PSoC CY8C24533
集成开发环境PSoC Designer也预先为用户定义了70多个常用的数字和模拟资源供用户选择。
PSoC 开发人员无需通过设置寄存器来构建这些周边设备,只需在PSoC Designer中选择和放置所需要的用户模块并进行参数设定。
PSoC Designer不仅能配置用户模块,而且也为用户提供这些用户模块的API函数供用户编程时调用。
系统资源CY8C24533使用8位哈佛结构处理器内核(M8C CPU),它具有独立的程序存储器和数据存储器总线,处理器速度可达24MHz。
TD96DPGL4 BSC25-6503 109-273-001 MHF028-18 DNF FN1407 MSHIFBL10 154-121G FCO14A037 F 0063PE-M 夏普14D-CM 1459 夏普14D-CM 1459 F 0063PE-M F 1805CE 47105356 夏普29″ 夏普29″ 47105356 TFB 4071AD 罗兰士25″ BSC23-0201XB 新宝14″ TD-1538DP 新宝14″ BSC23-0201XB TD-1538DP TD-1538DP JF0208-0220 31-140220-2081 JF0208-0220 31-140220-2081 BSC23-0201XB 31-140220-2081 BSC23-0201XB 新宝14″ CV-2018VR ATK1011 三棱28″ 三棱28″ ATK1011 KJF-9266H 600019266 600019266 KJF-9266H 2436551 夏普14″ 夏普14″ 2436551 LB0000001-A CFB-4/064 CFB-4/046 LB0000001-A BSC25-6503 TD96E16848 TD96E16848 BSC25-6503 BSC25-6503 TD96DPGL4 TD96DPGL4 BSC25-6503 ASCR1448 BSC25-6503 TD96DPGL4 TLF15504B4 TLF15504F TLF15504F TLF15504B4 BSC24-0624 金星4717 548-2 543
金利浦14″ BSC23-0101 FCM-2012E21A 37M2012E-21A BSC21-3366 孔雀14″ BSC23-3366 孔雀14″ BSC21-3366 BSC23-3366 BSC23-3366 优纳拉斯14″ 孔雀14″ TFB-3035B 康艺8135 康艺4507 康艺4507 TFB-3035B 康艺8135 康艺8135 TFB-3035B BSC24-1051P 熊猫2118 2119 2128 熊猫54P36 熊猫2118 2119 2128 熊猫54P36 BSC24-1051P BSC22-2501B 康艺CE3703 凯歌4C370S 康艺CE3703 BSC22-2501B 凯歌4C370S 凯歌4C370S BSC22-2501B 康艺CE3703 TLF15550B DNF.FL2732A 2027017-001 53X0528-001 53X0528-001 2027017-001 假松下TC-2198 730-302-1548 39L7014AI 79A316-2 TLF70100 TLF70100 79A316-2 ATK1061 三棱40″ 三棱40″ ATK1061 BSC25-2951C 金星C542 金星C542 BSC25-2951C BSC26-N0401 TFB 4095BD 金星C6428 TFB 4095BD BSC26-N0401 金星C6428 金星C6428 BSC26-N0401 TFB 4095BD 2435011A 日立CM2110 日立CM2110 2435011A TFB 4131AD 东芝2550 东芝2550 TFB 4131AD KW03027F 3531A TLF15521B TLF15521F TLF15521F TLF15521B BSC25-6503 TD96DPGL4
CY8CLED04D01,CY8CLED04D02,CY8CLED04G01CY8CLED03D01,CY8CLED03D02,CY8CLED03G01CY8CLED02D01,CY8CLED01D01PowerPSoC®智能LED驱动器1. 特性■集成的大功率外设❐四个内部32 V低端N通道功率FET• 1.0 A器件的R DS(ON)为0.5 。
•可配置开关频率高达2 MHz❐四个迟滞控制器•可独立编程上/下阈值•可编程用于确定ON/OFF(打开/关闭)最短时间所需的定时器❐四个具有可编程驱动强度的低端栅极驱动器❐四个精密高端电流检测放大器❐三个16位LED暗度调制器分别为:PrISM、DMM和PWM❐六个快速响应(100 ns)电压比较器❐六个8位参考DAC❐内置开关调节器去除了外部5 V电源❐多种拓扑包括:浮动负载降压拓扑、浮动负载降压-升压拓扑和升压拓扑■M8C CPU内核❐处理器的速度最高可达24 MHz■高级外设(PSoC®模块)❐具有电容式感应应用能力❐DMX512接口❐I2C主/从接口❐全双工UART❐多个SPI主/从接口❐集成的温度传感器❐高达12位ADC❐6位到12位增量ADC❐多达9位的DAC❐可编程增益放大器❐可编程滤波器和比较器❐8位到32位定时器和计数器❐通过组合多个模块,能够构建复杂外设❐可配置为所有GPIO引脚■可编程引脚配置❐所有GPIO和功能引脚上都具有25 mA的灌电流和10 mA的拉电流❐所有GPIO和功能引脚上都具有上拉、下拉、高阻、强或开漏驱动模式❐GPIO上的模拟输入高达10个❐GPIO上具有两个30 mA的模拟输出❐所有GPIO上都具有可配置中断■灵活的片上存储器❐16 K Flash程序存储50,000擦除/写入周期❐1 K SRAM数据存储❐系统内串行编程(ISSP)❐局部闪存更新❐灵活的保护模式❐闪存内EEPROM仿真■完整的开发工具❐免费的开发软件(PSoC Designer™)❐功能齐全的在线仿真器(ICE)和编程器❐全速仿真❐复杂的断点结构❐128 KB的跟踪存储器■应用❐LED舞台照明❐LED建筑照明❐LED通用照明❐汽车级和应急车辆LED照明❐LED景观照明❐LED显示灯❐LED效果照明灯❐LED标牌照明■器件选项❐CY8CLED04D0x•四个带有0.5 A和1.0 A选项的内部FET•四个外部栅极驱动器❐CY8CLED04G01•四个外部栅极驱动器❐CY8CLED03D0x•三个带有0.5 A和1.0 A选项的内部FET•三个外部栅极驱动器❐CY8CLED03G01•三个外部栅极驱动器❐CY8CLED02D01•两个电流为1.0 A的内部FET•两个外部栅极驱动器❐CY8CLED01D01•一个电流为1.0 A的内部FET•一个外部栅极驱动器■56引脚QFN封装2. 目录逻辑框图 (3)PowerPSoC功能概述 (9)大功率外设 (9)迟滞控制器 (9)低端N通道FET (10)外部栅极驱动器 (10)暗度调制方案 (10)电流检测放大器 (10)电压比较器 (11)参考DAC (11)内置式开关调节器 (11)模拟复用器 (11)数字复用器 (12)功能引脚(FN0[0:3]) (12)PSoC内核 (13)数字系统 (13)模拟系统 (13)模拟复用器系统 (14)其它系统资源 (14)应用 (15)PowerPSoC器件特性 (17)入门 (18)应用笔记 (18)开发套件 (18)培训 (18)CYPros顾问 (18)技术支持 (18)开发工具 (18)PSoC Designer软件子系统 (18)在线仿真器 (19)使用用户模块设计 (19)引脚信息 (20)CY8CLED04D0x 56引脚器件的引脚分布(没有OCD) 20 CY8CLED04G01 56引脚器件的引脚分布(没有OCD) 21 CY8CLED04DOCD1 56引脚器件的引脚分布(带OCD) 22 CY8CLED03D0x 56引脚器件的引脚分布(没有OCD) 23 CY8CLED03G01 56引脚器件的引脚分布(没有OCD) 24 CY8CLED02D01 56引脚器件的引脚分布(没有OCD) 25 CY8CLED01D01 56引脚器件的引脚分布(没有OCD) 26寄存器通用规范 (27)使用的缩略语 (27)寄存器名称规定 (27)寄存器映射表 (27)寄存器映射组0表 (28)寄存器映射组1表:用户空间 (29)电气规范 (30)最大绝对额定值 (30)工作温度 (31)电气特性 (31)系统级 (31)芯片级 (31)大功率外设低端N通道FET (33)大功率外设外部功率FET驱动器 (34)大功率外设迟滞控制器 (34)大功率外设比较器 (35)大功率外设电流检测放大器 (36)大功率外设PWM/PrISM/DMM规范表 (37)大功率外设参考DAC规范 (38)大功率外设内置式开关调节器 (38)通用I/O/功能引脚I/O (41)PSoC内核运算放大器规范 (42)PSoC内核低功耗比较器 (43)PSoC内核模拟输出缓冲区 (44)PSoC内核模拟参考 (46)PSoC内核模拟模块 (46)PSoC内核POR和LVD (47)PSoC内核编程规范 (47)PSoC内核数字模块规范 (48)PSoC内核I2C规范 (49)订购信息 (50)订购代码定义 (50)封装信息 (51)封装尺寸 (51)热阻 (51)回流焊峰值温度 (51)缩略语 (52)文档规范 (52)测量单位 (52)文档修订记录 (54)销售、解决方案和法律信息 (55)全球销售和设计支持 (55)产品 (55)PSoC®解决方案 (55)赛普拉斯开发者社区 (55)技术支持 (55)3. 逻辑框图图3-1. CY8CLED04D0x 逻辑框图4个通道PWM/PrISM/DMM模拟复用器从模拟复用器C o m p 8D A C 8C o m p 9C o m p 10C o m p 11C o m p 12C o m p 13辅助电源调节器DAC0CSP0迟滞模式控制器 0DAC1CSA0DAC2迟滞模式控制器 1DAC3CSA1DAC4迟滞模式控制器 2DAC5CSA2DAC6迟滞模式控制器 3DAC7CSA3D A C 9D A C 10D A C 11D A C 12D A C 136栅极驱动器0栅极驱动器1栅极驱动器2栅极驱动器3外部栅极驱动器0外部栅极驱动器1外部栅极驱动器2外部栅极驱动器3大功率外设数字复用器大功率外设模拟复用器数字系统SRAM 1K 中断控制器睡眠和看门狗时钟源(包括IMO 和ILO )全局数字互联全局模拟互联PSoC 内核CPU 内核(M8C )SROMFlash 16K数字块阵列模拟系统模拟参考模拟块阵列系统总线44端口2端口0端口1F N 0AINX图3-2. CY8CLED04G01逻辑框图4个通道PWM/PrISM/DMM模拟复用器从模拟复用器C o m p 8D A C 8C o m p 9C o m p 10C o m p 11C o m p 12C o m p 13辅助电源调节器DAC0CSP0迟滞模式控制器0CSN0DAC1CSA0DAC2CSP1 GD 1迟滞模式控制器1CSN1DAC3CSA1DAC4CSP2 GD 2迟滞模式控制器2CSN2DAC5CSA2DAC6CSP3迟滞模式控制器3CSN3DAC7FN0[0:3]CSA3D A C 9D A C 10D A C 11D A C 12D A C 136外部栅极驱动器0外部栅极驱动器1外部栅极驱动器2外部栅极驱动器3大功率外设数字复用器大功率外设模拟复用器数字系统SRAM 1K 中断控制器睡眠和看门狗时钟源(包括IMO 和ILO )全局数字互联全局模拟互联PSoC 内核CPU 内核(M8C )SROMFlash 16K数字块阵列模拟系统模拟参考模拟块阵列系统总线44端口2端口0端口1F N 0AINXGD 3图3-3. CY8CLED03D0x 逻辑框图3个通道PWM/PrISM/DMM模拟复用器从模拟复用器C o m p 8D A C 8C o m p 9C o m p 10C o m p 11C o m p 12C o m p 13辅助电源调节器DAC0迟滞模式控制器0DAC1CSA0DAC2 GD 1迟滞模式控制器1DAC3CSA1DAC4 GD 2迟滞模式控制器2DAC5CSA2D A C 9D A C 10D A C 11D A C 12D A C 136栅极驱动器0栅极驱动器1栅极驱动器2外部栅极驱动器0外部栅极驱动器1外部栅极驱动器2大功率外设数字复用器大功率外设模拟复用器数字系统SRAM 1K 中断控制器睡眠和看门狗时钟源(包括IMO 和ILO )全局数字互联全局模拟互联PSoC 内核CPU 内核(M8C )SROMFlash 16K数字块阵列模拟系统模拟参考模拟块阵列系统总线44端口2端口0端口1F N 0AINX图3-4. CY8CLED03G01逻辑框图3个通道PWM/PrISM/DMM模拟复用器从模拟复用器C o m p 8D A C 8C o m p 9C o m p 10C o m p 11C o m p 12C o m p 13辅助电源调节器DAC0迟滞模式控制器0CSN0DAC1CSA0DAC2迟滞模式控制器1DAC3CSA1DAC4迟滞模式控制器2DAC5CSA2D A C 9D A C 10D A C 11D A C 12D A C 136外部栅极驱动器0外部栅极驱动器1外部栅极驱动器2大功率外设数字复用器大功率外设模拟复用器数字系统SRAM 1K 中断控制器睡眠和看门狗时钟源(包括IMO 和ILO )全局数字互联全局模拟互联PSoC 内核CPU 内核(M8C )SROMFlash 16K数字块阵列模拟系统模拟参考模拟块阵列系统总线44端口2端口0端口1F N 0AINX图3-5. CY8CLED02D01逻辑框图2个通道PWM/PrISM/DMM模拟复用器从模拟复用器C o m p 8D A C 8C o m p 9C o m p 10C o m p 11C o m p 12C o m p 13辅助电源调节器DAC0迟滞模式控制器0DAC1CSA0DAC2GD 1迟滞模式控制器1DAC3CSA1D A C 9D A C 10D A C 11D A C 12D A C 136栅极驱动器0栅极驱动器1外部栅极驱动器0外部栅极驱动器1大功率外设数字复用器大功率外设模拟复用器数字系统SRAM 1K 中断控制器睡眠和看门狗时钟源(包括IMO 和ILO )全局数字互联全局模拟互联PSoC 内核CPU 内核(M8C )SROMFlash 16K数字块阵列模拟系统模拟参考模拟块阵列系统总线44端口2端口0端口1F N 0AINX图3-6. CY8CLED01D01逻辑框图1个通道PWM/PrISM/DMM模拟复用器从模拟复用器C o m p 8D A C 8C o m p 9C o m p 10C o m p 11C o m p 12C o m p 13辅助电源调节器DAC0迟滞模式控制器0DAC1CSA0D A C 9D A C 10D A C 11D A C 12D A C 136栅极驱动器0外部栅极驱动器0大功率外设数字复用器大功率外设模拟复用器数字系统SRAM 1K 中断控制器睡眠和看门狗时钟源(包括IMO 和ILO )全局数字互联全局模拟互联PSoC 内核CPU 内核(M8C )SROMFlash 16K数字块阵列模拟系统模拟参考模拟块阵列系统总线44端口2端口0端口1F N 0AINX4. PowerPSoC®功能概述PowerPSoC系列将可编程片上系统技术集成到最佳的电力电子控制器和开关器件内,以便容易将电源片上系统解决方案使用于照明应用。
CY8C21334, CY8C21534 Automotive – Extended TemperaturePSoC® Programmable System-on-Chip™Features■Automotive Electronics Council (AEC) Q100 qualified■Powerful Harvard-architecture processor❐M8C processor speeds up to 12 MHz❐Low power at high speed❐Operating voltage: 4.75 V to 5.25 V❐Automotive temperature range: –40 °C to +125 °C■Advanced peripherals (PSoC® blocks)❐Four analog Type E PSoC blocks provide:•Two comparators with digital-to-analog converter (DAC)references•Up to 10-bit single or dual, 24 channel analog-to-digitalconverters (ADC)❐Four digital PSoC blocks provide:•8- to 32-bit timers, counters, and pulse width modulators (PWMs)•Cyclical redundancy check (CRC) and pseudo-randomsequence (PRS) modules•Full- or half-duplex UART•SPI master or slave•Connectable to all general purpose I/O (GPIO) pins❐Complex peripherals by combining blocks•Capacitive sensing application capability■Flexible on-chip memory❐8KB flash program storage❐512 bytes SRAM data storage❐In-system serial programming (ISSP)❐Partial flash updates❐Flexible protection modes❐EEPROM emulation in flash■Complete development tools❐Free development software (PSoC Designer™)❐Full-featured in-circuit emulator (ICE) and programmer❐Full-speed emulation❐Complex breakpoint structure❐128KB trace memory■Precision, programmable clocking❐Internal 24 MHz oscillator❐Internal low-speed, low-power oscillator for Watchdog and Sleep functionality❐Optional external oscillator, up to 24 MHz■Programmable pin configurations❐25 mA sink, 10 mA drive on all GPIOs❐Pull-up, pull-down, high Z, strong, or open drain drive modes on all GPIOs❐Analog input on all GPIOs❐Configurable interrupt on all GPIOs■Versatile analog mux❐Common internal analog bus❐Simultaneous connection of I/O combinations■Additional system resources❐Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C™) master, slave, or multi-master operation up to 400 kHz❐Watchdog and sleep timers❐User-configurable low-voltage detection (LVD)❐Integrated supervisory circuit❐On-chip precision voltage referenceLogic Block DiagramContentsPSoC Functional Overview (3)The PSoC Core (3)The Digital System (3)The Analog System (4)Additional System Resources (4)PSoC Device Characteristics (5)Getting Started (5)Application Notes (5)Development Kits (5)Training (5)CYPros Consultants (5)Solutions Library (5)Technical Support (5)Development Tools (6)PSoC Designer Software Subsystems (6)Designing with PSoC Designer (7)Select Components (7)Configure Components (7)Organize and Connect (7)Generate, Verify, and Debug (7)Pinouts (8)20-Pin Part Pinout (8)28-Pin Part Pinout (9)Registers (10)Register Conventions (10)Register Mapping Tables (10)Electrical Specifications (13)Absolute Maximum Ratings (14)Operating Temperature (14)DC Electrical Characteristics (15)AC Electrical Characteristics (18)Packaging Information (23)Thermal Impedances (24)Solder Reflow Specifications (24)Tape and Reel Information (25)Development Tool Selection (27)Software (27)Development Kits (27)Evaluation Tools (27)Device Programmers (28)Accessories (Emulation and Programming) (28)Ordering Information (29)Ordering Code Definitions (29)Reference Information (30)Acronyms (30)Reference Documents (30)Document Conventions (31)Glossary (31)Document History Page (36)Sales, Solutions, and Legal Information (37)Worldwide Sales and Design Support (37)Products (37)PSoC Solutions (37)PSoC Functional OverviewThe PSoC family consists of many devices with on-chip controllers. These devices are designed to replace multiple traditional microcontroller unit (MCU)-based system components with one, low-cost single-chip programmable component. A PSoC device includes configurable blocks of analog and digital logic, and programmable interconnect. This architecture makes it possible for you to create customized peripheral configurations, to match the requirements of each individual application. Additionally, a fast central processing unit (CPU), flash program memory, SRAM data memory, and configurable I/O are included in a range of convenient pinouts. The PSoC architecture, as illustrated in the Logic Block Diagram on page 1, comprises of four main areas: the core, the system resources, the digital system, and the analog system. Configu-rable global bus resources allow all the device resources to be combined into a complete custom system. Each CY8C21x34 PSoC device includes four digital blocks and four analog blocks. Depending on the PSoC package, up to 24 GPIOs are also included. The GPIOs provide access to the global digital and analog interconnects.The PSoC CoreThe PSoC core is a powerful engine that supports a rich instruction set. It encompasses SRAM for data storage, an interrupt controller, sleep, and watchdog timers, and an internal main oscillator (IMO) and internal low-speed oscillator (ILO). The CPU core, called the M8C, is a powerful processor with speeds up to 12 MHz. The M8C is a two-million instructions per second (MIPS) 8-bit Harvard-architecture microprocessor.System resources provide additional capability, such as digital clocks for increased flexibility, I2C functionality for implementing an I2C master, slave, or multi-master, an internal voltage reference that provides an absolute value of 1.3V to a number of PSoC subsystems, and various system resets supported by the M8C.The digital system is composed of an array of digital PSoC blocks, which can be configured into any number of digital peripherals. The digital blocks can be connected to the GPIO through a series of global buses that can route any signal to any pin. This frees designs from the constraints of a fixed peripheral controller.The analog system is composed of four analog PSoC blocks, supporting comparators and analog-to-digital conversion with up to 10 bits of precision.The Digital SystemThe digital system is composed of four digital PSoC blocks. Each block is an 8-bit resource that can be used alone or combined with other blocks to form 8-, 16-, 24-, and 32-bit peripherals, which are called user modules.Digital peripheral configurations include those listed.■PWMs (8- to 32-bit)■PWMs with dead band (8- to 24-bit)■Counters (8- to 32-bit)■Timers (8- to 32-bit)■Full or half-duplex 8-bit UART with selectable parity■SPI master and slave■I2C master, slave, or multi-master (implemented in a dedicated I2C block)■Cyclical redundancy checker/generator (16-bit)■Infrared Data Association (IrDA)■PRS generators (8- to 32-bit)The digital blocks can be connected to any GPIO through a series of global buses that can route any signal to any pin. The buses also allow for signal multiplexing and for performing logic operations. This configurability frees your designs from the constraints of a fixed peripheral controller.Figure 1. Digital System Block DiagramDigital blocks are provided in rows of four, where the number of blocks varies by PSoC device family. This allows you the optimum choice of system resources for your application. Family resources are shown in Table 1 on page 5.The Analog SystemThe analog system is composed of four configurable blocks, allowing the creation of complex analog signal flows. Analog peripherals are very flexible and can be customized to support specific application requirements. Some of the common PSoC analog functions for this device (most available as user modules) are listed.■ADCs (single or dual, with up to 10-bit resolution)■Pin-to-pin comparator■Single-ended comparators (up to two) with absolute (1.3V) reference or 8-bit DAC reference■1.3V reference (as a system resource)In most PSoC devices, analog blocks are provided in columns of three, which includes one continuous time (CT) and two switched capacitor (SC) blocks. The CY8C21x34 devices provide limited functionality type ‘E’ analog blocks. Each column contains one CT type ‘E’ block and one SC type ‘E’ block. Refer to the PSoC Programmable System-on-Chip Technical Reference Manual for detailed information on the CY8C21x34’s type ‘E’ analog blocks. Figure 2. Analog System Block Diagram The Analog Multiplexer SystemThe analog mux bus can connect to every GPIO pin. Pins can be connected to the bus individually or in any combination. The bus also connects to the analog system for analysis with comparators and ADCs. An additional 8:1 analog input multiplexer provides a second path to bring Port 0 pins to the analog array.Switch-control logic enables selected pins to precharge continuously under hardware control. This enables capacitive measurement for applications such as touch sensing. Other multiplexer applications include:■Track pad, finger sensing.■Chip-wide mux that allows analog input from any I/O pin.■Crosspoint connection between any I/O pin combination. Additional System ResourcesSystem resources, some of which have been previously listed, provide additional capability useful for complete systems. Brief statements describing the merits of each system resource are presented.■Digital clock dividers provide three customizable clock frequencies for use in applications. The clocks can be routed to both the digital and analog systems. Additional clocks can be generated using digital PSoC blocks as clock dividers.■The I2C module provides communication up to 400 kHz over two wires. Slave, master, and multi-master modes are all supported.■LVD interrupts can signal the application of falling voltage levels, while the advanced power-on reset (POR) circuit eliminates the need for a system supervisor.■An internal 1.3-V voltage reference provides an absolute reference for the analog system, including ADCs and DACs.■Versatile analog multiplexer systemPSoC Device CharacteristicsDepending on your PSoC device characteristics, the digital and analog systems can have a varying number of digital and analog blocks. The following table lists the resources available for specific PSoC device groups. The PSoC device covered by this data sheet is highlighted in Table1.Getting StartedFor in-depth information, along with detailed programming details, see the PSoC®Technical Reference Manual.For up-to-date ordering, packaging, and electrical specification information, see the latest PSoC device datasheets on the web. Application NotesCypress application notes are an excellent introduction to the wide variety of possible PSoC designs.Development KitsPSoC Development Kits are available online from and through a growing number of regional and global distributors, which include Arrow, Avnet, Digi-Key, Farnell, Future Electronics, and Newark.TrainingFree PSoC technical training (on demand, webinars, and workshops), which is available online via , covers a wide variety of topics and skill levels to assist you in your designs.CYPros ConsultantsCertified PSoC consultants offer everything from technical assistance to completed PSoC designs. To contact or become a PSoC consultant go to the CYPros Consultants web site. Solutions LibraryVisit our growing library of solution focused designs. Here you can find various application designs that include firmware and hardware design files that enable you to complete your designs quickly.Technical SupportTechnical support – including a searchable Knowledge Base articles and technical forums – is also available online. If you cannot find an answer to your question, call our Technical Support hotline at 1-800-541-4736.Table 1. PSoC Device CharacteristicsPSoC Part Number DigitalI/ODigitalRowsDigitalBlocksAnalogInputsAnalogOutputsAnalogColumnsAnalogBlocksSRAMSizeFlashSizeCY8C29x66[1]up to 64416up to 124412 2 K32 K CY8C28xxx up to 44up to 3up to 12up to 44up to 4up to 6up to12 + 4[2]1 K16 KCY8C27x43up to 4428up to 12441225616 K CY8C24x94[1]up to 5614up to 48226 1 K16 K CY8C24x23A[1]up to 2414up to 12226256 4 K CY8C23x33up to 2614up to 122242568 K CY8C22x45[1]up to 3828up to 38046[2] 1 K16 K CY8C21x45[1]up to 2414up to 24046[2]5128 K CY8C21x34[1]up to 2814up to 28024[2]5128 K CY8C21x23up to 1614up to 8024[2]256 4 K CY8C20x34[1]up to 2800up to 28003[2,3]5128 K CY8C20xx6up to 3600up to 36003[2,3]up to 2 K up to 32 KNotes1.Automotive qualified devices available in this group.2.Limited analog functionality.Development ToolsPSoC Designer™ is the revolutionary integrated design environment (IDE) that you can use to customize PSoC to meet your specific application requirements. PSoC Designer software accelerates system design and time to market. Develop your applications using a library of precharacterized analog and digital peripherals (called user modules) in a drag-and-drop design environment. Then, customize your design by leveraging the dynamically generated application programming interface (API) libraries of code. Finally, debug and test your designs with the integrated debug environment, including in-circuit emulation and standard software debug features. PSoC Designer includes:■Application editor graphical user interface (GUI) for device and user module configuration and dynamic reconfiguration■Extensive user module catalog■Integrated source-code editor (C and assembly)■Free C compiler with no size restrictions or time limits■Built-in debugger■In-circuit emulation■Built-in support for communication interfaces:❐Hardware and software I2C slaves and masters❐Full-speed USB 2.0❐Up to four full-duplex universal asynchronousreceiver/transmitters (UARTs), SPI master and slave, and wirelessPSoC Designer supports the entire library of PSoC 1 devices and runs on Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7.PSoC Designer Software SubsystemsDesign EntryIn the chip-level view, choose a base device to work with. Then select different onboard analog and digital components that use the PSoC blocks, which are called user modules. Examples of user modules are ADCs, DACs, amplifiers, and filters. Configure the user modules for your chosen application and connect them to each other and to the proper pins. Then generate your project. This prepopulates your project with APIs and libraries that you can use to program your application.The tool also supports easy development of multiple configurations and dynamic reconfiguration. Dynamic reconfiguration makes it possible to change configurations at run time. In essence, this allows you to use more than 100 percent of PSoC's resources for an application.Code Generation ToolsThe code generation tools work seamlessly within thePSoC Designer interface and have been tested with a full range of debugging tools. You can develop your design in C, assembly, or a combination of the two.Assemblers. The assemblers allow you to merge assembly code seamlessly with C code. Link libraries automatically use absolute addressing or are compiled in relative mode, and are linked with other software modules to get absolute addressing.C Language Compilers. C language compilers are available that support the PSoC family of devices. The products allow you to create complete C programs for the PSoC family devices. The optimizing C compilers provide all of the features of C, tailored to the PSoC architecture. They come complete with embedded libraries providing port and bus operations, standard keypad and display support, and extended math functionality.DebuggerPSoC Designer has a debug environment that provides hardware in-circuit emulation, allowing you to test the program in a physical system while providing an internal view of the PSoC device. Debugger commands allow you to read and program and read and write data memory, and read and write I/O registers. You can read and write CPU registers, set and clear breakpoints, and provide program run, halt, and step control. The debugger also allows you to create a trace buffer of registers and memory locations of interest.Online Help SystemThe online help system displays online, context-sensitive help. Designed for procedural and quick reference, each functional subsystem has its own context-sensitive help. This system also provides tutorials and links to FAQs and an online support Forum to aid the designer.In-Circuit EmulatorA low-cost, high-functionality in-circuit emulator (ICE) is available for development support. This hardware can program single devices.The emulator consists of a base unit that connects to the PC using a USB port. The base unit is universal and operates with all PSoC devices. Emulation pods for each device family are available separately. The emulation pod takes the place of the PSoC device in the target board and performs full-speed(24 MHz) operation.Designing with PSoC DesignerThe development process for the PSoC device differs from that of a traditional fixed function microprocessor. The configurable analog and digital hardware blocks give the PSoC architecture a unique flexibility that pays dividends in managing specification change during development and by lowering inventory costs. These configurable resources, called PSoC Blocks, have the ability to implement a wide variety of user-selectable functions. The PSoC development process can be summarized in the following four steps:1.Select User Modules2.Configure User Modulesanize and Connect4.Generate, Verify, and DebugSelect ComponentsPSoC Designer provides a library of pre-built, pre-tested hardware peripheral components called "user modules." User modules make selecting and implementing peripheral devices, both analog and digital, simple.Configure ComponentsEach of the User Modules you select establishes the basic register settings that implement the selected function. They also provide parameters and properties that allow you to tailor their precise configuration to your particular application. For example, a PWM User Module configures one or moredigital PSoC blocks, one for each 8 bits of resolution. The user module parameters permit you to establish the pulse width and duty cycle. Configure the parameters and properties to corre-spond to your chosen application. Enter values directly or by selecting values from drop-down menus. All the user modules are documented in datasheets that may be viewed directly in PSoC Designer or on the Cypress website. These user module datasheets explain the internal operation of the User Module and provide performance specifications. Each datasheet describes the use of each user module parameter, and other information you may need to successfully implement your design. Organize and ConnectYou build signal chains at the chip level by interconnecting user modules to each other and the I/O pins. You perform the selection, configuration, and routing so that you have complete control over all on-chip resources.Generate, Verify, and DebugWhen you are ready to test the hardware configuration or move on to developing code for the project, you perform the "Generate Configuration Files" step. This causes PSoC Designer to generate source code that automatically configures the device to your specification and provides the software for the system. The generated code provides application programming interfaces (APIs) with high-level functions to control and respond to hardware events at run time and interrupt service routines that you can adapt as needed.A complete code development environment allows you to develop and customize your applications in C, assembly language, or both.The last step in the development process takes place inside PSoC Designer's Debugger (access by clicking the Connect icon). PSoC Designer downloads the HEX image to the ICE where it runs at full speed. PSoC Designer debugging capabil-ities rival those of systems costing many times more. In addition to traditional single-step, run-to-breakpoint and watch-variable features, the debug interface provides a large trace buffer and allows you to define complex breakpoint events that include monitoring address and data bus values, memory locations and external signals.PinoutsThe automotive CY8C21x34 PSoC device is available in a variety of packages which are listed and illustrated in the following tables. Every port pin (labeled with a “P”) is capable of digital I/O and connection to the common analog bus. However, V SS, V DD, and XRES are not capable of digital I/O.20-Pin Part PinoutTable 2. 20-Pin Part Pinout (SSOP)Note28-Pin Part PinoutTable 3. 28-Pin Part Pinout (SSOP)NoteRegistersRegister ConventionsThis section lists the registers of the automotive CY8C21x34 PSoC device. For detailed register information, reference the PSoC Technical Reference Manual.The register conventions specific to this section are listed in Table4. Register Mapping TablesThe PSoC device has a total register address space of 512 bytes. The register space is referred to as I/O space and is divided into two banks. The XIO bit in the Flag register (CPU_F) determines which bank the user is currently in. When the XIO bit is set the user is in Bank 1.Note In the following register mapping tables, blank fields are Reserved and must not be accessed.Table 4. Register ConventionsConvention Description R Read register or bit(s)W Write register or bit(s)L Logical register or bit(s)C Clearable register or bit(s) #Access is bit specificTable 5. Register Map 0 Table: User SpaceName Addr (0,Hex)Access Name Addr (0,Hex)Access Name Addr (0,Hex)Access Name Addr (0,Hex)Access PRT0DR00RW40ASE10CR080RW C0PRT0IE01RW4181C1PRT0GS02RW4282C2PRT0DM203RW4383C3PRT1DR04RW44ASE11CR084RW C4PRT1IE05RW4585C5PRT1GS06RW4686C6PRT1DM207RW4787C7PRT2DR08RW4888C8PRT2IE09RW4989C9PRT2GS0A RW4A8A CAPRT2DM20B RW4B8B CB 0C4C8C CC0D4D8D CD0E4E8E CE0F4F8F CF105090CUR_PP D0RW115191STK_PP D1RW125292D2135393IDX_PP D3RW145494MVR_PP D4RW155595MVW_PP D5RW165696I2C_CFG D6RW175797I2C_SCR D7#185898I2C_DR D8RW195999I2C_MSCR D9#1A5A9A INT_CLR0DA RW1B5B9B INT_CLR1DB RW1C5C9C DC1D5D9D INT_CLR3DD RW1E5E9E INT_MSK3DE RW1F5F9F DFDBB00DR020#AMX_IN60RW A0INT_MSK0E0RW DBB00DR121W AMUX_CFG61RW A1INT_MSK1E1RW DBB00DR222RW PWM_CR62RW A2INT_VC E2RC DBB00CR023#63A3RES_WDT E3W DBB01DR024#CMP_CR064#A4E4DBB01DR125W65A5E5DBB01DR226RW CMP_CR166RW A6DEC_CR0E6RW DBB01CR027#67A7DEC_CR1E7RW DCB02DR028#ADC0_CR68#A8E8DCB02DR129W ADC1_CR69#A9E9DCB02DR22A RW6A AA EADCB02CR02B#6B AB EBDCB03DR02C#TMP_DR06C RW AC ECDCB03DR12D W TMP_DR16D RW AD EDDCB03DR22E RW TMP_DR26E RW AE EEDCB03CR02F#TMP_DR36F RW AF EF 3070RDI0RI B0RW F03171RDI0SYN B1RW F132ACE00CR172RW RDI0IS B2RW F233ACE00CR273RW RDI0LT0B3RW F33474RDI0LT1B4RW F43575RDI0RO0B5RW F536ACE01CR176RW RDI0RO1B6RW F637ACE01CR277RW B7CPU_F F7RL3878B8F83979B9F93A7A BA FA3B7B BB FB3C7C BC FC3D7D BD DAC_D FD RW3E7E BE CPU_SCR1FE#3F7F BF CPU_SCR0FF#Table 6. Register Map 1 Table: Configuration SpaceName Addr (1,Hex)Access Name Addr (1,Hex)Access Name Addr (1,Hex)Access Name Addr (1,Hex)Access PRT0DM000RW40ASE10CR080RW C0PRT0DM101RW4181C1PRT0IC002RW4282C2PRT0IC103RW4383C3PRT1DM004RW44ASE11CR084RW C4PRT1DM105RW4585C5PRT1IC006RW4686C6PRT1IC107RW4787C7PRT2DM008RW4888C8PRT2DM109RW4989C9PRT2IC00A RW4A8A CAPRT2IC10B RW4B8B CB 0C4C8C CC0D4D8D CD0E4E8E CE0F4F8F CF105090GDI_O_IN D0RW115191GDI_E_IN D1RW125292GDI_O_OU D2RW135393GDI_E_OU D3RW145494D4155595D5165696D6175797D7185898MUX_CR0D8RW195999MUX_CR1D9RW1A5A9A MUX_CR2DA RW1B5B9B MUX_CR3DB RW1C5C9C DC1D5D9D OSC_GO_EN DD RW1E5E9E OSC_CR4DE RW1F5F9F OSC_CR3DF RW DBB00FN20RW CLK_CR060RW A0OSC_CR0E0RW DBB00IN21RW CLK_CR161RW A1OSC_CR1E1RW DBB00OU22RW ABF_CR062RW A2OSC_CR2E2RW 23AMD_CR063RW A3VLT_CR E3RW DBB01FN24RW CMP_GO_EN64RW A4VLT_CMP E4R DBB01IN25RW65A5ADC0_TR E5RW DBB01OU26RW AMD_CR166RW A6ADC1_TR E6RW 27ALT_CR067RW A7E7DCB02FN28RW68A8IMO_TR E8W DCB02IN29RW69A9ILO_TR E9W DCB02OU2A RW6A AA BDG_TR EA RW 2B CLK_CR36B RW AB ECO_TR EB W DCB03FN2C RW TMP_DR06C RW AC ECDCB03IN2D RW TMP_DR16D RW AD EDDCB03OU2E RW TMP_DR26E RW AE EE 2F TMP_DR36F RW AF EF3070RDI0RI B0RW F03171RDI0SYN B1RW F132ACE00CR172RW RDI0IS B2RW F233ACE00CR273RW RDI0LT0B3RW F33474RDI0LT1B4RW F43575RDI0RO0B5RW F536ACE01CR176RW RDI0RO1B6RW F637ACE01CR277RW B7CPU_F F7RL3878B8F83979B9F93A7A BA FA3B7B BB FB3C7C BC FC3D7D BD DAC_CR FD RW3E7E BE CPU_SCR1FE#3F7F BF CPU_SCR0FF#Electrical SpecificationsThis section presents the DC and AC electrical specifications of the automotive CY8C21x34 PSoC device. For the most up to date electrical specifications, confirm that you have the most recent datasheet by going to the web at http//. Specifications are valid for –40 °C ≤ T A≤ 125 °C and T J≤ 135 °C as specified, except where noted. Refer to Table 15 on page 18 for the electrical specifications for the IMO using slow IMO (SLIMO) mode.Figure 5. Voltage versus CPU Frequency Figure 6. IMO Frequency Trim OptionsAbsolute Maximum RatingsExceeding maximum ratings may shorten the useful life of the device. User guidelines are not tested.Operating TemperatureTable 7. Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol DescriptionMin Typ Max Units NotesT STGStorage temperature–55+25+125°CHigher storage temperatures reduce data retention time. Recommended storagetemperature is +25 °C ± 25°C. Time spent in storage at atemperature greater than 65 °C counts toward the Flash DR electrical specification in Table 14 on page 17.Maximum combined storage and operational time at +125 °C is 7000 hours.T BAKETEMP Bake temperature–125See package label °Ct BAKETIMEBake timeSee package label –72HoursT A Ambient temperature with power applied –40 –+125°C V DD Supply voltage on V DD relative to V SS –0.5–+6.0V V IO DC input voltageV SS – 0.5–V DD + 0.5V V IOZ DC voltage applied to tri-state V SS – 0.5–V DD + 0.5V I MIO Maximum current into any port pin –25–+50mA ESD Electro static discharge (ESD) voltage 2000––V Human body model ESD.LULatch-up current––200mATable 8. Operating Temperature Symbol DescriptionMin Typ Max Units NotesT A Ambient temperature –40 –+125°C T JJunction temperature–40–+135°CThe temperature rise from ambient to junction is package specific. See Table 22 on page 24. The user must limit the power consumption to comply with this requirement.DC Electrical CharacteristicsDC Chip-Level SpecificationsTable 9 lists guaranteed maximum and minimum specifications for the voltage and temperature ranges: 4.75 V to 5.25 V and –40 °C ≤ T A ≤ 125 °C. Typical parameters apply to 5 V at 25 °C and are for design guidance only.DC GPIO SpecificationsTable 10 lists guaranteed maximum and minimum specifications for the voltage and temperature ranges: 4.75 V to 5.25 V and –40 °C ≤ T A ≤ 125 °C. Typical parameters apply to 5 V at 25 °C and are for design guidance only. Table 9. DC Chip-Level Specifications Symbol Description MinTyp Max Units Notes V DD Supply voltage 4.75– 5.25V See Table 13 on page 16.I DD Supply current, IMO = 24 MHz–48mA Conditions are V DD = 5.25 V,–40 °C ≤ T A ≤ 125 °C, CPU = 3 MHz, 48 MHz disabled. VC1 = 1.5 MHz, VC2 = 93.75 kHz, VC3 = 0.366 kHz.I SB Sleep (mode) current with POR, LVD, sleep timer, WDT, and ILO active. Mid temperature range.–512μAV DD = 5.25 V, –40 °C ≤ T A ≤ 55 °C.I SBH Sleep (mode) current with POR, LVD, sleep timer, WDT, and ILO active. High temperature range.–5100μAV DD = 5.25 V, 55 °C ≤ T A ≤ 125 °C.V REFReference voltage (Bandgap)1.25 1.30 1.35VTable 10. DC GPIO Specifications Symbol DescriptionMin Typ Max Units NotesR PU Pull-up resistor 4 5.68k ΩR PD Pull-down resistor 4 5.68k ΩAlso applies to the internalpull-down resistor on the XRES pin V OHHigh output level3.5––VI OH = 10 mA, V DD = 4.75 to 5.25 V (8 total loads, 4 on even port pins (for example, P0[2], P1[4]), 4 on odd port pins (for example, P0[3], P1[5])).V OLLow output level ––0.75VI OL = 25 mA, V DD = 4.75 to 5.25 V (8 total loads, 4 on even port pins (for example, P0[2], P1[4]), 4 on odd port pins (for example, P0[3], P1[5])).I OH High level source current 10––mA V OH ≥ V DD – 1.0 V, see the limita-tions of the total current in the note for V OH .I OL Low level sink current 25––mA V OL ≤ 0.75 V, see the limitations of the total current in the note for V OL .V IL Input low level ––0.8V V IH Input high level 2.1–V V H Input hysteresis–60–mV I IL Input leakage (absolute value)–1–nA Gross tested to 1 μA.C IN Capacitive load on pins as input – 3.510pF Package and pin dependent. T A = 25 °C.C OUTCapacitive load on pins as output–3.510pFPackage and pin dependent. T A = 25 °C.。
© USI proprietary and confidential
主控IC CY8C24533(28脚)
IC 方向,以凹点最近的第一脚为第一脚位逆时针 产线特别注意,IC脚附近锡珠,锡渣对功能影响
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1、文字标示法 文字标示法即是用三位或四位数字表示其电阻值。当有两位有效位时, 采三位标示法※※□,※表示电阻的有效值,□表示10的次方数。 K=10³ =1000,M=10⁶=1000000。 当□为0时,直接读取前两位数字即可; 当□大于或等于1时,前两位直接加次方数读入; 如此类推。 如标示为473,表示47×10³ =47000=47K。 标示为10R5,表示10.5;标示为100K,表示100×10³ 。 四位标示法:※※※□,※表示电阻的有效值,□表示10的次方数。 当□为0时,直接读取前三位为数字即可; 当□大于或等于1时,前三位直接加10的次方数; 如此类推。 如标示为4753,表示:475×10³ =475000=475K。
三极管 M13002
M130 02
稳压IC LM75L05 稳定输出5V
L 75L0 5ACZ
五、集成电路芯片(IC: Integrated Circuit Chip )
6174Z-6099H 1210.45679.BSC 73N * 123.4679.BSC29-01 1210.34567.BSC22-2678S * 1234.56910.BSC24-3353H-14 124.67810.BSC25-0129 123.456810.BSC25-02 13.458.910.BSC25-0222 12345.7810.BSC25-2683S 12345.6789.BSC25-4402 13.45810.BSC25-N3604SB3 13.4910.BSC26-01N4083F 1610.23458.BSC26-N0301SR 13.569.BSC27-01AW3 123.567910.BSC28-0603 123.468910.BSC28-1085K 1210.3456.BSC28-1919 123.456910.BSC28-N2325 125.346810. 6174V-5003ABSC29-N1103A 123.467910.BSC29-N2401 1210.4568.BSC30-0839 * 123.4568910.BSC31-1208 13.24589.BSC-S7406 129.34568.CFB-21040 12.3467910.FA060WJ-SA 12.3457.689.JF0101-0110A 1210.345679.JF0101-0702E 1210.345679.JF0501-19536 12.78910.JF0501-19947 129.456.JF0501-21904 1210.34567.JF0501-9185 12.34567910.JF0601-7482 123.4679.TLF 40502F 12.3567.东芝2150 123.467910.佳丽彩2061 123.4567910.1172.0128 1234.6910.2437351 123.568910.154-179Q(B) 12.34679.510.154-279D 123.4567910.2436652A 12.3568910.6174Z-6500A 12.69. 6174V-5007ABSC 60C1 13.4910.BSC 60J 124.3810. BSC 68M3 123.4679.BSC 75M * 123.4679.BSC2 –3606A-A 128910.3456.BSC21-2068S 123.468910.BSC22-2504A 1248.3910.BSC22-2664S 123911.4610.BSC24-09G/BSC29-6204 12.3456.BSC25-0108D 123.45679.BSC25-01N1001 123704910BSC25-0277D 1310.45679.BSC25-0308 123456.910.BSC25-05N1404 1237.4910.BSC25-0837/BSC25-N0837/5100-051305-07 1210.3567. BSC25-N0838 129.348.BSC25-2087S 1210.3456.BSC25-296 129.3456.BSC25-3353Q 1210.456.BSC25-N2308 129.34568.BSC25-N67 12.3456.BSC27-1909 123.456789.BSC27-2431 123.47910.BSC28-0543 123.4810.BSC28-1085P * 1210.3456.BSC28-5306B * 12345.7810.BSC29-0007-8 * 123.4579.BSC29-0170 123910.4567.BSC29-0176 * 1210.367.45.BSC29-0184F 123.4679.BSC29-0188S * 123.4579.BSC29-01BS1 * 123.4567910.BSC29-0501 127.3456.910.BSC29-3718 12.346910.BSC29-3949 1210.3456.BSC29-3961N/6174V-5005A 125.346810.BSC29-3967M * 129.3456810.BSC29-3987B * 还有一种单聚焦 123.4567910. BSC29-4010AH 123456.7810.BSC29-5562 * 12510.34679.BSC29-N1120 * 123.469.BSC30-0854 * 13.24568910.BSC30-1927 * 123.4910.BSC30-2532 * 1210.4568.BW02702 * 123.467910.CF0801-5501 124.3578910.JF0101-0102 123.567910.JF0101-01147 123.45679.JF0101-82803 * 1210.4568.JF0501-3215 129.346710.L4FMB016 124.5910.3071003 15910.234.68.27916-00R 128.3456710.6174Z-6279Z 123.467910.BSC 73K * 123.4567910.BSC21-2***S 124.56810.BSC21-2008S 124.58910.BSC24-2422L 1210.345679.BSC24-2422TG 124.3578910.BSC24-2626S/TCL TA25288 129.3456710.BSC24-2669S TCL HID29276H 123.4679.BSC25-0195 124.3578910.BSC25-01N 1210.34567.BSC25-02A12 13.45810.BSC25-02AW 123.4689.BSC25-0538 *******.578.BSC25-2603S/BSC27-0501K/5104-051434-13 1210.379.456. BSC25-2661S 123.46810.BSC25-3301S 12.356.8910.BSC25-3353-2 1210.456.BSC25-3355-43/JF0501-3522/5109-051405-10 129.3458.610. BSC25-3701 123.467910.BSC25-3701HG 129.3456810.BSC25-N0502 13.4910.BSC25-N0832 124.3610.78.BSC26-01N40 1234.567910.BSC26-399 * 123.467910.BSC27-0101Q/BSC29-0106Z 129.3456710.BSC27-0501 1210.39.4567.BSC27-07 129.3456.BSC27-1204 13.24589.BSC27-14309 1210.39.4567.BSC27-1908 12.3589.410.BSC27-2104S 1210.39.4567.BSC28-0621 123.468910.BSC28-1929C * 123.4567910.BSC28-561 134.6789.BSC28-N0401 123.45689.BSC29-0104 * 1210.3456.BSC29-0175A 123.45679.BSC29-0184W * 123.4679.BSC29-0188R 129.348.BSC29-0193V 123.4679.BSC29-3937 123.4567910.BSC29-5204 12.3456.BSC29-N1123 * 123.469.BSC29-N1124 * 123.467910.BSC29-N2426 129.3456810.BSC30-0804 123.456.BSC30-0809 1234.56789.BSC30-0928 123.4679.BSC30-N2506 * 1210.4568.BSC-S6408 123.4567910.BSC-S7401 123.4567910.CF0801-5785 124.67810.F0049PEZZ 125.3689.FCK-14A004P 12346.57910.FCK-14A028 13456.8910.FCR-25A012R 123.4567910.FFA97513L 12.57.GW024263 * 14.235.781011.GW2016 12.34567910.GW4034 12.34567910.JF0501-2112 1210.4567.JF0501-2140 1210.3479.JF0501-21933 123.456.JF2801-2842 * 1234.56789.JT-128 123.468.5910.TN 2138AC 129.3456.100027 129.3468.1142.5020 253102136D 127.3456.910.154-138L 135.468910.334D19307 126.3457.910.334P2AP 123.467910.A-T9XX1042 12.345689.BSC 68M1 123.467910.BSC 73K * 135.6789.BSC-0103 23.579.810.BSC22-2696S * 123.4568910.BSC23-4005A 1234.567910.BSC24-01N04R 1210.34569.BSC25-01N4034B/JF0501-19025 1210.34567. BSC25-01N408 1610.23458.BSC25-0201B-2 123.4568.BSC25-02AW 128.3567910.BSC25-02AW 13.4910.BSC-2509 124.356.BSC25-2899 24.78.BSC25-29A 13.4910.BSC25-3320 123.4910.BSC25-3355-32 1210.39.4567.BSC25-3603S 124.35810.BSC-2591 123.457910.BSC25-N0835 129.348.BSC25-N1603 13.4910.BSC25-N2319 123.4810.BSC26-0407D 123.45689.BSC26-2302 129.4568.BSC26-N0301SB 13.569. BSC27-17302S BSC26-N2306 * 123.4810.BSC27-1082L 13.47910.BSC27-1913 12.3589.410.BSC27-2202 135.6789.BSC28-1910 12.3589.410.BSC29-0103(B) 123.567910.BSC29-0117A 山水spv-4388背投TMP88PS38N 123.4679. BSC29-0130 13.56789.BSC29-0171A/海尔34F9B-TD 123.467910.BSC29-0184 12810.359.BSC29-3809-3 * 1210.3456.BSC29-3987B 123.4567910.BSC29-N2401 1210.4568.BSC29-N2405 129.345610.BSC30-0913 * 13.24568910.BSC30-1927 * 123.4910.BW02711 123.4910.C5405 MS41FBL 136.278.CF0801-7403 1210.39.4567.E157758 128.367910.FFA1024L 123.467910.FMX-29A002F 123.456910.FUH-29A001B(S) 134.56789.FUJ-29C007F(S) * 123.56789.JF0101-0170 1210.39.4567.JF0101-0702C 1210.34789.JF0501-19113 2410.5689.JF0501-9185 12.34567910.JF29-03R * 123.467910.L40B13600 124.358910.TCL 2518E 1210.3479.TFB-4156AD 123.4567910.东芝3350DC 123.4567910.海信2506A 123.4567910.松王S29NB-XL 1210.3456.2437392 12.35689.26831483 1467.35.891112.1-439-423-32 12.345.6891011.6174Z-5004A * 125.346810.BJ9912 1345.6789.BSC 62A 123.59.46710.BSC 62T 123.47910.BSC 68 123.457910.BSC21-2009S 123.4568910.BSC24-2422CD 124.3578910.BSC24-5002 127.3456.910.BSC25-0278F 1310.45679.BSC25-1058G 1210.39.4567.BSC25-1059G 123.467910.BSC25-3355-31 * 1210.39.4567.BSC25-3369 1210.457.BSC25-5208D 124.67810.BSC25-N0822 124.3578910.BSC26-N2319 123.4810.BSC27-0106A 128.456910.BSC27-0502 123.4567910.BSC27-0701L 12910.3456.BSC27-1909 123.45679.BSC27-5968 12.34567910.BSC27-N0404 123.456810.BSC28-1221 * 12.3456.BSC29-0154C 1210.39.4567.BSC29-0177 * 123.45679.BSC29-0189A 123.4810.69.BSC29-06011 123.456810.BSC29-3702-12R 123.47910.BSC29-3802 12.3456.7910.BSC29-N1111/BSC29-3914 W3430 123.467910.BSC29-N2413H 12910.3456BSC29-N2426B 129.34568.BSC30-1083H 123.45679.BSC30-N2501 123.46810.CF0801-5404 123.4567810.FCM-21A004 12.3456.8910.FMB13 124.58910.JF0501-1215 124.578910.JF0501-2138 、29SH8000 5100-051229-00 1210.39.4567. JF2801-2802D/5100-051429-07 * 1234.56789.TC 2961D 124.58910.TFB-41104D 123.4567910.夏华3416 123.467910.夏普3700DK 125710.348.1112.29F7A-DN 123.4679.6174Z-6004A * 125.346810.6174Z-6079D 12.345.689.8-598-854-50 12.349.56.8-598-977-30 123.45.6789.BSC 60F1 123.457910.BSC 60X 13.4910.BSC 73S * 123.46910.BSC21-2034S 124.58910.BSC22-2621S 123.4568910.BSC23-0104 23.579.810.BSC23-0110 1413.357.910.BSC24-01N40A 12.3456.BSC24-2211H 135.2467910.BSC24-N31 123.468.BSC25-0108C 123.45679.BSC25-0146 123.4810.BSC25-0277B 1310.45679.BSC25-2682S 1210.39.4567.BSC25-3355PD 123.46810.BSC25-6001 127.3456.910.BSC25-N1612T 123.46810.BSC27-0501K 1210.379.456. BSC27-3906 123.4567910.BSC28-0616B 123.46810.BSC29-0102 12.345.6710.BSC29-0118E * 123.4810.BSC29-0166 135.6789.BSC29-0168 * 12810.359BSC29-3910A 123.467910.BSC29-3927 123.467910.BSC29-5208 12.3456.BSC29-N2408ABSC30-1083E 123.4679.BSC30-N2332 * 1210.4568. BSC31-18C 123.4567910.BSC-S6409 129.34568.BSC-S6410 123.456810.CF0801-7536 129.4568.FCR-25A009R 123.456789.FCV-14C003 234.56.89.FCV-2010E07 17.2910.34.56.FFA61012K 134.56789.FS–25WZ01S 123.4568.FSU-25A003 127.4689.FUH-34A001(S) 1345.6789.FUW-50A001(S) 12.57.JF0101-0702B 1210.345679.JF0501-0504 128.367910.JF0501-2135 12.34567910.JF0801-7403 123910.4567.BSC-1010A 123.4567910.BSC21-2005S 124.58910.BSC22-2658S 1235.46789.BSC22-2690 * 123.4568910. BSC23-0110 12345610.89.BSC23-2630S 12.35910.BSC24-3360-4 123.456.BSC24-4814 12.456.BSC25-0103 123.567910.BSC25-01N40H 13.45810.BSC25-01N40L4 123.4910.BSC25-0227 123.5678910.BSC25-1103 1235.468.BSC25-1194T058B 123456.7810. BSC24-01N4006ERBSC25-2615S 123911.4610.BSC25-3355 * 1210.39.4567. BSC25-3355-17 * 1210.4567.39. BSC25-3355P 1210.39.4567.BSC25-3391H 13.45810.BSC25-3604B 123.4910.BSC25-3806 129.3456.BSC25-N1 135.2467910.BSC25-T1010A 12345610.78.BSC26-2121 13810.2457.BSC26-3404 123.4589.BSC26-N2313 123.468910.BSC27-0123 13.245810.BSC27-1302 12.3910.4567.BSC27-N2235 123.467910.BSC28-1085B * 123.4567910. BSC28-1086P * 1210.3456.BSC29-0185R * 123.4679.BSC29-01B39 129.34568.BSC29-0302 12.345.6710.BSC29-3706 123.456910.BSC29-3802-15 1210.456.BSC29-3974B 123.467910.BSC29-N2420B 123.467910.BSC29-W2420A 123.467910.BSC29-W2434 129.3456810.BSC30-1001 1467.35.891112.BSC-S5407 129.3456810.BSC-S7404 123.4567910.JF0101-2803 123.4567910.CF0801-5402 123.45679.FCM-2015KL 124.368910.FCZ-34A001 124.36.5789.FTZ-25A002 124.36.5789.JF0101-2723 * 1210.39.4567. 334B00406 134.2710.89.6174Z-6012A 123.4567910.6174Z-6017A 123.45679.BSC21-21R 13.4568.BSC23-1126 12.456.BSC24-3302 123.468.BSC24-4411 124.578910.BSC25-02AW1 13.45810.BSC25-0561 123.46910. 6174V-8008A BSC25-1059T 1210.34567.BSC25-1079L 12.3456710.BSC25-1158 12458.3910.BSC25-1501B 12346.5910.BSC25-2072S 1210.3456.BSC25-2658S 123.468910.BSC25-29C 129.3456.BSC25-3355-27 1210.345679.BSC25-3355-28 1210.3567.BSC25-3355T/5109-051029-00 1210.39.4567. BSC26-01N40K 123456.7810.BSC26-N0301QA 129.3456810.BSC26-N2349 123.4810.BSC27-4004U 123.46910.BSC27-6004 127.3456.910.BSC27-7902 123.45689.BSC28-0634 123.4568910.BSC28-1916 1210.39.4567.BSC29-0172E 123910.4567.BSC29-3788 123.467910.BSC29-3802-10 * 1210.3456.BSC29-3982 129.345610.BSC29-3985W * 123.4567910.BSC29-3987N * 123.4567910.BSC29-N2416 123.4567910.BSC29-N2420A 123.4567910.BSC29-W2424 129.3456810.BSC30-0853 13.24568910.BSC-5740 129.34568.FSB-14B001 123.467910.JF0101-0101 123.467910.JF0101-0456 1210.39.4567.JF0101-2708 * 1210.39.4567.JF0208-0208C 124.578910.JF0501-19118 127.3456910.JF0801-5110 124.578910.TFB-4131AD 123.4567910.TRANS-FB-3082 138.4610.579.YDL25-4221 191012.23458.创维5402 13.4568.康佳P2162K/BSC25-N2702 123.456810.熊猫29M01H 1210.456.154-194D 123.4567910.6174Z-6012L 123.4567910.BSC23-4413 129.3456.BSC24-01N4010GA 123456.7810.BSC24-1051B 123.468.BSC24-2422K 124.578910.BSC24-2422TJ 135.2467910.BSC24-2603S 1310.45679.BSC24-2607S 123911.4610.BSC24-3353H-11 12.78910.BSC25-0108 1237.46910.BSC25-0108D 123.45679. BSC27-3409TBSC25-0601 127.3456910.BSC25-1058E 123.45679.BSC25-1059N 13.46910.BSC25-1113 3910.458.BSC25-1458S/BSC22-2265S 1210.3479. BSC25-2425 12.34568.BSC25-3315 129.3456.BSC25-3355-33 1210.39.4567.BSC25-N2911 123.4568910.BSC26-01N4016A 123.4910.BSC26-3005S 12.3456.BSC26-N2302 123.4568910.BSC27-0111 123.458910.BSC27-0111 * 123911.4610.BSC27-0308 123456.7810.BSC28-0625 123.4568910.BSC28-5305A * 123.5678910.BSC28-5308A 12345.7810.BSC28-5308G 123.5678910.BSC28-N2328 * 129.3456.BSC29-0107C * 1210.3479.BSC29-0196E * 1210.3479.BSC29-01N4022A * 123.4567910.BSC29-3943 1210.3456.BSC29-3982N * 123.467910.BSC29-5562 12510.34679.BSC30-0808 * 123.468910.BSC30-N2515 1210.4568.BSC-S5415 123.4910.BW00731 123.47910.CF0801-2124 13.4910.CJ27379 129.34710.FSV-14A004C(S) 13456.910.JF0101-01801 135.6789.JF0501-2509 12.34567.910.JF0501-3502 123.4568910.JF2801-2803 * 123.4567910.TCL 2568 1210.345679.TLF 1461FF 127.345.德力风根 38熊猫21M06H 123.456.2436361 125.3689.3714002 1357.248910.47105266 12.4567910.1-439-303-32 12.3910.456.71112. 154-238A 12.310.459.154-279C BSC26-N0201 123.467910. 24-09W-1 128910.456.334B08002 126.3457.910.6174V-6002J 123.46910.6174Z-6032B 125.346810.6174Z-6238W 123.4567910.6174Z-6279Z 123.467910.6174Z-8005H 123.457910.BSC 62 123.4567910.BSC 62J 123.46910.BSC 68J 123.46910.BSC21-2658S 124.356810.BSC22-2321S 123.4568910.BSC22-2665S 1210.34579.BSC23-01N40G1 1237.456910.BSC23-4404A 12.3456.BSC24-1506 13456.910.BSC24-3322 124.56810.BSC24-3353H-9 124.3578910.BSC24-3360-4P 123.456.BSC24-5004 127.3456.910.BSC25-0286G 1237.4910.BSC25-02AW41 13.4910.BSC25-09N20A 1237.46910.BSC25-1030E 124.58910.BSC25-3355-5 12.3456710.BSC25-4213 123.46910.BSC25-N3604QB1 129.3456810.BSC26-01N40P 129.34568.BSC26-1058 1210.379.BSC26-3406 123.4589.BSC26-5601 123.4567910.BSC26-7613 123.467910.BSC26-N0301QB 129.3456810.BSC26-N2308 123.468910.BSC27-0106A/BSC27-0106C 1410.25689.BSC27-0130 128.367.BSC27-0134 359.12810."BSC27-0167A/37-SC2701-67AOXTCL AT2916U " 123911.4610.BSC27-1438S 1210.39.4567.BSC27-3701E 129.34568.BSC28-0714 123.4568910.BSC28-N2308 129.34568.BSC29-0104 * 1210.3456. BSC29-0161 12810.359.BSC29-0165 1210.3479.BSC29-0195D * 1210.39.4567.BSC29-01N4016 123.46910.BSC29-1081A * 123.45679.BSC29-1204 * 1210.34567.BSC29-3402 12.3456.BSC29-3941 1210.34567.BSC29-3964 1210.3456.BSC29-3968N * 1210.4568.BSC29-3969 * 1210.3456.BSC29-3985N * 123.4567910.BSC29-3986N * 123.4567910.BSC29-3993 * 12310.45689.BSC29-3994 * 123.467910.BSC29-5656 123.4679.BSC30-0920 * 13.24568910.CF0801-6535 129.3458.FCR-25A013R 124.356789.FCR-29A017R 123.4567910.FFA94024L 123.467910.FQB-25A013R 124.356789.FSV-20A001 123456.910.FTR-29A013(S) 1345.6789.FUH-29A002(S) 1345.6789.FUH-29C001(S) 13.56789.JF0101-0151 123.467910.JF0501-2134 12.34567910.JF2801-2828 * 1234.56789.LCE CF0801 126.3457810.TFB-4115AR 123.4567910.北京2516 135.6789.松下M14 13568.249.熊猫29MF05H 123.47910.334P19301 126.3457.910.6174Z-6005D * 12.34679.510.6174Z-6005U * 12.34679.510.6174Z-6040C 123.456910.6174Z-6103K 123.4567910.6174Z-8004D 123.467910.8-598-811-20 123.45.678.8-598-957-10 123.45.6789.8-598-976-00 123.45.6789.8-598-977-00 123.45.6789. BSC 73N * 123.4679.BSC23-N0106 126.3457810.BSC24-1101 12458.3910.BSC24-1507 123.4910.BSC24-4418 124.3578910.BSC24-8301 127.3456.910.BSC25-02AW16 13.4910.BSC25-1056C 123.4679.BSC25-1079P 123.4679.BSC25-2231JB 129.34568.BSC25-2647S 12810.359.BSC25-3355 123.46910.BSC25-4803TC 129.3456.BSC25-N0503 12.3456.BSC25-N150 3910.458.BSC25-N1808 123.456810.BSC25-Z1003A 123456.7810.BSC25-Z601A 129.3456.BSC26- 930510 123.467910.BSC26-01N4005C 12.3456.BSC26-0408 129.34568.BSC26-1307 1210.39.4567.BSC26-3320 123.4910.BSC26-3606A 12910.3456.BSC27-0101R 1237.46910.BSC27-0129(R) 123.45689.BSC27-0167A 12379.458.BSC27-1082A * 123.467910.BSC27-1430S 1210.39.4567.BSC27-3412 12.3456.BSC28-0629 123.468910.BSC28-0708 123.4568910.BSC28-0723 123.4568910.BSC28-1085Q * 1210.3456.BSC28-1911 12.3589.410.BSC28-2302B * 1210.3456.BSC29-0105 * 123.4679.BSC29-0108 12.457.689.BSC29-0139E * 123.456.BSC29-0141 1234.567910.BSC29-0153 * 12810.359.BSC29-0162(a) 12310.45689.BSC29-0167B 123911.4610.BSC29-1909 123.45679.BSC29-3178 123.4567910.BSC29-3801 123.4567910.BSC29-3802-12R 123.467910. BSC28-1085M BSC29-3806 12.3456710.BSC29-3901 123.4567910.BSC29-3925 1210.39.4567.BSC29-3962 123.4567910.BSC29-3966 123.4567910.BSC29-3971 123.467910.BSC29-3974 123.467910.BSC29-3976M * 1210.39.4567.BSC30-0503 12.34567.910.BSC30-1080 123.467910.BSC30-3701C 123.45689.F1896N1 123.47910.FCK-1411E10B 124.3568910. FCZ-29A001 * 124.36.5789. FCZ-32A003 * 124.36.5789. JF0101-0117 123.4567910.JF0101-0132A 123.4567910.JF0101-0181 124.3567910.JF0501-19501 123.4568.JF0501-21130 129.3456710.JF0501-3504 123.468910.LF6502P 12.3567.康佳T1437D 123.4568.西湖C2919 1210.45679.熊猫2518/2528 123.46810. 2436561 125.3689.444500249 135.269.412.1011.1-439-308-12 12.345.61011.89. 1-439-322-12 12.345.61011.89. 1-439-332-52 12.456711.91012. 1-439-423-21 12.345.6891011. 2435521A 15.23468.910.334B07406 134.2710.89.37-BSC310-1AX 1210.345679.#NAME? 123.4567910.6174Z-8004B 123.4567910.8-598-831-20 123.45.6789.8-598-916-10 123.45.6789. BSC 60K 123.4567910.BSC 67P 123.479.BSC 69F 123.4567910.BSC20-04A 123.468.BSC23-1126M 13.4910.BSC23-N0403 123.456910.BSC24-01N04R 12910.3456.BSC24-01N4001M 123456.7810. BSC24-01N40S 123.4910.BSC24-0400D 123.4568.BSC24-0612 123.45689.BSC24-2020 123.45810.BSC24-3404 12310.45689.BSC24-4812 123456.78.BSC25-0126 129.3456.BSC25-0230 124.58910.BSC25-0601 127.3456.910.BSC25-1059B 123.46810.BSC25-3355-1 123.46910.BSC25-3355-5 1210.34567.BSC25-5905 127.3456.910.BSC25-N0311 12.3456.8910.BSC25-N1509 1248.5910.BSC25-N3604B 123.4910.BSC26-0201 123.4567910.BSC26-3902A 123.467910.BSC26-N0402M 123.45.67910.BSC27-0136 12910.3456.BSC27-1306 123.45679.BSC27-N0405 12.3456BSC27-N2206 12.3456.BSC29-0126 129.3456.BSC29-3918 123.467910.BSC29-3981N * 1210.34567.BSC30-1250 13.45810.BSC31-01AWC 1210.3479.BSC31-1938 * 12.3456.BSC-E6401 123.45.67910.BW00171 123.47910.DCF-2052 241011.35679.F0104PE 123.47910.F1607CE 149.356710.1112.F1621CE 1256710.348.1112.F583839 123.4567.910.FCZ-29A002 * 124.36.5789.FLK-29A061 1234.567910.FSV-12E016 124.3568910.FSV-20B001 13.56789.FTR-25A001 124.36.5789.FTR-25A002 124.36.5789.FTR-25A004 124.36.5789.FUH-29A001(S) 1345.26789.JF0101-0118 123.4567910.JF0101-0125 123.567910.JF0101-0161 1234.567910.JF0101-0702A 1210.345679.JF0208-0218 128.367910.KF58383P 123.4567.910.KFS-61088 12310.45679.KFT4AA028P 12.35.6710.L40B02300 12.3456.LCE CF110E 1458.237910.TER-4140BD 123.4567910. TFB-4132AN 123.4567910.TFB-4132DD 123.4567910.TLF 1556B 127.3569.410.TR-172L 12567.34.910.ZTFG47005A 127.345.长虹2991 /BSC69H 123.4679.索尼2535 12.3458.691011.熊猫64P88 12.345.6710.2433472 123.4567910.50H0000167 1235.467910. 6614151-6341 1710.2345.8-598-976-00 124.56.78910.BSC 60T 124.3810.BSC 68A 123.456910.BSC21-0315C 124.356810.BSC23-0201XB 123.4567.BSC24-1125(A) 123.4568.BSC25- 02A 123.48.BSC25-1056 123.467910.BSC25-2001 123.467910.BSC25-2121 123.468.BSC25-29L14 123.48.BSC25-3351D 13.46810.BSC25-N0504 13.46910.BSC25-Z701P 129.3456.BSC26-6504 123.567910.BSC27-3409T002 12910.3456.BSC28-M0403 123.456910.BSC29-0137B 1237.46910.F1941CE 123.467910.FCR-29A014R 1234.56789.JF0501-0502 123.45679.KF58371N 12.345.6710.L40A00200 124.58910.TLF 1550B 127.3569.410.TLF 15630F 1210.357.松下25V40RQ 12.3567.松下29GF12G 127.345.5101-051104-00 124. 578910ETF46L27AY 1210.357长虹2518 123.45679BSH7-10A 125.367BSC25-0605 13. 46910BSH8-N6F 134910.2572431851 12.3610.91112TFB-3047H/TFB3047H 123. 4578910 JF0101-01163 12.39.45675100-051434-13 12.36.4567BH13-N1 13BSC25-02A 123.481-439-530-21 123.45.6789TLF15630F 1210.357707955301 23578 46910001-220501-10 123.45679 3714002 1357. 248910CH0007079-2001B 123. 4567910BSC29-6229 123. 4567910KT30-70 125.7937-802511-02X(01) 359.12810.6174V-8008A 123.46910.37-SC2502-77B01 1310.45679.TFB3089BH 123.4910.37-001541-39L 135.468910.37-S02901-84WDX 123.4679.37-SC2901-07COX 1210.3479.37-BSC00-184CO1 12810.359.37-sc2726-65s04 1210.34579.6174v-5003a 125.346810.TFB4182H 123.467910.bsc25-2618sbsc29-0114cbsc29-0154ebsc30-0828bsc22-2606sbsc73m37-FBA002-CAA0A 129.346710.BSC25-39675100-05142907 * 1234.56789FCZ-29A006A/三星CS-2901 124.36.5789.型号通脚CF0801-7541/5110-051409-51 129.348.TC3482UF 129.3456810.JF0501-19947 129.456.BSC29-0109B 123.467910.飞利浦29寸 12.34567910.BSC31-1938A * 123.467910.BSC29-3807-6 * 123.4579.JF0501-19954 13.4910.BSC29-0186G/BSC30-N2567 123.4679.BSC30-1083 5 149.356710.BSC24-2636S 3 129.346710.BSC29-3976& * 1210.39.4567.BSC27-7611^ 12.345689.JF0101-01116 12345.7810.BSC27-0119D 126.457.910.BSC25-0206R/5132-051201-01 123.4579. BSC29-0114C/37-SC2901-14COX 1210.3479.8-598-831-21 123.45.6789.BSC20-N1702 123.4568.BSC25-0263/37-BSC250-263(01) 124.356810. BSC25-02AW(T)/37-BSC250-2AW 124.3568910. BSC26-N0403 123.456910.TFB3076BD 东芝背投 123.4567910.BSC26-01N4001D/ST-0325A 123456.7910.BSC24-4416 123.45689.BSC25-1030D 13.45810.BSC29-3926M/5100-051309-13 129.4568. BSC24-08 129.3456.BSC25-N2709 123.4568.JF0501-90813 海尔FBT-A-07 12.456.JF0501-19861 13.4910.411670908 15.23467.BSC 70C 123.45679.40348-A-11/1069490 123.4578.910.夏普 12.3467.589.40337-38/10654690 134.5689.1011.BSC28-0707 123.468910.BSC29-3987V 123.469.BSC25-N1524 124.35.BSC26-01N4016F 123.4910.BSC29-0168C/37-SC2901-68COX 1210.3479. BSC28-0602A/康佳2518 123.468910.BSC 60F 123.46910.BSC25-02AW5 13.245810.西湖25寸 123.45689.BSC26-N40A 12345610.78.BSC25-02AW8/长虹2119 124.38910.L40B03500/三洋CMK2510C-00 124.58910. BSC 68N/长虹N2516 123.45679.BSC26-01N4083A/BSC26-01N4083 123.4679. HFC-1425/福日14寸 123.4568.910BSC26-3606AH/BSC25-01N4010A 12910.3456. BSC25-3374 123.467910.JF0501-1214A 124.3568910.BSC25-2332/牡丹2112G 123.4568.BSC25-0207/王牌2136D 2410.5689.8-598-994-10/索尼400711M 124.3567.8910 6174Z-8005B 123.4691.OV2094/32701 123.45679.BSC 73H 123.45679.BSC 68S/长虹A2528 123.456910.BSC28-0643/康佳 123.4810.BSC24-N1804/佳丽彩2063R 124.368910.凯歌21寸/5405 123.468.BSC23-0201XB/星宝14 123.4567.BSC25-1079T 12.3456.BSC27-0101Y 129.3456710.JF0501-1205 12.356.8910BSC25-0240 123.4568.BSC23-2669S 124.35910.BSC24-8301 127.3456.910BSC25-3355 123.45679.BSC30-0932 13.24568910.BSC25-N1501/海信2510 129.3456.BSC25-2628S/王牌2136G 2410.5689.JF0501-0500B/创维8208/CF0801-5110 /BSC24-3353H-4 124.578910. BSC29-0187E 123.56789.BSC25-3355-47/5109-051409-51 129.348.BSC25-3355-45 129.4568.CF0801-7502 1210.39.4567.BSC25-N1803 123.46810.JF0501-2506A/背投TCL 124.3567.BSC27-0155 123911.4610.BSC29-0163C 1210.4567.TFB4118AD/TFB4118AN 123.4567910.BSC26-N2317 123.4568910.BSC29-0130 13.56789.BSC28-0622 123.468910.海信DP2906H 123.4679.西湖34 123.46910.KFT4AV18F 123.56.89JF0501-0901/王牌9621D 124.3568910.FTH-29A001 1345.6789.BSC21-2673S 124.358910.98-411670908 15.23467.KK-2989N 123.468910.BSC29-0111 12.345.67910.BSC30-0858 123.4568910.JF0101-2729 1210.39.4567.BSC22-23703 135610.2489.FCV-05A002 12345.8910.BSC 73M 123.45679.BSC 70S 123.4567910.BSC25-3355-13 1210.39.4567.BSC29-3710 123.46910.BSC29-3711 123.467910.松下M14 13568.249.BSC29-3466H/MTI-LTC-042 1237.46910.BSC29-0143D/5132-051408-01 123.89.JF0101-83857 123.467.BSC27-05N2506B 128910.3456.松下2163D 13568.249JF2801-2841 * 1234.56789BSC25-N0302D 13.4568BSC29-3807-6 * 123.4579BSC29-0158E * 1210.3479BSC29-0111A 12.35.479BSC29-N2420C 123.467910.JF0101-0109 1210.39.4567BSC22-2606S 134.5910.BSC30-0828 * 123.4568910.BSC29-0154E 123.4679563800800 12.678BSC26-0407FR 123.4567910.BSC25-29D 129.3456JF0101-0108 1210.3467.59BSC29-3914B 123.467910.BSC24-01N40 129.3456TFB3091BH 123.4910.BW02713 123.4910.BSC70E/BSC70D1 123.4567910.FCM-2015KE 124.368910.BSC25-0116 123.456810.BSC25-3355K 123.4567910.BSC25-2070S 123.4567910.BSC29-0114C * TCL HID29181P 1210.3479 BSC25-2618S 1235.46789BSC27-1082H 12.4569SFM29A012 124.567910.BSC30-0930 123.46798-598-960-00 123.45.678JF0501-21907/BSC26-01N4035A 1210.34567 JF0101-2701 * 1210.39.45467CF0801-5404 126.3457810.BSC24-01N40 1210.34567BSC-01 1210.34567BSC25-N0538 *******.578KFT4AV184F 123.56.89JF0101-0134A 123.4567910.BSC24-3353-22 123.456810.BSC27-0138 124.58910.BSC28-N0705 1237.46910.BSC29-1203 * 129.34568JF0101-83842 * 123.4679JF0101-01106 1210.39.4567BSC25-3355NA 1210.39.4567西湖 CD2968 12310.45689BSC29-01260S 123.45.67910BSC27-2101S 124.58910.BSC29-0178C * 123.4679F0063PE-M 129.34678汤姆逊2010E07 569# 17.2910.34BSC24-2324 123.468索尼 S29MH1 123.45.6789BSC27-0166A 1030# 1410.5689BSC27-1082H 887# 12.4569BSC25-05N1404 1237.4910.BSC29-0151R * 129.3456710.BSC21-0626 123.48L40B0 7301 124.58910.BSC24-01N4006E 123456.7810.07103C 背投 123.89CJ26285-00 136.45.789BSC29-0104X * 1210.3567JF0501-21112/BSC26-3021M/5100-051405-03 1210.345679 BSC28-5305B * 12345.7810.JF0501-21121 1210.39.4567MSUIAVT208 12.35.479BSC24-37351 406# 123.568910.BSC62V1 124.36810.BSC23-0403 123.4910.JF0101-21954 129.3456810.BSC30-0914 * 123.468910.BSC23-2370K 127.3456.910FMX-29A001F 123.467910.飞跃21寸 320# 128.367910.001-229084-13 123.4567910.6174V-6006H 123.46910.BSC25-0821 12.568910.BSC22-2673S 123.4567910.。
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CY8CKIT-005 MiniProg4程序调试套件指南文档说明书
CY8CKIT-005Kit Guide Doc. # 002-19782 Rev. *BCypress Semiconductor198 Champion Court San Jose, CA 95134-1709CopyrightsCopyrights© Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, 2018-2019. This document is the property of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation and its subsidiaries ("Cypress"). This document, including any software or firmware included or referenced in this document ("Software"), is owned by Cypress under the intellectual property laws and treaties of the United States and other countries worldwide. Cypress reserves all rights under such laws and treaties and does not, except as specifically stated in this para-graph, grant any license under its patents, copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights. If the Software is not accompanied by a license agreement and you do not otherwise have a written agreement with Cypress governing the use of the Software, then Cypress hereby grants you a personal, non-exclusive, nontransferable license (without the right to subli-cense) (1) under its copyright rights in the Software (a) for Software provided in source code form, to modify and reproduce the Software solely for use with Cypress hardware products, only internally within your organization, and (b) to distribute the Software in binary code form externally to end users (either directly or indirectly through resellers and distributors), solely for use on Cypress hardware product units, and (2) under those claims of Cypress's patents that are infringed by the Software (as provided by Cypress, unmodified) to make, use, distribute, and import the Software solely for use with Cypress hardware products. Any other use, reproduction, modification, translation, or compilation of the Software is prohibited.TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, CYPRESS MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH REGARD TO THIS DOCUMENT OR ANY SOFTWARE OR ACCOMPANYING HARDWARE, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PUR-POSE. No computing device can be absolutely secure. Therefore, despite security measures implemented in Cypress hard-ware or software products, Cypress shall have no liability arising out of any security breach, such as unauthorized access to or use of a Cypress product. CYPRESS DOES NOT REPRESENT, WARRANT, OR GUARANTEE THAT CYPRESS PROD-UCTS, OR SYSTEMS CREATED USING CYPRESS PRODUCTS, WILL BE FREE FROM CORRUPTION, ATTACK, VIRUSES, INTERFERENCE, HACKING, DATA LOSS OR THEFT, OR OTHER SECURITY INTRUSION (collectively, "Secu-rity Breach"). Cypress disclaims any liability relating to any Security Breach, and you shall and hereby do release Cypress from any claim, damage, or other liability arising from any Security Breach. In addition, the products described in these mate-rials may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published specifica-tions. To the extent permitted by applicable law, Cypress reserves the right to make changes to this document without further notice. Cypress does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described in this document. Any information provided in this document, including any sample design information or programming code, is pro-vided only for reference purposes. It is the responsibility of the user of this document to properly design, program, and test the functionality and safety of any application made of this information and any resulting product. "High-Risk Device" means any device or system whose failure could cause personal injury, death, or property damage. Examples of High-Risk Devices are weapons, nuclear installations, surgical implants, and other medical devices. "Critical Component" means any component of a High-Risk Device whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause, directly or indirectly, the failure of the High-Risk Device, or to affect its safety or effectiveness. Cypress is not liable, in whole or in part, and you shall and hereby do release Cypress from any claim, damage, or other liability arising from any use of a Cypress product as a Critical Component in a High-Risk Device. You shall indemnify and hold Cypress, its directors, officers, employees, agents, affiliates, distributors, and assigns harmless from and against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, arising out of any claim, including claims for product liability, personal injury or death, or property damage arising from any use of a Cypress product as a Critical Com-ponent in a High-Risk Device. Cypress products are not intended or authorized for use as a Critical Component in any High-Risk Device except to the limited extent that (i) Cypress's published data sheet for the product explicitly states Cypress has qualified the product for use in a specific High-Risk Device, or (ii) Cypress has given you advance written authorization to use the product as a Critical Component in the specific High-Risk Device and you have signed a separate indemnification agree-ment.Cypress, the Cypress logo, Spansion, the Spansion logo, and combinations thereof, WICED, PSoC, CapSense, EZ-USB, F-RAM, and Traveo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cypress in the United States and other countries. For a more complete list of Cypress trademarks, visit . Other names and brands may be claimed as property of their respec-tive owners.Safety Information 41.Introduction51.1Kit Contents (5)1.2Programming and Debugging (5)1.3Bridging (5)1.4Documentation Conventions (6)2.Installing MiniProg472.1MiniProg4 (7)2.2MiniProg4 Installation (8)2.3MiniProg4 LEDs (10)2.4MiniProg4 Buttons (11)3.Technical Description123.1Interfaces (13)3.1.1SWD (13)3.1.2I2C (13)3.1.3SPI (13)3.1.4UART with and without Flow Control (13)3.1.5Reference (13)3.2Connectors (14)3.2.15-Pin Connector (14)3.2.210-Pin Connector (14)3.2.36x2 Connector (15)3.3Power (16)A.Appendix17A.1Regulatory Compliance Information (17)Revision History 18Safety InformationThe CY8CKIT-005 MiniProg4 Program and Debug Kit is intended for use as a development platform for hardware or software in a laboratory environment. In a domestic environment, this product may cause radio interference. In such cases, you may be required to take adequate preventive measures. In addition, this board should not be used near any medical equipment or RF devices.Attaching additional wiring to this product or modifying the product operation from the factory default may affect its performance and cause interference with other apparatus in the immediate vicinity. If such interference is detected, suitable mitigating measures should be taken.The CY8CKIT-005 MiniProg4 Program and Debug Kit, as shipped from the factory, has been verified to meet with the requirements of CE as a Class A product.General Safety InstructionsESD ProtectionESD can damage boards and associated components. Cypress recommends that you work on the board at an ESD workstation, if available. Otherwise, use appropriate ESD protection, such as anantistatic wrist strap attached to a ground, when handling parts.The CY8CKIT-005 MiniProg4 Program and Debug Kits are sensitive toelectrostatic discharge (ESD). Electrostatic charges accumulate on thehuman body and on other equipment. Devices that are subjected to high-energy discharges can suffer permanent damage. Proper ESDprecautions are recommended to prevent loss of functionality. Storeunused CY8CKIT-005 MiniProg4 Program and Debug Kits in theprotective shipping package.End-of-Life/Product RecyclingThe end-of life for this kit is five years from the date of manufacture mentioned as barcode on the back of the box. Contact your nearest recycler for discarding the kit.1IntroductionThe MiniProg4 Program and Debug Kit is an all-in-one programmer and debugger for PSoC 4,PSoC5LP, and PSoC 6 MCU devices. MiniProg4 also provides USB-I2C, USB-SPI and USB-UARTbridging functionality. The MiniProg4 provides a special feature enabling users to write their owncustom firmware through the custom application mode.Figure 1-1. MiniProg41.1Kit ContentsThe CY8CKIT-005 PSoC® MiniProg4 Program and Debug Kit includes:■MiniProg4 programmer/debugger■10-pin ribbon cable■USB Type-A to Type-C Cable■Quick Start Guide1.2Programming and DebuggingThe MiniProg4 programmer/debugger provides the flexibility to work with SWD programming anddebugging interfaces. MiniProg4 supports 32-bit Arm® Cortex®-M0/M0+/M3/M4 PSoC devices.The MiniProg4 debugger is supported by the software tools PSoC Creator, ModusToolbox™,Cypress Programmer, and PSoC Programmer.1.3BridgingMiniProg4 supports USB-I2C, USB-UART and USB-SPI as standard bridging protocols for anydevice. The MiniProg4 bridging capabilities are used by PSoC Creator, ModusToolbox, CypressProgrammer, PSoC Programmer, Bridge Control Panel, and other applications. Tuning softwaretools such as the CapSense Tuner provided by Cypress also use these capabilities.Introduction1.4Documentation ConventionsTable 1-1. Document Conventions for User GuidesConvention UsageCourier New Displays file locations, user-entered text, and source code: C:\\icc\Italics Displays file names and reference documentation:Read about the sourcefile.hex file in the PSoC Designer User Guide.[Bracketed, Bold]Displays keyboard commands in procedures: [Enter] or [Ctrl] [C]File > Open Represents menu paths: File > Open > New ProjectBold Displays commands, menu paths, and icon names in procedures: Click the File menu, and then click Open.Times New Roman Displays an equation: 2 + 2 = 4Text in gray boxes Describes cautions or unique functionality of the product.2.Installing MiniProg4This chapter shows how to install MiniProg4 and its associated PC software.2.1MiniProg4Figure 2-1. Top ViewFigure 2-2. Bottom View2.2MiniProg4 InstallationThe MiniProg4 programmer/debugger is supported by PSoC Programmer, ModusToolbox, CypressProgrammer, and PSoC Creator. Other software, such as Bridge Control Panel, use the PSoCProgrammer COM layer to support MiniProg4 functionality.Note: PSoC Programmer is compatible only with the Windows Operating System however, CypressProgrammer is compatible with Windows, macOS, and Linux. To understand the differencesbetween PSoC Programmer and Cypress Programmer, please see the Cypress ProgrammingSolutions page at /products/psoc-programming-solutions.1.Download and install PSoC Programmer or Cypress Programmer. Follow the on-screeninstructions to install the software.Each programming tool supports a subset of Cypress devices. See respective tooldocumentation for which device each supports.unch PSoC Programmer or Cypress Programmer and connect the MiniProg4 to yourcomputer’s USB port using the provided USB cable. When properly connected, and drivers havebeen installed, the Mode LED either turns ON or will be ramping (slowly increasing anddecreasing brightness) depending on the mode.Note that the MiniProg4 drivers are automatically installed.3.In PSoC Programmer, to connect to the port, in the Port Selection pane, click the MiniProg4device. You can also click Connect/Disconnect button as shown in Figure2-3.If the connection is successful, a status indicator in the lower-right corner of the PSoCProgrammer window turns green and shows “Connected”.You can now use MiniProg4 to program the target device by clicking the Program button.Figure 2-3. PSoC Programmer: MiniProg4 Connect/Disconnect and ProgramFor more information on how to use PSoC Programmer, see Help Topics under the Help menuin PSoC Programmer or press [F1].In Cypress Programmer, to connect to the MiniProg4 probe, click Connect/Disconnect button as shown in Figure2-4.If the connection is successful, a status indicator in the lower-right corner of the CypressProgrammer window turns green and shows “Connected”.You can now use MiniProg4 to program the target device by clicking the Program button. Figure 2-4. Cypress Programmer: MiniProg4 Connect/Disconnect and ProgramFor more information on how to use Cypress Programmer, see View Help under the Help menu in Cypress Programmer or press [F1].2.3MiniProg4 LEDsMiniProg4 has three indicator LEDs - Mode (Amber), Status (Green), and Error (Red) as shown in Figure 2-5. Table 2-1 indicates the behavior of these LEDs for various operations.Figure 2-5. MiniProg4 LEDsTable 2-1. LED representation for various operations of MiniProg4Programming ModeProgramming Status Three LEDsMode Indicator (Amber LED)Status Indicator 1 (Green LED)Status Indicator 2 (Red LED)CMSIS-DAP HID ProgrammingRamping (1 Hz)8 Hz OFF SuccessON OFF ErrorOFF ON IdleOFF OFF CMSIS-DAP Bulk ProgrammingON 8 Hz OFF SuccessON OFF ErrorOFF ON IdleOFF OFF BootloaderN/A 1 Hz OFF OFF Custom Application N/A 8 Hz ON ONInstalling MiniProg42.4MiniProg4 ButtonsMiniProg4 has two buttons that enable switching between various operating modes. Figure2-6shows the location of the buttons. In order to understand switching MiniProg4 modes, refer toFigure2-7.On power-up, MiniProg4 is in CMSIS-DAP/BULK Mode by default. If the Mode Select button ispressed, MiniProg4 enters CMSIS-DAP/HID mode. If the Custom App button is pressed, MiniProg4enters custom application mode where a user can run their own custom applications on the MCUcontained in the MiniProg4. See Figure2-7 for details.For details of LED indications of various modes of MiniProg4, refer to Table2-1.Figure 2-6. MiniProg4 ButtonsFigure 2-7. Various MiniProg4 Button Modes3.T echnical DescriptionMiniProg4 is a protocol translation device. With MiniProg4, the PC host software can communicate through a USB port to the target device to be programmed or debugged, as shown in Figure 3-1.Table 3-1 lists the protocols that are supported by each connector. MiniProg4 enables communication with the target devices using I/O voltage levels from 1.5 V to 5 V. Figure 3-1. System Block DiagramTable 3-1. Connectors / Communication Protocol SupportConnector SWD I 2CSPIUART (With and Without Flow Control)5-pin Supported N/A N/A N/A 10-pin Supported N/A N/A N/A 6x2 headerN/ASupportedSupportedSupported3.1Interfaces3.1.1SWDARM-based devices support the Serial Wire Debug (SWD) protocol. The PSoC 4, PSoC 5LP, andPSoC 6 MCU device families implement this standard, which offers programming and debuggingfunctions. MiniProg4 supports programming and debugging of PSoC 4, PSoC 5LP, and PSoC6devices using SWD through the 5-pin or 10-pin connector.Before programming a PSoC 4, PSoC 5LP, or PSoC 6 MCU device, make sure you review theelectrical connection requirements in the respective device datasheet or in the PSoC 4, PSoC 5LP,and PSoC 6 MCU device programming specifications. You can find the datasheets andprogramming specifications here:/PSoC4/PSoC5LP/PSoC63.1.2I2CI2C is a common serial interface standard. It is mainly used for communication betweenmicrocontrollers and other ICs on the same board but can also be used for intersystemcommunications. MiniProg4 uses an I2C multimaster host controller that allows the tool to exchangedata with I2C-enabled devices on the target board. For example, this feature may be used to tuneCapSense® designs.MiniProg4 serves as a USB-I2C bridge (acts as I2C Master) that can be used to communicate with aI2C slave devices through the Bridge Control Panel software. For I2C connections use the 6×2connector. MiniProg4 has internal pull-up resistors and supports I2C speed up to 1 MHz.3.1.3SPIThe Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) is a synchronous serial communication interface specificationused for short distance communication, primarily in embedded systems. SPI devices communicatein full duplex mode using a master-slave architecture with a single master.MiniProg4 serves as a USB-SPI bridge (acts as SPI Master) that can be used to communicate with aSPI slave devices through the Bridge Control Panel software. For SPI connections use the 6x2connector. MiniProg4 supports SPI speed up to 6 MHz.3.1.4UART with and without Flow ControlUART is another common serial interface standard. MiniProg4 supports UART, which allows the toolto receive data from UART enabled devices on the target board. MiniProg4 provides UARTcommunication both with and without hardware flow control. In order to enable flow control, RTS andCTS pins are provided in the 6x2 I/O header. If flow control is not required, CTS and RTS pins canbe left floating. Terminal emulators such as Tera Term or PuTTY can be used to communicate withthe target PSoC device. MiniProg4 supports UART speed up to 115200 Baud Rate.3.1.5ReferenceFor more information on the PSoC 4, PSoC 5LP, and PSoC 6 MCU's JTAG, SWD, and I2Cinterfaces, see the PSoC 4, PSoC 5LP, and PSoC 6 Technical Reference Manuals.For more details on how to use MiniProg4 with Bridge Control Panel, refer to the Bridge ControlPanel Help document.3.2Connectors3.2.15-Pin ConnectorThe 5-pin connector is configured as a single row with a 100-mil pitch. Suggested mating connectorpart number is Molex Connector Corporation 22-23-2051.Figure 3-2. 5-Pin Connector with Pin AssignmentsNote: If the design requires MiniProg4 to be directly plugged to the target board with a 5-pin header,adequate mechanical clearance shall be provided near the 5-pin header on the target board. Thewidth & height of MiniProg4 (5-pin header area) is 25mm x 13mm. If the design cannot meet therequired mechanical clearance, use a stackable header (such as Proto-PIC 20690).3.2.210-Pin ConnectorThe 10-pin connector is configured as a dual row with 50-mil pitch. It is used with a ribbon cable(provided) to mate to a similar connector on the target board. The signal assignment is shown inFigure3-3. Suggested mating connector part number is CNC Tech 3220-10-0300-00 or Samtec Inc.FTSH-105-01-F-DV-K-TR.Figure 3-3. 10-Pin Connector with Pin AssignmentsHere is a summary of the protocols and related pin assignments. The pin mapping is also shown on the back of the MiniProg4 case.3.2.36x2 ConnectorThis connector supports all the communication protocols like I 2C, SPI, UART (with or without flow control supported by MiniProg4). Figure 3-4 shows the pin assignments. They are also shown on the back of the MiniProg4 case.Figure 3-4. 6x2 Connector Pin AssignmentsTable 3-2. Communication Protocol Pin AssignmentsProtocolSignal 5-Pin 10-Pin SWDSDIO52SCK 44XRES3103.3PowerMiniProg4 can be powered using the USB interface.On kits/boards where there is a single power supply for the entire board, MiniProg4 can supplypower to the board. However, this supply is limited to approximately 200 mA, and is protectedagainst excess current draw. You can select 1.8 V, 2.5 V, 3.3 V, or 5 V from PSoC Programmer orCypress Programmer. The 5 V supply may vary between 4.25 V–5.5 V, because it is supplieddirectly from the USB port. The maximum deviation for other voltages is +5%.Note:Some PSoC device families do not support 5 V operation. Refer to the respective devicedatasheet for supported voltage selection.Voltage stress beyond acceptable limits can permanently damageMiniProg4. Programming signals can withstand over-voltage up tomaximum 12 V and minimum up to –5 V. Communication bridge signals(I2C, UART & SPI) can withstand over-voltage only up to maximum 6 Vand minimum up to –1 V.A.AppendixA.1Regulatory Compliance InformationThe CY8KCIT-005 MiniProg4 Program and Debug Kit complies with the CE-Low Voltage Directive2006/95/EC (Europe) safety requirement. It has been tested and verified to comply with the followingelectromagnetic compatibility (EMC) regulations.■CISPR 22 - Emissions■EN 55022 Class A - Immunity (Europe)■CE - EMC Directive 2004/108/EC■CE Declaration of ConformityDocument Revision HistoryDocument Title: CY8CKIT-005 MiniProg4 Program and Debug Kit Guide Document Number: 002-19782Revision ECN#Issue Date Origin ofChangeDescription of Change**628449410/31/2018NMIT New kit guide.*A637876211/08/2018SRDS Updated Installing MiniProg4chapter on page7:Updated “MiniProg4 Installation” on page8:Updated description.Updated Figure2-3.*B658102405/24/2019SRDS Updated Copyright information.。
The PSoC Core
The PSoC Core is a powerful engine that supports a rich feature set. The core includes a CPU, memory, clocks, configurable GPIO (General Purpose IO).
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基于PSoC CY8C24533的电动自行车控制器的设计Design of E-Bike Controller Based on PSoC CY8C24533翁小平1黄建明2江小平31Cypress半导体资深主任应用工程师2Cypress半导体FAE高级经理3 Cypress半导体高级应用工程师摘要:本文介绍了PSoC的主要概念和 CY8C24533 PSoC芯片的主要性能,以及用它作为主控芯片的电动自行车控制器的设计。
关键词:PSoC, CY8C24533,电动自行车,无刷直流电机Abstract: This paper introduced primary concept of PSoC and feature of CY8C24533 part and the design of E-Bike controller based on PSoC CY8C24533.Key word: PSoC, CY8C24533, E-Bike, BLDC motorPSoC(可编程片上系统)是Cypress半导体生产的包含有8位微处理器核和数字与模拟混合信号阵列的可编程片上系统。
PSoC的集成开发环境PSoC Designer也预先为用户定义了七十多个常用的数字和模拟资源供用户选择。
PSoC开发者不需要自己通过设置寄存器来构建这些周边设备,只需在PSoC Designer的开发环境选择和放置你所需要的用户模块并进行参数设定。
PSoC Designer不仅帮你配置用户模块,而且也为用户提供这些用户模块的API函数供用户编程时调用。
其资源包括:1.系统资源CY8C24533使用8位哈佛结构处理器内核(M8C CPU),它具有独立的程序存储器和数据存储器总线,处理器速度可达24MHz。
系统时钟N1,N2和N3次(N1,N2和N3均可由用户设定)分频产生的时钟 VC1,VC2和V3可以提供给用户作为模拟PSoC 模块和数字PSoC模块的输入时钟。
低频时钟发生器是一个32 KHz内部低速振荡器。
主要用于看门狗/睡眠定时器(Watchdog/Sleep Timer)的时钟。
图1:CY8C24533内部系统资源框图2.片内存储器CY8C24533有8KB的闪存(Flash ROM)用于程序存储以及256字节的片内SRAM数据存储器。
片内的数字模块可以配置成各种各样的用户模块,比如时间定时器、实时时钟、脉宽调制(PWM)和死区脉宽调制(DB PWM)、循环冗余校对模块、全双工(UART)、串行主从通信(SPI)等功能模块。
PSoC Designer 集成开发环境也为用户提供了灵活和完善的数字模块和模拟模块的输入输出路由、模块和模块之间的路由及数字模块和模拟模块之间的路由。
4.SAR ADC模块在马达控制中通常需要一个高速的A/D转换器用于检测过流信号进而实施对功率MOS 管的保护。
在同步触发方式有两条通路(Low Path和High Path)可以实施触发。
这两条通路分别有一个8位的寄存器与来自数字模块的的计数值进行比较,如果Low Path的比较结果相等时CMP_LO输出高电平,如果High Path的比较结果相等时CMP_ HI输出高电平,CMP_LO和CMP_ HI的输出在Path Logic进行逻辑运算,逻辑运算的结果为1时便触发启动A/D转换。
Path Logic有与和或两种逻辑运算功能,CMP_LO和CMP_ HI的值由用户设定。
当CMP_Lo或CMP_ HI 寄存器有一个被设置,并且Path Logic设置或运算时被触发一次;当CMP_LO和CMP_ HI 的寄存器被设置一样并且Path Logic设置与运算时也被触发一次;当CMP_LO和CMP_ HI 的寄存器被设置不一样并且Path Logic设置或运算时被触发两次。
当DBB0和DBB1被配置成一个16位的PWM时,在一个PWM的周期里,AD可以被触发一次,这时Path Logic设置与运算。
在直流无刷电机的控制中,通常PWM的值用于控制电机的电压或速度,每一个PWM 周期中的相电流的大小是变化的,用同步触发方式可以在每一个PWM周期的固定时刻触发AD,采样电机的电流信号,判断电流是否异常,实施对电机和MOS管的有效保护。
右边是MOSFET 的驱动电路和功率MOSFET 三相桥电路以及电池电量显示电路。
现在的电动自行车都使用无刷直流电机作为传动部件,所以CY8C24533必须通过来自电机的霍尔信号产生合适的相序信号提供给MOSFET 的驱动电路,进而驱动功率MOSFET 三相桥,使无刷直流电机的三相绕组得到按一定规律变化的励磁电流。
图3:电动自行车控制器系统原理框图1. PWM 输出DC+LoadShunt图4:PWM 输出路由选择和比较器输出路由选择图为了通过调速转把来控制转速,必须将PWM 信号叠加在相序信号上,通过调节PWM 的占空比,来控制电机绕组的相电压和电流实现转速控制。
通常MCU 的PWM 输出是从固定的管脚输出,所以传统的MCU 做法是在芯片的外部加逻辑电路将6路或3路相序信PWM3L PWM3H PWM2L PWM1L PWM2H PWM1H号和PWM信号相与后输出。
而CY8C24533 PSoC芯片有灵活多样的模块输入和输出的路由资源可以选择,可以将一路PWM信号在不同的时刻路由到一个或同时路由到多个I/O 上。
如图4所示将一个数字模块配置成双缓冲器, PWM信号的输出配合双缓冲器中的一个缓冲器便将PWM信号路由到LUT的四个输出上,进而通过数字奇输出总线路由到一个或多个I/O上。
I/O口的输出可以直接输入到MOS 管的驱动电路,这样就不需要外部加逻辑电路。
图5是在PSoC Designer开发环境下的PWM 输出路由配置图。
在CY8C24533 芯片中包含模拟模块,CT的模拟模块可以作可编程的比较器和可编程的放大器。