


卡波姆 934、934P、 940 的选择依照张燕 [1] 利用自制粘附力测定装置进行测定比较,测定、比较不一样型号卡波姆凝胶剂对离体大鼠结肠组织的粘附性。
结果 3种型号的卡波母( 934P、940、941)凝胶剂对离体大鼠结肠组织的粘附力无明显性差别 (P<0.05) ,与非粘附资料乙基纤维素对比差别明显 (P<0.O1)。
说明: 3种型号的卡波姆关于离体大鼠结肠组织均有较好的粘附性。
卡波姆 934P凝胶剂更合适于腔道给药。
用于阴道黏附制剂:使用卡波姆934P制备阴道杀精子药壬苯醇醚的粘膜粘附药物转运系统 (AmDDS),经实验考证增添卡波姆的用量可提升AmDDS与小羊阴道粘膜的粘蛋白—聚合物间的互相作用,进而增添粘附力,延伸药物开释时间[2]。
杜丽东 [3] 等以放线菌素 D为主药,卡波姆 934(CP934)、羟丙基纤维素 (HPC)、乳糖、酸碱产气系统 ( 碳酸氢钠和枸橼酸 ) 为辅料,采纳正交设计试验制备了不一样处方的放线菌素 D阴道生物黏附片。
得出最优处方为 CP934:HPC=2:3,乳糖用量 20%,酸碱产气系统用量 5%时,其生物黏附力和体外释药最正确。
Pavelic 等[4] 用卡波姆974NF将甲硝唑脂质体和克霉唑脂质体系成凝胶治疗阴道炎。
体外试验表示,这两种含药脂质体凝胶释药 24h后,凝胶中分别约残留 50%甲硝唑和 30%克霉唑。
且稳固性试验表示卡波姆 974NF可保持两种脂质体粒径散布,表示生物黏附脂质体凝胶适于阴道疾病局部治疗。
卡波姆 934的粘附性最强,以其为基质的生物粘附制剂在临床中已有大批应用,如常用的鼻用生物粘附剂、阴道用生物粘附剂、直肠生物粘附剂、口含或口服生物粘附剂等。
[5]制备卡波姆凝胶的有关要素中成胶剂的选择:制备水溶性凝胶时,依据所,一般选择卡波姆浓度为0. 5% ~ 2%[6] ;制备乳剂型凝胶时, 需凝胶的粘稠度不一样选择浓度为1%[7] 。


常用得几种卡波姆Carbopol 940:短流变性、高粘度、高清澈度,低耐离子性及耐剪切性,适用于凝胶及膏霜中Carbopol 941:长流变性、低粘度、高清澈度,中等耐离子性及耐剪切,适用于凝胶及乳液Carbopol ETD2020:丙烯酸酯/C10—30烷基丙烯酸酯交链共聚物,长流变性、低粘度、高清澈度、高耐离子性及耐剪切性,适用清澈凝胶。
Carbopol AQUASF—1:液体,长流变性、可配制清澈配方,与多种成份具优良得相容性,回酸增稠,可用于表面活性剂体系、CarbopolUltrez21:丙烯酸酯/C10—30烷基丙烯酸酯交链共聚物,短流变性、用于凝胶、洗涤清洁用品、高电解质产品、膏霜、乳液。
Carbopol Ultrez20:丙烯酸酯/C10—30烷基丙烯酸酯交链共聚物,长流变性、香波、沐浴凝胶、膏霜/乳液、含电解质得护肤、护发凝胶Pemulen TR—1:丙烯酸酯/C10—30烷基丙烯酸酯交链共聚物,增稠型乳化剂、短流变性、用于膏霜、乳液Pemulen TR—2:丙烯酸酯/C10—30烷基丙烯酸酯交链共聚物,增稠型乳化剂、长流变性、用于乳液Carbopol ULTREZ 20聚合物Carbopol® Ultrez20 PolymerINCI Name:Acrylates/C10-30Alkyl Acrylate CrosspolymerCarbopol®Ultrez 20 polymeris a hydrophobically(疏水性地) modified cross-linked acrylatecopolymer、Thispolymer offersmany substantial b enefits forformulators and marketersof personal careproducts. Like other "Ultrez" grade polymers,Carbopol Ultrez20 polymer is exceptionally easyto use —it self—wets and disperses withinminutes。


【检查】酸度取本品0.10g,均匀分散溶胀于10ml水中,依法检查(附录Ⅵ H),pH值应为2.5~3.5。
苯取本品约1g,精密称定,加对二甲苯制成每1ml中含10μg的溶液,作为对照品溶液;另取本品约1g,精密称定,置具塞试管中,加对二甲苯10.0ml,振摇使本品分散,加0.1mol/L 氢氧化钠溶液10.0ml,密塞振摇1小时,取上清液作为供试品溶液。
精密量取对照品溶液与供试品溶液各1μl,照气相色谱法(附录Ⅴ E)检查,用3m玻璃色谱柱,担体为201红色担体(60~80目),以邻苯二甲酸二壬酯与有机皂土等量混合,作为固定液,涂布浓度为10%,在柱温100℃测定。
干燥失重取本品,在80℃减压干燥1小时,减失重量不得过2.O%(附录Ⅷ L)。
炽灼残渣取本品1.0g,依法检查(附录Ⅷ N),遗留残渣不得过2.0%。
重金属取炽灼残渣项下遗留的残渣,依法检查(附录Ⅷ H 第二法),含重金属不得过百万分之二十。
黏度取本品0.5g,均匀分散于98ml水中,待充分溶胀后,混匀,用15%氢氧化钠溶液调节pH值至7.3~7.8(用精密pH试纸测试),加水至100ml,混匀(避免产生气泡),依法测定(附录Ⅵ G 第二法),在25℃时的动力黏度应为15~30Pa·S。

0.5%卡波姆934GE和卡波姆940GE的中性水分散体粘度分别为30-40Pa.S 和40-60Pa.S。
检测:1、含量测定取本品约0.4g,精密称定,均匀分散于400ml水中,搅拌使溶解,照电位滴定法(附录ⅦA),用氢氧化钠滴定液(0. 25mol/L)滴定(近终点时,每次滴入后搅拌至少2分钟)。

卡波姆Carbomer1 通用名BP:CarbomersPhEur:CarbomeraUSPNF:Carbomer注意:USPNF 20收载几个单独的卡波姆品目。
2 异名Acritamer;acrylic acid polymer;Carbopol;carboxy polymethylene,polyacrylic acid;car-boxyvinyl polymer;Permulen;Ultrez.3 化学名和CAS注册号carbomer[9003-01-4](卡波姆)注意,卡波姆910,934,934P,940,941,971P和974P共用一个CAS注册号9003-01-4。
BP 2001版和PhEur 2002版有单独品目描述卡波姆。
已有报道,卡波姆941的交联分子量估计值为237 600g/mol,卡波姆941的交联分子量为104 400g/mol[4]。
5 结构式卡波姆聚合物是由丙烯酸的重复单元构成的。
卡波姆的丙烯酸单体6 类别生物黏附剂;乳化剂;释放调节剂;助悬剂;片剂黏合剂;增黏剂。
7 在药物制剂或制剂工艺中的应用卡波姆主要作为助悬剂或增黏剂应用于液体或半固体的药物剂型。

常用的几种卡波姆Carbopol 940:短流变性、高粘度、高清澈度,低耐离子性及耐剪切性,适用于凝胶及膏霜中Carbopol 941:长流变性、低粘度、高清澈度,中等耐离子性及耐剪切,适用于凝胶及乳液Carbopol ETD 2020:丙烯酸酯/C10-30烷基丙烯酸酯交链共聚物,长流变性、低粘度、高清澈度、高耐离子性及耐剪切性,适用清澈凝胶。
Carbopol AQUA SF-1:液体,长流变性、可配制清澈配方,与多种成份具优良的相容性,回酸增稠,可用于表面活性剂体系。
Carbopol Ultrez 21:丙烯酸酯/C10-30烷基丙烯酸酯交链共聚物,短流变性、用于凝胶、洗涤清洁用品、高电解质产品、膏霜、乳液。
Carbopol Ultrez 20:丙烯酸酯/C10-30烷基丙烯酸酯交链共聚物,长流变性、香波、沐浴凝胶、膏霜/乳液、含电解质的护肤、护发凝胶Pemulen TR-1:丙烯酸酯/C10-30烷基丙烯酸酯交链共聚物,增稠型乳化剂、短流变性、用于膏霜、乳液Pemulen TR-2:丙烯酸酯/C10-30烷基丙烯酸酯交链共聚物,增稠型乳化剂、长流变性、用于乳液Carbopol ULTREZ 20聚合物Carbopol® Ultrez 20 PolymerINCI Name: Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate CrosspolymerCarbopol® Ultrez 20 polymer is a hydrophobically(疏水性地)modified cross-linked acrylate copolymer. This polymer offers many substantial benefits for formulators and marketers of personal care products. Like other "Ultrez" grade polymers, Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer is exceptionally easy to use - it self-wets and disperses within minutes.This rheology (流变学)modifier and stabilizer also provides electrolyte tolerance(耐受性)and unique sensory benefits in formulations. It can be used in systems with moderate surfactant content, making it an ideal choice for many applications.Key Benefits of Carbopol Ultrez 20 Polymer•Pleasing Sensorial(知觉的,感觉的)Properties: Carbopol Ultrez 20 provides a rich, creamy skinfeel during the rubout(擦掉,抹掉)phase of applying oil-in-water based creams and lotions(洗液). These properties are featured in our SensiMap Formulating(明确叙述)Concept.•Rapid Wetting: The unique structure of Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer allows for rapid wetting and improved swelling(膨胀)time without the need for agitation.This processing benefit is offered without compromising the performance that the personal care industry expects from the Carbopol polymer product line.•Efficient Thickening(高效增稠): Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer provides moderate-to-high viscosity with smooth, long flow properties. It's a versatile(通用的)product that can be used when your formulations require viscosity andsuspending properties. Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer performs effectively across a broad pH range, making it a versatile ingredient for many applications.•Stability of Ingredients in Surfactant-Containing Formulation s(配方): In shampoo and body wash formulations, Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer helps tosuspend and stabilize beads(珠子,水珠), microcapsules and exfoliants(去角质系列)for excellent product stability and visual appeal(视觉的吸引力). In 2-in-1 formulations, Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer can stabilize silicone fluids and oilseffectively.•Aesthetic(美学的;审美的)Properties: Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer exhibits good clarity(透明)in gel formulations, along with providing a smooth,aesthetically pleasing gel(凝胶)quality. In creams and lotions(洗液), it helps to create emulsions(乳剂)with excellent skin feel.•Excellent Clarity:Even at high polymer concentration, Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer maintains superior clarity. It can be used with confidence(满怀信心地)in systems where sparkling(发泡的, 闪烁的)clarity is required.Excellent Electrolyte(电解质)Tolerance:Viscosity, clarity and stability are all maintained in the presence of(在面前)electrolytes with Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer. It is ideally suited for use in formulations containing higher levels of oils, botanical(来自植物的; 植物的)ingredients, or humectants(湿润剂)like Sodium PCA.Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer provides excellent performance in a wide range of products, including:•Shampoos•Lotions•Body washes•Hair and skin gels•Bath gels•CreamsCarbopol® Ultrez 20 polymer is a featured ingredient in the SensiMap™ Formulating Concept.Carbopol® Ultrez 20 polymer is recommended for hand sanitizer(消毒杀菌剂)gels.Name: CARBOPOL® ULTREZ 20 POLYMERCompany: Lubrizol Advanced Materials Asia 路博润Trade Name: CARBOPOL®Description: Like other "Ultrez" grade polymers, Carbopol® Ultrez 20 polymer is exceptionally easy to use-it self wets and disperses within minutes. This new thickener and stabilizer also provides improved electrolyte tolerance and unique sensory benefits. It can be used in systems with a moderate surfactant content, making it an ideal choice for many applications.Documents Data SheetDATA SHEET(English)Technical InformationDISPERSION TECHNIQUES FOR CARBOPOL® POLYMERS(English)FORMULATING HYDROALCOHOLIC(水醇的,氢醇) GELS W ITH CARBOPOL® POLYMERS(English)HOW TO PREPARE AQUEOUS DISPERSIONS OF CARBOPOL® POLYMERS(English)NEUTRALIZING CARBOPOL® AND PEMULEN™ POLYMERS IN AQUEOUS AND HYDROALCOHOLIC SYSTEMS(English)Product name : Carbopol Ultrez 21 PolymerChemical name : Acrylates/C10-30 alkyl acrylate crosspolymerItems PropertiesAppearance:white powderOdor:mild acrylic odorTotal solids:100%pH (in water): 30.5% mucilage(粘液)viscosity at 20 rpm:55, 000 mPa·s0.5% dispersionwetting time: 3 minutes0.5% mucilage* clarity(% Transmission)(传送)~ 95Characteristics and Application :Carbopol Ultrez 21 Polymer is a hydrophobically(疏水性地) modified crosslinkedpolyacrylate polymer designed to efficiently impart(赋予)thickening, stabilizing, and suspending properties to a variety of personal care applications.Carbopol Ultrez 21 polymer is self wetting crosslinked polyacrylic acid polymer that is synthesized in a cosolvent(共溶剂)ethyl acetate/cyclohexane mixture.It provides greater versatility(多功能,多用途) in formulating because it quickly and easily self wets without any mixing required. Carbopol Ultrez 21 polymer has short flow characteristics with relatively high viscosity compared to other Carbopol polymers. Benefits :Facilitates(使容易) formulating and processing because it is a self-wetting polymer that requires no dispersion agitation.Provides excellent thickening efficiency to form very high clarity gels.Provides shear(切变) thinning(变稀) rheology(流变能力)to enable easy pumping(抽吸)and dispensing(分发; 分配)of finished products via trigger(扳柄)sprayers(喷雾器). Provides yield value(屈服值)to allow for the suspension of a wide variety of insoluble materials or particles(粒子). Yield value enables finished products to have vertical cling(附着)which is an important characteristic for products that are dispensed via a trigger spray(反柄喷雾器) or nozzle(管口, 喷嘴).Stabilizes oil-in-water emulsions.INCL命名:丙烯酸酯/C10-30烷基丙烯酸酯交联聚合物(Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer)一.工艺操作上的优点:在工艺操作上ULTREZ 20比ETD2020更简便。
分子式 卡波姆


1%的水分散体的pH值为2.5~3.0,粘性较低,当用碱中和时,随大分子逐渐溶解,黏度也逐渐上升,在低浓度时形成澄明溶液,在浓度较大时形成半透明状的凝胶,所成凝胶在pH6~12 时有最大的粘度和稠度,当pH<3或pH >12时粘度下降。

常用的几种卡波姆Carbopol 940:短流变性、高粘度、高清澈度,低耐离子性及耐剪切性,适用于凝胶及膏霜中Carbopol 941:长流变性、低粘度、高清澈度,中等耐离子性及耐剪切,适用于凝胶及乳液Carbopol ETD 2020:丙烯酸酯/C10-30烷基丙烯酸酯交链共聚物,长流变性、低粘度、高清澈度、高耐离子性及耐剪切性,适用清澈凝胶。
Carbopol AQUA SF-1:液体,长流变性、可配制清澈配方,与多种成份具优良的相容性,回酸增稠,可用于表面活性剂体系。
Carbopol Ultrez 21:丙烯酸酯/C10-30烷基丙烯酸酯交链共聚物,短流变性、用于凝胶、洗涤清洁用品、高电解质产品、膏霜、乳液。
Carbopol Ultrez 20:丙烯酸酯/C10-30烷基丙烯酸酯交链共聚物,长流变性、香波、沐浴凝胶、膏霜/乳液、含电解质的护肤、护发凝胶Pemulen TR-1:丙烯酸酯/C10-30烷基丙烯酸酯交链共聚物,增稠型乳化剂、短流变性、用于膏霜、乳液Pemulen TR-2:丙烯酸酯/C10-30烷基丙烯酸酯交链共聚物,增稠型乳化剂、长流变性、用于乳液Carbopol ULTREZ 20聚合物Carbopol® Ultrez 20 PolymerINCI Name: Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate CrosspolymerCarbopol® Ultrez 20 polymer is a hydrophobically(疏水性地)modified cross-linked acrylate copolymer. This polymer offers many substantial benefits for formulators and marketers of personal care products. Like other "Ultrez" grade polymers, Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer is exceptionally easy to use - it self-wets and disperses within minutes.This rheology (流变学)modifier and stabilizer also provides electrolyte tolerance(耐受性)and unique sensory benefits in formulations. It can be used in systems with moderate surfactant content, making it an ideal choice for many applications.Key Benefits of Carbopol Ultrez 20 Polymer•Pleasing Sensorial(知觉的,感觉的)Properties: Carbopol Ultrez 20 provides a rich, creamy skinfeel during the rubout(擦掉,抹掉)phase of applying oil-in-water based creams and lotions(洗液). These properties are featured in our SensiMap Formulating(明确叙述)Concept.•Rapid Wetting: The unique structure of Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer allows for rapid wetting and improved swelling(膨胀)time without the need for agitation.This processing benefit is offered without compromising the performance that the personal care industry expects from the Carbopol polymer product line.•Efficient Thickening(高效增稠): Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer provides moderate-to-high viscosity with smooth, long flow properties. It's a versatile(通用的)product that can be used when your formulations require viscosity andsuspending properties. Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer performs effectively across a broad pH range, making it a versatile ingredient for many applications.•Stability of Ingredients in Surfactant-Containing Formulation s(配方): In shampoo and body wash formulations, Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer helps tosuspend and stabilize beads(珠子,水珠), microcapsules and exfoliants(去角质系列)for excellent product stability and visual appeal(视觉的吸引力). In 2-in-1 formulations, Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer can stabilize silicone fluids and oilseffectively.•Aesthetic(美学的;审美的)Properties: Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer exhibits good clarity(透明)in gel formulations, along with providing a smooth,aesthetically pleasing gel(凝胶)quality. In creams and lotions(洗液), it helps to create emulsions(乳剂)with excellent skin feel.•Excellent Clarity:Even at high polymer concentration, Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer maintains superior clarity. It can be used with confidence(满怀信心地)in systems where sparkling(发泡的, 闪烁的)clarity is required.Excellent Electrolyte(电解质)Tolerance:Viscosity, clarity and stability are all maintained in the presence of(在面前)electrolytes with Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer. It is ideally suited for use in formulations containing higher levels of oils, botanical(来自植物的; 植物的)ingredients, or humectants(湿润剂)like Sodium PCA.Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer provides excellent performance in a wide range of products, including:•Shampoos•Lotions•Body washes•Hair and skin gels•Bath gels•CreamsCarbopol® Ultrez 20 polymer is a featured ingredient in the SensiMap™ Formulating Concept.Carbopol® Ultrez 20 polymer is recommended for hand sanitizer(消毒杀菌剂)gels.Name: CARBOPOL® ULTREZ 20 POLYMERCompany: Lubrizol Advanced Materials Asia 路博润Trade Name: CARBOPOL®Description: Like other "Ultrez" grade polymers, Carbopol® Ultrez 20 polymer is exceptionally easy to use-it self wets and disperses within minutes. This new thickener and stabilizer also provides improved electrolyte tolerance and unique sensory benefits. It can be used in systems with a moderate surfactant content, making it an ideal choice for many applications.Documents Data SheetDATA SHEET(English)Technical InformationDISPERSION TECHNIQUES FOR CARBOPOL® POLYMERS(English)FORMULATING HYDROALCOHOLIC(水醇的,氢醇) GELS W ITH CARBOPOL® POLYMERS(English)HOW TO PREPARE AQUEOUS DISPERSIONS OF CARBOPOL® POLYMERS(English)NEUTRALIZING CARBOPOL® AND PEMULEN™ POLYMERS IN AQUEOUS AND HYDROALCOHOLIC SYSTEMS(English)Product name : Carbopol Ultrez 21 PolymerChemical name : Acrylates/C10-30 alkyl acrylate crosspolymerItems PropertiesAppearance:white powderOdor:mild acrylic odorTotal solids:100%pH (in water): 30.5% mucilage(粘液)viscosity at 20 rpm:55, 000 mPa·s0.5% dispersionwetting time: 3 minutes0.5% mucilage* clarity(% Transmission)(传送)~ 95Characteristics and Application :Carbopol Ultrez 21 Polymer is a hydrophobically(疏水性地) modified crosslinkedpolyacrylate polymer designed to efficiently impart(赋予)thickening, stabilizing, and suspending properties to a variety of personal care applications.Carbopol Ultrez 21 polymer is self wetting crosslinked polyacrylic acid polymer that is synthesized in a cosolvent(共溶剂)ethyl acetate/cyclohexane mixture.It provides greater versatility(多功能,多用途) in formulating because it quickly and easily self wets without any mixing required. Carbopol Ultrez 21 polymer has short flow characteristics with relatively high viscosity compared to other Carbopol polymers. Benefits :Facilitates(使容易) formulating and processing because it is a self-wetting polymer that requires no dispersion agitation.Provides excellent thickening efficiency to form very high clarity gels.Provides shear(切变) thinning(变稀) rheology(流变能力)to enable easy pumping(抽吸)and dispensing(分发; 分配)of finished products via trigger(扳柄)sprayers(喷雾器). Provides yield value(屈服值)to allow for the suspension of a wide variety of insoluble materials or particles(粒子). Yield value enables finished products to have vertical cling(附着)which is an important characteristic for products that are dispensed via a trigger spray(反柄喷雾器) or nozzle(管口, 喷嘴).Stabilizes oil-in-water emulsions.INCL命名:丙烯酸酯/C10-30烷基丙烯酸酯交联聚合物(Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer)一.工艺操作上的优点:在工艺操作上ULTREZ 20比ETD2020更简便。

卡波姆940羧酸基含量1.引言1.1 概述概述:卡波姆940是一种常用的聚羧酸减水剂,广泛应用于混凝土建筑材料中。
1.2文章结构文章结构部分的内容如下:1.2 文章结构本文将按照以下结构展开对卡波姆940羧酸基含量的讨论。
1.3 目的本文的目的是研究和探讨卡波姆940羧酸基含量的重要性以及其测定方法。


根据聚合时使用的材料不同和聚合度的不同,形成了多种药用规格的产品,常用的有卡波姆934P、卡波姆940GE、卡波姆941GE、卡波姆980GE、卡波姆971GE、卡波姆974P,其中GE代表药用级,P代表口服级,所以卡波姆940GE 可用于外用制剂,而卡波姆934P,卡波姆971P和卡波姆974P则可用于口服制剂。
0.5%卡波姆934GE和卡波姆940GE 的中性水分散体粘度分别为30-40Pa.S和40-60Pa.S。

1. 卡波姆941粘度的基本特性卡波姆941是一种无色至淡黄色粉末,可以在水中快速溶解。
2. 卡波姆941粘度的应用领域卡波姆941粘度广泛应用于各个行业,如化妆品、食品、制药、农业等。
3. 卡波姆941粘度的使用方法卡波姆941的使用方法会根据具体需求和行业差异而有所不同。

常用的几种卡波姆Carbopol 940:短流变性、高粘度、高清澈度,低耐离子性及耐剪切性,适用于凝胶及膏霜中Carbopol 941:长流变性、低粘度、高清澈度,中等耐离子性及耐剪切,适用于凝胶及乳液Carbopol ETD 2020:丙烯酸酯/C10-30烷基丙烯酸酯交链共聚物,长流变性、低粘度、高清澈度、高耐离子性及耐剪切性,适用清澈凝胶。
Carbopol AQUA SF-1:液体,长流变性、可配制清澈配方,与多种成份具优良的相容性,回酸增稠,可用于表面活性剂体系。
Carbopol Ultrez 21:丙烯酸酯/C10-30烷基丙烯酸酯交链共聚物,短流变性、用于凝胶、洗涤清洁用品、高电解质产品、膏霜、乳液。
Carbopol Ultrez 20:丙烯酸酯/C10-30烷基丙烯酸酯交链共聚物,长流变性、香波、沐浴凝胶、膏霜/乳液、含电解质的护肤、护发凝胶Pemulen TR-1:丙烯酸酯/C10-30烷基丙烯酸酯交链共聚物,增稠型乳化剂、短流变性、用于膏霜、乳液Pemulen TR-2:丙烯酸酯/C10-30烷基丙烯酸酯交链共聚物,增稠型乳化剂、长流变性、用于乳液Carbopol ULTREZ 20聚合物Carbopol® Ultrez 20 PolymerINCI Name: Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate CrosspolymerCarbopol® Ultrez 20 polymer is a hydrophobically(疏水性地)modified cross-linked acrylate copolymer. This polymer offers many substantial benefits for formulators and marketers of personal care products. Like other "Ultrez" grade polymers, Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer is exceptionally easy to use - it self-wets and disperses within minutes.This rheology (流变学)modifier and stabilizer also provides electrolyte tolerance(耐受性)and unique sensory benefits in formulations. It can be used in systems with moderate surfactant content, making it an ideal choice for many applications.Key Benefits of Carbopol Ultrez 20 Polymer•Pleasing Sensorial(知觉的,感觉的)Properties: Carbopol Ultrez 20 provides a rich, creamy skinfeel during the rubout(擦掉,抹掉)phase of applying oil-in-water based creams and lotions(洗液). These properties are featured in our SensiMap Formulating(明确叙述)Concept.•Rapid Wetting: The unique structure of Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer allows for rapid wetting and improved swelling(膨胀)time without the need for agitation.This processing benefit is offered without compromising the performance that the personal care industry expects from the Carbopol polymer product line.•Efficient Thickening(高效增稠): Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer provides moderate-to-high viscosity with smooth, long flow properties. It's a versatile(通用的)product that can be used when your formulations require viscosity andsuspending properties. Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer performs effectively across a broad pH range, making it a versatile ingredient for many applications.•Stability of Ingredients in Surfactant-Containing Formulation s(配方): In shampoo and body wash formulations, Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer helps tosuspend and stabilize beads(珠子,水珠), microcapsules and exfoliants(去角质系列)for excellent product stability and visual appeal(视觉的吸引力). In 2-in-1 formulations, Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer can stabilize silicone fluids and oilseffectively.•Aesthetic(美学的;审美的)Properties: Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer exhibits good clarity(透明)in gel formulations, along with providing a smooth,aesthetically pleasing gel(凝胶)quality. In creams and lotions(洗液), it helps to create emulsions(乳剂)with excellent skin feel.•Excellent Clarity:Even at high polymer concentration, Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer maintains superior clarity. It can be used with confidence(满怀信心地)in systems where sparkling(发泡的, 闪烁的)clarity is required.Excellent Electrolyte(电解质)Tolerance:Viscosity, clarity and stability are all maintained in the presence of(在面前)electrolytes with Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer. It is ideally suited for use in formulations containing higher levels of oils, botanical(来自植物的; 植物的)ingredients, or humectants(湿润剂)like Sodium PCA.Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer provides excellent performance in a wide range of products, including:•Shampoos•Lotions•Body washes•Hair and skin gels•Bath gels•CreamsCarbopol® Ultrez 20 polymer is a featured ingredient in the SensiMap™ Formulating Concept.Carbopol® Ultrez 20 polymer is recommended for hand sanitizer(消毒杀菌剂)gels.Name: CARBOPOL® ULTREZ 20 POLYMERCompany: Lubrizol Advanced Materials Asia 路博润Trade Name: CARBOPOL®Description: Like other "Ultrez" grade polymers, Carbopol® Ultrez 20 polymer is exceptionally easy to use-it self wets and disperses within minutes. This new thickener and stabilizer also provides improved electrolyte tolerance and unique sensory benefits. It can be used in systems with a moderate surfactant content, making it an ideal choice for many applications.Documents Data SheetDATA SHEET(English)Technical InformationDISPERSION TECHNIQUES FOR CARBOPOL® POLYMERS(English)FORMULATING HYDROALCOHOLIC(水醇的,氢醇)GELS WITH CARBOPOL® POLYMERS(English)HOW TO PREPARE AQUEOUS DISPERSIO NS OF CARBOPOL® POLYMERS(English)NEUTRALIZING CARBOPOL® AND PEMULEN™ POLYMERS IN AQUEOUS AND HYDROALCOHOLIC SYSTEMS(English)Product name : Carbopol Ultrez 21 PolymerChemical name : Acrylates/C10-30 alkyl acrylate crosspolymerItems PropertiesAppearance:white powderOdor:mild acrylic odorTotal solids:100%pH (in water): 30.5% mucilage(粘液)viscosity at 20 rpm:55, 000 mPa·s0.5% dispersionwetting time: 3 minutes0.5% mucilage* clarity(% Transmission)(传送)~ 95Characteristics and Application :Carbopol Ultrez 21 Polymer is a hydrophobically(疏水性地) modified crosslinked polyacrylate polymer designed to efficiently impart(赋予)thickening, stabilizing, andsuspending properties to a variety of personal care applications.Carbopol Ultrez 21 polymer is self wetting crosslinked polyacrylic acid polymer that is synthesized in a cosolvent(共溶剂)ethyl acetate/cyclohexane mixture.It provides greater versatility(多功能,多用途) in formulating because it quickly and easily self wets without any mixing required. Carbopol Ultrez 21 polymer has short flow characteristics with relatively high viscosity compared to other Carbopol polymers. Benefits :Facilitates(使容易) formulating and processing because it is a self-wetting polymer that requires no dispersion agitation.Provides excellent thickening efficiency to form very high clarity gels.Provides shear(切变) thinning(变稀) rheology(流变能力)to enable easy pumping(抽吸)and dispensing(分发; 分配)of finished products via trigger(扳柄)sprayers(喷雾器). Provides yield value(屈服值)to allow for the suspension of a wide variety of insoluble materials or particles(粒子). Yield value enables finished products to have vertical cling(附着)which is an important characteristic for products that are dispensed via a trigger spray(反柄喷雾器) or nozzle(管口, 喷嘴).Stabilizes oil-in-water emulsions.INCL命名:丙烯酸酯/C10-30烷基丙烯酸酯交联聚合物(Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer)一.工艺操作上的优点:在工艺操作上ULTREZ 20比ETD2020更简便。

卡波姆技术标准The Standardization Office was revised on the afternoon of December 13, 2020卡波姆940CP-2005版标准特点:具有高效增稠效果,能产生清澈透明的水或醇-水凝胶体,流变性非常短.局部给药系统,结晶澄明的凝胶剂、水或酒精,可用于化妆品增稠剂外观:白色疏松状粉末水溶液粘度()40000-60000PH值%中性溶液)~苯(≤2ppm)干燥失重≤%炽灼残渣≤%重金属≤20ppm含量(--COOH)卡波姆(Carbomer)940化学名:交联聚丙烯酸树脂。

常用的几种卡波姆Carbopol 940:短流变性、高粘度、高清澈度,低耐离子性及耐剪切性,适用于凝胶及膏霜中Carbopol 941:长流变性、低粘度、高清澈度,中等耐离子性及耐剪切,适用于凝胶及乳液Carbopol ETD 2020:丙烯酸酯/C10-30烷基丙烯酸酯交链共聚物,长流变性、低粘度、高清澈度、高耐离子性及耐剪切性,适用清澈凝胶。
Carbopol AQUA SF-1:液体,长流变性、可配制清澈配方,与多种成份具优良的相容性,回酸增稠,可用于表面活性剂体系。
Carbopol Ultrez 21:丙烯酸酯/C10-30烷基丙烯酸酯交链共聚物,短流变性、用于凝胶、洗涤清洁用品、高电解质产品、膏霜、乳液。
Carbopol Ultrez 20:丙烯酸酯/C10-30烷基丙烯酸酯交链共聚物,长流变性、香波、沐浴凝胶、膏霜/乳液、含电解质的护肤、护发凝胶Pemulen TR-1:丙烯酸酯/C10-30烷基丙烯酸酯交链共聚物,增稠型乳化剂、短流变性、用于膏霜、乳液Pemulen TR-2:丙烯酸酯/C10-30烷基丙烯酸酯交链共聚物,增稠型乳化剂、长流变性、用于乳液Carbopol ULTREZ 20聚合物Carbopol® Ultrez 20 PolymerINCI Name: Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate CrosspolymerCarbopol® Ultrez 20 polymer is a hydrophobically(疏水性地)modified cross-linked acrylate copolymer. This polymer offers many substantial benefits for formulators and marketers of personal care products. Like other "Ultrez" grade polymers, Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer is exceptionally easy to use - it self-wets and disperses within minutes.This rheology (流变学)modifier and stabilizer also provides electrolyte tolerance(耐受性)and unique sensory benefits in formulations. It can be used in systems with moderate surfactant content, making it an ideal choice for many applications.Key Benefits of Carbopol Ultrez 20 Polymer•Pleasing Sensorial(知觉的,感觉的)Properties: Carbopol Ultrez 20 provides a rich, creamy skinfeel during the rubout(擦掉,抹掉)phase of applying oil-in-water based creams and lotions(洗液). These properties are featured in our SensiMap Formulating(明确叙述)Concept.•Rapid Wetting: The unique structure of Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer allows for rapid wetting and improved swelling(膨胀)time without the need for agitation.This processing benefit is offered without compromising the performance that the personal care industry expects from the Carbopol polymer product line.•Efficient Thickening(高效增稠): Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer provides moderate-to-high viscosity with smooth, long flow properties. It's a versatile(通用的)product that can be used when your formulations require viscosity andsuspending properties. Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer performs effectively across a broad pH range, making it a versatile ingredient for many applications.•Stability of Ingredients in Surfactant-Containing Formulation s(配方): In shampoo and body wash formulations, Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer helps tosuspend and stabilize beads(珠子,水珠), microcapsules and exfoliants(去角质系列)for excellent product stability and visual appeal(视觉的吸引力). In 2-in-1 formulations, Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer can stabilize silicone fluids and oilseffectively.•Aesthetic(美学的;审美的)Properties: Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer exhibits good clarity(透明)in gel formulations, along with providing a smooth,aesthetically pleasing gel(凝胶)quality. In creams and lotions(洗液), it helps to create emulsions(乳剂)with excellent skin feel.•Excellent Clarity:Even at high polymer concentration, Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer maintains superior clarity. It can be used with confidence(满怀信心地)in systems where sparkling(发泡的, 闪烁的)clarity is required.Excellent Electrolyte(电解质)Tolerance:Viscosity, clarity and stability are all maintained in the presence of(在面前)electrolytes with Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer. It is ideally suited for use in formulations containing higher levels of oils, botanical(来自植物的; 植物的)ingredients, or humectants(湿润剂)like Sodium PCA.Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer provides excellent performance in a wide range of products, including:•Shampoos•Lotions•Body washes•Hair and skin gels•Bath gels•CreamsCarbopol® Ultrez 20 polymer is a featured ingredient in the SensiMap™ Formulating Concept.Carbopol® Ultrez 20 polymer is recommended for hand sanitizer(消毒杀菌剂)gels.Name: CARBOPOL® ULTREZ 20 POLYMERCompany: Lubrizol Advanced Materials Asia 路博润Trade Name: CARBOPOL®Description: Like other "Ultrez" grade polymers, Carbopol® Ultrez 20 polymer is exceptionally easy to use-it self wets and disperses within minutes. This new thickener and stabilizer also provides improved electrolyte tolerance and unique sensory benefits. It can be used in systems with a moderate surfactant content, making it an ideal choice for many applications.Documents Data SheetDATA SHEET(English)Technical InformationDISPERSION TECHNIQUES FOR CARBOPOL® POLYMERS(English)FORMULATING HYDROALCOHOLIC(水醇的,氢醇) GELS W ITH CARBOPOL® POLYMERS(English)HOW TO PREPARE AQUEOUS DISPERSIONS OF CARBOPOL® POLYMERS(English)NEUTRALIZING CARBOPOL® AND PEMULEN™ POLYMERS IN AQUEOUS AND HYDROALCOHOLIC SYSTEMS(English)Product name : Carbopol Ultrez 21 PolymerChemical name : Acrylates/C10-30 alkyl acrylate crosspolymerItems PropertiesAppearance:white powderOdor:mild acrylic odorTotal solids:100%pH (in water): 30.5% mucilage(粘液)viscosity at 20 rpm:55, 000 mPa·s0.5% dispersionwetting time: 3 minutes0.5% mucilage* clarity(% Transmission)(传送)~ 95Characteristics and Application :Carbopol Ultrez 21 Polymer is a hydrophobically(疏水性地) modified crosslinkedpolyacrylate polymer designed to efficiently impart(赋予)thickening, stabilizing, and suspending properties to a variety of personal care applications.Carbopol Ultrez 21 polymer is self wetting crosslinked polyacrylic acid polymer that is synthesized in a cosolvent(共溶剂)ethyl acetate/cyclohexane mixture.It provides greater versatility(多功能,多用途) in formulating because it quickly and easily self wets without any mixing required. Carbopol Ultrez 21 polymer has short flow characteristics with relatively high viscosity compared to other Carbopol polymers. Benefits :Facilitates(使容易) formulating and processing because it is a self-wetting polymer that requires no dispersion agitation.Provides excellent thickening efficiency to form very high clarity gels.Provides shear(切变) thinning(变稀) rheology(流变能力)to enable easy pumping(抽吸)and dispensing(分发; 分配)of finished products via trigger(扳柄)sprayers(喷雾器). Provides yield value(屈服值)to allow for the suspension of a wide variety of insoluble materials or particles(粒子). Yield value enables finished products to have vertical cling(附着)which is an important characteristic for products that are dispensed via a trigger spray(反柄喷雾器) or nozzle(管口, 喷嘴).Stabilizes oil-in-water emulsions.INCL命名:丙烯酸酯/C10-30烷基丙烯酸酯交联聚合物(Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer)一.工艺操作上的优点:在工艺操作上ULTREZ 20比ETD2020更简便。
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常用的几种卡波姆常用的几种卡波姆Carbopol 940:短流变性、高粘度、高清澈度,低耐离子性及耐剪切性,适用于凝胶及膏霜中Carbopol 941:长流变性、低粘度、高清澈度,中等耐离子性及耐剪切,适用于凝胶及乳液Carbopol ETD 2020:丙烯酸酯/C10-30烷基丙烯酸酯交链共聚物,长流变性、低粘度、高清澈度、高耐离子性及耐剪切性,适用清澈凝胶。
Carbopol AQUA SF-1:液体,长流变性、可配制清澈配方,与多种成份具优良的相容性,回酸增稠,可用于表面活性剂体系。
Carbopol Ultrez 21:丙烯酸酯/C10-30烷基丙烯酸酯交链共聚物,短流变性、用于凝胶、洗涤清洁用品、高电解质产品、膏霜、乳液。
Carbopol Ultrez 20:丙烯酸酯/C10-30烷基丙烯酸酯交链共聚物,长流变性、香波、沐浴凝胶、膏霜/乳液、含电解质的护肤、护发凝胶Pemulen TR-1:丙烯酸酯/C10-30烷基丙烯酸酯交链共聚物,增稠型乳化剂、短流变性、用于膏霜、乳液Pemulen TR-2:丙烯酸酯/C10-30烷基丙烯酸酯交链共聚物,增稠型乳化剂、长流变性、用于乳液Carbopol ULTREZ 20聚合物Carbopol® Ultrez 20 PolymerINCI Name: Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate CrosspolymerCarbopol® Ultrez 20 polymer is a hydrophobically(疏水性地)modified cross-linked acrylate copolymer. This polymer offers many substantial benefits for formulators and marketers of personal care products. Like other "Ultrez" grade polymers, Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer is exceptionally easy to use - it self-wets and disperses within minutes.This rheology (流变学)modifier and stabilizer also provides electrolyte tolerance(耐受性)and unique sensory benefits in formulations. It can be used in systems with moderate surfactant content, making it an ideal choice for many applications.Key Benefits of Carbopol Ultrez 20 Polymer•Pleasing Sensorial(知觉的,感觉的)Properties: Carbopol Ultrez 20 providesa rich, creamy skinfeel during therubout(擦掉,抹掉)phase of applying oil-in-water based creams and lotions(洗液). These properties are featured in our SensiMap Formulating(明确叙述)Concept.•Rapid Wetting: The unique structureof Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer allowsfor rapid wetting and improved swelling (膨胀)time without the need foragitation. This processing benefit isoffered without compromising theperformance that the personal careindustry expects from the Carbopolpolymer product line.•Efficient Thickening(高效增稠):Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer providesmoderate-to-high viscosity with smooth,long flow properties. It's a versatile(通用的)product that can be used when your formulations require viscosity and suspending properties. Carbopol Ultrez20 polymer performs effectively acrossa broad pH range, making it a versatile ingredient for many applications.•Stability of Ingredients inSurfactant-Containing Formulation s(配方): In shampoo and body wash formulations, Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer helps to suspend and stabilize beads(珠子,水珠), microcapsules and exfoliants(去角质系列)for excellent product stability and visual appeal(视觉的吸引力). In 2-in-1 formulations, Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer can stabilize silicone fluids and oils effectively.•Aesthetic(美学的;审美的)Properties: Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer exhibitsgood clarity(透明)in gel formulations, along with providing a smooth,aesthetically pleasing gel(凝胶)quality.In creams and lotions(洗液), it helps to create emulsions(乳剂)with excellent skin feel.•Excellent Clarity: Even at highpolymer concentration, Carbopol Ultrez20 polymer maintains superior clarity. Itcan be used with confidence(满怀信心地)in systems where sparkling(发泡的, 闪烁的)clarity is required.Excellent Electrolyte(电解质)Tolerance: Viscosity, clarity and stability are all maintained in the presence of(在面前)electrolytes with Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer. It is ideally suited for use in formulations containing higher levels of oils, botanical(来自植物的; 植物的)ingredients, or humectants(湿润剂)like Sodium PCA.Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer provides excellent performance in a wide range of products, including:•Shampoos•Lotions•Body washes•Hair and skin gels•Bath gels•CreamsCarbopol® Ultrez 20 polymer is a featured ingredient in the SensiMap™ Formulating Concept.Carbopol® Ultrez 20 polymer is recommended for hand sanitizer(消毒杀菌剂)gels.Name: CARBOPOL® ULTREZ 20 POLYMERCompany: Lubrizol Advanced Materials Asia 路博润Trade Name: CARBOPOL®Description: Like other "Ultrez" grade polymers, Carbopol® Ultrez 20 polymer is exceptionally easy to use-it self wets and disperses within minutes. This new thickener and stabilizer also provides improved electrolyte tolerance and unique sensory benefits. It can be used in systems with a moderate surfactant content, making it an ideal choice for many applications.Documents Data SheetDATA SHEET(English)Technical InformationDISPERSION TECHNIQUES FOR CARBOPOL® POLYMERS(English)FORMULATING HYDROALCOHOLIC(水醇的,氢醇)GELS WITH CARBOPOL®POLYMERS(English)HOW TO PREPARE AQUEOUS DISPERSIONS OF CARBOPOL® POLYMERS(English)NEUTRALIZING CARBOPOL® AND PEMULEN™ POLYMERS IN AQUEOUS AND HYDROALCOHOLIC SYSTEMS(English)Product name : Carbopol Ultrez 21 PolymerChemical name : Acrylates/C10-30 alkyl acrylate crosspolymerItems PropertiesAppearance:white powderOdor:mild acrylic odorTotal solids:100%pH (in water): 30.5% mucilage(粘液)viscosity at 20 rpm:55, 000 mPa·s0.5% dispersionwetting time: 3 minutes0.5% mucilage* clarity(% Transmission)(传送)~ 95Characteristics and Application :Carbopol Ultrez 21 Polymer is a hydrophobically(疏水性地) modified crosslinked polyacrylate polymer designed to efficiently impart(赋予)thickening, stabilizing, and suspending properties to a variety of personal care applications.Carbopol Ultrez 21 polymer is self wetting crosslinked polyacrylic acid polymer that is synthesized in a cosolvent(共溶剂)ethyl acetate/cyclohexane mixture.It provides greater versatility(多功能,多用途) in formulating because it quickly andeasily self wets without any mixing required. Carbopol Ultrez 21 polymer has short flow characteristics with relatively high viscosity compared to other Carbopol polymers.Benefits :Facilitates(使容易) formulating and processing because it is a self-wetting polymer that requires no dispersion agitation.Provides excellent thickening efficiency to form very high clarity gels.Provides shear(切变) thinning(变稀) rheology(流变能力)to enable easy pumping(抽吸)and dispensing(分发; 分配)of finished products via trigger(扳柄)sprayers(喷雾器).Provides yield value(屈服值)to allow for the suspension of a wide variety of insoluble materials or particles(粒子). Yield value enables finished products tohave vertical cling(附着)which is an important characteristic for products that are dispensed via a trigger spray(反柄喷雾器) or nozzle(管口, 喷嘴). Stabilizes oil-in-water emulsions.INCL命名:丙烯酸酯/C10-30烷基丙烯酸酯交联聚合物(Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer)一.工艺操作上的优点:在工艺操作上ULTREZ 20比ETD2020更简便。