人教版 高中英语 选修六 第二单元 热身公开课 导学案
人教版高中英语选修6 Unit2 Writing 名师导学案

To master the rules of writing.
To help the students to finish the writing by using the rules o f a poem.
二 次备课
I would have become one of the most happypeople in the world.
If I had studied harder,
I would have got more scores,
I would have passed the mathstes
I would have pleased my teacher,
I would have made my parents and younger sister pro ud of me,
如何用英文写清单诗(list poems )是本单元的写作内容。清单诗是一种很简单的诗歌,其主题很随意, 通常是列举一系列事 物。它要求具有一定的逻辑性、可读性和趣味性,并且要注意语言的简洁和语意的条理与连贯 。
1.确定一个主题。确定了“If I had studied harder”作为题目后,我们就要展开合情合理的想象, 如“就会多得几分,就会考试及格,就会使老师高兴”等。
※ 先条件后结果。第一句是虚拟条件句“If I had s tu died harder”,紧接着我们就要按照这个思路写出其对应的表示虚拟结果的主句,即要用到“I would have ...(与过去事实不相符合)”的句型。※先结果后条件。还有另外一种结构,即:先把结果说出来,再一一列举各种合理的条件。

阜阳十中自然大课堂学案高二级部英语学科必修5:《Unit2The United Kingdom》第2 课时【预习案】一、学法指导:1.通过对教材课文的阅读,在课文中的具体情境中推断词义、词性,了解重要词汇的基本用法。
二、相关链接:单词拼写1. The two parties have been trying to unite(联合)since the New Year.2. He treated the department like his own private kingdom(王国).3. Anyone who knows how many provinces(省) there are in China, please raise your hand.4. We are not sure whether she is planning to join the union(联盟).5. The bank close to my home can supply you with foreign currency (货币).6. He studied classical architecture (建筑学) and design in Rome about twenty years ago.7.As a headmaster, more of his time is taken up with administration(管理) than with teaching.8.That afternoon we saw that two of the fishing boats were prepairing to leave the port (港口).9. Tokyo University is the most important educational institution(公共机构) in Japan.10. The skin on her hands was hard and rough (粗糙的) from hard work.三、我的疑问:(预习自测)【探究案】一、质疑探究:探究点一:用恰当的介词填空1.To his credit, he always help others.2.The name of each place might be linked to its history.3.He is a worker, and a poet as well.4.LuXun is known as a writer in China.5.He enjoyed the trip to Beijing.6.Although I didn’t like driving, I bought a car for convenience.探究点二:比较与辨异用divide, seperate的适当形式填空。

人教版高中英语选修6 全册导学案目录Unit 1 ArtUnit 2 PoemsUnit 3 A healthy lifeUnit 4 Global warmingUnit 5 The power of nature新课标人教版 Unit 1 Art 艺术核心词汇1.We may talk of beautiful things,but beauty itself is ____________(抽象的).2.He made an ____________(试图)to escape before he could be punished.3.The police are ____________(呼吁)to the public for information about the accident.4. The company is excellent,and its customers have ____________(信任)in the quality of its products.5.You made the wrong decision,and must face the ____________(后果)now. 6.What a ____________(巧合)that we were in the same hotel at the same time! 7.The purpose of new ____________(技术)is to make life easier,not to make it more difficult.8.New teaching methods have been____________(采用)to improve the result of education.9.It is ____________(典型的)of the young man to think of himself before others. 10.Earthquakes can’t be prevented,but they can be ____________(预测).11.As a rich businessman,he was thought to ____________ a great deal of ____________.(possess)12.用aim的适当形式填空(1)The trouble with Bill was that he never had a specific ____________in life.(2)Not knowing where to go,he wandered ____________on the street.(3)This activity is ____________ at improving the students’ability of listening and speaking.1.abstract 2.attempt 3.appealing 4.faith 5.consequences 6.coincidence 7.techniques 8.adopted 9.typical 10.predicted 11.possess;possession 12.(1)aim (2)aimless (3)aimed高频短语1.________________ 也;还;而且2.________________ 巧合地3.________________ 大量4.________________ 导致5.________________ 大量,许多6.________________ (可是)另一方面7.________________ 活着的;本人8.________________ 偏爱9.________________ (对某人)有吸引力;(使某人)感兴趣1.as well as2.by coincidence3.a great deal4.lead to5.scores of...6.on the other hand7.in the flesh8.have a preference for 9.appeal to重点句式1.By coincidence,oil paints were also developed at this time,which ________ the colours used in paintings look richer and deeper.巧合的是,这一时期油画颜料也得到了发展,使得画的颜色看上去更丰富、更深沉。
2020版高中英语人教版选修6导学案精品课件Unit 2 Period 4

②明节奏:英语诗歌的节奏是通过重读音节与轻读音节表现出来的。英文中重读的 音节和轻读的音节,按一定模式配合起来,反复再现,组成诗句,听起来跌宕起伏,抑扬顿挫, 就形成了诗歌的节奏。请读下面这两句诗感受英语诗歌的节奏:
Alone she cuts and binds the grain, and sings a melancholy strain.她独自把麦子割了又 捆,唱出无限悲凉的歌声。(摘自《孤独的割麦女》)
【写 Dreams(紧紧抓住梦想)”为题写一首英
语小诗,词数不限。 Hold Fast to Dreams
_______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________
英语诗歌的创作应该以品读、诵读为基础,多了解诗歌的表现手法,领略诗歌的意境, 感悟诗歌中蕴含的深厚情感,厚积薄发。
Hold fast to dreams For if dreams die Life is a broken-winged bird That can never fly Hold fast to dreams For when dreams go Life is a barren field Frozen only with snow
【写作指导】 1.命题分析
诗歌欣赏与创作虽然不属于现阶段高考书面表达考查的主流形式,但是诗歌对净化心 灵、陶冶情操、培养语言审美和鉴赏能力起着不可替代的作用。《普通高中英语课程标 准(实验)》中出现了“倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式、使语言学习的过 程成为学生形成积极的情感态度、主动思维和大胆实践、提高跨文化意识的过程”的表 述,其中“语言技能”项的各级目标中也多处出现了对诗歌学习的相关具体要求,因此读诗 、赏诗、写诗是高中学生不可忽略的技能之一。

promote an exchange of ideas and information 促进交流 exchange A for B 把 A 换成B foreign exchange 外汇 an exchange rate 汇率 exchange telephone numbers 互换电话号码exchange views/ideas 交换意见/想法exchange sth with sb. 与…交换… an exchange student 交换生in exchange for 交换…一、词汇变形Book6 Unit2 Poems词汇导学案1. poetry(n.)---poet(n.)诗人---poem(n.)2. emotion(n.)---emotional(adj.)3. repeat(v.)重复---repeated(adj.)---repeatedly(adv.)4. contradict(v.)反驳---contradictory(adj.)引起矛盾的5. flexible(adj.)---flexibility(n.)柔韧性,灵活性---inflexible(adj.)固守己见的,不能弯曲的6. salty(adj.)---salt(n.)盐7. end(v./n.)---endless(adj.)---endlessly(adv.) 8. minimum(a./n.)--- minimize(v.)二、重点单词 1. flexible adj.--- maximum(a./n.)最大值---maximize(v.) 9. translate(v.)---translator(n.)---translation(n.) 10. eventual (adj.)---eventually(adv.) 最后 11. bare(adj.)---barely(adv.) 勉强可能,几乎不 12. library(n.)---librarian(n.)图书管理员 13. dark(adj.)---darkness(n.)黑暗 14. warm(adj.)---warmth(n.)温暖15.piano(n.)---pianist(n.)钢琴家 16. violin(n.)---violinist(n.)小提琴家 17. load(v.)---unload(v.)卸载18. champion (n.)---championship(n.)冠军称号Dancers need to be flexible.计划,时间a flexible schedule1)*Good job candidates must show a flexible approach to problems. 2)Workers insisted the new system was too inflexible.3) The way most of us spend our mornings is exactly opposite to the conditions that promote flexible ,open-minded thinking.4) *你知道,汉语如此灵活你需要注意一个词汇或短语在不同语境下的不同含义。

波峰中学高二英语课前双基预习案A姓名_______班级_______编制信海静时间2017.11编号15审批_______课题:Unit 2 Poems【学习目标】Language aim: Get students to learn and grasp the important useful new words and expressions in this article.Ability aim:Get students to use some useful new words and expressions correctly. Emotional aim: Develop students’ spirit of cooperation and teamwork.【目标训练】目标一:核心单词重点突破1. convey vt.传达;表达;运送;传导;传播[快速闪记](1) 同义词:carry,convey,transfer,transmit,transport(2) convey to将……运往〔送往〕(某地);把……传达给(某人)convey sth to sb 向某人表达/传递某物convey sb/sth from A to B 把某人或某物从A地运送到B地convey one's feelings/meanings 表达某人的感情/意思活学巧练:Please____________ my best wishes to her.Your luggage will be ____________ to the hotel by taxi.I can't____________ my feelings in words.我无法用言语来表达我的情感。
2.concrete adj. 具体的n. 水泥;混凝土反义词:抽象的________________As we were leaving,we found that only minutes earlier an elderly woman had fallen over at the entrance and had hit her head on the___________.(水泥)我们要离开的时候,发现就在几分钟前,一位老妇人在入口处跌倒了且其头部撞在了水泥地上。
高中英语人教版选修6【教学设计】Unit 2

Unit 2 Poems1. 教材分析本单元以Poems为话题,从学生初次接触诗歌,一直谈到诗歌创作的动机、有关诗歌的一些基本知识(包括诗歌的种类、风格)等。
1.1 Warming Up部分要求学生回顾所学诗歌,启发学生以小组活动形式分析、列举人们进行诗歌创作的原因。
1.2 Pre-reading 部分首先要求学生说出自己最喜欢的中英文诗歌并阐明理由;然后通过快速阅读Reading部分内容填写列表,区分诗歌种类。
1.3 Reading部分是一篇介绍诗歌基础知识的文章。
1.4 Comprehending 部分根据阅读内容设置了三个习题。
1.5 Learning about Language分words and expressions和structures两部分。
1.6 Using Language共设置了三个任务:第一项任务通过一首小诗展开听力、口语、阅读训练,加深学生对诗歌韵律知识的理解;第二项任务通过Miss Jiang与学生谈论诗歌竞赛的一段录音学习,练习“意愿(intentions)”的表达。
1.7 SUMMING UP部分对本单元所学知识进行归纳、总结、评估。

导学案1 warming up and reading第一部分:【自主预习】预习自测:在文中找出下列单词、短语、长难句,并进行填空和结合语境理解其含义。
一、单词1. aspect n. ____________2. convey v. __________3. concrete adj. ___________4. tease v. ____________5 pattern n. ____________ 6. underline v. ____________7. exchange v. ___________ 8. sponsor n. ____________ vt. ____________ 1答案:方面;样子;外表2传达;运送3具体的4取笑;招惹;戏弄 5模式;式样;图案6在下面画线;强调7交换,交流8赞助人;主办者vt.发起二词语辨析1.poem/poetry2.transform/change3.appropriate/suitable/fit4. run out/run out of三重点词组take it easy从容, 不紧张, 松懈, 轻松make up of(多用于被动)构成try out 试验, 考验, let out发出, 泄露三、句型:1.Some poems tell a story or describe something in a way that will give the reader a strong impression. Others try to convey certain emotions.————————————————————————————————第二部分:【教材导读】Underline the wonderful sentences in the book and fill in the blanks.1.There are various reasons why people write poetry.\◆the reason why...is/was that (不用because)做某事的原因是…。
选修6 unit2导学案

选修6 Unit 2 Poems 导学案审核人:高二英语组全体老师第一课时:课文主旨归纳:1. What does the passage mainly talk about? It’s about ____.A. the development of English poemsB. the future of English poemsC. all kinds of English poemsD. some kinds of English poems细节理解:2. How many kinds of poems does the reading passage refer to?A. 2B. 4C. 5D. 63. What kind of poem does Poem A and B?A. Nursery rhymesB. List poemsC. HaikuD. Tang poem4. Which two poems have rhythm words at the end of lines?A. B and CB. A and EC. A and BD. G and F 推理判断:5. What feeling do you think the Tang poem expressed?A. JoyB. AngerC. SorrowD. Hate根据课文在准确的方框内打上对号第二课时:language points重点单词1.Convey vt.1)输送, 搬运, 运输(from …to …)•The train conveys both goods and passengers2)传达, 表达(感情,意见, 思想)•I found it hard to convey my feelings in words.3) 表明,说明( convey + clause)convey sth. to sb. __________________convey sth./sb. to some place. ____________________convey one’s feelings/thanks to sb. _____________________易混辨析convey/transfer/transportconvey 指将物/人从一地运送到另一地,或指语言,信息等的传递。
高中英语 Unit2 Poems导学案新人教版选修6

高中英语 Unit2 Poems导学案新人教版选修6PoemsPeriod one Vocabulary StudyⅠ、 Fill the blanks with proper words、1、poet poem poetic poetryOnly by writing a in language can I convey my deep love for my mother、Only after I finished reading his collection of religious did I understand his solid belief in God、Only if you use lots of expressions in your writing can you get high grades、2、 convey emotions/ message/anidea/thanks/loveAds the message that thin is beautiful、All the information can be in the simple diagram(图表)、3、 flexible/ inflexible/flexibilityShanghai began testing a retirement system last October、We appreciate your in dealing with the matter、4、 take it/things easy take sth、seriously take one’stime________________________、 Everything will go on well、________________________、 We are waiting for you、____________everything , you will accomplish you dream、5、 run out of run out Wild with anger, the teacher theclassroom、To make matter worse, we our candles、 So we have to stay here in the darkness、 With all the money , we have to go home on foot、6、 be made up of/ consistof/ make upWomen only a small proportion of the prison population、The committee representatives from every state、7、 in particular particularly be particular about Marty about his food、 He is not easily satisfied、We are hoping to expand our business, Europe 、Steve was in bad mood when he got back、8、 exchange ideas/opinions in exchange for exchange sth、 for sthI have offered topaint the kitchen a week’s accommodation(住宿)、 It is a place where you can chat and 、He a blue jacket a black one、9、 let sth、 out let alone let sb、 downWhen I found a car rushing past me, I a cry in surprise、 It is no good the secret、 If so, you will be unemployed、There is no denying that the baby can’t even sit up yet, walk、There is no doubt that the worst feeling is having our fans 、Ⅱ、Exercises one:endless minimum branch flexible salty eventually await bare1、I think you probably know that China has adopted a policy in her foreign trade、2、 Mon added salt but it still wasn’t enough、3、 To our great relief, he got ajob and moved to a new flat、4、I can’t put up with his complaints any more、5、 Looking after a car costs aof10,000 yuan、6、 Take it easy、 Success will always you as long as you have faith in your mind、7、 Our company will set up a in Paris、8、 Seeing a ragged child with feet in the cold winter, the little girl gave all her pocket money to him、convey concrete emotional contradictory repetition tease1、Don’t take what he said seriously----he wasonly 、2、 She found it hard to her feeling in words at the moment、3、 Constant will make everybody feel bored, even though you are president of the school、4、 The answer to the question were various and 、5、 Women tend to be , while men are sensible when facing problems、6、Have you got any suggestions on how to deal with these difficulties、take it easy be popular with run out of be made up of in particular make sense (of)1、she has been with the kids for hours and is beginning to patience、2、 Life happiness and sorrow、3、It was a good concert-----I enjoyed the last song 、4、 I cannot what he said just now、5、“ 、” The doctor said to the patient、“You have been making great progress、”6、 America has also produced jazz, which all age groups all over the world、to one’s sorrow go blank try out transform…into… it is appropriate that1、These days, even a walk in the woods can be a sport、2、 , many people died in the earthquake、3、Because of the global warming, we should plant trees at this time、4、 The idea sounds fine, but we need to it in practice、5、 Faced with lots of difficulties, my mind 、Vocabulary Exploration1、把押韵的诗做记号。
Unit 2 Poems 导学案2-人教选修6精品

Unit 2 Poems导学案2【学习目标】让学生学会本单元重点的词汇和短语,并能够灵活运用。
【重点难点】Convey; in particular; take it easy; run out; be made up of;【学习内容】1. convey vt传达传递;运送;表达I found it hard to convey my feelings in words.Please convey my best wishes to her.Your luggage will be conveyed to the hotel by taxi.A wire conveys an electric current. 电线传导电流convey sth to sbconvey one’s feelings/ thanks to sb向某人表达情感和谢意convey sth from--- to---把某物从—传送到--A good teacher must know how to ________ his ideas.A .display B. consult C. convey D. confirm完成句子1) 言语无法表达我对她有多么的生气。
________________________________________________.2) 管道将燃气从工厂传送到每家每户。
________________________________________________.2.concrete adj 具体的n.混凝土Have you any concrete thoughts on how to deal with this difficulty?处理这种困难你有什么具体的想法?The word “apple” is a concrete noun.“苹果”是个具体名词。
His plan is not yet concrete.他的计划尚不具体。

波峰中学高二英语课前双基预习案A姓名____ ___班级___ _ __编制王金艳编号7 时间2017.11课题:Unit 2 Poems【学习目标】Language aim: Get students to learn and grasp the important useful new words and expressions in this article.Ability aim:Get students to use some useful new words and expressions correctly.Emotional aim: Develop students’ spirit of cooperation and teamwork.【目标训练】单元重点单词拼写与记忆1.n. 诗(总称)诗意2.vt. 给……标记号3.n.韵,押韵vi.&vt.(使)押韵4.vt. 传达,运送5.n. 情感,情绪6.n. 托儿所7.童谣8.adj. 具体的9.n. 重复;反复10.adj. 引起矛盾的,好反驳的11.n. 钻石;菱形12.adj. 灵活的13.n.模式,式样14.n. 村社,小屋15.n.麻雀16.vt. 取笑;招惹;17.adj.含盐的,咸的18.adj.无穷的无尽的19.n.最低限度,20.n. 翻译;译文21.n. 枝条;支流部门22.adv.最后;最终23.v.转化;改造24.n.悲伤;悲痛25.adj.赤裸的;n. 最基本的要素26. n.图书馆馆长;27. adv.永远28. n.部分;节;29. adj.适当的30. n.交流,交换vt.&vi.调换;交换31. n.毕业文凭32. n.赞助人,主办者33. n.空白adj.空白的;茫然的34. n.指南针,罗盘(复数)圆规35. n.新娘36. n.新郎37. n.冠军称号38. n.黑暗;漆黑39. n.暖和;温暖40. n.奖学金;学问学术成就41. n.钢琴家42. n.小提琴演奏者43. n.负担,负荷物44. vi.&vt.害怕;畏惧45. vt.融化;溶化46. vt.等候;等待47. vi.&vt.(使)旋转48. vt.说,讲波峰中学高二语课后能力限时练B一.重点词组1. it easy不紧张,轻松2.run out 用完3.be made up 由……构成4.in 尤其;特别5. be popular 很受……欢迎6. let 发出,放走7.make 讲得通,有意义8.stay 熬夜;挺立9.day day日复一日10. one’s own 属于某人自己的11.play 玩耍12.hold 稍候13.the deadline ……的截止日期14.try 尝试;试验15.go for a hike 去徒步旅行16.talk sb. 与某人交谈17. the sky 在天空中18. class 在课堂上19. one’s own 独自地20.start 以…..开始21.run 偶然遇见22.run 追赶;追逐23.run 撞上;偶然遇到24.run 逃走;溜掉25. make下定决心做某事26.make 构成;编造,化解27.make 弥补,补偿28. 由……做成(能看出原材料)29. 由…..做成(看不出原材料)30. 在……制造31. 被制成……32.hold 阻止;抑制(眼泪等);扣住;隐瞒(消息等)33. hold 举起;拿起;阻止;使延误;停顿34. hold 阻止上涨;压制35. hold 推迟;拖延;阻止;阻挡35. hold 伸出;坚持二.教材原句1. There are many reasons.人们写诗有着各种各样的理由。

人教版高中英语选修六第二单元热身公开课导学案编号:WHGZYYXX6-U2-001高二英语选修6 Unit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and reading班级_________ 组名________姓名_________【学习目标】1.知识目标:初步了解中英文诗歌的异同,并能简单分析英语诗歌的特色。
【重点难点】重点: 把握中英诗歌异同中的同,并且学会分析欣赏英语诗歌的三美。
难点: 在中英诗歌对照的前提下欣赏英语诗歌的意象美、音乐美、视觉美。
【学习过程】【知识链接】1. 诗歌是由意象美、音乐美、视觉美构成的三维复合型艺术系统,其中音乐美包含音韵美、节奏美、旋律美。
2. 王建(约767-830年),唐代诗人,字仲初,颍川(今河南许昌)人,享年约六十七岁。
3. 据南宋刘义庆《幽明录》记载:“武昌阳新县北山上有望夫石,状若人立。
”4. 英语修辞格(figures of speech):Alliteration(头韵) Assonance(双声/叠韵)Personification (拟人) Antithesis(对照/对偶) Repetition (重复) Allusion(典故/引喻)Step 1【自主预习】1. poem ____________2. poetry ______________3. rhyme _______________ 4.rhythm __________ 5.repetition __________ 6. contradictory __________ 7. recite __________ 8. concrete ____________ 9. imaginative ____________ 10. nursery rhymes ________________________ 11. mockingbird ____________ 12. diamond ring __________ 13. brass__________ 14.billy-goat _____________ 15. transform into ________ 16. day by day ____________17. revolve _______________ 18. utter speech __________Step 2【课堂导入】Quiz for common sense of poetry (诗歌常识小测试)→ PPTStep 3【合作探究】1.How to appreciate the beauty of poetry?(怎样欣赏诗歌的美?)________________________________________________________________ ________________________(mind-storming for free and open answer自由回答)Examples(示例):Froggy-boggy sat on a rock.沼泽地里的青蛙蹲在一块石头上Froggy-boggy had a great shock.突然被吓了一大跳Froggy-boggy fell off the top.然后往下掉Into the pond he fell with a plop.扑通掉进池塘里了SunshineLovely, cheerfulWarming, welcoming, calmingI sing with youBrightness呆秀才吃长斋胡须满腮经书揭不开纸笔自己安排明年不请我自来春有百花秋有月,夏有凉风冬有雪,若无闲事挂心头,便是人间好时节。
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编号:WHGZYYXX6-U2-001高二英语选修6 Unit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and reading班级_________ 组名________姓名_________【学习目标】1.知识目标:初步了解中英文诗歌的异同,并能简单分析英语诗歌的特色。
【重点难点】重点: 把握中英诗歌异同中的同,并且学会分析欣赏英语诗歌的三美。
难点: 在中英诗歌对照的前提下欣赏英语诗歌的意象美、音乐美、视觉美。
【学习过程】【知识链接】1. 诗歌是由意象美、音乐美、视觉美构成的三维复合型艺术系统,其中音乐美包含音韵美、节奏美、旋律美。
2. 王建(约767-830年),唐代诗人,字仲初,颍川(今河南许昌)人,享年约六十七岁。
3. 据南宋刘义庆《幽明录》记载:“武昌阳新县北山上有望夫石,状若人立。
”4. 英语修辞格(figures of speech):Alliteration(头韵) Assonance(双声/叠韵)Personification (拟人) Antithesis(对照/对偶) Repetition (重复) Allusion(典故/引喻)Step 1【自主预习】1. poem ____________2. poetry ______________3. rhyme _______________ 4.rhythm __________ 5.repetition __________ 6. contradictory __________ 7. recite __________ 8. concrete ____________ 9. imaginative ____________ 10. nursery rhymes ________________________ 11. mockingbird ____________ 12. diamond ring __________ 13. brass__________ 14.billy-goat _____________ 15. transform into ________ 16. day by day ____________17. revolve _______________ 18. utter speech __________Step 2【课堂导入】Quiz for common sense of poetry (诗歌常识小测试)→ PPTStep 3【合作探究】1.How to appreciate the beauty of poetry?(怎样欣赏诗歌的美?)________________________________________________________________________________________(mind-storming for free and open answer自由回答)Examples(示例):Froggy-boggy sat on a rock.沼泽地里的青蛙蹲在一块石头上Froggy-boggy had a great shock.突然被吓了一大跳Froggy-boggy fell off the top.然后往下掉Into the pond he fell with a plop.扑通掉进池塘里了SunshineLovely, cheerfulWarming, welcoming, calmingI sing with youBrightness呆秀才吃长斋胡须满腮经书揭不开纸笔自己安排明年不请我自来春有百花秋有月,夏有凉风冬有雪,若无闲事挂心头,便是人间好时节。
2.How to make a conclusion with the above examples?(从上诗歌得出怎样结论)Three aspects: _____________, _______________, ______________.(Rhyme and rhythm are essential to poetry. Without them, there wouldn’t b e poems.)3. How to write the poetry with the beauty? (怎样实现诗歌三美)_________________________________________________________________4. Appreciate this tang poem in three aspects: (Listen and recite)Where she awaits her husband,On and on the river flowsNever looking back,Transformed into stone.Day by day upon the mountain top,wind and rain revolve.Should the journeyer return,this stone would utter speech.望夫石 ----王健望夫处,江悠悠。
Listen and read this poem and answer the following questions:①What is the story that the poem tell?________________________________________________________________.②Which aspect does this poem show obviously in the three kind of beauty?__________________________________________________________________.②Which of the following words can convey the woman’s feelings?A.lonelinessB. joyC. loveD. trustE. angerF. hateG. sorrow5. Why do people write poems? ( You can refer to the answers on page 9. )6. Appreciate this nursery rhyme and find out the functions and beauties of it: Hush, little baby, don't say a word安静,小宝贝,不要说话Mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird妈妈会去给你买一个模仿鸟And if that mockingbird don't sing如果模仿鸟不唱歌Mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring妈妈会去给你买一枚钻石戒指And if that diamond ring turns brass如果钻石戒指变成黄铜Mama's gonna buy you a looking glass妈妈会去给你买一面镜子And if that looking glass gets broke如果镜子打碎了Mama's gonna buy you a billy goat妈妈会去给你买一只雄山羊And if that billy goat won't pull如果雄山羊拽不动Mama's gonna buy you a cart and bull妈妈会去给你买一架牛车And if that cart and bull turn over如果牛车翻了Mama's gonna buy you a dog named Rover妈妈会去给你买一只叫流浪者的狗And if that dog named Rover won't bark如果那只叫流浪者的狗不叫Mama's going to buy you a horse and cart妈妈会去给你买一辆马车And if that horse and cart fall down如果马车倒了You'll be the sweetest little baby in town你就成为镇上最甜蜜的小宝贝了Step 4【课堂小结】Step 5【节节过关】1.Read and sing at least three poems in this lesson.2.Recite the tang poem ---- Awaiting husband stone.3.Translate two English poems into Chinese in this lesson.4.Try to write a short nursery thyme by yourself.5.Discuss and collect more native poems in Guangshui accent.【课后反思】本课我学到了什么:本课我觉得还有哪些没有掌握:本课还有什么地方可以更好的完善:APPENDIX FOR FURTHER APPRECIATION(更多中英诗歌赏析附录): 1. edelweiss, edelweiss every morning you greet me small and white, clean and bright you look happy to meet me blossom of snow may you bloom and growbloom and grow forever edelweiss, edelweiss bless my homeland forever 2. Should old acquaintance be forgot,and never brought to mind?Should old acquaintance be forgot, and auld lang syne?For auld lang syne, my dear, for auld lang syne,we'll take a cup of kindness yet, for auld lang syne.3. Twinkle, twinkle, little star How I wonder what you areUp above the world so high Like a diamond in the sky4. Doe a deer a female deer Ray a drop of golden sunMe a name I call myself Far a long long way to runSew a needle pulling thread La a note to follow SewTea a drink with jam and bread That will bring us back to Doe oh-oh-oh That will bring us back to Doe Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Ti Do-So-Do5. Are you sleeping Are you sleeping,Brother Bear, Brother bearMorning bells are ringing Morning bells are ringingDing Dang Dong Ding Dang Dong6. Waiting for him alone,Where the river goes by,She turns into a stone,Gazing with longing eye.Atop the hill day to day come wind and rain,The stone should speak to see her husband come again.7. A Tranquil NightAbed, I see a silver light,I wonder if it's frost aground.Looking up, I find the moon bright;Bowing, in homesickness I'm drowned.8. Fishing in snowFrom hill to hill no bird in flight;From path to path no man in sight;A straw-cloak’d man in a boat, lo!Fishing on river clad in snow.。