Cone Penetrometer Test_




第37卷 增刊1 岩 土 工 程 学 报 Vol.37 Supp.1 2015年7月 Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering July 2015 静力触探测试技术在海洋工程中的应用郭绍曾,刘 润 (天津大学水利安全与仿真国家重点试验室,天津 300072)摘要:随着海洋开发向深海发展,静力触探技术(CPT)在国内外海洋工程领域的使用越来越普遍,在海洋工程地质调查中起到越来越重要的作用。



笔者也应用CEL 法开展了全流动贯入仪的数值模拟研究,发现T-bar贯入过程中土体的破坏模式与理论假设有较大差异,Ball则与理论假设差异较小;数值模拟得出的T-bar与Ball的承载力系数较Randolph的建议值偏小。

关键词:深海;静力触探;全流动贯入仪;承载力系数中图分类号:TU47 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000–4548(2015)S1–0207–05作者简介:郭绍曾(1988–),男,博士,主要从事海洋岩土工程方面的研究工作。

E-mail: nicefish110@。

Application of cone penetration test in offshore engineeringGUO Shao-zeng, LIU Run(State Key Laboratory of Hydraulic Engineering Simulation and Safety, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China) Abstract:The cone penetration test, which is more and more important in geotechnical investigation, has been widely used in the offshore engineering at home and abroad as the deep sea is gradually developed. The history of the cone penetration test is summarized, especially in the offshore engineering. And the full-flow penetrometer is introduced, which is fairly suitable for geotechnical investigation in deep see. Compared with the conventional techniques, the full-flow penetrometer can ignore the soil weight and pore pressure in the test. A large projection area of the probe will get more accurate results. A strict theoretical solution is worked out about the relation between the penetration resistance and the undrained shear strength of soft clay. The cyclic penetration test can evaluate the remoulded shear strength and the sensitivity of soil. A numerical analysis by appling the CEL method is conducted for the penetration process of the full-flow penetrometer. The simulated results show that the flow mode of soil is quite different with that of the theoretical assumption as the T-bar penetrates but it is similar when the Ball penetrates. The bearing capacity factor calculated by the numerical results is smaller than that suggested by Randolph, both T-bar and Ball.Key words: deep sea; CPT; full-flow penetrometer; bearing capacity factor0 引 言随着CPT设备的不断改进和发展,用于水上作业的静力触探设备不仅可在浅水作业,同时也可在深水作业。

原位试验和现场原型观测[28] In-Situ Testing and Field Instrumentation

原位试验和现场原型观测[28] In-Situ Testing and Field Instrumentation

© 2003 by CRC Press LLC28In Situ Testing andField Instrumentation28.1 Introduction28.2 In Situ TestsThe Role of In situ Testing in a Site Investigation Program •Standard Penetration Test • Cone Penetration Test •Pressuremeter Test • Dilatometer Test • Field Vane Test 28.3 Instrumentation for Monitoring Performance Planning of an Instrumentation Program • Instruments • Examples of Applications of Field Instrumentation In all geotechnical engineering problems, performance prediction requires determination of the proper-ties of the soil or rock mass under consideration, and their appropriate use employing soil mechanics theories. For the determination of the soil properties to be used in design, geotechnical engineers can follow two, often complementary, approaches: obtain soil samples from the field and subsequently perform laboratory tests on these samples, or make use of in situ tests .Laboratory tests are performed under well-defined and controlled boundary and testing conditions (e.g., drainage, stress path, strain rate) and have the benefits of isolating specific engineering properties.However, their use is limited by the variable and often not completely understood effects of sample disturbance and by generally long testing times and high costs. I n addition, because testing involves relatively small specimens, extrapolation of the measured properties to the entire site is often challenging.In contrast, in situ tests, which represent the focus of the first part of this chapter, provide the response of a much larger soil mass under natural, in situ conditions (e.g., stresses, void ratio, saturation, temper-ature) often through approximately continuous records. Thus, they not only provide more economical and rapid estimates of some properties, especially when sampling is difficult, but also are excellent means for soil profiling, furnishing information on the stratigraphy of the site and on trends in engineering properties. In this capacity, they are often used in conjunction with laboratory testing to obtain infor-mation on the spatial variation of properties measured in the laboratory.In situ tests also have limitations, namely poorly defined boundary conditions, non-uniform and high strain rates imposed during testing, inability to control drainage conditions, and effects of installation that are hard to quantify (in the case of some tests). For these reasons, most in situ tests do not provide a way to measure directly the fundamental properties of the soil. Instead, the measurements must be related to the quantities of interest in most instances by means of empirical correlations.The second class of field instruments that are discussed in this chapter are those used for monitoring field conditions before, during, and after construction. Deep foundations, braced excavations, mining excavations, natural or excavated slopes, bridges, embankments on compressible ground, and dams are Rodrigo Salgado Purdue UniversityMarika SantagataPurdue University28-2The Civil Engineering Handbook, Second Edition just some of the structures that may be monitored during construction or operation. In this process,quantities (such as pore-water pressures, total stresses, loads or stresses in structural elements, deforma-tion and displacements) whose values were assumed, computed, or specified during design are measured and recorded. The analysis of these data provides the means to modify the design or the construction procedures to reduce costs or avoid catastrophic failure, in accordance with the observational method (Peck, 1969). In addition, some monitoring instruments may also be used before design and construction,such as piezometers, which are routinely used during site investigation to obtain information about the groundwater conditions at a site.The goal of this chapter is to present the devices most commonly used for in situ testing and moni-toring, and discuss their use and the interpretation of the measurements.The Role of In situ Testing in a Site Investigation ProgramGeotechnical design requires an assessment of the properties of the soil or rock at the site where construction activity will take place. I nformation gathered during this process, referred to as the site investigation phase , generally includes:1.The groundwater regime at the site2.The nature of soil and rock found at different depths as far down as thought to be of consequence.For soils, key characteristics include particle size distribution, water content, Atterberg limits, and unit weight. For rocks, geologic origin, degree of weathering, frequency, thickness, length and spatial orientation of discontinuities are some of the most relevant parameters.3.The engineering properties of relevance for the particular problem under investigation (e.g., shear strength, compressibility, hydraulic conductivity)4.Any particular geologic characteristic, such as an underground cavity or a faultIn the site investigation phase of a project, in situ tests play an important role, and at least one form of in situ test is always performed. The most common tests in the U.S. are the standard penetration test (SPT) and the cone penetration test (CPT). Other in situ tests include the pressuremeter test (PMT), the dilatometer test (DMT), and the field vane test (FVT). Table 28.1 summarizes the properties that can be estimated using these devices.Soil identification∑∑∑ from sample ∑∑ ———Relative density, D r∑∑∑∑∑ — ∑ —Horizontal stress, s ¢ h— ∑∑ sands ∑ sands ∑∑ clays ∑ —Friction angle, f¢ (sands)∑∑∑∑∑∑∑∑ —Undrained strength, s u (clays)∑∑∑∑∑∑∑∑ Initial shear modulus, G max∑ from correlations ∑ from q c ∑∑∑ w/v s measurements ∑ ( ∑∑ for oedometric modulus)—Coefficient of consolidation, Ch——/ ∑∑ from dissipation tests———Liquefaction resistance ———∑∑ Provides acceptable estimate of property.∑∑∑ Provides reliable means of estimating property.In Situ Testing and Field Instrumentation28-3Standard Penetration TestThe SPT is performed by advancing a split spoon sampler into the base of a borehole by blows from a hammer with a standard weight of 140 pounds falling from a height of 30 inches. The number of blows N required to advance the sampler a distance of 1 foot into the soil is recorded and indicates the soil’s density and confining stress. I n addition, a sample, on which classification tests can be performed, is obtained when the split spoon sampler is extracted. The approach to SPT interpretation is usually based on correlations to the blow count. For example, a number of widely used relationships exist between N and properties such as the relative density and the friction angle of cohesionless soils. In addition, the SPT is used commonly for the evaluation of liquefaction susceptibility of a deposit. Unfortunately, SPT blow counts also depend on the equipment and procedure used to perform the test. The following have all been found to affect the test results: procedure used to raise and drop the hammer, hammer type, string length, presence of a liner inside the sampler, sampler condition, borehole condition, and drilling method. Attempts to standardize the test have been made (Seed et al., 1985; Skempton, 1986). These authors recommend how to correct N for a variety of factors, so that the N value becomes more representative of the soil density and stress state and less representative of equipment and procedural factors. Although these corrections are not perfect, they make it possible to use the test with some effectiveness. That, associated with the familiarity engineers have with the test, is responsible for the continuing importance and wide use of the SPT in geotechnical field testing.The following are references on the interpretation of SPT results: estimation of friction angle in sands (Skempton, 1986); estimation of undrained shear strength in clays (Stroud, 1975); estimation of lique-faction resistance in sands (Seed et al., 1985; Seed and Harder, 1990); estimation of the settlement of shallow foundations in sand (Burland and Burbidge, 1985); estimation of pile capacity in all soils (Bandini and Salgado, 1998).Cone Penetration TestIn the CPT (ASTM D3441 and D5778), a cylindrical penetrometer (Fig. 28.1) with a conical tip (10 cm2 in cross section, with apex angle of 60 degrees) is pushed vertically down into the soil at a rate of 2 cm/sec while the vertical force acting on the tip during penetration is measured. The ratio of this force to the projected area of the tip provides the cone penetration resistance, q c, which is the most important parameter through which estimates of engineering properties are determined. The frictional resistance, f s, along a lateral sleeve located immediately behind the cone is also routinely measured.The most important use of cone resistance values is the estimation of shear strength in both clays and sands. In sands, this is done by first estimating relative density and lateral effective stress using charts ofFIGURE28.1The standard electrical cone penetrometer. (From De Ruiter, J. 1971. Electric penetrometer for site investigation, J. Soil Mech. Found. Div. ASCE, vol. 97, no. SM2, February. With permission.)28-4The Civil Engineering Handbook, Second Edition cone resistance as a function of these two quantities, such as those presented by Salgado et al. (1997a). The most common procedure is to first calculate the vertical effective stress at the point of interest from the known soil profile. Then an estimate of K0 is made. This often is possible based on knowledge of the site geology. If the sand is known to be normally consolidated, K0 ranges from 0.4 for dense to 0.5 for loose sand. Finally, one enters a suitable chart with the value of K0 and the measured value of q c to obtain the relative density.In clays, the undrained shear strength, s u, is obtained directly from the cone resistance q c through(28.1)where s v =vertical total stressN k =cone factor, which is approximately equal to 10 for fully undrained penetration (e.g., see Yu et al. 2000).Penetration is fully undrained when vd c/C v is less than approximately 1, where v = penetration rate, d c = cone diameter, and C v = coefficient of consolidation (Bandini and Salgado, 2002). If the clay contains large percentages of either silt or sand, C v becomes too small and the ratio vd c/C v, larger than 1. In these cases, penetration is not fully undrained for the standard penetration rate of 2 cm/sec. Consequently, either the penetration rate must be increased or a higher value of N k must be used in Eq. (28.1). Another important use of the CPT is in the assessment of the liquefaction potential of cohesionless soils. Correlations have been developed between the tip resistance (appropriately corrected and normal-ized) and the cyclic resistance ratio (Robertson and Campanella, 1985), and today the CPT is the preferred tool for determining liquefaction resistance.One important and widely used variation of the CPT is the piezocone (CPTU – e.g., Baligh et al., 1981), which contains a pressure transducer for measurement of the pore pressure generated during penetration in a porous element located at the face of the conical tip or immediately behind it. The CPTU represents an excellent means for soil profiling, allowing accurate detection of thin lenses of different soils and delineation of drainage boundaries. It can also be used to determine the horizontal coefficient of consolidation of the soil by performing dissipation tests (Baligh and Levadoux, 1980). Various soil identification and classification charts based on tip resistance, friction ratio, and excess pore water pressure (in the case of the CPTU) have been proposed (e.g., Robertson, 1990). The use of these charts is recommended only when experience with similar soil conditions exists.The advantages of cone penetrometers over other field testing devices are numerous, including the limited influence of the operator and hardware on the values of the measured quantities, and the fact that they provide continuous records. In addition, these devices are very versatile and many different sensors can be incorporated into the cone, facilitating measurement of additional quantities, such as the shear wave velocity V s along the penetration path (Robertson et al., 1986), and a number of properties of interest in geoenvironmental projects, including temperature, electrical resistivity, organic content in the pore fluid, and other pore fluid chemistry parameters (e.g., Mitchell, 1988; Sinfield and Santagata, 1999). Finally, various analytical models describing the advancement of the cone penetrometer through soil have been developed, allowing a more rational interpretation of the data (e.g., Salgado et al., 1997a, b; Salgado and Randolph, 2001; Yu and Mitchell, 1998).Jamiolkowski et al. (1985) discuss many details of both performance and interpretation of the CPT. Additional references, focusing on interpretation of CPT results include the following: theoretical rela-tionships for cone resistance (Salgado et al., 1997b; Yu and Mitchell, 1998; Yu et al., 2000; Salgado and Randolph, 2001); estimation of friction angle in sands (Salgado et al., 1997b), using the Bolton (1986)relationship for friction angle in terms of relative density and stress state; estimation of undrained shearstrength in clays (Yu and Mitchell, 1998); estimation of liquefaction resistance in sands (Robertson andIn Situ Testing and Field Instrumentation28-5 Campanella, 1986; Mitchell and Tseng, 1989; Stark and Olson, 1995; Bandini and Salgado, 2002; Mitchell and Brandon, 1998); estimation of the settlement of shallow foundations in sand (Schmertmann, 1970; Schmertmann et al., 1978; Lee and Salgado, 2002); estimation of the load capacity of drilled shafts and driven piles in sand (Lee and Salgado, 1999); load capacity of both closed and open-ended pipe piles in sand (Lehane and Randolph, 2002; Paik et al., 2002); summary of methods to estimate capacity of all types of piles in all types of soils (Bandini and Salgado, 1998).Pressuremeter TestThe PMT is performed by expanding a cylindrical membrane (Fig. 28.2) in the soil while simultaneously measuring the pressure (p) inside the membrane and the displacement of the membrane. From these data, the expansion curve (usually expressed in terms of p versus the hoop strain) is obtained. There are essentially two methods for installation of the pressuremeter: in one, a borehole is prebored and the pressuremeter is lowered into it (this is known as the Menard pressuremeter); in the other, the pres-suremeter has a drilling tool at its lower end that is used to install it at the desired depth (this is the so-called self-boring pressuremeter). Apart from any disturbance due to drilling (and unloading in the case of the Menard pressuremeter), the expansion curve obtained in a PMT, as well as any unloading-reloadingFIGURE28.2 A pressuremeter. (Picture courtesy of A. Bernal and A. Karim, Bechtel Geotechnical Laboratory, Purdue University.)28-6The Civil Engineering Handbook, Second Edition loops, can be related to the stress-strain relationship of the soil. In addition, the limit pressure extrapolated from the pressuremeter curve provides an indication of the shear strength of the material. In practice, the pressuremeter is most commonly used to determine the friction angle of cohesionless soils and the modulus degradation behavior. The pressuremeter is also the only device that can provide a direct measurement of the horizontal effective stress, s¢h.While the use of the PMT for this purpose is considered somewhat reliable in soft clays, its reliability and accuracy in the case of stiffer soils, such as sands, remains questionable (e.g., Fahey, 1998).The main problems with the use of the pressuremeter are related to assessing the degree of disturbance due to installation and the effect of the length-to-diameter (L/D) ratio of the membrane. While inter-pretation methods are generally based on the assumption that the expansion of the membrane can be approximated by a cylindrical cavity expansion, for typical values of the L/D ratio this assumption deviates from reality, and correction for L/D effects are needed.References on pressuremeter test performance and interpretation include: ASTM D 4719–87, Baguelin et al. (1978), Clark (1995), Hughes et al. (1977), Mair and Wood (1987), Manassero (1992), and Yu (1990). Dilatometer TestThe DMT is performed by pushing down into the soil the blade shown in Fig. 28.3. Penetration is halted at preselected depths, and the circular membrane on one of the sides of the dilatometer is expanded and the pressures at deflections of zero and 1.1 mm are recorded and corrected for membrane stiffness. Based on these two fundamental parameters, a number of empirical relationships have been proposed for soil parameters of interest in design (Marchetti, 1980; Schmertmann, 1986; Fretti et al., 1992).A shortcoming of the DMT is that the membrane expansion is accomplished against soil that has been considerably disturbed by penetration of the device. This obscures, more than for other in situ tests, the relationship between measurement and undisturbed soil properties, reducing the reliability of correlations proposed for this test.FIGURE28.3 A dilatometer. (Picture courtesy of A. Bernal and A. Karim, Bechtel Geotechnical Laboratory, Purdue University.)In Situ Testing and Field Instrumentation 28-7Field Vane TestThe FVT involves pushing a four-bladed vane having a height-to-diameter ratio of two into the soil and then rotating the blade at a rate of 0.1 degrees/sec (ASTM 2573). This test provides a simple and inexpensive means of estimating the undrained strength of cohesive soils, which is derived from the maximum torque measured during rotation of the blade, assuming full and uniform mobilization of the shear strength along the cylindrical surface created by the rotating vane. The use of this test is advocated particularly in the case of relatively homogeneous clay deposits, in absence of shells, granular layers, varves and fibers (Ladd, 1990). A correction (Bjerrum, 1972, 1973), based on the plasticity index of the soil, is generally applied to the shear strength measured with the FVT, to obtain a “field” value of the strength to be used in design. A correction for end effects that are associated with the mobilization of shear strength on the top and bottom of the cylindrical volume of soil sheared by the vane is also necessary. Despite the simplicity of the test, a number of procedural aspects (e.g., rate of rotation of the blade, delay between vane insertion and testing); influence the test results (Ladd et al., 1977), and adherence to standard practice and equipment is essential.Planning of an Instrumentation ProgramThere are multiple reasons to use instrumentation. It may be that a project design has enough flexibility to be changed if measurements made during early stages of construction indicate that changes are required or could be beneficial. Alternatively, the facility under construction may be so important and its loss may lead to so much damage or danger that instrumentation must be used to detect any deviations from the assumed or predicted behavior of the facility, to allow timely implementation of previously planned actions to either correct the deviation or minimize losses. I n other cases, the construction procedure (e.g., staged construction) may rely on indications of changes in the in situ conditions for proper execution of the construction plan. Finally, when a new construction concept is used, instrumentation is sometimes used to show or ascertain that the concept indeed works. Whatever the reason, detailed planning is essential for a successful instrumentation project.Design of the instrumentation program must rely on a clear definition of the geotechnical problem that is being addressed and on the fundamental understanding of the mechanisms that control the behavior. Once the objectives of the monitoring program are identified, its implementation requires selection of the following: type and number of instruments to be used, specific locations where mea-surements are to be made, installation procedures, and data acquisition system, methods for analyzing and interpreting the data. Figure 28.4 illustrates the main steps in the planning and implementation of an instrumentation program.Ultimate selection of the instruments depends on the quantities to be measured and estimates of the magnitudes of changes in these quantities resulting from construction or operation of the facility. The maximum expected change of the parameter to be measured will define the range for the instrument selected to measure it. The minimum expected change defines the sensitivity or resolution of the instru-ment. Such predictions are also required in defining criteria for remedial action, if the purpose of the instrumentation is to ensure proper and safe operation of the facility.When selecting instruments, several characteristics must be evaluated carefully:1.Conformance: the instrument should conform to the surrounding soil or rock in such a way thatit does not alter the values of the properties it is intended to measure.2.Accuracy: the measure should be as close as possible to the true value.3.Repeatability: under identical conditions, an instrument must measure the same value for thequantity it is intended to measure whenever a measurement is taken.28-8The Civil Engineering Handbook, Second EditionFIGURE28.4 Planning of an instrumentation program. (From Ortigão, J.A.R. and Almeida, M.S.S. 1988. Stability and deformation of embankments on soft clay, in Handbook of Civil Engineering Practice, P.N. Chereminisoff, N.P. Chereminisoff and S.L. Cheng, eds., Technomic Publishing Co., New Jersey, vol. III, 267–336, With permission.)4.Resolution: the smallest division of the instrument read-out scale must be compatible with theminimum expected change in the quantity being measured.5.Sensitivity: the change in output per unit change in the input should be as large as possible tooptimize data acquisition and limit the effects of noise.6.Linearity: the relationship between input and output should be as linear as possible for the rangein which the input is to be measured to facilitate data reduction.7.Hysteresis: it is undesirable that a different value for the quantity of interest be measured dependingon whether the quantity is increasing or decreasing; this difference should be kept to a minimum, particularly if cyclic measurements are needed.8.Noise: random variations in the measurement should be limited.9.Environmental compatibility: the instruments’ readings should not be affected by changes inenvironmental conditions (e.g., temperature, relative humidity).There are two approaches for selecting instrument location. Instruments can be installed in “trouble spots,” such as points where it is expected there will be large stress concentrations or large pore pressure increases, or where difficult soil conditions exist. Alternatively, they can be placed at a number of representative points or zones. In either case, the designer should make every effort to ensure that the instrument locations are consistent with the expected behavior of the facility and with the data required for the analysis. I t is also important that there is some redundancy in the instrumentation to filter anomalies in measured quantities and ensure that the required information is obtained.Testing and installation of the instrumentation is the next major step. All instruments should be properly calibrated and tested before placement. Installation is one of the most critical steps in the entire monitoring program because minor variations in the process can have significant effects on the performanceIn Situ Testing and Field Instrumentation 28-9 of the devices and the reliability of the data. In many cases, hiring instrumentation specialists might be justified.During installation, steps should be taken to ensure the protection of the instrument (e.g., protection from impact, water-tightness if required) and the instrument should be installed to minimize disturbance of the medium under investigation.Once installed, initial readings should be obtained and verified to ensure that changes from the time of installation are represented accurately.Data acquisition, processing, and analysis must be carried out in a systematic, organized way. Careful recordkeeping is crucial and should include documentation of all construction activities and any signif-icant events that may later be correlated with unanticipated or significant changes in the quantities measured. Techniques and schedule for data acquisition depend on specific instruments and on the requirements of the particular project. While many instruments still require on-site personnel, there is increased availability of systems providing automated data acquisition and storage.InstrumentsIn general, three primary quantities are measured in monitoring programs for traditional geotechnical projects: loads and stresses, deformations, and pore pressures.Instruments for Measurement of Loads and StressesIn geotechnical engineering applications, load measurements are often required for load testing of deep foundations, load testing and performance monitoring of tiebacks and rock bolts, and monitoring of loads in strutting systems for deep excavations.In most instances, such measurements are made with load cells. When accuracy is not a great concern, a calibrated hydraulic jack can also be used. Based on the operating principle, there is a variety of different types of load cells, including hydraulic, mechanical, electrical resistance, and vibrating wire cells. Hydraulic cells consist of a chamber filled with fluid and connected to a pressure sensor. Load is applied to a flat element that is in contact with the fluid and is free to move with respect to the rest of the cell. The pressure generated in the fluid is measured by a pressure sensor, which can be a Bourdon gage, which requires access to the cell for reading, or an electrical or pneumatic transducer for remote reading. Mechanical and electrical resistance and vibrating wire cells function by measuring the deformation of a load-bearing member and are based on the existence of a direct and unique relationship between deformation and load.In the case of a mechanical load cell, the deformation of either a torsion lever system or an elastic cup spring is measured by dial gages. In electrical and vibrating wire load cells, the load-bearing member is usually a steel or aluminum cylinder, the deformation of which is measured by electrical resistance strain gages or vibrating wire transducers mounted at mid-height on its surface. Some of the gages (or trans-ducers) are oriented for measuring axial strain, others for measuring tangential strains. The arrangement and the connections are designed to minimize errors associated with load eccentricity.Strain gages can be used effectively for measurement of loads or stresses in a structural member, provided that the stress-strain relationship of the material on which they are mounted is known with some accuracy. Their main advantages are that they can be placed almost anywhere in a structure, and that, due to their limited cost, measurements can be performed at a number of different locations. A distinction is generally made between surface-mounted strain gages, which are applied to an exposed surface (for example, to the surface of a steel strut) and embedment strain gages, which are placed inside a mass, for example, a concrete tunnel lining.Pressure cells are used to measure total stresses behind retaining walls or underneath shallow foun-dations, as well as within soil masses, such as fills. They are circular (Fig. 28.5) or rectangular pads with metallic walls, and are of two types: hydraulic and diaphragm cells. In hydraulic cells, a fluid, such as oil, is contained between the metallic walls. A pressure transducer positioned at the end of a rigid tube connected to the inside of the cell measures the pressure in the fluid, which corresponds to the stress。



compound curve 复合曲线compound grider 合成梁compound load 合成荷载compound order 合成柱型compound pile 组合桩compound section 复式断面compound wall 组合墙compregnated wood 胶合压缩木材compressed air 压缩空气compressed air ejector 压气喷射器compressed air gun 喷涂枪compressed air jack 气动千斤顶compressed air pile hammer 压缩空气打桩锤compressed air shield d(转载自第一范文网,请保留此标记。

)riving 压缩空气盾构掘进compressed air station 压缩机站compressed concrete 压制混凝土compressed flange 受压凸缘compressed member 受压构件compressed straw slab 草制纸板compressed union 承压缝compressibility 压缩性compressibility factor 压缩系数compression 压缩compression area 受压面积compression coefficient 压缩系数compression curve 压缩曲线compression efficiency 压缩效率compression element 压缩构件compression face 受压面compression failure 压缩破坏compression fiber 受压纤维compression flange 受压凸缘compression joint 承压缝compression member 压缩构件compression refrigerating machine 压缩式制冷机compression reinforcement 受压钢筋compression strength 抗压强度compression tank 受压容器compression test 压缩试验compression testing machine 压缩试验机compression wave 压力波compressive force 压缩力compressive load 压缩负载compressive reinforcement 受压钢筋compressive strain 压缩变形compressive strength 抗压强度compressive stress 压缩应力compressive zone 受压区compressor 压缩机compressor station 压缩机站compressor unit 压缩机组computation 计算computation of stresses 应力计算computational mistake 计算误差computed strength 计算强度computer aided design 计算机辅助设计concave camber 凹面concave joint 凹缝concealed conduit 暗管concentrated force 集中力concentrated load 集中载荷concentration of construction 集中施工concentration of dust 尘埃浓度concentration of population 人口集中度concert hall 音乐厅conch 半园形屋顶concourse 中央大厅concrete 混凝土concrete accelerator 混凝土速凝剂concrete additive 混凝土掺合料concrete admixture 混凝土掺合料concrete aggregate 混凝土骨料concrete antifreezer 混凝土防冻剂concrete arch 混凝土拱concrete area 混凝土面积concrete base 混凝土底座concrete batching plant 混凝土分批搅拌装置concrete beam 混凝土梁concrete bed 混凝土底座concrete belt placing tower 混凝土带输送灌注塔concrete bent construction 混凝土排架结构concrete bin 混凝土贮料斗concrete blanket 混凝土罩面concrete blinding coat 混凝土填充面层concrete block 混凝土砌块concrete block construction 混凝土块结构concrete block pavement 混凝土块铺砌concrete blockwork 混凝土块砌筑concrete bonding plaster 混凝土粘结灰泥concrete breaker 混凝土破碎机concrete brick 混凝土砖concrete bridge 混凝土桥concrete bucket 混凝土吊罐concrete buggy 混凝土手推车concrete caisson 混凝土沉箱concrete cap 混凝土柱帽concrete carriageway 混凝土车道concrete cart 混凝土独轮手推车concrete casting 混凝土浇灌concrete catch gutter 混凝土溜槽concrete ceiling 混凝土顶棚concrete central mix plant 混凝土搅拌装置concrete chute 混凝土运送溜槽concrete chuting cable crane 滑槽运送混凝土用死起重设备concrete coloring 混凝土着色concrete compacted by jolting 振实混凝土concrete compactor 混凝土压实器concrete composition 混凝土成分concrete compression strength 混凝土抗压强度concrete consistence 混凝土稠度concrete construction 混凝土构造物concrete conveying pipe 混凝土输送管concrete core 混凝土心concrete core slab 混凝土空心板concrete core unit 混凝土空心板concrete cover 混凝土保护层concrete crushing strength 混凝土抗压强度concrete curing 混凝土养护concrete cutting machine 混凝土切断机concrete dam 混凝土坝concrete deposit 浇注混凝土concrete depositing 混凝土浇注concrete design 混凝土设计concrete desintegration 混凝土混合料离析concrete dispenser 混凝土分配器concrete finishing machine 混凝土整面机concrete floor 混凝土底板concrete for radioactive ray shielding 放射线屏蔽用混凝土concrete form 浇混凝土用模板concrete foundation 混凝土基础concrete foundation block 混凝土基础块concrete frame 混凝土构架concrete girder bridge 混凝土梁式桥concrete grade 混凝土标号concrete grillage 混凝土格床concrete grout 混凝土浆concrete grouter 混凝土灌浆机concrete gun 混凝土喷枪concrete hardening 混凝土硬化concrete hollow block 混凝土空心砌块concrete in mass 大体积混凝土concrete in water 水中混凝土concrete industry 混凝土工业concrete injection unit 混凝土灌浆机concrete interlocking tile 混凝土联锁瓦concrete joint sealing compound 混凝土接缝封塞料concrete laboratory 混凝土试验室concrete layer 混凝土层concrete laying machine 混凝土摊铺机concrete levelling course 混凝土整平层concrete lighting columm 混凝土照鸣concrete ligthing mast 混凝土照鸣concrete line 混凝土输送管concrete lining 混凝土衬砌concrete masonry 混凝土块砌筑concrete mix 混凝土拌合料concrete mix vibration 混凝土拌合料的振动concrete mixer 混凝土搅拌机concrete mixer on truck 运货汽车混凝土搅拌机concrete mixer with vibrating blades 混凝土振动搅拌机concrete mixing 混凝土搅拌concrete mixing plant 混凝土搅拌装置concrete mixture 混凝土混合料concrete mortar 混凝土灰浆concrete mould oil 混凝土模板用油concrete nail 混凝土钉concrete of dry consistency 干稠度混凝土concrete of high early strength 早强混凝土concrete of low porosity 密实混凝土concrete of one consistency 等稠度混凝土concrete of stiff consistency 干硬性混凝土concrete paint 混凝土涂料concrete patching 混凝土路面修补concrete pavement 混凝土面层concrete pavement spreader 混凝土路面摊铺机concrete paver 混凝土铺路机concrete paving block 铺筑混凝土路面块concrete pile 混凝土桩concrete pile follower 混凝土桩帽concrete pile foundation 混凝土桩基础concrete piling 混凝土排桩concrete pipe 混凝土管concrete placement 混凝土浇注concrete placer 混凝土浇注机concrete plasticiser 混凝土塑化剂concrete pouring 混凝土浇注concrete preparing equipment 混凝土准备设施concrete products 混凝土制品concrete progress chart 混凝土工程进度表concrete pump 混凝土泵concrete pumping 混凝土泵送concrete radiation shield 混凝土防辐射罩concrete reactor shield 混凝土反应堆护罩concrete reinforcement 混凝土钢筋concrete reinforcing cage 混凝土钢筋笼concrete resistant to weather 耐气侯混凝土concrete road 混凝土道路concrete roof 混凝土屋顶concrete roof deck 混凝土屋顶板concrete saw 混凝土锯concrete segregation 混凝土混合料离析concrete setting 混凝土凝固concrete shrinkage 混凝土收缩concrete skeleton 混凝土骨架concrete slab 混凝土板concrete sleeper 混凝土枕木concrete spraying 混凝土喷洒concrete spreader 混凝土摊铺机concrete steel building 钢筋混凝土建筑物concrete stone 混凝土石concrete strength 混凝土强度concrete stress 混凝土应力concrete structure 混凝土建筑物concrete technology 混凝土工艺学concrete test cube 混凝土立方体试块concrete texture 混凝土纹理concrete tile 混凝土瓦concrete transporter 混凝土运送机concrete truck 混凝土混合料输送车concrete vibrator 混凝土振动器concrete waffle slab 混凝土格子板concrete waterproofer 混凝土防水剂concrete with crushed stone 碎石混凝土concrete with entrained air 加气混凝土concrete with honeycombed spots 蜂窝状混凝土concrete work 混凝土工程concrete worker 混凝土工concreter 混凝土工concreting 浇注混凝土concreting boom 浇注混凝土起重机臂concreting gang 混凝土工奏concreting in freezing weather 冻期灌筑混凝土concreting in lifts 分层灌筑混凝土concreting in site 现场灌筑混凝土concreting outfit 混凝土施工设备concreting paper 混凝土浇筑用纸concreting sequence 混凝土浇注次序concreting skip 混凝土吊斗concreting tower 混凝土浇灌塔concreting train 混凝土列车condensate 冷凝水condensate line 冷凝水管路condensate pump 凝结水泵condensate return pipe 凝结水回收管condensate trap 凝汽筒condensation 凝结condensation heat 凝结热condensation tank 冷凝水槽condenser 冷凝器condensing apparatus 冷凝器condensing pressure 冷凝压力condensing unit 冷凝装置condition of contract 契约条例condition of instability 不稳定性条件condition of labor 劳动条件condition of loading 负载情况conditioned space 空气第空间conditioner 第器conditioning 第conditions of exposure 曝光条件conduction of heat 热传导conductor 导体conduit 水路cone 圆锥cone penetration test 锥体贯入度试验cone penetrometer 圆锥贯入仪cone shell 锥形薄壳cone test 锥体试验confined water 受压水confining bed 不透水层conical broach roof 圆锥形屋盖conical shell 锥形薄壳coniferous forest 针叶林conjugate beam 共轭梁conjugate depths 共轭水深conjugation 结合connecting angle 连接角钢connecting bolt 连接螺栓connecting reinforcement 连接钢筋connection 接头connection dimension 连接尺寸connector 连接端子conoidal shell 劈锥曲面壳conservation 守恒conservation of energy 能量守恒conservation of nature 自然保护consistance 稠度consistency 稠度consistency index 稠度指数consistency test of concrete 混凝土稠度试验consistometer 稠度计console 伸臂consolidation 压实consolidation grouting 固结灌浆consolidation settlement 固结沉降consolidation test 固结试验consolidation test apparatus 固结仪consolidometer 固结仪constant dimension column 等截面柱constant pressure regulator 恒压第器constant pressure valve 恒压阀constituent 成分constituents of concrete 混凝土成分constitution of building volume 房屋容积组成construction 建造construction adit 施工坑道construction budget 施工预算construction camp 工棚construction climatology 建筑气候学construction contract 工程合同construction corps 施工队construction document 工程文件construction economics 建筑经济学construction engineering 建筑工程construction equipment 施工设备construction expenditure forecast 建筑开支估计construction fund 建筑资金construction industry 建筑工业construction investment 工程投资construction machinery 施工机械construction management 施工管理construction methods 施工方法construction module 建筑模数construction object 工程项目construction of diaphragm wall 地下连续墙施工construction of levees 冲积堤工程construction of lock chamber 闸室构造construction of park 公园建设construction of space 空间组成construction of tunnel 隧道工程construction of underground structure 地下结构工程construction operation 建筑工程construction paper 建筑用纸construction period 施工期construction plan 工程计划construction plant 施工场地construction practice 施工管理construction recommendations 施工建议书construction regulations 施工规程construction safety regulations 建筑安全规程construction schedule 施工程序表construction sequence 施工程序construction site 建筑场地construction specifications 建筑规范construction steel 建筑用钢construction supervising authority 建筑施工监督管理机构construction supervision 施工管理construction techniques 建筑施工方法construction technology 建筑工艺学construction theory 建筑理论construction timber 建筑木材construction tolerances 施工容许误差construction train 工程运输列车construction under licence 有执照建筑construction work 建筑工程construction worker 建筑工人construction works 施工工程constructional concrete 构造混凝土constructional defect 建筑缺点constructional detail 构造详图constructional drawing 构造图constructional iron 建筑用钢铁constructional materials 建筑材料constructional project 建筑计划constructor 施工人员construuction paint 构造用涂料constuction area 建筑场地constuction fits 施工容许误差constuction joint 施工缝constuction loads 建筑载荷consulting engineer 顾问工程师consumer gas piping 用户煤气管道consumption curve 消费曲线contact aerator 接触曝气池contact area 接触表面contact bed 接触滤床contact filtration 接触过滤contact flocculator 接触絮凝搅拌器contact pressure 接触压力contact surface 接触表面contactless pick up 无触点传感器containment structure 反应堆的外壳结构contamination 污染contbeat cob construction 捣土建筑物contingency sum 意外费用总额continuity 连续性continuity equation 连续性方程continuity moment 连续矩continuous batcher 连续计量器continuous beam 连续梁continuous beam on many supports 多跨连续梁continuous concrete 连续浇筑混凝土continuous concreting 连续灌筑混凝土continuous construction 连续施工法continuous cracking 连续性开裂continuous flow aeration tank 连续怜曝气槽continuous flow settling basin 连续怜沉淀槽continuous foundation 连续基础continuous girder bridge 连续梁桥continuous grading 连续级配continuous load 均匀分布载荷continuous mix plant 连续拌合装置continuous mixer 连续搅拌机continuous proportioning plant 连续式配料设备continuous slab 连续板continuous stream 连续流continuous structure 连续结构continuous suspension girder 连续悬梁continuous thickener 连续式浓缩器continuous welding 连续焊continuously graded aggregate 连续级配骨料continuously reinforced concrete 连续配筋的混凝土contour drainage 围线排水contour line 等高线contract agreement 承包合同contract condition 合同条件contract construction 发包工程contract documents 合同文件contract manager 承包管理者contract price 合同价格contract specifications 契约技术条件contraction 压缩contraction crack 收缩破裂contraction joint 收缩缝contraction of the concrete 混凝土收缩contrary wind 逆风control 第control action 控制酌control building 等室control cabinet 控制舱control gate 第闸门control of concrete quality 混凝土质量管理control panel 操纵板control point 检查点control test 校核试验control valve 第阀controlled condition 受控条件controlled pedestrian crossing 控制的行人横道controlled ventilation 可胆风controller 第器convected heat 对寥convection 对流convection heat transfer 对寥传达convection heating 对两供热convective heat exchange 对寥交换converted timber 锯材convertible attachments 可交替附件convertible couch 床椅两用长沙发convex camber 凸面convex tile 凸状瓦conveyance structure 输水建筑物conveyor 传送带conveyor type bucket loader 带式戽斗搬运设备cookhouse 厨房coolant 冷却剂cooler 冷却剂cooling 冷却cooling agent 冷却剂cooling air 冷却空气cooling and heating 降温及栎暖cooling and heating unit 供冷供热装置cooling apparatus 冷却弃cooling coil 冷却盘管cooling grid 排管蒸发器cooling load 冷却负载cooling medium 冷却剂cooling pond 冷却池cooling power 冷却能力cooling tower 冷却塔cooling tower packing 冷却塔罩cooling unit 冷却装置cooling water 冷却水coordinate axes 坐标轴coordinates 坐标coordination drawing 坐标示图coping stone 盖顶石copying mechanism 复制装置corbel 突额corbel piece 支架corbelling 挑砖cord 绳索core 芯核心core area 中心地区core drill 岩芯钻core of column 柱芯子core of section 截面核心core pool 澄清池core sample 钻芯试样core wall 心墙core wall dam 心墙坝cork 软木cork slab 软木板corner bead 墙角护条corner cabinet 墙角柜corner chisel 角凿corner column 隅角柱corner post 角柱corner trowel 隅角抹子cornerlock joint 直钉榫对接cornice 檐板corridor type block of flats 走廊形房屋corrosion 腐蚀corrosion control 腐蚀防止corrosion inhibiting admixture 防锈掺会料corrugate steel fibers 卷曲钢纤维corrugated aluminium 波状铝板corrugated asbestos 波状石棉水泥板corrugated sheet 波纹板corrugated toothed ring 波纹齿环cost account 成本计算cost efficient design 有经济效益的设计cost estimating 成本计算cost of construction 建筑费cost of construction materials 施工材料费用cost of construction work 建筑施工费cost of contract 合同费用cost of design 设计费用cost of erecting work of construction 工程的装配施工费cost of furniture 七费cost of labour 劳动工资费cost of maintenance 养护费cost of materials 材料费cost of operation 运转费cost of production 生产成本cost of transportation 运输费cost of upkeep 维持费cost per unit 单价costing 成本计算cottage 村舍cotton tape 棉织带couch 睡椅counter 副斜杆counter brace 交叉撑counter ceiling 吊平顶counter current mixer 逆两拌合机counter flashing 泛水帽盖counter floor 粗地板counter flow heat exchange 逆两热交换器counter mechanism 计算机构counter weight rope 均力绳counterbracing 交叉斜撑counterflow 逆流counterflow cooling tower 逆龄却塔counterfort 扶壁counterfort dam 后扶垛坝counterfort type powerhouse 后扶垛式发电厂counterforted retaining wall 扶壁式围墙土墙counterpoise bridge 竖旋吊桥counterslope 逆斜度counterweight 平衡锤country 地方country house 郊区住宅country planning 农村居住区规划country road 农村道路couple 力偶couple close roof 闭合式对偶屋顶couple of forces 力偶couple roof 对椽屋顶couple roof construction 成双屋顶结构coupler 耦合器coupling 联接器course 行列course of diagonal bricks 对角砌砖层course of headers 丁砖层coursed brickwork 成层的砌砖coursed masonry 成层砌体coursed pavement 成层铺面coursing joint 成行缝court 庭院court building 法院courtyard 庭院cove 弧形cove lighting 凹圆形天棚照明cover 盖子cover meter 保护层厚测定仪cover plate 盖板coverage 覆盖;建筑面积;范围covering 覆盖covering in scale tiles 瓦片屋面covering layer 覆盖层covering mortar 覆盖灰浆covering of roadway 道路铺面covering panel 盖面护墙板covering slate 盖面石板瓦covering tile 盖面瓷砖cow house 牛栏cowl 罩crab 起重绞车crack 裂缝crack control 裂绞控制crack formation 裂缝形成crack pattern 裂纹图形crack width 裂缝宽度cracking 裂开cracking limit state 开裂极限状态cracking moment 开裂力矩crackle paint 裂纹图形cradle 吊架crampet 壁钩crampon 夹钳crampoon 夹钳crane 起重机crane beam 起重机梁crane boom 起重机吊架crane erection 起重机安装crane girder 起重机梁crane hook 起重机吊钩crane load 吊车荷载crane runway 起重机轨道crank brace 手摇钻crarck restraint 裂绞控制crash barrier 安全护拦crawl space 窄小空间crawler crane 覆带起重机crawler excavator 覆带挖土机crawler mounted piling rig 履带式打桩装置crawling 蠕变crawlway 窄小通道craze 裂纹creche 托儿所creep 蠕变creep coefficient 蠕变系数creep deformation 蠕变creep line 蠕变线creep of concrete 混凝土蠕变creep rate 蠕变率creep strength 蠕需变强度creep test 蠕变试验creepage 蠕变cremorne bolt 门窗长插销crest 屋脊crest level 顶部高程crib 框形物crib cofferdam 木龙围堰crib dam 木龙填石坝crib weir 木龙填石坝cribble 筛crimped steel fibers 卷曲钢纤维criss cross diagonals 十字形斜撑criterion of buckling 纵向弯曲准则critical buckling load 临界纵向弯曲载荷critical density 临界密度critical depth 临界深度critical discharge 临界量critical flow 临界流critical head 临界水头critical height 临界高度critical hydraulic gradient 临界水力陡度critical limit state 临界极限状态critical load 临界载荷critical load design 临界载荷设计法critical method 临界载荷设计法critical moment 临界力矩critical pressure 临界压力critical slope 临界坡度critical void ratio 临界孔隙率crook 钩cross 四通管cross arm 横撑cross bar sling 横杆吊索cross bending 横向弯曲cross binding 横向支撑cross bond 交叉砌合cross connection 横向联接cross cut 横断cross cut saw 横割锯cross dike 横堤cross fall 横向坡cross flow 交叉流cross force 横向力cross frame 横撑架cross garnet butt t 字形蝶铰cross girder 横梁cross iron 十字铁cross joint 横缝cross member 横梁cross reinforcement 横钢筋cross road 十字路cross section 横截面cross section of stream 廉横截面cross sectional area 横截面面积cross sectional dimensions 横截面尺寸cross sectional drawing 横断面图cross shaped column 十字形截面柱cross ventilation 穿堂风cross walk 人行横道cross wall 横墙cross wall construction 横墙构造cross way 交叉道路cross welt 横盖缝条cross wise reinforcement 交叉钢筋crossbar 横撑crossbeam 横梁crow bar 撬杆crown 冠顶crown block 拱顶石crown hinge 拱顶铰crown level 顶点标高crown of arch 拱顶crucible steel 坩埚钢cruciform cross 十字形交叉路crude sewage 生污水crude tar 原焦油crushed aggregate 碎骨料crushed concrete 粉碎的混凝土crushed gravel 碎砾石crushed stone base course 碎石块底盘crushed stone bed 碎石块底盘crushed stone concrete 碎石混凝土crusher 破碎机crusher dust 碎石灰尘crusher run stone 未筛碎石crushing 压碎crushing and grading plant 破碎节选装置crushing and screening plant 破碎节选装置crushing appliance 破碎设备crushing engine 破碎机crushing strength 压碎强度crushing test 压碎试验crystallization 结晶过程cube crushing strength 立方体压碎强度cube impact strength 立方体冲豢度cube mould 方块造型cube strength of 28 days 二十八天龄方块强度cube strength test 立方体强度试验cube test 立方体强度试验cubic strain 容积应变cubical content 容积量cubical dilatation 体积膨胀cubicle aggregate 有棱角颗粒骨料cubing 体积测量culvert 涵洞cumulative runoff diagram 累积径龙线cumulative volume curve 累积径龙线cup square bolt 方头螺栓cupboard 碗柜cupola 圆屋顶cupola brick 楔形砖cupola dam 穹顶坝curb 路缘curing agent 固化剂curing blanket 养护毯子curing compound 固化剂curing cracking 养生开裂curing membrane 养护用薄膜curing period 养护周期curing temperature 养护温度curling cracking 翘曲并开裂current 电流流current meter 临仪current regime 水链态current velocity 临curtain 窗帘curtain grouting 帷幕灌浆curtain wall 护墙curtain wall construction 幕墙结构curvature 曲率curve of maximum bending moments 最大弯矩曲线curve plotter 曲线描绘仪curved beam 曲梁curved bridge 曲线桥curved line 曲线curved stone 曲面石料curved surface 曲面cushion coat 缓冲层cushion course 软垫层custom built forms 定制模板custom made forms 定制模板cut and cover technique 泌工艺cut back asphalt 稀释沥青cut back bitumen 稀释沥青cut roof 屋顶台地cut stone 琢石cut through door 无门坎门cutoff valve 截璃cutter 切断器cutting iron 刨刀cutting off machine 切断机cycle 循环cycle path 自行车道cycle track 自行车道cycleway 自行车道cyclic action 多次重复酌cyclic load regime 周期载荷状态cyclic loading 周期性载荷cyclic strains 周期应变cyclopean aggregate 乱石cyclopean block 巨型毛石方块cyclopean concrete 毛石混凝土cyclopean rubble masonry 毛石砌筑cyclopic wall 蛮石砌体壁cylinder 圆柱cylinder caisson 沉井cylinder caisson foundation 管状沉箱基础cylinder of concrete 混凝土圆柱试件cylinder pile foundation 管柱基础cylinder shell 圆筒状壳体cylindrical cofferdam 圆筒形围堤cylindrical sluice gate 圆筒形水闸cylindrical tank 圆筒形储罐您可以访问第一范文网(www.DiYiFanW )查看更多与本文《建筑专业英语词汇(C)》相关的文章。



[1] 中华人民共和国国家标准编写组. GB50007–2002 建筑地基基础设 计规范[S]. 北京:中国建筑工业出版社2002.(TheNationalStandards Compilation Group of People′s Republic of China.GB50007–2002 Code for design of building foundation[S]. Beijing:China Architectu re and Building Press,2002.(in Chinese)) [2] 赵成刚,尤昌龙. 饱和砂土液化与稳态强度[J]. 土木工程学报, 2001,34(3):90–96. (ZHAO Chenggang,YOU Changlong. Liquefactionand steady state strength of saturated soil[J]. China Civil EngineeringJournal,2001,34(3)90–96.(inChinese)) [3] 汪明武,罗国煜. 最优化法在砂土液化势评价中的应用[J]. 岩土工 程学报1999,21(6):704–706.(WANG Mingwu,LUO Guoyu.Application of optimization method to assessment of sand liquefactionpotential[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 1999,



动力触探仪检测地基承载力试验方法动力触探仪(Dynamic Cone Penetrometer,简称DCP)是一种常用于检测地基承载力的试验方法。










5. 进行触探仪测量:使用手持示数器记录下锤头在一定深度穿入土层所用的击数。










JJG(交通) 169-2020 动力触探仪

JJG(交通) 169-2020 动力触探仪

中华人民共和国交通运输部部门计愤检定规程JJG(交通) 169—2020动力触探仪Cone Dynamic Penetrometer2020-10-14发布2021-01-01实施中华人民共和国交通运输部发布目录引言 (Ⅲ)1范围2概述 (1) (1)3计量性能要求4通用技术要求5计量器具控制 (1) (2) (2)附录 A 动力触探仪检定记录表格式 (5)附录 B 动力触探仪检定证书内页格式 (6)附录 C 动力触探仪检定结果通知书内页格式 (8)Ⅰ引言本规程依据 JJF 1002—2010《国家计量检定规程编写规则》编写。

Ⅲ动力触探仪检定规程1 范围本规程适用于动力触探仪的首次检定、后续检定和使用中检查。

2 概述动力触探仪是用于确定砂土的孔隙比与密实程度,评定地基土和桩基承载力的仪器。

动力触探仪由落锤、探杆和探头组成,结构示意图见图 1。

其中探头分为轻型动力触探仪探头和重型、超重型动力触探仪探头两种,结构示意图见图 2。


图 1 动力触探仪结构示意图1——落锤;2——探杆;3——探头3 计量性能要求3. 1 探头直径误差图 2 动力触探仪探头结构示意图d——探头直径;α——探头锥角;h——探头高度3. 2 3. 3 动力触探仪探头直径误差要求:轻型(40±2)mm,重型、超重型(74±2)mm。



13.4 落锤质量误差动力触探仪落锤质量误差要求:轻型(10.0±0.2)kg;重型(63.5±0.5)kg,超重型(120. 0 ± 1. 0) kg。






1.1 DCP优势动力圆锥贯入仪(DCP)的优点是快速、简便,不受场地限制,适用于施工现场或老路路基承载力评价。

而动态圆锥贯入仪(Dynamic Cone Penetrometer,简称DCP)通过快速检测土基的贯入度可有效地克服灌沙、环刀、灌水与电动取土器等方法的缺点,是新一代土基压实性能的快速检测设备;同时DCP与现场路基加州承载比(California Bearing Ratio,简称CBR)和回弹模量之间具有良好的相关性,可用来评价路基的强度。

(根据AASHTO公式转换)1.2 DCP分析方法由于动力锥贯入仪在国内应用较少,因而目前国内尚没有相关的分析方法,根据美国AASHTO的规定,DCP测试结果与CBR之间存在如下的关系:CBR=405.3/PR1.259公式中,PR为DCP测试的贯入率,mm/锤击次;CBR为加州承载比,%。


1.3 DCP测试原理DCP由英国交通研究实验室(T ranspor tat ion,Research Labor atory,简称TRL)开发,总重为20kg。


1:10000mm读尺2:贯入杆上杆803mm3:连接圆盘105mm4:落距:575mm5、贯入杆:下杆910mm6、底板:300mm*60mm*8mm7、落锤:8KG8、锥头:直径20mm,角度60度2 ,动力圆锥贯入仪DCP测试方法DCP测试时,通常需要3个人员操作,其中:一人握住手柄,竖起并扶住仪器,同时将锥尖朝下贴紧土基表面,并尽量使贯入杆垂直于土基表面;一人提升落锤并让其自由下落,一人记录每2次锤击后对应的标尺读数。



钻孔灌注桩沉渣厚度测量方法## Determination of Muck Thickness in Bored Cast-in-Place Piles.### English Answer:Determining the thickness of muck (sediment) in bored cast-in-place (BCIP) piles is crucial for assessing pile integrity and optimizing pile design. Here are the most common methods used:1. Direct Measurement.Bottom-Hole Camera: A camera is lowered into the pileto capture high-resolution images of the pile base and measure the muck layer thickness.Echo Sounder: Acoustic waves are emitted into the pile, and the time taken for the waves to reflect off the pile base and the muck layer is measured. The thickness iscalculated based on the speed of sound in the respective media.2. Indirect Measurement.Soil Resistance Measurement: The torque or penetration resistance encountered during pile drilling is monitored. Abrupt changes in resistance often indicate the presence of muck.Water Jetting Measurement: A high-pressure water jet is used to remove the muck from the pile base. The volume of water used is proportional to the thickness of the muck layer.3. Geophysical Methods.Cross-Hole Sonic Logging (CSL): Ultrasonic waves are transmitted between two boreholes drilled near the pile. The wave velocity through the muck layer is different from that of the soil, allowing for muck thickness estimation.Downhole Seismic Cone Penetrometer Testing (SCPTu): A cone penetrometer with seismic sensors is pushed into the pile to measure the tip resistance and shear wave velocity. These measurements can be used to infer the presence and thickness of muck.### 中文回答:沉渣厚度测量方法。



进出口专业英语词汇(M3)进出口专业英语词汇(M3)进出口专业英语词汇(M3)microaction barometer 微动气压计microadjuster 微量调节器microalloyed steel 微合金化钢microammeter 微安计microampere meter 微安计microanalyzer 微量分析器microaperture measuring instrument 微孔测量仪microbarograph 微气压计microbarometer 微气压计microbend sensor 微弯传感器microbiological examination kit for food 食品微生物检验箱microbiological laboratory vehicle 微生物实验车microbiological safety cabinet 微生物安全箱microbus carburetor 微型汽车化油器microbus 微型客车microcaliper 测微计microcalorimeter 微热量计microcamera 缩微照相机microcapacitor 微型电容器microcard reader 缩微卡片阅读器microcator 弹簧头测微计microchannel-plate spectrometer 微通道板光谱仪microcharacter 显微划痕硬度计microchronometer 测微计时表microcircuit computer 微电路计算机microcirculation image analysis system 微循环图像计算机分析系统microcirculation image analyzer 微循环图像分析仪microclicking press 微调冲切机microcolorimeter 微量比色计microcomputer cardiac-cerebral diagnosis instrument 微电脑心脑诊断仪microcomputer compesating reactive powerdevice 微机无功补偿控制器microcomputer control gear shaping machine 微机控制插齿机microcomputer controlled die casting machine 微机控制压铸机microcomputer controlled multifunctioned flowmeter 微机控制多功能流量仪microcomputer controlled ultrasonic polishing machine 微电脑控制超声波抛光机microcomputer controlled vibration stress-relief equipment 微电脑控制振动应力消除装置microcomputer controlled weighting device for cupola charge 微机控制冲天炉配料秤microcomputer controlled weightmeter for metal charge 微机控制金属配料仪microcomputer controller of alternating current speed regulation elevator 交流调速电梯微机控制器microcomputer monitor 微计算机监控器microcomputer mossbauer spectrometer 微机穆斯堡尔光谱仪microcomputer software 微机软件microcomputer system for control of oxygen consumption of the converter lance 转炉氧枪氧耗量微机控制系统microcomputer system for recognition of hand-written chinese character 手写汉字微机识别系统microcomputer trouble diagnostic instrument 微机故障诊断仪microcomputer typesetting system 微机照排系统microcomputer 微型计算机microcomputer-controlled grating double monochromator 微机控制光栅双单色仪microcomputer-controlled microwave-optical spectrometer 微机控制微波光谱仪microcomputer-controlled multifunction respirator 微机控制多功能呼吸机microcomputer-controlled oil jet pump 微机控制喷油泵microcomputer-weather satellite image processing system 微机-气象卫星图像处理系统microcomputerized and enhanced external counter pulsation device 微机化增强型体外反搏装置microcomputerized nuclear belt weitht scale 微机化核子皮带秤microcomputerized nuclear weight scale 微机化核子台秤microcomputerized voltage controller 微机化电压控制器microcone penetrometer 微锥针入度计microcopier 缩微复制机microcoulombmeter 微库伦计microcrystal fused alumina 微晶刚玉microcrystal 微晶体microcrystalline cellulose 微晶纤维素microcrystalline glass 微晶玻璃microdensitometer 显微光度计microdetector 微量测定器microdilatometer 微膨胀计microdurometer 薄样硬度计microelectrode 微电极microelectronic therapy-machine 微型电子理疗机microfaradmeter 微法拉计microfiche 缩微胶片microfilm camera 缩微胶片照相机microfilm file cabinet 缩微胶卷柜microfilm projector 显微胶片放映机microfilm reader 缩微胶片阅读器microfilm recorder 缩微胶片摄影机microfilm 缩微胶片microfilmer reader 显微阅读器microfilmer 微缩机microfilter 微纤维过滤器microfiltration membrane 微孔滤膜microfluorometer 测微荧光计microform reader 缩微印刷品阅读器microform reader-copier 缩微印刷品阅读复制器microform reader-printer 缩微印刷品阅读印刷器microgeneration set with alternating current method 微型交流发电机组microglass bead 微玻璃珠micrograph 显微照片microgrinder 微粉碎机microgroove record 密纹唱片microheight gauge 高度千分尺microindicator 测微指示器microinjector 显微注射器microlamp 显微镜用灯microliquid chromatograph 微量液相色谱仪microlith 米克罗利特染色玻璃短纤纱microlock receiver 微波锁相接收机microlog continuous dipmeter 连续式微电极地层倾角测量仪micromagic 微型梅吉克牌照相机micromagnetometer 微磁力仪micromanipulator 精密控制器micromerigraph 微粒沉降测定仪micrometeorite erosion gauge 微陨石侵蚀计micrometer caliper gauge 千分测径规micrometer caliper 螺旋测径器micrometer compensator 测微补偿器micrometer depth gauge 深度千分尺micrometer dial gauge 测微计度盘规micrometer dial 测微表micrometer eyepiece 测微目镜micrometer gauge 测微计micrometer head 测微头micrometer inside caliper 内径千分尺micrometer microscope theodolite 测微显微镜经纬仪micrometer microscope 测微显微镜micrometer ocular 测微目镜micrometer screw gauge 螺旋测微计micrometer sextant 测微六分仪micrometer slide caliper 测微滑动卡尺micrometer with dial gauge 带表千分尺micrometer 测微计micrometering valve 微调阀micromini 超超短裙microminiature coaxial cable 微小型同轴电缆microminiature welder 微小型焊机micromizer 雾化器micromodem 微调制解调器micromotor for drive pulse 驱动脉冲用微型电机micromotoscope 显微电影照相机micron hob 小模数滚刀micron mill 微粉磨机micronaire 马克隆尼气流式纤维细度测试仪micronic filter 微尘过滤器micronizer 喷射式磨机microoscillograph 显微示波器microosmometer 微渗压计microphone amplifier 传声放大器microphone button 送话器按扭microphone capsule 传声器炭精盒microphone cord 话筒线microphone stand 传声器架microphone transformer 传声器变压器microphone 话筒microphonoscope 微音听诊器microphotographic camera 缩微照相机microphotometer comparator 显微光度计比较器microphotometer 测微光度计micropipette 微量吸移管micropluviometer 微雨量计micropolarimeter 测微偏振计micropolariscope 测微偏振镜microporous coated fabric 透气性上胶织物microporous fibre 微孔纤维microporous hollow synthetic fibre 微孔性中空合成纤维microporus rubber 微孔橡胶micropower fluxgate magnetometer 微功率磁通量闸门磁强计micropower regulator 微功率稳压器microprobe 微探针microprocessor based measuring unit with digital readout 微处理机数字显示测量器microprocessor controlled flaming cutting machine 微处理机控制火焰切割机microprocessor controlled positioner 微处理机控制定位器microprocessor controlled weaving machine 微处理机控制编织机microprocessor diagnostic instrument 微处理机诊断仪microprocessor dynamometer 微处理机测力仪microprocessor haemodynamometer 微处理机控制的血压计microprocessor ionalyzer 微处理机离子分析器microprocessor keyboard 微处理机键盘microprocessor scan controller 微处理机扫描控制器microprocessor 微处理机microprocessor-controlled photometric analyzer 微处理机控制的光度分析器microprocessor-controlled polarographic analyzer 微处理机控制的极谱分析器microprogram memory 微程序存储器microprogram-controlled computer 微程序控制的计算机microprogrammable processor 可微编程序处理机microprogrammed computer 微程序控制计算机microprogrammed lexical processor 微程序设计词汇处理机micropulverizer 微粒粉磨机micropyrometer 微型高温计microradiometer 微辐射计microreader 显微阅读器microrelay 微继电器microrespirometer 微量呼吸计microscope camera 显微照相机microscope cover glass 显微镜盖玻片microscope for inspecting interior tube and hole 内孔观测显微镜microscope for inspecting the cornea endothelium 眼角膜检验显微镜microscope for measuring angle 角度测量显微镜microscope for multi-viewing 多人观察显微镜microscope lamp 显微镜灯microscope slide glass 显微镜用盖玻片microscope slide unground edge 毛边显微镜载玻片microscope slide 显微镜用载玻片microscope 显微镜microscopic diagnostic apparatus 显微诊断仪microscopic hardness meter 显微硬度计microscopic lustre meter 显微光泽计microscopic polarity spectro-meter 显微偏振光谱仪microscopic-particle counter 显微粒子计数器microsecond generator 微秒脉冲发生器microsecond meter 微秒表microsecond pulse generator 微秒脉冲发生器microseismograph 微地震仪microseismometer 微震计microsetile dye 米克罗塞蒂莱染料microsnap gauge 手提式卡规microsol 米克罗佐粘胶纤维原液着色颜料microsound scope 微型示波器microspectrofluorimeter 显微荧光分光计microspectrometer 显微分光计microspectrophotometer 显微分光光度计microspectroscope 显微分光镜microstethoscope 电音听诊器microstorage 微存储器microstress gauge 微应力计microstrip circuit 微带电路microsurgical instruments set 显微外科器械包microsurgical operating instrument 显微外科手术器械microswitch 微型开关microsyn 精密自动同步机microtasimeter 微压计microtelephone 微型听筒microtensiometer 测微张力计microtest tube 微量试管microthermometer 显微温度计microtome knife 切片刀microtome 检镜用刀microtonometer 微测压计microtron 电子回旋加速器microvibrograph 微震计microviscometer 测微粘度仪microvision 微波观察仪microvoltmeter 微伏计microwattmeter 微瓦计microwave acupuncture stimulator 微波针刺刺激器microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation 受激辐射微波放大器microwave antenna 微波天线microwave anticapatory crash sensor 微波预测碰撞传感器microwave attenuator 微波衰减器microwave bacteria degermer 微波灭菌器microwave cancermachine 微波治癌机microwave ceramics 微波陶瓷microwave circulator 微波循环器microwave communication equipment 微波通信机microwave computer 微波计算机microwave control acupuncture instrument 微波针灸机microwave correlator 微波相关器microwave detector 微波检波器microwave diathermy apparatus 微波透热设备microwave diode 微波二极管microwave diplexer 微波双工器microwave discharge detector 微波放电检测器microwave discriminator 微波鉴频器microwave disinfestion machine 微波杀虫灭菌机microwave distance detector 微波测距机microwave distance-measuring system 微波测距仪microwave door actuator 微波门致动器microwave doppler alarm 微波多普勒报警器microwave drill tool 微波钻具microwave dryer 微波干燥器microwave duplexer tube 微波天线开关管microwave electronic spin-resonant apparatus 微波电子自旋共振仪microwave emission detector 微波发射检测器microwave facsimile equipment 微波传真设备microwave ferrite switch 微波铁氧体开关microwave field intensity meter 微波场强计microwave field strength meter 微波场强仪microwave field-effect transistor 微波场效应晶体管microwave filter 微波滤波器microwave frequency discriminator 微波鉴频器microwave frequency stabilizer 微波稳频器microwave frequency-scanning meter 微波扫频仪microwave furnace 微波炉microwave generator 微波发生器microwave gyrator 微波回转器microwave height finder 微波测高器microwave infrared oven 微波红外线烤炉microwave infrared roaster 微波红外线烤炉microwave interferometer 微波干涉仪microwave isolator 微波隔离器microwave localizer 微波定位器microwave low-noise amplifier 微波低噪声放大器microwave measurement instrument 微波测量仪器microwave measuring equipment 微波测量设备microwave measuring instrument 微波测量仪器microwave measuring receiver 微波测试接收机microwave mixer 微波混频器microwave modulated dual optical wavelength geodetic distance meter 微波调制双光波长大地测距仪microwave modulator 微波调制器microwave moisture meter 微波湿度计microwave network analyzer 微波网络分析仪microwave optical resonance spectrometer 微波光学共振谱仪microwave oscillator 微波振荡器microwave oscilloscope 微波示波器microwave oven 微波加热炉microwave phase discriminator 微波鉴相器microwave phase equalizer 微波相位均衡器microwave phase meter 微波相位计microwave phase shifter 微波移相器microwave photo-multiplier 微波光电倍增器microwave power amplifier 微波功率放大器microwave power meter 微波功率表microwave pulse counter 微波脉冲计数器microwave pulse radar 微波脉冲雷达microwave pulse spectrum analyzer 微波脉冲频谱分析仪microwave radar 微波雷达microwave radio equipment 微波无线电设备microwave radio relay equipment 微波无线电中继设备microwave radiometer 微波辐射计microwave ranger 微波测距仪microwave receiver 微波接收机microwave rectifier 微波整流器microwave relay communication system 微波中继通信系统microwave relay unit 微波中继装置microwave remote sensor 微波遥感器microwave scanning radiometer 微波扫描辐射计microwave signal generator 微波信号发生器microwave spectrometer 微波分光计microwave spectroscope 微波光谱仪microwave stirrer 微波搅拌器microwave sweep oscillator 微波扫频信号振荡器microwave sweep signal generator 微波扫频信号发生器microwave telephone 微波电话机microwave terminal equipment 微波终端设备microwave therapy apparatus 微波治疗仪microwave therapy unit 微波治疗机microwave thickness gauge 微波测厚仪microwave tower 微波塔microwave transceiver 微波收发信机microwave transmission system 微波传送系统microwave transmitter-receiver 微波收发两用机microwave triode 微波三极管microwave tube 微波管microwave wavemeter 微波波长计microwave zone position indicator 微波区位置显示器mid autumn festival lantern 中秋灯mid fibre 中长纤维mid-carbon fe-mn 中碳锰铁mid-fibre-length yarn 中长纤维纱mid-frequency motor 中频电机mid-length pants 中长内裤mid-length shorts 中长短裤mid-mounted reversible plough 中间悬挂式双向犁mid-mounted toolbar 中悬挂机具架mid-series derived filter 半串联导出式滤波器mid-sole overlocker 中底包缝机mid-wale corduroy 中条灯芯绒midaflur 氟咪胺midamaline 咪达马林midani 米达尼绸midazolam 咪达唑仑middle and rear cross beam 中后横梁middle cut file 中纹锉middle duty live center 中型回转顶尖middle flat file 中扁锉middle frequency furnace 中频电炉middle gear 中间齿轮middle half-round file 中半圆锉middle hydraulic valve 中压液压阀middle knife file 中刀锉middle locator 中间定位器middle or high pressure hydraulic element 中高压液压元件middle or high pressure hydraulic valve 中高压液压阀middle or low pressure hydraulic valve 中低压液压阀middle pressure hydraulic gear pump 中压液压齿轮泵middle pressure valve 中压阀middle pressure vane pump 中压叶片泵middle round file 中圆锉middle shaft 中轴middle square file 中方锉middle sulphur petroleum 中硫石油middle triangular file 中三角锉middle turbinate scissors 鼻中甲剪middle type live center 中型活顶尖middle white osprey aigrette 中白鹭鸶毛middle-density fibre board in dry way 中密度纤维板middle-high pressure vane pump 中高压叶片泵middle-pressure turbine 中压汽轮机middle-size tractor 中型拖拉机middlesex blue flannel 米德尔塞克斯靛蓝色法兰绒middy 水手领上衣midecamycin acetate 醋酸麦迪霉素midecamycin 麦迪霉素midfibre fabric 中长化纤织物midget alarm fish finder 小型告警式鱼群探测器midget capacitor 小型电容器midget circuit tester 小型电路试验器midget condenser 小型电容器midget inductor 小型电感器midget motor 小型电动机midget receiver 小型接收机midget relay 微型继电器midget super emitron 小型超光电摄像管midget tester 小型万用表midget ultrasonic fish finder 小型超声波鱼群探测器midget universal relay 小型通用继电器midliner 中线器mido 米度牌手表midodrine 米多君midohm 米德欧姆铜镍电阻合金midox 氯杀螨midspring tea 二春茶midway socks 短袜midway 米德韦牌手表midwifery forceps 产钳miebach high efficiency flash welding machine 米巴赫高效闪光焊机mierocrystalline wax 地蜡mightyboy 壮士牌汽车mignonette net 机制网眼纱miharahyo 三原标粘胶长丝mikado 米卡多塔夫绸mikamycin 米卡霉素mikawhite 米盖白荧光增白剂mikephor 米盖福荧光增白剂mikethrene dye 米盖士林染料miketon dye 米盖通染料mikrokator 扭簧式应变仪mikron 米克纶聚乙烯醇短纤维mil-col 敌菌酮milan braid 米兰马海毛编带milan point 米兰金银丝梭结花边milanaise yarn 棉芯丝线milanese flat warp-stitch knitting machine 米兰尼斯平型经编机milanese hose 米兰尼斯经编机milanese 米兰尼斯经编织物milbam 福美锌milbex 混螨死milcurb 甲菌定mild carbon steel 低碳钢mild purgative 轻泻药mild seven 柔和七星牌香烟mild steel angle bar 软钢角钢mild steel arc welding electrode 低碳钢焊条mild steel bar 软钢条mild steel channel 槽钢mild steel cotter pin 软钢开尾销mild steel countersunk head machine screw 软钢平头机器螺丝mild steel equal angle 等边角钢mild steel flat bar 软钢扁棒材mild steel hexagonal bolt and nut 软钢六角螺丝闩mild steel hexagonal bolt 软钢六角螺丝销mild steel hexagonal nut 六角螺丝帽mild steel hexagonal socket screw 六角凹头螺丝mild steel i-beam 低碳工字钢mild steel joist 软钢工字梁mild steel link chain 铁链条mild steel machine screw 机器螺丝mild steel oval bar 软钢椭圆条mild steel plate cutting 软钢板剪口铁mild steel plate 软钢板mild steel polished shaft 软钢抛光轴mild steel round bar 软钢圆棒材mild steel round head machine screw 铁圆头机器螺丝mild steel safeguard chain 防盗链条mild steel screwhook 软钢螺丝钩mild steel shelf bracket 三角支架mild steel square bar 软钢方钢mild steel square nut 四方螺丝帽mild steel tee 软钢丁字铁mild steel welding electrode 软钢电焊条mild steel window section 软钢窗料mild steel wire 低碳钢丝mild steel wood screw 铁木螺丝mild steel 软钢mild-carbon steel strip 低碳钢带mild-steel sheet 低碳钢薄板mildethane 托布津mildew proof board 防霉纸板mildew proof paper 防霉纸mildew resistant latex paint 防霉乳胶涂料mildew resistant sealant 防霉密封剂mildew-proof latex paint 防霉乳胶漆mildex 敌螨普mildia 密尔达牌手表mildothane 甲基托布津mileage counter 哩程表mileage indicator 哩程指示器mileage recorder 哩程表milenaise 米伦奈斯平布milenperone 咪仑哌隆mileometer 哩程计milfaron 双胺灵milgo 乙菌定milipertine 米利哌汀military aircraft 军用飞机military aluminum basin 军用铝盆military bedford cord 军用马裤呢military binoculars 军用望远镱military cap 军帽military chess 军棋military cloth 军服呢military communication system 军用通信系统military cord 经向灯芯布military drum 军鼓military duck 军用帆布military equipage 军装military helicopter 军用直升机military jacket 军装式茄克military plain toe shoes 平头军鞋military pressure cooker 军用压力锅military ring 军人戒指military style stormcoat 军服式风雪大衣military style topcoat 军服式短大衣military trainer 军用教练机military viewer 军用观察仪milk almond sweet 牛奶杏仁夹心糖milk and food warmer 乳食加温器milk biscuit 牛奶夹心饼干milk boiler 奶煲milk bottle capping machine 奶瓶压盖机milk bottle filling machine 牛奶装瓶机milk bottle sealing machine 奶瓶封瓶机milk bottle 牛奶瓶milk can 牛奶罐milk candy 奶糖milk casein fibre 乳酪纤维milk chocolate bean 牛奶朱古力豆milk chocolate 奶油巧克力milk cow forage 奶牛饲料milk cow 奶牛milk cup 牛奶杯milk curd pie 奶豆腐饼milk extruding machine 挤奶机milk fat meter 乳脂计milk ferment 牛奶发酵剂milk filter 牛奶过滤器milk glass 乳白玻璃milk hazelnut chocolate 奶油榛子巧克力milk ice cream bar 牛奶雪糕milk jelly sandwich 乳果三明治milk jug 牛奶壶milk nut chocolate 奶油果仁巧克力milk packing machine 牛奶包装机milk pan 奶锅milk pipette 牛乳吸管milk pot 奶壶milk powder candy 奶片milk powder machine 制奶粉机milk powder 奶粉milk pump 奶泵milk separator 奶分离器milk sterilizer 牛奶灭菌器milk stirrer 牛奶搅拌器milk sugar 乳糖milk tea chocolate 奶茶巧克力milk testing thermometer 量乳温度表milk toffee 牛奶太妃milk tray chocolate 四味巧克力milk veteh 黄芪milk wafer cream 牛奶威化milk 奶milk-server 牛奶杯milker 挤奶器milking machine 挤奶机milkvetch seed 沙苑子milkweed fibre 马利筋属纤维milky viscose rayon 乳白粘胶人造丝milky white cod-liver oil of ginseng 人参乳白鱼肝油mill chuck 铣夹头mill engine 压榨机mill engraving machine 钢芯轧纹机mill file 扁锉mill finish printing paper 粗道林纸mill finish worsted 薄绒毛织物mill finished ticking 色织床罩布mill knife 磨刀mill motor 磨坊用电动机mill ruling machine 刻线机mill saw 框锯mill silk 筛绢丝mill 粉碎机mill-finished fabric 色织布millboard 厚柏纸mille point 小花斜纹呢milled asbestos 精加工石棉milled cloth 缩绒织物milled fibre 研磨纤维milled glass fibre 磨制玻璃纤维milled goods 毛毡milled nut 滚花螺母milled screw 滚花头螺钉milled serge 缩呢哔叽milled twist drill 麻花钻milled worsted 缩绒精纺毛织物miller 531 草菌盐miller for woodwork 木工铣床miller 铣床millerayes 虹彩绸millet crisp crust 小米锅巴millet in husk 谷子millet 小米milli-ampere-meter 毫安表milliammeter with metal rectifier 金属整流式毫安表milliammeter 毫安表millibar scale 毫巴标尺millibarometer 毫巴气压计millimeter wave band power meter 毫米波全波段功率仪millimeter wave channel branching filter 毫米波分路滤波器millimeter wave reflex klystron 毫米波反射速调管millimeter wire gauge 毫米线规millimeter-wave electron spin resonance spectrometer 毫米波电子自旋共振波谱仪millimeter-wave radar 毫米波雷达millimeter-wave signal generator 毫米波信号发生器millimeter-wave spectrum analyzer 毫米波频谱分析器millimetric wave detector 毫米波检波管millimetric wave magnetron 毫米波磁控管millimicrosecond pulse generator 毫微秒脉冲发生器millinery comb 妇女押发梳millinery 女帽milling dye 耐缩绒染料milling drilling machine 铣钻床milling agent 缩绒剂milling and boring tool 钻镗刀具milling and drilling machine 钻铣床milling arbor 铣刀轴milling bit 铣刀钻头milling chuck 铣夹头milling cutter checking and inspection instrument 铣刀检查仪milling cutter sharpening machine 铣刀盘修磨机milling cutter 铣刀milling dynamometer 铣削测力仪milling head 铣头milling machine 缩绒机milling planer 龙门铣床milling tool 铣刀milling 缩绒milliohmmeter 毫欧表million dollar cotton 百万华棉millipore disc filter 微孔盘式过滤器millipore filter 微孔滤器millipore plastic membrane filter 微孔塑料膜过滤器millisecond counter 毫秒计数器millisecond meter 毫秒计millisecond wavelength scanning spectrometer 毫秒波长扫描分光计millitron 米里特朗染色机millivolt ammeter 毫伏电流表millivoltmeter pyrometer 毫伏计式高温计millivoltmeter regulator 毫伏计调节器millivoltmeter 毫伏表milliwattmeter 毫瓦计millon's reagent 米隆氏试剂millstone 磨石milneb 代森环milori blue 密罗里蓝miltons 米尔登猎装呢miltown 眠尔通milus 米卢斯牌手表mimbane 米姆本mimeograph stencil 蜡纸mimeograph 滚筒油印机mimeographing machine 油印机mimic-disconnecting switch 模拟断路开关mimosa extract 拷胶mimus screw 一字槽螺钉min-cutter 微型刀具mina cloth 米纳交织厚呢minalon 米那纶minalpha 米纳尔法铜锰镍合金minaprine hydrochloride 盐酸米那普林minargent 米纳金特铜镍合金minaxolone 米那索龙minced chicken 鸡肉酱minced pork in chilli paste 椒酱肉minced pork 猪肉糜minced sausage 绞肉香肠mincer 绞肉机mincing knife 剁刀mincing machine motor 绞肉机电机mincing machine 绞肉机mind-easing tonic bolus with arborvitae seed 柏子养心丸mine balance 矿山用天平mine borer 矿井钻孔器mine cable 矿用电缆mine counter-measure helicopter 扫雷直升机mine detector 探矿机mine dust density meter 矿尘浓度计mine equipment 矿山设备mine fan 矿用扇风机mine fire detector 矿井火源探测仪mine fire truck 矿山消防车mine gas detector 矿井瓦斯探测器mine hoist 矿井提升机mine hole opener 矿用扩孔器mine jumbo 矿用钻车mine lamp 矿灯mine laser geodimeter 矿用激光测距仪mine locator 探矿仪mine locomotive 矿用机车mine rig 矿用钻车mine salt 矿盐mine sweeper 扫雷器mine theodolite 矿山经纬仪mine-selecting equipment 选矿设备mineiro cotton 米内鲁棉minepentate 米奈喷酯miner's hand lamp 手提矿灯miner's lamp 矿灯miner's safety helmet 矿工安全帽mineral acid 矿物酸mineral cotton 矿棉mineral dielectric separator 矿物介电分离仪mineral dye 矿物染料mineral fibre 矿物纤维mineral filter 矿物滤器mineral fuel 矿物燃料mineral microscope 矿物显微镜mineral oil 矿物油mineral pitch 柏油mineral pot 矿泉壶mineral sandpaper 矿物砂纸mineral sulphur 矿质硫磺mineral supplement 矿物补充剂mineral turpentine 矿物松节油mineral water making machine 制矿泉水机械mineral water salt 矿泉水盐mineral water 矿泉水mineral wool fibre 渣绒纤维mineral wool 矿物棉minerals 矿产品mingled forage 配合饲料mingled yarn 混色毛纱mini air compressor 小型空气压缩机mini airbus 小型空中客车mini audio equipment 迷你型音响mini capacitive-gate digital readout for electrical discharge machines 微型电火花机床容栅数显器mini capacitive-gate digital readout for lathe 微型车床容栅数显器mini capacitive-gate digital readout for milling machine 微型铣床容栅数显器mini car 微型小汽车mini city 城市牌小型汽车mini clamp-on bench vise 微型桌虎钳mini disc driver 小型磁盘驱动器mini electro-optical imaging system 小型光电成像系统mini hand saw 袖珍手锯mini laser disc player 小型激光唱机mini laser rangefinder 小型激光测距机mini mayfair 贵族宅区牌小型汽车mini metro 梅特罗牌小型汽车mini passenger-cargo dual-purpose car 小型客货两用车mini processor 微型处理机mini starter 小起动器mini stereo cassette player 袖珍立体声放音机mini tape recorder 小型录音机mini train 小型火车mini travel iron 旅行式微型电熨斗mini tripod for camera 照相机小型三角架mini ups card 小型不间断电源卡mini-computerized roundness measuring instrument 微机圆度测量仪mini-dress 套衫连超短裙mini-excavator 小型挖掘机mini-floppy disk 小型软盘mini-inductance differential pressure transducer 小型电感式压差传感器mini-laser 小型激光器mini-passenger car 小客车mini-skirt 超短裙mini-temperature sensor 小型温度传感器mini-turning dynamometer 小型车削测力仪mini-type tape recording system 小型磁带记录系统miniature breaker 小型断路器miniature auto charger 小型自动充电机miniature billiard 康乐球miniature breaker 微型电路器miniature brush plater with automatic feed 微型自动供液刷镀仪miniature camera 小型照相机miniature capacitor 小型电容器miniature carbon-film resistor 小型碳膜电阻器miniature centrifuge 小型离心机miniature ceramic capacitor 小型瓷电容器miniature circular sealing connector 小圆形密封连接器miniature colour tv camera 小型彩色电视摄像机miniature control relay 小型控制继电器miniature dozer 小型推土机miniature earth station for satellite communication 小型卫星通信地球站miniature electric cutter 小型电动裁切机miniature electro-magnetic relay 小型电磁继电器miniature electronic pliers 小型电子钳miniature electrostatic accelerometer 微型静电加速计miniature film 微型胶卷miniature fluxgate magnetometer 小型磁通闸门磁强计miniature golf 小高尔夫球miniature intermediate relay 小型中间继电器miniature lamp bulb 微型灯泡miniature laser 小型激光器miniature loudspeaker 小型扬声器miniature low power electromagnetic dc relay 小型小功率直流电磁继电器miniature magnetic dc motor 微型永磁直流电动机miniature motor 小型电动机miniature needle valve 小型针阀miniature photomultiplier 小型光电倍增管miniature polyester capacitor 小型聚酯电容器miniature portable fluoroscopical machine 手提式小型透视机miniature printer 小型打印机miniature radio receiver 小型无线电接收机miniature refrigerator 微型制冷器miniature relay 微型继电器miniature resonance absorption spectrometer 小型共振吸收谱仪miniature rockery 水石盆景miniature side-table 小琴桌miniature solid-sintered tantalum capacitor 微小型固体烧结钽电容器miniature thermoelectric refrigerator 微型热电制冷器miniature thyratron 微型闸流管miniature transformer 微型变压器miniature tube 小型电子管miniature voice coder 小型话音编码器miniaturized atmospheric pressure nitrogen laser 小型化大气压氮激光器miniaturized large capacity radio telemetry equipment 小型化大容量无线电遥测设备minibulker 小型散货轮minibundle cable 一管多纤式光缆minibus 小型公共汽车minica econo 米尼卡-艾科诺牌汽车minicab 米尼卡布牌汽车minicab 小型出租汽车minicam 小型照相机minicide 氯甲威minicomputer 小型计算机minidiab tablet 美吡哒片minimax 米尼马斯牌手表minimeter 测微计minimodem 小型调制解调器minimum current relay 低值电流继电器minimum relay 低值继电器minimum thermometer 最低温度计mining candle 矿烛mining car 矿车mining electric locomotive 矿用电机车mining equipment 矿山设备mining lamp 矿灯mining machine 采掘机mining machinery 矿山机械mining shovel 采掘电铲mining truck 矿用卡车minioscilloscope 小型示波器minipress tablet 脉宁平片minipump 微型泵minisaw blade 微型锯条miniscope 小型显示器miniscrew driver kit 袖珍多头螺丝起子minisedan 小轿车minitransistor 小型晶体管minitron 小型中子管minituner 小型调谐器miniwatt amplifier 小功率放大器mink fur 水貂皮mink hair 貂毛mink oil cream 貂油膏mink oil liquid cream 貂油奶液mink skin cape for lady 水貂皮女披肩mink skin jacket 水貂皮夹克mink skin mounted with head 镶头水貂皮mink skin overcoat 水貂皮大衣mink skin stole for lady 水貂皮女围巾mink skin 水貂皮mink stole 水貂皮围巾mink tail trim pyramid coat in rayon sheen gabardine 角锥形鼬尾镶饰人造丝光轧别丁绒大衣mink 貂皮minnow net machine 编网机minnow net 细眼网minocin capsule 美满霉素胶囊minocycline 二甲胺四环素minolta 美能达牌照相机minometer 微放射计minor crane 小型起重机minor cutting edge grinder for indexable carbide insert 可转位刀片负倒刃磨床minor cycle counter 短周期计数器minox 美乐时牌照相机minoxidil 米诺地尔minoxidilum 敏乐啶mint essence 薄荷精mint flavouring 薄荷香料mint herb 薄荷mint ice cream 薄荷雪糕mint oil 薄荷油mint tea 薄荷茶mint 薄荷mintacol 对氧磷minting machine 造币机mintsu zure obi 明缂丝腰带minute volume divider 低量分压器minvar 敏瓦尔低膨胀系数合金铸铁mio epoxy build primer 环氧云铁厚浆底漆mio epoxy primer 环氧云铁底漆miocamycin tablet 美欧卡霉素片miophone 肌音听测器mipafox 丙胺氟磷mipcin 异丙威mipspanone 异丙脒混剂mipzinon 威农混剂mir 和平牌手表mir-saraband 优质萨腊本地毯mira metal 米拉耐蚀铜合金mira 米拉牌汽车mirabilite 芒硝mirabilite 米拉赖特耐蚀铝合金mirabo 马来宝牌手表miracle super-quality beauty cream 神奇高级美容蜜miracle super-quality freckle removing cream 神奇营养去斑蜜miracle super-quality sea buckthorn cream 神奇沙棘美容蜜miraculous pill of ledebouriella 防风通圣丸miraculoy 米拉丘洛依耐高压铸造合金mirada 米拉达牌汽车mirafiori 米拉菲奥里牌汽车mirage 幻影牌汽车miralite 米拉赖特耐蚀铝合金miranda 美年达牌照相机miraplast 高密度聚乙烯合成纸mirbane 硝基苯mircrometer gauge 测微器mirex 灭蚁灵miristalkonium chloride 米他氯铵miroprofen 咪洛芬mirror black glaze 乌金釉mirror board 镜面板mirror bracket 镜架mirror bronze 镜青铜mirror cabinet 带镜立柜mirror electrodynamometer 镜式电力测功计mirror extensometer 反光伸长计mirror finish carbide turning tool 硬质合金镜面车刀mirror finish 镜子漆mirror galvanometer 镜式检流计mirror glass 镜玻璃mirror oscillograph 镜式示波器mirror phone 磁录音机mirror print 双面印花圆网印花机mirror reflector 镜面反射器mirror shelf 镶镜壁架mirror stereoscope 反光立体镜mirror telescope 反射望远镜mirror type lamp 镜面型灯mirror wavebeam guide 镜式波导管mirror with glass foot 玻璃座架镜mirror 镜子mirrow glass 镜面玻璃mirzapur 默札珀地毯miscellaneous fibre 野杂纤维miscellaneous hair felt 杂毛毡miscellaneous machinery 杂项机械miscellaneous metal ware and tool 五金工具mischmetal 混合稀土mischrome 米希罗姆铁铬系不锈钢misco 米斯科镍铬铁系耐热耐蚀合金miser 凿井机mishima alloy 三岛高矫顽力永磁合金mishima magnet steel 铝镍强磁钢misonidazole 米索硝唑misoprostol 米索前列醇misrnylon 米斯尔尼龙聚酰胺纤维misrophane 米斯罗芬粘胶薄膜missile course computer 导弹航向计算机missile defence alarm satellite 导弹防御警报卫星missile director 导弹制导仪missile fuel waste water treatment vehicle 导弹燃烧剂废水处理车missile oxidant waste water treatment vehicle 导弹氧化剂废水处理车missile propellant protection clothes 导弹推进剂防护服missile warhead 导弹弹头missile 导弹mission cloth 粗厚方平织物mission net 大网眼粗窗帘布mississippi cotton 密西西比棉mist blower 喷雾器mist catcher 捕雾器mist duster 弥雾喷粉机mist eliminator 除雾器mist generator 弥雾发生器mist oiler 油雾加油器mist precipitator 滤雾器mist separator 雾滴分离器。



基于球形全流动触探仪的软土地基不排水强度确定张亚国;李镜培【摘要】球形全流动触探仪在软弱土体中具有测试数据稳定且无须修正的特点,因而在近海工程中有着较好的适用性.对球形探头贯入阻力及确定土体不排水剪切强度的方法进行介绍,并讨论了贯入阻力系数取值范围.在此基础上,通过开展离心模型试验,分析比较球形全流动触探和传统锥形静力触探的贯入阻力,以及确定的软土不排水剪切强度.研究结果表明,利用孔压修正后的锥形探头较球形全流动触探探头的贯入阻力大;而基于球形触探结果确定的软土不排水剪切强度值较传统静探方法确定的更为稳定,且与K0固结条件下强度值较为接近.本研究将为球形全流动触探仪在近海工程中的应用提供依据.【期刊名称】《结构工程师》【年(卷),期】2019(035)002【总页数】5页(P215-219)【关键词】球形触探仪;软土地基;贯入阻力;不排水剪切强度【作者】张亚国;李镜培【作者单位】长安大学建筑工程学院,西安710061;同济大学地下建筑与工程系,上海200092【正文语种】中文0 引言随着海港码头、跨海桥梁以及风机发电等近海工程的发展,对海相沉积软土的工程性质进行有效评估,是开展各类基础土工设计的关键[1-2]。


传统的静力触探(Cone penetration test,CPT/CPTU)探头呈锥形,由于其截面积小、量程大,使得在超软土中的灵敏度和准确性较低;另外,在海洋环境下获取准确的CPT/CPTU传感器读数也较为困难[3,6]。




该类探头在贯入过程中,土体会出现流动旋转等现象,故而又被称为全流动触探仪(Full flow penetrometer,FFP)[6],其主要包括T形(T-bar)、板形(Plate)和球形(Ball penetrometer)三类,如图1所示。



Penetration value(针入度值)Principle(原理):The hardness of fats, butter and margarine is measured by allowing a metal cone of known weight and angle to penetrate into a sample for 5 seconds. The yield value (C-value) is calculated from the penetration depth. This value (and not the penetration depth) is proportional to that obtained by the thumb test.脂肪、黄油、人造奶油的硬度可以用已知重量和角度的金属圆锥体刺入到样品中5秒钟测量。



Apparatus(仪器):Metal cone: with 400 angle and known weight (about 80g);金属圆锥体:呈400角和已知重量(大约80克);Cone clamped in a penetrometer: provided with a scale calibrated in 0.1mm or in C-values.带有夹子的针入度仪:测量刻度为0.1mm。

Metal sample rings: internal diameter 50mm, height 35mm, metal stainless steel, chrome or nickel-plated brass, aluminium, etc.金属样品环:内径50mm,高35mm,金属不锈钢,铬或度镍的铜,铝等。

Tempering room: with adjustable temperature between 0 and 35℃. For factory purposes an accuracy of ±0.25℃is sufficient. For more exact measurements in the lab an accuracy of ±0.1℃is needed.调温室:可调温度在0~35℃,对工厂来说准确度为±0.25℃足够了,为了更精确实验室需要±0.1℃。



混凝土成分concrete composition混凝土稠度concrete consistence混凝土构造物concrete construction混凝土输送管concrete conveying pipe混凝土空心板concrete core slab混凝土养护concrete curing混凝土切断机concrete cutting machine混凝土坝concrete dam浇注混凝土concrete deposit混凝土混合料离析concrete desintegration混凝土分配器concrete dispenser混凝土整面机concrete finishing machine混凝土底板concrete floor放射线屏蔽用混凝土concrete for radioactive ray shielding 浇混凝土用模板concrete form混凝土基础块concrete foundation block混凝土构架concrete frame混凝土梁式桥concrete girder bridge混凝土格床concrete grillage混凝土浆concrete grout混凝土灌浆机concrete grouter混凝土喷枪concrete gun混凝土硬化concrete hardening混凝土空心砌块concrete hollow block大体积混凝土concrete in mass水中混凝土concrete in water混凝土工业concrete industry混凝土联锁瓦concrete interlocking tile混凝土接缝封塞料concrete joint sealing compound混凝土试验室concrete laboratory混凝土层concrete layer混凝土摊铺机concrete laying machine混凝土整平层concrete levelling course混凝土照鸣concrete lighting columm混凝土拌合料的振动concrete mix vibration运货汽车混凝土搅拌机concrete mixer on truck混凝土振动搅拌机concrete mixer with vibrating blades 混凝土搅拌concrete mixing混凝土混合料concrete mixture混凝土灰浆concrete mortar混凝土模板用油concrete mould oil混凝土钉concrete nail干稠度混凝土concrete of dry consistency早强混凝土concrete of high early strength等稠度混凝土concrete of one consistency干硬性混凝土concrete of stiff consistency混凝土涂料concrete paint混凝土路面修补concrete patching混凝土面层concrete pavement混凝土路面摊铺机concrete pavement spreader 混凝土铺路机concrete paver混凝土桩帽concrete pile follower混凝土桩基础concrete pile foundation混凝土排桩concrete piling混凝土浇注机concrete placer混凝土塑化剂concrete plasticiser混凝土准备设施concrete preparing equment混凝土制品concrete products混凝土工程进度表concrete progress chart混凝土泵送concrete pumping混凝土防辐射罩concrete radiation shield混凝土反应堆护罩concrete reactor shield混凝土钢筋concrete reinforcement混凝土钢筋笼concrete reinforcing cage耐气侯混凝土concrete resistant to weather混凝土道路concrete road混凝土屋顶concrete roof混凝土屋顶板concrete roof deck混凝土锯concrete saw混凝土凝固concrete setting混凝土收缩concrete shrinkage混凝土骨架concrete skeleton混凝土喷洒concrete spraying钢筋混凝土建筑物concrete steel building混凝土石concrete stone混凝土立方体试块concrete test cube混凝土纹理concrete texture混凝土瓦concrete tile混凝土运送机concrete transporter混凝土混合料输送车concrete truck混凝土格子板concrete waffle slab混凝土防水剂concrete waterproofer碎石混凝土concrete with crushed stone蜂窝状混凝土concrete with honeycombed spots 混凝土工程concrete work混凝土工concrete worker浇注混凝土起重机臂concreting boom混凝土工奏concreting gang冻期灌筑混凝土concreting in freezing weather分层灌筑混凝土concreting in lifts现场灌筑混凝土concreting in site混凝土施工设备concreting outfit混凝土浇筑用纸concreting paper混凝土浇注次序concreting sequence 混凝土吊斗concreting sk混凝土浇灌塔concreting tower混凝土列车concreting train冷凝水管路condensate line凝结水泵condensate pump凝结水回收管condensate return pe 凝汽筒condensate trap凝结condensation冷凝水槽condensation tank冷凝器condenser冷凝压力condensing pressure冷凝装置condensing unit契约条例condition of contract不稳定性条件condition of instability 劳动条件condition of labor负载情况condition of loading空气第空间conditioned space第器conditioner第conditioning曝光条件conditions of exposure 导体conductor水路conduit圆锥cone圆锥贯入仪cone penetrometer 锥形薄壳cone shell锥体试验cone test受压水confined water圆锥形屋盖conical broach roof 共轭梁conjugate beam共轭水深conjugate depths结合conjugation连接螺栓connecting bolt22 楼Date: 2008-06-25 07:55:38可爱的小金鲤看我其他帖子看我的日志看我该帖回复连接钢筋connecting reinforcement接头connection连接尺寸connection dimension劈锥曲面壳conoidal shell守恒conservation稠度consistance稠度指数consistency index混凝土稠度试验consistency test of concrete稠度计consistometer固结灌浆consolidation grouting固结仪consolidation test apparatus等截面柱constant dimension column施工程序表construction schedule建筑规范construction specifications建筑用钢construction steel建筑施工监督管理机构construction supervising authority 建筑施工方法construction techniques建筑工艺学construction technology建筑理论construction theory施工容许误差construction tolerances工程运输列车construction train有执照建筑construction under licence构造混凝土constructional concrete建筑缺点constructional defect构造详图constructional detail建筑用钢铁constructional iron建筑计划constructional project施工人员constructor构造用涂料construuction paint施工缝constuction joint建筑载荷constuction loads用户煤气管道consumer gas ping消费曲线consumption curve接触曝气池contact aerator接触表面contact area接触滤床contact bed接触过滤contact filtration接触絮凝搅拌器contact flocculator接触压力contact pressure无触点传感器contactless pick up反应堆的外壳结构containment structure 捣土建筑物contbeat cob construction 意外费用总额contingency sum连续性continuity连续性方程continuity equation连续矩continuity moment连续计量器continuous batcher多跨连续梁continuous beam on many supports 连续浇筑混凝土continuous concrete连续灌筑混凝土continuous concreting连续施工法continuous construction连续性开裂continuous cracking连续怜曝气槽continuous flow aeration tank连续怜沉淀槽continuous flow settling basin连续基础continuous foundation连续梁桥continuous girder bridge连续级配continuous grading连续拌合装置continuous mix plant连续搅拌机continuous mixer连续式配料设备continuous proportioning plant连续板continuous slab连续流continuous stream连续结构continuous structure连续悬梁continuous suspension girder连续式浓缩器continuous thickener连续焊continuous welding连续级配骨料continuously graded aggregate连续配筋的混凝土continuously reinforced concrete围线排水contour drainage承包合同contract agreement合同条件contract condition发包工程contract construction合同文件contract documents承包管理者contract manager合同价格contract price契约技术条件contract specifications控制酌control action等室control building控制舱control cabinet混凝土质量管理control of concrete quality校核试验control test受控条件controlled condition控制的行人横道controlled pedestrian crossing 可胆风controlled ventilation对寥convected heat对寥传达convection heat transfer对两供热convection heating对寥交换convective heat exchange锯材converted timber可交替附件convertible attachments床椅两用长沙发convertible couch凸面convex camber凸状瓦convex tile输水建筑物conveyance structure传送带conveyor带式戽斗搬运设备conveyor type bucket loader 厨房cookhouse冷却剂coolant冷却空气cooling air降温及栎暖cooling and heating供冷供热装置cooling and heating unit冷却弃cooling apparatus冷却盘管cooling coil排管蒸发器cooling grid冷却负载cooling load冷却池cooling pond冷却能力cooling power冷却塔cooling tower冷却塔罩cooling tower packing坐标轴coordinate axes坐标coordinates坐标示图coordination drawing复制装置copying mechanism支架corbel piece挑砖corbelling绳索cord中心地区core area岩芯钻core drill柱芯子core of column截面核心core of section心墙core wall心墙坝core wall dam软木cork墙角护条corner bead墙角柜corner cabinet角凿corner chisel隅角柱corner column角柱corner post隅角抹子corner trowel走廊形房屋corridor type block of flats防锈掺会料corrosion inhibiting admixture 卷曲钢纤维corrugate steel fibers波状铝板corrugated aluminium波状石棉水泥板corrugated asbestos波纹齿环corrugated toothed ring成本计算cost account有经济效益的设计cost efficient design施工材料费用cost of construction materials23 楼Date: 2008-06-25 07:57:33可爱的小金鲤看我其他帖子看我的日志看我该帖回复建筑施工费cost of construction work合同费用cost of contract设计费用cost of design工程的装配施工费cost of erecting work of construction 七费cost of furniture劳动工资费cost of labour养护费cost of maintenance材料费cost of materials运转费cost of operation生产成本cost of production运输费cost of transportation维持费cost of upkeep单价cost per unit棉织带cotton tape睡椅couch副斜杆counter交叉撑counter brace吊平顶counter ceiling逆两拌合机counter current mixer泛水帽盖counter flashing粗地板counter floor逆两热交换器counter flow heat exchange计算机构counter mechanism交叉斜撑counterbracing逆龄却塔counterflow cooling tower后扶垛坝counterfort dam后扶垛式发电厂counterfort type powerhouse 扶壁式围墙土墙counterforted retaining wall 竖旋吊桥counterpoise bridge逆斜度counterslope郊区住宅country house农村居住区规划country planning农村道路country road力偶couple闭合式对偶屋顶couple close roof对椽屋顶couple roof成双屋顶结构couple roof construction 耦合器coupler联接器coupling对角砌砖层course of diagonal bricks 丁砖层course of headers成层的砌砖coursed brickwork成层砌体coursed masonry成层铺面coursed pavement成行缝coursing joint庭院court法院court building凹圆形天棚照明cove lighting盖子cover保护层厚测定仪cover meter盖板cover plate瓦片屋面covering in scale tiles覆盖灰浆covering mortar道路铺面covering of roadway盖面护墙板covering panel盖面石板瓦covering slate盖面瓷砖covering tile牛栏cow house起重绞车crab裂绞控制crack control裂缝形成crack formation裂纹图形crack pattern裂缝宽度crack width裂开cracking开裂极限状态cracking limit state 开裂力矩cracking moment壁钩crampet起重机梁crane beam起重机吊架crane boom起重机安装crane erection起重机吊钩crane hook吊车荷载crane load起重机轨道crane runway手摇钻crank brace安全护拦crash barrier窄小空间crawl space覆带起重机crawler crane覆带挖土机crawler excavator履带式打桩装置crawler mounted piling rig 窄小通道crawlway裂纹craze托儿所creche蠕变系数creep coefficient蠕变线creep line混凝土蠕变creep of concrete蠕变率creep rate蠕变试验creep test门窗长插销cremorne bolt框形物crib木龙围堰crib cofferdam木龙填石坝crib dam筛cribble十字形斜撑criss cross diagonals纵向弯曲准则criterion of buckling临界纵向弯曲载荷critical buckling load临界密度critical density临界流critical flow临界水头critical head临界高度critical height临界水力陡度critical hydraulic gradient临界极限状态critical limit state临界载荷设计法critical load design 临界力矩critical moment临界压力critical pressure临界坡度critical slope临界孔隙率critical void ratio钩crook四通管cross横撑cross arm横杆吊索cross bar sling横向弯曲cross bending横向支撑cross binding交叉砌合cross bond横向联接cross connection横割锯cross cut saw横向坡cross fall交叉流cross flow横向力cross force横撑架cross frame字形蝶铰cross garnet butt t十字铁cross iron横缝cross joint横钢筋cross reinforcement十字路cross road廉横截面cross section of stream横截面尺寸cross sectional dimensions 24 楼Date: 2008-06-25 07:59:14可爱的小金鲤看我其他帖子看我的日志看我该帖回复十字形截面柱cross shaped column人行横道cross walk横墙cross wall横墙构造cross wall construction交叉道路cross way横盖缝条cross welt交叉钢筋cross wise reinforcement撬杆crow bar拱顶铰crown hinge顶点标高crown level拱顶crown of arch坩埚钢crucible steel十字形交叉路cruciform cross生污水crude sewage原焦油crude tar碎骨料crushed aggregate粉碎的混凝土crushed concrete碎砾石crushed gravel碎石块底盘crushed stone base course碎石灰尘crusher dust未筛碎石crusher run stone压碎crushing破碎节选装置crushing and grading plant压碎试验crushing test立方体压碎强度cube crushing strength立方体冲豢度cube impact strength方块造型cube mould二十八天龄方块强度cube strength of 28 days 立方体强度试验cube strength test容积应变cubic strain容积量cubical content体积膨胀cubical dilatation有棱角颗粒骨料cubicle aggregate体积测量cubing累积径龙线cumulative runoff diagram方头螺栓cup square bolt碗柜cupboard圆屋顶cupola穹顶坝cupola dam路缘curb固化剂curing agent养护毯子curing blanket养生开裂curing cracking养护用薄膜curing membrane养护周期curing period养护温度curing temperature翘曲并开裂curling cracking电流流current水链态current regime窗帘curtain幕墙结构curtain wall construction曲率curvature最大弯矩曲线curve of maximum bending moments 曲线描绘仪curve plotter曲梁curved beam曲线桥curved bridge曲线curved line曲面石料curved stone曲面curved surface缓冲层cushion coat软垫层cushion course定制模板custom built forms泌工艺cut and cover technique稀释沥青cut back asphalt屋顶台地cut roof无门坎门cut through door截璃cutoff valve切断机cutting off machine自行车道cycle path多次重复酌cyclic action周期载荷状态cyclic load regime周期应变cyclic strains乱石cyclopean aggregate巨型毛石方块cyclopean block毛石混凝土cyclopean concrete毛石砌筑cyclopean rubble masonry 蛮石砌体壁cyclopic wall沉井cylinder caisson管状沉箱基础cylinder caisson foundation 混凝土圆柱试件cylinder of concrete管柱基础cylinder pile foundation圆筒状壳体cylinder shell圆筒形围堤cylindrical cofferdam圆筒形水闸cylindrical sluice gate圆筒形储罐cylindrical tank25 楼Date: 2008-06-25 08:00:39可爱的小金鲤看我其他帖子看我的日志看我该帖回复形裂纹 d cracking d灰浆饼块dabbed mortar昼夜第池daily pondage basin装饰板材dalle坝dam坝体dam body坝混凝土dam concrete堤坝工程dam construction水坝取水口dam intake水坝排水闸dam outlet坝址dam site挡起dam up筑坝damming防潮damp proofing减震能力damping capacity吸音材料damping material混凝土弄湿damping of concrete舞厅dance hall危险断面dangerous section刮板抹子darby浇泼涂层dash coat资料data实际竣工日期date of substantial completion 石面凿毛daubing天日day日产量day output昼夜供给蓄水池day supply reservoir每日现场检查day to day site supervision日光daylight日光照檬daylight factor昼光照明daylight illumination天然采光面积daylighting area直接照明ddirect lighting假门dead door终端锚dead end anchor固定静负荷挠曲dead load deflection挡墙dead wall死水空间dead water space自重dead weight死窗dead window分支deadleg锚定桩deadman真空混凝土deaerated concrete除气deaeration脱灰deashing拦砂坝debris dam衰减;腐败decay拆除模架decentering分散排水系统decentralized sewage system 上路桥deck bridge屋顶面钢夹deck cl桥面构筑框架deck framing上承式大梁deck girder铺板标高deck level上承结构deck structure上承式桁架deck truss结合破坏decohesion脱色剂decolorizing agent降压室decompression chamber 去污系数decontamination factor 装饰砌块decorative blck装饰砌合法decorative bond装饰设计decorative design装饰玻璃decorative glass装饰涂料decorative paint装饰肋decorative rib装饰者decorator除尘dedusting壁梁deep beam深水段水门deep gate底部闸门deep sluice深井泵deep well pump防御物defence国防工程defence construction挠曲钢筋束deflected tendon挠度计deflectometer变形性deformability变形测定计deformability meter变形deformation每单位长度变形deformation per unit of length 变形钢筋deformed bars溶解defrosting退降degradation去油脂degreasing度degree日degree day 度老化程度degree of aging压实度degree of compaction压缩度degree of compression污染程度degree of contamination不燃性程度degree of incombustibility净化度degree of purification安全度degree of safety泡胀度degree of swelling干燥dehumidification减湿能力dehumidifying capacity防结冰剂deicer延迟delay迟发雷管delay action detonator延迟介质delay medium精确蝶delicate adjustment杨程高delivery head输出软管delivery hose输送压力水头delivery pressure head需要demand峰值需要量demand pattern拆毁demolition拆毁工作demolition work脱模demoulding灵活隔断demountable partition密实骨料dense aggregate密实石碴混凝土dense ballast concrete浸灌防腐剂的木材densified impregnated wood 密度控制density control除臭deodorization部department粉石齿面depeter磕曲线depletion curve浇管depositing淤积地区depositing site平坦拱depressed arch降落曲线depression curve梁高度depth of beam建筑物高度depth of building压实分层厚度depth of compacted layer 排泄深度depth of drainage基础深度depth of foundation冻结深度depth of frost penetration粉刷层厚度depth of plastering径令度depth of runoff截面高度depth of section桁架高度depth of truss高与跨度比depth to span ratio水深临关系曲线depth velocity curve导出derivation引水道隧洞derivation tunnel德立克吊derrick改变起重臂倾角derricking干燥剂desiccant图样design设计通行能力design capacity设计合同design contract设计坝顶标高design crest level设计标准design criteria设计资料design data设计方案design decision设计图试制阶段design development phase设计量design discharge设计文件design document设计特点design feature设计适应性design flexibility计算公式design formulas设计原则design fundamentals设计坡度design grade设计水头design head计算热耗design heat loss设计限制design limitations计算力矩design moment模壳设计design of form配合比设计design of mix proportion生产构造物设计design of production structure 修复设计design of repair断面设计design of section地下构造物设计design of underground structure 设计室design office设计最优化design optimization设计机关design organ绘图纸design paper26 楼Date: 2008-06-25 13:14:58可爱的小金鲤看我其他帖子看我的日志看我该帖回复设计参数design parameters设计基准期design reference period设计状况design situation设计温度地图design temperature map计算极限载荷design ultimate load设计能力designed output设计designing设计院designing institute清淤desilting独立烟囱detached chimney独立式车库detached garage详细detail详图detail drawing零件细目表detail sheet细部计划detailed plan绘制详图detailing蓄洪水库detention basin蓄洪坝detention dam沉砂池detritor发展development张拉区间粘着应力development bond stress 传达长度development length开拓工作development works施加预应力装置device for prestressing铺沥青路面加热器devil带钉抹子devil float露dew露点dew point排水系数dewatering coefficient排水装置dewatering installation凹地排水dewatering of excavation 露点温度dewpoint temperature斜杆diagonal对角钢筋带diagonal band对角砌合diagonal bond对角撑diagonal brace对角裂缝diagonal crack受压斜杆diagonal in compression受拉斜杆diagonal in tension斜拉杆diagonal member斜角覆盖层diagonal sheathing斜拉应力diagonal tensile stress简图diagrammatic drawing斜肋楼板diagrid floor直径diameter劈裂试验diametral compression test 菱形筛孔diamond mesh隔膜泵diaphragm pump薄膜阀diaphragm valve硅藻土砖diatomaceous brick硅藻土滤池diatomite filter硅酸二钙dicalcium silicate热反应涂料dicating paint差动压力differential pressure差动压调differential pressure controller 差动式倒水箱differential surge tank散光照描备diffuse light luminaire扩散空气曝气diffused air aeration扩散空气装置diffused air device扩散式空气补充diffused air supply散光照明diffused illumination漫射光diffused light扩散器diffuser扩散板diffuser plate化污池digestion tank挖土铲斗digging bucket挖掘深度digging depth挖掘半径digging radius堤坝决口dike breach护堤dike dam破烂建筑物dilapidated building伸缩缝dilatation joint稀释剂diluent尺寸线dimension line标准尺寸木材dimension lumber有尺度的图dimensional drawing尺寸稳定性dimensional stability硅石砖dinas brick小餐室dinette勾缝dinging厨房餐间dining kitchen食堂dining room铲斗dper直接空气供热系统direct air heating system 27 楼Date: 2008-06-25 13:16:49可爱的小金鲤看我其他帖子看我的日志看我该帖回复直接倾倒direct dumping直接电气养护direct electric curing顺廉加热器direct flow water heater天然基础direct foundation直接供热direct heating直接热水系统direct hot water system 直射光照描备direct light luminaire直接应力direct stress直射阳光direct sunlight直接系统direct system下坡方向direction of fall解体disassembly圆盘disc过水断面面积discharge area泄水渠discharge canal排泄能力discharge capacity排放开关discharge cock排水渠道discharge conduit量曲线discharge curve排气风扇discharge fan排水沟断面discharge section水文测站discharge site卸货discharge 量;卸货站台discharging platform不连续结构discontinuous construction 间断级配discontinuous grading松散集料discrete aggregate圆盘式机械抹子disk type power float拆卸式家具dismantling furniture分配器dispenser消散器dissator溶剂dissolvent梁间隔distance between girders防火间隔distance separation变形强度distortion strength混凝土裂缝distress in concrete分布力distributed force分布钢筋distributing bars配水管道distributing pe line分配板distributing plate分配总管distribution header混凝土混合料分配distribution of concrete 日光分布distribution of daylight力分布distribution of forces配水池distribution reservoir区域district区域锅炉房district boiler house分区冷却district cooling区域供热district heating区域公园district park区域性道路district road均衡破坏disturbance of equilibrium昼夜温度幅度diurnal temperature range昼夜变化diurnal variation差异系数diversity factor造船厂dockyard第杆件doctor bar文件document扒钉dog抓钩dog iron白云石灰岩dolomitic limestone系船柱dolphin穹顶天窗孔dome light圆顶状薄壳dome shell居住建筑domestic architecture家用锅炉domestic boiler生活垃圾domestic garbage民用煤气设备domestic gas installation家用供热domestic heating家用供热装置domestic heating appliance 家用热水domestic hot water居住房屋domestic house生活污水domestic sewage生活污水管系统domestic sewerage system 民用给水domestic water supply圆顶式建筑domical architecture大型垫圈donut门的装配door assembly门销door bolt门边立木door buck门铰链door butt门闩door catch门钩door hanger挂门door hanging门环door knocker窗门扇间竖框door mullion门洞door opening门自动启闭装置door operator门牌door plate门一览表door schedule门扇边挺door stile门道door way双扉门door with two leaves门铃doorbell门制止器doorstop老虎窗dormant window宿舍区dormitory area点线dot line推拉门double acting door双酌液压油缸double acting hydraulic jack 复动桩锤double acting pile hammer双角钢double angle复式钢筋double armouring双重板条double batten可容双人床卧室double bedroom双窝double box双支管double branch pe双层桥double bridge双重涂层double coat双层式道路double deck road双层筛double deck screen双层沉淀池double deck settling basin双开门double door双鸠尾键double dovetail key双滚筒提升机double drum hoist双头板手double end wrench双重铺地面double flooring镶双层玻璃double glazing双头钉double headed nail双铰拱double hinged arch拼连住宅double house双进风口扇风机double inlet fan复式交叉桁架double intersecting truss工字钢double iron双板条double lath双翼式开合桥double leaf bascule bridge双翼大门double leaf gate双翼平旋桥double leaf swing bridge套管冷凝器double pe condenser双管供热系统double pe heat supply system 双坡屋顶double pitch roof双杆支脚手架double pole scaffold双柱式屋架double post roof truss复式屋顶double roof双层升降窗double sashed window双层板桩double sheetpiling双立管系统double stack system双重楼梯double stairs双重立式缝double standing seam形梁double t beam 双t双榫double tenons双线桥double track bridge双层窗double window双翼门double wing door双重预应力混凝土doubly prestressed concrete配复筋的梁doubly reinforced beam配复筋的混凝土doubly reinforced concrete双对称断面doubly symmetrical section灌洗douche胶dough燕尾榫dovetail装配用喷枪dowel driver榫钉接合木结构doweled joint wooden construction 倒风down draft下给系统down feed system自俩水管down service落水管downcomer下坡downgrade暴雨downpour肋形楼板梁downstand beam下游护坦downstream apron下游侧第downstream control下行通风downward ventilation 通风第器draft check damper 通风安定器draft stabilizer制图drafting绘图室drafting department绘图员draftman28 楼Date: 2008-06-25 13:20:25可爱的小金鲤看我其他帖子看我的日志看我该帖回复牵引索drag cable牵引碎石撒布机drag spreader 拉铲挖掘机dragline排水面积drainage area排水工程师drainage engineer 排水柴排drainage mattress排水设备drainage plant排水构筑物drainage structures排水的地基drained ground base通风计drauft gage地下水降落曲线drawdown curve图纸drawing绘图用两脚规drawing compass绘图墨水drawing ink不按比例尺绘图drawing not to scale绘图笔drawing pen图钉drawing pin绘图台drawing table修整过的顶棚板条dressed ceiling boarding 修琢过的尺寸dressed size修琢石dressing of stone更衣室dressing room干燥机drier钻孔岩心drill core钻孔桩drilled pile钻台drilling platform钻探装置drilling rig滴水挑檐dr cap掘进driving铁箍桩帽driving band替打桩帽driving cap打桩试验driving test吊顶drop ceiling跌水槽drop chute退潮曲线drop down curve下给式供热系统drop heating system 挂梁drop in beam动力触探试验drop penetratoin test 落差结构drop structure跌水墙drop wall引入线drop wire潜堰drowned weir圆桶drum滚筒混合机drum mixer转筒筛drum screen鼓形溢吝drum weir干空气滤器dry air filter干拌物dry batch干拌分批重量dry batch weight干拌骨料dry batched aggregate干砌砖dry brick building干密度dry density干砌筑dry masonry干拌混合料dry mix干灰浆dry mortar干燥混合料dry pack干捣实混凝土dry packed concrete干法充填dry packing干压砖dry pressed brick干制法dry process干残渣dry residue干燥饱和蒸汽dry saturated steam干权面dry shake建筑物的干式工艺dry technique of construction 清水墙壁结构dry wall construction干重分拌dry weighed batch干重dry weight干燥室drying chamber干性油drying oil干燥设备drying unit曲线筛dsm screen两用房间dual purpose room风沟duct风道截面计算duct sizing风管网路duct system打气式模型ductube仿真负载dummy load假置单位荷载dummy unit load假置单位荷载法dummy unit load method 假置单位力矩dummy unit moment应急排放阀dump valve翻车机dumptruct耐久性durability耐用材料durable material耐久设计duration design拌合时间duration of mixing日照时间duration of sunshine尘埃收集器dust accumulator垃圾溜槽dust chute尘土滤器dust filter防尘口罩dust mask防尘构造dust tight construction防尘性dust tightness垃圾箱dustbin垃圾间dustbin room集尘器duster无尘环境dustfree environment起尘dusting防尘围栏dustproof enclosure防尘照冒置dustproof lighting fitting 粉状粒级dusty fraction荷兰式拱门dutch arch荷兰式砌合dutch bond荷兰式柴排dutch mattress值班室dutch tongs冲坏数duty cycle短隔屏dwarf partition居住条件dwelling condition住宅建筑dwelling construction居住环境dwelling environment居住单元dwelling unit染料dye动态酌dynamic action动力学解析dynamic analysis动平衡dynamic balance动态dynamic behavior动态压曲dynamic buckling动力蠕变dynamic creep排出动压头dynamic delivery head动酌系数dynamic effect factor动水头dynamic head动力荷载dynamic loading转动惯量dynamic moment of inertia动力打桩阻力dynamic pile driving resistance 动力打桩公式dynamic pile formula动压dynamic pressure动阻力dynamic resistance动力强度dynamic strength吸引动压头dynamic suction head动态试验dynamic testing动力荷载. dynamical load动力学dynamics29 楼Date: 2008-06-25 13:23:37可爱的小金鲤看我其他帖子看我的日志看我该帖回复早期养护early curing早硬强度early strength早强剂early strength admixture 快硬混凝上early strength cement 土石坝earth and rockfill dam土背压earth back pressure粘土防渗层earth blanket土渠earth canal土围堰earth cofferdam土壤夯实earth compaction土混凝土earth concrete土壤固结earth consolidation土坝earth dam挖土工程earth excavation土木坎earth fill timber dam土基础earth foundation地面坡度earth grade土混合物earth mixtures土方机械earth moving machinery 土质颜料earth pigment土龙earth ridge土样品earth sample半土屋earth sheltered home土坡earth slope。



◎〖CECS01:2004〗呋喃树脂防腐蚀工程技术规程Technical specification for anticorrosion engineering of furan resin◎〖CECS02:88〗超声回弹综合法检测混凝土强度技术规程Technical specification for testing concrete strength by ultrasonic - rebound combined method◎〖CECS03:88〗钻芯法检测混凝土强度技术规程Technical specification for testing concrete strength with drilled core◎〖CECS04:88〗静力触探技术规程Technical specification for electrical cone penetration test◎〖CECS05:88〗焦化厂、煤气厂含酚污水处理设计规范Code for design of phenol - containing wastewater treatment in coking plant and gas plant◎〖CECS06:88〗栅条、网络絮凝池设计标准Standard for design of flocculation tank with rack and screen◎〖CECS07:2004〗医院污水处理设计规范Code for design of hospital wastewater treatment◎〖CECS08:89〗砖砌圆筒仓技术规范Technical code for brick silos◎〖CECS09:89〗工业企业程控用户交换机工程设计规范Specification for design of SPC PABX engineering in industrial enterprises◎〖CECS10:89〗埋地给水钢管道水泥砂浆衬里技术标准Technical standard for cement mortar lining of buried steel water supply pipeline◎〖CECS11:89〗贮筑物常用术语标准Standard for terms used in the stor-age structures◎〖CECS12:89〗进口木材在工程上的应用规定Specification for engineering use of imported timber◎〖CECS13:89〗钢纤维混凝土试验方法Standard for test methods of steel fiber reinforced concrete◎〖CECS14:2002〗游泳池和水上游乐池给水排水设计规程Specification for design of water supply and drainage for swimming and amusement pools◎〖CECS16:90〗预应力混凝土输水管道工程技术规程Code for structural design of prestressed concrete water transmission pipeline◎〖CECS17:2000〗埋地硬聚乙烯(PVC-U)给水管道工程技术规程Technical specification for buried unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U)pipeline of water supply engineering◎〖CECS18:2000〗聚合物水泥砂浆防腐蚀工程技术规程Technical specification for anticorrosion works of polymer cement mortar◎〖CECS19:90〗混凝土排水管道工程闭气检验标准Standard for the air test method of concreate sewerage pipe work◎〖CECS21:2000〗超声波检测混凝土缺陷技术规程Technical specification for inspection of concrete defects by ultrasonic method◎〖CECS22:90〗土层锚杆设计与施工规范Code for design and construction of soil anchors◎〖CECS23:90〗钢货架结构设计规范Code for design of steel storage racks◎〖CECS24:90〗钢结构防火涂料应用技术规范Code for application technology of fire resistive coating for steel structure◎〖CECS25:90〗混凝土结构加固技术规程Technical specification for strengthening concrete structures◎〖CECS26:90〗双钢筋混凝土构件设计与施工规程Specification for design and construction of reinforced concrete with coupled steel bars◎〖CECS27:90〗工业炉水泥耐火烧注料冬期施工技术规程Technical specification for winter construction of cement refractory materials for industrial furnace◎〖CECS28:90〗钢管混凝土结构设计与施工规程Specification for design and construction of concrete-filled steel tubular structures◎〖CECS29:91〗柔毡屋面防水工程技术规程Technical specification for soft felt roof waterproof engineering◎〖CECS30:91〗建筑中水设计规范Code for design of reclaimed water system of buildings◎〖CECS31:91〗钢制电缆桥架工程设计规范Code for design of steel cable trayengineering◎〖CECS32:91〗并朕电容器用串朕电抗器设计选择标准Standard for series selection of series reactors of shunt capacitor◎〖CECS33:91〗并朕电容器装置的电压、电容系列选择标准Standard for series selection of voltage and capacity of shunt capacitor◎〖CECS34:91〗供水水文地质卙察遥感技术规程Technical specifications for remote sensing of hydrogeological investigation of water supply◎〖CECS36:91〗工业企业调度电话和会议电话工程设计规范Specification for engineering design of dispatch telephone and conference telephone in industrial enterprises◎〖CECS37:91〗工业企业通信工程设计图形及文字符号标准Standards for graphical and lettered symbols of communication engineering design in industrial enterprises◎〖CECS38:92〗钢纤维混凝土结构设计及施工规程Specification for design and construction of steel fiber reinforced concrete structures◎〖CECS39:92〗钢筋混凝土深梁设计规程Specification for design of reinforced concrete deep beams◎〖CECS40:92〗混凝土及预制混凝土构件质量控制规程Specification for quality control of concrete and precast concrete components◎〖CECS41:92〗建筑给水硬聚氯乙烯管道设计与施工验收规程Specificaton for design and construction of UPVC pipeline for water supply in buildings◎〖CECS42:92〗深井曝气设计规范Code for design of deep well aeration◎〖CECS43:92〗钢筋混凝土装配整体式框架结点与连接设计规程Specification for design of joints and connections of precast-monolithic reinforced concrete frames◎〖CECS44:92〗工业厂房玻璃钢采光罩采光设计标准Standard for design of daylighting using glass fiber reinforced plastics daylighting shade in plant◎〖CECS45:92〗地下建筑照明设计标准Standard for design of underground building lighting◎〖CECS46:93〗饮用水除氟设计规程Specification for design of removing fluorides from drinking water◎〖CECS47:93〗建筑拒水粉屋面防水工程技术规程Technical specification for roof waterproof projects with waterproofpowder for buildings◎〖CECS48:93〗沙、石碱活性快速试验方法Standard for rapid test method of determining the alkali reactivity of sands and rocks◎〖CECS49:93〗低压成套开关设备验收规程Specification for acceptance of low-voltage switchgear assemblies◎〖CECS50:93〗滤池气水冲洗设计规程Specification for design of air-water washing for filter◎〖CECS51:93〗钢筋混凝土连续梁和框架考虑内力重分布设计规程Specification for design of reinforced concrete continuous beams and frames considering redistribution of internal forces◎〖CECS52:93〗整体预应力装配式板柱建筑技术规程Technical specification for columnslab building assembled by monolithic prestressing◎〖CECS53:93〗混凝土碱含量限值标准Standard ofr maximum alkali content in concrete◎〖CECS54:93〗袖珍贯入仪试验规程Specifications for test of pocket penetrometer◎〖CECS55:93〗孔隙水压力测试规程Specification for measurement of pore-water pressure◎〖CECS56:94〗室内灯具的光分布分类和照明设计参数标准Standard for classification of light distribution and for design parameters of lighting for interior lamps◎〖CECS57:94〗居住小区给水排水设计规范Code for design of water supply and sewerage in residential sub-district◎〖CECS58:94〗混凝土电视塔施工技术规程Technical specification for construction of concrete television tower◎〖CECS59:94〗水泵隔振技术规程Technical specification for vibration isolation of water pump◎〖CECS60:94〗半即热式水加热器热水供应设计规程Specification for design of hotwater supply with semi-instantaneous water heater◎〖CECS62:94〗工业企业扩音通信系统工程设计规程Specification for engineering design of amplifying communication system in industrial enterprises◎〖CECS63:94〗增强氯化聚乙烯橡胶卷材防水工技术规程Technical specification for waterproof projects with reinforced chlorinated polyethylene rubber sheet◎〖CECS64:94〗高压交流架空送电线无线电干扰对中波导航影响的计算规程Specification for calculation of interference effects of AC highvoltage overhead power transmission lines on non-directional beacons◎〖CECS65:94〗送电线对双线电话线路干扰影响的计算规程Specification for calculation of interference effects of power transmission lines on telephone lines◎〖CECS66:94〗交流高压架空送电线对短波无线电测向电(站)和收信台(站)保护间距计算规程Specification for calculation of protecting distance for AC highvoltage overhead power transmission lines to shortwave radio direction finding stations and receiving stations◎〖CECS67:94〗交流电气化铁道对电信线路杂音干扰影响的计算规程Specification for calculation of noise disturbance effects of AC electrification railways on telecommunication lines◎〖CECS68:94〗氢氧化钠(碱)溶液加固湿陷性黄土地基技术规程Technical specification for strengthening collapsible loess foundation by sodium bydroxide solution grouting◎〖CECS69:94〗后装拔出法检测混凝土强度技术规程Technical specification for testing concrete strength by pull-out post-insert method◎〖CECS70:94〗建筑安装工程金属熔化焊焊缝射线照相检测标准Standard for inspection and meas-urement with ray photographing for metal melting weld seam of building installation engineering◎〖CECS71:94〗工程建设施工现场焊接目视检验规范Code for visual inspection and acceptance of site weld of engineering construction◎〖CECS73:95〗二甲苯型不饱和聚酯树酯防腐蚀工程技术规程Technical specification for anticorrosion works of xylene type unsaturated polyester resin◎〖CECS75:95〗带式压滤机污水污泥脱水设计规范Code for design of sewage sludge dewatering with belt filter press◎〖CECS76:95〗气压给水设计规范Code for design of pnenmatic water supply◎〖CECS77:96〗钢结构加固技术规范Technical code for strengthening steel structures◎〖CECS78:96〗砖混结构房屋加层技术规范Technical code for adding stories of brick-concrete structure of buildings◎〖CECS79:96〗特殊单立管排水系统设计规程Specification for design of specific single stack drainage system◎〖CECS80:96〗塔桅钢结构施工及验收规范Specification for construction and acceptance of steel structural tower and guyed mast engineering◎〖CECS81:96〗工业计算机临控系统抗干扰技术规范Technical code for anti-interference of industrial computer monitoring and controlling system◎〖CECS82:96〗农村给水设计规范Code for design of rural water supply◎〖CECS83:96〗管道工程结构常用术语标准Standard for terms used in pipeline engineering structures◎〖CECS84:96〗太阳光伏电源系统安装工程设计规范Code for design of installation engineering of solar photovoltaic powersystem◎〖CECS85:96〗太阳光伏电源系统安装工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of installation engineering of solar photovoltaic power system◎〖CECS86:96〗混凝土水池软弱地基处理设计规范Code for design of soft ground treatment for concrete water tank◎〖CECS87:96〗可挠金属电线保护管线工程技术规范Technical code for feeder cable engineering with flaxible metal tube◎〖CECS88:97〗钢筋混凝土承台设计规程Specification for design of reinforced concrtet pile caps◎〖CECS90:97〗整体浇注防静电水磨石地坪技术规程Technical specification for integralpouring antistatic terrazzo floor◎〖CECS91:97〗合流制系统污水截流井设计规程Specification for design of combined sewage intercepting well◎〖CECS92:97〗重金属污水化学法处理设计规范Code for design of treatment of wastewater containing heavy metals with chemical method◎〖CECS93:97〗工业给水系统可靠性设计规范code for reliability design of industrial water supply system◎〖CECS94:97〗建筑排水用硬聚氯乙烯螺旋管道工程技术规范Technical specification for UPVC spin pipe work for water severage of buildings◎〖CECS95:97〗玻璃纤维氯氧镁水泥通风管道技术规程Technical specification for glass fiber ventilation duct with magnesium oxychloride cement◎〖CECS96:97〗基坑土钉支护技术规程Technical specification for soil nailing in foundation excavations◎〖CECS97:97〗鼓风暴气系统设计规程Specification for design of aeration blowing system◎〖CECS98:98〗浆体长距离管道输送工程设计规程Specification for design of long distance pipeline engineering for slurry transportation◎〖CECS99:98〗岩土工程勘察报告编制标准Standard for geotechnical investigation report◎〖CECS100:98〗套接扣压式薄壁钢导管电线管路施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of wire pipelines with extruded connection thin wall steel conduit◎〖CECS101:98〗建筑瓷板装饰工程技术规程Technical specification for porcelain decorative enginering of buildings◎〖CECS102:2002〗门式刚架轻型房屋钢结构技术规程Technical specification for steel structure of light-weight buildings with gabled frames◎〖CECS103:98〗循环冷却水系统不停车化学清洗和热态预膜工艺技术规程Technical specification for technology of on-link chemical cleaning and preforming(under the load of heat) of recirculating cooling water system◎〖CECS104:98〗高强混凝土结构技术规程Technical specification for hithstrength concrete structures◎〖CECS105:2000〗建筑给水铝塑复合管管道技术规程Technical specification for polyethylene-aluminum composite pipeline engineering of building water supply◎〖CECS106:2000〗铝合金电缆桥架技术规程Technical specification for aluminum-alloy cable tray◎〖CECS107:2000〗终端电器选用及验收规程Specification for the control reception and selection of terminal electrical equipment◎〖CECS108:2000〗公共浴室给水排水设计规程Specification for design of water supply and drainage in public bathroom◎〖CECS109:2000〗建筑给水减压阀应用设计规程Specification for applied design of water supply pressure reducing valve for buildings◎〖CECS110:2000〗低温低浊水处理设计规程Specification for design of water supply treatment of low temperature and turbidity water◎〖CECS111:2000〗寒冷地区污水活性污泥法处理设计规程Specification for design of active sludge treatment of wastewater in cold regions◎〖CECS112:2000〗氧化沟设计规程Specification for design of oxidation ditch◎〖CECS113:2000〗锯齿取水头部设计规程Specification for design of sawtooth intake◎〖CECS114:2000〗氧气曝气设计规程Specification for design of oxygen aeration◎〖CECS115:2000〗干式电力变压器选用、验收、运行及维护规程Specification for selection,acceptance,operation and maintenance of dry-type power transformers◎〖CECS116:2000〗钾水玻璃防腐蚀工程技术规程Technical specification for anticorrosion engineering of potassium silicate◎〖CECS117:2000〗给水排水工程混凝土构筑物变形缝设计规程Specification for the deformation joint design of concrete structures in water work engineering◎〖CECS118:2000〗冷却塔验收测试规程Specification for acceptance test of water-cooling tower◎〖CECS119:2000〗城市住宅建筑综合布线系统工程设计规程Code for engineering design of generic cabling system for civic residential buildings◎〖CECS120:2000〗套接紧定式钢导管电线管路施工及验收规程Specification for construction and acceptance of wire pipelines with fastening connection steel conduit◎〖CECS121:2001〗城镇供热管网维修技术规程Specification of maintain technique for city heating pipelines◎〖CECS122:2001〗埋地硬聚氯乙烯排水管道工程技术规程Technical specification of buried PVC-U pipiling for sewer engineering◎〖CECS123:2001〗斜屋顶下可居住空间技术规程Technical specification for living space under sloping roof◎〖CECS124:2001〗颗粒活性炭吸附池水处理设计规程Specification for design of granular active carbon adsorption tank◎〖CECS125:2001〗建筑给水钢塑复合管管道工程技术规程Technical specification for steel-plastic complex pipeline engineering of water supply in building◎〖CECS126:2001〗叠层橡胶支座隔震技术规程Technical specification for seismic-isolation with laminated rubber bearing isolators◎〖CECS127:2001〗点支式玻璃幕墙工程技术规程Technical specification for point supported glass curtain wall◎〖CECS128:2001〗生物接触氧化法设计规程Specification for design of biocontact oxidation process◎〖CECS129:2001〗埋地给水排水玻璃纤维增强热固性树脂夹砂管管道工程施工及验收规程Specification for construction and acceptance of water supply and sewerage engineering with underground glass fiber reinforced thermosetting resin mortar pipes◎〖CECS130:2001〗混凝沉淀烧杯试验方法Standard for coagulationflocculation and sedimentation beaker test method◎〖CECS131:2002〗埋地钢骨架聚乙烯复合管燃气管道工程技术规程Technical specification for application of polyethylene multifunction control valve for pumping systems of water and wastewater engineering◎〖CECS132:2002〗给水排水多功能水泵控制阀应用技术规程Technical spicification for application of multi-function control valve for pumping systems of water and wastewater engineering◎〖CECS133:2002〗包覆不饱和聚酯树脂复合材料的钢结构防护工程技术规程Technical specification for protective project of steel structure covered with unsaturated polyster composite materials◎〖CECS134:2002〗燃油、燃气热水机组生活热水供应设计规程Specification for design of hot water supply with burning oil and gas hot water heater◎〖CECS135:2002〗建筑给水超薄壁不锈钢塑料复合管管道工程技术规程Technical specification for extrathin-wall stainless steel and plastic composite pipeline engineering of building water supply◎〖CECS136:2002〗建筑给水氯化聚氯乙烯(PVC-C)管管道工程技术规程Technical specification for chlorinated poly (vinylchloride) pipeline engineering of buiding water supply◎〖CECS137:2002〗给水排水工程钢筋混凝土沉井结构设计规程Specification for structural design of reinforced concrete sinking well of water supply and sewerage engineering◎〖CECS138:2002〗给水排水工程钢筋混凝土水池结构设计规程Specification for structural design of reinforced concrete water tank of water supply and sewerage engineering◎〖CECS139:2002〗给水排水工程水塔结构设计规程Specification for structural design of water of water supply and sewerage engineering◎〖CECS140:2002〗给水排水工程埋地管芯缠丝预应力混凝土管和预应力钢筒混凝土管管道结构设计规程Specification for structural design of buried prestressed concrete pipeline of water supply and sewerage engineering◎〖CECS141:2002〗给水排水工程埋地钢管管道结构设计规程Specification for structural design of buried steel pipeline of water supply and sewerage engineering◎〖CECS142:2002〗给水排水工程埋地铸铁管管道结构设计规程Specification for structural design of buried cast-iron pipeline of water supply and sewerage engineering◎〖CECS143:2002〗给水排水工程埋地预制混凝土圆形管管道结构设计规程Specification for structural design of buried premade concrete round pipeline of water supply and sewerage engineering◎〖CECS144:2002〗水力控制阀应用设计规程Specification for applied design of hydraulic control valves◎〖CECS145:2002〗给水排水工程埋地矩形管管道结构设计规程Specification for structural design of buried rectangular pipeline of water supply and sewerage engineering◎〖CECS146:2003〗碳纤维片材加固混凝土结构技术规程Technical specification for strengthening concrete structures with carbon fiber reinforced polymer laminate◎〖CECS148:2003〗户外广告设施钢结构技术规程Technical specification for steel structures of outdoor advertisement facility◎〖CECS149:2003〗城市污水生物脱氮除磷处理设计规程Specification for design of nitrogen and phosphorus removal in activated sludge system◎〖CECS150:2003〗高效燃煤锅炉房设计规程Specification for design of efficient coal-fired boiler houses◎〖CECS151:2003〗沟槽式连接管道工程技术规程Technical specification for grooved coupling of pipeline engineering◎〖CECS152:2003〗一体式膜生物反应器污水处理应用技术规程Technical specification for application of intergrative submerged membrane bioreactor for wastewater treatment◎〖CECS153:2003〗建筑给水薄壁不锈钢管管道工程技术规程Technical specification for light gauge stainless steel pipeline engineering of building water supply◎〖CECS154:2003〗建筑防水封堵应用技术规程Technical specification for application of fire stopping in building◎〖CECS155:2003〗防静电瓷质地板地面工程技术规程Technical specification for engineering of antistatic tiled floor◎〖CECS156:2004〗合成型泡沫喷雾灭火系统应用技术规程◎〖CECS157:2004〗合成树脂幕墙装饰工程施工及验收规程◎〖CECS158:2004〗膜结构技术规程◎〖CECS159:2004〗矩形钢管混凝土结构技术规程◎〖CECS160:2004〗建筑工程抗震设计通则◎〖CECS161:2004〗喷射混凝土加固技术规程◎〖CECS162:2004〗给水排水仪表自动化控制工程施工及验收规程◎〖CECS163:2004〗建筑用省电工程装置应用技术规程◎〖CECS164:2004〗埋地聚乙烯排水管管道工程技术规程◎〖CECS165:2004〗城市地下通信塑料管管道工程设计规范◎〖CECS166:2004〗陶瓷工业窑炉施工及验收规程◎〖CECS167:2004〗拱形波纹钢盖结构技术规程◎〖CECS168:2004〗建筑排水柔性接口铸铁管管道工程技术规程◎〖CECS169:2004〗烟雾灭火系统技术规程。













换算公式如下:液面倾角= 0.49×圆盘半径/液离心半径液限= 2×π×半径×液体密度×重力加速度/表面张力由上述公式可知,液面倾角与液限之间存在线性关系,换算系数为0.49。













1. 毛细管气相色谱(Capillary Gas Chromatography):使用毛细管气相色谱仪对氰基环丁基羧酸乙酯进行分析。




2. 高效液相色谱(High Performance Liquid Chromatography,HPLC):使用高效液相色谱仪对氰基环丁基羧酸乙酯进行分析。



3. 质谱联用技术(Mass Spectrometry Coupled Techniques):将质谱技术与气相色谱或液相色谱技术相结合,可以更加准确地鉴定和定量氰基环丁基羧酸乙酯。






加州承载比试验 California bearing ratio test, CBR test 又称“CBR试验”。

岩土特性指标试验 geotechnical index property test标准贯入试验 standard penetration test, SPT静力触探试验 static cone penetration test动力触探试验 dynamic sounding弯沉试验 deflection test视比重试验 apparent specific gravity test吸水率试验 water absorptivity test压碎值试验 crushing value test含泥量试验 silt content test有机物含量试验 organic matter content test软颗粒含量试验 soft grain content test磨耗试验 abrasion test石料磨光值试验 polished stone value test剥落试验 stripping test饱水率试验 saturated water content test冻融试验 freezing and thawing test韧度试验 rupture test压缩试验 compression test弹性模量试验 elastic modulus test直接剪切试验 direct shear test干湿试验 wetting and drying test拉力试验 tension test冲击韧度试验 impact toughness test洛氏硬度试验 Rockwell hardness test布氏硬度试验 Brinell hardness test冷弯试验 cold bent test热弯试验 hot bent test疲劳试验 fatigue test坍落度试验 slump test稠度试验 consistency test硬练砂浆强度试验 early-dry mortar strength test软练砂浆强度试验 plastic mortar strength test促凝压蒸试验 accelerated setting autoclave test水泥安定性试验 cement soundness test石灰含量测定法 method for determining the lime content钙电极快速测定法 calcium electric rapid determination method 针入度试验 penetration test延度试验 ductility test软化点试验[环球法] softening point test [ringball method]粘滞度试验 viscosity test闪点试验[开口杯法] flash point test [open cup method]燃点试验 burning point test加热损失试验 heating loss test溶解度试验 dissolubility test蒸馏试验 distillation test浮漂度试验 floatability test薄膜加热试验 thin-film heating test脆点试验 brittle point test含蜡量试验 paraffin content test组分试验 constituent test粘结力试验 cohesion test游离碳含量试验 free carbon content test挥发分含量试验 volatile matter content test 酚含量试验 phenol content test灰分含量试验 ash content test储存稳定度试验 storage stability test车辙试验 wheel rutting test马歇尔稳定度试验 Marshall stability test铺砂法试验 sand patch test[路面]抗滑试验 anti-skid test混凝土流动性试验 concrete fluidity test钢材验收试验 steel acceptance test钢材外观检验 steel visual inspection钢丝冷拔试验 wire cold-drawn test冷拉率 cold-drawn rate[钢筋]焊接接头强度试验 welded joint strength test桥梁验收荷载试验 bridge acceptance loading test桥梁模型试验 bridge model test桥梁模型风洞试验 bridge model wind tunnel test光弹性试验 photoelastic analysis桥梁病害诊断 bridge defect diagnosis桥梁静载试验 bridge static loading test桥梁动载试验 bridge dynamic loading test挠度横向分布测量 transversal distribution measurement of girder deflection 桥梁挠度曲线 bridge deflection curve激光准直挠度测量 laser alignm ent deflection measurement索力测量 cable force measurem ent[桥梁]动力响应试验 bridge response to forced vibration行车激振 vibration excited by moving truck跳车激振 vibration excited by truck jumping from threshold on deck放松拉索激振 vibration excited by cutting off holding rope落物激振 vibration excited by dropping weight爆破激振 vibration excited by explosive action桥梁自振频率测量 bridge natural frequency measurem ent桥梁振型分析 bridge vibration mode analysis桥梁脉动测量 bridge pulsation measurement动力放大过程线 dynamic amplification duration curve峰值响应 peak response正响应区 positive response zone负响应区 negative response zone残留响应区 residual response zone滞后响应区 hysteresis response zone余振自谱分析 residual vibration auto-spectrum analysis冲击系数测定 impact factor evaluation受迫振动互谱分析 forced vibration cross-spectrum analysis无损检测 non-destructive test,NDT混凝土强度超声测量 ultrasonic test of concrete strength混凝土回弹试验 rebound test of concrete裂缝声发射检测 crack detecting by acoustic emission混凝土钻孔内窥镜检查 concrete coring hole inspecting by endoscope梁内导管空隙真空加压试验 duct void examination by vacuum pressure test 混凝土氯化物含量测量 concrete chloride content measurement氯化物含量沿深度分布测量 chloride content depth profile measurement混凝土碳化试验 concrete carbonation test碳化深度酚酞试验 carbonation depth by phenolphthalein test钢筋锈蚀活动性评定 bar corrosion activity evaluation钢筋锈蚀三因素模型 three-factor model of bar corrosion钢筋电阻率测量 bar resistivity measurement钢筋电位测量 bar potential measurement桥基沉降观测 bridge foundation settlem ent observation试桩 test pile桩轴向荷载试验 axial loading test of pile桩横向荷载试验 lateral loading test of pile桩贯入试验 pile penetration test桩完整性试验 pile integrity test钻孔直径检测 bored hole diameter measurement钻孔垂[直]度检测 bored hole verticality measurement[桩]动测法 dynamic measurement of pile钻孔泥浆试验 boring slurry test工程地质条件分析 engineering geologic condition analysis桥址稳定性评定 bridge site stability evaluation桥基稳定性评定 bridge foundation stability evaluation地震危险性评定 seismic risk evaluation桥址断层活动性评定 fault activity evaluation of bridge site液塑限联合测定仪 liquid-plastic combine tester击实仪 compaction test apparatus核子湿度密度仪 nuclear moisture and density meter核子静态湿度密度仪 nuclear moisture and density static meter核子动态湿度密度仪 nuclear moisture and density dynamic meter 贯入仪 penetration test apparatus土圆锥仪 soil cone penetrator固结仪 consolidometer维卡稠度仪 Vicat apparatus承载板 bearing plate路面曲率仪 surface-curvature apparatus路面平整度测定仪 viameter路面透水度测定仪 surface permeameter直剪仪 direct shear apparatus三轴剪切仪 triaxial shear equipm ent标准筛 standard sieves沥青抽提仪 bitumen extractor砂浆稠度仪 mortar consistency tester坍落度圆锥筒 slump cone冲击韧度试验仪 impact toughness apparatus耐磨硬度试验仪 wear hardness testing apparatus狄法尔磨耗试验机 Deval abrasion testing machine洛杉矶磨耗试验机 Los Angeles abrasion testing machine石料加速磨光仪 accelerated stone polishing tester道路几何数据收集系统 road geometry data acquisition system 路面激光测试仪 laser road surface tester路面病害摄影组合仪 photographic road survey group摩擦系数测定仪 friction tester滑溜测量仪 skidometer摆式仪 portable pendulum tester横向力系数测试仪 sideway force coefficient routine investigation machine, SCRIM 颠簸累积式平整仪 bump-integrator roughometer trailer车载式颠簸累积仪 vehicular bump-integrator纵断面分析仪 longitudinal profile analyzer构造深度仪 texture meter手推式构造深度仪 minitexture meter高速构造深度仪 high speed texture meter弯沉仪 deflectometer, Benkelman beam又称“贝克曼梁”。



1Soil Mechanics 土力学Geotechnical Engineering 岩土工程以下单词均可表示基础或地基:Foundationsubgradegroundfoundation soilsubsoilfootingbasecompressibility 压缩性silty sand 粉土sand 砂clay 黏土diaphragm wall 隔墙,地下连续墙expansive soil ground 膨胀土地基liquefaction of sand 砂土液化landslide 滑坡triaxial apparatus 三轴试验仪,原位测试仪Finite Element Method 有限单元法clay mineral 黏土质矿物Geosynthetics 土工合成材料artificial ground 人工地基ground treatment 地基处理The Leaning Tower of Pisa 比萨斜塔Coulomb 库伦(库伦土压力理论)Darcy 达西(达西渗流定律)Rankine 朗肯(朗肯土压力理论)Boussinesque 布辛奈斯克(竖向集中力下的地基附加应力提出者)Fellenius 费伦纽斯(瑞典圆弧法分析土坡滑坡)Terzaghi 太沙基(土力学之父)2physical properties 物理性质three phases of soil 土的三相组成Physical indexes 物理性质指标Density 密度cohesionless soil 无粘性土cohesive soil 粘性土permeability 渗透性solid 固相liquid 液相vapor phase 气相weathering 风化transportation 搬运sedimentation 沉积original mineral 原生矿物secondary mineral 次生矿物clay mineral 粘土矿物particle size distribution 颗粒级配huge particle group 巨粒(粒组)gross particle group 粗粒(粒组)fine particle group 细粒(粒组)sieve analysis 筛分法hydrometer analysis 水分法coefficient of uniformity 不均匀系数coefficient of curvature 曲率系数three-phase diagram 三相简图mass/quality 质量volume 体积density of soil 土的密度unit weight 容重,重度cutting ring 环刀specific gravity of soil 土的相对密度moisture content 含水率combined water 结合水free water 自由水adustion method 燃烧法void ratio 孔隙比(e)porosity 孔隙率(n)degree of saturation 饱和度bulk density of soil 土的堆积密度(moist) unit weight 湿重度Dry density 干密度Dry unit weight 干重度Saturated density 饱和密度Saturated unit weight 饱和重度Buoyant density 浮密度Buoyant unit weight 浮重度(有效重度)Compactness/density 密实度Void ratio of soil in the loosest/densest state密实/松散状态土的孔隙比Loose 松散Medium 中密Dense 密实Standard penetration test 标准贯入试验(SPT)Limit water content 界限含水量Shrinkage limit 缩限Plastic limit 塑限Solid 固态Semisolid 半固态Plastic 可塑状态Liquid 流动状态态Cone penetrometer 锥式液限仪Plasticity index 塑性指数Liquidity index 液性指数Undisturbed soil 原状土Disturbed soil 扰动土Liquid-plastic limit combined device 液塑限联合测定仪Sensitivity 灵敏度Thixotropy (粘性土的)触变性Muck 淤泥Mucky soil 淤泥质土3.geostatic stress 自重应力foundation base pressure 基底压力net foundation pressure 基地附加压力contact pressure 基底压力additional stress 土中附加应力stress state 应力状态self-weight 自重homogeneous soil 均质土layed soil 成层土ground water level 地下水位continuous/strip footing 连续/条形基础vertical uniform load 竖向均布荷载flexible foundation 柔性基础rigid foundation 刚性基础rectangular foundation 矩形基础vertical centric load (矩形面积)竖向中心荷载vertical eccentric load (矩形面积)竖向偏心荷载tension force 拉(应)力inclined eccentric load 斜向偏心荷载vertical point force 竖向点力vertical concentrated load 竖向集中荷载vertical uniform load 竖向均布荷载example 例子solution 解triangularly distributed load 三角形分布荷载horizontal concentrated load 横向集中荷载circular foundation 圆形基础stress concentration 应力集中stress dispersion 应力扩散anisotropic foundation 各向异性基础isotropic 各向同性semi-infinite 半无限(空间)homogeneous 均质的linear elastic material 线弹性材料depth/width/length/height 深/宽/长/高4.Compressibility 压缩性Compressibility characteristics 压缩特征Compressibility parameters 压缩指标Compressive deformation 压缩变形Settlement 沉降One-dimensional compression 一维(无侧向变形)压缩Permeability 渗透性Stress history 应力历史Consolidation 固结Pore volume 孔隙体积Confined compression test 侧限压缩试验(固结试验)Consolidometer 固结测量仪(压缩仪)Porous stone 透水石Specimen 试样Compression 压缩Compression curve 压缩曲线Compression coefficient 压缩系数(a)Compression index 压缩指数(Cc)Compression modulus 压缩模量(Es)Rebounding or swelling curve 回弹曲线Recompression curve 再压缩曲线Deformation modulus 变形模量(E0)Final / ultimate settlement 最终沉降Layerwise summation method 分层总和法(delamination total Method)Stress area method 规范法Coefficient of average additional stress 平均附加应力系数Modified coefficient 修正系数(沉降计算经验系数)Pre-consolidation pressure 先(前)期固结压力Normally consolidated soil 正常固结土Overconsolidated soil 超固结土Overconsolidation ratio 超固结比Underconsolidated soil 欠固结土Distortion settlement 瞬时沉降Primary consolidation settlement 固结沉降Secondary consolidation settlement 次固结沉降Degree of consolidation 固结度Theory of one-dimensional consolidation (太沙基)一维固结理论Darcy’s law达西定律Excess pore water pressure 孔隙水(超静水)压力Coefficient of consolidation 固结系数Time factor 时间因数(Tv,竖向固结因数)One-way drainage 单面排水Two-way drainage 双面排水5.Shear strength 抗剪强度Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion of soil莫尔-库仑破坏准则(莫尔-库伦强度理论)Limited equilibrium of soil 土的极限平衡Direct shear test apparatus 直剪仪Shear force 剪力Metal shear box 金属剪力盒Normal force 法向力Failure envelope 破坏包线Angle of internal friction 内摩擦角Cohesion 凝聚力Elastic equilibrium 弹性平衡Limit equilibrium 极限平衡State of limit equilibrium of Soil 土的极限平衡状态Stress state 应力状态Mohr’s circle 莫尔圆Sliding surface 滑裂面Laboratory test室内试验In-situ test 野外(原位)试验Strain-controlled 应变控制式(用来修饰直剪仪,R注)Stress-controlled 应力控制式(用来修饰直剪仪,R注)Triaxial test 三轴(压缩)试验Vane shear apparatus test 十字板剪切试验Unconsolidated undrained test 不固结不排水试验Consolidated undrained test固结不排水试验Consolidated drained test固结排水试验Major principle stress 最大主应力Minor principle stress 最小主应力Intermediate principle stress 中间主应力6.Lateral Earth Pressure 侧向土压力Retaining structure 挡土结构物Retaining Wall 挡土墙Face 墙面Back 墙背Bottom 墙底Toe 墙趾Heel 墙踵Backfill 墙后填土Earth pressure at rest 静止土压力Active earth pressure 主动土压力Passive earth pressure 被动土压力Earth pressure distribution 土压力分布The total force per unit length of the wall 单位长度墙总力Rankine’s theory of earth pressure 朗肯土压力理论Rigid 刚性的No frictional vertical wall back 光滑竖直墙背Horizontal filling surface 水平填土面Cohesionless soil 无粘性土Cohesive soil 粘性土Failure wedge 破裂楔形体Force polygons 力的多边形Gravity retaining wall 重力式挡土墙Cantilevel retaining wall 悬臂式挡土墙Counterfort retaining wall 扶壁式挡土墙Anchoring technique (土层)锚固技术Geosynthetic reinforced retaining wall 土工合成材料加筋挡土墙Stability 稳定性Bearing capacity /bearing pressure 地基承载力Wall strength 墙身强度Safety against overturning 抗倾覆安全性Safety against sliding 抗滑移安全性n=10;x=1:236;for i=1:n%随机选择10个序号k=round(length(x)*rand());xr(i)=x(k);x(k)=[];%中英各有m=length(word{xr(i)}); %m为词组长度for j=1:m%jc为决策变量jc=(word{xr(i)}(j)>='a'...&& word{xr(i)}(j)<='z')...|| (word{xr(i)}(j)>='A'...&& word{xr(i)}(j)<='Z')...|| (word{xr(i)}(j)=='/'...|| word{xr(i)}(j)==''''...|| word{xr(i)}(j)==' ')...||word{xr(i)}(j)=='’'...||word{xr(i)}(j)=='-';if jc==0if i<=5words{i}=word{xr(i)}(1:(j-1));elsewords{i}=word{xr(i)}(j:m);endbreak;endendenddisp('----------------------');for i=1:10disp([num2str(i),'.',words{i}]);enddisp('----------------------');。






%The saturated and unconsolidated abyssal sediment has low shearing strength and pecu-liarity of perturbable.In the face of complex environment of ocean and turbulence to seabed soil by conventional sampling techniques,the principle,advantages,scope ofapplication,equipment and the applications of several marine in-situ testing were described,including offshore CPT,dy-namic cone penetration,flate dilatometer testing,offshore in-situ vane shear test and offshore pumping test.【期刊名称】《海洋开发与管理》【年(卷),期】2017(034)001【总页数】6页(P81-86)【关键词】深海海底;海洋原位试验;浅层沉积物【作者】王偲;于彦江;寇贝贝【作者单位】国土资源部海底矿产资源重点实验室广州 510075; 中国地质调查局广州海洋地质调查局广州 510075;国土资源部海底矿产资源重点实验室广州510075; 中国地质调查局广州海洋地质调查局广州 510075;国土资源部海底矿产资源重点实验室广州 510075; 中国地质调查局广州海洋地质调查局广州 510075【正文语种】中文【中图分类】P74;TU195随着海洋开发的“深度”发展,众多以海底土体为基础的海洋工程应运而生,掌握海底沉积物的物理性质和力学性质对海洋工程的建设至关重要。

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GE 441 Advanced Engineering Geology & Geotechnics Spring 2004NOTES on the CONE PENETROMETER TEST IntroductionThe standardized cone-penetrometer test (CPT) involves pushing a 1.41-inch diameter 55o to 60o cone (Figs. 1 thru 3) through the underlying ground at a rate of 1 to 2 cm/sec. CPT soundings can be very effective in site characterization, especially sites with discrete stratigraphic horizons or discontinuous lenses. Cone penetrometer testing, or CPT (ASTM D-3441, adopted in 1974) is a valuable method of assessing subsurface stratigraphy associated with soft materials, discontinuous lenses, organic materials (peat), potentially liquefiable materials (silt, sands and granule gravel) and landslides. Cone rigs can usually penetrate normally consolidated soils and colluvium, but have also been employed to characterize d weathered Quaternary and Tertiary-age strata. Cemented or unweathered horizons, such as sandstone, conglomerate or massive volcanic rock can impede advancement of the probe, but the author has always been able to advance CPT cones in materials of Tertiary-age sedimentary rocks. The cone is able to delineate even the smallest (0.64 mm/1/4-inch thick) low strength horizons, easily missed in conventional (small-diameter) sampling programs. Some examples of CPT electronic logs are attached, along with hand-drawn lithologic interpretations.Most of the commercially-available CPT rigs operate electronic friction cone and piezocone penetrometers, whose testing procedures are outlined in ASTM D-5778, adopted in 1995. These devices produce a computerized log of tip and sleeve resistance, the ratio between the two, induced pore pressure just behind the cone tip, pore pressure ratio (change in pore pressure divided by measured pressure) and lithologic interpretation of each 2 cm interval are continuously logged and printed out.Tip ResistanceThe tip resistance is measured by load cells located just behind the tapered cone (Figure 4). The tip resistance is theoretically related to undrained shear strength of a saturated cohesive material, while the sleeve friction is theoretically related to the friction of the horizon being penetrated (Robinson and Campanella, 1986, Guidelines for Use and Interpretation of the Electric Cone Penetration Test, 3rd Ed.: Hogentogler & Co., Gaithersburg, MD, 196 p.). The tapered cone head forces failure of the soil about 15 inches ahead of the tip and the resistance is measured with an embedded load cell in tons/ft2 (tsf).Local FrictionThe local friction is measured by tension load cells embedded in the sleeve for a distance of 4 inches behind the tip (Figure 4). They measure the average skin friction as the probe is advanced through the soil. If cohesive soils are partially saturated, they may exert appreciable skin friction, negating the interpretive program.Figure 1 (left) –Cone tip exposed beneath truck, just before being advanced into the ground at a rate between 1 and 2 cm/sec. The cone has an area of either 10 or 15 cm2 and is typically advanced in 1 m increments because the rods are of that length.Figure 2 (right) – Hogentogler CPT rig operated by Ertec in Long Beach, CA. Cone rigs weigh about 18 tons, so are capable of exerting considerable normal force on the advancing rod. The cone tip includes a plumb meter to warn of out-of-vertical penetration.Figure 3 – Manufacturing and operating tolerances of cones, taken from ASTM D5778.Figure 4– Schematic section through an electric friction-cone penetrometer tip, taken from ASTM D3441.Friction ratioThe friction ratio is given in percent. It is the ratio of skin friction divided by the tip resistance (both in tsf). It is used to classify the soil, by its behavior, or reaction to the cone being forced through the soil. High ratios generally indicate clayey materials (high c, low Ø) while lower ratios are typical of sandy materials (or dry desiccated clays). Typical skin friction to tip friction ratios are 1 % to 10%. The ratio seldom, if ever, exceeds 15%. Sands are generally identified by exhibiting a ratio < 1%.Pore PressurePiezocones also measure insitu pore pressure (in psi), in either dynamic (while advancing the cone) or static (holding the cone stationary) modes. Piezocones employ a porous plastic insert just behind the tapered head that is made of hydrophilic polypropylene, with a nominal particle size of 120 microns (Figure 5). The piezocell must be saturated with glycerin prior to its employment. The filter permeability is about 0.01 cm/sec (1 x 10-2 cm/sec). When using the cone to penetrate dense layers, such as cemented siltstone,sandstone or conglomerate, the piezo filter element can become compressed, therebyinducing high positive pore pressures. But, the plastic filters do not exhibit this tendency, though they do become brittle with time and may need to be replaced periodically. In stiff over-consolidated clays the pore pressure gradient around the cone may be quite high. This pore pressure gradient often results in dissipations recorded behind the CPT tip that initially increase before decreasing to the equilibrium value.Figure 5- Schematic section through a piezocone head, showing the piezo-element and friction sleeve. Taken from ASTM D5778.Differential Pore PressureThe Differential Pore Pressure Ratio is used to aid in soil classification according to the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). When the cone penetrates dense materials like sand, the sand dilates and the pore pressure drops. In clayey materials high pore pressures may be induced by the driving of the cone head. If transient pore pressures are being recorded that seem non-hydrostatic, most experienced operators will ask that the penetration be halted and allowed at least 5 minutes to equilibrate, so a quasi-static pore pressure reading can be recorded. Sometimes equilibration can take 10 to 30 minutes, depending on the soil. In practice experienced operators try to stop the advance and takepore pressure measurements in recognized aquifers and just above or adjacent to indicated aquacludes.Temperature sensorOne great advantage of the electric cone is the temperature sensor. This has been found to be very useful in assessing the precise position of the zone, or zones, of saturation, which is of great import in slope stability and consolidation studies. A temperature shift of about 6o F is common at the groundwater interface, even perched horizons within landslides.Corrected LogsMost CPT rigs are equipped with one or several automated interpretation programs, which classify 1 cm horizons according to the Unified Soil Classification System. The most widely employed routine has been that originally developed by Robinson and Campanella, available from Hogentogler & Co., of Gaithersburg, MD or from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. An alternative interpretation program was developed by Dr. Richard Olsen (available through ). The interpretation programs evaluates all of the measured properties and classifies the horizon according to its behavior (in lieu of petrology). For instance, when classifying a clayey material the interpretive programs consider undrained shear strength, tip resistance and differential pore pressure. A high differential pore pressure is assumed diagnostic of more clayey materials.Importance of “ground-truthing”Like geophysical techniques, CPT soundings are most meaningful when “ground-truthed” with established lithologic horizons. The easiest method to “ground truthing” CPT data is to advance a sounding next to a bucket auger or conventional boring, from which subsurface samples are collected. In this way the electronic “signature” of the sounding can be compared with the various lithologies already identified in the substory. This comparison can prove especially valuable in identifying potentially liquefiable materials and old landslide slip surfaces. Once the CPT sounding is “ground-truthed”, the rig can traverse the job site, commonly advancing 10 or 12 soundings in a single day. This allows for an expanded data set, which allows superior three-dimensional characterization of the site under evaluation, and allows construction of reliable geologic cross sections through the area.Notes of CautionSome notes of caution are advised when applying the CPT method to evaluating discrete low-strength horizons or partings, such as landslide slip surfaces. The 60o tip of the cone forces a passive failure of the ground in front of the advancing tip. The instrumented tip senses soil resistance about 21cm (8.4 in) ahead of the advancing tip.This means that the tip resistance reported as “undrained shear strength” is actually an average value, taken over the zone within 21 cm of the cone tip. If the tip penetrates low strength horizons less than 21 cm thick, such as a landslide slip surface, the tip resistance reported on the CPT log may be much higher than actually exists on the discrete plane of slippage, which maybe only a fraction of an inch thick.Another problem with the CPT method is that cone soundings advanced through desiccated clay will often be interpreted as sand or silt mixtures (by the computerized lithologic interpretation routine) because of recorded sleeve friction. The opposite problem occurs when reporting Standard Penetration Test (SPT) blow counts after advancing drive samples through clayey horizons! The SPT test is only intended for granular materials, and blow counts in such materials must be regarded with some degree of skepticism as they may shift dramatically upon later absorption of moisture.Sample CPT logsThe attached logs are representative of the features common to electronic friction cones. They include raw data sensed by the cone as it is pushed through the ground. This data includes: Friction Ratio, Local Friction, Tip Resistance, Pore Pressure, Differential Pore Pressure Ratio and an interpreted lithologic profile (often printed out on a separate sheet, depending on which interpretation program is being utilized).。
