Autocamtide-2-related inhibitory peptide_钙调蛋白依赖性蛋白激酶II抑制剂_167114-91-2_Apexbio




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W E I J ing1 , YU W en2quan1 , GAO Q ing2zhi23
( 1. S chool of Pha rm aceu tica l S cience and Technology, T ian jin U n iversity, T ian jin 300072, Ch ina; 2. Chem istry D epa rtm en t, X enoPort, Inc. , 3410 Cen tra l Expressw ay, S an ta C la ra, CA 95051, USA )
图 2 天然腺苷受体拮抗剂结构
3. 2 82取代黄嘌呤衍生物类选择性拮抗剂 20世 纪末腺苷受体拮抗剂的研究取得了突破性的进展 。 研究中发现黄嘌呤类化合物的 8位上取代基的变化 能大大提高其腺苷受体亲和力 ,并达到纳摩尔 级 [6]。
魏 静等 : A2B型腺苷受体拮抗剂的研究进展
82环戊烷 21, 32二丙基黄嘌呤 (DPCPX, 3) ,不仅 表现出对 A1 受体较强的亲和力 ( Ki = 019 nmol· L - 1 ) ,而且相对于 A2A受体和 A3 受体具有较好的选 择性 ( Ki 2A / Ki A1 = 522, Ki A3 / Ki A1 = 883 ) ,对 A2B受体 也有较好的亲和力 ( Ki = 51 nmol·L - 1 ) 。因此 ,同 位素 [3 H ]DPCPX被广泛用于 A1 和 A2B受体放射性 标定实验的标记物 ,并为 A2B受体拮抗剂的研究提 供了良好的测定活性条件 。



过氧化物酶体增殖物激活受体(PPAR) 是一类由配体激活的核转录因子,属Ⅱ型核受体超家族成员, 存在3种亚型,即PPARα、PPARδ、PPARγ,这三种亚型在结构上有一定的相似性,均含DNA结合区和配体结合区等。

PPAR与配体结合后被激活,与9-顺视黄酸类受体形成异二聚体,然后与靶基因的启动子上游的过氧化物酶体增殖物反应元件(peroxisome proliferator response element,PPRE)结合而发挥转录调控作用。

PPRE 由含相隔一个或两个核苷酸的重复序列AGGTCA组成。





参考网址:/cjh/2003/shownews.asp?id=156/conference/preview.php?kind_id=03&cat_name=ADA2001&title_id=59219 Regulation of Muscle Fiber Type and Running Endurance by PPARδplos biology,Volume 2 | Issue 10 | October 2004/plosonline/?request=get-document&doi=10.1371%2Fjournal.pbio.0020294NF-KB通路中的抑制剂好像有1.PDTC(pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate),是一种抗氧化剂,主要作用于IκB降解的上游环节(IκBα的磷酸化或IKK的活性水平),2.Gliotoxin 是一种免疫抑制剂,机制可能从多个环节阻断NF-KB的激活,如IκB的降解,NF-KB的核移位和与DNA的结合。



拉帕替尼结构式拉帕替尼结构式(Lapatinib structure)是一种用于治疗乳腺癌和胃癌的药物。

它属于一类叫做酪氨酸激酶抑制剂(tyrosine kinase inhibitors)的药物,通过抑制肿瘤细胞中的酪氨酸激酶的活性,从而阻断肿瘤细胞的生长和扩散。



















HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationFLUOXETINE HClC17H18F3NO•HClM.W. = 345.79CAS — 59333-67-4STABILITY INDICATINGA S S A Y V A L I D A T I O NMethod is suitable for:ýIn-process controlþProduct ReleaseþStability indicating analysis (Suitability - US/EU Product) CAUTIONFLUOXETINE HYDROCHLORIDE IS A HAZARDOUS CHEMICAL AND SHOULD BE HANDLED ONLY UNDER CONDITIONS SUITABLE FOR HAZARDOUS WORK.IT IS HIGHLY PRESSURE SENSITIVE AND ADEQUATE PRECAUTIONS SHOULD BE TAKEN TO AVOID ANY MECHANICAL FORCE (SUCH AS GRINDING, CRUSHING, ETC.) ON THE POWDER.ED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationTABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................ PRECISION............................................................................................................................... System Repeatability ................................................................................................................ Method Repeatability................................................................................................................. Intermediate Precision .............................................................................................................. LINEARITY................................................................................................................................ RANGE...................................................................................................................................... ACCURACY............................................................................................................................... Accuracy of Standard Injections................................................................................................ Accuracy of the Drug Product.................................................................................................... VALIDATION OF FLUOXETINE HCl AT LOW CONCENTRATION........................................... Linearity at Low Concentrations................................................................................................. Accuracy of Fluoxetine HCl at Low Concentration..................................................................... System Repeatability................................................................................................................. Quantitation Limit....................................................................................................................... Detection Limit........................................................................................................................... VALIDATION FOR META-FLUOXETINE HCl (POSSIBLE IMPURITIES).................................. Meta-Fluoxetine HCl linearity at 0.05% - 1.0%........................................................................... Detection Limit for Fluoxetine HCl.............................................................................................. Quantitation Limit for Meta Fluoxetine HCl................................................................................ Accuracy for Meta-Fluoxetine HCl ............................................................................................ Method Repeatability for Meta-Fluoxetine HCl........................................................................... Intermediate Precision for Meta-Fluoxetine HCl......................................................................... SPECIFICITY - STABILITY INDICATING EVALUATION OF THE METHOD............................. FORCED DEGRADATION OF FINISHED PRODUCT AND STANDARD..................................1. Unstressed analysis...............................................................................................................2. Acid Hydrolysis stressed analysis..........................................................................................3. Base hydrolysis stressed analysis.........................................................................................4. Oxidation stressed analysis...................................................................................................5. Sunlight stressed analysis.....................................................................................................6. Heat of solution stressed analysis.........................................................................................7. Heat of powder stressed analysis.......................................................................................... System Suitability stressed analysis.......................................................................................... Placebo...................................................................................................................................... STABILITY OF STANDARD AND SAMPLE SOLUTIONS......................................................... Standard Solution...................................................................................................................... Sample Solutions....................................................................................................................... ROBUSTNESS.......................................................................................................................... Extraction................................................................................................................................... Factorial Design......................................................................................................................... CONCLUSION...........................................................................................................................ED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationBACKGROUNDTherapeutically, Fluoxetine hydrochloride is a classified as a selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitor. Effectively used for the treatment of various depressions. Fluoxetine hydrochloride has been shown to have comparable efficacy to tricyclic antidepressants but with fewer anticholinergic side effects. The patent expiry becomes effective in 2001 (US). INTRODUCTIONFluoxetine capsules were prepared in two dosage strengths: 10mg and 20mg dosage strengths with the same capsule weight. The formulas are essentially similar and geometrically equivalent with the same ingredients and proportions. Minor changes in non-active proportions account for the change in active ingredient amounts from the 10 and 20 mg strength.The following validation, for the method SI-IAG-206-02 , includes assay and determination of Meta-Fluoxetine by HPLC, is based on the analytical method validation SI-IAG-209-06. Currently the method is the in-house method performed for Stability Studies. The Validation was performed on the 20mg dosage samples, IAG-21-001 and IAG-21-002.In the forced degradation studies, the two placebo samples were also used. PRECISIONSYSTEM REPEATABILITYFive replicate injections of the standard solution at the concentration of 0.4242mg/mL as described in method SI-IAG-206-02 were made and the relative standard deviation (RSD) of the peak areas was calculated.SAMPLE PEAK AREA#15390#25406#35405#45405#55406Average5402.7SD 6.1% RSD0.1ED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::PRECISION - Method RepeatabilityThe full HPLC method as described in SI-IAG-206-02 was carried-out on the finished product IAG-21-001 for the 20mg dosage form. The method repeated six times and the relative standard deviation (RSD) was calculated.SAMPLENumber%ASSAYof labeled amountI 96.9II 97.8III 98.2IV 97.4V 97.7VI 98.5(%) Average97.7SD 0.6(%) RSD0.6PRECISION - Intermediate PrecisionThe full method as described in SI-IAG-206-02 was carried-out on the finished product IAG-21-001 for the 20mg dosage form. The method was repeated six times by a second analyst on a different day using a different HPLC instrument. The average assay and the relative standard deviation (RSD) were calculated.SAMPLENumber% ASSAYof labeled amountI 98.3II 96.3III 94.6IV 96.3V 97.8VI 93.3Average (%)96.1SD 2.0RSD (%)2.1The difference between the average results of method repeatability and the intermediate precision is 1.7%.HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationLINEARITYStandard solutions were prepared at 50% to 200% of the nominal concentration required by the assay procedure. Linear regression analysis demonstrated acceptability of the method for quantitative analysis over the concentration range required. Y-Intercept was found to be insignificant.RANGEDifferent concentrations of the sample (IAG-21-001) for the 20mg dosage form were prepared, covering between 50% - 200% of the nominal weight of the sample.Conc. (%)Conc. (mg/mL)Peak Area% Assayof labeled amount500.20116235096.7700.27935334099.21000.39734463296.61500.64480757797.52000.79448939497.9(%) Average97.6SD 1.0(%) RSD 1.0ED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::RANGE (cont.)The results demonstrate linearity as well over the specified range.Correlation coefficient (RSQ)0.99981 Slope11808.3Y -Interceptresponse at 100%* 100 (%) 0.3%ACCURACYACCURACY OF STANDARD INJECTIONSFive (5) replicate injections of the working standard solution at concentration of 0.4242mg/mL, as described in method SI-IAG-206-02 were made.INJECTIONNO.PEAK AREA%ACCURACYI 539299.7II 540599.9III 540499.9IV 5406100.0V 5407100.0Average 5402.899.9%SD 6.10.1RSD, (%)0.10.1The percent deviation from the true value wasdetermined from the linear regression lineHPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::ACCURACY OF THE DRUG PRODUCTAdmixtures of non-actives (placebo, batch IAG-21-001 ) with Fluoxetine HCl were prepared at the same proportion as in a capsule (70%-180% of the nominal concentration).Three preparations were made for each concentration and the recovery was calculated.Conc.(%)Placebo Wt.(mg)Fluoxetine HCl Wt.(mg)Peak Area%Accuracy Average (%)70%7079.477.843465102.27079.687.873427100.77079.618.013465100.0101.0100%10079.6211.25476397.910080.8011.42491799.610079.6011.42485498.398.6130%13079.7214.90640599.413080.3114.75632899.213081.3314.766402100.399.618079.9920.10863699.318079.3820.45879499.418080.0820.32874899.599.4Placebo, Batch Lot IAG-21-001HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::VALIDATION OF FLUOXETINE HClAT LOW CONCENTRATIONLINEARITY AT LOW CONCENTRATIONSStandard solution of Fluoxetine were prepared at approximately 0.02%-1.0% of the working concentration required by the method SI-IAG-206-02. Linear regression analysis demonstrated acceptability of the method for quantitative analysis over this range.ACCURACY OF FLUOXETINE HCl AT LOW CONCENTRATIONThe peak areas of the standard solution at the working concentration were measured and the percent deviation from the true value, as determined from the linear regression was calculated.SAMPLECONC.µg/100mLAREA FOUND%ACCURACYI 470.56258499.7II 470.56359098.1III 470.561585101.3IV 470.561940100.7V 470.56252599.8VI 470.56271599.5(%) AverageSlope = 132.7395299.9SD Y-Intercept = -65.872371.1(%) RSD1.1HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationSystem RepeatabilitySix replicate injections of standard solution at 0.02% and 0.05% of working concentration as described in method SI-IAG-206-02 were made and the relative standard deviation was calculated.SAMPLE FLUOXETINE HCl AREA0.02%0.05%I10173623II11503731III10103475IV10623390V10393315VI10953235Average10623462RSD, (%) 5.0 5.4Quantitation Limit - QLThe quantitation limit ( QL) was established by determining the minimum level at which the analyte was quantified. The quantitation limit for Fluoxetine HCl is 0.02% of the working standard concentration with resulting RSD (for six injections) of 5.0%. Detection Limit - DLThe detection limit (DL) was established by determining the minimum level at which the analyte was reliably detected. The detection limit of Fluoxetine HCl is about 0.01% of the working standard concentration.ED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::VALIDATION FOR META-FLUOXETINE HCl(EVALUATING POSSIBLE IMPURITIES)Meta-Fluoxetine HCl linearity at 0.05% - 1.0%Relative Response Factor (F)Relative response factor for Meta-Fluoxetine HCl was determined as slope of Fluoxetine HCl divided by the slope of Meta-Fluoxetine HCl from the linearity graphs (analysed at the same time).F =132.7395274.859534= 1.8Detection Limit (DL) for Fluoxetine HClThe detection limit (DL) was established by determining the minimum level at which the analyte was reliably detected.Detection limit for Meta Fluoxetine HCl is about 0.02%.Quantitation Limit (QL) for Meta-Fluoxetine HClThe QL is determined by the analysis of samples with known concentration of Meta-Fluoxetine HCl and by establishing the minimum level at which the Meta-Fluoxetine HCl can be quantified with acceptable accuracy and precision.Six individual preparations of standard and placebo spiked with Meta-Fluoxetine HCl solution to give solution with 0.05% of Meta Fluoxetine HCl, were injected into the HPLC and the recovery was calculated.HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::META-FLUOXETINE HCl[RECOVERY IN SPIKED SAMPLES].Approx.Conc.(%)Known Conc.(µg/100ml)Area in SpikedSampleFound Conc.(µg/100mL)Recovery (%)0.0521.783326125.735118.10.0521.783326825.821118.50.0521.783292021.55799.00.0521.783324125.490117.00.0521.783287220.96996.30.0521.783328526.030119.5(%) AVERAGE111.4SD The recovery result of 6 samples is between 80%-120%.10.7(%) RSDQL for Meta Fluoxetine HCl is 0.05%.9.6Accuracy for Meta Fluoxetine HClDetermination of Accuracy for Meta-Fluoxetine HCl impurity was assessed using triplicate samples (of the drug product) spiked with known quantities of Meta Fluoxetine HCl impurity at three concentrations levels (namely 80%, 100% and 120% of the specified limit - 0.05%).The results are within specifications:For 0.4% and 0.5% recovery of 85% -115%For 0.6% recovery of 90%-110%HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::META-FLUOXETINE HCl[RECOVERY IN SPIKED SAMPLES]Approx.Conc.(%)Known Conc.(µg/100mL)Area in spikedSample Found Conc.(µg/100mL)Recovery (%)[0.4%]0.4174.2614283182.66104.820.4174.2614606187.11107.370.4174.2614351183.59105.36[0.5%]0.5217.8317344224.85103.220.5217.8316713216.1599.230.5217.8317341224.81103.20[0.6%]0.6261.3918367238.9591.420.6261.3920606269.81103.220.6261.3920237264.73101.28RECOVERY DATA DETERMINED IN SPIKED SAMPLESHPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::REPEATABILITYMethod Repeatability - Meta Fluoxetine HClThe full method (as described in SI-IAG-206-02) was carried out on the finished drug product representing lot number IAG-21-001-(1). The HPLC method repeated serially, six times and the relative standard deviation (RSD) was calculated.IAG-21-001 20mg CAPSULES - FLUOXETINESample% Meta Fluoxetine % Meta-Fluoxetine 1 in Spiked Solution10.0260.09520.0270.08630.0320.07740.0300.07450.0240.09060.0280.063AVERAGE (%)0.0280.081SD 0.0030.012RSD, (%)10.314.51NOTE :All results are less than QL (0.05%) therefore spiked samples with 0.05% Meta Fluoxetine HCl were injected.HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::Intermediate Precision - Meta-Fluoxetine HClThe full method as described in SI-IAG-206-02 was applied on the finished product IAG-21-001-(1) .It was repeated six times, with a different analyst on a different day using a different HPLC instrument.The difference between the average results obtained by the method repeatability and the intermediate precision was less than 30.0%, (11.4% for Meta-Fluoxetine HCl as is and 28.5% for spiked solution).IAG-21-001 20mg - CAPSULES FLUOXETINESample N o:Percentage Meta-fluoxetine% Meta-fluoxetine 1 in spiked solution10.0260.06920.0270.05730.0120.06140.0210.05850.0360.05560.0270.079(%) AVERAGE0.0250.063SD 0.0080.009(%) RSD31.514.51NOTE:All results obtained were well below the QL (0.05%) thus spiked samples slightly greater than 0.05% Meta-Fluoxetine HCl were injected. The RSD at the QL of the spiked solution was 14.5%HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationSPECIFICITY - STABILITY INDICATING EVALUATIONDemonstration of the Stability Indicating parameters of the HPLC assay method [SI-IAG-206-02] for Fluoxetine 10 & 20mg capsules, a suitable photo-diode array detector was incorporated utilizing a commercial chromatography software managing system2, and applied to analyze a range of stressed samples of the finished drug product.GLOSSARY of PEAK PURITY RESULT NOTATION (as reported2):Purity Angle-is a measure of spectral non-homogeneity across a peak, i.e. the weighed average of all spectral contrast angles calculated by comparing all spectra in the integrated peak against the peak apex spectrum.Purity Threshold-is the sum of noise angle3 and solvent angle4. It is the limit of detection of shape differences between two spectra.Match Angle-is a comparison of the spectrum at the peak apex against a library spectrum.Match Threshold-is the sum of the match noise angle3 and match solvent angle4.3Noise Angle-is a measure of spectral non-homogeneity caused by system noise.4Solvent Angle-is a measure of spectral non-homogeneity caused by solvent composition.OVERVIEWT he assay of the main peak in each stressed solution is calculated according to the assay method SI-IAG-206-02, against the Standard Solution, injected on the same day.I f the Purity Angle is smaller than the Purity Threshold and the Match Angle is smaller than the Match Threshold, no significant differences between spectra can be detected. As a result no spectroscopic evidence for co-elution is evident and the peak is considered to be pure.T he stressed condition study indicated that the Fluoxetine peak is free from any appreciable degradation interference under the stressed conditions tested. Observed degradation products peaks were well separated from the main peak.1® PDA-996 Waters™ ; 2[Millennium 2010]ED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationFORCED DEGRADATION OF FINISHED PRODUCT & STANDARD 1.UNSTRESSED SAMPLE1.1.Sample IAG-21-001 (2) (20mg/capsule) was prepared as stated in SI-IAG-206-02 and injected into the HPLC system. The calculated assay is 98.5%.SAMPLE - UNSTRESSEDFluoxetine:Purity Angle:0.075Match Angle:0.407Purity Threshold:0.142Match Threshold:0.4251.2.Standard solution was prepared as stated in method SI-IAG-206-02 and injected into the HPLC system. The calculated assay is 100.0%.Fluoxetine:Purity Angle:0.078Match Angle:0.379Purity Threshold:0.146Match Threshold:0.4272.ACID HYDROLYSIS2.1.Sample solution of IAG-21-001 (2) (20mg/capsule) was prepared as in method SI-IAG-206-02 : An amount equivalent to 20mg Fluoxetine was weighed into a 50mL volumetric flask. 20mL Diluent was added and the solution sonicated for 10 minutes. 1mL of conc. HCl was added to this solution The solution was allowed to stand for 18 hours, then adjusted to about pH = 5.5 with NaOH 10N, made up to volume with Diluent and injected into the HPLC system after filtration.Fluoxetine peak intensity did NOT decrease. Assay result obtained - 98.8%.SAMPLE- ACID HYDROLYSISFluoxetine peak:Purity Angle:0.055Match Angle:0.143Purity Threshold:0.096Match Threshold:0.3712.2.Standard solution was prepared as in method SI-IAG-206-02 : about 22mg Fluoxetine HCl were weighed into a 50mL volumetric flask. 20mL Diluent were added. 2mL of conc. HCl were added to this solution. The solution was allowed to stand for 18 hours, then adjusted to about pH = 5.5 with NaOH 10N, made up to volume with Diluent and injected into the HPLC system.Fluoxetine peak intensity did NOT decrease. Assay result obtained - 97.2%.ED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationSTANDARD - ACID HYDROLYSISFluoxetine peak:Purity Angle:0.060Match Angle:0.060Purity Threshold:0.099Match Threshold:0.3713.BASE HYDROLYSIS3.1.Sample solution of IAG-21-001 (2) (20mg/capsule) was prepared as per method SI-IAG-206-02 : An amount equivalent to 20mg Fluoxetine was weight into a 50mL volumetric flask. 20mL Diluent was added and the solution sonicated for 10 minutes. 1mL of 5N NaOH was added to this solution. The solution was allowed to stand for 18 hours, then adjusted to about pH = 5.5 with 5N HCl, made up to volume with Diluent and injected into the HPLC system.Fluoxetine peak intensity did NOT decrease. Assay result obtained - 99.3%.SAMPLE - BASE HYDROLYSISFluoxetine peak:Purity Angle:0.063Match Angle:0.065Purity Threshold:0.099Match Threshold:0.3623.2.Standard stock solution was prepared as per method SI-IAG-206-02 : About 22mg Fluoxetine HCl was weighed into a 50mL volumetric flask. 20mL Diluent was added. 2mL of 5N NaOH was added to this solution. The solution was allowed to stand for 18 hours, then adjusted to about pH=5.5 with 5N HCl, made up to volume with Diluent and injected into the HPLC system.Fluoxetine peak intensity did NOT decrease - 99.5%.STANDARD - BASE HYDROLYSISFluoxetine peak:Purity Angle:0.081Match Angle:0.096Purity Threshold:0.103Match Threshold:0.3634.OXIDATION4.1.Sample solution of IAG-21-001 (2) (20mg/capsule) was prepared as per method SI-IAG-206-02. An equivalent to 20mg Fluoxetine was weighed into a 50mL volumetric flask. 20mL Diluent added and the solution sonicated for 10 minutes.1.0mL of 30% H2O2 was added to the solution and allowed to stand for 5 hours, then made up to volume with Diluent, filtered and injected into HPLC system.Fluoxetine peak intensity decreased to 95.2%.ED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationSAMPLE - OXIDATIONFluoxetine peak:Purity Angle:0.090Match Angle:0.400Purity Threshold:0.154Match Threshold:0.4294.2.Standard solution was prepared as in method SI-IAG-206-02 : about 22mg Fluoxetine HCl were weighed into a 50mL volumetric flask and 25mL Diluent were added. 2mL of 30% H2O2 were added to this solution which was standing for 5 hours, made up to volume with Diluent and injected into the HPLC system.Fluoxetine peak intensity decreased to 95.8%.STANDARD - OXIDATIONFluoxetine peak:Purity Angle:0.083Match Angle:0.416Purity Threshold:0.153Match Threshold:0.4295.SUNLIGHT5.1.Sample solution of IAG-21-001 (2) (20mg/capsule) was prepared as in method SI-IAG-206-02 . The solution was exposed to 500w/hr. cell sunlight for 1hour. The BST was set to 35°C and the ACT was 45°C. The vials were placed in a horizontal position (4mm vials, National + Septum were used). A Dark control solution was tested. A 2%w/v quinine solution was used as the reference absorbance solution.Fluoxetine peak decreased to 91.2% and the dark control solution showed assay of 97.0%. The difference in the absorbance in the quinine solution is 0.4227AU.Additional peak was observed at RRT of 1.5 (2.7%).The total percent of Fluoxetine peak with the degradation peak is about 93.9%.SAMPLE - SUNLIGHTFluoxetine peak:Purity Angle:0.093Match Angle:0.583Purity Threshold:0.148Match Threshold:0.825 ED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationSUNLIGHT (Cont.)5.2.Working standard solution was prepared as in method SI-IAG-206-02 . The solution was exposed to 500w/hr. cell sunlight for 1.5 hour. The BST was set to 35°C and the ACT was 42°C. The vials were placed in a horizontal position (4mm vials, National + Septum were used). A Dark control solution was tested. A 2%w/v quinine solution was used as the reference absorbance solution.Fluoxetine peak was decreased to 95.2% and the dark control solution showed assay of 99.5%.The difference in the absorbance in the quinine solution is 0.4227AU.Additional peak were observed at RRT of 1.5 (2.3).The total percent of Fluoxetine peak with the degradation peak is about 97.5%. STANDARD - SUNLIGHTFluoxetine peak:Purity Angle:0.067Match Angle:0.389Purity Threshold:0.134Match Threshold:0.8196.HEAT OF SOLUTION6.1.Sample solution of IAG-21-001-(2) (20 mg/capsule) was prepared as in method SI-IAG-206-02 . Equivalent to 20mg Fluoxetine was weighed into a 50mL volumetric flask. 20mL Diluent was added and the solution was sonicated for 10 minutes and made up to volume with Diluent. 4mL solution was transferred into a suitable crucible, heated at 105°C in an oven for 2 hours. The sample was cooled to ambient temperature, filtered and injected into the HPLC system.Fluoxetine peak was decreased to 93.3%.SAMPLE - HEAT OF SOLUTION [105o C]Fluoxetine peak:Purity Angle:0.062Match Angle:0.460Purity Threshold:0.131Match Threshold:0.8186.2.Standard Working Solution (WS) was prepared under method SI-IAG-206-02 . 4mL of the working solution was transferred into a suitable crucible, placed in an oven at 105°C for 2 hours, cooled to ambient temperature and injected into the HPLC system.Fluoxetine peak intensity did not decrease - 100.5%.ED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::。





用纯化的人钙调素依赖蛋白激酶II (CaMKII)抗体包被微孔板,制成固相抗体,往包被单抗的微孔中依次加入钙调素依赖蛋白激酶II(CaMKII),再与HRP 标记的钙调素依赖蛋白激酶II(CaMKII)抗体结合,形成抗体-抗原-酶标抗体复合物,经过彻底洗涤后加底物TMB显色。

TMB 在HRP 酶的催化下转化成蓝色,并在酸的作用下转化成最终的黄色。


用酶标仪在450nm 波长下测定吸光度(OD 值),通过标准曲线计算样品中人钙调素依赖蛋白激酶II(CaMKII)浓度。

试剂盒组成1 30 倍浓缩洗涤液20ml×1 瓶7 终止液6ml×1 瓶2 酶标试剂6ml×1 瓶8 标准品(320pg/ml)0.5ml×1 瓶3 酶标包被板12 孔×8 条9 标准品稀释液1.5ml×1 瓶4 样品稀释液6ml×1 瓶10 说明书1 份5 显色剂A 液6ml×1 瓶11 封板膜2 张6 显色剂B 液6ml×1/瓶12 密封袋1 个标本要求1.标本采集后尽早进行提取,提取按相关文献进行,提取后应尽快进行实验。

若不能马上进行试验,可将标本放于-20℃保存,但应避免反复冻融2.不能检测含NaN3 的样品,因NaN3 抑制辣根过氧化物酶的(HRP)活性。

操作步骤1. 标准品的稀释:本试剂盒提供原倍标准品一支,用户可按照下列图表在小试管中进行稀释。

2’-岩藻 糖基乳糖 hplc

2’-岩藻 糖基乳糖 hplc





1. 2’-岩藻糖基乳糖的基本概念2’-岩藻糖基乳糖,简称2’-FL,是一种存在于人乳中且含量较高的寡糖成分。



2. 2’-岩藻糖基乳糖在婴儿发育中的作用研究表明,2’-岩藻糖基乳糖不仅可以预防婴儿腹泻和呼吸道感染,还能够促进正常的肠道菌群组成和免疫系统的发育。


3. 2’-岩藻糖基乳糖的分析检测和食品工业应用从分析检测的角度来看,高效液相色谱(HPLC)是目前常用的分离和检测2’-岩藻糖基乳糖的方法之一。






拓扑替康结构式 -回复

拓扑替康结构式 -回复












注意事项:1. 在使用拓扑替康之前,患者应告知医生有关其过敏史、其他药物的使用情况以及存在的其他疾病,以便医生进行全面评估。

2. 拓扑替康可能会增加感染的风险。


3. 服用拓扑替康可能导致一些不良反应,如头痛、腹泻、恶心、呕吐等。







Chenmical Intermediate当代化工研究138生物制药与研究2017·03抗过敏药物盐酸松齐拉敏的合成*王碧玉(泉州师范学院 化工与材料学院 福建 362000)摘要:抗过敏药物是医院日常医疗过程中比较常用的一种药物,对患者病情的康复有着重大作用,不仅是医院,就连小的诊所和药店里面也广泛应用到了抗过敏药物。

抗过敏药物的种类繁多,不同的抗敏药物其抗敏效果不一样,有时为了更好的治疗疾病,减轻患者的病痛,医院会利用多种药物合成更有利于患者治疗的新型抗过敏药物,盐酸松齐拉敏就是一种常见的合成抗过敏药物,合成的原料包括2-氨基嘧啶、对甲氧基氯苄和N,N-二甲基-2-氯乙胺,其合成步骤为两次N-烃基化反应,其合成后的总收率为79.2%,最终合成功的结构要通过1H NMR,13C NMR和HR-MS(ESI)确证。

关键词:2-氨基嘧啶;对甲氧基氯苄;N,N-二甲基-2-氯乙胺中图分类号:T 文献标识码:ASynthesis of Anti-allergic Medicine Hydrochloric Acid ThonzylamineWang Biyu(Chemical Engineering and Material College, Quanzhou Normal University, Fujian, 362000)Abstract :Anti-allergic medicine is the common used medicine in hospitals’ daily medical process and has important function on the recovery ofpatients,besides,it not only has application in hospitals, but also in small clinics and pharmacies. The drug categories are of a great variety and the anti-allergic effect of different anti-allergic medicines is different, sometimes,in order to better treat the isease and release patients’ pain, the hospital will use many kinds of medicines to make new-type anti-allergic synthetic medicine that is more helpful to patients.Hydrochloric acid is one common seen synthetic anti-allergic medicine and its synthetic materials include 2-aminopyrimidine ,methoxybenzyl chloride and N,N-dimethyl-2-chloroethylamine, besides,its synthetic step is two-time N-alkylation, which total recovery rate after synthesis is 79.2%, finally, the structure of synthetic work needs to be confirmed by 1HNMR ,13C NMR and HR-MS(ESI).Key words :2-aminopyrimidine ;methoxybenzyl chloride ;N,N-dimethyl-2-chloroethylamine据相关研究资料显示,抗过敏要求盐酸松齐拉敏的合成方法一共有两种,一种就是以2-氯嘧啶、对甲氧基氯苄[N'-(4-甲氧基苄基)]和N,N-二甲基乙二胺为原料,经过两次N-烃基化反应合成的方法,另一种则是以4,6-二氯-N-[(4-甲氧基苄基) 甲基]嘧啶-2-胺为原料的合成方法,其中第一种合成方法的总收率为70%~90%,而第二种的为45%~70%。



(19)中华人民共和国国家知识产权局(12)发明专利申请(10)申请公布号 (43)申请公布日 (21)申请号 201711346017.2(22)申请日 2017.12.15(71)申请人 上海交通大学医学院地址 200025 上海市黄浦区重庆南路227号(72)发明人 张良 罗静 张会冰 孟周文理 (74)专利代理机构 上海翼胜专利商标事务所(普通合伙) 31218代理人 翟羽(51)Int.Cl.C12Q 1/32(2006.01)C12Q 1/26(2006.01)(54)发明名称α-酮戊二酸依赖型酶的酶活检测试剂盒及其应用(57)摘要本发明公开α-酮戊二酸依赖型酶的酶活检测试剂盒及其应用,所述试剂盒包括还原型辅酶Ⅱ(NADPH)或者还原型辅酶Ⅰ(NADH)中的一种,异柠檬酸脱氢酶IDH突变体蛋白和缓冲盐,所述IDH突变体蛋白是指IDH特定氨基酸突变后所获得的具有催化α-酮戊二酸(2-OG )新功能的IDH突变体蛋白。




权利要求书2页 说明书9页 附图5页CN 109929908 A 2019.06.25C N 109929908A1.α-酮戊二酸依赖型酶的酶活检测试剂盒,其特征在于,所述试剂盒包括还原型辅酶Ⅱ或者还原型辅酶Ⅰ中的一种,异柠檬酸脱氢酶IDH突变体蛋白和缓冲盐,所述IDH突变体蛋白是指IDH特定氨基酸突变后所获得的具有催化α-酮戊二酸新功能的IDH突变体蛋白。




© 1994-2009 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved.
中国药理学通报 Ch inese Pha rm acolog ica l B u lletin 2009 Jan; 25 (1)
±113) mV 相比差异无统计学意义 ( P > 0105, n = 5) 。用单指数方程拟合激活电流曲线 ,得到激活时 间常数 , Fig 5A、B 显示在钳制电压为 - 80 mV ,去极 至 1 0mV时 ,溶剂对照的激活时间常数为 ( 1 0 2 ±
中国 图 书 分 类 号 : R2332; R 32111; R 32912; R 329124; R 54117; R 97212 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 : 1001 - 1978 (2009) 01 - 0039 - 06 摘要 :目的 研究双苯氟嗪对 hERG钾通道电流的影响 ,探 讨其抗心律失常作用的可能机制 。方法 以非洲爪蟾卵母 细胞作为表达系统 ,采用双电极电压钳技术观察双苯氟嗪对 hERG钾通道电流的影响 。结果 双苯氟嗪 (8 nmol·L - 1 ~ 5 μmol·L - 1 ) 浓度依赖性地抑制 hERG电流 , IC50为 9810 nmol·L - 1 ;在 - 10 mV ~40 mV 范围内双苯氟嗪对 hERG电 流的抑制作用具有电压依赖性 ;双苯氟嗪 1 μmol·L - 1对半 数激活电压无明显影响 ,但可降低激活时间常数和去活时间 常数 ,加快 hERG电流的激活去活 。结论 双苯氟嗪降低 hERG钾通道电流并改变其动力学特征 , 提示双苯氟嗪抗心 律失常的作用可能与此有关 。
+A0 拟合激活电流曲线和去活尾电流曲线 ,得到激 活时间常数和去活时间常数 (τ) 。实验数据以 x ±s 表示 ,用 Clampex912、Clampfit912、originPro710、Adobe Illustrator 10及 STATA 810软件进行图像处理及数据 分析。组间比较采用方差分析及 t检验。 2 结果 2. 1 D ip对 hERG电流的浓度依赖性抑制作用 通过 mRNA 微注射 , hERG蛋白异源性地表达在非 洲爪蟾卵母细胞膜上 ,将电压钳制在 - 80 mV ,然后 去极化至 10 mV ,维持 1 s,再复极至 - 50 mV ,维持 2 s,观察双苯氟嗪对 hERG电流的影响 。 Fig 1A 显 示的是灌流 1 μmol·L - 1 D ip 前后的 hERG原始电 流图 , Fig 1B 为灌流溶剂对照 0105 %DM SO 和不同 浓度 D ip 前后 hERG电流的时程图 ,显示双苯氟嗪 可明 显 抑 制 hERG 电 流 。按 公 式 : 抑 制 率 / % = ( I药前 - I药后 ) / I药前 ×100%计算 。 8、40、200、1 000、 5 000 nmol·L - 1 D ip 对 hERG电流的抑制率分别 为 : ( 918 ±211 ) %、( 3514 ±217 ) %、( 5217 ± 411) %、( 7219 ±312) %、( 8315 ±511) % ,与 DMSO 对 hERG电流抑制率 (114 ±013) %相比差异有显著 性 ( P < 0101, n = 6 ) ,用 ND96液冲洗后 ,电流可部分 恢复 。D ip抑制 hERG电流的量效关系曲线如 Fig 1C所示 , D ip 抑制 hERG电流的作用在 8 nmo l·L - 1 ~5μmol·L - 1范围内 ,随着剂量的增大而增加 ,用 H ill方程拟合量效关系曲线后所得 IC50为 9810 nmol ·L - 1 。 2. 2 D ip对 hERG电流的作用呈电压依赖性 将 电压钳制在 - 80 mV ,从 - 60 mV 开始 ,以 10 mV 为 步阶去极化至 30 mV ,维持 2 s记录 hERG时间依赖 性电流 ;实验电压保持在 - 50 mV ,脉冲持续 2 s记 录 hERG尾电流 。用溶剂对照的最大电流标准化 D ip 1μmol·L - 1的电流 ,得到标准化的 I2U 曲线 。 实验结果显示在大部分指令电压下 D ip 1 μmol· L - 1均可抑制 hERG时间依赖性电流 ( Istep , Fig 2B ) 和尾电流 ( Itail , Fig 2C) 。用每 1个电压下溶剂对照 的电流分别标准化 D ip 1μmol·L - 1作用 5 m in后的 hERG尾电流 ,进一步分析 D ip对 hERG电流的抑制 与电压之间的关系 ,发现在 - 10 mV ~40 mV 之间 , 随着电压的增大 , D ip 对 hERG电流的抑制作用逐 渐增大 ,证明 D ip 抑制 hERG电流在 - 10 mV ~40 mV 之间具有电压依赖性 ( Fig 3) 。 2. 3 D ip对 hERG电流动力学特性的影响 用 Bo2 ltzmann方程拟和标准化的尾电流 - 电压关系曲线 ( Fig 4) ,得到 D ip 1μmo l·L - 1作用 5 m in后的 V1 /2 为 ( - 2011 ±312 ) mV ,与溶剂对照的 V1/2 ( - 1714





1. 什么是伊立替康?


2. 伊立替康的分子结构
伊立替康的化学名为(编号:761423-87-4)-(S)-1,5-二羟甲基-4-(4-甲基苯基)-2- [4-(三氟甲基)苯氧]吡咯烷-3-羧酸二乙酯。


3. 伊立替康分子量和药效的关系



4. 小结


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167114-91-2 1822.14
C78 H142 N22 O20 . C2 H F3 O2
(2S,3Z,5S,6Z,8S,9Z,11S,12Z,14S,15Z,17S)-17-((Z)-((2S,3Z,5S,6Z,8S,9Z, 11S,12Z,14S,15Z,17S,18Z,20S,21Z)-17,20-bis(4-aminobutyl)-5,8-bis(3 -guanidinopropyl)-1,4,7,10,13,16,19,22-octahydroxy-2-(3-hydroxy-3iminopropyl)-11-isobutyl-14-methyl-3,6,9,12,15,18,21-he
Evaluation sample solution : ship with blue ice All other available size: ship with RT , or blue ice upon request
Membrane Transporter/Ion Channel Calcium Channel
每个产品具体的储存和使用信息显示在产品说明书中。ApexBio 产品在推荐的条件下是稳定 的。产品会根据不同的推荐温度进行运输。许多产品短期运输是稳定的,运输温度不同于长 期储存的温度。我们确保我们的产品是在保持试剂质量的条件下运输的。收到产品后,按照 产品说明书上的要求进行储存。
IC50:作用于 CaM 激酶 II 为 40 nM [1]。 Synthetic peptide AIP(autocamtide-2 相关抑制肽)是 autocamtide-2 的一种非磷酸化类似物, 被确认为一种高特异性的和强效的钙调蛋白依赖性蛋白激酶 II(CaM 激酶 II,CaMKII)抑制 剂。 CaMKII 是一种丝氨酸/苏氨酸特异性蛋白激酶,由 Ca2+/钙调蛋白调控。 体外:AIP(1 mM)完全抑制 CaMKII 的活性,但并不影响 cAMP 依赖性蛋白激酶、钙调蛋白 依赖性蛋白激酶 IV 和蛋白激酶 C。所述抑制是非竞争性的,通过结合到与外源性底物不同 的自磷酸化位点引起作用。CaM Ⅱ自磷酸化的 IC50 为 100 nM[1]。 体内:通过转基因表达 AIP 治疗的小鼠,可防止富含果糖饮食引起的心律失常、自发性收缩 和自发性 Ca2+释放[2]。AIP 的内伏隔核(NAc)单一注射可剂量依赖性地增加大鼠对有害热 和机械刺激的 HWL(后爪缩回潜伏期)[3]。 临床试验:目前尚未进行临床研究。
参考文献: [1] Ishida A1, Kameshita I, Okuno S, Kitani T, Fujisawa H. A novel highly specific and potent inhibitor of calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1995 Jul 26;212(3):806-12. [2] Sommese L, Valverde CA, Blanco P, Castro MC, Rueda OV, Kaetzel M, Dedman J, Anderson ME, Mattiazzi A, Palomeque J. Ryanodine receptor phosphorylation by CaMKII promotes spontaneous Ca(2+) release events in a rodent model of early stage diabetes: The arrhythmogenic substrate. Int J Cardiol. 2016 Jan 1;202:394-406. [3] Bian H, Yu LC. Intra-nucleus accumbens administration of the calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II inhibitor AIP induced antinociception in rats with mononeuropathy. Neurosci Lett. 2015 Jul 10;599:129-32.
产品名: Cas No.: 分子量: 分子式: 化学名:
溶解性: 储存条件: 一般建议:
靶点 : 信号通路: 产品描述:
产品名: Autocamtide-2-related inhibitory peptidtocamtide-2-related inhibitory peptide
CCCCCCCCCCCCC/C(O)=N/[C@@](/C(O)=N/[C@@](/C(O)=N/[C@@] (/C(O)=N/[C@@](/C(O)=N/[C@@](/C(O)=N/[C@@](/C(O)=N/[C@@ ](/C(O)=N/[C@@](/C(O)=N/[C@@](/C(O)=N/[C@@](/C(O)=N/[C@ @](/C(O)=N/[C@@](/C(O)=N/[C@@](C(O)=O)([H])CC(C)C)([H])C)([H] )CC(O)=O)([H])C(C)C)([H])C)([H
ApexBio Technology
Soluble to 1 mg/ml in sterile water
Desiccate at -20°C
For obtaining a higher solubility , please warm the tube at 37°C and shake it in the ultrasonic bath for a while.Stock solution can be stored below -20°C for several months.