BlackBerry 黑莓9900手机说明书
郑州黑莓之家黑莓手机使用教程第一版ZZYQ2007-8-18黑莓——BlackBerry是由加拿大Research in Motion(RIM)公司生产的一种智能手机,它具有邮件、电话、无线上网、短信、即时讯息、企业信息等多种功能一、什么是黑莓?二、黑莓的发展历程三、黑莓主流型号四、黑莓手机操作技巧入门五、进阶学习——黑莓软件安装六、高阶学习——黑莓系统升级+刷机七、附录什么是黑莓?黑莓——BlackBerry是由加拿大Research in Motion(RIM)公司生产的一种智能手机,它具有邮件、电话、无线上网、短信、即时讯息、企业信息等多种功能。
7100 32M (32 MB flash memory, 4 MB SRAM)
8700 64M (64 MB flash memory, 16 MB SDRAM)
7130 64M (64 MB flash memory, 16 MB SDRAM)
8100 64M (64 MB flash memory, 16 MB SDRAM),可插2GB microSD卡
要在电子邮件地址字段中插入 at 符号 (@) 或句点 (.),请按 Space 键。
要键入符号,请按符号键。 键入符号下方显示的字母。
要高亮显示一行文本,请按 Shift 键并滚动拨轮。
要返回主页,请按 H。
要打开书签列表,请按 K。
要添加书签,请按 A。
要查看最近访问的网页列表,请按 I。
要刷新网页,请按 R。
要查看链接的地址,请高亮显示链接。 按 L。
要查看网页的地址,请按 P。
要加载网页上的图片,请按 M。
要加载网页上的所有图片,请按 Q。
要将网页保存在消息列表中,请按 S。
要移至电话屏幕的顶部,请按 Space 键。
要查看上次拨打的电话号码,请按 Space 键和输入键。 按发送键即可拨打该号码。
要答复消息,请按 R。
要全部答复,请按 L。
要转发消息,请按 F。
要将高亮显示的电子邮件归档,请按 I。
BlackBerry 智慧型手机的 Facebook 说明书
BlackBerry 智慧型手機適用的 FacebookBlackBerry 智慧型手機 (搭配觸控螢幕)Útgáfa: 1.5SWDT266756-618821-0302104604-028目錄基礎 (3)關於 BlackBerry 裝置適用的 Facebook (3)登入 BlackBerry 裝置適用的 Facebook (3)登出 BlackBerry 裝置適用的 Facebook (3)切換 Facebook 帳號 (3)設定狀態 (4)回應朋友的狀態 (4)新增或變更 Facebook 電話簿中的電話號碼 (4)檢查 BlackBerry 裝置適用的 Facebook 是否有最新版本 (4)造訪 Facebook 行動網站 (5)尋找更多資訊 (5)BlackBerry 裝置適用的 Facebook 捷徑 (6)通知 (7)關於通知清單 (7)刪除通知 (7)防止通知出現在訊息應用程式中 (7)無法在裝置上接收通知 (7)朋友 (8)關於朋友 (8)邀請連絡人成為朋友 (8)接受或拒絕朋友要求 (8)將您的朋友同步處理至連絡人應用程式中的連絡人 (8)將朋友連結至連絡人應用程式中的連絡人 (8)重新整理連結的朋友 (9)要求朋友的電話號碼 (9)公佈欄上張貼、訊息以及打個招呼 (10)傳送打個招呼 (10)在朋友的公佈欄上撰寫 (10)傳送郵件 (10)自動檢查拼字 (10)群組與活動 (11)接受或拒絕群組邀請 (11)回覆活動邀請 (11)停止將 Facebook 活動新增至行事曆應用程式 (11)圖片 (12)上傳圖片。
(12)建立相簿 (12)檢視上傳至 Facebook 的圖片 (12)提供意見 (13)法律注意事項 (14)使用指南基礎基礎關於 BlackBerry 裝置適用的 Facebook您可以使用 BlackBerry® 裝置適用的 Facebook® 以保持與朋友之間的聯繫。
Blackberry使用说明书本说明书由联禧南京代理logway工作室编译整理目录一、关于Blackberry和RIM ....................... - 3 - ◇ Research In Motion (RIM) 公司背景............ - 3 - ◇ Blackberry手机.............................. - 4 - ◇ BlackBerry手机家族大展示(图) ................ - 5 - 二、手机功能介绍 .............................. - 8 -(一)、认识blackberry的里里外外 ................ - 8 -(二)、72**系列快捷方式 ........................ - 11 -(三)、71**系列快捷方式 ........................ - 16 - 三、blackberry上手教程........................ - 21 -(一)、打开blackberry .......................... - 21 -(二)、更改设置................................ - 21 - (三)打电话、发短信 .......................... - 28 - (四)其他自带程序 ............................ - 30 - 四、桌面管理器................................ - 32 - (一)、安装桌面管理器 ......................... - 32 - (二)、安装blackberry的系统文件 .............. - 34 - (三)、刷机....................... 错误!未定义书签。
BlackBerry手册 黑莓手机使用
DM:BlackBerry Desktop Manager,桌面管理器BM:BlackBerry ManagerOTA:Over The AirIPPP:Inter Process第一部分BESBES服务器上通过系统开始菜单——程序——BlackBerry Enterprise Server——BlackBerry Manager,打开BM:用户右键菜单右键单击用户列表中的用户,弹出右键菜单。
根据用户状态,菜单中的某些选项可能会略有不同:打开用户列表,右键单击空白处添加用户,或在下方选择Add Users:成后可以通过右键菜单中的【Choose Folders for Redirection】看到用户邮箱中的文件夹,类似下图:企业激活设置有线激活将BlackBerry终端用USB数据线连接到BES服务器,右键单击需要使用此设备的用户,右键菜单中选择【Assign Device】,弹出窗口中选择设备:点击【OK】即可。
设置激活密码对指定用户使用右键菜单中的【Set Activation Password】,设置激活密码:注意该密码只能用于激活对应用户邮件地址的BB终端,仅能使用一次,且有时效限制,默认为48小时。
EmailText Messaging MEdia ™ Net Music CameraSee User Manual on BlackBerry User Tools CD for Spanish Instructions.Additional charges may apply. Visit for more details.Phone features subject to change without prior notice. All phone screens are simulated.Use your phone for more than just talkingQuick Start GuideMute keyHeadset jackUSB portMenu keyOpen the menu inan applicationSend keyOpen the phone. Call a highlighted phone number TrackballRoll to move around a screen Click (press) to select an itemAlt keyType the alternate characteron a keySymbol keyOpen the symbol listShift keyEnter key Backspace/Delete key Speaker keyConvenience keyOpen the push-to-talk application Speak to a push-to-talk contactTurn on/off speakerphone during a call End/Power key End a callTurn off the device Escape keyMove back a screen Close a menu Volume keysAdjust the volume during a call Right convenience key Open the camera Take a pictureBla c kBerry ®Pearl ™key fun c tionsall to st name or phone numTaking photos is easy with your BlackBerry Pearl’s built-in Camera.1.On the Home Sc reen, c li c k Camera.2.Take a pi c ture b y c li c kin g the trackball or3.Perform one of the followin g a c tions:a.To take another pi c ture, c li c k theb.To d elete the pi c ture, c li c k thec.To set the pi c ture as a c aller ID pi c ture or Home Sc reenb ac k g roun d, c li c k the Crop i c on.d.To sen d the pi c ture via email, c li c kthe Envelope i c on.e.To rename the pi c ture, c li c k the FileFolder i c on.With MEdia™Net, you can get the information that is important to you at a glance. Check your local weather, your team scores or movie listings with just a few clicks.1.On the Home Sc reen, s c roll d own to an d sele c t MEdia™Net.2.Hi g hli g ht the c ate g ory of interest, an d c li c k on the trackball.For qui c k a cc ess to your favorite c ate g ories personalize your MEdia™ Net Home Sc reen.1.From the MEdia™ Net Home Pa g e sele c t Customize MEdia™ Net.2.C li c k Edit Categories.3.S ele c t the C ate g ories you woul d like to appear on your Home Pa g e.4.Sc roll to the b ottom of the pa g e an d C li c k Save.How to a dd a b ookmark1.To b ookmark a we b pa g e, press the Menu key c li c k at Add Bookmark.2.C li c k Add.The BlackBerry Pearl allows you to take your Address Book and Calendar with you and stay on top of your day. Stay organized and on schedule with time savingS et the alarm1.From the Home Sc reen c li c k on Settings.2.C li c k on the Alarm i c on.3.S et up the Alarm b y sele c tin g On for the Daily Alarm anthe Time, Snooze.A dd a c onta c t1.On the Home Sc reen c li c k on Address Book.2.C li c k on the Menu key, c li c k on New Address.3.Type in the c onta c t information.4.C li c k on the trackball an d c li c k Save when c omplete.S et-up a task1.From the Home Sc reen c li c k on Applications.2.C li c k on Tasks. C li c k on Menu, c li c k on New an d enter your task (an erran d).You can synchronize local information on your home/work computer such as Microsoft Office Outlook mobile content, media files or contacts by using BlackBerry Desktop software that comes standard with the enclosed CD in the box.Use Once an d Text Message@, hold thekey while typing OP(for, or /, use thekey .BlackBerry Internet Service email provides automatic delivery and access to your personal and even work emails including MSN™, Yahoo™, Hotmail™, GMail™, Earthlink™and many other popular ISP and personal email providers.How to set up your email from the phone1.From the Home Sc reen, c li c k the BlackBerry Setup i c on.2.On the Bla c kBerry S etup s c reen, c li c k the Personal Email Setup i c on.3.Roll the tra c k b all, s c roll d own an d c li c k Create New Account.4.Rea d the le g al terms an d c on d itions c arefully s c roll to an d c li c k Yes to a cc ept.5.Type the followin g information in the A cc ount S etup s c reen: User ID & Password.6.You now have the option to a dd up to 10 Internet email a cc ounts an d/or c reate anoptional Bla c kBerry email a dd ress.How to c ompose email1.From the Home Sc reen, c li c k on the Messages i c on.2.Press the Menu key, s c roll to an d c li c k Compose Email.3.Type an email a dd ress or c onta c t in the To: fiel d.4.Type the Subject. Then when finishe d typin g messa g e, c li c k the trackball an d sele c t Send. For more information on Corporate email solutions please visit /blackberryYou can listen to your favorite music on the BlackBerry Pearl. The built-in Media Player provides the ultimate in control and flexibility to organize your music and listen to it the way you want to.How to loa d MP3 files1.Ensure that you have inserte d a Mi c ro S D c ar d into the b a c k of yourBla c kBerry Pearl to optimize memory availa b le for musi c.2.C onne c t your Bla c kBerry d evi c e to your c omputer usin g the U S B c a b le provi d e d.3.On your P C, d ou b le c li c k with your mouse on thesoftware provi d e d (is installe d from the Bla c kBerry User Tools C D).in g your mouse, d ou b le c li c k on the Media Manager i c on.5.Two c olumns will appear, one on the left showin g your P C files,one on the ri g ht showin g your Bla c kBerry Me d ia files.6.In the Bla c kBerry c olumn on the ri g ht, d ou b le c li c k on Media Card,then d ou b le c li c k on BlackBerry, then d ou b le c li c k on Music.7.In the P C c olumn on the left, usin g your mouse, sele c t the fileyou woul d like to import to your Me d ia C ar g your mouse, c li c k on the arrow that points to the ri gthe file to the Musi c fol d er on your Me d ia C ar d. Repeat as ne cListen to your favorite music on the BlackBerry Pearl while on the road, relaxing at home or at the gym.How to play MP3 files1.From the Home Sc reen, c li c k the Media i c on.2.On the Me d ia s c reen, you will fin d (4) d ire c tories. C li c k the tra c k b all on the alrea d yhi g hli g hte d Music d ire c tory.3.Sc roll the trackball to an d c li c k Me d ia C ar d. To play all son g s you see store d on theme d ia c ar d, press the Menu key an d roll an d press the tra c k b all to sele c t Play All.Note: All audio files must be transferred to the BlackBerry Pearl before playing. Use the Media Manager icon of the Desktop Software found on the CD in the box to transfer files.© 2007 AT&T Knowle dge Ventures. All ri g hts reserve d.S u b si d iaries an d affiliates of AT&T In c. provi d e pro d u c ts an d servi c es un d er the AT&T b ran d. All other b ran d s, pro d u c t names, c ompany names, tra d emarks an d servi c e marks are the properties of their respe c tive owners.A C A d apter S kinsMi c ro S D™ C ar d Leather C ases & TotesG P S Re c eiverS tereo Hea d setBUS MS T 02 07 2060 E BlackBerry Pearl QSG。
№1 企业激活如果您可以访问BlackBerry Enterprise Server™ 4.0 版或更高版本,则可以使用企业激活功能将BlackBerry® 设备与公司的Microsoft® Outlook®、IBM® Lotus Notes® 或Novell® Groupwise® 电子邮件帐户绑定。
№2 电子邮件如果开通了邮件推送服务,你可以随时随地接收和发送邮件。
№3 PIN 码消息个人识别码(PIN) 可以唯一标识网络中的每台BlackBerry® 设备。
如果知道其它BlackBerry 设备用户的PIN 码,则您可以向该用户发送PIN 码消息。
PIN 码消息不会通过现有的电子邮件帐户传输。
№4 SMS 消息就是短信,在国内为了避免出现输入短信变成????,你必须在选项--SMS中把数据编码设置为UCS2;№5 MMS 消息就是彩信,如果服务提供商支持MMS,则您可以发送包含.jpg、.gif、.wbmp、.png、.smil、.midi、.vcf (vCard®) 或.vcs (vCalendar®) 内容的MMS 消息,并可接收包含.jpg、.gif、.wbmp、.png、.midi、.txt、.vcf、.vcs 或.smil 内容的MMS 消息。
您可以在MMS 消息中添加一张或多张不受版权保护的图像,但消息大小不能超过300 KB。
经过论坛网友的努力在7290和7100上已经顺利的实现了彩信的收发№6 搜索在手持设备中,甚至比palm ppc等pda都要强大好用;您可以使用搜索程序来搜索BlackBerry® 设备上的消息和个人信息管理(PIM) 项目,如任务、记事、联系人和日历条目。
黑莓外观操作详解(Qwerty 全键盘篇)BlackBerry 机型不算众多,那也不能算太少了。
从6230 到7290,从8300 到9000 甚至是最新的9700,其实BlackBerry 的外观操作精髓并没有太多的改动,对于全键盘机型来说,是可以触类旁通的。
对于《菜鸟通》来说,我们第一讲以一台2009 年最新机型BlackBerry Bold 9700 为例,先从外观和操作详细的扒开了慢慢讲。
我们将一台BlackBerry 分割成“顶部”、“屏幕”、“键盘”三个部分来聊。
Part 01:BlackBerry 顶部顶部有顶部左侧键、顶部右侧键、Led 灯、扬声器听筒。
LED 灯:俗称小红灯,是BlackBerry 精髓之一。
蓝牙连接时蓝灯闪烁;LED 覆盖显示器(即设置为LED 常亮)时绿灯闪烁;电量不足时充电黄灯闪烁。
Part 02:BlackBerry 屏幕BlackBerry 目前主流屏幕分辨率为480 x 360(包括Storm 系列),个别机器略有不同,例如BlackBerry Bold 9000 大屏为480 x 320 。
一、先说说刷机时各项的名称及可精简的内容English UK Language Support英文UK语言支持可以不要CangJei input Method 仓颉输入法你可能用不到Pinyin lnput Method 拼音输入法这个你需要吧WubiHua lnput Method 五笔画输入法不是五笔字型BlackBerry Tradtional Chinese C…繁体中文的支持似乎用不到CangJei lnput Method繁体的仓颉输入法Jyutping lnput Method繁体的一种输入法BrickBreaker 打转块的游戏可以删除Browser 浏览器可以删除JavaSoript Package 浏览网页时支持JAVA脚本也可以不要了SSL/TLS Security Package这个我反正不要WTLS Security Package这个我反正不要DDD Root Certificates这个我反正不要Help 帮助文件可以不用了吧MemoPad 记事本看你的需要了Password Keeper 密码管理器可以不要Phone 电话这个必须要了呵呵TTY Support这个是聋哑人用的不需要Tasks 任务看自己的情况啦二、如何安装BB软件和卸载软件.推荐使用DM管理器,在Desktop软件里,刷ROM 的那个地方卸载软件,备份与恢复的高级选项中删通讯录短信等。
三、正常发中文短信必须设置的步骤options->SMS->data coding :UCS2四、一些基本的按键功能长按开机键:关闭屏幕中英文切换:alt + enter显示信息:alt + cap + h隐藏、移动图标:移到图标上,alt + 按滚轮-> 选择隐藏或移动查看SIM网络:选项->SIM卡 ,cap + MEPD查看phone calls详细:在短信介面按 alt + P查看Out Going:在短信介面按 alt + O五、如何输入符号bb如何输入一些符号呀,急死了比如:下划线,@,《》等等回车键的左边有个SYM,点一下试六、打开屏幕快捷键功能后的一些快捷键(1)在主画面 (Home screen)条件: 关闭主画面拨号功能M – Messages - 消息C – Compose - 编写P – Phone - 电话A – Address Book - 地址簿B – Browser - 浏览器L – Calendar - 日历S – Search - 搜索V – Saved Messages - 已保存消息T – Tasks - 任务D – MemoPad - 记事簿R – Alarm - 警报F – Profiles - 配置U – Calculator - 计算器O – Options - 选项K – Keyboard Lock - 键盘锁定(2) 在消息画面ALT+I – Incoming Messages - 接收的ALT+O – Outgoing Messages - 发出的E – Oldest Error - 最久的出错的R – Reply - 回复T – Top - 最新的B – Bottom - 最旧的N – Next - 下一条P – Previous - 上一条U – Next Unread - 下一条未读的S – Search - 搜索C – Compose - 新编V – Saved Messages - 已存的消息1.阅读文本时,按9向下翻屏,按3向上翻屏,按1到文章顶部,按3到文章末尾。
BlackBerry Bold 9000 Smartphone 说明书
入门指南SWD-395636-0703110729-011 | RBT71UW内容欢迎使用 BlackBerry! (3)设置您的设备 (5)插入 SIM 卡和电池 (5)电池充电 (7)完成设置向导 (9)了解基础 (13)在屏幕中移动 (14)打开菜单 (15)键入内容基础 (16)应用程序 (17)主屏幕状态指示符 (18)消息列表状态指示符 (19)电话状态指示符 (19)日历状态指示符 (20)相机状态指示符 (20)无线网络覆盖指示符 (20)开始使用设备 (23)拨打电话 (23)发送电子邮件 (23)发送短信 (24)添加联系人 (24)拍摄照片 (25)录制视频 (25)访问网页 (25)安排约会 (26)与Bluetooth设备配对 (26)关于连接至 Wi-Fi 网络 (27)关于将设备与计算机配合使用 (28)关于切换设备 (30)使用 Roxio Media Manager 在设备和计算机间传输文件 (31)在设备和计算机之间同步数据 (31)插入媒体卡 (32)查找更多信息 (33)疑难解答 (35)我无法连接至无线网络 (35)我无法将设备与电子邮件地址绑定 (36)我无法收发消息 (36)我无法拨打或接听电话 (37)法律声明 (39)欢迎使用 BlackBerry!快来感受多功能移动解决方案带给您的自由和沟通乐趣。
BlackBerry® Bold™智能手机的设置非常简单。
您只需确定在设备上安装了 SIM 卡和电池,并在充电后完成设置向导即可。
34设置您的设备插入 SIM 卡和电池SIM 卡是一张长方形的小塑料卡,能够存储有关无线服务的重要信息。
您的BlackBerry® 设备中有可能已经安装 SIM 卡。
您可能需要使用 SIM 卡的 PIN 码,具体取决于您的无线服务提供商。
Learn more一、感谢使用黑莓风暴二智能手机。
使用手机和手机附件前,请查看Safety and Product Information(使用安全和产品信息),最新版本请查看/go/docs关于安装SIM卡SIM卡储存重要的无线网络信息,SIM卡可能已经实现安装在您的设备里。
更多信息,请查看光盘上的Safety and Product Information1、打电话1)在Home界面,按下绿色键2)输入电话号码3)按下绿色键要终止谈话,按下红色键2、更改铃声1)在Home界面,按下绿色键2)按下菜单键3)点击设置铃声4)可执行以下操作(1)使用出厂时预先下载好的铃声,在手机铃声处,选择点击一首铃声(2)使用自己下载的手机铃声,在手机铃声处,点击列表顶部的选择音乐,找到已经下载好的音乐,选择手机铃声5)按下菜单键6)点击保存3、添加联系1)Home界面,点击Contacts(联系人)2)点击新联系人3)输入新联系人信息4)按下菜单键5)点击Save(保存)4、手机小窍门1)接电话,按下绿色键2)接听电话时调节声音,按下手机右侧的Volume(声音)键3)接听电话时打开(关闭)声音,按下手机顶部的静音键5、配对蓝牙设备连接蓝牙设备前,必须与其配对1)Home界面,点击Manage Connections(连接管理)2)点击Set Up Bluetooth(建立蓝牙)3)点击搜索4)点击搜索到的设备中的一个设备5)如果连接的设备没有键盘,例如耳机,在你的手机上,输入配对密码,此时配对密码往往是一个数字或者第一个数字如果连接的蓝牙设备有键盘例如笔记本,在两边都输入配对密码6、蓝牙指示在Home界面顶部有关于蓝牙的指示7、关于紧急呼叫如果您不在服务区内,而SOS无线指示显示,你可以拨打急救号码(即使手机被锁住,或者没有SIM卡);如果当您开始一次紧急呼叫时无线网络断掉,手机会自动重新连接无线网络您只可以拨打官方紧急呼叫电话(例如911、112)您不能信赖任何必要的交流的无线服务,包括医疗服务。
blackberry 9000操作技巧
>>> 按“通话键
”进入电话界面-- 选项(菜单)-- 常规选项-- 从主屏幕拨号:否
【在设置后直接按键会被认为是快捷键,如需拨打电话需要先按一下“通话键”】 【快捷键主要有:消息(m),通讯簿(a),日历(l),浏览器(b),锁机(k)】
选择系统语言和输入法 >>>选项-- 语言-- 语言/输入语言
切换输入法 >>>切换中英文:按 alt 后再按 enter
>>>输入数字:按住 alt 同时输入数字;如输入多个数字,则需要一直按住 alt
>>>输入符号:按 alt 后再按相应的符号键。例如输入“alt”+P,则出现“@”符号。如需输入更多特殊符号可点 击键盘最下排的“SYM”键,在弹出界面中选择
快捷拨号 >>>比如设置了字母“X”为“10086”后,那么按住 X 一秒钟就会自动拨打 10086! 操作步骤为:在主界面按住一个字母一秒钟 ‐‐ 确认“是”‐‐ 选择号码 ‐‐ 确认回车
短信文件夹和邮件文件夹分开 >>>默认状态下短信和邮件都是放在“消息”文件夹内,可设置分开放置 操作步骤:进入“消息” -- 按“菜单键” -- 选项 -- 常规设置 -- 短信和电子邮件收件箱:单独
【建议检查“选项”-- “移动网络”-- “数据服务”是否打开;如已打开,建议插拔电池重启】
3、 如移动无线功能没有打开,显示为“OFF” 【进入“管理连接”-- 勾选“移动网络”】
修改手机字体 >>>选项-- 屏幕/键盘 -- 更改字体和大小
黑霉手机培训资料BlackBerry 操作介绍
如需查看表格详细信息,需移动轨迹球把光标移至表格缩写上,单击查看, 即可显示该表格详细信息。
1)移至特定单元格 直接使用轨迹球移动光标至相应的单元格 2)查看单元格的内容 在需查看的单元格中,单击轨迹球 3)查看工作表列表 在电子表格中,按菜单键 单击目录 要移动至特定工作表,请单击工作表->单击查看 4)前后切换工作表 在电子表格中,按菜单键 单击下一个工作表或前一个工作表 5)更改列的大小 要更改所有电子表格的列大小,请按菜单键->单击选项->设置列宽度字段->按菜 单键->单击保存
按菜单键,然后点选跳至幻灯片,然后输入页面数字,即可跳转至相应 页面
2)多页PPT翻页 在多页PPT附件中,向上下滚动轨迹球,可以上下翻页 3)缩放和移动
输入拼音,如左图,如果需要选择 的字不在第一个,需要按住键盘上 的ALT键+数字键选择需要的字或者 滚动轨迹球进行选择。如果需要选 择的字在待选字的第一个,直接输 入下一个字的拼音,程序会自动的 选择。
如果需要输入的是常见的词组,无需一个个字选择,直接输入拼音。但 此时需要使用ALT+数字键选择到词组,否则,程序将按照单个字进行选 择。
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 在消息列表,单击轨迹轮。转动选择“选项” 选择“电子邮件设置” 单击菜单键,选择“文件夹转寄” 选择需要同步的子文件夹,单击轨迹轮,选择“更改选项”。 当文件夹前面出现一个勾之后,单击轨迹轮,选择“保存”。
---- Speed ---- 云台转动速度,范围可在1~30之间选择。
---- Preset ---- 预置点设置
---- Preview ---- 预置点设置预览
==>setup the blackberry apn ---- 黑莓ANP的设置
key E for channel 2 ---- 按 “ E ” 切换到通道2
key R for channel 3 ---- 按 “ R ” 切换到通道3
key S for channel 4 ---- 按 “ S ” 切换到通道4
key D for channel 5 ---- 按 “ D ” 切换到通道5
key alt+F for channel 16 ---- 按 “ alt + F” 切换到通道16
key T for up ----------- 按 “ T ” 控制云台向上转动
1、进入设置-----选项;2、进入 SMS;3、滑动光标到数据编码,进入后选择 UCS2。
o二、拨打电话出现未开启服务等提示,但可以接电话o接电话正常,手工拨号基本也正常,但从地址薄拨打会提示错误:1、进入拨号状态2、按滚轮选择选项进入3、移动光标到智能拨号进去“国家地区代码” 选项进去选择+86 ,或者“未知”均可。
o五、键盘锁的启动及快捷键设置o你可以从桌面上有个锁的图标点一下就锁了,也可以设置快捷键后按K键,搞掂!o六、从SIM卡导入电话薄o1、进入电话薄;2、按入滑轮,选择 SIM电话薄;3、电话薄出来后,再按滚轮,选择全部复制到地址薄。
o七、电话功能、免提、暂停送话、音量调节拨打过程中,低端全键位的没有免提功能,按顶上的电话键可以暂停送话,71系列可以按 OP键,切换免提功能;按 QW键可以暂停送话;其他型号的按键上都有个图标的,按下就可以啦!滑轮在拨打过程中可以调节音量。
©2009 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved. BlackBerry®, RIM®, Research In Motion®, SureType®, SurePress™ and related trademarks, names and logos are the property of Research In Motion Limited and are registered and/or used in the U.S. and countries around the world. Bluetooth is a trademark of Bluetooth SIG. Google Mail is a trademark of Google Inc. Hotmail and Windows Live are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Wi-Fi is a trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. This documentation is provided "as is" and without condition, endorsement, guarantee, representation or warranty, or liability of any kind by Research In Motion Limited and its affiliated companies, all of which are expressly disclaimed to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law in your jurisdiction.MAT-26553-001 | PRINTSPEC-058 | SWD-656736-1023023704-001 | RCG41GW/RCL21CW Learn More booklet: Find feature information and instructions for common tasks. This bookletcame with your BlackBerry® device.Help application: Find step-by-step instructions for all device tasks. Access this applicationfrom the Home screen or in an application menu.BlackBerry® User Tools CD: Find the BlackBerry 101 tutorial, user guide, software licenseagreement and warranty, or Safety and Product Information booklet. You can also use this CDto install the BlackBerry® Desktop Software to synchronize data between your device and yourcomputer. This CD came with your device.Your wireless service provider web site: Find information about your wireless network oryour wireless service plan./support: Find interactive support tools and information about supportservices. For example, you can find answers to your questions by using the BlackBerry®Answers tool or by joining the BlackBerry® Support Community Forums./go/declarationofconformity: View the Declaration of Conformitymade under Directive 1999/5/EC (HG nr.88/2003).Find more information: Find software, applications, and accessories for yourBlackBerry® device.: Find accessories for your device. You can also contact yourwireless service provider to buy accessories./ownerslounge: Find more ways to personalize your device bybecoming a member of the BlackBerry® Owners Lounge.CAUTION: Use only those accessories approved by Research In Motion. Using any accessoriesnot approved by RIM for use with this particular device model might invalidate any approvalor warranty applicable to the device, might result in the non-operation of the device, and mightbe dangerous.Personalize your deviceStart HereBlackBerry Curve 8500 S eriesGet ready to experience the freedom and connectivity of your all-in-one mobile solution. Setting up your BlackBerry® Curve™ smartphone is easy. Simply follow the instructions in this guide to set up your device and learn the basics quickly.Insert the SIM card and batteryDepending on your BlackBerry® device model or your wireless service provider, you might not need to insert a SIM card to use your device. For more information, see the Learn More booklet that came with your device.If the battery is charged, your device turns on automatically. If your device does not turn on, charge the battery.Welcome to BlackBerry!Charge the batteryBattery power level indicatorsfull battery power battery charginglow battery powerBe safe!Please read the Safety and Product Information booklet, located on the BlackBerry® User Tools CD, before using your device or any accessories that came with your device. This booklet includes important safety information about your battery. To view the most recent version of the Safety and Product Information booklet, visit /go/docs .The setup wizard is designed to help you learn about navigation and typing, change options to personalize your BlackBerry® device, set up wireless and Bluetooth® connections and set up one or more email addresses. The setup wizard should appear automatically the first time that you turn on your device.1.If the setup wizard does not appear automatically, on the Home screen or in the Setup folder, click the Setup Wizard icon.plete the instructions on the screen.Set up an email addressTo perform this task, you must know the login information for your existing email addresses or your administrator must have provided you with an enterprise activation password.1.On the Home screen or in the Setup folder, click the Setup Wizard icon.2.On the email setup screen, select one of the following options:•I want to create or add an email address : This email setup option is most common for individual users. Use this option to associate your BlackBerry® device with one or more (up to ten) existing email addresses (for example, a Google Mail™ or Windows Live™Hotmail® email account) or to create a new email address for your device. To use a social networking application on your device, you must use this option to associate your device with the email address that you use to receive social networking notifications. If this option does not appear, contact your wireless service provider.•I want to use a work email account with a BlackBerry Enterprise Server : This email setup option is most common for corporate users. Use this option to associate your device with a work email account using the BlackBerry® Enterprise Server if your administrator has provided you with an enterprise activation password.3.Click Next .Complete the setup wizardplete the instructions on the screen.Note: When your email address is set up correctly, you receive a confirmation message. To view and manage your email messages, on the Home screen, click the Messages icon.I cannot set up an email addressTry performing the following actions:•On the Home screen or in the Setup folder, click the Setup Wizard icon. On the email setup screen, verify that you have typed all the email address information correctly. To view the password that you typed, select the Show Password check box.•Verify that the email address is associated with a supported email account (for example, a POP3email account or an IMAP email account). For more information about supported email accounts, contact your wireless service provider.•If you are switching from another BlackBerry® device that is associated with one or more email addresses using the BlackBerry® Internet Service, you must switch devices automatically or manually using the email setup application. For more information about switching devices, see the Learn More booklet that came with your device.For more information about setting up an email address, visit /go/docs and click BlackBerry Internet Service .Learn the basics The Menu key and Escape key on your BlackBerry® device are designed to help you navigate screens and complete tasks quickly and easily. If you want to complete an action in an application or on the Home screen, you can find it in the menu that appears when you press theMenukey. To select a highlighted menu item, press the Menu key again. If you want to close the menu or move back a screen, press the Escapekey.About the Menu key and Escape keyHome screenMore applications on the Home screen•To view more applications on the Home screen, press the Menu key.•To return to the Home screen, when you are not on a call, press the End key.•To move back a screen, press theEscapekey.•To move the cursor in any direction and highlight items, slide your finger on the trackpad.•To select an item or open a link, click the trackpad.•To change the value in a field, click a field. Click a value.Move around the screenImportant: When you use your BlackBerry® device, take frequent breaks. If you experiencediscomfort in any part of your body when you use your device, stop using your device immediately.If the discomfort persists, consult a physician.For an interactive typing tutorial, on the Home screen or in the Setup folder, click the Setup Wizard icon. Click Navigation and Typing Tutorials .•To capitalize a letter, press and hold the letter key until the capitalized letter appears or press thekey and the letter key.•To type a number or the alternate character on a key, press thekey and the number key or character key. For example, to type the number one (1), press thekey and.•To insert an at sign (@) or a period (.) in an email address field, press thekey.•To type a symbol, press thekey. To view more symbols, press thekey again. Typethe letter that appears below the symbol.Typing indicatorsWhen you type, typing indicators appear at the top-right corner of the screen.CAP lock (capital letter lock)Alt modeNUM lock (number lock)Typing tipsYou can access applications on the Home screen and in folders on the Home screen. To view theHome screen, when you are not on a call, press theEndkey. The initial view of the Home screen displays only some of the available applications. To view more applications on the Home screen, press the Menu key.Take some time to explore the applications that are available on your BlackBerry® device. Here are a few applications to get you started.ApplicationsSome applications might appear in one of the following folders:Home screen status indicatorsPhone status indicatorsStatus indicatorsMessage list status indicators。