01 User Management Engine Fundamentals
Handout_Fundamentals of Computers
Fundamentals of ComputersIntroduction to ComputersAll devices that compute are called computers. Computers have a long history. They have traveled a long distance from primitiveness to sophistication. The abacus is the first manmade computing device that came into existence. After the abacus many devices came into existence one by one. In the general order of their invention, they are: Napier's Bones, the slide rule, Pascal' Calculator,Leibniz’s Calculator, Charles Babbage Difference Engine, Babbage's Analytical Engine, Hollerith Machine, Mark-1, Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC), Electronic Discreet Variable Automatic Computer (EDVAC). We are currently in the era of modern computers. Each computer that was developed was smaller in size but faster in speed than its predecessor.Computers are basically dumb devices. They perform tasks according to the instructions given to them by the user. Their working capabilities are much beyond the capabilities of human beings. They can perform a task at very fast speeds for long durations without making any mistake.Computers that are developed during a specific electronic era are often referred to as “a generation.” All together, there have been four generations of computers. First generation computers were made using vacuum tubes. Second generation computer were made using transistors. Computers that were designed with simple integrated circuits were called third generation computers. Current generation computers are fourth generation computers and use very large scale integrated circuits (VLIC). Computers that have thinking power will come in the future and are often referred to as fifth generation computers.On the basis of the input that computers accept, they have been classified into three categories:1. Analog computers2. Digital Computers3. Hybrid computersThose computers that take signals as input are called analog computers. Computers that accept digits as input are called digital computers. Computers that accept both signals and digits are called hybrid computers. The computers that we usually see in offices, schools, colleges, etc., are digital computers. Digital computers are classified into the following categories:1. Microcomputers2. Mini computers3. Mainframe computers4. SupercomputersThe microcomputer is the smallest category of computers and supercomputer is the largest.The physical parts of the computer that can be seen or touched are called hardware. Hardware doesn't function on its own. It requires instructions to work. The instructions that make hardware work are called software.Software is broadly classified into following two categories:System SoftwareApplication SoftwareInstructions that are used to start up the computer or to manage the computer’s resour ces are called system software.Instructions that are given to computers for automating manual tasks are called application software. Instructions that cause the computer to perform a specific task is called program.The computer is mainly used for data processing. Raw facts and figures are called data. Once data is processed, it is called information. When information is understood and used in new ways, it is wisdom. Computer OrganizationThe computer is an electronic device. The computer consists of many devices, as shown below:Those devices that allow us to enter into the computer data or instructions are called input units. The keyboard, mouse, CD-ROM drive, etc. are common input devices.Those devices that provide the results of processing are called output devices. The screen, printer, etc. are common output devices.Those devices that store data permanently are called input / output devices - they perform both input and output functions. Floppy drives, hard disk, magnetic tape drive, cartridge tape drive,and CD-writer are few examples of Input / Output devices. They are called storage.The Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) of the computer performs all arithmetic and logical operations. The Control Unit ensures movement of the right data from the right source to the right destination at the right time. The Control Unit allows all the units of the computer to perform their functions in coordination with each other.MemorySome data and instructions are kept in the computer only so long as the computer is turned on. This is called temporary memory. There are two kinds of temporary memory:1. Primary Memory2. Cache MemoryThe memory that is used by the computer for its internal functioning is called primary memory. There are two types of primary memory:1. Read Only Memory (ROM)2. Random Access Memory (RAM)Sometimes the computer can only read instructions. This type of memory is called Read Only Memory (ROM). Sometimes the computer can both read and write instructions and temporarily store data; this type of memory is called Random Access Memory. The computer can read from or write to any part of RAM.Cache memory is fast memory. Its purpose is to increase the speed of the computer. It is located between the processor and RAM. If it is available, the computer performs all its read / write operations in cache. Later the computer may transfer part or all of its cache memory to RAM.Operating SystemThe operating system is the most essential software for the functioning of computer. Without an operating system, the computer cannot work. It starts all the parts of computer and makes it possible to execute commands from users.Before starting any work on computer, the operating system has to be loaded in computer's memory. The process of loading the operating system in computer's memory is called booting.The responsibilities of the operating system are:1. Performing internal management functions.2. Providing services.3. Providing user interface.The operating system performs the following internal management functions:1. Process management2. Memory management3. Information management4. Device managementUsing the interface, the user interacts with computer. Generally there are two types of interfaces:1. Command Line Interface (CLT).2. Graphical User Interface (GUI).In the command line interface, the user interacts with computer through text commands; in graphical user interface s/he interacts through picture objects like icons, menus, dialog boxes etc..Operating systems can be broadly classified into following categories:1. Single user operating systems: allows only one user to work on the system at a time. MS-DOS & Windows are examples.2. Multi-user operating systems: allows many users to work on the system at the same time. Linux & UNIX are examples.3. Network operating system: includes special functions, protocols and device drivers for connecting the computers of the network. Windows-NT, Windows-2000 & Windows-3000 are examples.Computer CommunicationWhen two or more computers are connected together with the objective of communicating with each other and sharing their resources, they form a computer network.Using computer networks, fast and reliable communication takes place. Networks allow people to: networking:1. Share distant devices2. Share software3. Communicate4. Evenly distribute the load of processingTypes of NetworksComputer networks are broadly classified into two categories:Local Area Networks (LAN): Local area networks are the networks that spread within a short distance of a kilometer or so and are generally confined to a building or a campus.Wide Area Networks (WAN): Wide Area Networks or WAN are the networks, in which computers are spread over long distances (more than a kilometer). For example, networks that connect computer in different in different countries, cities or localities.Topology is the physical arrangement of computers in the network. There are various topologies including the bus topology, ring topology, star topology, and mesh topology.The basic network communication system consists of the following parts:Sender: The computer that sends a message is called the sender.Receiver: That computer that receives the message is called the receiver.Medium: The medium is that material through which the message travels to its destination. The medium can be wired (twisted pair cable, coaxial cable, or optic fiber cable) or non-wired where messages travel through the air.Message: The text, sound or images that travel from the sender to the receiver is called the message. Protocol: A set of standards for communication between the sender and receiver.Data transmission is the sending of any kind of information from one place to other. There are two types of data transmission: analog transmission and digital transmission.There are two transmission techniques: asynchronous and synchronous transmission.In asynchronous transmission, data is sent and received one byte at a time. In synchronous transmission all the data is sent at once. Synchronous transmission is significantly faster.The way the message travels along the transmission line is called the mode of transmission. There are three modes of transmission:Simplex mode: In this mode, data is transmitted in one direction only.Half duplex mode: In this mode, data is transmitted in both directions but not simultaneously.Full duplex mode: In this mode, the transmission line sends and receives data in both directions at the same time.The InternetThe Internet is a network of computer networks. It extends all across the globe. Computers on the Internet are:Servers: Those computers that provide data and services to other computers. They are generally fast computers and remain connected to the Internet all the time.Clients: Those computers that take data and services from other computers. They are generally slow computers and get connected to Internet when they require services from the servers.Computers on the Internet are identified by a unique address, called IP address. An IP address consists of four numbers separated by dots (.). For example is an IP address. They are also identified by a unique name, called a domain name.That part of the Internet that uses Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (http) to make multimedia media objects appear on Internet is called the World Wide Web. E-mail, video conferencing, chatting, Internet telephony, on-line shopping, banking, and searching are few popular uses of Internet.。
bea tuxedo
BEA TUXEDO Application AdministrationTUX-A11-XX-01Lab ExercisesBEA Systems, Inc.Educational ServicesCopyright © 2001, BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Restricted Rights LegendThis software and documentation is subject to and made available only pursuant to the terms of the BEA Systems License Agreement and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of that agreement. It is against the law to copy the software except as specifically allowedin the agreement. This document may not, in whole or in part, be copied photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine readable form without prior consent, in writing, from BEA Systems, Inc.Use, duplication or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions set forth in the BEA Systems License Agreement and in subparagraph (c)(1) of the Commercial Computer Software-Restricted Rights Clause at FAR 52.227-19; subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, subparagraph (d) of the Commercial Computer Software--Licensing clause at NASA FAR supplement 16-52.227-86; or their equivalent.Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of BEA Systems. THE SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. FURTHER, BEA Systems DOES NOT WARRANT, GUARANTEE, OR MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS REGARDING THE USE, OR THE RESULTS OF THE USE, OF THE SOFTWARE OR WRITTEN MATERIAL IN TERMS OF CORRECTNESS, ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, OR OTHERWISE.Trademarks or Service MarksBEA, BEA eLink, BEA Jolt, Distributed Application Framework, and Enterprise Middleware Solutions are trademarks of and are developed and licensed by BEA Systems, Inc., Sunnyvale, California. TUXEDO is a registered trademark of Novell, Inc., exclusively licensed to BEA Systems, Inc.OpenView is a registered trademark of Hewlett-Packard Company. SunNet Manager and Solstice are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries. IBM and NetView are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation. Informix is a registered trademark of Informix. Cabletron Spectrum is a trademark of Cabletron Systems, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Limited.All other company names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.BEA Tuxedo Application AdministrationDocument Edition Part Number Date Software Version Comment1.0 Sep 2001 BEA Tuxedo 6.5, 7.1,8..0 Initial Labs VersionContentsGeneral Lab Instructions (3)Lab Instructions (3)Environment Variables (3)Lab Directories (5)INSTL–Lab Installation and Verification (7)Part 1 – Copying the Lab Files (8)Part 2 – Viewing the Tuxedo Documentation (10)Part 3 – Verifying the Lab Machine Environment (10)Part 4 – Building Tuxedo Programs for the Lab Workshops..11 DEPL–Deploying a Basic Tuxedo Application (13)CONF–Configuring Application Servers (17)ADAC–Administration and Additional Configuration (21)CLNT–Configuring /WS Support (25)SECU–Configuring Tuxedo Security (29)MMC–Multiple Machine Configuration (33)SRVG–Server Groups and Data Dependent Routing (37)TRAN–Configuring Transactions (41)CQUE–Administering Queues (45)MIBS–Accessing MIBs (51)PERF–Performance Considerations (55)DOMS–Multiple Domains (59)General Lab InstructionsThis guide contains general instructions for the lab workshop exercises for the BEA Tuxedo Application Administration course. The course lab exercises can be performed on a system with either BEA Tuxedo 6.5, 7.1, or 8.0 software installed.The lab exercises can be performed in a variety of classroom environments, both public classrooms and on-site customer locations. The lab exercises are supplied for two generic platform types – UNIX (Sun, HP, other versions) and Microsoft WindowsNT/Windows2000. The lab machine/s used should have been previously set up for the class; the BEA Tuxedo product and a C compiler should be installed. On Windows systems, the only C compiler tested with the labs is Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0.The lab exercises are labeled with the same abbreviated module name used for a particular Module in the student material, for example INSTL. Each exercise describes the objective and the steps for performing the exercise. Consider the time suggested for each lab as a “guideline” and not a requirement. Your instructor will end the lab session when it is appropriate.Lab InstructionsInstructions for each lab are usually common for both Windows and UNIX and any differences are noted in the instructions.The first set of actions that you will perform for any lab is common to all labs and are:1. Open a Windows/DOS command window or UNIX shell window.2. Change directory to the lab exercises directory – the lab refers to the <xyz> lab directory:[Windows]: cd<root-directory>\exercises\<xyz>[ UNIX]: cd<root-directory>/exercises/<xyz>3. Edit the setenv command script file that sets the environment variables:[Windows]: setenv.cmd[ UNIX]: setenv.ksh4. Execute the setenv command script file:[Windows]: setenv[ UNIX]: . setenv.ksh(Note the <space> between . and setenv.ksh)Environment VariablesYou should make sure that the environment variables shown below are set. In Windows, you can edit your system environment variables through the Control Panel so that these are always set when you startup a DOS or shell command prompt. The actual paths may differ for your system, for example Tuxedo might be installed in D:\ instead of C:\ as the table below suggests.Set environment variables according to your computer-specific installation directories. For the PATH environment variables, we suggest that you add the paths listed in the table below to thebeginning of the variable because you might have other software installed that may interfere. Ifyou choose not to change the environment variables and use the provided setenv.bat orsetenv.ksh file, you may need to edit this file to reflect your actual installation folders.For Windows systems:Env. Variable Windows Example DescriptionTUXDIR C:\tuxedo Tuxedo installation directory TUXCONFIG C:\tuxa11\exercises\depl\tuxconfig LocationofTUXCONFIGPATH %TUXDIR\bin;%PATH% Path should include theTuxedo bin directoryTUXDIR should be set on supported Windows platforms when Tuxedo 6.5 or 7.1 is installed.Tuxedo 8.0 installation does not set these environment variables and they have to be set either inthe Settings-> Control Panel-> System->Environment control panel or before executing aTuxedo program. In the lab exercises, we will usually set them for each lab exercise.For UNIX systems:Env. Variable UNIX Example Description TUXDIR /opt/tuxedo71 Tuxedo installation directory TUXCONFIG /home/stu01/exercises/abcs/tuxconfig LocationofTUXCONFIGPATH .:$TUXDIR/bin:$PATH/opt/.. or /usr/.. Path should include these Tuxedo related directories…… and any C compiler directories…<include directory path> $TUXDIR/include Usually specified in thecompile commandLD_LIBRARY_PATH (SVR4, Solaris)SHLIB_PATH (HP-UX)LIBPATH (AIX) $TUXDIR/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH$TUXDIR/lib:$SHLIB_PATH$TUXDIR/lib:$LIBPATHAdd the Tuxedo librarydirectory to the library searchpathLANG CorEn_US If you get Tuxedo catalog errors, you may need to reset this to “C” instead of En_US; check which of these two directories has been installed under the $TUXDIR/locale directoryTUXDIR– obtain the directory name where Tuxedo has been installed on the UNIX system from the Instructor or the UNIX Administrator.Lab DirectoriesThe parent directory for the lab exercises contains files used to build the lab exercises. It also contains the exercises and s olutions s ub-directories. Each lab exercise directory is under the exercises directory in a different lab-specific sub-directory (this directory will be the application directory, APPDIR). A lab exercise directory is named to match the corresponding module name, for example DEPL but the lab directory name is in lower-case as in “depl”.Each lab exercise directory contains the files required for the lab exercise described. These files include template files (that you need to complete) or completed files:- a template configuration file named UBBconfig.template- a template file, setenv.cmd.template (Windows) or setenv.ksh.template (UNIX), for setting the environment variables- client and/or server source program template files, <name>.template- completed client or server programs, <name>.c, or executables, <name> in UNIX or <name>.exe in Windows.The UBBconfig.template configuration file requires the following information to be filled for each lab:machine name The configured system name for this machineTUXDIR The directory where the Tuxedo product is installedAPPDIR Application directory, which is the current lab exercise directory TUXCONFIG The TUXCONFIG file in the <APPDIR> directoryYou will need to change the value of these parameters to the appropriate values and complete any other lab-specific directions.You can obtain the machine name from the %COMPUTERNAME% environment variable or from the Network control panel [Windows], or [UNIX] by ‘uname –n’ or ‘hostname’. Note that for Windows systems, the machine name specified in a Tuxedo configuration file should always be in upper case – example, GUMBY and not gumby.A corresponding lab directory in the solutions sub-directory contains the UBBCONFIG configuration solution files for the lab exercise. You should try to avoid using the solution files unless you are really stuck or the Instructor is busy with other students. The Instructor is there to help you !Each lab solution directory contains solution configuration files for Windows and UNIX for each lab exercise, generically represented by the lab directory <labname> below. These solution files use the following values for the above information in the solutions:machine name The node name for the system: NODE1TUXDIR Tuxedo install directory:[Windows] c:\tuxedo[UNIX] /opt/tuxedoAPPDIR Application directory, the current lab directory:c:\tuxa11\solutions\<labname>[Windows][UNIX] /home/student/tuxa11/solutions/<labname> TUXCONFIG The TUXCONFIG file in the <APPDIR> directory:%APPDIR%\tuxconfig[Windows][UNIX] $APPDIR/tuxconfigTo use a lab solution, copy the solution files to the equivalent lab exercise directory; replace the above values in the solution files with values appropriate for your lab machine and follow the instructions to run the lab exerciseINSTL–Lab Installation and VerificationReference Course Section(s): INSTL, Lab Guide: Getting Started Suggested Time: 40 minutesObjectiveThe objective of this exercise is to install the labs and make you familiar with the lab exercise environment.DescriptionYou will install the lab exercises from the Student CD supplied with your course materials and become familiar with the lab machine environment. Installing the labs consists of two main tasks – copying the labs from the Student CD and then compiling the C source programs to generate the client and server executable programs for the platform being used for the lab exercises.You will also become familiar with the Tuxedo documentation layout on the Student CD. Finally, you will follow some simple instructions to verify that Tuxedo has been installed on your machine.SummaryThere is no lab exercise directory or files associated with this lab exercise. You will need the Student CD packaged with your course materials.• Copy the labs from the CD-ROM to your lab machine• View the Tuxedo documentation with a browser• Verify that Tuxedo is installed on the lab machine• Build the client and server executable programs for use in the other lab exercisesStepsPart 1 – Copying the Lab Files(This step may already have been done for the class – check with the Instructor.)1. All the code and template files that you need to accomplish the Lab Workshop exercises aresupplied on the Student CD-ROM that is bundled with the course Student Materials. This CD is in a PC format and may not be readable on most UNIX machines.• On a Windows system, load the Student CD.• On a UNIX system, the tar file containing the lab exercise files may have already been copied from the CD to a directory on the system – check with the Instructor.2. Install the Lab Workshop exercise files:To install the lab exercises on a WindowsNT/Windows2000 system• Create a <lab root directory> such as C:\tuxA11 on your student machine.• Copy the contents (directories and files) from the labs directory on the student CD to this <lab root directory>on the Windows system: select all files and directories, and drag and drop them into the newly-created labs directory.• The files copied to your lab directory will be copied as read-only. To change the read-only attributes, open a DOS/Command window and change directory to your lab root directory.Type the following command to change the read-only attributes on all the files: > attrib –r *.* /S• In the DOS/Command window, verify that the Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 compiler is installed by typing “cl”, the command to run the compiler; if it is installed, the banner heading from the compiler will be printed in the window.• If the previous command fails, try to find and execute the following command file to set the correct system environment. This file is typically located in:C:\Program Files\ Microsoft Visual Studio\vc98\bin\Vcvars32.bat Try the previous step again. If this still fails, the Visual C++ compiler may not be installed on the PC you are using. Notify the Instructor.To install the lab exercises on a UNIX system• If the System Administrator has already transferred the tar file from the Student CD to the UNIX system, make a copy of the tar file in your lab root directory using the cp command: > cp \…\TUX-A11-XX-01-labs.tar .• If not, transfer the labs\UNIX\TUX-A11-XX-01-labs.tar file from the student CD to the student’s <lab root directory>on the UNIX system being used. You can useFTP binary mode to transfer the file. An example of <lab root directory> is/home/student01.• Use tar to uncompress the TUX-A11-XX-01-labs.tar file:> tar xvf TUX-A11-XX-01-labs.tar3. This completes the copy of the lab files to your directory.For both Windows and UNIX systems, the previous steps will create a directory structure underneath the <lab root directory> containing the lab directories corresponding to the Modules in the Student Guide. The root directory should contain the following sub-directories plus some other command files that will be used to build the client and server programs:The formats for directory names are (using the Windows path name convention): • Exercises described in the lab guide: <root-directory>\exercises\ <xyz>• Solutions to exercises in the lab guide: <root-directory>\solutions\<xyz>where <root-directory> represents the root directory where the labs were installed, and <xyz> and <XYZ> are the lab directory name and the associated module name respectively.There is another step to be done before the lab exercises can be performed – build the client and server program executables to be used for each lab exercise. This is described later in this lab exercise.4. This completes the copying of the lab files to your machine.Part 2 – Viewing the Tuxedo Documentation5. We will now examine the Tuxedo documentation supplied on the Student CD. [If the courseis being delivered on a UNIX platform, the Tuxedo docs may have been transferred to aUNIX directory.] Using Windows Explorer or other File Manager, move to the following directory on the Student CD :[Student-CD] \Tuxedo Docs\ xxxwhere xxx is either v6_5, v7_1, or v8_0 depending on whether Tuxedo release 6.5, 7.1, or 8.0 respectively is being used in the class.6. Double-click on the index.htm file in the above directory. This will start-up a browserprogram and bring up the Tuxedo documentation index page. The display will be different for the different Tuxedo releases but there will be common displayed items, including a link to the (ATMI) Reference section.Click on the Reference link. Under Reference Topics, you should see several sections such as Command Reference – Section 1. The Tuxedo reference documentation is organized into sections very much like UNIX man pages.7. In the course slides you will see references to items such as tmadmin(1). This means thatthe reference information for the Tuxedo command tmadmin is in Section 1 of the reference documentation. The Tuxedo file formats are in Section 5. Click on this link.The displayed page shows all the BEA Tuxedo File Formats, Data Descriptions, MIBs, and System Processes listed in alphabetical order.8. Click on one of the topics, such as UBBCONFIG(5), displayed in the left column. Thedisplayed page shows the details of the Tuxedo Configuration file format including all the required and optional parameters.Part 3 – Verifying the Lab Machine Environment9. Open a DOS/Command or Shell window. Display the current environment variables:• On Windows type:set | more• On UNIX: env | more10. Check the listed variables to see if the TUXDIR variable is set. If not, set it – (if needed, askyour Instructor for the location of the Tuxedo directory on your PC or UNIX system): [ On Windows] set TUXDIR=<Tuxedo installed directory>[On UNIX (ksh)] export TUXDIR=<Tuxedo installed directory>11. If necessary, add the Tuxedo bin directory to your command execution path:[ Windows] set PATH=%TUXDIR%\bin;%PATH%[UNIX (ksh)] export PATH=$TUXDIR/bin:$PATHAlso, set and export the LIBRARY PATH as appropriate (see theUNIX Environment Table for information on some UNIX systems)to include $TUXDIR/lib.12. Type the Tuxedo administration command tmadmin with the –v option :tmadmin –vThis should print out the Tuxedo license information such asIf a message similar to the one above was printed on your console, your environmentvariables were set correctly and Tuxedo is installed on your machine.13. If you get Tuxedo catalog message errors, you may also need to set (and export) theenvironment variable that defines the locale, for example:LANG=C [for US English]14. This completes the initial lab installation.Part 4 – Building Tuxedo Programs for the Lab WorkshopsYou will now build all client and server executable programs to be used in the lab exercises. These programs need to be built as the lab exercises can be run on a number of platforms, using different versions of operating system and C compiler. The next step requires that the environment is suitably setup - Tuxedo must be installed, the Tuxedo Software Development (SDK) license installed must be valid, and a C compiler must be installed. 15. After installing the lab files, to compile all C programs in the solutions directories and buildthe executable programs:- cd to the <root-directory> that contains the exercises and solutions sub-directories- edit the appropriate buildlabs script file[Windows] buildlabs.bat[UNIX] buildlabs.kshto set the environment variables identified there- In the <root-directory>, run the appropriate buildlabs script (examples are below): [Windows]: Note that you have to supply the root directory name if you did notset it in the buildlabs.bat file.buildlabs [<root-directory>][UNIX]: Note the {space} between {. } and {buildlabs.ksh}. buildlabs.kshWindows Example: cd c:\tuxa11(In a DOS Window)[Edit/set the appropriate environment variables in the buildlabs.bat file; run the bat file as shown below.]buildlabs c:\tuxa11 [Note that the root lab directory name isrequired as a parameter if not set inbuildlabs.bat]UNIX Example: cd /home/student01(ksh)[Edit/set the appropriate environment variables in the buildlabs.ksh file; in the command line below note the <space> between “.” andbuildlabs.ksh)]. buildlabs.ksh16. When the build command script is successfully completed, verify that it has built the clientand server executables by looking at the files in a lab directory such as ‘adac” under the exercises subdirectory. There should be some executable program files (*.exe in Windows, executable files in UNIX). If necessary, you can re-run the buildlabs command file again at any time.17. This completes the lab installation and familiarization. Review the notes in the General LabInstructions section at the beginning of this Lab Guide to become familiar with thegeneralized instructions for the rest of the Lab Workshop exercises.DEPL–Deploying a Basic Tuxedo ApplicationReference Course Modules: DEPLSuggested Time: 20 minutesObjectiveYou will be following instructions to make you familiar with the computer and lab exercise environment, and to configure and run a basic sample application to verify the successful installation of the Tuxedo product. In doing so, you will also be deploying a simple Tuxedo application. You will be performing some of these instructions in this lab without fully knowing the details, such as the configuration file, that will be explained later. An important objective of this lab exercise is to make you comfortable with the lab environment and begin to use some of the basic Tuxedo commands.DescriptionThe configuration for this lab is a basic single machine (SHM mode) application with one client and one server. This basic application, which is shipped with the BEA Tuxedo product, is called simpapp. It consists of the simpcl client that sends a text string, supplied by the user, to the TOUPPER service implemented in the simpserv server. The TOUPPER service converts the text string to uppercase and returns the resultant text string to the client for display to the user.The following files are provided• command script files to set the appropriate environment variables (setenv.cmd for Windows, setenv.ksh for UNIX)• a template Tuxedo configuration file, UBBconfig.template• a client source program, simpcl.c (that you will copy from the Tuxedo product directory)• a server source program, simpserv.c (that you will copy from the Tuxedo product directory)Steps1. The working directory for this lab is depl in the lab exercises directory.• Open a [Windows] DOS command or [UNIX] shell window and “cd” to this directory.2. Edit the appropriate setenv command file replacing the remarks within <> with appropriatevalues for TUXDIR, APPDIR, TUXCONFIG :[Windows] setenv.cmd[UNIX, Korn shell] setenv.kshSet the environment variables using:[Windows] >setenv [Note: Runs the setenv.cmd file][UNIX, Korn shell]$. setenv.ksh[Note: <space> between “.” & “setenv.ksh”] 3. Copy or rename the UBBconfig.template file to UBBconfi g.[Note: This configuration file is almost identical to the one supplied with the simpappapplication, except that we are using the configuration file name convention that we will use for the rest of the lab exercises.]4. Edit the UBBconfig file:• set appropriate values for IPCKEY, TUXDIR, TUXCONFIG, APPDIR, and for the machine name in the MACHINES section.5. Build the TUXCONFIG file using the command:tmloadcf -y UBBconfigIgnore the warning message “WARN: Missing SERVICES section”. If you encounter any other errors, edit the configuration file and correct the errors. Re-build the TUXCONFIG file.6. Copy the client and servers programs, simpcl.c and simpserv.c, from the TUXEDOsample applications directory into the lab directory (depl):[Tuxedo 6.x]copy %TUXDIR%\apps\simpapp\simpcl.*Windows:UNIX: cp $TUXDIR/apps/simpapp/simpcl.* .[Tuxedo 7.1, 8.0]copy %TUXDIR%\samples\atmi\simpapp\simpcl.*Windows:UNIX:cp $TUXDIR%/samples/atmi/simpapp\simpcl.* .Repeat the appropriate command above to copy simpserv.* to the current directory.7. Build the client program executable using the buildclient command:buildclient -v -f simpcl.c -o simpclThis builds a Tuxedo client executable, simpcl, from the C source file, simpcl.c.8. Build the server program executable using the buildserver command:buildserver -v -f simpserv.c -o simpserv -s TOUPPERThis builds a Tuxedo server executable, simpserv, from the C source file, simpserv.c, that will provide a service called TOUPPER when it is started. This server is defined in the Tuxedo configuration file.9. Boot the application using the Tuxedo command:tmboot -y10. Run the Tuxedo administration command line utility program, tmadmin:• Use the printserver subcommand to view the active servers• Use the printservice subcommand to view the information on services• Exit from tmadmin with the quit subcommand11. At the command line prompt, run the client and observe the input text string returned as anuppercase string:simpcl “hello tuxedo”12. Re-run the tmadmin program, and run the same sub-commands as before to observe anydifference in the statistics printed. (Hint: We submitted a request for the TOUPPER service that was completed successfully and was performed by the SIMPSERV server). Exit the tmadmin program.13. Shut down the Tuxedo application system:tmshutdown -y14. Tuxedo messages are logged in a file called the userlog or ULOG file. The file is namedULOG.mmddyy where mmddyy are the two-digit month, day, and year respectively. For example, the file for August 9, 2001 would be named ULOG.080901. We will cover the details of the ULOG file later; for now, be aware that this log file exists and contains valuable error and information messages logged by the Tuxedo system.The ULOG file is a text file and you can examine it with any text editor or with commands such as type or more.Windows: type ULOG* | moreUNIX: more ULOG*Look up the details of some of the logged messages (such as the LIBTUX_CAT:262 message) in the Messages section of the Tuxedo documentation on the Student CD.CONF–Configuring Application ServersReference Course Chapter: CONFSuggested Time: 30 minutesObjectiveThis lab exercise is intended to provide experience in configuring a functional basic application consisting of essential configuration components and to observer the synchronous client-server communication mechanism.DescriptionThis lab utilizes an SHM configuration with one client and three servers.The clientdb program calls a service (specified on the command line) and then prints out information when it receives a reply back from the server. It operates in a synchronous mode – it sends a request for the service and then waits for the response before sending the next request. The three servers provided are SvrInq, SvrUpdate, and SvrDelete and the services each provides simulate the inquiry, update, and delete operations to a database in a typical application.The following files are provided:• template command script files to set the appropriate environment variables (setenv.cmd for Windows, setenv.ksh for UNIX)• template Tuxedo configuration file, UBBconfig.template• application executables (one client and 3 servers): clientdb; servers SvrInq, SvrUpdate, and SvrDelete。
1Product descriPtionCheck Point courses and certifications provide the critical skills and in-depth knowledge needed to maximize security, benefits, and ROI.Product featuresnComprehensive training on all Check Point products and technologiesnIn-depth courses written by our security experts, focused on practical experience and skills nInstructor-led classes create a focused, accelerated learning environmentn Hands-on exercises reinforce skills and increase knowledge retention n Industry-recognized certifications validate ability and prove expertise n Worldwide network of ATC partners with extensive real-world experience nOnsite training packages andsolutions customized to your needsProduct benefitsnEnsure comprehensive, strong security and protection of valuable business assetsnMaximize benefits of Check Point products, features, and technologies for your business, increasing ROI n Increase productivity and efficiency of support staff, reducing TCO n Gain critical skills and knowledge quickly with focused training classes nResolve security issues fastand minimize the impact of those that do occurnRetain and attract valuable support staff by investing in their developmentTraining and CertificationCritical skills to maximize security, benefits, and ROIYOUR CHALLENGEStrong security is more than just a hardware or software solution—it is the knowledge and expertise of how to get the most from those solutions while meeting your unique requirements. Your staff needs critical skills and knowledge on Check Point products to implement and maintain the strongest security possible with the flexibility and reliability to keep your business growing—securely.Too often there is little or no time dedicated to mastering essential skills and product information, forcing your staff to sort through documentation, search Web sites, or even worse, learn on the job by trial and error—with dangerous consequences. They need focused training, hands-on experience, and access to knowledgeable experts who help them gain the critical skills they need to successfully implement and support your Check Point products.You need a fast, cost-effective way to bridge the gap between purchaseand implementation, reduce potential security risks, ensure reliable, available resources, and maximize the full benefits of your Check Point solution.OUR SOLUTIONCheck Point training courses and certifications give your security administrators and staff the critical skills and in-depth knowledge that they need to implement your Check Point solutions with the strongest security possible.Written by our training experts, all courses, labs, and exams are developed with an emphasis on practical experience with Check Point products,aligning essential skills to your real-world job functions and business needs for immediate benefits. Certifications validate and demonstrate proficiency with Check Point products and the ability to develop, implement, and enforce security strategies to strengthen and grow your business.There is a reason why Check Point certifications are among the most valuable in the industry year after year: immediate and tangible return on investment (ROI). Knowledgeable staff not only ensure maximum security and compliance, they are more efficient, productive, and deliver lower total cost of ownership (TCO) from Check Point solutions. And for individuals, certification recognizes their experi-ence, while investing in their professional development and security careers.Learn more about the benefits of Check Point’s cost-effective and focused training solutions today, and see why Check Point certifications are ranked among the most valuable in the industry. Then register for courses through our worldwide network of Authorized Training Center (ATC) partners for the critical knowledge and skills that you need to maximize your security and ROI from Check Point products.The NGX platform delivers a unified security architecture for Check Point.©2003–2007 Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved. Check Point, AlertAdvisor, Application Intelligence, Check Point Express, Check Point Express CI, the Check Point logo, ClusterXL, Confidence Indexing, ConnectControl, Connectra, Connectra Accelerator Card, Cooperative Enforcement, Cooperative Security Alliance, CoSa, DefenseNet, Dynamic Shielding Architecture, Eventia, Eventia Analyzer, Eventia Reporter, Eventia Suite, FireWall-1, FireWall-1 GX, FireWall-1 SecureServer, FloodGate-1, Hacker ID, Hybrid Detection Engine, IMsecure, INSPECT, INSPECT XL, Integrity, Integrity Clientless Security, Integrity SecureClient, InterSpect, IPS-1, IQ Engine, MailSafe, NG, NGX, Open Security Extension, OPSEC, OSFirewall, Policy Lifecycle Management, Provider-1, Safe@Home, Safe@Office, SecureClient, SecureClient Mobile, SecureKnowledge, SecurePlatform, SecurePlatform Pro, SecuRemote, SecureServer, SecureUpdate, SecureXL, SecureXL Turbocard, Sentivist, SiteManager-1, SmartCenter, SmartCenter Express, SmartCenter Power, SmartCenter Pro, SmartCenter UTM, SmartConsole, SmartDashboard, SmartDefense, SmartDefense Advisor, Smarter Security, SmartLSM, SmartMap, SmartPortal, SmartUpdate, SmartView, SmartView Monitor, SmartView Reporter, SmartView Status, SmartViewTracker, SofaWare, SSL Network Extender, Stateful Clustering, TrueVector, Turbocard, UAM, UserAuthority, User-to-Address Mapping, VPN-1, VPN-1 Accelerator Card, VPN-1 Edge, VPN-1 Express, VPN-1 Express CI, VPN-1 Power, VPN-1 Power VSX, VPN-1 Pro, VPN-1 SecureClient, VPN-1 SecuRemote, VPN-1 SecureServer, VPN-1 UTM, VPN-1 UTM Edge, VPN-1 VSX, Web Intelligence, ZoneAlarm, ZoneAlarm Anti-Spyware, ZoneAlarm Antivirus, ZoneAlarm Internet Security Suite, ZoneAlarm Pro, ZoneAlarm Secure Wireless Router, Zone Labs, and the Zone Labs logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. or its affiliates. ZoneAlarm is a Check Point Software Technologies, Inc. Company. All other product names mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. The products described in this document are protected by U.S. Patent No. 5,606,668, 5,835,726, 6,496,935, 6,873,988, and 6,850,943 and may be protected by other U.S. Patents, foreign patents, or pending applications.March 12, 2007 P/N 502456designed for real-world jobs and tasksOur courses are designed from real-world job and task analysis, aligning skills to basic competencies to give you the essential knowledge that you need to get your job done effectively. And because we are also the subject matter experts on Check Point products and technologies, you will learn best practices and recommended solutions not available anywhere else.Hands-on learning and labsAll courses combine lecture with lab work to immediatelyapply lessons learned, moving beyond theoretical training into practical, hands-on experience, increasing retention of impor-tant and valuable knowledge. Students have an opportunity to safely try their new skills in a realistic environment, avoiding common, costly, and potentially serious mistakes that could compromise your company’s security and valuable assets.focused, accelerated learningInstructor-led courses accelerate and focus the learning process, increasing retention, benefits, and value of Check Point-provided materials and skills. Students concentrate on the task of learning without distractions, ask questions, and gain from the insights of peers and colleagues. Compared to self-paced learning, classroom training delivers a richer learning experience that is more cost effective, efficient, and less disruptive to schedules.expert, qualified instructorsClasses are taught by highly qualified instructors who are not only certified on Check Point products and technologies, but who are also certified on the best teaching methodologies to ensure that you acquire and retain important skills. Many instructors also hold professional certifications in their fields, so you get valuable, practical knowledge that you can directly apply to your own business and security needs.Valuable, recognized certificationsCertifications validate and demonstrate proficiency with Check Point products and the ability to develop, implement, and enforce security strategies to strengthen and grow your business. For individuals, certification is a great way to get recognition of your experience and skills while investing in your professional development and security career.comprehensive curriculumWhether you are new to security or an experienced profes-sional, our comprehensive curriculum offers training and knowledge-building exercises to supplement your expertise. Our core security courses establish a strong foundation in essential Check Point product knowledge and skills.Specialized courses increase your proficiency and expertise in specific disciplines and technologies. If you are pursuing certification or just need essential product information, we have the essential training that you need.onsite, customized trainingOur Professional Services team offers dedicated training solutions customized to your exact needs with onsite instructors, course materials, and hands-on labs that deliver essential product knowledge to your teams. When your staff learns together in your environment, they gain vital, in-common knowledge that applies directly to your workplace—creating a more meaningful and valuable learning experience.sign up for trainingTo sign up for training or learn more about Check Point Training and Certification programs, including specialized courses covering the Check Point NGX platform, visit us at /services/education/ or emailus directly at education@.check Point core security courses provide the essential training and skills that you need:。
误差理论Theory of Error西方近现代建筑史History of Western Contemporary Architecture西方科学与哲学评价Comment of Western Science & Philosophy西方美术史History of Western Art西方文化讲座Lecture of Western Culture西方文学理论Theories of Western Literature吸收式及蒸喷式制冷机Absorption & Evaporation Refrigerator吸收式制冷机Absorption Refrigerator系统辨识System Discrimination系统程序设计基础Basic of System Program Design系统动力学System Dynamics系统工程System Engineering系统工程及经济分析概论Introduction to System Engineering & Economic Analysis系统建模与响应System Modeling & Response系统结构System Structure系统与泵站System & Pump Station细胞生物学Cell Biology细杆式制冷压缩机Thin Pole Compressor纤维光学Fibre Optics显示技术Display Technique显示技术及装置Display Technique & Equipment显示仪表Displaying Meter现代汉语Modern Chinese现代控制论Comtemporary Control Theory现代生物概率Probability of Modern Biology现代文学Modern Literature现代文学作品选读Selected Readings of Contemporary Literature现代西方哲学Contemporary Western Philosophy现代西方哲学评价Comments on Contemporary Western Philosophy现代语言学Modern Linguistics现代作品选讲Lectures on Selected Contemporary Writings线性代数Linear Algebra线性规划Linear Programming线性系统与分析Linear System & Analysis相似理论在热工中应用Application of Similarity Theory in Heat Engineering 项目可行性研究与评诂Research & Evaluation of Project Fearibility小区规划设计Small Zone Planning小型客积式压缩机Small-V olumed Compressor小型制冷装置Small Refrigerating Equipment写作Writing写作基础Basis for Writing新时期小说专题Current Issues on Contemporary Novels新闻采访学News Gathering新闻概论Introduction to Journalism新闻管理专题Current Issues on Journalism Administration新闻学理论Theories of Journalism Science新闻评论学News Commentary新闻摄影News Photography新闻史History of Journalism新闻世界史World History of News新闻事业管理Journakism Administration新闻文化学News Culturology新闻写作News Writing新闻心理学News Psychology新闻总编赏析Appreciation & Analysis of General Editing心理学Psychology信号变换与处理Signal Conversion & Processing信号分析Signal Analysis信号交换处理Signal Exchange Processing信号与线性系统Signal & Linear System信息传输基础Information Transmission System信息光学Information Optics信息论Informatics信息论与编码Informatics & Coding信息系统设计Information System Design信息系统设计与分析Analysis of Information System & Designing 形式逻辑Formal Logics形势与教育Situation & Education形势与政策Situation & Policy行政法Administrative Law行政管理学Administration Science修辞讲座Lectures on Rhetorics学科专研究Subject Research循环分析Analysis of Cycling循环力学Cycling Mechanics训估学Phonology压力焊Pressure Welding压缩机测试技术Compression Test Technique压缩机汽阀Steam Valve of Compressor压缩机制冷技术Technology of Compressor Refrigeration压缩机制冷原理Principle of Compressor Refrigeration压缩机制造工艺学Technology of Compressor Manufacturing氧化锌避雷器Zinc-Oxide Arrester遥感图象数字处理Remote Sense Picture and Digit Processing叶片泵设计Paddle Pump Designing叶栅理论Theories of Cascades液力传动Fluid Transmission液体静压技术Liquid Static-Press Technique液体力学及液压传动Fluid Dynamics and Hydraulic Power Transmission 液压测试技术Hydraulic Test Technique液压传动Hydraulic Transmission液压传动系统Hydraulic Power Transmission System液压传动系统设计Hydraulic Power Transmission System Designing液压概论Introduction to Hydrdulics液压流体力学Hydro-mechanics液压伺服系统Hydrauservo System液压随动系统Hydrawlic Slave System液压系统的模拟机分析Analysis of Simulator of Hydraulic System液压系统数字仿真Digital Imitation in Hydraulic System液压系统污染控制Pollution Control in Hydraulic System液压元件Hydraulic Elements液压元件课程设计Course Exerciese in Hydraulic Elements遗传学Genetics仪表可*性Meter Reliability仪表零件及结构Meter Elements & structure仪器电路设计Instrument Circuit Designing仪器分析Instrumental Analysis仪器物理Instrumental Physics仪器物理学Instrumental Physics仪器制造工艺Instrument Manufacturing Technique仪用运放电路Instrument Transporting Circuitry音乐欣赏Music Appreciation银行信贷Bank Credits印刷输出设备设计原理Principle of Printing Out/Put Equipment Designing 英国文学史History of British Literature英美文学作品选读Selected Readings of British & American Literature英汉翻译English-Chinese Translation英美报刊选读Selected British & American Newspaper Readings英美概况British & American Culture and Society英美外台选听Selected Listenings of British & American Broadcast英美文学史History of British & American Literature英文打字Typing in English英语English英语词汇学English Lexicology英语泛读Extensive Reading英语精读Intensive Reading英语口语Oral English Practice英语视听English Videos英语听力English Listening Comprehension英语写作English Writing英语语法English Grammar英语语法流派Schools of English Grammar英语语言学导论Introdnction to General Lingnistics英语语言专题讲座Current Issues in Language Research and Education 英语语音English Phonetics英语阅读English Reading英语阅读与技巧English Reading & Skills应用光学Applied Optics应用光学课程设计Course Design of Applied Optics应用光学设计Applied Optics Design应用光学实验Experiment on Applied Optics应用化学Applied Chemistry应用解剖Applied Anatomy应用软件基础Basic Applied Software应用软件与数据库Applied Software & Database应用物理实验Experiment of Applied Physics影视课Movies & TV Series优化技术基础Basis of Optimal Technique优化设计Optimal Design有机化学Organic Chemistry有机化学实验Organic Chemistry Experiment有色金属Colored & Fine Metal Alloy有限单元法Finite Element有限元法及应用Finite Element & its Application有限元及其在内燃机中应用Application of Finite Element IC Engine 语言学概论Introduction to Linguistics语义学Semantics语音练习Practice on Phonetics语音学基础Basis of Phonetics预测技术Predicting Technique预测与决策Predicting and Policy-Making原理设计Principle Design原子物理学Atomic Physics园林设计Garden Designing源流理论与计算方法Principle & Computing Method of Source Flow 远动技术Motion Technology阅读与技巧Reading & Skills运筹学Operational Research噪声原理及分析Principle & Analysis of Noise造型材料Modeling Material造型材料及基础Material & Basis of Modeling粘弹性力学Viscous Elastic Mechanics粘性流体力学Viscous Fluid Mechanics哲学Philosophy真空物理与技术Vacuum Physics Technology振动分析与测试Vibration Analysis & Testing振动理论Theory of Vibration振动理论与测试Theory & Testing of Vibration振动学Vibration政治经济学Plutonomy政治理论Political Theories政治学Politics直流调整系统Direct Current Adjustive System直流输电Direct Current Transmission制冷及低温技术Refrigeration & Cryogenic Technique制冷系统优化与节能Optimal Refrigeration System & Energy Saving制冷与空调Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning制冷原理与设备Refrigeration Principle & Equipment智能化仪表基础Basis of Artificial Intelligence Meter智能机器Artificial Intelligence Machinery智能仪器设计与应用Design&Application of Artificial Intelligence Instrument 质量管理Quality Management质量管理工程学Quality Management Engineering中国传统文化专题Topics on Chinese Traditional Culture中国当代文学史History of Chinese Contemporary Literature中国革命史History of Chinese Revolution中国古代建筑史History of Ancient Chinese Architecture中国古代名著欣赏Appreciation of Famous Ancient Chinese Works中国古代史History of Ancient China中国古代文学作品选讲Selected Readings of Ancient Chinese Literary Work 中国古典文学Classical Chinese Literature中国古典小说名著选讲Selected Readings of Famous Classical Chinese Novels 中国古典小说选讲Selected Readings of Classical Chinese Novels中国画技巧Technique of Chinese Painting中国近现代经济史History of Recent & Modern Chinese Economy中国近代史Modern History of China中国经济地理Chinese Economic Geography中国经济与社会发展战略Chinese Economy & Social Development Strategy 中国历代诗歌选Selections of Chinese Poetry中国美术欣赏Appreciation of Chinese Art中国美学史History of Chinese Art生物物理学Biophysics真空冷冻干燥技术Vacuum Freezing & Drying Technology16位微机16 Digit MicrocomputerALGOL语言ALGOL LanguageBASIC 语言BASIC LanguageBASIC 语言及应用BASIC Language & ApplicationC 语言C LanguageCAD 概论Introduction to CADCAD/CAM CAD/CAMCOBOL语言COBOL LanguageCOBOL语言程序设计COBOL Language Program DesigningC与UNIX环境C Language & Unix EnvironmentC语言与生物医学信息处理C Language & Biomedical Information Processing dBASE Ⅲ课程设计C ourse Exercise in dBASE ⅢFORTRAN语言FORTRAN LanguageIBM-PC/XT Fundamentals of Microcomputer IBM-PC/XTIBM-PC微机原理Fundamentals of Microcomputer IBM-PCLSI设计基础Basic of LSI DesigningPASCAL大型作业PASCAL Wide Range WorkingPASCAL课程设计Course Exercise in PASCALX射线与电镜X-ray & Electric MicroscopeZ-80汇编语言程序设计Z-80 Pragramming in Assembly Languages板壳理论Plate Theory板壳力学Plate Mechanics半波实验Semiwave Experiment半导体变流技术Semiconductor Converting Technology半导体材料Semiconductor Materials半导体测量Measurement of Semiconductors半导体瓷敏元件Semiconductor Porcelain-Sensitive Elements半导体光电子学Semiconductor Optic Electronics半导体化学Semiconductor Chemistry半导体激光器Semiconductor Laser Unit半导体集成电路Semiconductor Integrated Circuitry半导体理论Semiconductive Theory半导体器件Semiconductor Devices半导体器件工艺原理Technological Fundamentals of Semiconductor Device半导体物理Semiconductor Physics半导体专业Semiconduction Specialty半导体专业实验Specialty Experiment of Semiconductor薄膜光学Film Optics报告文学专题Special Subject On Reportage报刊编辑学Newspaper & Magazine Editing报纸编辑学Newspaper Editing泵与风机Pumps and Fans泵与水机Pumps & Water Turbines毕业设计Graduation Thesis编译方法Methods of Compiling编译技术Technique of Compiling编译原理Fundamentals of Compiling变电站的微机检测与控制Computer Testing & Control in Transformer Substation 变分法与张量Calculus of Variations & Tensor变分学Calculus of Variations变质量系统热力学与新型回转压Variable Quality System Thermal Mechanics & Neo-Ro表面活性物质Surface Reactive Materials并行算法Parallel Algorithmic波谱学Wave Spectrum材料的力学性能测试Measurement of Material Mechanical Performance材料力学Mechanics of Materials财务成本管理Financial Cost Management财政学Public Finance财政与金融Finance & Banking财政与信贷Finance & Credit操作系统Disk Operating System操作系统课程设计Course Design in Disk Operating System操作系统原理Fundamentals of Disk Operating System策波测量技术Technique of Whip Wave Measurement测量原理与仪器设计Measurement Fundamentals & Meter Design测试技术Testing Technology测试与信号变换处理Testing & Signal Transformation Processing产业经济学Industrial Economy产业组织学Industrial Organization Technoooligy场论Field Theory常微分方程Ordinary Differentical Equations超导磁体及应用Superconductive Magnet & Application超导及应用Superconductive & Application超精微细加工Super-Precision & Minuteness Processing城市规划原理Fundamentals of City Planning城市社会学Urban Sociology成组技术Grouping Technique齿轮啮合原理Principles of Gear Connection冲击测量及误差Punching Measurement & Error冲压工艺Sheet Metal Forming Technology抽象代数Abstract Algebra传动概论Introduction to Transmission传感器与检测技术Sensors & Testing Technology传感器原理Fundamentals of Sensors传感器原理及应用Fundamentals of Sensors & Application传热学Heat Transfer传坳概论Introduction to Pass Col船舶操纵Ship Controling船舶电力系统Ship Electrical Power System船舶电力系统课程设计Course Exercise in Ship Electrical Power System船舶电气传动自动化Ship Electrified Transmission Automation船舶电站Ship Power Station船舶动力装置Ship Power Equipment船舶概论Introduction to Ships船舶焊接与材料Welding & Materials on Ship船舶机械控制技术Mechanic Control Technology for Ships船舶机械拖动Ship Mechamic Towage船舶建筑美学Artistic Designing of Ships船舶结构力学Structual Mechamics for Ships船舶结构与制图Ship Structure & Graphing船舶静力学Ship Statics船舶强度与结构设计Designing Ship Intensity & Structure船舶设计原理Principles of Ship Designing船舶推进Ship Propeling船舶摇摆Ship Swaying船舶阻力Ship Resistance船体建造工艺Ship-Building Technology船体结构Ship Structure船体结构图Ship Structure Graphing船体振动学Ship Vibration创造心理学Creativity Psychology磁测量技术Magnetic Measurement Technology磁传感器Magnetic Sensor磁存储设备设计原理Fundamental Design of Magnetic Memory Equipment磁记录技术Magnetographic Technology磁记录物理Magnetographic Physics磁路设计与场计算Magnetic Path Designing & Magnetic Field Calculati磁盘控制器Magnetic Disk Controler磁性材料Magnetic Materials磁性测量Magnetic Measurement磁性物理Magnetophysics磁原理及应用Principles of Catalyzation & Application大电流测量Super-Current Measurement大电源测量Super-Power Measurement大机组协调控制Coordination & Control of Generator Networks大跨度房屋结构Large-Span House structure大型锅炉概况Introduction to Large-V olume Boilers大型火电机组控制Control of Large Thermal Power Generator Networks社会调查的理论与方法Theories & Methods for Social Investigation社会调查方法Methods for Social Investigation社会工作Social Work社会统计分析与SYSTAT应用Social Statistics Analysis & SYSTA T Application 社会统计学Social Statistics社会问题研究Research on Social Problems社会心理学Social Psychology社会学概论Introduction to Sociololgy社会学简论Brief Introduction to Sociology社会学理论专题Current Issues in Theories of Socilolgy社会学问题研究Research on Problems of Sociology社会学研究方法Research Methods of Sociology社会主义财政学Finance of Socialism社会主义各国政,经体制讨论Discussion on Political & Economic Systems in Socialism审计学Science of Auditing生产管理Administration of Manufacturing生产过程计算机控制Computer Control in Manufacturing Process生产过程自动化Water-Turbine Engine生理学Physiology生命科学与无机化学Life Science and Inorganic Chemistry生物工程产品Bio-engineering Products生物工程导论Introduction to Bio-engineering生物化学Biochemistry生物化学工程Biochemical Engineering生物化学及实验Biochemistry Experiment生物检测技术Measurement for Biotechnique生物控制论Biocybernetics生物流变学Biorheology生物物理Biophysics生物学专题Currents Issues in Biology生物医学超声学Biomedical Supersonics失效分析Invalidation Analysis诗歌美学Aesthetics of Poetry时间序列Time Sequence实变函数Functions of Real Variable实验分析Experimental Analysis实验力学Experimental Mechanics实验力学基础Basis of Experimental Mechanics实验流体Experimental Flowing Object实验应力分析Analysis of Experimental Stress世界近现代经济史Modern History of World Economy世界近现代史Modern History of the World世界文化史History of World Culture世界政治经济与国际关系World Politic Ecomony &International Relationship 适应控制系统Adaption Control System市场学Science of Market市场研究Research on Market市场预测Market Predicting输入输出设计原理Principle of Input and Output Designing书法Handwriting数据结构Data Structure数据库概论Introduction to Database数据库基础Basis of Database数据库技术Technique of Database数据库设计与分析Design & Analysis of Database数据库系统原理Principles of Database System数据库应用Application of Database数据库原理及应用Principle & Application of Database数控机床Digit Control Machine Tool数控技术Digit Control Technique数理方程Mathematical Equations数理方程积分变换Integral Transmission of Mathematical Equation数理方程与特殊函数Equations of Mathmatical Physics & Special Functions数理逻辑Mathematical Logic数理统计Mathematical statistics数量经济Quantity Economics数学分析Mathematical Analysis数学规划Mathematical Planning数学模型Mathematical Modening数学物理方法Method of Mathematical Physics数值电路Digital Circuit数值分析Numerical Analysis数值计算Digital Computation数字测量技术Digital Measuring Technique数字测量实验技术Experimental Technique of Digital Measuring数字测试实验技术Experimental Technique of Digital Testing数字电路Digital Circuit数字电路及微机原理Digital Circuit & Computer Principles数字电视Digital Television数字电子基础Fundamental Digital Electionics数字电子技术Digital Electronic Technique数字电子技术基础Fundamental Digital Electronic Technique数字电子技术设计与实验Experiment & Design of Digital Electron Technique 数字电子线路Digital Electrical Circuitry数字电子与微机原理Digital Electronics & Principle of Microcomputer数字仿真Digital Simulation数字化测量技术Digital Measuring Technique数字控制及微机控制技术Digital Control & Microcomputer Control Technique 数字逻辑Digital Logic数字图象处理Digital Image Processing数字系统逻辑设计Logical Design of Digital System数字系统设计Design of Digital System数字信号处理Digital Signal Processing双曲线方程Hyperbolic Equation水电能源学Science of HydrOelectric 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Engine水现代控制理论Modern Theory of Water Controling水质稳定技术Stability Technique of Water Quality思想教育Virtue Education素描Pencil Sketch速冻技术Technique of Speed Freezing塑性力学Plastic Machanics算法语言Algorithmic Language随机过程Stochastic Process & Time Series Analysis随机运筹学Randomized Operational Research锁相技术Phase Lock Technique谈判技巧Negotiation Skills唐宋诗词Poetry & Prose of Tang & Song Dynasties陶瓷材料学Science of Ceramic Material陶瓷工艺原理Principle of Pottery Technology特种泵Special Pump特种加工工艺Special Working Technology特种压缩机Special Compressor特种铸铁Special Casting Iron特种铸造Special Processes of Metal Castings体育Physical Education天线原理Principle of Antenna铁磁学Ferromagnetics铁电半导体Ferro-Electric Semiconductor铁电材料与器件Ferro-Electric Material and Element铁电压电材料与器件Ferro-V oltage Electric Material and Element铁氧体材料Ferrite Material听说训练Practice on Listening & Speaking通风机Ventilator通信电子线路Electronic Circuit of Communication通信原理Principle of Communication通讯写作专题Current Issues on Report Writing同步控制原理Principle of Synchronic Control统计Statistics统计计算Experiment of Applied Physics统计检查与质量控制Statistic Check and Quality Control统计物理Statistical Physics统计信号分析Analysis of Statistical Signal统计学Statistics统计学原理Principle of Statistics统计学原理与工业统计Principle of Statistics & Industrial Statistics统计原理Statistics投入产出分析Analysis of Input and Output投入产出技术Input and Output Technique透平机械三元流动Three-dimensional Flow of Turbine Machinery透平膨胀机Turbine Expansion Engine透平式压缩机特性模拟Analog of Performance of Turbine Compressor 透平压缩机强度Tensile of Turbine Compressor图论Graph Theory图论算法Algorithm on Graph Theory图论与组合Graphing & Grouping图论与组合优化Graphing & Optimal Grouping土力学与地基Soil Mechanics and Foundations托福测试Test of English as a Foreign Language拓朴学Topology外部设备讲座Lectures on Peripherial Equipment外部设备维修Repairment of Peripheral Equipment外国古代建筑史History of Western Ancient Architecture外国文献阅读Readings of Foreign Literature外国文学史History of Foreign Literature外国文学作品选译Selected Translations of Foreign Literary Works外国物流Foreign Material Flow外国物资管理Overseas Material Management外国新闻事业史History of Overseas Journalism外贸会计Foreign Business Accountancy外贸英语Foreign Business English外设概论Introduction to Peripheral Equipment外设实验Experiment on Peripheral Equipment往复泵及其它类型泵Reciprocating Pump & Other type Pumps微波测量技术Microwave Measurement Technique微波电路计算机辅助设计CAD of Microwave Circuit微波技术Microwave Technique微波技术基础Basis of Microwave Technique微波技术与天线Microwave Technique and Antenna微波器件Microwave Device微波器件及电路Microwave Device and Circuitry微波铁氧体器件Microwave Iron Oxide Elements微波网络Microwave Net微波遥感Microwave Remote Sensors微分方程Differential Equation微分方程数值解Numerical solution of partial defferential equatio微分几何Defferential Geometry微观分析Micro-Analysis微观经济学Micro-Economics微机管理系统概论Introduction to Microcomputer Administration Systo微机和程序逻辑Microcomputer &Program Logic微机化设计Microcomputerization Design微机化仪器Microcomputerized Instrument微机化仪器仪表Microcomputerized Instrument & Meter微机汇编语言程序设计Microcomputer Programming in Assembly Languages 微机技术课程设计Course Exercise in Microcomputer Technology微机继电保护基础Basic Computer Relay Protection微机控制技术Control Technique of Microcomputer微机控制系统Control System of Microcomputer微机励磁检测系统Magnetic Excitation Test System of Microcomputer微机励磁控制系统Magnetic Excitation Control System of Microcomputer微机实验与设计Experiment & Design of Microcomputer微机数据管理Microcomputer Data Administration微机应用Application of Microcomputer微机应用技术Application Technique of Microcomputer微机原理Principle of Micro-computer微机原理及接口技术Principle & Interface Technique of Micro-computer微机原理及应用Principle & Application of Microcomputer微机原理与外设Principle of Microcomputer & Peripheral Equipment微机在并网中的应用Application of Microcomputer in Parallel Network微机在压缩机中应用Application of Microcomputer in Compressor微机在医学中的应用Application of Microcomputer in Medicine微机在铸造技术中的应用Application of Microcomputer in Casting微生物学Microbiology微型机及应用Microcomputer & its Application微型计算机控制技术Microcomputer Controling Technique微型计算机控制技术课程设计Course Exercise in Microcomputer Principles 微型计算机原理及应用Principle & Applications of Microcomputer微型计算机原理课程设计Course Exercise in Microcomputer Principles文化人类学Cultural Anthropology文书学Secretarial Science文献检索Document Indexing文选与习作Selected Readings & Composition文学概论Introduction to Literature文学选读Selected Readings of Literature文字音韵学Phonology文定性理论Theory of Stability涡轮增压器原理Principle of Turbosupercharger无机电介质Inorganic Dielectric无机化学Inorganic Chemistry无机化学实验Inorganic Chemistry Experiments无机介电材料Inorganic Dielectric Material无损检测技术Dynamic Non-Destruction Measurement无线电测量Antijamming Techniques无线电系统概论Introduction to Radio System无线电系统与设备Radio System & Equipment无油润滑及空气净化Oil-Free Lubrication & Air Purification物理光学Physical Optics物理光学实验Optical-Physics Experiment物理化学Chemicophysics物理化学实验Physical Chemistry Experiment物理学Physics科技翻译Scientific English Translation科技管理Technological Management科技史History of Science & Technology科技史及新技术知识Historry of Science & Knowledge of New Techndogy 科技写作Scientific Writing科技新闻Scientific News科技英语Scientific English科技英语基础Elementary Scientific English科技英语阅读Readings of Scientific English科技与社会Science & Society科学方法论Scientific Methodology科学技术史History of Science & Technology科学计量Scientific Measurement科学社会学概论Introduction to Scientific Socialism科学社会主义Scientific Socialism科学思维方法Methods of Scinetific Thinking科学学Scientology可计算性Calculability可*性Reliability可*性及故障诊断Reliability & Error Diagnosis可*性技术导论Introduction to Reliability Technology可*性数学Reliable Mathematics可*性物理Reliability Physics可逆式机组Reversible Machinery Group可逆式水力机械Reversible Hydraulic Machinery空气调节与通风Air Regulation & Ventilation空气动力学Aerodynamics控制电机Electrical Machines for Control控制工程Control Engineering控制工程基础Basis of Control Engineering控制理论Theory of Control控制理论基础Elementary Theory of Control控制理论基础与水轮机调节Elementary Theory of Control & Water Turbine Regulat控制系统设计Control System Design控制系统数字仿真Control System Digital Imitation口译Oral Intepretation口语实践Oral Practice快速阅读Fast Reading劳动工资管理Management of Labor Wages乐理Music Theory雷达原理Principles of Radar雷电静电及环境Radar Static Electricity & Environment冷冻干燥技术Freeze Drying Technique冷冻技术Refrigeration Technique冷库设计Refrigerating House Design离散数学Discrete Mathematics离心泵与轴流泵Centrifugal Pumps & Axial Pumps离心式压缩机模拟Centrifugal Compressor Imitation离心式压缩机强度Centrifugal Compressor Intensity离心式压缩机原理Principles of Centrifugal Compressors理论力学Theoretical Mechanics力热学Mechanics & Thermology力学,热学Mechanics & Thermology力学性能测试Mechanics Performance Testing两相流动和传热Two-phase Flow & Thermal Conduction量子力学Quantum Mechanics劣质煤燃烧与利用Tinpot Coal Combustion & Use零件设计Element Design领导科学Leadership Science流场数值计算及性能预测Numerical Calculation of Flow Field流态化工程Fluidization Engineering流体力学Fluid Mechanics六朝文论Articles of Six Dynasties鲁迅研究Research on LU Xun轮机概论Introduction to Turbines伦理学Ethics论文写作Thesis Writing论文指导Thesis Supervision螺杆压缩机Spiral Lobe Compressor逻辑设计Logic Design逻辑学Logic Theory马克思主义原理Principles of Marxism马列(社会学)原著选读Selected Readings of Marx's & Lenin's Original Wor马列哲学原著选读Selected Readings of Marx's & Lenin's Original Wor马列主义原理Principles of Marxism & Leninism马氏规划Martensitic Planning脉冲功率放大Pulse Power Magnification脉冲与数字电路Pulse & Digital Circuit毛泽东思想哲学研究Research on Mao Zedong's Thinking Philosophy煤粉燃烧技术及测量技术Coal Power Combustion & Technology and Measurement 美国文学作品选读Selected Readings of American Literature美术粉彩Art Powder Paint美术室外建筑写生Outdoors Architectural Sketch美术素描Art Sketch美学概论Introduction to Aesthetics秘书学Secretary Science密封技术Sealing Technology免疫学Immunity敏感元件及材料Sensors & Materials明清小说研究Research on NOVELS OF mING & Qing Dynasties名篇赏析Appreciation of Master Pieces模糊数学Fuzzy Mathematics模具计算机辅助设计Computer Aided Design of Models模拟电子技术Analog Electronics Technique模拟电子技术基础Basic Analog Electronics模拟电子线路Analog Electrical Circuitry模拟集成电路Analog Integrated Circuitry模式识别Matrix Recognition模型辨识Model Distinguish磨削原理Principle of Grinding and Cutting耐腐蚀非金属材料Erosion-Resisting Non-metallic Materials内燃机测试技术IC Engine Test Technology内燃机调节IC Engine Regulation内燃机动力学IC Engine Dynamics内燃机概论Introduction to IC Engine内燃机排气净化Purification of IC Exhaustive Gas内燃机设计IC Engine Design内燃机原理Principles of Internal-Combustion Engine内燃机制造工艺学IC Manufacturing Technology能源工程Energy Source Engineering扭转振动Torque Vibration排压力波计算Computation of Pressure Extraction Wave配位化学Coordination Chemistry疲劳断裂力学Fatigue Fracture Mechanics偏微分方程Partial Differential Equation偏微分方程数值解Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equation 评报Commentary Report评论写作Commentary Writing普通化学General Chemistry普通生物学General Biology普通物理General Physics普通物理实验Lab of General Physics近代光学测试技术Modern Optical Testing Technology近代光学计量技术Modern Optical Measuring Technology近代经济史Modern History of Economics近代物理实验Lab of Modern Physics近世代数Modern Algebra晶体管原理Principles of Transistors晶体光学Crystallographic Optics精密测量技术Technology of Precision Measurement精密电气测量Precise Electric Measurement精密合金Precise Alloy精密机械CAD CAD for Precision Machinery精密机械课程设计Course Design for Precision Machinery精密机械零件Precision Machinery Elements精密机械设计基础Elementary Precision Machinery Design精密机械学Precision Machinery精细有机合成Minute Organic Synthesis经济地理Economical Geography经济法Law of Economy经济法学Law of Economy经济分析基础Basis of Economic Analysis经济控制论Economical Cybernetics经济社会学Economic Sociology经济新闻Economic News经济学说史History of Economics经济学原理Principles of Economics经济预测Economic Predicting经济预测与管理奖惩Economic Predicting & Management经济原理Principles of Economy经济运筹学Economic Operation Research经济增长理论Theory of Economic Growth经营管理Operation Management经营管理学Operation Management化工基础Elementary Chemical Industry化工仪表与自动化Chemical Meters & Automation化工原理Principles of Chemical Industry化学Chemistry化学反应工程Chemical Reaction Engineering化学分离Chemical Decomposition化学工程基础Elementary Chemical Engineering化学计量学Chemical Measurement化学文献Chemical Literature化学文献及查阅方法Chemical Literature & Consulting Method化学粘结剂Chemical Felter环境保护理论基础Basic Theory of Environmental Protection环境化学Environomental Chemistry环境行为概论Introduction to Environmental Behavior换热器Thermal Transducer回旧分析与试验设计Tempering Analysis and Experiment Design回转式压缩机Rotary Compressor回转压缩机数学模型Mathematical Modeling of Rotary 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Teams admin center is OEM agnosticOEM-specific tools can be used topush special firmware such as ones witha specific fix. These may not be Microsoft certified firmwareTeams admin center or vendor utilitiesAdmin Agent Teams App Company Portal OEM AppBlob Firmware Update Version Control Update devicesResponse Firmware updates Microsoft ManufacturerTeams admin center shows which devices need a firmware updateAutomatic updates can be deferredbefore being appliedDevices can update Teams app independently of firmware01 Authenticate Authentication Conditional Access Device RegistrationWorkplace Join 02 Register03 Log InAzure ActiveDirectoryMicrosoft EndpointManagerMicrosoft TeamsTeams Management AgentCompliance PoliciesSign-in and registration componentsCompany Portal App 03Enroll request & response 02Authenticate04Workplace joinTeams App Azure Active Directory Microsoft Endpoint Manager Azure Active Directory01Sign in06Token05Sign in successfulMS Authentication Library (MSAL) Sign-in and registration FlowFundamentalsIdentityUser Principal Name Display NameAddress Book DiscoverabilityAccount TypesLicensingAuthenticationOn-Premises or AzureAD AuthenticatedConditional AccessPassword ManagementSession ControlsManagementSecurityHealthFeaturesConfiguration ProfilesPoliciesUser experienceUsabilityAccessibilityConsistencySupportAccount createdon-premisesAzure Active Directory Sync (AAD Sync)Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS)Azure ADOn-premises Conditional access Passwords******Account created in the cloudNo on-premises dependency Permit access to cloud-basedresources or on-premisesapplications configured withAzure AD App ProxyBased on signals such as user, IPaddress, device type, and more.Can block or grant access,require additional authenticationusing Azure AD Multi FactorAuthentication (MFA)Must be kept secureUtilize remote provisioning capabilityfor shared devices such as CommonArea PhonesUse a complex passwordSet passwords to never expire forshared devices such as Common AreaPhones or Meeting Rooms.Where applicable, enforce MFAAuthenticationAssignmentsIncludeUsersGroupsExcludeUsersGroupsConditionsUser riskSign-in riskDevice platformsLocationDevice stateScoping filters (preview)Cloud apps or actionsAll cloud appsSpecific cloud appsUser actionsAccess controlsBlock or grantRequire multi-factorauthenticationRequire IntunecomplianceConditional Access fundamentalsUsers and groupsDirectory rolesDevice platformsSign-in riskUser riskUsed with Identity Protection. Evaluates the probability of an identity or account being compromised.Used with Identity Protection. Evaluates the sign in request for any abnormal behaviour.Enables the targeting of rules to specific device platforms.Android –All Teams Android devices can be targeted when using this condition iOSWindowsMacOSLocationInclude or exclude locations based in rulesets. Typically used for excluding Multi Factor Authentication in a company office or lowering a sign-in risk.Locations based on the external IP address.Filters for Devices (Preview)Include or exclude devices in conditional access rules based upon rulesets. Useful for targeting CA rules to Teams devices by targeting the model of the device.Provides a custom rules engine for authoring Conditional Access policies distinctly for Teams devices based on multiple attributes. Consider using custom-created extension attributes for even greater flexibilityConsistent and familiar rule authoring experience shared with Microsoft Endpoint Manager.aka.ms/filtersfordevicesdeviceIDdisplayNamemanufacturermdmAppIDmodeloperatingSystem operatingSystemVersionphysicalIDsprofileTypesystemLabelsTrustTypeextensionAttribute1-15aka.ms/filtersfordevicesControlsUsed in conjunction with Microsoft Endpoint Manager. Devices mustmeet specific compliance requirements before access is granted. Block specific users access to a cloud app.Grant enables the enforcement of one or more controls when granting access.Require users to perform Azure AD Multi-Factor Authentication before access is granted.Block or GrantRequire Multi-Factor AuthenticationRequire device to be marked as compliantConditional Access with devicesBalance security with user experienceBudget AllocationTry and keep your rules as simple as possibleAndroid devices do not support all conditionsor controls Budget AllocationCloud appsExamples include Teams accessing Planner and accessing SharePoint.As a best practice, set common policies across related apps and services whenever possible.Conditional Access (CA) evaluates policies in two ways:Early-bound policy enforcement means a user must satisfy the dependent service policy before accessing the calling app.Late-bound policy enforcement occurs after the user signs into the calling app. Enforcement is deferred to when calling app requests a token for the downstream service.For example, a user must satisfy SharePoint policy before signing into Teams.Register security informationAllows Conditional Access to enforce when users who are enabled for combined registration to register their security informationRegister or join devicesEnables administrators to use Conditional Access to enforce policywhen a user registers or joins a device to Azure Active Directory.Provides granularity for configuring Multi Factor Authenticationinstead of using a tenant wide policy that exists todayUser sign inUsers sign in using existing Conditional Access (CA) rules.May include Multi Factor authentication and/or device compliance. Consider using device scoping filters.Common area devicesEvaluate trusted location and/or device compliance-based controls. Target common area accounts with Azure AD groups in CA rules. Don’t use Multi Factor Authentication where possible and avoid using device compliance-based controls with hotdesking. Meeting roomsEvaluate trusted location, device compliance, or device scoping filter-based controls.Target meeting room accounts with Azure AD Groups on CA rules.Don’t use Multi Factor Authentication.Multi-factor authenticationAzure Active Directory Conditional Access Rule Assignment Access ControlsUsers & Groups:All Users Cloud Apps:Exchange Online Microsoft Teams SharePoint OnlineConditions:Device Platforms Android Device Scoping FiltersTeam Android Device Models Grant Type:Grant Access Controls:Multi-FactorAuthenticationAnIntune Intune complianceAzure Active Directory Conditional Access Rule Assignment Access ControlsCompliance PolicyCompliance settings Rooted Devices: Block Block Minimum OS: 5.0Actions for non-compliance Mark devicenoncompliant:ImmediatelyAssignmentsAll UsersDevice Scoping FiltersTeams Android Device ModelsControls:Require Device to be marked as Compliant Users & Groups:All Users Cloud Apps:Exchange Online Microsoft Teams SharePoint Online Conditions:Device Platforms Android Device Scoping Filters Team Android Device Models Grant Type:Grant Access AnIntune compliance + Trusted location IntuneAzure Active Directory Conditional Access Rule Assignment Access ControlsCompliance PolicyCompliance Settings Rooted Devices: Block Block Minimum OS: 5.0Actions for non-compliance Mark devicenoncompliant: ImmediatelyAssignmentsAll UsersDevice ScopingFiltersTeams Android Device ModelsControls:Require Device to be marked as Compliant Users & Groups:All Users Cloud Apps:Exchange Online Microsoft Teams SharePoint Online Conditions:Device Platforms Android Locations All trusted locations Device Scoping Filters Team Android Device Models Grant Type:Grant Access AnShared devices conditional access Intune compliance + Trusted locationIntune Azure Active Directory Conditional Access Rule Assignment Access ControlsCompliance PolicyCompliance Settings Rooted Devices: Block Block Minimum OS: 5.0Actions for non-compliance Mark devicenoncompliant: ImmediatelyAssignmentsIncluded groups:Intune –Teams DevicesControls:Require Device to be marked as Compliant Users & Groups:Shared devices group Cloud Apps:Exchange Online Microsoft Teams SharePoint Online Conditions:Device Platforms Android Locations All trusted locations Grant Type:Grant Access An。
烽火交换机常用命令大全HUA system office room 【HUA16H-TTMS2A-HUAS8Q8-HUAH1688】求烽火交换机常用命令大全q 接入方式通过Console口进行本地配置带内/带外的telnet或sshWEB页面q 部分有关管理的缺省设置本机登陆用户名、密码:admin,12345或guest,12345 SNMP的只读集合:publicSNMP的读写集合:NETMANq Web页面配置根据交换机配置的默认web管理地址通过IE浏览器进行配置以烽火2008mfb为例qq 设备缺省的用户名为:adminq 密码为:12345q 选择成员及类型时,可以通过单击代表相应端口类型的字符,选择合适的配置。
q 查看及保存配置(特权模式下#)q show running-config 显示当前系统配置q show startup-config 显示当前配置文件信息q show version 显示当前设备的版本信息q show system 显示系统配置q show interface [<1-64>] 显示端口信息q show vlan [<1-4094>] 显示vlan信息q show dynamic-mac AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF已知某一mac地址,查找交换机连接端口号q show logging history 显示历史记录q show history 显示之前的输入命令q ls 显示文件系统q write file 保存配置文件q show cpu statistic 显示CPU统计信息。
q 1、设置时间q clock set HH:MM:SS <1-31> <1-12> <2000-2100>q 例:Fengine#clock set 14:28:30 10 9 2009q 2、显示文件系统q dirq 例: Fengine#dirq size date time nameq -------- ------ ------ --------q 11387 JAN-01-2000 00:01:16 startcfgq 1 files, total space: 11387 bytesq 0 directorys,available space: 2011136 bytesq 3、清空交换机的配置文件erase startup-config用于清空flash上保存的配置文件,但是以前的配置在系统上仍然生效,因此如果希望系统恢复到出厂状态,除了需要清空flash上的配置文件外,还需要重启设备例: Fengine(config)#erase startup-configThis will erase the configuration in the flash memory.Are you sure(y/n) [y]Erasing configuration.......[OK]q 4、配置交换机系统的名字。
sap bsp开发高级教程
Brian McKellar, Thomas Jung AdvancedBSP ProgrammingContentsIntroduction15Target Audience (15)On What Releases Can You Use BSP? (16)BSP vs. Web Dynpro ABAP (16)Acknowledgements (17)1What is BSP?211.1Internet Communication Manager (21)1.2Internet Communication Framework (24)1.3BSP Development Environment (25)1.4HTMLB Rendering Family (26)1.5BSP Compiler (27)1.6BSP Runtime (28)1.7BSP Debugger (29)1.8MIME Repository (30)1.9Summary (30)2HTTP and HTML312.1Viewing the HTTP Traffic (32)2.2Structure of HTTP (32)2.2.1The HTTP Request Status Line (35)2.2.2HTTP Request Headers (35)2.2.3HTTP Header/Body Separator (37)2.2.4HTTP Request Body (37)2.2.5The HTTP Response Status Line (37)2.2.6HTTP Response Headers (38)2.2.7HTTP Response Body (39)2.3Server Objects for HTTP Request and Response (39)2.4HTML Forms and Data Handling (41)2.5Mapping of HTML onto HTTP Requests (46)2.5.1Input Fields (46)2.5.2Checkboxes, Radio Buttons and Dropdown List Boxes (48)2.5.3File Upload and Download (49)5Contents2.6Cookies (54)2.7HTTP Redirects (58)2.8Handling of HTML Resources in HTTP (59)2.9Troubleshooting Examples (62)2.9.1Missing Resource (62)2.9.2Non-Secure Warnings (63)2.9.3Relative URLs That Become Invalid (63)2.9.4Estimating Performance (65)3HTTP Handler673.1URL Handling in the ICF Tree (67)3.2URL Mapping (68)3.3Sample Handler for Reading Images (69)3.3.1URL Syntax (71)3.3.2Handler Coding (72)3.4Alias Handling (74)3.5Handler Example—Table Query (77)3.5.1Table Query Handler Implementation (78)4URLs in BSP834.1URL Mangling (83)4.1.1What is URL Mangling? (83)4.1.2How is URL Mangling Done? (84)4.1.3Attempting to Hide the URL Mangling (85)4.2Fully Qualified Domain Names (89)4.2.1Motivation for FQDN (90)4.2.2ICM Configuration (91)4.2.3Browser Requirements (91)4.3Namespace Mapping (92)4.4URL Parameters (93)4.5URL Escaping (95)5Authentication975.1Basic Authentication (98)5.2Single Sign-On (102)5.3Digital Certificates (105)5.4Anonymous Services (108)5.5Form-Based Authentication (109)6Contents5.6Implementing a Simple Logon Application (110)5.7De-Authentication (113)6Session Management1156.1Session Identification (115)6.2Session Timeout (118)6.2.1Catching and Handling a Session Timeout (119)6.2.2Session Timeout in Browser (120)6.3Confusion with Processing Timeout (121)6.4Catching and Handling a Restart after Timeout (123)6.5Session Management from the Browser (125)6.6Warning the User of a Pending Timeout (128)6.7Summary (131)7Using BSP Applications in SAP GUI1337.1Using a BSP Application in a Dynpro (133)7.2Pitfalls when Using BSP Applications with SAP GUI (136)7.2.1Communication Path (136)7.2.2The Second Authentication (137)7.2.3The Second Session (138)7.2.4Window Open Behavior (139)7.2.5Effects of SAP’s New Visual Design (141)7.2.6Loading HTML Pages Directly (142)7.3Interaction between SAP GUI and BSP Applications (144)7.3.1BSP Application Event to SAP GUI (144)7.3.2SAP GUI Event to BSP Application (147)7.4Starting a New Browser Outside the SAP GUI (149)8Performance Measurements1518.1Test Applications (152)8.2Quick Sizing with HTTP Trace Tool (153)8.3Network Latency (154)8.4Server Processing Time (155)8.5Browser Rendering Time (157)8.6Determining Hotspots (159)8.7Load Testing (161)8.8SQL Traces (165)7Contents9BSP Extensions1679.1Extension Overview (167)9.1.1Extension Technology (168)9.1.2Using BSP Extensions (168)9.1.3Finding Details about the Extensions (169)9.1.4Available Extensions (172)9.1.5Extensions Designs (172)9.1.6High Level Elements (174)9.2HTMLB Event System (180)9.2.1Event Dispatching (180)9.2.2Manually Handling Events (181)9.3Common Extension Elements (186)9.3.1<htmlb:tableView> (187)9.3.2<htmlb:tree> (192)9.3.3<phtmlb:matrix> (194)9.3.4<xhtmlb:protectDoubleSubmit> (196)9.3.5<phtmlb:containerTabStrip> (197)9.3.6<phtmlb:formLayout> (200)10BSP Element Expressions and Iterators20510.1BSP Element Expressions (205)10.1.1What is a BEE? (205)10.1.2N=1, Using Any BSP Element as BEE (206)10.1.3HTML BEE (209)10.1.4Table BEE (211)10.1.5XML BEE (212)10.1.6Errors and Error Handling (215)10.2Table View Iterators (215)10.2.1What is a Table View Iterator? (217)10.2.2Method GET_COLUMN_DEFINITIONS (218)10.2.3Method RENDER_ROW_START (220)10.2.4Method RENDER_CELL_START (222)10.2.5Finished Output (225)11Creating your own BSP Extension Element22711.1Creating a BSP Extension Element (227)11.1.1Extension Framework Hierarchy (227)11.1.2User-Defined Validation (228)11.1.3Element Content (230)11.2Writing a Composite Element (231)11.2.1Designing a New Composite Element (231)11.2.2Processing Other BSP Elements (233)8Contents11.2.3Writing the Composite BSP Element (237)11.2.4Handling of Inner Data BSP Elements (238)11.3 A Deeper Look at BSP Extensions Events (239)11.3.1Introduction to BSP Extension Events (239)11.3.2Rendering Events (240)11.3.3Handling Incoming Events (243)11.3.4Rendering an Event via the <bsp:htmlbEvent> Element (243)11.4Event Handling in Composite Elements (244)11.4.1Extending the Design of the Composite Element (245)11.4.2Using the Composite Element (245)11.4.3Use of IDs (246)11.4.4Integrating into the HTMLB Manager (247)11.4.5Data-Handling (249)11.4.6Event-Handling (250)12Additional BSP Extensions25312.1Business Text Framework (253)12.1.1SAP Example (253)12.1.2BTF Functionality (254)12.1.3Database Storage (255)12.1.4BSP Extension Element (256)12.1.5BTF Editor in the Page Layout (257)12.1.6Preparing the BTF Document (258)12.1.7Retrieving BTF Content on Input (258)12.2Internet Graphics Service (260)12.2.1IGS Setup and Administration (260)12.2.2SAP Examples (261)12.2.3IGS BSP Extension (261)12.2.4Chart Data (262)12.2.5Chart Model Classes (264)12.2.6IGS Customizing (266)12.2.7Image Click Event Handling (267)12.2.8Image Conversion (268)12.3BSP Library (268)12.3.1findAndReplace Element (268)12.3.2htmlbEvent Element (269)12.3.3Portal Integration (270)13MVC—Model View Controller27513.1MVC Design Paradigm (275)13.2Application Structure (275)13.2.1Model (276)13.2.2Controller (277)13.2.3View (283)9Contents13.3.1Getter/Setter methods (286)13.4Dynamic Model Binding (288)13.5Stateless MVC (291)13.5.1XML Serialization of ABAP Objects (291)13.5.2Server Cookie Storage of the XML Stream (292)13.5.3Controller Modifications to Support Serialized Models (293)13.6Building a Pattern Engine with MVC (295)13.6.1The Final ESS Application (297)13.6.2Writing the ESS Application (298)13.6.3Writing the Pattern Engine (301)14Help Systems30714.1F1—Field Level Help (307)14.1.1The Help UI (307)14.1.2Implementing the BSP Extension Element (311)14.1.3BSP Element Properties (311)14.1.4BSP Element Attributes (312)14.1.5Element Handler Class (312)14.1.6BSP F1 Help Controller Method—DO_REQUEST (318)14.1.7Implementing the BSP F1 Help Application—Model (318)14.2Dialog Windows (319)14.3F4—Value Help (322)14.3.1Value Help Requirements (322)14.3.2The Solution (323)14.3.3The New BSP Element (324)14.3.4Input Help Controller (325)14.3.5Input Help View (326)14.3.6Input Help Model (329)15Internationalization33715.1Multiple Language Support (337)15.2Logon Language (338)15.3Unicode (341)15.3.1What is Unicode? (341)15.3.2Unicode in BSP (343)15.4Online Text Repository (OTR) (346)15.4.1Types of OTR: Alias and Long (347)15.4.2Working with OTR from ABAP Code (348)15.4.3Special Note about using OTR (349)10Contents15.5.1OTR (350)15.5.2Field Labels and Quick Info (351)15.6Date Format (352)16Document Handling in BSP35516.1MIME Repository (355)16.2ICM File Handler (357)16.3Handling Non-HTML Documents (358)16.3.1Test Program (359)16.3.2Display Document Inline (361)16.3.3Display Document Inside HTML Page (363)16.3.4Display Document in New Window (366)16.4Data Manipulation (366)16.5Microsoft Excel Download (367)16.5.1Excel Files (368)16.5.2Excel Unicode Text File (369)16.5.3Unicode Formats and Endians with Excel (369)16.5.4Conversion to Binary String (370)16.5.5Addition of the Byte Order Mark (371)16.6Pushing the Excel Content back through the browser (371)16.6.1Push Using the Current RESPONSE Object (371)16.6.2Push Using a Cached Response (372)16.7BSP Extension Element for Excel Download (374)16.7.1The Download Element User Interface (374)16.7.2The Element Properties and Attributes (375)16.7.3Compile Time and Runtime Checks (376)16.7.4Rendering Logic (377)16.7.5Trapping Events (379)16.7.6Calling the Element from a Page Layout (380)16.7.7Event Handler (381)16.7.8Get Structure Definition (385)16.7.9Process Excel Download (386)16.8Alternatives to the MIME Repository (389)16.8.1ICM File Handler (389)16.8.2SAP Content and Cache Server (390)16.9ZIP Tool (392)17Customization39517.1Customization Overview (395)17.2Export—Modify—Import (395)17.3NetWeaver Theme Editor (397)11Contents17.4ALFS—ABAP Look-and-Feel Service (398)17.4.1ALFS Tool Scope (399)17.4.2What is ALFS? (399)17.4.3How Does Customization Normally Work? (401)17.4.4 A New Theme from Five Colors (401)17.4.5Integration into Web AS (402)17.4.6The Source Code: Making It Work (404)17.4.7ALFS Theme Editor in Detail (405)17.5Configure a Theme Root (406)17.6Theme Root White List (406)17.7Error Pages (408)17.7.1Historical BSP Error Pages (408)17.7.2Error Pages—New Approach (409)17.8Logon Application (412)18Skilled in the Art41718.1Field History (417)18.1.1Working with <phtmlb:comboBox> (417)18.1.2Processing the Field History (419)18.2Server-Side Printing (422)18.2.1PRINT Method Interface (423)18.2.2PRINT Method Coding (424)18.2.3Printer Dialog (426)18.3Select-Options/Parameters (429)18.3.1UI Design (430)18.3.2Solution Structure (431)18.3.3Select-Option Controller Class Attributes (432)18.3.4Select-Option Controller Class Coding (432)18.3.5Select-Option Model Class Attributes (434)18.3.6Select-Option Model Class Coding (436)18.3.7Recreating Transaction SE16 (442)19Breaking Out of the Mold44919.1Interactive Excel (449)19.2RSS Feeds (451)19.2.1Consuming an RSS Feed (451)19.2.2HTTP Client (452)19.2.3XML (453)19.2.4BSP Output (454)19.2.5XSLT (456)19.2.6Creating an RSS Feed (457)12Contents19.3Mini-Portal (458)19.3.1Mini-Portal Example 1—Common Page Header (458)19.3.2Mini-Portal Example 2—Portal with Navigation (460)19.3.3Portal within the SAP GUI (464)19.3.4Current Weather Display (466)20Closing471A Appendix—BSP Utility Classes473B The Authors483Index48513ContentsIntroductionThe history of BSP began in the late 1990s. Back then, the SAP Internet Transac-tion Server (ITS) and the SAP Workplace—SAP’s first attempt at a portal—depended heavily on the use of external Web servers. These solutions neither lev-eraged the inherent strengths of the ABAP technology nor re-used current devel-opers’ skill sets.Therein lay the greatest technical challenge to SAP as Web-based technologies became essential to all businesses. Companies began to realize that E-business was still just business and therefore expected their ERP solutions to transition eas-ily into this brave new world.Starting with Release 6.10, SAP began a major overhaul of its ABAP technology stack. The company broke the traditional Basis layer away from the applications that ran on it and renamed this new technology layer Web Application Server (Web AS). But this name change was far more than a marketing move. With this release, SAP had begun to build native Web server technology into the ABAP Ker-nel. No longer would SAP technology be dependent upon external Web serversor programming languages. ABAP itself was now HTTP-enabled!Naturally, ABAP was extended with a new Web development environment, called Business Server Pages (BSP). Like all other ABAP programming tools, BSP is integrated into the ABAP Workbench (SE80) and fully supports the Transport Management System (TMS). And, given its recent birth, BSP also fully embracesthe new ABAP object-oriented technology.Target AudienceThe target audience for this book is anyone who is currently an ABAP developeror who is interested in becoming an ABAP developer. BSP is another tool in the developer’s tool box, one that adds value to any ABAP development team.It does not matter if you have never done BSP development, are a novice BSP developer, or have several years of BSP development under your belt; there should be something for everyone in this book. We attempted to make this the definitive work on the subject of BSP, revealing behind-the-scenes aspects and discussing features in a new way.This book is not based solely on the underlying technology. Several years of expe-rience building real-world BSP applications at a customer site were also used in writing this book. Therefore, you will find solutions and sample source code to15Introductionhelp you overcome common development hurdles. Toward that goal, you will find all the example source code presented in this book on the accompanying CD.On What Releases Can You Use BSP?BSP has been shipped as an integrated part of the ABAP technology stack since Web AS Release 6.10. Release 6.10 contains the functionality to create basic BSP pages with flow logic.With Web AS Release 6.20, SAP introduced major enhancements to the BSP technology: Model View Controller and BSP Extension Elements. With Release6.20, Service Pack 34, a new HTML rendering engine, and a complete new BSPExtension library, PHTMLB, were added. Because of these additional enhance-ments to BSP, customer development should really only be done on Web AS 6.20 with SP34 or higher.SAP continued to enhance BSP with SAP NetWeaver ’04 (Web AS 6.40) and SAP NetWeaver ’04S (Web AS 7.0); however, nearly every feature of BSP is in sync between the major releases. This means that even if you are on an older Web AS6.20, you still reap the benefits of new developments within the NetWeaverreleases. Although you will rarely find in this book that a feature is limited to a specific release, we will point this out when it occurs.With the coverage for BSP within the latest technology releases of ABAP, you will find BSP present in the equivalent releases of the SAP application components as well. This means, for instance, that R/3 Enterprise (with or without Extension Set1.10 and2.00) and mySAP ERP 2005 (also known as Enterprise Core Component5.00 or ECC 5.00) both contain the technology necessary to create BSP applica-tions.BSP vs. Web Dynpro ABAPIn the past year, much of the attention within the SAP world has focused on SAP’s next generation technology: Web Dynpro. As this book goes to print, Web Dyn-pro for ABAP is scheduled for general availability in spring of 2006.In truth, Web Dynpro contains many of the enhancements that BSP developers have always wanted. Enhancements like built-in value-help and select options will become standard in Web Dynpro, but must be added by the customer into the BSP environment. Do not worry, however: The task of adding many of these enhancements to BSP is the subject of the last one-third of this book.All this begs the question: If Web Dynpro ABAP (WDA) is so great, why continue to use BSP (or for that matter why write a book about it?). There are several archi-16Introductiontectural differences between BSP and WDA. WDA may have some more advanced features compared to BSP, but it is a far more restrictive framework. First of all, WDA is stateful only. BSP supports both stateful and stateless pro-gramming models. Stateless programming is essential to high-performance Inter-net-facing applications.WDA is also designed to be future-proof, obscuring the specific client’s rendering technology. As a consequence, the tool does not allow low-level access to include your own custom HTML, JavaScript, or other controls. WDA targets the browser today, but tomorrow it might well be running within a smart client using entirely different technologies (such as XML and native UI controls). To keep this technol-ogy switch possible, the rendering logic is completely hidden from the developer, presenting only an abstract UI layer with abstract controls. On the other hand, BSP has no such restrictions. BSP is strictly centered on browser-based deploy-ment and therefore allows an extreme level of custom rendering. This makes BSPa perfect platform for applications that require pixel-perfect layout or specializedUI elements.The other aspect to consider is that Web Dynpro ABAP will not be available until NetWeaver ’04S. Therefore, you must upgrade your existing system to be able to use these new development tools. BSP, on the other hand, has been available for several years and is included in the vast majority of supported SAP product releases. For several more years, BSP may be your only choice for Web develop-ment using the ABAP language.AcknowledgementsFirst, we would like to thank the SAP Developer Network (SDN) content team, particularly Mark Finnern and Craig Cmehil, for not only providing a great servicein the form of SDN, but also making sure that BSP has its comfortable little home there.This book itself has deep roots within SDN. In fact, it is doubtful that it would exist at all if were not for SDN. Several sections of the book have their roots as SDN weblogs. The two authors of this book (who to this day have never met in person or even spoken on the phone) would likely never have crossed paths wereit not for the virtual community that is SDN.For their support, guidance and suggestions, Thomas would like to thank co-workers and friends: Chris Cassidy, Sam Mason, Lynn Scheu, and Sandy Smith. A special thanks goes to Steffen Knoeller, who behind the scenes has influenced many chapters in this book, without even knowing it!17AcknowledgementsBrian would wish to thank the complete team that made BSP happen. There is Albert Becker, who showed a team can work across many groups, and who taught the lesson late one night that VPs still know how to debug ABAP code. There are the ICM colleagues, Oliver Luik and Bernhard Braun, who measured performance in CPU cycles and give a new appreciation for “blazing fast.” Not to be forgotten are their partners in crime, the ICF colleagues: Masoud Aghadavoodi, Christoph Hofmann, and Daniel Walz, who has helped many hours so that we could write our first Web-based logon application. Then there are the men in black, the secu-rity group: Wolfgang Janzen and Martin Rex. The last import group required to start the project was the ABAP Language Group: Andreas Blumenthal, who fights like a lion for anything with ABAP stamped on it and who did a lot for BSP (even although it was not called ABAP Server Pages!); Holger Janz, who taught me the elegance of ABAP programming; Jürgen Lehmann and Peter Januschke, who taught me the complexities of compiler writing in ABAP and that it is actually quiet easy; Klaus Ziegler and Kay Mueller-Silva, who integrated JavaScript, Ulrich Elsaesser, who always used a short pencil for the pre-compiler; and the x-team, Karsten Bohlmann (XSLT) and Rupert Hieble (XML).In building BSP itself, the Workbench needed minor tweaking, plus some hard development by: Sigrun Wintzheimer, Michael Wenz, Margarethe Czarnecki, Andreas Herrmann, and, of course, Jürgen Remmel. The runtime was done by our small group: Rüdiger Kretschmer, who had the idea (and together with a col-league wrote the first ABAP book, and always knows the answers to everything or knows someone that knows); Björn Goerke who hacked the runtime years ago;Regina Breuer who did MVC; Jutta Bindewald, and Arndt Rosenthal.And then there is Steffen Knoeller, who shared my office for years and taught me HTML. Quality management was done by Michael Lottbrein, who rolled the first sneak preview out the door, Judith Rabetge, and Rainer Liebisch. Heidi von Gei-sau and Tina Haug wrote all documentation. Our first support steps were handled by Dongyan Zhao. Not to be forgotten is our extended support troop: Artem Gratchev, Vitaly Romanko, Yulia Kuznetsova, Dmitry Vladimirov, and Andrey Ali-mov. They not only taught me two words in Russian, but they also showed each and every time that the trickiest problems are theirs to solve! Finally, a good product required a few good salesmen: Axel Kurka (who passed away unexpect-edly and before his time; we will remember him fondly) and Dirk Feeken, who came up with the BSP name over lunch!Brian can only say: It is still a great team!For his guidance and patience, we wish to thank our publisher from Galileo Press, Florian Zimniak. Although we broke every rule and deadline he gave us, he stuck18Introductionwith us till the end. We also thank John Parker of SAP PRESS America for his edi-torial skills and for also putting up with our rule-breaking nature.Finally we must thank our families who put up with us through this experience. Without the support of our wives, Shari and Anja, we would never have pulled it through.19Acknowledgements11Creating your own BSP ExtensionElementWe already have seen in the last few chapters how powerful the BSPExtension Framework is. Fortunately, this is also an open technologyframework that allows SAP’s customers to build their own BSP exten-sions and to combine existing extensions to create composite ele-ments.11.1Creating a BSP Extension ElementIn Chapter 9, we took a close look at how BSP extension elements are structuredin order to better understand how to use them. However, this only scratched the surface of what lies within the BSP extension element. Before we begin the pro-cess of writing our own elements, it is important to study in detail the most important part of an extension element: its element-handler class.11.1.1Extension Framework HierarchyThe element-handler class actually represents an inherited hierarchy of class objects that all come together to form the extension framework. It is important to build this inheritance hierarchy correctly, because much of the functionality wewill code within our handler will be placed inside of redefinitions of inherited methods.The core extension framework comprises two objects, IF_BSP_ELEMENT and CL_BSP_ELEMENT. IF_BSP_ELEMENT defines all the core methods and attributes forthe extension framework. CL_BSP_ELEMENT implements the IF_BSP_ELEMENT interface and provides the basic functions that support all BSP extension ele-ments.There are two more objects within this hierarchy, both specific to the individual extension element. The first is a generated basis class, usually created with the fol-lowing naming standard:(Z)CL G_<EXTENSION>_<ELEMENT>This class is automatically generated by the BSP development environment. Whenyou define attributes for your extension element inside the BSP extension editor, these attributes will be generated as public attributes of this basis class. This class should also inherit from CL_BSP_ELEMENT and provide the specific constructorfor the element. By dynamically generating this class, all the attributes of your ele-ment can be strictly typed and checked at compile time.227Creating your own BSP Extension ElementThe final object is the core handler class itself. It should inherit from the generated basis class, and its name is completely user definable. However it is probably good form to following a naming standard such as the following:(Z)CL_<EXTENSION>_<ELEMENT>This class is where you will be spending most of your time as an element author.This class has the method redefinitions and any specific methods or attributes needed to implement the element.11.1.2User-Defined ValidationBSP extension elements are unique among the ABAP language tools in their approach to input validation. The extension runtime gives you the opportunity to code different validation routines that will be executed at runtime and compile time. That means that the syntax check of a BSP page will fire validation code that you can write. This gives you the ability to throw compiler errors for your own elements.In order to implement user-defined validation, we must redefine two methods in our handler class that were inherited down from IF_BSP_ELEMENT.The first method is COMPILE_TIME_IS_VALID. This is where we will code our compile time checks. SAP provides a series of validation methods (in class CL_ BSP_ELEMENT_CT_ATTR_VALID), which assist in this process. In addition to pro-viding simple checks, these methods also properly convert attribute-input string values into Boolean and integers values where necessary.What follows are coding examples for the validation routines of a fictional BSP Extension Element. They contain common types of checks in order to demon-strate the different possible techniques.METHOD if_bsp_element~compile_time_is_valid .validator->to_enum( name = 'Color'enums = 'RED/BLUE/GREEN' ).validator->to_enum( name = 'alignment'enums = 'LEFT/RIGHT' ).validator->to_boolean( name = 'disabled' ).validator->to_integer( name = 'size' ).valid = validator->m_all_values_valid.ENDMETHOD.We also have the method RUNTIME_IS_VALID. This method is useful for checking attribute values that are supplied dynamically, such as through BSP expressions228Creating your own BSP Extension Element(<%=...%>) only at runtime, or for attributes whose values are transformed into another data type.METHOD if_bsp_element~runtime_is_valid.get_class_named_parent(class_name = 'CL_HTMLB_CONTENT' ).IF runtime_parms = '/*/' OR runtime_parms CS 'alignment'.alignment = m_validator->to_enum(name = 'alignment'value = alignmentenums = 'LEFT/RIGHT'required = space ).ENDIF.IF runtime_parms = '/*/' OR runtime_parms CS 'disabled'.disabled = m_validator->bindable_to_boolean(name = 'disabled'value = disabledbinding_path = _disabledpage_context = m_page_context ).ENDIF.IF runtime_parms = '/*/' OR runtime_parms CS 'size'.size = m_validator->bindable_to_integer(name = 'size'value = sizebinding_path = _sizepage_context = m_page_context ).ENDIF.ENDMETHOD.The first line in the runtime validation method checks that this BSP element is used with an <htmlb:content> element. It is not possible to check this at com-pile time, as different elements can be used in different views, and these are com-piled separately. We surround each of our dynamic value checks with an IF checkfor performance. That way we only perform validation routines on attributes that actually have values set dynamically.It is important to note that these two validation methods will only be called if the User-Defined Validation option is selected in the BSP Element Properties. That way, if you have no validations that you wish to perform in your element, you can save the time that it would have taken for the framework to make calls into simply empty methods.229Creating a BSP Extension Element。
常用计算机英语单词WordFile Home Insert Design Lay out Reference Mailing Review ViewExcelFile Home Insert PageLayout Formulas Data Review ViewPPTFile Home Insert Design Transitions animation slideshow Review View Add-insCPU(Center Processor Unit)中央处理单元mainboard主板,RAM(random access memory)随机存储器(内存)ROM(Read Only Memory)只读存储器Floppy Disk软盘Hard Disk硬盘CD-ROM光盘驱动器(光驱)monitor监视器keyboard键盘mouse鼠标chip芯片CD-R光盘刻录机HUB集线器Modem= modulator-demodulator,调制解调器P-P(Plug and Play)即插即用UPS(Uninterruptable Power Supply)不间断电源BIOS(Basic-input-Output System)基本输入输出系统CMOS(Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor)互补金属氧化物半导体setup安装uninstall卸载wizzard向导OS(Operation Systrem)操作系统OA(Office Automation)办公自动化exit退出edit编辑copy复制cut剪切paste粘贴delete删除select选择find查找select all全选replace替换undo撤消redo重做program程序license许可(证)back前一步next下一步finish结束folder文件夹Destination Folder目的文件夹user用户click点击double click双击right click右击settings设置update更新release发布data数据data base数据库DBMS(Data Base Manage System)数据库管理系统view视图insert插入object对象configuration配置command命令document文档POST(power-on-self-test)电源自检程序cursor光标attribute属性icon图标service pack服务补丁option pack功能补丁Demo演示short cut快捷方式exception异常debug调试previous前一个column行row列restart重新启动text文本font字体size大小scale比例interface界面function函数access访问manual指南active激活computer language计算机语言menu菜单GUI(graphical user interfaces )图形用户界面template模板page setup页面设置password口令code密码print preview打印预览zoom in放大zoom out缩小pan漫游cruise漫游full screen全屏tool bar工具条status bar状态条ruler标尺table表paragraph段落symbol符号style风格execute执行graphics图形image图像Unix用于服务器的一种操作系统Mac OS苹果公司开发的操作系统OO(Object-Oriented)面向对象virus病毒file文件open打开close关闭new新建save保存exit退出clear清除default默认LAN局域网(local area network)WAN广域网(wide area network)Client/Server客户机/服务器ATM( Asynchronous Transfer Mode)异步传输模式ATM(auto teller machine)自动取款机Windows NT微软公司的网络操作系统Internet互联网WWW(World Wide Web)万维网protocol协议HTTP(Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)超文本传输协议FTP(File Transfer Protocol文件传输协议Browser浏览器homepage主页Webpage网页website网站URL(Uniform Resource Locator)统一资源定位符,在Internet的WWW服务程序上,用于指定信息位置的表示方法Online在线Email电子邮件ICQ(I seek you)网上寻呼Firewall防火墙Gateway网关HTML(Hypertext Markup Language)超文本标记语言hypertext超文本hyperlink超级链接IP(Address)互联网协议(地址)SearchEngine搜索引擎TCP/IP(Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol)用于网络的一组通讯协议Telnet远程登录IE(Internet Explorer)探索者(微软公司的网络浏览器) Navigator引航者(网景公司的浏览器)multimedia多媒体ISO(International Standardization Organization)国际标准化组织ANSI(American National Standards Institute)美国国家标准协会viruses 病毒vision 景象worm 蠕虫Accessalgorithm 算法API 应用程序编程接口database 数据库domain 域domain controller 域名控制器DNS 域名服务器DNS(Domain Name System,域名系统)是指在Internet 上查询域名或IP地址的目录服务系logging 登录/log inlogoff 退出、注销logon 注册logon script 登录脚本network security 网络安全network user 网络用户NFS 网络文件系统node 节点password 口令path 路径payload 净负荷PBX 专用分组交换机PCS 个人通信业务peer 对等route 路由router 路由器routing 路由选择thread 线程软件学院课程名称线性代数Linear Algebra高等数学(一)Advanced Mathematics(I)高等数学(二)Advanced Mathematics(II)Web编程基础Web Program DesigningC/C++程序语言设计C/C++ ProgrammingWeb课程设计实践Practice ofProgram Designing for WebC/C++课程设计实践Practice of C/C++ Programming数据结构Data Structure计算机网络Computer Networks数据库原理Principles of DatabaseLinux系统管理与配置management and configuration of Linux system 概率论与数理统计Probability & Mathematical Statistics软件开发实践Practice of Software Development软件工程Software Engineering专业英语Computer English企业工程实践Practice of Enterprise Engineering面向对象基础Foundations of Object Oriented Photoshop基础Foundations of Photoshop微观经济学Microeconomics离散数学Discrete Mathematics计算机操作系统Operation System of Computer 金融学Economics of Finance电子商务E-Commerce宏观经济学MacroeconomicsJava语言程序设计Java Program DesigningC#语言程序设计C# Program Designing软件质量与测试Software Quality & Testing Oracle数据库技术Oracle Database TechnologyiOS软件开发技术iOS Software Development Technology .NET技术Technology of .NETJava EE技术Technology of Java EE投资银行学Investment Banking金融工程Financial Engineering高级网络软件编程Advanced Network Programming网络互联Interconnection of Network编译原理Principles of Compiler算法设计与分析Algorithmic Design & Analysis计算机组成原理Principles of Computer Composition 证券投资学Investment保险学Principal of Insurance个人理财Personal Finance Planning公司金融Corporate Finance金融市场与机构Financial Markets and Institutions程序设计导论(Java)Foundations (fundamentals)of Java Program Oracle应用开发Application and Development of Oracle JSP程序设计JSP Program DesigningSSH框架技术Technology of SSH framework程序设计导论(C#)Foundations of C# ProgramSQL Server数据库应用开发Application and Development of SQLServer 应用软件开发MVC设计模式的WEB开发WEB Development of MVCarm体系结构与编程Architecture and Programming of ArmLinux系统编程Programming of Linux Systemqt编程技术Programming of Qt嵌入式操作系统Embedded Operating SystemJava核心知识Core of Java高级Web应用开发Application and development for WEBJavaEE框架技术Technology of JavaEE frameworkJava高新技术应用Application and Development of JavaAndroid编程基础Android Program Designing(fundamental of Android Programming)服务器端程序开发技术Android底层技术Core of AndroidAndroid应用开发Application and development of Android Linux高级管理Advanced Management of Linux Oracle数据库管理应用Advanced Management of Oracle Oracle数据库容灾管理Recovery Management of Oracle Oracle数据库高可靠性管理Reliability Management of Oracle企业级大型路由网络的构建Constructionof Enterprise Network高性能的园区网的搭建High Performance CampusNetworkH3C网络高级安全技术Network Security Technology中小型企业服务器系统的搭建Construction of Enterprise Server面向对象C++软件开发Development of OO C++iOS移动互联网软件开发Program Designing for iOS手机游戏软件开发Development of Mobile-phone GameiOS网络游戏软件开发Development of Network GameObjective-C基础编程与开发Foundations of Objective-cObjective-C高级编程与开发Program Designing of Objective-ciOS基础开发与高级网络Network and Programming of IosiOS项目实战开发Development of IOS各学期1.毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论(一)An Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory & Important Idea of the “Three Represents”(一)大学英语读写译(二)College English Reading, Writing & Translating(II)大学英语视听说(二)College English Viewing, Listening & Speaking(II)大学体育(二)College Physical Education (II)思想道德修养与法律基础Moral Cultivation & Introduction to Law中国近现代史纲要A Survey of Modern History of China大学英语读写译(一)College English Reading, Writing & Translating(I)大学英语视听说(一)College English Viewing, Listening & Speaking(I)大学体育(一)College Physical Education (I)高等数学A(一)Advanced Mathematics A(一)计算机科学导论Foundations of Computer Science办公自动化Application of Office Automation线性代数ALinear Algebra A2.毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论(一)An Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory & Important Idea of the “Three Represents”(一)大学英语读写译(二)College English Reading, Writing & Translating(II)大学英语视听说(二)College English Viewing, Listening & Speaking(II)大学体育(二)College Physical Education (II)高等数学A (二)Advanced Mathematics A(二)C/C++程序语言设计C/C++ ProgrammingWeb编程基础Program Designing for WebPhotoshop基础Foundations of Photoshop微观经济学Microeconomics3.Web课程设计实践Practice of Program Designing for WebC/C++课程设计实践Practice of C/C++ Programming4.毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论(二)An Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory & Important Idea of the “Three Represents”(二)大学英语读写译(三)College English Reading, Writing & Translating(III)大学英语视听说(三)College English Viewing, Listening & Speaking(III)大学体育(三)College Physical Education (III)面向对象基础Foundations of Object Oriented数据结构Data Structure计算机操作系统Computer Operation System离散数学Discrete Mathematics金融学Economics of Finance电子商务E-Commerce宏观经济学Macroeconomics5.形势与政策基本理论Fundamental Theory of Situation & Policy大学英语读写译(四)College English Reading, Writing & Translating(IV)大学英语视听说(四)College English Viewing, Listening & Speaking(IV)大学体育(四)College Physical Education (IV)概率论与数理统计Probability & Mathematical Statistics 数据库原理Principles of DatabaseLinux系统管理与配置Linux System Management专业英语Computer EnglishJava语言程序设计Java Language DesigningC#语言程序设计C# Program Designing6.软件开发实践Practice of Software Development 7.马克思主义基本原理概论Basic Principles of Marxism软件工程Software Engineering计算机网络Computer Networks软件质量与测试Software Quality & TestingOracle数据库技术Oracle Database Technology投资银行学Investment Banking金融工程Financial Engineering专业英语Computer EnglishJava EE技术Java EE TechnologyIOS软件开发技术IOS Software Development Technology 技术.NET Technology8.高级网络软件编程Advanced Network Programming网络互联Networks Interconnection算法分析与设计Design and Analysis of Algorithms计算机组成原理Principles of Computer Composition编译原理Fundamentals of Compiling证券投资学Investment保险学Principal of Insurance个人理财Personal Finance Planning公司金融Corporate Finance金融市场与机构Financial Markets and Institution程序设计导论(Java)Foundatals of Java ProgramOracle应用开发Application and development of Oracle JSP程序设计JSP Program DesigningSSH框架技术Technology of SSH程序设计导论(C#)Foundations of C# ProgramSQL Server数据库应用开发Application and development of SQLServer 应用软件开发Program Designing of MVC设计模式的WEB开发WEB Development of MVCarm体系结构与编程Architecture and programming of Arm Linux系统编程Programming of Linux systemqt编程技术Programming of qt嵌入式操作系统Embedded Operating SystemJava核心知识Core of Java高级Web应用开发Application and development for WEBJavaEE框架技术Technology of JavaEEJava高新技术应用Application and development of Java Android编程基础AndroidProgram Designing服务器端程序开发技术Program Designing for ServerAndroid底层技术Core of AndroidAndroid应用开发Application and development of Android Linux高级管理Advanced Management of Linux Oracle数据库管理应用Advanced Management of Oracle Oracle数据库容灾管理Recovery Management of Oracle Oracle数据库高可靠性管理Reliability Management of Oracle企业级大型路由网络的构建Construction of enterprise network高性能的园区网的搭建High performance campus netwok H3C网络高级安全技术network security technology中小型企业服务器系统的搭建Construction of enterprise server面向对象C++软件开发Development of OO C++iOS移动互联网软件开发Program Designing for iOS手机游戏软件开发Development of mobile-phone game iOS网络游戏软件开发Development of network game Objective-C基础编程与开发Foundations of Objective-c Objective-C高级编程与开发Program Designing of Objective-c iOS基础开发与高级网络Network and programming of ios iOS项目实战开发Development of iOS9.企业工程实践Practice of Enterprise Engineering 10.实习Practice & Training11.毕业论文(设计)Graduation Thesis(Project)专项学分Special Credits12。
4)Devices connected locally 当hart 设备通过 hart 调制解调器连接到 PRM 时,设备路径与通
过 multiplexers 连接到 hart 设备时的路径是一样的。 在这种情况下, 你必须指定“ mmss”9999。 PRM 直接连接到模块的通信端口,无需通过 多路复用器进行路由.设备路径按以下格式指定:xxxxxxxx-cc-mmss xxxxxxxx: Project name cc: Port number mm: Master number ss: Slave number mmss = 9999 Example: PJT01-01-9999
打开方式: select [Start] > [All Programs] > [YOKOGAWA PRM] > [Tool] > [PRM Setup Tool]。
2)Devices connected to CENTUM 导出 device paths from CENTUM: 、确保 centum 项目为当前使用项目,与现场硬件相匹配; 、在CENTUM HIS or ENG station运行下面文件,路径如下: <CENTUM installation folder>\ENG\TOOL\BKEngDataExportForPRM.exe 、在“项目名称”框中,键入希望从中导出设备路径的centum 项目的名称; 、单击[ ... ]按钮以选择导出文件的位置,将出现一个文件选择对话框 、选择要导出文件的文件夹。可以使用文件名、 devicepath.txt 或键入 新的文件名; 单击[保存]。选定 centum 项目的设备路径被导出到指定位置的文件中。 导入 device paths from CENTUM: 、使用 PRM 设置工具,打开设备路径配置窗口,并选择要导入设备路径配 置文件的 fieldcommunications 服务器。 Click [Import]. 在文件选 择对话框中,选择要导入的设备配置文件; Click [Open].树视图和设备 路径列表显示从文件导入的设备路径;Click [Apply]保存导入的设备路径.
个人英文简历模板:机械工程专业本科生David SmITh38 Western StreetBoston, MA 10084(617) 278-6277Education1997-19991987-1991 HARVARD UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOLOF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BOSTON, MACandidate for Master in Business Administration degree, June 1999. Member of Management Consulting, Entrepreneurship, High Tech and New Media, and Business of Sports Clubs.MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY CAMBRIDGE, MABachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering. GPA 3.9/4.0. Elected dormitory treasurer ($16,000 budget) and athletic chairman.experience1998CHAINSHINE CONSULTING GROUP NEW YORK, NYSummer Intern, International DepartmentWorked with client teams serving major international paper and industrial products manufacturer.Analyzed product-costing process. Identified opportunities to improve accuracy of product costs by 5%.Researched and reformulated procurement strategy for primary raw material input with team members. Constructed model demonstrating potential revenue increase of $15million.Conducted client interviews and led focus groups as part of initial phase of re-engineering initiative.Participated in two-week training program composed of 15 summer interns.1991-19971997 CUMMINS ENGINE COMPANY COLUMBUS, INTechnical Specialist, Automotive Customer Engineering DepartmentPioneered and led the Market Segment Profile Project.Characterized various market segments within Automotive Business Unit and laid foundation for future work in other Cummins business units.Interviewed external customers to better understand both their spoken and unspoken needs. Collected detailed duty cycle data from end-user applications throughout the U.S.Developed standard market segment profile format with input from internal customers. Presented findings to engineering, marketing, and sales organizations for developing “value-packages” that give Cummins a comparative advan tage in the marketplace.1995-1997 Senior Engineer, Concept Design Division LONDON, U.K.Designed entire diesel engine architecture concepts for products beyond 2002.Led design of virtual engine using Pro/Engineer computer aided design and finite element analysis tools.Demonstrated use of industry-leading technologies to helpmeet future emissions standards and more stringent product performance, reliability, and weight targets.Presented design concepts to senior management using quarter-scale stereolithography model.1991-1995 Senior Engineer, Product Design Division TORONTO, CAMADADesigned various diesel engine subsystems for new product development programs.Led Cylinder Block Team in redesigning cylinder block for new engine platform program.Concurrently engineered and integrated competing design requirements as part of cross-functional team.Worked closely with suppliers and engine plant personnel to gain broad background in manufacturing processes.personal Native speaker of English, fluent in French, some knowledge of Spanish. Extensive travel throughout East Asia. Enjoy basketball, tennis and ballroom dancing.个人英文简历模板:电子工程硕士Resume of ZMZCAREER OBJECTIVEHigh level management position with high technology corporation. Be able to apply strong team building, project management and business development skills cumulated in passed years. Utilize strong R&D skills in communication, network and software development in product development.SUMMARYAn integrated person with rich management experience and extensive R&D skills. More than 6 years department and project management experience in first class high technology companies. Strong experience in team building, processes establishment andimprovement, particularly for communication and software products. Skilled in customer oriented communication and coordination. More than 10 years SW/HW R&D experiences in wireless communication, IP network and software development industry, from system level design to partial function implementation.Special skills in:Strong experience in team building, project management and coordination.Software development lifecycle and process management.Project planning, budget control and manage deliverables on schedule.Business development and customer oriented communication.Solid knowledge of wireless communication technologies such as GSM, TDMA, CDMA and 3G systems such as WCDMA and UMTS.Expert of wire/wireless voice/data communication system design, protocol analysis and implementation, such as GSM Phase2+, GPRS, SS7, INAP, ISUP and so on.Strongly experienced in C/C++, VB, Java, Tcl/Tk, OO programming.Strongly experienced in hardware system design and embedded system design.Network programming and routing protocols' implementation such as BGP4, OPSF, MPLS, and so on.Fluently speak: Chinese, English and Japanese.CAREER HISTORY2001.02 - 2001.09: Famous Technologies Canada Inc., Vancouver, Canada Principal Engineer1999.11 - 2001.02: Famous Technologies China Software Design Center (Agilent CSDC)Beijing, P.R ChinaDepartment Manager1997.10 - 1999.11: Hewlett Packard-SciTech Joint Software Design CenterBeijing, P.R ChinaProject Manager1995.08 - 1997.10: Golden Cellular Communication Co., Ltd. (GCC)Beijing, P.R. ChinaDirector of R&D department1989.01 - 1995.08: University of Electronic Science and Technology of ChinaChengdu, Sichuan, ChinaLecturer and ResearcherMAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENT1. ManagementCreated and expanded a department from two engineers working for one customer to more than 30 engineers working with three customers within 1.5 years. The company's revenue then increased 300%.Successfully managed more than 8 projects and cooperated with three customers in three years. All the projects were released on schedule, with high quality that made company's business grow quickly.Created and improved the software development processes to match the requirements of ISO 9001 or CMM system.Working for a new communication company, created an R&D department starting with 3 engineers and extending to 24 engineers within 1.5 years. Managed the development of threenew products, one of them was delivered to the market in 1.5 years.2. Research and DevelopmentKey developer in QuickT est project which provides quick solutions for router manufacturers by using Router Tester to test routing protocols and features such as BGP, OSPF, MPLS, VLAN, and so on.Successfully managed a team to develop the GSM Phase2+, GPRS and UMTS protocol sets for Signaling Advisor and another team to develop SS7 protocol sets for Agilent acceSS7 system.Managed, participated and delivered the following projects to customer successfully with high quality and on schedule, such as CDMA system (IS-95A, IS-95B and cdma2000 systems) modeling projects for HP EEsof ADS (Advanced Design System) tool. System design and control software development for CDMA WLL (wireless local loop) system.Key designer and developer of a Packet Radio Network and the Spectrum Spread Data Link Bridge for a Wireless LAN.EDUCATION AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT1986.9 - 1989.1: Master of Electronic EngineeringUniversity of Electronic Science and T echnology of ChinaChengdu, Sichuan Province, China1980.9 - 1984.8: Bachelor of Electronic EngineeringShanghai Railway College, Department of Electronic and Communication Engineering, Shanghai, ChinaBehavior Interview, May 1998, Hewlett Packard AcademyProject Start-up, June 1998, Hewlett Packard AcademyProject Management Fundamentals, May 1999, Hewlett Packard AcademyAdvanced Planning and Risk Management, April 1999, Hewlett Packard AcademyPROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP AND HONORS1. IEEE senior member, member of Communication Society, Computer Society and Signal Processing Society.2. Member of China Electronic Association.3. The First Award of Management Contribution of Agilent China Software Design Center.4. 1992, Second Award of Science and Technology Progress in MEI of China.个人英文简历模板:部门经理department manager resumeSara's ResumePersonal DataName:Gender: MaleAddress:**University,Beijing 10056Tel: (010)123456789E-mail:Career objectiveTo be employed by a transnational company in Beijing as a department manager.EducationGuanghua Management College, Peking University, 1998--2002.Beijing Jingshan School, 1992--1998.MajorBusiness AdministrationSummer Jobs1999 Made personnel system reform plans for a large state-owned enterprise in Tianjin.2000 Participated in planning the restructuring of several medium-sized collective enterprises in the suburbs of Beijing.2001 Acted as an assistant to the manager of a multinational company in Beijing.Extracurricular ActivitiesCaptain of the Peking University basketball team from 1998 to 2000.Won the university calligraphy contest in 1999.Chairman of the Publicity CampaignCommission of Peking University of Supporting Beijing's application for hosting the Olympics in 2008.Won the title of an Excellent Leader of the University Student Council in 2002.EnglishCET Band Six in 2000: 93 pointsTOEFL in 2001: 658 pointsGRE in 2002: 2328 pointsCharacterAmbitious, honest and reliable, easy to approachHobbiesDoing on-line reading and traveling。
计算机英语考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is not a type of computer hardware?A. CPUB. RAMC. SoftwareD. Hard Disk答案:C2. What does the acronym "USB" stand for?A. Universal Serial BusB. User System BusC. User Storage BusD. Universal Storage Bus答案:A3. What is the primary function of a router in a computer network?A. To store dataB. To process dataC. To connect multiple devicesD. To print documents答案:C4. Which of the following is a programming language?A. HTMLB. CSSC. JavaScriptD. All of the above答案:D5. What does "RAM" stand for in computer terminology?A. Random Access MethodB. Random Access MemoryC. Remote Access MemoryD. Rapid Access Memory答案:B6. What is the term for a collection of data stored on a computer?A. FileB. FolderC. DatabaseD. Memory答案:A7. Which of the following is a type of computer virus?A. WormB. TrojanC. Both A and BD. None of the above答案:C8. What is the purpose of a firewall in a computer system?A. To prevent unauthorized accessB. To speed up internet connectionsC. To store dataD. To print documents答案:A9. What does "GUI" stand for in the context of computer systems?A. Graphical User InterfaceB. General User InterfaceC. Global User InterfaceD. Graphical Universal Interface答案:A10. What is the term for a small computer program that performs a specific task?A. ApplicationB. SoftwareC. UtilityD. Script答案:D二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. The basic unit of data in a computer is called a____________.答案:bit2. A computer's operating system is an example of______________.答案:system software3. The process of converting data into a form that can be understood by a computer is called ______________.答案:encoding4. The term used to describe the speed of a computer's processor is ______________.答案:clock speed5. A computer network that spans a large geographical area is known as a ______________.答案:WAN (Wide Area Network)6. The process of recovering lost data is called______________.答案:data recovery7. A computer program that is designed to disrupt or damage a computer system is known as a ______________.答案:malware8. The primary storage medium for a computer's operating system and most frequently used programs is the______________.答案:hard drive9. The term used to describe the process of transferring data from one computer to another is ______________.答案:data transfer10. A computer that is part of a network and shares its resources with other computers is called a ______________.答案:server三、简答题(每题10分,共40分)1. What are the main components of a computer system?答案:The main components of a computer system include the central processing unit (CPU), memory (RAM), storage devices (hard disk, solid-state drive, etc.), input devices (keyboard, mouse, etc.), output devices (monitor, printer, etc.), andthe operating system.2. Explain the difference between hardware and software in a computer system.答案:Hardware refers to the physical components of a computer, such as the CPU, memory, and storage devices. Software, on the other hand, comprises the programs and instructions that run on the hardware, including theoperating system, applications, and utilities.3. What is the role of a firewall in a computer network?答案:A firewall is a network security system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules. It acts as a barrier between a trusted internal network and untrusted external networks,such as the Internet, to prevent unauthorized access and protect the internal network from potential threats.4. Describe the process of data encryption and its importance in computer security.答案:Data encryption is the process of converting readable data into an unreadable format, called ciphertext, using an algorithm and a key. This process ensures that only authorized parties with the correct key can access and decrypt the data. Encryption is crucial for protecting sensitive information from unauthorized access, ensuring data privacy and security in computer systems and networks.。
Oracle Exadata Management基础:监控、优化和更多功能说明书
14648 – Oracle Exadata Management Fundamentals: New features for Monitoring, Tuning and MoreDeba Chatterjee : Senior Product Manager, OracleTotal Cloud ControlComplete Lifecycle ManagementIntegrated CloudStack ManagementBusiness-Driven ApplicationManagementSelf-Service IT | Simple and Automated | Business DrivenManagement Challenges Challenges•Reduce deployment cost and errors—rapid time to value•Migrate application while ensuring business continuity•Proactively monitor all components•Maximize availability•Ensure quality of serviceOracle Enterprise Manager Release 12.1•Manages all stages of Exadata lifecycle from deployment to maintenance •Automates deployment reducing cost and effort•Mitigates migration risk•Maximizes performance, availability and service qualityExadata ManagementSetup & Monitor•Discovering Exadata for monitoring•Monitoring the Database machineTest•Consolidate on Exadata•Validate Application PerformanceManage•Performance Diagnostics•Application SQL TuningMaintain•Configuration Compliance•Patch AutomationDiscovering Exadata in Enterprise Manager 12.1•Wizard driven guided discovery now significantly faster (10x) than 11g •Exadata Cell and the Infiniband components discovered out-of-the box •Exadata Plug-in bundled for all other targets (viz. KVM, PDU, Cisco Switch)•Option to Discover New DB Machine or rediscover – Add DB Machine MembersInstall Agent on ComputeNodeLaunch Auto DiscoveryAssign Monitoring AgentsComponent Credentials Monitoring PropertiesReviewExadata MonitoringDatabaseStorage ServerInfiniband NetworkKVM, PDU, ILOM, CISCOSWITCHExadata ManagementIntegrated View of Hardware and Software •Hardware view•Schematic of cells, compute nodes andswitches•Hardware components alerts•Software/system view•Performance, availability, usage bydatabases, services, clusters•Software alerts db, cluster, ASM•Topology view of DB systems/clusters•Configuration view•Version summary of all componentsalong with patch recommendationsStorage Cell Management•Storage Cell monitoring andadministration support–Cell Home page andperformance pages–Actions supported: Start/stopCell, verify connectivity, setupSSH•Automatic discovery of Exadatacells•Management by Cell Group–All cells used by a databaseautomatically placed in a group–Cell Group level administrationoperationsStorage Cell Management•Perform Cell Administration tasks–Execute Cellcli commands on a set of cells or all cells •Setup IORM for database targetsInfiniband Network Management•Infiniband network and switches as GC targets–Automatic discovery•Network home page and performance page – Real time and historical•Topology view of Network with switch and port level details •Full monitoring–Alerts (switch generated and EM generated)–Performance metrics–Configuration metrics – detect and notify configuration changes/bestpractice violationsInfiniband Network Management •Perform Infiniband Administration tasks– Enable Port– Disable Port–Clear Performance counters–Clear Error CountersCommon metrics monitored •Power supply failure •Fan failure•Temperature out of rangeMonitoring: ILOM, Cisco Switch, KVMSpecific metrics monitored•Cisco Switch–Configuration change tracking and reporting –Unauthorized SNMP access •Keyboard, Video, Mouse (KVM)–Server connected to KVM added/removed, powered on/offMonitoring: Power Distribution Unit (PDU)•Measures power consumption used by Exadata components and provides early warning of impending thresholds•Monitors electric current being used by equipment connected in Exadata rackExadata Service Dashboards•Service dashboard for executives and business owners •Many components reporting up to one Exadata ServiceExadata ManagementSetup & Monitor•Discovering Exadata for Monitoring•Monitoring the Database MachineTest•Consolidate on Exadata•Validate Application PerformanceManage•Performance Diagnostics•Application SQL TuningMaintain•Configuration Compliance•Patch AutomationDeploying Applications on Exadata•Migrating applications to Exadata can be a very time consuming•Three step process–Identify which applications to be migrated to Exadata –Create test environment on Exadata–Validate application performanceIdentify Applications Create Test Environments Validate PerformanceDeployment Challenges•Deploying application to Exadata involves multiple changes:–O/S migrations–Storage subsystem changes –Database upgrades–Single database instance to RAC •Proper testing required for risk mitigation.ApplicationsDatabaseStorageOSWillperformance improve?How long will it take?What are therisks?Which apps to consolidate?Consolidation Planner •Target resource utilization and configuration data extracted from Enterprise Managerrepository–CPU, memory, storage, network •Administrator specifies servers andconstraints for workload migration–Physical/virtual servers–Existing/planned servers–Business/technical constraints•Reports detail how consolidated workloads would perform on target serversSecure Test System Deployment•Deploy secure test system by masking sensitive data•Sensitive data never leaves the database•Extensible template library and policies for automation•Sophisticated masking: Condition-based, compound, deterministic •Integrated masking and cloning•Leverage masking templates for common data types •Masking of heterogeneous databases via database gateways •Command line (EMCLI) support for data masking actionsLAST_NAME SSNSALARYSMITH 111—23-1111 60,000 MILLER222-34-134540,000LAST_NAME SSNSALARY AGUILAR 203-33-3234 40,000 BENSON323-22-294360,000ProductionTestValidate Application Performance•SQL Performance Analyzer–SQL unit testing for response time–Identify and tune regressed SQL–Integrated into SQL Tuning Advisor and SQLPlan BaselineReplay WorkloadCapture WorkloadDeploy Replay ClientsCreate Test SystemEnd-to-end testing with real workloads•Database Replay –Load, performance testing for throughput –Remediate application concurrency problems –Integrated with Oracle Application Testing Suite for superior comprehensive testing solution •Seamless integration with Data Masking to preserve data sensitivity complianceExadata ManagementSetup & Monitor•Discovering Exadata for monitoring•Monitoring the Database machineTest•Consolidate on Exadata•Validate Application PerformanceManage•Performance Diagnostics•Application SQL TuningMaintain•Configuration Compliance•Patch AutomationIntegration with the Database Performance Page•Drill down fromdatabase Performancepage•Provides compositeview of all healthindicators of a cell orcell group•Helps triage•Load imbalance•ASM relatedproblems•Cell software orhardware failures•Cell configurationissues•Network relatedfailuresBoost Administrator ProductivityEliminate Performance BottlenecksLower IT Management CostsDeliver Higher Quality of Service•Oracle Database 11g’s Automatic Performance Diagnostics helps maximizes Exadata performance •Top-down performance analysis using Automatic Workload Repository•Real-time performance analysis with Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor •Resolve performance issues faster with drill-down root-cause analysis •Classification tree based on Oracle performance tuning expertise •Fully automates database performance diagnosticsAutomatic Workload Repository Snapshots Performance & Management AdvisorsHigh Load SQLRAC IssuesIO / CPU IssuesSelf-Diagnostic Engine (ADDM)•Automatic SQL Tuning–Analyze high-load SQL → tune using SQL Profiles → implement improved SQL plans (optional) •Comprehensive SQL analyses across 6 dimensions: statistics, SQL profiling, index, alternate plan, parallelization and SQL structure•SQL Profiles tunes execution plan without changing SQL text •Enables transparent tuning for packaged applicationsSQL Profiling Statistics Analysis Access Path AnalysisSQL Restructure Analysis Alternative Plan Analysis Parallel Query Analysis Automatic Tuning OptimizerAdministratorComprehensive SQL TuningRecommendationsGather Missing or Stale StatisticsCreate a SQL ProfileAdd Missing Access Structures Modify SQL ConstructsAdopt Alternative Execution PlanCreate Parallel SQL ProfileSQL TuningAdvisorExadata Aware SQL Monitoring •Real time monitoring ofapplication SQL•I/O performance graphs withExadata information–Cell offload efficiency–Cell smart scan•Rich metric data–CPU–I/O requests–I/O throughput–PGA Usage–Temp UsageExadata ManagementSetup & Monitor•Discovering Exadata for monitoring•Monitoring the Database machineTest•Consolidate on Exadata•Validate Application PerformanceManage•Performance Diagnostics•Application SQL TuningMaintain•Configuration Compliance•Patch AutomationRoot Cause Analysis of Hardware Problems •Topology View of all Exadata components by– Uses– Used By– System Members– DB Machine Software•Enables out of the box root cause analysis of issues.Defect Diagnostics•Support Workbench–Exadata integrated with Database defect diagnostic framework –Support Workbench provides viewing and packaging of incidents –Correlated packaging from DB through ASM to Exadata•Incident Management–Software and hardware incidents tracked via Incident Console –Track, manage and resolve critical incidents–Hardware alerts (temperature, cell down, power supply, etc.)–Hardware failures come with picture indicating failed part location–Best practice violations automatically alertedConfiguration ManagementEnforce StandardsEliminate DriftAutomated Configuration Management•Enforcement of Exadata configurations using Policies •Detection of configuration drifts and changes–From defined golden standards–Between storage servers and between database machines •Detect database targets that do not have required patchesConfiguration Management Compare between Oracle Database Machines •Gold Image Comparison•Baseline vs. Current•Multiple DB MachinesConfiguration ManagementStorage Cell to Storage Cell• Ability to compare current configuration vs. saved configurations •Within cells•Across multiple cellsAutomating Database Infrastructure Patching Fully Integrated with My Oracle Support•Proactive advisories, recommendations, and analysis–One-off patches, patch set updates, and critical patch updates •Zero downtime for patching•Integrated patch management & deployment automation •Patch intelligence and community•Streamlined conflicts and merge patch process•“Patchmgr", a command line tool, is used to patch the Storage Cells from the Compute Nodes .AnalyzeTestPatchReportProvisionStage•Central Repository for iso images•Unique knowledge base, analysis and how-to-install •Uses plans, profiles and policy based patch management •Track and audit change history•Audit patch and configuration compliance •Protect RPM by blacklisting •Only for use on the Compute NodesOPS Center: OS Patch Management EnhancedMetadataKnowledgeGeneration MachineOPS Center: Firmware Management•Automatically downloads required firmware from Oracle•Run compliance reports to see if the environment is up to date –Take action only if it is the Compute Node•Ops Center uses both Service Processor and OS level APIs to determine disk health–Leverages and installs the hwmgmt daemon–hwmgmt sends event information to Ops Center via the ServiceProcessorMaintainFault Diagnostics: ASR FlowComprehensive Fault Coverage •CPU•Disk controllers •Disks•Flash Cards •Flash modules •InfiniBand •Cards •Memory•System Board •Power supplies •FansCustomer Data CenterOracle Support Services! Fault occursProduct’s auto -diagnosis facility sends SNMP trap to ASR ManagerService Request createdFRU dispatched by Support EngineerFRU replaced by Field EngineerASR Manager SR creation emailnotification to customerFault telemetry securely transmitted to OracleSR routed to Support EngineerCustomerOracle Field EngineerASR ServiceOracle Exadata Database Machine Extreme ROI PlatformFast Predictable PerformanceLowerOngoingCosts Fastest Timeto Value atLowest RiskAutomate testing ofpatches, changes andupgrades whilekeeping data secure Drive down IToperational costs withautomated change andconfiguration mgmtMaximize database performancewith automated diagnostics & tuningOracle Enterprise ManagerProven Solution. Trusted by Customers.Cuts configurationmanagement effort by 90%Replaces manual toolswith automation; savestime by 50%Saves80% time and effortfor managing Databases90% of IT issuesaddressed before theyimpact usersDrives asset utilizationup by 70%Reduces Databasetesting time by 90%Reduces provisioningeffort by 75%Saves $1.9 million withOracle Enterprise ManagerSaves $170,000 per yearwith Oracle EnterpriseManagerDeploys SOAinfrastructure 92%fasterDelivers24/7 uptime withOracle EnterpriseManager Cuts application testingfrom weeks to hoursReduces critical patchingtime by 80%Saves weeks onapplication testing timeEnsures seamless userexperience for50,000,000 usersQuestionsAdditional Oracle Enterprise Manager Sessions Wednesday, October 5, 2011T I M E T I T L E L O C AT I O N10:15 am – 11:15 am Day in the Life of a DBA: Cloud-Ready Management Solutions for Any IT Shop Moscone S, Rm 309Moscone S, Rm 30510:15 am – 11:15 am Oracle Exadata Management Fundamentals: New Features for Monitoring, Tuning, andMoreMoscone S, Rm 30511:45 am – 12:45 am An Inside Look at Oracle Enterprise Manager: New Framework and ArchitectureOverview11:45 am – 12:45 am Make Upgrades Uneventful with Oracle Enterprise Manager and My Oracle Support Moscone S, Rm 30911:45 am – 12:45 am Roadmap to Enterprise Cloud Computing Moscone S, Rm 31011:45 am – 12:45 am SQL Tuning Expert Roundtable Moscone S, Rm 1031:15 pm – 2:15 pm Consolidation Planning and Chargeback: Cloud Implementation Essentials Moscone S, Rm 3091:15 pm – 2:15 pm Scalable, Smarter Monitoring with Oracle Enterprise Manager: Expert Tips Moscone S, Rm 3055:00 pm – 6:00 pm Oracle Enterprise Manager Deployment Best Practices Moscone S, Rm 3055:00 pm – 6:00 pm Oracle Enterprise Manager Upgrade Best Practices Moscone S, Rm 30910:15 am – 11:15 am Day in the Life of a DBA: Cloud-Ready Management Solutions for Any IT Shop Moscone S, Rm 309Oracle Enterprise ManagerDemogrounds and Hands On Labs•For further information, visit the Enterprise Manager Demo Grounds in Moscone West and South–See detailed demos of Enterprise Manager functionality•For hands on practice with Enterprise Manager, visit the Hands On Labs at the Marriott Hotel, Marquis Salon 14 / 15–“Test Drive” (1 hour) and “Grand Tour” Labs featuring OracleEnterprise Manager 12c running Tuesday – ThursdayScan the QR code to getthe latest demos, sessions,hands-on labs, and more !Join the conversation on#em12cJoin us for Enterprise Manager 12c LaunchMonday, Oct 3rd 5:00 p.m., Novellus Theater 47Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rightsreserved.。
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PM-LOGON 版本 2.5 发行说明说明书
Release: 2023-08-10 Copyright (C) Siemens AG 2023UnrestrictedIf you have any queries, please contact the hotline (WinCC Competence Center Mannheim)Tel.: (+49) 621 1723-1010.Please state the identification number (software product label) and the "Key ID" (you find it in the PM-License Manager).•The PC components PM-LOGON Runtime, PM-LOGON Server and PM-LOGON Configurator are only compatible with each other in the same version.•PM-LOGON Runtime for Panels V1.x to V2.0 is upward and downward compatible with PM-LOGON Runtime V1.x to V2.0.•For the correct operation of the USB dongle it is necessary that voltage fluctuations at the USB port are avoided. We therefore recommend at use of USB equipment which obtains its supply directly from the USB port, to insert a USB hub with its own a power supply.•Productive operation in virtualized environments or RDP-Sessions is not generally supported; the compatibility depends amongst other prerequisites on the used card reader device.If you are planning to use PM-LOGON in a productive virtualized environment, please contact the WinCC Competence Center in Mannheim.•The connection between an RFID reader and an RFID transponder is a radio link that can be negatively affected by other electrical fields, e.g. from mobile phones, power supply units, Wifi adapters. The quality of this radio connection also depends on the reader used and the type of transponder used. PM-LOGON can therefore not influence the stability of this radio connection and therefore cannot guarantee it.•The installation and operation of PM-LOGON on an Active Directory Domain Controller is not supported. •For reasons of data protection from PM-LOGON V1.1 on the Unique Identifiers (UID) of the assigned transponders are stored encrypted in the User Repository. User Repositories created with PM-LOGON V1.0 must be migrated with the first start of PM-LOGON Configurator. If you plan to upgrade from a PM-LOGON V1.0 installation, please contact the WinCC Competence Center Mannheim.After migration, the User Repository is not compatible with prior versions of PM-LOGON V1.1 anymore. •During the installation of PM-LOGON the service "PMSecurityService" is also installed. During the installation of the service, a local user account named "PMSecurityService" is automatically created and assigned to the service as an execution account. The user is created with a randomly generated password and assigned to the local administrators group. If the machine is a member of a domain, the group policies may need to be adjusted so that the "PMSecurityService" user remains in the local administrators group. •Important notice:A change of the service execution account of the PMSecurityService or a change of the password of theexecution account may cause that the data stored in the user repository can no longer be read.For the installation of PMSecurityService the service "Server" (file and printer sharing) must not bedeactivated.•Contrary to what is stated in the PM-LOGON operating manual (chap. 10.3 UMC with central user management and Unified Comfort Panels), RFID logon to the Unified Comfort Panel with central user management is currently not yet supported by WinCC Unified Runtime V18.Release: 2023-08-10 Copyright (C) Siemens AG 2023 System Requirements•Hardware Requirements:•Supported card readers:For additional information concerning supported card readers please contact the WinCC Competence Center Mannheim.UnrestrictedRelease: 2023-08-10 Copyright (C) Siemens AG 2023 •Software requirements:(1) Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB 2015 is explicitly excluded because it does not support .NET 4.8.Additionally, please note the system requirements of the listed components and their dependencies among each other.UnrestrictedRelease: 2023-08-10 Copyright (C) Siemens AG 2023 Security informationIn order to protect plants, systems, machines and networks against cyber threats, it is necessary to implement –and continuously maintain – a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial security concept. Siemens’ products and solutions constitute one element of such a concept. For more information about industrial security, please visit https:///industrialsecurity.Unrestricted。
EnterpriseManager配置失败解决方法sqlplus /nologconn / as sysdbaselect instance_name from v$instance;查到sid然后在cmd下设置set ORACLE_SID=sid名称然后emctl stop dbconsoleemctl start dbconsoledrop user sysman cascade;重启机器,并断开网络,关闭杀毒软件、防火墙,并删除失败记录,run -cmd-> emca -deconfig dbcontrol db -repos drop,一路输入密码后,显示成功删除。
重新配置emca -config dbcontrol db -repos create,EM配置成功了!◆1:开始->程序->oracle->Configuration and MigrationTools->Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant◆2:配置本地oracleManagementServer->下一步->创建一个新的资料档案库->下一步->在现有的数据库中创建->输入用户名:sys,密码:服务:计算机名:1521:数据库名->下一步->资料档案库登录信息:输入想创建的用户名和密码->是◆3:进入“选择资料档案库用户表空间"->下一步->完成◆4:控制面板->服务->查看”OracleEnterpr ise Manager是否启动:如没启动则启动默认用户名和密码为:sysman 密码:oem_temp----------------------//////////////////////--------------------------------今天安装Oracle数据库时显示Enterprise Manager配置失败,实例化EM配置文件时出错,查询log后,发现报错:Service creation failed. Aborting...解决方案如下:需要deconfig em后,再重新config emC:\>emca -deconfig dbcontrol db -repos dropEMCA 开始于 2009-6-24 15:05:49EM Configuration Assistant 正式版版权所有 (c) 2003, 2005, Oracle。
IBM Cognos 软件开发工具包版本 11.0.0 混搭服务开发人员指南说明书
Java samples..............................................................................................................................................11 Java sample file locations.................................................................................................................... 11 Running the Java samples................................................................................................................... 12
Chapter 2. Overview of the Mashup Service............................................................ 7
Programming interfaces...............................................................................................................................7 Identifying reports....................................................................................................................................... 8 Output formats.............................................................................................................................................9 Sample programs.......................................................................................................................................10
Microsoft Dynamics AX 产品说明书
© 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This document is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS DOCUMENT. This information is provided to help guide your authorized use of products you license; it is not your agreement. Your use of products licensed under your volume license agreement is governed by the terms and conditions of that agreement. In the case of any conflict between this information and your agreement, the terms and conditions of your agreement control. Prices for licenses acquired through Microsoft resellers are determined by the reseller.Microsoft Dynamics AX : What’s NewMicrosoft Dynamics AX Licensing BasicsYou license access to the Microsoft Dynamics AX service by purchasing a subscription license (SL) for every internal user who directly or indirectly accesses the service.Microsoft Dynamics AX has two types of SLs:∙ User SLs are assigned on a “named user” basis, meaning each user requires a separate User SL; User SLs cannot be shared but an individual with a User SL may access the service through multiple devices.∙ Device SLs are assigned to license a device. With the device SL any number of users can use the licensed device without the need for a separate User SL.Access by Internal and External UsersWith Microsoft Dynamics AX you must license each internal user who will access the service. However, access by external users is included with the subscription and do not require subscription licenses (“SLs”). External users are users that are not an employee, onsite contractor, or onsite agent of the customer or its affiliates.End customers (customers of the Microsoft Dynamics AX customer) do not require a SL to access Microsoft Dynamics AX to manage their accounts and orders. However, end customers may not use Microsoft Dynamics AX to manage any portions of their business. In this sense, the definition of external users does not extend to onsite contractors or vendors. External user licenses cannot be used to provide business processes on the customer’s behalf.SLs and Included CapacityMicrosoft Dynamics AX offers three levels of User SLs and one Device SL. To provide you with the flexibility to license the service based on how your users use Microsoft Dynamics AX functionality you have the ability to mix-and-match these licenses within a deployment.As you progress from the lowest level User SL (Self Serve) to the highest level (Enterprise), the user is licensed to use Microsoft Dynamics AX in ways that will help provide more value. Customers therefore have the flexibility to decide which level of investment to make for any givenindividual based upon the functions that user is performing on behalf of the organization.Each Microsoft Dynamics AX subscription offers one production instance per tenant. The production instance comes with Disaster Recovery and Highly availability. There is a minimum of 50 Enterprise User SLs and/or equivalent Device SL per tenant. It takes 2.5 Device SLs to equal 1 Enterprise User SL.Additional subscription capacity (instances or storage) add-ons can be purchased at any time and will remain a part of the subscription for the remainder of the subscription term.AvailabilityMicrosoft Dynamics AX licenses are available through the following Microsoft Volume Licensing programs:∙ Enterprise Agreement – The Microsoft Enterprise Agreement (EA) is the best licensing program for commercial and governmentorganizations that want to standardize IT across the enterprise yet retain the flexibility to choose from on-premises and cloud services. The EA includes attractive volume pricing, the flexibility to transition to cloud services at your own pace, and simplified licensemanagement though a single company-wide agreement. Learn more. ∙ Enterprise Subscription Agreement – An option under the Enterprise Agreement that provides lower initial cost based on a three-year subscription, the ability to increase or decrease subscription counts on an annual basis, and non-perpetual licenses that end with your subscription term. Learn more.∙ School Enrollment – The School Enrollment is for primary/secondary schools and preschools and offers the simplicity of licensing all products organization-wide where you can order any product for a quantity that matches the annual count of your organization's PCs/devices. Learn more.∙ Enrollment for Education Solutions (under the Campus and SchoolAgreement) – The Enrollment for Education Solutions (EES) is a subscription licensing offering available to both primary/secondary and higher education institutions and offers the simplicity of counting people instead of PCs/devices and the flexibility to add additional products in any quantity as needed. Learn more.For more information∙ Microsoft Dynamics AX Licensing Guide:/fwlink/?LinkId=708708 ∙ Microsoft Dynamics AX Website:https:///en-us/dynamics/erp-ax-overview.aspx ∙ Microsoft Dynamics Blog:https:///b/msftdynamicsblogMicrosoft Dynamics AXLicensing Quick Start Guide PredictablePricingFaster Quoting Cross Product ValueSelf-ServeValueDrive Broad Adoption。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
User Persistence Store
© SAP AG 2003, User Management Engine Fundamentals / Jose Martinez
Portal Database
SAP User Management Engine Overview
User persistence stores
Portal Server
User User Persistence Persistence Store Store
LDAP Directory Database SAP System
Portal Database
Store portalspecific data
UM Information UM Information Basic user data Basic group data User → group assignment User/group → role assignment User mapping (for SSO purposes)
Example: Persistence Manager
Self-registered, external users
LDAP Directory
Internal users
Attribute-based data partitioning
Specific user attributes can be distributed across different repositories
Group API
Role API Replication Manager
Persistence Manager
User Management Persistence Adapters
Database Database
LDAP LDAP Directory Directory
SAP SAP System System
Multi LDAP
You should now be able to:
• Understand the UM architecture • Compare the different UM repositories • Identify the main features of UM
© SAP AG 2003, User Management Engine Fundamentals / Jose Martinez
Supported persistence adapters
For test installations. Not supported for productive use. Text adapter Not necessary with EP as it already has a database persistence store that can be used. Database Several supported. Often used for demonstration portals where no appropriate LDAP is available. Also generally used for user/role and group/role assignment plus user mapping. Several supported. Used in most productive portal environments. Attribute mapping can be used to adjust customer's LDAP schema to match EP. Uses Java Connector (JCo) to retrieve users stored in an SAP system (>= 6.20) and also populates group/user assignments based on any SAP roles for those users.
© SAP AG 2003, User Management Engine Fundamentals / Jose Martinez
© SAPCD Information User Roles (Metadata) Content → role assignment User’s personalization data
© SAP AG 2003, User Management Engine Fundamentals / Jose Martinez
User Management Engine Fundamentals Author: Jose Martinez
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
• Understand the UM architecture • Compare the different UM repositories • Identify the main features of UM
High availability via multiple LDAP data stores
LDAP Persistence Manager
LDAP (main)
© SAP AG 2003, User Management Engine Fundamentals / Jose Martinez
firstname, lastname, name, salutation, title, jobtitle, company, companyid, department, position, currency, email, telephone, mobile, fax, streetaddress, city, zip, pobox, country, state, dateformat, locale, timezone j_user, j_password, javax.servlet.request.X509Certificate, userid, validfrom, validto, islocked, lockreason, lockdate, lastfailedlogon, lastlogout, failedlogonattempts, lastsuccessfulllogon, successfulllogoncount, passwordchangerequired, lastpasswordchange PRINCIPAL_RELATION_MEMBER_ATTRIBUTE, PRINCIPAL_RELATION_PARENT_ATTRIBUTE PRINCIPAL_RELATION_MEMBER_ATTRIBUTE, PRINCIPAL_RELATION_PARENT_ATTRIBUTE
Portal services … User Management Service UM Web service
Portal Runtime core
User Management User Management Engine 4 Engine 4
Pool Manager Pool Manager
User Management Persistence Adapters
External External System System
© SAP AG 2003, User Management Engine Fundamentals / Jose Martinez
© SAP AG 2003, User Management Engine Fundamentals / Jose Martinez
Partitioning users and attributes
User-based data partitioning
Specific user sets can be distributed across different repositories
External External System System
© SAP AG 2003, User Management Engine Fundamentals / Jose Martinez
The SAP User Management Engine Architecture
UM principals
General user data (application independent)
User and Attribute Partitioning
Replication of user data
User Management Core Layer
Replication Manager
Persistence stores
UME4 Architecture
Applications Accessing User Management
SAP Enterprise Portal
User Management Core Layer
User API
User Account API
© SAP AG 2003, User Management Engine Fundamentals / Jose Martinez