



Electric Drivesand Controls Hydraulics Linear Motion andAssembly Technologies Pneumatics ServiceRexroth Fv变频器R912004817版本02简易手册Bosch Rexroth AG更改过程出版颁发日期备注DOK-RCON02-FV*********-IN01-ZH-P2013年6月第一版DOK-RCON02-FV*********-IN02-ZH-P2014年2月增加了新功能关于此文档该《简易手册》基于产品《使用手册》,《使用手册》包含产品的详细数据。


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RS-e33bb6b630945a4d0a6846a5018ae8cb-2-zh-CN-6Bosch Rexroth AG目录目录页数1 结构安装 (1)1.1 目视检查 (1)1.2 环境条件 (1)1.3 安装条件 (2)1.4 外型尺寸 (3)2 电气安装 (7)2.1 电缆规格 (7)2.2 主回路端子 (12)2.3 控制信号端口的连接 (13)3 设置参数 (18)3.1 操作面板 (18)3.2 起动 (18)3.3 操作指导 (20)3.4 参数列表 (21)4 故障指示 (41)DOK-RCON02-FV*********-IN02-ZH-P IBosch Rexroth AGII DOK-RCON02-FV*********-IN02-ZH-P1 结构安装1.1 目视检查打开变频器包装后,请进行目视检查。


Bosch Rexroth Corporation Industrial Hydraulics 2315 City Line Road Bethlehem, PA 18017-2131 Telephone (610) 694-8300 Facsimile (610) 694-8467
Bosch Rexroth Corporation Electric Drives and Controls 5150 Prairie Stone Parkway Hoffman Estates, IL 60192-3707 Telephone (847) 645-3600 Facsimile (847) 645-6201
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Rexroth Indra Control VCP 20Rexroth PSI 6xxx.000LT-IB Operator Interface Technical Information 1070087066 Edition 02II Bosch Rexroth AG Electric Drives PSI 6xxx.000 1070087066 / 02and ControlsTitle Rexroth PSI 6xxx.000LT-IB operator interfaceType of Documentation Technical InformationDocument Typecode DOK-PS6000-LT-IB*****-FK02-EN-PPurpose of Documentation The present manual provides information on●Installation and●functionalityof the “LT-IB” operator interface/parameterization software.Record of Revisions Description ReleaseNotesDate−−−−DOK-PS6000-LT-IB*****-FK02-EN-P 03.2005Copyright © Bosch Rexroth AG, 2003−2005Copying this document , giving it to others and the use orcommunication of the contents thereof without expressauthority, are forbidden. Offenders are liable for the paymentof damages. All rights are reserved in the event of the grantof a patent or the registration of a utility model or design (DIN34-1).Validity The data specified above only serve to describe theproduct. No statements concerning a certain condition orsuitability for a certain application can be derived from ourinformation. The given information does not release theuser from the obligation of own judgement and verification. Itmust be remembered that our products are subject to anatural process of wear and aging.Published by Bosch Rexroth AGPostfach 11 62D-64701 ErbachBerliner Strafle 25D-64711 ErbachTel.: +49 (0) 60 62/78-0Fax: +49 (0) 60 62/78-4 28Abt.: BRC − WS/VTRContentsContentsPage3 Operation 3−13.1 Starting / Exiting the software 3−13.2 Setting the basic parameters 3−23.3 Parameterizing the setpoint input 3−93.4 Setting the date/time 3−11 3.5 Displaying the device type and the firmware version 3−113.6 Displaying the error log 3−113.7 Fault reset 3−123.8 Backing-up data 3−123.9 Restoring data backups 3−133.10 Triggering device Reset 3−13 3.11 Loading factory setting of the device 3−14Operation3 Operation3.1 Starting / Exiting the software★Before starting the LT-IB software, you should make sure that the 24 V supply voltage for the digital welding current source has been switchedon.This is indicated by the “LOGIC” LED on the front panel of the interfacemodule:LOGIC LED, green. Is on if 24 V DC (logicsupply voltage) is available.●Start the LT-IB software by double-clicking on the link symbol createdin the course of installation.☞If the program window remains empty after the start, or if it closesagain automatically, the software is not able to detect a digital weldingcurrent source at either of the serial interfaces of the PC. In this case, you should check whether●the connecting cable has been properly wired and plugged in.●the 24 V supply to the digital welding current source has beenswitched on.If a digital welding current source is connected and has beendetected, the main menu of the software will appear as follows:Device type andfirmware version ofthe digital weldingcurrent sourceconnectedMain menuInput prompt3−2 Bosch Rexroth AG Electric Drives PSI 6xxx.000 1070087066 / 02 and ControlsOperationThe cursor is flashing at the input prompt. In this condition, you can activate the functions displayed simply by pressing the corresponding key.For a description of the individual functions ofkey “P”: refer to Sect. 3.2 page 3−2.key “F”: refer to Sect. 3.6 page 3−11.key “K”: refer to Sect. 3.3 page 3−9.key “B”: refer to Sect. 3.8 page 3−12.key “R”: refer to Sect. 3.9 page 3−13.key “Z”: refer to Sect. 3.7 page 3−12.key “D”: refer to Sect. 3.4 page 3−11.key “N”: refer to Sect. 3.5 page 3−11.Keys “E” or “Esc”: exit the software.3.2 Setting the basic parameters------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CAUTIONIncorrect parameter settings may damage the transformers, thewelding system, or produce incorrect welds. Therefore, you should notchange any parameters unless you are totally sure about theconsequences of such a change.In cases of doubt, please ask your supervisor!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here, you can set the basic parameters of the digital welding currentsource. The display/query of some parameters depends on thecurrent firmware version and the parameter settings made for the unit:●Configuration (only if master/slave operationis supported by the inverter)●Regulation mode●Current measurement●Toroid sensitivity● Measuring range (with secondary currentmeasurement only)●Transformer type●Number of transformers●Type of transformer connection●Transformer ratio (for third-party transformers only)●Transformer secondary current (for third-party transformers only)● Diode type (for third-party transformers only)●Number of parallel diodes (for third-party transformers only)●Diode monitoring (on/off)1070087066 / 02 PSI 6xxx.000 Electric Drives Bosch Rexroth AG 3−3 and ControlsOperation★Press key “P” in the main menu while the cursor is at the input prompt.All necessary parameters are displayed one by one by the system,queried, a nd immediately transmitted to the unit after acknowledgment by the “Enter” or “Esc” key.☞If you do not want to change a parameter, press the “Enter” or “Esc” keywithout entering a value.When all parameters have been displayed/queried, the main menu is built up again.Example:Resulting query sequence with the following parameter input:●Configuration as master with 1 slave●KSR mode (current regulation)●Primary current measurement●Toroid sensitivity = 150●Connection of 1 x transformer PSG 3100.00●Diode monitoring is active●Normal controller dynamics3−4 Bosch Rexroth AG I Electric Drives PSI 6xxx.000 1070087066 / 02 and ControlsOperationRegulation modePossible settings:●0 : Pulse width mode (PHA mode)The welding heat within the welding circuit is influenced by changing thepulse width. The pulse width only depends on the command value present in this case.● 2 : Current regulation (KSR mode)The programmed current (in kA) is determined by the command value signal supplied (0 to 10 V DC). There is closed-loop control of the actual current in the secondary circuit. The welding heat within the welding circuit is influenced by the controller which changes the pulse width as needed.★Make sure that the setting matches the type of command value input by the external weld timer!☞For more information on the regulation modes, refer to the manual “Controland I/O level, Technical Information (1070 087 065)”, keyword “Regulationmodes”.Current measurementPossible settings:●0 : Primary current measurementAn sensor integrated in the primary circuit inside the device is used as current sensor. The device converts the measured value into the correspondingsecondary current based on the transformer parameter settings.● 1 : Secondary current measurementAn external current sensor linked to X3 is used in the secondary circuit.☞The following applies for secondary current measurement: max. weld time< 1s!1070087066 / 02 PSI 6xxx.000 Electric Drives Bosch Rexroth AG 3−5and ControlsOperationToroid sensitivityInternal evaluation factor for the measured current.This function may be used to adjust the device to an external currentmeasuring unit (reference ammeter) (calibration).Measuring range☞ The parameter is only offered if secondary current measurement is active.Possible settings:●11 : 0.5 to 5 kA●12 : 1 to 10 kA●13 : 2 to 20 kA●14 : 4 to 40 kA●15 : 8 to 80 kA●16 : 16 to 160 kADefines the current range covered by the currents to be measured.★Please make sure that the measuring range set for the currents to bemeasured is not too small. The measured currents should be in the upperthird of a measuring range.Transformer typePossible settings:●0 : PSG 3050.00● 1 : PSG 3050.10● 2 : PSG 3075.10● 3 : PSG 3100.00● 4 : PSG 3200.00● 5 : no PSG transformer (third-party transformer)From this setting, the unit derives certain PSG transformer parameters fordiode monitoring and conversion from primary into secondary current values.★After having changed this parameter, you should perform a device reset(refer to Sect. 3.10 page 3−13) as soon as the main menu was built up again!3−6 Bosch Rexroth AG Electric Drives PSI 6xxx.000 1070087066 / 02 and ControlsOperationNumber of transformersPossible settings:● 1 to 8Number of welding transformers connected to the unit.★After having changed this parameter, you should perform a device reset(refer to Sect. 3.10 page 3−13) as soon as the main menu was built up again!Type of transformer connectionPossible settings:●0 : serial● 1 : parallelYou specify whether the welding transformers on the secondary side areconnected in parallel or in series.★After having changed this parameter, you should perform a device reset(refer to Sect. 3.10 page 3−13) as soon as the main menu was built up again! Transformation ratio☞The parameter is only offered for third-party transformers(trans former type = 5).It specifies the transformation ratio (primary/secondary side) of the welding transformers used.Maximum transformer secondary current☞The parameter is only offered for third-party transformers(trans former type = 5).Specifies the maximum permitted secondary current of the transformer(in kA).1070087066 / 02 PSI 6xxx.000 Electric Drives Bosch Rexroth AG 3−7and ControlsOperationType of diode☞ The parameter is only offered for third-party transformers(trans former type = 5).Possible settings:●0 : SKN 4000● 1 : SKN 6000● 2 : SDD71B0200● 3 : D 4457 NSpecifies the diode types the transformers in use are equipped with.★After having changed this parameter, you should perform a device reset(refer to Sect. 3.10 page 3−13) as soon as the main menu was built up again! Number of parallel diodes☞ The parameter is only offered for third-party transformers(transformer type = 5).Possible settings:● 1 to 4Specifies the number of diodes connected in parallel in the transformer per branch.Diode monitoring active------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CAUTIONPossibility of destroying the power unit or the welding transformer!If diode monitoring is not active, the diodes of the welding transformer are no longer monitored by the PSI. In the event of excessive load, this may result in considerable damage to the welding equipment.Therefore, diode monitoring should always be switched on.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Possible settings:●0 : Monitoring deactivated● 1 : Monitoring activated★After having changed this parameter, you should perform a device reset(refer to Sect. 3.10 page 3−13) as soon as the main menu was built up3−8 Bosch Rexroth AG Electric Drives PSI 6xxx.000 1070087066 / 02 and ControlsOperationController adjustmentPossible settings:●−10 to 10, step size 1. Default setting: 0.Influences the dynamics of the constant-current regulator.Negative values mean a potentially slower current rise, positive values afaster current rise.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CAUTIONOscillation of current control is possible!Changing this parameter to inappropriate values may cause the control tooscillate and lead to improper welds!After having changed this parameter, please check whether the resultingcurrent characteristic during the weld is correct.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1070087066 / 02 PSI 6xxx.000 Electric Drives Bosch Rexroth AG 3−9 and ControlsOperation3.3 Parameterizing the setpoint input☞The parameter settings for the command value input are not active unless KSR regulation mode has been selected.In order to optimally adjust the setpoint signal input of the digital weldingcurrent source (at X2, input voltage range: 0 to 10 V DC) to the setpoint signal of an external controller, two pairs of values can be parameterized (voltage inmV, resulting welding current in kA) to specify a linear characteristic.The digital welding current source will then use this characteristic to convert any active voltage to the corresponding command current.★Proceed as follows to set the parameters for these two pairs of values:1. Press key “K” in the main menu while the cursor is at the input prompt.The system then waits for input of the first voltage value.☞If you do not want to change the currently active characteristic, press the“Enter” or “Esc” key without entering a value in subsequent steps 2, 3, 4 or 5.After having queried all values, the system will report “Function aborted –please repeat” in this case without changing the existing characteristic.2. Enter the first voltage value in mV.The lower one of the two voltages must be input at this point. In theexample below, this would be 2000.Acknowledge the value input with the “Enter” key.The system then waits for input of the first current value.3. Enter the first current value in kA.The lower one of the two current values must be input at this point. In theexample below, this would be 60.Acknowledge the value input with the “Enter” key.The system then waits for input of the second voltage value.4. Enter the second voltage value in mV.The higher one of the two voltages must be input at this point. In theexample below, this would be 10000.Acknowledge the value input with the “Enter” key.The system then waits for input of the second current value.5. Enter the second current value in kA.The higher one of the two current values must be input at this point. In the example below, this would be 120.Acknowledge the value input with the “Enter” key.The system calculates the characteristics from the data input and showsthe resulting currents for the input voltages of 0 V and 5 V as controloutput.The main menu is built up again afterwards.3−10 Bosch Rexroth AG Electric Drives PSI 6xxx.000 1070087066 / 02 and ControlsOperationExample for Type PSI 6500.000:Desired adjustment toexternal controller:Parameter input procesdurecorresponding to step 2. to 5.(see above):1st pair of values2nd pair of valuesControl displayParameter input for the setpoint signal input☞ Please note that voltage values below 1 V are basically interpreted as 0 V, therefore, no activity is initiated.1070087066 / 02 PSI 6xxx.000 Electric Drives Bosch Rexroth AG 3−11 and ControlsOperation3.4 Setting the date/timeThis function will copy the current date and the current time of the PC to the digital welding current source.☞ Errors cannot be logged properly unless these values have been setcorrectly!★Proceed as follows:1. Check whether the date and time settings of the PC are correct.Otherwise, set the proper date and time at the PC.2. Press key “D” in the main menu while the cursor is at the input prompt.The time settings of the PC and the digital welding current source havebeen synchronized.The main menu is built up again.3.5 Displaying the device type and the firmware versionDisplays the device type and the firmware version.★Press key “N” in the main menu while the cursor is at the input prompt.The information is displayed, and the main menu is built up again afterwards.3.6 Displaying the error logDisplays the internal error log − starting with the error that occurredlast − page by page on the screen.★Press key “F” in the main menu while the cursor is at the input prompt.●Enter key:scrolling by pages through the error log●“Esc” key:cancels the error log display.When the last page of the error log has been displayed or if the display has been canceled, the main menu is built up again.3−12 Bosch Rexroth AG Electric Drives PSI 6xxx.000 1070087066 / 02 and ControlsOperation3.7 Fault resetWhile the digital welding current source automatically resets“selfacknowledging errors” as soon as the corresponding error condition no longer exists, “non-self-acknowledging errors “ must be reset manually using “Fault reset”.Whether or not an error is currently pending is indicated on the front panel of the interface module.☞For more details concerning possible errors, please refer to the“Display error log” function (refer to Sect. 3.6).★First, the cause of the error should be corrected.★Press key “Z” in the main menu while the cursor is at the input prompt.The main menu is built up again.If the error condition is no longer present, the “READY” LED on the frontpanel of the interface module will be lit again.3.8 Backing-up dataFor backup purposes or for series commissioning of a plant, the currentparameter settings of the digital welding current source can be saved on the PC:“Data backup” can be performed at any time, even during a weldingschedule.★Press key “B” in the main menu while the cursor is at the input prompt.The complete parameter settings are saved to the “BACKUP.SST” file in thecurrent working directory.When the process is finished, main menu is built up again.☞ To restore the data: refer to section 3.9.1070087066 / 02 PSI 6xxx.000 Electric Drives Bosch Rexroth AG 3−13 and ControlsOperation3.9 Restoring data backupsWhen the parameters of the digital welding current source have alreadybeen backed up (refer to “Backing-up data”, Section 3.8), the backup datacan be restored when necessary.☞ Backup data can be restored to a device of the same type only!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CAUTION“Restore” will interrupt the currently active welding process!This will result in an incorrect weld. Therefore, you should only use thisfunction if●the unit is not involved in a production process.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ★Proceed as follows:1. Make sure that the “BACKUP.SST” file containing the appropriateparameters exists in the current working directory.2. Press key “R” in the main menu while the cursor is at the input prompt.3. Then confirm the query “Are you sure” by hitting “Y”.Any other key will abort the function.The Ready status of the unit is deactivated while data is being restored.During this time span, welding is not possible.If there is no error, the unit will automatically restore the Ready condition when the data restoring process has been completed.The main menu is built up again.3.10 Triggering device ResetUse this function to reboot the digital welding current source.This process is equivalent to reinitialization of the device and may benecessary after certain parameter changes (e.g. in the area of diodemonitoring) in order to ensure proper functioning.Where this is the case, you will be informed accordingly.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CAUTIONDevice Reset will interrupt the currently active welding process! This willresult in an incorrect weld. Therefore, you should only use this function if●the unit is not involved in a production process.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3−14 Bosch Rexroth AG Electric Drives PSI 6xxx.000 1070087066 / 02 and ControlsOperation★Press key “*” in the main menu while the cursor is at the input prompt.The device is rebooted without any further safety query.The main menu is built up again.3.11 Loading factory setting of the deviceThis option should be used in order to●reset all parameters of the digital welding current source to their defaultvalues, and●delete the contents of all process log memories.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CAUTIONLoading the factory settings of the device will delete the current parameter settings!The default value settings (e.g. transformer values, characteristic forconverting the setpoint signal into a current setpoint) may not be suitable for your specific application. Therefore, you should only use this function if●you are fully aware of its consequences●the unit is not involved in a production process.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ☞Deleting the process log memory contents of units that are involved in theproduction process is not permitted by quality assur a nce in many cases.If you are not sure whether or not the process log memory contents of thedevice may be deleted, please contact your supervisor.★Proceed as follows:1. Press key “L” in the main menu while the cursor is at the input prompt.2. Then confirm the query “Are you sure” by hitting “Y”.Any other key will abort the function.The main menu is built up again.BOSCH psi6500.000現有參數設定值:Regulation mode :( 0: Pulse width mode (PHA mode), 2: Current regulation (KSR mode)) Possible settings: 2Current measurement (0:Primary 1: Secondary)Possible settings: 1Sensor responsiveness :Possible settings: 150Measuring range : ( 11:5kA ;12:10kA;13:20kA; 14:40kA; 15:80kA; 16:160kA)Possible settings: 15Transformer type: (0: PSG 3050.00, 1: PSG 3050.10. 2: PSG 3075.10, 3: PSG 3100.00, 4: PSG 3200.00, 5:OEM)Possible settings: 5Number of transformers :Possible settings: 4Type of transformer connection :( 0: serial, 1: parallel)Possible settings: 1Transformation ratioPossible settings: 55Maximum transformer secondary currentPossible settings: 0Type of diode:( 0: SKN 4000, 1: SKN 6000, 2: SDD71B0200, 3: D 4457 N)Possible settings: 0Number of parallel diodes : (1-4)Possible settings: 2Diode monitoring active : ( 0:off, 1: on)Possible settings: 1BOSCH psi6500.000 KSR現有設定值3.3 Parameterizing the setpoint inputThe parameter settings for the command value input are not active unless KSR regulation mode has been selected.aborted −please repeat. in this case without changing the existing characteristic.2. Enter the first voltage value in mV. 10003. Enter the first current value in kA. 104. Enter the second voltage value in mV.100005. Enter the second current value in kA. 483-2 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives PSG 6xxx. | 1070087063 / 03 andControlsTransformer selection3.2 Technical dataNameTypes PSG ...3075.10 xx 6130.00 xxNominal power SN 80 kVA (at 20% duty cycle) 130 kVA (at 20% duty cycle) maximum primary continuous current I1P76 A 118 APrimary voltage U1N 500 Vmaximum DC current Idmax refer to load diagrams in the sections that deal with thetransformersContinuous DC current Id (100% duty cycle) 4.2 kA 6.5 kA No-load DC voltage UdiO 8.4 V 9 V Frequency f (primary circuit) 1000 HzSensitivity Ratio 55 : 1min. conductor area (primary circuit) 16 mm2 35 mm2 min. cooling water quantity 6 l/min 8 l/min max. cooling water temperature 30° Cmax. cooling water pressure drop refer to differential pressure diagrams in the sections that dealwith the transformersmax. operating temp. (primary winding) 150° Cmax. operating temperature (diodes) 80° CDegree of protection of transformer block IP65Degree of protection(connection zone on primary side)1)Degree of protection(connection zone on secondary side)IP00Insulation class of welding transformers FWeight 14.5 kg 16 kg Dimensions and locations of connections refer to dimensioned drawingsColor RAL 7005; grey RAL 1004; yellow 1) With terminal box: IP55; without terminal box: IP009-40 Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives PSI 6xxx. | 1070080059 / 02 andControlsPSI 6500.xxx W19.6.2 Technical dataType 3-phase rack-mounted mid-frequency converterWeld timer integratedI/O interface Slot for parallel, serial or fieldbus interfaceQuality module Slot provided for later additionDegree of protection IP 20; designed for installation in housing or switch cabinet with IP 54 Storage temperature range −25° C to +70° COperating temperature range (in installation space) +10° C to +45° C; in the case of a thermal capacity that is greater than half of the nominal capcity, a cabinet cooler that regulates the cabinet temperature to 35 degrees Celsius is used.Cooling using water; 10 l/min; supply flow max. 30° C Temperature monitoring integratedCorrosion The ambient air must be free of high concentrations of acids, brines, corrosives, salt and metallic vapors.Humidity 3K3 according to EN 60721−3−3 Condensation on the mid-frequency converter is not permitted.Air pressure 0 to 2000 m above sea level.Main supply voltage connection to grounded TN or TT network. 400 V −20% to 480 V +10%; 50/60 Hz Nominal main supply voltage(maximum thermal continuouscurrent)660 A (with cabinet cooler) 330 A (without cabinet cooler)Max. output current(primary current)2400 AMax. secondary current(transformer−dependent)120 kA (with PSG 3100)Logic main supply(e.g. for weld timer CPU, I/O interfaces, etc.) 24 V=, min: 19 V=; max: 30 V=, acc. to EN 61131-2. Supply possibilities: using external power pack; using separate supply with the integrated power pack (from the welding main supply).1070080059 / 02 | PSI 6xxx Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 9-41and ControlsPSI 6500.xxx W1Over voltage protection MOV (metal oxide varistor)Electrical connection main supply andusing terminal ends; M10 screws per connectiontransformerWire range 2−4 cables per 120 mm2Basic switchgear cabinet losses 100 Wmax. cooling losses 4400 WSwitchgear cabinet losses at max. power 850 WWeight approx. 70 kg; mechanically divisibleMounting position vertical or lying on rearProduct informationPerformance chartSecondary current ranges of PSI 6xxxs from thermal current up to peak current with 9VTransformers3* PSI 6500 2* PSI 6500PSI 6500PSI 6400PSI 6200PSI 6300PSI 6100PSI 60256V transformerThe master/slave conceptThe PSI 6500 inverter can be operated in a master/slave configuration to increase its power. In this mode, up to 3 units can be connected in parallel. Each inverter is connected to one or several identical transformers in this case.The transformers can then be connected in parallel on the secondary side in a simple symmetrical configuration in order to achieve three times the power of one individual unit. The hardware of the units is identical. The slave or master function is selected by suitable parameter settings.Technical dataBosch Rexroth AG“The Drive & Control Company”Vertriebskoordination WiderstandsschweißenPostfach 1162D-64701 Erbach/OdenwaldTel: +49 (0)60 62-78-231Fax: +49 (0)60 62-78-728。











⏹软件使用●工程的使用如下图点击Create an empty project为建立一个新工程。

点击Open project打开一个现有工程。

点击Scan for devices扫描串口总线上的设备点击Restore project把保存的已压缩工程,解压缩。






点击Scan for Device后弹出如下窗口点Next后自动寻找设备。



其中Memory depth,采集的点数Time period:每10ms采集一个点Recording time:前面两项相乘得出的总采样时间。

REXROTH 力士乐 泵使用材料说明说明书

REXROTH 力士乐 泵使用材料说明说明书





Rexroth-力士乐气动产品大量应用在钻修设备的气路上,以及Caterpillar 卡特匹勒与Allison艾里逊变速箱的配合中以实现动力的操作和控制。



Rexroth (博世力士乐)Fe 变频器使用说明书

Rexroth (博世力士乐)Fe 变频器使用说明书

3 重要的使用说明............................................................ 27
正确的使用............................................................................. 27
DOK-RCON01-FE*********-IB09-ZH-P Rexroth Fe 变频器
Bosch Rexroth AG
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.4 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.4.3 1.4.4 1.5 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.5.3 1.5.4 1.5.5
安全说明的使用和传递.................................................................. 22 安全使用要求.......................................................................... 22 使用不当引发的危险.................................................................... 23 针对特殊危险的说明..................................................................... 23 与电气元件和外壳接触的防护............................................................ 23 保护性特低压防止电击.................................................................. 24 危险动作的防护........................................................................ 24 在操作和安装期间对磁场和电磁场的防护.................................................. 25 与高温部件接触的防护.................................................................. 25 搬运与安装时的防护.................................................................... 25



博世力士乐中国教学培训系统操作手册清单液压操作手册1液压传动基本原理(符合BiBB教程)学生手册RC002162液压传动基本原理(符合BiBB教程)教师手册RC 00 216/06.063电气液压教师指导手册RD 00 233/05.944电气液压学生操作手册RD 00 233/05.945工业液压技术项目手册培训讲师手册RC 00845/04.076工业液压技术项目手册培训学员手册RC 00846/04.077电液比例技术教师指导手册RC 00235/06.068电液比例技术学生培训手册RE 00 236/01.969液压轴控制技术教师/学生手册.10故障诊断技术操作手册RC 00261/07.9311比例阀技术教师手册(比例技术项目培训教师指导手册)RC 00847/10.0612比例阀技术学员手册(比例技术项目培训学生练习手册)RC 00848/10.06液压闭环位置控制项目培训教师指导手册暂无R961005091 RC-09979 11.08液压闭环位置控制项目培训学员操作手册暂无R961005092 RC-09980 11.0813教师手册: 工程机械液压负荷传感暂无14教师手册:节流控制多路阀3SM12暂无15教师手册 LUDV多路阀暂无16学生手册: LUDV 多路阀暂无17学生手册: 工程机械液压负荷传感暂无18学生手册:节流控制多路阀3SM12暂无19液压实验设备DS4操作手册RE 0225-B/10.0620液压技术基础培训系统使用说明RC 09960-B/07.0721液压系统安装调试及保养手册.气动操作手册气动操作手册((中文中文))22专业练习气压传动教师指导手册(中文)R 900783082/RC 08.0623专业练习气压传动学员手册(中文)R 92700111624专业练习电气-气动/PLC/控制技术教师指导手册(中文)R 900 783 083/RC 08.0625专业练习电气-气动/PLC/控制技术学员手册(中文)R 927 001 11526短训班手册 PN/K1气动技术基础.27教师用手册 PN/K1气动技术基础暂无28教师用手册 PN/K2电气-气动和PLC技术暂无29气动比例技术教师操作手册(中文) RC 09963/10.0730气动比例技术学生操作手册(中文)RC 09964/10.0731E2C气动搬运系统教师操作手册(中文) RC 09974/04.0832E2C气动搬运系统学生操作手册(中文)RC 09975/04.09博世力士乐教学培训系统操作手册资料清单33气动系统的安装与维护(中文)暂无机电一体化教学培训系统操作手册34模块化机电一体化教学培训系统mMS 气动综合加工/装配操作手册RC 09950-B/08.0635模块化机电一体化教学培训系统mMS 液压综合加工/装配操作手册RC 09951-B/08.0636CMS三轴搬运系统操作手册(中文)RC 09948/04.08 37TS1输送系统操作手册(中文)RC 09947-B/04.08 38PLC(Indralogic_L40)培训手册10./200439MSS教学与培训系统练习手册.40MSS教学与培训系统练习解答..08 .08。











⏹软件使用●工程的使用如下图点击Create an empty project为建立一个新工程。

点击Open project打开一个现有工程。

点击Scan for devices扫描串口总线上的设备点击Restore project把保存的已压缩工程,解压缩。






点击Scan for Device后弹出如下窗口点Next后自动寻找设备。



其中Memory depth,采集的点数Time period:每10ms采集一个点Recording time:前面两项相乘得出的总采样时间。











⏹软件使用●工程的使用如下图点击Create an empty project为建立一个新工程。

点击Open project打开一个现有工程。

点击Scan for devices扫描串口总线上的设备点击Restore project把保存的已压缩工程,解压缩。






点击Scan for Device后弹出如下窗口点Next后自动寻找设备。



其中Memory depth,采集的点数Time period:每10ms采集一个点Recording time:前面两项相乘得出的总采样时间。



一、新建项目点击File点击New,然后点Project这里输入选14V16 文件名都选完之后单机OK二、组态设备右键Project然后点击ADD点击ADD后,选IndraMotion MLC,之后选我圈的这个单机NEXT注意这个IP地址一定要改成192.168.1.1然后单击NEXT选LD,梯形图,之后点击NEXT一直点击NEXT,最后FINISH右击S20_I_O后点击ADD点击S20-DI-16/1然后点ADD,用此方法依次添加S20-DI-16/1,S20-DO-8/2-2A,S20-AI16-AO2-SSI2,全部添加完毕后点Close双击打开点开后选+/-10V,然后那AnalogOutput2-Outputrange改为+/-10A双击打开LibraryManager点击Add library添加库文件在上面输入RAMP_INT,然后点击RAMP_INT点击OK双击PlcProg(PRG)进入编程页面三、plc编程一般指令所有PLC都一样,我在这里就介绍下这个PLC与别的PLC不同的。



3、上升沿下降沿,可以使用R-TRIG和N-TRIG,代替上升沿和下降沿也可以先插入一个常开触点,之后再右击Edge Detection,第一次切换为上升沿,第二次点击切换为下降沿,再次点击变回常开触点4、斜坡插入斜坡指令插入空指令框在线圈位置输入RAMP_INTIN目标值 ASCEND上坡时间 DESCEND下坡时间 TIMEBSASE斜坡时基RESET接通时OUT保持不变 OUT为实际输出值。

博世力士乐 变频器选型手册说明书

博世力士乐 变频器选型手册说明书







功率范围从0.75 kW...90 kW 。

简单易用、功能强大,适用于各种机械类负载和通用设备应用:u 物料输送u 塑料机械(挤出机、吹瓶机)u 印刷、包装机械u 纺织机械u 空压机u 机床Fv高性能闭环矢量型变频器,V/f 、SVC 、FOC 三种控制方式,适用于各种复杂应用和高要求场合;功率范围从0.4 kW...90 kW 。

强大的功能和卓越的性能,适用于各种复杂环境下的应用:u 印刷、包装机械u 塑料、橡胶机械u 离心机u 纺织机械u 提升设备Fe增强型V/f 通用变频器, G/P 两种型号可选、用户自定义V/f 曲线更加节能。

0.75...160 kW 为壁挂机,185 kW...315 kW 为柜机。

简单易用、品质可靠,成为通用自动化的最佳选择:u 风机、水泵u 物料传输u 机床u 空压机u 搅拌4Fe 变频器Fe 是博世力士乐率先推出的一款通用型变频器。

功率范围从0.75 kW...315 kW ;G/P 两种型号,应用灵活;15 kW 及以下内置制动单元,无须外配;高过载能力,满足重载应用。


博世力士乐伺服泵SvP安装手册(新软件版本V4 14)_V01

博世力士乐伺服泵SvP安装手册(新软件版本V4 14)_V01

Type SvP-SF-1X/33S2-MA SvP-SF-1X/48S2-MA SvP-SF-1X/60S2-MA SvP-SF-1X/75S2-MA SvP-SF-1X/100S2-MA SvP-SF-1X/120S2-MA SvP-SF-1X/150S2-MA SvP-SF-1X/190SP2-MA
1. 当驱动器处于AU状态时,使能X31.3(24V高电平有效) , 才能使伺服泵处于运行状态! 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 泵启动信号通过操作台(PLC)上按钮进行控制 X31.4/X31.5: 选择不同种PID参数时才需要连接, 一般情 况下不需要连接 X31.6 实现伺服泵组主从控制模式切换,默认情况下为主 泵模式(0V), 当工作为从泵模式时,需连接24V; X31.7 用于激活泵的泄漏补偿功能, (24V高电平有效) X32.6可以实现电机风扇开关控制: 若连接,需要电源和风扇之间加继电器实现: 注意到达设定温度时输出信号由1转为0(低电平有效) , 此时需要启动风扇。 ——电机风扇也可长期处于运行状态。 7. 8. X32.7/X32.8为驱动器故障输出和复位信号,连接到PLC 的I/O口 X32.9 为双泵开关信号 , 通过对比实际压力值和设定压 力阀值,实现不同控制信号的输出
直流高压 请勿连接
断路器(A) HCS02.1E-W0028 HCS02.1E-W0054 HCS02.1E-W0070 HCS03.1E-W0070 HCS03.1E-W0100 HCS03.1E-W0150 HCS03.1E-W0210 50 75 100 125 200 200 300
输入电线[mm2] 4 10 10 16 25 25 35



博世⼒⼠乐MSK电机⼿册同步伺服电机IndraDyn SMSK 适⽤于所有要求2Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls同步伺服电机IndraDyn S n MSK 适⽤于所有要求⽂档项⽬规划⼿册? 适⽤于爆炸危险场合的应⽤描述紧凑和⾼效最⼤扭矩可达 495 Nm ? 最⼤转速可达 9,000 rpm ? ⽤于不同应⽤的编码器系统? ⾼防护等级 IP65? 不同的冷却⽅式MSK 电机的显著特点就是功率范围较宽,尺⼨⼤⼩分级很细。

该同步伺服电机的⾼扭矩密度可实现具有⾼达 495 Nm 最⼤扭矩的紧凑设计。



轴键槽、保持制动器、较低的侧隙和⾼防护等级 IP 65 等许多其他选配件意味着其可搭配风扇、液体冷却和 ATEX 使⽤。


内部安全 IP65 风扇电机(UL 热保护等级 F)确保单相风扇单元的可靠性,⽆需外部断路器。


技术数据Electric Drives and Controls | Bosch Rexroth AG3同步伺服电机IndraDyn S n MSK 适⽤于所有要求4Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls 同步伺服电机IndraDyn S n MSK 适⽤于所有要求上述所有规格数据均基于配有编码器 S1 和⽆保持制动器的基本型电机750 V 直流母线电压时的数值尺⼨Electric Drives and Controls | Bosch Rexroth AG5同步伺服电机IndraDyn S n MSK 适⽤于所有要求6Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls 同步伺服电机IndraDyn S n MSK 适⽤于所有要求Electric Drives and Controls | Bosch Rexroth AG7同步伺服电机IndraDyn S n MSK 适⽤于所有要求上述所有规格数据均基于配有编码器 S1 和⽆保持制动器的基本型电机Local contact information can be found at:/doc/083809d8f12d2af90342e698.html /adressen Bosch Rexroth AG Postfach 13 5797803 Lohr, Germany Bgm.-Dr.-Nebel-Str. 297816 Lohr, Germany Tel. +49 9352 18-0Fax +49 9352 18-8400/doc/083809d8f12d2af90342e698.html /electricsBosch Rexroth AG 2012 Subject to modification.Printed in GermanyThe data specified above only serve to describe the product. As our products are constantly being further developed, no statements concerning a certain condition or suitability for a certain application can be derived from our information. The information given does not release the user from the obligation of own judgment and verification.It must be remembered that our products are subject to a natural process of wear and aging.。

博士力士乐 MSK和MAD系列绝对值电机零点设置

博士力士乐 MSK和MAD系列绝对值电机零点设置

作者: 朱国锋
作者机构: 上海齐浩电气自动化有限公司,上海市嘉定区园区路151弄1区33号201814出版物刊名: 设备管理与维修
页码: 66-66页
年卷期: 2012年 第3期
主题词: 绝对值 电机 零点 设置 AD系列 MSK 博士 同步运动














⏹软件使用●工程的使用如下图点击Create an empty project为建立一个新工程。

点击Open project打开一个现有工程。

点击Scan for devices扫描串口总线上的设备点击Restore project把保存的已压缩工程,解压缩。






点击Scan for Device后弹出如下窗口点Next后自动寻找设备。



其中Memory depth,采集的点数Time period:每10ms采集一个点Recording time:前面两项相乘得出的总采样时间。

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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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IndraDyn S
MSK 适用于所有要求
2Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls
IndraDyn S n MSK 适用于所有要求
• 项目规划手册• 适用于爆炸危险场合
• 最大扭矩可达 495 Nm • 最大转速可达 9,000 rpm • 用于不同应用的编码器系统• 高防护等级 IP65• 不同的冷却方式
MSK 电机的显著特点就是功率范围较宽,尺寸大小分级很细。

该同步伺服电机的高扭矩密度可实现具有高达 495 Nm 最大扭矩的紧凑设计。



轴键槽、保持制动器、较低的侧隙和高防护等级 IP 65 等许多其他选配件意味着其可搭配风扇、液体冷却和 ATEX 使用。


内部安全 IP65 风扇电机(UL 热保护等级 F)确保单相风扇单元的可靠性,无需外部断路器。


Electric Drives and Controls | Bosch Rexroth AG
IndraDyn S n MSK 适用于所有要求
4Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls 同步伺服电机
IndraDyn S n MSK 适用于所有要求
上述所有规格数据均基于配有编码器 S1 和无保持制动器的基本型电机750 V 直流母线电压时的数值
Electric Drives and Controls | Bosch Rexroth AG
IndraDyn S n MSK 适用于所有要求
6Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives and Controls 同步伺服电机
IndraDyn S n MSK 适用于所有要求
Electric Drives and Controls | Bosch Rexroth AG
IndraDyn S n MSK 适用于所有要求
上述所有规格数据均基于配有编码器 S1 和无保持制动器的基本型电机
Local contact information can be found at:/adressen
Bosch Rexroth AG Postfach 13 57
97803 Lohr, Germany Bgm.-Dr.-Nebel-Str. 297816 Lohr, Germany Tel. +49 9352 18-0Fax +49 9352 18-8400
© Bosch Rexroth AG 2012 Subject to modification.Printed in Germany
The data specified above only serve to describe the product. As our products are constantly being further developed, no
statements concerning a certain condition or suitability for a certain application can be derived from our information. The information given does not release the user from the obligation of own judgment and verification.
It must be remembered that our products are subject to a natural process of wear and aging.。
