秘博士
Ugly Duckling/丑小鸭
Coupling / 冤家成双对
Not Going Out / 别出去
Finger Smith
XX圣诞特辑the snowman圣诞雪人
XX年的第七季 6-13集
50周年特别篇前传The night of the doctor 50周年特别篇The day of the doctor博士之日50周年特别短片The five(ish) doctor reboot XX圣诞特辑The time of the doctor博士之时XX.........第八季【彼得·卡帕尔蒂】12th XX年圣诞特辑Last Christmas-最后的圣诞! XX年第九季【彼得·卡帕尔蒂】12th
XX年圣诞特辑《The Husbands of River Song》宿醉。