
在机场:Alice: Excuse me, could you tell me where the baggage claim area is?John: Sure, it’s right down that hall, on your left.Alice: Thank you so much!在校园:Lily: Hi, I’m Lily. I’m new here. Can you show me where the library is?Tom: Of course! It’s just around the corner, I can take you there.Lily: Thank you, that would be very helpful.在学校食堂:Emma: What do you recommend for lunch today?Waiter: Our special today is the grilled salmon with steamed vegetables. It’s very popular.Emma: That sounds delicious, I’ll have that, please.在超市:Sarah: Could you tell me where the dairy section is?Employee: Sure, it’s at the back of the store, on the right.Sarah: Thanks a lot!在公共交通工具上:Mike: Is this seat taken?Sara: No, it’s free. You can sit here.Mike: Thank you.在社交场合:Peter: Hi, I’m Peter. What’s your major?Sophie: Hi, I’m Sophie. I’m majoring in Economics. How about you?Peter: I’m majori ng in Computer Science. Nice to meet you.在课堂上:Professor: Today we will be discussing Shakespeare’s sonnets. Any questions so far?Jane: Could you explain the meaning of the third sonnet?Professor: Of course, it’s about…总结以上是一些出国留学生可能会用到的英语对话范例,这些对话准确简洁地传达了基本信息,有助于提高交流效率。


Studying Abroadvisa passport application form interview prestige advisor roomand board dormHost family culture shock embassy destination insurance applicant admission recommendation transcript resume acceptancefinancial aid scholarshipG et a copy of one’s transcripts Register for class Choose elective Fill in the application form Defer enrollment Apply for financial aidBe accepted/ admitted to a school Apply to a school Apply for a student visaA: excuse me, do you know where the visa office is?B: yes, I do. I’ll walk you there.A: thanks!B: are you applying to study or work abroad?A: I want to study abroad.B: what do you want to study?A: I hope to study English literature.B: have you got your visa yet?A: not yet. I have an interview with the visa official today.B: I see. Is it your first interview?A: No, I’ve already been here for three interviews.B: Why?A: I was denied a visa?B: why?A: like most students. I want to work in America after graduation.B: I see. Well, good luck!IntermediateA: guess what came in the mail today?B: what?A: my acceptance letter to Yale!B: wow! Congratulation! When do classes start?A: freshman orientation is the last week of August, but I want to go two weeks before that to get settled in.B: you’re so lucky! Do you have to do many things before you leave?A: yes. I’ll be very busy! I have to get a visa, buy a plan e ticket, and pack my things. But first, I want to register for classes.B: when can you do that?A: well, they sent me their prospectus, so I can start looking now. do you want to help me decide which classes to take?B: sure. What can you choose from?A: well, I have to take all the fundamental courses, plus a few from my major. B: what is your major?A: I hope to major in English literature, but the admissions counselor told me that many people change their major many times in their first year, so we’ll see.B: what are the fundamental courses?A: in order to graduate, every student must take a certain amount of classes in history, math, English, philosophy, science and art.B: interesting. That’s very different from the Chinese e ducation system.A: yes, it is. It’s also very different from the British education system.B: really?A: oh, sure. In Britain, students don’t have to take the foundation course s. B: why not?A: maybe because they think they know everything already! ha ha.Passports and VisasEmbassy application form immigration officer interview process identity card birth certificate tourist visa business visa settlement visa immigrantGo for an interview Fill in a form Get a visa Process an application Hand in an application Fill out an applicationRequest a visa Show your identity card Present documentsApprove an application Reject an applicationA: have you applied for your visa to go to study in the United States yet?B: yes, I have. I handed in my application form two weeks ago and I’m going for an interview next week.A: good luck! I’ve heard it’s very difficult to get a visa to go to the United States.B: the application forms are quite complicated. It took me a few hours to fill it out. The hardest thing was getting all the necessary documents. That took almost two weeks.A: what kind of documents did you need to present?B: I had to show documents relating to my financial status and of course my education, because I want a student visa.A: why do you think so many people have their applications rejected?B: I think that they don’t complete the forms correctly or they don’t include all the required documents. The embassy is very strict about it. You have to be quite careful.A: why are they stricter with Chinese people than with other nationalities?B: that’s simple. Many people break the rules regarding their visa conditions.IntermediateA: good morning. I’d just like to ask you a few questions about your visa application. Can you just check that the information here is correct?B: sure. …yes, that’s all correct.A: thank you. For your student visa, we need evidence of your financial status for the last five years. In your application, you only included it for four years. B: really? Let me check if I have the document here…yes, here is the document you need. I’m sorry. I must have forgotten to make a copy of it for you.A: thank you. That’s fine. The do cuments relating to your education are fine. The offer from the university is conditional on your English language proficiency test result. Do you have that yet?B: not yet. I took the test last weekend. The results will not be available for another two or three weeks.A: ok. Everything else is in order. I’ll be happy to give you a student visa, valid for the duration of your course, when you bring me a certificate showing the result of your language test.B: thank you very much. You don’t need any other documents from me to process my application?A: none. Make an application to see me when you receive your results. When you bring the certificate to me, bring you passport too. Then I can give you the visa.B: thank you very much.A: glad to help.过海关Officer: May I see your passport please?海关人员:我可以看一下您的护照吗?Henry: Sure, Here you are. And this is the declaration form.亨利:当然,给您。

朱彤:I want to ask Vice Premier Qian Qi-chen to add a few things. 钱其琛:任何⼀个内阁⾥⾯有⼈在前苏联留过学或者是在其他国家留过学,就认为这个内阁⼀定是对哪个国家怎么样,我看这个逻辑不存在。
朱彤:I don't, we don't have such a logic that in a cabinet if one member or several members have been studied in former Soviet Union or in any other countries,then this cabinet will be pro-Soviet Union or pro-any coutry.We don't have this logic.I think no matter where the members of the cabinet once studied or what experience the members of the cabinet used to have,this cabinet is the cabinet of China. 记者:谢谢。
另外,海外的媒体对您的评价相当地⾼,外界有⼈说您是“铁⾯宰相”,或者说是 “经济沙皇”。

日常交流1.Greetings and Introductions:–Hey, how are you?(嘿,你好吗?)–Hi, I’m [Your Name]. Nice to meet you.(嗨,我是[你的名字]。
)–What’s your major?(你的专业是什么?)2.Asking for Help:–Excuse me, could you help me find [place]?(对不起,你能帮我找到[地点]吗?)–Could you please repeat that?(你能请再重复一遍吗?)–I’m lost. Can you point me in the right direction?(我迷路了,你能指引我一下吗?)3.Making Plans:–Do you want to grab dinner together?(你想一起吃晚饭吗?)–What time should we meet?(我们什么时候见面?)–Let’s hang out this weekend.(这周末一起出去玩吧。
)学习交流1.Classroom Interaction:–Can you help me with this homework problem?(你能帮我解这道作业题吗?)–What did the professor say about the upcoming test?(教授关于即将来临的考试说了什么?)–I didn’t understand that lect ure. Can you explain it to me?(我没听懂那堂课,你能帮我解释一下吗?)2.Study Groups:–Let’s meet in the library to study together.(我们去图书馆一起学习吧。
留学咨询 话术 (2)


出国留学的金句1. 出国留学就像打开了一扇通往全新世界的大门,你不想去看看门后面有什么吗?就好比你一直生活在一个小乡村,突然有机会去繁华的大城市,难道你会不兴奋?例子:我当时就毫不犹豫地选择出国留学,那感觉就像要去探索一个神秘而又充满惊喜的宝藏世界。
2. 出国留学,那可是给自己人生来一场华丽冒险的绝佳机会啊,你还在等什么?这就像你一直渴望攀登高峰,现在机会就在眼前!例子:朋友小李听到出国留学的消息,眼睛都亮了,立马开始准备,他说这是他的大冒险。
3. 出国留学能让你快速成长,这不是空话,这简直是真理啊!难道不比你一直待在舒适圈里强得多?就像小鸟要学会飞翔就得离开巢穴。
4. 你知道出国留学意味着什么吗?那是拥抱无限可能啊!这和在一条已知的道路上走可不一样,这是踏入未知但充满希望的领域。
5. 出国留学是拓宽视野的最好途径,这还用说吗?就好像原本你只能看到眼前的一小片天地,一下子能看到整个广阔的天空了。
6. 出国留学不是一件容易的事,但收获也绝对超乎想象啊,你敢不敢挑战一下?这不就像攀登一座很难爬的山,但山顶的风景无与伦比。
7. 还在犹豫要不要出国留学?别傻了,这是改变命运的契机啊!就如同你原本在黑暗中摸索,突然出现了一道亮光。
8. 出国留学,那可是让你变得与众不同的绝佳方式,还不赶紧行动?这就好像别人都穿着黑白衣服,而你穿上了绚丽的彩衣。
9. 别错过出国留学的机会呀,那是你能真正认识自己的好时机,真的!就像在茫茫大海中找到属于自己的方向。
留学情景对话英语聊天话题: 闲聊体育

留学情景对话英语聊天话题:闲聊体育随着全球的各国的关系越来越好,从21世纪以后英语的广泛使用,很多国内的学生会选择去国外留学以便学习英语及不同的文化,那么在留学闲聊体育该如何表达?以下是给大家整理的英语聊天话题:闲聊体育,希望可以帮到大家In the Uni BarJane: Hi guys… you look tired… what have you been doing?Tamer: Weve been playing five-a-side with the lecturers down in the gym. Mr. Foster got a team together from the staff, and I got some students together. The teachers beat us 8: 2.Jane: But they are all old… they must be in their 30s and 40s!Larry: They are, but they are fit! That Mr. Foster cycles to work every day… and Mr. Walker goes running every lunchtime… and that Dr. Baker plays squash, and they both must be in their mid-forties!Jane: Yes, but theres another thing…. you guys smoke, and the lecturers dont. And I think maybe youre a bit scared to tackle them hard as well because they are your lecturers… am I right?Tamer: Maybe, but I bet on a proper football field wed run rings round them! Do you girls play any sports, Alison?Alison: Well, Im in the uni hockey team actually.Sarah: Yeah… and I play volleyball. We play tennis on Saturday mornings as well.Larry: So, do you play against the teachers as well?Alison: No. It doesnt seem to be what older women want to do. I think your teachers are just trying desperately to stave off old age!Sarah: That, or pretend they are still young!Tamer: Anyway, I think it would be a good idea to organise a mini-league. You know, different national groups.Larry: I think different departments would be better. It would be really good for bonding.Loud Drunken Singing from Another TableLarry: Oh no… its the rugby club having another piss-up!Sarah: Yeah… theyre always getting drunk and singing rude songs and stuff.Tamer: Well… its all part of the tradition, isnt it… they behave like hooligans in the bar, but theyre supposed to be gentlemen outside… I mean, its mostly middle-class students who play rugby, isnt it?Sarah: Yeah… what is it they say? “Soccer is a game for gentlemen, played by hooligans, and rugby is a game for hooligans played by gentlemen.” My flatmate told me that football is a traditionally working-class game.Tamer: Yes. Rugby is a really rough game. It looks it anyway.Alison: What is rugby, anyway? Is it like what they play in America?L arry: No, no… its only the ball thats the same shape… basically, they have no protection like they do in American football… no helmets and padding and stuff… it looks really scary.Tamer: Yeah… rugby players get to act out their violent fantasies on the rugby field, get drunk and behave like hooligans inthe bar and then go to work as doctors and lawyers on Monday morning.Larry: Yes… whereas when football players do that they call them hooligans!Alison: But I guess its good… I mean, at least it c ontrols their aggression.Sarah: Its great… all the opportunities we have to play sports here. I mean, they even have womens rugby, football and cricket teams… did you know that?Tamer: What are the rules of cricket, by the way?Larry: I dont think we should even go there! You have to be English, born-and-bred to understand them.Sarah: Or from the Commonwealth countries. Also, Ive heard that in India and Pakistan they are even madder about cricket than the English!Alison: Yeah… and in Austr alia and South Africa too.在学生会酒吧简:嗨,伙计们。

1. 对话一:初次决定出国留学
A: 最近听说你考虑出国留学是吗?
B: 是的,我已经决定了,我准备去美国读研究生。
A: 那太棒了!你是怎么做出这个决定的呢?
B: 我觉得在国外学习能够拓宽我的视野,提高我的英语水平,也更有利于我的将来发展。
A: 你打算去哪所大学呢?
B: 我还在考虑中,可能会申请几所学校,希望最后能去一
2. 对话二:面临留学挑战
A: 准备出国留学了吗?
B: 是的,我已经收到录取通知书了,但是我有点担心适应
A: 这是正常的,毕竟文化差异会让人觉得不适应,但随着
B: 我还在考虑要不要提前去熟悉一下环境。
A: 这个主意不错,可以去提前感受一下当地的生活和文化,有利于你更快适应。
3. 对话三:留学后的体验分享
A: 出国留学回来了吗?
B: 是的,我已经毕业回来了,这一年的留学生活真是给了我很多新的体验和启发。
A: 真的吗?能分享一下你的留学经历吗?
B: 在国外学习让我更加独立,拓宽了我的眼界,结交了不少国际朋友,受益匪浅。
A: 看来你的留学经历是非常丰富有意义的。

留学最暖心的十句话1. “哎呀,别担心啦,到了那边咱也能常联系呀!”- 记得我要去留学的前一天,和朋友们聚在一起。
2. “宝贝,你在外面要好好照顾自己哦!”- 妈妈一边帮我收拾行李,一边温柔地说:“宝贝,你在外面要好好照顾自己哦!”我看着妈妈忙碌的身影,眼睛湿润了,我知道妈妈满满的都是对我的爱和不舍。
3. “嘿,等你回来给我们讲讲国外的趣事哈!”- 小伙伴们围着我,七嘴八舌地说着,其中一个大声说:“嘿,等你回来给我们讲讲国外的趣事哈!”我笑着点头,感觉自己不是孤单地前行。
4. “放心去闯吧,我们都支持你!”- 家人聚在一起为我送行,爸爸拍着我的肩膀坚定地说:“放心去闯吧,我们都支持你!”那一刻,我充满了勇气。
5. “到了那边别害怕,有啥就和我们说呀!”- 要上飞机了,闺蜜紧紧拉着我的手说:“到了那边别害怕,有啥就和我们说呀!”我用力点头,心里暖暖的。
6. “哇,你要去留学啦,好棒呀!”- 我告诉邻居小朋友我要去留学的消息,他瞪大眼睛兴奋地说:“哇,你要去留学啦,好棒呀!”那纯真的表情让我也跟着开心起来。
7. “回来记得给我带礼物哦!”- 弟弟调皮地冲我喊:“回来记得给我带礼物哦!”我笑着说一定,这让我对回来的日子也充满期待。
8. “在外面可不能亏待自己哟!”- 奶奶拉着我的手,关切地说:“在外面可不能亏待自己哟!”我感受着奶奶的爱,心里特别踏实。
9. “加油哦,我们相信你能行!”- 老师在我临走前鼓励地说:“加油哦,我们相信你能行!”这句简单的话给了我莫大的力量。
10. “等你学成归来呀!”- 亲戚们笑着说:“等你学成归来呀!”我望着他们,心中满是对未来的憧憬。

2023年出国留学申请者谈话记录范文谈话时间: [填写具体日期和时间]
谈话地点: [填写具体地点]
- 笔录人:[填写记录人姓名]
- 出国留学申请者:[填写申请者姓名]
1. 出国留学申请者的个人背景:
2. 学术成就:
3. 留学动机:
4. 留学计划:
5. 其他信息:
记录人签名: [填写记录人签名]申请者签名: [填写申请者签名]。

Asking for information1.You have just arrived at a university in the US as a visiting scholar. You need to apply for a campus card. Call the campus card office to ask about the following information.Application process Application feesDocuments needed Photo sizeTime needed Card replacementQuestion No. 1: How can I apply for a campus card?Question No. 2: How much shall I pay for the campus card? Question No. 3: What documents should I provide/prepare for applying for the campus card?Question No. 4: What is the size of the photos that I should provide? Question No. 5: How long does it take for me to get the campus card? Question No. 6: Could you please explain to me some card replacement information?2. You are now visiting Queen’s University in Canada. You want to borrow some books from the library. O to the Information Desk at the university library to ask about the following information: Membership application Number of booksLength of loan Renewing booksFines for overdue books Opening hoursQuestion No. 1: How can I become a member of the library?Question No. 2: How many books could I borrow each time?Question No. 3: How long could I keep the books borrowed at least? Question No. 4: How can I renew the books if I can’t finish reading it within the time?Question No. 5: Could you please explain to me the fine system if the books are overdue?Question No. 6: What are the working hours of the library?3. You are now studying in the UK. You would like to attend a baking class in your spare time. Make a call to the baking training school to ask about the following information:Address Class scheduleTuition fees Online reservationTuition discount for friends Free parkingQuestion No. 1: Where is the baking training school?Question No. 2: Could you please send me a class schedule of the baking class through E-mail?Question No. 3: How much should I pay for the class?Question No. 4: Should I reserve on line before the class?Question No. 5: Could you offer us some discount if I could recommend some of my friends to attend this class?Question No. 6: Is the free parking available nearby your training school?4. You have just arrived at a British university as a visiting scholar.You want to get some information about the school’s health center. Make a call to the center and ask questions about:Opening hours LocationServices provided ChargesAppointments Ways of paymentQuestion No. 1: What is the opening hours of workdays?Question No. 2: Can you tell me where is the health center ?Question No. 3: How many services does the health center provides ? Question No. 4: How does it charges?Question No. 5: How can I make a appointment ?Question No. 6: How many ways of payment does the health center provides ?5. You are now studying at the University of Manchester. You want to join in a two-day tour to Scotland at a weekend. You learn that there is a travel agency, which offers different travel plans. Make a phone call to the agency and ask the following questions:Transportation travel schedule accommodation and food special local productstravel documents to prepare costs for each personQuestion No. 1: What is the transportation?Question No. 2: What is the travel schedule ?Question No. 3: How is the accommodation and food ?Question No. 4: What is the special local products and interesting places such as museums ?Question No. 5 What kind of travel documents do I have to prepare ? Question No. 6: I want to know how much does it cost for each person 6. You learn that a new movie is on general release and you’d like to watch it in the cinema. Make a phone call to the cinema and ask the following questions:Days for screening ticket typesscreening schedule cost for each original or dubbed film stars in it location of the cinemaQuestion No. 1: Can you tell me what is the day for screening ? Question No. 2: How many types of ticket do you offer ?Question No. 3: Can you tell me what is the screening schedule of each day ?Question No. 4: How much does it cost ?Question No. 5: How many stars are there in the movie ?Question No. 6: where is the cinema ?7.You are now an international student at Cambridge University in the U.K. The university’s Student Union is organizing a trip to Southampton. Make a phone call to ask about the following information:Departure time Pick-up pointPlaces to visit FeesStudent discounts Ways of paymentQuestion No. 1: What is the departure time for the trip to Southampton? Question No. 2: Where is the pick-up point? Question No. 3: What places shall we visit during the trip?Question No. 4: How much should I pay for this trip?Question No. 5: Could you provide discounts for students?Question No. 6: How can I pay for this trip?8. You are studying in a Canadian university as a visiting scholar. Your supervisor has just booked a holiday at the travel agent. Find out some information about the holiday.Destination Form of transportLength of the holiday Dates of the holidayNumber of people going Reasons for the holiday Question No. 1: What places do you plan to visit in Canada? Question No. 2: What transportation means do you prefer while traveling in Canada?Question No. 3: How long does your travel here last?Question No. 4: When does your holiday begin and end?Question No. 5: How many people are there in your travel team? Question No. 6: What is the purpose of your holiday?9. It’s your second day in England. You have just met a student tutor(a student assigned to look after you and help you to settle in). You want to find out:meals and cooking rubbish disposallaundry facilities transport to the local town: Shopping Weather:Question No. 1: Can I cook for myself, or must I have dinner in the dinning room? Canteen?Question No. 2: How can I tackle with the rubbish?Question No. 3: Are there any laundry facilities available for us students? Question No. 4: How can I get to the local town?Question No. 5: Could you give me some recommendation on shopping? Question No. 6: What is the weather like here in England?10. Y ou have been at the university for one day when you are introduced to a PhD student. Y ou talk with him and find out about the university and the local town.Find out about:sports facilities campus entertainmentlocal town facilities distance from LondonHoliday TransportationQuestion No. 1: What sports facilities are available for us students? Question No. 2: Are there some interesting activities organized for usstudents?Question No. 3: Is it possible and easy for students to use the local town facilities?Question No. 4: How far is it/ what is the distance from London to the university?Question No. 5: Are there some holidays this term?Question No. 6: Is public transportation convenient for students?11. Y ou have studied in a university in California, USA, as a visiting scholar for a few months. You’d like to book a flight to New York. Imagine that the interviewer works in a travel agency. Ask the interviewer questions about the following information:Number of the flights Duration of the flight:Fare for a single ticket Cheapest day of the week: Distance between the airport to the city centeAvailability of special dietQuestion No. 1: How many flights are available for New York during the workday?Question No. 2: How long does the flight last?Question No. 3: What is the price for a single ticket?Question No. 4: On which day could I get the cheapest ticket? Question No. 5: How far is it from the airport to the city center? Question No. 6: Is special diet available during the flight?12. Y ou are planning to travel to Los Angeles with your family in the US for the upcoming holiday, and you want to rent a car. Make a phone call to a car rental company to ask about the following information:Requirements to rent a car Minimum rental periodReturn policy DiscountsWays of paymentMethods to change reservationsQuestion No. 1: What kind of documents should I prepare for renting a car? Question No. 2: How long at least could I keep a car one time? Question No. 3: Could you please explain to me the policies for returning the car I rent?Question No. 4: Is there any discount for the students?Question No. 5: Could I pay the rent by cash? How could I pay the rent? Question No. 6: How could I change the reservation for a car?。

出国留学英语对话带翻译Adam:What is your name?你叫什么名字?Gina:My name is Gina.我叫吉娜.Adam:Where are you from?你从哪里来?Gina:I come from fuqing, fujian province?我来自福建福清Adam:Why do you want to study in the US/America?为什么要去美国读书?Gina:Because American education is the world and American computer technology is very developed. There are so many famous computer companies,such as Microsoft,Apple and Dell.So I want to study in the US.因为美国的教育是全世界最好的,美国的计算机知识也是世界上非常发达的国家,有很多著名的公司,像微软,苹果和戴尔等。
Adam:How many universities/schools haveyou applied for? How many of them admitted you?Why do you want to study in this school?你申请了多少个大学?多少个录取了你? 为什么要选择这个学校?Gina:I have applied 2 universities and one of them accepted me. I choose this university because I think Montana State University is an excellent university in the US and its computer education is also very good.我申请了2所大学,其中一间录取了我。

出国常用英语对话100句带翻译1.Hello, how are you? - 你好,你好吗?2.I’m fine, thank you. - 我很好,谢谢你。
3.What’s your name? - 你叫什么名字?4.My name is… - 我叫…5.Where are you from? - 你来自哪里?6.I’m from… - 我来自…7.How old are you? - 你多大了?8.I am… years old. - 我…岁了。
9.What do you do for a living? - 你是做什么工作的?10.I am a… - 我是一个…11.Excuse me, can you help me? - 对不起,请问你能帮忙吗?12.Sure, what do you need help with? - 当然,你需要什么帮忙?13.Where is the nearest restaurant? - 最近的餐馆在哪里?14.Go straight and turn left at the next intersection. - 直走,下一个路口左转。
15.How much does this cost? - 这个多少钱?16.It’s $10. - 十美元。
17.Can I pay with credit card? - 我可以用信用卡支付吗?18.Sorry, we only accept cash. - 对不起,我们只收现金。
19.What time is it? - 现在几点了?20.It’s 3 o’clock. - 三点钟。
21.Where is the nearest hospital? - 最近的医院在哪里?22.Take the next right and you’ll see the hospital on your left. - 下一个右转,你会看到医院在你的左边。

二、电话接听1. 姓名自我介绍•留学顾问:您好,我是XXX(您的名字),我是XXX留学顾问,有什么可以帮助您的吗?2. 询问需求•留学顾问:请问您是咨询哪方面的留学服务呢?3. 积极倾听•留学顾问:请您详细说明一下您的情况,我会尽力帮助您解决问题。
三、电话营销1. 引导对话•留学顾问:您目前是否考虑过留学?我们可以为您提供全方位的留学规划和咨询服务。
2. 陈述优势•留学顾问:我们拥有丰富的留学经验和资源,可以为您量身定制留学计划,帮助您实现留学梦想。
3. 确认需求•留学顾问:您有什么特别关心的问题或需求吗?请告诉我,我们会提供专业的建议和帮助。
四、电话服务1. 资料收集•留学顾问:请您提供一些基本信息,方便我们更好地为您提供服务。
2. 定制方案•留学顾问:根据您的需求和条件,我们会为您制定一个个性化的留学方案,帮助您实现留学目标。
3. 跟进服务•留学顾问:我们会跟进您的留学进程,确保一切顺利进行,随时为您解决问题。

这篇《留学英语⼝语对话::语⾔交流》,是特地为⼤家整理的,希望对⼤家有所帮助!ALLEN: Excuse me. Do you study Chinese at the university here?SUZY: Yes, I do. But my characters are very bad.ALLEN: It takes a long time to learn Chinese writing.SUZY: Are you Chinese?ALLEN: Yes, I am. I am from Taiwan. I came here to study political science.SUZY: How do you like it?ALLEN: I like it so far. But my English still needs work.SUZY: I want to study Mandarin and international relations.ALLEN: Does the Chinese department here teach regular characters or simplified characters? SUZY: They teach regular characters.ALLEN: I see. I'm from Taiwan, so I know regular characters better than simplified.SUZY: You just said your English needs work, yes?ALLEN: Yes, that's true. Especially my writing.I think my papers aren't good enough. I make too many grammatical mistakes.SUZY: Well, I am very serious about learning Chinese.But for me the hard part now is pronunciation.You have the four tones in Chinese. It is very hard.Maybe, if you have time, maybe we could do a language exchange.ALLEN: You mean you and I?SUZY: Yes, why not?I mean, if you come to this cafe often,maybe we could meet here and practice Chinese and English.ALLEN: That sounds like a good idea. How often would you like to do it?SUZY: Let's see... My schedule right now is quite busy.But I think I could spend 90 minutes a week in language exchange.ALLEN: How would we manage it though? How would we spend the 90 minutes?SUZY: First, we could spend 45 minutes working on your English writing.If you want, I could help you edit your papers.Or we could do English conversation. Whatever you want.And then the next 45 minutes you would help me with my Chinese.ALLEN: Would I help you with writing?SUZY: No. For me right now, the important thing is spoken Chinese.I need practice. So you could tutor me in speaking.We could use my textbook, and you could ask me questions.Then you could correct my mistakes.ALLEN: I think it sounds like a good system. But when is it convenient to meet?SUZY: Well, today is Monday.Actually, for me Monday at this time would be the best.I am free from now until 11:30 every Monday morning.ALLEN: Me too. In fact, I'm free until 1:20 on Mondays.SUZY: So if you want to meet at 10:00 here next Monday, we could start.ALLEN: It sounds good. I will bring the papers I'm working on.SUZY: And I will bring my textbook and a tape recorder.I would like to record some things so I can practice on my own.ALLEN: Let me give you my phone number.SUZY: Sure. I'll give you mine too. Then we can call if we have to cancel for some reason.。

二、开场白1. 您好,我是XX大学的留学咨询师,请问您有什么问题需要咨询吗?2. 您好,欢迎来到我们的留学咨询中心,请问您需要了解哪些方面的信息呢?3. 你好,我是XX国际教育公司的顾问,请问您对留学有什么疑问或需求吗?三、了解需求1. 请问您想去哪个国家留学呢?我们可以为您提供该国家相关的信息和建议。
2. 您打算选择哪个专业进行深造呢?我们可以为您介绍该专业在不同国家和院校中的情况。
3. 请问您的留学预算是多少?我们可以为您推荐适合您预算的留学方案。
四、解答问题1. 请问该国家的签证流程是怎样的?2. 我想了解一下该专业在不同国家和院校中的就业情况。
3. 请问我需要准备哪些材料才能申请该院校的奖学金?4. 我想了解一下该国家的生活费用和住宿情况。
5. 请问我需要参加哪些语言考试才能申请该院校?五、给出建议1. 根据您的需求和背景,我们建议您选择XX国家/专业/院校。
2. 如果您想要申请奖学金,我们建议您提前准备好相关材料并且尽早提交申请。
3. 如果您对某个国家或者院校有疑虑,我们建议您去参加相关的招生宣讲会或者咨询当地留学顾问。

二、亮点试题分析1.【试卷原题】11.已知,,A B C 是单位圆上互不相同的三点,且满足AB AC →→=,则AB AC →→⋅的最小值为( )A .14-B .12-C .34-D .1-【考查方向】本题主要考查了平面向量的线性运算及向量的数量积等知识,是向量与三角的典型综合题。
【易错点】1.不能正确用OA ,OB ,OC 表示其它向量。
2.找不出OB 与OA 的夹角和OB 与OC 的夹角的倍数关系。
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Do you remember anything about your childhood?Where were you born?Born-->bearI was born in a small town/village called Taixing.Born rich--->出生富贵I feel like reborn.where did you live when you were young?I have been living in the same place for my whole life.I grew up in a town called Taixing and this pleasant Spring takes me back to my hometown/childhood.that noodle smell great.it really takes me back to my childhood.I spent my childhood in a village called Taixing.what kind of upbringing did you have?were your parents strict with you?I guess my parents didn't really bring me up too strictly.bring sb.up哺育某人I was actually raised up by my grandparents,who tended to spoil me somehow.spoil sbspoil my stomach.spoil oneself=give myself a treatwhat did your parents teach you when you were a kid?--I was brought up to be polite and respectful.they tried to let me make my own mistakes.(自己发现自己的问题)I think it was because they wanted me to be able to stand up for myself (勇敢面对).Do you have any siblings?Do you have any brothers or sisters?one child policycousinI don't have any,but I have four younger cousins from my father's side. do you get on with them?get on with与sb相处的如何yes,we get on well now.we have great time when we see each other.But we didn't get on very well when we were children.we used to argue and fight about everything.I used to smokeI used to drink,but I don't do it now.educationif I want to get ahead,I need a good education.get ahead取得成功.I hope to carry on further education,and that's why I want to study in your country,which has the most prestigious university in the world. carry on持续,继续做...Can you carry on?-let’s carry on.what were your school days like?I suppose I got on okay.I wouldn't say I was quite successful,for most of the time,I got on okay. suppose猜想you are not supposed to come back at home in this moment.you are supposed to at school.but sometimes I was quite naughty and messed around,just like most kids.Messed around瞎混.Were you a good student?no,I'm not a good student,because I usually got down to work in the end.got down to着手处理Luckily,I got through all my exams.got through通过you can't imagine how much hardship l have gone through when I managed to pass the entrance examination,and went on to university to receive higher education.managed to设法Went on to接着,继续you can't imagine how bad it was.I managed to pay back all my debt.are you feeling OK?I don't think you're looking too well today.no,not really.I have got a temperature,a headache,a sore throat.oh dear,I would say you’re going down with the flu or chicken pox. yes,I think so too,but I have got to fight it off.go down with染上....样的病Fight sth off竭力摆脱.what can we do to get rid of flu?some pain killers should bring your temperature down.pain killer止痛片Bring sth down把...降下来if you’re feeling hot and unwell,drinking water will stop you from being so hot,which means cold water will cool you down too.what else can we do to get rid of flu?having a bit of a lie down will also make you feel better.make sb feel betteryou will get it over very soon if you follow what doctor said.get...over恢复.Moving into a new placehi,I heard you've got a wonderful new flat楼房/apartment楼房/house (独栋)that's great,I have just moved in.you must come round sometime. come round顺道拜访thanks,I would love to come to visit.would love to sth特别想做sthI would love to have some more,it's really nice.why don't you come round next week then.why don't you do sth.Why don't you look after it well.why don't you carry on umbrella with then.visiting one's new homehold on a second/minuteso glad you could come round.come on in.this is a fantastic house.let me hang my coat up and put my scarf on the same hook,too,just in case I forget.I'll show you around,let's have a look at the living room first.show sb around带某人看看逛逛this is such a great house,you're so lucky,I'm very jealous,if I were you, I definitely won't be moving on for a while.I would want to stay in. thanks,it's only been a week and feel like I have been here for years.I settled in already.settled习惯,安顿下来I have brought you some champagne to celebrate.a toast to your new flat.let's drink to the flat,cheers.let's have a toast to the new bride and groom,happy marriage.house warming partyguests are coming over to my place for a house warming party and I'm getting in lots of crisps and alcohol to keep them happy.get in购买Why don't you put another CD on.this is a great song to join in and dance to.the lyrics even say‘get down‘which means to dance.this party food is delicious.eat up.there's plenty more.thanks,it's great I'll have no problem eating them up,it's lovely.drink upI'll go and make you anther cocktail.you are a great host.hang on then and I'll finish this first.hang on=hold onClothesI have just been buying some new clothes.I have got a brand new outfit.when I'm on my shopping trip,I don't just do window shopping,I love to try on new clothes,because I want to see if clothes in shops fit me or not.I'm doing some Internet videoing,and I have to dress up,which means to wear something formal.I always try to make an effort to look smart. dress up打扮正式make an effort to努力做sthlook smart看上去精神but if I'm not getting on TV or Internet,I can dress down,which means I can wear something casual.when I finish videoing,I have got to do some running so I need to wear my sports outfit instead.Datingyou're standing in the rain waiting for you date,you have been wait for a long time.it looks like they have stood you up.stood you up让某人空等,放某人鸽子it's horrible being stood up.horror movie恐怖电影you feel that they’ve let you down,which means they've not done what they said they would do.if people stood you up,the next time you see them,you'll probably fall out it means you'll argue or quarrel with them.fall out闹翻争吵you never want to see them again as long as you live.many friends fall out over food/money.you might even decide to end the relationship or break up with your friends.but sometimes,people break up,and then they make up again.they stop arguing and think they'll give it another try.再试一试some couples seem to be breaking up and making up again all the time. if someone was really special to you,you need time to get it over.恢复you need some time to get used to live without them,to accept the end of the relationship.move onmeet someone newstarts over againCareerdo you have a glittering career?is it all you even dreamed it would be?well-paid,nice office,company carhow are you getting on at work?get on怎么样how well are things going for you at work/in life/at schoolI'm so lucky to land a dream job in my ideal company.it was difficult to get employed,but I managed to pass the tests and successful in the interviews,and get in.(be accepted)I have just been promoted(I have got a more important job now)I'm really heading for the top.this job is taking over my life,because I have to work longer and harder than before.I really think this job makes me run out of time to do other things in my life.run out of time没时间Take over占据Get employed被聘用I have got to slow down,otherwise I'll be too tired to do anything.and I'm going to burn out and won't be able to do my job probablyanyway.burn out燃尽I need to pace myself-work more slowlypace按部就班don't run out of steam before you get to the top.(I don't want to use all my energy before I can get promoted again) promoted晋升。