Graphical User Interfaces for Heterogeneous Distributed Systems
gplearn 自定义因子 -回复
gplearn 自定义因子-回复什么是gplearn ?gplearn 是一个开源的Python 库,用于自动化生成机器学习模型的特征工程。
它可以通过遗传程序设计(Genetic Programming, GP)算法来生成符号回归模型,以此来优化预测模型的性能。
如何自定义因子?自定义因子可以通过gplearn 的GP 算法来生成。
GP 算法是一种通过模拟生物进化过程来生成最佳函数解决问题的算法。
在gplearn 中,用户可以通过定义函数集、变量集和适应度函数来自定义因子。
通过设置好函数集、变量集和适应度函数,用户可以在gplearn 中生成自己需要的特征工程方法。
如何使用自定义因子?使用自定义因子需要经过以下步骤:1. 定义函数集:用户需要根据问题的特点,定义一组合适的函数。
2. 定义变量集:用户需要根据问题的输入数据,定义一组合适的变量。
latex中graphical abstract 命令 -回复
latex中graphical abstract 命令-回复如何在LaTeX中使用graphical abstract命令。
第一步:了解graphical abstract命令graphical abstract命令是在文章前几页的摘要部分添加一张图像,用于概括整篇文章的主题和内容。
graphical abstract命令的语法如下:\begin{graphicalabstract}[width=\textwidth]{image_file} 这里插入图像的标题这里插入图像的其他相关信息,如作者、机构等\end{graphicalabstract}其中,[width=\textwidth]用于设置图像的宽度,可根据需要进行调整。
第二步:导入必要的宏包和设置文档类在使用graphical abstract命令之前,需要导入相应的宏包和设置文档类,以确保图像正常显示。
其次,设置文档类为“article”或其他适合的类,例如:\documentclass{article}第三步:插入graphical abstract在正文部分,按照上述graphical abstract命令的语法,插入自己的图像。
以下是一个示例:\begin{document}\begin{graphicalabstract}[width=\textwidth]{example_image.jpg} \textbf{图1:示例图像的标题}这是一张示例图像,用于演示如何在LaTeX中使用graphical abstract命令。
graphical model解释
图形模型1. 介绍图形模型(Graphical Model)是一种用于描述随机变量之间依赖关系的工具。
图形模型分为两大类:有向图模型(Directed Graphical Model)和无向图模型(Undirected Graphical Model)。
有向图模型也称为贝叶斯网络(Bayesian Network)或信念网络(Belief Network),无向图模型也称为马尔可夫随机场(Markov Random Field)。
2. 有向图模型有向图模型使用有向边来表示变量之间的因果关系。
贝叶斯网络可以表示为以下图结构:Weather -> HumidityWeather -> Rainfall其中,天气节点对湿度和降雨节点有直接影响。
3. 无向图模型无向图模型使用无向边来表示变量之间的相关关系。
graphic abstract 综述可以引用
图形摘要(Graphic abstract)1. 引言在20世纪90年代以来,随着计算机技术的飞速发展和数码技术的普及,图形学作为一门跨学科的学科,取得了长足的发展。
2. 图形学的发展历程图形学作为一门学科,起源于计算机科学与技术,在其发展过程中融合了数学、物理学、工程学等多个学科的理论和方法。
3. 图形学的主要应用领域3.1 娱乐产业随着电脑和游戏机的普及,图形学在游戏、电影等方面得到了广泛的应用。
3.2 教育领域在教育领域,图形学技术已经成为了一种重要的教学手段。
3.3 医疗领域图形学技术在医疗领域也有着广泛的应用。
3.4 制造业在制造业中,图形学技术也为产品设计与制造提供了便利。
4. 图形学的技术发展趋势4.1 三维技术随着VR、AR等技术的飞速发展,对三维技术的需求也越来越大。
4.2 深度学习与图形学的结合深度学习技术的兴起,为图形学技术的提升提供了新的机会。
latex中graphical abstract 命令 -回复
latex中graphical abstract 命令-回复引言:在科学研究领域,图形摘要(graphical abstract)广泛应用于科学论文中,用于简明扼要地展示论文的主题和重要结论。
本文将介绍在LaTeX 中创建图形摘要的命令,并详细解释每一步的操作。
第一步:安装必要的宏包在LaTeX 中创建图形摘要需要使用一些特定的宏包。
首先,确保已安装`graphicx` 宏包,它提供了插入图片的功能。
使用以下命令检查该宏包是否已安装:latex\usepackage{graphicx}如果提示未找到该宏包,可以通过在LaTeX 发行版的包管理器中搜索并安装该宏包。
第二步:创建图形摘要环境要在LaTeX 中创建图形摘要,需要定义一个新的环境。
可以使用以下命令在文档的导言区定义一个名为`graphicalabstract` 的环境:latex\newenvironment{graphicalabstract}{\par\smallskip\noindent\textbf{Graphical Abstract:}\par\noindent} {\par\smallskip}这个命令定义了一个新的环境`graphicalabstract`,在摘要之前和之后增加了适当的空白行,并以粗体字形式显示“Graphical Abstract:”字样。
以下是一个示例,展示如何插入一个图片作为图形摘要:latex\begin{graphicalabstract}\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{graphical_abstract.jpg}\end{graphicalabstract}在这个示例中,使用`includegraphics` 命令插入了名为`graphical_abstract.jpg` 的图片。
关键词:运动包络体;极限建筑空间;行为建筑学;模拟法;空间效率AbstractThe land in the center of the city is constantly divided for the sake of urbanization development. As a result, an increasing number of limited architectural space was designed and built. The environment of such kind of space is usually cramped. And the users’ behavior is also limited. In this case, it is of great importance to calculate the minimum size of space which can meet the basic functional needs of the users. However, the existing data for limited architectural extent, leads to an increasing number serious issues, such as lacking pertinence, unreasonable space size, low space efficiency and high energy consumption.In order to solve this issue, this essay will first simulate the movement of human body by computer programming. After that, enveloping solid will be calculated by the trail of human body. Enveloping solid simulation is a basic simulating method in the inference procedure of behavioral architecture. Compared with traditional experiments, there will be no sample quantity limitation and anthropogenic factor in simulating process. And the 2-dimensional human parameter comes to 3 dimensional.Based on which, this essay will explore the existing problems on limited architectural space design and how to use enveloping solid simulation in architecture design. In the first stage, the design data of users can be get from the process of enveloping solid simulation. And the users’ parameter shows the range of activity, which is important reference frame in design procedure. By this method, the functional needs of users can be meet. And space efficiency can also be improved. What’s more, enveloping solid can be used in optimizing the shape and location of fixtures in building as well.Keywords:enveloping solid, limited architectural space,behavioral architecture, simulation, space efficiency目录摘要 (1)Abstract (2)第1章绪论 (1)1.1课题背景及研究的目的和意义 (1)1.1.1 课题的研究背景 (1)1.1.2 课题的研究目的和意义 (2)1.2相关概念概述 (3)1.2.1 极限建筑空间的概念 (3)1.2.2 “包络体”的概念及构成概述 (3)1.3国内外研究现状及分析 (4)1.3.1 行为建筑学 (4)1.3.2 极限建筑空间 (4)1.3.3 包络体的应用及计算方式 (6)1.4研究内容、方法与框架 (11)1.4.1 课题的研究内容 (11)1.4.2 研究方法 (12)1.4.3 课题的研究框架 (14)第2章研究基础 (15)2.1人体运动学、运动解剖学 (15)2.1.1 人体运动形式 (15)2.1.2 人体运动的特性与坐标系建立 (15)2.2人体测量学与程序人体基本参数设定 (17)2.2.1 人体上肢静态尺寸测量 (17)2.2.2 程序人体基本参数设定 (18)2.3计算机编程 (19)2.3.1 模拟软件 (19)2.3.2 Toxiclibs类库引用与运动轨迹的向量表示 (19)2.3.3 HE_Mesh类库引用与包络曲面生成 (20)2.4本章小结 (20)第3章程序模拟 (21)3.1程序逻辑 (21)3.1.1 程序参数设定 (21)3.1.2 上肢运动轨迹模拟 (22)3.1.3 上肢运动包络体生成 (30)3.2不同人体参数对模拟结果的影响 (30)3.2.1 儿童(四肢长度对模拟结果的影响) (30)3.2.2 老年人(活动角度对模拟结果的影响) (33)3.2.3 残疾人(残肢对模拟结果的影响) (34)3.2.4 数据对比 (35)3.3“人体运动包络体”程序对行为建筑学研究方法的扩展 (36)3.3.1 行为建筑学研究的一般方法以及主要存在问题 (36)3.3.2 “人体运动包络体”模拟对行为建筑学研究方法的贡献 (37)3.4本章小结 (39)第4章 (40)4.1计算满足使用需求的极限建筑空间形态与体积 (40)4.1.1 满足功能需求,提高空间使用效率 (40)4.1.2 根据运动轨迹预测使用者所需的三维建筑空间 (45)4.1.3 节约能源 (49)4.2优化极限空间中固定物的位置与尺寸、形状 (50)4.2.1 包络体与极限空间中固定物的位置 (51)4.2.2 包络体与极限空间中固定物的尺寸 (55)4.2.3 包络体与固定物的三维空间组合 (57)4.3本章小结 (58)结论 (59)参考文献 (60)附录 (63) (74)致谢 (75)第1章绪论1.1 课题背景及研究的目的和意义1.1.1 课题的研究背景古代有蜗居的说法,用“蜗舍”比喻“圆舍”“蜗”字描述的是空间的形状,后来逐渐演变为居住空间狭小的意思。
GraphHopper R Interface 说明书
Package‘graphhopper’October13,2022Title An R Interface to the'GraphHopper'Directions APIVersion0.1.2Date2021-02-06Maintainer Stefan Kuethe<***********************>Description Provides a quick and easy access to the'GraphHopper'Directions API.'GraphHopper'<https:///>itself is a routing engine based on'OpenStreetMap'data.API responses can be converted to simple feature(sf)objects in a convenient way.License MIT+file LICENSEEncoding UTF-8LazyData trueImports magrittr,httr,googlePolylines,jsonlite,tibble,dplyrSuggests sf,geojsonsf,ggplot2,testthatRoxygenNote6.1.1URL https:///crazycapivara/graphhopper-rBugReports https:///crazycapivara/graphhopper-r/issues NeedsCompilation noAuthor Stefan Kuethe[aut,cre]Repository CRANDate/Publication2021-02-0616:50:02UTCR topics documented:gh_as_sf (2)gh_available_spt_columns (3)gh_bbox (3)gh_get_info (4)gh_get_isochrone (4)gh_get_route (5)gh_get_routes (6)12gh_as_sf gh_get_spt (7)gh_instructions (8)gh_points (8)gh_set_api_url (9)gh_spt_as_linestrings_sf (9)gh_spt_columns (10)gh_time_distance (11)Index12 gh_as_sf Convert a gh object into an sf objectDescriptionConvert a gh object into an sf objectUsagegh_as_sf(data,...)##S3method for class gh_routegh_as_sf(data,...,geom_type=c("linestring","point"))##S3method for class gh_sptgh_as_sf(data,...)##S3method for class gh_isochronegh_as_sf(data,...)Argumentsdata A gh_route or gh_spt object....ignoredgeom_type Use geom_type=point to return the points of the route with ids corresponding to the instruction ids.Examplesif(FALSE){start_point<-c(52.592204,13.414307)end_point<-c(52.539614,13.364868)route_sf<-gh_get_route(list(start_point,end_point))%>%gh_as_sf()}gh_available_spt_columns3 gh_available_spt_columnsGet a vector with available columns of the spt endpointDescriptionGet a vector with available columns of the spt endpointUsagegh_available_spt_columns()gh_bbox Extract the bounding box from a gh objectDescriptionExtract the bounding box from a gh objectUsagegh_bbox(data)##S3method for class gh_routegh_bbox(data)##S3method for class gh_infogh_bbox(data)Argumentsdata A gh_route or gh_info object.4gh_get_isochrone gh_get_info Get information about the GraphHopper instanceDescriptionGet information about the GraphHopper instanceUsagegh_get_info()Examplesif(FALSE){info<-gh_get_info()message(info$version)message(info$data_date)print(gh_bbox(info))}gh_get_isochrone Get isochrones for a given start pointDescriptionGet isochrones for a given start pointUsagegh_get_isochrone(start_point,time_limit=180,distance_limit=-1,...)Argumentsstart_point The start point as(lat,lon)pair.time_limit The travel time limit in seconds.Ignored if distance_limit>0.distance_limit The distance limit in meters....Additonal parameters.See https:///#operation/ getIsochrone.Examplesif(FALSE){start_point<-c(52.53961,13.36487)isochrone_sf<-gh_get_isochrone(start_point,time_limit=180)%>%gh_as_sf()}gh_get_route Get a route for a given set of pointsDescriptionGet a route for a given set of pointsUsagegh_get_route(points,...,response_only=FALSE)Argumentspoints A list of2or more points as(lat,lon)pairs....Optional parameters that are passed to the query.response_only Whether to return the raw response object instead of just its content. See Alsohttps:///#tag/Routing-API for optional parameters. Examplesif(FALSE){start_point<-c(52.592204,13.414307)end_point<-c(52.539614,13.364868)route_sf<-gh_get_route(list(start_point,end_point))%>%gh_as_sf()}gh_get_routes Get multiple routesDescriptionInternally it just calls gh_get_route sevaral times.See also gh_get_spt.Usagegh_get_routes(x,y,...,callback=NULL)Argumentsx A single start point as(lat,lon)pairy A matrix or a data frame containing columns with latitudes and longitudes that are used as endpoints.Needs(lat,lon)order....Parameters that are passed to gh_get_route.callback A callback function that is applied to every calculated route.Examplesif(FALSE){start_point<-c(52.519772,13.392334)end_points<-rbind(c(52.564665,13.42083),c(52.564456,13.342724),c(52.489261,13.324871),c(52.48738,13.454647))time_distance_table<-gh_get_routes(start_point,end_points,calc_points=FALSE,callback=gh_time_distance)%>%dplyr::bind_rows()routes_sf<-gh_get_routes(start_point,end_points,callback=gh_as_sf)%>,.)}gh_get_spt7 gh_get_spt Get the shortest path tree for a given start pointDescriptionGet the shortest path tree for a given start pointUsagegh_get_spt(start_point,time_limit=600,distance_limit=-1,columns=gh_spt_columns(),reverse_flow=FALSE,profile="car") Argumentsstart_point The start point as(lat,lon)pair.time_limit The travel time limit in seconds.Ignored if distance_limit>0.distance_limit The distance limit in meters.columns The columns to be returned.See gh_spt_columns and gh_available_spt_columns for available columns.reverse_flow Use reverse_flow=TRUE to change theflow direction.profile The profile for which the spt should be calculated.Examplesif(FALSE){start_point<-c(52.53961,13.36487)columns<-gh_spt_columns(prev_longitude=TRUE,prev_latitude=TRUE,prev_time=TRUE)points_sf<-gh_get_spt(start_point,time_limit=180,columns=columns)%>%gh_as_sf()}8gh_points gh_instructions Extract the instructions from a gh route objectDescriptionExtract the instructions from a gh route objectUsagegh_instructions(data,instructions_only=FALSE)Argumentsdata A gh_route object.instructions_onlyWhether to return the instructions without the corresponding points.See Alsogh_get_routegh_points Extract the points from a gh route objectDescriptionExtract the points from a gh route objectUsagegh_points(data)Argumentsdata A gh_route object.gh_set_api_url9 gh_set_api_url Set gh API base urlDescriptionSet gh API base urlUsagegh_set_api_url(api_url)Argumentsapi_url API base urlNoteInternally it calls Sys.setenv to store the API url in an environment variable called GH_API_URL.Examplesgh_set_api_url("http://localhost:8989")gh_spt_as_linestrings_sfBuild lines from a gh spt objectDescriptionBuild lines from a gh spt objectUsagegh_spt_as_linestrings_sf(data)Argumentsdata A gh_spt object.10gh_spt_columnsExamplesif(FALSE){start_point<-c(52.53961,13.36487)columns<-gh_spt_columns(prev_longitude=TRUE,prev_latitude=TRUE,prev_time=TRUE)lines_sf<-gh_get_spt(start_point,time_limit=180,columns=columns)%>%gh_spt_as_linestrings_sf()}gh_spt_columns Select the columns to be returned by a spt requestDescriptionTimes are returned in milliseconds and distances in meters.Usagegh_spt_columns(longitude=TRUE,latitude=TRUE,time=TRUE,distance=TRUE,prev_longitude=FALSE,prev_latitude=FALSE,prev_time=FALSE,prev_distance=FALSE,node_id=FALSE,prev_node_id=FALSE,edge_id=FALSE,prev_edge_id=FALSE)Argumentslongitude,latitudeThe longitude,latitude of the node.time,distance The travel time,distance to the node.prev_longitude,prev_latitudeThe longitude,latitude of the previous node.prev_time,prev_distanceThe travel time,distance to the previous node.node_id,prev_node_idThe ID of the node,previous node.edge_id,prev_edge_idThe ID of the edge,previous edge.gh_time_distance11 gh_time_distance Extract time and distance from a gh route objectDescriptionExtract time and distance from a gh route objectUsagegh_time_distance(data)Argumentsdata A gh_route object.Indexgh_as_sf,2gh_available_spt_columns,3,7gh_bbox,3gh_get_info,4gh_get_isochrone,4gh_get_route,5,6,8gh_get_routes,6gh_get_spt,6,7gh_instructions,8gh_points,8gh_set_api_url,9gh_spt_as_linestrings_sf,9gh_spt_columns,7,10gh_time_distance,1112。
摘 要
在竞争激烈的工业自动化生产过程中,机器视觉对产品质量的把关起着举足 轻重的作用,机器视觉在缺陷检测技术方面的应用也逐渐普遍起来。与常规的检 测技术相比,自动化的视觉检测系统更加经济、快捷、高效与 安全。纹理物体在 工业生产中广泛存在,像用于半导体装配和封装底板和发光二极管,现代 化电子 系统中的印制电路板,以及纺织行业中的布匹和织物等都可认为是含有纹理特征 的物体。本论文主要致力于纹理物体的缺陷检测技术研究,为纹理物体的自动化 检测提供高效而可靠的检测算法。 纹理是描述图像内容的重要特征,纹理分析也已经被成功的应用与纹理分割 和纹理分类当中。本研究提出了一种基于纹理分析技术和参考比较方式的缺陷检 测算法。这种算法能容忍物体变形引起的图像配准误差,对纹理的影响也具有鲁 棒性。本算法旨在为检测出的缺陷区域提供丰富而重要的物理意义,如缺陷区域 的大小、形状、亮度对比度及空间分布等。同时,在参考图像可行的情况下,本 算法可用于同质纹理物体和非同质纹理物体的检测,对非纹理物体 的检测也可取 得不错的效果。 在整个检测过程中,我们采用了可调控金字塔的纹理分析和重构技术。与传 统的小波纹理分析技术不同,我们在小波域中加入处理物体变形和纹理影响的容 忍度控制算法,来实现容忍物体变形和对纹理影响鲁棒的目的。最后可调控金字 塔的重构保证了缺陷区域物理意义恢复的准确性。实验阶段,我们检测了一系列 具有实际应用价值的图像。实验结果表明 本文提出的纹理物体缺陷检测算法具有 高效性和易于实现性。 关键字: 缺陷检测;纹理;物体变形;可调控金字塔;重构
Keywords: defect detection, texture, object distortion, steerable pyramid, reconstruction
计算机英语考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is not a type of computer hardware?A. CPUB. RAMC. SoftwareD. Hard Disk答案:C2. What does the acronym "USB" stand for?A. Universal Serial BusB. User System BusC. User Storage BusD. Universal Storage Bus答案:A3. What is the primary function of a router in a computer network?A. To store dataB. To process dataC. To connect multiple devicesD. To print documents答案:C4. Which of the following is a programming language?A. HTMLB. CSSC. JavaScriptD. All of the above答案:D5. What does "RAM" stand for in computer terminology?A. Random Access MethodB. Random Access MemoryC. Remote Access MemoryD. Rapid Access Memory答案:B6. What is the term for a collection of data stored on a computer?A. FileB. FolderC. DatabaseD. Memory答案:A7. Which of the following is a type of computer virus?A. WormB. TrojanC. Both A and BD. None of the above答案:C8. What is the purpose of a firewall in a computer system?A. To prevent unauthorized accessB. To speed up internet connectionsC. To store dataD. To print documents答案:A9. What does "GUI" stand for in the context of computer systems?A. Graphical User InterfaceB. General User InterfaceC. Global User InterfaceD. Graphical Universal Interface答案:A10. What is the term for a small computer program that performs a specific task?A. ApplicationB. SoftwareC. UtilityD. Script答案:D二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. The basic unit of data in a computer is called a____________.答案:bit2. A computer's operating system is an example of______________.答案:system software3. The process of converting data into a form that can be understood by a computer is called ______________.答案:encoding4. The term used to describe the speed of a computer's processor is ______________.答案:clock speed5. A computer network that spans a large geographical area is known as a ______________.答案:WAN (Wide Area Network)6. The process of recovering lost data is called______________.答案:data recovery7. A computer program that is designed to disrupt or damage a computer system is known as a ______________.答案:malware8. The primary storage medium for a computer's operating system and most frequently used programs is the______________.答案:hard drive9. The term used to describe the process of transferring data from one computer to another is ______________.答案:data transfer10. A computer that is part of a network and shares its resources with other computers is called a ______________.答案:server三、简答题(每题10分,共40分)1. What are the main components of a computer system?答案:The main components of a computer system include the central processing unit (CPU), memory (RAM), storage devices (hard disk, solid-state drive, etc.), input devices (keyboard, mouse, etc.), output devices (monitor, printer, etc.), andthe operating system.2. Explain the difference between hardware and software in a computer system.答案:Hardware refers to the physical components of a computer, such as the CPU, memory, and storage devices. Software, on the other hand, comprises the programs and instructions that run on the hardware, including theoperating system, applications, and utilities.3. What is the role of a firewall in a computer network?答案:A firewall is a network security system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules. It acts as a barrier between a trusted internal network and untrusted external networks,such as the Internet, to prevent unauthorized access and protect the internal network from potential threats.4. Describe the process of data encryption and its importance in computer security.答案:Data encryption is the process of converting readable data into an unreadable format, called ciphertext, using an algorithm and a key. This process ensures that only authorized parties with the correct key can access and decrypt the data. Encryption is crucial for protecting sensitive information from unauthorized access, ensuring data privacy and security in computer systems and networks.。
graphical model解释
图模型(Graphical Model)是一种用于表示和推断概率模型的图形化工具。
它是概率图论(Probabilistic Graphical Models)的一个重要分支,用于建模随机变量之间的概率依赖关系。
图模型可以分为两大类:贝叶斯网络(Bayesian Networks)和马尔可夫随机场(Markov Random Fields)。
马尔可夫随机场使用势函数(Potential Function)来描述变量之间的关系,其中势函数的取值与节点及其邻居节点的取值有关。
shader 默认方法 -回复
shader 默认方法-回复关于shader默认方法,我们将逐步回答以下问题,以帮助读者更好地理解和使用这些方法。
1. 什么是shader?Shader是一种用于渲染图形和计算机动画的程序。
2. 什么是shader默认方法?Shader默认方法是Unity引擎中对shader提供的一些常用函数和功能的集合。
3.主要的shader默认方法有哪些?Unity提供了一些常用的shader默认方法,如下所示:- vert函数:用于进行顶点变换和计算。
- frag函数:用于进行片段着色和计算。
- surf函数:用于进行表面着色和计算。
- fixed4函数:用于定义颜色、纹理和光照的输出。
- unity_ObjectToWorld:返回物体空间到世界空间的变换矩阵。
- unity_MatrixVP:返回相机投影、视图矩阵和世界空间的变换矩阵。
4. 怎样使用shader默认方法?使用shader默认方法需要编写着色器脚本,并在其中调用所需的默认方法。
以下是一个简单的示例,展示了如何使用frag函数和fixed4函数:Shader "Custom/MyShader"{Properties{定义着色器的属性_Color ("Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1)_MainTex ("Texture", 2D) = "white" {}}SubShader{Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" }LOD 200CGPROGRAM#pragma surface surf Lambertsampler2D _MainTex;fixed4 _Color;struct Input{float2 uv_MainTex;};void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o){设置漫反射颜色o.Albedo = tex2D(_MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex).rgb * _Color.rgb;}ENDCG}FallBack "Diffuse"}在这个示例中,我们定义了一个自定义着色器名为"MyShader"。
UCD:(user centered design)“以用户为中心进行设计”:要设计者把用户的需求置于一切需求之上。
hci :人机交互(Human-Computer Interaction, 简写HCI):是一门计算机科学,主要研究关于设计、评价和实现供人们使用的交互计算系统以及有关这些现象进行研究的科学。
Ui:UI即User Interface(用户界面)的简称。
Gui:图形用户界面(Graphical User Interface,简称GUI,又称图形用户接口)是指采用图形方式显示的计算机操作用户界面。
Miller 实验:由于人类大脑处理信息的能力有限,它会将复杂信息划分成块和小的单元。
根据乔治A米勒(George A. Miller)的研究,人类短期记忆一般一次只能记住5-9个事物。
因此目前还不清楚是否7±2原则能、可能或应该应用到web 中。
ElmerGUI manual v.0.3Mikko LylyAugust16,20111ContentsTable of Contents2 1Introduction4 2Installation from source52.1Linux (5)2.2Windows (6)3Inputfiles73.1Geometry inputfiles and mesh generation (7)3.2Elmer meshfiles (8)3.3Projectfiles (9)4Model definitions94.1Setup menu (9)4.2Equation menu (9)4.3Material menu (11)4.4Body force menu (12)4.5Initial condition menu (12)4.6Boundary condition menu (13)5Utility functions145.1Boundary division and unification (14)5.2Saving pictures (16)5.3View menu (16)6Solver inputfiles17 7Solution and post processing177.1Running the solver (17)7.2Post preocessing I(ElmerPost) (19)7.3Post preocessing II(VTK) (19)7.3.1Python interface (20)7.3.2Public methods (21)7.3.3Example scripts (26)7.3.4ECMAScript interface (28)A ElmerGUI initializationfile31B ElmerGUI material database332C ElmerGUI definitionfiles34D Elmer meshfiles37E Adding menu entries to ElmerGUI39F ElmerGUI mesh structure40F.1GLWidget (40)F.2mesh t (41)F.3node t (44)F.4Base element class element t (45)F.5Point element class point t (46)F.6Edge element class edge t (47)F.7Surface element class surface t (48)3CopyrightThis document is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Deriva-tive Works3.0License.To view a copy of this license,visit http://creativecommons. org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/.1IntroductionElmerGUI is a graphical user interface for the Elmer software suite[1].The program is capable of importingfinite element meshfiles in various formats, generatingfinite element partitionings for various geometry inputfiles,set-ting up PDE-systems to solve,and exporting model data and results for ElmerSolver and ElmerPost to visualize.ElmerGUI has also an internal postprocessor,which can be used as an alternative to ElmerPost,to drawcolor surfaces,contours,vectorfields,and visualize time dependent data.Figure1:Main window of ElmerGUI.One of the main features of ElmerGUI is the interface to the parallel solver,ElmerSolver mpi.The GUI hides from the user a number of opera-4tions that are normally performed from command line with various external tools related to domain decomposition,launching the parallel processes,and merging the results.This makes it possible to use ElmerSolver with multi-core processors,even on interactive desktop environments.The menus of ElmerGUI are programmable and it should be relatively easy to strip and customize the interface for proprietary applications.An example of customizing the menus is provided in appendix A.ElmerGUI relies on the Qt4cross platform framework of QtSoftware[6], and it uses the Qwt5libray by Josef Wilgen and Uwe Rathman[7]to plot scientific data.The internal postprocessor of ElmerGUI is based on the Vi-sualization Toolkit(VTK)of Ken Martin,Will Schroeder,and Bill Lorensen [10].The CAD import features are implemented by the OpenCASCADE (OCC)library from OpenCASCADE S.A.S.[5].The program is also capa-ble of using Tetgen[8]and Netgen[4]asfinite element mesh generators.2Installation from sourceThe source code of ElmerGUI is available from the subversion repository of .The GPL licenced source code may be downloaded by executing the following command with a SVN client program(on Windows the Tortoise SVN client is recommended):svn co https:///svnroot/elmerfem/trunk trunk This will retrieve the current development version of the whole Elmer-suite.2.1LinuxBofore starting to compile,please make sure that you have the development package of Qt4installed on your system(i.e.,libraries,headers,and program development tools).Qt version4.3or newer is recommended.You may also wish to install Qwt5,VTK version5(compiled with support to Qt4),and OpenCASCADE6.3,for additional functionality.The program is compiled and installed by executing the following se-quence of commands in a terminal window:$cd elmerfem/trunk/ElmerGUI$qmake$make$make install5The default installation directory defined in the projectfile ElmerGUI.pri is /usr/local/bin.It is possible that the project definitionfile“ElmerGUI.pri”needs to be edited and modified,depending on how and where the external libraries have been installed.The lines that need attention can be found from the beginning of thefile.Once the build process hasfinished,it suffices to set up the environment variable ELMERGUI HOME and add it to PATH:$export ELMERGUI_HOME=/usr/local/bin$export PATH=$PATH:$ELMERGUI_HOMEThe program is launhed by the command$ElmerGUILater,it is possible to update ElmerGUI by the following commands within the build directory:$svn update$make$make install2.2WindowsOn32-bit Windows systems,it is possible to use precompiled binary pack-ages,which are distributed through thefile release system of [2].The binary packages may depend on external components,which must be installed prior to downloading Elmer.The list of possible dependencies can be found from the“Release notes”of the package.It is also possible to compile ElmerGUI from source.This can be done either by Visual Studio2008C++Express Edition[9](or any other MS compiler that provides at least the same functionality),or by using the GNU Compiler Collection provided by the MinGW project[3].The compilation instructions for MinGW are more or less the same as for Linux.The only exception is that then OCC should probably be excluded from compilation.The advantage of using MinGW is that it is then possible to use Qt’s pre-compiled binary packages[6],which otherwise have to be built from source. MinGW might also be the natural choice for users that prefer Unix-like op-erating environments.The easiest way to compile ElmerGUI with VC++is to invoke“Visual Studio2008Command Prompt”and execute the following sequence com-mands within ElmerGUI’s source directory:6>qmake>nmake>nmake installAgain,it is necessary to verify that the search paths to all external com-ponents have been correctly defined in“ElmerGUI.pri”.The build process isperformed in release mode,producing the executable“Application/release/ElmerGUI.exe”.Thefinal task is to introduce the environment variable ELMERGUI HOMEwith value c:/Elmer5.4/bin and add it to the binary search path(right-clickMy Computer→Properties→Advanced→Environment variables)3Inputfiles3.1Geometry inputfiles and mesh generationElmerGUI is capable of importingfinite element meshfiles and generatingtwo or three dimensionalfinite element partitionings for bounded domainswith piecewise linear boundaries.It is possible to use one of the followingmesh generators:•ElmerGrid(built-in)•Tetgen(optional)•Netgen(built-in)The default importfilter and mesh generator is ElmerGrid.Tetgen is anoptional module,which may or may not be available depending on the instal-lation(installation and compilation instructions can be found from Elmer’ssource tree in trunk/misc)An importfilter or a mesh generator is selected automatically by Elmer-GUI when a geometry inputfile is opened:File→Open...The selection is based on the inputfile suffix according to Table1.Iftwo or more generators are capable of handing the same format,then theuser defined“preferred generator”will be used.The preferred generator isdefined inMesh→Configure...Once the inputfile has been opened,it is possible to modify the mesh parameters and remesh the geometry for better accuracy or computationalefficiency.The mesh parameters can be found from Mesh→Configure....7The control string for Tetgen has been discussed and explained in detail in Tetgen’s user guide[8].Suffix ElmerGrid Tetgen Netgen.FDNEUT yes no no.grd yes no no.msh yes no no.mphtxt yes no no.offno yes no.ply no yes no.poly no yes no.smesh no yes no.stl no yes yes.unv no yes no.in2d no no yesTable1.Inputfiles and capabilities of the mesh generators.The mesh generator is reactivated from the Mesh menu by choosingMesh→RemeshIn case of problems,the meshing thread may be terminated by executing Mesh→Terminate meshing3.2Elmer meshfilesAn Elmer mesh consists of the following four textfiles(detailed description of thefile format can be found from Appendix B):mesh.headermesh.nodesmesh.elementsmesh.boundaryElmer meshfiles may be loaded and/or saved by opening the mesh direc-tory from the File menu:File→Load mesh...and/orFile→Save as...83.3ProjectfilesAn ElmerGUI project consists of a project directory containing Elmer mesh files and an xml-formatted document egproject.xml describing the current state and settings.Projects may be loaded and/or saved from the File menu by choosingFile→Load project...and/orFile→Save project...When an ElmerGUI project is loaded,a new solver inputfile will be generated and saved in the project directory using the sif-name defined in Model→Setup...If there is an old solver inputfile with the same name,it will be overwritten.The contents of a typical project directory is the following:case.sifegproject.xmlELMERSOLVER_STARTINFOmesh.boundarymesh.elementsmesh.headermesh.nodes4Model definitions4.1Setup menuThe general setup menu can be found fromModel→Setup...This menu defines the basic variables for the“Header”,“Simulation”,and “Constants”blocks for a solver inputfile.The contents of these blocks have been discussed in detail in the SolverManual of Elmer[1].4.2Equation menuThefirst“dynamical menu”constructed from the ElmerGUI definitionfiles (see Appendix A)isModel→Equation9Figure2:Setup menu.This menu defines the PDE-system to be solved as well as the numerical methods and parameters used in the solution.It will be used to generate the “Solver”blocks in a solver inputfile.A PDE-system(a.k.a“Equation”)is defined by choosingModel→Equation→Add...Once the PDE-system has been defined by activating the individual equa-tions,the numerical methods and parameters can be selected and tuned by pressing the“Edit Solver Settings”button.The name the PDE-system is defined in the line edit box with label“Name”.After pressing the Ok-button, the equation remains visible and editable under the Model menu.It is also possible to attach an equation to a body by holding down the SHIFT-key while double clicking one of its surfaces.A pop up menu will then appear,listing all possible attributes that can be attached to the selection.10Figure3:Equation menu.4.3Material menuThe next menu is related to material and model parameters: Model→MaterialThis menu will be used to generate the“Material”blocks in a solver input file.In order to define a material parameter set and attach it to bodies,choose Model→Material→Add...Again,it is possible to attach the material to a body by holding down the SHIFT-key while double clicking one of its boundaries.Note:The value of density should always be defined in the“General”tab.Thisfield should never be left undefined.Note:If you set focus in a line edit box of a dynamical menu and press Enter,a small text edit dialog will pop up.This allows the input of more complicated expressions than just constants.As an example,go to Model→Material and choose Add...Place the cursor in the“Heat conductivity”line edit box of“Heat equation”and press Enter.You can then define the heat conductivity as a function of temperature as a piecewise linear function.An11Figure4:Solver settings menu.example is show in Figure N.In this case,the heat conductivity gets value 10if the temperature is less than273degrees.It then rises from10to20 between273and373degrees,and remains constant20above373degrees.If the user presses SHIFT and F1,a tooltip for the active widget will be displayed.4.4Body force menuThe next menu in the list isModel→Body forceThis menu is used to construct the“Body force”blocks in a solver inputfile.Again,chooseModel→Body force→ define a set of body forces and attach it to the bodies.4.5Initial condition menuThe last menu related to body properties is12Figure5:Body property editor is activated by holding down the SHIFT key while double clicking a surface.Model→Initial conditionOnce again,chooseModel→Initial condition→ define a set of initial conditions and attach it to the bodies.This menu is used to construct the“Initial condition”blocks in a solver inputfile.4.6Boundary condition menuFinally,there is a menu entry for setting up the boundary conditions: Model→Boundary conditionChooseModel→Boundary condition→ define a set of boundary conditions and attach them to boundaries.13Figure6:Material menu.It is possible to attach a boundary condition to a boundary by holding down the ALT or ALTGR-key while double clicking a surface or edge.A pop up menu will appear,listing all possible conditions that can be attached to the selection.Choose a condition from the combo box andfinally press Ok. 5Utility functions5.1Boundary division and unificationSome of the inputfile formats listed in Table1are not perhaps so well suited for FE-calculations,eventhough widely used.The.stl format(stereo litog-raphy format),for example,is by definition unable to distinguish between different boundary parts with different attributes.Moreover,the format ap-proximates the boundary by disconnected triangles that do not fulfill the usual FE-compatibility conditions.In order to deal with formats like.stl,ElmerGUI provides a minimal set of tools for boundary division and unification.The division is based on “sharp edge detection”.An edge between two boundary elements is con-sidered sharp,if the angle between the normals exceeds a certain value(20 degrees by default).The sharp edges are then used as a mortar to divide the surface into parts.The user may perform a sharp edge detection and14Figure7:Tooltips are shown by holding down the SHIFT and F1keys.boundary division from the Mesh menu by choosingMesh→Divide surface...In2D the corresponding operation isMesh→Divide edge...The resulting parts are enumerated starting from thefirst free index.Sometimes,the above process produces far too many distinct parts,which eventually need to be(re)unified.This can be done by selecting a group of surfaces by holding down the CTRL-key while double clicking the surfaces and choosingMesh→Unify surface...The same operation in2D isMesh→Unify edge...The result will inherit the smallest index from the selected group.The sharp edges that do not belong to a closed loop may be removed by Mesh→Clean up15Figure8:Text edit extension of a line edit box is activated by pressing Enter.This operation has no effect on the boundary division,but sometimes it makes the result look better.5.2Saving picturesThe model drawn on the display area may be scanned into a24-bit RGB image and saved in several picturefile formats:File→Save picture as...The function supports.bmp,.jpg,.png,.pbm,.pgm,and.ppmfile extensions.5.3View menuThe View menu provides several utility functions for controlling the visual behaviour of ElmerGUI.The function names should be more or less self explanatory.16Figure9:Body force menu.6Solver inputfilesThe contents of the Model menu are passed to the solver in the form of a solver inputfile.A solver inputfile is generated by choosingSif→GenerateThe contents of thefile are editable:Sif→Edit...The new siffile needs to saved before it becomes active.The recom-mended method isFile→Save project...In this way,also the current mesh and projectfiles get saved in the same directory,avoiding possible inconsistencies later on.7Solution and post processing7.1Running the solverOnce the solver inputfile has been generated and the project has been saved, it is possible to actualy solve the problem:17Figure10:Initial condition menu.Run→Start solverThis will launch either a single process for ElmerSolver(scalar solution)or multiple MPI-processes for ElmerSolver mpi(parallel solution)depending on the definitions inRun→Parallel settings...The parallel menu has three group ually,the user is supposed to touch only the“General settings”group and select the number of processes to execute.The two remaining groups deal with system commands to launch MPI-processes and external tools for domain decomposition.The parallel menu is greyed out if ElmerSolver mpi is not present at start-up.When the solver is running,there is a log window and a convergence monitor from which the iteration may be followed.In case of divergence or other troubles,the solver may be terminated by choosingRun→Kill solverThe solver willfinally write a resultfile for ElmerPost in the project directory.The name of the ep-file is defined inModel→Setup...18Figure11:Boundary condition menu.7.2Post preocessing I(ElmerPost)ElmerGUI provides two different post processors for drawing,displaying,and manipulating the results.Thefirst alternative is activated fromRun→Start postprocessorThis will launch ElmerPost,which will read in the resultfile and displays a contour plot representing the solution.If the results were prodoced by the parallel solver,the domain decomposition used in the calculations will be shown.7.3Post preocessing II(VTK)The second post processor is based on the Visualization Toolkit,VTK.It is activated fromRun→Postprocessor(VTK)...A new window will then pop up,providing methods for drawing surfaces, contours,vectors,and stream lines.19Figure12:Boundary property editor activated by holding down the ALTGR key while double clicking a surface.7.3.1Python interfaceIf ElmerGUI has been compiled with PyhthonQt-support,there is a Python console available for scripting.The console is located under the Edit-menu: Edit→PythonQt console...The console provides access to the following classes:egp//ElmerGUI post processormatc//MATC language interpreterpreferences//controls for preferencessurfaces//controls for surface plotsvectors//controls for vector fieldsisoContours//controls for isocontoursisoSurfaces//controls for isosurfacesstreamLines//controls for streamlinescolorBar//cotrols for the colorbartimeStep//controls for transient resultstext//text annotationEach of the above classes provides a number of useful methods for data and display manipulation.Tofix ideas,suppose that we want to read in the resultfile“case.ep”and display the temperaturefields as a semi trans-20Figure13:Parallel settings dialog.parent surface plot.The commands to execute are then the following(more examples can be found in section7.3.3):py>egp.ReadPostFile("case.ep")py>egp.SetSurfaces(True)py>surfaces.SetFieldName("Temperature")py>surfaces.SetOpacity(50)py>egp.Redraw()7.3.2Public methodsInterface version0.2:class egp:bool MatcCmd(QString);//evaluate MATC cmdvoid domatcSlot();//flush MATC console void SetPostFileStart(int);//first time stepvoid SetPostFileEnd(int);//last time stepbool ReadPostFile(QString);//read result filevoid Render();//rendervoid ResetCamera();//reset cameravoid Redraw();//redraw actors21void ResetAll();//reset viewvoid SetSurfaces(bool);//show/hide surfaces void SetVectors(bool);//show/hide vectors void SetIsoContours(bool);//show/hide isocontours void SetIsoSurfaces(bool);//show/hide isosurfaces void SetStreamLines(bool);//show/hide streamlines void SetColorBar(bool);//show/hide colorbar void SetMeshPoints(bool);//show/hide/nodesvoid SetMeshEdges(bool);//show/hide edgesvoid SetFeatureEdges(bool);//show/hide f-edges void SetAxes(bool);//show/hide axesvoid SetText(bool);//show/hide textbool GetClipAll();//is clipping on?void SetClipAll(bool);//clipping on/offvoid SetClipPlaneOx(double);//clip plane origin void SetClipPlaneOy(double);//clip plane origin void SetClipPlaneOz(double);//clip plane origin void SetClipPlaneNx(double);//clip plane normal void SetClipPlaneNy(double);//clip plane normal void SetClipPlaneNz(double);//clip plane normal double GetCameraDistance();//get camera distance void SetCameraDistance(double);//set camera distance double GetCameraPositionX();//get camera position double GetCameraPositionY();//get camera position double GetCameraPositionZ();//get camera position void SetCameraPositionX(double);//set camera position void SetCameraPositionY(double);//set camera position void SetCameraPositionZ(double);//set camera position double GetCameraFocalPointX();//get focal point double GetCameraFocalPointY();//get focal point double GetCameraFocalPointZ();//get focal pointvoid SetCameraFocalPointX(double);//set focal pointvoid SetCameraFocalPointY(double);//set focal pointvoid SetCameraFocalPointZ(double);//set focal pointvoid CameraDolly(double);//dollyvoid CameraRoll(double);//rollvoid CameraAzimuth(double);//azimuthvoid CameraYaw(double);//yawvoid CameraElevation(double);//elevationvoid CameraPitch(double);//pitchvoid CameraZoom(double);//zoomvoid SetCameraRoll(double);//set rollvoid SetInitialCameraPosition();//set initial position void RotateX(double);//rotate visible actors void RotateY(double);//rotate visible actors22void RotateZ(double);//rotate visible actors void SetOrientation(double,double,double);//set orientationvoid SetPositionX(double);//set positionvoid SetPositionY(double);//set positionvoid SetPositionZ(double);//set positionvoid SetPosition(double,double,double);//set positionvoid AddPosition(double,double,double);//add positionvoid SetOrigin(double,double,double);//set originvoid SetScaleX(double);//set scalevoid SetScaleY(double);//set scalevoid SetScaleZ(double);//set scalevoid SetScale(double,double,double);//set scaledouble GetLength();//get model sizedouble GetNofNodes();//get nof nodesdouble GetMinX();//bounding boxdouble GetMaxX();//bounding boxdouble GetMinY();//bounding boxdouble GetMaxY();//bounding boxdouble GetMinZ();//bounding boxdouble GetMaxZ();//bounding boxbool SavePngFile(QString);//save image filevoid SetBgColor(double,double,double);//bg color(RGB:0..1) class matc:bool SetCommand(QString);//Enter MATC cmdclass preferences:void UseSurfaceMeshForPoints(bool);//nodes of surface mesh void UseVolumeMeshForPoints(bool);//nodes of volume mesh void SetPointSize(int);//set node point size void SetPointQuality(int);//set node point quality void UseClipPlaneForPoints(bool);//clip nodesvoid UseSurfaceMeshForEdges(bool);//edges of surface mesh void UseVolumeMeshForEdges(bool);//edges of volume mesh void UseTubeFilterForEdges(bool);//use tube filtervoid UseClipPlaneForEdges(bool);//clip edgesvoid SetLineWidthForEdges(int);//edge line widthvoid SetTubeQualityForEdges(int);//edge tube qualityvoid SetTubeRadiusForEdges(int);//edge tube radiusvoid UseSurfaceMeshForFeatureEdges(bool);//surface mesh:f-edges void UseVolumeMeshForFeatureEdges(bool);//volume mesh:f-edges void UseTubeFilterForFeatureEdges(bool);//use tube filtervoid UseClipPlaneForFeatureEdges(bool);//clip f-edgesvoid DrawBoundaryEdges(bool);//draw boundary edgesint GetFeatureAngle();//get feature anglevoid SetFeatureAngle(int);//set feature anglevoid SetLineWidthForFeatureEdges(int);//f-edge line width23void SetTubeQualityForFeatureEdges(int);//f-edge tube quality void SetTubeRadiusForFeatureEdges(int);//f-edge tube radius void SetClipPlaneOx(double);//clip plane origin void SetClipPlaneOy(double);//clip plane origin void SetClipPlaneOz(double);//clip plane origin void SetClipPlaneNx(double);//clip plane normal void SetClipPlaneNy(double);//clip plane normal void SetClipPlaneNz(double);//clip plane normal class surfaces:QString GetFieldName();//get field namebool SetFieldName(QString);//set field namevoid SetMinVal(double);//set minimumvoid SetMaxVal(double);//set maximumvoid KeepLimits(bool);//keep limitsvoid SetComputeNormals(bool);//shade modelvoid SetFeatureAngle(int);//feature anglevoid SetOpacity(int);//set opacityvoid SetClipPlane(bool);//set clippingclass vectors:QString GetFieldName();//get field namebool SetFieldName(QString);//set field namevoid SetMinVal(double);//set minimumvoid SetMaxVal(double);//set maximumvoid KeepLimits(bool);//keep limitsvoid SetComputeNormals(bool);//shade modelvoid SetFeatureAngle(int);//feature anglevoid SetOpacity(int);//set opacityvoid SetClipPlane(bool);//set clippingclass isoContours:QString GetFieldName();//get field name QString GetColorName();//get color namebool SetFieldName(QString);//set field namebool SetColorName(QString);//set color namevoid SetMinFieldVal(double);//set min valuevoid SetMaxFieldVal(double);//set max valuevoid SetContours(int);//set nof contours void KeepFieldLimits(bool);//keep limitsvoid SetMinColorVal(double);//set color minvoid SetMaxColorVal(double);//set color maxvoid KeepColorLimits(bool);//keep color limits void UseTubeFilter(bool);//use tube filter void UseClipPlane(bool);//set clipping on/off void SetLineWidth(int);//set line widthvoid SetTubeQuality(int);//set tube quality void SetTubeRadius(int);//set tube radius24class isoSurfaces:QString GetFieldName();//get field name QString GetColorName();//get color namebool SetFieldName(QString);//set field namebool SetColorName(QString);//set color namevoid SetMinFieldVal(double);//set min valuevoid SetMaxFieldVal(double);//set max valuevoid SetContours(int);//nof contoursvoid KeepFieldLimits(bool);//keep limitsvoid SetMinColorVal(double);//set color minvoid SetMaxColorVal(double);//set color maxvoid KeepColorLimits(bool);//keep color limits void ComputeNormals(bool);//shade modelvoid UseClipPlane(bool);//set clpping on/off void SetFeatureAngle(int);//set feature angle void SetOpacity(int);//set opacityclass streamLines:QString GetFieldName();//get field name QString GetColorName();//get color namebool SetFieldName(QString);//set field namebool SetColorName(QString);//set color namevoid SetMaxTime(double);//max timevoid SetStepLength(double);//step lengthvoid SetThreads(int);//nof threadsvoid SetIntegStepLength(double);//integ.step length void UseSurfaceMesh(bool);//use forface mesh void UseVolumeMesh(bool);//use volume mesh void IntegrateForwards(bool);//integrate forwards void IntegrateBackwards(bool);//integrate backwards void SetMinColorVal(double);//color min valvoid SetMaxColorVal(double);//color max value void KeepColorLimits(bool);//keep color limits void DrawLines(bool);//draw using lines void DrawRibbons(bool);//draw using ribbons void SetLineWidth(int);//line widthvoid SetRibbonWidth(int);//ribbon widthvoid UseSphereSource(bool);//use sphere source void UseLineSource(bool);//use line source void UsePointSource(bool);//use point source void SetSphereSourceX(double);//sphere originvoid SetSphereSourceY(double);//sphere originvoid SetSphereSourceZ(double);//sphere originvoid SetSphereSourceRadius(double);//sphere radiusvoid SetSphereSourcePoints(int);//nof pts in sphere void SetLineSourceStartX(double);//line start point void SetLineSourceStartY(double);//line start point void SetLineSourceStartZ(double);//line start point void SetLineSourceEndX(double);//line end point25。
第32卷第1期电子科技大学学报V ol.32 No.1 2003年2月 Journal of UEST of China Feb. 2003 一种嵌入式GUI软件结构实现方案詹瑾瑜*熊光泽孙明(电子科技大学计算机科学与工程学院成都 610054)【摘要】综合比较了嵌入式GUI的几种实现方式,结合嵌入式系统的特点,研究了嵌入式GUI中的关键技术,分析了嵌入式GUI与普通GUI系统的不同之处,提出一种通用的嵌入式图形用户界面系统的设计思想和体系结构,这种嵌入式GUI实现方案具有轻型、占用资源少、可剪裁等特点。
关键词嵌入式系统; 图形用户界面; 消息事件驱动机制; 消息队列中图分类号TP316.2 文献标识码 AImplement Method of Graphical User InterfaceFramework Based on Embedded SystemZhan Jinyu Xiong Guangze Sun Ming(College of Computer Science and Engineering, UEST of China Chengdu 610054)Abstract The Embedded System has wide application, in order to use the Graphical User Interface in different field, this paper compares with many implement methods of the Graphical User Interface based on Embedded System, combines with the characteristic of Embedded System, investigates some pivotal technologies of the GUI based on Embedded System, analyzes the difference from the GUI based on Embedded System and the one based on common system and specifies an idea and a framework of a common and transplantable Graphical User Interface System based on Embedded System. The GUI based on Embedded System made by this idea has the characteristic such as light-duty, short-resource and convenient-clip.Key words embedded system; graphical user interface; message and event drive mechanism;message queue一个优秀的操作系统应该提供良好的图形用户界面(Graphical User Interface,GUI),否则将给用户的操作带来烦琐、不直观等问题,也将使程序开发人员很难在此操作系统上快速、有效地设计出界面友好的应用程序,所以图形用户界面影响着一个操作系统的发展。
• 教会用户DesignModeler在以下方面的使用: – 总体上理解用户界面 – 建立草图与指定尺寸流程、方法、步骤、程序 – 3D几何体创建与修改流程 – 导入CAD几何体操作、使用3D操作形成流场区域 – 参数化建模
Training Manual
Graphical User Interface
… DesignModeler概述
– 具有参数建模能力: • 可绘制有尺寸和约束的2D图形
– 直接结合 Ansys Workbench模块 • Simulation • Meshing • Advanced Meshing (ICEM) • DesignXplorer • BladeModeler
– Engineering Data 定义材料属性。 – Meshing Application 创建CFD和显式动态网格 – Design Exploration 用于优化分析 – Finite Element Modeler (FE Modeler) 转换 NASTRAN和ABAQUS 中的网格以便在
• 用户应允许Workbench管理这些目录中的内容,不能人工修改项目目录的 内容或结构。
• 一旦保存文件便生成项目文件(.wbpj),用用户指定文件名命名(例如: MyFile.wbpj)。
• 使用项目文件的同时生成项目目录,上例中的目录即为MyFile_files.
• 在项目目录中将生成众多子目录(说明如下)。
– Project Schematic, Engineering Data与Design Exploration
常用类1.VirtualUniverse类、Locale类与HiResCoord类之间的关系Virtual Universe 包含Locale 包含BranchGroup每一个Locale对象都具有一个高分辨率大尺度坐标系,每一个Locale对象的高分辨率大尺度坐标系都用3个高分辨率大尺度数来定义其原点的坐标值x,y,z (用HiResCoord类定义)。
该类创建了一个Locale, 一个单独的ViewingPlatform和一个Viewer观察者对象。
SimpleUniverse 包含Locale 包含BranchGroup 包含TransformGroup 包含ViewPlatform3.Bounds类用于限定特定操作的作用范围用于确定某种动作或行为的范围。
一个SharedGroup 节点允许多个Link叶子节点同时通过链接的方式共享该子图。
siggraph的名词解释Siggraph(全称为Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques)是国际计算机图形及交互技术专业组织的名称,于1974年成立。
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Graphical user interfaces for heterogeneous distributed systemsUwe Brinkschulte,Marios Siormanolakis,Holger V ogelsangInstitute for Microcomputer and Automation,University of KarlsruheHaid-und-Neu-Str.7,76131Karlsruhe,GermanyE-mail:brinks sior vogelsang@a.deABSTRACTIn modern object-oriented computer systems the internal state of the entire system consists of the internal states of many objects,probably distributed over a heterogeneous network of computers.The man machine interaction in such an application is based on the visualization of states on one hand and the modification of states in combination with event generation on the other hand.This paper describes concept and realization of a reusable service for general man machine communication.Keywords:graphical user interface,data visualization,service,object-oriented service1OVERVIEWThis research arises from a cooperation with the IEEE task force on ECBS and has two main goals:First,tofind a common standard for the process of creating large computer systems and second to define standards for reusable software components,the”services”.A service is designed to solve a given problem by processing tasks and results.With a given communication platform it is possible to place the services on different hardware systems independent of the specification. This is realized by distributed objects for heterogeneous systems(Figure1).Three basic types of services can be distinguished:The system services are needed for communication and process scheduling.The basic services are located above the system service.At this point of time,there are a layer for man machine interaction,for measurement and control and a database system for persistent data.The third type of service is application dependent,which means,that these services are build for a special solution,whereas the other ones only have to be configured for a given task.One of the most important services is the man machine interaction.The task of any man machine service(MMS)is to inform a human user of a system’s state and to allow modifications of this state.Due to the fact that man can perceive and handle information fastest in a visual way,this is the best channel to inform about complex system states.The optical channel is also a good choice to support human interaction.This is achieved in feeding back the user’s actions.A MMS has to provide two general functions:accesson different system platforms (via communicationon the same systemFigure1:Physical structure of a service-oriented systemthe visualization andthe modificationof structured information.Based upon these functions any communication between user and machine can be realized.This paper presents the concept and an implementation of a man machine service,usable as a server in a heterogeneous network of computers.2SYMBOLSThe basic idea of the man machine service is the introduction of symbols as state-pictures of structured objects of an application,e.g.process variables of a control unit.The user can define symbols and their behavior on events veryflexible with an interactive tool,the symbol-editor.Symbols are composed of base-symbols,such as lines,circles...and other user-defined symbols.As a result,symbols may contain a hierarchy of components.These are stored in a configuration database for usage within the application.After the configuration or construction,the symbols are available in the application.To use them,they have to be connected with an object.Changing a value of this object leads to a different graphical representation. Changing the graphical representation(e.g.the user moves a symbol interactive)leads to a different object value.The relations between object values and the resulting images can be defined.This relation is either continuous,where linear or logarithmic functions are provided,or discrete.Figure2shows an example of a complex symbol.The structured information is the position,direction,speed,altitude and theflight number of an airplane.This infor-mation plus its types is displayed on the left.The right side shows the hierarchical structure of the airplane symbol.The dashed arrows represent the influence of the information on the symbol.E.g.the direction influences the orientation of the airplane and the speed vector.The length of the speed vector depends on the ground speed and the position of the whole symbol is set according to the airplane position.related symbolFigure2:Example of a complex symbolAll symbols are arranged and positioned in planes.Each plane defines a unit of measurement respectively a scale.One symbol can only be assigned to one plane.Planes with all their symbols are displayed in windows,using a user defined scaling.It is possible to display multiple planes in one window at the same time,using a stack of planes.On the other hand it is possible to visualize a plane in more than one window at the same time.Symbols are constructed either by using an interactive symbol-editor or by applying the internal API.3PRESENTATION OBJECTSSymbols are used to visualize a big amount of user defined data types.The presentation object is introduced to offer the developer the facility to group symbols together and to create images of complex data type with a special semantic.3.1Predefined presentation objectsThere are different types of presentation objects predefined:A picture is a set of symbols.This is used as an image for a set of application objects.There are no restrictionsconcerning the object types.The picture is the basis for all other presentation objects.Figure3:Typical maskA menu is an image for an object component of an enumeration type,each button shows a selectable value.Any kindof symbol with a boolean state value is usable as a button.A mask is an image for an object or a structure of an application:Modifiable components of the object can be changedby the manipulation of the corresponding symbols(sliders,buttons,textfields,...).A table is an image of an array of objects or structures.A text-document is a picture with a special semantic and behavior.A help-document is a set of text-documents,connected together.A hierarchical graph is a set of pictures with a predefined behavior.Some presentation objects can be build automatically by the service if the type of the corresponding object is known at runtime.3.2ExampleFigure3is a mask-object,defined for the given data type”EngineControl”.The components”Speed”and”Temp”are shown twice:First,using simple text-symbols and second with a graphical symbol.In this example,they are only used for output,although it can be made possible,to change a value by modifying the corresponding symbol,if this is useful in an application.struct EngineControl{char Name[20],State[20];short Speed,Temp;};4EVENTS AND BINDINGS FOR DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS Presentations objects themself are useful for the manipulation and visualization of objects.But to allow the user a communication with an application,he must be able to interact with the entire system by creating events.In traditional user interfaces,the application needs an event-loop to recognize such events.The system is build”around”this loop.This design is not very practicable in service-oriented applications due to the fact,that a service can be composed of many light-weight processes.To overcome this problem,a new mechanism,the binding,is introduced.A binding is defined as a connection between an operation and an event on a component of the user interface.The execution of the bounded operation is triggered by the event.The main properties of this approach are:Many internal operations of the man machine service can be bound to events,so that typical user interactions with the system are definable by an interactive GUI tool(see below)without writing any line of code in the application.Presentation objects can be bound together to create hierarchical menus,masks and tables.User defined operations can be connected to events to create callback functions or methods(in C++).An application is able to catch an event using this technique.The interaction with the application is event-driven without the need of an event-loop.The mechanism is not limited to a local computer,it is available system-wide.This contains global call-back functions(or methods in C++)to remote systems.The bindings are changeable during runtime with the goal to allow permanent runtime-modifications of the GUI behavior.The dynamic behavior model is a portably described for different hardware architectures without the need of recom-pilation.The handling of all unbound events is simplified by applying default-bindings for these kinds of events.These means,that bindings are definable on more than one type of event or on every unbound event.Furthermore,unbound components of the user interface can be connected by bindings to implement a default-handler.Presentation objects with a predefined behavior on events are implemented using bindings.Objects of a higher level, which are using presentation objects like pictures,must supply their components with task-specific binding functions to have control over the event responding.An interactive GUI editor allows the developer to create user interfaces,consisting of presentation objects and windows together with bindings in a comfortable way.For runtime or application defined interfaces a GUI creation or modification by the service API is possible.5REALIZATIONMMS is written in C++language for manipulating symbols,planes and windows.The platform dependent parts of the MMS are based upon an uniform interface provided by a window service.The functions of this service are grouped in two parts:window manipulations and graphical drawing primitives in windows.This is implemented using distributed objects. The new defined standard for distributed objects”Corba”is not used due to its requirement for a TCP/IP layer.This is not possible in some kind of automation applications.Figure4:Internal MMS structureGUI’s are stored in a database,using persistent objects,to ensure reuseability in different projects and to allow the unmodified use on other hardware platforms.Figure4presents the internal structure of the service without the persistent object layer.6CONCLUSIONThe resulting environment allows pleasant and comfortable development of user interfaces for distributed systems.This has been verified in different applications e.g.a railway control system,the control of a production cell,a traffic control system and a project management tool.Free definable symbols have reduced the need for an additional implementation in the application.Bindings are a powerful mechanism to implement a user controlled behavior and reduces the programming overhead.7ACKNOWLEDGMENTThis paper is based on research done at the Institute for Microcomputers and Automation—Prof.Schweizer and Prof. Brinkschulte.8REFERENCES[1]Len Bass,Joelle Coutaz,”Developing Software for the User Interface”,Addison-Wesley Publishing Company,1990[2]Steve Churchill,”Fresco Reference Manual”,Fujitsu Ltd.,1995[3]Steve Churchill,”Programming Fresco—A hands-on tutorial to the Fresco user interface system”,Fujitsu Ltd.,1995[4]Uwe Brinkschulte,Marios Siormanolakis,Holger V ogelsang,”Visualization and Manipulation of Structured Informa-tion”,In proceedings of the First International Conference on Visual Information Systems Visual’96,February1996, Melbourne,Australia[5]Ralf Danzer,”An Object-Oriented Architecture for User Interface Management in Distributed Applications”,Univer-sity of Kaiserslautern,Fachbereich Informatik,1992[6]Richard P.Gabriel,”Persistence in a Programming Environment”,Dr.Dobb’s Journal12/1992[7]Gunnar Johannsen,”Mensch-Maschine-Systeme”,Springer,1993[8]C.Lewerentz,T.Lindner,”Case Study’Production Cell’.A Comparative Study in Formal Software Development”,Forschungszentrum Informatik,Karlsruhe,FZI-Publication1/94[9]John K.Ousterhout,”Tcl and Tk Toolkit”,Computer Science Division,Department of Electrical Engineering andComputer Sciences,University of California,Berkeley,CA94720,Draft8/12/93,1993[10]Kapp,K.-H.and Siormanolakis,M.:”EGF–Elementary Graphical Functions”,Institute for Microcomputers andAutomation,Internal Report,University of Karlsruhe,1994[11]Julian Smart,”Reference Manual for wxWindows1.60:a portable C++GUI toolkit”,Artificial Intelligence Applica-tions Institute,University of Edingburgh,1994[12]Al Stevens,”Persistent Objects in C++”,Dr.Dobb’s Journal,12/1992[13]Holger V ogelsang,Uwe Brinkschulte,”Persistent Objects In A Relational Database”,submitted paper to ECOOP’96,1996[14]Holger V ogelsang,”Archiving System States by Persistent Objects”,In proceedings of the International IEEE Work-shop and Symposium on Engineering of Computer Based Systems ECBS’96,March1996,Friedrichshafen,Germany。